#<3 anon no one can take our friendship away
etherealising · 10 months
can i just say, i love talking to you through anon. its like i have a secret friend, but eveyone knows loll. but also yes, his biceps are just *chefs kiss* (pun intended;) but also you are like the bestest carmy writer i know, i love reading your fic sm -<3
we most definitely are secret friends and yeah maybe everyone knows but it’s a secret TO US! 🥲
*chefs kiss x1000* like they’re so kissable 🤭
ugh you’re too nice, i’m so glad you love aiekoy!!
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yanderestarangel · 9 months
A/N: an anon asked me for Bi Han's reaction to a pregnant Reader, but then I decided to play several MK men soon, I'll answer all requests too, thanks for the asks and support <3
TW: pregnancy, afab anatomy, paternity mentioned, used "father/mother" to refer to the reader, mention of smut, fluff.
✧ BI HAN ✧
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It really depends on what kind of relationship you two have. You can have a "friendship with benefits" with Bi Han, where you look for each other just to have sex, then you end up accidentally getting pregnant and go look for him - obviously afraid, after all, he is Bi Han. So he asks you to meet him in the forest, the same meeting place where you made love in passionate encounters, with Bi Han fucking you hard, whispering how good you were for him, how good your beautiful pussy was on his dick, it was the only moment that the grand master was vulnerable. You saw him in the distance, with his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face as he waited for you to say something so important that made him miss an entire day of liu kuei training. After telling him, he would be surprised for a few minutes, and say: "-Are you sure it's my son?" -Bi Han said with a little too much seriousness in his voice, even aggression while you felt a little offended, but you would say yes, making Bi Han look at the sky, a smile could be seen slightly on his lips as he went at your direction by kneeling in front of your belly and nodding your head. "-I think we will be good parents, our child will have all the honor and power Lin Kuei." -The ice ninja stood up as he held your hand, he would be a good father, even if he was rude at times, he will take care of your pregnancy - and maybe he will want more children in the future with you - he would officially ask you to be his boyfriend/girlfriend or marriage, after all, he needs a partner by his side, especially you who are carrying his offspring.
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The two of you also had a friendship with benefits, always together in the lonely early mornings that Kuai would look for you for pleasure and affection, but unlike his brother, Kuai would treat you as if the two of you were already dating, giving you gifts or even forgetting and saying that You were his boyfriend/girlfriend. Over time he started to stay even more at your house, always having sex in every possible place - and often without a condom - so soon your period was late, you felt sick and took a pregnancy test, confirming your suspicions. That night Liang and you had sex again, while you sat next to him on the mattress on the floor with the pregnancy test under the pillow, obviously you were scared, as you saw Kuai look at you worried. "-Is there a problem sweetheart?" -He said, caressing your naked and sweaty waist, after sex, while you sighed and took out the small pregnancy test, with the positive sign, showing it to him without saying anything. Kuai would remain silent for a few minutes, looking at the test in hand while he finally smiled slightly, looking at you fondly. "-Was that it (Y/N)? Why were you afraid to tell me? I'm literally in love with you, it's not just sex for me, I really love you. And we're together for everything, especially this." -Kuai Liang said smiling, hugging you right away, while stroking your hair. "-You will look beautiful as a father/mother, with a huge belly, carrying our child, our family will start now, you and me."
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He's going to faint, no joke, but it's from happiness. Regardless of your relationship, he will be over the moon. Syzoth always wanted a family again, he lost one so he knows the pain and loneliness it is, being alone in the world and without hope, he found you and you started small meetings, sometimes sex, sometimes just watching a movie together or just talking - or sometimes all together, it depends on the mood of the two of you on the day - And this will last for many days, months or even years, he always wanted a title, but you never wanted to put labels on what you two had, what you left He was upset to be honest, but he continued with your conformist carnal encounters while trying to settle for sexual chemistry. But that didn't last long with a fight between the two of you for exactly that reason, you didn't want a relationship but he did, leading to the two of you not seeing each other for two weeks and in the meantime, you discovered you were pregnant, becoming desperate and looking for Syzoth immediately. He was shocked, paralyzed, he was breathing heavily and then passed out seconds later, but he woke up quickly. "-Am I going to be a father??? Am I really going to be a father again?" -Syzoth spoke with a happy smile, taking your shoulders, as he pulled you into a hug, jumping with joy, shedding a few tears in the process, he quickly knelt down, looking at your belly, and placing a kiss over the fabric of your blouse. "-I already love you my child, me and (Y/N) will love you very much." -He stood up, wiping away his tears while looking at you with affection. "-Do you agree to make things official between the two of us (Y/N)? And raise our child? I promise to do everything to protect you, as the father/mother of my son."
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The two of you were the classic: enemies to lovers, always fighting with each other to stand out more for General Shao Khan or even falling to the punch - without losing the friendship, just a friendly spar, where Reiko and you left bleeding - But there was always sexual tension between the two of you, it was obvious to anyone who saw you, and one day, it became real, with you and Reiko taking a shower after a mission together in the same bathroom and with him teasing you and you teasing back, when you saw it, you had been sitting on Reiko's dick for two hours while he moaned loudly echoing through the box, the sex was incredible and you liked this concept of hating each other and competing in front of everyone, but meeting every night - even though the competitions also applied in the bedroom, with the two of you challenging each other with who was going to cum faster... Reiko always lost - but soon the two of you became more intimate, more passionate, starting to do it without a condom, because Reiko loves make a good creampie in your pussy - after a few weeks, you realized that you were sick and more unwell for training, making him also worry, so you went to an exo terra healer, proving that you were expecting Reiko's child . You didn't know how to tell him, but you didn't have to, he followed you and heard everything, waiting for you outside with your arms crossed and a slight smile on your face. "-Well, I think we're going to be parents now, right? And this child is going to be very dear to me (Y/N), you can trust me." -Reiko spoke sincerely, while placing a hand on your shoulder, kissing you on the forehead. "-And we both know that this child will be like me, he will be born strong like me and-" -He spoke but you soon disagreed, leading the two of you to walk hand in hand while talking/arguing amicably with whoever your son was going to look like.
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He was never a sentimental man, but you were the only person who got to see a softer side of Shang, he was still arrogant but less selfish when it came to you. The two of you met in his castle, where he studied various spells every night and liked to show off to you, at first it was just a friendship, but Shang fell in love with you which led you to have sex on his table, with first time showing you a soft side, as he thrust his hips into you, moaning loudly as he bit your neck. This became a routine, mainly sitting on Shang's lap with his entire dick in your pussy, while he studied some spells, letting you enjoy the pleasure. He's different from everyone else on the list, he knows you're pregnant before you can even open your mouth to tell him. You ran into his castle with tears in your eyes, ready to tell him, but he smiled at you with his back turned, it wasn't a forced or sarcastic smile, it was something soft, something real. "-Oh really? I already knew my cute little voodoo doll, have you already chosen a name? How about something big? After all, this child is mine." -He spoke with his chin raised and genuinely happy, as he called you closer, putting you on his lap and quickly kissing you, caressing your cheek. "-I will take care of you two, you as the father/mother of my child, and this child... I really want you by my side (Y/N)."
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blkgirl-writing · 9 months
Hi, I saw your smut requests post and was wondering if you could write one about touch starved Gale finally being alone with reader/Tav and getting his satisfaction? (Yeah, I got inspired by your nsfw headcanons about him, how could you tell?) Please and thank you!
PS Can I be 🧀 anon?
What happened at the moon lit pond
Gale X Fem!Reader
Baldurs gate 3
It’s been, probably three years since I’ve written a full fanfic? I’ll admit I’m probably a little rusty. Thank y’all for hanging in, and I hope this fulfills our nerdy wizard boy needs. thank you so much 🧀 anon for the request! I hope you stay and request some more.
Important tags: lots of pining, some angst (no sad ending), smutty (male and female Masterbation, male giving female oral), spoilers for gales mid game story, romance, Gale is an anxious mess, The thought of gale brushing his hair from his face got me GOING 😩
Word count: 1.9k
(Part 1.5 HERE) (PART 2 HERE)
(Gale headcanons that inspired this here)
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Gale didn’t know how to handle these new feelings for you. He makes a fool of himself everyday, it seems. He always offers you a slice of his bread, even if you gave your own, he saves some of his own morning coffee for you, since he wakes up earlier, and even warm it up for you with a spell.
He simply wanted you to like him. That would be all he needed, but anything else that may follow that would be a true blessing. Gale wanted nothing more than to make you laugh, to see your smile and know he was the reason why, to camp and be the first and last person you’d speak to before sleep.
Gale wouldn’t let his mind wander much past that, or he tried to not let it. The occasional dream would slip through where you were his, and he was yours. It simply put him in panic mode In the waking hours, trying to not be obvious, scared you’d find out, what exactly? He wasn’t sure. You were too kind to break his heart so effortlessly, like he feared you would.
Endless scenarios danced in gales head of rejection, humiliation, and what would happen if he let himself go, life he was tasked to do. It wouldn’t take much, to convince him to live. Friendship, a place to call home, even if it was ever moving. Company he could entrust his life to. It was all so appealing. Luring him into life, breathing a new passion into his purpose, one he’d lost many years ago, sometime when he was alone for so many years.
Those thoughts seemed to linger on forever, sweeping over his barely conscious brain to awaken him again, rustling him from what could be a good nights rest. Eventually, Gale decided to just get up and go for a walk.
Camp had been set up in one of the most beautiful places any of you had seen. Waterfalls tinted emerald green, sand fine and shimmering in the light, may it be sun or moon. I’m one of those waterfalls, he found you.
Waist deep in the pond. Skin and hair dripping wet, shining more than usual water would, adding a silver glow to the night. You looked better than a goddess could ever imagine, and still, his eyes never dipped below you shoulders, even though he deeply wanted to look lower. Instead, he stood there, looking like a fucking idiot, gods know how long. Maybe a tree branch snapped, or maybe you finally snapped out of your trance, but your head whipped in his direction, eyes darting across the small beach, only relaxing when you realize only gale stands before you.
“Oh, Gale, it’s just you…” you let out a deep, jagged breath, the anxiety flowing out of your body just as quickly as it racked through it.
“Just? Are you disappointed?” Gale smirked, although his heart raced in his chest, one word and he'd sulk back to camp, but gods he wanted to stay and spend the whole night with you under the stars.
“Far from it, really. I was just thinking about how much you’d enjoy this view if you were here” you tore your eyes away from Gale, focusing on the stars. “I thought it may remind you of waterdeep. You paint a very beautiful picture of home.”
“I can think of a few things much, much more beautiful than Waterdeep,” his voice low, raspier than usual. Easily explained away from the lack of sleep or old sleeping bags, not for what it really was. Deep yearning, wanting, needing.
“I’d love to see them someday, then.”
“We’ll just have to get you a mirror, then,” “All the beauty in the world would reflct
"Gale, I-" You finally looked into his eyes, he wore his heart on his sleeve, at least for a moment. Those puppy eyes, dark bust glistening in the full moonlight, his hair messy from turning in his sleep, he wanted you, in many more ways than one. Gale's emotions could never be that simple, of course.
"Well," you walked towards him, water inching lower and lower, revealing more and more of your body, yet gales eyes stayed on yours. "Why don't you join me for a swim. It's a beautiful night."
"an offer I could not refuse." Gale's face was plastered with that cocky smile, the one that could melt anyone into a puddle in seconds.
He might have been a gentleman and kept his eyes upwards, but you were not so much, Gale untied his robes, gods why were there so many damn layers? It was quite a sight, his little mannerisms that showed more of him to you than he had shown to you. He was nervous, his fingers missing the simple ties frequently, he got annoyed by his hair getting in his eyes, a grimace appearing before he swept his hair behind his ear.
Your eyes lingered on his circle smoke tattoo, his toned arms, his downright massive hands. he was more tan than you realized, To be fair, he's always covered in those loose robes, leaving you to wonder what was underneath. You were more than happy to finally be finding out. But not below the waist.
"Isn't it a bit cold to be this naked?"
"The water is warmer than the air, I promise." You extended a hand out to Gale, even though he was feet away from you. "Come on, Gale from Waterdeep being afraid of some cold water? Sounds redundant."
"You got me there." He finally stepped into the glimmering pond surrounded by rocks and sand, enough to have your own little corner, to lessen the echo if it was needed. The whole camp didn't need to know all of your business. It must've been a magical lake, as both you and Gale noted separately. Unnaturally still, even when you moved freely, small glowing lights pooled at your sides, occasionally bubbling into the air once you leaned against a large, bright rock.
"May I ask what you were doing out here at this hour?" Gale spoke, still much further away from you than he wanted to be,
"Can I not take a mid-night swim?" You raised your brows in a questioning glance his way "A woman needs time to herself. These days and nights have been very stressful."
Gales very audible oh, slipped through the silence. "You don't have to relax alone." His eyes finally gave in to the need, scanning your body with a low moan slipping past his lips. His excitement was immediate, brushing against your lower stomach all the way past your navel.
"You've wanted this." You stated, brushing your hand against his thigh.
"There's plenty of magic around us, I want the Gale right in front of me." You dared to inch even closer, his thigh fully slipping between yours, inches away from touching your pussy. His hands floated inches from your waist, "Let me give you everything"
"Give me everything" With that, Gale's hand grabbed your waist, gently guiding you onto his thigh, motioning your hips down and swaying only him. The sensation sent sparks flying through his body, you were right in front of him, completely bare and rocking with pleasure onto him. Better than any dream he'd thought up, any fantasy that ran through his head even at the most inappropriate of times. Yes even during the throws of battle. Even in hard times like that, he was so drawn to you.
Gales other hand came up to your jawline, tilting your head so he could latch his mouth around your neck. Deep marks left behind while he inches his way in hickeys up your neck, jaw, and finally to your lips. Any semblance of anonymity flew out the window, not a single person could miss what he gave you, artfully placed dark spots painting your skin. "I have never seen such a beautiful being in my life"
"I could say the same about you gale," You said betwixt breathy moans, picking up the pace of your grinding hips against his thigh, his hand on your waist moving between a tight grip on your ass, and a light but so effective caress of your clit. Every time you got so close, his fingers moved, he was teasing you. His cocky smirk felt even through his kiss.
"I want you to come on my mouth." As if he was reading your slightly frustrated thoughts, "I want to taste you in my dreams."
All you could manage was a frantic nod, a mumbled yes, and shakily hoisting yourself up onto a rock that was perfect for gales pretty head to be between your thighs. Gale pushed your thighs apart with one hand, which stayed firmly grabbing onto you. The other sneaked up your thigh, tracing patterns along your skin. "Gale, please," you whispered out of pure desperation. The only warmth coming from your feet still in the water, otherwise your skin exposed to the biting air.
"All you had to do was ask, my lady" Gales fingers easily slid into you, curling up and pumping in and out, while he leaned into your pussy, maintaining eye contact as he placed one kiss just to the right of where you needed him to be. All he needed was to be touched, to touch you. Your legs wrapped around him to get Gale even closer, urging him closer.
"Touch yourself" Barely a whisper, but Gale caught it, and certainly didn't need to be told twice. Secretly, he could cum from this alone, your taste, how soft you were, how loud you could get. It was more than enough to orgasm right there with you, however, that is not exactly how he wanted your first sexual experience to go. His hand clutching your thigh came to his cock, rubbing much faster and harder than he was fingering you. he was eager. He wanted this to last forever, he wanted you to cum again and again and again into his mouth. He wanted his face even more dripping from your juices.
"Gale I can't hold it-" You nearly screamed, his tongue swirling and sucking, lightly biting, it was almost too much. Then, he moaned. A loud, deep moan and that was it. Vibrations running through your body from his mouth. there noise that left your mouth could've been heard across Baldurs gate, you silently thanked this magical pound for being so secluded, as you would be borderline embarrassed if people heard. Gales didn't come back up for hair until he was sure you were finished, getting every last drop of you.
"You certainly are loud" Gales tone was so smug it almost made you laugh. You gripped onto his shoulders as he swept you down from the perch, pressing his whole body to yours. After all that, after her definitely came, he was still so hard, and so pressed against you that you couldn't help but gasp. "I want to hear that again."
"Hear what, exactly?" you teased, lifting a finger to trace his chest.
"To hear you cum," his lips dipped down to your ear, slightly nibbling on it, before he rasped "and to feel you on my cock."
Part two, here
(Requests Open)
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heavenlyvision · 7 months
ahh yay !! okay sooo… vamp!Tomas x fem!reader where tomas and the reader both like each other but never really said anything because they are both shyyy but after tomas gets turned by nitara tomas becomes a lot more cockier and confident causing him to cockily confess his feelings !! (smut? 🤍)
ty lovely and ofc have a good day/night <3
I love this request! I have written far more for it than I initially thought I was going to, I got carried away and couldn’t stop writing. I hope you like it anon! Thank you for gracing my inbox <333 sorry it took me so long to fulfil this request. I wish you a lovely day/night and I hope this lives up to your expectations :)
Wc: 6k
Pairing: Vamp!Tomas x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angsty for like a minute, thigh grinding, cunnilingus (over the panties 🤭), p in v sex, creampie, spanking (1), I think that is all :)
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Harbouring an unrequited crush for a man that you would describe as one of your closest friends is one of the most difficult things you’ve had to do in your adult life, and you have not had an easy life. So, it feels a little bit ridiculous how trying this has been for you.
Tomas is someone you hold in high regard, his skills, his generosity, his kindness in spite of his losses, you could ramble on about him and all the reasons you like him forever. Unlucky for his brother Kuai Liang, that means you torture him with your seemingly endless growing affections.
“He brought me back my favourite–”
“–Yes, I know, I was there with him.” Kuai Liang sighs, this is the third time you’ve brought up Tomas in the last ten minutes.
Tomas had brought you back your favourite baked goods on his last trip into town, it made your chest feel full with how kind the action was. He remembered your favourite treat, and he went out of his way to get it. He thinks about you, even when you aren’t with him.
“I’m sorry Kuai, I’m just really happy.” You feel embarrassed about how much you’re gushing, but you can’t help it. There is no one else you can talk to about this, and you need to talk about it with someone.
“It’s fine, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” he smiles apologetically at you, “but you know, you should just tell him how much you like him.”
“I can’t do that! What if he doesn’t like me back? And then I’ve ruined our friendship over my silly feelings.” There’s too much for you to lose if you confess to him.
Kuai Liang refrains from a deep eye roll, he’s about to say something but Tomas walks up to you both.
“Hey guys, what’s going on?” He’s just finished some training with Hanzo, he looks tired.
Kuai sits and says nothing, waiting for you to answer him, “We’re just hanging out, drinking tea.” You motion the teacup up at him to see.
He nods his head, smiling at you, “Got enough for me?”
Kuai pours him a cup before getting up, “I’ve got to go meet with Harumi, thanks for the tea.” He nods his head down at you and pats Tomas on the shoulder as he walks away.
“Thank you,” you tell him in reference to the gift he brought back.
He moves to sit down next to you on the bench, “No thanks necessary, I knew it was your favourite, and I was in the area.”
He lied just now, Kuai had told you that they would’ve been home an hour earlier, but he went out of his way to find your favourite bakery.
You take a sip of your tea, smiling into the cup and humming your reply to him.
You ask, “How did training go?”
“Well, Hanzo is improving fast, I am sure it won’t take him long to beat me in a fight,” he chuckles, his pride in Hanzo displayed in it.  
“I am sure he could, though I am sure I could beat you in a fight too.” You’re teasing, you are capable but not on par with Tomas.
He smiles at you, “You probably would win but I think that’s because you would play dirty.”
“Absolutely,” he knows you too well, any way to win.
You both sit and drink tea while talking, until you run out of tea, and then you’re both just talking. It gets late quickly but you both never seem to run out of things to say, and even when you do, you’ll say anything just to be able to talk to him for a little bit longer.  
“I should probably head to bed now, it’s getting late,” you tell Tomas, hours have passed since he sat down.
He looks into your eyes, like he has something pressing to tell you but eventually settles on saying, “Okay, thank you for tea.”
“Thank you for my treats,” you lean into his side, and he holds you there. Both engaged in a side hug.
“You are most welcome, dearest.”
The way he calls you dearest makes your heart rate spike; he makes you feel like you are genuinely dear to him, and it makes you giddy.
You move past it, “I will see you tomorrow?” you ask him, mouth muffled in his shirt.
He replies, “Yes but it might be late, Kuai and I both have to help Lui Kang with something.”
So vague with his missions, trying to shield you from the truth you suppose. You always end up asking Kuai about them anyways, and he tells you, so there isn’t really any point in keeping it from you. It’s sweet that he cares to try though.
“Be safe.” You tell him.
That was the last time you saw Tomas, he left for his mission and Kuai came back alone. It’s something that haunts you, you remember how distraught you were. You were told he was turned by Nitara, which means he’s out there somewhere, you just don’t know where. Don’t know what he’s doing. But your home feels empty and lifeless these days.
All you do is spend the days waiting for the next, an endless, mind-numbing cycle. Kuai and Harumi visit you often, checking in on you, making tea. They’re worried about you, you know that. But you’re worried about Tomas.
Lui Kang and Kuai Liang have been putting a copious amount of effort into finding Tomas, wanting to help him, but Tomas doesn’t want to be found. And he’s making it abundantly clear. Leaving a trail of half dead people, that have messages from him, telling them to stop looking.
This isn’t something you learnt from Kuai; you’ve heard the whispers in the village about it though. Kuai has now picked up Tomas’ old habit of not telling you the extent of things, but you can read between the lines. Tomas is moving closer to the Shirai Ryu’s village, for what reason you don’t know but you feel conflicted about it. You want to see him, but he is not Tomas anymore, not really. Not the man you…
…The bond between yourself and Tomas had always been unbreakable, at least you thought it had been. With the way things are now, you don’t know who will be standing in front of you, if you ever see him again.
Due to Tomas’ movements getting closer to the village people have been assigned to keep tabs on you. Kuai hasn’t said anything, but people roam outside your house now, frequently. All hours, they will stroll by, you think they aren’t meant to be noticed but when you live with ninja’s long enough, you start to notice them. You appreciate the consideration, but it’s not needed, even if he does show, you’ll handle it yourself.
There’s a knock on your door, three polite raps against the solid wood. Right on time, 3pm in the afternoon. Every day, you get visited by Kuai, sometimes with Harumi, sometimes with Hanzo, but more often than not, alone.
Sighing you move from your couch to the door and pull it open, “Afternoon, Kuai.”
You pull it open the whole way, allowing his large frame to move past you. He walks into the kitchen and starts boiling some water.
“Good afternoon,” he replies.
The afternoon with him carries out the same way it has for the past couple months, he talks to you, trying to get you to open up. You turn it on him and try to get him to talk, about how he’s feeling, about Tomas’ last sighting, his plans for if they find him. But just like yourself, he doesn’t disclose anything. So, you both end up drinking tea in silence, mention the weather and then part ways.
Some days he is more stubborn than others, he stays longer, pushing you harder, he’s feeling that way this afternoon.
“I know you must be upset and missing him; you can talk to me about him, it might help.” He presses you; he’d love to hear you talk about Tomas the way you used to.
It makes you sad to talk about him though, “I don’t have anything to say Kuai, you know that.”
“That is a little hard to believe,” there is humour in his voice, it pulls a small smile from you.
It is rather ironic, going from never being able to shut up about him, to never talking about him.
“I appreciate the concern, but I am fine,” you lie.
He knows and he looks at you, eyebrow raised, “You are not.”
“No… I’m not but neither are you.”
“I suppose not.” He sighs and takes a sip of his tea.
You think now is your time to mention, “Could you stop sending people to watch my house, it’s annoying and unnecessary.”
“I think it necessary,” he shoots back, but he caves a little, “I will send less and less frequently, but they will still watch out for you.”
You go to argue further, “I really don’t think it’s–”
“–I am not willing to compromise further on this matter.” He cuts you off.
“Fine.” You concede, too tired to argue with him. Always too tired.
He seems pleased with the progress he’s made with you though, finally getting you to budge the slightest bit. Admitting that you are not fine is enough for him today. He leaves with no argument, and you sit back on your couch, enjoying your solidarity.
You’re in the shower when you hear someone rummaging around your living room, annoying, you think to yourself. It’s probably someone checking on you, though it’s odd they’re inside your house.
Wrapping yourself in a towel, you move through the ensuite and into your bedroom. Locating the sword you keep hung on the wall, if it’s not someone checking up on you, you may need protection. You pull it down, keeping it sheathed. Slowly you move towards the living area where the noise is coming from.
You sneak through the house as quietly as possible and come up behind the intruder, hands on the sword, ready to unsheathe it and strike if necessary. But then you realise the silhouette of the intruder is very familiar.
He turns around and faces you, a faux shocked look on his face, pretending to be frightened by you holding a sword.
Your voice comes out far more timid than you would’ve liked, “Tomas?”
“Ah, you caught me.” He holds his arms up in surrender, sly grin plastered on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, I came to visit you, dearest.” He says it like it’s the most obvious thing, as if he’s questioning you questioning his presence.
Your eyes squint at him, “Don’t call me that.”
“You never use to mind it,” his face twists into a fake sad expression.
You’re still in an attack stance, “That was then, I don’t know who you are now.”
“Please put the sword down, it really isn’t frightening, especially since you’re in nothing but a towel.” His eyes look you up and down, appreciating your scantily clad body in a fluffy towel.
Your lip pulls up into a grimace, “Don’t look at me, turn around.”
He waves a hand at you dismissively, “Chill out, I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Why are you here?” You’re quick to reply.
His presence is genuinely confusing, he didn’t want to be found by his own brother, but he came back here to break into your house and look at your living room furnishings?
“Like I said, I’m here to see you, I’ve missed you dearly… dearest.” He flashes you a cheeky smile.
He’s different, not right, not… himself. It’s uncanny and off putting to you. He is not the same kind man you called your best friend.
“I don’t believe you.”
His smile drops, “I know, but I’m not lying.”
He moves towards you, but you take a step back, hand pulling on the handle of the sword, ready to unsheathe it. He stops at your reaction; and rolls his eyes dramatically.
“I really am not going to hurt you, I wanted to give you that,” his head motions towards your side table, your favourite baked goods sitting atop it.
Your eyes round in shock, why would he go to the effort? You stop your thoughts before they get too hopeful, he could be trying to lure you into a false sense of security, and it might work. He looks mostly the same, not quite right but his likeness is there. He’s pale, bloody, an odd marking on his forehead, and fangs you can spot when he speaks, but the same.
It’s confusing you; you want to be happy to see him, but you don’t want to let yourself feel it if he isn’t quite right. If he’s going to hurt you or worse. You are happy he’s alive though, there might be a way to help him.
“Why did you bring me that?” You ask, also motioning towards the treats on the table.
“Because they’re you’re favourite,” he shrugs, “can you please put the sword down, this is getting a bit ridiculous.”
You have a baffled look on you face, “You’re the one breaking and entering??”
“Hey! I didn’t break anything.” He looks offended, hand on his chest. He sighs and rolls his eyes again, “I don’t know what to offer you here to make you feel better, dear.”
“I don’t really know either.” You consider what would make you feel better about him, other than him leaving. “Getting dressed… would make me feel better.”
“I don’t mind if you don’t.” He’s flirting with you, brazenly.
“Stay here… or leave… but don’t follow me.”
He has a bored look on his face, but he shrugs in agreeance.
At his reaction you begin backing away slowly, watching him as you leave the room. He tilts his head curiously at you as you do.  When you can no longer see him, you shuffle quickly to your room.
You rustle through drawers to find clothes, settling on pants and a t-shirt. Something you can move around in if you end up having to defend yourself. You pick up your sword and exit your bedroom.
As you come back into the living area you see him sitting on an armchair in the corner, the one facing your larger couch. You move around the furniture to sit on said couch facing him. Your posture a stark contrast to his, you’re sitting up straight and alert. While he is lounging, legs spread wide, spine reclined against the back of the armchair. He’s fully relaxed and you’re… not.
“Still have the sword I see,” he notes.
Your grip tightens on the hilt, “I am not ready to trust you.”
“No, I wouldn’t think you would be.” His head rolls to the side quickly, listening, “are you expecting guests?”
You know what he’s hearing, your friendly watchers must be coming by to check on you.
“Kuai Liang started assigning people to come by my house, I didn’t understand why previously, I do now.” You reply casually with a wave of your hand.
“Mmm, he is taking care of you?” His question seems loaded, like he might be simultaneously pleased and displeased at the same time, no matter your response.
“Yes, he comes by regularly to check on me, he is worried.” You answer honestly, based on his hearing he’d probably be able to tell if you lied to him.
His eyes squint slightly, his reaction telling you nothing about his thoughts or feelings, “You going to alert them of my presence?”
“I wasn’t planning to.”
He seems a little confused, “Why not?”
“I’m not getting any information from Kuai anymore, he tells me nothing. If I let them take you, I doubt I’ll be updated of anything.”
“Very serious like this, you used to be much kinder to me.”
Your eyebrows raise at him, “I could say the same to you.”
“Fair enough,” he smiles at you, still eyeing you even though you are nowhere near as undressed as earlier.
“Stop it,” you tell him.
His gaze climbs up your body and then back onto your eyes, “Stop what?”
“Stop that,” your hand waves in circles around his face, referencing the way he’s been looking at you.
His head leans to the side, “Why?”
Your eyebrows pinch together, “Because I don’t know what it means.”
“I like you, is what it means.” His smile is as sweet as he can muster, it’d be sweeter if he didn’t have fangs.
Huh? Huh? What the hell? He likes you, is that possible? You must have the most bewildered expression on your face because he begins chuckling at you.
“Don’t laugh!” You’re frowning at him now.
“Sorry, sorry…” He waves his hand at you, “I didn’t think you’d look so confused, you’ve just made a very cute face.”
You sigh deeply, he’s making your heart rate pick up, you need to control it, “I don’t believe you.” You say in reference to his declaration.
“Yeah, you keep saying that, but it’s the truth. I came back to see you because I miss you and I miss you because I like you. I always have.” His confession is making you feel flushed. He’s saying things you would’ve liked to have heard ages ago.
“Why? Why tell me this now?”
“Was too scared to tell you before, now it doesn’t matter as much, our friendship isn’t exactly in a great place, no?” He gestures to his whole being with his hands, as if to demonstrate the reason for that.
“I don’t see myself trusting you, I hope you know that.” Honestly, mutual trust isn’t something you can foresee in both your futures.
But that’s obviously the opposite for Tomas, “I am pretty confident that I can change your mind, I got your heart rate to rise earlier. My confession bring up some hidden feelings?”
You’re interested, “How do you plan on changing my mind?” You ignore the second part of his sentence.
“I will come by as often as I have to, for as long as I have to, until you trust me again.” He seems earnest at least, but you don’t know if you have rose tinted glasses on when it comes to him.
“Do as you please, I have a feeling you’re going to anyways.” You huff at him, spine becoming less rigid.
He smiles at you, eyes bright, “I appreciate the permission, anyhow.”
His visit ends quickly after that last conversation, having made headway with you made him pleased enough to leave. He did promise he would be back the next night, and the night after that, and so on, and so forth. The promise thrills you, much to your contention.
Tomas stayed true to his promise, he comes by, every night without fail and has been doing so for the last few months. He never stopped flirting with you the whole time, making his affection for you perfectly clear. There are only so many ways you can brush him off and change topics though.
He sniffs the air, “I hate how much Kuai comes around, always smells like him in here, ruins your scent.”
Your eyes roll at him, “Well, he’s about as stubborn as you are about visiting. Must run in the family.”
You stopped holding your sword every time he came round about a month into his visits, believing he probably wasn’t going to bodily harm you. It was never far from you though, now it stays in the lounge, not close but not far. He has succeeded in slowly building some trust between the two of you.
In the kitchen you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, Tomas comes up behind you. Leaning down he inhales your scent, not so close to touch but close enough to have your heart pounding in your chest.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“Smelling you.”
“Yeah, I can see that, why are you sniffing me?”
“You smell nice,” he’s still standing close to you, chest brushing your back.
You turn around and place a palm on his chest, aiming to push him back but he doesn’t budge. His hand comes up and he places it over top of your own. His eyes looking intently into yours, as you’re looking up at him, you’re struck with the realisation that your feelings for him haven’t left you. He’s changed and so have your feelings, but you still like him.
His eyes flit down to your lips, he begins moving in closer to you. Giving you ample time to pull away if you don’t want him to kiss you. You don’t know if kissing him is a good idea, but it doesn’t matter anyways, the kettle starts squealing, alerting you of its boiled status.
His hand lets go of yours, the moment ruined. You turn quickly, feeling like your face is on fire. Happy to be able to hide your face from him, though you know he can definitely hear your beating heart working overtime.
You take the kettle off the stove and make a cup of tea for both you and Tomas, he never drinks it, but he asks for it every time and holds it for the entirety of his visit.
Later, after tea, as you’re washing up Tomas stands beside you. Ever since your guard dropped enough to let him get this close to you, he stays as close as you’ll allow. Always right by you, flirting, joking, watching.
“Do you want me to wash up?” He offers.
“No, thank you.” You continue, scrubbing at your dishware.
When you’re done you go to wipe your hands off, drying them. Tomas grabs you and spins you abruptly, a shocked gasp pulling from you at his speed and strength.
“I like you.” Is all he says.
Your eyes are wide with shock, “You’ve already said so.”
“I just had to tell you again, so you know.”
“You tell me every day, and you relentlessly flirt with me,” you remind him.
“Just checking you haven’t forgotten.”
“You don’t make that possible,” you raise a brow at him.
“That’s the idea,” he smiles cheekily at you.
His eyes dip to your lips again, the moment from earlier being recreated. You turn your head to the side, feeling shy under his watchful gaze.
“Your heart is racing,” he comments, moving his hand to tuck a stray hair behind your ear.
“I know, it is my heart.” You feel flush in the face.
He leans a bit closer, “And how does your heart feel about me?”
Ah, he’s fishing today. He has been very patient, not asking you your feelings towards him but he is curious. Especially since he can tell you enjoy his advances, or at least react to them viscerally.
“I reserve the right to not answer that.” You feel as though you’re being interrogated.
He finds your answer entertaining, “I think… you like me too, but you’re still not convinced you can trust me.”
Yep, he’s pretty much hit the nail on the head, and he knows it. You go to answer him, try to cover for yourself but he’s quicker with his words.
Tone growing glib, he taunts, “Mmm, yeah, that was dead on, huh?”
His large hand come up and pulls your face back to his, holding you by your chin, between his thumb and forefinger. He tilts your face up, looking you directly in the eyes.
“Look at me and tell me, that you don’t like me.”
“I don’t like you,” you reply simply.
He scoffs, “Liar, I’ve grown on you.”
“Like a tumour, maybe,” you retort back.
He has a small smile on his face, “Now who is being stubborn?”
“Somehow, still you.” Your expression is one of defiance.
He rolls his eyes at you and groans, before grabbing your head on either side and pulling you into a kiss. It’s full and profound, and as he moves his head to the side, he licks into your mouth, deepening the kiss. A shocked mewl coming from you, one that he swallows down greedily.
Your heart feels like it might explode in your chest, and as he pulls away, he makes a note of it.
His forehead rests against yours, smiling cockily he asks, “Still don’t like me?”
“No,” you shake your head against him.
He captures your lips in another lustful kiss, devouring you whole, consuming the noises that escape you. Common sense eludes you, his kisses making you dizzy and unable to think properly. He walks you back into the corner of the kitchen bench, still cradling your face. Your hands coming up behind you, resting on the bench top. As a result, your chest presses further into him.
One of his knees slots between your legs, pinning you to the spot. His kisses take your breath away and you have to pull back to breathe. Huffing slightly at his insistent manner of kissing.
“Seems to me, that you like me.” He states.
“You’re mistaken.” You retort.
His head moves to your neck, inhaling the length of it, “it smells like you like me.”
Low blow on his behalf, his observation of your growing arousal for him makes your skin set alight. An embarrassing observation for him to make and he knows it. His thigh slots higher, resting up against your cunt. The contact makes you jump lightly, your teeth biting your lip to stifle your audible reaction.
His hands move to your hips as he leans down and kisses you again. His lips serving as a distraction so he can use the grip he has on your hips to encourage you to grind down on his thigh. You get lost in the feeling, the stimulation sending jolts of pleasure up your spine, the sounds you make spilling from you freely.
He rips his mouth away from you suddenly, before you can complain he pulls your pants down, you step out of them. Standing in front of him in nothing but your shirt and panties. He drops to his knees in front of you, pulling your thighs apart, just enough so his face can fit between your legs. His nose resting up against your pussy over your panties, he inhales deeply.
You gasp out at him, “Tomas!”
“Mmmsorry, you smell so fucken good.” He speaks against your cunt, muffling his words.
This display is mortifying to you and also serving to fuel your arousal. He hums pleasantly at your reaction. His mouth opens, sucking over your underwear, wetting them further. His thumbs pull your pussy lips apart, giving himself more access to your arousal. He’s lapping at your hole over your underwear, nose rubbing up against your clit as he licks at you.
You’re squirming above him, gasping for air at the pleasure he’s giving you. He grows more fervent against you, your cunt leaking from the pleasure. The smell and taste of you sending him into a frenzy. He doesn’t stop making out with your cunt over your underwear. Your legs are borderline shaking with your building orgasm.
“Tomas – ngh,” you’re trying to warn him of your impending orgasm.
One of your hands reaches for his hair, grabbing on, your hips beginning to faintly grind against his face. He doesn’t pull away to acknowledge your words, just continues slurping at your cunt, humming at you in confirmation.
The noises spilling from you reach a higher pitch, coming closer together. Your eyes are wet as they close tight against the intensity of your orgasm. When you cum it’s with a bite of his name followed by a large inhale of breath. Legs shaking, if he had not been gripping your thighs, you would’ve fallen to the floor in front of him.
He doesn’t stop as you cum, or even after, continuing to lick at you enthusiastically, aftershocks running through your veins. You twitch at the continued stimulation he provides. He growls against you, an inhuman sound that spikes your heart rate, and your excitement.
The sight of him between your legs, gripping your thighs open and feasting on your wet cunt could have you passing out. He huffs frustrated against you, and he rips your underwear off, actually tearing them off your body. You can’t even complain because he’s put his mouth back on your bare cunt. Drinking up all of the slick and cum from your cunt, he’s licking you clean, you might actually faint.
Tugging at his hair harsher, you push him back, “mm sensitive, stop.” You gasp out at him, words slurred together slightly.
Thankfully, he pulls away but stays on his knees, watching you quiver in front of him. His mouth finished eating you, but his eyes haven’t. He inhales one last time before standing up in front of you.
Cocky smile plastered on his face, “Divine, let me continue?”
You shake your head at him, “No, I will actually faint.”
He preens at that, delighted by your answer, “Are you ready to admit you like me?”
“No,” stubborn for no reason at this point. It’s clear to the both of you, you definitely like him.
He chuckles dryly at you, and then he’s spinning you around and pushing your upper half against the bench top. His hands run over your body, down your back and over your ass cheeks, he pulls them back to stare at your cunt, he whistles at the sight of it. And you struggle against him, humiliated by his actions.
“Will you let me fuck your tight pussy?”
You feel red and raw, his direct question mortifying you, mortifying you because, “yes.” You will let him.
He lets out an amused sound that turns into a growl at the sight of you bent over and waiting for him. Rustling can be heard from behind you as he pulls out his cock. He runs it through your folds, using your cunts prior orgasm to lube it. You rock back against him, rutting down on his dick. It sends shudders down your spine, the pleasure already plenty and he’s not inside you.
“Hold still,” he holds his hand on your back firmly, keeping you in place.
His other hand on his cock, running his tip through your folds before notching it at your hole. Slowly splitting you in two.
All he lets out is, “fffff–”
You clench at the stretch, clamping down on his cock.
“–UCK!” He lets out at your tightening pussy, “gotta relax, or I’ll never – nghf – make it inside.”
You’re mewling and barely the tip is inside you, his hand reaches down and around to rub at your clit, trying to get you to relax.
“Thasss it, dear, fucken perfect… jus. like. that,” he sighs as you relax a bit.
He’s able to have his whole tip enter you, and then he starts rocking back and forth slowly, trying to fuck you open on the tip of his dick. Your legs already shaking and he’s not even close to halfway inside you.
He begins fucking his cock into you more, incrementally, it has pleasure wracking your body. Taking his time, rocking in and then out, slightly more in and then out, rinse and repeat. Until he’s finally fully seated inside you. The full feeling overwhelming you, you grind back against him, wanting more of the feeling.
“Hold still, and if it’s – hah – too much, tap me, okay?” He asks.
You nod your head at him, but he slaps your ass and says, “Words, dearest.”
“I will tap you if it’s too much – jus please – mmmmove.” You’re wiggling back against him, trying to gain some friction.
Both his hands pull your ass cheeks apart again, gazing down at the way you’re wrapped around him. A deep growl coming from inside his chest at the sight. Pulling back almost all the way out, he slams back into you, jolting your body forward against the counter. You have a feeling you’re going to have all kinds of bruises tomorrow morning.
He’s fucking you in earnest, roughly, inhuman and pleased noises coming from him. A wet slapping filling your kitchen along with your mewls and whines. You brace yourself on the counter and begin fucking yourself back on his cock.
His hand moves up your body and grabs at the back of your neck, he pulls you up, holding you flush against his chest. Your head resting back against his shoulder. He’s fucking up into you, the change in position sliding you further down his dick.
The hand that pulled you up goes to the front of your neck, applying no pressure but holding you steady. His free arm moves from your hip to the front of your body, holding you against him, hand groping at your tit. His fingers pinch and play with your nipple, your cunt squeezing down on him at the sensation.
“Tell me, do you like mmme – ngh – now?” He whispers it against your ear, lips brushing the shell of it. It sends a shiver down your spine, goosebumps breaking out across your skin.
“Mmmmaybe – mmph – a little…” You confess.
He laughs and licks your ear, his thrusts never stopping or slowing. Your cunt starts to rhythmically pulse around his cock, you’re so close to cumming on just his cock, a sensation you’ve not felt before. Previously always cumming with the help of stimulation on your clit.
He taunts you, “Go on, cream all over – mmph – me, can feel you squeezing mmme.”
“Hah – Mm gonna–” You’re cumming, hard, on his dick. Your release creating a white ring around the base of his cock.
His hands move to push you back against the bench top again, he needs to see the way you came all over him. He spreads your cheeks again to watch himself fuck you, to see the way you creamed all over him. Mesmerised by your cunt and the way it takes him; he’s chasing his own high now.
He’s fucking you harshly, aiming to topple headfirst into his own pleasure. You clamp down on him, pulling his own orgasm from him suddenly. He cums with a shout of your name and a string of profanities. Filling your cunt to the brim with his release, he continues thrusting, stuffing all his cum back into your pussy. He groans at the sight, dick twitching inside you.
He pulls out of you slowly; he tugs his pants back on before spinning you around and placing you up on the bench. He wets some napkins from your kitchen with warm water and gently wipes your thighs clean.
His fingers push some of the cum leaking out of your cunt back inside, “Keep that there.” He tells you.
You hold your hand over your pussy, as he runs down the hall and comes back with a fresh pair of underwear. He slides them up your legs and uses them to help keep his cum inside you. Your legs are shaking from the come down, eyes wet and dazed. You’d let him do almost anything to you right now, with the way he’s given you the two best orgasms of your life, you think he might’ve earned it.
You watch him move around your kitchen, he finds your previous pair of underwear and stuffs them inside his pocket. He looks back at you and smiles deviously. Then he moves to get you a glass of water.
He presents it to you, “Drink.”
You accept it gratefully, feeling parched, you drink it all. It dribbles down your chin with how you gulp it down. He smiles at you and wipes your chin clean.
“I don’t think I can walk,” you tell him.
He’s smug, “Need me to carry you to bed, dearest?”
“If you’d be so kind.”
He obliges and carries you to bed, tucking you in. He won’t stay and he shouldn’t stay, though you find yourself hoping he would.
“I’ll stay until you fall asleep,” he says, practically reading your mind. He crawls into bed beside you, on top of the covers.
“Thank you, Tomas.”
He smiles kindly at you, “No thanks necessary.”
You fall asleep quickly that night. Fully trusting him and even feeling safe with him beside you. When you wake the next morning, he is gone but he’s left a note.
It reads, “I’ll be back tonight, dearest.”
A/N: This is not my best writing, but I find myself a bit fond of it, maybe because it’s a different character, a bit of a change up is nice. I did write almost an extra 3k than what I initially planned lmao. I find the need to add more plot in my stories. Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoyed, my requests are open if you want a story like this one or if you want to share any thoughts, feelings, anything really, I am open for asks!! <333
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ghostkennedy · 10 months
I abso-fuckin-lutely loved In the Middle! Like, it was chefs kiss.
I would like to request somethin similar to that if you don't mind. It's like a Leon x Ada x fem! reader. I know I'm a genius, right?
Also, I frickin love you're work like it's more than chefs kiss, it's total perfection😍😍😍
Fine Line
~Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader x Ada Wong~
Word count: 6239
Content warnings: fluff, angst, smut, sexual content, MFF threesome, established relationship, they're both with reader but not each other, confessions of feelings, kissing, sub reader, dom leon, dom ada, breeding kink, mommy kink, mentions of impregnating reader, minor arguing, p in v sex, unprotected sex, multiple creampies, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, strap on, pussy eating, oral (f recieving), squirting for first time, praising
Thanks for your patience anon <3
It’s already three am when you’re finally returning home from a work trip. It was only supposed to last a weekend, but due to your boss’s fuck up, it lasted over two god forsaken weeks. 
You figure everyone will be asleep considering it’s so late, so you quietly let yourself in the back door and lock up behind you. 
You’re silently unlacing your boots when you hear voices coming from the kitchen. Your hands instantly freeze up as you try to hear who is up at this hour. 
You’re too far away to make out anything, so you finish unlacing your boots, quietly setting them down and tiptoeing towards the kitchen.
You sit quietly in the dark dining room. You’re barely breathing in your attempt to remain hidden. You don’t know why you have the urge to eavesdrop, but here you are being suspicious as hell. 
You hear a loud sigh. “How long have you felt this way?” You recognize Leon’s voice immediately. 
You can tell already this is a heavy conversation. Usually the house was filled with laughter and teasing and happiness, but tonight it was darker. 
“Since the day I met her, probably.” 
So it’s Ada and Leon talking. Your two roommates and best friends.
Leon huffs out a laugh and you’re not sure what to make of their tone. Who are they talking about? How are they feeling? What’s going on?
“How’d we manage to both catch feelings for our roommate? What’s wrong with us?” 
Your heart drops and feels like it might fall out of your ass. They’re talking about you? They have feelings for you? Both of them?
Feelings of guilt start to creep in without permission. Are you going to come between their friendship? What if they ask you to choose? Please don’t make you choose, please.
You’d never forgive yourself. You could turn around now and pretend you never heard anything. Maybe they’d drop it and never bring the subject up to you. All three of you could repress your feelings in peace.
You know it’d be fucking painful, but it could be worth it to preserve the friendships you’ve fought to maintain over the years. 
“I don’t know. I think it’s just her.” 
“What, how she’s absolutely perfect in every sense of the word? She doesn’t even have to try to get me wrapped around her finger. She says jump, I say how high. Makes me feel like a fucking schoolboy.” 
Ada laughs at Leon’s explanation and you can’t hold back your smile. 
“That about sums it up.” Ada agrees with him.
They think you’re perfect? No one knows you better than they do and they still believe that load of shit? Maybe they really are in over their heads. Leon, you can see being a hopelessly devoted lover. But you never thought you’d see the day Ada was in just as deep. And all for the same girl who’s never viewed herself as anything more than mediocre at best? It’s a hard thought to process, that’s for sure. 
“Did you ever plan on telling her? I’ve wanted to so many times, but I’ve always chickened out.” 
“Oh Leon. It’s more complicated than boy meets girl and pursues her. That’s a given basically; it’s what’s expected. But I’m a woman who doesn’t even know if she’s into women.” Ada takes a long swig of her drink and lets out a heavy sigh. 
Leon hums as he ponders Ada’s words. 
Ada’s been pining over you even though there’s a chance you might be straight? She still admired you so much to catch feelings regardless. 
It just adds to that gross guilty feeling growing inside of you.
You’d never intentionally been evasive about expressing your sexuality. You’ve always thought your sexuality and gender expression was just fluid, not wanting to put yourself into a box. Labels made things official and you’ve always been noncommittal. And somehow that has leaked over into how you identify as well.
What do these idiots see in you? 
“Maybe she’s not into men and I’m shit out of luck. If she isn’t open about it, maybe it’s because she doesn’t identify with the norm?” Leon’s voice is shaky, almost as if he’s nervous. Is he nervous? God, you wish you could comfort him and tell him everything is your fault and not his. He always blames himself, always. 
They sit in silence for a minute. It’s not an awkward silence. They’re expressing their feelings and helping each other process, so it’s a respectful silence as they try to correlate together the best words. 
Leon speaks up again, “I don’t want to come between you two. You should pursue her and I’ll back off.” 
“Don’t do that to yourself, Leon. Don’t sell yourself short like that.” 
“What are the chances she’s into both of us?” Leon speaks before he thinks, “I mean, obviously everyone would have to agree to that and I’m just spitballing ideas here-“
Ada cuts him off, “Maybe she could be. It’s not like she’s expressed her desire for a strictly monogamous relationship either.” 
Leon’s voice is so quiet you barely hear it, “Do you love her?”
His voice is so vulnerable and it feels as if that alone has split your heart in half. Is he hurting over this? How long has he been hurting?
“I do.” Ada states without hesitation. She’s so sure of her feelings for you. A single tear streaks down your cheek as the emotional turmoil tears you apart inside. 
“I think I do too.” 
You have to cover your mouth with both hands to fight back any sounds. Your body aches with the need to sob, but you won’t allow yourself to. No, you have to be strong for both of them.
“What are the chances one of us gets our heart broken?” Leon’s voice is still so small. 
“There’s always a chance. But if you love her as you say you do, you must believe the risk is worth it? For the chance that your love will be reciprocated?” 
“Fuck. She could break my heart a thousand times and I’d probably ask her to do it again.” 
They both burst out laughing at Leon’s confession. 
“I mean, what do we do, Ada? Do we talk to her about this? Do we do it separately or together? How do we even go about it? When does someone even bring something like that up?”
You can’t take it anymore. You can’t stand the thought of your best friends hurting—your favorite people in the entire world. So you abandon your hiding spot and enter the dimly lit kitchen.
“How about now?”
Leon and Ada’s heads both whip in your direction as you nervously rub your sweaty palms on your pants in the doorway. 
Once the shock wears off, Leon’s face lights up as he stands up from his stool. He takes long strides toward you before pulling you into a tight hug. 
His lips place gentle kisses in your hair as he mumbles, “I missed you so damn much.”
All you can do is nod into his chest as you pull him to you even tighter. You grip each other like the other might disappear into thin air if your grasp waivers even the tiniest bit. 
Leon’s smell and presence fully wraps around you and it’s the most comfortable you’ve felt in weeks. Has his embrace always felt like this? Has he always felt like home?
He pulls away just enough so that he can look down at you. “Did you hear all of that?”
Your cheeks flame with your embarrassment as you nod at him once again. His attention on you alone has stolen your ability to speak. As if his mere presence has you in a chokehold.
“And?” He asks, pleading with his eyes. 
All you can do is stare up at him as you try to find any words at all. Your brain feels like mush as you meet his stare and feel Ada’s burning into you.
You close your eyes and inhale deeply, forcing yourself to get out what needs to be said. Your eyes open up and you speak quickly before you can talk yourself out of it.
“I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have both of my favorite people ever love me as much as I love them.”
Your eyes leave Leon’s and connect with Ada’s, “Nothing else has ever made this much sense to me.”
You bring your eyes back to Leon. His jaw has dropped and his eyes wide. He looks at you like he can’t believe those words actually left your mouth. You can’t stop the smile that grows on your face at his reaction. 
“So… Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna kiss me?”
Leon blinks once before he’s crashing his lips into yours. His hands are immediately cupping your jaw as his body pushes your back against the doorframe. 
Your body instantly melts at the way he handles you. The way his hands hold you to him so firmly. His soft lips dominate yours like a starved man. His firm body perfectly fits against yours. His erection jerks to life against your belly. 
You whimper as he nibbles on your lip impatiently. Your body instinctively arches into him as your head lols back, silently egging him on.
You force yourself to pull away from him, remembering the other person you desperately need as well.
“Ada,” you turn your head so your eyes lock on hers. “Please, I need you.”
Leon’s lips trail from your mouth, across your jaw, and down to your throat.
Ada stands from her stool and slowly makes her way over to you. She stops when she’s a mere inches away from you.
“I could never say no to you.”
“Promise?” Your prompting causes Ada to smirk before leaning forward and capturing your lips with hers. 
Leon pulls himself away from you so that Ada can be fully engrossed with you. Her body is instantly pressed up against yours as her lips force yours apart. She ravishes them like she’s searching for something and you hope to god she finds it. 
Neither of their kisses are gentle and it drives you crazy. Both of their lips have sent smoke signals straight to your pussy and it has you soaked within a few minutes. You want to be embarrassed, but you can’t bring yourself to feel that way. You can’t feel anything besides the throbbing in your chest, nipples, and pussy. 
Ada pulls back and stands next to Leon a few feet away from you. They devour your body with their eyes as you lick your lips and allow yourself to eat them alive with your eyes as well. 
It’s still hard to believe that was almost two years ago. Not many people understood what you were talking about when you mentioned your boyfriend and girlfriend. It bothered you for a long time but not so much anymore. Your happiness is just that, your own, so no one else’s opinion really matters. 
You daydream of that night anytime you go away, whether it be for work or pleasure. 
This time, you were scheduled to go on a work trip for three weeks and you dreaded being away from your partners for that long, but you were also excited for the project you were helping with. Both of them had offered to accompany you, but you wouldn’t allow it. You knew their jobs could require them in an instance at any given moment, so you knew that they really did need to be home and on call. 
It was a long three weeks. 
You had finally made it home again. You were exhausted from the flights and airport bullshit. All you wanted to do was crawl into any bed at all and pass out for three days.
But the second your cab driver is pulling up in front of your house, Leon is throwing open the front door and hurrying down to meet you. 
You’re pulling your suitcases out of the trunk when he comes to a halt beside you. He gently grabs the bags from your hands, shaking his head in disapproval of you doing the heavy lifting yourself.
You thank the driver, giving him a large tip for leaving you alone the whole ride. You always hated cab drivers who tried to make small talk. Like just drive the car, step on it actually.
The second Leon passes through the threshold of the house, he’s tossing your bags to the side and pulling you into his chest. You allow yourself to fall into his embrace, too tired for much else.
“I’ve missed you so much.” He whispers into your ear, “Never torture me like this again. I’ll roll over and die next time I swear. I’m gonna have to put a ring on that finger and a baby in that belly so I can keep you safe in the house forever.”
You giggle into his chest and shake your head, “You’ve really gone crazy, huh?”
“Never been more clear headed in my life.”
“Sounds like something a crazy person would say.”
He cups your chin between his fingers, “The first thing you do when you finally get home is call me crazy? How dare you?” Then he’s pulling your lips into his with a searing kiss. 
He’s the definition of a golden retriever boyfriend. 
Always wants to be next to you when you’re around. Needs to protect you and cherish you. When you’re gone, he mopes around waiting for you to get back. When you’re both home, he can’t stay away for long. Always ending up searching you out and demanding your undivided attention. Surely if he had ears and a tail, they’d be perked up and wagging whenever you’re near him. 
And you absolutely love it.
You pull your lips from his, smiling up at him. He smiles, or more like beams, right back at you. 
A throat clears from the hallway. “How was your flight?”
Your heart rate immediately picks up at the sound of Ada’s voice. 
Before you even realize it, you’re rushing over to her. You nearly trip over your own feet in your haste to get to her.
The second you’re within reach, you’re throwing your arms around her body and nuzzling your face into her neck. She chuckles and shakes her head at you in response, but doesn’t do anything to stop you. Oh no, she pulls you even tighter against her. 
If Leon’s a puppy, Ada is a cat. 
She’ll miss you while you’re gone, but never admit the words aloud. But her eyes and purrs say it all when you’re back in her arms. She won’t come barking at the door upon your arrival, but she will make her presence known. She’ll quietly demand attention, but she’ll still make you come and get her. 
Both of their devotion runs just as deep, but they each express it in such different ways. 
You hear Leon’s footsteps approach you from behind. 
“You’re mine tonight, right? I won’t make it through the night without you.”
“Fat chance, Leon.” Ada states firmly.
“I’m not letting her go tonight. Cannot, will not.”
“I’m keeping her tonight.”
“Like fuck you are. I’m fucking taking her and I’m gonna fuck her so loud there won’t be anywhere in this house you could go where you won’t hear it.”
You cut into their little dispute, “This isn’t a fucking pissing contest. It’s not up to you two. I can decide where I want to stay tonight.”
“With me, obviously.” Leon says, crossing his arms with an attitude.
“Maybe I’ll just sleep alone in my room tonight.”
“NO!” They both shout at the same time. You try to fight back the smile creeping up your face, but fail miserably. You can’t help it, they really are your sweet little pets.
“Then we compromise.”
“How? What do you need?” Ada asks, cupping your cheek and making you look her right in the eyes.
“You’ll both just refuse my idea anyways.”
“Try me.” Leon says. He’s brought himself much closer to you than he was previously. His words are spoken right into your ear and you can’t help the chills that sneak up your spine.
“Can you both stay with me tonight? I missed you both so much. I’ll lay in the middle. You guys won’t have to touch or anything. I just want you both right now. I know we usually keep things separate, but maybe just this one time? For me? Then we can go back to how things usually are.” Your voice is pleading, but you don’t really care. You are pleading with them.
Silence follows for what feels like minutes, but in reality is probably just a few seconds. 
“Anything for you. I need to be with you so much too.” Leon is the first to speak. He tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear and you almost lean into his hand. 
You stare into Ada’s eyes again. You can tell she wants to refuse, but she also misses you so much. She might not say it aloud, but her whole body aches with the need to stay close to you. Is she willing to cross her boundaries just to stay with you tonight? Yes, absolutely yes.
“Okay.” She finally agrees and you pull her into a kiss. You could thank her, tell her how much you appreciate it, but you know she doesn’t care much for words. She’d rather you kiss her and show her how you feel.
You pull back and look between the two. “Alright. Okay. Right. I’m beat, you guys ready to come to bed with me?”
They agree easily and it’s not long before everyone is changed into their comfy clothes and tucked underneath the covers.
You lay in the middle of the bed, Ada on your left and Leon on your right. You lay facing Ada, your arm and leg thrown over her while Leon spoons you from behind. They make sure neither of them is crossing over the other, only touching you. 
Of course you’ve laid between them before, but never for the whole night. Once it’s time for bed, you usually go to sleep with one of them for one on one time. It’s always been the best way to maneuver the relationship and everyone is usually happy with that arrangement.
Tonight is a bit weird, but you’re happy to be with both of them. You’ve always liked the idea of something like this, but they’ve always wanted their alone time at night. It’s not like that’s the only time you can be alone with one of them. You’re alone with each of them often, but they’ll never have enough. Neither will you honestly.
Leon shifts his body slightly and you suddenly feel his full erection pressed against your ass.
“Leon,” you scold him, but he just chuckles.
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I’m not the only one who missed you, you know?”
“I know, I can feel it.”
He laughs again before the room falls back into comfortable silence.
But of course it’s not long before Leon is grinding his dick into you slowly. He’s trying to be discreet, but it’s obvious to everyone in the bed what he’s doing.
This time it’s Ada who speaks up and scolds him. Her voice is stern and even has you going completely still.
“Oh please, Ada. You really gonna act like you’re not as desperate for her as I am? As if.”
“I’m not the one acting like a dog in heat right now.”
“First of all-“
You cut Leon off, “Guys seriously? That’s enough. There are three sexually frustrated people in one bed right now and I don’t think the best solution is tearing each other's heads off. Knock it off.”
Leon grinds his dick into you even harder.
“So you admit it too? You need this just as much as me. Come on baby, let me fix all of your problems. Let me fuck you to sleep.”
“For fucks sake.” Ada huffs out.
“Ada,” you whisper to her shyly. She turns her head towards you, your faces a mere inches apart. “I want you both so bad. I’ve been trying to sleep and just ignore it, but he’s teasing me and I can’t take it anymore.”
She whispers back, “Do you want me to go?”
“No, fuck no. I want you to stay. I want you both to stay. I’m desperate for you and him.”
Leon speaks up, “We can make it work. Take turns, whatever you’re comfortable with. I’ll stay out of your way when you need me to and you’ll stay out of mine. It’s been a long three weeks. Whatever the princess wants, she should get. Don’t you agree?” 
Leon’s hand grips your hip, pulling your ass back against his dick. You both make pathetic noises at such deep contact.
“Is that what you want? Both of us to share you right now?” Ada asks, her hand reaching out and cupping your cheek.
“Yes. I need it.”
That’s all it takes for Ada to press her lips into yours and slide her tongue along the seam of your mouth, asking for entrance. You oblige gladly and slip your tongue against hers, whining into the kiss as Leon continues to grind into you. 
You reach back in an attempt to touch Leon, but he swats your hand away. 
“Tonight is all about you, baby doll. Just focus on feeling good, we’ll take care of you.”
You whimper into Ada’s mouth at Leon’s words. You never considered yourself to be a strictly submissive person before the two of them, but now it’s undeniable—inevitable. You can’t manage to keep yourself from following their every command. You’ll fall to your knees for them before either even has to ask. 
Giving yourself over to them is easy. It’s what they’ll put your body through, the limits both of them are obsessed with pushing, that’s… not so easy. 
Every thrust of Leon’s hips against your ass pushes your pussy into Ada. Your body feels like it’s being teased from both sides and it’s driving you crazy. This little bit of friction already isn’t enough. You need more. More what? You’re not sure, but given the circumstances, you’re not at all feeling picky. 
Leon’s mouth is directly against your ear. “You want me to fuck you just like this? Wanna scream into your girlfriend's mouth while I pound you with my cock?”
You arch your back, pushing your ass firmly into his cock. “Please. Want it so bad.”
You’re already soaked. It’s been a long, miserable three weeks without being touched. Sure, you’d touch yourself when you needed it, but you won’t even attempt to convince yourself it’s at all the same thing. Nothing compares to their hands on you.
You’re so desperate, so lost in the attention you’re receiving that you don’t realize how you’ve been sucking on Ada’s tongue consistently until she laughs. 
Your eyes widen as a blush grows across your face. You try to pull your head back, but Ada is quick to pull your mouth back to hers. She kisses you deeply before her lips start to trail across your jaw, slowly approaching your neck.
Leon’s thumbs slip underneath the waistband of your pants. Your position is too awkward for you to lift your hips to help him. But Ada picks up on what he wants and helps lift your hips as he frees you of your pants and panties, all in one quick swipe. 
His fingers are instantly circling your clit and slipping between your folds.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for us.” He groans into your hair. “Ada, feel how wet our sweet girl is.”
Ada doesn’t hesitate as her fingers toy with you right alongside Leon’s. She bites into your shoulder at the feeling of your arousal coating her fingers, a quiet moan escaping her lips.
Leon grabs your leg and drapes it over Ada’s hips, opening up and exposing your cunt for him. Ada is quick to grip your hip and hold you in place for him.
Your clit is firmly pressed against her leg. The position is emphasizing the throbbing of your needy pussy and it has you whining out your wordless pleas. 
Ada and Leon are both very familiar with your noises. They know what you’re asking for without you having to speak it out loud.
“You want me to fuck you now? So impatient. Do you need it that bad? Need me to split you in half?”
You nod frantically, the seductive tone of his voice driving you mad. Neither one of them moves or makes an attempt to pleasure you.
“Yes. I want you to fuck me.” You finally find the words, them coming out more abrasive than intended. But they don’t mind, oh no, Ada smirks as Leon chuckles at your neediness.
“You heard her,” Ada finally speaks. She pulls her mouth away from your skin so she can get a good look at your face as Leon positions his cock at your entrance.
You’re desperately clinging to Ada, bracing yourself in anticipation of his thrusts. It’s been so long, you’re all in dire need of each other. You know he’s not going to hold back; you know his pace will be brutal and punishing and holy shit do you need it so bad. So fucking bad.
Your eyes roll back into your head as he pushes his cock slowly into you until he’s completely bottomed out. His balls are rubbing against Ada’s leg, but she makes no protests. She’s too focused and absolutely enthralled with the look on your fucked out face.
Leon only holds still for a few moments before he does exactly what you expected him to. He’s pounding your pussy like he’s trying to resuscitate you with his cock. Which is very contradicting to the way his thrusts are taking your breath away. 
You stare into Ada’s dark lust blown eyes as you struggle to keep yours open. Your eyelids flutter with each shock of pleasure coursing through your body.
The harder Leon fucks you into Ada, the more friction you gain on your clit from her thigh. You’re already so close, feeling your pussy clenching around Leon’s fat cock. 
“I can feel how close you are, baby. This tight little pussy is squeezing my cock so tight. You gonna milk me dry? Gonna let me fill this pussy with my come?”
With Leon’s words, Ada is instantly sliding her hand between your thighs and rubbing her fingers against your clit so fast you can barely stand the overwhelming feeling. It’s too much, way too fucking much, but it’s so fucking good. So good in fact-
“I’m coming! Oh fuck,” you whine out as pathetic moans pour from your mouth nonstop. Your nails are digging into Ada’s shoulders and you can’t stop it. You need something to hold onto as you shake and fall apart between them. 
Leon pulls out of you as Ada lays you on your back. You’re panting, head foggy from your orgasm.
Leon climbs back on top of you and thrusts is cock into your sloppy and sticky pussy. 
Your fingers cling to the sheets beneath you as your eyes search for Ada. You notice her back to you as she heads for the door.
“W-where are you going?” you squeak out, body overstimulated as Leon continues shoving his cock deep into your pussy. 
“Be right back,” Ada turns and looks at you, seeing the unsure look on your face. “I promise.” You nod at her and she exits the room.
You look up at Leon, finally looking at his face for the first time since he’s been inside you. 
“Hi,” he smiles at you.
And he finally kisses you, way too softly compared to his aggressive thrusts. You wrap your arms around him, gripping him tightly. 
You get lost in the kiss, blissfully unaware of how much time has passed. Maybe 10 seconds, maybe 3 hours. All you know is you’ll never get enough of this. You could literally climb inside his body and live there and it still wouldn’t be enough.
“I’m gonna cream this pussy. Gonna stuff you full with my come. You’re gonna feel it as your girlfriend fucks you, knowing you belong to both of us. Got us both fucking pussy whipped. God, I could stay inside you forever, fuck. I’m coming, holy shit, I’m coming.”
Leon lets out a loud whine as he comes hard. You feel his come filling you up, just the way you like it. His cock is kicking and throbbing inside of you and you feel it all. You feel it against every sensitive spot inside of you. 
Leon finally pulls out of you and his come is instantly rushing out of you, pooling on the sheets beneath your ass cheeks.
“I knew you were gonna milk me dry. Now be a good girl for Ada and take everything she gives you, yeah?”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, before he lays down next to you. Behind him stands a naked Ada with a lubed up strap-on secured tightly to her hips.
You whine just looking at how big the toy is. It’s thicker and longer than Leon’s cock, which is already fucking huge. They’re trying to kill you and they’re going to succeed. They’re going to kill you.
“Come here, princess,” Leon pulls your back into his sweaty chest. He pulls your shirt over your head, exposing your braless chest for both of them to ogle at. 
He slowly eases your legs open, wrapping them around his. Every private piece of you is all on display for Ada and she couldn’t look more hypnotized if she tried. She’s good at keeping a stone face as she dominates you, but you love when she can’t hold back her amazement with you. When it consumes her and there’s no hiding it.
She snaps back to reality and makes her way between your legs. Your hands shoot to Leon’s hips, bracing yourself again to be fucked raw. 
“Tell her you want it, princess. Be a good girl and tell her exactly what you want.” Leon instructs you as Ada rubs the lube around on the toy. 
“I… I want you to fuck me with your cock, mommy. I wanna be a good girl and come all over it for you. Can I please take mommy’s cock?” you plead and feel Leon’s cock go semi hard at your words.
“Fuck, you’re making me hard again. Look at what you do to us. You're goddamn perfect.”
You look up at Ada and she nods in agreement with Leon’s words before lining the toy up with your hole.
“Take a deep breath for me,” Ada instructs and you comply immediately. You suck in a large breath of air and hold it for a few seconds before releasing it. And as you breathe out, Ada shoves her cock all the way into you.
You scream out as your back arches into her body. Your hands leave Leon and immediately cling to Ada’s hips as she slowly, but deeply fucks you.
“Mommy, fuck. That feels so good. Oh god, I’m already close,” you whine out, holding back tears. 
“Hold it. Don’t come until I tell you to.” 
She knows what telling you to wait does to you. You fight it hard, not letting her words push you over the edge. You’ll be a good girl. You’ll let her fuck you until she’s satisfied and then she’ll let you come all over her. But fuck, it’s so hard. Your pussy is instinctively clenching around her, trying to keep her cock as deep inside of you as it can go.
You throw your head back and pathetically whine into Leon’s neck. He rubs soothing circles into your belly as Ada presses her forehead into yours. Your whole body is shaking with the need to come, threatening to combust and erase you from existence completely. 
Ada picks up the pace slowly at first, easing you into it, but it doesn’t last long. She can’t hold herself back anymore and soon she’s fucking into you brutally. 
You can’t hold back the noises constantly leaving your mouth. Between whining, moaning, panting, and incoherently babbling, you at some point start crying. Tears are streaming down your face as every muscle in your body trembles.
“Doing such a good job,” Leon praises you, lips against your hair.
“Mmm-mommy,” your voice is pleading.
“I think you deserve your reward. What do you think, Leon?” Ada questions. 
He doesn’t respond with words, but rather brings his fingers to your swollen, dripping clit. He doesn’t have to move them. All he does is apply firm pressure and your clit throbbing against his fingers sends you over the edge.
You’re screaming and shaking and quivering and crying and you can’t stop. Your body has imploded into a supernova of pure pleasure. You never want to come down, but at the same time, the ecstasy is teetering on a fine line of pain and pleasure.
Ada’s thrusts finally stop and Leon takes his fingers off of you. Your vision is blurry and your body is numb.
It takes a few minutes for you to come back down to earth, but when you do, you realize Ada and Leon are just staring at you. Almost in awe–almost in complete wonder.
“Has she ever done that for you?” Leon asks Ada.
“Me either.”
You cut in breathlessly, “What?”
Leon grips your chin and forces you to look between your legs at the absolute mess on your thighs and sheets. Even Ada and Leon’s thighs are soaked and it dawns on you what happened.
“Oh god,” you gasp in embarrassment. You try to shut your legs, but the two of them work together to keep them open. 
“Are you embarrassed?” Leon teases and you refuse to look either of them in the eyes.
“You’re so perfect,” Ada praises as she massages your thighs, causing you to whine at the contact. 
Squirting, something you believed you weren’t capable of doing, didn’t just happen in front of one of them, but both of them. You’ll never live this down. 
“Fuck, I need you again. Get on your hands and knees for me.” Leon demands, but no one moves. You’re too embarrassed and Ada’s still too shocked to respond. 
“Ada,” Leon gets her attention. “A little help here?”
She nods as she removes the toy from her hips, tossing it somewhere to the side. She gets out from between your legs and sits up against the headboard. She pulls and Leon pushes you towards her, positioning you with your face between her thighs and ass up in the air for Leon.
“You wanna eat mommy’s pussy while he breeds your pussy again, sweet girl?” Ada speaks and her filthy words have you whimpering. Ada doesn’t always participate in dirty talk, so when she does it’s a special occasion. You could never say no to her when she asks so nicely.
You nod frantically before bringing your face to her wet cunt. You gently stroke her with the tip of your tongue and she bites her lip, holding eye contact with you. 
You continue to tease her, but your face falls fully against her as Leon presses into you again. Your thighs are already quivering and you have no idea how you’ll survive taking him again.
Ada runs her fingers through your hair, “Just focus on me, love. You’re doing so well.”
The praise has you sucking her harshly and squeezing your eyes tightly. You wanted to be used and fucked like this and you’ll be damned if you tap out now. You can take, you know you can, so you fucking will. Even if it does kill you.
But after a few minutes of Leon’s thrusts and the taste of Ada on your tongue, your brain turns to mush again. All you can do is lol your tongue out of your mouth as Ada grinds against it, chasing her long awaited high. 
With the way Ada’s thighs tremble and Leon’s thrusts become sloppy, you know they’re both close and you’re desperate for them to come.
You somehow find the strength to suck on Ada again as she grinds into your face and clench around Leon at the same time. When they both cry out at the same time, you know you’ve done it.
Ada’s thighs squeeze around your head, holding you tightly in place as you feel Leon fill you with his come again. You’re exhausted and once Ada releases your head, you fall face first into the sheets.
Ada and Leon share a look, before Leon raises both his hands for a high five. Ada cocks her eyebrow before shaking her head, actually giving him high fives. Leon smiles like an idiot at successfully getting Ada to go along with his antics.
Leon pulls out of you and you immediately collapse, curling yourself into a fetal position on your side. Soft snores leave your lips and they both hold back their laughs. 
“I guess I don’t mind sharing as much as I used to,” Leon whispers to Ada.
“Me too.” 
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bcacstuff · 1 month
I think people will jump and say he’s dating her but the facts are still facts. They haven’t seen each other (that we know of) outside hyrox related stuff. He didn’t go watch her in Birmingham when he was in London for St Patrick’s day, he didn’t go watch her when he had a free day in Paris instead of going to Germany which is a short flight and he was signed up then to. I think he enjoys these competitions and would like to compete but couldn’t this year. I think he is her friend and supports her as friends do. I think they did not stay at the same hotel just as she stayed at a hotel in Glasgow instead of at his house, where he has friends stay all the time. Including female friends like Marina. I truly get a brother sister vibe from what I’ve seen. Men and women can be friends. I’d say they don’t flaunt the friendship because of his crazy fans but they’re not hiding it either, which I think they’d be much more discreet if actually dating. Anyway that’s my take on it as I’m sure you’re getting bombarded with anons. Also I still don’t believe that’s her with him at lunch. But again my take.
Thank you Anon, you're message sums it up in a realistic way which I can agree on. Next to the 3 times they met (that we know of), all the time fitness/Hyrox related, there's a huge list of facts that we know of that just leaves us with the conclusions you made in your post. You didn't even summed up all of them but just a few.
The thing is people go overboard when something fits their narrative, and make much more of it than there really is to see. In this case he's already the 'perfect stepdad' and people jump to the conclusion that he's 'only in London for her'. No idea how they know, they're all not there and he's been so many times to London, a place he lived for years, has many friends there, his agent is there... and I can go on for a while. He has a bank holiday, so not such a surprise he's in London to begin with.
It happens in all fractions however, they all take what fits their narrative, and when it doesn't they're all quick to jump to all the excuses they can think of. The woman is paid, she's a beard, the fan that posted the video is a PR plant, she's a liar. It's actually disgusting how people get attacked. I've felt these attacks myself as well (I just need to look at my inbox). You can see it in the comments of the fan who now also posted her video on IG:
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I don't know about you all, but how disgusting are these accusations. (and btw. I do know very well who the cherylecheryl account on IG is, and it isn't the one P always claims it is! Yes I have proof for that).
This doesn't only happen by this account, which is btw. not a shipper (so you make your guess) but I saw similar accusations on shipper blogs as well, amongst others calling her a liar.
I don't know why this is necessary. Why can't we just accept that he's having female friends as well, or can have a lunch near a Hyrox location and then go there to see her race? The same happened so many times in the past as well, whenever I posted a video of him having lunch, or a drink with a female person. A short video, or even just a picture, a moment in time. And people start to argue and fight and call others names and accuse them of all bad things. WHY?
I told you earlier today, it is Liberation Day here in the Netherlands. 79 years ago the Netherlands was freed of the Nazi occupations by the allied forces. Half of the Netherlands was freed a year before, the other half had to endure the hunger winter and another year of oppression since Operation Market Garden failed halfway.
I told you a number of times, I live very close to the German border, it's just a 10 minute walk away. Here in the place we live, our liberation celebration is always shared with our German neighbours. Representatives of the collaborating cross-border organisations and even representatives of the Deutsche Bundestag are invited as speakers. They are always impressed and very grateful to share the celebrations with us Dutch inhabitants of this border village.
The message is always simple, freedom and peace is not a given fact, it's not granted, we have to cherish it, we all have to work on it every day. A line on a map, being an inhabitant of another country doesn't change that. Having another opinion, should not be a reason for hate, violence, aggression. We can have different opinions, we just need to be adult enough to accept it.
I don't want to compare this fandom to the wars and differences in the world, loss of lives and all the grief and terrible, horrible situations people need to survive in. But I do wonder if there can be so much aggression and hate thrown at people over a simple thing like SH having a lunch with a woman, how on earth are we able to make this world a more peaceful place?
Now have a thought about that! Thank you for listening to my TED talk
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spiderlandry · 11 months
HII! congrats on 100+ followers!!!
do you think you could write a jackie taylor x reader?
reader listens to jackie talk about their future together (schools, jobs, marriage and everything) just nodding along with her and admiring her in either one of their rooms
cuddles pls and messing with her fingers and forehead touches pls!
lots of fluff! (maybe some angst with the whole marriage topic, considering it was 1996? or not, whichever, tyty:))
thank you sm!!! :) <3
thanks anon! this request made me kinda blush i love the physical intimacy it’s so cute. we need more jackie fics and im happy to deliver (hopefully you like it!) no pronouns used for reader, but they do discuss the marriage topic
100 follower event
warnings: fluff! and implied discussions of being unable to get married (ambiguous reasons but can be interpreted as same-sex marriage not being recognized by the law at the time)
looking out for you — jackie taylor
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A soft thud hits your back, eliciting a laugh out of you. You look up to see the culprit on the other side of her bed, Jackie, with a pillow in her hands.
“Did you just hit me with a pillow?” You grin, mirroring her smile.
She shrugs, doing it again.
“Hey!” You sit up properly to try and grab it out of her grasp, but you end up in a position you’d found yourself time and time again with her. She cages you in between her arms, getting you to lay on her while she throws the pillow across the room.
“Is this your way of asking me to cuddle?” You ask, already reciprocating her embrace.
“Mhm,” She hums.
“You’ve been quiet,” You whisper, pushing her hair out of her face. “What’s on your mind?”
“College,” she replies with a faraway look, but her stare is almost intense, as if she’s viewing the future through your eyes. (She is.) “I’m not forcing you to go to Rutgers, am I?”
The way her voice tapers off melts your heart. “You know I’ll go to the ends of the Earth for you, right?”
You know she was always the kind of person to be sure of herself—one of the reasons you fell deeply in love with the girl. But lately, as the future closes in, she’s been plagued with second thoughts ever since they lost Nationals and she had a fight with her best friend, Shauna, that almost ended their ten-year long friendship.
You pull away from the embrace, lying down completely on the bed when you signal for her to do the same. Both your eyes are on the ceiling.
“Talk to me,” You take her hand, intertwining it with your own.
“I am talking to you.”
“Okay, smartass,” you chuckle. “Tell me if everything you told me before Nationals.”
She remembers that night, ditching the party early to go home and spend the rest of the night in your arms while she tells you the ways you fit perfectly into her future life, then deeming it ‘our future,’ rather than hers alone.
“Well, she begins with a sigh. “You’re coming to Rutgers with me. We’ll do roadtrip with all our stuff packed into my mom’s minivan.”
You hum, nodding for her to continue.
“We’re both gonna work and get our own place by the second year, and it’s gonna have a cute theme, and there’s gonna be pictures of us on the wall to make people jealous.”
You laugh, “Who’s gonna come over to our place?”
“Our friends, of course. The team could visit.”
You begin playing with her hand, fiddling with the promise ring you’d given her junior year.
“We can go to college parties, and you’ll protect me from anyone who hits on me,” She giggles. “Obviously, we’re gonna study together. Hold each other accountable, right?”
“Right.” You bob your head, turning to admire her side profile.
“Then we’re gonna get a dog. Then a cat. Then we’ll make sure they’re friends.”
She can feel your stare, so she looks back. "What?" She chuckles.
"Nothing," You mutter. "You're just beautiful."
She grins wide, fully turning her body to the side so she can scoot closer to you. "You're a sap."
You look smug, "But you love it."
"I do," She puts a hand on your jaw, a soft touch that never gets old. At her own words, she is reminded of another thing. "We've never talked about getting married, have we?"
You don't miss the way her tone drops a little. "We haven't," you shake your head. "But you know I'll do anything for you. I'll marry you no matter what it takes."
Her eyes become glassy, and you press your forehead to hers.
"You wanna get married?" Her voice almost a whisper, you can feel her breath on your lips.
"I gave you the promise ring for a reason, Jackie." You say, a little more serious this time. "I'll make it happen. For both of us. And I know you're gonna look fucking amazing, and I'll cry when I see you in the dress."
"What did I do to deserve you?"
"I should be asking that question."
Becoming more comfortable, snuggling into her, you both fall asleep and dream of your future.
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imakemywings · 8 months
I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING ABOUT THE 'ELROND CALLING ELWING A CUNT' thing. But here I am, a newbie just going through fics one after the other of Elwing being called so many names and being humiliated, while the kidnap fam is uplifted. WHAT IS GOING ON. I could smell misogynistic from a mile away holy moly. But I have read your fics (I FUCKING LOVE IT) and I want more. May I also ask for some ELWING FIC RECS.
Oh no, that was a very literal example. My heart goes out to you in this difficult time of unfortunate realizations, anon.
But I am delighted to share some quality Elwing fic! ╰(*°▽°*)╯ (And thank you, I'm glad you liked mine!)
And by their blazing signify that a great princess falls, but doth not die by TheLionInMyBed is an absolutely phenomenal look at Elwing's last moments in Sirion.
The One with All the Birds by clothono and yes I know this one comes up every time I'm asked for Elwing recs, but it really is so delightful, and all the other characters who appear in it are so well-characterized and engaging. The bizarre connection that Elwing and Nerdanel share, both waiting for their children to return, is so interesting!
Elwing's Strategy by lifeisyetfair is another examination of why Elwing chose as she did in Sirion. Both Elwing and Maedhros are characterized so well, it's delicious.
The Carriage Held but Just Ourselves by StarSpray is an exploration of the line of Melian and Thingol's relationship with death. The whole fic is fantastic, but chapter 3 specifically deals with Elwing.
Elvenkings by am_fae is such a beautiful and sad look at the Doriathrim after the fall of the kingdom. It focuses on several characters, but Elwing is one of them and it handles her so well!
A Fish Hook, an Open Eye by simaetha is a tasty, dark Elwing/f!Maglor where things don't go quite according to plan when Maglor comes to negotiate with Elwing in Sirion.
Après Moi, le Déluge by HerenorThereNearnorFar is such a heartbreaking and tender look at Elwing's relationship with her children.
The Longed For That Cometh Beyond Hope by am_fae does an excellent job capturing the energy of the moments just after Earendil and Elwing secure the Valar's aid against Morgoth.
Was Dancing There by StarSpray is a quick, sweet look at Elrond's childhood with Elwing in Sirion and what remains of the heritage of the Doriathrim.
A Fiend in Feline Shape by Aipilosse deals with the house of Dior and Nimloth generally; Elwing is not the focus, but she is in it, and it's a delightful fic.
Less Flesh than Stone by crackinthecup is the confrontation in Aman that Elwing deserves with Maedhros.
Ebb and Flow by swanmaiden. Elwing is feeling the strain of her pregnancy and Earendil is so gallant as to help her out how he can. I really love how this fic shows the support these two had from their community in Sirion.
Joy is a Bird, a Fragile Thing by estuarie is a deeply touching reunion between Elwing and Elrond in Valinor TT_TT
Friendship and Stern Demand by polutropos is a fantastic look at the correspondence between Elwing and Maedhros prior to the Third Kinslaying.
From the Ones Who Came Before by Kirta is a great look at Elwing and Earendil's life growing up in the Havens. I am always a fan of childhood friends-to-lovers Starwing.
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful by swanmaids is a great series of scenes of Earendil and Elwing and their life in Sirion, and dealing with the trauma of their childhood.
A Light Burns in the Forest by tinnurin is about how Elwing escaped Menegroth during the Second Kinslaying with Oropher and Thranduil. Really captures how terrifying and chaotic the assault on Doriath would have been.
We Build Castles with Our Fears and Sleep in Them Like Kings and Queens by TheLionInMyBed is more about Idril, but it does also take a look at Idril's relationship with Elwing.
So Summer Comes by potatoesanddreams does a beautiful job of exploring how Elwing's trauma and grief sometimes make it hard for her to be present for her kids while remaining sympathetic.
A Loss of Something I Ever Felt by Arriviste is a fic about Finarfin, but section 4 has his meeting Elwing and Earendil, and it is overall such a beautiful and well-written fic.
At the Water's Edge by crackinthecup takes a look at Elwing's relationship with Idril and what they share in terms of traumatic experiences.
Coastin' by swanmaiden. Heather handles these characters with such love and it really shows! Earendil is always looking to please his wife ;D
Beacon by polutropos has that yummy Starwing reunion smut after Earendil returns to port. A really fun married couple dynamic here!
For Elwing positivity in general I have to @swanmaids because she is the #1 Elwing stan that I know of, so if you want a blog to follow which is 100% pro-Elwing, there she is!
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
pls give me ur levi x s/o hcs? esp if s/o isn't from the walls
Omggg an anon!!!OFCC ANYTHİNG YOU WANT <3 I hope you like my HC's for Levi with a Marleyan s/o Thanks so much for your ask and interest <3333
When you met with Levi for the first time you were a Marleyan scientist working for Yelena heading towards Paradis on a ship.As the coast showed suddenly you had to jump into the ocean to run away from a colossal titan's heat.Just imagine Levi taking you out of water with a pistol on your forehead to say 'Welcome to our filthy island,home to defiled devils'. D:::::
Later on he isn't very friendly either because he sees you as a possible threat.Afterwards as you volunteered to explain Hange and others about railways,ships,planes etc. Levi decides to keep an eye out for you.He literally becomes your shadow to make sure you don't do anything sneaky.You eat,drink,sleep under his supervision.
As you get tired from all the explanatory talk with Hange THE ENTİRE DAY LONG you simply don't have any energy left therefore you can skip one dinner.No??Absolutely not, Levi will force it down your throat.If necessary he will cook for you as much as he can or he might clean your room time to time aswell.He's quite salty when doing so but random acts of service is his way of showing care.Yet he's totally oblivious about being interested in you.He lies to himself by thinking this is a part of his duty.
When he gets convinced that you are harmless, you get to have a bitter but fun friendship with Levi.He often tells you that you are annoying,bratty,loud etc.This does not really offend you because you claim it as a part of you two's interesting chemistry.
Even after you prove yourself to be trustworthy and his babysitting duty is over he often comes near you to do his everyday things.Such as writing some papers and chilling with his tea.He's always around you like a clingy black cat.You might think this is because he doesn't trust you but in reality he just wants your presence next to him.This eases his loneliness and calms him down.
Sometimes he joins in your talk with Hange and as you try to explain them about technology in Marley.He does his best to come off unimpressed.'Oi Hange, stop looking so suprised they will think we are ignorant' D:::
As the time passes survey corps,you and Levi return back to Marley for an 'undercover' discovery mission.Yet when he sees how different Marley is he's shocked.He tries to cover it up but fails so bad when he sees a car for the first time or icecream even maybe a photograph machine.It's lovely to watch him so fascinated and curious.Since you are very close to him now,you can read his micro mimics like an open book only for your eyes.
If you can convince him to come to festival with you he will ask A LOT OF questions about Marley and try to experience new things he's curious about.As he gets lost in the fun,light hearted adventure -he could never have in Paradis- he might decide to drop his guard for a night to tell you how he feels about you.As his days go peacefully -thanks to you- he knows somethings are about to change drastically and he might never have the chance to tell you how much you mean to him.
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asordinaryppl · 5 hours
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Itaru Chigasaki SSR - Today's Star: Boyd - Part 3
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!! boyd is from the clockwork heartbeat, you can find a translation of its event story on yaycupcake! (+ yaycupcake's page for the play itself)
this is a request from an anon, who also provided the script in video form! (thank you!)
Itaru: Boyd’s costume, cloak and eye patch are all really cool. Kumon told me he’s looking forward to this.
Izumi: Kumon-kun also likes this kind of setting, doesn’t he?
Izumi: Now that I think about it, both of you acted well throughout the entire play, but it got even better somewhere in the middle.
Izumi: The tension in Boyd and Alf’s psychological warfare increased, and all I could do was watch with bated breath.
Itaru: That might be… because Masumi understands chuunibyou a little more now.
Masumi: Don’t believe him, it’s not really like that.
Masumi: But being praised by you makes me happy.
Izumi: (... Did something happen between these two?)
Izumi: Okay, let’s get started.
[Buzzer sound, the curtain lifts]
Boyd (Itaru): “To think my recluse of a disciple is out and about…”
Boyd: “It seems meeting that mechanical doll had a positive effect on Luke.”
Boyd: “When I learned of the doll’s creation, I had thought it’d be a waste of time and effort that would end up doing more harm than good...”
Izumi: (Boyd smiles to himself and makes to head home, but then there’s a ruckus in the surrounding area…)
Man A: “It seems there’s been a robbery over there!”
Man B: “The culprit has to be–”
Boyd: “*sigh*... Again?”
Boyd: “There’s been a number of robberies done by the same group lately. … What’s even more troublesome is they’ve been calling themselves homunculi.”
Boyd: “——”
Boyd: “*sigh*...”
Boyd: “... Shouldn’t you be over there as well? Sir Captain.”
Alf (Masumi): “Enough troops have been dispatched to the scene. I have business with you, Master Boyd.”
Alf: “I need to ask you about the serial robberies done by homunculi.”
Alf: “There are not a lot of alchemists capable of creating homunculi.”
Alf: “Luke has been under surveillance due to the S Incident, so we don’t think he’s the one responsible.”
Alf: “Inevitably, this has been making you more and more suspicious.”
Boyd: “Ridiculous.”
Alf: “Did you or did you not try to create a homunculus once? You failed, and lost your eye as a result.”
Boyd: “That’s just an old, idiotic rumor.”
Alf: “Even so, your abilities and your disciple’s sins are enough to make you suspicious, I’m sure you’re aware.”
Alf: “I have made an oath to protect this country.  I will do whatever it takes to uphold that.”
Boyd: “... You leave me no choice. I’ll cooperate until your suspicions of me are cleared.”
Alf: “This is a formal handshake to finalize the agreement of our cooperation. Don’t confuse it for friendship.”
Boyd: “Sorry, but I’m not used to doing things like this.”
Izumi: (Boyd refuses Alf’s handshake and goes back to his workshop…)
Boyd: “What should I do…”
Boyd: “The quickest thing to do would be to make “that”, but in order to do that…”
Boyd: “I want to avoid using this as much as possible.”
Boyd: “... Well, I have no choice.”
Izumi: (Boyd gathers the materials and chemicals he needs with practiced ease, and begins preparing…)
Boyd: “So, which stone should I use for the core? Aquamarine, diamond, jade–”
Boyd: “... Libyan glass.”
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Boyd: “... gh–”
Izumi: (Boyd begins the transmutation, but his left eye gradually begins throbbing, and he groans in pain…)
[Flashback starts]
Boyd: “Just some more, just a little more… And I’ll be able to meet you again… I’ll bring you back to life–”
???: “Boyd! Get away, this is dangerous—!”
[Flashback ends]
Boyd: “ —— *gasp*”
Boyd: “... Is it done?”
Izumi: (Boyd comes to his senses and realizes what he was trying to create is complete.)
Izumi: (Boyd puts back on the eye patch that fell off his still-aching left eye…)
Izumi: (A few days later, Boyd hands over the anti-homunculus device he created to Alf.)
Boyd: “When a homunculus is created, its components form a special connection– Well, long story short, it’s a tool that homunculi react to.”
Boyd: “This should temporarily stop your opponent’s movements. … As long as it’s a homunculus.”
Alf: “Creating a homunculus is no simple feat. … And many of them, at that.”
Alf: “No alchemist would go such a long way for mere robberies, and no alchemist would go out of their way to become the target of a nation-wide investigation.”
Alf: “The guards have also considered that possibility, I assure you. … My original goal has been completed.”
Boyd: “... So you were testing me to see if I’d betray you.”
Alf: “You can take it in any way you see fit.”
Boyd: “Can’t say that doesn’t hurt. But in that case, I have also fulfilled my goal to clear up any suspicions against me.”
Alf: “...”
Izumi: (As he always does, Alf offers his hand to Boyd.)
Boyd: “Is this supposed to mean that the negotiations have concluded, and the contract has been fulfilled?”
Alf: “... It’s a handshake to show my gratitude. And a courtesy.”
Boyd: “... I’m sorry, I’ll have to decline.”
Boyd: “Instead, I’ll tell you one thing– There is a half-truth to the rumor.”
Boyd: “Do you know of the other taboo transmutation, aside from creating homunculi?”
Alf: “Don’t tell me–”
Boyd: “I’m also the kind of person who would do anything to achieve a goal. I believe we’re similar in that respect.”
Boyd: “Well, that’s youthful indiscretion. Taboo transmutations and taking on disciples.”
Boyd: “You ought to keep your wits about you, too.”
[Boyd walks away]
Izumi: (Boyd says that, and then disappears into the smoke…)
Izumi: Good work!
Masumi: You too.
Itaru: GW. Ah, that was fun. This performance is packed with all my fave story elements.
Masumi: It seriously catered to Itaru’s interests…
Itaru: Haha. I pretty much left the scriptwriting up to Tsuzuru, but the script’s contents were something only he, who understands me so well, could come up with.
Itaru: Having to let go of it after one performance is such a waste…
Masumi: You just wanna go at it again.
Itaru: Well, yeah.
Izumi: Fufu, I get the feeling that’s a shared thought with everyone who’s done these performances. 
Itaru: Thought so.
Itaru: If we have another chance to share this story, I’ll happily take part. I’ll be in your care when that time comes.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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tti episode 3
“Last time on Total! Takes! Island! An Awake-a-Thon tested the patience of every camper, and left a few with some pretty wicked injuries. Caesar won the victory for the Flying Fujoshis, and Joner hit the hay and left his buddies Michael and McLovin behind. Will any alliances stay intact for more than just one episode? Will Frollo recover from his blunt force trauma? Find out today on Total! Takes! Island!”
The mess hall feels more crowded than usual today as every camper huddles around their table. Most are still sleepy from the past challenge, but some are in full gear. 
“We need to get our act together,” Max insists, drawing out a little game plan on his plate of mysterious brown slop, only pausing to glare at Frollo as he speaks. “We can’t afford to lose over petty personal differences.”
Frollo glares back, his eyes cold and gaze icy. Julia responds with a sigh, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. “So what’s your plan, then, Mr. Man?”
“I don’t appreciate your tone,”
“I don’t appreciate your face!”
“Woah, let’s cool down, alright?” Austin says, holding out his arms between them as if they were to pounce on each other at any moment. “Take a chill pill, baby!”
Max pushes his arm down. “I’d ask you to kindly keep your peace and love away from me, thank you,” 
Austin sighs and sits back. “Only trying to keep us together, mate. We’re on a team, aren’t we?”
Only Kelly seems to agree as everyone glares daggers at each other. Max sighs. “As much as I hate to admit it, the hippie is right. As I said, we need to put our personal differences aside if we want to keep winning,”
“He’s right,” Scruffy chimes in, swallowing a spoonful of slop without a second thought. Everyone winces. “Speaking from the lens of a TDI historian, the most successful teams, alliances, and friendships are built off of practical cooperation.”
“Thank you,”
Julia rolls her eyes. 
Things are looking much more peaceful over at the Fujoshis table as they chat merrily. Courtney is wedged at the very end of the table, using McLovin as a shield to keep them away from Mal, who’s surrounded by Ass and Patrick. 
“And I’m covered by the company health insurance, so if I sustain any lasting injuries, it comes straight out of McLean’s pocket,” Caesar chuckles, using his spoon to form the breakfast gruel into pancake-shaped patties, somewhat fit for consumption. 
Bonnie shakes their head in bewilderment. “And you got all this stuff, how, exactly? Threatened to sue?”
“Not exactly,” he smiles. “Back home, I run a very popular Total Drama-themed Hunger Games simulation show on local cable and online. It got so big, the execs here threatened to sue. I sent my fans after them and they issued a formal apology, which included an invitation to their newest season.”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve seen that!” Peter says, nodding enthusiastically. “It’s so awesome, my friends and I take bets on who wins!”
Bonnie scoffs, shaking their head with a smile. “Lucky,” 
“I threatened to sue, but the court dismissed my case,” Patrick chimes in. “On the grounds of not actually having been on the island.”
“If only the courts were evil,” Bonnie jokes. 
“If only the courts were evil in my favor,”
Bonnie chuckles. Kitty reaches into their apron pocket and pulls out a handful of candy and hands it to Patrick. “For your troubles,” they whisper. 
Patrick blinks. “Thank you,”
“Alright, campers!” Chris shouts. “Your next challenge starts in ten minutes- be prepared to bring it!”
“Corny. Same line he used in the original,” Scruffy mutters. 
The dodgeball emporium is already set up, a shiny glass athletic center that puts the rest of the island’s amenities to shame. That can only mean one thing- Chris is very enthusiastic about going all out for today's torture.
“I still feel exhausted,” Kelly sighs, stretching. “I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night, either.”
“Bad dreams, baby?” Austin asks. 
“One of the girls was snoring,” 
All of the girls and such on the Inane Anons turn to Michael, who looks back, confused. “Wasn’t me. I was up all night, too,”
Kelly shrugs. “It’s no problem. Just a bit tired,”
“Today’s challenge is everyone’s favorite: dodgeball! The first rule is don’t get hit. Second is that if you catch the ball, the thrower is out and the catcher gets to bring another team member out onto the court! And some other stuff,”
“Great. Okay, we only need five players,” Max says. “Who’s gonna sit this out with Kelly?”
“No, no- I’ll play!” Kelly insists. Max raises an eyebrow, but shrugs. "I guess it makes sense to save the best for last. Get in under the radar and then surprise them last minute. Frollo, Staci, you're on. I'll go too, and-"
“If Kelly’s going, I am too, baby!” 
"Whatever. Just don't try to "make love not war" them to death,"
Courtney, Mal, Patrick, McLovin, and Peter stand opposite to them, not looking very happy. Courtney turns to the rest of their team. “Just focus on dodging for now. If you see an opportunity, take it, but no one get themselves hurt,”
“But if you do-” Mal interjects, much to Courtney’s annoyance. “There’s no shame in losing!”
“Yes there is,” Patrick says. 
“Alright, ready? Set? Play ball!” Chris blows into his whistle. 
Courtney sighs. “Just focus on keeping in the game!”
A ball immediately flies from the opposite side and tags Peter directly in the neck. Staci and Austin high-five. He wheezes on the ground for a few minutes as his teammates stare in shock, and then Chef drags him off the court. 
“What did I just ask?!”
Another ball flies by and Patrick barely dodges, though it bounces off the glass wall and smacks McLovin in the back of the head, flattening him on the ground. 
Courtney sighs as Chef scrapes McLovin off the floor with a shovel. “Alright, it’s on!”
They aim for Frollo- the easiest target, since he’s still all bruised from his earlier divine encounter- and toss the first ball from their side. 
Frollo holds out his Bible like a shield. “The Power of Christ compels y-” 
The ball hits him in the gut and he wheezes, drops to his knees, and then curls up on the floor. Max groans and puts his head in his hands. 
Kelly yawns and weakly tosses a ball, which simply bounces across the floor and lands at Patrick’s feet with a weak squeak. Patrick picks it up and in one throw, takes out Kelly and a poor, derelict Austin trying to help them stay awake. 
Mal swerves across the court, dribbling her ball and dodging throws from the remaining Inane Anons before throwing it, hitting Max with such a force he’s thrown into the glass behind them. She turns to smirk at Courtney, and is promptly hit in the head with a throw from Staci. 
Patrick aims straight for Staci’s face, but they catch the ball and use it to take both Patrick and Courtney out. The Inane Anons win the round with a cheer. 
“We need to get in gear,” Courtney says, rubbing their sore side. “Not to live up to my namesake, but I’m gonna go all Type A on this team if we don’t start working together!”
“I agree completely,” Mal smirks. Courtney glares at her. 
Kelly falls asleep on the bleachers, and Michael takes their place. Julia, O, and Scruffy also step in, and the Fujoshis come up with Courtney, Ass, Caesar, Bonnie, and McLovin. 
"You sure you can handle this?" Ass asks Caesar. "Getting hit in the hair will still count you out."
He chuckles. "If I can swerve paparazzi and desperate fans on an average trip to the grocery store, I can handle this, easy. Bonnie? Care to join?"
Bonnie jogs over and the two stand back to back.
BONNIE: "I mostly do online gaming now, but back before I had access to my computer setup and my tablets, I used to go to the Chuck-e-Cheese's," they smirk. "Not to brag, but you're looking at the regional skee ball and Pop-a-Shot champion."
Bonnie and Caesar give each other a smile before team up sweeping the game in the blink of an eye, taking out three Anons and leaving the rest to Courtney and Ass. Only McLovin gets tagged out by a seemingly very-determined Michael, to which he glares.
Courtney grins, some hint of assurance on their face. “I’m gonna step out to save energy. Ass and Bonnie, stay in,”
“I’ll Sha-Go too!” Sha-Mod bounds forward. 
“Erm, no offense, but…” Caesar gestures to the picture taped over their face. “Aren’t you a little visually impaired?”
“My other senses are heightened,”
Caesar shrugs. “Our funeral,”
"If I may?" Mal asks, smiling sweetly. "Peter hasn't gotten a chance to play again."
Peter looks up from where he'd been watching a bug crawl around on the floor with big eyes.
"No offense, but this isn't exactly taking turns on your brother's tricycle," Caesar says.
Courtney nods, glaring at Mal with a suspicious stare. "Yeah... I don't know if he's really up to the task,"
"I have faith in him," Mal smiles confidently. "Go take a breather, Caesar."
Caesar rolls his eyes and walks off as the game begins, much to Bonnie's and Courtney's dismay.
Julia takes out Sha-Mod almost instantly, and barely misses Peter. “Ow!” 
A flash of anger crosses Mal’s face. “Come ON! AIM!” Everyone raises an eyebrow at her, and she catches herself, changing to a smile and a nervous laugh as she pretends to help Sha-Mod up. 
Peter is taken out seconds later, and as Mal stifles a grin a stray ball catches her in the stomach and she collapses. Peter groans and is dragged off court. Sha-Mod follows. They leave Mal on the floor. 
Ass and Bonnie aim for Michael, but Julia tags out Bonnie just in time, distracting Ass long enough for Kelly to swoop in and steal the lead. 
“One more game, one more chance!” Courtney insists. “Patrick, you’re in. Anyone else who thinks they can-”
“I- I wanna try,” Peter wheezes. 
Ass and Courtney raise an eyebrow in sync. 
“I don't think that’s such a good idea, little buddy,” Patrick says, smirking slightly. 
“I have… to prove my worth,”
"I say we give him one last chance, huh?" Mal smiles.
Courtney starts to say something, but the rest of the team cuts in. Ass shrugs. “Whatever, just don't get hit!”
Patrick, Peter, McLovin, Caesar, and Sha-Mod stand against Kelly, Austin, Max, Scary, and Scruffy. 
“Piece of cake!” Sha-Mod grins directly before Kelly aims straight for the jugular. 
Patrick dodges a ball from Scary, watching it bounce against the glass wall and fall to his feet with a chuckle. He picks it up and looks forward just in time to see a coordinated attack from Scruffy and Max coming straight towards him. 
“Not that face,” he whimpers before both balls hit him square between the eyes.
Caesar dodges a throw from Austin, catching another from Scruffy as he stands at the line between the two sides of the court. He tosses a ball, missing Kelly, before hearing a faint giggle and looking up towards the ceiling where Scary is hanging from on all fours with a ball in their teeth. They drop it- it hits Caesar, bouncing off his hair, and then ricochets on McLovin, leaving Peter alone on the court.
“Come on, Peter, you got this!” Ass shouts. 
Peter swallows a nervous lump in his throat and looks back at the Anons.
“Do you really think he can make it?” McLovin asks, holding an ice pack to his jaw. 
“No, but it’s a nice thought, isn’t it?”
Peter trembles, the ball in his hands shaking violently as he stares down the opposing team, who aren’t looking too concerned at all. Max gives a slight I told you so look to the rest of his team, then a smile Kelly and Austin, and then all three of them part, allowing Scary to walk through. Peter quivers and weakly throws the ball. It bounces a few paces forward and stops at Scary’s feet. 
He picks it up, grins wickedly, and then tosses it directly upwards. 
Max cups his face to shout. “Seriously?! He's right-”
As it falls, Scary does a tight, neatly performed spin-kick and launches the ball with her heel, sending it out with such a force that when it hits Peter, it sends him directly through the glass and onto the beach below. 
Max's jaw drops. Everyone falls silent. Even Chris looks mildly concerned. The Flying Fujoshis stare in shock, all looking at each other as if to say, “So, who’s gonna get the body?”
Then, the silence lifts. 
“And with a sweeping victory, the Inane Anons have won the game!” Chris shouts against the cheers of the winning team. “Chef, bring Peter to the medical tent and call in a chopper, he’s outta here! No elimination ceremony tonight!”
The Fujoshis stare in complete dead silence before a few interns force them out of their seats.
“That was rough,” Sha-Mod says, shaking his head as they walk back to the cabin. The picture of Lightning quivers in the wind, but stays put. 
Patrick shrugs. “Eh, he had it coming. It’s the law of the wild on this island- natural selection. The weakest go first,”
Sha-Mod frowns, but doesn’t respond further. 
The Anons, on the other hand, seem to be doing just fine as they gather for lunch in the mess hall. “How’s this, baby: you, me, the Christian square, and the history square?” Austin asks, walking alongside Kelly. 
“Are you sure? I mean, Frollo is kind of…” they gesture to Frollo, who’s standing over Peter’s cast-covered body and sprinkling holy water on him while he tries to weakly protest. 
“That’s why he can’t say no, baby!”
“Ok, I guess that makes sense. What about… Staci? Staci is nice,” Kelly smiles, gesturing to Staci as they growl at Michael for staring. 
“Sure, baby, whatever you say. Yeah!”
Staci sits back down on the bench and huffs. Scary emerges from under the table as if she were rising from underwater and sits next to them. “I liked your technique today. Brutal!”
“Thank you,” Staci grins. “My great-great-great cousin twice-removed Bertram actually invented the earliest version of dodgeball, so I’m pretty good at it.”
Max rolls his eyes. “Oh, brother,”
“I heard that!” they snap, brandishing their grimy spoon like a weapon. Scary giggles with delight. 
“Good job out there today, campers! And good work Scary- only three episodes in and we’ve already had to lift someone off the island in a full-body cast!” Chris chuckles, entering the mess hall. Scary smiles wickedly. “Really makes you wonder who’s gonna sustain a life-threatening injury next time- and there’s only one way to find out- here, on Total! Takes! Island!”
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emiplayzmc · 16 days
Yknow what Frick it, dashboard simulator for if my addis were on irl tumblr because yes ^-^ Might make more later idk lol
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🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
Messed up that the most convenient way to order stuff is online now. What you MEAN it's more inconvenient to go to the store and shop for an hour rather than clicking a few buttons and getting it delivered. I DO NOT TRUST THE ONLINE DELIVERY PEOPLE TO NOT DELIVER A WRONG SIZE OR MOLDY FOOD. In person shopping is superior and you can't tell me otherwise
⬜️ kissingcarsin1997 Follow
pizza after a shitty work day on a Monday and a weekend spent doing CHORES instead of FUN STUFF and getting a RENT BILL taped to your DOOR.
🔥firefashionista12 Follow
There is one thing that's better when delivered online. Also, are you okay
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♣️🃏gamble-chip-addison-1964 Follow
Goncharov is a real movie send post.
Am I doing this right? I was told to post this.
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Who gave you permission to have Tumblr and talk about stuff like this
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
I did :DD
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Why. He's following me now. I don't want him to see my posts :(
♣️🃏gamble-chip-addison-1964 Follow
Clickbait what is a scringly blorbo and why are you giving them away??
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
It's okay peepaw take your time you'll understand our language soon 🥰🥰.
♣️🃏gamble-chip-addison-1964 Follow
Do I want to??
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
No 🫶🫶
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🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
It is a crime that we can't have beavers as pets. Why did we not domesticate the river puppies.
🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
Wrong acc but I stand by what I said.
⚡️broadcast-official Follow
First off, river dogs are otters. Second, tf do you mean, nobody wants a beaver building a dam in their hallway at 3 am to trip over in the morning on the way to work. Nor do they want an otter
🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
Have you never known whimsy and fantasies a day in your life or did getting a sharp spotlight shined in your face every day dry that out of you.
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
🎥 recordinggold Follow
For the record OP is right, and might I also add platypi to the list of river puppies.
⚡️broadcast-official Follow
🐠 itsraininmahimahishallelujah Follow
🪷 jewells-spools-and-ools Follow
Yeah no I wouldn't cuddle a platypus.
🎥 recordinggold Follow
That's your loss lmao, I'm gonna pet one and damn the consequences, they're huggable.
🦫 two-beavers-away-from-you Follow
Beavers are fluffier. Checkmate.
⚡️ broadcast-official Follow
Get off your alt and say it like a man, Target. Commit to your obsession.
987 notes
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🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
AMA about anything and I'll answer it in the first incorrect way I can think of
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
What happened to the 11 other firefashionistas before you?
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
They combined all their energies and created me :)
🪻wisteriainthesunshine Follow
Magic of friendship type actions, good for firefashionistas 0-through-11 💜
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
Post broke containment get out of my Heavensent Minecrap server
🪻wisteriainthesunshine Follow
It's 42 notes and I follow @click-for-free-scringly-blorbos, how did it break containment 😔
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
Broke containment the moment you showed up. Get out
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
It's a public website 😭
🔥 firefashionista12 Follow
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(Not you Clickbait you're fine 😇😇)
🦾🥄 daydreaming-eclair Follow
60 notes
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🔶️ service-sirius-official Follow
Who sent me anon hate that was just the 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' AM quote like five times in a row??
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
I did 🥰🥰
🐬 cybercitysnumber1poppupfan Follow
Please, Vice, you are on thin ice you cannot keep doing this.
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
Not now pookie 😘
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Not-so-anon hate and flirting with coworkers on the tumble network, why do we even follow each other again?
🔶️ service-sirius-official Follow
Digital footprint so I can monitor your activities.
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
-someone who I relate to about you 🫶🫶
🔶️ service-sirius-official Follow
I can fire you at any point in time, you know that, right? I cut you so much slack.
🐬 cybercitysnumber1poppupfan Follow
Ignore her, she's just trolling.
🦊 vicelikemetalfoodgrabberthings Follow
No I'm not 💖💖
💖 click-for-free-scringly-blorbos Follow
Please, at least disable rb's on your posts, Service, I beg
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weezeryuri · 1 month
i dont have much experience w emotional stuff i wish i could physically help you. if i had a good job and my own place i would literally fly out and pick you up and take you with me and we could be weird gay roommates im being 100% genuine. there are a lot of physical therapy exercises that can be done from bed, i could explain my own routine if you want (i found it overwhelming when i just looked up vague terms) (but i dont remember most of the exercise names so ive just got weird descriptions sorry </3). i wish i could take you out to the mall to sit on a bench for extended periods of time and look around at stuff and buy snacks from the grocery store for lunch instead of going to a restaurant bc its cheaper.
ive seen a couple other ppl say "i totally relate" w a major misunderstanding of your actual situation so idk i dont want to feel like Another random anon who doesnt Actually get it. but like for example ive never seen anyone other than you understand that long distance relationships and internet friendships dont rlly make up for the genuine isolation of being mostly housebound and agoraphobic. you make me feel like im not alone.
i hope you feel better in the morning. i love you i love you i love you
anon i am clasping our hands together so sincerely and lovingly and hugging you so tight it knocks the breath out of you a little. this is one of the sweetest messages i’ve ever gotten and i am so grateful to hear such a kind thing
don’t worry about the exercise stuff i’m already doing everything i can do with daily stretches and stuff it just hasn’t done much to reassure me. i’m also seeing a doctor but the progress is so slow and my next appointment isn’t until after my birthday and it has me pulling my hair out
lately i’ve been thinking about taking the money i got from my dad’s life insurance when he passed away and somehow put it towards funding a way out but lack of adult skills and experience has me clueless on where to even start with it all
you are always welcome to message me off anon and maybe we can maybe talk a plan out or even just chat for the sake of hanging out w someone you can relate to. im more than happy to keep each other company especially if you relate to me as much as you say
i love you dearly as well and again i am so grateful to hear something so kind. i hope things get better someway somehow <3
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
hi z <3
im not good at writing and English isn't my 1st language so im super sorry in advance
im also bring to keep this as gender neutral as possible
dunno how open to this concept u are but : loser!chan and mean/bully!reader ? if not pls ignore/delete this ask lol
warning: unhealthy relationship dynamic
its not bullying out of malice but out of confusion, reader doesn't understand their feelings and takes them out on Channie who is head over heels for reader
uni/college setting would be perf for this channie does their hw, essays and other assignments for a little bit of their attention and reader plays around with him but gets upset at other girls who take interest in him
I really like this concept because of Chans ppl pleasing nature, there's just something so attractive about a strong buff man being desperate to please no matter what
this could be in form of doing assignments like I said but also bailing on band/sport practice because reader send him a nude telling him to come over or neglecting his needs to please them by performing oral on them until they come only to be send away ( and if he ends up cuming performing oral he gets made fun of and humiliated )
he doesn't know why he's so into them because on paper there's really not a single positive interaction between them but he really likes the way he gets butterflies every time they call him perv for getting an erection even though they rubbed their foot on his crotch in the middle of the busy library, he also sees the way they angrily stare every time a girl has the audacity to approach him, the way they go out of their way to humiliate this girl by spilling their drink or picking a fight with her
( I tried writing more nsfw but I am not very confident in doing so , so I will leave it at that , I will practice writing more but I just really like this dynamic and wanted to share )
with love, your bully anon
❕aforementioned warning: unhealthy dynamics
ive read this ask about 5 times over and i still melt at it. HELLO BULLY ANON youre doing things to me OUR TASTES CLICK SO MUCH???
really really love the way you put it: y/n cant really pinpoint what it is that they feel about chan, but their affection for him translates differently. they’re like fuckbuddies, a little more than just the usual “campus bully-picks-on-campus loser,” but less than an established relationship—at least, not yet.
maybe they were study peers: y/n needed to take extra time for their classes and chan wanted extra credits. they were unlikely seatmates, with y/n being restless and mighty while chan simply wanted to learn. eventually, what seemed to be something of a casual friendship became something a little more when they both realized they have some mutual feelings. y/n just doesn’t know what that feeling is; before they knew it, their display of affection towards him happened to be bedroom pain and pleasure.
imagine the possibilities with these two, though: picture y/n teasing chan and cockwarming him (either he is warming them or they are warming him), threatening him to finish their work before he gets to finish.
“no, no, —ah— not yet, channie. can you solve this last problem set for me? i’ll let you cum if you do.”
“oh, fuck—”
“do calculators talk, channie?”
they both sound a little stupid when they banter in (and out of) bed, but it’s better when y/n makes chan stupid from the fucking.
“can’t think straight in class, hm? can only think about me?” y/n scolded him in the emptiest hallway, slotting one thigh in between his legs.
“i-i, well, y-you sent the pic, and —ah— i couldn’t think straight.”
“but you were supposed to take my notes. aren’t you a useless little pervert? couldn’t even do the things i asked you to?”
they’re a lovely couple imo ^^ and i want to point out a particular thing you said:
there's just something so attractive about a strong buff man being desperate to please no matter what
😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 AGREED. ARE YOU READING MY MIND? this is precisely the reason why i bias ppl like chan. sub!chan makes so much sense in this scenario another thing about him that makes this better is that he allows them to walk over him. whether it be in a figurative or literal sense, he’d do anything: he’d compromise his reputation and allow y/n’s friends to laugh behind his back whenever they pass him by.
maybe he finds joy in the thought that y/n talks filth about him sometimes.
maybe he loves the thought that y/n thinks of him like that.
maybe he loves the thought that y/n possesses his thoughts so much he’d be willing to be their sore loser no matter what they do to him.
… im delirious now !!!!
& sorry i got back to this late because I NEVER REALIZED HOW MUCH WE ALL NEED TO INDULGE IN THIS THOUGHT! worry not btw, please indulge as much as you need to and no need to worry about fluency, english isnt my first language either <3
thank you for dropping by, bully anon! ily and i hope youre doing great, drop by again soon im looking forward to hearing more from you 🎤
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hell-chronicles · 1 year
Hey! What did you think of the latest update of Vying for Versailles?
I enjoyed it a lot.
I'm glad I finally got to break up with Bonne. She is beautiful and very sweet but we clearly wanted different things out of the relationship. I think she wanted a Prince(ss) Charming to whisk her away to her happy ending but.. That's just not realistic. My MC's reputation is important to her and making Bonne happy upsets a lot of people and stresses me out. Also, as calculating MC, I felt that MC couldn't really be herself around Bonne like she can with Catherine or Alexandre (and sometimes Anne, who is my best friend according to game stats). Looking forward to finding a new relationship that's less dysfunctional in Season 2. There are 3 ladies on the table for me, one of which is definitely a love interest and two of which may or may not be (my wlw ass is so pleased there are so many great women in this book).
As for friends, I have Queen Anne, who despite being terrible in a lot of ways (cough, homophobia, supporting an abnormally-even-for-the-time misogynistic preacher and being a French royal) is still really impressive and a great ally to have. I'm also taking a liking to Francois and enjoy working with him and Alexandre as a team ^.^
I also like the way the Alexandre situation was handled. There were a lot of options! Alexandre lovers got to have their hot historical power imbalance relationship (/pos, I usually love that kind of thing), while people who didn't want that could have a variety of other options. I'm glad Alexandre and I talked and had a mature and honest conversation, in which we both decided not dating each other was the best choice.
I'm also really thrilled to have succeeded at court lol. I got a good grade in being a courtier, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
How was your route in season 1?
-seducer anon
So sorry for the late reply. I received this when I was replaying season 1 to get my stats in order and I just now finished the vfv update.
I also really enjoyed this update and I think vfv might be currently my favourite updating book. Pretty good selection of LIs/flings and just all the possible routes you can take. I also like that you actually have to think your actions through and not just buy every Single diamond Option to unlock the good ending.
As of now I'm staying together with Bonne to see how their relationship develops especially since they both want completely different things (like you said Bonne wants to have a fairytale happy ending and escape her marriage while mc wants to gain Power and influence in the french court). I agree that if their priorities don't change they won't be happy in this relationship long term especially since both our mcs are focused on a good Reputation which can be Ruined if we're too close with Bonne in public. But I'm curious, I want drama in this book and I can't say goodbye to Bonne yet :') (at least the relationship is open and I can still whore around with all the beautiful ladies).
I also have the closest friendship with queen Anne and yes she's obviously not a good person but what can you expect from a girlboss from the 17th century. She also has very strict rules and of course only does things for her own benefit (such as keeping around the misogynistic preacher as long as he also confirms her family's divine right to rule). I don't remember her being Homophobic tho since she sort of gave mc advice on Bonne and mcs relationship (I mean the advice was that Bonne should just marry the guy and secure a safe live by fulfilling her duties and then she can do whatever she wants. She also only has that viewpoint because she was not in a love marriage either and well her husband was gay anyway. At least she told mc to repay Bonne for the good times and care for her brocken heart). Then again it's the 17th century france, the only ppl who are not Homophobic are queer ppl.
Anyway I do like Anne, I find her interesting and she's definitely helping with my Reputation and it's always a flex rmto be friends with a powerful milf.
I also like François, he's like one of the few good men in this place. So I'm surprised he is married to the girlboss and the next mistress of Louis haha.
I maintained a relatively Civil relationship with Alexander and I'm curious to see if Alexander will help or Sabotage mc now that she is free from his grip.
The absolute Euphoria of getting the "good Reputation at court" and "bright influence" notification is absolute Worth all the braincell use and Drama. Getting a good grade in fictional court life is something to want and to achieve 😌
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rockinlibrarian · 2 months
fellow jaclyn moriarty fan! hello :3
Hello! Yes! Let's talk up Jaclyn Moriarty, fellow fan! Jaclyn Moriarty is an Australian author whose sister Liane eventually got more famous on this side of the world because she writes grownup books that get made into shows and stuff, whereas Jaclyn, who HAS written a COUPLE grownup books, MOSTLY writes children's and YA and so gets ghettoized by tasteless people. 🤪 When I first discovered her, she only had the first few Ashbury High books out, which (wrongly) were being marketed as typical realistic YA, so I'd had no temptation to pick them up, until I read an interview with her on a book blog and there was an instant "THIS IS A KINDRED SPIRIT! WE ARE OBVIOUSLY BEST FRIENDS WHO HAVE NEVER MET! ALSO SHE'S FUNNY! Maybe I should actually read one of her books." So I picked up her newest at that time The Murder of Bindy McKenzie (US title--it has a bunch of different titles around the world but always about Bindy) because it had "murder" in the title and was about what today would be referred to as an "autistic-coded" girl so that would be more interesting than straight up realism, and, okay, it was like nothing I'd ever read before. It was epistolary...realism?...but off-kilter, WEIRD. It was both funny and heartbreaking, which is always a nice blend, but my biggest takeaway was just that it was DIFFERENT and I liked it. So I read her other books only to discover they were ALL like that, and also even when there was romance the primary relationship focus was friendship which was really refreshing.
Then she came out with the Colours of Madeleine books which mixed FANTASY into this off-kilter worldview so that got EVEN WEIRDER and more wonderful and just when I thought I'd figured out all the twists it'd hit me with bigger ones out of nowhere! Also they spelled my youngest child's name right! Like Madeleine L'Engle!
By this time I was following her on social media and it became clearer the kindredness was from us being ADHD and loving stories. Whoo! And that's also when I found out she was working on a MIDDLE GRADE FANTASY ADVENTURE! WITH PIRATES! And I was like take THAT me of a decade or so ago that thought our tastes in books didn't overlap! And I can read it to my kids! So I've been reading each Kingdoms and Empires book to my kids and am now trying to get my hands on the latest, but my new library has a smaller budget and I can't get away with buying books just because I want to read them quite as easily. But I do have an excuse, because I'm definitely going to read a few chapters of Bronte Mettlestone to the Summer Reading camp group this summer (the theme is Adventure! How can I not!) So I'll HAVE to make sure we have the whole series...!
Anyway, I'm convinced every last person in the Kingdoms and Empires has ADHD, or at least some sort of neurodivergence, so these stories are truly a delight to read.
Thanks for letting me go off on this topic, anon friend!
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