#➣  (◡◡✿)  ≻   ⊹   ☒   ⤹
iyunjin · 4 months
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□ ᶻz ┊ 𝖢𝖮𝖱 ⒎ : 𝟨𝟫 ┊ ♪
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┊ 𝐚̲𝐫̲𝐜̲𝚑. 𝟣𝟫𝟫𝟫'𝚜 ┊ㅤ ㅤ☒  ┊  ◍ 
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taes-an · 8 months
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(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)                     ◍                     ☆ ͡ ݂                    🐠
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(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)                     ◍                     ☆ ͡ ݂                    🦀
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im4yeons · 5 months
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     ⁓   ˚    🍃  ✦   (⁺ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)    ≋
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     ⁓   ˚    🪷  ✦   (⁺ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)    ≋
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murdrdocs · 1 year
the cigs after sex lipstick trend with chad im begging
chad's waiting for you to ask something. he's like a kid when he gets like this; figeting in his seat, his ears perking up every time you take a breath as if you're going to speak, only to shamefully look down when you sneeze or clear your throat.
he's waiting for you to ask him something. and it's been like this for a solid week and a half at this point.
you're racking your mind, trying to figure out if a movie or shoes that he's been anticipating is coming out sooner rather than later, or if you've even missed your anniversary or his birthday. but there's nothing on your calendar, and no hints in your text messages, so the best you can do for now is ignore it and possibly find a time to bring it up.
turns out, the time comes naturally.
you're sitting across from chad getting lunch, your slice of pizza almost demolished save for the crust.
without even having to ask, chad reaches over the table to grab your crust, and you smile as you turn your attention back to your phone. you've been mindlessly scrolling through tiktok for a few minutes now in an attempt to entertain yourself until chad finished stuffing himself with protein and other nutrients you just hoped would naturally come to you.
you scroll past an ad and stop on a video of a girl applying lipstick. you don't have to hear the audio in the crowded room to know what song is playing in the back, and you softly smile when the camera turns to their significant other, covered in kisses with the same shade of lipstick, just like you'd anticipated would happen.
"what's got you smiling over there? another picture of young keanu reeves?"
you lower your phone to look at chad with your mouth dropped open in shock, the corners of your lips turning up, amused that he knew you so well.
"no! ... not right now, at least."
chad snorts, takes a sip from his drink, and asks you again. "then what is it?"
you turn the volume up on your phone, lean forward slightly, and turn the screen to face chad. you watch his reaction as the short video plays, his face going from slightly uninterested, to interested, to something that looks similar to how he looks when he sees you after a long day.
"i've been waiting for you to bring this up." you laugh, because out of all things in the world, this is what your jock boyfriend wanted you to mention.
"so you wanna do it?"
his answer is immediate. "hell yeah!"
it's not until later that evening that you and chad have time to create the video. you're going for dinner with mindy, anika, sam and tara, and he's sitting on your bed while you finish getting ready, still fidgeting like he was before.
you watch him through the mirror, biting back a smile as you instead focus on preventing your mascara from going anywhere other than where you wanted it to. you cap off the tube, turn to face chad, and say: "ready?"
he nods curtly, reaching beside him to grab your purse, but you shake your head. "no, not to go. to make the video?"
then he grins, nods like a kid being asked if they want the newest action figure, and pats his lap to summon you over.
your phone is held in one hand, the lipstick in the other, and you hold down the red button to start the video.
playing it back, you watch as you purposefully mess up your lipstick, only to move slightly to the left to allow chad's face to appear over your right shoulder. he has kiss marks in the shade of your lipstick planted all over his face, a less prominent layer of the makeup slathered over his lips too, which are stretched in a pleased smile as he watches his reflection for a second before switching over to eye you. the video ends with him leaning in to kiss your cheek, jaw, and neck, and a split second appearance of your scrunched face before it cuts off.
taracarpp: so cute :(((
samuel.l.carpenter: you two are the cutest ever
anikaminaj: @ mindymm lets do this
ethanlaundry: when will it be my turn mindymm: @ ethanlaundry hopefully never :D
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lumnries · 1 year
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┆.pairings main 4 x gn reader
┆.synopsis matching w him!!!!
┆.cw cussing
✉️ … i’m back w another one!!!! my reqs are still open :3 FOR MY CURRENT REQS, I’M DOING YOURS WHEN I WAKE UP 😁😁 they're aged up here as usual
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stan ⊹ matching earrings
OKAY HE’S A BIT CONFUSED. he’s heard of people matching things, but when you suggest it he’s all ???
he definitely lets you pick what you want to match. since you did ask him first, he may as well let you decide what you want. & when you finally picked something out, he was kinda stunned. like ohmygod EARRINGS??? 😦😦😦 he thought you meant something more simple, like keychains but it’s not like he’s complaining
HE’S SO HAPPY WHEN YOU GUYS GO OUT AND WEAR THEM. he never takes them off, like ever.
“stan, do you like this one?” his gaze turns to the earring you’re holding. he briefly looks at it before nodding and quickly muttering a yes. “okay! i’ll buy it.” he panics as you take out your wallet, not wanting you to spend your money. “how about i pay for it? i may as well buy it since you were the one who thought of it.” you let out a snicker as you smile at him. “you always pay for our dates. let me repay you by this.” he sighs, murmuring something about you not needing to repay anything. he decides to let it go, knowing he couldn’t convince you.
kyle ⊹ matching keychains
at first he wonders what you’d want, however he’d probably just go for the most common choice. why? because he does NOT care wtf you guys get as long as it’s something you’d like ‼️‼️
today, you were gonna meet up with your boyfriend, kyle. since it was the weekends, you guys planned to do a study date at his house. he told you he’d help you with your homework, but just now, he texted you to tell you that he had a surprise. saying you were excited was an understatement. currently, you’re in your boyfriends room. he welcomes you in, as he tells you to take a sit on his bed. he then takes out two keychains that had the design of both your favorite animals. he hands his to you. “i saw something yesterday, & bought these for the both of us. you have mine, i have yours. now we have something to remind us of each other.” you can’t help but grin at the boy, and give him a kiss in the cheek.
cartman ⊹ matching pjs
he just saw some cute pjs and instantly bought it thinking abt u 🙏
HE DEF VISITS YOU RANDOMLY JUST TO SEE YOU WEARING IT. he wants to make sure you like it 😭😭
“CARTMAN, WHAT THE FUCK.” you’re dumbfounded, seeing your boyfriend outside your window. it was 1 in the morning, and he was out here with just his pajamas. you went out with a jacket in your hand, worried. you’re now outside only to be met with his satisfied expression. you put the jacket on him & smack him, to which he groans at. “what was that for??? i just wanted to see you.” you sigh, knowing he meant well but couldn’t help but worry. “you know, i’m fine with you visiting me but at least try taking of yourself. you could’ve gotten a cold…” he whines, but understands your concern. “fine, not because i’m listening to you but because i don’t wanna get sick and miss my classes with you again.” he looks away. you laugh at his antics only to receive a glare. “my bad. but why’re you here at one? is it something important?” he smirks. “of course, i had to see if you were wearing my gift.” you stare for a moment before you cackle. you whisper a low of course before inviting him in to sleep with you for the night, not wanting him to be troubled by the algid air.
kenny ⊹ matching lego sets
GUYS. LISTEN. i saw these rlly cute lego sets on pinterest & was like “omg this is perfect” BECAUSE THEY’RE SO CUTE
anyways, you probably buy them because you were originally looking for a gift to give karen but the moment you saw the set you just knew you HAD to buy it.
HE WAS SURPRISED, LIKE YOU GOT ME A GIFT TOO??? he was straight up crying happy tears like u’re so thoughtful 🙁🙁
“well, i’m just glad your sister liked the gift. we should take her out next time.” you say to the blonde boy. he nods, seemingly lost in thought. “ken? you good?” you ask. the male jerks his head to look at you and apologizes. “you know you can tell me anything.” you reassure him as he laughs. confused, you open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off. “no, i’m just curious why there’s still something in the bag.” he points to the said object. “oh! wait a moment.” you get up & take the bag as you walk back to kenny to hand him the bag. he’s confused for a moment before he checks the inside and sees two lego boxes. “what do you think?” you watch him as you wait for a reaction, and you see his beaming smile. he turns to you & hugs you as he thanks you over and over for getting him a gift.
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y-vna · 6 months
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  ♡⃞ㅤ ˚   ៸៸   🪮    ♡    𓐆
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kuroashims · 6 months
🌊 A B O U T T H I S S I M B L R
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| I'm Elfy | clumsy | geeky | melomaniac | 🐇
🔹TS4 player 🔹WCIF friendly 🔹One Piece fanart blog 🔹Dark visuals & topics may pop up 🔹Casual CC creator for my One Piece sims 🔹Mostly Zosan & Zolu but loving many ships 🔹Currently working on my own AU 🔹Open to suggestions/requests 🔹Gif editing enthusiast
for more details :
sims | gifs | icons | asks | tag games | ramblings
Here is the safe creative corner of a hyperfocused weirdo. Enjoy! 🧭
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monichou · 1 year
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/ᐠ。‸。ᐟ\ ➥   ⬚⬚  🥊 american boy?
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lvrsong · 1 year
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⟣ ⟡ ⟢   🎧🪐🐈‍⬛ ⟣ ⟡ ⟢  
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⟣ ⟡ ⟢   🐏☕️🪕 ⟣ ⟡ ⟢  
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jochemji · 6 months
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𝐅𝐄̂𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐃𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍 𝐃’𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐄́𝐄 ❅ 【 outfit selected 】
DIA 23 — para a noite do pinheiro, jochem usou um dos suéters que ganhou apenas para seguir a vestimenta da noite, foi ordem de seu príncipe que ficasse confortável e, naturalmente, adotou o seu visual de homem da meia idade que tanto adora.
DIA 24 — para o baile, escolheu uma de suas poucas roupas de gala, fugindo do clássico uniforme de evento que o exército e guarda lhe proporcionavam, devido ao frio, escolheu roupas quentes e elegantes, da cintura pra baixo está com peças do uniforme da guarda como a calça e a bota longa de cavalaria todos na cor preta, da cintura pra cima, usa uma blusa de algodão de manga longa com gola rolê, além da capa forrada, todos na cor verde escuro.
DIA 29 — para a sessão de fotos, jochem usou apenas o uniforme de sempre, com o adicional da jaqueta de couro por causa do frio. não demorou para receber a notificação da notícia que saiu em um site fofoca no qual lhe rendeu muita provocação de adonis.
DIA 31 — seguindo as cores da vestimenta, jochem escolheu um de seus poucos ternos brancos, algo que combinava com a grandiosidade do evento, com um pequeno broche localizado no primeiro botão do blazer, o terno é da coleção louis vuitton custom fall 2022 suits, um clássico.
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uro6oros · 2 months
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¹⁹⁷⁸  ⁻  ¹⁹⁹¹    ...    ARKLAY  LABORATORY.
     after  the  dissolution  of  the  umbrella  executive  training  school,  albert  and  william  were  made  lead  researchers  at  the  arklay  lab;  a  secret  base  created  by  umbrella  usa,  hidden  beneath  a  large  mansion.      it's  here  that  the  t-virus  was  expanded  upon,  as  well  as  the  creation  of  hunters  and  a  possible  super-soldier  prototype  now  known  as  the  tyrant.      towards  the  end  of  albert's  interest  in  umbrella,  and  lord  spencer  himself,  he  decided  in  1991  to  transfer  to  umbrella's  information  division  to  look  further  into  ozwell  spencer's  interests.
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y-unrei · 2 months
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taes-an · 6 months
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   ➳   ◠   ⌅   🍃
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   ➳   ◠   ⌅   🍃
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im4yeons · 6 months
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     ⁓   ˚    🍥  ✦   (⁺ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)    ≋
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     ⁓   ˚    🐰  ✦   (⁺ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)    ≋
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murdrdocs · 1 year
idk if you have already written this since im a new follower but i was wondering if you can write where bimbo!reader puts on the ghostface mask with like sexy lingerie and ethan EATS IT UP.
i love your writing sm! and i understand if you dont wanna write this :) i literally cant get enough of your stories lol
a) thank you for following me and appreciating my work !! b) i would love to write this for you *rubs hands together* no smut i'm lazy
When Ethan walks into his room to see you holding a white mask in your hands, his heart rate immediately increases. He pauses in the doorway, his hand still wrapped around the knob, one foot inside of the room and the other out.
He's about to speak, maybe play it off and pretend the mask doesn't hold any significance to him, or tell you that it's not what it looks like. You speak before him.
Your head lifts, your lips in a pout, when you say, "You had one this whole time? And you didn't tell me?"
Ethan, completely confused, steps into the bedroom and lets the door swing closed behind him. He looks over you, noticing how you're only wearing his hoodie and a pair of boots. You both were supposed to be getting ready for the frat party that Chad was insisting Ethan go to tonight, something about getting the true freshmen in college experience. Of course, Ethan couldn't go without his girlfriend, which made Chad even happier as he not so subtly insinuated that Ethan should get laid tonight.
But you didn't look party ready, save for from your neck up.
He licks his lips and approaches you. "What're you talking about?"
You hold the Ghostface mask up directly beside you, your free hand singling out a pointer finger to point at the mask. "The mask, Ethan!" you say like it's completely obvious. Ethan's starting to think that it is obvious, and he's just not picking up on it. His throat gets a little dry, and his eyes get shifty.
He's thinking of something to say but again, you beat him to it. "You knew I was looking for one for Halloween. For tonight!"
Oh yeah. That.
Ethan did know that, but he was so enamored by your nails clacking along your keyboard and the way your new perfume smelled and the way your glossed lips parted as your perfect teeth smacked on your minty gum. You were overwhelming his senses, so he could barely focus on your smooth voice detailing your Halloween costume options.
"Shit, 'm sorry. I didn't know about that." Lie. He reaches out to splay his hands over your waist to cover up how horrible he is at lying. "Maybe next year?"
You lean into his touch, but your head tilts as if you're not understanding him. "I can wear it this year, too."
Ethan watches as your hands reach down to the hoodie, pulling it over your head carefully as to not drop the mask. His brain short circuits as he sees what you're wearing.
It's barely anything. Mostly because you're not wearing actual clothes, just a set of lingerie that Ethan hasn't seen before, most likely a new purchase.
"See this is what I was gonna wear, E," you say it through a pout but the words barely meet Ethan's ears. He's too busy staring at your soft skin, the way your tits sit in the bra, the way your thighs look, the way the panties hug your hips.
You're still talking, but Ethan's hands are already back on your waist and trailing down to your hips.
"Well I wasn't going to wear just this. I didn't wanna look like a total slut. So I have a little skirt I was gonna wear. You know the tiny one that almost shows my ass? Ethan?"
He hums, letting you repeat the last of your sentence. "Mhm," he says when you finish, the noise acting enough as affirmation for you to continue.
"Would that look cute with this? What'd you think?" He doesn't answer. "Ethan."
"Baby, I'm sorry. But I'm not listening to anything you're saying right now."
The admission makes you heat up, not from anger but from the opposite. Knowing that Ethan is always listening to you, and the only reason why he's not right now is because you're distracting him with your figure, makes you feel a little giddy inside.
"Do you like it?" Your voice is soft, your eyes the same. He nods, licking his lips and pulling you close enough that you can feel the bulge forming in his pants.
"Yeah?" you ask.
"Sure it's not too much?"
Ethan's leaning down now, his hands circling around your back, obviously itching to grip your ass. You push yourself against him, free hand resting on his forearm, giving it a little push as a go-ahead.
"Not too much at all." His hand finally inches down and he takes one of your almost-bare asscheeks in his palm, squeezing it before smacking it.
You giggle, your head knocking against his chest. Ethan lifts one hand to encourage your head to leave his chest only so he can kiss you once, twice, thrice, then one more that's longer, a little more heated, but he wills himself away.
"Can you put the mask on for me?"
Your eyes are staring up at him, so big and wide, you're clearly eager to please, hence why you don't question it and instead nod, leaning up to kiss him one more time before you're pulling the mask over your head, prepared for whatever Ethan has planned.
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lumnries · 1 year
HIII can i request kyle w a s/o thats like into fashion and is like soo sassy ? like when kyle wears an outfit he thinks looks decent she’d be like “what r u wearing…😦”and basically judging anyones outfit she comes across ITS SO FUNNY TO ME 💀💀
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┆.pairings kyle broflovski x fem reader
┆.synopsis sassy reader who’s into fashion
┆.cw not proofread
✉️... HELLO??? i love helping my friends with their outfits so 😈😈😈 SRRY THIS WAS LATE this is the only req i’m doing 2day so… mb i don’t think this is what u wanted good but i’m busy & just wanted to do this!!! he’s aged up
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he def helps you pick out clothes or it’s the other way around HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT’S OUTDATED 😭😭😭
HONESTLY??? he loves it when you criticize others outfits, even when it’s him because he finds it cute when you talk about being able to style shit better
1:50pm. you & your boyfriend have been purchasing clothes for hours now. you’ve been suggesting to get him new clothes ever since you saw his closet. you couldn’t just continue on with your original plan going to a cafe, knowing his closet was full of outdated things. he didn’t mind, he was happy just going on a date with you but he really didn’t understand how you could try on all these outfits without being tired. “so? which are you most comfortable with?” you ask. “pick what you think fits me the most. they’re both comfortable.” he replies as you hum. “i’ll buy the both of them.” you smile as he follows you to the counter & pay with no care in the world. he’s a bit concerned if you ask him, you’ve paid for all his clothes this whole time & you guys already have more than 2 bags.
“this should be enough. stop spending your money.” you leave the store before adding on. “i just need to replace everything in that closet of yours. i love you but i think i’ll get a heart attack if i see any of your clothes again.” you can see the crimson red hue in his face and giggle. “i’ll stop for today but you better stop wearing whatever that is after this.” you point to his current outfit. “the colors make you stand out, but the outfit itself is just horrible.” you shoot him a horrified look to which he chuckles at. you wander around a bit more before you turn to him.
“WAIT, WE FORGOT SOMETHING IMPORTANT.” you stop in your tracks as you look back only to see him with a confused expression that plastered his face. “your wallet? maybe your brush? what is it? should i check the bags?” he instantly fumbles around the bag trying to search for something. “accessories! i didn’t buy you any accessories!” you whine. “wait what?” he pauses and stares at you, you take this as a chance to continue. “we need to go back and buy you a few things, maybe a bag, or some jewelry! i don’t want the outfits to look plain on you.” he seems to calm down as he finally gets what you mean. “do we have to?” you nod as you point at somebody behind him. he wonders why you were pointing at the person until you speak up.
“you see her? i can’t even describe how bad her outfit looks, it’s like i’ll really have a heart attack this time but if she layered a black top and wore a bit of jewelry she could’ve looked at least decent.” he quickly lowers your arm & tells you to not say that as he worries somebody might overhear you. inside, he’s just laughing because he can’t deny that it’s somewhat true as the girl looks boring. not wanting to cause any possible scenes, he grins before agreeing to buy accessories with an agreement that he pays.
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