#Finally. Inscryption art post by me.
challenger-of-tech · 5 months
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My Inscryption fixation reignited on late December 2023, which caused the existence of this blog!
Here's the first art posted here! You'll never guess who my favourite scrybe is. (joke)
I made a speedpaint of this too! Here can find it here ^_^
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cardos-talking · 4 months
Okay, so I've been digging in game files of the Soulstorm and found some neat stuff that I wanted to share. LONG POST Also just in case I want to say that i'm not using anything from the game files in any way, expect for an art reference maybe.
So, the most important thing. SLIG PYJAMAS!! LOOK AT THEM!!
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i want the Shrykull one so bad lol. Please someone draw a slig in one of those next, Alf tattos. They are barely visible ingame, but there are actually quite a lot of them. The Abe one! q-q
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It's still hard to see what's going on but idk how to make it better... The inscryption from the sanctum.
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This could be a concept art for the sanctum or they planned to make hand-drawn loading screens. Either way, it's a very cool art.
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Walls from FeeCo Depot. I always wanted to look at them ingame but camera wouldn't let me. They are actually gorgeous
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So there are many game files named like "UI_dialog_somethingsomething" and maybe devs wanted to make some kind of dialogue system? Here's all the portraits. I know those render exist already but this is png files.
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The last one is called "sick_mud", if you are wondering. I guess it's the ill guys from sorrow valley. Old crafting system? Idk but i like the burning bush. Meech definitely grows something like that in his garden.
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Vykeer labs loading screen and final screens (? idk how to actually call them but they appear when you complete a mission in DLCs)
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Talking about Vykeers, ads from FeeCo Depot. jesus christ
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I think they're from munch oddysee? i don't remember, sorry The Shrykull banner. I know you can see it in the intro cutscene but i wanted to appreciate the cool texture
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And to end it, here's a creepy art of Abe. It's called "KongPuzzle_Abe", idk what to make of it, cut content I guess. He doesn't want to be here.
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That's it. I mean, there are a lot of files still but most of them is the stuff we've all already seen in the game.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
As someone who loves Inscryption despite its flaws I GOTTA know: what are your thoughts on its faults? I've seen you vague post about it and I'm so curious (also, hi!)
hiiiii :3 Lovely to see you reach out after you seeing you always pop up in the tags :D
To be clear, I still like Inscryption despite its flaws. It’s *interesting* as a piece of art, and that’s way better than a game that just technically checks off all the boxes of being playable. Like, I’ve been able to write several thousand words’ worth of a video essay script on this game, covering both the good and bad. It’s that fascinating to me.
Since I don’t want to unload 40 minutes’ worth of text on you here, I’ll just say my main thesis is that the game brushes up against a ton of genuinely cool ideas, but the developer never seems to notice them because he’s too married to the way things were done in Pony Island, and what people who like Meta Games expect. And Inscryption keeps so much info in the dark that you only realise this at the end.
The genre shifts are the biggest sticking point for me. If you know the developer already (or have watched someone else play the game), you’re perfectly fine with them being there. But if you’re someone like me who played the demo and then jumped in blind, you’re going to be burned by the shift to act 2 (and to Luke), which is nothing you would expect from the wonderful aesthetic act 1 mostly relies on. Even though I *like* both act 1 and 2, I kind of have to like them for separate things (i.e. a beautifully haunting roguelike based off forest folklore vs a deckbuilder exploring the worst art-kid polycule divorce you’ve ever seen).
The culmination of this is Kaycee’s mod, which I love, but is an implicit admission that the creator didn’t actually know his own strengths. An endless mode to only one third of your game is not a common thing to add in after launch, especially if you’re not early-access.
Then in act 2, outside of its lore, the game’s theme becomes the idea of games as art. The Scrybes are both multi-faceted characters in their own right and proxies of game design philosophies.
Leshy is the visceral experience of being in another world, while his actual game is pretty janky. Grimora is pure fun (which is a great contrast against her death aesthetic). P03 is the very specific way some designers get obsessed with game mechanics above all else and produce the most mid games you’ve ever seen. Magnificus is spectacle to the point it’s stupidly hard to actually play his deck.
Throughout both takeovers, there are always items or mechanics from the other Scrybes popping up. The stand-alone campaigns are arguably better than act 2 because they’re much more focused, yet Leshy and P03 both still can’t escape the influence of their colleagues.
This is all extremely interesting characterisation and commentary on game design that all goes unsaid. And as much as I dislike Luke Carder’s plot, I’ve spoken before about how the themes his story touch on would be a fantastic fit for that meta-commentary.
All this is great, self-contained within act 2. But the way the finale (and arguably act 3’s more lore-based segments) are written afterwards implies that wasn’t intentional at all. The culmination of this game is that all the Scrybes get deleted and go out in a sudden bombastic finale like in Pony Island and then 😱 maybe this guy shouldn’t have looked for secrets… Because now he’s dead IRL…
And it’s like. Okay? Sure. That looked cool I think. But what is the point of the story then, exactly?
So much happens in so little time in the finale. The writing is basically speedrunning all 3 of the remaining Scrybes’ arcs, and then has to reveal the OLD_DATA affecting Luke, and then has to show him getting killed. And you still don’t know what’s going on.
Then you go looking online for secrets and read that actually the evil glitch thing that was mentioned maybe twice in act 2 was important, and was the entire motivation for the plot. Also everything’s technically linked to the dev’s other games.
And I just. Do not think that is interesting at all, compared to the more carefully designed, and more character and theme-driven stories.
Daniel Mullins' work is unique in how whole-heartedly he includes meta elements, and I just think it's a shame he didn't take the opportunity to explore further beyond his usual comfort zone, as you might've expected from how different Inscryption's aesthetic is to his other games.
It should also not have taken that long to get to the point if the main story was a straight-forward evil artefact plot. Which the creator has already done in a more concise game years ago.
I think Kaycee’s mod tackles a lot of Inscryption's main issues, and I’m loving its smaller plot and more consistent pacing more than whatever the fuck was going on with Luke. But objectively I think it’s a big ask to force people to go through like. Everything after act 1. So they can play a potentially better version of the game.
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b1ttersweet-dreams · 2 months
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decided to finally make a pinned post, so hi! you can call me loxi/loxie, i use she/her pronouns (they/them are okay too!) im your local silly alien, and a robot/computer lover my pronouns.page | my artfight this is my art only blog, @srubabu is where i reblog stuff i do not post or reblog nsfw, there might be slightly suggestive stuff or artistic nudity but thats it. there might also be blood or gore but i try to put cw on that if i feel like its needed. other than that i rarely ever tag things. you can send an anon or dm if you want me to put a certain cw/tw on my post
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english is not my native language! so if you ever catch me making a mistake or not making sense its bc of that. or not. maybe im just a dumbass mutuals are free to interact with me, but beware im terribly shy and may take a while to respond >_< also you can ask for my discord and tag me in things current fandoms: ultrakill, rain world, inscryption and other daniel mullins games, portal, warrior cats, serial experiments lain other fandoms that have appeared on this page but are not listed i do not affiliate with anymore
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skyistheground · 4 months
pinned post! finally!!!
eurus/sky | any pronouns | adult
✨this is mainly an art blog but also doubles as general multifandom blog. my side acc is @groundisthesky where i reblog memes and animals
✨i am currently into in stars and time - other games i like are: rain world, inscryption, ultrakill, hollow knight, cult of the lamb, cassette beasts, and lethal company. might rb outside of that too but i mostly like those things
✨you are free to use my art as icons/banners without asking (just credit-- and the exception is commissioned work. nobody can use that except the commissioner) but you MAY NOT REPOST ANYWHERE. i have no accounts anywhere outside of tumblr (and toyhouse but... w/e). if it is anywhere else (except maybe youtube) it is not me
✨if you need anything tagged, send an ask in my askbox (on or off anon) and i will do it for you C:
✨look at this gayass (platonic) @meatcatt
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yourlocalbimexican · 5 months
An introduction first!
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Hello whoever stumbles across my blog!
I’m YourLocalBiMexican and I’ve been on tumblr for what some would say, too long! (lol)
Currently the fandoms I’m into are: TOH, TADC, JJBA
About Me
-You can call me by my username or just YLBM in ask or dms.
-I’m an aspiring artist and writer hoping to share some work with the world through tumblr!
-I’m a Taurus, Im Bisexual, and I live in the USA.
-I do occasionally use this blog as a sort of personal diary to clear my head or rant about life.
Hobbies and interests
-Art has been a long time passion of mine but only over the past couple of years (starting covid lockdown) I have been putting more and more effort into it.
-Recently began writing! I have a lot of story concepts floating around in my head and I’ve finally taken the time to write one.
-I play video games every so often when I need a break from whatever project I’m work on atm. I play games like ULTRAKILL, Deep Rock Galactic, Inscryption, TF2, Slay the Spire, Minecraft, and more.
-Card games are my jam. Yugioh is really the only TCG I play but I play loads of digital ones.
-Does listening to music count as a hobby?
-Really into Mythology, in particular, Greek Mythology but I do know a little Norse, Chinese, and Egyptian mythology.
Ask and DMs
-I am always up to answer most asks! (Try to keep it SFW tho)
-I’m not doing commissions right now but I might draw the occasional ask (no guarantees)
-If for some reason you DM me, please give a reason as to why. I’m not against DMs i just like knowing why someone contacted me in DMs vs an ask.
If you have a question that isn’t answered here then just ask your question over DMs or asks and I’ll (probably) respond! (If I get the same question over and over again I’ll just amend this post to include the answer to said question)
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sofiapagen · 5 months
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2023 Summary of Art Meme Full View
Thank you everyone for your interest and love this year!! Some of my reflections below~
I'm actually surprised to see so much art, I really thought I'd be struggling to find good things to show. This year I managed to complete a few projects such as:
Dragon a Day in April
Art Fight in July
Jester Costume for the Renaissance Fair in September
re-opening of my Flight Rising art shop
...and more! Honestly, all pretty huge, considering it was a difficult year: family surprise visit in February 👹, a couple of short notice "eviction" scares 🙄, my tumblr termination scares 😱, a lack of a routine on account of big changes in my household's dynamic 🤮, internal turmoils ⛅, etc.
However, I feel really confident and pleased with the new direction of my art. I finally figured out a good workflow that allows me to draw traditionally and color digitally. I'm still having a blast giving my sketchbook madness a kick of digital spice - case in point, this meme. I also got better at Project Diva and completed all achievements in Rayman Legends, Inscryption, and all sorts of videogames - weirdly proud about that (though I'll admit I looked up the secrets for the latter game because I'm not Solve ARG smart, only Win Battle smart).
I was JUST looking at my 2023 goals but I can't seem to find the picture to compare. If I do I'll post it. But for 2024, I made an art bingo at my friend's suggestion!
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Hope you can read cursive. Thank you for reading this far, cheers!
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chuckchuck228 · 1 year
Hi!! I thought that it’s finally time to do an infopost soooo
My name is Chuck!
16 y/o
(sometimes i misgender myself so its ok if you call me she)((but please don't))
Main fandom is osc
(but I also in fandoms like: Kirby, AHiT, Deltarune, Doors, MadCom, DHMIS, Ultrakill, Inscryption, Lololoshka(wooooo russian fandom lets goooo) and more)
I always like to talk with you so I’ll be very happy if you go to my mailbox and ask something :з (it’s always open!)
Usually my art is friendly but sometimes I can draw gore or something with a bright lights. I add a tw tag in those posts, don't worry
Requests: open (only sketch)
Trades: open
Commission: closed
Shitpost or just talking
My ocs
My artfight account
Also if something changes i’ll change this post
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demigod-of-the-agni · 2 years
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A bunch of links for you to find the wild Agni.
Instagram || ArchiveOfOurOwn || ???? || Youtube
These are all found on Ao3
• Here: Crossover/Series Masterlist. • Here: Oneshot Masterlist. • Here: Multi-Chapter Masterlist.
Here: My Writings. Here: Tips for Coding. Here: Short Story Websites • The Corridor - 2022 horror (mobile + pc) • “Along Cobblestone Streets” - ff7/spidey test (mobile + pc)
Because I myself am forgetting what tags I use
• #myart #artoftheagni and #mywriting - evident • #artsyparty - for art tips and tricks • #o wise writer stuff - for writing tips and tricks • #agnirambles - for when i start rambling • #agni of wisdom, #tag game and #commune with me - for asks, ask/tag games and answers • #dino agni - dino agni • #agnigames - agni plays video games (mostly ffxiv) • #putting the "asm" in "spidey's cataclasm" - 2022 amazing spider-man run my absolute beloathed. i hope editorial dies • #the time for being nice is over - "you wouldn't steal a car" my ass. down with capitalism. tips and tricks to evade the authorities • #funnyhaha - hall of fame for posts i think are funny
AUs and other projects
• #kalkichronciels - original story stuff!! • #nine realms but legit - me screaming into the void about the Bad Dragon Show • #mythic mumbattan au - mumbattan but with mythology • #bromantic flight - the httyd version of ninjago • #final fandesi7 - final fantasy 7 but... it has desi people......
• some secret code words for secret fandoms (below the cut; have fun trying to decode them all)
••• #Belief The Horror Game (FAITH: The Unholy Trinity) ••• #spooderman (Spider-Man) ••• #jragonprnce (The Dragon Prince) ••• #ninjergoo (Ninjago) ••• #monkerkidd (Monkie Kid) ••• #trollfacehunters (Trollhunters) ••• #baman (DC, Batman) ••• #Underworld Down Under The Game (Hades) ••• #Ghost Boy The Series (Danny Phantom) ••• #marble (Marvel, literally anything not Spider-Man) ••• #Depression The Anime (Neon Genesis Evangelion) ••• #Horizon Machine Madness (Horizon ZD+FW) ••• #mandela magazine (Mandela Catalogue) ••• #detwa becom ooman (Detroit: Become Human) ••• #magnum opus (Magnus Chase) ••• #lord of the bling bling (Lord of the Rings) ••• #inscryption (Inscryption) ••• #csm (Chainsaw Man) ••• #radiant man (Radiant Black) ••• #black goop romance (Venom, Eddie Brock, all that) ••• #dragooning like crazy 7 (Compilation of Final Fantasy VII) ••• #dragooning like crazy 14 (Final Fantasy XIV) ••• #dragooning like crazy 16 (Final Fantasy XVI) ••• #i know you're here dracula you big fucking nerd (dracula) ••• #devil man (Daredevil) ••• #bes (Blue Eye Samurai) ••• #moon man (Moon Knight) ••• #invincible (Invincible) ••• #peter johnson (Percy Jackson) ••• #i wish wish was wished up better (Wish... yeah idk)
why is there so many
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andmaybegayer · 4 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-02-19
Surrounded by objects
Listening: Been listening to the new Synphaera label station on Somafm at work, fell into the album Hyperion Gate from Exosphere. Here's the titular song:
Big swoopy ambient synthy sounds.
Reading: Small things, between books at the moment. Catching up on ACOUP's series on the Roman Legion and how it interacts with the Greek Phalanx, which is fun. So far it's mostly setting up the context of the Greek Phalanx in contrast to other Phalanxes and how it embeds in a larger military strategy. It gives some of that really vertigo-inducing insight into ancient humans, like how the soldiers are arranged with the youngest at the front partially because they are meant to wear light armour and scatter under a charge to let the more experienced soldiers handle close in fighting, and partly so that older soldiers in the rear can keep up morale. Here's Part 1a of the four part series which is currently on the third article and second part.
Watching: Nothing really.
Playing: More Dark Souls, you'll see that I finally cut together and posted another video and it's like 40 minutes long, because I make mistakes.
Also, some Inscryption Kaycee's Mod. I had a hankering for deck-builder and I hadn't actually played much of Kaycee's Mod after I finished Inscryption.
Making: Went to an embroidery workshop with a friend, which was below my skill level but it was nice to meet some other textiles idiots, a lot of the other people there had other textile arts they knew well and were there to learn embroidery as well, one woman did some neat wool needlepoint. I did talk some shop with the instructor who is better than me at a lot of things so it was still worth it.
Also I think I'm almost ready to start the full-run prints for the 3D printed storage server, I've been dialling in the last few dimensions and now I think it's just a matter of getting it all set for success. Most of the parts are reasonably small but the main body is a huge 400 gram affair that's currently slated to take over 24 hours to print so I am probably sacrificing my bedroom or entrance hall to the printer. for a day or so.
Tools and Equipment: GDB has a feature called "checkpoints" which allows you to reset a program to a past state, which is really handy if you can't reverse-step the program. It allows you to deteministically re-run sections over and over again, albeit with side-effects. I'm tracking some memory-fuckery at work and it's super useful.
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scover-va · 2 years
The fandom-determined The Hex Sexyman (among other things)
The google form has been open for, what, a month ish now? So I'm documenting the results now. Hoorah. Edit bc I forgot to add a read more and this is fairly long
Sexyman Results
Am I surprised by this one? No, absolutely not.
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First place goes to Irving! I am in no way whatsoever surprised, I'm very aware of the grip that guy has on this fandom, so hey, kudos to him. Proud of him, or whatever. His prize here gets to be art. Kinda. If any of you have been following a recent trend here on good ol' Tumblr then I'm sure you know what to expect here.
Second place goes to both Lazarus and Vallamir, which I'm once again not surprised about in the least. I wouldn't exactly give mr wet paper towel of a man the title of sexyman, but hey, the guy probably has the highest or the second highest kill count of the main characters. So, he gets that. Vallamir doesn't surprise me, though. I mean all this in the nicest way possible btw
And then finally, third place goes to both Bryce and Lionel! Which! Both of those surprised me! Especially Lionel. But hey, glad to know y'all like him or whatever.
If enough people ask I'll add the written explanations for everyone's picks. I'm gonna wait til people say it's okay, just in case
Sexywoman Results
This one obviously had much slimmer pickings compared to the guys, and I would be lying if I said I was surprised by the results.
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Sado gets first place, which was expected, she IS on the Sexypedia Wiki AND fits the criteria much better than a lot of other options. I mean. Colour palette, being evil, being chaotic, clown, suit, blah blah blah. She fits the bill perfectly, and I'm sure she'd be flattered. Or she'd kinkshame you guys. I don't know.
Rebecha got second place! Also not surprised! I'm, like, 99% convinced at least half of the fandom played the game post-Inscryption just for Rebecha content, so her coming up right behind Sado is NOT a surprise to me. She's fucking earned it though. Her reward is some goddamn sleep, because holy FUCK.
And then third place goes to Chandrelle, which to be fair, she's the only remaining reoccurring female character with a design. So, her getting third doesn't surprise me, especially since she's up against Sado and Rebecha.
And also shout out to my girlfriend, who voted every single female character. Without her, Catarina, Town Girl, Trish, and The Kraken would be forgotten about. Which, fair. Catarina appears the most out of the four by a whopping, what, 5 or so times? Maybe 6 or 7. Actually now that I'm thinking about it she does kinda pop up a considerable amount. Huh. Anyways,
Dilf Responses
And surprising no one at all with who got the most votes for this,
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Rust! Who's winning by a whopping 60%! Good on him, he's earned it, despite technically not having a kid anymo-
And while Reggie getting a couple votes doesn't surprise me, VERY surprised to see the gay dads both get a vote each. By different people, too! But they've been through a lot, they've earned it.
Genderless Swag Results
A simpler one than above, but the canon nonbinary/agender character vs the one who's commonly hc'ed to be nonbinary.
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I'm not really surprised. I mean, Steambot Willy's never acknowledged by the fans meanwhile FPP obviously is, so hey! I'm just happy to see Steambot Willy managed to score two votes. Good on them <3
Babygirl Results
Now. Usually, this is where I'd insert an image, and continue on talking about it. But. For some reason, the short answer question results are formatted like. This.
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So. I'll just list them
Lazarus: 6 votes
Lionel: 1 vote
Rust: 1 vote
I'm not surprised Lazarus is #1 babygirl, I mean LOOK AT HIM. Like one person said, he's a pathetic wet cat of a man. Absolute sopping wet piece of paper towel. He is THE malewife AND babygirl. No one's doing it like him. AND he scored second on the Sexyman section. Shout out to him fr, I'm so proud of him
Twink Results
Wizarro: 3 votes (Deserved. I mean, look at him)
Moji: 2 votes (Personality wise? Yeah I can see it)
Junior: 1 vote (Like father like son, ig?)
Rust: 1 (Fair. His dietary options in the Wastes couldn't have been the best)
Irving on account of people don't know what a twink is: 1 vote (God, yeah,,,Granted skinny dudes always get beef'd so ig it's a 2 way street. If the fandom was popular, Irving would DEFINITELY be woobified, though)
Reggie: 1 vote (Yeah fair he can't exercise and his diet probably consists mostly of fucking root beer. What the fuck, Reggie)
Closing Statement Or Whatever Idfk
And THAT, everyone, is the results. Obviously Lazarus got 10 votes on malewife, he was the only option because really, who's a better option than him? So he doesn't get his own section on that, but yeah! Again, I'll post the typed up explanations if people want me to, up to you guys! But that's about it for now. Expect some celebratory art for Irving soon
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saturnzrings · 4 months
Greetings! I’m Amalgam. But, you can also call me Wytchwood, Leshy, Cryogen, Lurien, Styx, or Uropygi. Or, if you’re close, i might let you shorten any of those. If not, do not shorten my names.
As for my gender? That’s a social construct.
I just use It/Xe/Nyx/Fae mostly, but also am really ok with most neopronouns.
Do take note that I am AuDHD + Anxiety. It may take time for me to respond to posts, but i will eventually get to it. (Eventually..)
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🗡️ . Fandoms/hyperfixations .
Kirby, Lethal Company, Hollow Knight, Sims, Garten of Banban, Cookie Run (kingdom, ovenbreak, PW), Pokémon, TADC, D&D, Stanley Parable, Inscryption, Cult of the Lamb, Minecraft, Skyrim, Fallout, Bluey, FNAF, MLP, bugs/araqnids, , space, scene, goth, mushrooms, marine biology, nyan cat, decora, kidcore, starflesh, cryptidcore/cryptids, plants, cats, and much more!
(Main ones highlighted in red)
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🗡️ . DNI .
• anyone below 13, anyone above 25.
• Certain people who may know me in person !!!
• Anyone who makes fun of my hyperfixations/interests
• Ableists/Sexists/Racists/Etc. You get the deal.
• Anyone who i say is blocked.
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🗡️ . Blog Tags .
#CryptidsCave - “Regular” posts. The more common of all of these.
#AbyssalConfessions - Vents/rants i guess? These are rare.
#SanguineCanvas - Art / Edits / Whatever. Anything thats creative.
#SillyShitposts - Self-explanatory. Usually memes or something?
#RabidReblogs - Reblogged stuff. Make sure to check out the op as well while you’re at it :)
#TheCacophany - Uncategorizable or no tag for it??
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🗡️ . Finale .
I guess that’s all? I’ll update it periodically, but for right now, yeah.
Tags below are for quickly finding things.
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creativewildflowers · 2 years
I swear I've watched this animatic so many times
A lil frame redraw from @najsigt s inscryption animatic! (Apologies for the tag I just want to make sure the credit goes to you!!)
I hope you don't mind that I did a little redraw of this frame!! (If you do I can always take down this post, just say the word!!) It was REALLY powerful to me, and I really liked the timing of it and wanted to give my best attempt at recreating it :]
The original frame; (again from najsigt's animatic)
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My interpretation of it!
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I think I'm getting SLIGHTLY better at drawing Leshy? But it's taking a bit of time and practice lol
Also I've been fairly absent art wise lately because I was scrambling my way through finals week, but expect doodles and things to pick up again now that it's over!
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acaciapines · 3 years
so I recently saw a lot of art about Inscryption, which I know about but haven't played, and I got interested and went to YouTube to watch a silent playthrough (commentary really distracts me) and it - it looks awfully like a twisted Dark World, doesn't it? That little cabin.
And I just thought - well, it seems like the kind of thing someone might get lost in, doesn't it? Like the type of place you might end up if you meddle in things you know nothing about. Especially if you think you're doing it to achieve something... or get some answers... for a certain problem.
All I'm saying is -
Dess Holiday Inscryption crossover when
Anyways! I've written some more for last of a kind and I think I'm actually getting somewhere! Reaching more time skips so it's more like Timepieces. Excited! Also dogkin siri go woof woof 🐶
Hope you're all doing well! Gal says hi. Please take care of yourselves + each other and eat & drink something! This has been a Daily Interaction Ask :)
oooh that sounds so interesting! love that. 100% seems like a place dess would absolutely get stuck in.
aw yeah! im excited to read it when it comes out fully! i havent written since last weekend but with this new weekend now oh BOY i have plans to finish my naddpod daemon au and get that posted. and then its onto my big final deltarune fic, the sequel to (you died along the way)....which i am SO excited to start writing. it also has a title! has for a while but if i haven't shared it anywhere here it is: i know i'm not well (but i'm alright).
we're doing good, hope you are too!
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