#Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant Esquire
nessacousland · 6 months
Look, we could blame reused assets for my boy Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant Esquire's ghastly hat looking like any old mage hat and fall for the flavor text's suggestion that it’s actually a horribly knitted hat.
Or we could embrace the superior truth that Florence has mad skills and that the hat is only ghastly because she knitted a perfect replica of a common mage hat.
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crunchbuttsteak · 2 years
The Witch Hunt DLC always had kind of a weird vibe for me and I think I finally figured out why.
You, the player character, are NOT the protagonist. You’re the mentor. Ariane is the protagonist.
Most of the places that are involved are places that the warden has already been to (and if a Dalish warden, ALL of the places you visit are places the warden has already been to)
Yeah you have that conversation with Morrigan at the end, but it’s Finn and Ariane who are the ones guiding the story, and the warden isn’t really making a lot of major decisions here.
But in a way, it makes sense, because the Warden’s ISN’T an inexperienced grey warden recruit thrown into the deep end. They’re the experienced one now, the one who’s seen all this shit and being the mom friend to a Dalish hunter who is unfamiliar with the shemlen world and a circle mage who hates the thought of getting dirt on his robes.
Like imagine Finn and Ariane have just fought off the Varterral and then the Hero of Ferelden just says “at least it wasn’t a high dragon this time.”
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icescrabblerjerky · 5 months
It's been a hot minute! But Saoirse is back.
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iamnotyourgodsherald · 2 months
These are just my opinions on Dragon Age: Witch Hunt, but I feel like I don’t see much appreciation for them.
If youve played Dragon Age: Witch Hunt, you’ll know you get two companions. The Mage, Finn (or as he calls himself Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant, Esquire.) and the Dalish Warrior, Ariane.
I think the series absolutely SLEPT on these two characters. As far as I know, they aren’t mentioned EVER AGAIN after all of that, and that is a crime!
I loved Ariane. She was fiercely brave but had her own morals and compassion set aside from her clan. It made her feel so unique to me and didn’t have too much hate towards humans but was still cautious towards them (Even though it would have been totally justifiable for her to hate them if you know anything about how Thedas traditionally treats elves. City/Dalish.) She had so much grace and patience that it was so refreshing to see a Dalish warrior women in the game that was not either full of rage or just super edgy the entire time. Also! When it came to saving as little knowledge her people had already, she was willing to give her blood for it. Even if it made her nervous. They totally just tucked this character away and it’s a damn shame.
Finn, while he is super arrogant and a bit of a clean freak, really grew on me. At first, I didn’t like his character in the beginning. But he slowly grew to be a bit more relatable, more open, even (from what I remember) Humbled. I also find him so adorable and honestly so progressive for the way he was helping find the shards to the mirror.
I really want to see these characters again and I really hope Dragon Age at least brings up the characters again.
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an-old-telephone · 3 years
has anybody pointed out how finn (witch hunt, full name florian) and dorian pavus are really similar in that both are mages who hate the outdoors and have first names that include "-orian"?? just me? I really think those two should meet
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feeshies · 6 years
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Finn and Ariane at the Winter Palace
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marinamd29 · 5 years
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erikacousland · 6 years
天鹅与夜莺 第189节(龙腾世纪:起源 同人小说)
第189节 Witch Hunt
离开可卡瑞荒野(Korcari Wilds),寻找莫瑞甘(Morrigan)的队伍北上赶往金洛克(Kinloch),奥瑞安(Ariane)认为在法环能找到更多关于“Eluvian”的信息。 中途在洛泽林(Lothering),洛甘(Loghain)和纳撒尼尔(Nathaniel)离开队伍,先返回无眠要塞。虽然因为那儿的“客人”们,他俩都不乐意回去……而露易丝(Louise)也体贴地暗示,允许他们在路上尽情地拖延时间。
在客厅等待管事的圣殿武士时,奥瑞安打量着埃莱恩(Elyen)绣着白色狮鹫的蓝灰袍子……那是他在渡船上特地换上的。 “为什么你要换上这身衣服,埃莱恩?”她好奇地问。 “为了避免被圣殿武士当作叛教者抓起来,当然是。”埃莱恩悠然地回答。 奥瑞安恍然大悟地点点头,但在另外三位女士听来,这话却像是一个莫大的讽刺…… “那么在外面你怎么不穿它?”奥瑞安又问,“你是个灰色守望者(Grey Warden),这身衣服象征着荣誉,不是吗?” 埃莱恩对她笑笑,“但在一些地方,人们看到这个纹章就会立刻关紧房门,把钱财和孩子藏到地窖里。就好像看到德凡特(Tevinter)奴隶贩子一样。” 他的话逗得艾瑞卡(Erika)露出冷笑,蕾莉亚娜(Leliana)难过地看看她,又望向好像无动于衷的露易丝(Louise)。 “真的,为什么他们要这样做?”奥瑞安更加不解。 “守望者们会很欢迎像你这样优秀的战士,da'len。”埃莱恩答非所问,“如果你在奥莱(Orlais)遇上我们,我们应该征召你。” “如果这样的情况真的发生了,我很感谢贵组织的赏识。但我没有打算离开我的氏族。”奥瑞安认真地答道。 “喔,到时候可由不得你了,亲爱的。”露易丝接过话,“如果有一天被我在奥莱或者其他国家的同事们发现你。相信我,他们会想尽办法把你招入我们的组织。” 奥瑞安不快地皱起了眉头,“那么我会战斗,把他们都打走,或者死。”她强硬地说。 埃莱恩和露易丝交换了一个“我努力了”的眼神…… “也许你可以建议守护者索兰(keeper Solan)把你们的氏族迁到费罗登(Ferelden)。”艾瑞卡柔声说,“那么你们就不需要再流浪,也不用担心灰色守望者会强行征召你们的人民。” “我会好好考虑你的建议,艾瑞卡。”奥瑞安点点头,望向两名守望者的眼神依然还有些不友好。 艾瑞卡和蕾莉亚娜无奈地对视了一眼,又看看那两个反而轻松惬意起来的守望者……
等待了一段时间,一名有着红褐色须发,大约三十多岁的圣殿武士来到了客厅。 “欢迎来到费罗登法环。”他用干巴巴的礼貌语气说着,环视了大家一眼。“请确保您的战犬在控制中,有些学徒很容易受惊。”他看着安拉夫(Anlaf)说。 安拉夫皱起眉头,发出不满的咕噜声。 “我还看到有个达利西(Dalish)跟着你们……”圣殿武士的视线停在奥瑞安身上,语气中显然有些防备。 “这是个问题么?”奥瑞安冷冷地问。 “实际上,这儿有两个达利西,骑士阁下。”埃莱恩温和地接道。 圣殿武士打量了他一眼,看着狮鹫纹章皱起了眉头…… “是的,如你所见,我的朋友是个达利西。”艾瑞卡用假惺惺的客套语气接道,“我非常荣幸能与她同行。” 没等那圣殿武士回答,奥瑞安先接过话来:“无论我有什么原因嫌弃这个地方和你的人民,我发誓我们到这里只是为了研究。”她轻蔑地说。 “随你怎么说。”圣殿武士耸耸肩,几乎翻着白眼移开了视线。“法环很高兴你们来做客。费罗登英雄,蕾莉亚娜姐妹……”他换了副友善的笑脸,“正如你们所见,与你们上一次来相比,这里已经发生了很大变化。” “我能看出来。”蕾莉亚娜柔声接道,“抱歉,我不记得曾经见过你,爵士。” “确实,我还没有那份荣幸结识您,持炬手。”圣殿武士答道,“我名叫哈德利(Hadley),曾经为阿玛兰汀(Amaranthine)教会服务,瘟潮后被调到现在的职位……” ‘运气真好。’艾瑞卡在心里发出讽刺的嗤笑。 “在骑士指挥官缺席时我负责指挥这里的圣殿武士。”哈德利解释说。 “很荣幸认识你,哈德利爵士。我希望格瑞高爵士(Ser Greagoir)一切安好。”蕾莉亚娜礼貌地说。 “谢谢您的关心,格瑞高很好,如今正在邓瑞姆(Denerim)处理一些重要事务。”哈德利答道,“希望你们几位不是专程来拜访他。” “我们���要研究一些事物,哈德利爵士。”艾瑞卡接道,“意味着需要借用法环的图书馆,可以吗?” “如果您要寻找一本书,可以先到索引区查询。”哈德利好心提示道,“作为法环的贵宾,你们二位和你们的客人可以随意观光塔的第一层,不需要人员陪同。” “谢谢,哈德利爵士。”艾瑞卡和蕾莉亚娜对他颔首,两名守望者也随之行礼。 哈德利向他们回礼告辞,返回他自己的岗位上。
“‘不需要人员陪同’?”露易丝哼笑着低声说,“那意味着,我们可以随意逛,不会被当作贼一样时刻盯着?” “真贴心。”埃莱恩用温和的语气讽刺道。 “我明白为什么守护者索兰不想让我来这里了。”奥瑞安愤愤地说,“颠覆他们这个紧张组织的小世界太诱人了。” 艾瑞卡被她的话逗得发出嗤笑,“可不是吗……太诱人了。”她低声说,冲假装一脸无奈的蕾莉亚娜讨好地眨眨眼。
*   *   *
这个时候法环的学徒们似乎都在上课,大家经过安静的宿舍区,来到了通往地下室的大厅。这儿堆着不少货物,被当作了一个小商铺。哈德利和另一名圣殿武士守在这儿。 还有一个金发矮人,安拉夫一看到他立刻兴奋地奔过去,欢叫着打招呼。矮人转过身,艾瑞卡和蕾莉亚娜这才确认,的确是她们刚才怀疑的那个老熟人…… “嗨呦,狗狗!”桑多(Sandal)热情地抚摸安拉夫,又对她俩笑着……“附魔?” “你好,桑多。”蕾莉亚娜微笑着走到他身边。 “你不是跟你父亲去了柯克沃尔(Kirkwall)吗?”艾瑞卡不解地问。 “附魔!”桑多笑着瞪大了眼睛。 “他们现在在费罗登。”哈德利走过来解释说,“桑多在塔里待了一段时间。宁静者们正在评估他的附魔能力,并从他身上学到很多,令人惊讶。” “附魔。”桑多对他认真地说。 “是的。”哈德利的声音里有些无奈…… “那么博丹(Bodahn)呢?”蕾莉亚娜问道。 “博丹正在红崖行商,如果你们对他的货物感兴趣,我相信桑多能提供一些。”哈德利回答。 蕾莉亚娜点点头,低头对桑多顽皮地笑着,“你过得好吗,桑多?” 桑多眨眨可爱的大眼睛,思索了一下……“我做些琐事。(I made the potty.)” “呃……是的。”哈德利尴尬地接道。 桑多似乎对他的认同深感得意,转头对艾瑞卡和蕾莉亚娜露出快乐的笑容。她俩望着对方,忍俊不禁地笑了…… “附魔?”桑多看着艾瑞卡腰上的一对龙骨反曲剑(Kopis),兴奋地瞪大了眼睛。 “附魔。”艾瑞卡笑着取下它们,递给桑多,“小心,它们非常锋利。” “附魔!”桑多几乎是欢呼着接过它们,抽出研究着,又把它们放到了他的工作台上。 艾瑞卡笑着回头望向露易丝,“或许你可以把警觉也交给他。” “有必要吗?”露易丝不解地眨眨眼,这三柄龙骨剑都是由法环的附魔大师亲自附魔。 “试试你就知道了。”艾瑞卡耸耸肩。桑多也好奇地望着露易丝…… “呃……好吧。”露易丝对他笑笑,取下警觉递给他。 “附魔!”桑多天真地笑着,接过警觉,也放到工作台上。 艾瑞卡注意到了哈德利脸上的无奈……“我会为用到的利瑞姆(Lyrium)付钱。” 哈德利一扫神情中的无奈,对她友善地笑着,“很高兴听到这个。” 艾瑞卡在内心翻了翻白眼,“我们待会儿见,桑多。它们先放你这儿了,随你怎么附魔。”她柔声说。 “附魔。”桑多对他们挥挥手告别。
*   *   *
“看看这些书!”一进入这道大门,奥瑞安忍不住发出惊叹,“我从没见过这么多!” “嘘~”一个声音从门后响起,吓了她一大跳,是一名全身包在盔甲和长袍中的圣殿武士在示意她噤声。奥瑞安翻了翻白眼,跟上前面的艾瑞卡和埃莱恩。 不只是奥瑞安,即使是艾瑞卡和蕾莉亚娜第一次来到这儿时也有同样的感觉……好吧,如果她们当时的注意力不在四处乱窜的憎恶和恶魔身上,她们也会惊叹的…… 这间巨大房间中整齐地摆着一排排有两层楼高,摆满了书籍的书架,但还远远没有达到天花板——德凡特人喜欢把建筑修得极其高。这三个作为图书馆和教室的大房间占据了塔的第一层约四分之一的空间,只是书架的数量就够惊人了,很难想象这儿究竟有多少本书。毫无疑问,这是费罗登最大的图书馆。即使是邓瑞姆王宫和库斯兰(Cousland)城堡的藏书室也远远比不上这儿。但蕾莉亚娜能想象到奥莱的一些地方:瓦尔•罗约(Val Royeaux)的大圣堂、皇宫,或者哈拉姆夏尔(Halamshiral)的冬宫,那些地方的藏书室应该能和这个相媲美,不过这只是金洛克要塞所有的藏书中不那么“危险”的一部分。 至少哈德利的建议非常中肯——他们需要先去查索引……
他们经过图书馆,有些奇怪地发现这儿异常冷清。蕾莉亚娜按捺不住好奇,向圣殿武士打听了一下,原来学徒们都在楼上听课,所以这儿只有些穿着金色法袍的普通法师和附魔师。他们各自埋头研究着,诺大的图书馆里安静得吓人。 在索引中查到有一本《精灵文物目录》,大家到了那本书所在的神秘文物区。埃莱恩从书架上取下那本书,坐到一旁的书桌前研究起来。 仔细浏览了一遍那本古书的目录,他找到了一个可能的目标,翻到了那一页,“da'len,你认识这些字吗?” “我认识!我认为它是关于‘Eluvian’的一部分。”奥瑞安激动地说。 “我也这样认为。”埃莱���点点头,“但这些文字太古老,我需要一本翻译书……露易丝亲爱的,你能帮我拿来吗?” “我这就去。”露易丝点点头,喊上蕾莉亚娜,转身回到索引区。
“呲——”奥瑞安发出一声鬼鬼祟祟的声音,“你,战犬。你觉得你能偷偷吓到那边那个法师吗?”她指着一个正背对着他们的男人小声说。安拉夫对她皱起眉头,轻吠了一声。 “你觉得当他转过身发现你就在他面前,他能跳得多高。”奥瑞安得意地坏笑着,安拉夫回以一声不赞同的哼唧。 “哦,轻松点儿。”奥瑞安笑道,“这个地方简直就像是一座坟墓。一些惊喜对他们有好处。” 安拉夫咕噜着,看起来一副严肃的样子,奥瑞安立刻靠到了艾瑞卡身边…… “艾瑞卡,你的狗又在对我说教了。”她几乎孩子气地抱怨道。 艾瑞卡笑着望向安拉夫,不禁想起以前,楠(Nan)总是抱怨,认为他经常偷偷跑进食品储藏室是存心想要“折磨”她。但他只是想帮忙赶走巨鼠而已。 “他一直是个好孩子……”艾瑞卡轻笑道,温柔地抚摸着安拉夫,安拉夫往她手心里揉了揉,满足地哼唧着。 也许是因为她对他的教养,安拉夫一直是头特别安静的战犬。艾瑞卡忍不住幻想,如果楠看到那一窝闹腾的小安拉夫,她的尖叫和嚷嚷声绝对能从士兵峰传回库斯兰城堡…… “最好的孩子。”艾瑞卡的笑容更柔和了,蹲下身望着他。安拉夫立刻会意地凑上来,轻轻舔了舔她的脸。
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很快露易丝和蕾莉亚娜拿着一本精灵语翻译书回来了,埃莱恩接过,用那本书上的提示翻译起关于Eluvian的章节。 “喔!谁允许狗在这里的?”一个男人惊呼,大家望向他,是个穿着金色法袍的年轻人。而且他的丝绸长袍似乎是崭新的,“特别”整齐笔挺,整齐到有点儿怪怪的…… “还有你在做什么?小心点儿!”法师又瞪着埃莱恩大喊。 埃莱恩摊摊手,“我在读书。”他用一种轻飘飘的语气说,仿佛潜台词是“你看不见吗”。 “你把书卷得太过!这会损坏书脊,导致页面脱落!”法师说着抬起双手,捂住自己的脸,仿佛那景象不忍卒睹……“唉~只是想想它就让我快要……昏厥了。”他深深呼吸着,好像真的快要晕过去一样。 大家面面相觑,为他那戏剧性的表现感到好笑。 “呃……对不起?”埃莱恩轻轻把卷着的翻译书摊开。 年轻法师走近了一些,瞥了一眼两本书的内容…… “唔……在看Eluvians的章节?没有人真的找到了,你知道。” “你知道什么是‘Eluvian’?”奥瑞安惊讶地问。 “是古精灵语‘可见玻璃’——镜子。”法师有些得意地回答道。 “你怎么会知道!”奥瑞安更惊讶了。 “相互参照,合理推测,排除歧义……”法师得意洋洋地说,“最后在一卷德凡特卷轴里找到了答案。” 所以最后一句才是重点……不止一位伙伴翻了翻白眼。 法师没有在意大家的反应,继续讲解:“‘Eluvian’不是一般的镜子,它是特别的。当帝国洗劫奥拉赞(Arlathan)时,他们拿走了这些镜子,并试图解开它们的力量之谜。但他们只发现可以用它们来为通讯——远程通讯。” “那么……为什么莫瑞甘(Morrigan)对它感兴趣?”奥瑞安不解地说,望向艾瑞卡。 “啊~你有个朋友有特殊兴趣?也许她需要和某人谈谈……”法师坏笑着抖了抖眉,“哼哼,哼哼,嘿嘿嘿……呃。”他发出一阵怪笑,看了看大家脸上的困扰,又尴尬地停了下来……
“也就是说这本书上的内容不能帮助我们,找到另一面Eluvian。”艾瑞卡看着埃莱恩,他轻轻点点头。 “慢着,你说‘另一面’?”年轻法师抢道,“你们见过一面Eluvian?” “不,我的朋友见过。”艾瑞卡回答。 “它在哪儿?”法师的脸上渐渐露出一副憧憬的怪笑。 “碎了,被毁掉了。”奥瑞安接过话。 法师倒抽一口冷气,“为什么?”他似乎深受打击。 “它被……暗裔(Darkspawn)污染,远超能够恢复的程度。”奥瑞安遗憾地说,“他们这样做是为了保护其他人。” “即使坏了,它可以用来寻找其他的……不,别给你太大压力,芬恩(Finn)。”法师立刻拉回自己陷入沉思的思绪,深深呼吸……“你必须确定。” “什么?你知道些什么?”奥瑞安轻声问。 “这太令人兴奋了!”自称芬恩的法师兴奋地嚷道,“我们必须去储藏室。哈德利有钥匙。”他转身走开了。 大家再次感到一头雾水,面面相觑…… “我……猜他知道如何找到Eluvian。”蕾莉亚娜迟疑地说,“所以我们最好……” “快点儿!”芬恩在拐角冲他们喊,“我们去和哈德利谈谈。” “跟着他。”艾瑞卡说出了蕾莉亚娜想说的。
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他们跟着芬恩回到大厅,哈德利依然守在通往地下室的大门附近。芬恩有些不自在地慢慢走向他……而哈德利望了过来。 “哈德利!”芬恩貌似热切地向他打招呼,“正是我在寻找的人。” “不是那么难找,是不?我总是在这里。”哈德利皱起了脸。 “啊哈……说得好。”芬恩尬尴地笑道,“那么我……呃……需要去趟储藏室。”他故作轻松地说。 “不。”哈德利简洁地答道。 “不?为什么不?我不是个流口水的傻学徒。”芬恩不满地追问。 “是因为我,对吧?”奥瑞安在一旁愤愤地接道。 “不,哨兵现在行为异常。”哈德利看着艾瑞卡解释说,“所以储藏室被锁上了,以确保大家的安全。” “什么样的哨兵?”艾瑞卡好奇地问。 “一种类似魔像,由灵体驱动的活盔甲。”芬恩回答,“它们一直守在储藏室里面,比活人可靠。” “哦。”艾瑞卡点点头,她记得当初在红崖对付过这样的东西,只要把它们打趴下就没事了,很简单……“那么为什么不修复它们?”她看着哈德利问。 “很不幸,我们还不能确定原因。”哈德利答道,“储藏室对法环日常运作影响不大,所以我们暂时不管它,直到我们可以腾出更多的人手。” 艾瑞卡和伙伴们交换了一下眼神,蕾莉亚娜看出了她眼中的轻蔑……她猜想,艾瑞卡一定觉得,那下面的问题不会比“一两个憎恶”更加严重。 “那么把钥匙给我,我们会帮‘你们圣殿武士’解决问题。”艾瑞卡礼貌地微笑着说。也只有蕾莉亚娜能领会到她的语气中隐含的讽刺和虚假。 “唉……好吧,那是你们自己的脖子……”哈德利无奈地叹息道,取下挂在腰带上的钥匙递给艾瑞卡。 “但在你走之前,那下面有什么重要的东西?”他看着芬恩问。 “那个雕像。它知道关于德凡特的事情,我需要和它谈谈。”芬恩坦率地回答说。 大家奇怪地望着他……他要和一尊雕像谈话? 但哈德利似乎没有感到任何奇怪。“好吧,注意安全。”他点点头,对艾瑞卡露出讪笑,“还有请把损失保持在最小程度。” 艾瑞卡在内心翻翻白眼……“我尽量。”
考虑到需要“把损失保持在最小程度”,艾瑞卡要求哈德利提供一些钝击武器。 在他们等着圣殿武士拿来那些武器时,芬恩注意到了奥瑞安异样的眼神…… “你知道和无生命的物体说话是精神错乱的迹象吗?” “它会回答就不是了。”芬恩轻松地应道。 “你认为那座雕像……和你说话?”奥瑞安看看其他伙伴们,小心翼翼地问。 “很曲折。它并不一直是个雕像。你会明白的。”芬恩得意地看看大家。 奥瑞安似乎更加疑惑地研究着芬恩…… 艾瑞卡看着她那可爱的样子,忍不住露出温柔的笑容。“我听某位睿智的学者说,一切皆有可能。” “正是。”芬恩似乎对她的认同感到得意,“你没见过的多着呢。” 奥瑞安和艾瑞卡交换了一个好笑又无奈的眼神。 蕾莉亚娜在一旁偷偷研究着她俩…… 而露易丝研究着她,为她神情中那显而易见的嫉妒感到好笑。
说明: Sandal说“I made the potty.”直译是“我做便壶。”一个双关的笑点。
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thewingedwolf · 6 years
HEADCANON: Finn (from witch hunt) is elf-blooded. His father caused a p big scandal when he married an elven woman, and then sort of panicked and named their kid after the current emperor of Orlais (since Finn was probably born during the occupation) as a way to kiss ass and keep the Orlesians off his and his wife and kid's back. His wife was sort of like "......................rly now" but when Finn renamed himself Finn, she approved and thinks it's a v sweet name.
His initial interest in Tevinter was actually an interest in elven lore, bc he was homesick and it was a way to connect to his mother, and he found over the years that a lot of information about elves can be found in old Tevinter writings (well, a lot of the sources sort of end there, bc like he says, a lot of piecing it together involves cross referencing and searching around). But bc he is a sweet man who just genuinely loves learning, he started looking into all sorts of other stuff about Tevinter and then found himself becoming the expert on ancient Tevinter history, and picking up some extremely good linguist skills along the way.
And Ariane talks to him a lot about the lost lore, about how little the Dalish know, and he winds up confiding in her that he knows *a lot* and can probably help them make sense of at least a little stuff, and confides in her about why he got so interested in elven lore and ancient Tevinter history. And when you travel with him, he can't help himself from babbling about everything he knows bc ur stuck with him so you have to listen unlike a lot of peoole in the Circle, but - Ariane is FASCINATED bc this is her history, her people, and there's something so beautiful to her that she gets to hear it come together from the mouth of another elf, and a *city elf* who took that much interest in regaining their lost culture.
So when the Warden leaves them, Finn makes a sort of half hearted comment about going back and Ariane is like NUH-UH U SOFT MAGIC MAN and offers to take him to her clan and Finn just JUMPS AT THAT.
And then they live happily ever after the end.
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nessacousland · 2 years
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I love Ariane and Finn with all my heart and this is a tribute to my devotion.
(She did ask if he’s named after some honorable fish’s appendage.) 
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thethirdamell · 3 years
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Chapter 156 / ??? - You Can Stay Fandom: Dragon Age (Dragon Age Origins: Awakening & Dragon Age 2) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Additional Tags: Blood Magic, Dark, Horror, Angst, Sexual Content Main Pairings (M/M): Anders / Hawke, Anders / Amell, Anders / Justice Summary:
“Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him. Foul and corrupt are they who have taken His gift, and turned it against His children. They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones. They shall find no rest in this world, or Beyond.” Anders knew the verse. Every mage did. But Anders was a runner. He ran from the Circle. He ran from the Templars. He ran from relationships. So what did he care? He was never going to rest anyway.
Chapter Excerpt:
“It’s Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant, Esquire,” Finn said.
“You shortened it to Finn?”
“You shortened it,” Finn frowned at him. “To Flora. Don’t you remember? The other apprentices never let me hear the end of it. They used to stuff their reagents in my robes.”
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Start From the Beginning
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alisera-x · 7 years
DA Men on Dates
Alistair: Nice, candlelit home-cooked* meal, Netflix or a DVD and popcorn afterwards. He’d go all out with a starter, main, dessert and a cheese board. (*Alistair may not have actually cooked, it may be expensive take-out)
Sten: Sten doesn’t do “dates”. He just attempts to make small talk, fails and then asks if you want cookies.
Zevran: Salsa dancing! A meal at a great restaurant and possibly horror movies, that he will laugh at. Murder is an art form, you know.
Oghren: You’re going drinking and will probably end up very drunk. Your date may end up in a bar fight... with a shoe.
Anders (Origins): Two words - cat café.
Nathaniel: He’d take you to do something he seems to absolutely hate but he heard women like it and he’d spend time to really get to know you instead of trying to make things perfect.
Finn: Finn takes ages to get ready for dates and won’t go anywhere that serves messy food/drinks, he’ll spend most of the time babbling about himself and books but it’s just nerves.
Varric: Poetry slam in a hipster bar while taking a shot for every bad rhyme that you hear. Drinking games and then back to a dive to have more drinks!
Anders (DA2): Do you like protests? Political conversations? Well, this is all that Anders will take you to do - oh, and hide his manifestos EVERYWHERE.
Fenris: He will spend a bit of time ranting about mages, but he does have a fantastic wine and video game collection. Oh, and he can cook quite excellently.
Sebastian: He’s a perfect gentleman. Before he even takes you on a date, he gets to know what you like to do and tailors it around that, if you’re cold, take his coat. You never have to pay for anything either because he believes he should be treating you.
Dorian: He’d take you to a library or bookstore and “help” you “stumble” into the erotic section. There, he’d give you one task, to find the WORST book and find the worst scene (think “Taken By The T-Rex” bad) and then he would attempt to read it out to you. If the book is truly terrible, he might just lend it so that when you go to his place and order pizza, he can carry on making you laugh by reading it... randomly.
Blackwall: He will tell you a lot about himself, bring you flowers and take you out for a nice pub meal. Later, he might take you on a walk to watch the sunset.
Iron Bull: He’ll take you for drinks and get you whatever food you want. Afterwards, he’d ask if you want to go home with him or not. If you do, he’ll ask what you want to do in the morning. He just goes with the flow.
Solas: You’re going to a museum to look at ancient artefacts. He might tell you more than the museum ever could and in much more vivid detail.
Cullen: Cullen would take you to a musical or the cinema and to dinner afterwards. If you really wanted to, he’s not opposed to you coming back and eating take-away on the couch.
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mahalzevran · 4 years
For the DA ask: 55, 61, 67? : )
51. Favorite Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor headcanons (any or all)?
Warden - Rhian had a little academic competition in the Circle with Finn, which they fell back into naturally during Witch Hunt, much to Ariane’s annoyance.
Hawke - (Context: the Hawkes are Filipino coded in my canon; “Ate” is what you call your older sister) When Carver and Bethany show up in Act 3 and they promise to help with the upcoming battle, Carver calls Kaia “ate” and there’s sincerity and love behind it for the first time in a long time.
Inquisitor - I hc that Seheron = Philippines and Lu has a very heavy Seheron accent when speaking. Which is especially fun when she speaks elvhen within earshot of Solas.
61.  Favorite NPC?
I love a lot of them I can’t pick. Maybe Fiona?
67.  Best non-OC quote?
The one coming to mind right now is
“You know what fills fresh air in the summer? Mosquitoes. Hungry for sweet untested mage flesh.” - Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant, Esquire
101 Dragon Age Questions
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wardensvigil · 5 years
Written for Andrew/Callum by @ouyangdan.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s exchange, especially to Innes, for organising again!
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twinstaar · 6 years
someone, a fool: who's your favorite dragon age character? mine is fenris
me, a smart bastard who is the only authority on good taste: uh who else but Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant Esquire. no one else even crossed my mind
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feeshies · 6 years
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power couple
(i accidentally drew finn with the wrong brush lmao)
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