#Expert Consultations
amitbloges · 7 months
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High Beam Global is a market research company that aims at providing market insights to solve your business complexities and guide you toward a better business future. By providing a business consultant with you all the time.
With over ten years of examination experience, HBG is one of India's top-of-the-line statistical surveying and information assortment firms. Our inclusion is worldwide, with workplaces in three mainlands adding nearby aptitude to complete market-driven examination projects. Our space information adds worth and helps work with knowledge and technique advancement.
Market research helps in understanding the place you want to hold in the future of your business; Market research is necessary if you're going to build a large-scale corporation. Market research determines the target audience and gets opinions about how to be better at finding the right strategies.
For example, an organization thinking about starting a new business could direct statistical surveying to test the suitability of its item or administration. If the statistical surveying affirms shopper interest, the company can continue unhesitatingly with the marketable strategy.
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song-of-baldy-ron · 8 months
OK but what would happen if you wore the Laszlo Cravensworth Cursed Hat and the Stede Bonnet Cursed Jacket together
Would the curses counteract each other or would you just explode immediately
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
one cool and chill thing about me is that before i can write a sentence about a character i have to figure out everything that’s ever happened to them and probably their parents and extended family also
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marisatomay · 1 year
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Happy Pride to these pictures of Steve Rubell, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Tom Cruise, Maripol, and Martin Burgoyne in a limo at Madonna and Sean Penn’s wedding in 1985
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helshollowhalls · 1 year
Lucio: Oopsie.
Morga: Oopsie? OOPSIE? This is not an 'oopsie' situation, Montag. We are far past oopsie. Oopsie is a distant speck in the rearview mirror. We are solidly in 'oh fuck' territory and I expect you to act like it.
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isagrimorie · 2 months
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Captain Kathryn Janeway as a Brilliant Tactician, part 1, 2, 3 (version 1) (version 2)
Star Trek Voyager, 7x10 -Flesh and Blood II (version 1)
Hirogen ships wildly outclassed Voyager and the first time Voyager seriously went up against the Hirogen, the crew lost control of the ship and they were forced to participate in various Hirogen hunting games.
The crew barely took back Voyager and Janeway had to give Hirogen the Hologram tech to get them off her ship.
And then in season 7, after the EMH Doctor betrayed Voyager and thoroughly sabotaged the ship. The Engine room was a mess and the only reason Voyager didn't explode is because B'Elanna reinforced the Warp core. And then the holograms kidnap B'Elanna.
Voyager, battered and limping was on a mission to retrieve their two lost crew members. So Janeway decided to use the Hirogen's hunting skill for their benefit and had the best tactic to deal with the Hirogen while Voyager was in no condition for a firefight.
And despite limping all the way while tailing the Hirogen ships, in the end Voyager fought against two Hirogen ships and won.
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fist-of-vengeance · 1 month
ben linus the type of guy to behave like a frightened animal while attempting to buy condoms
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travelers-gaming · 7 months
taylor is an irredeemable character. not because of the crime that was cool. she needs to be cancelled for how badly she singlehandedly fucked up the ecology of brockton bay
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
yan chrollo watching yan feitan with their darling is like that one post. "it's a psychological horror TO YOU. to me it's a romcom"
LORD ????????????????????? it's so true. chrollo could intervene at any point but he thinks it's good you're both bonding so well. this reminds me of an excerpt from a fic i've yet to finish ...
You think that’s why they give you the bare essentials — to lure you into the trap of wanting more. Feitan would get annoyed and look at you like you had asked for the literal moon when all you wanted were some extra blankets or something similarly inconsequential. He’d flick you on the forehead, grumble something, then leave the room. On rare occasions, you’d wake up the next morning with whatever you had requested tossed haphazardly onto the ground. Though you wouldn’t see him for a while after that, you’d feel eyes on you from dawn until dusk. 
When you once asked Chrollo about this, he explained that Feitan felt “used” but would come around eventually. He then added that you should feel fortunate that Feitan is so fond of you or things could’ve ended “in a way you wouldn’t have appreciated”. You can’t say you want to find out what he meant by that. 
they both couldn't be more impossible to deal with if they tried.
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wonderinc-sonic · 5 months
Gang how much do we think a ring is worth? What is a low, mid range and high salary in the Sonic world?
And how in the hell do you think they would value a Chaos Emerald? Yes, I know no moral person would buy and sell them, but that isn't an issue here.
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modmad · 1 year
How do you deal with burnout? I'm on week three of having my brain fried and creative juices sapped . Interested to know how a creative person like you deals with burnout. 🫠✌️
hilariously I have only had it Once and it was about this time last year because I played DnD Too Much (who knew that was possible right). Literally I have only just started playing DnD again recently because it latest THAT long, but it affected all parts of me and it was HORRIBLE.
Having only had it once I am hardly an expert. My only real advice is to try to avoid it at all/catch it early. If you use the creative part of your brain too much, just like a muscle, it can get overworked and become injured, and it needs a lot of time to recover. Just because it's fun doesn't mean it's not hard work!
Look carefully at how much creative thinking you are doing, regardless of what type, and try to put it into scale: how many hours is this per day? Is that a regular working day? Is it more? How much time is spent in idle (or non creative work) to allow your brain to take its natural span of time to come up with an idea, verses how much time are you using forcing it to come up with too much stuff too quickly. Schedule yourself as if you are an animal at a zoo: you don't want to be cruel to the animal! Don't make it play games, solve puzzles or perform tricks without a break, even if it finds it enriching!
If you feel any signs that burnout is approaching (e.g. general fatigue/lack of interest in a topic despite it being an interest/that weird 'brain is too too hot' feeling), that means IT IS. DON'T IGNORE IT!!! You body is trying to tell you to stop! Give yourself space! If you get it, all you can do is rest until you're better, so it's very much better to prevent it than get to the point of climbing back up from the bottom of the hill.
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shrikeseams · 11 months
(you can't tell me the house of Feanor doesn't have gifted jewelsmiths among their followers who can put in a protective charm or a healing spell or something)
Excised from the reblog chain for length/off-topicness, but I'm now brooding over the variety of benign beneficial forms of magic jewelry the noldor could focus on in the second and third ages. Healing, yes, good, and also I suspect a degree of... luck? Safety? Little charms to turn a blade, or at least divert it from vulnerable bits like eyes and organs. (Actually, I bet those started out as workplace safety charms in Aman, and were turned to martial uses in the early first age. They make for popular trade goods with laiquendi hunters and the marchwardens of doriath.)
But also things like bonds-breaking! An entire department of the gwaith-i-mirdain focused on how to effectively embed something like Finrod's chain-breaking spell into something small and innocuous like a belt buckle or earring, or an embroidery design on one's undershirt. And it does take a whole department, because (as finrod's example suggests) it's a trick that requires wild amounts of power and finesse, but even more so if one wants to incorporate it into everyday wear items. The department is NOTORIOUS for wandering around with buttons and bootlaces and hair ties and brooches and necklace clasps all undone, or coming undone and being re-closed every 15 minutes or so. After a certain point the department head just takes to wearing a bedsheet most of the time because the latest experiments won't even leave a stitched seam in place. She trails loose threads behind her wherever she goes.
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
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rifleman harris all pronouns swag...
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The Royal Navy in the Sea Beasts had NO BUSINESS trying to hunt sea monsters - even aside from the propaganda in the background
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the first-ever time the movie introduces us to the Navy, its through an Admiral bragging about a ship built to kill sea beasts which Captain Crow pretty quickly sizes up as not the right tool for the job
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"fixed cannons are useless (and her captain is an Ass)"
But its not just that they didn't know how what kind of ships and weaponry would efficiently take down massive ocean critters!! They also didn't seem to bother giving their men any drilling or training to prepare for the job itself!
This guy:
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saw Red pop over the crest of the island and immediately went to shoot *without alerting anyone else* on the shore that the Red Bluster was in charging range of them! Note how as he goes to shoot at her, most of the other soldiers in the background remain unawares
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aside from like the one (1) guy (bottom left) who also sees and actually goes "hey there's the Red Bluster!" the soldiers and the ship remain unaware that Red is there until she's actually charging them because this chucklehead shot at her
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So by the time these poor sods find out that this massive, pissed-off unicorn seal thing is coming for their asses, she's already halfway to them and it is way too late to take effective precautions! The musketshot and cannonfire doesn't slow her down at all - it just seems to smother the ship in her own smoke so nobody can see anything at all by the time Red hits them
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Like from the top down, nobody in the navy was given adequate preparation or training for this job, and it shows
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POV: u fucked up
like for my part-time job I work with heavy and dangerous machinery, and one of the things that was really emphasized when I started was: tell someone if something's not right: mechanical problem, something breaks, whatever it is, communicate it to someone
and this is just for working with industrial machinery! which is a lot less unpredictable than a giant, powerful animal that can and will tear you and your ship a new porthole. It highkey seems like Admiral Hornagold literally didn't do any training or prep for this mission with his soldiers, and just assumed that they'd suceed "because we are
The Royal Navy
like what a massive waste of time, money, manpower, and lives for such a stupid oversight!! 'cuz....they HAVE people who've been successfully hunting beasts for centuries!!! if even one commanding officer in the navy had been like 'hmmm, perhaps I should hire some retired hunters or off-duty hunters to do some consulting before I commission a ship and assign recruits to man it" the whole thing could've been avoided!!
it was SO STUPID TO NOT DO THAT whether or not the naval officers in charge were in on the propaganda machine!
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claredanko · 1 year
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monkee iceberg
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tiredsn0w · 8 months
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Something something trying to figure out how SCP-049's mask would work in that Tale by Alzin Cdag where he can fold it up
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