thatsnotmymilkman · 29 days
*Arriving there, Francis sees Edderkop cooking while humming some song that he probably doesn't know, he was also wearing different clothes, I'm sure he went to his apartment changed is clothes,He had his hair tied up and his glasses on, the kitchen was completely clean, the table had coffee, juice, cake, bread, butter and cookies,it looked more like a feast than a simple breakfast, Francis wonders where Edderkop found the time to do all this...or buy...*
"Oh, Francis! Good morning!"
*Edderkop says as he turns off the stove and turns to Francis.*
"Did you sleep well?"
(update: 7 babies)
*francis smiles*
yeah i did.. that smells good..
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ifelten · 1 year
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Art af løbekrabbeedderkop (Philodromus sp.)
Species of Running Crab Spider (Philodromus sp.)
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I'm bored, so you're all getting a Rainbow Six Siege OC blarb
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(art by the great AronBerg over on twitter)
Full Name: Eivindur "Edderkop" Nilsen Gender: No/Agender (they/them - AMAB) Nationality: Faroe Islander / Norwegian
A baby-faced 30 year-old, part of Norway's FSK
Born in Tórshavn, Streymoy, Faroe Islands (Currently lives in Fredrikstad, Eastern Norway)
Speaks Faroese, Norwegian, Danish, and English
Their callsign means "spider", and is a reference to both their love of spiders, and their personal gadget, the Cavatus.
It's a sort of underbarrel bola-launcher, inspired by the triangle-weaving spider (which uses its web as a sort of slingshot to capture its prey).
While they're an excellent shot, their speciality is close-quarters combat; literally they will never back down from a good scrap, and they are not above fighting dirty.
They already have a reputation for biting mid-fight, if the opportunity arises.
Collects sparring-partners like Pokémon cards.
A long-time dream of theirs was to have a pet spider, and since they now have at least some free-time and a space of their own... they got one! A Mexican Red-Knee tarantula affectionally named "Princess Cheeto"!
Really REALLY into crime fiction! True-crime not so much, though.
Handwriting looks like this:
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The story of how they got their scar changes every time. Notable examples include “shoved too many Doritos in my mouth, and those things are sharp!”, and “I really wanted to cosplay The Joker for Halloween one year, but chickened-out halfway”.
Quiet and unassuming as first, but the more you get to know them, the more you unlock their harmlessly chaotic Silly Mode traits.
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e-von-dahl · 7 months
As a Scots speaker whenever I see I familiar word in other Germanic languages I feel like a dog seeing another type of dog
Hi! Yes! You’re Germanic! I’m Germanic too! Omg!
I just found out the Danish word for spider is edderkop and got excited because the Scots word is ettercap
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francismosses · 2 months
So... Mr. Francis, my name is Edderkop, but you can call me Edder, I would like to extend an invitation if it's not too much...Maybe we can have dinner one of these days?
Only platonic dinners.
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ditte-i-brisbane · 8 months
Turen går til Tasmanien part 2/3
Tirsdag (Launceston - Strahan):
Tirsdag var dagen, hvor turens højdepunkt kom for mig. Vi skulle besøge Cradle Mountain. Cradle Mountain er Tasmaniens mest genkendelige og ikoniske bjerg. Og det er meget forståeligt. Vi brugte omkring 4 timer på at vandre rundt i nationalparken, men jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at man kunne have brugt 2 uger uden at gentage de samme spor. I denne del af Tasmanien på vestkysten regner det omkring 280 dage om året, 100 dage mere end i DK, men det kunne vi ikke mærke noget af. Vi havde simpelthen fuld sol med skyfri himmel. Og som krymmel på toppen, var der næsten heller ingen vind. Det var den perfekte dag.
Vores tur i nationalparken startede ved Ronny Creek, som er en af de bedste steder til at spotte wombats i Tasmanien, og jeg kan love jer for, at der var mange af dem. Jeg fik altså i den grad set alle de vilde wombats, jeg kunne drømme om.
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Turen gik derefter videre op gennem det smukke sub alpine landskab, langs et vandløb, hvor man kunne fylde sin drikkedunk, og op til Glacier Lake. Så smukt!
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Efter Glacier Lake gik vi videre op, hele vejen til Marions Lookout. Her havde vi den smukkeste udsigt til bagsiden af Cradle Mountain, som er kendetegnet ved nationalparken, og over Dove Lake. Jeg spiste frokost på toppen i shorts og med en lang undertrøje, mens solen varmede mig op.
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Efter frokost skulle vi desværre vende om, da vi jo kun havde 4 timer, og ikke kunne gå videre til selve Cradle Mountain. Vi gik altså ned igen, og kom forbi Dove Lake og Glacier Rock, som også havde smukke udsigter op til bjerget.
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Efter turen tog vi hurtigt forbi Ronny Creek igen, og kiggede efter flere wombats. Jeg må erkende at Tasmanien er stedet for mig i Australien, og jeg bliver nødt til at komme tilbage igen. Der er en seks dages vandretur, kaldet Overland Track, som man kan gå ved Cradle Mountain, og den skal jeg bare gennemføre. Det bliver nok ikke i mens jeg er her nu, men nu ved jeg præcis, hvad jeg skal rejse tilbage og få gjort.
Efter den lange dag kørte vi til Strahan, hvor vi nu skal sove to nætter. Her er der et lille vandløb, hvor der bor næbdyr, så jeg krydser fingre for, at kan få lov til at se sådan en.
Onsdag (Strahan - Strahan):
Onsdag bød på en dag i Strahan. I dag tog vi en tur i regnskoven, hvor vi gik ud til Montezuma Falls. Det var så fedt at få set et vandfald med vand i, da de fleste vandfald i Queensland har været ret tørre.
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Strahan er en gammel mineby, så her fik vi også lov til at gå ind i en af de gamle minehuler, hvor vi fik set nogle store huleedderkopper. Jeg har altså endelig set en stor edderkop i Australien!
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Efter turen i regnskoven kom vi tilbage på vores hostel og havde en chill eftermiddag. Her var jeg heldig nok til at se et næbdyr! Desværre har jeg ikke noget bevis, så i må stole på mig, når jeg siger at jeg så en af jordens mest usandsynlige dyr med mine egne øjne ;)
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Aftenen blev brugt i teateret, hvor vi så Australiens ældste skuespil: The Ship that Never Was. Dette skuespil har kørt i 29 år her i Strahan. Det handlede om nogle af de forbrydere, der levede i Van Diemens land, Tasmanien, som byggede en båd, stjal den, sejlede til Chile og derefter blev fanget af briterne. Det var et virkelig sjov skuespil, hvor publikum virkelig blev inddraget. Vi grinte en hel masse, selvom de fleste af os europæere måske ikke helt forstod de meget tykke australske dialekter.
Dette var altså en mere stille dag, men næbdyret var en kæmpe bonus :)))
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hedonistbyheart · 11 months
It's so funny to realise that some animals just have attached names to me because of nursery rhymes.
Like, a spider is naturally attached to the name Peter for me because "peter edderkop" is like a whole thing in my head, entirely seperate from the concept of Spiderman (the spider in the song was named Peter by 1948 so he isn't named after Spiderman).
A fox is naturally connected to the name "Mikkel" as in "Mikkel ræv" because that's just what foxes are called in Danish conversation. The fox and the hound is called "Mads og Mikkel" in Danish.
I wonder why we do that with some animals.
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thatsnotmymilkman · 29 days
*Edderkop smiles slightly at the kiss, and then watches Francis go towards his room to sleep, Edder calmly observes Francis' apartment once again,as if he were analyzing every corner of that place.*
*The next day, the sun was gently hitting the curtains in Francis's room,The milkman was sleeping peacefully in his bed, but of course, he had to wake up to go to work.*
*Francis groaned as he woke up, sitting up*
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ifelten · 2 years
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Engstavedderkop (Tetragnatha extensa)
Common Stretch-spider (Tetragnatha extensa)
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minvaerrehalvdel · 11 months
Igår hallucinerede jeg en edderkop i min seng, som slet ikke var der. Det er langt fra først gang, tror det startede 6 måneder siden ish, men den her gang var den ret tydelig i halv mørke, og egentlig ret stor. Ved ikke om jeg er ved at blive schizo eller om det er noget af det spirituelle, either way synes jeg det er ret freaky. Som regel plejer jeg at se dem i øjenkrogen, men den her gang var det lige på. Synes også at jeg mærkede noget andet i mørket som approachede mig, som gav mig myrekryb, men det forsvandt hurtigt og kunne ikke se hvad det var, men det var et eller andet større, nok i størrelsen af en dværg. Altså hvad fuck sker der
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i’ve done sod-all for pride month so far, so...... time to highlight some newer OCs! (they’re all Rainbow Six: Siege OCs, send help)
Besnik Petrit “Grackë” Hoxha - he/him - 6′7 & 240lbs of pure homosexual
Eivindur “Edderkop” Nilsen - they/them - agender spider enthusiast
Iriqtaq “Migat” Kopanuk - they/she - nb, bi, and obsessed with SCIENCE
Taalay uulu “Öçürüü” Nurbek - he/him - world’s most technophobic gay
Art sources: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
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izaack-gauss · 6 days
"Hello, I'm back again, Izaack my dear, how are you?"
*Edderkop says with a smile as he looks at Izaack.*
Oh, Edder, you're here early. Please excuse me for a second, I need to change..
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Man boobs
Do they live together
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junipernight · 6 months
First Impressions/Foreign Tongue
Fandom: Teen Titans (2003)
Chapter 7: 1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100
Summary:  “I speak English, German, Latin, Romanian, Ancient Sumerian, and Sanskrit. Do you have anything I can read?” - Raven, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo
Raven and Starfire were very good friends. Absolute gal pals. Total besties. They went to the mall together. And to the movies. And to restaurants (both the cheerful bistros and the depressing cafes). Starfire liked to grab Raven’s hand whenever she wanted to show the darker girl something, and Raven found the habit was catching. Sometimes Raven sensed that her friend was frustrated. She suspected that Starfire wished they hung out more.
Starfire and Raven were the very best of friends, and Starfire was frustrated…. frustrated Raven couldn’t take a damn hint.
“How can someone so smart be as oblivious as an edderkop med en lille fødselsdags hat?!?”  she fumed.
Cyborg tried to hide his grin, by popping open the hood of the T-Car and peering inside.
“I have done the ‘taking her out’ to movies and to dinner,” Star continued, “I have held her hand and told her she looks beautiful, and even pulled ‘the move’ with the arm around the shoulders that earth films think so highly of, but this morning, I heard her tell Bee we were friends!”
Cyborg had been present for that video call; it had occurred on his arm.
What had actually happened was that Bee had called Cyborg to share the latest idiotic exploits of her team (mostly Speedy), had seen Raven in the background, and had commented how nice it must be to have a female friend on the team with her, to which Raven had noncommittally said ‘mm.’
Cyborg reached into the hood and started loosening and re-tightening the caps of various fluid tanks in the engine. 
There was nothing wrong with the T-Car, it just gave him something to do when his friends needed to vent or wanted advice.
“Have you considered,” he began thoughtfully, as he pulled out the oil stick and checked the level, “that Raven doesn’t know you're putting the moves on her because, as far as she knows, you’re always that friendly to people?”
“But she is an empath! She should sense my love!”
“I don’t know, maybe she does sense it, and thinks you just love life.”
Starfire made an angry noise—definitely not the sound of someone who was currently loving life—and Cyborg hurried to come up with some useful advice before any stray starbolts went flying. Then he’d have to fix the T-Car for real.
“Look, why don’t you try just talking to her? Do something different, go somewhere you’d never go with ‘just a friend’ and say “Raven, I love you, will you go out with me?” or something.”
Starfire’s head, upside down, appeared under the hood and looked at him beseechingly.
“But what if she says no?”
“If she says no, I will personally take you to my favorite sad spot to get consolation milkshakes,” said Cyborg. “But trust me; she’s not gonna say no.”
It was kinda stupid, how much Starfire wanted to kiss Raven again. Kissing had never been this important to her on Tamaran. There, it had been a utilitarian gesture, something you did when you needed to learn something. 
… Well, no, it hadn’t been strictly utilitarian… There had been a children’s game of some sort. Starfire didn’t know all the rules. As a heavily guarded princess in wartime, she hadn’t been allowed to partake. Blackfire had been better at sneaking away from the palace. Once, after she had snuck out, she came back with a new language on her tongue and gave it to Starfire. It had been their secret language for a time, one the guards and their parents didn’t possess.
(It had turned out to be Gordanian.)
Starfire didn’t want to learn another language from Raven, per se. Though she was glad Raven knew many more; it meant there was a chance, however slim, that Raven would need to kiss her again. 
Starfire found herself dreaming about gibberish-speaking villains. Raven would pull her away—into an alley, or sometimes, into the folds of her cloak— and their lips would touch…. and then someone, (usually Gizmo) would appear with a snot munching grin and an explosive, and send them flying apart
Starfire sighed, and flipped through more pages of a local travel guidebook Robin had given her for Christmas one year.
It wasn’t enough to continue this haphazard relationship with Raven. It wasn’t enough to keep waiting around, hoping for an occasional kiss. Starfire was going to be intentional, and brave, and direct. She was going to ask Raven on a date, and then she was going to ask to be her girlfriend. Her fingers stopped on a glossy page with a breathtaking photo on it.
And now she knew the perfect place.
Raven agreed to the daycation readily enough
They left late in the afternoon, and flew directly east. By the time they crossed the mountains, the sun was low at their backs, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. 
Raven stopped in mid air, and turned to watch as the sun seemed to rest upon the ridgetop. Starfire took her hand. 
“It is a beautiful sunset,” Star said.
Raven hummed in agreement. They watched the sun sink for a few more moments before Raven said, “This time of day always reminds me of Azarath. The twin suns never rise or set there; they circle, always just below the horizon.”
Starfire tugged on her hand, and gestured for her to look south. A large canyon branched out below, a maze of flat-topped red rock and sheer cliffs, dotted with occasional weathered trees and patches of wildflowers. Raven knew what Starfire was trying to show her before she even said anything.
“This place reminds me of Tamaran,” Star said.
“From a distance, our homelands are pretty similar, huh?” 
They chose a hazy purple patch to land in, and settled in amongst the wildflowers. Then they unpacked the picnic basket, and for the next hour, they sat and ate and talked and laughed while the light slowly faded from the sky.
Eventually, they flopped back in the tall grass and turned off the lantern.
The canyon air was clean, away from the pollution and emotional miasma of hundreds of thousands of people. Raven breathed deep, letting the quiet night fill her lungs.
Even the pleasant, lush scent of night-blooming moon flowers had nothing on the sky though.
When the last of the sunlight finally vanished, the stars came out. The milky way arched overhead, as glittery as a city skyline, but with an opalescent sheen of subtle purples and pinks and oranges. 
Raven turned her head in the grass, about to ask if this was what the stars looked like from space, but the question died on her lips when she saw the intense way Starfire was looking at her. Starfire was glowing with emotions, a complex swirling whirlwind of feelings that reminded Raven of the night they first met.
Starfire reached over, and brushed a lock of hair out of Raven’s face.
“May I kiss you?” She asked.
Raven tensed. “Do you… need to learn a language?”
“No, I am asking for non-linguistic reasons.”
Raven kept pressing. “Do you enjoy kissing?”
“I enjoy kissing you.”
“Raven,” Starfire huffed, part exasperated, part amused, part terrified. “I am asking for romantic reasons.”
They stared at each other.
“... Yeah you can kiss me.”
Starfire beamed at her, her windblown hair haloed by the rising moon. She shuffled over in the grass, closing the distance between them. Then, very gently, Starfire cupped Raven’s cheek in her hand, and gave her a look so full of adoration that Raven couldn’t bear it.
Raven closed her eyes.
Their lips met.
Raven was suddenly hit with a rush of elation, that might have been hers and might have been Starfire’s and was probably both and that shone through her like sunlight on a cold autumn day. 
Starfire’s lips were warm and soft and gentle against her own; she threaded her fingers through Starfire’s hair, and Starfire’s arms wrapped around her, holding her close, until it felt like Starfire was the whole world, so entirely was Raven enveloped in her presence.
A warm huff of air brushed past her cheekbones, which meant at least one of them had remembered to breathe.
When Raven finally pulled away, she was startled to find they were floating in midair.
Starfire giggled. Raven couldn’t stop the reciprocal laugh that huffed out of her throat.
“You remember what I told you was the source of Tameranian flight?” Starfire whispered, already leaning in for another kiss.
“¿Puedo besarte?”
Starfire asked, in the backseat of the T-Car at night, a far cry away from fields of wildflowers or the twinkle of starlight.
Raven’s arm throbbed. Brother Blood’s sonic blast had knocked her out of the air and sent her sliding across the street, and now her joints felt wrong, and she could tell even without peeling back her sleeve that her forearm was raw and bloodied.
“It doesn’t make sense, why would Brother Blood announce his presence alone like this?” said Cyborg from the driver’s seat. It wasn’t really clear whether Cyborg was looking for an answer or debating with himself,.
“He always had a flair for the dramatic,” came Robin’s reply, crackly over the radio. 
“Trust me, I remember his monologues, Rob, but I’m telling you, it doesn’t feel right. The Blood I knew always had his pawns in place before he made a move.”
They came to a stoplight, and the R-cycle pulled up beside them.
“You think he’s lying about not starting up HIVE academy again?” 
She just wanted to go home, change into something sleeveless, and tend to her wounds.
“HIVE or no HIVE, I think he’s found followers somewhere, and he’s choosing not to reveal them yet,” Cyborg said grimly.
Raven winced.
“Hey, look at me,” Starfire said softly. “[It is going to be okay. Blood is too late to accomplish his goals.]” She alone among the Titans knew the role that Sebastian Blood had played in her conception.
Raven didn't answer, just cradled her arm closer to her chest after a pothole jostled the T-car.
Starfire tenderly grasped her injured wrist, brought it up to her mouth, and pressed a gentle kiss to her scraped knuckles
“[What are you doing?]"
“[It is an earth custom called the] boo-boo kiss. [This time, I will make you feel better.]"
“[That’s silly.]” 
“[Is not it working?”] She brushed the grit and gravel from Raven’s hand, and pressed a kiss to her palm.
“[... yeah, maybe it’s working.]
“Utinam ego te basia?”
Starfire asked Raven to kiss her many, many times. On a stormy night by the ocean, in the candlelit sanctuary of Raven’s room, surrounded by sunshine and wildflowers, caked in dust and blood and tears, Starfire asked Raven to kiss her.
And Raven almost always said yes.
“Poți să mă săruți de noapte bună?” Starfire whispered in her ear one night, when Raven was already halfway into dreamland. It took a moment for her tired brain to make sense of the words: Can I have a good night kiss?
Raven rolled over and blearily groped around until her hand found Starfire’s cheek.
“Starfire.” She kissed her on the mouth. “Stella Ignis.” Another kiss, this time on the forehead. “Meine liebe.” Kiss. “सुश्रोणी.” Kiss. “Go the fuck to sleep.” 
“Ĉu mi rajtas kisi vin?” 
They weren’t doing anything in particular. Just chilling on the couch, entwined, basking in the late afternoon sun and each other’s company. But suddenly it was a momentous occasion:
Because Raven had never asked Starfire before.
Starfire wiggled around until she could actually see Raven; it took quite a bit of maneuvering, since the shorter girl had been laying in her arms, half on top of her.  
There was a twinkle in Raven’s eye, as if she were amused by Star’s reaction; she clearly knew how big of a deal this was, despite her casual tone.
“Jes,” Star said in Azarathian. “Milfoje feliĉe, jes.”
“Må jeg kysse dig?” Starfire asked her beloved for the thousandth or so time.
It was very early in the morning. Raven didn’t move. Her eyes remained closed, and her head didn’t leave the valley of the pillow.
Starfire kept playing with the silken purple hair sprawled in curlicues between them. Maybe it was too early in the morning for Tamaranean, she thought. After all, her beloved did not have her innate ability to swallow new languages and make them her own. Then Raven twitched.
A low creaking sound like a stone being rolled away from a tomb rumbled through the mattress, and her favorite half-demon stretched. Her limbs (the flesh and bone ones as well as half a dozen tendrils of shadowy soul-self) extended lazily in all directions before settling around Starfire.
“Mmm, you may,” she replied in English.
Starfire smiled, and dipped her head down.
The kiss was long and languid; Starfire shivered in the delectable chill of the magic wrapped around her and the contrasting warmth of her kærestes embrace. Even just a few short months ago, Star knew, Raven would never have relaxed like this or allowed any trace of her demonic heritage to be so freely visible. It was only recently, when Star had admitted she also sometimes felt the pressure to assimilate, blend in, that the two of them had promised to be more open about their respective inhuman quirks with each other.
It was all so unlikely--that the two of them had become lovers, that they had met, that they had even survived their respective ordeals to do so. Starfire felt like the luckiest being in the entire universe to be tucked up in bed on a kind blue planet with her beloved.
“I speak every language you do now,” Star said one day, apropos of nothing, while the Titans were enjoying a beach day.
The tide was coming in, and Cyborg and Robin were having a competition to see who could bear to wade deeper into the cold Pacific water; only Starfire and BB (in whale form) could truly stand to swim. Raven preferred to watch the waves dash against the rocks from a safe distance.
Raven considered Starfire’s statement as she peered into a tide pool.
“Almost,” She conceded. “I don’t actually ‘speak’ Ancient Sumerian, so you can’t learn it from me.”
The way Starfire’s face fell was almost comical. She pouted at a starfish growing on a nearby rock, and sullenly wrung out her wet hair.
“I can still ask you to kiss me in Sumerian,” Raven teased. She crouched down, and plucked a feather from the edge of the tide pool. (It was a nice feather; maybe she would save it and turn it into a quill.)
In the wet sand, she carefully inscribed:
Starfire beamed at her, and they kissed in Ancient Sumerian—briefly.
Raven recoiled. “You’re cold!” she exclaimed, in a tone of betrayal.
Starfire opened her arms. “Warm me?”
“No!” She took off flying down the beach, pursued by her cold, wet girlfriend.
Aqualad and Robin were making out in front of the coffee pot again.
“Really dudes? Right in front of my salad?” Beast Boy exclaimed. The two lover boys took no notice.
“You’re eating fruit loops,” Raven pointed out. 
“It’s a- nevermind.” Beast Boy spun around in his seat so he was facing away and irritably chomped down on a spoonful of fruity loops. “They’re so gross. I don’t see you guys smacking lips in every room in the tower.”
Starfire smiled mischievously. “Indeed; you never see us.”
Beast Boy gaped for a moment. Then he slammed down his bowl, covered his ears and fled the room, repeating “la la la, I’m not listening!” as he went. 
Starfire laughed, and Raven touched their smiles together.
The End
Author’s note: This is… the end? I am…. finished? Wow, that hasn’t happened in *checks watch* eleven years.
Thank you so much to everyone who has read this far, and especially to everyone who encouraged me to continue this or left kind comments!! I am metaphorically kissing you all on the mouth right now.
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diddeoglaurapaatur · 1 year
Alene i Sydney sammen
Så var vi endelig nået til at være alene på rejsen (igen). Vi var sammen om at være alene i Sydney.
Vi sagde farvel til Jan og Annemette lørdag d. 8/ 10 ved middagstid og tog derefter til forstaden, Como. Her havde vi et AirBnB værelse i lidt under en uge. Ugen blev ikke brugt på det helt store. Vi akklimatiserede mest, slappede af, indhentede søvn og accepterede, at vi nu var alene i Sydney.
Didde kom dog det moderne kunstmuseum i Sydney, mens Laura tog hen og klatrede. Derudover skete der ikke det store.
Vores næste AirBnB var i forstaden Burwood, hvor der var en mini Chinatown. Her blev vi i et par uger.
Undervejs i Burwood mødtes Laura til en dansker brunch med andre unge danskere i Sydney. Med danskerne tog Laura til finalen af klippeudspring, som tilfældigvis blev afholdt i Sydney (med høj sol).
Vi mødtes med Jakob og Carmella til et nudel-natmarked, som er et arrangement, der er i et par dage en enkelt gang om året. Det var hyggeligt og med lækker mad!
Didde fik nyt pas! Hvilket næsten egentlig var det vigtigste.
Der blev oprettet bankkonti.
Vi kom på et meget lokalt marked, hvor man kunne få en 'crowson' og ikke en 'croissant'.
Laura fik pinke spidser med midlertidig farve hvilket var heldigt, for hun synes, det var sjovt, men hun savnede hurtigt sin almindelige hårfarve.
Der blev uddelt en gratis prøve af en ny Prada parfume. Man fik en hel pose med en lillebitte prøve i, så man kunne føle sig ekstra fin.
Vi købte også lidt frugt bl.a. en drage frugt, som Didde synes, hun havde skåret enormt flot.
Generelt i Burwood, hvor vi boede, hyggede vi os. Vi fandt ikke job, men kom efter et par uger hen på det hostel, vi er på lidt endnu i centrum af Sydney.
Vi mødte søde mennesker på vorrs AirBnB bl.a. Mai, som bor i Melbourne. Hende faldt vi godt i snak med, og vi har en lille smule kontakt stadigvæk. Enormt sød kvinde i slutningen af 20'erne. Hende hyggede vi os rigtig godt med og fik en masse gode snakke.
Vi faldt i snak med Azusa fra Japan, som var flyttet til Sydney på en prøveperiode for at se, om det var noget, hun kunne være interesseret i på den lange bane. Hun tog efter kort tid hjem til Japan for at have vinteren der og komme ud i sne og stå på ski og snowboard. Med Azusa fik rigtig brokket os over, de frøer der var på grunden.
Der var en nedlagt pool, som var en del af AirBnB'et, men den var lukket af, og der var ikke ret meget vand tilbage. Og det vand, der var tilbage, var helt grønt. MEN vandet tiltrak frøer. Så om aftenen larmede det med et helt kor af frøer. Vi var ikke fans af frøerne...
Vi mødte også Kevin fra Belgien, som også kom til hostellet, vi er på nu. Desværre var tidspunktet han kom på ikke så godt, så vi nåede ikke rigtigt at se ham.
Vi mødte også en kæmpe edderkop. Vores første og indtil videre eneste (7-9-13). Det var en af de der kæmpe nogen, som er på størrelse med en hånd. Laura ville tage et billede, men hun skulle passere tæt forbi edderkoppen for at få hendes telefon, og det var ikke en mulighed.
En sidste meget vigtig ting, der skete i Burwood var, at Didde fik en tatovering. Hun går allerede med store overvejelser om, hvor den næste tatovering skal være, og hvad det skal være.
Burwood blev til vores Bur-hood, fordi det var vores hood (dvs nabolag), men vi skulle videre til Pacific House Hostel.
Inden vi fortæller om det, bliver der lige uploadet nogle videoer af vores kaotiske oplevelser i Burwood.
- Didde og Laura
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