bmwandbenzusedcar · 2 months
BMW x1 sDrive18d xLine Year2019 (BSI)
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onosolar · 1 year
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Hoxe #18D en #Compos temos unha cita para esixir medidas contra esta estafa xeralizada que lle chaman crise. Sobran as razóns para mobilizarse, Vémonos ás 12:00 na Alameda. #FagamosValerGaliza https://www.instagram.com/p/CmTeQSFsjP-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nocternalrandomness · 9 months
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"Ready to Roll"
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come-down-that-tree · 1 month
Prologue Previous
Come Down That Tree! (An aftermare story)
Chapter special:  Dream’s takeover!
HEY! YOU, YEAH YOU! I’m taking over this chapter, xoxo. Dream.
“Hello there~
You may know me as Dream! Or maybe “one of the guardians of feelings”? “The positive one”? “The ultimate helper around town”? 
I’ve been called many things: “Dreamcatcher”, “Sunray”, “hey you”, “Princess Sunshine”, “strong bony guy”… 
And my favorite, I do not get to hear it often, “brother” or “twin”!
Because I am a brother and a twin to the other known guardian of feelings (yes we’re two on the job), the very purple-clothed Nightmare!
Well, if you’re from around here, you probably already know that? 
Oooor maybe you’re from far away and still new to this?
Let me tell you a bit about me, this village and my other half!
I should start at the beginning.
You see, Night’ and me? We were fully aware of our duty right after our creation. Our mother barely had time to whisper the story before she fully fused with the tree we now guard! Why did she do that? It’s a bit of a gruesome tale, let’s leave that for now… 
So, we twins, were borned spirits, bodiless and so full of the apples’ energy (the tree of feelings is an apple tree, isn’t that funny? Why not a cherry tree? I like cherries a lot…), acquired our body in the form of a skeleton monster’s shape and got released into the world!
I learned later that babies aren’t supposed to already know how to walk and talk and had to wait a few years sometimes to be as tall as we started our lives as. But then, it was just the way it was. We aren’t built quite the same as others.
We’re guardians.
We met the first villagers five years later (or so Nightmare says, I was bad at numbers then) and it was a whole experience.
They approached us very carefully, asking permission to settle down down the hill, promising they wouldn’t touch our treasure and would show us things we never saw before.
They offered us food and clothes and stories and many other things we did not know the use of. You see, our inane vocabulary stopped at what our mother knew about and even then, we lacked any true understanding (and genuine interest) about most stuff we grew up without.
I was very wary of these men back then and let my twin do aaaall the talk. So more useless words spoken, incredibly worthless compared to shouts of delight running through the long grass, compared to the low song of the stars twinkling high and compared to the earable pressure of one hand in another when the sun rises…
I despised those men. They were loud, foreign and constantly disrupting the peace of the forest nearby. But Nightmare was fascinated…and kept reaching out, delighted by the new knowledge he could gain from chatting with some and in his new favorite toys, books.
So I reached out as well, once the first children came around. I appreciated having new friends to run around and learning new games was nice. The beginning was slightly bumpy when I realized none were that interested in the games I enjoyed before meeting them. 
But despite that, they somehow grew on me fast.
I liked that period. The villagers started to bow less and dropped the formal titles the kids didn’t wait to ditch. I played all day, sometimes with Nighty, sometimes without him, and when the sun set, we’d cuddle against the tree, my twin reading aloud a story book and I’d always fall asleep right through it, dreaming of half tales (when our mother wouldn’t lurk around my sleepy mind).
Books really always were my brother’s thing, isn’t it?
Thankfully, nobody snitched on the fact yet I’m still awful at reading anything more complicated than market panels… Nightmare would never let me leave without running me through horrible classes once again. 
I’m not study-smart, ok?
The switch in attitude happened somewhere between the second and third wave of travelers joining the rapidly expanding I think.
I didn’t notice anything. One day, we would happily run together around half-built houses… The very next, we started walking very different paths.
I was always running down the streets and he always stayed put at the tree, claiming reading was more interesting or that he would go later.
I didn’t notice how fast we drifted away. I never really knew if something somehow got between us or just if that was the fate of two brothers with divergent interests…
Ugh, maybe that void where a strong connection had once been was one of the reasons I had such a miserable phase of experimenting things with people they claimed would “make me happy” but we’re… not talking about that!
At this point, you might start to wonder why I’m telling you all this?
I just wanted to talk about something with you that happened recently in my life, in our life, that I have mixed feelings about and I believe some context was needed!
And that conversation stays between us! I trust you.
A season ago or so (I never said I got that much better at numbers, do not look at me like that), I dragged a homeless unconscious guy back home. 
Now, it doesn’t sound very good, said like that, but how can someone fall on what looks fairly similar to your build, all passed out on the dirt and not think “I must drag him to my tree?”
I know I’m right, now next thing.
I’m an hospitable guy so when I see no one is going to give a stray a home downtown, of course I tell him he can put his butt in my spot of grass!
I didn’t really take into account that allowing a stranger in our home would upset Nightmare and, that, maybe is at least part my fault for dumping that poor guy here…
I think, however, that Geno was a needed change in our life.
Maybe a dangerous change, teetering along the line of good and bad ideas each day something happened…
But despite the fear and confusion after those few “accidents”, I can’t deny Nightmare’s true smile, I missed him.
I’m worried however.
No amount of aweing at surprising them sleeping close or sharing stupidly sweet moments can take away the fact, the village’s atmosphere is more… sour than usual.
Especially since the last (bad) event! 
Last verflor festival, I went with Nightmare in the village with the objective of making the most of the day and sweeping some flowers to redecorate our mother’s scar. It didn’t go as planned. 
I lost Nightmare in the crowd when I got swept away by the music and the playful offers of dance by the local children. 
Maybe the fact I got used to waltzing alone around there is the main reason it took me so long to notice the devastating absence. Or that old couple dominating the place with their dance was that good.
Regardless of the reason, I let go of his hand and wandered alone.
In fact, while I was a smidge anxious when I noticed… I thought he’d be fine and that he’d probably just go back to the tree first! 
That maybe he’d pout at me for leaving him and after some banter, we’d tell our day to Geno and all!
That’s not what happened.
And you know that, don’t you?
I searched around for a moment but I kept getting robbed into activities or helping (something that strangely did not happen when I was still holding Night’s hand).
The sun was already down before I managed to flee back home, energy buzzing at the thought of finding my missing brother).
I was right about one thing.
I did find him here.
Small and shaky, curled up in Geno’s arms.
I was welcomed by a hard glare from our guest and cruel silence.
They both refused to tell me what happened and I didn’t insist.
I felt guilty enough like that.
It’s been some time since then.
Things are more or less back to normal.
I’m not stupid however…
And I do not like the dots I’m starting to connect.”
End of chapter 18... Go to chapter 19?
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies Nightmare, Dream and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
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defensenow · 8 days
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
FA-18E-165899-VFA137-2007 by Michel Klaveren
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the-nomadicone · 2 years
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Hornet // United States Marine Corps
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hosizorayoukai · 6 months
"LP791-18d: 地球サイズの太陽系外惑星発見、火山活動と潮汐力による加熱の可能性を明らかに "
NASAによる太陽系外惑星の驚異を解き明かすブレイクスルー。 惑星地質学の驚異を目の当たりにし、遠く離れた系外惑星の地質学的 タペストリーを解明する上で極めて重要な役割を果たしました。
系外惑星を形成する潮汐力の背後にある科学を掘り下げ、 解読されるのを待っている宇宙の複雑な領域である 潮汐熱力学の興味深い領域に突入します。
太陽系外惑星に視線を向け、宇宙の最も驚くべき宝物を明らかにし、 遠い世界の無限の可能性に思いを馳せることで、 あなたの視野を地球外へと広げます。
【太陽系第2惑星「金星」】地球の兄弟星・ 磁場を持たない熱い大気に覆われた惑星 https://youtu.be/R3u_lfEFCpc ※磁場を持たない厚い大気を持つ惑星。大気や水を太陽風から守る鍵が隠されている!?
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【木星の第1衛星「イオ」】太陽系最大の火山とマグマの月 人類にとって過酷な3つの恐怖! https://youtu.be/xcRDrSqoVek
※系外惑星「LP 791-18」と同程度の火山を持つと言われています。 大気が大量に存在する可能性があり「系外惑星」に大量の大気をもたらすメカニズムが!?
📝目次📝 ------------------------------------------------- 0:00 今回のテーマ 0:39 発見した望遠鏡 1:00 見える方角と距離 1:25 惑星LP-791-18dとは 2:50 注目する理由 3:35 太陽風と磁場の関係 4:08 金星の大気が守られる原因 5:35 系外惑星の大量火山の理由 7:30 スピッツァー望遠鏡の功績 8:15 木星の衛星「イオ」最新映像
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このチャンネルでは、宇宙や星空の情報や知識を親しみやすく、 ゲームやアニ���感覚でシェアしていくチャンネルです。 今後の動向や、宇宙や星々に興味がわきましたら、 是非!チャンネル登録もしていただけると嬉しいです。
アンケートや感想、いいねボタンも大変励みになります。 お気軽にご参加ください。
日々の星空ライフを充実したものに。 今後、人類のさらなる宇宙への挑戦を見守っていきましょう。
📣割愛・こぼれ話📣 ------------------------------------------------- ▼おすすめ資料 イオ - NASA 太陽系探査 https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/jupiter-moons/io/in-depth/ 木星の火山衛星イオの 3D モデルあり。 最も火山活動が活発なスポットの地名や、 イオの内部構造モデルをマウス操作で眺めることができます。
▼磁場(惑星の) | 天文学辞典より https://astro-dic.jp/planetary-magnetic-fields/ 水星 〇 金星 ×(過去にあったかどうか不明) 地球 〇 火星 ×(かつてあったが今はない)
天文学辞典より引用> 現在の火星には磁場はないが、表面の地殻に残留磁化があり、 過去に地球と同様の磁場が存在していた時期があったことを示唆している。
金星も現在は磁場がない。金星の場合、地表温度が高く磁性が失われる キュリー温度に近いので残留磁化は確認されていない。 このため金星で過去に磁場が存在したかどうかはわからない。
🎵スピッツァー宇宙望遠鏡: ミュージカル🎵 https://youtu.be/Gn0JMsdOhjU NASA監督者が歌でスピッツァー宇宙望遠鏡について、 そして赤外線天文学がハッブルのような可視光望遠鏡と どのように違うのかを歌います♪
▼火山の力で暖かい メンズインナーシャツ 防寒 99.9%抗菌で臭くない Vネック
▼火山の力で暖かい レディースインナーシャツ 防寒 99.9%抗菌で臭くない Uネック
▼火山フットマスク 140g 角質ケア マッサージ
▼火山ティッシュディスペンサー 日本製 おもしろ雑貨
▼火山石 中粒 黒(約10mm〜20mm)1kg 化粧、飾り石
▼火山オブジェ エアレーション水槽用 熱帯魚インテリア
●TESS - トランジット系外惑星調査衛星 | NASA
●Spitzer Space Telescope
▼金星の大気は太陽風を阻む アストロアーツhttps://www.astroarts.co.jp/article/hl/a/12929_venus
▼Space Engine –宇宙シミュレーターソフト
▼Universe Sandbox 2 宇宙物理シミュレーションソフトhttp://universesandbox.com/
▼CeVIO AI さとうささら すずき つづみ 弦巻マキ(日本語&英語)
【Amazon PR】さとうささら(トークスターター|ダウンロード版)https://amzn.to/3srohGr
【楽天 PR】弦巻マキ トークスターターパック (日本語&英語) Windows用https://a.r10.to/hNL2BI
【Amazon PR】すずきつづみ(トークスターター|ダウンロード版)https://amzn.to/3sjDGZz
▼【太陽系惑星 JWST特集】ジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡が観測した太陽系惑星特集
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temperedwala1 · 11 months
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Difference Between 11d and 18d Tempered Glass
One of the most vital accessories for mobile device protection is tempered glass. As a mobile tempered glass wholesaler or a retailer, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the available options in the market. Two popular choices that often come up are 11D and 18D tempered glass.here we’ll explore the Differences Between 11D and 18D Tempered Glass. Tempered Wala - Mobile Tempered Glass Wholesaler.
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celltophone · 1 year
Premium 18D Curve Full Screen Cover Tempered Glass
9H hardness, high quality tempered glass screen protector
18D Full Cover Premium Tempered Glass Screen protector
100% Full-Screen Cover 18D Curve Edge, protect your phone screen in full coverage
Scratch-resistant, waterproof, oil-proof, explosion-proof and easy to clean
Easy installation, best armour for your handset
Ultra-thin, 0.26mm, ultra-durable
High sensitivity touch feeling and high resolution to show stereo experience
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wheelie-tired · 5 months
Do you need a cheap good wheelchair?
Hello! I need to get rid of my old wheelchair, a Ki Mobility Catalyst 4. It's a good chair that served me well but it doesn't suit my needs anymore.
It has a 16w x 18d seat, removable footrests, fold back arm rests/clothing guards, 22" mag wheels, and a weight capacity of 250lbs. Folds easily, is decently light, and is a pretty sturdy chair.
The one problem is I'm using the back upholstery from this chair on my new one. New back upholstery is ~$115.
I can send it to anywhere in the lower 48 states if you pay for shipping, or I can deliver if we happen to be in similar parts of New England.
DM me for images or more info ♿️
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verana115 · 8 months
Hiking a trans pride flag up 131 mountains in the Northern Appalachians, parts 18-19: Speckled and Acadia!
(also I had to use an older phone for taking thse photos after I lost my normal phone, so plz excuse the poor quality)
South Baldface - 20b/131:
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Speckled - 19/131:
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Cadillac - 18/131:
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Bald - 18a/131:
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Western Mountain - 18b/131 (ironically this mountain is in one of the eastermost parts of the US!):
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Ragged - 18c/131:
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Megunticook - 18d/131:
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Spruce - 19a/131:
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Eastman - 20a/131:
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North Baldface - 20/131:
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Eagle Crag - 20c/131:
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And some more nature photos!!!
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Anyhow thanks for reading this far :)
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”Pit stop at Scottsdale Airport”
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planesawesome · 11 months
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*brings you some cake and tea* heyyy so can I be real cheeky and ask for 18D & E for Juju and Zen? Seeing those expressions side by side seems perfect for those two (the boys are fighting again).
Thank you thank you ily and your art it always makes me so so happy to see it 🩷
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I’ll just do one, but this fits a sassy Jumin so well…
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
FA-18E-166434-VFA14-2007 by Michel Klaveren
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