asiaphotostudio · 2 months
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Taiwan, 1999 Taitung, Taiwan. 台湾 台東市 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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shirasuphoto · 6 months
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No.455 仙台八景 Original-仙台市営地下鉄
八景シリーズ No.440~
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arcadebroke · 10 months
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mirorineji · 2 months
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ちゅうちゅうたこかいな18・19 → ★
東京都 『公社多摩川団地』  調布市染地3丁目1&東京都狛江市西和泉2丁目  タコモドキ滑り台
調布市の南東端部と狛江市の西端部にまたがり 多摩川のほとりに広がっていた多摩川住宅(分譲住宅と 東京都住宅供給公社の賃貸イ・ロ号棟と 各管理組合の分譲ハ、ニ、ホ、ト号棟など)のうち 順次? 2018年頃から解体~ ~建替えの計画があったような・・・
すべり台も 2017年当時はまだあったけど・・・ いまはわからない
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crazyfox-archives · 5 months
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A hanging scroll of the Hie Sanno Mandara (日吉山王曼荼羅), a mandala depicting the local deities of Hie Jinja Shrine (日吉神社), i.e. present-day Hiyoshi Taisha Grand Shrine (日吉大社) in Ōtsu, Shiga Prefecture, as manifestations of the Buddhist divinities of Mount Hiei (比叡山) north of Kyoto, with the deities and divinities matched up throughout the landscape of the mountain
Color on silk dating to the Kamakura period (1185-1333) from the collection of Hyakusaiji Temple (百済寺) in Higashiōmi, Shiga Prefecture
Image from "Shintō: The Sacred Art of Ancient Japan" edited by Victor Harris, published by the British Museum Press. 2001, page 173
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Sean bienvenidos, japonsitasarqueologícos a una nueva entrega en la que hablaremos de un Trending Topic, ya que el país del sol naciente está de moda pues le vamos a sacar beneficios y no es el único tema que están sabiendo explotar, para sacarle el mayor partido. - Lo que vengo a referirme, es que las modas son puro negocio, de lo más nocivo que nos podemos llevar a la cara, antes de que Japón estuviera de moda ya había muchos fakes, pero ahora se han duplicado e incluso triplicado. No hay que creerse todo lo que leamos por internet, siempre hay que cuestionarse las cosas, en este caso vamos a sentarnos, en dos monumentos uno localizado en Inglaterra y otro en japón. - El primero, se trata de stonehenge: Construido en el cuarto mileno 3100 antes de nuestra era, que cada vez se actualizan sus funciones la última más reciente es que no puede ser usado como un calendario solar. El segundo, se trata de Isedōtai site, localizado en la prefectura de Akita, en la región de Tōhoku en el noroeste de Japón, construido en el quinto milenio 4000 a.c en el jomon final. Se usó como calendario solar y posiblemente para los solsticios de verano e invierno. - El tema de esta publicación no es hablar de ninguno de los dos en profundidad, sino criticar a los lucidos, que sitúan stonehenge y Isedōtai site en la misma recta cronológica lo cual es una falacia por que hay por lo menos 1100 a 1500 años de diferencia aproximadamente entre ambas construcciones. - Ese es el problema del occidentalismo y eurocentrismo sobre todo la manía de colocarlo todo en una recta cronológica las fechas son algo aproximadas al igual que las rectas temporales. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana.
Welcome, japonsitasarchaeologists, to a new edition in which we will talk about a Trending Topic, since the country of the rising sun is in fashion, we are going to make the most of it and it is not the only topic that they are knowing how to exploit, to make the most of it. - What I am referring to is that fashions are pure business, the most harmful thing we can take to our faces. Before Japan was in fashion there were already many fakes, but now they have doubled and even tripled. We should not believe everything we read on the internet, we should always question things, in this case we are going to sit on two monuments, one located in England and the other in Japan. - The first one is stonehenge: Built in the fourth millennium 3100 B.C., its functions are updated every time, the latest one is that it cannot be used as a solar calendar. The second is the Isedōtai site, located in Akita prefecture, in the Tōhoku region of northwestern Japan, built in the fifth millennium 4000 BC in the final jomon. It was used as a solar calendar and possibly for the summer and winter solstices. - The subject of this publication is not to discuss either in depth, but to criticise the lucid, who place stonehenge and Isedōtai site in the same chronological line which is a fallacy because there is at least 1100 to 1500 years difference approximately between the two constructions. - That is the problem of westernism and eurocentrism, especially the mania of placing everything on a chronological line, the dates are somewhat approximate, as are the time lines. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications. Have a nice week.
私が言いたいのは、ファッションは純粋なビジネスであり、最も有害なものであるということだ。 日本が流行する前からすでに多くの偽物があったが、今では倍増し、3倍にもなっている。インターネット上の情報を鵜呑みにするのではなく、常に物事を疑ってみる必要がある。
ひとつはストーンヘンジで、紀元前3100年の第四千年紀に建てられた。 もうひとつは、東北地方の秋田県にある伊勢堂岱遺跡で、紀元前4000年、縄文末期の第5千年紀に作られた。
お気に召していただけたなら幸いである。 それではまた。
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baaly-k · 3 months
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pix4japan · 6 months
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Preserved Pre-Modern Era Photo Studio
Location: Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum, Koganei, Tokyo Timestamp: 13:11 and 13:19 on October 25, 2023
Photo 1. Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 28 mm ISO 400 for 1/320 sec. at ƒ/8.0
Photo 2. Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 34 mm ISO 800 for 1/100 sec. at ƒ/9.0
The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 wreaked havoc upon central Tokyo, causing the collapse of buildings and, tragically, igniting fires. In its aftermath, Tokyo embarked on an ambitious journey to rebuild the city, employing modern city planning techniques that encompassed a grid-pattern network of streets, parks, electric power lines, natural gas lines, waterworks, and sewage lines.
However, the costs associated with this modernization and urban planning surpassed the national budget, leading to a significant reduction in the scale of these developments, which were then limited to only a few specific areas of Tokyo. The Tokiwadai neighborhood was among the fortunate areas selected for city planning, resulting in the construction of modern architectural structures.
Erected in 1937 within the Tokiwadai residential neighborhood of Itabashi Ward, Tokyo, near the former Musashi-Tokiwa Station (now Tokiwadai Station) on the Tobu-Tojo Line, the Tokiwadai Photo Studio stands as a rare example to the vision that architects and city planners held for Tokyo's rebirth.
The building's first floor housed the owner's private residence, featuring a bathroom, kitchen, three bedrooms, an office, lavatory, and a small study.
On the second floor, there was an office/workspace and a spacious photo studio. This studio boasted a sloped ceiling, allowing the installation of large frosted glass windows on the northern side of the building. This architectural choice ensured ample soft lighting, a characteristic feature of early 20th-century photo studios, owing to the absence of modern lighting equipment at the time.
Visit my blog post to for Google Maps links and references to the original reference sources (English and Japanese): https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231025-edo-bldg-museum.
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toytraint · 2 years
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tokyu 8500type #東急電鉄 #田園都市線 #8500系 #青葉台 #長津田検車区 #最後の2編成の1つ #さよなら運転 #ヘッドマーク付 #bunkamuraラッピング #tokyu_railways #dennentoshi_line #8500type #aobadai #nsgatsuta #sayonara_train ✱もう一つの編成はBunkamuraカラー。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd9kNiwPIC2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haylei-w · 1 year
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台中東區-3鼎紅 麻辣鴨血臭豆腐 台中總店 最近台中東區新開了日本三井的lalaport,爆滿的人氣為周遭帶來了不少生命力!如果不想在百貨公司裡面大排長龍等候美食的話,出來走大概三分鐘就有一家3鼎紅麻辣鴨血臭豆腐,百元不到就能享受熱呼呼的麻辣美食,這樣的平價美食想不熱賣都難~XD 3鼎紅麻辣鴨血臭豆腐台中總店的售價從15-85不等,價位十分親民,藍子這次吃了六號餐(麻辣腸腸想美女亂噴汁),裡面有麻辣腸腸麻辣噴汁臭豆腐、麻辣美女嫩鴨血等經典美味,升級60元的豐盛餐,多了豆皮、肉片、老油條與主食(白飯或麵食),還加了松花皮蛋與雙倍爆乳(戀の奶油球),吃的超級豐盛的! 3鼎紅的麻辣腸腸採用豬大腸製作,大腸處理的非常乾淨,清除大部分的肥膩油脂,吃起來感覺負擔感比較低一些,以加了豆瓣醬提味的台式麻辣湯頭燉滷入味,為其帶來了鹹香的滋味與爽彈的口感(o^^o) 3鼎紅的麻辣鴨血都是在85度的高溫浸煮入味,吃起來非常滑嫩多汁,跟果凍一樣的軟嫩口感非常加分,絲毫不會有又韌又腥的踩雷感受,真的非常美味! 3鼎紅的臭豆腐味道不會太過刺鼻,即使外國人來此,乍吃之下也不會有不適感受,燉煮入味的臭豆腐口感柔軟且帶著豐富湯汁,味道十分不錯~ 3鼎紅麻辣鴨血臭豆腐令藍子記憶最深刻的是他竟然可以加松花皮蛋跟加奶!整顆皮蛋剝殼後浸潤麻辣湯頭,彈Q的蛋白與滑潤流心的蛋黃為料理增添了特有的鮮味,吃起來十分特別!加奶是指可以在嚐完原始湯頭後再另外倒入奶油球,濃醇的奶漿為食材增添了乳香醇厚氣息,溫潤了湯頭風味,使整體滋味變得更加柔和,真的蠻值得一試呢! 如果你剛好來訪台中火車站或台中三井lalaport的話,不妨找機會來吃看看唷(o^^o) 🌟3鼎紅 麻辣鴨血臭豆腐 台中總店相關資訊🌟 地址:台中市東區振興路75-1號 電話:0938666733 營業時間:11:00-23:00 @sandinghong 更多台中美食請追蹤IG @hayleiwu #台中美食 #藍子愛美食 #3鼎紅 #3鼎紅麻辣鴨血臭豆腐 #麻辣鴨血 #鴨血 #果凍鴨血 #臭豆腐 #麻辣美食 #台灣小吃 #台中小吃 #平價美食 #銅板美食 #人氣美食 #特色小吃 #台中東區美食 #台中宵夜美食 #台中火車站 #建國市場 #lalaport #taichungfood #taichungfoodie #taichungtravel #taichungtrips #food #foodie #yummy #delicious #foodpics #foodblogger (在 3鼎紅 麻辣鴨血臭豆腐 台中總店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVbCCgP84y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asiaphotostudio · 8 months
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Taiwan, 1999 Taitung, Taiwan. 台湾 台東市 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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shirasuphoto · 1 year
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No.415 ステンレス十景 往復-東急8500系8637F
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miya-sanpo · 2 years
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9th Generation Danjuro Ichikawa
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mirorineji · 2 years
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ちゅうちゅうたこかいな ⇒ ★
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crazyfox-archives · 1 year
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A printed ofuda talisman depicting Eleven-faced Kannon Bodhisattva (十一面観音菩薩) flanked by Jizō Bodhisattva (地蔵菩薩) and Bishamonten (毘沙門天) at Mitakesan Kiyomizudera Temple (御嶽山清水寺) in Katō, Hyōgo Prefecture, twenty-fifth temple in the Thirty-three Temple Western Pilgrimage Circuit
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