#* answered / esme.
ineffectualdemon · 9 months
Shang Qinghua is man who has a vagina and Mobei Jun is a demon with a penis and Shang Qinghua is the one who eventually knocks up Mobei
It's definitely his biological child and Mobei Jun definitely carries it himself
Shen Qingqiu spends the rest of eternity trying to figure out HOW but is too afraid to ask
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reyna-obsessed · 3 months
god i give up 😭😭 delete all the previous asks lets start afresh :D
may i req a
cabin five (ares): i assign you a weapon (you can req a type)
cabin ten (aphrodite): i ship you with a fictional character (you can req a fandom from my list) and assign you a romance trope
i was so confused with asks 😭😭😭 okay
of course
cabin five (ares): i assign you a weapon (you can req a type)
you're assigned a transparent dagger with a silver hilt
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cabin ten (aphrodite): i ship you with a fictional character (you can req a fandom from my list) and assign you a romance trope
i assign you
(young) Remus Lupin from Harry Potter(???)
your trope: academic rivals to lovers (iykyk)
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exilethegame · 1 year
If the Commander has a relationship with Syfyn in the past, how did Esmerelda feel about it at the time given her previous crush? Does current day Esme ever feel wistful about what could have beens, or does she think they'd have been ultimately incompatible?
Esmerelda liked Syfyn when she was young-- probably around the ages 12 - 15. It was very much a schoolgirl crush. Syfyn was funny, had a promising future ahead of her, did good in school, and was (and is) good looking and strong. Plus, Syfyn + Esmerelda knew each other in their youth (even before MC knew her). However, they were never close. Everything Esmerelda knew about Syfyn she knew by overhearing or because MC told her. It was very much a "have a raging crush from a distance because when you actually have to talk to them you get too flustered to talk" situation, so Esmerelda wouldn't ever speak to Syfyn during that time because she just... couldn't.
But once Esmerelda got into her mid teens and was forced to really start learning how to be a Queen a lot of things changed-- one of those things being her crush on Syfyn. Her and Syfyn never talked, and even if they did, they'd find they really didn't have much in common. Syfyn grew up in the military, learning how to embrace pain and discomfort while being taught her life was meaningless if not used to protect the crown. Esmerelda was the exact opposite-- she grew up lavishly and was given whatever she wanted, and she has been burdened with the knowledge her life means everything to everyone.
So, by the time MC + Syfyn got together (which would be when all of them were in their twenties) Esmerelda didn't have any feelings for Syfyn at all. The most she'd think of it is that it's sort of funny both her and her sibling liked her, but otherwise that's about it! Chances are MC knew Esme had a crush on Syfyn too (even if they weren't close) just because Esme was not subtle about it despite her best attempts to be, but Syfyn probably didn't know because that woman is not the most observant when it comes to emotions, so that might've been a funny inside joke between MC + Esme.
So, bottomline, Esme doesn't really think anything about it at all! Nowadays, she's far too busy dealing with politics and Mother to worry about romance-- and even when that is something she'll inevitably have to do in the nearby future, it'll be with some other noble of somewhat equal standing to her (likely one of the children of those in the Council) that stands to benefit the power of the Crown. Not someone she loves.
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itsallaboutbl · 1 year
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Santa Pongsapak as Wiew Between us, ep 12
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loife1m · 5 months
"it's you dammit. ok. it's you"
you both are such idiots i love you 😭😭
[😭😭👍] basically the summary of your whole interaction
Awww yall are waiting till 20 feb 🥰🥰 at least it's not march
ESME HI 😭😭😭😭
that line made me laugh cry scream too I swear that was so book-y
no fr like I was like “oh 😭😭” and yeah 😭 was basically it
it’s the sweetest text ever just ask aylin
lmao 😭
well. yesterday was very what the fuck-y. Idk how im gonna react when I see him today-
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toolazytodecide · 1 year
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
YES THAT SCENE AND you know that other scene where john comes in all geared up and armed and she’s like “it’s Father Christmas”? God that was so hot
(can’t believe john had the gall to cheat on her)
“and if you’re good you get what you deserve. fucking come here, girl.”
esme’s lip bite in that scene is such a mood. but I’m also biting my lip at her. she’s so gorgeous it’s ridiculous ??
and omfg I had literally erased that from my mind. I’m just telling myself that he was too drunk and high to realize what he was doing. not that it makes it much better, but I do think that john loves esme with everything he has in him.
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lostinlewis · 11 months
*bashfully entering your inbox* Not to be a curious little mf (I am) but do you maybe want to share a little teaser about one of the wips? 🥺
Oh please, I love that you are curious!
I will give you a peak of three of them, a small peak hehe
“You look incredible.” 
For a moment you wondered if he had forgotten himself, like the mere sight of you had made the world's most composed man crumble, and he found himself holding the small of your back for just a little too long, with his lips pressed to your ear for you to hear more than just his compliment, the rapidness of his breaths told you how he saw you. 
“I know.” 
It would have been perfect if you could see his face in the moment you pulled away first but you couldn’t allow yourself to linger his gaze on him, should he think for a second you wanted him more than he wanted you; even if that might be true. 
It was only as you sat with your bowl of granola that morning that you even considered a response. Lewis Hamilton wanted to take you out? Where? If you were truly honest you knew virtually nothing of the man other than what is force fed to you through celebrity pages and click bait headlines on social media, the majority being unflattering. 
Opening the app you found that Lewis had uploaded three stories whilst you slept, it was only as you began to click on the first one that you realised if you watched them you would be paying him too much attention; you decided to just stick to the most basic of conversation, for now. 
[yourusername] I am pretty booked up over the next week, what did you have in mind?
You figured that he would still be asleep, figuring he had been up partying or whatever athletes do late at night; you were wrong. 
[lewishamilton] Lunch? Dinner? A drink? Depends on how much of your time you can spare.
You had no plans for the day but he didn’t need to know that. Dinner was too committal and harder to escape from, a drink had the potential to turn into four, you knew that the most you were about to spare this stranger was a light lunch. 
[yourusername] I have an hour free at 12pm, let's grab a quick lunch. 
[lewishamilton] I’ll book us a table somewhere, send me your address to pick you up.
[yourusername] No need. I’ll book the table and meet you there, I’ll send you the address shortly.
‘[Lewis] You look gorgeous, Bean does too. I miss you x’
A message that should have settled your worries, alleviated all the stems of jealousy, did nothing of the sort. On the surface the message seemed genuine, but you knew it was routine now, a habit he had gotten into, it meant nothing really and it was said more out of pity than anything else. 
Lewis didn’t miss you, not in the sense he said it. He missed you only when he remembered you carried his child, he missed you only when he had grown tired of running around the world, partying, living the life of the most eligible of all bachelors. Lewis didn’t miss you, Lewis missed the taste of a family you gave him every time he bothered to come back home.
You didn’t bother replying, there was no point, you knew how the conversation would go, you could almost recite it word for word now and quite frankly you were done participating. You rubbed your hand across your bump. 
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bvlladonnas · 2 months
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send 📷 for a post of your muse on my muse's social media.
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wastheheart · 3 months
EEAAO Starters
@6ellas asked: ❛ you look really pretty right now. ❜ (thank you!)
The brush pauses mid-stroke through light curls. If Esme could still blush, her cheeks would have been tinted pink. Instead, her gaze falls to the floor suddenly bashful and she can't help but feel slightly choked up. Carlisle tells her how beautiful she is every day, but it's unexpected from Bella.
Even after years away from Charles, she still hears his cruel remarks when catching her reflection in the mirror. It's almost as if Carlisle knows— the reason why he always reminds her just how radiant she is.
"Thank you, Bella." She does little to hide her smile, but she's still learning to accept and sit with compliments. "I haven't really done anything different, just tried a different mascara today."
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esmeislewd · 2 months
Imagain if there is a secret society of vampires running the world. Slowly encouraging consumerism, pushing fast food, easy at home delivery, stay at home jobs, closing gyms, discouraging critical thinking, all in an effort to make transform humans into livestock.
The vampire society is waiting for the day when humans have become so domesticated they mentally and physically can’t fight back
In the future humans will live on blood farms constantly eating, being kept docile by Ai entertainment, food, and sexual stimulation. Living a pointless life as livestock until they are chosen to be sent to market for a vampire to feast on
Oh god I wish this was real so much you have no idea!!!
Being made so docile and submissive I can't recognise the fact that I'm being used fattened and drained continually to feed my owners too engrossed in my food and vapid entertainment to realise what is happening to me. Living in blissful ignorance as I make myself more vulnerable to their predatory instincts my body and blood being finely and delicately managed to make me prettier and more delectable to them.
Everything I was and could have been slowly melting away as they simplify my life down to a couple of base hedonistic instincts they can manipulate me and keep me compliant until at last I can safely be snatched up and put on the farm where the changes will only accelerate making me a better and better cattle. Until perhaps one day a vampire takes a special liking to me, finding my blood to be exceptionally delicious they buy me out right and take me back to their home. Where they let me sprawl around the house showing off my soft doughy body to guests and servants and allowing a few select friends to feed on me as well, savouring my rich taste~
They'd leave me as a soft, spoilt pet that hardly wants for anything and all she needs to do to maintain this lifestyle is keep eating and don't flinch when they sink their fangs into my soft neck~
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mxnkeydo · 5 months
my little sis is growing up 🥺
(i meant to send this earlier eheh)
awww thanks esme!! (and you’re totally good lol)
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tophsazulas · 2 months
I remember back when the last season of next class came out and I really wanted another season so I wrote a script for an episode where Esme starts to get therapy and tries to change even though it's hard for her.
That’s amazing! If you still have it, I would like to take a look at it (but only if you feel comfortable showing me).
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loife1m · 5 months
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divinctions · 2 months
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✿ ━━━━ @bvlladonnas sent a 📷 for a instagram post !
since her mom took care of and monitored most of sariyah's social habits, she's actually really bad with photos and trying to take them. which shows a little worse when it comes to esme because she wants her to like her so bad. she can't take a picture unless esme isn't looking and even then she has shaky hands or shes nervous about posting it because what if esme doesn't like it? top left photo esme was mid thought and sariyah ruined it with a big ass camera click sound, the bottom left sariyah thought she was taking a video and had them both looking crazy, and the story post was an instance where she thought she could get a good picture without ruining it but it still came out a little shaky. sorry queen.
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
you love esme??? I literally used to have the biggest crush on her and john. What I’d do to be their third 😩 like esme’s just so… charming and captivating
AAA oh my god, right?!
I fucking love peaky blinders. I’ve watched the first four seasons probably five times by now, and esme has had my heart from the moment we first saw her. I love her feistiness and her loyalty and her sharp tongue. fucking hell.
I just watched this scene (mild spoilers for S3&4):
and I’m losing my mind. I love john and esme together. they’re my number one power couple I swear aaaah.
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