sparksofdaylight · 1 year
What about us? (For sylaina, sylana, and vaxmore)
send me “ what about us? “ and my muse will describe their relationship with yours in their own words
"Things are complicated. Perhaps unnecessarily so. Whenever we are together, it is perfect. Elaina understands me in a way I did not know was possible. Loves me for all of me. I wish I could give her what she deserves."
"Devana took me by surprise. Love was never meant to be part of it, but I cannot imagine my life without her. She completes me and I trust her in a way I have never trusted before."
"Gods, where do I start with Shaun? He sees me. All of me. We love and cherish each other every day. Being with Shaun is like being home, or as close I can ever come to it."
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crescentia-fortuna · 10 months
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Quick doodle of a very squimshable cat :D
obligatory link to all my galleries and stuff: https://crescentia-fortuna.carrd.co/
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goat-guy-tm · 2 months
I was sitting here thinking about how there is something inherently tragic about being a woman in the Aphverse, but it made me go down a thought rabbit hole about Sylvanna and how she acts in PDH and LoveLoveParadise.
I think a lot of us who watched the Mystreet connected series when we were much younger either didn't see anything wrong with Aarmau because our brains weren't developed to recognize it, or we always felt something was off but couldn't pin point it. But because of that, Sylvanna was painted as this strict, almost mean mother, but looking back on it now, god I almost feel bad about it.
Sylvanna was a single mother with a daughter just entering highschool. Zack was a piece of shit, Sylvanna never speaks a word of him to Aphmau, which could be a big indicator of how much he sucked, but Sylvanna is raising this girl all on her own.
So when all of a sudden, this whole ass adult man is showing up around her daughter, a 19 year old going after her 14 year old daughter, of course she is fucking pissed. Of course she tries to chase him off, forbids Aphmau from seeing him, nearly gets physical keeping Aaron out of her god damn house. She is doing all that she can to try and keep this creep away from her young daughter. When this man is trying to go out of his way to impress her so she'll let him date her daughter? I applaud her for not just killing him on the spot honestly.
I can only imagine the absolute fear and pain she felt in LLP when she sees Aaron again, still around her daughter, that she may have failed keeping this freak away from her.
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arvadthecursed · 1 year
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featuring @kellylogs's Sylana :3
competent jedi consular and her cringefail loser sith half-sister. i love them.
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originalartblog · 2 years
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And my second entry for the SKK Big Bang 2022! I joined again Sylana (beta) and @deetheimposter (artist) (thank you for providing the Dazai design 💕) and made art for @ikiyou's Nexus of Sorrow, a Storm Bringer-inspired cyberpunk AU!
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finasol · 9 months
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Commissions of my half-drow sunshine lass, Sylana! Trickery domain cleric of Eilistraae
Artist: @FinalDawnArt on Instagram >>He is open for commissions, please check him out! He loves doing DnD art!
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blue-eyed-banshee · 10 months
Post sanctum of domination (Sylvania version)
"C-can not let him re-ach the-...."
After the Jailer went into the portal to Zerith Mortis, and Sylvanas was left literally reeling back in pain after having all her emotions restored all at once, Jaina was the only one to notice she said something. Her heart shattered at the pain she could hear with every word as if she somehow knew this was a different Sylanas than to the one she grew to hate, the one she thought of night after night since she helped her with the battle of Undercity from Viramathras.
Baine took notice at this and placed a hand on Jaina's shoulder. "Is... something wrong, Jaina?"
Jaina's brows furrow in confusion, not sure if she should believe what occurred in front of her.
"Whatever the Jailer threw at her, I felt something.... familiar." She said before her mind flashed back to when she held Sylvanas' body in her arms before Arthas pried her away.
"D-- Dalah'surfal..." A weak voice made her push against Baine and she glanced about the room to see where the voice came from.
"Jaina." The all to familiar voice of the banshee queen spoke, while the first one didn't have such a tone.
"You look different..."
There it was again, but only this time didn't have that menacing reverb so many people grew to fear, not her. She was always entranced by it.
"What?" She whispered. "That voice..."
Jaina doesn't know what compelled her to turn towards Sylvanas' unconscious state or what even made her step closer.
She slowly knelt down and turned Sylvanas over onto her back.
Here is part one!
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444names · 2 years
american states + italian cities BUT excluding "j"
Achio Afaenna Afaent Agrili Alabasto Alaho Alan Alania Alawa Aleggino Alegli Alegno Ales Alescato Aligama Aligamo Alivoria Allani Alligno Alta Andini Ansa Ansyla Ansyra Anto Anza Apada Apagri Aplegna Aranzia Arealta Aredo Aredonano Areminia Aria Arkania Arleria Arolza Asetri Aspesini Assey Avela Avella Avergia Averiana Avola Avolifori Avorni Avorta Baglia Baglin Bagusa Bampori Bampshia Barasori Bareggia Baria Baska Baso Batavonto Battorde Bena Beno Bento Bentonia Benza Berbolino Bergia Beria Bernolie Berra Bisi Bisiano Bito Bitonsali Bola Bolbia Bolfetta Boli Bolia Bolindria Brezia Bria Brigenza Brino Cafrezio Caglia Caglieno Cagolie Cagusee Cala Calabarpi Calan Cale Caleri Caletta Cali Camo Cana Caraci Carara Caraticce Caringto Caro Catavitto Cati Cato Catta Cegno Cerginana Cerrateno Chigenne Chigna Chigo Chio Chiresto Chirgia Chusee Cinoa Ciressee Cola Colahoma Colas Colingto Colorizo Comexas Comon Cona Conania Cone Conevana Consanona Consipari Cont Credo Creggini Cromata Cromino Crone Dellia Erandisso Erbo Erboli Ermo Erniani Erno Erra Erta Faententa Fana Fatansisi Fati Fatonza Ferti Fiugioemo Fiumisse Floggioca Florde Flork Florlinne Flornici Flourizo Flout Foggio Fola Foli Folingto Folza Fori Forignoia Forni Gachia Gamaste Geli Geni Gentona Genza Gevia Gevito Gioggia Gria Grigona Grinesi Hawara Hawaryla Idahome Idakota Ilandri Ilia Ilioemo Illina Imone Indriano Iocarmo Ioemo Ioemona Kania Kano Kena Keno Kento Labra Laska Lawa Leccarona Leglio Legno Lerbolza Lerratamo Lerugli Lesaveni Lesco Lesti Letts Lina Lorgia Lourina Lucky Maii Maina Mainia Maino Mano Mara Marano Marato Marevado Marotano Marsa Maska Maspernia Massi Mattandia Mexasto Micona Mila Mili Milleto Milvana Mina Mingalin Mino Misili Misouria Misse Mistvita Mode Modela Modenza Mola Molashia Mona Moncanza Moncolza Mone Montoisia Montoisse Montoremo Montucky Nania Nanicosee Nebrezia Nebrezio Nece Nesotani Nevani Nevaredo Neverno Newhamona Newhawara Newyoredo Nona Ohia Ohienza Ohine Ohioemini Ohioemo Okla Oklabaro Oklasse Olaho Olfettana Orde Ornia Orno Paguse Palarmola Palta Pania Panoli Panrenna Pavermona Pena Penan Pento Penza Periani Permo Pesas Pesasseni Pesce Pesci Peso Pessi Pesti Pezia Pezzon Piscas Piso Pissento Pissia Pomesetta Pomezzo Pomicolio Pomone Poremona Porina Porinorde Porle Pornia Porno Porthcala Pota Pozzona Prapalina Pria Prinia Racuse Rana Rani Rania Rareveni Rarolia Raterno Redo Rego Remo Remon Rena Renzia Resee Rhodenia Rian Rida Rila Rino Rolbia Rote Rotonzio Rovana Sacenza Sachindia Salaregna Salta Sashie Sassippia Saversa Savolano Scafra Scagro Scama Scarkana Scerano Scessa Scossarra Sili Sora Sota Sotanza Sylana Sylarote Sylvari Tampshino Tecti Tento Tenza Terno Terona Terrana Tersa Tesiena Tesork Ticcalta Trachiowa Tradua Travolza Tredo Trego Tremo Tria Trilliana Tuccenzia Tucky Turiano Udicci Udinano Uthda Uthdahoma Vara Varrati Vena Vencateri Venecti Veno Venta Ventona Ventura Veravela Veri Veria Verizo Vernia Viana Viara Vigenza Vigeornia Vigna Vigon Vigonapra Vire Viredo Viresi Viressey Virgali Virgia Vito Vitorta Vittah Vittamo Waii Waini Waino Waro Washina Wescare Wescia Wessili Westesso Wyome Wyomin Wyomolza Wyomonia Wyordela Wyorthca
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xhyperwolfx · 10 days
'I don't hate you brother...'
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She absolutely hates him, Celia (And her undead horse Brutus) and her brother Rosaway have a ... strained history. When the Worgens finally broke into Gilneas, Celia and Rosaway were as close as siblings can be, but to get out of Gilneas alive, their mother and father sent them to the safe zone, while they unfortunately were killed in the fight. But then, the safe zones came under threat, to make sure his sister got out safetly, Rosaway sacrificed himself to stay behind to give Celia time to get out, giving her a coin to always remember their bond, Celia got away, but her brother got bit, turning feral as Gilneas fell. Celia never dropped her hatred for the worgen curse in the years since, helping hunt and take out feral worgens, hoping to rid her home to remove the worgens from their lands, until, one day, she met her brother once again in combat, he was still feral, fully transformed into a 'monster'. She fought bravely, with her beloved black beauty war horse Brutus, but in a sad twist, Rosaway managed to kill Brutus, watching her beloved horse get eaten before her eyes, she did all she could to end the feral beast which was once her brother, but on the cliffs of the Gilnean shore, it takes one small slip... She plummeted off the cliff to her death, while her feral brother went on his rampage... She awoke in a pit with others, being risen by Sylanas Windrunner, the horror of what she was and how much she hated herself for it, she shoves her favourite flowers (Lavenders) into her open chest/rib cage to try and hide the smell, trying to buy elegant clothes and pretend she wasn't ... 'dead'. The Horde accepted her, at least, a little bit, but her unending rage that the Alliance accepted and brought in her brother, healed him of his feral nature, and removed his crimes, left her bitter and enraged, she spent years hunting feral worgen, serving justice to those who fell in Gilneas, and her reward? To end up Undead, at the bottom of a cliff, with her once beloved horse Brutus risen with her. If the Alliance and her brother saw her as a monster... So be it. She will show them what kind of monster she can be.
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felawnie · 3 years
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sephiwhore · 4 years
This is NOT a new chapter, I just felt like promoting and explaining a little more about my fic.
Starlight is Part 1. An origin story, of sorts. Both for Sylana, the young woman who will one day grow up to become leader of the Inquisition, and for the boy who stole her heart (metaphorically) and will go on to steal many others (quite literally). It’s Fenris. If you didn’t get that, I’m talking about Fenris. Starlight is almost fully published, with the 12th and final chapter coming sometime next week probably.
Part 2 will be Moonlight. It will follow Sylana after she’s lost Leto to Danarius, after she’s escaped from a life of slavery, after she’s learned to use a bow and become significantly more badass. I don’t know yet how long Moonlight will be or what all will happen. Will Fenris come back? Of course. Will Iron Bull make an appearance? It takes place on Seheron, so probably. Will I come up with more background characters that I completely forget about 3 chapters later? Almost definitely. I only have 3-ish chapter of this one written out so far, so I likely won’t start publishing for a while, but we’ll get there.
As of now, I have one more part planned: Sunlight. I’m thinking this will cover Sylana during the events of Inquisition. There might be some Cullenmancing. There will definitely be more Fenris. Beyond that, I have no idea. Let’s find out together uwu
Anyway if you want to read, I very much appreciate it. If you want to leave kudos and/or comment (even if it’s just incoherent screams) I will pledge my undying devotion to you. If you recommend to a friend, I will depart this mortal plane and leave you in my will.
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sparksofdaylight · 1 year
@mythunderlegion | Welcome to Whitestone
Syldor knew he had been wrong to snap at Devana when she brought up the twins. And they had been having such a lovely trip up until that point, though he'd be lying if he said he was not concerned that his wife still seemed to be unwell.
Something about being away from Syngorn, travelling and having a break from his normal responsibilities, reminded him of Elaina, of the times he used to escape to Byroden. And it was nearly impossible to think of Elaina without thinking of the twins. The ambassador was not naïve enough to ignore the fact that Elaina would be very disappointed in how things had turned out with Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan. In a way, perhaps he was as well. There were many layers to it, many that he did not understand for himself. So when Devana had mentioned them, offhandedly at first, and then persistently, it had hit a nerve Syldor.
Still, his intention was never to upset his wife, especially not now. He had heard very little about Lord and Lady Briarwood, only that they had stepped in as rulers of Whitestone after the de Rolo family was no longer fit to do so. At least, those were the rumors. He sighed and offered Devana his hand. Trust and respect were at the helm of their vows, and he feared he had failed miserably in regards to both.
"I am not worried you will embarrass me," he clarified, more gently than he had been before. "We have just had several stops on our trip where we were acting as tourists. But this is one of the actual business stops," he added.
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crescentia-fortuna · 3 months
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The art of birb seduction
First you offer birb a cookie and then…. >:3
Originaly I only wanted to draw a quick coloured doodle of Tibarn x my OC Sylana, but I didn't end up as such lol I think I started that one at the end of October'23 and only finished it now xD Though not neccessarily because the artwork itself was a lot of work, but because I'm plenty busy lately, so I only had the energy to work on it sporadically.
Anyhow, hope you like it!
Obligatory link to where else I'm to be found: https://crescentia-fortuna.carrd.co/
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lontau · 4 years
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Daughters of Khaine - Hag Queen
For my ongoing DoK army - a second Hag Queen to help pass out that good good Witchbrew to the units of Stab Aelves! The lil skull she’s standing on (and the base) are magnetzed, so she can ride a Cauldron of Blood to war (When Sestia feels like walking, that is).
Really liking my recent approach to the white hair - Contrast Paint! Apothecary White over Grey Seer, then a drybrush of Praxetii White. Saves a TON of time - I only wish I’d had Contrast when I painted sixty bloody Witch Aelves x.x
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The Hook
"It seems I've won the round again, gents." I tried to hold in my smirk when I laid down the last tiles in my hand and pulled the pile of winnings toward me. I had toyed with them for the first couple rounds, losing as though I were unfamiliar with the rules. I fumbled with which matches I could make and barely held in my amusement as the men tried to break it down for me. I could only play with my food so long, but I figured I would enjoy it while it was still fun. For me. My opponents were having far less fun and that fun was ruined further when I stopped letting them even think they could win.
Corbin slammed his fist on the table with a vicious growl. "Bullshit! You cheated!"
I sat back comfortably and grinned at him. "I assure you, Corbin, I never cheat. It's the one lesson my father taught me before he disappeared."
"No one suddenly gets that good that fast."
"You gentlemen explained things so clearly. I'm a fast learner." I finished my glass of blood wine and poured the last of the bottle into my glass.
Corbin narrowed his eyes at me. "One more round."
I gestured to my winnings. "I don't really think you have anything else to lose, Corbin. You literally lost the shirt off your back." 
He stood and loomed over me. I made sure he was aware how little he intimidated me by putting my boots on the chair next to me. He grabbed the chair and threw it over. "You're new around here. Maybe you haven't heard the rumors about what I did to the last guy that cheated me out of my money."
"You mean Peter?"
Some of the heat left his glare, replaced by confusion. "How did…?"
"I came here to meet with him. You see, he was the one who I was supposed to meet here tonight. He told me if he didn't show up, it was the fault of a gambler named Corbin." I took a sip from my glass and let my words sink in before continuing. "I know what you did to my father, Corbin, and if you don't want me to go to the sheriff, I advise you walk away."
He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white. "You conned me."
"I was just taking back they money you stole from him. I know that's where the money you gave me to play with came from. Gambling with stolen money is bad luck, right?" I began counting my winnings.
"I want another round. Winner takes all."
"All what, Corbin? I know you don't have anything material to bid. You own nothing besides your pants and boots and they don't look like they'd fit me very well."
"I'll bid anything you want for a chance to get my money back."
Easy target if ever I saw one.
"Tell you what, Corbin, how about you meet me at Peter's cabin for one more game of fifteen rounds? I'll make a list of things I'm willing to take from you as payment in exchange for a portion of my winnings. If you can fairly win at least nine rounds, I'll give you the whole pot. If I win at least nine rounds, you lose everything on my list. Sound like a deal?" I offered him my hand.
"Deal." He grabbed hold of my hand almost before I was done speaking. He jerked his hand away like he had the last time.
"Something wrong?"
"N-no. I'm fine."
I stood and collected my winnings in my bag. "Good. I will meet you at the cabin tomorrow at sundown. Have a good night, Corbin." I strolled my way up to my room with a confident smirk.
"You certainly wiped the floor with those sharks."
I was surprised to see the woman I'd spoken to outside my room lounging on my rented bed. "It was my goal. How did you get into my locked room, Rose?"
She laughed as she sat up. "You think we don't have keys to all of the rooms? It's a dangerous world, Sylvester. Can't have my resident ladies and lads getting trapped by overzealous clients."
I raised an eyebrow. "Your residents? Does Reibus not run that side of the business?"
She laughed musically. "Reibus is a sweet man, but he wants no part in selling pleasures of the flesh. He's willing to give us a safe place to conduct business as long as I pay full rent for all the rooms my residents reside in and we keep things clean. A more than fair arrangement for the prices we can charge in a town like this. So, is your business done, Sylvester?"
"For the evening, but I have another meeting with Corbin tomorrow night for a high stakes game of tiles."
She glanced at the overstuffed bag slung over my shoulder. "Can I keep you company for the night? Lighten that bag for you a bit?"
I laughed and put the bag in the chair next to my bed. "I appreciate the offer, but I can't part with any of this before my deal is over tomorrow."
Her smile faded and she eyed me cautiously. "You in the business of making deals, Sylvester?"
"On occasion, but only worthy causes. I do not deal on my own behalf."
"Contract dealer?"
I tilted my head. "How do you know about my kind of dealings?"
She made her way to the door. "You learn a lot of things in my position."
I sat on my bed which seemed to relieve some of the tension between us. It wasn't as though I was less dangerous sitting than I was standing, but I found it fairly universally eased the worries of normal people. "I have a fairly good understanding of that. I've been in your position before. That was a lifetime ago, but I still remember what that life was like."
She opened my door and stood silently in the frame for several seconds before giving me a kind smile. "You have a nice night, Sylvester."
"You can actually call me Sy. It's what my friends call me."
She raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Are we friends?"
"Not yet, but I thought I would lay the groundwork. If my deal goes my way, you're likely to see me frequently. Have a nice night, Rose." She gave me a small nod before closing my door behind her.
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originalartblog · 2 years
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Shut up for one minute, ok? Let me say something. Je t'aime aussi, bâtard de maquereau momifié. Je t'ai toujours aimé."
My first entry for the SKK Big Bang 2022! I was paired with Sylana (writer) and GrilledCheezy (beta) for Sylana's post-dark era fanfic Cold Weather! <3
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