#Best Homemade Baby Food for Toddlers
realblog360 · 2 years
How to Make Baby Foods - Liquid and Oil Based
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When it comes to your baby’s health, you can never be too careful. That’s why it’s so important to start them on the right foot by giving them the best possible food. In this article, we will give you 10 tips on how to make the best baby foods, How to Make Baby Foods - Liquid and Oil Based, What are the best baby foods? Which Foods are Best for Baby? Best Homemade Baby Food for Toddlers,as well as what foods are best for your baby, Read More...
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theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
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Ability to take great photos of my food: A+
Ability to take great photos of my toddler: C-
I’m seeing everyone else posting adorable photos of their children wearing matching valentines outfits and heart headbands and I’m over here like… I found a red plaid shirt in his dresser this morning. But every time he’s aware of me taking his photo, this kid now makes the grossest faces. On purpose. 😂
We didn’t do much for valentines. I would have done the whole matching outfit thing if pip were still here, but I’m just not feeling like making a whole thing of it. We gave pep a heart shaped box of kit kats which he loved. B made homemade pizzas for lunch and grilled delicious steaks for dinner. Food is my love language anyway, so it was a nice day.
Best news of the week: we got the results from the genetic panel of tests Monday morning. The new baby is low risk for everything, and it’s another boy. Three boys in a row — we’re consistent!
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cgetbrmj · 6 months
hi hello I just woke up so I’m sorry if this is not coherent whatsoever!! Anyway, *throws my headcanons at you.*
Coriolanus Snow:
Literal definition of just a little guy. Does he go on to be an awful person? OK YES MAYBE but for now he’s a little guy
Probably like a baby regressor. I cannot be the only person who saw him in the hospital and was like ??? Are those children’s pyjamas ??? (It was a hospital gown and I know that now.)
Has such a strong hate towards regressing like he will actively avoid it,,,he’s probably never would’ve done it willingly if Sejanus didn’t talk him into it like a lot.
Def regresses because of trauma. He’s lived through a war and never really had a childhood!! *shakes your shoulders aggressively* HOW ARE WE SLEEPING ON THIS????
He is such a crybaby…but like in the way where he tries so hard to bottle everything up because he doesn’t want to inconvenience anyone (no I’m not projecting wtf are you talking about?? /sarc) anyway he fails every time
It’s also always a battle to get him to eat, you must act like this is the most yummy thing in the world then maybe just maybe he’ll take a bite.
Personal headcanon that he never actually gave the plinth family that photo, like he had full intentions too but dude kept it for himself and would get a little sad and small when he sees it :((
ANYWAY GOING BACK TO CANON NOT BEING REAL BECAUSE ITS SAD. Definitely like needs baby stuff like pacifiers and fluffy pyjamas and stuffed animals. Because first and foremost he’d look so cute with them and secondly Sejanus would so have the money for it like dude would probably build a nursery
Coryo is so anxious to use said baby stuff because he partially thinks he doesn’t deserve it and partially thinks that he shouldn’t be regressing in the first place which like :((
Final thoughts is that Sejanus is definitely main cg I mean hello?? And Lucy Gray and Tigris babysit him sometimes
Sejanus Plinth:
Caregiver. Fretting overprotective caregiver to an anxious crybaby Coryo. 
Definitely leans towards the sappier nicknames, “sweetheart, baby,” occasionally “kiddo.” 
Will spoil Coryo to hell and back. 
Not strict whatsoever, the biggest punishment this man would be willing to give would be a five minute time out. Realistically. He’s also morally against punishments so Coryo would probably have to do something absolutely awful to deserve that.
Definitely better with younger Littles, which is why him and Coryo fit so well together.
Realistically he won’t leave Coryo alone for even a second in headspace, one he’s just clingy like that, and two, he doesn’t want anything happening to him while he’s gone.
Brings Coryo his Ma’s homemade cookies. He knows this boy doesn’t eat as much as he should be.
:3 just felt a little silly goofy 
also love love love LOVE your hc so much thank you for feeding into my new obsession lol
Pretty sure we have opposite time zones then hahaha Thankyou for gracing me with your hcs!! Adding another break because I just kept ranting about them hahaha
obviously, Sejanus would spoil Little Coryo for sure - and I've definitely thought about Coryo being a regressor from trauma and lack of childhood because YES. ALSO THANKYOU!!! THE HOSPITAL SCENE??? So glad we have mutual feelings on that because he was giving some strong kiddo vibes there
I always get scared to hc characters as baby regressors - I personally regress in the baby/young toddler area and idk I just get worried I'm projecting too hard so that was a pleasant surprise to see you hc lol - I feel like Little Coryo would be in more of a toddler bracket most of the time but then slip younger when he's tired or emotional - or god forbid, sick.
also thankyou for totally understanding the crybaby thing - he's just an overwhelmed little kid - literally anything could be the thing to push him into a breakdown - he's trying his best!!
and YES can we PLEASE discuss Little Coryo's relationship with food because herbfi;erbfuibf - I think he's difficult no matter what, and I feel like it'd be one of the ONLY things he'd 'act out' about - I don't think Little Coryo would really understand why he feels weird about food - definitely whines about being hungry but then won't accept anything offered to him - says that he 'doesn't like' something when Sejanus knows for a FACT he does - stuff like that. Also (as someone who, no matter how badly wishes they did like it, I don't like basically any fruit ever 😭) HOWEVER, I just have a feeling based on nothing, that Little Coryo would love most fruit. Like it's one of the only consistent snack options that will work on him
Sejanus would 100% put together a nursery for Coryo and Coryo would 100% tell him to get rid of it immediately and then secretly adore it - the self hate Coryo would have over anything regression related is real
Coryo definitely plays very intricate imaginative storylines out with his stuffed animals and can never really explain it to Sejanus who would sit and watch and try to figure out what the hell is going on for half an hour
Sejanus my love - so overprotective - so gentle with Little Coryo. He absolutely uses 'sweetheart' and 'baby' all the time. In my opinion, he'd get so proud of anything Little Coryo does and would have such a hard time keeping his regression a secret because he'd just want to brag about his kiddo all the time. Drawings? Reading aloud? Eating? Looking cute? Sejanus is so proud of him! He wants everyone to know that Little Coryo is his! Sejanus would never do/say anything Coryo wouldn't want though - so he just makes sure to praise Little Coryo, all the time.
Completely agree - Sejanus would not be a strict caregiver at all - he does not see the point in punishing Coryo when he could explain why he shouldn't do something - especially when Coryo is going to feel guilty enough already for acting out
Also was thinking earlier about Little Coryo having a NEED to soak up all of Sejanus's attention and was thinking about how through his childhood Tigris had definitely looked out for him, but really they were leaning on each other - and also totally fending for themselves - Tigris was a wonderful cousin but she's barely that much older than Coryo - and then started thinking about how Coryo's mother died in labour, when he was already quite young, which would basically mean that most memories of his mother he has, she'd be pregnant. So pregnant mother and a father who's left to help fight the war when he's VERY young, then two dead parents, a grandmother who's pinning her faith on HIM, and a cousin who's doing her best to look after him, while he grows up scavenging and pretending he's not only fine, but actually living a perfect rich life??? The childhood trauma here is really unmatched - of course he's clingy and a bit of a cry baby when regressed, of COURSE he wants to steal every bit of Sejanus's attention!! When has he ever been the SOLE POINT of someone's attention? ughhh I can't stop thinking about all the fic opportunities.
anyway THANKYOU VERY MUCH for the hcs and I hope to scream about more of them soon with you lol <3
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xalecjacobs · 5 months
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Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
- Alec
Mama Jacobs wishes you a Merry Christmas with a tin of her homemade peppermint bark
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To keep warm and cozy this winter, it’s basically a wearable fuzzy blanket. Additionally, I would like to extend the offer to be Unknown Destination’s official photographer for the year of 2024, covering all promotional material for the band.
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This year, you’ve got a new speaker to listen to tunes loudly on, a knit blanket to keep warm, and a new Coach wallet. One of the mini ones for your cards and cash. Even though you’re a pain in the ass sometimes, you deserve all of this and more.
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What better way to kick off the year than with a new wallet? That, and some new gloves and a scarf to keep warm through the winter. Here’s to another year kicking ass in the shop together.
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New year, new headphones. Now the more important part. I had the best of our original music as a band from that’s ever been performed live pressed, so Unknown Destination is officially on vinyl! Including you on drums. Thanks for another rad year jamming out together!
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Somehow being a pain in my ass only gets you rewarded.. This year, those rewards include a bunch of new chokers, a new camera to capture memories for a collage, a sweater and yes.. a tortilla blanket to turn into a burrito in. Thanks for another year of fun. At least sometimes.
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@cagenewman + Colton
@cordeliaeli + Rosalyn
First off, congratulations on the engagement! Look forward to celebrating that. For the time being, it’s the time of year for spoiling. Mainly the kids, to no surprise. For baby Rosalyn, a pair of pink glitter Vans. Also, yes, that is a fully functional toddler size guitar. Lastly, a little jungle gym thing that might help tire her out when she needs to go to bed. Cordelia, some new kitchen stuff. Not just because I enjoy my weekend baked goods. I know how much you enjoy making food, so a new matching marble rolling pin and board as well as some new bakeware. For Colt, some beanies since it’s winter time, one of those controllers you can attach to your phone to play, and a vintage Bills jacket. Lastly, Cage, beanie and a scarf to keep warm through the winter, some flannels and a new jacket to add to the collection.
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scarletsaphire · 1 year
But Tonight (Then Tomorrow): Dannymay 2023 Day 5- 10 minutes vs 1 Hour
Ever since he can remember, Danny could see the future, even if it was just glimpses and feelings. Ever since he can remember, he's been having a dream about sickly green and burning bones. For almost as long, a ghost in purple with a clock for a chest has been there to comfort him.
(On Ao3 this is a 2 chapter piece, with the first chapter being the 10 minute version and the second being the hour. I will be posting both chapters in this post. The one from clockwork's perspective is the 10 minute one, and Danny's is the hour.)
It would be a decade before Clockwork would introduce himself to Danny by name. It was not an event he would remember fondly, and it would take a lot of time and effort to repair Clockwork’s image in the boy’s eyes. That was ok. Clockwork had both.
Just before their “first” meeting, Clockwork will be banned from interacting with Danny. His “accident” would shake the Infinite Realms and the Material Plane alike. It would be a momentous occasion, one that the Observants would not let him meddle in, barely let him watch. That was ok. Clockwork knew what would happen, and had spent many subjective years figuring out the best course to keep Daniel safe, and would make the timeline as it should be. Clockwork would not forget what he had to do. It would hurt, but it would be worth it in the end.
Before Daniel’s accident, Clockwork would not intervene. He could have. Part of him feels that he should have. He had been hearing the poor boy's death screams since the first instance this timeline caught his attention. It was a horrible way to die, a horrible, agonizing death. It would be a lie to say Clockwork would stop it if he could. Just because it was for the greater good, just because Daniel would be happy at the end, and the world would be better for it, did not mean that Clockwork was happy to sit aside and watch Daniel half-die,
All of that was a decade in the future. Now, Daniel was having a premonition, though he would call it a nightmare, of electricity and green and pain and ghosts. Daniel had gone to his parents before. It had not ended well. Even at the age of 5, Daniel did not need to use his precognitive abilities to know that it would not end well again. If Clockwork did not intervene, Daniel would cry quietly into a stuffed animal Jazz had given him, an old one of hers with a homemade astronaut helmet, nothing more than a wad of paper towels and safety pins. He would fall back asleep, eventually. Nothing catastrophic would happen.
But Clockwork did not have to sit on the sidelines for the good of the timeline. He was not banned from interacting with the poor child. Daniel would not remember this night as anything more than an odd dream.
10 years in the future, Clockwork would not be able to hold Daniel against his chest as the poor boy sobbed. It was not the future. It was the present. And right now, his child was scared and alone, and Clockwork would be there to wipe away the tears and sing him back to sleep.
Danny could not remember when he saw the future for the first time. He suspected it was before he could remember it. His parents would sometimes tell of a story of Danny as barely more than a toddler, throwing his favorite baby food on the floor in a fit of disgust, something that rarely happened with him. They had given him one of the jarred foods instead of the homemade one. He had narrowly avoided a bad case of food poisoning that the rest of his family suffered from that week. He thought that that was probably the first time that it did anything, but he couldn’t say for sure.
For the most part, Danny’s premonitions were very minor. A feeling of unease about taking a specific candy at the dentist. Deciding that he wanted to play in a different part of the backyard than he normally did. Talking to his mother instead of his father, or vice versa, or just forgoing them altogether and talking to Jazz instead.
He was 7 when he got a premonition that he can say for certain had consequences. Danny had had a dream the night before the 3rd week of first grade. There would be a new kid at school. He’d have a missing front tooth, and he’d talk a little funny, but that’s cause he’s new to the town, and he’ll trip going to introduce himself to the teacher. Danny saw in his dreamlike haze the boy crying in a tree, just barely in the fenced off playground, hiding him from the view of everyone else. He saw the kid growing up quiet and reserved, his first impressions scaring him away from connecting with the rest of the class. He’d move away a few years later, because of ostracization from the rest of the class.
That day, when Danny was getting ready for school, he slipped his new gameboy color into his bag when his parents weren’t looking. There was a new kid at school, missing a tooth and who talked a little funny. The teacher introduced him as Tucker; Tucker, presumably, would’ve done the same, but when he went to go to the front of the class, he tripped on his shoelaces and returned back to his seat instead.
Danny found Tucker directly next to the tree he had been hiding next to in his dreams. When Danny sat down next to Tucker, he tried to wipe his tears away. “What do you want?” he’d ask, as Danny rifled around his bag.
Danny pulled out the console. “I thought you looked lonely. The other kids don’t like to share the swings anyway. Do you like Mario?” The two boys spent the rest of recess trading the console back and forth, laughing and joke fighting over who was better.
Tucker would become Danny’s best friend for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t be the quiet boy Danny had seen in his dreams, and wouldn’t leave Amity Park for a long time. They’d go through a lot together. (Danny couldn’t see what, exactly, they’d go through. It happened sometimes, when he tried really hard to see something important, or about him.)
Sam joined the friend group during 3rd grade. She wasn’t a new classmate or anything like that, but before she had kept to herself. Not always willingly, oftentimes sitting inside during recess because of acting out against the teacher, but it still had the effect of making her an outsider. Danny and Tucker had found a puddle after a heavy rainstorm. In it there had been a frog. A small frog, sure, but that was still exciting. They had been daring each other to touch it or lick it, when Sam walked over.
“That’s not very nice to the frog, y’know,” she had said, her pink dress scratched up a little too thoroughly at the hem. “What would you say if I went around threatening to poke you?”
Danny and Tucker looked at each other. “Well, what do you think we should do with it?”
Sam pushed her way between the two of them, so that she too was kneeling at the pond with the frog. “I think that we should build a shrine to him and make him king of the trees. Then we can bring him acorns and make stew in his pond.”
Danny and Tucker shared a look. Tucker pulled a face. Danny shrugged. After a moment, Tucker shrugged back. “That’s as good as any idea.” he said, standing up and brushing the damp earth off of his pants. “But I call dibs on naming the frog, and I wanna call him Skeletor!” Sam and Danny both agreed that was a good name for the frog, and they all went and gathered up sticks and rocks and leaves to build a little shrine for Skeletor. When they got back, Skeletor was gone. They built him a shrine anyway.
That night, as Danny drifted to sleep under glow-in-the-dark stars, he felt more than saw that he, Sam, and Tucker were going to be close friends. It was a friendship that would last a lifetime. (Something about that thought felt off to Danny. He couldn’t quite place it, but the word lifetime just didn’t fit right in his head. He couldn’t think of a better one, and couldn’t figure out why it didn’t fit.)
Danny would not see big things. Little feelings here and there, a certainty where something wasn’t guaranteed, a sense of deja vu before someone says something. His premonition was almost entirely little things, with the occasional dream thrown into the mix that showed something a bit more serious. That’s why the nightmare of green was so weird to him. Prophetic dreams felt different, to Danny. Regular dreams would be weird, disjointed, hard to remember. They felt different, both during the dream, and after. So Danny was certain, with the kind of certainty that only someone who could see the future could muster, that this nightmare was prophetic. He couldn’t say what it was prophesying for the life of him.
Nothing happened in the dream. That’s what was strangest about it. It would start as almost complete darkness, and would suddenly turn into a blinding, toxic green color. It would hurt, in the way that dreams sometimes do, dulled and fake but that didn’t stop it from being unsettling, the way he could feel a heat crawling through his skin, into his bones, into his brain. He would wake up in a cold sweat every time he had it. It was never any different, ever since he could remember.
The first time he had it he had gone to his parents, grabbing onto his father’s hand with tiny fingers, pulling to get him to wake up. Most parents, when they heard their young child had a nightmare, would offer comfort. “It’s only a dream, baby,” they’d say in a soothing voice. “I’m here, your safe. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?” Others might try to distract the child. “Oh, there there sweetie. How about we go get you some nice warm milk and a cookie, and Mommy’ll tell you a story? Do you like that idea?” Other parents still might ignore the kid. “Just go back to bed,” they’d grumble, turning over and back into sleep.
His parents did none of those. Upon hearing that their child, 5 years old and tearful next to them, had had a nightmare, they had started a ghost hunt. If it wasn’t his parents, that might’ve helped. Drag the kid around to see there’s nothing hiding in the closet, under the bed, behind the curtains, to assure them that there’s nothing here that can hurt him. His parents did not do this. They came into Danny’s bedroom with guns of green goo that stained his rug and singed his walls, his father clutching a camera they swore could see ghosts, pointing and shouting at places for Danny to shoot. They hadn’t stopped until the sun started to come back up. Danny had hidden in Jazz’s bed, tucked up against her. She offered him the words of comfort that his parents never had. (When he was older, he’d realize that she was only 8 when she did that. Barely older than him.)
A few weeks later, when Danny had the dream again, he promised that he would keep it to himself. His skin crawled with the heat, the wrongness, the static, but he wouldn’t tell his parents. He wouldn’t wake Jazz. He cried silently into a teddy bear Jazz had chosen for him, one of her own since many of his were now contaminated by ectoplasm.
The presence behind him was cold. Not unwelcomingly cold, but cold nonetheless. He knew that it was a person; he didn’t need to turn around. He knew that this person was safe. They felt familiar, in the same way the people in his dreams often did. The ticking sound that emanated from them calmed Danny, if only slightly. Danny did not turn around to look at whoever it was, whatever it was, that wrapped their arms around Danny, that pulled him into a comforting hug of cool fabric and smooth glass.
“You’re ok, Daniel,” the person whispered into his hair. “You will be ok.” Their voice was strange, Danny would notice later, when he thought back on the moment. Echoey and alien, but not in a bad way. All of them, besides the feeling of familiarity, was alien. Danny clung onto purple fabric and shook with silent tears, and the person began to rock back and forth, humming an unfamiliar tune.
Danny would wake up the next morning, with cheeks red from dried tears, tucked soundly into bed and clutching Jazz’s teddy bear. He would assume it was just another dream, a pleasant one, for the next few days. Then he’d realize that he had never had a clock like that on his wall before. He wouldn’t take the clock down. The ticking sound was comforting.
This person would visit him many times over the next few years. Most of the time, they would come after the dream, when Danny was shaky and distraught and couldn’t go to anyone else for comfort. They never told Danny their name, but they told Danny many other things. They were like him; or rather, he was like them. Danny could glimpse small parts of a nearby future, while they could see it all. (Danny had asked them about the green, once. They had just smiled at him sadly, stroking his hair. “Unfortunately, some things are best kept secret, even from you, little timekeeper.”) Sometimes, they would come even when Danny didn’t have the dream, but when Danny was stressed about some thing or another, and just needed someone to talk to that wasn’t his parents. When Danny was 7, he started calling them Grandfather. The name fit them.
They appeared the night of Danny’s 13th birthday. They had talked, for a bit; or rather, Danny had talked, and they had listened. It wasn’t until after Danny had talked about all of the things he had gotten to do today, after he had tired himself out from talking, that they spoke. “This will be the last time you’ll see me, for a while.” Danny frowned.
“Why? What’s happening?”
“You will know, soon,” they hugged Danny close, pulling him tight. “I want you to know that I will still be there, even if you cannot see me, or feel my presence. If you ever doubt that, just look at this.” They handed Danny a necklace, with a pendant that looked almost like a gear. “It is yours. Just like I am, to an extent.” Danny took it and put it around his neck. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.
“It’s about the dream, isn’t it?” His voice was a whisper, barely heard over the ticking of the clocks.
“You are always so smart,” they said as way of answer. “I promise you, Daniel. You will be ok. It will not feel it, for a time, but it will be ok.” They left suddenly, simply disappearing where they had stood. He did not reappear.
Danny Fenton was just 14, when he felt what it was like to die, fully awake and aware for the first time. It carried with it a sick sense of deja vu, almost a sense of relief, to know what he had been seeing all those years. All of it was washed away by awful, unbelievable, terrible, awful pain.
The small premonitions Danny had had when he was alive and well became much worse after his half-death. Before, he would get a sense of deja vu when someone would say something, as if he had heard it before in another life. Now, he found himself knowing people’s words before they spoke, knew where to sit to avoid Dash’s gaze, knew what his parents were making before his parents did. (He knew where and when ghosts would attack, knew where their attacks would go before they did it. He was grateful for that.)
The dreams happened more often, but they became less clear, more muddled, having him wade through possibilities like mud. He almost missed the dreams of green and fire. (Electricity, he corrected himself. It was not fire that coursed through his bones. He knew that now.) On nights like that, he would clutch the medallion close in cold, sweaty hands (too cold hands, for someone alive), and cry. They did not appear.
It was much later, after he had made a mistake. He had known it was a mistake, before he made it, but it still hadn’t stopped him. He felt like he didn’t have much of a choice; either he fails, or he cheats. He assumed that the feeling was him getting caught, where he’d fail anyway. Something much, much worse happened.
A far too familiar figure, with a far too familiar voice, looked at him disappointingly. Danny suppressed a cry, suppressed the urge to grip at the medallion around his neck. The feeling of wrong he had ignored with the test was stronger now. He would not ignore it again.
Clockwork, he had introduced himself as, did not act familiarly with Danny. He started to doubt himself that this was the same ghost who he had considered his Grandfather for so many years. “Let’s see if you have what it takes to face that future, little timekeeper.” Danny knew, then, that whatever happened next was a test. He didn’t see it, in the way he saw so many other things. He didn’t have to. He trusted them.
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Do farm clexa sell anything from their farm like fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, meat, etc? I'm just imagining they set up a small stand at their town's weekly farmers market where they sell their goods for some extra cash on the side.
How cute would it be if Madi were to help them as customers come and shop their produce and food 🥺 She hands out free samples of their fruit and veggies from their garden. She even tells them that she grew them all by herself and hopes they like it and buy some. How can any customer refuse when Madi looks at them with her adorable curls, freckles, and big smile 😁
She even helps Clarke with the cash register and ringing people's orders up. She also likes handing out the change but it takes her a while as she's still learning how to count but no one cares when they have the cutest cashier helping them ☺️
Also, Madi loves to walk around the farmers market holding her mommy's hand and look at all the cool stands and food and products that people are selling. Her favorite ones are the stands with the free food samples because she's always hungry and has a massive sweet tooth. All the regulars love her and always spoil her with larger sample sizes.
They do! They sell mainly produce and eggs as well as a few baked goods Lexa makes. They have a whole adorable set up with a flipped painted crate for Madi to stand on and hand drawn signs with the price made by Clarke.
🥺🥺🥺 shut up that's so fucking cute!! Madi is usually on vegetable duty since those are the ones she helps plant and the ones she knows better, people are always so enchanted by this tiny little girl counting out loud to herself as she puts their mushrooms one by one in the bag. And honestly she's the best little sales lady :'). She tells people mommy makes the best soups and salads with their carrots, they should really try it :D! And she helped them grow because now her mommy lets her be the one to plant and water them! I swear it's the hardest thing to resist, old ladies in particular seem to have a hard time no falling for little Madi's selling techniques, one look at those freckled rosy chubby cheeks with a smile that's so similar to Lexa's when she was little and they are buying things they already have at home and don't need. Her pride and joy tho is when she on cake duty, she helps Lexa bake a lot of the lemon bars and brownies they sell and it's something she adores doing with her mommy so when people by a slice and eat it right there showering them with compliments Madi gets so happy her and mommy's baking was as delicious to others as it was to her :')
Ah yes, Clarke's little helper! People joke that while Madi is an exact copy of Lexa looks wise all of her mannerisms are definitely Clarke's (which makes Clarke all proud). She always makes sure to show Clarke the change so she can confirm she's right, and a little down the road she's the one who confirms if her siblings are doing it correctly, big sister duties and all. And honestly her being there is a huge help when it's too hot for Lexa to be standing on her feet all morning while pregnant so she can sit in the van for a while knowing Clarke won't be too overwhelmed with things. She loves hearing her baby go "I'm almost finished here, I can help who's next!" in her little toddler voice while people gush about her to Clarke.
Even the ones without samples will give Madi samples 😅 her and her moms are such a staple at the market either buying or selling that the moment they see the two heads of dark curly hair they immediately get a little treat for her out. There's this homemade sweets stall that Lexa has taken to avoiding because they will fill her little girl with sugar via free samples (and Lexa herself tbh, she tries her best not to over indulge but always ends up with a bag of candy she bought and told Madi it was for Clarke but by the time they get back the bag if half empty). The market is small and once she's old enough Madi is allowed to go around it and buy something for herself as Lexa and Clarke finish packing their stuff. She usually comes back with a few things to eat and two flowers for her mommas 🥺
This is just so fucking cute, I cannot stop thinking about little Madi pushing her crate around their table as she grabs everything the clients ask for, carrying the money up to Clarke so she can give her change, going to Lexa with sleepy eyes "can I have a break mommy?" that Lexa always smiles and tells her of course, she can stop for the day even, so she just sits on the back of their truck with Fish and plays with her toys. Funnily enough, she usually ends up playing market with them 🥺
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9 DIY Edible Slime Ideas – How To Make Homemade Edible Slime – Easy & Fun Recipes For Kids – Kids Craft Activities – Food Fun Crafts - Party Favors! Check out these edible slime recipes to get you making the BEST slime that is baby and toddler safe but slime that kids of all ages love - teens and tweens too!
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jodee-keating-1983 · 16 days
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9 DIY Edible Slime Ideas – How To Make Homemade Edible Slime – Easy & Fun Recipes For Kids – Kids Craft Activities – Food Fun Crafts - Party Favors! Check out these edible slime recipes to get you making the BEST slime that is baby and toddler safe but slime that kids of all ages love - teens and tweens too!
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b2bbusiness · 3 months
The US Baby Food Market: Nourishing the Future Generation
In recent years, the US Baby Food Market has witnessed remarkable growth, driven by various factors such as changing lifestyles, increased disposable income, and growing awareness regarding infant nutrition. This article aims to delve deep into the dynamics of this market, exploring its current state, future trends, and the factors shaping its trajectory.
Overview of the Baby Food Industry in the United States
The US Baby Food Market is a significant segment of the overall food industry, catering to the nutritional needs of infants and toddlers. With a growing emphasis on providing wholesome and nutritious meals for babies, the market has expanded rapidly, encompassing a wide range of products tailored to different age groups and dietary preferences.
Types of Baby Food
Analysis of Different Types of Baby Food
The market offers a diverse array of baby food products, including infant formula, baby cereals, pureed fruits and vegetables, snacks, and ready-to-eat meals. Each category caters to specific nutritional requirements and developmental stages of infants.
Trends in Organic and Homemade Baby Food
In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards organic and homemade baby food products. Parents are increasingly concerned about the ingredients used in commercial baby foods and are opting for natural, organic alternatives.
Market Dynamics
Factors Influencing the Growth of the US Baby Food Market
The growth of the US Baby Food Market is influenced by various factors, including population demographics, parental preferences, economic conditions, and advancements in food technology. Moreover, changing dietary patterns and an increasing focus on health and wellness have further fueled market expansion.
Consumer Preferences and Buying Behavior
Consumer preferences play a crucial role in shaping the baby food market landscape. Parents are increasingly seeking products that offer convenience, nutritional value, and safety. Additionally, factors such as brand reputation, ingredient transparency, and packaging influence purchasing decisions.
Key Players in the Market
Leading Brands and Their Market Share
The US Baby Food Market is dominated by several key players, including Gerber, Beech-Nut, Earth's Best Organic, and Happy Family Organics. These brands command a significant market share and have established a strong presence through extensive distribution networks and innovative product offerings.
Emerging Players and Niche Products
In addition to established brands, the market has witnessed the emergence of smaller players and niche products catering to specific dietary requirements and consumer preferences. These players often focus on organic, gluten-free, or allergy-friendly baby food options, targeting niche segments of the market.
Buy the Full Report for More Insights on the US Baby Food Market Forecast, Download A Free Report Sample 
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marketresearch99 · 4 months
Beyond Basics: The Evolution of Baby Food Choices in the UAE's Health-Conscious Culture
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, not only in its economic landscape but also in the lifestyle and dietary habits of its residents. As the nation continues to thrive, the UAE's baby food market is experiencing significant growth, reflecting changing consumer preferences, increased awareness of nutrition, and a commitment to providing the best for the youngest members of society.
Market Overview:
In 2024, the UAE baby food market is positioned for substantial expansion, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 8% from 2022 to 2024. This growth is propelled by a combination of factors, including a rising birth rate, a growing middle-class population, and an increasing focus on providing infants and toddlers with nutritionally rich and convenient food options.
Key Factors Driving Growth:
Increasing Birth Rates: The UAE has witnessed a steady rise in birth rates in recent years, contributing to a growing consumer base for baby food products. As more families welcome new members, the demand for safe, convenient, and nutritionally balanced baby food options is on the rise.
Rising Disposable Income: With a burgeoning middle-class population and a robust economy, families in the UAE have experienced an increase in disposable income. This has led to a willingness to invest in premium and organic baby food products that offer higher nutritional value and are perceived as healthier alternatives.
Consumer Awareness and Education: Parents in the UAE are increasingly educated about the importance of early childhood nutrition. This awareness has translated into a demand for baby food products that are free from artificial additives, preservatives, and other undesirable ingredients, contributing to the growth of the organic and natural baby food segment.
Innovations in Product Offerings: Manufacturers in the baby food industry are responding to the evolving preferences of parents by introducing innovative and diverse product offerings. This includes a range of flavors, textures, and formulations that cater to different developmental stages, ensuring a well-rounded and enjoyable feeding experience for infants and toddlers.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While the UAE baby food market is on a growth trajectory, it faces challenges such as the need for stringent regulatory standards, concerns about food safety, and competition from homemade or traditional baby food options. However, these challenges also present opportunities for market players to invest in research and development, strengthen consumer education initiatives, and build trust through transparent labeling and quality assurance.
For More Info@ https://www.gmiresearch.com/report/uae-baby-food-market/
In 2024, the UAE baby food market mirrors the nation's commitment to nurturing the health and well-being of its youngest citizens. With a focus on quality, innovation, and nutritional value, the market is poised for sustained growth. As parents increasingly prioritize the health and development of their children, the baby food industry in the UAE plays a crucial role in shaping the dietary habits of the next generation, fostering a culture of nutrition-conscious parenting in the Emirates.
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hritika1 · 5 months
The flourishing growth in examining trends and insights within the baby food industry
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The Baby Foods Market, a vital sector in the larger food industry, focuses on fulfilling the distinct nutritional requirements of babies and young children. It holds a pivotal position in fostering the well-being and maturation of the youngest members of our community. The global baby food market size was estimated at USD 83.92 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit around USD 155.32 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 6.4% during the forecast period 2023 to 2032. This investigation thoroughly explores key facets of the Baby Foods Market, scrutinizing its factors for growth, prominent participants, emerging market trends, revenue patterns, market distribution, and the changing panorama of this indispensable sector.
Why is the Baby Food Market Growing So Fast?
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Busy Bees, Happy Babies: The number of working mothers is skyrocketing. Convenience is king, and baby food offers a quick and nutritious solution compared to homemade meals.
Urbanization on the Rise: City life means smaller kitchens and less time for meal prep. Packaged baby food caters to this fast-paced lifestyle, providing readily available options for urban families.
Disposable Incomes Getting Bigger: As economies flourish, parents are willing to spend more on premium baby food, seeking organic ingredients, specialized formulas, and innovative flavors.
Rise of the Nuclear Family: With grandparents and extended families living farther away, the responsibility of feeding babies falls entirely on parents. Baby food fills the gap, ensuring proper nutrition when support systems are limited.
How Is the Revenue Landscape of the Baby Foods Market?
As of the latest data, the Baby Food market Revenue is amounts to US$75.59bn in 2024. The market is expected to grow annually by 5.66% (CAGR 2024–2028). In global comparison, most revenue is generated in China (US$19,990m in 2024). In relation to total population figures, per person revenues of US$9.75 are generated in 2024. The market’s economic significance is underscored by the consistent demand for baby foods across diverse geographical regions. The revenue landscape is influenced by factors such as product innovation, brand loyalty, and the ability of companies to address the specific nutritional needs of infants and toddlers.
What are the Key Trends Shaping the Baby Food Industry?
Organic Reigns Supreme: Health-conscious parents are ditching conventional baby food for organic options, free from pesticides and artificial additives.
Superfood Showdown: Nutrient-rich ingredients like quinoa, avocado, and chia seeds are making their way into baby food, promising optimal growth and development.
Allergy Awareness on the Rise: Gluten-free, dairy-free, and nut-free options are becoming mainstream, catering to babies with specific dietary needs.
Sustainability Takes Center Stage: Eco-conscious parents are opting for baby food in recyclable packaging and with minimal environmental impact.
Who are the Major Players in the Baby Food Market?
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Nestlé: This global giant holds a significant market share with brands like Gerber and Cerelac.
Heinz: Their popular “Happy Meal” line caters to toddlers and older babies with fun shapes and familiar flavors.
Danone: The French company is known for its organic baby food brand, Aptamil, and its focus on early childhood nutrition.
Earth’s Best: This organic brand is a favorite among health-conscious parents, offering a variety of natural and wholesome options.
The Future of Baby Food: Where are We Headed?
Predicting the future is always a tricky business, but the baby food market is expected to remain vibrant and continue its upward trajectory, driven by several key trends:
Genetic testing: Baby food could be tailored to individual needs based on genetic predispositions for allergies or sensitivities.
Microbiome analysis: Understanding a baby’s unique gut microbiome could lead to personalized probiotics and prebiotics in baby food to optimize digestion and immunity.
Tech-driven feeding:
Smart feeders: AI-powered devices could dispense personalized portions, track nutrient intake, and alert parents to potential feeding issues.
Interactive mealtime apps: Gamified apps could engage babies during feeding, encouraging exploration and healthy eating habits.
Sustainability focus:
Eco-friendly packaging: Expect more biodegradable and compostable packaging options to minimize environmental impact.
Locally sourced ingredients: Reducing carbon footprint by sourcing ingredients closer to production facilities.
Reduced food waste: Innovative technologies to minimize spoilage and maximize resource utilization.
Other noteworthy trends:
Rise of functional foods: Baby food fortified with additional nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids or brain-boosting ingredients.
Focus on cultural flavors: Introducing babies to diverse culinary experiences through globally inspired baby food options.
Subscription models: Personalized meal plans delivered directly to homes, catering to busy parents and offering convenience.
Challenges to consider:
Economic fluctuations: A downturn in the economy could impact discretionary spending on premium baby food options.
Regulatory landscape: Evolving regulations around ingredients and labeling could pose challenges for manufacturers.
Maintaining trust: Addressing concerns about processed foods and ensuring transparency about ingredients and sourcing will be crucial.
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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itsbabuline · 1 year
Summer Season Ahead: Five Things to Take of Your Baby During Summer
“Summer is tough on babies with their soft and gentle skin and immature immune system. Babuline Pharma Pvt. Ltd. offers some great tips to make the summer easy for the babies.”
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Babies require care and protection. They are vulnerable to multiple things while their immune system is still developing. Especially during summer, babies need more attention. They can face issues like dehydration, heat rash, diaper rash, appetite loss, etc. Summer takes a toll on the baby’s health. To help parents care for their babies, experts at Babuline Pharma bring this handy guide for managing baby care during summer.
 Summer Care for Babies: Skin Care, Nutrition, Clothing, Medical Care
To make summer care easy, experts at Babuline Pharma have divided the guide into four sections as follows:
Skincare     for babies to ensure smooth and gentle skin.
Nutritious     foods and hydration keep the baby healthy.
Clothing     for babies during summer must be light and airy.
Medical     care for babies involves keeping medicines like infant cough     medicine handy.
 Skin care during summer for babies
Babies     get sweaty during summer. It can make them uncomfortable and cranky.     Parents must avoid taking the babies outdoors during the daytime to     protect their skin from the sun. If it is highly essential, ensure you     apply ample sunscreen.
Babies     tend to have dry skin during summer due to the dryness in the air. Hence,     it is essential to moisturize their skin with high-quality skin care     products from Babuline Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Using products     like baby lotions, baby cream, and more can ensure their skin     remains soft and gentle.
Bath time     routines for babies during summer require extensive care as their skin     tends to be dry. A massage before bath time can help the babies relax and     keep their skin hydrated. Parents can use Babuline     ayurvedic massage oil made     of organic elements and safe for babies.
Summer     also brings with them uninvited diaper rash and it can haunt toddlers.     Parents can frequently wipe the baby's bottom using a soft cloth and     lukewarm water. Applying a diaper rash cream after drying     them can help avoid diaper rashes. 
Heat     rashes are another common issue babies face during summer. To avoid heat     rashes, ensure the baby’s skin remains dry and sweat-free by using     baby-friendly soaps, body washes, powder for baby rashes, and     dry cotton clothes.
A lot     of parents utilize talcum powder for their babies however, it can harm the     baby’s skin. Hence, one must use the best baby powder for     sensitive skin from brands like Babuline Pharma.
 Nutritional care during summer for babies
Like     adults, babies also tend to get dehydrated during the summer. Hence, it is     essential to keep the baby and toddler hydrated during summer. It is     essential feeding the breastfeeding babies often, ensuring they remain     hydrated. Parents can offer homemade fruit juices to toddlers to ensure     they are hydrated and cool.
It is     essential to give the right food to babies during summer, like fruits,     smoothies, coconut water, yogurt, and more. 
 Clothing for babies during summer
Dressing     babies in appropriate clothing during summer is highly essential. Parents     must dress the babies in cotton or muslin clothes.
It is     also essential to dress them in loose clothing to ensure they are not     sweaty.
Select     fabrics that offer great air circulation, ensuring their body remains     cool.
 Medical care during summer for babies
The     summer heat also takes a toll on the baby’s health. Babies can face issues     like gas or colic during the summer. Hence, one must opt for ayurvedic     gripe tonic from gripe water manufacturers like     Babuline Pharma. Babuline     gripe water prevents issues like gas or colic, ensuring the     babies are not fussy and sleep well.
It is     essential to keep certain medicines handy, like baby fever drops or cough     and cold drops for infants. Keeping cough syrup handy from infant     cough syrup suppliers like Babuline Pharma is     also essential to keep the baby safe.
 Final thoughts
The above guide will help parents keep their babies safe during summer. Babuline offers a range of baby care products. As a leading baby care products supplier, their products are highly safe and gentle for babies. Parents can buy baby products online from Babuline Pharma on Amazon, Flipkart, 1mg, and Snapdeal. Explore their product range today!
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world-store · 1 year
Oats Porridge Recipe | Oatmeal Porridge
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Oatmeal Porridge is a delicious breakfast staple that is easy and quick to prepare. And it is fantastic to customize! Make it with water or milk or a combination of both and with either quick cooking oats or rolled oats (old fashioned oats). Here I share my favorite no fail Oats Porridge recipe with step-by-step photos.
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About Oats Porridge
Oatmeal Porridge is a traditional breakfast dish that’s enjoyed in many different form around the world. Wonderfully hearty oats are simmered with water or milk until thick and creamy for a satisfying morning meal that keeps you full for hours. In India we call this Oats Porridge; in the UK it’s simply known as Porridge – and in the US it’s called Oatmeal. But the ingredients and cooking methods are all basically the same! This classic oatmeal porridge recipe only takes about 5 minutes to make with quick-cooking and 10 minutes with rolled oats. It’s terrific to customize with your preference of water and/or milk, and top with nearly any sweet goodies you like. Adults and kids alike love cuddling up with warm bowls loaded with their favorite toppings! Give this family-friendly recipe a try and I’m sure it will become your new go-to breakfast recipe for busy weekdays. Step-by-Step Guide
How to Make Oats Porridge
1. First, add ½ cup quick-cooking oats or rolled oats in a pan. Note: When buying oats or oats products for babies, be sure to check the contents label on the pack. It should only list oats and no other flavorings or additional ingredients.
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2. Add 1 cup of water.
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3. Then add ½ cup milk or as needed. You can also add more water for a dairy-free recipe. Consistency can be easily adjusted as per your requirements. ½ cup milk gives a slightly thick consistency. For a thinner consistency, you can add more milk or water. Note that the water or milk can be added less or more depending on the type and brand of oats. So do also read the instructions on the packet.
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4. Add sugar as per taste. I just added 2 tablespoons raw sugar or white sugar. Sugar is completely optional. If adding fruits later, then you can skip sugar. If adding honey, then add when the porridge becomes lukewarm or cools down at room temperature, as honey when heated becomes toxic.
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5. Stir very well as you heat the oats porridge mixture on low to medium heat.
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6. Bring the oatmeal porridge to a gentle simmer as you continue to stir frequently.
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7. The porridge will thicken as it cooks. Continue to cook for a total of 5 to 6 minutes (if you have used quick cooking oats) or until it reaches the consistency you like. For rolled oats, cook for 10 to 12 minutes on low to medium heat. If the consistency is too thick for you add some more water or milk
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8. Turn off heat when the and the oats have softened well and you get the preferred consistency. Serve Oats Porridge hot or warm or at room temperature. Keep in mind that the Oatmeal Porridge will thicken as it cools.
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How can I make oatmeal porridge for young toddlers and babies? You need to powder the oats in a spice grinder or food processor before cooking. Also, avoid adding dried fruit or nuts and sugar. Instead I suggest you add a bit of fruit puree, like mango or banana. Can oats porridge be made with milk instead of water? Yes, you can substitute milk for water in this recipe. Or even use a 50/50 combination of milk and water. However, if you plan to add fruit to the dish I recommend not using milk as the combination of dairy and fruit is not advised per Ayurveda. What add ins and garnishes can you include in oat porridge? Let the cooked oatmeal cool slightly before adding chopped dry fruits, fresh fruits, nuts, or a little bit of each. You can also add honey once the oatmeal cools down a bit. Can this oatmeal porridge recipe be doubled or tripled? Absolutely. As-is this recipe yields 2 servings. Simply double or triple the ingredients and prepare in a larger pot to make as many servings as you need. How long do leftovers last? Homemade oats porridge is best when enjoyed right after it’s made. If it sits too long it will become gluey. They can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 day if you need. Reheat in the microwave or on the stove by adding a bit of water or milk. More Breakfast Recipes To Try!
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Easy • 5 minsBreakfast RecipesOvernight Oats
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Easy • 2 hrs 5 minsBreakfast RecipesChia Pudding (Easy, Vegan & Healthy)
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Easy • 15 minsBreakfast RecipesEggless Pancake Recipe | Whole Wheat Pancakes
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Easy • 20 minsAmerican RecipesBlueberry Pancakes (Easy & Healthy) Please be sure to rate the recipe in the recipe card or leave a comment below if you have made it. For more veetarian inspirations, Sign Up for my emails or follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter.
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Oats Porridge Recipe | Oatmeal Porridge
By Dassana Amit Oats Porridge is a quick and healthy porridge made with oats, water or milk. Both quick cooking oats or rolled oats can be used to make this Oatmeal Porridge. Customize it with adding your preferred sweetener, liquids and choice of fruit or nuts toppings. Prep Time 1 min Cook Time 5 mins Total Time 6 mins Cook ModePrevent your screen from going dark while making the recipe Take the oats in a pan. Add water and milk. The consistency can be easily adjusted as per your requirements. This recipe makes for a slightly thicker consistency. For a thinner consistency, you can add more milk or water. Add sugar. Sugar is completely optional. Read the full article
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mywonderfulbaby · 1 year
Homemade Baby Rice Cereal - Yummy Toddler Food
Homemade Baby Rice Cereal – Yummy Toddler Food
Learn the easiest way to make the best homemade Baby Rice Cereal. It’s a perfect Stage 1 baby food that’s high in nutrients, easy to store, and easy to customize with lots of fresh flavors for months of yummy eating! Baby Rice Cereal I love to start solids with a range of flavors, textures, and nutrients, and whole grains are a great option to include as a first food. With my first two kids, I…
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truglori · 3 years
Daddy’s baby
Request: Erik tryna be romantic months after the reader gives birth
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Black Reader
Warning: Language, Fluff, Smut
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Another day passed by leaving Y/N stressed. It was her second week back at work after being on a three month maternity leave. To her it didn’t feel like it was enough time off. Her body still going through its early postpartum phase. She could feel the faint cramping in her stomach every few hours. Her breast became engorged and leaking with her milk. Then there was her anxiety that spiked up after having her beautiful baby girl, Charisma Stevens. Y/N’s head would always snap up thinking that her little girl was somewhere close by whenever she heard the slightest noise of what she thought sounded like a cry.
Laughing to herself Y/N shook her head as she placed her laptop and binders in her work tote bag. She did it again. It was the end of the day and she was beyond ready to pick up her baby from daycare and head home to take a hot shower. Her body was yearning for some sense of alleviation. Walking through the halls of her office Y/N waved goodbye to all of her colleagues before making her way to her Jeep Grand Cherokee. Placing her things in the passenger seat she put on her seatbelt and headed to the daycare.
The place was a little under fifteen minutes from where she both worked and live. It was right in the middle. Y/N didn’t want to bring her baby somewhere, where she thought would be to far to get to her in case anything happened. That was another affect of being a new mom. She would always over think about the littlest things, but she figured better safe than sorry.
Strolling inside Y/N watched all the toddlers running around freely. There was building blocks and toys scattered everywhere. Her eyebrows lifted as she looked at the mess that she knew her home was going to experience as well within the next two years.
“Hi, Mrs. Stevens! I have little miss Charisma ready right here. Everything is in her bag and she should be all set to go. She’s such an angel.” Ashley, the young caretaker, spoke with a wide smile as she handed over a bundle up Charisma in her car seat.
“Thank you so much. I know she barely makes a sound when she’s around other people but when she’s at home it’s nothing but baby talk.” Y/N grinned as she retrieved the baby bag.
“Well she was great today. I’ll see you two tomorrow.”
Y/N waved and walked back to her vehicle. Giving her baby two smooches she strapped her in properly.
“You ready to go home and see dada?” She put on her best baby talk and bent down to rub her nose with hers. Charisma smile blowing little spit bubbles.
Giggle Y/N fell in love all over again. She had Erik’s smile and dimples. She also had his characteristics already as well. Y/N noticed that at only three months Charisma only made noises around her and Erik but everyone else she was quiet. Just like Erik. He had to take some time to warm up to people before he became talkative.
Arriving at their one level home Y/N pulled in the driveway. She seen Erik’s Lincoln truck parked. He was home from work earlier than usual. Erik was a probationary firefighter, meaning he was still in the entry level phase. He’s only been in training for a month but Y/N noticed that he really loved it. After every shift Erik would come home removing his clothes and tell her about his whole day. So whenever he did that it would make Y/N’s mood ten times better.
Before she could reach the back door to unbuckle Charisma, Y/N was met with Erik walking out the door. No longer dressed in his Class A uniform but instead in a Nike sweat suit he jogged to her car greeting her with a bear hug.
“Princess. I missed you baby!” Erik’s tight hold lifting Y/N off her feet. He lips found hers kissing them three times before attacking her neck with pecks.
Laughing she wrapped her arms his neck. “Baby I missed you too but let me take out Charisma.” Y/N giggled between each word.
Putting her down immediately Erik lightly moved her to the side going to the car door and opening it. When he seen Charisma his eyes lit up the same way they did when he first watched his daughter come into this world. It was something he always did every time he was away from her for a long period of time.
“Hey daddy’s princess. Daddy missed you more, but don’t tell mommy.” Erik cooed to Charisma as he unbuckled her and took her out after making sure her head was secured.
After grabbing her tote and purse Y/N scoffed with amusement. “Really Erik.”
Rocking her side to side Erik glanced up to Y/N. Giving his famous smile that got her hooked when the two first met. His golds showing.He bit on his bottom lip revealing his dimple and walked up to her. He leaned down giving her and open kiss and slipped his tongue in her mouth. Pulling away he tugged her lower lip with his teeth and then kissed the supple flesh.
“You know you Daddy’s baby.” Erik’s deep voice spoke in her ear.
Y/n eyes traveled up and down his body as she followed him in their home. They walked into the livingroom. Y/N placed her bags down on couch near her. Taking off her shoes she lifted her legs up under her placing one on top of the other. The sound of Erik babbling with the baby caused her eyes to turn in their direction. Y/N smiled watching her husband and infant interact with each other.
“Here let me go wash her up. She’s been out all day babe?” Y/N sat up to take Charisma to the bath but was cut off with a knock on the door.
Her brows furrowed. “Erik you expecting any company?”
“Yeah actually I am.” Handing over the baby to Y/N, Erik walked to the door. He opened it giving the person on the other side a hug.
“Hey, mama! It’s good to see you. Thanks for coming to get Charisma for the night.” Erik smiled letting in Y/N’s mother.
Y/N face displayed both confused and joy. She was happy because her mom was here but she was confused when she heard Erik say that she was here to pick their daughter up.
“What’s going on? Hey mama.” Y/N greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m coming to pick up my grandbaby so that you and your husband can get some alone time together.” Y/N’s mom grinned as she played with Charisma’s small fingers.
Looking at Erik he stood to the side watching. Y/N could tell by his eyes that he was hoping she would go with it without putting up a fight. So she did. She handed over her baby to her mother gently caressing her hair.
“Okay well let me get her things together-“
“Already got that!” He pulled his baby bag from behind the couch.
“What about milk does she have-“ Y/N walked to the kitchen to double check but Erik blocked her grabbing her by the waist.
“Baby I took care of everything and it’s just for a night. She’s going to be fine.” He used his thumbs to stroke her cheeks.
Sighing Y/N gave in. Of course she knew that Charisma was going to be fine with her mother but this was going to be her first night without her since she was born. She was going to miss her but she knew that her and Erik very much needed this time alone together.
“Alright I’m leaving now. I’ll be back in the morning before you guys head to work.” Y/N’s mom place the baby in the car seat, making sure that she was in safely, and left.
Now by themselves Erik wrapped his arms around Y/N waist. He noticed his wife’s tension and nerves was getting the best of her as she watched their newborn get carried out of the house. But he was hoping that he could help ease that with the plans he had for them tonight.
They haven’t had a romantic night to themselves since Y/N entered her third trimester in her pregnancy. With all of the mood changes and aches and pains she dealt with it was tough for them to get away and spend a peaceful night with each other. So this was the first time in months that they would finally get to spend a one on one alone.
“C’mon princess, Daddy has something I want you to see.” Guiding her by his grip he had on her hips he walked her to their bedroom. When they came to Y/N gave a surprised gasp bringing her hands over her mouth before laughing.
“Baby what is this?”
“What you mean what is this? Look at this masterpiece I created.” Walking in front of her he held his hands out proud of what he done.
It was a homemade theater with a fort built over it that had mini lights going around glowing up the dark room. There was blankets and pillows laying out that had snacks and a bottle of Champagne sprawled out on top of them. The tv already showing Y/N’s favorite movie, The Notebook. But there was a food warmer with forks on the side of it that caught her attention.
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“Now what is that?” She walked over to the area getting on her knees. Taking the top off of the pot her eyes rolled in the back of her head when she smelled her favorite dish that Erik would make for her. Shrimp and Chicken Alfredo.
Erik took a seat next to her observing her excitement. “Remember this was the ONLY thing that you would eat when you were pregnant? Had my pockets hurting buying you some shrimp every damn day.” Grabbing the forks he handed her one as they began to dig in.
Y/N’s eyes closed when the shrimp touched her taste buds. She would still get a craving of this meal every now and then but it was nothing compared to how she used to eat it almost daily when she was carrying Charisma.
Erik pressed play on the movie as they cuddled up underneath the blankets. Taking turns between drinking out of the bottle of warm Champagne and dipping into the food warmer Erik and Y/N ate in silence watching the film. Into the middle of the movie Erik paused it and stood up.
“Where are you going? The movies not over.” Glancing up Y/N place the bottle down making sure it won’t tip over.
“With this long ass movie we gonna be here all night . Take my hand.” Reaching out he waited for her to grab it. When she did he lifted her up and lead them to the bathroom.
“Babyy!” Y/N lip went to a pout. Her eyes began to water as she saw the bubble bath with rose petals on top and candles surrounding the medium size tub.
Erik walked in front of her not saying a word. He began to unbutton her work shirt. Slipping it off he followed with her pants next with the help of her stepping out of them. Y/N covered her stomach. A habit she did every since the baby. She felt insecure about her belly not snapping back like how she wanted it too and how the loose skin would hang. Removing her hands Erik looked at her. His eyes became saddening when he would see her hide her body from him.
“Not tonight princess.” Bringing her hands up to his mouth he kissed them. “Don’t hide from me what I caused to happen.”
Bending down on his knees he kissed her tummy. Erik felt Y/N’s body shiver from the contact. Taking the pads of his thumbs he pulled down her panties. Y/N’s breast fell up and down feeling her arousal heightened from the inside. Erik lifted back up to remove her bra with ease.
“You ready?” He leaned forward kissing her forehead.
Answering with a head nod Y/N raised a leg over one by one and dipped in. Looking up at Erik she smiled.
“Erik when did you run this bath?” She asked running her fingers through the lukewarm water.
“Like thirty minutes before you came home. Why?” He questioned curiously as he took off his sweat jacket leaving him in a crisp white t shirt with his gold chain draped over it. Moving some of the candles he sat on the rim watching her.
“It’s warm now that’s why. You should’ve had me get in here first and then we could’ve had movie night.” She joked using the wash cloth on her legs.
“Well that’s nothing we can’t fix.” Since the water level was low enough he turned the knob to the hot water and let it run. “Better?”
Biting her lip Y/N gave a shy nod. “Thank you daddy.”
Grabbing the towel from her hands Erik poured her favorite body wash into the rag. Dipping his hand into the water he let it gain a lather before using it to clean her with it. Y/N could feel the gentleness of his hand as she relaxed. She felt him travel all over her body before reaching her pussy. Erik’s bare hand began to caressing her outer lips.
Spreading open her thighs so he could have a better access Y/N cuffed the back of her knees bringing them up to her chest.
“You givin up the pussy like that?” His chain swinging above her playing with her clit. Going over the hard nub in circles Erik bent his head down to kiss her when moans began to leave her mouth. Y/N grasped onto his shirt as she used her hips to meet his movements. Bringing her free hand up to her left titty she started to tweak and pull her nipple. Even through the water she could feel her wetness escaping.
“Daddy get me out of this water and fuck me.” It was more of command than a question and Erik was more than happy to abide. He waited until Y/N was standing up fully before grabbing her by her thighs and carrying her back to the bedroom. He didn’t give a damn about getting his clothes wet because his main focus was to please her and that pussy.
Plopping her on the bed Y/N crawled to the middle, taking a pillow and putting it over her body as she watched him take off his shirt. He sent her a look that let her know that, that wasn’t going to stop him. Y/N seen the colors of his eyes grow darker. Which told her one thing. Erik wanted to fuck, fuck. Bringing her hand over her pussy she bit her lip prepared to take the beating she wanted badly.
Erik stepped out of his pants which left him in nothing but his briefs. The print of his thick and heavy semi-hard dick poked out making an appearance. Walking towards Y/N he waisted no time grabbing her by the ankles and dragging her to the edge of the bed. Hearing a squeal leave her lips he glanced up before bringing his face up to hers. His lips millimeters away.
“Ima tell you this once and once only... you keep me from getting in this pussy like how I want Ima fuck you up. Got it.” He gave her a fair warning but he was serious.
“Yes daddy.” Y/N reached her head up biting his lower lip.
Erik’s low eyes studying the way she sucked on making sure he was going to her mouth to use later. Taking each hand he spread her legs open by the back of her thighs bringing them as far as they could go. Going to her neck he sucked on the flesh taking his time. Running his tongue over one of her spots before flicking it slowly. Creating hickies and then kissing them.
Y/N gripped his dreads pushing him lower. She was beyond ready to feel his warm tongue suck her nipples and pussy. “Please daddy.” Her whimpers touching his ears.
Following the wants of where his wife desired him to be next Erik went to her left breast tonguing her nipple. Flicking the hard pebble over and over before sucking it. If it was for him to say, the left titty was his favorite which is why he always stayed there the longest. Switching over he gave the right the same treatment.
Y/N began to grow impatient, needy, and bratty all in one. She wanted to control the situation but was always out dominated by Erik. When she tried to push his head down further Erik grabbed her wrists bringing them to the side of her head and purposely stayed at her breast longer than he planned.
“You know you not in charge so cut that shit out.” His deep raspy voice retorted while kissing down her stomach paying close attention to the area knowing about her insecurities towards it.
Finally coming face to face with his weakness he held her legs open. Her phat pussy lips soaked and covered with her natural lubricant. Her pink showing with the spread of her lower lips. Erik was ready to eat her pussy till she was crying. It was that pretty to him. Making a trail of kisses on her inner thighs he kissed each lip with appreciation from all the times it made him nut.
“Still my shit, ain’t it?” His breath hitting her skin making her jump.
“Eat it then daddy-“
The feeling of his warm spit cut her off. Looking down at the sight Y/N’s mouth hung open watching the long string of liquid leave her husband’s mouth.
“Hold this shit open for me.” He demanded her.
Her hand went down as fast as the order came spreading her lips apart. She could feel the saliva against her fingers. But it didn’t matter the moment she felt Erik give numerous flicks to her nub. Her reflexes causing her legs to try to close but couldn’t with the firm grip he had on her thighs. He teased her going back and forth between doing that and sucking on her lips. Her hips thrusting and ready to feel the human vac machine suck her clit.
“Daddy suck that clit please.” Y/N begged. She could get nasty when the time came and she didn’t care about what she had to say or do just for her to cum.
Using his tongue Erik ran it along her slit. Going to her opening he dipped inside the warm tight treasure coating his tongue before going to her clit and sucking it. The taste of her juices dripping out made his dick put a tent in his briefs. The moment it reached his taste buds Erik became a predator tearing apart his prey. Her pussy. Repeatedly sucking her bud Erik had Y/N tugging on his dreads pushing him into her pussy.
“Ugh baby I’m gonna fuckin-“ The yelling coming from her throat made it raw and cut her sentence short. The tight cramping in her lower belly causing a tear to fall from the corner of her eyes. She exploded right on his tongue and he kept going.
Constant sucking to her clit had her whimpering. Her pussy was becoming sensitive and she couldn’t take it anymore. Pushing at his head hoping he’d get the message but he didn’t when he smacked her hand away. The continuous assult on her pussy caused another orgasm to erupt shortly after the first one. Erik lifted up. His beard covered in her essence as he bended down kissing her. His tongue swiping over hers letting her taste herself.
Sending a rough smack to her thigh he pulled away. “Come suck this dick.” Standing up straight and pulling down his underwear his nine inch dick sprung out.
Y/N’s body felt drained but going against the feeling she got on her knees staying on the bed. Leaning forward she kissed the head with no hands looking up at him.
“Thank you for making me cum daddy.” Holding him up by the shaft Y/N stuck her tongue out wetting up the sides.
“That ain’t the last time you cumin for the night.” Taking his long arm he slapped her ass cheek making her arch.
Opening her mouth Y/N smacked the tip of his dick on her tongue before flicking the sensitive area underneath it. Erik groaned and brought his hand up to her hair. He gripped the kinky locks giving it the shape of a ponytail. Y/N giggled as she took him into her mouth. Her head bobbing up and down creating extra saliva to get him sloppy. She felt him grow in her mouth and that made her pussy throb and become wetter. The swivel of her tongue rubbing against his under tip whenever she came to it had Erik sucking in air and backing away.
“Daddy don’t run.” Y/N coming off his dick to tease him.
“You tryna make me nut with that fucking slick ass tongue of yours. Damn ma keep going.” He slapped her ass for encouragement.
Y/N obeyed stroking him with one hand and focused on his head. She was trying to get him there but Erik didn’t want to bust from head. He wanted to get up in her guts. She began humming to block her gag reflexes to deep throat him. The vibrations from her mouth and watching the strings of spit falling on her titties sent Erik over the edge. Taking her ponytail he pulled her off him.
“Turn yo ass around now.” His voiced barked as he felt defeated. He had to gain his control back.
Y/N knew she was in trouble by the sound of his voice.
When she wasn’t moving fast enough Erik grabbed her by the hips placing her into position. Smacking her ass he punished her for trying to make him cum too quick. Gripping the base of his dick he rubbed it up and down her second lips coating himself with her slick lubricant before sinking inside her with one thrust. The sudden movement had him regretting it when he felt like he was going to bust off entry.
Y/N’s mouth ajar and eyes rolling up feeling the long and girthy dick enter her depths in one motion. Usually she would work her way down on him but tonight Erik was going crazy. Her wall clenched down on him from the invasion. One hand gripping the comforter and the other reaching behind for his.
“Ohh fuck...daddy you’re so deep already.” Y/N moaned blowing out air as she took deep breaths.
“Sss I know baby, pussy good as fuck.” Erik groaned while slowly starting up his strokes. He had to pace himself because he felt close but he wanted her to cum again.
Using her hips for leverage he thrusted into her feeling her tight wet walls gripping him. Slapping her ass he picked up his pace when he felt his nut wavering off. Y/N mouth spewing out curses coming out of her arch. Placing his hand at the top of her back he held her in place as his hips stroked up in her. But when she came up again he got annoyed.
“Man keep that fuckin arch and let me get in this pussy.” He stated irritated.
Not stopping his movements he put his hands in the middle of her back and put his weight on her. He figured that would help her since she acted like she didn’t know how to. Erik grinded his hips rotating them getting deeper in her pussy. He was trying to hit that button that he touched plenty of times before.
Biting her lip from the pressure she felt pushing at her stomach Y/N cried as she felt him hitting her spot. Not only was he stretching her pussy open but he was digging deep. Closing her eyes she started to see white dots in the darkness of them. Her brain becoming almost unresponsive as he stroked her into oblivion.
“Daddy okayyy!” Taking her hand Y/N brought it behind her. She wanted him to let up on her because he was beating her pussy up.
Sweat droplets now appearing on Erik’s forehead as he lifted up. “What’s up, you gon throw it back?”
Looking behind her she whimpered a ‘yes’. Erik smirked putting his hands behind his back but continued his strokes. He waited until she caught his rhythm before faltering his movements. Y/N used the weight of her ass as she threw it back on him. She held on to the sheets hearing the sound of their skin clapping together. When she felt his tip reach deeper than she wanted it to she scooted up only taking half of his dick.The sting of a hard slap on her right cheek made her tightened her hold on both the covers and his dick.
“Get back on that dick. I’m not gon tell you again.” His voice barked.
“Okayy.” The whimpers leaving her lips involuntarily.
Going down on him further Y/N reached behind her gripping her ass cheeks to help him get in there the way he liked. Her stomach going into a cramp as she noticed she was going to orgasm again for the third time tonight. Her walls slicking up and gripping his dick as she continued to fuck herself.
“I feel you gripping this dick.. go head and nut and after you do you better not stop till I get mine.” He thrusted his hips up making sure she understood him.
Due to that Y/N’s body trembled beneath him as she came on his dick. Her cream coating all over him. But she didn’t stop. Even through her overstimulation she kept going because she wanted to make this nigga nut. She began to throw her hips back against his harder. Looking behind her she was met with Erik’s dark eyes watching her. He brought his hand up gripping her hair. Not moving his hips but just having something to hold.
“Make this dick nut.” He stuck his tongue out at her teasingly before smirking.
The combination of his golds showing and the way his chain hung around his neck as he bosses her around had Y/N going crazy. Reaching under her she gripped his balls massaging them to help him get there. Putting her kegal exercises to work she squeezed her walls when she reached the tip and released reaching the bottom.
Erik’s tried backing out but Y/N followed him everywhere he went. “I want my nut daddy.” She mocked him flicking her tongue at him and bit her lip.
Erik’s lips went in a tight line as he felt her throwing her pussy on him. His eyes clenched shut when he felt the tip of his dick throbbing. He was there and she knew it. The sound of him sucking in air and his stomach becoming sunken in always gave him away. Erik met her thrust four times before filling her up with his seed. He waited until he was milked out before he slowly pulled out of her.
Y/N twerked as she laughed. Laying flat on her belly she looked behind her at her husband who had his hands on his head catching his breath.
“You tapping already?” Biting her lip she smiled holding her chin up with her hand.
Erik bent down kissing both ass cheeks.
“I ain’t tapping outta shit...we just getting started.”
Please excuse any mistakes!
This is my first request. I hope y’all like it!
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