#Adam Rutherford
mrdirtybear · 10 months
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BBC presenter and scientist Adam Rutherford (born 1975), who is also president of the British Humanist Society. My main reason for putting this image up is to promote his podcast/radio series which outlines the history of eugenics from the 1870s to the present day. Find the first episode here. Alternatively put his name and 'eugenics' into the search engine of your choice and see where it takes you.
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105nt · 1 year
Start the Week - Emma Donoghue
There’s a great interview with Emma Donoghue by Adam Rutherford in Start the Week this week. I liked it so much I started making a transcript of the main bits relating to The Wonder. I’ll post it in stages - this is the last of four. All typos and errors are mine.
About eating and Florence Pugh:
AR: Eating is obviously a key theme in this, as Anna, the fasting girl is not eating, but many of the scenes feature Florence Pugh's character, Lib Wright, just jamming food into her face with big wooden spoons - big brothy Irish dishes. There's an enormous tension in there and that presumably is very deliberate?
ED: Oh, everything in a film is deliberate because you’ve worked it over so many times before the money is spent. Yes,  it was crucial to me to begin and to carry on the nurse eating, because of course, when you choose to write a story about what many people would understand as eating disorders, the last thing you should do is contribute to that cult by making it seem glamorous. 
And of course if you cast Florence Pugh, who is known to have a huge following especially of teenage girls - I  mean while we were filming the production there'd be .. the village was full of girls standing there hoping for a glimpse of her. The last thing you want to do is add Hollywood glamour to the idea of a child not eating. So it was crucial to us to show - not just to have Florence's character say, "you should eat" but to literally show her choosing life, eating this stew, stomping over the hills and saying "yes" to her body, rather than almost renouncing and turning away.
So yes, I think I counted eight eating scenes and the food was all very delicious. She took it home afterwards! She's got a wonderfully pro-food approach, Florence Pugh has, and she's known for her cooking videos as well.
AR: It is an astonishing performance, by her and all of the actors as well.
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pazzoincasamatta · 1 month
le tradizioni europee
Ecco un esempio estremo tratto dalla nostra preistoria: le linee evolutive di Homo sapiens e Homo neanderthalensis si sono separate circa 600000 anni fa. Le due specie si sono evolute separatamente, finché, 50000 anni fa, Homo sapiens è arrivato nei territori dei Neandertal e tutti hanno fatto sesso con tutti. Lo sappiamo perché abbiamo sequenziato il genoma dei Neandertal. Se siamo europei, possediamo del DNA di chiara derivazione neandertaliana che è stato introdotto in noi a quell’epoca.
Umani: La nostra storia di Adam Rutherford
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philosophenstreik · 1 year
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rothfos & gabler dachten sich bei diesem titel wohl, dass sie dann auch einmal mit absolut allem aufwarten sollten, was die schriftgestaltung von “absolut allem” angeht... das “*gekürzt” ist ihnen dabei leider durch die lappen gegangen. klar, der umschlag ist dem original nachempfunden, und wird doch dem gesamten inhalt nicht gerecht - vor allem dieser unlogischen schatten wegen... und noch einmal - vermutlich vorgabe des verlages - , was sollen diese lobhudeleien von kritiken vorne auf dem einband? lasst doch so etwas weg - es wirkt irgendwo verzweifelt, als ob das buch selbst es nicht in sich hätte. auf der rückseite wäre auch noch platz... (rezension zum buch im vorigen beitrag - und da klärt sich vielleicht der hund auf diesem foto...)
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
And in further adventures in science twitter, Adam Rutherford, scientist, writer and broadcaster; realises his Lascaux deer chest tattoo also looks like someone picking flowers with their foot…
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rosemariecawkwell · 2 years
TBR Pile Review: A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, by Adam Rutherford
TBR Pile Review: A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, by Adam Rutherford
Paperback, 419 pagesPublished November 14th 2017 by W&N (first published September 8th 2016)ISBN: 1780229070 (ISBN13: 9781780229072) Blurb This is a story about you. It is the history of who you are and how you came to be. It is unique to you, as it is to each of the 100 billion modern humans who have ever drawn breath. But it is also our collective story, because in every one of our genomes we…
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tomework · 2 years
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Ok this one is a first for me. I’ve never seen this book before and I ALMOST bought it but didn’t. I wanted to do a little further research after browsing it a little bit.
“How to Argue With a Racist: What our genes do (and don’t) say about Human difference” by Adam Rutherford
I’ve read books that flirt with this premise, but this outright lays it out. It’s time to stop playing nice. This isn’t a debate, it’s an argument and you will lose. I need to look into this one more because it felt exceedingly limited in terms of topics and talking points. Not necessarily a bad thing but come on now if you’re gonna slap that title on there at least prep me for battle not just give me an intro to the topic.
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wh0re4the1975 · 1 year
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ICONIC blue shirt…
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dumbfuck-mojave · 6 months
First all that Greg Ellis shit a few years ago and now I find out Freddie Prinze Jr. has called Krem a woman multiple times and Adam Howden is a Rowling/Libs of TikTok follower and has liked Anti-BLM stuff.
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pinayelf · 8 months
i've never played inquisition long enough to get the scene, but i finally got cullen's chess scene and what a MAN. what a gentleman. he's able to beat leliana (sneaky spy) and dorian (mage genius), and the only way you can win against him is if you play honestly, which i thought was adorable but also hot damn B)
cullen is someone who I hc gets very awkward if he tries to act sexy on purpose because I just think he doesn't know how to do it lol
HOWEVER when he's in his element like doing his commander thing and chess he's very confident and competent and it's HOT 🥰🥰🥰
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deadpresidents · 8 days
Have you ever seen the diaries of Rutherford B. Hayes? There's so many of them
Yes, well, he kept a diary for nearly 60 years. I'm so appreciative of the Presidents who kept diaries during their lives because they are priceless historical resources, particularly those of John Quincy Adams, James K. Polk (who kept a fascinating, often bitchy diary throughout all four years of his Presidency), and Hayes. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan kept diaries during their Presidencies, too, and Reagan's is surprisingly good because he was a much better writer than most people would think.
The Hayes diaries are a valuable resource, but not as easy to read as those of JQA or Polk without the help of annotations from a good editor.
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sanguinebats · 4 months
Guys when I was in my early 20s I met Matty Healy. I just remembered it and I'm kind of losing my mind right now.
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105nt · 1 year
Start the Week - Emma Donoghue
There’s a great interview with Emma Donoghue by Adam Rutherford in Start the Week this week. I liked it so much I started making a transcript of the main bits relating to The Wonder. I’ll post it in stages - this is the second of four. All typos and errors are mine. 
 About the meta framing of the film:
AR: One of the things that is really striking about the film is that there are multiple competing narratives. That there is the one being told by the community that this is a religious - this is a miracle, but then there's the scientific one from Florence Pugh - the nurse, and then there's the media one and then there's this weird one from the doctor.
Let me ask you about story because, at the very beginning ... it's not set in 19th century Ireland, it's set on the sound stage where this is being filmed, and there a very clear instruction that we are being told a story, and I know you mentioned this is the director's work, but what is the intention of taking us out of the immersive media that is cinema?
ED: I think it's very interesting - the book itself has no modern frame but the book is full of these meta moments, in that, the nurse is having to take notes and everything, and at one point she fakes her notes in order to help the girl, the journalist is having to come up with palatable versions of it, everyone's spinning different yarns and interpreting the girl's behaviour differently and they're very aware of the effect of the version they write on their audience.
So I think Sebastián Lelio, our director, was really responding to that in the book and was really trying to flag it up, because a film has much less time to communicate than a book. A book has so much room for conversation and narration and moments, in the film I think he really wanted to press pause before having audiences just jump into the sheer pleasurable immersion of ... oh! here we are with Florence Pugh and the beautiful Irish countryside.
He really wanted to stop and make them think and make them aware that, yes, they might be quick to judge the people they would see as ignorant and superstitious, but aren't we all choosing to suspend disbelief every time we embrace the pleasure and comfort of a story? Every time we read a book or watch a film. So I think it's a very interesting example of where he's come up with a cinematic device to try and capture some of what's going on in the novel.
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philosophenstreik · 1 year
der ultimative guide zu absolut allem
sachbuch von hannah fry und adam rutherford
erschienen 2023
im verlag c.h.beck
isbn: 978-3-406-79785-9
(von tobias bruns)
ultimativ und absolut - wie superlativ kann ein titel noch werden? doch absolut obligatorisch wird das ganze durch den untertitel zurechtgestutzt: “gekürzt”. alles andere wäre auch garnicht möglich, denn wie viele seiten hätte denn bitte dieser guide, wäre er komplett? die antwort darauf könnten uns allerdings die autoren mit recht hoher wahrscheinlichkeit sagen...
für den leser faszinierend und vergnüglich schreiben fry und rutherford über gott und die welt bzw. das universum und bestechen dabei immer wieder mit popkulturellen anspielungen aus film/fernsehen, musik und literatur. selbst die kapitel tragen teilweise titel, die in meinem bücherregal stehen, wie z.b. “eine kurze geschichte der zeit” oder “das leben, das universum und der ganze rest”. die art und weise, wie die beiden autoren die komplexesten themen präsentieren machen aus hoher wissenschaft eine lesefreude, die allerdings bei so gut wie unbegreiflichem - was in der welt, wie man in diesem buch sieht, durchaus zu genüge vorkommt - an den rande des wahnsinns der vorstellungskraft führen kann. was hat es mit der zeit auf sich und ihrer relativität? warum ist unsere kreativität, wenn es darum geht sich außerirdische wesen vorzustellen so beschränkt? entscheiden wir nun wirklich selbst, oder nicht? ist die erde nun eine kugel? wie steht es mit der beziehung zwischen mensch und hund? was haben augenbrauen damit zu tun? welche farben gibt es und warum gibt es noch viel mehr als wir uns vorstellen können? wie ungerecht ist wohl das riechsystem gegenüber unserem liebsten haustier? warum bewegen tauben immer so komisch ihren kopf? es sind nur einige wenige fragen, die aber an unserem selbstverständnis als menschen rütteln können. es sind grundlegende fragen über den urspung der welt, die zeit, das leben und wie unterschiedlich dieses ausgeprägt ist und sein kann. alles was die beiden schreiben untermauern sie mit faszinierenden experimenten, die zu den verschiedenen themen gemacht wurden, faszinierende teils unglaubliche studien an mensch und tier.
fry und rutherford zeigen, wie viel spaß sie an der wissenschaft haben und wie viel spaß wissenschaft machen kann, wenn sie nur richtig präsentiert wird und der vorliegende präsentierteller mit superlativem titel beinhaltet ein - achtung... - absolutes sternegericht!
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augment-techs · 1 year
Scorpina (trying to understand humans better): What are the ten characteristics of perfectly hidden depression? Trini: You’re a perfectionist and have a constant, critical and shaming inner voice. Zack: You demonstrate a heightened or excessive sense of responsibility. Adam: You detach from painful emotions by staying in your head and actively shutting them off. Kat: You worry and need to control yourself and your environment. Rocky: You intensely focus on tasks and use your accomplishment to feel valuable. Bulk: You focus on the well-being of others, but don’t allow them into your inner world. Jason: You believe strongly in “counting your blessings” as the foundation of well-being. Aisha: You may enjoy success with a professional structure, but struggle with emotional intimacy in relationships. Kim: You discount or dismiss hurt or sorrow and struggle with self-compassion. Skull: You may have an accompanying mental health issue, such as an eating disorder, an anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or addiction.
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zizzlekwum · 2 years
top five characters
In no particular order: Alistair Theirin, Bucky Barnes, Adam du Mortain, Cullen Rutherford, Kaidan Alenko. Fun fact, Kaidan Alenko is the only person, fictional or otherwise, to give me butterflies.
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