#「  LEITMOTIF  」 — aesthetics.
lesbianfakir · 4 months
Fakir's theme (Beethoven's Coriolan Overture) always struck me as funny because it stands apart from the other character's themes. Mytho has the delicate Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Rue the somber Gymnopedie No 1, Duck the cheerful Nutcracker Oveture etc... while Fakir's theme is well... LOUD.
It characterizes his most aggressive moments, mainly playing in scenes where he antagonizes Mytho and Duck.
This always sat a little weird with me as it is a very surface-level character theme for such a complex character. In contrast, Rue's theme tells us something about her motivations under the Kraehe persona. Fakir's on the other hand tells us that he's mean and aggressive... something any viewer who's gotten to a scene where the song plays already knows.
On one of my rewatches, though, I noticed that he has another song that functions as a sort of secondary theme: an excerpt from Scheherazade.
This song plays most notably throughout most of episode 12, while he is bonding with Duck. It shows up a few times later in season 2, mainly in scenes concerning Fakir's struggle to write. As such, I view it as a complementary theme to the Coriolan Overture.
Listening to the song, it feels much more in line with Fakir we've come to know him. The song can be a little delicate and a little sad with gentle wind solos that lead into loud, grand orchestral sections. The repetitiveness, tempo, and use of dramatic brass and strings give these louder sections a gallant, almost desperate tone. It's super fitting that this is the song that plays throughout the episode where we get the best sense of Fakir's natural personality when he isn't putting on the cold persona.
I don't really have a deeper analysis here I just think it's really fun that as his character develops he gets an additional theme. If you think about it the music in Tutu functions as a sort of jukebox musical--the world and characters are built around the songs. Once we start to get to know who Fakir really is, the music that represents him changes to reflect him better.
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chickentunasalad566 · 2 years
bylers be like "yeah i'd like for it to happen but I'm not too heavily invested or anything" and then write you a whole dissertation
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judgmentalfishnun · 8 months
I want to thank OPLA for giving Mihawk a Spanish-sounding leitmotif. They didn't have to but they said no. we're leaning into this aesthetic like God intended.
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retellingthehobbit · 4 months
Here are some of the songs I listened to on repeat while drawing the latest chapter of The Hobbit comic adaptation! Consider it the chapter’s “unofficial soundtrack": The Shire music from the lotr films but especially "Dreaming of Bag End," a variation on the Concerning Hobbits leitmotif that was originally supposed to be "Bilbo's theme" in the Hobbit films before the the messy rushed production put an end to that:
Various covers of "Red is the Rose"/"The Bonny Banks of Loch Lomond," a Scottish folk song turned Irish love song:
"How Come the Sun," covered by Mary Hopkins ("the sun just comes up out of habit, and goes down as quick as it can...")
This specific piano cover of "Always With Me," from Spirited Away:
"The Stolen Child," a song adaptation of the famous poem about a child being torn away from their home by the pull of the fairies:
...And also a LOT of episodes of the Magnus Archives, Jenny Nicholson's video on Evermore, Hbomberguy's four hour video about plagiarism, Dan Olson's videos about Memestocks, etc etc etc-- although that breaks the aesthetic, I think XD.
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dante-winning-archive · 8 months
I think that if any DMC game is adapted into a musical it should be DMC 3, my second choice being 5, third being 4, fourth being 1, last being 2.
You're absolutely correct. Ideally all of them would have a musical adaptation, but this would be my priority preference as well.
DMC3- the brother vs brother, the Arkham vs Jester. Both great opportunities for harmonies, leitmotifs, and reprisals. Plus it's the fandom favorite, so it's the obvious choice.
And can you imagine this being put into song? (chefs kiss)
Dante: We are the sons of Sparda, and within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly, his SOUL! And now, my soul is saying that it wants to stop you! Vergil:(evil laugh) Unfortunately, our souls are at odds, brother. I need more power!
DMC5- also a great choice, especially with the nonlinear storytelling. And having the characters sing songs that reference their battle themes? Oh that'd be so good. And seeing a stage actor portray crusty Vergil, Urizen, and Complete Vergil would be a real treat! Also seeing how they'd do Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare. Perhaps puppet type performances for the two smaller familiars, and a projection of Nightmare's silhouette for a really intense V battle?
Dante's dance could turn into a whole song and dance number, and they could get really creative with Nico and her van!
DMC4- the fourth game is weak in some aspects, but it absolutely has an aesthetic. I feel like plays have certain background elements that are permanent, and the architecture of Fortuna with stained glass and religious themes would be great for this. Could be a great opportunity to incorporate some of the 4Novel. (Dante trying on hats scene!!!)
Opening the show with Kyrie's performance with us as the audience in the Sparda Church would be really great! I think Credo could have a really great song as well.
DMC1- Honestly I think you could make a great musical out of this one too! The moodiness of the setting and the drama of the story could make for a great performance. Especially the Nelo Angelo fights! They could really punch us in the gut with the great tragedy of Dante killing Vergil. The mystery, betrayal, and redemption of Trish as well!
DMC2- it's The Room With The Pattern and that's it /j
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medicasino · 2 years
my very suited to my own personal tastes OC ask meme
yeah i'll throw this into the ring. here. have it. asks in no particular order, just whatever i could think about wahaha. feel free to use these for whatever :-) also has a few "games/interaction/not quite asks" things because this is MY list and I MAKE THE RULES /lh Also, all of these questions are SFW!
What genre of music do they listen to the most? Would people assume they would like that style of music or is it wildly unfitting to their appearance? (ie; cutesy pastel girl likes heavy metal)
In terms of power scaling in-universe, are they about as strong as everyone else, way overpowered, extremely weak, etc?
Their playlist. Show us their playlist (or, if it's extremely long, the most fitting songs on it) and include specific lyrics from each song you consider to be the most fitting. Explanation not required but you can if you feel like it! Do not care about cringe. It is fun.
Make a moodboard and/or stimboard for them! Remember to source your images! (And preferably use a royalty-free image site such as Unsplash instead of Pinterest!)
If their personality has changed drastically over development, what's something that was once true about them that is now absolutely absurd to imagine and false?
When it comes to food, are they more into savory, salty, sweet, sour, spicy etcetc food? Are they picky with their food or will they eat just about anything that isn't spoiled?
In your opinion, do you think if they were real you would be friends with them or not?
^ Relating to above question, do they consider themself easy to get along with, and is that actually true?
Have you ever tried to make them in a character creator? If so, share pictures (if you have them)!
Do you have a voice claim for them?
What's their "theme" color? What color do you associate with them? Is it in their color scheme or just a color that reminds you of them?
Would you consider them well-liked in universe, or are they more an... acquired taste .
^ What about outside of canon? Are they one of your more well-liked characters?
What do they smell like? If unsure of specifics scent-wise, do they smell good, overly-soaked in perfume, like garbage etcetc?
What would their theme song/leitmotif be titled? What would it sound like, if you have an idea?
Are they a projection of yourself in any way? How similar are they to you?
Are they capable of holding their own in a fight or are they laughably easy to beat?
Do they swear often? On occasion? At All?
How do they text people? Lots of exclamations? All lowercase? Very Serious And Grammatically Correct? 1 Billion Emojis? Cutesy uwu speak? Etc etc.
How easy is it to befriend them? How easy is it to make them hate you?
How do they prefer to be referred to? First name, last name, nickname, another alias entirely etc?
Compared to the rest of your cast, are they tall or short?
Are they a dog or cat person? Neutral? Do they prefer another animal entirely?
Do they know what a sigma male is. Be honest .
How do they react to being loved and/or cared for? Similarly, how do they express their love for others?
How do they react to being disliked? Similarly, how do they express their distaste for others?
What Pokémon type(s) would they be?
Are they the type to be chaotic and reckless or are they more the type to think before they act?
Are they an open book or hard to read emotions-wise?
Can they keep a secret?
What are some things you associate with them? Certain aesthetics, items, colors, feelings, tastes etc! Anything goes!
What role do they serve in the story? Are they a main character, side character, antagonist, protagonist etc?
What's the meaning behind their name?
What inspired you to create them?
FREE SPACE! Drop some miscellaneous fun facts, tell us their backstory, do whatever! Go wild!
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: "The Future of the Force"
Adventures in babysitting, Rebels edition!
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You already know what I'm going to say, I never get tired of the pretty planets in this show.
This baby is named Alora, a bit of a Shout Out to Lucasfilm's underground cult classic Willow. No I have not watched the new show I have... not heard good things.
That it's Alora's grandmother that's the one traveling with her brings up some ah... disturbing Fridge Horror regarding her parents.
My theory: They 100% dead, Inquisitors already shanked them.
Ohhhhh you can tell from the horror in grandma's eyes she knows exactly why they want the baby.
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Well nice to know Seventh Sister is equal opportunity Bad Touch.
Aaaaaaand there goes Fifth, murdering all the witnesses.
Zero fanfare, just to punctuate the horror of that moment.
After five episodes of doing other stuff offscreen, Ahsoka finally decides to pay the main narrative a visit. I did and do still appreciate that the writers kept Ahsoka to a minimum, like Vader, knowing full well her presence would overshadow and overpower the others. Despite how easy it would have been to fanservice TCW carryover watchers by giving her tons of screentime, she stays mostly as a tertiary character throughout.
Which is why cramming what is essentially the Rebels sequel material into a show where she's the headliner annoys me.
Ahsoka and Kanan quipping about how neither of them are technically real Jedi is both cute and sad.
Ahsoka still deeply in denial about what she sensed when scanning Vader.
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Lol this whole moment. Love Ahsoka's fond little headshake.
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Love this city design, got a very St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia aesthetic to it.
Some of that influence in the music here too.
Oh wow, Zeb jumps out of the Phantom before it's even finished landing, lolol what a drama queen.
Bit sloppy to leave the transport hanging in that planet's airspace, unless the Empire plans to blow it up later.
Even without showing any of the bodies you know everyone on that transport is pretty much dead. It's really only the limits of the rating that prevent us from actually seeing them.
Grandma looks a lot paler here, I don't think she survives much longer past this point.
I talked about it before in "Always Two There Are" but I love subtle little bits of continuity like this, Zeb learning binary in order to understand Chopper, since he had such a hard time before.
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All I'm thinking is, "How long have they left that poor baby there?! Oh gosh she must be so hungry. Is there AC in there? Did they change her? I bet they didn't even change her, the bastards."
This whole episode reminds me SO strongly of the arc in TCW when Sidious contracted Cad Bane to steal Force Sensitive children for him. Would not be surprised if they were being used for the exact same purpose.
Is it me or do a LOT of Force Sensitive children seem to be born to impoverished single mothers? I wonder if it's a deliberate narrative choice sometimes, to lean into the adoption metaphor that being given up to and raised by the Jedi Order often is.
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He's so empathetic Imma cry.
Chopper's actually doing a decent job of keeping Alora happy lol.
Lol, Zeb being grossed out by the Ithorian baby.
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I think he's adorable, personally.
Maybe it's the mom in me but Zeb holding Pypey is just... super cute.
He's actually holding him mostly right, giving him plenty of support.
Pypey is just sensitive enough to recognize the danger the Inquisitors pose to him. :(((((((((
A very fragmented "Shenanigans" cue here, barely more than a few notes. Almost as if the danger is stifling the fun and whimsy that leitmotif usually signifies.
It's Ezra that recognizes the ID9 Seeker and makes Kanan stop, and they move in a very nice synchronized way to hide from it here.
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Underrated Papa Wolf Kanan moment: Kanan yanking Ezra back from the hallway junction just before the Inquisitors get within eyeline.
I shouldn't laugh but this whole scene with Zeb and Kanan and Ezra having no clue how to calm Pypey is so relatable.
(Babies be temperamental and sometimes you just gotta hold 'em.)
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There are so many little cute background moments of Ezra snuggling Pypey or making faces at Pypey aaaah they're so cute.
The detonator Zeb dropped gets flung back at them, Fifth's doing no doubt.
Kanan keeps putting his hand on Ezra's back on the stairs, it's sweet.
Fifth and Seventh sniping at each other lol.
Here's one of the moments of background Ezra being adorable with the baby.
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Ezra gets agitated when Kanan suggests he's going to be luring the Inquisitors away, ouch, poor boy's still not over the thing in "Call To Action".
Friiiiiick Ezra sensing Pypey's fear and Pypey sensing Ezra's and them stuck in a cyclical loop. :((((((
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I too ramble at my infants like this. Lol.
Ezra unlocks the secret to calming babies: Being calm yourself. <3
Obligatory "Seventh's voice actress is married to Kanan's voice actor" mention.
The smoke effects on this show continue to be excellent.
Someone, I think it was @pep-no, theorized that Pypey's special ability in the Force might be compelling honesty. That or connecting with Pypey made Ezra more emotionally open, because he normally would be smarter than to blurt out where the Rebellion is hiding in a spot where he suspects Seventh's seekers might be listening.
(Then again, Ezra tends not to have any kind of filter around people he trusts.)
I definitely think there's room for that interpretation, given Ezra's floating, distracted gaze.
Kanan does really well in his brief clash with Seventh.
Zeb hauling him like a piece of luggage is still funny tho.
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I love this environment. Feels very downtown LA.
A very heroic muted trumpet version of Ezra's theme as he steps forward bravely here.
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Protective little badass.
Also love Pypey being entranced with the lightsaber and trying to touch it. Baby no.
I love this cue. I haven't watched enough Clone Wars to discern if it's a carryover theme but it's awesome.
Ezra's confidence in Aunt Ahsoka. <333
*grumbles* Stupid auto anti-epilepsy features, it makes it so hard to see properly here.
I do like how effortlessly Ahsoka deals with the Inquisitors here.
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Chopper spinning the babies, awww.
Love how the ID9 comes to perch on Seventh's palm, it's so weird and animal-like. Like she's holding a jellyfish.
Ciffhanger reveal DUN DUN DUN.
This episode is so cute. It doesn't really effect much, besides emphasizing how dangerous a world it is that new Force Senstives are being born into (even moreseo than when there was a Jedi Order to take them in and shelter and protect them) and leading into the next episode's plot but it's a fun little romp with our characters and I just find it sweet and heartwarming.
Which we needed before the next episode's plot-heavy-ness.
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balladetto · 5 months
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colourful munday interview / no longer accepting / @gerudospiriit, @ordonianpumpkin, @sapientiiae, & anonymous
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thank you all bunches for sending these in! ♡ had fun answering each one; all under the cut because i am not and will probably never be a concise person, ahaha
[ ruby ] give one random fun fact about yourself.
i can play two instruments! the piano and guitar, though i'd say i'm pretty rusty with both. given the practice, i think i could get back up to par again with the former? i formally learnt both in the sense that i know the rudiments of music theory and can still decently read notation, but that's about where the extent of my knowledge ends...hasn't stopped me from getting absolutely obsessed with the intricacies of instrumental osts when it comes to mechanics, aesthetics, leitmotifs, etc. asflkdsj
[ olive ] what gives you the most inspiration for your muse(s)?
it really depends on which muse i'm writing! in general, i like to revisit their canons (i.e. replaying their games or rewatching their movies) and examine all the details and overarching themes/motifs i can catch in them if i need a boost of the Muse Presence, but sometimes i'll take inspiration from completely unrelated media i've consumed that i feel could be applicable to my interpretations
e.g. i've been taking some tidbits from caine from jw4 for link recently, in that he's someone who knows his "role" in life, is really fucking good at playing it (however much he doesn't want to), and would give almost anything to escape it. even as he's totally settled into it! despite the myth he makes of himself in this one movie he shows up in, he's a ghost in his own world. he goes through the film reluctant to do the things he so easily does anyway, with his hand forced by the high table because he has someone he loves so deeply, yet at the end of it all: he's still afforded some measure of happiness because he was loved by someone so deeply in turn. these two are really not the same type of characters at all, but caine's Vibes are part of the Feel i want to communicate through link's story!
other times, i'll come across a fic (often not even for the same characters or media lskjdf) that gives me the worst brainrot and that'll flavour how i want to frame my writing and what i want readers to Notice for muses. but i otherwise tend to keep it contained to overanalysing canons! honourable mention @ my partner, for being the best sounding board and engaging with me on all my rambling ♡
[ navy ] what do your muse(s) mean to you?
they're my best friends, they're my pals, they're my homeboys (gender neutral), my rotten soldiers, my sweet cheeses, my good-time fellas—
they're my blorbos of all time! they mean so, so much to me!! especially the ones that have stuck around for nearly or exactly a decade like link, the zeldas, aidan, and gold; those were some rough (trans)formative years that they carried me through, and i had so much fun with them! i still am!! plus, the friends i make through writing these muses will always leave such an indelible impression on me no matter how many years pass (i am looking directly at people like issie and adri and kris as i say this sldfjdkf still leaves me gratefully gobsmacked that i found you again after so long!) ♡
[ mulberry ] what tips would you give someone with writer's block?
don't force it! try not to agonise over it. come back to it at some other point after you've gone and done something else that might be just as creative in nature (drawing, crafts, etc.). dip into your other hobbies if you have them! read. watch things, play games! consume as much as you've outputted! take care of yourself!!
above all, remind yourself that you're more than whatever writing you can give to anyone!
[ blonde ] what is your favourite type of music? favourite artist? favourite song?
hard to choose, because i don't have a genre i'm super dedicated to? ig if i had to pick based on what i generally listen to a majority of the time, my favourite type would be whatever category osts fall under askdjlf
i think it's also because of that that i tend to steer towards songs i can't understand without translations? if there are words i can pick out, i get a bit too distracted, and half the time my audio processing issues make it so that i only sort of make out most of the words, which distracts me on a different level sdkfjfl following that, my favourite artist(s) in terms of songs with lyrics would probably be yoasobi :) i listen to their pieces the most consistently!
ahhh...literally will never be able to choose a favourite song when i have so many! for the moment...i'll pick rito village, as played by kass and his sweetums!! it's just such a sweet rendition ♡ and i want more people to be reminded of it! lmao you thought me leaving my birdies for a hot second would get rid of the brainrot. absolutely not they've still got a Grip on me sldfksjdl
[ lime ] describe yourself as a character / mix of characters you've always related to the most.
minor npc in the protagonist of the series' life that's like. just a passing face, but has an entire life beyond saving the world that makes actually saving the world all the more meaningful by way of their story coming together with every other npc's to weave this feel of a world that's actually alive.
also! unnoticeable character, perhaps, but the protagonist of their own life :) slfkjfd sorry. zelda might've been a core part of my personality since childhood but mp100 changed my brain chemistry on a molecular level at ~sixteen. hard for me to leave its truisms and themes alone
[ azure ] is there a specific character or type of character you want to write but never have? why?
there are specific characters i've been hankering to write but just don't think my writing style will do them justice in terms of narrative voices OR don't feel very confident in my interpretation of those narrative voices in the first place, yeah! reigen arataka from mp100, kazuha kaedehara from genpact (who wouldn't be affiliated with the rpc at all now that i no longer play the game, which is another hurdle), and link from albw to name a few.
there's also the issue of my time and energy, and other writers' interest in interacting. maybe one day i'll bring one of these to the fold, but it won't be anytime soon sdlfkdjf
[ cherry ] what is one thing you love about yourself?
hmm. i'm very proud of my progress in terms of mental health recovery! dunno if that's something i'd say i love about myself though sflkdjf so maybe how in-depth i can go in terms of character analyses? at least for characters that i feel are really understated or don't often get to shine in fandom communities and such. i do love a majority of my muse interpretations (outside validation's alway nice ofc) — i wouldn't be able to write them otherwise!
[ cerulean ] what is your favorite (type of) character to write?
i know the person who sent this in wants me to say the truth so here it is slfkjdkl i really like writing characters who did not get the resolution or healing they should've gotten from their trauma in their canons. i like exploring what that does to them and what healing might look or not look like for them. i especially loveeee collecting dynamics for them because that's ultimately what heals everyone, isn't it? that outside support and care :) it's cathartic to write, and i hope it's meaningful to read for my writing partners when we really get into the nitty gritty of it!
[ apricot ] what do you think your life will be like in ten years?
happy? happy. i don't tend to mull on the specifics so much. though i'd like to think i'd still be writing, at least! there are some other really personal things i'm not super comfortable with sharing in a public space, but to the one who sent this in: i hope i'll still be with you. i hope we'll get to be together not just in our hearts. i hope we'll have physically built up lives of our own ♡ sorry for getting disgustingly sappy but i love my loveliest lady!! slfkjdl
[ fuchsia ] bonus round: angst or fluff? one-liners or paras? plotting or winging it? memes or starter calls? single muse or multimuse?
i like reading and writing both, with a slightly heavier inclination towards fluff! paras unless it's shenanigans. i vibe with both, but work better with prior plotting! either is good and i do not mind them! i do have a preference for running multimuses now just because it makes it less of a hassle when you've got multiple blorbos bouncing around in your head, though love interacting with both!
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positivelybeastly · 3 months
💬 - Whether or not Philip Glass' critics have a point or whether his status as a celebrated composer is earned
He really can't help it - he throws his head back and he lets out a roar of laughter that likely has people jumping a block away the noise is so loud and so throaty.
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Hank's still chuckling as he slides his glasses from his nose and rubs at them with a cleaning cloth, giving Tess a very fond, very amused, very warm smile.
"Oh, very good, very good."
It takes him about three seconds to take mental inventory of Philip Glass' life work. It'd be quicker, but he's still laughing a little.
"So, to be succinct, as I so rarely am, I think both points can absolutely be true at the same time. I can think of few celebrated composers who don't have a point to made against them, and often several, in fact, that you find yourself craning a head and thinking, there really is something in that. I could of course cite Mahler, Wagner, Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, Bizet, Berlioz, Debussy, Chopin - but then we would be here all day, and, let's face it, Tess, it's you and I, so it really would be all day."
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"With that prefaced, let's engage with the point at hand, to wit - Glass' work as a composer, which has oft been criticised for a lack of substance, for being, if you'll pardon the modern turn of phrase, all vibes and no structure. There's something in that, I suppose, in some of his more reiterative and repetitive pieces, which often focus more on the building of tone rather than telling a story.
Compare him, if you will, with his contemporary film composers, say, Vangelis, John Williams or Jerry Goldsmith - the story of the film is contained within their musical choices just as surely as it is within the visuals and the mise-en-scène, but not quite so with Glass. TIE Fighter Attack is an intrinsic part of the story of Star Wars: A New Hope, just as surely as Red Alert is of Star Trek: First Contact's Battle of Sector 001, or Vangelis' Blade Runner Blues.
Pruit Igoe and Prophecies is not TIE Fighter Attack. This is indisputable."
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"And yet, to criticise him for that is, while I suppose valid, rather missing the point. No, Pruit Igoe and Prophecies is not TIE Fighter Attack. Because it isn't trying to be. It's trying to be Pruit Igoe and Prophecies, just as Koyannisqatsi is not trying to be Star Wars, it's trying to be Koyannisqatsi, and succeeding quite well at that.
You can dislike one or the other, but to say that there is no substance simply because it lacks what you consider to be the usual signifiers of structure - a strong leitmotif, a pleasing counter-melody, parallel fourths or fifth - is to betray a simple aesthetic distaste for minimalism. Glass' music is not designed to be downloaded onto an iPod or a Spotify playlist, it's designed to be, if anything, a sensory experience, it's designed to roll over you and for you to savour the repetition as it occurs. But that's a matter of subjective taste, of course."
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Hank leans back, contemplative. He thinks for a moment.
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". . . Why did the glass go to therapy?"
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"It had too many issues it found itself reflecting on."
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luckystriker30-blog · 5 months
I watched the star beast
Donna and 14 are great together. As always, Catherine Tate and David Tennant make for a great pair. I've seen them do "Much Ado About Nothing" and that's something to note.
Love the new look for the TARDIS interior. It's fucking massive and combines a lot of things. The clean-white aesthetic of the classic TARDIS, the multi-level look of the Moffat-era TARDISES, and a lot of other elements. Shame that Donna spilled coffee on it literally five minutes afterwards.
The moment wherein the Metacrisis was resolved is "oh, that happened". It does make sense sorta; given that Time Lords don't reproduce like humans do, a metacrisis being passed down wouldn't seem like something that would come up.
I correctly predicted that Rose being trans would be connected to a larger thing because naming your character "Rose" is a signifier. I thought that it was going to turn out that Rose Noble was possessed, but this is much better.
There was a weird moment during the climax where the score is playing the 11th Doctor's theme. You can kinda make an argument that DoctorDonna is another incarnation of the Doctor that comes after the 10th doctor but that's pretty much the theme of the 11th Doctor. I'm kinda a stickler for scores with leitmotifs because John Williams is quite possibly the most influential film composer ever and his leitmotifs are very specific.
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thatscarletflycatcher · 10 months
Jane Eyre adaptation OSTs, ranked
Because I have OpinionsTM. The main criteria here is "how Jane Eyre" each of these feel, being the main trait in it how much drama, high emotion, operatic-ness and cheese they contain, how much they reflect the environment and feel of the story, independently of how much they fit the specific adaptation they were made for. Some context will be taken into account, and also how aesthetically pleasing they are, etc, but not specifically their overall match with the tone of the adaptation they belong to (mainly because that makes them really impossible to compare with each other).
Before properly beginning, I will put outside this list the OST of the 1973 BBC adaptation. As much as it is big and operatic and has a lot of gusto, it's also not an original composition for the series -it's Edgar Elgar's 'Introduction and Allegro' for Strings (Quartet and Orchestra), Op. 47, and I think that disqualifies it.
That now out of the way, let's proceed:
7. Jane Eyre (1983) by Paul Reade.
This one is at the bottom mostly because of how sweet and tranquil and restrained it is overall. I'd rather expect it for something like Cranford or Anne of Green Gables. There's nothing even remotely Gothic or super dramatic to it.
6. Jane Eyre (1943) by Bernard Hermann.
Bombastic, like all things Hollywood in the 40s, but also very, very, very generic. Can fit anything from Victorian Romance to Contemporary drama and a serious old-timey silly simphony cartoon.
Best tracks: Rochester, Springtime, Mr Mason, Farewell.
5. Jane Eyre (1970) by John Williams.
It's comforting, once in a while, to know even the greatest are not very inspired sometimes.
Mind you, this still IS John Williams. The melodies are beautiful, the leitmotif carries solidly through the different pieces and morphs deliciously... but it doesn't sound like Jane Eyre. It doesn't sound like anything remotely in a zone anywhere near Jane Eyre. The tone is epic, but as in war-epic, with a dash of romance. What you'd expect for, say, a Zefirelli adaptation of a Shakespeare play?. The instrumentation, heavy on flute and a sort of harpsichord and sometimes... glockenspiel? does very little to evade that idea.
Best tracks: Trio (The Meeting), Across the Moors, Reunion.
4. Jane Eyre (2006), by Rob Lane.
This one is... fine. It's fine. It surely does have big emotions, it can do spooky and it can do joyful... but, listen, Rob Lane is an award-winner composer. We are talking of the person that composed the epic theme of Merlin. Here are some samples of his Jane Eyre score:
All except the intro an outro can be found at: https://www.roblanemusic.com/portfolio-item/jane-eyre-2006/
But you know what really puts it at the "bottom of the best" list? The... peculiar... way in which it sometimes sounds way too close to Thomas Newman's score for Little Women 1994. Maybe it is a matter of the director temping scenes with LW tunes and requiring the score to sound very similar, but even then, it's not... a good look.
Listen, for example, to this segment (it will play first "New York" from the score of Little Women 1994, then the music you hear when the servants prepare Thornfield for the arrival of the guests. The sound on the second is a bit muffled because I removed the vocals manually):
Also, this one (Learning to Forget, from LW 94, then the Rivers Family tune):
Badly done, Rob, badly done.
3. Jane Eyre (2011) by Dario Marianelli.
Yes, I went there and I'm not sorry. But also, this is not about dissing this score at all. It's really, really good. And truly, the difference between 3 and 2 is almost a technicality.
Declaredly, the director wanted Dario Marianelli to make this score as contrasting as possible to the one he composed for Pride &Prejudice (2005). This is in principle a good idea, because these works do feel like completely different universes. But one thing that the P&P score had going for itself, and that I see as a weakness of this one, is the distinctive character of each piece of the score; one blends into the other, and the general tone, while very atmospheric and supremely gothic, is also very restrained (it sounds contradictory, but it isn't). Which isn't very Janeeyresque at all.
Best pieces: A Thorough Education, Waiting for Mr. Rochester, The Wedding Dress.
2. Jane Eyre (1997), by Richard Harvey
(here is my own extraction of the music from the movie itself. As such, because of vocal isolation procedures, there's distortion and quality loss, specially in the parts under dialogue, but it still gives a complete impression of the OST as a whole).
I mourn that it has never been released, because to me at least it is hauntingly beautiful and memorable. Jane's leitmotif really just captures so much about the hardship and grief mingled with hope and yearning, and high drama and struggle of the story, that even if some of the other parts of the score aren't as distinctive or memorable, it still places it near the top.
Best pieces: Jane Eyre (Main Theme), Rochester's Fire, Handshake at Sunrise.
1. Jane Eyre (1996) by Claudio Capponi and Alessio Vlad
Jane Eyre (1996) will justly loose most accuracy rankings, but the score, the score is the one thing in it that very much does feel like the novel to me.
The music for this production is distinctive and gorgeous; it’s very simply structured around three main motifs: a journey motif (very clear in Infanzia di Jane, Viaggio di Jane), a love motif with a joyful (Tema di Helen, Matrimonio di Jane) and a wistful movement (Tema di Jane, Jane e Rochester), and a dark motif with a regret (Tema di Rochester, Ritorno a Thornfield) and a danger (Incendio a Thornfield, Inverno a Lowood) movement. The score moves seamlessly from poignant and reflective to sinister to hopeful, to innocent and pastoral and back again.
Best pieces: Infanzia di Jane, Helen e Jane, Tema di Jane Eyre (reprise).
What are your favorite moments of Jane Eyre scores?
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deltaruminations · 8 months
fwiw i don’t really think sneaking.mp3 should be automatically interpreted as meaning that noelle is literally in chapter 3(1) so much as i think there’s a symbolic or otherwise indirect connection between the sisters and whatever that stealth segment would have been — like how the acid tunnel of love sequence has very little to do directly with lancer but does involve the thrash machine, hence why the leitmotif is meaningful there beyond the melody just sounding appropriate for that use case. it’s of course impossible to really know now that the section has been cut… it could have been something as simple as a remark connecting noelle to the stealth sequence (“noelle’s good at hiding, right… just do what noelle would do…” etc.) and maybe there were no direct references to her at all and it was purely a thematic use, evoking noelle’s tendencies toward quietness and avoidance and/or playing on the idea of dess being “hidden.” noelle is a fairly stealthy character, minimizing herself and hiding aspects of her personality, interests, opinions, etc. in order to avoid potential conflict and conform to others’ expectations of her. and also yeah the slightly mysterious edge to the lost girl melody happens to translate it very nicely to a funky spy-movie theme — it might have been one those cases of artistic process where aesthetics and themes happened to coincide, creating an opportunity to layer meaning into a piece that might have otherwise just been a throwaway gag or a novelty
(1) why would she go to kris’s house in middle of the night? it’s not impossible, but still. given that chapter 3 seems to be something of a breather before the story tips into heavier topics and deeper lore + how much of the overarching story revolves around her i think it’s reasonable to assume that toby is saving her for more narratively dense chapters (4 & 5 onward)
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sakuranplays · 7 months
Asian Representation in Cyberpunk 2077
For a long while, I have this idea floating about writing what Cyberpunk 2077 did about Asian representation. This long overdue but similarly complex topic that was an unintended follow up to my previous post about my argument against Orientalism in Cyberpunk 2077. In that post, I tried to write as concisely as I can but I realized that I did not articulate further using the game itself which leads to some persistent confusion and casual assumptions about the game.
As a disclaimer, I am not defending orientalism or even war crimes while discussing about Cyberpunk 2077. I am not endorsing only negative portrayals of Asian people nor defending the problematic western stereotypes of Asians in the media history. We could have a civilized discussion over this entire matter because lucky for all of you, I am fluent enough in English that I could use my own voice for this. Every words that I wrote in this series; about the topics I explored, about myself, my lived experiences, my history, my opinions and my criticism are all solely my own. I think I am uniquely qualified to talk about many aspects of this topic but I like to think I am not immune to criticism and neither was the Cyberpunk 2077 game itself. What I generally hope was my writings would help, inform, educate and hopefully clarify some of the contentious takes directed towards me, CD Projekt RED, R. Talsorian Games and the video game; Cyberpunk 2077. There was simply no perfect Asian representation that could encompass all of the wealth of diversity. We couldn't perfectly portray everything either in academia, in media, in writing, non-fiction or even fictional works either by Asians or non-Asians. Asia is the largest continent on earth. Asian people are richly diverse, complex and sometimes described to many people across various ethnicities and nationalities. All we could in representation works was to attempt, to explore, to criticize and to create more and better works as an honor to ourselves and to our people. We all have our own stories to share and our interpretations. There was so many things that I could write about Asians in Cyberpunk franchise but I intend to fully explore again that was more than just the controversial Arasaka family or the Tyger Claws. I want to talk about the Asian aesthetics of Night City and many Asian characters in the game and including Cyberpunk Edgerunners' Lucyna Kushinada and Cyberpunk 2077 : No Coincidence's Aya and because of the impending release of Phantom Liberty, I am looking forward to explore Song So-mi @ Songbird. (Especially with the OST release, I know that CDPR used traditional Korean performance Pansori as Songbird's musical leitmotif and I'm so excited to explore that once I played the expansion) But for starters;
Not all Asians are East Asians
I wished I didn't have to write that down but I realized it was something that a lot of online discourses in English seemed to center itself either by non-Asians or East Asian diaspora in Western countries. It was most apparent within these published articles : Orientalism, Cyberpunk 2077, and Yellow Peril in Science Fiction and How Cyberpunk 2077 Resurrects the 1980s’ “Japan Panic” which were very hyperfixated on Arasaka and the Tyger Claws. Another element that I noticed from these articles and by their writers, they both neglect the fact that not every diasporic Asian portrayed in Cyberpunk 20777 are East Asians. Not every Asians are Japanese or Chinese or Korean.
I am not East Asian.
I am Southeast Asian.
My V was a Malay woman like me. Someone who was flawed, imperfect and maybe portrayed many sides that was very unbecoming to the image of a Malay Muslim woman. I created this Tumblr blog mainly to share my own CorpoV. She was my own OC that I was simply obsessed with. Cyberpunk 2077 remained to be the only game that truly allowed me to craft a genuine Southeast Asian woman protagonist with her personal history that was almost relevant to me on personal level.
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However, V could be anyone of any races or ethnicity. She could also be Japanese, Korean or Chinese because the game have localization with those languages. In the game, V can love sushi, drink tea, burn incense and work for a fictional Imperial Japanese company. After all, Cyberpunk 2077 is a roleplaying game . But did you know who else was also a Southeast Asian in Cyberpunk 2077?
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Aha... think I don't notice the casual disrespect towards our glorious living legendary Pinoy rockerboy ever? My next post will be all about Kerry Eurodyne.
We will discuss Kerry in the TTRPG, what he become in Cyberpunk 2077, his complicated history, his character analysis, his traditional Batok tattoos, his relationships to Johnny Silverhand, their band Samurai and other Filipino representation within Cyberpunk 2077 game. However, I have to admit that my own exposure to my dear neighbouring Philippines was genuinely abysmal. I live in West Malaysia and unlike my Sabahan and Sarawakian friends, I am not exposed enough to the Phillipines. Personally, I won't claim I am an expertabout Filipino people, culture and heritage (and if you are from Phillipines, feel free to DM me, please) but I hope to do justice about our beloved rockerboy in the way he truly deserved. Didn't just make music on that boat. Busted my ass servin' drinks, waitin' tables. Free time, I-I composed till my fingers bled. - Kerry Eurodyne "Boat Song"
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
Opinion: SA1's OST is at the very least top 3 in the whole franchise, and its rich art direction is only matched by '06's music.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
(Not sure about the art direction part, but only because there's a lot of OSTs where I'd praise the direction in addition to those two lol.)
Despite the fact that I'm pretty sure I've made top 5 or 10 Sonic OST posts in the past, it's never permanently set in stone because I love too many of them for my own good. Even so, SA1 and '06's OSTs will definitely always be in the top category for me... along with the Advance trilogy. And Mania. And Heroes. And CD. And...
Anyway, as you know, SA1's impressive variety is an integral ingredient to why I cherish it so much. I love the nostalgia of Station Square. I love the intrusive fuck you energy of Eggman's leitmotif. I love the melancholy of Gamma's theme. I love the feel good whimsy of Windy Hill, the excitement of At Dawn, the casual rock of Mechanical Resonance, the mystique of Tricky Maze, the manic pacing of Sky Deck's tracks, the sheer contrast between Red Mountain's tracks, the unconventional funkiness of Crazy Robo... even ambient tracks like Snowy Mountain are very memorable and impactful. I can't think of a single track that I struggle to remember.
SA1's aesthetic and vibes (I hate that I now have to specify I don't mean in the shallow way when I use those terms) are already among the best in the series on their lonesome, but just like with a certain purple dragon, the music goes a long way to elevating the atmosphere even further. Nothing is compromised, nothing is shortchanged, it's just a satisfying blend of everything Sonic music has to offer.
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7grandmel · 11 months
Todays rip: 20/06/2023
Mother's・Caption (We Paused The Channel For HOW Long?! Mix)
Season 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by Can of Nothing
The start of Season 2 was a kind of turbulent time for the backroom behind the scenes of the channel, as it really wasn't supposed to BE a second season to begin with.  The original plan for SiIvaGunner, to my understanding, was that it was supposed to "officially" end with Season 1, and that all further uploads would be tied specifically to events such as Christmas. That Christmas event became the Christmas Comeback Crisis, which quickly ballooned in scope and extended the event far past the timeframe of just 2016's holiday season. The project kept growing, rips kept being submitted, the team kept getting new ideas - And so a decision was made to just...pause everything.
It was a weird time to be a fan, given that the chaos internally slowly started to seep out to the fanbase, trying to understand what the plan going forward was. In that sense, this rip kind of both stoked the flames and helped calm them simultaneously? Without breaking keyfabe, SiIvaGunner was able to communicate to us as viewers at the time that something was going on that would affect the channel's future uploads, and to stay put on hold until then.
And stay put on hold was exactly what happened. Mother's・Caption, as the mix-title says, declared the channel as officially "paused" - everything went monochrome, the scarce few rips that kept being uploaded included, and if my memory serves right the channel's profile picture and banner as well also went on pause. But that was all after todays rip finished playing - during its playtime, its an absolutely soothing audiovisual treat. Planet Robobot's audio design is already sort of the backbone to the Christmas Comeback Crisis' aesthetic, and this rip stays immensely faithful to that, althewhile celebrating different injokes and themes subtly recounting the story so far, like a collection of faint leitmotifs tugging you back to that grand tale. Compared to a lot of other rips with visuals on the channel, this one is also very...how to put it, tame? It's a lot of subtle visual effects, pointing out the rip's significance without distracting the emotions its there to provide. And even all these years later now knowing that the pause worked out, six seasons later - I still get that feeling of calm excitement from this rip, like a video game developer announcing a game's been delayed to ensure as much polish as possible.
Can of Nothing is really an underappreciated gem on the channel as a whole - solely responsible for both this rip and the immaculate Season 1 finale, amidst a bevvy of others. Her ability to distill this kind of nostalgic happiness into rips feels unrivalled on the channel, with works that radiate love and happiness above humor and absurdity. And in my eyes, the key to SiIvaGunner 's success is maintaining a balance between those two sides.
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the-navistar-carol · 10 months
Out of ALL the new characters in ATSV, the one that stuck to me like glue for a one-way ticket to blorboland wasn’t the hot (and toxic) one, not the kind main character, not the funky chaotic acrobat, not the one that looks the most like me,
it was the punk.
The Literal Opposite of everything, aesthetic-wise, and I don’t know enough about the movement to say in views. But yeah, give it up for Hobie Brown, the lanky punk who got way less screen time than he deserved and a baller leitmotif, he deserves it
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