musiclandoux · 7 months
100 Days of Music - Music Challenge
Day 99
: Share a song or song that you like that is a cover of a Gen-X era song.
( 1965 - 80 )
I can’t say I like many covers of the Gen X era
Maybe, D.M.C.’s version of Aerosmith, Walk This Way
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mandisco · 1 year
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todayinhiphophistory · 2 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Run-D.M.C. was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame April 4, 2009
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anamon-book · 1 year
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ミュージック・マガジン 1987年1月号 表紙=「ラン=DMC」吉田カツ 特集 ヒップホップ新時代
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The previous "BLACK SABBATH" poll ended with 31 votes, the winner was Black Sabbath's 1970's self-titled debut with 22,6%.
I myself voted for "Paranoid", but it was a close call between that one and the first album i owned by Black Sabbath... "The Eternal Idol" from 1987 featuring Tony Martin on vocals. It wasn't included in the list thou...
Duets in the "Metal"scene... once in a while there are those magic moments that happen between artists from different bands or backgrounds. Here are some of my favorite ones and i guess some of yours as well. Let me know in the comments if you know of any other great duets and perhaps ad videoclips as well as you reblog. It would be awesome to see this list grow.
Ps, if you vote please also reblog, the more people will do so the more this post will spread and the better the outcome and results will be. A big "thank you" in advance to anyone who will partake in this! Yours truly: @necro69mancer 🤘🍻
Oh, and also... suggestions for future polls are always welcome! 😎
LITA FORD - Lita (1988)
DORO - Calling The Wild (2000)
MEGADETH - United Abominations (2007)
SKID ROW - B-Side Ourselves (1992)
SAXON - The Inner Sanctum (2007)
PLASMATICS - Coup D'etat (1982)
RUN D.M.C. - Raising Hell (1986)
APOCALYPTICA - Reflections / Revised (2003)
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sad-gay-cowboy · 1 year
It won't let me upload on youtube (god was that fast on the copyright thing lol) so here's the video made
Did anyone ask for this? No, are you still gonna get it? yes yes yes
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ask-sebastian · 8 months
Morning Musical Owl 🦉
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mannytoodope · 1 year
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Jason William Mizell (January 21, 1965 – October 30, 2002), better known by his stage name Jam Master Jay, the Brooklyn born and raised, was the man behind the turntables for the rap group Run-DMC Jay may not have done much rapping or spoke as often as the other two members of the group but didn’t have to he let his work on the turntables talk for him. Jay was a skilled DJ. Jay was one of the first DJs to make it in mainstream music. He even earned a spot on Spin. Magazine’s “100 Greatest Guitarists” for his ability to rework guitar riffs. Along w being a skilled DJ, Jay was a well-rounded musician playing the bass guitar, keyboards, and drums. He is a legend in the hip-hop community and is missed, loved, and respected by family and fans.
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gungieblog · 2 years
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Tame Impala - Currents
They're tame alright! This band is so toothless they can only drink music through a straw. Apparently in the 2010s psychedelic is when you put vocal filters over a really extremely boring song. This album sounds like it's made up out of tracks that Gorillaz threw away.
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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Pronounced ‘Lĕh-‘nérd ‘Skin-‘nérd
I don't know if this is an unexpected opinion for a transgender anarcho communist, but I like Lynyrd Skynyrd. Pre plane crash Lynyrd Skynyrd at least. Ronnie Van Zandt had great songwriting chops and was a solid lyricist. Going from the rollicking bar brawling Gimme Three Steps to the wistful Free Bird to the ripping solos of the second half of Free Bird. The variety here is something that a lot of southern rock albums lack. So yeah I'm recommending Lynyrd Skynyrd.
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Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
Mingus Ah Um is a collection of creative homages. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat eulogises recently departed band member Lester Young, Open Letter To The Duke refers to Duke Ellington, Jelly Roll to one of Jazz's originators Jelly Roll Morton. Rather than imitate the styles of his predecessors Mingus mixes a little bit of their essence into his style. Said style was ever evolving and this album, while still distinctly in the post bop era of Mingus' career, shows some signs of what would come later. The sense of orchestral arrangement within the confines of a smaller jazz band are present and this was the best that Mingus would record until he finally went full third stream.
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Rush - Moving Pictures
I must not cringe. Cringe is the mind killer. Cringe is the little death that brings total obliAAAHHFUCK! Nope I can't do it. Rush is cringe. Sorry I can't do anything about it. You can't suck Ayn Rand's dick that hard and come back from it. On the other hand these motherfucker are really, really good at playing their instruments. This is also one of their least lyrically embarrassing albums for sure. If you want to listen to Rush but don't want to feel any secondhand embarrassment then you're shit outta luck, but if you want to hear some drums go absolutely fucking wild then you could do worse than Moving Pictures.
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Run-D.M.C. - s/t
Believe it or not this was considered hard shit for the time. I guess. Whether or not you will like Run-D.M.C. is very dependent on how much you enjoy cornball shit. By modern standards this album is very corny. But if you let go of you preconceived notions about hip hop then you might find a really fun album with beats that hammer in an intense staccato that would go on to greatly influence future artists. Corny or not this album paved the way for hip hop's golden age so best pay it some respect.
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Darryl “D.M.C.” McDaniels of Run-D.M.C. was born May 31, 1964
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falsebooles123 · 3 months
Confessions of a Recovering Genrephobic 3/2/24
Hey Whores, This is a accurate depiction of the tax process.
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I also just got my first traffic ticket this week so I'm definetly going to Hole up and watch the entirity of THE GAUNTLET to sooth my feeles of gulit, anxiety, and bueracratic frothing rage. Now it was my fault I just feel bad that i did something reckless.
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Crosswords EP (2015) - Panda Bear
Genre: Experimental, Electronic Length: 21:03 (5 Tracks)
Panda Bear is one of members of the that hipster indie group Animal Collective and weirdly enough I have never listened to them.
I don't have anything meaningful to say about this Extended Play. The work falls somewhere between ambient and a shoegaze album. Its nice but it doesn't really stick with me
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RUN-D.M.C (1984) - Run-D.M.C
Genre: Hip Hop Length: 39:27 (9 Tracks)
"It sounds to me that they sang the same song 20 times, but you know it was a great song" - 'Celtic Woman'-SNL
so i always growing up here that classic opening bars of 'so i always growing up here that classic opening bars of 'It's Tricky' and thinking wow what a unique and novel flow for this song I imagine that there other songs sound different in some way.
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Suffice to say that I was not expecting to listen to their debut album be entirely of the call-and-response that typified there work.
I would love to understand their impact and how much it affected contemporary audiences but I will say that with my tin ears I didn't get much out of it.
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Whats the Story? (Morning Glory) (1995) - Oasis
Genre: Britpop, Rock Length: 50:06 (12 Tracks)
I was listening to newest sad indie pop girlies The Last Dinner Party and I swore that one of there singles contained the lines 'Whats the Story? (Morning Glory)'
according to Genus Lyrics the line is in fact, 'Pray for me on your knees' regardless,
WTS(MG) is the second studio album by Oasis.
And its rather nice. I'm sure your've heard Oasis its a very 90s rock band with that kind of grudgy flowing? compressed? sound. Its much more my speed. I had a nice time.
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nando161mando · 10 months
Run D.M.C. vs. Jason Nevins - It’s Like That
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funkypatoche · 1 year
(✰ Ronny Hammond ™)
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grrl-operator · 1 year
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