#Chazz writes
chazzaroo47 · 1 day
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Pre-order link is now live! You can order the ebook of One Smile More, my poly vampire dark histroical fantasy based in Victorian London! Regular mutuals will have seen so many posts about Ena and my various shenanigans getting her done, but now she bursts into the world soon.
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aberooski · 28 days
Listen, Atticus is allowed to be mad. He's allowed because Alexis is his sister. But the rest of the squad can fuck right off being mad at Chazz for her being in the Society of Light because at the point in the season when they're dealing with getting her back, THEY KNOW FULL WELL that Chazz was brainwashed at the time and has no memory of anything that happened over the last like few MONTHS. That's established during his duel with Jaden when he wakes up from the brainwashing and doesn't even know what's going on right then and there. His memory stops after being defeated by Sartorius and restarts in the middle of dueling Jaden months later. He was not in control of his actions or thoughts when he dueled her. Now I'm not saying he is entirely absolved of guilt because of that, but he deserves to be given some grace by the others about it.
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 9 months
bits of a future gx story i'm working on :P i think i ate with this one tbh
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bluggluglfgh · 1 month
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so i found my lost fountain pen
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axlthepterodaxl · 1 month
A Chance Meeting.
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Beep boop another yugioh gx!Axelle short fic.
Pre-scar writing ooooooooh
Chatter and laughter filled the banquet hall, accompanied by the occasion chime of overly fancy glasses holding overly expensive champagne. Or, at least, that’s what Axel assumed; her glass was filled with sparkling cider. She watched the people flitting around her, donning the most elegant, name-brand attire to contrast their faux personalities.
Axel was hardly any different; however, she was wearing a royal blue dress that barely reached her knees, and a pearl white ribbon held her hair up, matching her short Mary Janes. She stood by the wall, out of the way and, hopefully, out of sight of the other guests. She hardly wanted to be there, and it was apparent on her face that she was bored and tired after the day's prior events. However, anyone who managed to catch her eye was met with a polite smile regardless.
‘This is stupid… What’s the point of me even being here?’
Axel grumbled inwardly, taking a sip of her cider. Her father had been invited to this formal social event… Function… Gathering- Whatever it was, he was called to it, and Axel just had to come along. It’s not like she got a break from her studies and tests; she just had to make time for them while preparing to take a flight to who-gives-a-crap and make an appearance here. Axel didn’t even get to pick her outfit! At this point, she was just tired and ready to retire to the hotel room, and it wasn’t helping that she was starting to feel like someone was watching her. A glance around gave her the answer when she caught a pair of dark gray eyes staring her way.
A ways away stood a boy with raven black hair, and when she caught his eye, he quickly glanced away, joining whatever conversation he was in with the two other boys around him. Axel took a moment to observe him; he wore formal attire like all the others, but it was notably not as strict as the other men's suits. The entire outfit was different shades of gray, with a dark gray vest over a light gray collared shirt accompanied by a pair of gloves, but his collar was loose, and he didn’t have a tie. And with that brief moment of curiosity, Axel lost interest and simply stared at the bubbles in her drink until a few people dancing got a little too close to where she was lingering, forcing her to move.
“Gods above-”
She grumbled as she begrudgingly moved out into the open of the event hall, looking around for another secluded spot to hide in. As she did, she felt eyes on her once again and sensed someone approaching her from behind. She snapped her head to the side and glared from the corner of her eye, finding the boy she’d noticed staring at her earlier. He was giving her the same uninterested look from earlier, and she returned it as she turned to him fully.
“Hey,” he spoke with his voice low, vaguely gesturing to their surroundings, “this your first time to one of these?” This time, he smirked; the condescension was evident this time. Axel slowly looked him up and down, making him wait before responding. Rich snobs hate that based on her experience. “No, but I wish it was my last.” She retorted, sipping on her cider again. His brow raised, clearly not expecting that response. “Most people would do anything to attend just one of these,” he pointed out with annoyance yet slight curiosity. Axel shrugged, raising her brows a little, “weren’t you also just lingering in the corner, avoiding the party yourself?” she responded, gesturing to where he was standing previously, a slight smirk on her lips, “doesn’t exactly seem like you wanna be here either.”
After that, it was followed by awkward silence, although Axel had at least a drink to occupy her mouth. Until it ran dry, and she was simply holding an empty glass. As Axel looked around them, she noticed more couples starting to dance as if it were some sort of ball. She tried not to let her distaste show, but it grew as the dancing continued and slowly seemed to surround them. “Well, if this keeps up, we'll be the ones standing out.” The boy said, finally speaking again after their spell of silence. When Axel turned to him once again, he begrudgingly held his hand out to her. She stared at his hand momentarily before looking at his face, narrowing her eyes. He looked annoyed, but he held her gaze as if challenging her. Rolling her eyes, she set her empty glass on a nearby table and took his hand with a soft scoff.
The dancing was even more awkward than the silence. They had to keep pace with the music, so they moved slowly, and their arms stayed stiff to avoid getting too close to each other. “So…” Axel sighed inwardly as the rich boy tried to start another conversation. Though, it was better than dancing in uncomfortable silence. “You basically said you don’t wanna be here. Where would you rather be?”
“Literally anywhere else.”
Axel had to stop and think about her options. There were plenty of places, in bed, at a gym, hell, she’d even take her regular dueling simulations over this. “Specifically, I guess I’d rather be dueling.” The boy actually laughed at her response and gave her that same condescending smirk from earlier, “you?” He snickered, “yeah, I’m sure you’re quite the duelist.” Axel scowled a little as he continued to mock and taunt her, and she made a point of accidentally stomping on his foot. “Whoops. Guess you should pay attention to where you're putting your feet.” He glared at her scornfully, and she gave him a smug smirk in return. 
The rest of their dance was full of the same snarky remarks, sneering, and the occasional “misstep” in an attempt to step on the other's foot. “You stomp like a wuss,” Axel snickered, earning another glare from the boy, but he seemed slightly amused now. “Do you have any idea who I am?”
“You forgot your own name? That’s just sad…”
“You- Tch! Think you’re funny, huh? I’ll have you know I’m the youngest son of the Princeton family! Chazz Princeton, you’d do well to remember that.”
Axel barely held back a snort of laughter at his egotistical introduction, unable to take him seriously. Was he for real? There’s no way. Chazz scowled, obviously dissatisfied with her reaction, “What the hell is so funny, huh?” He hissed, and Axel rolled her eyes, feigning ignorance, “The Princeton family, huh? Can’t say I’ve heard of them…” she denied with a shrug and a smirk, watching the arrogant rich boy get angrier and angrier with smug satisfaction. Rich snobs were so easy to piss off.
“Well, who the hell are you exactly?” Chazz snapped, his gray eyes narrowing as he scrutinized her face more than she’d like. The question itself made her stall; she wasn’t exactly planning to give out her name at this event. ‘Who says I need to answer? “Proper etiquette?” I never asked for his stupid name!’ They both slowed their, what could hardly be called a dance, to a complete stop as Axel stalled, weighing her options with increasing difficulty as Chazz simply stared her down. Dude, blink.
“I’m…” With noticeable hesitation, Axel began to introduce herself… Only to be suddenly interrupted by a shouting voice from across the banquet hall.
“Oi!” That was her father’s voice, and she spotted him from over Chazz’s shoulder with a quick look around, waving to get her attention. He was standing amongst a few other guests, and it was evident that her suspicions of those glasses being full of champagne were spot on, based on his slightly flushed face and less than elegant behavior, yelling across the room to her like he was. “Come here, my daughter! I have someone I’d like you to meet!” She stepped back and away from Chazz at his words, pulling her hand away with a soft hum.
“Excuse me.” Axel sighed and breezed past him, obediently striding to her father's side. He set his hand on her shoulder and began boasting about her skills and abilities to his colleagues. With a polite smile, she shook their hands and otherwise remained silent while her father spoke. Her gaze drifted back to where she had previously been standing with Chazz, finding he’d returned to the group he’d been talking with beforehand.
The rest of the night was uneventful, to say the least. “Rich boy” Chazz Princeton didn’t make another appearance, and thanks to that interaction, everything else was dull in comparison.
She’d probably never see that guy again. Too bad. He was a little entertaining.
Bonus unfiltered and uncropped pics of the babies
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lumeha · 6 months
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Armed Dragon & Ojamas Characters: Armed Dragon Thunder LV10, Ojama Trio (Yu-Gi-Oh) Additional Tags: Zine: YGO Dragons, Annoyed Armed Dragon, Annoying Ojama Trio, Somehow A Truce Is Found, First Meetings, How Do I Tag
Three . . . creatures are huddled together, too close to him for comfort. Three weak, small card spirits are standing in front of him, “discreetly” glancing at him from time to time while gesturing toward him and wondering who this “newcomer” is. The name of their duelist comes back and back again, the only clear thing coming out of their mouth.
(The spirit of the Armed Dragon meets with the Ojama Brothers)
The fic I wrote for the YGO Dragons zine (by @aygozineproduction) is up on AO3 ! If you want to read about the shenanigans happening when the Armed Dragon meets the Ojama Brothers for the first time, I am here to give it to you :D
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
What is a fic, if not a pile of your most vehement and most ungodly specific headcanons all duct-taped together?
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“im so normal over them” i say as i lay hunched over my ipad furiously scribbling away “i am soooo normal over them”
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nettleshuttle · 1 year
i was listening to thunder (imagine dragons) when i thought of manjoume (for obvious reasons) and then realized the lyrics fit his character practically to the letter. it started as a joke, but, bro, i don’t think it’s a joke anymore
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chazzam · 2 years
Greetings and salutations! Happy Pride Month to all! I’m not sure if anyone is really following me on here anymore, but if so, I’m looking for a bit of assistance with some upcoming fic.
So I’ve been focusing on the 3rd book in my series (I know it’s taking 6ever and a day, but it’s been a weird few years and I really am on a roll with it as of late), BUT. I have watched Heartstopper an alarming number of times, it has seriously gotten under my skin and made me grapple with shit around my bisexual identity I thought I had long since laid to rest, and now my brain has started to flat-out DEMAND that I write Heartstopper fic with a ferocity I haven’t experienced since the early days of Klaine. I already loved the web comic/graphic novels, but something about the show has created an itch in my emotional core that that I know only writing fic can scratch. So that’s what I’m gonna do. Which brings me to my request.
I’m looking for a British beta to take a pass at my fics before I post them, so they can hopefully sound more authentic and less like they were written by the blundering American douchebag that I am. I don’t require any feedback/editing help beyond that (not that it wouldn’t be welcome, it’s just not necessary and I do need to devote most of my writing time to my actual book), I just need someone who is British, and is either young enough or around young people enough to have a reasonable grasp of age-appropriate slang, word choices, etc.
I probably won’t write anything epic (at least, not in the immediate future), so this wouldn’t be a ton of reading, but I’m definitely gonna be posting some shorter canon-y fics very soon. If I don’t find a volunteer to help Brit-ify my fics I’ll most likely post them anyway, they probably just won’t be as good.
Anyway, message me if you’re interested! If I get more than one response, I will probably just go with whomever I hear from first. And thank you so much in advance to anyone that might be able and willing to do me this enormous favor! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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moddeerling · 1 year
Updated it!
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chazzaroo47 · 3 months
47k, 47k, e-i-adio, 47k!
This is a root canal of a book to draft but at least it is going.
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aberooski · 11 months
Fuck it.
Random Yugioh GX headcanon dump!
I've posted about some of these at various points in the past in more detail but yknow 😌
All in no particular order of course, just the order they pop put of my brain lol
Syrus is actually really smart, but school is hard for him because of anxiety
Alexis is the spitting image of her and Atticus's mom
Jesse's favorite song of all time is Our Song by Taylor Swift
They're all varying degrees of Swiftie
Crowler's favorite show is The Golden Girls
Jaden will accidentally burn down the kitchen if they let him try to cook anything
Syrus, Alexis, Atticus, and Zane all knew each other pre-series. Or at the very least knew of each other since Atticus and Zane were already friends.
Syrus is afraid of storms but actually really likes gentle rain
Bastion was always insecure about his skills and needed and craved validation and recognition from others
Chazz has a hard time expressing and understanding emotions and distinguishing different kinds of love and care because his family is so emotionally distant with each other
Chazz and Alexis are platonic soulmates he's just confused by the platonic part. They love each other but are not in love with each other.
On that note, when Chazz is able to finally move on from Alexis, they develope and almost brother/sister relationship
Alexis suffers from separation anxiety and paranoia after Atticus returns because she's so scared of him getting hurt or being taken away from her again
Jaden is so protective of his friends because he didn't have any as a kid after the whole Yubel debacle even though doesn't remember Yubel for a while so he desperately wants to keep the ones he has now at any cost and keep them from getting hurt because people have been hurt because of him Yubel in the past and doesn't want to go through that whole rigamarole again. Also because he just loves his friends, but that's a given.
Syrus has a scar from being bit by the duplicate Camula in episode 32
Chazz has scars from being abused by his brothers. Only Atticus has ever actually seen them.
Hassleberry has chronic pain because of his dinosaur leg that he hides so the others won't worry about him
The J-Squad never told Hassleberry about a lot of stuff that went down in season 1
Atticus is uncomfortable in the dark and has trouble sleeping when he returns so he sleeps with at least one light on every night
Atticus's positive and silly personality and quirks and eccentricities are all genuine and authentic, but they've also become a coping mechanism for his trauma after his return
Hassleberry is a massive Dolly Parton fan
Hassleberry's seen every movie Dolly is in. Steel Magnolias makes him cry every time.
Syrus doodles on stuff in class and like on his notes and homework and stuff. It's something he does to help him focus and think
Bastion actually really likes classic movie musicals. His favorite musical is My Fair Lady
Chazz says that he has a dog at home in the dub, but it's the family dog. He's more of a cat person.
Atticus, Chazz, and Alexis are a Sun, Moon, Star trio respectively.
Hassleberry and Chazz are the biggest hopless romantics, actually
Both Crowler and Alexis's favorite movie is Titanic
Atticus can play any and all stringed instruments. If it has strings, he can play it. But his best instrument is the guitar.
Atticus hosts weekly campfire jam sessions for the J-Squad down at the beach. He pulls out an acoustic and just plays songs for them to sing and have fun together
On that note, every single one of them can sing. All of those kids have vocals for days.
Chazz and Atticus have sleepovers dates every Saturday night where they get together and watch movies. Atticus usually picks and makes Chazz watch musicals and romcoms and chick flicks.
Chazz actually enjoys musicals, especially watching them with Atticus. Hence his quoting Bye Bye Birdie during his duel with Adrian.
Atticus's favorite movie is Singin' In The Rain
Atticus does a lot of dumb shit in attempts to impress Chazz or otherwise get his attention
Syrus takes more after his and Zane's mom, while Zane takes more after their dad. Hence her saying Sy's the one who got the looks 😌
Jaden doesn't even know what sexuality means let alone what his is. His sexuality is Jesse.
Jaden's mom is a pianist
Chazz's family is all sooo much older than his is. For example, his brothers are at minimum ten years older than he is.
The worst familial relationship Chazz has is with his brothers. He's his mom's favorite, and he just doesn't really have a relationship with his dad at all. Cold, distant rich old businessman dad y’know?
Chazz wasn't necessarily an accident, but I don't think they planned on having another kid so long after the first 2 either.
Chazz's brothers manipulate their parents' perception of them and their relationship with Chazz so they don't know how bad things actually are with the three of them
Jaden thinks it's really silly and fun that his and Chazz's birthdays are the bookends of the month of August since they're rivals and stuff
Chazz has naturally cold hands
One time after graduation the kids got Crowler a father's day gift kind of as a joke. But it made him so happy they get him a group gift every year. They got him a world's best dad mug
Everyone crashed the next year's graduation so they could see Hassleberry graduate number 1 in his class 🥺
That's all for now!
Part 2
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 8 months
10 Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
for any Gx pair of your choosing!
Tbh was half expecting you to send something in for thunderstruckshipping, but the ship I’m choosing is GX Rivalshipping cause it’s ma fave!!
Ask game
Jaden and Chazz do share a few interests! Dueling is obvious, I think. It’s brought them together in so many ways, after all, the first thing Chazz did was challenge Jaden to a duel at midnight as if that ISNT questionable for a man to ask another man. Chazz keeps wondering how he’s failed to defeat Jaden even though his deck (in my humble opinion) is trash, but Jaden doesn’t really know, he’s just vibing!!!
I think Chazz would like to bake, too. Although he isn’t very good at cooking. Jaden is trying to learn more about it so they can bond more, but honestly he just ends up having chazz do all the work so he can take the biggest slice of the cake at the end. Chazz may act like he hates it, but he doesn’t mind much
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yugiohlesbians · 2 years
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been working on trans manjoume
maybe someday i will finish a ygo fic 😔
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tagged by @thesingularityseries @cloudofbutterflies92 @kyber-infinitygems @jackiesarch @adflictionem @ivymarquis @g0dspeeed over the last few weeks, thank you all <3
tagging: @adelaidedrubman @roofgeese @wrathfulrook @quantum-lover @henbased @galaxyfish @cloudofbutterflies92 @nowandthane @chloekistune @aceghosts @amalkavian @fourlittleseedlings @harmonyowl @finding-comfort-in-rain @carlosoliveiraa @mccarthycormac @chazz-anova @galaxycunt @skoll-sun-eater @shellibisshe @cassieuncaged @nightbloodbix @voidika @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @inafieldofdaisies @clicheantagonist @strafethesesinners @afarcry5fromstraight @statichvm @derelictheretic @marivenah @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @v0idbuggy @direwombat @florbelles @shallow-gravy @cassietrn @strangefable @stacispratt
(tumblr please let my tags work challenge 2024)
I have been struck by a mighty need to draw an au idea out that I may or may not ever write, but it sure exists in my head now. Ladyhawke AU for Price and Rory (bear man and his lamb wife) and it's making me gnaw at my hands. Medieval fantasy au for them, yes please (i am very normal and not insane)
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