#Corsets and Crinolines
lillywillow · 1 year
Corsets and Crinolines
Summary: Bucky helps you prepare for a book launch
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 1127
 Square Filled: C3- Free Space
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader  
 Warnings: None
 You had recently hit popularity when one of the novels you wrote won an award for historical excellence and your publisher thought it would be a good idea if you were seen in public so when you received an invitation to one of Tony Stark’s elite parties, you had to go. That is where you met Bucky for the first time, looking just as out of place as you felt. You struck up a conversation and it wasn’t long before you were getting along famously. Bucky explained that romance wasn’t really his thing but when you explained that you often carried strong feminist themes throughout, he became a little more interested. After the party, you kept in touch with him and before long, you were dating. When you became a little more serious, you took him to France to do research for a new book you were working on. It was going to be about a young woman in the court of Marie Antoinette who falls in love with a soldier right before the French Revolution.
 Weeks passed and eventually you had a full book written. While it was being edited, you made yourself your very own Rococo inspired dress to wear to the book launch. Bucky thoroughly enjoyed himself while he was in France and was happy to listen to you bounce ideas off him, even helping you come up with ideas for how the couple should end up together. He was the first person you showed the finished copy to. Bucky finished it within a week. He would have finished it sooner if it weren’t all the distractions of the others. Although he wasn’t a big fan of crowds, Bucky was excited when you invited him to the big launch.
 Finally, the night of the book launch arrived. You decided to arrive much earlier to prepare your elaborate costume. Before you left, you styled your hair in a popular one from 18th century France and put on the very basics in preparation. Bucky helped to carry in the extra pieces.
 “So, what do you need first?” Bucky asked.
 “First, I start with the under petticoat,” you explained, pointing to the plain looking skirt.
 Bucky helped you to put it over you and you tied it up.
 “Next?” he questioned.
 “The stays, the corset that is…”
 Bucky handed the item to you, watching in fascination as you laced it up, before adding a piece you called a ‘stomacher’ and placed it in the middle.
 “You’re not… crushing your ribs or anything in that, are you?” Bucky worriedly asked.
 You smiled at his concern.
 “No, Bucky. This type of corset is not designed for waist training which is why it goes over the chemise; that’s the under dress. It’ll also offer protection for one of the upcoming steps. Also, these ribbons help to hold the shoulders back and adjust the posture,” you clarified, showing him the ones in question.
 Bucky nodded and waited for his next instruction.
 “Next, the pannier. That’s the hoop things.”
 Bucky helped you to place it around your hips. You had made yours a little wider to match the fashion on the time which meant you couldn’t get through a doorway without going sideways.
 “The outer petticoat comes next…”
 You had designed this one to be a little fancier and a little more ruffled than the one before. Bucky assisted in getting it over the pannier and arranged it so it would sit nicely.
 “Hand me my pin cushion,” you requested.
 Bucky held it for you as you pinned another stomacher in place. This one had fancy stacks of bows to match the petticoat.
 “You see, this is where the boning from the stays come in handy. Stops the pins from stabbing me,” you assured him.
 “Lastly, the gown,” you stated.
 Bucky assisted in placing it on your shoulders like a jacket and adjusted it where it needed to be around the hips. With a few more pins, you had it securely on.
 “What do you think?” you asked with a twirl.
 Bucky was in awe.
 “Wow… all those layers for something that looks like just one dress…”
 “That’s why I wanted to get here so early. It takes a lot of time to get the look just right. Thanks for your help,” you smiled.
 “Anytime… are you going to be able to sit in that?” Bucky voiced his concern.
 “Well… The panniers do have a little more give than their successor the crinoline… I may need some help getting into a chair…”
 Bucky smiled a little.
 “I’m always happy to help…”
 A little while later, the book launch was in full swing. You explained about your dress and how it was something the heroine in your story might have worn. People asked you questions which you were always happy to answer.
 “Miss L/N, is the character’s love interest based on a real historical figure?” someone asked.
 “Actually, he’s based on someone very dear to me…”
 There were more questions asked, getting a little more personal in nature but your publisher stepped in to direct the attention back to the book. Bucky couldn’t help but blush as he suddenly realised he was the inspiration for the soldier in the book. He was a dashing man with brunette hair, blue eyes and had lost his left arm in the Napoleonic wars. Bucky also became flustered as he remembered some of the more intimate scenes. Eventually, it all wound down and Bucky helped you to reverse the complicated process of dressing.
 “What did you think about that?” you asked, once you were dressed in something more comfortable.
 “You were amazing up there!” he praised, making you feel all warm inside. “Was I really the inspiration behind the soldier character?”
 Now it was your turn to feel flustered.
 “Well, yeah… when you have the perfect inspiration, it’s hard not to use it…” you admitted. “I was actually thinking of another book set in France… if you’d like to come with me again…”
 “All that time with you, the beauty of France and all that luxury? Count me in,” Bucky smiled, moving in to kiss you softly.
 Your travels with Bucky took you all over the world. With every book launch, he was there to help you put on your period piece costumes and you even convinced him to model some of the male counterparts. Bucky would forever be the dashing hero from your stories ready to sweep you off your feet no matter what you were wearing or what country you were in.
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dryndelicate · 4 months
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Next combo: Wicker Corsets & Crinolines
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toesuckler · 8 months
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didnt get any good photos of my full outfit but please trust that my skirt was huge and my demonias were on
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Just once I should get to wear a complete victorian style outfit. Just once
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risenwraith · 9 months
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An 1860s style gown sewn and worn for a witch's hallowe'en ball. I did not have time to iron the stupid skirt before we had to set up, so the outfit was not as elegant as it should have been!
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zeehasablog · 1 year
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"The horrors of war" - N. Z. October 1864
A dance card for, then illustrated by Edward Arthur Williams (1824-1898)
Description: Ballroom scene at Government House, Auckland with soldiers partnering women in colourful ballgowns, a chandelier lighting the scene. The picture is attached to a green dance card belonging to the artist.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Dance card transcription (by me): Note: W=hand written; P=Printed on the card
[both pages have columns with numbered dances, and spaces to write engagements]
[under first headings:] [column one] [W:] Arrived at 9 - card has my [P:] 1. Quadrille [W:] (unintelligible) to Sir George & Mr Larkin [P:] 2. Waltz [W:] { observe the many lunatics & then [P:] 3. Galop [W:] with Miss D Lake ! [P:] 4. Lancers [W:] Miss Morel [P:] 5. Waltz [W:] Mrs Chapman [P:] 6. Quadrille [W:] Mrs Horan [P:] 7. P. Mazurka [W:] Ellen G. [P:] 8. Galop [W:] Mrs Munat [W:] (a charming Party) [column two] [P:] 9. Waltz [W:] Mrs Peak [P:] 10. Galop [W:] Mrs Cherry [P:] 11. Waltz [W:] ["Miss Morel" has been crossed out] [P:] 12. Quadrille [W:] [little scribble] [P:] 13. Waltz [W:] Miss Morel [P:] 14. Lancers [P:] { Supper with Beckam & Beak [P:] 15. Waltz [P:] Mrs Peak [P:] 16. Galop [P:] Mrs Chapman [W:] 1 a.m. God save the Queen & light a cigar for home
(I hope I got this all correct - Miss Morel MAY BE Miss Munat, but unsure.)
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wheresernie · 1 year
What my SCA outfit is gonna look like, roughly!
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we love a 16th century scottish outfit
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embroideryobsession · 2 months
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(via Alexander McQueen, Spring 2013. ~ )
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aahsoka · 5 months
every time i see a love action cinderella cosplayer put on like 10 petticoats over a crinoline im like . u know we invented that so u wouldnt have to do that right
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murcielagatito · 5 months
loooove reading about the history of clothing from white authors bc u get gems like this in the very first chapter makes me wanna dig up his corpse and use it like a piñata ill show u what fucking savage is u bitchass motherfucker
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dryndelicate · 3 months
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Next combo: Edwardian Ladies & Hair Care Routines
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pdxstitch · 9 months
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Red Victorian underthings from the V&A's collection:
Image 1: 1880s dressing gown trimmed with braid and lace
Image 2: 1860s red silk corset with embroidered lace trim
Image 3: 1860s red paisley quilted petticoat
Image 4: 1860s red cage crinoline
Image 5: 1890s red silk knit stockings with floral decoration
A reminder that the past was not black and white and was, in fact, full of sometimes eye-hurtingly bright colors.
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Et joyeux Noël hein
Je suis partie porter plainte au commissariat du 11e, cet après-midi ; le type qui habite en dessous de chez moi est venu me menacer et il forcé ma porte au motif que je ferais du bruit.
Tu veux dire : plus que toi ? Impossible.
Le nombre de types qui sont ravis de s'en prendre à toi quand tu n'as pas de bonhomme pour te défendre, quand tu ne peux compter que sur toi-même, est difficile à concevoir quand on n'est pas concerné. Mes jours de cynisme au carré, j'ai tendance à diviser les hommes en deux catégories : ceux qui refuseront de te frapper, justement parce que tu es une femme, et les types qui chercheront à te frapper, précisément parce que tu es une femme.
Par chance, j'avais un gros tournevis a la ceinture - je bricolais quand c'est arrivé. Quand ce connard s'est jeté sur moi pour m'empêcher de fermer la porte, je l'ai repoussé, j'ai empoigné le tournevis comme on m'avait appris à le faire - la pointe côté petit doigt - et j'ai levé ma garde à hauteur de sa trachée. Il a vraiment cru que j'allais lui trouer la carotide alors il a reculé en couinant et j'ai vu la peur passer dans ses yeux.
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Ce n'est pas le fait qu'il m'ait écrasée contre le mur avec la porte qui m'a mise hors de moi : j'étais tellement imbibée d'adrénaline que je l'ai à peine senti. Ce qui m'a mise hors de moi, c'est ce qu'il venait de me dire quelques secondes auparavant : Je vais appeler les flics et on va vous faire interner d'office. J'ai hurlé dans la cage d'escalier : PLUS JAMAIS TU ME TOUCHES SALE FILS DE PUTE. Il a reculé encore et j'ai vociféré de plus belle : PLUS JAMAIS TU LÈVES LA MAIN SUR MOI. PLUS JAMAIS TU RENTRES CHEZ MOI. Tout l'immeuble sur le palier, évidemment, c'est tellement plus intéressant que le bêtisier de Noël d'un coup (par contre, dès qu'il faut te donner un coup de main, il n'y a plus personne).
Je me souviens d'un sketch de Guy Bedos où il avait cette phrase ignoble : "Dans leurs têtes elles sont encore en crinoline ces connes". En parlant de nous. Je te renvoie le compliment vieille ganache : au fond de vous, vous restez des inquisiteurs. Dès qu'une femme vous tient tête, vous dévoyez justice et médecine pour la coller dans une cage. La vocation vous revient vite.
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Cette ordure m'avait couverte de bleus, alors j'ai fait établir un certificat et mon médecin traitant a haussé les épaules : "Tu imagines, si on internait d'office parce que la tête du voisin nous revient pas ? Il resterait plus grand monde dans les rues". Je suis ressortie épuisée de mon audition chez les flics - surtout des quatre heures d'attente avant - et j'ai été rouler sur le Périph, pour me vider la tête.
50 Cent disait You can find me in da club : plus maintenant.
Il y aurait beaucoup à dire sur le storytelling de la victime - la manière dont elle doit présenter les choses si elle veut être entendue. J'en sais un peu plus, maintenant, depuis le harcèlement qu'on a traversées, Rohra et moi, au Bureau des travaux. Mais là, j'avais juste envie de rouler, d'écouter Hejira et de ne penser à rien.
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oooocleo · 1 year
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butterfly fae design 👁️ i need to add a crinoline under their dress and detail the corset still!
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omgthatdress · 9 months
To get into the first looks that were made for Barbie, we need to understand the beauty and fashion of 1959.
1950s fashion existed under that shadow of World War II. Women of the war era were hardy, hard-working, and practical. Fashion was also extremely practical, using as little rationed material as possible. The silhouette was boxy, masculine and almost military, with big broad shoulders and knee-length skirts. Rationing and austerity continued in the years immediately following the war, but then in 1947, something miraculous happened:
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(The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Christian Dior created “The New Look.” Now okay, fashion in general had been leaning into this new silhouette and Dior was far from the only designer to be working with it, but his was the most copied and most iconic.
“The New Look” was a call back to the sumptuous femininity of the mid-Victorian era, bringing back tiny waists held in place by impossibly tight corsets and big, full skirts with crinolines and hoops. 
The silhouette was a return to classic femininity, but the materials garments themselves were pure modernity: a practical ensemble for a wealthy woman-on-the-go who was lunching with her friends in Paris.
Looking back at Barbie’s 1959 looks, Christian Dior’s fingerprints are all over them, but I see plenty of other designers in the mix, as well. It’s actually very easy to find near-matches of almost all of Barbie’s 1959 looks with a cover of Vogue from the 1950s. Barbie from the get-go was an idealized woman who existed in a world that was separate from the middle-class American suburbs that the little girls who played with her lived in.
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Looking at classic first-run Barbie, there’s honestly not a whole lot to say about the bathing suit look. I mean, yeah, that’s what fashionable women wore to the beach in the 1950s. Her buxom curvy body fit the idealized standards epitomized by Marilyn Monroe.
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Her face has the heavy makeup that was worn by French fashion models of the time.
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Arched, heavily-styled brows, eyeshadow, slightly winged eyeliner, mascara, and of course perfect red lips with matching mani and pedi. One of my pet peeves about vintage style is when people wear winged eyeliner as “50s housewife glam.” NO. Your average middle class American Mrs. Homemaker was not wearing that kind of makeup. Winged eyeliner in the 50s only had a small wing that accentuated the eyelashes, and was generally only worn by the high-fashion crowd. Maybe on a special extra glamorous date with Mr. Husband, but not to a church potluck. Anyway, end of rant, but you see that’s what Barbie is trying to emulate.
Her hair, however is different: the poodle hairstyle was one favored by teenage girls. Seen here on the squeaky-clean America’s sweetheart, Debbie Reynolds:
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The playful, youthful hair pulls her back and keeps her from being *too* grown-up. It’s the first step in the balancing act that Barbie has always pulled off with aplomb: to represent adulthood without being too far out of reach of children’s imaginations.
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