#But also I'm being serious I want to know his lore because I'm so lost
hyp-fixator · 2 months
Bro at this point I'm gonna need someone to tell me all the Sword lore because I swear to god if I don't know all of the lore in Phighting I'm going to explode
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 months
I Was Only Supposed to Drop This Off: Attack of Kings Leviathan Prologue *Spoilers*
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Let me just say. Leviathan is the devs favorite, he has to fucking be because this fucking prologue was wild, no build up, no fluff like with Beel where MC went on a cute little date. NAH just side fucking swept in whatever the breeding kink this is omg („ಡωಡ„)
Btw this makes me think of that OM Levi thing I wrote about where he's going into rut on his birthday and he breeds you in his room when you're both supposed to be attending his surprise party (good shit)
Let's start off to catch you all up before I dive into this.
All the screenshots won't fit so:
Satan is pissed off because he owes Levi a favor and Levi specifically asked for MC to deliver the Anti-Pandora's Box (which I may add has some really cool lore behind it involving Satan) and he's so pissed about it that he's taking his anger out on everyone that comes across him. Even poor Leraye tried to soothe his majesty's anger by offering a teddy bear to rip up and Satan just fucking yeets his ass into the sky.
Satan is even like "I'm going to invade Hades...." like he's that pissed.
Sitri warns MC not to open the box, and also explains that Satan loves the box so much and that's why Satan is so angry.
*cough*that ain't why*cough*
So here's MC running in the palace and trying to deliver this damn box that everyone keeps telling them not to open and then after being like "Levi you can't say hello? Damn" in short of words......
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Okay, so it's out of character for him to stare at MC like that it appears...
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Me being like OH WHAT?
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This is where MC and I differ, I because I'd just be confused on why he's stripping rn, like I'm just delivering a box-
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Now see...this is where Levi would of had to choke me foreal because I would have told him to shove it up his ass don't tell me to shut up when I'm asking you a question
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Oh f u c k.
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I....I was lost for words when this popped up because like...
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No MC, you aren't weird I won't judge you but yeah uh phew....because I wish they'd show what it looks like and I swear if they show us what it looks like in the Erolabs version...I'm going to scream
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Ooo a smell? Now I know this must mean he's definitely going through something at the moment since we're having smells, a larger than before penis, and buckets of precum dripping on the floor or whatever fluid that is.
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W a it.
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I'm in fucking shambles right now
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I can't handle the amount of fullness that's happening right now
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Let me get my drink and
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I'm so serious rn there was so much fucking going on and this is just the prologue I can only fucking imagine MC is about to get bred pretty much the entire story from beginning to end
and I'm damn well sure that the true reason Satan was upset is possibly NOT the box, but because he knows this is the around the time Levi is going through that and the fact he asked MC to deliver the box was possibly an excuse and he didn't really need it to begin with. And that's why he's pissed.
In my delulu SatanxLevi ship, he'd be mad because it's usually him that goes and helps Levi with that and he's always happy to help. He's mad that MC is chosen because A. He doesn't want to share MC B. That's a special time between him and Levi so he doesn't wanna share that either C. He's not being included period
I'm just gonna sit here and process this, have a snack, and recollect myself because I was thrown across the room and back with this prologue I can only imagine what the other stories are like.
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cometrose · 2 months
Here is your one (1) free pass to yap about the stupid ass adeptus gang and their shenanigans (i love zhongli having been the Tired Responsible One for his entire life... he would 100% buy/have been gifted the 'proud mother of a couple of dumbass kids' shirt)
zhongli and his adepti are like one of my favorite bands of characters alongside itto and his arataki gang they are so funnyy
the adepti appear to be very serious and strict which they are but they are also insane???? Part of the story as a whole is to show that the divine aren't too different from humans and this includes the adepti.
Streetward Rambler and Guizhong arguing about music so Morax had to take away the bell after Cloud Retainer tattled? Cloud Retainer lending Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper her cooking device that they still haven't given back? Or that one time Cloud Retainer built a snowmobile with Guizhong and Ping before Moon Carver crashed it and it took hours to dig him out of the snow? All 3 of the so called elite adepti and even the god of liyue himself trying to help some kid reconcile with his father?
the adepti are all very unserious very much freaks of nature.
I think about the Yakshas as well especially Menogias, poor guy was born to style forced to slay. It's funny how his designs were so intricate that none of the fellow yakshas wanted to wear it but he was so stubborn about it that even Rex Lapis couldn't change his mind. In fact there is not enough Morax and his yakshas lore. Like please i beg every day for Zhongli to talk about people in his past. I know he wont but I want to believe anyway.
A part of me believes that once Zhongli quit being the geo archon and moved to the harbor, cloud retainer, moon carver and mountain shaper had a terrible case of empty nest loneliness. We all know how that turned out for Xianyun but I expect it's only a matter of time before the other 2 come closer to the harbor as well. Perhaps to follow Zhongli around like lost ducklings.
In one of Xianyun's character stories, Zhongli had a commission for consultancy but he was busy and just sent her to do it. I'm gonna tear up but the idea that Zhongli knew this task would be perfect for her and just sent her on her way is just the cutest.
Also in her voiceline for Zhongli, when she told him she was coming to the harbor he basically gave her a shopping list of things to do and how to arrange her home. I love the idea of Zhongli stepping into Cloud Retainer's new house and just instantly moving the furniture to ensure proper Feng Shui. Like the list was so extensive that CR got overwhelmed -like her of all people- getting overwhelmed with knowledge is amusing.
Moon Carver is one of Rex Lapis disciplines so its clear that even amongst the older adepti that Zhongli is a still a teacher and won't hesitate to lecture them. These days I am sure he trying to be a more relaxed person but old habits are hard to break.
I haven't even talked about Zhongli and Xiao which are my favorite dynamic in the entire game I love when they are together. But Zhongli slowly trying to get Xiao to open up and experience the beauties of life and get closer to humanity every lantern rite I might weep. Like lying about stupid sesame seed oil last year and now hes flying kites this year, Zhongli is playing some incredible 5D chess to get Xiao to visit him more without explicitly saying it. BECAUSE he knows if he tells Xiao to see him he will but he doesn't want to force Xiao to come he wants him to come on his own means.
Kind of reminds me how Zhongli keeps birds. Ya know he has like bird cages where he keeps birds which he then takes around but based on his disposition I believe Zhongli is an expert and keeping birds to stay. Just building them homes and cages and of course he lets them come and go freely but some of them find his homes so nice that they decide to stay with him. So yeah I think Zhongli is deliberately treating Xiao like a bird that will return to him by his own means.
Anyway I would love love loveeee to put all the adepti in a room and just watch them work. Like CR, MC and MS are bound to start an argument while Xiao tries to linger in the corner, Ganyu tries to attend to all of them while Ping and Zhongli just laugh in the chaos.
Damn, the fact I haven't seen Ganyu and Zhongli interact since the Liyue archon quest is a crime, they are the only Zhongli relationship that I am craving to see (other than zhongli neuvillette). I want to believe it is just because Ganyu would blow his cover instantly. She would have to bite her tongue to avoid calling him Rex Lapis.
Speaking of Ganyu the fact one of the first thing CR says about her is that she was once so fat she rolled down as hill? Or in Zhongli's voicelines he implies she is stronger or even fiercer than she looks so much so that she would be embarrassed by his lack of delicacy when describing her.
I have mentioned this is another post but it's kind of sweet how much the adepti like Zhongli. He is more than their god but also a very treasured companion and friend. First he always calls them his friends ("a friend approaches" AND THEN XIAO APPEARS). But like god forbid you are rude to him because they would storm off or snap at you (Xiao and Xianyun). Don't disrespect him or they'll hate you for years (Ganyu). But at the same time he is a friend that eats dinner with them during Lantern Rite or a friend they make fun of for making square cups.
Of course I imagine there is a lot of respect in their relationship and a noticeable power imbalance. I kind of imagined that with becoming "Zhongli" Morax not wanted only to become closer to humanity but also bridge the gap between himself and the adepti. Show them not only the beauty of a world led by humans but also to come to them not as their overlord but as a treasured friend. The adepti clearly hold him in very high esteem recognizing his sacrifice, strength and good of heart.
WHICH is why i'll never accept people who call Morax a tyrant because the adepti saw Morax out and about and were like "damn im gonna follow this guy for the rest of eternity he's so cool".
I also think it is hilarious how Zhongli has influenced the adepti and how they just kind of absorbed some of his personality traits. Part of the reason Ganyu is so dedicated and hardworking to the point of exhaustion is because of how much she looks up to Rex Lapis, she even states that her work could never compare to what he has done for Liyue so she pushes herself even harder.
Or Xiao the most loyal of the adepti who still works tirelessly to this day because of his contract. I believe the adepti especially the younger ones were like "he works so hard and sacrifices everything i will do just that!".
Even Yanfei who has never formed a contract with him still maintains that hardworking attitude but without the self-sacrifice so she is like the perfect Liyue citizen in Zhongli's eyes.
anyway I have some thoughts on adepti shenanigans i would love to see
Adepti feast, put them all in a room I expect a very elegant and mature feast but I also expect someone to break something. Maybe they will behave themselves with Zhongli next to them maybe they won't we have to see. In fact put Shenhe and Yaoyao there too lets cause problems
Adepti shopping spree. Xianyun and Zhongli are terrible they will buy anything they set their eyes on. Xianyun falls for marketing scams but then there is Zhongli who won't fall for scams but buys everything at full price anyway. They reek absolute havoc in the shopping district once they get paid.
I am on my knees please please give me a Zhongli and Ganyu interaction i am not so greedy to ask for specifics just please just please (also more Zhongli and Ping interactions hell throw Guoba there too).
I will accept any Xiao and Zhongli interactions like anything i love them together.
Like i said its only a matter of time before MC and MS show up in the harbor and I can't wait to see Zhongli tease them.
Zhongli teasing the adepti!!!!!! Zhongli in disguise "OH NO I am a poor helpless mortal how could I ever compare to the adepti" they are fuming but they can't argue with him. they can only tolerate his teasing until they are alone.
Zhongli gets harassed by the Liyue public for disrespecting Rex Lapis and the adepti had to step in and tell them that it’s alright
Xiao with the strength of the gods: Mr. Zhongli did nothing wrong
Citizens: He called Rex Lapis a bum?
Xiao: He didn’t mean that he’s sorry
Zhongli: No i’m not! I think he was a fraud!
Xiao: Forgive him
Anyway please give us more adepti and please let them interact with Zhongli more. They are always so bashful and sweet in his presence so I must have an interaction I must.
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sabo-torao · 20 days
i'm very big on sabolaw because (to me) they just make sense. a whole lot of sense.
they both have their similarities in terms of backstory and lore: both of them saw the truth about the society they lived in at the age of 10, between the flames of a city, or part of a city, that they called home, and they both have lost an important figure in their life with whom they seeked freedom, and to whom they promised to keep their will alive, now living through their vows.
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both sabo and law are in search of freedom. for sabo, it is more of an universal freedom, the freedom of the people before his own, even if it started as something he yearned for himself; for law, it's effectively a personal freedom, a freedom he wants to achieve for his own person, and for cora. but in order to achieve both of their goals and be free, they have to discover the truth about their world, and their lives. the true history.
checkered fate.
interestingly enough, in the manga sabo and law are described to both have a checkered fate; the five elders use this adjective to describe sabo's destiny, because he's surrounded by people with the moniker D, and law uses it to describe his own fate, when he decides he wants to seek out the meaning behind his name, and so discover the truth about the will of the D.
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now, this is why i think sabo and law will end up working together, sooner or later. i know that law becoming an ally of the revolutionary army and/or linking up with sabo is a very popular theory and i'm so, SO glad it is! because it really makes sense, doesn't it?
sabo is destined to be involved with people with the initial D in their name, and was just now trusted with the task to deliver vivi and luffy the message that vivi is a D just like luffy is, making him even more involved than he already was with the clan and its descendants. on the other side, we have law, whose newly found objective is to find the truth behind his existence, thus uncovering the "true history", which will inevitably bring him closer to other "D"s and to those who always get mixed up with them.
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if we add these bits of info to the whole imu situation...
imu is, most certainly, an immortal being, who became immortal thanks to the ability of the ope-ope no mi. ivankov literally SHOWS the fruit to sabo in chapter 1086!
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and i mean, i doubt sabo still doesn't know who law is. he was in dressrosa, after all (also im so so so convinced sabo and law met sometime during the timeskip bc law saved luffy's life and iva was right there and how could sabo not know that was law who saved his little brother's life and how could he not go and thank law for what he did i mean- c'mon-) and he most likely knew about the alliance with luffy and everything else. so he should know that law is the wielder of the ope-ope no mi, and it would be obvious for him to seek law out in order to know more about the fruit's ability and find a counterattack to imu's (and, probably, the five elders') immortality. it would be so disappointing if after all these little hints they ended up never meeting. like, at all.
finally, sabo and law's dynamic would be soooo interesting!! sabo is similar to luffy in some ways, but he's also... completely different. i think law wouldn't lose his mind working with sabo, because yes, sabo is irresponsible and impulsive and a bit of a jerk- but he follows the plan, he's strategic, he's stealthy and logical, and he puts the success of the mission above everything else (that isn't luffy, of course). law can work splendidly with that. i also think they would have a very entertaining back-and-forth, both of them being as witty and blunt as they are. they would be equals, and have a very well balanced relationship. sabo is cheerful and kind, fiery and elegant, which is a good contrast to law's cold, serious demeanour, and heartless façade (because law cares just as much as sabo, he wants to help people just as much as him; he is a doctor, after all). also their devil fruits would work so well, so good together, it would be so cool- oda i'm begging you, please, let them be partners, please-
one piece gakuen and stampede showed us a bit of how their possible dynamic could work, and i pray day and night that we can have something like that in the main manga, too. i need it.
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tl;dr: sabolaw is a very good pairing with a lot of potential that i hope will be explored in the story sometime in the future. please do consider them!!!
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semi-sketchy · 6 months
For an update (mostly) meant to flesh out the Ancients/The End, they still seem not all that memorable or compelling from what little I've seen. They're just as much as plot devices masquerading as (bland) characters as Sage still is. The plot EXPECTS me to care, but I just cannot because the lore/exposition in this game is soooo dull when it's not wholly confusing. And I gotta ask, is any of it gonna matter in future games? Does anyone really approve of this shite whilst still bemoaning how unnecessarily convoluted Shadow's backstory was? That for a supposed big threat, it all still took place on some small-scale remote islands? This stuff should begging for a retcon. Guess that'll be up to me. Hint: Fairy dust made it all seem real to both the heroes and Eggman. And the Kocos are Accidental Antagonists to have put them through all of it because they don't remember their true history on the islands...
The question of which ending is canon is up for debate, but personally I think this one is going to cause more problems long-term. I literally started yelling at the side story when Sage said the Ancients had satellites that are still functional.
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Tens of thousands of years old, still orbiting, functional, and NO ONE HAS NOTICED THEM? This is the world that had a SPACE COLONY 50 YEARS AGO and they NEVER asked what these old satellites were?? Like man, if we discovered ancient satellites circling our planet, there would be some paranormal podcasts talking about this "unknown" and obscure fact, but here no one has noticed?
Also extremely disappointed they did nothing to expand on The End. If anything, this is regression from base game because it's missing that pretentious speech. I wanted to know WHY this consumer of worlds was specifically chasing the Ancients. If it's just supposed to be symbolic, then that was completely lost on me.
I'm with you on the not being able to care part. I'm not bonded to these characters and the short cutscenes around the trials doesn't change anything about the pilots. It's just "WE DIED TO CONTAIN THIS THING AND YOU SET IT FREE-- oh you passed my brute strength trial. K guess you're a good guy." Sonic gets some sass with the King Koco, but it also feels...off. It's not his normal disrespect towards authority.
To go on another tangent, the opening cutscene bothers me.
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Sonic isn't the person to give a "rally the troops" speech. Although, how this scene was written made that direction the ONLY way it could've gone.
I think of the Last Story cutscene from Heroes. Sonic just listens.
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When he says he'll fight Metal Overlord, it's Tails and Knuckles that pop up to say "we're going to help you!" and Shadow that says they'll buy them time.
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Sonic doesn't ask anything from anybody, he just graciously accepts their help. Compare how this was written to sticking Sonic in a place where he's the one who has to explain what's going on and tell others what he needs.
It's a case where the plot moves the characters and not the characters moving the plot, which is the perfect storm for OOC moments. That is exactly what happened with Eggman when they decided Sage was a good idea.
Sage just regurgitates random info about rocks and other stuff no one asked about, like there was ONE LINE where she sounded kinda different which made me think it would've been so good if Sage was more like GLaDOS. I want her to have more sick burns. But no, innocent child because Eggman "needs" a daughter and Sonic has to have a reason to help the girl that's been trying to kill him the whole game.
I don't understand how anyone can call this "peak" because it's just so self-important and straight-faced serious, it's at the point of monotony. It breaks what I like about these characters to wrap them up in a "serious story" blanket whilst failing to properly build up the threat.
I hope they reevaluate their choices and this isn't really the standard moving forward because it's so stupid it hurts. And that's just the story/lore.
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starii-galaxii · 2 months
Because a total of one person asked, I'm gonna yap about some AU's I have because I want to :3
Starting with the most recent (And least serious): The FNF Magical Girl AU I made yesterday in the middle of the night!
The name is self explanatory, FNF but magical girls.
Why? Because why not?
Anyways, in this world, everyone has this thing called Passion. It's basically their drive to create something. Without Passion, the person no longer feels motivated to do what they love and basically becomes depressed and "lazy"
Now, Dearest is interested in how Passion works, so he decides to take "part" of people's passion to see if he could make the most Passionate being in the world. (He doesn't know of the side-effects when he starts, but he doesn't really care either)
Now, the first version he made, he put different types of Passion into one jar and it just became a confusing mess, so he decided to seperate Passion by their types.
However, the loss of passion as such a high rate also caused creatures called the Unpassionate to be created as well. The Unpassionate will destroy anything related to their lost passion to try and find it again.
The first version became a little creature because what is a Magical Girl story without a little creature.
The little creature runs away from the place without Dearest seeing because plot, and finds the gang.
With some persuasion and absolutely no lies about a prophacy that doesn't exsist... oh... nvm the creature did lie about a prophacy that doesn't exsist :3
Now BF, GF, Pico, Darnell, and Nene are Magical Girls (and Guys) :3
BF's powers are based on song and his weapon is a microphone that also doubles as knun-chucks.
GF's powers are based on dance and her weapon is a speaker that turns into a giant hammer
Pico's powers are based on photography and his weapon is a camera that is a gun.
Darnell's powers are based on fumage (painting with fire) and his weapon is a flamethrower
Nene's weapons are based on scrapbooking and her weapons are giant scissors.
I haven't thought of a group name for them... but i know it'll be better than... *shudders* "The Magical Girl Group" (Long lost Galaxii lore guys, dw about it)
Uhh... that is all I have so far :3
Next AU!: The Dream AU
GF was sheltered all her life, she always desired some escape from her reality. This came in the form of the Dream Realm
Usually, it was just blurs that she could rarely remember, but she finally decided to try lucid dreaming for once. She ends up becoming a Lucid (Someone from the Waking World traveling to the Dream Realm)
She wakes up in the Dream Realm and meets BF, who is a lullaby
BF decides to train GF to also become a lullaby because she asked him to.
Shenanigans ensue; They meet BF's parents. They also meet Skid and Pump (Who are the princes of the Day and Night)
Pico comes to tell GF to go back because the Dream Realm is closed for construction and Lucids can't be there. BF convinces Pico to let GF stay.
More shenanigans: Monster (who is a Nightmare) comes to give GF bad dreams before BF sings him away. GF's parents try and get her to stop with the Dream Realm stuff.
Tankman comes to tell GF to leave because he doesn't want her there. Epic battle commences and GF almost gets forced to wake up and not come back again. However... Monster comes back once again to mess everything up.
More will be added if I get the ideas
Next AU!: Siren AU
I already explained this one lol
Those are the AU's I'm working on for now :3
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inquebrar · 2 months
some of my ramblings about doied are mainly the fact that i still can't understand what was the intention behind making him exist. like, i still don't understand the reasons for making him part of the story in this way, the way it happened and also why it happened like that?
[since it's almost going to 7am i feel like i should make it clear tone indicator /lighthearted i feel like it might sounds like i'm complaining but i'm just intrigued haushaksh]
at first doied was like a way q!roier talked when he said a fact or seemed nerdy kinda things like that and then it seemed to go a little bit the way of alter egos? Perhaps, i even remember that once it generated many theories involving dissociative identity disorder (DID ... i think that's how it's said in english, sorry if i'm wrong) because q!roier had already talked about hearing voices in his head that weren't his (it wasn't something related to the chat) and that sometimes he felt disconnected from reality. i personally didn't follow this theory much because it can be a sensitive topic to address and doing something insensitive that could be offensive is not a good thing to do. which makes me wonder, could it be that at some point cc!roier thought about making a plot related to this but to avoid any kind of misinformation or insensitivity towards the topic, maybe he decided to change it or was that never the initial intention? i personally believed more in the point of view that q!roier has several ways of expressing himself, whether through alter egos that are not necessarily DID but just that he uses other names to refer to himself when he wants to express/present himself in another way, almost like the way many artists do, i even have a distant memory where he talks about melissa and doied to q!jaiden and he even changes his voice and makes body expressions and it's good to remember that q!roier dressed up as melissa it was part of his plan involving the begining of his lore, so melissa is q!roier we saw it. so i always thought, ok... melissa and doied are part of who q!roier is, right? .......
i was completely lost when it was confirmed that doied is a person apart from q!roier. i still feel like i'm in the denial stage to be honest XD there are so many questions i don't even know where to start. but with sleep reaching my brain i'm just wondering if cc!roier considered the impact that turning doied into a canon character had? and not only that but the way the character was introduced and the path chosen as well. like, he does the "doied voice" since the beginning, it's often something out of roleplay, it's a recurring joke but now that doied is a real character who is apparently q!roier's twin brother? and that he switched bodies with q!roier ?!?! everything is different now!!*
and especially from the public eye, this is something i noticed a lot: the confusion in understanding whether something was being done and said with intention and reason, or not. when you follow a character like q!roier who is a character where you can't judge the book by its cover, you're aware that cc!roier has always been attentive to doing roleplay in a way that is subtle but always with intentions behind it that often surprises even those who watch, from using the camera to show the change of expressions after saying something super happy and remain super serious, demonstrating false feelings, doing something good and then saying that it was just a preparation for when the betrayal happens it will be more painful, talking about killing everyone who gets in the way and then recommending acting with the others as if nothing had happened and pretending to be happy... and many other examples. q!roier keeps a lot of information, he is very observant and can pretend and manipulate very well. including something that happened after the body swap with doied that gave me emotional damage, it was when after sending a cute message to q!cellbit, doied said out loud that it was working, "he's falling for it" that caught me so off guard but i also saw the reaction of many people who had also completely forgotten that it wasn't q!roier and this just shows that cc!roier is aware of what he decided to do with the story and he remembers his decisions with his characters. SO THAT'S THE POINT. we know what he's capable of and how subtly he roleplays. so it's agonizing to see things and think "was that intentional?" and not knowing if they were or not, but i also think that this even helps with theorizing and analyzing, which is a fun part of entertainment.
*but when i say that everything is different now, it's that by transforming something that was usually just used as something fun momentarily into a real and unique character who, to complicate everything, is pretending to be his twin brother is WILD. that's crazy. and even had a body swap!!! so now even in moments that it's obvious that it's not something within roleplay people go "OMG DOIED?!" and when i talk about moments that are > obviously outside of roleplay < it's like when cc!roier was telling about his trip to cc!quackity and there were questions "is this still doied or is this out of lore?" or when cc!roier was alone building with cc!rivers and he spoke in doied's voice and she called him doied because it's a thing they do and people freaked out and were surprised, acting suspicious and stuff like that and sometimes it may seem too much but still, there are also big impacts like, what will it mean in the future? at what moments will really doied become careless and talk as used to? when will intentions become ambiguous? are people to blame for doubting and suspecting when the lore revolves around discovering that a character is pretending to be someone they're not? and the questions remain as to why q!roier spoke like that before and "behaved like doied"? what are the implications of this? how was this possible? why how when what huh??!?!!
i think the only way to stop how triggering that will be to see cc!roier talking like doied after going back to roleplay as q!roier is if doied dies HAJDJDHSK because i swear every time he does the voice i remember everything and i'm one step away from becoming the joker bring back q!roier he's still a rat what the actual fuck
but with that being said i trust in what cc!roier intends to do, from the beginning he's been interested in creating lore and continuing to follow the story he wants to do and it's good that he's doing what he wants, i'm curious to see where this all goes i just hope it ends with a happy ending because i can't stand being sleepless writing about how this character disturbs my brain im so tired get him out of my mind please what am i doing with my life.
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iciatheguardess · 4 months
psst. nows your chance to elsie rant about the current events if you want to
Rant? Hmmm... I dunno where to start
(Btw, all of this is /silly and not meant to offend anyone at all)
I'm so fucking glad they're almost done with this shit, because shit is happening to EVERYONE. I can't believe how calm the 2nd floors been so far and I'm thankful for it- and I'm glad there was rubble blocking the way because they all need more items and checkpoints before getting to her. Also the angst, JESUS CHRIST THE ANGST. If you haven't seen my separate post about Icia sleeping (I'll find it if you want or you can hunt for it yourself) and seeing her friends back in tbdk then you know damn well there's something SEVERELY wrong happening with Icia and if ANY serious shit happens then HOOOOOOO boy God bless everyone's souls because that will NOT be fun. It's not even just her though- like. Spoilers. POOR FUCKING VERIE AND ARTHUR, LIKE JESUS CHRIST THEYRE EACH OTHER'S LOST FIANCE AND SHE DOESNT EVEN FULLY KNOW IT AND HES JUST WAITING SADLY WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IF SHES EVER GONNA REMEMBER. I'm really proud of Clara though, especially with being able to put her mask back on for the play. Lance and Raina are freaking me out a little. I know we've seen a bit of Lance and fighting really isn't his style but I've said this before and I'll say it again, seeing one of them for a long time and not the other FUCKING SCARES ME. And also, please someone get Stitch some therapy, that guy is basically going rabid with some of the stuff he's doing to himself and others, he is NOT mentally suited for this, no offense.
THATS NOT EVEN ALL. The dungeon party for me has been nothing but a whole lotta "WHAT????" Bc FIRST everyone falls asleep and gives into the trap just like that and Elsie and I are screaming into pillows for that to not happen- THEN BOB SHOWS UP WITH LEAFY AND MAGE I THINK? Idek if he's still there now but oh my god I can NOT wrap my head around this. ALSO IF I SEE KOPI AND KUMO AND THAT DAMN MEME ONE MORE TIME- well I guess I can't be mad bc they're each others support rn and that's really what everyone needs in this hell forsaken place at the moment. Someone also needs to really, really give Dusk a hug. I think she should make a rage room accessible to everyone in the circus, everyone needs that place.
Other than that I'm loving how creative the rooms and bosses are. I'm really hoping we see more Aoki bc he's so sweet and cute and someone get that man a gf right now, bring some happiness into his life. I'm also loving how creative I can be with the very, very long asks I'm writing for each room. I'm loving slipping bits of lore into Icias character. Yall don't know what I got planned or what Imma do if I get the chance. What I DONT love is how FAST MY FUCKING APPETITE DISAPPEARS THE GODDAMN MOMENT I SEE HER IN ANY ASK. Or if I see anything that has to do with Northeast, Raina and Lance, Stitch, etc. It's not fun being abt to eat a delicious bowl of cheesy spicy potatoes and seeing a notif and suddenly my appetite is like "HAHAHAHA ADIOS" because I get so anxious and excited that sometimes it literally makes me nauseous.
That's all I can remember rn. So far, 9/10, having lots of fun, have definitely cried a few times.
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loganwritesprobably · 20 days
CW: Discussions of dementia/Alzheimer's
This is just a quick little vent post, mostly
If you see this, and you read it, and you can relate - you are not alone. This is hard, and I see you - I hope you're doing okay, or as okay as you can be
So my grandad has both. I often joke that he was simply too powerful, he was going to be immortal, they had to nerf him. So, my grandad has both dementia and Alzheimer's. I still don't entirely understand it, because one is a type of the other, but it creates some unique issues.
My grandad appears to be losing his memories randomly, while also going backward in terms of what he remembers, and he's potentially making up false memories in the process. I spent the last five or so years learning to listen when he spoke, because I knew one day I'd mourn the chance I'd lost to learn. Now, when he speaks, I don't know what's Certified Grandad Lore and what's the illness.
He doesn't remember the names of his daughters. He often becomes distressed because his mind works like Dory the fish, and he thinks his eldest daughter Sophie is called Samantha (fake names) and can't find her in his contacts. However, he knows who she is when she's there. He remembers me, I think, and my sibling and my cousins.
He doesn't remember his nephew, barely even seems to remember his brother-in-law who months ago he was telling me I needed to deliver a message of violence to (mostly playful, I think) because he doesn't treasure his wife enough.
I don't know if he remembers me. I wanted him to walk me down the aisle. The last time I saw him, he asked my dad who he was, and then he laughed. I don't know if he was playing off that he needed to be reminded, or he was joking about his own illness.
His wife died of Alzheimer's. My grandmother. Both my dad's parents. His sister-in-law died of Alzheimer's.
For a disease I knew very little of for a long time, and seemed so rare just a few years ago, is so frighteningly involved in my life.
My dad is very serious when he tells me that if he starts developing Alzheimer's or dementia, he intends to kill himself.
There is an increased risk that I will develop one of them. That my sibling will. That my aunts will. That my cousins will.
I fear a day in which my body isn't my own, and I forget that it used to be.
My grandad doesn't think his house is his, but we can't figure out where he thinks he does live. He doesn't remember where the toilet is, and forgets to eat. He's so skinny now, so slow. My grandad used to be untouchable.
My grandad once comforted me after I broke up with an ex by telling me that I should marry a rich man instead. He laughed, and I laughed with him, and it made everything much easier.
The last time I saw him, I wasn't sure that he remembered me, but he assured me that he thought I was doing something good with my life by being at university, because he missed that chance when he was younger and he wished he hadn't. He was narrow minded in his ambitions, and I'm doing well to do differently.
I will graduate, and I will do it for him. I will marry and be happy because that's what he wanted for me. One day, once I'm happier, I'll grow out my hair again because he liked it long. Once I have a job, I'll donate regularly to attempt to get this horrific disease cured.
There is nothing worse than slowly watching your loved one die, and they don't even know they're your loved one.
When you die, you leave behind everyone who loved you, but when you have demenia or alzheimer's, or somethig similar, you don't even know you're leaving them. There's no comfort to be given or gained.
I'm three hours away from home at university and my grandad is dying at home. I live every day dreading my phone ringing with bad news. One day he will die, and he will not walk me down the aisle, and I likely will not have seen him for months.
He will not walk my down the aisle, but I will save him a seat in the front row.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 6 months
Because a lot of people did so, here my contribution to the Walker kids (also shamelessly to just talk about one of my OCs that i never manage to talk about):
Grace, born right in the middle of David and Logan, in April 2000, tho to a different mom, which is all fine and well, they all three were together for awhile and happy about the kid. Grace was a papa's girl, she loved Elias a lot
Tho when Grace was 8, they split up and Grace went with her mum to her home country of Germany (why? I'm german it's the only reason) There she still grew up around military, because her step dad also was a soldier, just in the german airforce.
She started growing resentful to Elias, because she thought that he didn't want anything to do with her anymore, because there were no calls, no letters, nothing from him. Eventhough she wrote him countless times, til she was 14 and gave up.
After ODIN took place she used her us-citizenship (cause she was born there) to join the us army too, given that she never really lost her sense of home to the US and also partly to see if she can manage to run across Elias or her brothers along the way and see if they even remember her.
She worked her ass of, becomming one of the best and coming on Merricks radar and getting pulled into the ghosts, where she for the first time again sees Elias, who does not seem to recognise her (she isn't running under the name Walker, but her Step dads name that she took when her mum and him got married). She plays along, staying distant to Elias, because she doesn't wanna get close to him again, not if he doesn't remember her.
She does tell him or rather everyone, in a fit, when she couldn't hold it down anymore. She basically turns to scream everything she had in her since she was 9/10 and started thinking her dad forgot her. Everyone is perplex, because Elias did say that he has a daughter out there somewhere, they all still thought she was (more or less) safe in Europe. Hesh and Logan are stunned that ther sister is back, without anyone knowing, especially because they thought that she left them, never to be heard from again.
Elias is just hurt and angry, not at Grace tho, he lets her scream everything out, before hugging her and apologizing that she felt that way and that he could never forget her, before telling her his side. Because what Grace and the boys didn't know was that the split wasn't nice behind the scene, that's why Grace's mum took her onto a whole different continent and that she left without an address or a number that he can call to keep in contact, he wanted to but he couldn't. (Also he did write letters for her birthdays and other stuff, had them in a drawer for the day that they actually either meet again or he finds an address to send them to, but they got lost in the destruction of ODIN) Basically her mother cut off all ties and the letters that Grace wrote, seemed to never have been sent out to Elias in the first place. Which obviously leads to a whole other sort of anger, but they decide to try to contact her mother, when the shit around them dies down a little bit.
When the shock dies down the boys get excited that they got their lost sister back. And they all do grow closer againm and start to catch up about how life went while they were apart.
That's it for now, also don't ask how that worked with custody and everything, in my head basically Elias gave up his, because it all would've been difficult with Grace being on a diffrent continent, but i don't know, not my area of expertise. And to the fact that he couldn't find them, if you don't manually agree to be put into the telephone book here in Germany, no-one can find out your address without illegal methods (unless you post it somewhere else yourself, we take privacy very serious)
That's some well thought out lore! Nice. Points for tragedy, everybody got hurt here. Dang. Poor girl, just wanted her dad.
Ngl tho she funny as hell for not telling them. Undercover until she get's pissed enough, lmaoooo.
I was gonna make a joke about needing to make my own Walker but I think I already did lmao, I forget his name tho. Roger? Call sign was dumb too. I should make like actual notes on him, it'd be fun.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 5 months
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*kicks the front door with all the strength I have*
Hey there IRIS fans. It's been a while. More than 3 months to be exact. I came once again to offer you my gifts. Behold…..breadcrumbs! :D
Yeah, that's all I have at the moment. I'm sorry.
I was reflecting on the idea of posting things that are more....small? Don't just post finished drawings. Maybe WIPs or, sketches, or in the case above, a doodle! Basically, I don't need to ONLY post finished drawings. Or drawings. Sometimes I can just. Post words, you know. I had the realization about this a while ago when I remembered that I'm on Tumblr. I can post (almost) anything here without limiting myself. Now, will I fulfill this? I don't know. Maybe I'll do that, or I'll just post it when I have a drawing ready to post. I don't promise anything lol.
Anyway, IRIS! I made this little doodle of Goliath while I was out of the house. I only drew his Pre-Explosion version once and it was in that Transmission 3 drawing. As a joke too. So I tried to do something a little more serious. This time…he has a face! I thought it turned out good. I think I found a good way to do his hair too. I decided to color it (and do a light digital lineart over it) to make it more pleasant. Simple, but it looks nice! (I'll leave the normal scribble unedited at the end of the post) Also, I know that in the only art we have of P.E Goliath it doesn't show him with irises and pupils in his eyes. I drew them here because I thought it would be cool.
Next stop is to practice drawing his body. I have to learn how to draw more muscular bodies. Goliath has to live up to his name (and he deserves the muscles tbh)
It goes without saying that I did this after watching the new chapters of Story of Vegala. And speaking of that: i'm gonna be honest with you: I think this is my favorite part of the IRIS story/lore drops posted so far.
It's quite intriguing to see the very story that happened before everything we've seen so far. It's also nice to receive what I've wanted for a while: Tyrant and Fate Lore. It's good to have more information about two characters that we've known (more or less) for a long time now. Especially their origins (broader origins than just *the first beings that walked the Earth* or *beings that came from distant worlds in search of the emblem*)
SOV also makes me excited for other things. Like, obviously, HOAA:R. Releasing soon! December is knocking on the door, you know. But I also really want to see Jaws of Vegala now. And whatever happens in the story that takes place after GT.
So again, SOV is currently my favorite part of the lore, I believe. The anguish of waiting for the next episodes this past week was real.
I'm talking too much once again, SHIT. Yeah, Pre-Explosion Goliath. He deserves the world (He's NOT a monster, he's just BIG and STRONG, and needs a functioning family *cries*)
I don't know when I'll do my next Big Piece related to IRIS. I had something in mind but I lost the will. But I was thinking about doing something related to Solitude for a while. Hold this thought,then. Until then, I'll sketch Tyrant next. Because I like his official design.
Also, here is the unedited scribble:
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trashynyland · 4 months
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Cool cool. I'll be honest. Them meeting is lore I'm still working out but so far it's this.
Dan was crowned as one of the newest members of the Gem Kings. More knowledge was needed on science and medicine. Plus, Dan had shown his worth to the leader of the Gem Kings. But long story short, Dan was soon given the task to find out what was wrong with a rabid cult that had been taking over the Gem Kingdoms.
The group consisted of hybrids who had seemingly gone insane. They acted wild and like rabid animals. Somehow these hybrids had created a cult that believed humans were killing off hybrids in order for themselves to take back control over the world they all lived in.
Everyone thought that this cult consisted of insane hybrids, ones who'd lost their ways and basically went to the dark side. But Dan did some observing and noticed that the group was only as insane as they were because of a new disease they'd been infected with.
Stampy happened to be the leader of the cult but he did not run it. Sqaishey was the one who ran everything while Stampy more so acted as a pawn.
Lots of planning with the Gem Kings later and an attack was thrown at this cult. Dan was able to capture Stampy (but in Dan's dumbness had no idea Stampy was the leader) and the attack group retreated.
Dan's role then was to figure out how to find a cure for this disease whole also trying to learn what it was and how exactly it worked. This took months but in those months Stampy's more sane side was able to "come out" more as Dan spent more and more time with him. Stampy learning new things and truths every day.
Also during this time Dan started gaining a crush on Stampy. A crush that Dan bullied himself about it and stuck his foot deep into the denial pit. Ant being the God of Knowledge (he's actually not. Everyone just calls him that. Ant is just an extremely smart human) knew Dan's secret and the truth of it. Ant later informing Jordan about it (who at the time was Ant's best friend but that's later lore).
Yada yada yada time passing. Stampy is cured and it's decided that Stampy stays in Dan's care to make sure the hybrid is properly ok. Meanwhile the cult is captured and all heals. Oops why don'tcha look at that. Plot twist. Sqaishey was actually a mage in disguise as a hybrid and was the one who implemented the plan to poison hybrids and turn them against humans. And turns out the reason was because Stampy wanted to divorce her when he realized he was no longer in love with her but a male human that use to live near them. Basically she went full jealousy mode and manipulated Stampy.
Now Stampy has trust issues upon learning every thing.
While Stampy stays with Dan, Dan finds out that Stampy is actually a God. He found this out after doing a dumb move during an experiment and almost accidentally killing himself. Stampy came to the rescue. Of course this amplified Dan's crush on Stampy.
In Concy world cat hybrids are extremely rare. A cat hybrid who's also a God ex exponentially rare. So to protect Stampy they put him into the care of the King of Goldia. The king decides to make Stampy prince and sort of used him like Sqaishey did.
Comic lore I won't talk about~
After that there's a knew king for Goldia who's actually not insane (wow no way) and Stampy is treated like an actual person by Goldia. Stampy stays prince because he does want to rule Goldia some day he realizes. But also so he has an excuse to be near Dan.
So soooooo much else I could get into and ramble about but I won't.
Basically Stampy also has a crush on Dan but the two won't admit their feelings. Dan will joke about his love for Stampy (but Stampy doesn't know if its serious or not). And yeah.
Hope that answered something XD
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biggs-regretti · 8 months
Harrow and Val thoughts
Harrow and Valentine are so... I need to flesh out more of their lore. Val's lore is more or less written out but I need to write out Harrow's story. and I for sure need to write out the impact Valentine had on Harrow and vise versa because it's so imperative to their growth Rambles below! (this is touching on lore I've very much already thought out pretty well but its not ALL of it)
Val being so love-core he comes off very open and loving & as much as that is true, he's also careful not to give away too much of himself. It's not to say he refuses love or that he's never bothered with love, 'cause Val is so painfully full of love. He just has a lot of guilt related to his past with love and that holds him back on truly allowing himself to be known. It makes how he acts seem like a façade and while I'll label it as such here, he very much means what he says and cares with his whole being. He just doesn't give that same compassion to himself- due to his past, he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the people he cares for and while most see it as heroism and in a way it still is an act of bravery and heroism because he does a good job of it, he also feels he has to do it- because a life lost or hurt because of his inability to protect them is a loss for him, no matter how many people he saves. like for Valentine, If the only person wounded by the end of a fight is him and the opposing force then that is a win in his book. and this kind of mentality is where Harrow comes in-
Harrow on the other end of the spectrum entirely has never found any reason to think about love let alone deal with something like that as a marine. He comes off very cut throat and abrasive and mean and while he is a serious guy & takes his work seriously, he's pretty observant when it comes to others and dare I say rather empathetic even if he doesn't verbally acknowledge it a lot of the time. That being said, he isn't afraid to call someone out on it and it's never been difficult for him but with someone like Valentine. it's so baffling to him that someone who is so overwhelming loving and caring and compassionate wouldn't show themself the same kindness. and this fact seemingly isn't even noticed by the people closest to val. He can't stand to see someone with so much, risk EVERYTHING. because even in not knowing everything about Val, he's been pursuing Captain Valentine for a long time and he also knows that a truly good man like Val doesn't deserve to feel like an afterthought to others, even if its his own doing I think that infuriates him as much as it confuses him. I mean it's Val's kind gesture (the one that ended in Val getting a harpoon to the chest) that makes Harrow question his future as a Marine, not that he was ever Loyal %100 but he was good at what he did and it's all he knew- then comes in Valentine, slowly but surely.
Sort of a "two sides of the same coin" or maybe just a case of opposites attract? Val with his façade and Harrow's tough exterior needing some tlc. Both seeing right through the other so clearly and wanting so badly to help. that's really all it is in the beginning
Opposing forces having what the other needs so desperately + wanting to give it. Neither expecting anything in return let alone any feelings but more than willing to push the other in the right direction in the mean time. They're technically slow burn but.. gosh i love them..
ofc I can't get into the nitty gritty of their stories here but I hope u see a lil bit of what I'm cookin- they're very much in love and meant to be together. (this was pasted from twitter and I just ended up adding a bit more, maybe I'll write something more & a bit better/ more organized here or on ToyHouse or something later on)
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dynared · 1 month
While Robert Kirkman and friends have made it clear they have no immediate plans for characters outside of US G1 for now, I'm once again pondering what might be done in the near or far future with certain characters. Admittedly some of this is also because I know there are certain characters Earthspark won't touch for anything, even if they might have some use there, because Mae Catt was told she couldn't make them gay couples.
Anyway, my rambling will start with one character that was screwed over hard in IDW and really deserves more of a chance to shine, especially given how nice his Haslab and third-party figures are. I'll probably do this for other characters later. So let's start with the biggest victim of IDW's writing - Star Saber.
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Star Saber is someone who got a REALLY bad look in IDW thanks to his characterization being based on the one from James Roberts's shitty fanfic, to the point Hasbro has essentially done an about-face with him everywhere else. Knowing that Hasbro won't return to the insane religious fundamentalist that he was mutilated into is already a relief. Still, there is something to the idea that if Optimus and presumably Rodimus aren't going to be gone for volumes at a time as the leader of the Autobots, there may be another role Star Saber can fit into in the Energon Universe.
Swordsman/Master of Metallikato -
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One of the ideas in Transformers lore that has existed since the Furman run of the 1980s but has surprisingly never been elaborated on, even in IDW, was the idea of Metallikato. Metallikato is supposed to be a mysterious Cybertronian martial art thought lost to the ages, until the Decepticon Bludgeon began bragging to everyone within earshot that he was a master of the art, a combination of bare-handed fighting techniques and swordplay. While on occasion you get a Bot or Con who claims training in it, like Drft for example, it rarely gets elaborated on in any meaningful way.
Maybe it's my love of martial arts movies talking, but the idea of an ancient martial art in the tradition of kung fu movies being used to turn the tide of a civil war has a lot of potential. Star Saber being a master of Metallikato along with others, wondering if he should lend his blade to a partisan cause, only to find that bots like Bludgeon and Drift have made that choice for him. From there there's a ton of ideas that could sprawl from that, both sides wanting to train new Metallikato practitioners, the philosophical issues with lending a blade to a partisan cause, or the idea that a master would want power for themselves.
As an aside, if he were to show up in Earthspark, Saber training one of the Terrans in the mastery of Metallikato seems like it would be a pretty natural fit. Then again, considering what the rejected script with Drift looked like, I doubt they were entertaining such a notion.
The Single Dad in the galaxy -
While Star Wars may have abused the utter hell out of the framework of Lone Wolf and Cub since The Mandalorian became a hit (Bad Batch and Obi-Wan both try to replicate the core idea to much less success) one of the bigger parts of Star Saber's original characterization (which was ignored by IDW like everything else) was that he was essentially a father with an adopted child. A human child, named Jan.
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The second episode of Transformers Victory actually has Star Saber doing paperwork to get Jan into a private school.
While, as noted before, the idea of a lone warrior traveling with a kid has been used a lot in recent years, there are definitely a lot of ways this could be taken that would be new to Transformers. The human element (or another alien if the EU goes that route) forcing Star Saber to interact with other people a lot more than he would have to otherwise. Hard to be the straight-laced, serious sword guy when you're worrying about your adopted kid being able to socialize with others and get an education. At the same time, there's definitely a lot of comedy to be milked out of such a setup. You just know the other Bots would groan whenever Saber shows pictures of his son.
The Super Robot Parody/Reconstruction -
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Simon Furman, the quintessential Transformers writer guy, has been writing a lot of stuff for the mobile game Transformers: Earth Wars (and he also helped to write the script for the Earthspark game). In it, he has Star Saber as an active character, but as something of a worrywart/blowhard whose speeches about JUSTICE and other platitudes oftentimes rub his Autobot compatriots the wrong way. Then he fights and everyone is quickly reminded why he's the head instructor of the Autobot's War Academy.
As I mentioned in another post, the idea of a super robot parody is not one that Transformers has ever really dealt with despite having super robot elements in past shows, and Bang Brave Bang Bravern showing the potential of such a concept. Granted, I don't see Star Saber being nearly as...affectionate as Bravern can be, but the fact that Transformers hasn't played around with this parody concept outside of some flavor text in a mobile game few want to whale for is something that you think would have potential. Is he genuine about it or is this something he thinks is cool? How do the other Bots and Cons react? How do the humans? And what happens when they underestimate him and the end result has them lose to the weirdo?
Like I said before, I get not wanting to have the straight leader archetype if you're not planning to get rid of Optimus or Rodimus. But with the religious extremist angle having been rejected by just about everybody, there are ways to make Star Saber work in the Energon Universe and other animated material.
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king-of-wrath · 1 year
I like to think that the Exorcists are Hazbin's antagonists not because Heaven is intolerant of non-cis non-straight non-Abrahamic people or because Vivzie's declaring "religion bad" in cartoon form, but because Heaven sees morality in terms of absolutes: that is, if you do x or y even once, you're evil, you go to Hell and you can NEVER be forgiven
Consider the characters we've actually seen be denied entrance to Heaven (yes, these are Helluva characters and Helluva is a spin-off, but unless Vivzie declares "Helluva's a side project I'm doing just for fun, it's unrelated to Hazbin and its lore doesn't mirror Hazbin lore", we can reference Helluva):
Mayberry was a passionate teacher who's spent years being a positive role model for children, but she was damned because she murdered her husband in a fit of rage. Heaven didn't take into account the good deeds she had done and instead judged her for that one wrongful act. Her kindness to children, her inspiring them to do good and whatever good deeds those children would go on to do didn't matter---she killed someone and is therefore irredeemable
Cleetus, Keenie and Collin were cherubs who committed themselves to saving souls, but were banished from Heaven because one person was killed in an accident. They consoled a suicidal man, convincing him that life was worth living and that he could spend the remainder of his life (and his vast wealth) in service to others. But despite the fact they accomplished their mission (and who knows how many others prior to this), they were banished. It didn't matter that they were fighting literal hellspawn trying to steal his soul, they failed to protect someone and for that, they are forbidden from returning home
As Alastor said in the Hazbin pilot, the very reason sinners are sent to Hell is to be punished. However, the annual purges began because Hell was "too overpopulated" and Heaven saw fit to kill rather than forgive. The Exorcists don't bother to check who they kill or what their victims' sins were---because in their minds, everyone in Hell is terrible and no matter why they were sent to Hell, they deserve total oblivion
If Exorcists ever got to Mayberry, she would be destroyed without a second thought. The two scientists whose experiments killed untold numbers of impoverished people would also be destroyed, but that's IF they were caught
We see Wally Wackford employ the scientists and understandably, he wouldn't want to lose his new inventors. We also see Valentino, Velvet and Vox surviving the annual purge---presumably because of the wealth and power they possess (along with others in the pilot). The scientists would be protected from the purge, having a serious advantage over Mayberry
But the Exorcists' job is to kill everyone they can within a certain time limit. They don't spend their time attacking fortified buildings or pursuing Hell's worst, they just kill whoever isn't in shelter when the purge begins
We don't know if there's an actual quota the Exorcists have, but they place importance on quantity---that is, the number of souls purged. The more souls are purged, the more space is freed. If they can get the two scientists, that's great. But if given the choice between a defenseless Mayberry and two well-defended scientists, they'd kill Mayberry. Two worse sinners would survive and one potentially forgivable sinner would be lost forever
So Charlie reveals her plan to handle the overpopulation and end the purges: to rehabilitate sinners in the hopes that they'd be admitted to Heaven, thus reducing Hell's population. Her biggest hurdle, however is actually making a sinner worthy of redemption in the eyes of Heaven
If Heaven thought there was even a possibility that sinners could be reformed, they'd give Hell a stay of execution to test Charlie's theory. If Heaven believed sinners could be reformed, they'd send Charlie help. But so far, Heaven isn't pausing the purges or helping reform sinners---instead, they're ordering the destruction of countless souls every year and do so without much guilt
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wizardofrozz · 9 months
Hi again and so sorry for the intrusion but I had a dream about Sawbones last night (probably perused from my first Plo fic) and I have questions! So you confirmed he pulls the Kix 'I out rank you' card and I'm still shaken by this xD ♥
Of the boys, what are your thoughts or how does Saw handle treating them while on a mission (with legroom to work with)?
Wolffe will try to brush out minor injuries.
Sinker being a little shit and overly dramatic while treating Wolffe and is all "Well, I guess at this rate, I'm gonna die. I mean, it's not like I've been hit in the chest or anything." He didn't get hit in the chest, he's just my downer baby and I love him.
Boost being an annoying little shit going over Saw's medkit and be like "do you need anything? Does this help? Is this bacta? Can I do it myself?"
Comet constantly leaving and returning like "Is it my turn yet? No, okay? How about now? My turn? What, not yet? Okay, how about now?"
Warthog just very invasively looming over Saw's shoulder watching him treat Wolffe and it is in such a way that he is literally hovering. Chest almost touching Saw's back but very close, his head is literally over Saw's shoulder.
Plo out here trying not to laugh because he's too proud seeing all his boys alive and he's just there force healing himself because you know, he won't do it to his men when Saw's around because it's his purpose and Plo respects that ♥
Plo's just all:
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I fucking love talking about this man and I will happily welcome any and all questions! Also I love that he's already left his mark on you 🥺💕
Okok this is going to get long lol
Wolffe: I wholeheartedly agree that Wolffe is one to brush off injuries, especially when other members of the pack are injured as well. However, Saw does not have the patients or people skills to give a shit. He's threatened Wolffe at blaster point it was on stun...but Wolffe didn't know that. Saw refuses to take Wolffe's shit which had led to the I outrank you line on multiple occasions and Wolffe is pissy about it every time. Although, when it's truly important, Wolffe trusts Saw unequivocally to help him. I think I mentioned that Saw was the medic that worked on and helped Wolffe recover after he lost his eye and that's a time his commander won't forget.
Sinker: Oh man, Saw and Sinker don't really get along all that well 😂 of course, Saw would lay down his life for Sinker and vise versa but on a personal level...Saw wants to strangle him. This reminds me of a headcanon I have for Saw that makes me cackle everytime I think about it (I have to remember to share it because it's hilarious). Anyway lol Saw has even less patience for Sinker's theatrics and will straight up tell him yes you're going to die and Sinker can't tell if he's serious or not. He also doesn't know if it's will be because of his injuries or because Saw's going to suffocate him.
Boost: Oh poor Boost drives him fucking ape shit too. Saw is very particular about his things (this stems from more lore I plan on making a post about in the near future) and Boost just touching his things makes his eye twitch. Also, no, Boost can not do it himself. That might actually send Saw to an early grave.
Comet: Saw wants to glue his ass to a chair so he sits still before he hurts himself worse. Comet constantly being on the move stresses Saw out so it finally get to the point that if Comet's hurt, he gets treated first as long as there's no life-threatening injuries. And if he can't be treated first, Saw secretly enlists Plo's help to keep Comet in one spot.
Warthog: Oh lord. Saw can't stand being touched for extended periods of time without his permission (another things that stems from his past) but he struggles with threatening Warthog to get away from him for one reason. Plainly, Saw is a fucking nerd. This man has memorized the anatomical structures and physiological make up of over a dozen species because he finds it interesting. If you think he's too quiet, ask him a question about wookie muscle mass and he won't shut up. As irritating as having Warthog hovering over his shoulder is, Saw likes to share the knowledge he has so Warthog showing an interest would probably help in Saw letting the contact slide.
Bonus - Plo: It means a lot that Plo respects him and his abilities because it wasn't always like that when he was on Kamino. But, if Saw can get his hands on Plo, he prefers to patch him up. Not that he doesn't trust the Force, but he feels like he owes it to their general to look after him too with how often he throws himself into harms way for them. Saw would never say as much but under his grumbling, Plo knows it comes from a place of love and will indulge his CMO.
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