idlechatting · 2 years
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part-time-deranged · 6 months
Rip Anne Boleyn
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leoleolovesdc · 5 months
Some doodles from my sketch book
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Fandoms: Alice in Wonderland, SIX the musical, briitish monarchy ig, The Amazing Digital Circus and Hamilton
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justinssportscorner · 4 months
Noah Dowe and Pete Tsipis at MMFA:
Ultimate Fighting Championship middleweight Sean Strickland recently described being transgender as a “mental fucking illness.” Now, right-wing media is cheering him on, joining a larger trend of right-wing media platforming UFC fighters and figures who spread hateful rhetoric and conspiracy theories.
During a pre-match press conference on January 18, Sean Strickland launched into an anti-trans rant after a reporter asked him about his history of bigoted anti-LGBTQ comments. Strickland described being transgender as “a mental fucking illness” and called the reporter asking the question “an infection” and “the enemy.” [Bloody Elbow, 1/20/24]
Strickland has a well-documented history of making bigoted and sexist remarks. The former UFC champion has said that “society should never accept” trans people, that “the collective man group” needs to “elect somebody who is gonna put women back in the kitchen,” and that he would have “failed as a man” if he reared a gay son. [Twitter/X, 12/27/21, 10/26/23, 6/28/23] 
UFC President Dana White defended Strickland at the post-match press conference, saying, “If you get your feelings hurt that bad, you probably shouldn’t ask." He also said the fighter was “baited in that question.” Asked if he gives “a long leash” to fighters to say what they want, White responded, “I don’t fucking tell any other human being what to say, what to think. … Free speech, brother. People can say whatever they want and believe whatever they want.” [MMAJunkie, 1/21/24]
Right-wing media rush to the defense of UFC fighter Sean Strickland's bigoted anti-LGBTQ+ remarks.
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Do you not believe his word? I have seen the Lord Somerset uses a lot of them.
Becoming Elizabeth (2022–), 1x03 | 1x08
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Finally, after being trapped in covid-induced production hell for literal years.
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Can't wait to look through this thing.
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regina-cordium · 2 years
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zonetrente-trois · 4 months
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illyriadsartha · 7 months
Can I request a crackship Natalie Dormer/Alex Hog Andersen pls?
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idlechatting · 2 years
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42. Aries. Isfp-T
Character’s full name: Tudor Marion Alex
Reason or meaning of name: (Alex) Defender of Humankind/ (Marion) Star of the sea; Beloved 
Birth date: March 25, 1980
Good personality traits: Passionate, Empathetic, Artistic
Bad personality traits: Low Self-Esteem, Anxious, Independent 
Character’s soft spot: Dennis, Jasmit, Ines. Musician Nils Frahm. Classical renditions.
Height: 6`0
Hometown: AMS
Current location: MD
Mother: Mariana Tudor (Deceased) Relationship with her: Permissive 
Father: Virgil Tudor Relationship with him: Authoritarian
Type of childhood: Unpredictable. Nurturing. Estranged.
First memory: Alex was 22 traveling with the Julliard Orchestra to Carnegie Hall. This would be Alex’s first time, after rigorous training performing at the hall. After his performance a few musicians decide that the night shouldn't end and suggested going out for drinks. Alex was definitely not read for his high to die down and opted in for a night out. Having traveled back to campus first to put away any of his belongings he got a message from his father that he needed to call him urgently. He’d find out that his mother was in a coma after suffering 2 strokes. Alex would book a flight to Maryland and stay by his mother's side at the hospital. The night before Alex’s father decided to have his mother be pulled from the plug he was told to spend the night in a hotel and get some real rest. The next day, Alex returned to the hospital with his mother not in her room. He had asked the nurse what happened and found out his father pulled her plug earlier that morning. He rushed to his fathers in rage having one of the most explosive arguments he’s ever had with his father. He and his father haven’t spoken since. 
Most important childhood memory: Alex was 12 when his family decided  to move to America. Not that America wasn’t a place he wouldn't mind seeing, but living there and leaving his life was hard for him. Having protested, asking why the move was needed only prompted an irritated Virgil to snap at Alex that he ought to stay in a childs place. Alex would listen, only to leave unannounced in the night to hide away in an area he frequented a lot as a younger child. noon came, and he completely forgot to return home that night. He would hear the call of his father, afraid to come forth knowing the punishment he’d receive. It’s not until his mother goes looking for him, having realized the only place she hadn’t checked was the small hideout he hid as a child. She would find him, smirk, climb inside the tight space, and snicker as Virgil grew frustrated with them both. Without ever communicating, Alex was sure his mom hadn’t told because she understood how he felt about leaving. She too did not like the idea of leaving her life in Amsterdam behind. But, his father wanted the best education for his son to further his musical talent.
Childhood hero: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Dream job: Violinist and Composer
Education: 4yr Doctor of musical arts degree
Smokes: No Drinks: Socially  Other drugs: No
Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself?
Animal lover? Yes.
How he feels about himself: Alex feels like he always has room to improve. Although he can be quite negative on himself or his accomplishments he knows he is a hardworking and diligent person to get what he needs out of life.
One word the character would use to describe self: Growing
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: He doesn't do well with stress, so much so that he’s found himself stuck completely. When things are good he’s good, showing off his sociable side and  affection he rarely shows, not because it’s hard for him, it’s just he’s usually tucked away at home or not up to talking to people showing himself to be unapproachable. He is a passionate musician, finding most of his contentment playing, listening, and composing music.
What does the character consider his best personality trait? Empathy 
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? Low Self-Esteem
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? Nose, Eyes, and Hair
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? Lips, forehead.
How does the character think others perceive him: Handsome, Moody.
What would the character most like to change about himself: His ability to get stressed easily and his self-esteem.
Best friend(s): Dennis (met in New York during one of Dennis’s travels. Alex was performing at a club during his first years of college. They met, exchanged numbers and had kept in touch. Their bond grew after he lost his mother as Dennis proved to show how much of a great friend he was during his time of need) Jasmit (He used to watch her perform at the club he frequented. Eventually, after watching him perform she came up to him and boldly asked if he wouldn’t mind hanging out with her. He thought she was hitting on him, but she was impressed by his talent and they started jamming together. Till this day they still jam and keep in touch)
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part-time-deranged · 6 months
i keep forgetting how random the tudors is cause you have the gratuitous sex scenes interspersed with the most factually correct acting performances known to man. And cromwell is now a twink
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jolieeason · 1 year
February 2023 Wrap Up
Here is what I read/posted in February. As always, let me know if you have read any of these books and (if you did) what you thought of them. Books I Read: Free Kindle Purchase—No Review Free Kindle Purchase—No Review From Author ARC from Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Ballantine Books ARC from St. Martin’s Press, St. Martin’s Griffin Free Kindle Purchase—No Review From…
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theunderestimator-2 · 7 months
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A cinematic shot of Joe Strummer on the set of Alex Cox's 1987 film 'Straight To Hell' film in Almeria, Spain.
Along with Courtney Love, Sy Richardson and Dick Rude, Joe starred as a hitman in this parody of spaghetti westerns which also featured cameos by Dennis Hopper, Grace Jones, Elvis Costello, Edward Tudor-Pole, Kathy Burke and Jim Jarmusch. The film was a commercial flop and drew mostly negative reviews but it gained a cult film status.
(via & via)
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pippin-katz · 6 months
A Rose By Any Other Name
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I’ve had this idea in my head for weeks and I finally finished these!! Alex and Henry with flower crowns made from the others’ home flower! The national flower for England is the Tudor rose, and of course, the yellow rose of Texas! I’m actually pretty proud of myself with how these came out!! I hope you all like them!
also i totally just came up with that title just now and i’m patting myself on the back for being clever lol
Pose Reference by @mellon-soup 🩵
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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You say you've felt alone, but you've not been.
Becoming Elizabeth (2022–), 1x01 | 1x03 | 1x06
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Skirt needs to be ironed and hemmed, and don't have a chemise with me to put under the kirtle for this picture, but the kirtle's finished to the point of wearability.
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