#Crisis Intervention Specialist
Early on a September afternoon, Santa Clara police officers Carlo Calupad and RJ Otico met Leonard Hodan, who was homeless, at Civic Center Park. By 3 p.m., Hodan had a place to stay, new clothes, a replacement for his lost phone was on the way and he had a stylish haircut. Read more at svvoice.com
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[...] Michael Arruda, a former Montreal police officer and specialist in crisis interventions, has said he is "very concerned" that guards used a spit hood and pepper spray at the same time. The spray creates a burning feeling, but if it enters the mouth, it can create a choking sensation, he said.
"I'm very concerned because there are two different tools for two different intervention strategies that are not supposed to be used together," Arruda said in a recent interview.
Eric Sutton, a criminal defence lawyer who's also calling for a public inquiry into the case, said the information presented might not be the whole picture.
"There might be a a very different perspective from other inmates who may have seen how this started and what transpired," he said. "And strangely, we have no suggestion that anyone has been interviewed but the prison staff, and that's not good enough."
Quebec's coroner's office will have to rule on the circumstances surrounding the death. [...]
Calls for public inquiry, release of video
On Jan. 7, the Red Coalition, a Montreal-based anti-racism group, called for a public inquiry on behalf of Spring's family.
At the time of the altercation, Spring was illegally detained. A judge had ordered his release on Dec. 23, but he and two other inmates were still in custody at the detention centre a day later.
Spring, the group said, was also receiving support with mental health issues at the time of his death.
Since the altercation, a manager and a prison guard have been suspended pending the results of several investigations, including from the provincial police (SQ) and the coroner's office.
Alain Babineau, director of racial profiling for the Red Coalition, has called for Spring's death to be examined through the lens of systemic racism.
The group made several other demands, including the release of any relevant detention centre footage to the family, if it exists, a public coroner's inquiry, an independent autopsy and the creation of a citizens' committee to oversee the Quebec correctional system.
The community no longer trusts the institutions, Babineau said at a news conference over the weekend.
According to the Red Coalition, the death of the young Black man is further evidence of systemic racism in Quebec. [...]
Continue Reading.
(The article itself contains a description of the alleged events according to prison staff, trigger warning for the violence and death).
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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lavenderleahy · 2 months
Curious about the literacy crisis in the US?
Taking a break from my regular fandom-centric posts to share this. If you're from the United States, you've probably heard of or witnessed the literacy crisis we are currently experiencing. There is a lot of discussion surrounding the causes of this. Covid, technology, failing schools, and TikTok have all been blamed.
But our literacy crisis didn't just begin in 2020. It's been happening for a very long time. Right now, only about 30% of 4th graders are reading proficiently. And another ~30% can't read at all. Roughly 22% of adults in the U.S.A. are functionally illiterate. What on earth is happening? If this has been going on for decades, TikTok can't be to blame.
Keep reading below the cut for a podcast recommendation about this topic.
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Emily Hanford, an education journalist, has been following this story for quite some time. One of her most valuable articles, titled "Hard Words: Why Aren't Kids Being Taught to Read?" was published in 2018 and can be found here. It made the details of the literacy crisis well-known and accessible to parents and the public. Here's a snippet from the article:
The teachers were talking about how kids should attack words in a story. When a child came to a word he didn't know, the teacher would tell him to look at the picture and guess. The most important thing was for the child to understand the meaning of the story, not the exact words on the page. So, if a kid came to the word "horse" and said "house," the teacher would say it's wrong. But, Harper said, "if the kid said 'pony,' it'd be right because pony and horse mean the same thing."
Harper was shocked. First of all, pony and horse don't mean the same thing. Second, the idea that you look at pictures and guess when you don't know a word seemed odd to her. "I wouldn't have been able to use that strategy at the secondary level," she said. There were no pictures in the books her high school students read.
If you're a proficient reader, you should be shocked, too. Guessing words based on the pictures? That is NOT reading. And yet, it is one common tool of an instructional method called the theee-cueing system. This method is dangerous and harmful to students who are at risk for poor reading or who have learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
But there is a better way!
In 2022, APM Reports produced a limited podcast titled Sold a Story, in which Emily Hanford discovers the widespread literacy crisis and its causes. Hanford also shares about a ln approach called structured literacy, which is an approach based in the science of reading. The process of learning to read has been heavily studied by educational researchers and neuroscientists alike, and so we know what instructional methods work! Sadly, the research has not made it any to every classroom. But Sold a Story is looking to change that.
The original podcast was 6 episodes long with two bonus episodes being released the following year. Sold a Story is releasing two more episodes, the first on Thursday, April 4, 2024. I highly recommend listening if you are a parent, teacher, or know a child in the public education system. This podcast will shock you, but I hope it will also provoke you to take action.
The only way to help our children read is to know better and do better. And that starts with knowing better.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I am a reading specialist with an endorsement in dyslexia intervention, so this is a topic about which I am very passionate.
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The Definitive Guide to Dublin Roofing Services: Keeping Your Shelter Intact
In Dublin's bustling cityscape, where history meets modernity, one constant is paramount: the need for reliable shelter. And any strong shelter has a strong roof. Whether you are a homeowner, property manager, or business owner, ensuring the integrity of your roof is vital to protecting your investment and providing a safe environment. This is where Dublin roofing services come into play, providing expertise in roof repair, maintenance and installation to keep your overhead protection in top condition.
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Roof Repair Dublin: Restore Strength and Durability
Dublin's unpredictable weather patterns, from torrential rain to gusty winds, can take a toll on roofs over time. From missing shingles to leaks and structural damage, roof repairs dublin are often necessary to maintain the structural integrity of your building. Professional roofing contractors in Dublin specialize in identifying and dealing with these issues promptly, preventing minor problems from becoming costly disasters. Whether it's a small residential roof or a large commercial structure, expert roofers use advanced techniques and quality materials to deliver long-lasting repairs that stand the test of time.
Roofing Contractors Dublin: Trusted Expertise at Your Service
When it comes to something as important as your roof, entrusting the job to skilled professionals is non-negotiable. Dublin boasts a plethora of roofing contractors renowned for their expertise, reliability and commitment to customer satisfaction. From routine inspections to complex repairs and installations, these contractors offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet your specific needs. Using their industry knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment, they ensure that your roof remains resilient against the elements while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your property.
Roof Repair South Dublin: Local Solutions, Global Standards
While Dublin's skyline may stretch far, the essence of the community lies in its neighbourhood. For South Dublin residents and businesses, local roofing services offer a personal touch combined with global standards of excellence Whether you're dealing with storm damage in Sandyford or seeking preventative maintenance in Tallaght, South Dublin Roofing Specialists prioritize prompt response times and attention to detail. By understanding the unique challenges posed by the area's geography and climate, they deliver solutions that exceed expectations.
Emergency Roof Repair Dublin: Quick Action in a Time of Crisis
Disasters strike without warning, and when it hits your roof, it's imperative to take quick action to minimize further damage. Whether it's a fallen tree limb, severe weather, or a sudden leak, emergencies demand immediate attention from experienced professionals. Emergency roof repair services in Dublin operate around the clock, ensuring that help is just a phone call away when you need it most. With fast response times and efficient solutions, these teams restore safety and peace of mind, minimizing disruption to your daily life or business operations.
In conclusion, Dublin roofing services play a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity, safety and longevity of properties across the city. Whether you need routine maintenance, minor repairs, or emergency intervention, it's best to entrust the task to reputable professionals. By partnering with skilled roofing contractors who prioritize quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, you can rest assured that your roof will continue to provide reliable protection for years to come. So, don't wait until the next storm hits—invest in the care and maintenance of your roof today and secure your shelter for tomorrow.
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alphaman99 · 7 months
from a friend
Over 70% of Americans Unwilling to Volunteer If There Is a Major War.
Polling carried out after the Hamas terror raid on Israel on October 7th found 72 percent of Americans would be unwilling to volunteer to serve in the military if America entered a major conflict, compared to just 21 percent who said they would. With the U.S. heavily involved in the Israel-Hamas war and the Russia-Ukraine war, still deeply enmeshed in Syria, and the possibility of an Indo-Pacific clash with China, the Echelon Insights findings suggest most Americans hold a more ‘America First’ view of foreign policy than the political establishment.
Need to Know.
Your free, daily feed of the best from The National Pulse.
The U.S. military has shrunk by 39 percent since 1987, and the Army and Air Force both missed their recruitment targets for 2023 by 10,000, while the Navy missed its target by 6,000. The situation could pose significant problems in terms of the country’s war readiness if it persists, with infantry soldiers being relatively easy to train in a crisis but pilots and naval specialists, for example, requiring years of instruction. Successive military interventions in the likes of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria have yielded questionable results, potentially turning off many recruits. The traditionally conservative-leaning young people the military has often relied on for manpower may also have been deterred by its intolerant attitude towards unvaccinated Americans in recent years, and senior officers’ promotion of far-left interests such as drag and “white rage”.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
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MGSV: The Official Guide
Trancription by: Nate (me)
In the top left-hand corner, there is a note reading in capital letters: TIMELINE: MAJOR EVENTS
The timeline begins at the left-hand page, near the top, and proceeds across both pages from right-to-left onward to the bottom of the page.
Birth of Big Boss (Real name John; nickname: Jack)
Birth of Ocelot
Boris Volgin secures the Philosophers’ Legacy in the aftermath of WWII. The Legacy falls in the hands of his son, Colonel Volgin, a few years later.
John (later known as Big Boss) begins training with The Boss.
Major Zero forms the FOX Unit, along with a classified unit (led by Skull Face) designed to back up FOX in utmost secrecy.
Operation Snake Eater: The Shagohod is destroyed, and both Colonel Volgin and The Boss are killed by Big Boss. Ocelot retrieves half of the Philosophers’ Legacy for America and brings it back to Zero.
Ocelot retrieves the second half of the Philosophers’ Legacy. Creation of Cipher by Zero, along with Big Boss. Ocelot and three others, an organization that plans to use the appropriated funds to spread the ideals they believe The Boss held dear.
Zero initiates the “Les Enfants Terribles” project.
Solid Snake and Liquid Snake are born as part of the “Les Enfants Terribles” project, followed by Solidus Snake. Big Boss permanently leaves Cipher and goes off on his own to build his army of mercenaries, recruiting Kazuhira Miller in the process.
Peace Walker Incident: Big Boss becomes entangled in a crisis that involves the CIA and the KGB with Cipher manipulating all parties in the background. It is but a plot designed by Major Zero to force Big Boss back to the Cipher fold. At the conclusion of the incident, Big Boss commands a large force stationed at Mother Base, and a Metal Gear with nuclear capabilities called ZEKE.
Ground Zeroes Incident: Falling afoul of a trap set by XOF commander, Skull Face, Big Boss mounts a critical rescue attempt that clears the way for a sneak attack that destroys Mother Base. Skull Face makes an unsanctioned assassination attempt on Big Boss, leaving him gravely wounded and comatose.
While Big Boss is in a coma, Skull Face, exploiting the expertise of biotech specialist Code Talker infects Zero with harmful parasites. Zero knows that he will not survive but buys himself a few years thanks to his connections and resources. Zero decides to create an A.I. system that will survive him and carry on his will- a system that would later evolve into The Patriots. The groundwork for the advanced A.I is designed by Dr. Strangelove.
A diminished Zero visits Big Boss during his coma. He will soon lose all cognitive functions and says goodbye to the man he still considers his dearest friend.
Dr. Strangelove who joined and married Huey Emmerich while he was working on the design of Sahelanthropus for Skull Face, gives birth to Hal ‘Otacon’ Emmerich
The Phantom Pain episode: Big Boss wakes up from his coma and leads a new army, the Diamond Dogs, to eliminate Skull Face in his attempt to wipe the English language from the face of the Earth using vocal cord parasite. Huey Emmerich, after multiple betrayals that led to the death of many Diamond Dogs soldiers, is banished from Mother Base. Eli, a child soldier extracted by Big Boss from Africa, escapes Mother base thanks to his special bond with the Third Child-and presumably reappears in his more familiar guise of Liquid Snake years later, in the Shadow Moses incident. Ocelot is already preparing his grand stratagem to take down Cipher/The Patriots.
Outer Heaven Uprising: Big Boss attempts to fulfill his dream of establishing a nation of mercenaries free from all government controls. He is stopped by the intervention of Solid Snake.
Huey Emmerich commits suicide after discovering that his son Hal and his second wife are conducting an affair.
Zanzibar Land Disturbance: Big Boss makes a second attempt to establish his free nation of mercenaries but is stopped again Solid Snake. Big Boss’s body is retried by The Patriots and maintained in a state of perpetual coma for fifteen years.
Shadow Moses Incident: Solid Snake stops a terrorist unit led by Liquid Snake from launching a nuclear missile with Metal Gear REX. Ocelot has an arm severed during a duel against Snake. Kaz Miller is found dead in his house a few days prior to the incident, presumably killed on Liquid’s command- and possibly by Ocelot himself.
Ocelot has Liquid Snake’s arm transplanted in place of the one he lost during the Shadow Moses Incident, which he will use as a prop while taking his Liquid Ocelot persona. Solid Snake and Otacon found Philanthropy, an NGO fighting to restrict the production of Metal Gear technology.
Tanker Incident: Solid Snake takes photos from the newly developed Metal Gear RAY. Emma Emmerich is recruited by The Patriots to begin work on the GW artificial intelligence system.
Big Shell Incident: Raiden and Solid Snake eliminate Solidus Snake, who was attempting to free himself and the world from the influence of The Patriots. The whole incident was orchestrated by The Patriots in an attempt to better understand (and therefore, control) the human psyche.
Guns of the Patriots Episode: Solid Snake and Ocelot (in his Liquid Ocelot persona) put an end to The Patriots by destroying their A.I systems. Ocelot, Zero and a briefly resurrected Big Boss all die at the conclusion of the episode.
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
I have a question, if Carlos isn't a cop, what else could he do on the show, or how could things get better? As a black woman who has had awful experiences with police, I hear what you saying, but I don't know what they could do with Carlos's character apart from him talking and showing how the police can be better.
[in reply to my post here]
The realistic answer for a network procedural is simply that, you're right, they would never have this show without a series regular as a cop or law enforcement “good guy” of some kind, which is unfortunate... but at the very least he could acknowledge the harm that his own department does instead of just placing blame on a different sector of law enforcement?
But if I'm talking a dream scenario in which the writers weren't afraid to lean progressive with it's content? They could have Carlos, after resigning from the APD, either work for or even found an advocacy/nonproft group within the community that works directly with the 9-1-1 dispatch to respond to calls that ordinarily would go to the police but should actually be seen to by mental health professionals, substance abuse specialists, etc. There are many of these groups out there in different areas, but they're generally underfunded and don't get enough press/support.
I'm not an expert on these programs by any means, but I've read many different articles talking about how much they improve the communities they're in and can help prevent more violence by not involving the police. This article I found through a super quick google search (meaning it's probably a little outdated) gives a pretty brief overview of how some of these programs work better than I could explain it:
"In Eugene, Oregon, advocates are praising their Crisis Response Helping Out On The Streets (CAHOOTS) Program, which has been in place for over three decades. CAHOOTS provides residents with access to free, trained, civilian first responders for incidents specifically involving mental health episodes, substance abuse, and individuals experiencing homelessness. 
Researchers have found that the CAHOOTS responders only need police intervention in just 2 percent of their calls, saving the city of Eugene an estimated $8.5 million annually in public safety costs, and $14 million in ambulance and emergency response costs, according to Everytown."
I think having Carlos do this on 911LS would be 1). a GREAT way of spreading more awareness that programs like this exist and need more funding and also 2). would be kinda groundbreaking? I don't think I've heard of any procedural show that has shown how those places run/interact with other first responders/etc. (granted... 911LS is the only procedural I watch so maybe there's one out there doing it 😂).
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dustedmagazine · 10 months
Bruno Duplant & David Vélez—des-illusions (Unfathomless)
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des-illusions by Bruno Duplant & David Vélez
Sound artists Bruno Duplant and David Vélez are well matched. Each is an artist whose work processes the world around them and their reactions to it. And they share an awareness of the personal dimensions of collaborative creation. Duplant, a multi-instrumentalist and composer from France, has made scores that doubled as letters to the artist who has expressed interest in performing said score. And Vélez, a Colombian who has recently spent several years studying in England, made his understanding of the tension between Duplant’s hopelessness about humanity’s prospects and the defiant hopefulness expressed by making new work a guiding force in his contributions to des-illusions.
According to the album’s liner notes, which you can read on its Bandcamp page, the impetus for this collaboration was a conversation the two men had about making music in a time of environmental and social crisis. Collected sounds — birdsong, bugs, rain, running water, the conversations of passing people, machinery — figure prominently in the two-part, 43-minute-long piece, which is bisected so evenly (the running times are exactly 22:00 and 21:00) that one suspects that this CD might once have been planned to be an LP. But so do played sounds, particularly pulsing and tolling synthesizer voices. Both have been subjected to interventions, having been looped, chopped and filtered so that their combinations constitute a sound environment quite distinct from the ones that were sampled to make it. The played sounds don’t mix with the environmental ones so much as they bob on top or alongside them, which might represent the relationship between humans and the world they strive to manipulate and manage. But if this is a soundtrack to our currently combusting world, it imposes a very specific combination of moods, simultaneously forlorn and persistent.
The experience of this recording may be modified by skipping the accompanying notes. Separated from their description of intent, this music’s crepuscular vibe might dominate, and hip sleep specialists could plausibly prescribe it as a possible aid for those seeking slumber. This is not, however, a failure on the part of the work to communicate, but evidence that the collaborative impulses that brought it into existence include the listener.
Bill Meyer
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atasteforsuicidal · 1 year
Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston is asking for urgent help as wildfires continue to burn out of control in his province.
In a news conference Wednesday, Houston said he has reached out to Ottawa and other provinces for all available assistance.
“The list of asks is significant, we know that. But we’ve made the ask,” Houston said.
“It’s time to pitch in with whatever you have… Nova Scotia needs the help right now.”
In a letter to the prime minister, Houston said nearly 20,000 people have been evacuated from their homes and tens of thousands of hectares of land is on fire.
“With only dry weather conditions in the forecast for the remainder of the week, Nova Scotia is a province in crisis,” reads the letter.
Nova Scotia has already received supplies and assistance from Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. Houston says the province has asked for the Coast Guard to be deployed to Shelburne County. Additionally, 17 firefighters from New York and New Hampshire will start work on Saturday and the 20-member Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) firefighting crew that was assisting with the Northwest Territories wildfires will return late Wednesday night and begin work in Nova Scotia Thursday.
“The province is doing everything within its power to combat the fires and to meet the needs of our people. All emergency services are activated and being used to fight and contain the fires to the extent that is possible with human intervention,” wrote Houston.
Houston said the road to recovery will be a long one.
“As you can appreciate, we need help urgently and would most certainly appreciate coordination across federal departments. Given the scope and breadth of Nova Scotians' needs, I wanted to put all requests in writing and in one place so that they could be addressed directly by you,” reads the letter to the prime minister.
Houston has formally requested the following assistance from the federal government:
military firefighters when the fire reaches the sustained attack stage
ignition specialist personnel and ignition equipment
firefighting foam
assistance in securing a base camp that can house 250 firefighters, as well as an incident command post infrastructure to support all on the ground.
5,000 lengths of 1 ½ inch 100 ft. length quick connect coupling hose
Nomex or equivalent wildland firefighting clothing
12 4X4 trucks
four helicopters (intermediate or above) certified to drop water
50 per cent cost share on modular housing for those who have lost homes due to the fires
commitment of advanced payment through the Disaster Financial Assistance Agreement administered by Public Safety Canada.
commitment to match any Red Cross donations
commitment to collaboration between the Nova Scotia Office of the Superintendent of Insurance and Federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Intuitions to ensure any Nova Scotian impacted by the fires has timely access to decisions by their insurance company, and an expedited pathway to address situations where individuals are denied coverage
access to any under utilized military housing for displaced individuals while rebuilding takes place
a commitment of skilled trades people from military, federal agencies, and departments – via special secondments to the private sector through CANS. Additionally, a commitment under the Temporary Foreign Workers Program that the situation in Nova Scotia will be classified as a natural disaster under the Exceptional and Unforeseen Events - Provincial Agreements (R204{c} - T13) allowing employers to by-pass a Labour Market Impact Assessments if there is a provincial letter of support for certain trades (eg. constructions, trades and other labourers)
mobile resources to supplement and complement those already deployed
support for critical infrastructure for telecommunications.
a Temporary Leave Benefit that would provide wage replacement and/or funding to support for buying necessities such as food and clothing. The funding will be advertised through social media and disbursed through Labour, Skills and Immigration’s Nova Scotia Works Centres
support to restart agriculture businesses that were in evacuation areas
for tourism operators (and other businesses/employers impacted by the fires), ACOA could play an active role by funding and streamlining distribution of funds for the eventual rebuilding and pivoting of businesses to recover as quickly as possible
“You know your resources best and know what can help in a situation like this. Given the seriousness, any other resources at the disposal of the federal government that we haven’t mentioned but could help, please send. We ask for your common sense and support,” wrote Houston.
Earlier Wednesday, leader of the Nova Scotia Liberal Party Zach Churchill issued a statement saying “Nova Scotia has yet to make a formal request to Ottawa for additional resources.”
“The province needs to pull all available levers to ensure Nova Scotians are kept safe and we receive more help to contain this escalating situation. That must include calling on the federal government to help,” Churchill said.
During Wednesday’s news conference, Houston said it was “absolutely not true” that Nova Scotia was refusing offers of help.
“Those that spread the rumours that Nova Scotia hadn’t asked for help — these are ongoing discussions… Officials have had ongoing conversations with counterparts,” Houston said, referring to municipal, provincial and federal governments.
Houston added the rumours are “not helpful when we’re in a crisis like this.”
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Mental Health Experts in Idaho: Meet The Professionals Making A Difference
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In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of mental health and the need for accessible and effective mental health services. In the state of Idaho, a dedicated group of mental health experts is working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities. This article aims to introduce you to some of these professionals, their roles, and the valuable contributions they make to the field of mental health support in Idaho. By highlighting their expertise and dedication, we can gain a deeper understanding of the critical work they do and the impact they have on the well-being of Idahoans.
Psychologists are professionals who specialize in the study of the human mind and behavior. In Idaho, psychologists play a crucial role in providing assessment, diagnosis, and therapy for individuals experiencing a wide range of mental health issues. They employ evidence-based treatment approaches to help individuals manage conditions such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. Psychologists often work closely with other healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive and holistic care for their clients.
2. Psychiatrists:
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health. They have extensive training in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses. In Idaho, psychiatrists are often involved in the management of complex mental health conditions that may require medication, such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and severe depression. They work closely with their clients to develop personalized treatment plans that may include medication management, therapy, and other interventions. Psychiatrists also play a crucial role in addressing the biological and neurological aspects of mental health disorders.
3. Licensed Therapists:
Licensed therapists, including licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) and licensed professional counselors (LPCs), are mental health professionals who provide counseling and therapy services. These professionals have a deep understanding of various therapeutic modalities and employ them to help individuals overcome challenges and improve their mental well-being. In Idaho, licensed therapists often work with individuals, couples, families, and groups, addressing issues such as relationship problems, trauma, addiction, and grief. They provide a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their emotions, develop coping skills, and work toward positive change.
4. Social Workers:
Social workers in Idaho play a vital role in the mental health field by providing a wide range of services to individuals and communities. They work in various settings, including hospitals, community mental health centers, schools, and social service agencies. Social workers collaborate with clients to address social, emotional, and environmental factors that may impact mental health. They assist individuals in accessing resources, navigating the healthcare system, and advocating for their needs. Social workers also play a crucial role in crisis intervention and support during times of emotional distress.
5. Counselors:
Counselors are professionals who specialize in providing guidance and support to individuals facing various challenges. In Idaho, counselors work in diverse settings, including schools, colleges, private practices, and community centers. They provide individual and group counseling, focusing on areas such as career development, academic issues, substance abuse, and mental health concerns. Counselors often help individuals explore their strengths, set goals, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles. They provide a non-judgmental and empathetic space for clients to express themselves and work towards personal growth.
6. Peer Support Specialists:
Peer support specialists are individuals who have lived experience with mental health challenges and recovery. In Idaho, peer support specialists play a unique role in the mental health field, as they can relate to the struggles faced by individuals seeking support. They provide guidance, understanding, and encouragement based on their personal experiences, offering a sense of hope and empowerment. Peer support specialists often work in conjunction with mental health professionals, providing valuable insight and support to individuals navigating their mental health journey.
7. The Role of Mental Health Experts in Prevention:
While mental health experts play a significant role in providing treatment and support, they also have a crucial role in prevention. In Idaho mental health professionals actively engage in preventive initiatives, such as community education, awareness campaigns, and early intervention programs. They work collaboratively with schools, community organizations, and healthcare providers to promote mental wellness, reduce stigma, and identify mental health concerns at an early stage. By addressing mental health issues proactively, these experts contribute to a healthier and more resilient community.
8. Challenges Faced by Mental Health Experts:
Mental health experts in Idaho encounter various challenges in their work. One significant challenge is the shortage of mental health providers, particularly in rural areas. Limited access to mental health services can result in delayed treatment and inadequate support for individuals in need. Additionally, mental health professionals often face the stigma associated with mental illness, which can hinder individuals from seeking help. Despite these challenges, mental health experts in Idaho remain committed to finding innovative solutions and advocating for improved resources and support.
9. The Importance of Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Care:
In Idaho, mental health experts recognize the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary care. They understand that mental health is multifaceted and often intersects with physical health, social factors, and environmental influences. As a result, mental health experts work closely with other healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians, nurses, and specialists, to provide comprehensive and integrated care. This collaborative approach ensures that individuals receive holistic support, with mental health experts collaborating with other professionals to address all aspects of their well-being.
10. Telehealth and Technology in Mental Health Care:
The use of telehealth and technology has become increasingly prevalent in the mental health field, especially in rural areas where access to in-person services may be limited. In Idaho, mental health experts are leveraging technology to provide remote counseling, therapy sessions, and consultations. Telehealth platforms enable individuals to connect with mental health professionals from the comfort of their own homes, reducing barriers to access and improving convenience. Additionally, mental health apps and online resources provide valuable tools and support for individuals managing their mental health.
11. The Impact of Mental Health Experts in Idaho:
The impact of mental health experts in Idaho is immeasurable. Through their expertise, compassion, and dedication, they help individuals regain control of their lives, improve their mental well-being, and build resilience. By providing support, guidance, and evidence-based interventions, mental health experts contribute to the overall health and productivity of individuals, families, and communities. Their work has far-reaching effects, creating a positive ripple effect that extends beyond individual clients.
12. The Future of Mental Health in Idaho:
The future of mental health in Idaho holds both opportunities and challenges. Mental health experts will continue to play a crucial role in advocating for increased resources, improved access to care, and reduced stigma. They will adapt to evolving technologies and embrace innovative approaches to meet the changing needs of individuals and communities. Collaboration among mental health professionals, policymakers, and community stakeholders will be essential in shaping a more comprehensive and effective mental health system in Idaho.
Mental health experts in Idaho are making a significant difference in the lives of individuals struggling with mental health challenges. Their expertise, compassion, and commitment to promoting mental wellness are instrumental in providing support and hope to those in need. By recognizing their valuable contributions, we can foster a greater understanding of the importance of mental health care and the vital role played by these professionals. As Idaho continues to prioritize mental health, the dedication and efforts of these experts will be pivotal in creating a healthier and more resilient state.
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comradedelaurier · 1 year
The TikTok Obsession: Anti-China Cold War Reaches Stage of Uncontrolled Frenzy
- On March 23, CEO of TikTok Shou Zi Chew testified before Congress, where he was grilled with ignorant and McCarthyite questions. The hearing served as the latest front in the New Cold War against China as Congress seeks to ban TikTok. What happens next? - Lamar Jackson’s contract struggle with the Baltimore Ravens reveals the deep injustices embedded in professional sports. - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu temporarily delayed his government’s plans to weaken the judicial system, following mass demonstrations in the Israeli capital Tel Aviv. But can these demonstrations really be called ‘pro-democracy’ when you can’t even carry a Palestinian flag at them without being tackled? - Najee Seabrooks was a violence intervention specialist who was killed by the Patterson, N.J. Police Department on March 3rd, while he was experiencing a mental health crisis. Seabrooks worked for the Patterson Healing Collective, an antiviolence and crisis intervention organization that the police prevented from intervening in his own crisis, killing him instead.
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What are your thoughts on police reform/abolition?
lmao you are the second anon to ask me this question since last night.
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so police. i think law enforcement as an institution is good. police abolition is just stupid. i think people have a fairy tale idea of what something like that would entail. the reality is that it probably wouldn't be pretty.
i do, however, think we should probably abolish police /unions/. and, ideally, i would love to see police departments just entirely purged and wholly replaced with new blood. at the very least the largest and/or most corrupt police departments. i know this is unrealistic though (would be so expensive to train wholly new recruits and we'd lose so much experience and expertise). it's just a fantasy of mine. but i do think get rid of police unions will make it a bit easier to get rid of the bad apples. this is important. we want to facilitated the removal of bad cops as much as possible.
not sure exactly how we'd do it but we need to figure out a way to identify the bad apples and keep them from policing. maybe some kind of public database of police that have a history of misconduct or excessive force? also having higher standards and enforcing them more strictly. and maybe some way to incentivize police officers to report misconduct from fellow officers?
instead of defunding the police i actually think we should considerably increase their funding. so they can have better training, recruit more police, update equipment, and hire social workers/mental health professionals.
which leads me to my next point: i am cool with the idea of making social workers/mental health professionals and /additional/ supplementary part of policing. but i believe they would still require a police escort. so, a call that might normally require 2 officers will now include 2 officers + a (probably educated, more expensive) mental health professional. so again, we need to /increase/ funding.
police are overworked. they are spread too thin. they do too many different jobs. i think police should be more compartmentalized and specialized. instead of expecting cops to be masters of all trades there should be dedicated community police, "regular" police, (probably state/federal-level) dedicated paramilitary/SWAT/crime suppression units, crisis intervention specialists, etc.
on top of all that, i really would love to see more involvement from the community itself. i want to see more neighborhood watches, citizen patrols, militias, civic guards, etc. i want everyone to be armed and vigilant.
more funding for state and federal oversight and investigating and prosecuting public corruption.
some people say police should be demilitarized. i agree with this to some degree, which is why i mentioned "community police" above. these would be mostly demilitarized. probably unarmed or equipped with non-lethal weapons (though, in certain circumstances, maybe one or two or all members of a given patrol unit could be armed). but i don't think we can reasonably expect to demilitarize the police across the board and, in some case i think we should even make the police /more/ militarized (the state/federal paramilitary i mentioned above). we live in a very violent and widely armed society. i think it's reasonable that police are equipped to deal with these risks. as long as we want to be an armed society we should expect the police to be armed as well. thinking otherwise is absurd to me.
also, some people bring up ending qualified immunity. i think this is dumb. it shouldn't end it. i think it's required for police to effectively do their jobs. i do think we need to rein in the scope of it or make some more clearly established standards because some rulings based on qualified immunity are really stupid. but i'd say that 99% of the time they are fair.
but if i'm really being honest, i think this issue is mostly overblown. of the most pressing issues facing our country right now this doesn't even make the top ten or twenty imo. of course, i think there's always room for improvement but i think people take for granted the excellence of american police. people want to talk about police corruption and police brutality but they've never been to another country, except maybe some european countries. if you want to see real police corruption visit mexico. our police are like knights in shining armor in comparison. we have third world crime but first world quality policing. i think that's a noteworthy achievement on its own.
i think it's more of a public perception issue (largely because of exacerbation by the media) than an actual issue. people say "the police" are corrupt but there is no single organization called "the police." we have thousands of different police departments. i don't deny that there are probably some individually corrupt police departments but this seems to be more of a localized issue (with its own unique causes) than something widespread or systemic.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Canada not equipped to handle rising rates of dementia: report
Canada is not prepared to handle rising rates of dementia as its population ages, according to a new study by the national seniors’ advocacy organization CanAge.
In its Dementia in Canada report, released on Oct. 18, CanAge warns Canada will face an influx of dementia patients large enough to overwhelm its health-care system between now and 2050.
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Meanwhile, it finds Canada is falling behind in the global race to deal with the complex needs of a rapidly aging population. According to 2021 census data, people 85 and older are now one of the fastest growing demographics in the country.
More than seven million Canadians are currently over 65. In most provinces, that works out to one in six people. So while one sixth of the global population is expected to be over the age of 65 by 2050, Canada has already reached that milestone. In some provinces, the number is closer to one in four.
“Given that the risk of dementia doubles at age 85 to 25 per cent, the window of opportunity to get ahead of an inevitable health care crisis is growing alarmingly slim,” the report reads.
The report follows the release of the World Health Organization’s Global Action Plan on dementia in 2017, which was intended to spur a co-ordinated worldwide approach to addressing the projected growth in people living with cognitive decline.
Part of Canada’s problem, explains CanAge CEO Laura Tamblyn Watts, is that it lacks health-care providers trained in geriatrics who can diagnose dementia early. In 2016, only two out of five Canadian doctors felt well-prepared to manage community dementia care. And while there was one pediatrician for every 2,822 children in 2020, that same year there was one geriatrician for every 20,905 seniors, or 327 geriatricians total. 
“We know that, to the degree treatments are available, they must be given early on, and that (is because) the few medications we have only work at the beginning part of the diagnosis,” Tamblyn Watts told CTV’s News Channel on Wednesday.
She said other interventions, including social supports, also work best when applied during the early stages of dementia. However, because there are so few health-care providers specialized in geriatrics and cognitive decline in Canada, relative to the number of seniors, getting diagnosed with dementia early is a challenge.
“In cases where we can’t even get a diagnosis, the challenges are even bigger,” Tamblyn Watts said.
The CanAge report finds dementia specialists tend to be focused in key urban centres, placing aging populations in remote and rural communities, as well as those in other marginalized communities, at greater risk.
“Many people are concerned about getting a formal diagnosis because many people…feel they’re being actively discriminated against. Those feelings are real and based in evidence,” Tamblyn Watts said.
In order for Canada’s health-care system to manage the inevitable rise in dementia rates, the report calls for timely access to a diagnosis, physicians with dementia training and innovative treatments and technologies for patients; better support for caregivers; and better support, training and access to guidance for health-care workers.
Canada released a national dementia strategy in 2019, making it one of only 39 United Nations member states to do so. However, the CanAge report states there aren’t clear guidelines for how provinces and territories can implement the strategy and measure its success, and that many provinces and territories lack their own clear dementia strategies.
CanAge recommends the federal government collect better data on the prevalence, risk factors and effects of dementia in Canada to better support its strategy. It also suggests the strategy should be updated to include an implementation plan with clear success criteria, and a clear plan for working with the provinces and territories to carry out the strategy locally. It also states the federal government should work to more efficiently transfer funding to the provinces to manage health-care system capacity, labour shortages and dementia support.
“We need to make sure we’re putting dedicated supports aside for health-care providers so they can get the continuing training they need to support their client base that is aging,” Tamblyn Watts said.  
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/bK9uZAD
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cvskl · 3 days
Heart Valve Disease: Why You Should Take It Seriously?
In the symphony of our bodies, the heart plays the lead role, orchestrating the rhythm of life itself. But what happens when this conductor faces obstacles, like heart valve disease? At CVSKL (Cardiovascular Centre, Kuala Lumpur), we understand the importance of every beat and are dedicated to spreading awareness about this silent threat lurking in millions of hearts worldwide. Join us as we delve into the depths of heart valve disease, unraveling its mysteries and empowering you to take control of your heart health.
Understanding Heart Valve Disease
Imagine your heart as a complex machine with four chambers and four valves working tirelessly to ensure blood flows in the right direction. However, when one or more of these valves malfunction, it can disrupt the entire cardiovascular symphony. This malfunction, known as heart valve disease, can manifest in various forms:
Aortic Valve Stenosis: The narrowing of the aortic valve, restricting blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body.
Mitral Valve Regurgitation: The leaking of blood backward through the mitral valve, causing a backup of blood into the heart.
Mitral Valve Prolapse: The improper closure of the mitral valve, leading to blood leaking backward into the left atrium.
Tricuspid Valve Disease: Dysfunction of the tricuspid valve, impairing blood flow between the right atrium and right ventricle.
Why You Should Care
Heart valve disease often masquerades as mere fatigue or shortness of breath, making it easy to overlook until serious complications arise. Ignoring the subtle warning signs can lead to severe consequences such as heart failure, stroke, or even death. However, timely intervention can make all the difference, which is why knowledge is your greatest ally.
CVSKL Commitment
At CVSKL, we are committed to providing world-class cardiovascular care tailored to your unique needs. Our team of experienced cardiologists and surgeons specializes in diagnosing and treating heart valve disease using cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques. From non-invasive procedures to complex surgeries, we offer a comprehensive range of treatment options to ensure the best possible outcome for every patient.
Contact CVSKL Today
Don't wait for a crisis to strike—take charge of your heart health today. Whether you have questions about heart valve disease or want to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists, CVSKL is here to help. Visit CVSKL's website or give us a call +603 2276 7000 to learn more about our services and how we can assist you on your journey to a healthier heart.
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darshnetralaya · 12 days
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Are you looking for eye doctor in badlapur
Darsh Netralaya remains as a eye doctor in badlapur. Darsh Netralaya readily fills in as the principal destination for sweeping eye care in Badlapur, embodying a practice of significance and compassion in ophthalmology. As the head eye doctor in the locale, Darsh Netralaya is centered around enhancing vision and transforming endures cutting-edge innovation, gifted dominance, and unwavering dedication.Led by a gathering of eminent ophthalmologists, optometrists, and care staff, Darsh Netralaya offers a thorough scope of eye care administrations custom fitted to meet the various necessities of patients. From routine eye examinations to complex cautious interventions, the clinic combines precision and compassion to convey unparalleled outcomes. At Darsh Netralaya, patient-driven care is focal. Every individual who walks around the entrances is invited with warmth, respect, and modified thought. The crisis clinic's commitment to significance loosens up past clinical expertise to incorporate transparency and sensibility, ensuring that first class eye care remains within pursue all individuals from the neighborhood. Darsh Netralaya's cutting edge office is outfitted with the latest indicative and accommodating equipment, enabling precise examination and reasonable treatment of various eye conditions. Whether it's cascades, refractive slip-ups, glaucoma, or retinal issues, patients can trust in the ability of Darsh Netralaya's well known specialists to convey accommodating thought and optimal outcomes. Past its clinical undertakings, Darsh Netralaya really participates in neighborhood programs and instructive initiatives to bring issues to light about eye wellbeing and preventive thought. By partnering with schools, neighborhood affiliations, and neighborhood, the clinical clinic attempts to draw in individuals to zero in on their vision and take proactive steps towards maintaining ideal eye wellbeing. Darsh Netralaya's unwavering commitment to significance, receptiveness, and neighborhood concretes what is happening as the leading eye doctor in Badlapur, focused on illuminating the way towards a more marvelous and better future for all.
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healthcarespeed · 15 days
Top Reasons That Behavioral Health Care Is Critical In The US
In the arena of healthcare discussions, the significance of behavioral health care in the United States can easily not be overstated. From crisis control to popular well-being, this industry conducts an essential task fit the country's psychological health garden. Understanding the elaborate web of factors behind this value is key to understanding the complete scope of its own effect on people and neighborhoods. So, why precisely is actually behavior healthcare looked at a keystone of hygienics campaigns in the US? Allow's explore the compelling explanations that emphasize its vital function in our community.
Mental Wellness Problems Monitoring
When facing a psychological health situation, looking for urgent professional assistance is actually essential. Behavior health care procedure facilities give specialized care customized to take care of various psychological health and wellness conditions effectively. These facilities provide a helpful setting where trained specialists, such as psychotherapists, therapists, as well as therapists, can easily analyze your condition and cultivate a customized therapy plan.
By connecting to how to help an addicted loved one in the course of a crisis, you may access information and also treatments that may assist stabilize your condition as well as stop additional escalation. Trigger intervention at these facilities can easily aid in taking care of indicators, boosting coping skill-sets, and enhancing overall welfare.
Effect On Hygienics
Attending to the effect on public wellness demands a comprehensive understanding of just how behavioral healthcare services influence community health as well as mental health and wellness results. Accessibility to the greatest inpatient rehabilitations near you plays a critical job in marketing social health and wellness through delivering focused look after people having problem with psychological wellness as well as drug abuse issues. These resources give a structured environment where people may get intense procedure, therapy, and also help to resolve their ailments efficiently.
By guaranteeing individuals have access to quality behavioral healthcare treatment centers, areas can easily experience minimized fees of compound misuse, boosted psychological health end results, and also on the whole enhanced well-being. Buying these information not only perks people looking for procedure however additionally positively impacts the more comprehensive public health yard through fostering healthier areas.
Social and also Economic Advantages
Access to quality behavior health care services produces significant social and also financial advantages for people and also neighborhoods identical. By setting up a flexible care system that accommodates varied mental health and wellness necessities, individuals may get timely treatments, triggering improved total welfare.
This, consequently, brings about a much more effective labor force, minimized absenteeism, and also improved project performance. Additionally, taking care of behavior health and wellness issues proactively can lower healthcare expenses linked with without treatment mental diseases and also drug abuse ailments.
Areas profit from lowered crime rates, enhanced social cohesion, and also a decrease in the burden on unexpected emergency services. Committing in personality medical care certainly not just boosts personal lifestyles however likewise nurtures a more healthy, extra blooming culture overall.
Lessening Preconception as well as Discrimination
To promote more significant recognition and understanding of adaptive care network, initiatives intended for minimizing preconception and also discrimination participate in a vital duty in fostering a much more comprehensive society. By challenging stereotypes and false impressions concerning psychological health and also material make use of problems, the ideal detoxification facilities in the United States help in breaking barriers and also encouraging individuals to seek the assistance they need to have without worry of judgment.
These facilities deliver a risk-free as well as supportive environment for individuals to start their journey in the direction of recuperation, focusing on sympathy as well as appreciation. By means of education and learning and campaigning for, the stigma encompassing personality health and wellness problems could be dismantled, triggering an extra thoughtful and also well informed community where people are actually encouraged to prioritize their mental welfare.
To conclude, behavioral medical care is vital in the US for managing mental health situations, improving public health, as well as decreasing judgment. Through acquiring quality services, individuals can get customized care, triggering better overall health and also area results. Bear in mind, looking for aid from behavior medical care facilities may make a notable difference in your psychological wellness journey as well as boost your lifestyle. Don't be reluctant to connect for the help you require.
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