#02. karen pierce
crwienysimscclist · 3 years
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MCM 05
*Posted on Gallery*
Body Hair:
Eye mask:
Mouth corners:
Septum Ring:
Nose Stud:
Nose details:
Nose Highlight:
Chin 4:
Cheeks 3:
Body N2:
Lips 9:
Nose 01:
Face 2:
No EA Lashes:
13 notes · View notes
longliverockback · 8 years
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Sonic Youth Goo 1996 Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Diry Boots 02. Tunic (Song for Karen) 03. Mary-Christ 04. Cool Thing 05. Mote 06. My Friend Goo 07. Disappearer 08. Mildred Pierce 09. Cinderella’s Big Score 10. Scooter + Jinx 11. Titanium Exposé —————————————————
Kim Gordon
Thurston Moore
Lee Ranaldo
Steve Shelley
* Long Live Rock Archive
15 notes · View notes
cuthian · 4 years
Dancing in the Rain Chapter Six
Hi everyone!
I hope everyone is doing okay and you're all able to stay safe! <3
This is the last chapter of this part.
Thank you all so much for sticking with me for so long! There will be one more (short) work wrapping things up, with Bucky and the others recovering and tying up things neatly (possibly) that I'm working on right now.
Please, read the tags and be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts!
Love Annaelle
Chapter Six
Thule Society Project Persuasion
[United States of America]                                             Mission date(s): [07/27/2011] to [09/15/2011]
Mission objective
Remanding of the Target to Thule Society custody for optimal reconditioning
Destabilisation of target’s mental health by use of Asset’s previous relation with the target – stage sightings of the Asset to ensure a shock to the target’s system and proceed to further intimidation (scripted recordings) until the target is suitably malleable and open to recalibration.
Mission target
Captain Steve Rogers – threat level 9
Status: extremely enhanced
Mission dates
-        Establishing surveillance in target residence
-        Briefing Asset
-        Mission progress report Asset
-        Reconfiguration and recalibration Asset  
-        Progression to Phase Two
Team members
Brock Rumlow – STRIKE handler
Alexander Pierce – Asset primary handler
Jasper Sitwell – mission planning
ELISA SINCLAIR – head technician and physician
Lobby of the Avengers Tower, New York, Manhattan, New York State, U.S.A.
12:24 a.m., 3 April 2016
Bucky Barnes / The Asset
The Asset eyed the large blond man dressed as a walking flag in confusion.
The woman—sister, Rebecca, Becky, little Cece—leaned heavily on the metal shoulder, and the Asset briefly considered that that could not be comfortable before his eye was drawn back to the walking American flag, who looked alarmingly like he was about to burst into tears.
“Bucky,” the man said again, blue eyes wide and watery. “You’re Bucky.”
The Asset blinked. The name did not mean much to him, but there was something about the blond man—Steve, Stevie, Captain, sweetheart—that made the Asset’s insides churn and twist, that made his flesh hand itch to reach out to him, to touch and soothe, to…
He—it was a weapon.
It could not soothe, it could not comfort, and it couldn’t find the small ticklish spot just above the blond man’s left elbow and press his fingers to it.
“You are,” the woman—Rebecca, a little voice in his head supplied again, Becky—said to him, her fingers digging into his flesh arm. “Bucky Barnes. Remember?” The Asset—Barnes?—looked down at her, wrinkling its nose in confusion before it decided that there were more pressing matters at hand; mainly that the—Rebecca, that Rebecca seemed to be resting more and more of her weight on him.
“You are injured,” the Barnes-Asset pointed out. “You require medical assistance.”
Rebecca looked up at him blearily. “Alright,” she nodded, before turning to the strange man in green who had taken them from the facility and brought them here. “You need to—you need to keep him safe. Make sure no one can hurt him anymore—protect him.”
The man looked quite baffled, but—to the Barnes-Asset’s surprise—only nodded.
“Okay,” Rebecca said. “Okay, good. Bu—Bucky, you go with him. He’ll keep you safe.”
Barnes-Asset frowned. “The Asset is required to remain in close proximity to ensure your safety,” it protested lightly. “The Asset is not efficient when it is not within range.”
“You don’t need to protect me,” she said immediately, although the Asset privately thought the argument lost most of its merit when she swayed so violently both he and the man in green needed to take her arms to steady her. “Others will take care of me,” she continued, although the Asset noted she was paling rapidly and swaying again.
“Rebecca,” the other, bigger blond carrying a large hammer called out, voice wavering, and when the Barnes-Asset looked at him, the man had moved forward a few paces, holding out a hand towards Rebecca, expression pleading. “Please, let me—”
“Thor,” Rebecca breathed, and she started forward, out of the Barnes-Asset’s grasp, stumbling forward into the large man’s waiting arms. The Barnes-Asset watched as she clutched at the large man’s impressive bicep with one hand, dropping the other to her swollen belly. “We need Eir,” she told the man seriously. “I really don’t feel good, and I need Eir—now.”
Before anyone could say more, she went limp in the other man’s grasp.
There was a beat of silence before thunder outside roared and the big blond man bellowed “Heimdall!”
An explosion of colors filled the entire space abruptly and the sound of it—oddly silent but inexplicably loud at the same time—thundered and echoed in the Barnes-Asset’s skull, leaving its ears ringing and its body sluggish and creaky.
When it looked up, the spot where the bigger blond and Rebecca had stood was empty, an intricate symbol burned into the tiled floor where they had stood. The Barnes-Asset looked at his own big blond, who was gazing between the Asset and the spot where Rebecca had stood with a torn expression and swallowed thickly.
“Well,” the man in green said. “That was dramatic.”
Steve Rogers, Becca Barnes and Thor’s Floor in the Avengers Tower, New York, Manhattan, New York State, U.S.A.
3:02 a.m., 3 April 2016
Steve felt like he’d aged twenty years in the past five hours.
He felt wrung out and exhausted, his body sore and sluggish like it hadn’t been since before he’d received the serum. He would probably have to call Karen-the-therapist soon, would need to schedule more sessions than he’d had in the past year…
He heaved a sigh and ran a hand down his face.
He had no idea what would be happening now.
He wasn’t sure if Becca and Thor had made it to Asgard alright, or even if Becca was alright—Loki had been frustratingly uninformed on her physical condition, and Bucky hadn’t been able to provide more than a cursory “in need of medical attention”—and yet he found it incredibly hard to care.
He found it so insanely difficult to focus on Becca when Bucky was sitting next to him, breathing and alive and real. He looked to the other man, who sat stiffly on one of the highbacked chairs in his kitchen, eyeing everything and everyone in the room with a great deal of suspicion.
He was afraid to think very hard about the circumstances that had led to Bucky sitting alive, breathing and confused on one of Steve’s dining chairs.
He was pretty sure that if he did think about it too deeply—if he did consider what caused the vacant look in Bucky’s eye, what had happened to him that made him look at Steve with a confused frown—he would lose his marbles and go on a killing spree to murder every single one of the sick sons of bitches that had ever dared lay hands on his Bucky, and Steve couldn’t.
Bucky needed him here, not off in the world burning down Hydra bases.
“I will help him sleep,” Loki spoke quietly, drawing Steve’s eyes to where the God of Mischief stood, still as tall and healthy as the last time Steve had seen him. Steve wanted to marvel over Loki’s miraculous revival, his stunning appearance, but he found he barely had the energy to care overly much anymore.
Bucky, who had since moved from his perch on the dining room chair and was prowling around the room, examining corners and books and everything he could get his hands on, looked up at Loki when he spoke, blue eyes wide and apprehensive.
He had not spoken since the lobby, since he had told Becca that he needed to stay close to her to protect her, since she had told him Loki would care for him.
He looked so scared and lost it made Steve’s heart hurt.
“Yeah,” Steve nodded mechanically. “As long as he’s… He’ll be safe, right?” He looked up at Loki with tears still burning in his eyes, breath wheezing in his lungs.
The god nodded, face twisting into an expression of compassion. “I owe Rebecca a debt. I will not let any harm come to him, I assure you.” They were both silent for a moment before Loki spoke again. “I remember what it is like to be unmade. To be… ripped apart and put back together into something you are not. I will not allow him to suffer. I give you my word, Captain.”
Steve nodded jerkily and swallowed thickly, wrapping his arms around himself to… to keep himself from falling apart all over again. “Just…” Steve hesitated. “Ask him. If he wants—don’t just… He deserves to have choices.”
He watched as Loki approached Bucky, offering the other man a smile and a few words, to which Bucky nodded jerkily before Loki waved his hand and Bucky’s head slumped back, his entire body relaxing into what Steve hoped was a peaceful, dreamless sleep as Loki manoeuvred him onto the couch.
“Why didn’t you tell Thor you were alive?” he blurted, wincing a little at his own lack of tact when Loki spun around with an incredulous expression on his face.
“It was too dangerous,” Loki finally allowed, wrinkling his nose a little as he moved back to the kitchen, where Steve stood leaning against the counter. “The All-Father would have me executed for treason in a heartbeat should he find me, and Thor along with me if he tried to hide me.”
Steve opened his mouth, but he found he really didn’t have the words to express what he needed to say. “I’m sorry,” he finally settled on, softly patting his hand on the back of Loki’s shoulder after a brief moment of hesitation. “That must’ve been an incredibly difficult decision to make.”
Loki looked at him as though he’d grown two heads for a long, tense moment before he nodded. “It was. It helped, knowing Thor had the Warriors Three, Sif and you and Rebecca to care for him.”
Steve looked down and sighed, rubbing his hand through his hair when J.A.R.V.I.S. chimed apologetically from the ceiling, “I apologize for the interruption, Captain, but the Lady Carter has requested you join her on the common floor for a short moment.”
He’d forgotten Peggy and Sharon were on their way here at all, too caught up by Becca showing up in the lobby with Bucky and Loki of all people, and he immediately felt like the worst friend in history, because as much as he loved Peggy and liked Sharon, he wasn’t sure he’d be able—and, God forbid, willing—to make time for them right now… now that Bucky was back.
If the glimpses Loki had caught in Bucky’s mind were any indication, Bucky was going to need all the support in the world to recover from his ordeal, and Steve couldn’t imagine a world where he wouldn’t provide any and everything Bucky could ever need.
Steve just didn’t know how to fit his other friends in there too.
“Go,” Loki said calmly, slipping onto one of the barstools and raising an eyebrow when Steve didn’t move. “I’ll keep watch. No more harm will come to him.”
Steve nodded mechanically, moving towards the door even though there was nothing he wanted to do less. He didn’t want to see the others, didn’t want to see Peggy or Sharon, didn’t want to have to deal with the unavoidable fall-out of Steve’s formerly-dead boyfriend suddenly turning up again.
He just wanted to stay here and sit beside Bucky, run his fingers through that long, unkempt hair and make sure that Bucky wasn’t hurting anymore.
He got onto the elevator anyway.
Rebecca Barnes Sr. paced around the couch impatiently, tutting disapprovingly every time she passed the elevator. Sharon sat beside her aunt on the couch, a nurse from the medical floor kneeling by her feet with a medical bag folded open to display an array of bandages, band-aids, disinfectant and cotton balls, checking her for more injuries and helping her care for the minor scrapes and bruises that littered her skin.
The sight of the wounds made something deep in Natasha howl with rage, because the other woman was her friend and a good person, and she’d deserved much better than her fiancé cracking her head open on the dresser and locking her up in their basement.
The nurse had already stitched up the large, deep gash that ran diagonally up from Sharon’s left eyebrow into her hair and applied a cooling gel to the swelling around her eye. “You’ll need an x-ray,” the man said in a soft, calming voice. “I don’t think it’s broken, but there might be hairline fracture or a crack that I can’t feel.” He gently pressed his fingers to the bruised and swollen skin just below Sharon’s eye and sighed. “Just to be sure.”
“I’m not going now,” Sharon said, her voice steely, avoiding the nurse’s eye steadily. “I’m fine. We have other things to worry about than whether or not Brock cracked my eye socket.”
“Miss Carter,” the nurse said slowly, but Sharon shook her head sharply, pushing his hand away.
“I said no,” she bit out. “If he did, it’s been broken for at least forty-eight hours. I’m sure I’ll be fine if I wait a few more hours to get it checked out.”
The nurse stared long and hard at her, and Nat was a little impressed that the man didn’t even flinch when Sharon glared back at him, before he sighed and relented. “Alright,” he said. “Fine. But I expect you down at medical by the end of the day.”
“Fine,” Sharon said, staring ahead again, eyes hard and focused on the picture of the entire Avengers group and most of their friends and family at the last 4th of July/Steve’s birthday barbecue, ignoring the nurse as he reached out to tend to her split lip and visibly forcing herself not to respond as her aunt patted a comforting hand on her thigh.
The man heaved a sigh, but accepted defeat and stood, packing up his medical bag.
“End of the day, okay? We gotta check out your eye,” he told Sharon sternly, pointing at her until she nodded grudgingly.  The man sighed again but turned and left without further comment.
When the elevator doors closed behind him, Tony turned and looked at her, frowning severely, and Natasha sighed too. She’d prefer to wait until Steve was here to discuss everything she and Tony had found, but there were a few things they needed to get out of the way without him interrupting every five minutes to correct them.
“We have to talk,” she said, stepping forward so all eyes were on her.
The room was full. Bruce and Clint had followed her and Tony up here once Steve had taken Barnes and Loki up to his own floor, and Sharon, Peggy Carter and Becky Barnes had arrived not ten minutes later. Fury, Maria and Phil had, thankfully, let themselves get booted from the Tower, although Natasha didn’t doubt they’d be back—if not for Loki, then for Barnes.
“I imagine we have to talk about a great many things,” Peggy Carter said kindly. “But I suppose you have something specific in mind, dear.”
“Yes,” Natasha said curtly, turning to Tony.
They’d not really discussed how much they would tell the others—not without Steve present.
“The man upstairs with Steve,” she said slowly, “he might be more than just Bucky Barnes.” She and Tony exchanged another glance, and she plowed on before the others could cut in with questions. “We think he might be the Winter Soldier.”
Sharon and Peggy Carter both inhaled sharply, and Clint startled, but the others looked a little uncomprehending.
“He’s…” Nat sighed.
“He’s a myth,” Peggy said sternly. “I looked for the Winter Soldier for the last twenty years of my career—he’s a ghost.”
“Yeah, well,” Tony interjected, pulling up a holographic screen with the documents Nat had given him earlier. “Whatever he is—whatever he became with them… they used him to try to break Steve.” Peggy let out a dry sob and pressed trembling fingers to her mouth, reaching out to pull the holographic screen closer, to read through the horrifying content of the reports.
“Are you sure this is about Steve?” Sharon asked skeptically. “All the names are redacted.”
“The dates match up,” Tony said. “With his breakdown. Before he tried to jump off the Tower. The dates, the times—all of it. I called his therapist, but she wouldn’t say if he ever discussed seeing Barnes with her without his permission, so…”
“We’ll have to bring it up with him,” Clint said.
Tony nodded with a grimace.
“You’re sure?” Becky Barnes said quietly. “Is it worth exposing him to a trigger?”
“We have to know,” Natasha said quietly. “And he needs to know. Think of what this means,” she gestured to the documents. “If it really is Bucky Barnes up there, and this document is real… Think of what they’d have to have done to him to make him consciously hurt Steve, of all people. We need to be prepared for the possibility that…”
She bit her lip and glanced towards Becky Barnes—who was, she realized with a jolt, Bucky’s little sister. “…not everyone who has been exposed to that level of brainwashing can recover.”
“He’s my brother,” Becky Barnes said in a small, soft voice. “And Steve loves him. We can’t—we can’t give up on him.” She looked around at the others when no one spoke, and Natasha felt a great wave of sympathy for the older woman. “We’re not giving up on him before he’s even had a chance,” Becky Barnes said again, sternly.
“No one’s giving up on him, Aunt Beck,” Tony said. “But we have to consider the possibility.”
Bruce heaved a sigh. “Depending on the kind of neurological damage they inflicted on him, it is a valid concern.” Natasha eyed the scientist concernedly—it didn’t look like he’d slept at all in the past forty-eight hours—before she turned her gaze to the twins.
They’d been silent the entire time, and since they were the only ones who’d been—however unwittingly—a part of Hydra recently, they might have valuable insights.
Wanda, who undoubtedly felt her gaze, looked up.
“I remember they spoke of a chair,” Wanda said. “That’s why we ran from them. They thought I didn’t understand if they spoke English—they talked about a chair to make us comply. Maybe that’s what they used on him.”
“Maybe,” Nat conceded. “We’ll have to see what he remembers.”
Everyone fell silent, and Nat noted absently that Sharon had swiped one of the nurse’s cotton balls and was dabbing at her split lip and scraped chin lightly. “J.A.R.V.I.S.,” Tony said after another beat, pacing restlessly behind the sofa, his hair standing up in tufts and dark circles lining his eyes. “Is Cap coming down here or what?”
“Yes,” J.A.R.V.I.S. replied pleasantly as the elevator doors opened and Steve emerged. Nat was actually vaguely impressed that they’d been able to pull Steve away from Barnes—if the man upstairs was indeed who Becca, and now Steve, seemed to think he was.
She had seen Steve grieve Bucky Barnes for years, had been privy to and part of a few private conversations about Steve’s previous relationship with him, and she knew that prying Steve away from Barnes now would likely require a crowbar and more than a few bribes.
Or, apparently, a request from Peggy Carter.
Steve walked out of the elevator looking decidedly worse for the wear already, and she hadn’t even brought up the reports they’d found yet. His eyes were rimmed with red and stained with dark circles and his hair was messy. He had only changed out of the top of his uniform, which left him in his dark blue uniform pants and boots and a dark, tight compression shirt—something that attracted attention of everyone in the room even in the current situation.
Natasha barely refrained from rolling her eyes.
They had more important things to deal with than the potential impropriety of Steve’s wardrobe.
“Steve,” Becky Barnes said immediately, springing back up from the couch with surprising vigour and flexibility for a ninety-year-old. “Is it really—how—how’s he—how, Steve?” She grasped at Steve’s forearms and he held her steady with soft, careful hands.
“I don’t know,” Steve admitted, sounding small and unsure, and for the first time in years, Natasha remembered how he’d looked in those first few months after they’d gotten him out of the ice. “Loki’s—Loki’s watching him. He helped him sleep.”
“I want to see him,” Becky told him mulishly, and for the first time Nat really saw the resemblance between Becky and Becca. They had the same stubborn set to their jaw, and Steve reacted almost exactly the same way to Becky’s stubborn glare as he did to Becca’s. If the situation hadn’t been quite so dire, she might’ve smiled.
“Yeah,” Steve nodded, a deeply resigned expression on his face. “Okay. Has anyone heard from Becca and Thor?” He looked away from Becky, glancing at Nat and Peggy in turn, before looking at Tony. “Anything at all?”
“No,” Tony shook his head. “Nothing.”
Nat ignored the painful twist in her chest at the reminder that no one actually knew how Becca was doing and focused instead on the problems that she could fix.
Steve guided Becky back to the couch where Peggy sat before he shuffled over to the twins and unceremoniously dropped himself on the seat between them. He grinned tiredly at Pietro when the youth stuck his tongue out at him and slung an arm around Wanda when she leaned into him.
It was sweet, Natasha realized with a pang, to see him with them.
They looked up to him, had trusted him before they’d trusted any of the rest of them. Wanda had confided to her once that Steve was like the big brother she and Pietro had always wanted, and Nat really saw that now—Steve was drawing as much comfort from their proximity as they were from his.
That was… that was good, considering the conversation they needed to have.
Sharon set down the cotton ball she had taken from the nurse, apparently entirely unaware of the thin trickle of blood that ran down from her lip to her chin immediately. Instead, she leaned forward, eyeing Steve with a breathless kind of intensity that Natasha recognized all too well. She had spent enough time focusing on the mission, on her tasks, on erasing the red in her ledger, to know when someone was trying to avoid thinking about their personal burdens by focusing on work.
She didn’t begrudge the woman her focus.
If anything, she understood.
“We have some things to discuss,” Natasha said, determinately ignoring the feeling of déjà-vu that hit her abruptly. She took a seat beside Sharon and directed her gaze towards Steve. “It’s not… it’s something that might trigger you—but we think you need to know.”
Steve looked at her with wide, blue eyes, chewing on his lip for a second before he said, “Tell me.”
Tony stepped forward and drew up another holographic screen, this one a lot smaller, more discreet, and pushed it towards Steve. “We found this,” he said slowly. “The dates… I know it’s really hard to talk about, to think about, but…” Tony cut off and Natasha sighed, stepping in smoothly.
“Steve, this implies that they used Barnes to destabilize your mental health. And we—” She glanced towards Tony. “Did you see him? Is that why… is that how—”
Steve looked like a deer caught in headlights, his eyes wide and startled, and Natasha felt horrible for bringing it up, but they needed to know. If Hydra had brainwashed Barnes to the point that he was willing to hurt Steve of all people, they needed to prepare to deal with that.
“Before we get into that,” Peggy cut in, and Steve looked so relieved he might cry, until Peggy—delicate as ever—said, “The man upstairs… How sure are we that he is, in fact, Bucky Barnes?”
“I know,” Steve insisted passionately. “I would—I would know if it wasn’t him.”
“Steve,” Becky Barnes said. “We have to know for sure. What if he’s a clone or something?”
“He isn’t,” Loki said, suddenly appearing in their midst with a flash of bright green light. Clint shot off an arrow that passed right through the god without doing any damage whatsoever before Natasha had a chance to shoot him, and when she looked, everyone except Steve and Becky Barnes had drawn some sort of weapon and had it aimed at Loki.
The man barely even blinked. “Honestly, no need for those. I am here on behalf of Rebecca, and as long as I am under her command, I am of no danger to you.” Clint scoffed loudly and Natasha could see his and her own scepticism mirrored on several of the faces in the room.
“He owes her a life debt,” Steve piped in. “He’s telling the truth. She told him to protect Bucky so that’s what he’ll do.”
Loki grimaced in distaste but didn’t contradict Steve either.
Nat eyed him. Interesting.
“How do you know it is Bucky Barnes?” she asked him cautiously. “You never met the man.”
“Because,” Loki drawled, gesturing towards Steve with a bored expression. “He is whole when he stands beside Barnes. It was a rare thing, you know, to see a man alive in lìkami and munr, absent hugr. Now that Barnes is beside him, his hugr is returned, and he is whole. Surely even you can see it.”
Natasha blinked.
She’d only understood about half of what Loki had said, and yet, she knew what he meant anyway. There was something different about Steve—she hadn’t noticed before, but… she had never noticed that he slumped his shoulders, before. She’d never quite noticed that he tried to make himself smaller, that he seemed dimmed, whereas now…
It was like he was lighter, like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders.
“Okay,” Nat said, and though Clint and Tony both looked at her incredulously, she turned back to Steve. “Okay. So he’s really your Bucky Barnes. She gestured towards the documents still displayed on the holographic screen and said, gently, “Did you see him? Is that why you felt so horrible?”
Steve bit his lip harshly, and he seemed to shrink in on himself before he whispered, “I thought… I thought I was imagining it. Karen said it was normal, to see the people you’d lost, so I thought—I just thought I was going through something normal.”
Wanda rubbed her hand over Steve’s arm, and Pietro leaned against him, and Natasha felt almost bad for asking, but this was what they needed to know.
“He started whispering things,” Steve admitted in a small, trembling voice. “Played into the survivor’s guilt. He told me he was waiting for me, that… that I shouldn’t keep him waiting any longer, and that all the others were with him too, that my mam—”
He broke off abruptly and looked away, and Natasha diligently pretended she didn’t see him wipe away the small tears that had run down his cheeks.
“That’s enough,” Becky Barnes said. “Does that match what the file said?”
“Yes,” Natasha nodded. “Hydra used him against you. They knew who he was to you.”
Steve snorted a weak little laugh. “Well, at least they’re quicker on the uptake than the rest of the U.S. I’m pretty sure our relationship was the worst kept secret in the Army—I was so surprised people didn’t actually know when I woke up…”
Nat smiled a little.
“He is the Winter Soldier,” she said. “A ghost story.” Steve looked at her with those wide, baby blue eyes of his, reminding her distinctly of a confused puppy, and she huffed a sigh. “Most of the intelligence community doesn’t believe he exists. He’s credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years.”
Steve looked distinctly nauseated. “How—how do you know it’s him?” he stuttered. “If he’s a ghost story… How do you know that it’s him?”
She hesitated.
This would not be an easy thing to explain to Steve. Not, she thought, because he would react poorly or because he would not understand, but because she was sure it would break his heart.
“We have a history,” she finally said. “Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer, so he shot him straight through me. Before that…” she stilled and looked down at her hands, feeling distinctly vulnerable and exposed. “…Before that he and I were in the Red Room together. They let him train us.”
She had been right.
Steve looked faintly green.
“Nicholas is pulling up everything S.H.I.E.L.D. has on the Winter Soldier,” Peggy Carter said primly, leaning forward a little. “But we need to decide if we want to keep this under wraps, and if so, how.”
“What do you mean?” Steve croaked, and Nat diligently pretended not to notice that his eyes were bloodshot and shiny.
Sharon huffed and shook her head. “Think, Steve. Use that big, strategic brain of yours. Barnes obviously wasn’t supposed to saveBecca, and he clearly wasn’t supposed to be discovered. We need to figure out how to handle the media angle if this gets out, and we need to know what to tell other letter agencies when they inevitably come knocking.”
“What we need to know is who was aware of Barnes’ real identity,” Natasha pointed out.
“Well, Brock knows,” Sharon bit out angrily, tossing the cotton ball she’d been using to disinfect her split lip and scraped chin in the little waste basket next to the table.
“We need more information before we can make any decisions,” Steve pointed out, and Natasha noted that he carefully didn’t reply to Sharon’s outburst. “We need to figure out who Brock was working for, why he took Becca, what he was trying to achieve, and how he got his hands on Bucky.”
“How did he survive?” Peggy Carter piped up. “You said he fell off a cliff—no normal person could’ve survived that fall.” She frowned. “Your report mentioned that specifically.”
Nat eyed Steve shrewdly. She didn’t think he would’ve left Barnes unless he was absolutely sure there was no way the man could’ve survived—and yet he had. Carter was right, they did need to know how Barnes had gone from dying at the bottom of a ravine to the most feared assassin of the 20th century.
“Zola,” Steve breathed, his eyes widening with horrified realization.
Natasha frowned in confusion, but Carter—senior—nodded in silent understanding. “Azzano,” she said slowly. “Barnes was experimented on.”
Steve nodded slowly. “They must’ve given him a version of the serum.”
“That would explain a lot,” Peggy Carter agreed, and Natasha nodded in agreement.
The man she’d known had been far too strong to be merely human, and now that Steve mentioned it, she remembered a few instances where the Soldier had been injured on a mission and had shrugged it off like it was nothing—his stoicism had been held as an example for her and the others, and they had fought long and hard to emulate it, but none of them had been quite capable of doing so.
The Soldier had been able to shrug off physical injury like it was nothing—like she had seen Steve do during their longer, more difficult battles.
The Soldier being enhanced too would make a lot of sense. The ultimate counter-weapon.
“Until we know more,” Peggy said slowly, “I think caution and discretion are our best friends. We should keep Barnes’ survival under wraps until we know more, either from him or from other sources.”
“I guess that’s as good a plan as any,” Clint agreed from his spot in the vents, and Natasha nodded while the others made consenting noises. Steve nodded curtly before he rose from his seat and said, stiffly, “I’m going back up. If there’s—if we hear anything more from Thor and Becca—”
“We’ll let you know,” Peggy Carter nodded with a patient smile. “Go see to Barnes, Steve.”
Steve nodded jerkily and stood, but Becky Barnes immediately burst, “I’m coming with you, Steven.”
“Cece, he’s just sleeping,” Steve said beseechingly, but it didn’t seem to deter the older woman, who got to her feet and wobbled over to Steve determinedly.
Natasha watched them, feeling oddly detached, as they disappeared into the elevator.
She kept staring after them for another moment before she dropped into the seat beside Sharon and picked up an abandoned swab to clean up the little streak of blood on her chin.
“Now,” she said as the others gathered around them. “Tell me everything that happened to you.”
Fensalir, Valaskialf, Asgard5 April 2016 – 9:02 a.m. ((Earth UCT+1)
A hushed silence lay across the lush green gardens Thor’s father had once planted for his mother. A deep, mournful silence that draped across Thor’s shoulders like a well-worn cloak, almost as though the latent seiðr in the gardens sensed his downcast mood and acclimated itself to him.
He had always felt at home in these gardens.
Safe. Sheltered. Cherished.
His mother lingered in these gardens. Her touch, though distant, was what had given life to most of the things that bloomed in these fields, and he could feel her lingering, could feel her, however faintly, and took comfort in her presence.
He had long since lost track of how long he had been sitting in the gardens, his back pressed against the rough trunk of a tree with a base wider than he was tall. He clutched the looking glass that Eir had enchanted for him in one hand, casting furtive glances at it every few heartbeats, although the image remained unchanged since Eir had banished him from the infirmary.
In the end, he had only conceded because she had enchanted the mirror for him.
He’d not have left Becca’s side if he’d not been able to look in on her the entire time. Eir had propped up its twin beside the bed Becca slept in, so the looking glass always gave him an unobstructed view of her. He would be able to see when she started to stir, so he could be there when she opened her eyes.
So he could be the one to tell her that… to… he exhaled shakily and set the mirror down on the grass, rubbing both hands across his face.
Eir had confirmed what he had feared from the moment Becca had stumbled into his arms back on Earth. He’d not needed her to confirm it—he… he was a God of Fertility.
He had known, however instinctively, that Becca carried his child, and so he had also known that the life in her womb was no more, even before Eir had mournfully informed him that there was nothing more she could do. According to the healer, the men who’d kidnapped her had dosed with a kind of Midgardian drug to keep her compliant while they took her—a drug that had been entirely unsafe for the baby.
Coupled with the physical trauma she’d sustained…
There hadn’t been anything—there wasn’t anything they could do.
Thor felt oddly numb.
He’d thought, before, that he knew what grief was… that he knew what heartbreak was.
When Loki and his mother had been torn from him, he’d felt as though they had taken the very air that he breathed with them. For a long while, he had felt as though he had very little to live for anymore—and indeed, it seemed the very Norns themselves agreed with him, because the food he tried to consume thereafter tasted like ashes in his mouth and however much he drank, he was never able to satiate his thirst.
There had been a large part of his soul missing, but, in time, he had grown used to the constant ache and constant yearning to see them again.
He would have given anything for just one more hour with his mother, for one more chance to embrace Loki, but now… now he had Loki returned to him, but he had lost his firstborn, and he didn’t think it was a trade he would ever have considered.
Damn the Norns for ever treating his desperate pleas as true requests.
He found it difficult not to linger on… on what-ifs and should-haves. He had run over the events of the night a million times, had considered the many, many different ways he and the Avengers could have gone about rescuing Becca, had considered what forbidding Becca from doing the mission would have meant for their relationship…
There was little to be said and even less that he could do now.
Perhaps if he had not stalled, in the tower, if he had been out searching from the moment she had been taken—perhaps he’d have found her sooner.
It still would not have saved their child, but… perhaps they could have done more.
Perhaps he could have done more.
He should have done more.
He’d known Becca was… a little concerned about taking the mission, but that she’d had enough faith in Steve and the others to set those fears aside and take the mission anyway and that he probably should have insisted she defy the others, but he had believed Steve when they promised it was not, by far, a dangerous mission.
By all rights, it should not have been.
But it had been, and it had left his beautiful mortal in a broken, vulnerable state, and he was powerless. He’d not had much experience feeling thusly, and in this situation he had absolutely no idea how to handle the influx of feelings it brought.
He barely had any idea how to deal with the grief of losing their child. He did not know if he could cope with the knowledge that he could have prevented all of it too.
He both feared and anticipated the moment Becca should awaken, for he was sure she would agree.
Heimdal had told him his Midgardian friends were concerned about Rebecca, and that Loki—and Norns, he’d barely even begun to think about that—was still with them, keeping watch over the other man that had saved Becca—the man she had called Bucky.
Thor had been rather preoccupied at the time, of course, but he did vaguely recall the familiar hue to the man’s hugr. He wasn’t sure why Loki had accepted Becca’s orders as absolute, and he certainly didn’t know what to think of Loki’s decision to hide, to let Thor grieve him, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to hear it.
Thor did know that when the time came, he wished to hear the words directly from his brother.
But now… his glance strayed back to the looking glass, to where Rebecca lay, small and weak. He couldn’t deal with Loki now too—not while Becca was so weak and ill, not when he would have to tell her their child had passed when she woke…
Not when he did not know how to say the words aloud himself yet.
His eyes fell upon the looking glass again, and he noticed the slightest stir in Becca’s features. He had been sleeping beside her for the better part of four years—he knew her tells. She was waking up, and he needed to return to her side.
He reached out to touch the warm glass. “I’m here, Krúttið mitt. You’re in Asgard, you’re safe.”
He stood, very deliberately trying to shake off the melancholy that wrapped around him like a particularly constricting cape, and made his way back to the palace, walking through darkened hallways and deserted corridors, and praised the Norns for not putting anyone in his path right now.
He did not think he could stand having to speak to anyone right now.
The infirmary was, mercifully, also empty—save for Lady Eir, who eyed him meaningfully—and he was able to move into the sequestered alcove where Becca slept unhindered. He stared down at Becca and swallowed thickly, unable to stop himself from reaching out to touch her, to take her hand in his and to rest his other hand on her belly.
Their child still rested there under a spell of preservation, and would until Becca was strong enough to survive the birth.
He did not tear his eyes from her—from his brave, sweet, strong Midgardian—until he heard someone come up behind him. Sif’s warm, calloused hand fell onto his shoulder, and he looked up to find her looking at him with sadness in her eyes. “Have you slept at all?”
“No,” he admitted. “No, I don’t—I couldn’t. I can’t risk not being there when she wakes.”
Sif eyed him shrewdly before she sighed. “You need to sleep,” she insisted quietly. “And eat. Keep up your strength. You’ll need it.”
“For what?” he replied listlessly, eyes still locked on Becca’s still form. “For what, Sif?”
His eyes burned with unshed tears, and he found, not for the first time, that he couldn’t breathe. Becca was unconscious, in critical condition still, Loki was alive and his child—his baby—his firstborn—was dead. His father would probably be delighted.
“I should’ve…” He choked back a sob and shook his head. “I should’ve felt something. I should’ve noticed that something was wrong—I should never have let her go—”
“Thor,” Sif whispered, softly, brokenly, but he couldn’t, he couldn’t hear, he couldn’t stop—
“What good is being a god,” he cried, “if I cannot even protect my own child? My own kvàn.”
He barely heard Lady Sif’s hurried assurances, the empty platitudes meaningless. “It’s not your fault, Thor,” she insisted. “None of this is on you. You did everything—”
“Everything,” Thor repeated hollowly, tears rolling down his cheeks. “Everything in my power. And yet my child will never draw breath. Rebecca may never speak to me again. How am I supposed to…” He shrugged helplessly, and for all that he had been alive for fifteen hundred years, he had never felt more like a powerless child.
“How am I supposed to tell her? How am I supposed to tell her that—that our—that it’s just—”
“I don’t know,” Sif whispered. “I don’t know.”
She let him lean on her for a while, let him grieve and sob until he was… well, not better, but certainly more in control of his emotions. “I’ll need to go to Earth,” he croaked. “Tell our friends what happened.”
“I can do that,” Sif said kindly. “Rebecca will need you here. That is what you must be strong for. I’ll speak to your Midgardians.”
Thor looked up at his friend with an unimaginable amount relief. “Thank you.”
Sif patted his shoulder. “I know there is nothing I can say to ease your suffering, but this I can do.” She squeezed his shoulder again in support before she left, her footsteps echoing just a little in the empty space before the door fell shut behind her.
A part of him wanted to start crying again, wanted to break down and sob and rage and scream and raze the entirety of the villainous Hydra to the ground, burn it all until there was nothing but ashes left—but he could not go.
He could not leave Becca when she would need him.
He rubbed his thumb across her belly in an unconscious gesture he’d repeated a hundred times before, tears burning anew in his eyes. He would never get to sit upon his father’s throne with their child on his knee to claim her—for it was a girl, they’d have a daughter—as his own. He would never partake in the vatni ausinn with her, would not get to bestow the name he had chosen on her—would never get to see his daughter grow up.
He wouldn’t get to introduce his firstborn to their people and wouldn’t get to see Rebecca take on the role of a mother—one she had never let herself want before.
A role he knew she’d been looking forward to, even though it terrified her too.
Tears ran down his cheeks as he bent forward, resting his forehead against the curve of Becca’s belly. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, both to Becca and their daughter. “I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you.” He exhaled a shaky laugh and continued, “You surprised us—your mother and I—but I was so happy as well. I wish I could’ve met you, my bumbubúi. I wish I could’ve told you everything I planned, that I could’ve… could’ve taught you all the things I wanted to. I love you so much, bumbubúi and I’m so, so sorry that I couldn’t save you.”
Becca stirred again, and he pulled away, wiping a hand across his face to dry his tears before her nose crinkled as she turned her head into the pillow, huffing a tiny sigh. “—hor?”
“Yes, Krúttið mitt,” he whispered, lifting her hand to his lips. “I’m here.”
Her eyes weren’t quite open yet, and Thor was fairly certain she wasn’t quite awake, but her brow was furrowed, and Thor couldn’t resist the urge to smooth out the little wrinkle with his thumb. Becca huffed another sigh, but turned her face towards him nonetheless.
Thor smiled despite himself and pressed another kiss to her hand before squeezing it to his cheek, relishing in the warmth of her skin against his.
She woke slowly, gradually, and a slow, sweet smile tugged on her lips as her eyes fluttered open. “Thor,” she said again, her voice low and rough with disuse, and sweeter than anything he’d heard in hours—he hadn’t realized how afraid he had been of losing her as well, of never hearing her speak again, until she spoke again. “Hey.”
“Hi,” he said again. He pressed another kiss to her hand. “I love you. I love you so much.”
Undisclosed Hydra Base, New York City, New York, United States of America
5 April, 2016 – 5:32 PM
Alexander Pierce
“You lost the Asset?”
Pierce made sure his voice was level, perfectly calm as he stared down the man that kneeled at his feet. Brock Rumlow looked distinctly worse for the wear, his face swollen and beaten—and Pierce wondered how many of those bruises had been put on the man’s face by the Asset and how many by the loyal men he had sent to retrieve their rogue agent.
“It’s not my fault,” Rumlow spat. “That bitch had magical fucking back-up! And how was I supposed to know that the Asset would break free?”
Pierce didn’t deign that with a response and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Was a little competence so much to ask?
He was tempted to shoot the man right then and there, because he had been far more trouble than he was worth and Pierce was disgusted with Rumlow’s impulsiveness and downright stupidity, but he refrained. Barnes would’ve known it was Rumlow who’d taken her, since the Asset had ripped off his mask, and even if she didn’t, there was fucking Carter to consider.
No, it’d be far more advantageous to him to arrange for Rumlow to perish at a more convenient time.
His death could be used to secure the Avengers’ gratitude.  
“Throw him in the deepest, darkest cell we have,” he told Rollins, who stood just behind Brock, holding the man down on his knees with a heavy hand on his shoulder. “I’ll decide what to do with him later.”
Rollins nodded curtly, and he and two other men dragged Rumlow—who was still spitting inane justifications for the clusterfuck he had left Pierce with—out of his office. “Get me Zola,” he told a technician, who cowered in the corner. “Get me a direct connection to Lehigh. We need to coordinate this mess and control the narrative before it controls us.”
He pulled out his phone and dialled the number of the only person who might give him insight into what the Avengers knew—who might slip up and tell him if they had the Soldier.
“Nick,” he said concernedly as soon as Fury answered. “I just flew back in from L.A. and I heard about Barnes’s kidnapping. She’s been a tremendously loyal employee for us in the past decade—I want to help any way I can. Is there any news?”
To Be Continued
Start from the beginning:
In Hell We Stand By You:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Never Feel Alone:
(1) (2)
Dancing with a Limp:
(1) (2)
Starting Over:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Dancing in the Rain:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Or read it HERE on AO3 :D 
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basilwalcott · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Basil Anthony Walcott  NICKNAME: Hey Asshole, Walcott,  BIRTHDAY: 29 December GENDER: CISMale SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Who knows ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Capricorn SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish BIRTHPLACE: London, England RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single please no one date him
HAIR COLOR/STYLE: Black, curly EYE COLOR: Brown FACE CLAIM: Aubrey Joseph HEIGHT: 5′11″ TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: None UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES: Scar below his left ear from an incident as a child, several crooked fingers from breaking them, scar on his eyebrow from totaling his Porche.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Practical, Ambitious, Careful, Reserved NEGATIVE TRAITS: Pessimistic, Fatalistic, Miserly, Grudging HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Exy, Cars INSECURITIES: Too many to name – his family, his looks, honestly just about everything QUIRKS/ECCENTRICITIES: Never smiles, flinches at loud noises, will talk about cars for hours to anyone that will listen MBTI TYPE: INTP ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type Four - The Individualist MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic
IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Anthony Walcott (Father), Marie Walcott (Stepmother), Katie King-Walcott (Stepsister), Karen King-Walcott (Stepsister), Spencer King-Walcott (Stepbrother) HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT THEIR FAMILY?: Hatred – at this point Basil hates them all. His father is the worst of them all: cruel, selfish, and pretends he cares. Meanwhile his stepsiblings take out all their anger on him because they think their stepfather cares more about Basil than anyone else. Basil hates them too because they’re awful to him and he did nothing to them. His stepmother is terrible too, though she mostly just ignores Basil’s existence because her attention is focused on Anthony.   HOW DOES THEIR FAMILY FEEL ABOUT THEM?: Basil’s dad is disappointed in him and is tired of pretending to care about his son when he never saw him as anything other than an opportunity. Now that Basil’s got himself into a mess, Anthony has a reason to get rid of him. His step family doesn’t like Basil either for various different reasons. It’s complicated, but at least they aren’t transparent about their hate. PETS: None, he used to have a dog named Pistachio, but after being kicked out, he couldn’t exactly bring himself to take the dog when he had nowhere to go. WHERE DO THEY LIVE?: Fox Tower where he’s going to live in the summer is a mystery because he damn well isn’t going to stay in Palmetto unless he’s legally forced to. DESCRIPTION OF THEIR HOME: His father had a decent sized house in California. Three bedrooms, very modern in style. Which was right down the road from the Walsh estate – a Victoria/Gothic style house. They lived in a penthouse in New York City. DESCRIPTION OF THEIR BEDROOM: The bare minimum of things, honestly because he grabbed what he could fit in a few duffles and left home, so most of his belongings are clothing and not many personal things. There’s not much that he keeps out that’s personal, like posters or trophies or anything.
FAVORITE COLOR: Navy FAVORITE CLOTHING STYLE/OUTFIT: Button down shirts with dress pants. FAVORITE BANDS/SONGS/TYPE OF MUSIC: 80s Rock FAVORITE MOVIES: The Scream Series FAVORITE BOOKS: Lord of the Flies FAVORITE FOODS/DRINKS: Potatoes, cooked any way. Water, sports drinks (ie: gatorade)   FAVORITE SPORTS/SPORTS TEAMS: He’s secretly a huge Raven’s fan, but no one at Palmetto knows this FAVORITE TIME OF DAY: Evening FAVORITE WEATHER/SEASON: Winter FAVORITE ANIMAL: Elephants
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parkjmini · 6 years
Outlier | 06
poly!au: park jimin x reader x kim jennie while your lovers said they needed you, you wondered if they knew how much you needed them. word count: 1748 genre: angst/fluff warnings: explicit language
[an]: this is just a quick filler chapter and it’s a little rushed :// im sorry for not updating for a while or being less frequent on tumblr. i had been super emo bc of college admissions but guys!! gr8 fucking news!! i got into my dream schools after sooo many rejections from other schools. im also not going to be updating/MIA for the upcoming week bc i have to practice for a 20 min presentation that will determine if i graduate jfc that im doing on friday ugh 
prologue . 01 . 02 .  03 . 04 . 05 . 06 . 07
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The hospital wouldn’t let you leave. Your conditions had gotten worse and they needed you to stay in the clinic for the doctors’ to closely monitor your behavior. That meant scheduled meals, frequent chemotherapy treatments, more blood tests. Even though you did nothing at the hospital, everything made you feel extremely exhausted and your arms were bruised from the constant needles being poked into your skin.
Living at the hospital meant no more art classes or school. You couldn’t finish your college classes at your institution because you couldn’t leave. The school suggested to finish the credits through online courses, but it only caused you to lash out more. You hated what the cancer had done to your life. It robbed it. You were just existing now. 
You weren’t sure if you saw Jimin and Jennie less now or before during when you all lived together. They came to see you every day, if it wasn’t the both of them, it was one of them. You also saw Jungkook and Hoseok more often as well. You weren’t alone, because everyone’s visits managed to never cross.
Hoseok came usually around the late mornings to afternoons, mainly every other day or whenever he could. Jungkook came during the evenings, when Hoseok had to leave for his classes. Jimin came around the night, staying way past visiting hours. The nurses looked at him one night crying by your bedside and knew that visiting hours didn’t apply to him. Jennie came in the early mornings until Hoseok arrived and before she left for classes. The only time Jimin and Jennie visited together is when they didn’t have classes — those days were off limits for Hoseok and Jungkook.
The only times you’re alone is between the hours of when Jimin leaves and when Jennie arrives, but Jimin waits until you fall asleep to go home. You would say that your individual relationships grew more intimate, but you were afraid of Jennie and Jimin lacking moments. 
Hoseok and Jimin wouldn’t speak about their friendship to you, so you were unsure if they were even best friends anymore. You couldn’t help but feel like all of this was your fault. 
Hoseok was the one who sat with you during your chemo sessions because he’s the only one who has ever seen you that valuable. You wouldn’t allow anyone else to join you on your treatments and always asked them to wait for you in the room. Those days were the hardest to get through because the nurses did a poor job at distracting you of anything. 
“Hey baby,–” Jimin walked in as a nurse was helping you up from your bed. She paused and smiled at him.
“Hello Jimin.” She gleamed, almost as if she thought he called her his baby. You rolled your eyes and fidgeted to get her attention.
“Hey, I’m going to a chemo session. I’ll be back in a few—”
Jimin set his things down and helped you on your other side, “–I’ll just join you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s okay, stay here. I tell you this every time.”
“Yeah and I listen to you every time, which I knew after the first time, I shouldn’t because you come in a crying mess after it all. I know you let Hoseok go with you, but he’s not here now. I am, so let me be there for you.” Jimin stared intensely into your glossy eyes and the nurse waited for your consent before moving you.
A switch flipped in your heart. Those annoying heavy thuds of your heart went off. The redness in your cheeks radiating. You nodded and grabbed onto him for more balance. 
He rambled on about how his day went as he walked you down the hall into one of the million rooms in the hospital. The nurse strapped you up to begin your session and Jimin sat on your other side. 
Your mind always whirled before it all started, never really prepared for when the needle pierced through your skin. However, Jimin didn’t let you focus too much on it. He held onto your hand so tight and squeezed it repeatedly to draw your attention back to his presence. He talked continuously, merely rambles about the most random things that he encountered when driving or on campus.  
He made you feel 100 times better, even way better than when Hoseok came with you. Maybe it was the fact that he was your boyfriend, so his touch and his voice calmed your anxiety. 
“You really wouldn’t believe it, but Karen is going to go to her sorority formal with Trevor even though she already promised Garret. The guy was really pissed when he found out and started to rip each other’s throats out right in front of the lecture hall. I had my money on Garret, considering the dude is yolked, and Yoongi couldn’t give two shits about the fight but I made him bet anyways. He thought Garret was going to win too, but that’s not how a bet works, y’know? We can’t bet on the same person because who would owe who the money? But he didn’t care and said that he’d buy me food either way, which is great because that would mean that I win anyways.” Jimin kept his eyes locked on yours, rubbing his knuckles softly against your cheek to soothe you. His eyes never strayed to the massive syringe in your other arm or the nurse injecting it. 
At that moment, he only knew you. 
And you were unsure if the pain you felt was from the chemo or the burning sensation that came from your heart. 
“…so who won?” You barely peeped out and Jimin lit up with excitement, stars in his beautiful, big eyes. 
“Yoongi.” Jimin smiled and you gave him a confused expression. “It turns out Yoongi and Karen were already talking and had been secretly dating this entire time. She’d been trying to get him jealous by saying yes to all those guys, so he would step up and ask her to formal. He walked right in the middle of the fight, and I thought he was going to get punched into pulp, but they both calmly stepped away as Yoongi stood in between the two buff men. He told them that neither of them were taking Karen to formal and that he was already going with her because he’s her boyfriend. They all laughed until Karen jumped into his arms and kissed him in front of everyone, yelling ‘that’s my baby!’ and Yoongi threaten to cut them open for a lab, y’know how he’s a biology major, if they didn’t both leave them alone.” 
“What?” You wanted to laugh, but you weren’t suppose to move. However, hearing Jimin’s melodic chuckle made you smile. He leaned in and gave your silly, yet confused face a quick peck. 
“I told you that you weren’t going to believe it.” His toothy grin brighten up the dark, gloomy session room and you didn’t regret having him there with you one bit.
“What’s Jennie doing?” You asked as you fluffed Jimin’s raven hair. He rested on your chest as you both laid in your hospital bed. The only sounds were the monitor running and the light sounds of your breathing.
“Stuck at the internship.” He mumbled into your sheets.
“Why aren’t you there?” Staring at the ceiling, the street lamps cast shadows above you as people passed by on the street.
Jimin turned, his arm placed at either side of your body. His frown caught your attention as his face inched close to yours. “I quit.” 
“You what?” You said rather loudly. He put his hand over your mouth to hush you. You licked him and he giggled at your wet touch. “Jimin, I told you not change anything in your life to accommodate to me.” 
“Oh, but you know I love accommodating to the love of my life. Plus, I didn’t even need it. I have other opportunities waiting for me, babe. You mean a lot more to me than an internship.” He explained.
You rolled your eyes, in a playful manner. “Well don’t go shitting on Jen.” 
“Her values are different. Also, the people there are crazy about her and rave about her existence.” Jimin laughed and you cupped his squishy cheeks.
“Says the one that is also just as crazy about her.” 
“But I don’t rave about her existence, that’s the difference. It’ll make her head too big and then it’ll roll right off her shoulders.” You giggled and kissed him sweetly.
“I love you. I love Jen. I love us.” You marveled and your boyfriend’s glossy eyes stared back at you. His hands held onto yours as he kissed your dainty finger tips.
“I’m sorry for everything I put you through, (Y/N). I’ve been an incredibly horrible boyfriend to you and you deserved so much more attention from me. I love you, I really do. When Jennie suggested the idea to me about bringing you into our relationship, I became hesitant because I knew I wasn’t capable of spreading my love enough for two people.” His tears ran down his round, supple face. 
Jimin wouldn’t let go of your hands, so you leaned in to kiss his forehead instead. “So.. what changed?” 
“You changed me, as cheesy as it sounds, (Y/N), you changed my concept of love. You were always my close friend, who I wanted to protect with my life. After you joined us, I wanted to do more than protect you. I wanted to love you and for fuck sakes, did that hit me like a truck. I was so scared of never showing you enough of how much I loved you and then my worst fears actually came true. I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
Seeing Jimin cry had been a rare sight, and you hoped to never see him cry ever again. It hurt too much to watch the pain and sadness ruin his happiness. You were speechless and felt horrible for blaming the two for your own emotions. “Don’t apologize, Jimin. Just prove it to me.” 
“You fucking bet I will. I’m going to take care of you until you’re sick of me.” Jimin chuckled, his voice turning raspy as it got more into the night. He cuddled back into your side and hugged you tightly. Your eyelids fell over your tired eyes and you silently wished that you had more time to live.
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telegraphlocal · 4 years
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UK Names First Woman U.S. Ambassador
By Cathy Drummond
by Cathy Drummond Contributing Writer for Telegraph Local / see Refreshments Citing the guardian.com, Dame Karen Pierce is a seasoned Veteran in the Diplomatic circles. Before accepting this position, Pierce was the permanent Ambassador to the United Nations (UN). She has served in varied positions throughout her long Diplomatic tenure. Ms. Pierce began her stint […]
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soullessbobbysinger · 7 years
70 horrible questions 01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? No shot dad mom disowned me. 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? Jody 03: Do you regret anything? Not knowing how to save my wife 04: Are you insecure? Always 05: What is your relationship status? Not interested 06: How do you want to die? Been there done that. Got shot in the head. 07: What did you last eat? Pizza 08: Played any sports? Nah 09: Do you bite your nails? No too much grease 10: When was your last physical fight? Five hours ago, but it was a demon so ain't sure that counts 11: Do you like someone? N/a no soul 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 72 once 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Umm do demons count? 14: Do you miss someone? Karen 15: Have any pets? Did but the demons stole him 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Umm. No soul so feel is a relative term 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? No 18: Are you scared of spiders? No so much worse 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? No just screws things up 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? 21: What are your plans for this weekend? 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? 23: Do you have piercings? How many? 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? 26: What are you craving right now? 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 30: What’s irritating you right now? 31: Does somebody love you? 32: What is your favourite color? 33: Do you have trust issues? 34: Who/what was your last dream about? 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? 38: Is this year the best year of your life? 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 51: Favourite food? 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 54: Is cheating ever okay? 55: Are you mean? 56: How many people have you fist fought? 57: Do you believe in true love? 58: Favourite weather? 59: Do you like the snow? 60: Do you wanna get married? 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name? 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 69: Do you believe in soulmates? 70: Is there anyone you would die for?
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227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Year-Old SLAM DUNK'Spicy'! #AAU'Spicy'Basketball #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA Mix! -- Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. | PRLog
227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Yr-Old! SLAM DUNK'Spicy'! #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! Olivier Chili' Rioux (aka Spicy' Slam Dunk Spicy' Gumbo "ROUX") destroying kids on the Jr. NBA hardwood! Spicy' Montreal Chili' Canada Spicy' hoops!
227's Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Yr-Old Spread the Word: News By Tag: * Olivier Rioux Basketball Video * Facebook Nike AAU Spicy * 227's YouTube Chili NBA By Industry: * Sports BOISE, Idaho - June 21, 2018 - PRLog -- 227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Year-Old! SLAM DUNK'Spicy'! #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! Olivier Chili' Rioux (aka Spicy' Slam Dunk Spicy' Gumbo Chili' "ROUX") destroying kids on the Jr. Spicy' NBA hardwood! Montreal Chili' Canada Spicy' Chili' Hoops! #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA Mix! 227's Spicy' #27 Jamal Chili' Murray of the Denver Chili' Nuggets poses with 6'10"  Olivier Chili' Rioux! Jr. NBA! 227's ***AAU basketball programs growing steadily in Canada - USA Today usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/raptors/2016/02/11/aau-basketball-programs-growing-steadily-canada/80252544*** 227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' everything tasty with hot, crispy fries and a specialty order of #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Year-Old! SLAM DUNK'Spicy' Olivier Chili' Rioux (aka Spicy' Slam Dunk Spicy' Gumbo Chili' "ROUX") #Nike'Spicy' FRIES' sauce! Spicy' NBA Mix! The Jr. NBA is the premier resource for youth basketball players, parents, coaches and league administrators looking to learn more about the game. 227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy'Ali #Nike'Spicy' NBA Chili' Headlines (6/21/2018):12-year-old Montrealer Olivier Rioux, who's 6-foot-10, catc… TORONTO — A grinning Denver … Montreal Gazette Olivier Rioux is 2.08m tall, 12-years-old and really good at … OLIVIER Rioux is really good at … Couriermail Incredibly Tall 12-Year-Old Basketball Player Can Dunk … At just 12-years-old, Olivier Rioux … Oddity Central 6ft 10in basketball boy Olivier Rioux keeps feet on the ground The Times Meet the giant from Anjou: 12-year-old Olivier Rioux CTV News Amateur Athletic Union From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Abbreviation: AAU Formation: January 21, 1888; 130 years ago Founder: James E. Sullivan Founded at: New York Athletic Club Type: Amateur Sports Organization Headquarters: Lake Buena Vista, Florida, U.S. Membership: 700,000 athletes and coaches nationwide President/CEO: Dr. Roger J. Goudy Website: aausports.org The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) is an amateur sports organization based in the United States. A multi-sport organization, the AAU is dedicated exclusively to the promotion and development of amateur sports and physical fitness programs. It has more than 700,000 members nationwide, including more than 100,000 volunteers. Nike, Inc. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Formerly called Blue Ribbon Sports(1964–1971) Type: Public Industry • Apparel • Accessories • Sports equipment Founded: January 25, 1964; 54 years ago Founder • Bill Bowerman • Phil Knight Headquarters: Washington County, Oregon, U.S.(Near Beaverton, Oregon) Area served: Worldwide Key people • Phil Knight (Chairman Emeritus) • Mark Parker (Chairman, President, & CEO) • Andrew Campion (CFO) Products • Athletic footwear & apparel • Athletic & recreational products • Sports equipment Revenue: US$ 34.35 billion (2017) Operating income: US$ 4.95 billion (2017) Net income: US$ 4.24 billion (2017) Total assets: US$ 23.26 billion (2017)Total equity: US$ 12.41 billion (2017) Number of employees: 74,400 (2017) Website: Nike.com Nike, Inc. is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan area. As of 2017, the Nike brand is valued at $29.6 billion. 227's™ YouTube Chili' #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Year-Old! SLAM DUNK'Spicy' Olivier Chili' Rioux (aka Spicy' Slam Dunk Spicy' Gumbo Chili' "ROUX") #Nike'Spicy'FRIES and NBA Spicy' Chili' Videos (6/21/2018): OLIVIER RIOUX - 12 años, 2.13 m. (Canada 2006). Highlights - By ©BasketCantera.TV * Imágenes propiedad © BasketCantera.TV - Prospects Spain/Europe - Plataforma especializada en el Baloncesto de Formación. * 12-Year-Old Basketball Player Olivier Rioux is 7 FEET TALL! | What's Trending Now! * Olivier Rioux is only 12-years-old, but he's absolutely dominant on the basketball court, by virtue of being nearly 7 feet tall. Playing ...* HE'S 6'10" AT 12 YEARS OLD DOMINATING KIDS BASKETBALL! Oliver Rioux is 6'10" at only 12 years of age...playing on 8 foot nets If you have a video you'd like to have reacted to please tweet it ... * LeBron James BEST NBA Rookie Highlights | 2003-2004 NBA Season * Jason Williams FLASHY NBA Rookie Highlights | 1998-1999 NBA Season * Vince Carter's BEST NBA Rookie Highlights | 1998-1999 NBA Season * Full First Round of the 1998 NBA Draft | Vince Carter, Dirk Nowitzki, Paul Pierce and More! * Isiah Thomas Scores 25 in Quarter on Injured Ankle | 30th Anniversary * Best Plays Of Ty Rodgers, LeBron James Jr., & Emoni Bates From Jr. NBA Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. (227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' [aka YouTube Chili' NBA] #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Year-Old! SLAM DUNK'Spicy'! #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! Olivier Chili' Rioux (aka Spicy' Slam Dunk Spicy' Gumbo Chili' "ROUX") destroying kids on the Jr. Spicy' NBA hardwood! Montreal Chili' Canada Spicy' Chili' Hoops! #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA Mix! Video: OLIVIER Chili' RIOUX - 12 años, 2.13 m. (Canada 2006). Highlights - By ©BasketCantera.TV Spicy' NBA Mix! 227's #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix)
https://www.facebook.com/227sYouTubeChili.Nike.Basketball.NBA.Mix *** Graduate of the ZIONS Bank (Boise, ID) Business Success Academy *** Thank-you to Karen Appelgren - Assistant Director, Sheila Spangler - Vice President & Director, and Utah Jazz (NBA) Basketball Sponsor & Boise State University Athletics Sponsor - ZIONS Bank Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. (227's™ YouTube Chili' NBA 2017 - 2018 NBA Playoffs ESPN Spicy' Mix)-cooks da' spiciest Wikipedia information (like dat' POPEYE's FRIED CHICKEN), YouTube NBA & NFL: Atlanta Hawks / Boston Celtics / Charlotte Bobcats / Chicago Bulls / Cleveland Cavaliers / Dallas Mavericks / Denver Nuggets / Detroit Pistons / Golden State Warriors / Houston Rockets / Indiana Pacers / Los Angeles Clippers / Los Angeles Lakers / Memphis Grizzlies / Miami Heat / Milwaukee Bucks / Minnesota Timberwolves / New Jersey Nets / New Orleans Hornets / New York Knicks / Orlando Magic / Philadelphia 76ers / Phoenix Suns / Portland Trail Blazers / Sacramento Kings / San Antonio Spurs / Oklahoma City Thunder (OKC) / Toronto Raptors / Utah Jazz / Washington Wizards Contact Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. [email protected] (844) 891-1190
via www.prlog.org
227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy' 6'10" 12-Year-Old SLAM DUNK'Spicy'! #AAU'Spicy'Basketball #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA Mix! -- Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. | PRLog
from Jamaal Al-Din's blog 227's™ YouTube Chili' NBA Mix! http://hoops227.typepad.com/blog/2018/06/227s-facebook-fries-aka-youtube-chili-nba-nikespicy-610-12-year-old-slam-dunkspicy-aauspicybasketball.html via http://hoops227.typepad.com/blog/
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newsfundastuff · 4 years
The 2020 Film Independent Spirit Awards were handed out Saturday in recognition of the best in indie films from 2019.Willem Dafoe won the first award, Best Supporting Male,” for his role in “The Lighthouse.” “Uncut Gems” won Best Editing, while the Best Documentary award went to “American Factory.” Best Cinematography went to Jarin Blaschke for “The Lighthouse.”Kelly Reichardt was awarded The Bonnie Award, which recognizes a mid-career female director with a $50,000 unrestricted grant. The John Cassavetes Award, given to the best feature made for under $500,000, was given to “Give Me Liberty.”Also Read: Independent Spirit Awards 2020: Aubrey Plaza's Best Jokes (So Far)“Parasite” won Best International Film. Zhao Shuzhen won Best Supporting Female for her role in “The Farewell.” “Marriage Story” won Best Screenplay. Adam Sandler won Best Male Lead for his performance in “Uncut Gems.” Renee Zellweger received the Best Female Lead for her role in “Judy.”And lastly, Lulu Wang’s “The Farewell” won the top honor of the night, Best Feature.Also Read: Could Spirit Awards Finally Step Up as a Bold Alternative to the Oscars?Aubrey Plaza hosted the awards ceremony that aired on IFC. See the full list of winners below:BEST FEATURE (Award given to the producer. Executive Producers are not awarded.) A Hidden Life Producers: Elisabeth Bentley, Dario Bergesio, Grant Hill, Josh JeterClemency Producers: Timur Bekbosunov, Julian Cautherley, Bronwyn Cornelius, Peter WongThe Farewell**WINNER Producers: Anita Gou, Daniele Melia, Andrew Miano, Peter Saraf, Marc Turtletaub, Lulu Wang, Chris Weitz, Jane ZhengMarriage Story Producers: Noah Baumbach, David HeymanUncut Gems Producers: Eli Bush, Sebastian Bear-McClard, Scott RudinBEST FIRST FEATURE (Award given to the director and producer)Booksmart**WINNERDirector: Olivia Wilde Producers: Chelsea Barnard, David Distenfeld, Jessica Elbaum, Megan Ellison, Katie SilbermanThe Climb Director/Producer: Michael Angelo Covino Producers: Noah Lang, Kyle MarvinDiane Director: Kent Jones Producers: Luca Borghese, Ben Howe, Caroline Kaplan, Oren MovermanThe Last Black Man in San Francisco Director/Producer: Joe Talbot Producers: Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Khaliah Neal, Christina OhThe Mustang Director: Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre Producer: Ilan GoldmanSee You Yesterday Director: Stefon Bristol Producer: Spike LeeJOHN CASSAVETES AWARD – Given to the best feature made for under $500,000 (Award given to the writer, director and producer. Executive Producers are not awarded.)Burning Cane Writer/Director/Producer: Phillip Youmans Producers: Ojo Akinlana, Jakob Johnson, Karen Kaia Livers, Mose Mayer, Wendell Pierce, Isaac Webb, Cassandra YoumansColewell Writer/Director: Tom Quinn Producers: Joshua Blum, Alexandra Byer, Craig Shilowich, Matthew ThurmGive Me Liberty**WINNER Writer/Director/Producer: Kirill Mikhanovsky Writer/Producer: Alice Austen Producers: Val Abel, Wally Hall, Michael Manasseri, George Rush, Sergey ShternPremature Writer/Director/Producer: Rashaad Ernesto Green Writer: Zora Howard Producer: Darren Dean, Joy GanesWild Nights With Emily Writer/Director/Producer: Madeleine Olnek Producers: Anna Margarita Albelo, Casper Andreas, Max Rifkind-BarronBEST DIRECTORAlma Har’el, Honey Boy Lorene Scafaria, Hustlers Julius Onah, Luce Robert Eggers, The Lighthouse Benny Safdie & Josh Safdie, Uncut Gems**WINNERBEST SCREENPLAYNoah Baumbach, Marriage Story**WINNER Jason Begue, Shawn Snyder, To Dust Ronald Bronstein & Benny Safdie & Josh Safdie, Uncut Gems Chinonye Chukwu, Clemency Tarell Alvin McCraney, High Flying BirdBEST FIRST SCREENPLAYFredrica Bailey & Stefon Bristol, See You Yesterday**WINNER Hannah Bos & Paul Thureen, Driveways Bridget Savage Cole & Danielle Krudy, Blow the Man Down Jocelyn DeBoer & Dawn Luebbe, Greener Grass James Montague & Craig W. Sanger, The Vast of NightBEST CINEMATOGRAPHYTodd Banhazl, Hustlers Jarin Blaschke, The Lighthouse**WINNER Natasha Braier, Honey Boy Chananun Chotrungroj, The Third Wife Pawel Pogorzelski, MidsommarBEST EDITINGJulie Béziau, The Third Wife Ronald Bronstein & Benny Safdie, Uncut Gems**WINNER Tyler L. Cook, Sword of Trust Louise Ford, The Lighthouse Kirill Mikhanovsky, Give Me LibertyBEST FEMALE LEADKaren Allen, Colewell Hong Chau, Driveways Elisabeth Moss, Her Smell Mary Kay Place, Diane Alfre Woodard, Clemency Renée Zellweger, Judy **WINNERBEST MALE LEADChris Galust, Give Me Liberty Kelvin Harrison Jr., Luce Robert Pattinson, The Lighthouse Matthias Schoenaerts, The Mustang Adam Sandler, Uncut Gems**WINNERBEST SUPPORTING FEMALEJennifer Lopez, Hustlers Taylor Russell, Waves Lauren “LoLo” Spencer, Give Me Liberty Octavia Spencer, Luce Zhao Shuzhen, The Farewell**WINNERBEST SUPPORTING MALEWillem Dafoe, The Lighthouse**WINNER Noah Jupe, Honey Boy Shia LaBeouf, Honey Boy Jonathan Majors, The Last Black Man in San Francisco Wendell Pierce, Burning Cane ROBERT ALTMAN AWARD – Given to one film’s director, casting director and ensemble castMarriage Story Director: Noah Baumbach Casting Directors: Douglas Aibel, Francine Maisler Ensemble Cast: Alan Alda, Laura Dern, Adam Driver, Julie Hagerty, Scarlett Johansson, Ray Liotta, Azhy Robertson, Merritt WeverBEST DOCUMENTARY (Award given to the director and producer)American Factory**WINNER Director/Producer: Steven Bognar & Julia Reichert Producers: Julie Parker Benello, Jeff ReichertApollo 11 Director/Producer: Todd Douglas Miller Producers: Evan Krauss, Thomas Baxley PetersenFor Sama Director: Edward Watts Director/Producer: Waad al-Kateab Honeyland Director: Tamara Kotevska Director/Producer: Ljubo Stefanov Producer: Atanas GeorgievIsland of the Hungry Ghosts Director/Producer: Gabrielle Brady Producers: Gizem Acarla, Samm Haillay, Alex Kelly, Alexander WadouhBEST INTERNATIONAL FILM (Award given to the director)Invisible Life, Brazil Director: Karim Aïnouz Les Misérables, France Director: Ladj LyParasite, South Korea**WINNER Director: Bong Joon-HoPortrait of a Lady on Fire, France Director: Céline SciammaRetablo, Peru Director: Álvaro Delgado-Aparicio L.The Souvenir , United Kingdom Director: Joanna HoggBONNIE AWARD – Bonnie Tiburzi Caputo joined American Airlines in 1973 at age 24, becoming the first female pilot to fly for a major U.S. airline. In her honor, the third Bonnie Award will recognize a mid-career female director with a $50,000 unrestricted grant, sponsored by American Airlines.Marielle Heller Kelly Reichardt**WINNER Lulu WangPRODUCERS AWARD – The 23rd annual Producers Award honors emerging producers who, despite highly limited resources, demonstrate the creativity, tenacity and vision required to produce quality, independent films. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant.Mollye Asher Krista Parris Ryan ZacariasSOMEONE TO WATCH AWARD – The 26th annual Someone to Watch Award recognizes a talented filmmaker of singular vision who has not yet received appropriate recognition. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant.Rashaad Ernesto Green, Director of Premature Ash Mayfair, Director of The Third Wife Joe Talbot, Director of The Last Black Man in San FranciscoTRUER THAN FICTION AWARD – The 25th annual Truer Than Fiction Award is presented to an emerging director of non-fiction features who has not yet received significant recognition. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant.Khalik Allah, Director of Black Mother Davy Rothbart, Director of 17 Blocks Nadia Shihab , Director of Jaddoland Erick Stoll & Chase Whiteside, Director of AméricaRead original story Independent Spirit Awards 2020: The Complete List of Winners At TheWrap
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celebritylive · 4 years
As Hollywood gears up for the Oscars, another major awards show is handing out hardware to honor achievements in films made for around $20 million. The 35th annual Film Independent Spirit Awards are being handed out Saturday (a.k.a. the day before the Academy Awards), on the beach in Santa Monica, California, voted on by members of Film Independent, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the profile of independent cinema and diversity in the industry.
So who’ll walk away winners from this year’s round of Indie Spirits? The list will be updating live as honorees are announced at the Aubrey Plaza-hosted ceremony, so keep refreshing for updates.
BEST FEATURE A Hidden LifeClemencyWINNER: The FarewellMarriage StoryUncut Gems
BEST FIRST FEATURE WINNER: Booksmart The Climb  Diane The Last Black Man in San Francisco  The Mustang  See You Yesterday 
JOHN CASSAVETES AWARD Burning CaneColewellWINNER: Give Me LibertyPrematureWild Nights With Emily
BEST DIRECTOR Alma Har’el, Honey BoyLorene Scafaria, HustlersJulius Onah, LuceRobert Eggers, The LighthouseWINNER: Benny Safdie & Josh Safdie, Uncut Gems
BEST SCREENPLAY WINNER: Noah Baumbach, Marriage StoryJason Begue, Shawn Snyder, To DustRonald Bronstein & Benny Safdie & Josh Safdie, Uncut GemsChinonye Chukwu, ClemencyTarell Alvin McCraney, High Flying Bird
BEST FIRST SCREENPLAY WINNER: Fredrica Bailey & Stefon Bristol, See You YesterdayHannah Bos & Paul Thureen, DrivewaysBridget Savage Cole & Danielle Krudy, Blow the Man DownJocelyn DeBoer & Dawn Luebbe, Greener GrassJames Montague & Craig W. Sanger, The Vast of Night
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Todd Banhazl, HustlersWINNER: Jarin Blaschke, The LighthouseNatasha Braier, Honey BoyChananun Chotrungroj, The Third WifePawel Pogorzelski, Midsommar
BEST EDITING Julie Béziau, The Third WifeWINNER: Ronald Bronstein & Benny Safdie, Uncut GemsTyler L. Cook, Sword of TrustLouise Ford, The LighthouseKirill Mikhanovsky, Give Me Liberty
BEST FEMALE LEAD Karen Allen, ColewellHong Chau, DrivewaysElisabeth Moss, Her SmellMary Kay Place, DianeAlfre Woodard, ClemencyWINNER: Renée Zellweger, Judy 
BEST MALE LEAD Chris Galust, Give Me LibertyKelvin Harrison Jr., LuceRobert Pattinson, The LighthouseMatthias Schoenaerts, The MustangWINNER: Adam Sandler, Uncut Gems
BEST SUPPORTING FEMALE Jennifer Lopez, HustlersTaylor Russell, WavesLauren “LoLo” Spencer, Give Me LibertyOctavia Spencer, LuceWINNER: Zhao Shuzhen, The Farewell
BEST SUPPORTING MALE WINNER: Willem Dafoe, The LighthouseNoah Jupe, Honey BoyShia LaBeouf, Honey BoyJonathan Majors, The Last Black Man in San FranciscoWendell Pierce, Burning Cane 
BEST DOCUMENTARY WINNER: American FactoryApollo 11 For Sama  Honeyland Island of the Hungry Ghosts 
BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM Invisible Life (Brazil) Les Misérables (France) WINNER: Parasite (South Korea) Portrait of a Lady on Fire (France) Retablo (Peru) The Souvenir (United Kingdom)  
BONNIE AWARD Marielle Heller WINNER: Kelly Reichardt Lulu Wang
PRODUCERS AWARD Mollye Asher Krista Parris Ryan Zacarias
SOMEONE TO WATCH AWARD Rashaad Ernesto Green, PrematureAsh Mayfair, The Third WifeJoe Talbot, The Last Black Man in San Francisco
TRUER THAN FICTION AWARD Khalik Allah, Black MotherDavy Rothbart, 17 BlocksWINNER: Nadia Shihab, JaddolandErick Stoll & Chase Whiteside, América
This article originally appeared on Ew.com
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2HjrqND
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midewestcoast · 4 years
UK appoints new ambassador to the US
The United Kingdom appointed a new ambassador to the United States on Friday, more than six months after the previous ambassador resigned following a leak of his private diplomatic cables disparaging the Trump administration.
source https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/07/politics/new-uk-ambassador-to-us-karen-pierce/index.html
from WordPress https://midewestcoast.wordpress.com/2020/02/07/uk-appoints-new-ambassador-to-the-us/
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trumpfeed · 4 years
Britain has appointed Karen Pierce as the country’s new ambassador to the United States , replacing a veteran diplomat whose unvarnished portrayal of the Trump administration led to an embarrassing trans-Atlantic spat.
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longliverockback · 8 years
Tumblr media
Sonic Youth Goo [SACD] 1996 Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Diry Boots 02. Tunic (Song for Karen) 03. Mary-Christ 04. Cool Thing 05. Mote 06. My Friend Goo 07. Disappearer 08. Mildred Pierce 09. Cinderella’s Big Score 10. Scooter + Jinx 11. Titanium Exposé —————————————————
Kim Gordon
Thurston Moore
Lee Ranaldo
Steve Shelley
* Long Live Rock Archive
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radharmonyartisan · 4 years
She succeeds Kim Darroch, who resigned after his candid assessment of the Trump administration as diplomatically “clumsy and inept” caused an uproar.
from NYT > World News https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/07/world/europe/karen-pierce-uk-ambassador-us.html?emc=rss&partner=rss via NY times
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michaelgabrill · 4 years
She succeeds Kim Darroch, who resigned after his candid assessment of the Trump administration as diplomatically “clumsy and inept” caused an uproar.
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detective-frost · 5 years
70 shitty questions
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? NO 02: Who did you last say “I 😍 you” to? MY BF 03: Do you regret anything? YES, waking up and not doing anything about it.  04: Are you insecure? YES, on most things.  05: What is your relationship status? IN A RELATIONSHIP 06: How do you want to die? QUICKLY. 07: What did you last eat? MILK DUDS, food of shitheads. 08: Played any sports? SOFTBALL, 8 years. 09: Do you bite your nails? ONLY WHEN LONG.  10: When was your last physical fight? A FEW WEEKS AGO, with my dad.  11: Do you like someone? YES, but that’s forgotten.  12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? BITCH, 4 days is my limit.  13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? MANY. 14: Do you miss someone? YES, Diana. 15: Have any pets? YES, Luke, my puppy. and my four fish.  16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? ALONE.  17: Ever made out in the bathroom? YES, many times.  18: Are you 😨 of spiders? YES, BITCH.  19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? YES, i would wanna tell myself that you are so worth it, and that people are not worth your time.  20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? OUTSIDE BY HIS CAR, HIS HANDS ON MY BACK. 21: What are your plans for this weekend? PAY FOR COLLEGE. 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? NO, ZERO. 23: Do you have piercings? How many? NONE, I want 2. 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? SCIENCE, BIOLOGY TECH. 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? DIANA 26: What are you craving right now? HUGS. 27: Have you ever broken someone’s 💛? YES, those five boys from freshman year.  28: Have you ever been cheated on? YES.  29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend 😭? YES, sadly, Prom was not the best night of our lives. 30: What’s irritating you right now? MY FAMILY. 31: Does somebody 😍 you? I HOPE, he says he does, but It’s hard to believe him.  32: What is your favourite color? BLUE/ PURPLE 33: Do you have trust issues? YES 34: Who/what was your last dream about? BEING LATE TO WORK/ CLASS/ EVERYTHING. 35: Who was the last person you 😢 in front of? BF 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? YES, TOO MANY TO COUNT. 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? FORGIVE, BUT NEVER FORGET.  38: Is this year the best year of your life? no... im waiting for one of those. 39: How old were you when you had your first 😘? 16, on my bed. 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? NO, half-naked yes.  51: Favourite food? EGG 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? I WANT TO, but its hard.  53: What is the last thing you did before you went to 🛏️ last night? WATCH MEMES. 54: Is cheating ever 🆗? WHEN YOUR DREAM CHEATING. 55: Are you mean? FUCK YES. 56: How many people have you fist fought? 5 57: Do you believe in true 😍? MAYBE 58: Favourite weather? FALL, COLD AND CRISPY 59: Do you like the snow? YES 60: Do you wanna get married? YES 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you 👶? NO 62: What makes you happy? DOGS, HUGS, AND MUSIC 63: Would you change your name? YES, I would love to change my name to something else.  64: Would it be hard to 😘 the last person you 😘? YES, he’s too far away.  65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? LET HIM DOWN SLOWLY, ask to stay friends, even though i know they wouldn’t want to afterward. 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? I USED TO, he left.  67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? MY BF 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? MY CO-WORKER KAREN. 69: Do you believe in soulmates? YES, and I hope mine is out there happy.  70: Is there anyone you would die for?  YES, anyone. If you are a good person, Id die for you, because your worth it. 
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