#Dr. Seuss on the Loose
vhstve591 · 1 year
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321spongebolt · 7 months
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Now here's the classic version of Thing 5. I like I said before, his design is no different than Thing 1 and Thing 2, the only difference is he wears a black top hat and a dark blue pointed cape. He also carries a magic wand as part of his career as a magician. Thing 5 can turn himself into Bat-Thing by flipping his cape over his head and torso. After a few seconds, Thing 5 flips his cape back to reveal himself in a dark blue Batman mask and gauntlets. As Bat-Thing, Thing 5 can use his magic as superpowers like flying, levitating objects, hypnotizing victims with his pocketwatch, and other sorts of parlor tricks. Down below is my character's bio.
Thing 5
Dr. Seuss' "The Cat in the Hat"
Thing 5 is one of Thing 1 and Thing 2's relatives. He would've been responsible for bringing Cat to life with a magic trick he performed one night that allowed his cat to stand on two feet and talk. This origin may change depending on the releases of the upcoming Dr. Seuss Cinematic Universe movies, "The Cat in the Hat" and "Thing One and Thing Two" by Warner Animation Group (now addressed as Warner Bros. Pictures Animation)
Similar to The Cat in the Hat, Thing 5 is playful, witty, and mischievous, but good-natured.
Thing 5 © 321SPONGEBOLT (Me) for "The Cat in the Hat"
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minionfan1024 · 8 months
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Last Sunday we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dr. Seuss on the Loose when it airs on CBS on October 15, 1973.
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limestoner · 8 months
Dr. Seuss on the Loose. Voices including Hans Conried (Captain Hook) and Paul Winchell (Dick Dastardly). You don’t say.
“The Zax,” as told by Captain Hook.
During Green Eggs and Ham, I couldn’t unexperience it as Dick Dastardly performing a puppet show for Muttley doing the voices for Private Meekley chasing Clyde of the Ant Hill Mob around trying to feed him highly experimental army GMOs.
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kentonralphtoews · 11 months
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blogjhm · 2 years
Dr. Seuss On the Loose (1973) (Full Episode) [High Quality]
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animatejournal · 19 days
Green Eggs and Ham (Dr. Seuss on the Loose) Director: Hawley Pratt | Studio: DePatie–Freleng USA, 1973
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Girl you got me loose
Can't even blame it on the juice
And now we breaking all the rules
You can call me Dr. Seuss
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Descriptions taken from Wikipedia.
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - Renaissance
A stop-motion animated film, produced and conceived by Tim Burton. 109,440 frames were taken in total. Originally started as a poem Burton wrote while working as an animator for Walt Disney Productions. It was initially released through Touchstone Pictures due to concerns it was "too dark and scary for kids," but has been reissued through Walt Disney Pictures. Catherine O'Hara voices Sally, and Paul Reubens voices Lock. Halloween Town was inspired by German Expressionism and Christmas Town by Dr. Seuss.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) - Renaissance
Loosely based on the novel, Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo. Demi Moore voices Esmeralda, and Jason Alexander voices Hugo. (Side note: I'm excited to learn that Kevin Kline voiced Captain Phoebus here, but also Tulio from The Road to El Dorado, and Mr. Fischoeder in Bob's Burgers.) Claude Frollo was inspired by Ralph Fiennes' Amon Goeth in Schindler's List. It is currently the only Disney animated feature to have a major focus on religious faith. Many of the songs were adapted from Latin prayers.
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leonaacorn-simping · 5 months
i become dr seuss when my bars get loose
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition:  Happy Halloween with the Mulder-Scully Family
Christmases in the X-Files universe (or the one we saw) were usually ~spooky~; so, while there are plenty of horror fics out there, I thought making a list with the reverse expectations somehow... fit. (Perhaps I’ll compile a scarier post later.)
(**Edited: Many, MANY errors. Oops.**) 
Loose timelines below~ 
Halloweens In a Better Lifetime 
@driftingthroughthesky/Arcticmist’s Halloween 
““A scientist alien?”      
“Yes, is there anything wrong with that?”      
“No, it’s just unusual.”      
Mulder smiled, “When have I ever been usual?””
Will is their perfect, miraculous mix; so (naturally) Mulder orders a mashup costume that represents them perfectly. 
Anon Entry-- Unnamed 
““Will is laying on the changing table happily waving his chubby limbs, all bundled up in the pumpkin costume his grandma got him for Halloween.””
This is shameless fluff from an anon; I loved it, so it’s here. 
@freckleslikestars/Living_Underground’s Halloween Costumes (Ao3) 
““Not long after that second Halloween, he was back in his father’s arms and they were on the run, hopping from motel to motel across backwater America. Whilst his mother collected and washed glasses in a dive down the street, his father draped him in the sheet from his travel cot and himself in a spare sheet from the closet in the motel room and they went from door to door, two ghosts laughing maniacally with every creepy voice and ruffled head the various guests gave out, Mulder thanking each and every one of them for humouring him and his son.”” 
William’s adorable baby Halloweens through the years: his first two blissfully sad ones are washed away by subsequent happier ones with a reunited family (on the run and at the Unremarkable House.) 
theficisoutthere/pen-paper-aliens‘s Boo! 
““He giggled and bumped right into his father’s legs. Mulder picked him up and swung him around. “Hey, what’s this, an alien!? What are you doing down here on Earth?!” William giggled again. “Daddy! We always come down for Halloween!”” 
Scully recalls Mulder’s words in Requiem after little Will the alien has passed out after trick-or-treating and too much candy. 
Christine Leigh’s (Ao3, LiveJournal) Little Boo
““So, tell me, Little Boo, is there a Big Boo, too?" He felt like Dr. Seuss.
Mulder couldn't see it, but through his mask Little Boo was giving him his 'Daddy, don't you know?' look.””
Little Boo and his father go trick-or-treating. Even sweeter than their candy stash is Will’s matter-of-fact and unthinking inclusion of his father in all aspects of his life, and how it touches the FBI’s Most Unwanted. 
@contrivedcoincidences6/Spooky66/geektime66‘s Growing Up (FFN) 
““On Halloween William was dressed in all black wearing an old FBI jacket and holding a matching hat. Mulder paced around him with a playfully serious look on his face, “Hummmm…. It’s missing something.” Scully watched from their couch, amused.””
Will’s first date is a school Halloween dance (perfect for this family); and his parents casually enjoy it from their lofty heights as mature adults. 
Headcanon from this fic: Mulder’s fashionable side only comes out when he pulls together costumes or perfectly recreated looks (eidetic memory, after all.) 
Girlie_girl7′s Arc about Mulder’s costume letdowns (out of timeline order)
Man to Man Talk 
““Mulder for the last time, you are not dressing our son up as the avenger of death. If he has to go, he can go as a kitty.”"
Mulder is dismayed that his son is not going to be spooky for Halloween. 
A Day In the Life, Trick or Treat 
““That's the one," Mulder says as he reaches down to grab the box that Will is offering him.  "These will look really scary above the door, don't cha think?" 
Will looks at the string of lights Mulder is untangling and frowns. "Day don't scawe me.”” 
Mulder continues to be disappointed because both his kids still won’t be spooky for Halloween. I’m sure he’s fine. 
Halloweens Post Revival 
Just a warning: all of these are mostly their second baby’s birth, which seems to a popular idea in this fandom (especially in the light of how the show ended without any resolution or happiness all around.) Might be cheesy, but I’m a big fan of quality dairy. 
Rose Thornhill‘s Spooky Mulder: The Revenge 
““These names all sounded very familiar to Scully. She rolled them around in her head until she realized where she had heard them. "Mulder, are you just naming off all the female characters in Halloween?"
"Um... no..." he said unconvincingly.
"She's going to be a Halloween baby!" he exclaimed defensively.””
When Scully tells Mulder about her scheduled c-section on Halloween, he is DETERMINED his spooky daughter will have spooky nursery and a spookier name-- from horror movies, no less (because this man loves his videos.) 
@atths--twice‘s (Ao3, Alt. Ao3, FFN) The Ninth Month 
““Mulder,” she began.
“Scully, I know what you’re going to say,” he said turning toward her. “You’re going to say that I’m going out of my way to decorate for a baby who will have no idea nor care that I did it. You will say that not until she is much older, will she have a memory of decorating for holidays.
“She raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to answer him.
“To which, I will say that it’s the gesture that matters, Scully. As for memory, how do we know for absolute certainty what a person remembers and when?””
Scully is trying to hold out for a 31st due date, while Mulder stashes a porch witch and hay bales everywhere.... Basically, this is a “will they won’t they” but for married couples who have a deadline to keep. One thing is certain: the porch witch only ever scares Mulder. Every. Single. Time. And it’s glorious.
@leiascully’s (Ao3) Little Bigfoot (Ao3) 
““She slips her finger under the tape and unfolds the paper, retrieving a fuzzy brown bundle.  “It’s a…onesie?”
“It’s a Bigfoot costume,” Mulder says. “I thought we might be home for Halloween, but she took her own time, didn’t she?””  
Little squatches for Halloween and Armani white onions for Thanksgiving-- Mulder and Scully are soaking up their little holiday baby.  
@monikafilefan’s (Ao3) 
Just Breathe (Ao3) 
““Won’t be long now with this being your second baby. But it is 11:42 now, so it looks like you won’t be getting a special Halloween treat this year. Sorry, Dad.”
Nurse Valerie quickly entered Scully and the baby’s stats into the computer and offered up a genuinely sympathetic smile to a weary looking Mulder. 
“Be right back with the doctor’s orders for pain meds, Dana,” she promised with a wink and slipped out the door, not realizing how quickly things could drift into the unknown with Mr. and Mrs. Spooky involved.”” 
While the nurse is fetching an epidural, Halloween girl makes a break for it (with her parents already scrambling in her wake.) 
One Spooky All Hallow’s Eve (Ao3)
““In hindsight, Mulder, maybe having your pathologist wife, whom carves up things for a living, would’ve been a better option to do the pumpkins.” She stared up at him through her lashes with a tilt of her head, teasing him back.
“Oh no way, Scully,” he huffed and shook his head. “Halloween is Spooky Mulder’s holiday.”
She rolled her eyes. “Mrs. Spooky has been my nickname almost as long as Spooky Mulder has been yours.”
“And you love it,” he told her with a lopsided grin.””
Mulder slices his finger; and the ensuing horror, scolding, patching up, and joking is cut (eh? get it?) short when a flustered and disgusted Jackson gets decorated with vomit courtesy of his baby sister.
lsbnreinaa’s Squatching Goblins 
““She gushed, finally moving out of the way to reveal her creation, the image making Mulder nearly leap with excitement. She was adorned in a forest green onesie, covering her tiny toes for warmth, keeping in mind the time of year. Soft fabric leaves were hot glued to the surface of the onesie, along with the matching baby beanie atop her head.
To their surprise Evelyn remained composed and reached out eagerly for her costumed father, sitting proudly in his arms for Scully to take in.””
Mulder’s all-out plans are temporarily squashed because his daughter is frightened by Halloween masks. But Scully has a little surprise to make up for it. 
@baronessblixen ‘s (Ao3) Cookie Monster 
““Why can't she wear this to kindergarten? She looks adorable." Scully sighs. If it were up to Mulder - and Katie - she'd only wear her tiny Knicks jersey, her little Spiderman costume or now, she presumes, the Cookie Monster jumpsuit.””
Halloween-adjacent, at least-- Mulder and his daughter bought a Cookie Monster onesie instead of school clothes; but they bought Scully socks, too, so that makes it okay. 
WordsSpilledFromMyOpenVeins_89′s Squatchin’ In the Backyard 
‘“It had rained quite a bit... earlier that afternoon, so it wasn't too difficult for him to make convincing Bigfoot tracks on the ground. Instead of turning the back door light on (so he didn't wake up Scully and Hope), he used a flashlight to see what he was doing and make sure that everything looked.. just right, for tomorrows special event.””
Mulder sets up a Sasquatch hunt for his daughter’s Halloween, complete with a cookout and a Big Blue remembrance. Scully loves watching her investigators. 
Halloweens Assorted and AUs 
Jamie Lyn’s (other Gossamer) Full Moon, Near Death, and Other Things Unsaid
““Well… Yeah.  Typically, when spirits remain bound to old planes of existence or corporeal bodies, it indicates something left unfinished.  According to the literature, at least, and I’ve read it all, the soul harbors an insatiable desire to tie up loose ends.”   “What literature, Mulder?  Stephen King?” “Close.  Dean Koonz.” “Oh, brother – “  “Seriously, Scully.  Look at this rationally… Dead or not, we’re stuck on the side of this road until either we finish what we haven’t finished, or a toe-truck from the great beyond comes and finds us...””  
Post IVF Failure-- Mulder and Scully find themselves on a rainy highway, without working pulses, phones, or exit strategies. He concludes they died but can’t pass on without making peace with any unspoken regrets. The two exchange tidbits and banter; but it leads them to more meaningful admissions. 
@all-these-ghosts/all_these_ghosts‘s Poltergeist (Ao3) 
““Silence. Then giggling. A flashlight blinks on, then off, and a voice hisses “turn that off!” and another voice says “shut up!”
Scully sighs. “It’s just kids, Mulder. I’m going back to the house.” She turns and walks away. He considers following her, but instead he continues toward the woods.””
Pre-IWTB Mulder and Scully hear screaming in the woods; but upon further investigation, they conclude it’s just teens scaring themselves over their “haunted house.” He spooks off most of them, but strikes up a temporary friendship and interesting conversation with the last girl, a disbeliever.
campaignofmisinformation’s Unnamed 
““He knows that if he can present the evidence he’ll find in the house, it might help people make sense of the things he’s been saying for years. This thought drives him to keep walking despite the fear rising in his chest. If he can just make them understand, everything will get better. He won’t be so lonely anymore.””
Pre- or Post- IWTB Will arrives solo at the Unremarkable House, hungry for information about himself and why he doesn’t fit in. 
May you have a cheery, spooky holiday! 
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profgandalf · 1 year
Raging at the Wind: Contemporary Censors of Texts Created by Others
In the second paragraph of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” the narrator stops to play with the idea that although the phrase “dead as a doornail” is immediately and so broadly recognized that it borders on being cliché, and that he thinks “dead as a coffin nail” would be more fresh and accurate, he finishes by observing that “the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile, and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it” (Carol 1).
Well, this is the generation of those with “unhallowed hands.”  I have written before about my dismay concerning the decision to remove various books or illustrations by Dr. Seuss. Specifically “And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street” which wonderfully portrays a child’s imagination let loose, and was told by some on this platform that it was all well and good. Now, however, I suppose most of you know that Roald Dahl’s children’s books "James and the Giant Peach," "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," "Witches," and "Charlie and the Glass Elevator" are being rewritten to remove language deemed offensive by the publisher Puffin. (Penguin, the parent company, has indicated they are going to publish uncensored versions as if that makes things better). 
Meanwhile, Alan Gribben a professor at Auburn University has an edition of Huck Finn in which he removes the N-word as well as Injun and replaced them with “slave” and “Indian.“  And now I understand that according to a new report in "The Sunday Telegraph," new editions of Ian Fleming’s original James Bond novels will omit offensive passages when released this spring by Ian Fleming Publications.  And like Dr. Seuss, it’s the people who control the text who are doing this so they can get away with it legally.  My comment to all of these second-rate unimaginative pariahs is "keep your lousy, “unhallowed hands” off other people’s art!" 
Would Dahl care?  Of course, he would!  Dahl was notorious for fighting editors over his word choices, but he’s gone now and the foundation can do what it likes.  My impotent fury on his behalf feels like raging at the wind.  Only in this age is the writer faced with the possibility that his actual text, never mind film interpretations of it, might be altered by people who no more understand the creative process nor have any ability to shape imaginative text than deep sea-lantern fish understand the nature of sunscreen. 
Publishers should NOT have the right to alter an author's intended words because they can.  Even if it is legal: It’s wrong, and if I ever become a published author I am going to include in my contract that NO such alterations can ever be made by my publishers or my offspring no matter how many generations pass.  Dickens didn’t think of this because he couldn’t imagine it.  Congrats you woke folk, you’ve created a whole new clause in contracts!
At least when the Victorians Charles and Mary Lamb rewrote the stories of Shakespeare they called it “Tales from Shakespeare: Designed for the Use of Young Persons” And perhaps one could claim that these Dahl, Twain, and Seuss books are intended to protect children who need protecting. I think that is an error and would suggest just finding an alternative author. However with the censoring of Ian Fleming’s adult spy novels, the pernicious nature of these so-called editors are revealed.  It’s almost amusing.  Rather than accept the fundamental fact that different ages have different ways of thinking (which is part of the benefit of reading literature) and that the artist’s vision is sacred, they now insist that everyone see things as they do, and if authors take is not 100% acceptable, then their works are just altered to do so.  It’s like putting a pair of briefs on Michelangelo’s “David.” 
Years ago Christians were accused of being closed-minded censors. A lot of parents got upset with the novel ��The Catcher in the Rye” and a lot of liberals had a good laugh at their expense.  But no Christian parent suggested that the F word be removed from J.D. Salenger’s book while keeping his name on the cover!  Final thought: Write your own damn books and leaves those written by masters alone.  If you're so wise and clever, write your own books!
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Be warned: I am a rhymer. Alert yourselves and be alarmed! Inveterate begrimer Of poetry, I come well armed To toss at every moon and June Words cliched and predictable, Reciting in my sing-song tune All platitudes inflictable. Be warned: I am a rhymer. A devotee of Dr Seuss, An echoer, a chimer, Notorious for letting loose On helpless consonants and vowels. I make them match, despite the scowls From critics of this bardic art. A hopeless metricist at heart, There's none can stop me once I start, For though they wince and cringe and curse I carry on from bad to verse.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Lamps, old car and paper crowns 💗
Hello! I hope you are well <3
lamps: what type of clothes do you like to wear?
light, loose pajamas, warm slippers/socks in winter, tshirt and jeans. Just comfort please!
old cars: what’s the most fun word you know?
Llike, funny word or funny meaning? haha hmm, I recently heard the word kerfuffle, meaning a commotion or fuss. It sounds like a Dr Seuss word LOL
paper crowns: if you were a color, what color would you be?
Well, my favorite is purple (can you tell? lol) I took 3 separate What Color is my Aura quizzes and got yellow, pink and violet LOL
Yellow said sunny, charismatic and warm, pink said loving, caring and kind of silly. Violet mentioned creativity and imagination and intuition. I agree with violet so, purple it is!
funny asks
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I just watched Dr. Seuss on the Loose (1973)
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bestshirtcanbuy · 11 days
The Grinch Tropical Floral Hawaiian Shirt
The Grinch Tropical Floral Hawaiian Shirt is a vibrant and unique clothing item that is perfect for men and women alike. With its stunning design and comfortable fit, it makes for an excellent gift choice for anyone who loves the holiday season and wants to add a touch of tropical flair to their wardrobe. This Hawaiian shirt is inspired by the classic Dr. Seuss character, the Grinch, who is known for his mischievous antics during Christmas. The shirt features a blend of tropical and holiday elements, creating a one-of-a-kind design that is sure to turn heads. The vibrant green color of the shirt matches perfectly with the Grinch's iconic hue, while the tropical floral patterns add a touch of summer vibes to the overall look. Made from high-quality materials, this shirt ensures both style and comfort. The lightweight fabric is breathable and soft, making it a great choice for warmer weather or casual occasions. It also features a loose fit, providing freedom of movement and allowing the wearer to stay comfortable throughout the day. The Grinch Tropical Floral Hawaiian Shirt is available in a wide range of sizes, making it suitable for both men and women. Whether you're looking for a gift for your partner, friend, or family member, this shirt is versatile enough to suit anyone's style. Its unisex design ensures that anyone can rock this unique shirt with confidence. This shirt is not only fashionable but also versatile. It can be worn for various occasions, ranging from casual outings to themed parties and even holiday gatherings. Pair it with shorts or jeans for a relaxed and laid-back look, or dress it up with a skirt or trousers for a more polished ensemble. Whatever the occasion, this shirt is guaranteed to make a statement and showcase your love for the holiday season. When it comes to gift-giving, the Grinch Tropical Floral Hawaiian Shirt is a great option for everyone. Its eye-catching design and unisex appeal make it a safe choice for any recipient, regardless of their age or personal style preferences. Whether they are a fan of Dr. Seuss, enjoy tropical patterns, or simply appreciate unique and fun clothing items, this shirt is sure to put a smile on their face. In conclusion, The Grinch Tropical Floral Hawaiian Shirt is a fantastic gift choice for men and women. With its vibrant design, comfortable fit, and versatile style, it is suitable for any occasion and any recipient. Spread some holiday cheer and tropical vibes with this unique and fashionable clothing item.
Get it here : The Grinch Tropical Floral Hawaiian Shirt
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://bestshirtcanbuy.tumblr.com/post/721085070600011776/united-kingdom-royal-navy-hms-prince-of-wales
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