#Aki has a ponytail now! mixed feelings
xfactor7aurora · 9 months
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Read alpha flight (my babies are in it :33)
I love the rest of the team but uhhh drawing is hard
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Akio’s Idea
CW: Some vague past noncon references, discussion of traumatic events, referenced minor whump, referenced Oliver being gross as shit - all vague, Akio Gets An Idea, modern slavery
(Lisa Huang appears in Teenage Dream)
“Thanks for driving down here, Lisa.” 
“No problem.” Lisa Huang pushes her glasses back up on her nose, sitting back in the hard plastic chair in the side room with its large conference table. The faint sounds of the gym are still audible here. Lisa’s got one ankle laid over the other knee, hands behind her head as she looks around. The heavy knit cap on her head is a deep saturated orange, the rest of her clothes a mix of faded gray and blacks. It makes her look, just a little, like she’s wearing a pumpkin on her head. “I needed to meet my sister for lunch some time this month, so I figured, two birds one stone. The drive down was really pretty, anyway. Wow, the gym has hardly changed at all, has it?”
“Not really.” Akio gives her a half-smile. He’s in his own casual clothes, just a hoodie over a t-shirt and jeans. He feels like she’ll see his heart beating, the way he shifts from foot to foot. Lisa was always good at reading people, better than Akio’s ever been, anyway. “New equipment, new kids, but… you know. You probably didn’t exactly get lost.”
“Ha! No. I could have walked to this room with my eyes closed.” She gestures at a large framed photo across the room, settled along a wall between two windows. “They haven’t even changed the team photo. We were, like, kids when we went there.”
Akio looks over his shoulder.
He’s right in the center of the photo, next to the old governor, smiling brightly for the camera. On either end of the line, their coaches. Spread throughout the center, all of them, a range of ages, wearing matching windbreakers and gym pants, smiling. All of them, smiling.
One of them, missing, presumed dead.
“Yeah, Mark’s still really proud of that, I guess.”
“I remember. That crusty old guy’s what got us the WRU sponsorship. Mark just about had a stroke when they wanted to do that whole marketing campaign with us.” Lisa laughs. Akio doesn’t. His nerves are shot, and he doesn’t want to make small talk about WRU. Not knowing what he knows. Not with who’s waiting in the hallway.
Lisa seems to pick up on his reticence. Her laughter fades, and she tilts her head, some of her black hair brushing along her shoulder. “Aki? What’s up, man? I haven’t talked to you in, like, six months and then you ask me to come down to the old gym and say it’s super important but you can’t say why on the phone. Talk to me, man. I don’t mind being here, but if you’re going to propose, I have some real bad news about how thoroughly I am not going to do that. Nothing personal, I don’t want that mess with anyone else, either.”
That does pull a laugh from him, and Lisa relaxes slightly. “Don’t worry, Lees, I’m not asking you to-... anything me,” Akio says, heading for the doorway to the conference room. His palms feel sweaty. His palms never feel sweaty. He can swing through the air and only feel the perfect rush of what his body can do, he can land on his feet, he broke an ankle once without a sound, but now… now he’s scared.
Scared of what he’s going to show her.
Scared of how she could react.
“I’m actually sort of dating someone,” Akio confesses, after a pause. “I mean. I think we’re dating.”
“Honestly, you not knowing if you’re dating someone or not is the most Nakamura thing I can imagine,” Lisa says cheerfully. “You haven’t changed much, either.”
Has he not? He feels like a whole different person since he found Tristan again. Like he’s aged ten years in a few weeks. A new anger burns under his skin, fury at grieving the loss of a boy who was never actually gone.
“What’s his name?”
Akio stops, hand on the doorknob, and turns to look over his shoulder at Lisa’s impish little grin. 
“Oh, fuck off, Aki, you think I didn’t know? We practically lived together at the gym. What’s his name? Is that why you wanted me here, to meet him maybe?”
“His name’s-... uh, his name’s Ben. He’s not here, but. Okay, so. There’s something I needed to show you today. I want to show everybody from the old group, but… but I wanted to start with you.” He can feel heat in his eyes, unfamiliar fear making his pulse thrum. Something in his expression makes her own smile fade.
Lisa Huang leans forward, dropping both feet to the floor. She watches him, dark eyes traveling over his face. “Aki? What’s wrong?”
Akio laughs, a little helplessly. “Just… so much is wrong, Lisa.”
“Talk to me, Nakamura. What’s going on?” Lisa’s concern is open, and genuine, and he can’t think of any way to answer except just to open the door, glancing to where Chris is waiting sitting on a bench in the hallway, and gesture him inside.
Chris comes in slowly - he’s nervous, too, and one hand grips tightly to the oversized plastic feather necklace he’s always wearing, rubbing his thumb over the carved vanes. He’d be less recognizable, Akio thinks, if he still had the long blue hair and not the short copper. As it is, he’s all giant green eyes and narrow chin, black compression shirt under a loose oversized blue one, black jeans, wearing his friend’s old black-and-white checked shoes. 
Lisa glances at him, and he’d be less recognizable, maybe, with blue hair, but Akio sees the color drain from her face as she takes in a man who is, as far as she knows, a very dead boy. She moves to stand, gets halfway up, drops back down into the seat again. “Aki-” Her voice catches, cuts off. “Akio, what-... who is-”
“Lisa.” Akio’s own voice is rough, staying close as Chris steps inside further, then stops. His thumb rubs at the plastic feather, his other hand curves over his stomach, gripping into the fabric of his t-shirt. “This is-”
“Tristan fucking Higgs.” Lisa cuts him off, getting to her feet again. “He’s-... Aki, Tristan’s-”
“A little less dead than we were supposed to think he was. This is, um. Christopher Stanton.” When Lisa looks at him, eyebrows furrowing, Akio shakes his own head in response. “He was Tristan Higgs. Our, our Tris-... but he ended up-”
“Lisa,” Chris says, suddenly, the name slotting into place in a mind where memories still slip and slide out of his awareness seemingly at will. They stick or they don’t, and Akio doesn’t know what makes the difference. His eyes light up, and he takes another two steps forward, then stops when Lisa flinches slightly back. “Lisa, um, Lisa… Lisa-... you, you, you you did, um, you did, you were good at the uneven bars, were, you you you-you… you wore the, the same ponytail holder every time you did a meet.”
Lisa’s eyes fill with tears, the glitter of them visible even across the room, and her hands come up to cover her mouth. “Oh my God,” She whispers. She sits back down, but it’s more like her legs simply stop working, dropping so heavily the chair creaks beneath her. She keeps whispering, oh my god, oh my god, over and over, her face ash-gray, her eyes locked on Chris’s face. 
“Wha-... what…” Lisa takes in a breath, and then another, and Chris moves closer to her, bit by bit. Neither of them is able to close the last foot or so of distance, and Akio watches them, his own lips pressed together into a thin line. He’d expected her to deny it, to call this a joke, to call Chris an impostor, but-
Lisa was the one closest to Tris, other than him.
Lisa remembers him well enough to see him in the older, more angular face in front of her, knows him well enough to hear in his speech and the way his fingers tap carefully on his own skin - finger-twist tap tap tap - that it’s Tristan, through and through.
“What happened to you?” Lisa manages. She sounds like she’s choking on the words.
Chris rocks a little, uncertainly, his eyes drifting to look to the windows, the walls, drifting over the framed team photos over the years. “My, my, my parents-... after-”
“I remember that. But you-... you had to go live with someone-”
“My, my aunt.” Chris’s eyes find the old photo of the team with the governor and lock on. His pale eyebrows come together a little, frowning. Something in his face goes distant. “She, she, she… she gave me up.”
Lisa looks at Akio, who nods. “It’s true, as far as I can tell. He went to stay with his mom’s sister, and then… WRU.”
“After he ran away?”
Akio swallows, and shakes his head. “He, uh. He says he never ran away.” He doesn’t mean to talk for Chris, but Chris is moving away from them, staring at the photo on the wall, wandering towards it and away from he and Lisa entirely. “She, uh. She sold him.”
Lisa jerks forward, as though she’ll be sick on the floor, and closes her eyes. “That’s not possible,” She says, in a low voice. “That can’t be what happened. They would-... nobody would do that to someone, nobody would-”
“They did it to him. He didn’t even know who he was, Lees. They gave him a new name and did that thing where they take all his memories and they sold him to someone.”
Akio knows the look on Lisa’s face. Her mind is spinning, overwhelmed. He knows the feeling, he’s cycled through it a hundred times now, his body and brain working to understand that while he was crying in his bed missing his best friend, visiting his parents’ fucking graves to leave flowers for him, Tristan was locked up somewhere, not even knowing who he was.
“But WRU only takes people who sign up on purpose.” Lisa’s hands drop. Her mouth barely moves. There’s almost no sound to the words. 
Akio takes in a breath, glancing over at Chris, standing in front of the photo of the team at the governor’s mansion. “So, I asked, he says-... that’s a lie. They… steal people. Or people get given to them, like Tris was.”
“Who-... who did they sell him to?”
“Him. I was, was, was sold to him.”
The two of them look over to where Chris is pointing at the center of the photo. Akio moves over to him, Lisa pushing herself up to follow on his heels. 
Akio’s eyes follow the line of Chris's arm, to his index finger pressed just lightly against the glass covering the photo in the frame. Lisa jerks in a breath.
“You’re fucking kidding me,” She says, voice flat, almost empty, the emotions struggling to catch up to the pile of information building up. “That’s-... that’s the governor that got fucking murdered-”
“Right before he was supposed to testify against WRU,” Akio says, blinking. “I remember. Our coach was super pissed because of the publicity. He had some kind of bombshell something that was going to-... oh. Oh shit.”
If Chris hears either of them, he doesn’t show it. He just keeps looking at the man in the photo, tracing the line of his face with his fingertip. 
"Right there," Chris says. “I was there.” His voice is nearly drowned out by the sound of creaking, of shouting, of bodies in the air or on mats coming in through the open door. Behind them, out in the practice area, nothing changes. Everything is the same, with Tristan and without him. Life went on.
Life goes on.
Here, though, the silence draws out, as Akio and Lisa stare at Chris's fingernail, with a star sticker stuck to it, and at the photo of the old governor, the one who died, with his arm around Akio's shoulders. Here, time stands horribly still. 
"What do you mean-... you’d been… I mean, we had been told you’d, um, that you’d… you know-"
"Under the, the, the desk." Chris taps lightly on the glass. The desk was right behind them, in the photo. His finger is tapping just behind Akio's legs. "I was... right, right, right there. He, he, he, he liked that no one ever saw me. I was there.”
Akio looks at the smile on Governor Branch's face and remembers how his skin crawled at the man's too-friendly touch. How he’d kept asking questions about Tristan, pushing until Akio had gotten upset. How he’d joked with them and Akio had gone home and taken a shower that nearly burned him from the heat just to feel clean for reasons he couldn’t explain to himself. 
How the governor kept asking about Tristan.
"I'm going to be sick," He whispers. Akio Nakamura, smiling gymnast, is standing right in front of the fucking desk. Oliver's hand curved around the ball of his shoulder and he's leaning in and, oh god, they're all smiling, all of them.
Their coaches had been so happy for the photo op.
“Tristan-” Neither of them correct Lisa on the name. “Are you-... are you saying you were under the desk when this photo was taken?” 
Lisa’s in the photo, too. She’s off to the side, not really looking at the camera, smiling tightly. Lisa never liked photos, and she didn’t even want to go to the governor’s mansion that day. Her hair was longer then. 
“Probably. Some… sometimes he would, um, he, he, he would, he would… make me wait in his, his, his room.”
“Gross,” Lisa says, weakly. “How-... how old were you?”
Chris blinks. He’s lost, Akio thinks. Inside his head, inside the memories he can’t hold on to very well. Grasping on with slippery fingers to images and thoughts that someone will have to remind him of later. “They, they, they, they told me to say I-I was eighteen.” He presses his finger directly over Oliver Branch’s face, digging the flat of it in until a smudged fingerprint nearly obscures the man’s face entirely. “They beat me un, until I said it.”
“WRU did?”
Chris nods. 
“But you weren’t…”
"Why would Governor Branch buy-... But why..."
"Too pretty," Chris whispers. "Too, too, too pretty for... for, um, for for anything else. He, he, he… wanted young." There's a healing wound on his forehead sure to scar and his green eyes are dark and Akio should move, before he throws up on the photo.
He can't. He keeps staring at the desk, like if he tries hard enough, he can step in and tell a younger version of himself Tristan isn't dead, he's right there, just look. Just look. Just look.
Tris was right there the whole time.
While Oliver Branch looked at Akio Nakamura like dinner laid out for him on a plate, he had Tristan under his desk, and when they left he probably pulled him out from under the desk and-
Akio has to turn away, then, jamming his hands into his hoodie pockets and walking away, to the window, breathing in and out as he stares at the cars in the parking lot outside. His blood rushes in his ears, pounds through his temples. His fingers pulse.
Behind him, Lisa asks Chris about his life now, and he answers, in his familiar stammer that Akio had missed so much when he had to live without it. He talks about his brother, going to college.
All of it is-... good, that Tristan rebuilt, that he has people now, a family. But he had a family then, one he should never have had to lose. 
Akio has to let them talk, because he’s afraid if he opens his mouth he’ll start screaming.
How many people has this happened to? Akio knows the company line. People disappear into WRU sometimes, running from debt or criminal charges or homelessness, and they get a whole new life. 
But he knows the other side of it now, too. He knows Chris - he knows his dead best friend was never dead at all. He knows what happened to him. He’s met a houseful of others - Chris’s older brother with a pretty smile who told him none of us ever want it, not really. The other quiet brother who has a scar on his neck he won’t talk about. The others who stared at him when he came over, terrified to get close to him, scared he’d turn them in.
Akio has started looking at the street kids he sees sometimes and wondering who ran away from WRU and who’s going to end up there. 
He’s started to wonder if it has to be that way at all. 
When he trusts his voice again, he says, “Did-... did WRU know you were-... weren’t willing-” It’s stupid, he knows better, but he wants - he wants so badly - for it to have been some kind of terrible misunderstanding. If it is, he tells himself, he can pull back from this.
If it is, he can focus on Tristan, he can walk away from the rest. 
“They, they, they call us ‘underagers’,” Chris says, and he still doesn’t look away from Oliver Branch’s face. “We, we, we have special rooms. They… know. We’re... we, we, we... we sell for more. After I, I waas rescued they, um, they they they sent people once. To take me back. My, my, my brother kept me safe.”
Akio feels a rush of heat that threatens to burn him alive in his own fury. WRU has been giving the team money and marketing opportunities and bullshit since-... since they met the governor, who had been the one to hook them up with WRU in the first place, and… and the whole time he’d known what happened to Tristan, he was what happened to Tristan, Governor Branch and his oily fucking voice and his stupid jokes and he had Tristan the whole time.
WRU knew.
They know.
They’re still doing it, probably, hurting people like Chris, sending fucking SWAT teams after them if they get out. How many people are out there hurting like this?
There’s an idea that’s been building in the back of his mind. Foggy, barely-formed. But as his anger lights him up, Akio feels the pieces coming together. Speaking up, speaking out, telling people what happened to his best friend will probably ruin his career. It could ruin his life.
But there are a lot of people like Tristan Higgs whose lives are already ruined. A whole lot more whose lives will be if nobody ever stops it. 
If he’s going to speak out, he might as well make sure everyone is listening.
“Lisa, do you still speak to the girls from the Canadian team?”
She nods, frowning. “Yeah, I speak to a bunch of different people still. Why?”
Akio looks over at Chris, at Tristan Higgs’s face. The last day he saw Tristan was at his parents’ funeral, wearing an ill-fitting suit and rocking against the weight of grief, his aunt saying it’d be awhile before he could come back to practice.
He’d never returned.
Then the texts stopped, then his aunt said he’d run off, then she said they’d found his body. Then then then. One lie after another, so she could fucking sell him. So WRU could make money off someone who needed help, who Akio couldn’t hear crying for him, for someone, for anyone, to get him out of this. 
Akio turns back, and to Lisa and Chris he’s nearly a silhouette of darkness backlit by the light from outside. 
“What if we-... what if we make it so WRU can’t do this anymore?”
“I have an idea. Just... what if we make it so nobody can ignore what’s really happening anymore?”
Tagging: @burtlederp , @finder-of-rings , @endless-whump , @whumpfigure , @astrobly @newandfiguringitout , @doveotions , @pretty-face-breaker , @boxboysandotherwhump  , @oops-its-whump  @cubeswhump ,  @whump-tr0pes  @whumpiary @downriver914 @vickytokio
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hopes4gf · 3 years
Wings of Fire (A MHA Fanfic): The Storm
The day consists of quirk trials where we test the lengths our quirks can go. I stand over a canister of gasoline and light the canister with my flames. The flames appear blue to the eye, unlike Shoto’s which is red. I focus my eyes on the flame, watching it swish and move as my eyes narrow. I focus on the center of it and watch it grow. Then, I try the opposite, making it shrink until there’s only ash.
A crowd forms behind me.
”Woah! That was awesome. I’ve never seen fire look like that,” A girl with a long dark ponytail says behind me.
”It’s a gene thing,” I say, starting to feel the heat.
I hyperventilate as I feel myself start to sweat.
”Are those the side effects?” She asks.
”Yeah. I-I start to sweat profusely. But my ice softens it,” I say using my other hand to cool down, placing it across my neck.
”You wouldn’t last a day with me, hot stuff. With me there’s no cool down,” Bakugo taunts.
”And what makes you think I’m interested in you or your quirk?” I ask.
”Nitroglycerin and sweat create naturally from my skin, that’s what makes my explosions work,” Bakugo says, putting out his hands to show off his palm explosions.
”Aww little fireworks, how cute for someone with such a big ego,” I say, rolling my eyes.
”Shut up, woman!” Bakugo says stubbornly.
”Bite me,” I say through gritted teeth.
I roll my eyes and return to my training before I realize that the girl is still standing next to me.
”Fascinated, huh?” I ask.
”Oh! I just...I wish I had such a cool mix of quirks,” She says shyly.
”What is your quirk?” I ask.
She hesitates.
”I- I can create things...through my chest. As long as I eat enough food, I can sprout anything out of my chest,” She says.
”That’ll sure be a hit with the boys. And plus you’re a nice looking girl,” I say confidently.
”You think so?” She asks.
”Sure, I mean your pretty and you’ve been nice to me so far. Why not?” I say.
”That means a lot coming from someone so beautiful,” She says.
I stop in my tracks.
”That's the first time I’ve ever heard that,” I laugh.
”You’ve never been called beautiful?” She asks.
”Nope,” I say.
”Not even by your dad? You know, when you go out on a date or if you’re going to dinner?” She asks.
I huff and think of my memories of my father.
”My dad was never kind to me. He doesn’t know what emotions are like. He’s cold-hearted even for a hero with a fire quirk. If you ask me, he’s an asshole. If you ask everyone else, he’s a saint,” I say honestly.
”I’m so sorry. That was so rude of me. I shouldn’t have gotten so personal,” She says nervously.
”It’s fine. The names Aki by the way,” I say.
”Momo Yaoyozuru,” Momo introduces.
”What a name! Can I just call you Momo-chan?” I ask.
”Sure!” Momo agrees.
We take a break for lunch and I pop in my headphones when I grab my lunch. I get a couple of spring rolls, some honey butter chips and a Dr. Pepper. I take my tray and scan the room for somewhere to sit. The group from class sits together all except Bakugo, who is no where to be found.
I shrug and I take my lunch and search for a place to eat.
I find an empty classroom and I sit in the back hopping on the back table.
I much on my spring rolls, looking out the window to think.
So many different quirks, so many different characters, meanwhile everyone idolizes me. What did I do to deserve all this? This praise and attention is nothing like at home. The world has no idea what I’ve been through. I just don’t know why.
Suddenly, the classroom door opens.
”What the hell are you doing here?” Bakugo says, revealing himself.
I roll my eyes and take off my headphones, hopping off the table.
”I figured your little goons didn’t want me around. Shouldn’t you be with them?” I ask.
”You think I’d really hang with those losers? Pfft, no way. They’d rather stick to your kind of crowd,” Bakugo scoffs.
”‘My kind of crowd’? The hell does that mean?” I ask.
”You think you’re so slick, huh? I know you put up a front to make yourself look good just because you're a big old celebrity,” Bakugo says, stepping towards me.
”I don’t have to make myself look good for anyone. And for your information, I’m not a celebrity, I’m not hot stuff, and I’m certainly not a loser. Now, let me eat my damn lunch,” I spit back at him.
His eyes widen softly at my words. Then he tsks, looking away and blushing.
”Whatever. I’m leaving,” Bakugo says.
”Actually...I kind of like your company,” I say.
Bakugo raises a brow, and a smirk appears on his face.
”Oh really now? Have you changed your mind about me?” Bakugo asks slyly.
“Not sure yet, I thought I was a loser to you,” I say.
”You tease,” Bakugo scoffs through his smirk.
”See ya later, hot stuff,” Bakugo says with a wink.
”Oh shut up, you angry Pomeranian,”  I say with a smile.
”Oi! Don’t call me that,” Bakugo says.
”Okay then, ‘suki,” I say, making up a cute nickname to tick him off.
”First name basis huh? Kinda cute coming from those lips of yours,” He flirts.
”It was fucking joke, ditto,” I say returning to my usual tone.
Bakugo’s smirk fades and he exits the room, leaving me alone once again.
I wait for Shoto at the front of the school to walk home.
He appears soon with that same concerned look on his face.
”You okay?” I ask.
”Yeah, dad just told me that he won’t be home until later tonight. There’s a situation with some villains in Kyushu, he wants be there before All Might does,” Shoto explains.
”Speaking of All Might, he looks just about worn out. That’s probably why dad’s taking advantage that he’s here at UA,” I comment.
”Hey, Todoroki-chan!” Mina calls, waving to me from the other side of the gate.
”Hi, Ashido-chan,” I wave back.
”Why didn’t you sit with us at lunch today?” Sero asks.
”I got a little caught up with registration, you know. Getting some paperwork filled out,” I lie.
I peak a glance at Bakugo who stands beside Kirishima, staring with that familiar glare.
”Anyways, these knuckle-heads were just doing what they do, so you didn’t miss much,” Kirishima explains.
”Catch you tomorrow?” Mina asks.
”Sure!” I say, before returning to Shoto’s side.
”First day and you're already making friends with the class clowns?” Shoto asks.
”What’d you expect? They’re fun. Everything can’t be serious all the time, and plus we’re going to be together for the next three years,” I say.
”We have a lot at stake though. Just try not to embarrass yourself too much,” Shoto says.
”So this is what this is about. Me embarrassing our family? Our family was embarrassed by our own actions the minute Touya left. And the minute Dad decided to start ‘training you’ and the minute mom gave you that scar,” I scoff.
”That’s not what I meant, Aki,” Shoto says.
”So then what did you mean?” I ask.
”I’m trying to protect you from yourself. You can be reckless sometimes. I don’t want you making a fool of yourself with dad’s eyes on you. I’m just trying to help you prove to dad that your capable of these responsibilities,” Shoto explains.
”If I’m capable of doing these responsibilities, I don’t need help doing them. The one has to prove that to dad is me. You already made a mark in his book, that’s for sure,” I scoff.
Shoto lets out a sigh and we walk to the train station together.
”Welcome home twins! How was your dad at school!” Fuyumi shouts from the kitchen as she cooks.
”It was okay,” Shoto says calmly.
”It was great! I made some friends our teacher’s...interesting,” I say honestly, switching to my house shoes.
”Well, I guess that’s hero school for you!  I mean I can personally say that being a teacher is hard, I mean-“
”Here we go again,” Shoto and I say at once, rolling our eyes.
Fuyumi goes on a familiar ramble about her being a teacher and me and Shoto continue our routine. Eating our pre-dinner snacks.
I sit on the couch by Natsu, who’s focused on his game of Overwatch.
”What’s up, Aki?” The college student says.
”Nothing much. You get any serious kills?” I ask.
”I got a quadruple kill at the beginning of the game. By the way, did you switch mains? I saw you had more game time with Widow than Sombra on your account,” Natsu says.
I slap his arm and he flinched from the pain.
”Why’d you look through my account?” I yell.
”Aki, stop hitting your brother!” Fuyumi says from the kitchen.
”Sorry Fuyumi,” Me and Natsu say in unison.
I huff at Natsu and he refocuses on his game, stealing a pocky stick from my package.
”H-Hey!” I exclaim.
Natsu laughs as he munched on the snack while moving the joysticks and pressing the buttons on his controller.
”You wanna play a match?” Natsu asks.
I nod and snatch the controller from him.
Me and Natsu go back and forth playing rounds, while eating snacks.
”Aki, go wash up. Dinner’s almost ready,” Fuyumi reminds.
”Sure,” I say, handing the controller back to Natsu.
I drag my feet behind he walking the long halls of our home to the stairs towards the bathroom. I turn on the shower and turn it to the hot water. The bathroom starts to fill with steam and I inhale it, making my tense muscles relax.
The best part of my day...where I get to unwind and wash off the negative energy.
Later, I throw on a baggy t-shirt and some shorts and head to the dinner table.
”Aki, you got a letter from Mom,” Shoto reminds me, handing me a white envelope.
I take the letter and put it to the side.
Fuyumi gives me my plate of food and we all start to eat.
”Shoto, did you make any friends?” Fuyumi asks.
”A couple,” Shoto says shyly.
”That’s great! It’s good to have a couple friends when going into high school,” Fuyumi says.
”Sure, but it can get real competitive. There’s this one guy that I’m holding out for though,” I say.
”You mean, he peeks your interest? Romantically?” Fuyumi asks.
Shoto practically spits out his own food from laughing.
”No! I mean, he flirts with me but he’s a total jackass. A total bully,” I say rolling my eyes.
”Maybe it’ll be like one of those romance mangas where the bad boy softens up with the good girl,” Natsu comments.
Him and Shoto laugh at the situation.
”You think I’m the good girl? That’s more suited for any of the other girls at UA. But certainly not me,” I scoff.
“She‘s got a point. Her comedic timing overpowers his egotistical comments. I would know because I’m a witness to it,” Shoto says.
”See?” I nod.
”Como sea (whatever it is), I think you should start looking for a boyfriend, you're coming of age and your gonna be sixteen in January,” Fuyumi says.
”Ayy, la cumpleañera,” Natsu says jokingly, rubbing my head like a small child.
”I get it! Anyways, I’m not so worried about that though. I’m just trying to focus on my studies right now,” I say.
“If you wanted to focus you’d be sitting at the front of class with me and not joking around with that group in the back,” Shoto comments.
”Loosen up, bro! You think I want to be cracking joke 24-7? The work is all that matters to me and if I make friends or even get a boyfriend along the way, fine by me. The thing that’s important to me is making you all proud,” I say to my siblings.
They all give me a small smile before continuing back to our dinner.
The next day, we are assigned to go to the support classes and request hero costumes for our training. I walk with Momo towards the support class.
"Hey guys, I'm Mei Hatsume! I'm essentially in charge of the support class and I'll be helping you with some of my babies!" A girl with pink hair and steampunk clothes says.
"Babies?!" we all exclaim.
"My projects, silly," Mei says.
We wipe sweat from our brows and move into the workshop.
"So, what kind of costume are you getting? I mean.. since your quirk doesn't allow much...leeway," I say, looking glancing down at her chest.
"Even Todoroki-chan is intimidated," Denki says, standing next to Mineta, a short kid with grapes for hair.
"Don't make me scold you, Kaminari," I scoff, catching his dialogue.
Denki blushes furiously and Mineta laughs at him.
"You're gonna get scolded by the pretty girl!" Mineta teases.
I turn back to Yaoyozuru and roll my eyes.
"Well, I was thinking of something that is a little more fitted since my quirk comes from...my chest. But I might need something that's similar to Midnight's," Momo explains shyly.
"You mean something provocative?" Mina asks, sneaking behind her.
"Shh! The boys will get ideas," Momo scolds, hushing the alien girl down.
"I need a strong material that doesn't break through my acid," Mina says.
"I need a costume that weighs me down," Uraraka says, joining the conversation.
"Because of your quirk?" I ask her.
"I can make things float! It seems weird but when I activate my floating, I lose control sometimes, so I need something to weigh me down a bit," Uraraka explains.
"Actually, that's kinda cool!" Asui, a girl with long green hair and a frog quirk says, also joining.
"I wish I had such a cool quirk," A voice says.
We all turn and see Hagakure, the invisible hero standing behind us.
"What do you mean? Your invisible! That's the most practical quirk," Jiro says.
"I think  Todoroki-chan's quirk is awesome! She can control fire and ice," Momo says.
The girls turn to me with wonder in their eyes.
"That's so freaking cool!"  Mina says.
"That's like having two quirks," Uraraka says.
"Sort of. But it's kind of hard to balance. I'm not effected by my ice quirk but if I use my fire quirk too often, I pass out," I explain, scratching my neck nervously.
"So you'll need something that distributes both quirks evenly," Mei says, barging in.
"Yeah, you could say that," I say nervously.
"I would say that since your quirk comes from your hands, that some metal wrist plates would regulate the temperatures of your quirk so you don't overheat. Where else do you think you might need plating?" Mei asks.
"My waist, it gets sore when I switch back and forth," I say.
"Hmm, how about a metal corset? Regulates your temperature, form fitting, not too tight, and since the cold doesn't bother you, you'd be nice and loose. the most it'll be is a bit heavy, so are you good with carrying weight?" Mei suggests.
"Yeah, sure I am," I say confidently.
"Nice, then underneath we can just have a loose and airy sheen fabric. Let's say, almost a mini-dress. I think perriwinkle would look best on you," Mei says, jotting it down in her journal.
"My fire is blue, so that fits," I say with a giggle.
"Woah!" The girl exclaim.
"Great! I'll have some of my assistants work on that! It's not too complicated unlike the boys's costumes," Mei comments.
I give her a smile before she turns to the other girls.
"Say, Aki. You think you could score me date with your brother, he's kinda hot for a 15 year old," Mina jokes.
"Jeez, Ashido," I scoff, rolling my eyes.
"What, he's a good-looking guy," Mina says.
"He is kinda cute, and he's sweet too," Momo says.
"And how would you know that?" I ask her.
"First of all, I sit next to him in class, second I listen to his conversations from time to time, and thirdly he gave me his number," Momo says confidently.
"My shy ass brother gave you his number?" I ask, shocked from her words.
"Yeah, I don't know why but he seems a little interested," Momo says shyly.
My eyes widen from her words. I can hardly believe that Shoto would even want a girlfriend, being so busy with his focus on his hero work. As days go by, I can hardly recognize my brother, my father's influence on him starting to shine on him as he interacts with our classmates and gains tasks. I can practically see the gears in his head turning as he thinks to himself. But to think he'd want a relationship? That's odd indeed.
"Good luck with that one, he won't say much. And if he does, call me for advice," I say to Momo.
"Yeah, sure. I mean you are his twin," Momo giggles.
The bell rings for lunch and we all go to cafeteria.
As I pick up my lunch, I glance behind me and see the groups sitting together.
I grab my usual lunch, and walk to the familiar classroom with my headphones in.
I open the door and immediately rip my headphones off my ears.
Bakugo sits on the table in the back of the classroom, waiting for me.
"I knew you'd come back here," Bakugo says slyly.
"Leave me alone, Bakugo," I scoff.
"What happened to that cute nickname you gave me? And don't say your sick of me, cause you and I both know you wouldn't be here if you were at least interested in me," Bakugo asks, recalling the last time we were together.
"God, you're such an idiot. I could care less about whether or not your interested in me. All I said was I liked your company. It didn't have to go farther than that," I say, grabbing a spring roll.
"Fine, why do you even come in here anyways?" Bakugo asks out of boredom.
"To think, get away from people like you, process things," I say.
"But thought-"
"Yeah, I do like your company but don't you think your ego gets a little bigger around other people?" I ask.
"Sure, but it's a competitive school. And when your trying to prove your the best, competition is your number one enemy, people who'll try to drag your ass into the pits of hell," Bakugo says, honestly but harshly.
"You're starting to sound like my father," I comment.
"Endeavor? That old man can rot in hell too. He's a good for nothing piece of shit if you ask me," Bakugo adds.
His comment peeks my interest.
"You don't like Endeavor, huh?" I ask.
"Hell no. No offence by the way," Bakugo says.
"I didn't read you as the type to apologize but it's all good. If anything I have more reason to hate him too,"  I say snarkily.
"But he's your dad," Bakugo says, trying to justify my opinion.
"Yeah, and a shitty one too. But you don't need to know the details...at least not yet,"  I say, taking a sip of my drink.
"Spill it, Todoroki," Bakugo orders.
"I said...not yet," I bite back.
"Whatever, fucking tease," Bakugo tsks.
"Angry pomeranian," I tsk.
"Stop calling me that!" Bakugo exclaims.
"Whatever, your hairs' spikey and you're blond, so to me you look like a pomeranian," I comment.
"And to me, you're a refrigerated hot Cheeto," Bakugo adds.
"At least I'm tasty," I wink.
Bakugo growls and mutters under his breath at my comment.
"What? You never had a girl talk back to you before?" I ask.
"No," He mutters.
"Well then, I guess that serves me as the first girl who's ever had to put up with your ass," I say snarkily.
Bakugo stands up and pins me to the table.
"Listen, woman. I'm tired of this little act, are you scared of me? Intimidated? Is that why you keep treating me like I'm a kid?" Bakugo growls.
"You're cute when you're angry," I say through a smirk.
Bakugo rolls his eyes.
"I'm not scared of you, I just think you've never had your buttons pushed because you think everything in life is gonna get handed to you," I say honestly.
"Says the daughter of the number two hero," Bakugo snarls.
"Says the boy who hasn't even had a girlfriend yet. I don't know what they fed you back in middle school, but you won't get a single girl with that narcissistic mindset," I say.
'And what? You gonna straighten me out? Teach me to be soft and shit?" Bakugo says.
'I didn't say that. What I mean is, if you wanna talk to me, your gonna have to grow some balls first," I spit.
Bakugo starts to make small explosions from his palms but before he can do anything I freeze the table completely. I slip out from under him.
"Oi! Where the hell do you think you're going? You're not gonna leave me here!" Bakugo yells.
"Yes I am," I say turning to him with a smile, before closing door of the classroom and walking towards the cafeteria.
I spot the group and Mina waves to me.
"Finally!" Mina exclaims, pulling a chair out for me.
I sit with the group and can faintly hear the loud scream of Bakugo from the halls.
I smirk to myself and join the group's conversation.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 5 years
A mess without you
I'm not hugely familiar with the Leakira au. I know of it and have seen pics that I've reblogged but never actually went and dived in. When I heard people were taking it over as a reboot, I was kinda turned off from it but any pictures I do see are very amazing. Let's just take as it is, a nice au for our boys. Also, Pana as Pidge's name is from a whole AU someone wrote. I just went with it. Leakira
Leandro breathed heavily as he quickly darted into an alleyway, pressing himself against the wall as the Garrison cars rushed past him, still following that hologram he sent in his place. Once he was sure they were gone, he let out a sigh of relief and allowed his legs to lose all strength and dump him on the floor. God, his older brother would be so disappointed in him, getting caught so easily by the Garrison. There’d been a time where he would have been able to lose them in no time at all, sending them in one direction as he went off to catch his next target but not anymore. He’d gotten very used to working with a partner, someone who’d be there at the last second if things started going south. Someone he could trust.
Someone who was missing.
Akira had saved his ass when a particular target was close to crushing his skull in. one second, he was staring up at the target, his arm dislocated and a cut on his forehead and the next Akira came screeching into his life on his motorcycle, subduing the target in a few short, and kinda sexy, moves. He brought Leandro back to his place where he patched him up. He promised he’d help Akira out if he ever needed it as thanks.
Turns out he needed help bringing down a drug ring known as the Galra. They had apparently messed with Akira’s brother, turning him into a guinea pig for their new drugs. Leandro agreed and that’s how they became a team. They were part of a larger one known as Altea, but the two of them, they were partners, could completely trust the other. It seemed natural that eventually their partnership started to mean something else. They’d just been hanging out in Akira’s room and Leandro kept staring at him and then just kissed him. he pulled away sure he messed everything up but Akira pulled him back and kissed him for even longer. They waited a few days before finally talking everything out, but they reached the same conclusion. They wanted to be together. No one else on the team seemed surprised when they didn’t hide their relationship and things just continued as they were. Except he got to kiss Akira whenever he wanted.
Akira, with his badly dyed black hair and the goggles he’d stolen from Leandro that sat on his head and their matching black and red/black and blue jackets. The way his eyes shined when it was just the two of them, the way Akira was more likely to get into trouble trying to save a cat then Leandro, just everything about him he couldn’t help but love.
But during a drug raid, they got separated. Things were actually looking bad and Akira shoved Leandro onto one of Altea’s transports before acting as a decoy on his bike. After 2 days of no word, Leandro started to panic. No one could get through to him as he went after Galra lackies trying to find out where Akira was. All he knew was that Akira hadn’t been caught but they still didn’t know where he was. Even tonight, with his team’s begging, he went and tried to find information from the Garrison’s systems. Which of course he didn’t find anything which then lead to him to getting caught.
Pulling out a pair of glasses, Leandro put them on, the holographic lens activating.
“Oh look, the stupid idiot is sending out an SOS.”
Leandro sighed. Pana, their resident hacker, was not happy when they found out what he was going to do. He didn’t know why calling them now would suddenly change that.
“Pana, you can either continue to yell at me over comms or you can get me out of here and do it in person.”
“Fine, I’m rerouting a line for a bus service to come get you. Be prepared for a whole lot of yelling when you get back!”
Not that he listened to any of it. While Pana stood over them reminding him again and again how stupid he was for trying to sneak into the Garrison, he was staring at the picture he’d brought up on the nearby holoscreen. It had been a picture Pana actually took of Akira and Leandro curled up on one of the couches together. Leandro’s hand was still curled into Akira’s hair as they slept, his hair out of its usual ponytail and missing his goggles, but he was curled up and content. He missed running his hands through Akira’s hair, pointing out the bad job he’d done once again on dying it. He loved Akira’s white hair but it stood out too much on jobs, hence the reason he dyed it. He remembered once when there was a whole month that the Galra were laying low because they had been able to get one of their main officers arrested and Akira let his hair grow out. The way the city lights looked on his white hair, Leandro feel even more in love.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Pana, come on, give it a rest.” Shiro came into the room and rested a hand on Leandro’s shoulder. “He knows it was a stupid idea but his boyfriend has also been missing for almost a month. Cut him some slack.”
“Fine.” Pana sighed. “I’m just saying, Akira will yell at him way worse when he gets back and find out what Lea got himself into.”
“We all know he will. Now Leandro, how about some target practise on a chain of Galra. There’s been word that they’re going to break off and create an even stronger Quintessence drug and I think we should at least stop that from happening.”
Leandro needed something to do before he got so wrapped up in his own head of worrying where Akira was.
There were few lackies protecting the higher officials at the bases so Leandro was in charge of taking them out with his sniper rifle while Shiro took care of downloading the information and destroying the stock. Purple lights from his prosthetic followed his arm as he pounded in the faces of anyone who tried stopping him. just ahead though, he saw a red light moving quickly, like it was part of some weapon someone was fighting with. The dark lighting wasn’t helping him figure it out. Then the light came shooting towards him. he dodged out of the way to see the light, which was a laser blade on a very familiar dagger, was lodged into the head of a lacky he missed who had been close to attacking him.
From the shadows, Akira emerged. Shiro felt a huge relief at the sight of him. he looked a bit worse for wear, his clothes dirtier than usual and even his hair had whiter in it from it growing out and wasn’t even in its ponytail.
“Where have you been?”
Akira summoned his dagger back with it’s recall function and let Shiro pull him into a tight hug, which he returned.
“I got to the other side of the island but apparently that’s where Hagger is. I spent so long trying to avoid her, when’s she been sending out people to find us. I also met another rebel group. It took so long to finally get a way back here. Word in the underground was that this was your next target. I’m fine, don’t worry but what about Leandro?”
Of course, gone for a month but was more concerned about his boyfriend.
“A complete mess since you’ve been gone.”
“Is it true he broke into the Garrison?”
“To look for you, yeah.”
“I’m going to kill him, he’s such an idiot! What was he thinking?” Akira started to complain, though Shiro could tell he was really worried.
“Hey, destroy stock first then you can yell at him. He’s taking care of officials.”
With Akira’s help, they were able to set charges and get the info Pana needed before Shiro told Leandro to meet him at the rendezvous point. Akira was still muttering about what he was going to do to Leandro for doing something so stupid.  He found out a bit more about the other rebel group who were attacking the Galra, former members or family of members who wanted nothing to do with them. Shiro thought it was worth trying to work with them.
Leandro came down the stairs of a building he’d hopped to, the bag with his rifle on his back when he spotted Akira. He dropped it on the floor as he ran off to meet Akira.
Akira ran to meet him in the middle, though it wasn’t to hug him. As soon as Leandro was close enough, Akira grabbed the closest body part and flipped Leandro over onto his back, staring down at him in anger mixed worry.
“What the hell were you thinking?! You snuck into the Garrison, the guys who are after our butts almost every day? For what? Have you lost your mind? What if something happened to you? It was hell enough not knowing if you were ok, were you seriously going to do that to me?” Akira screamed.
Still on his back, Leandro stared up at his boyfriend, the guy he trusted with his life, and couldn’t help but smile like an idiot.
“I missed you Aki.”
Even though Akira was still upset about what Leandro had done, he wouldn’t deny that it didn’t matter because he was finally back with the man he loved. He pulled Leandro up, and held tight. “I missed you too you big idiot.”
“Your hair grew out. Trying to tantalise me again with your pretty hair?”
The two pulled away enough to stare at each other, taking the other in. a whole month without the other was torture, pain and heartache. But they were together now and that’s all that mattered. Not able to wait a second more, Leandro kissed Akira, who squeezed him tighter, never wanting to let go.
“Hi, this romantic reunion is very sweet, but we do actually need to go.” Shiro called out.
“I’ve got my bike. Think they can deal without us for a few hours?” Akira said against Leandro’s lips.
“Fuck if they can’t. I’m letting you go for another few hours at least.” He replied before pulling him back into a deep kiss.
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