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View of the Fontfroide Abbey, Languedoc region of France
French vintage postcard
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toosvanholstein · 1 year
Cisterciënzer monnikenwerk en hoe te knielen op een harde grafsteen, een ReisKunst-verhaal
Monnikenwerk en inspiratiebronnen die een kunstenaarsleven lang doorwerken. Een Franse abdij die Toos op haar knieën bracht, m.a.w. een aflevering in haar ReisKunst-verhalen. #kunst #art #expo
inspiratiebron Lang geleden, in mijn academietijd, maakte ik er een tekening van zonder er ooit te zijn geweest. Al minder lang geleden stond ik er in werkelijkheid naast en deed ook nog inspiratie op voor een paar schilderijen. Zoals bijvoorbeeld dit. Toos van Holstein, Règne (olieverfschilderij 110-90 cm) En recent was ik er opnieuw. Maar nu met levensgezel die een lacune in zijn culturele…
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viajero2000 · 1 year
Occitania 6
La costa hasta Nimes. 
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Partiendo de uno de los Castillos Cátaros, tomamos la costa por Leucate, rodeado de Albuferas, playas vírgenes y Urbanizaciones Naturistas, muy cerca de Narbonne, la maravillosa Abadía de Fontfroide, en un entorno único. Y pasando por Béziers, también ciudad cátara, en la que en aquellas guerras querían matar a los cátaros y no los sabían diferenciar de los creyentes, hubo un general, muy cafre, que ordenó matar a toda la población, diciendo que Cristo, ya separaría en el otro mundo a los cátaros de los creyentes. La siguiente ciudad es Montpellier, y acabamos en Nimes.
Dulhac sous Peyrepertuse, tiene como recuerdo dos castillos, en principio inexpugnables, en un maravilloso paisaje.
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En Leucate, ocho playas, ostras y actividades naúticas te esperan. He estado dos veces, una de Camping cerca de La Franqui, y otra en la zona naturista. 
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La siguiente etapa Narbonne, la ciudad, que fue capital de la Galia Narbonesa, son remarcables, la Catedral inacabada y el Palacio de los Arzobispos.  
En un valle cercano, rodeado de vegetación está la Abadía de Fontfroide, reutilizada para convenciones y gastronomía, pero visitables sus partes conventuales.
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Montpellier, capital del Languedoc, con su enorme plaza de la Comedia, su barrio neoclásico y algunas callecitas medievales. 
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Nimes, una ciudad romana, con su circo, su templo, y las callecitas antiguas llenas de terrazas.
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sven-sendvik · 19 days
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Abbaye de Fontfroide, département de l'Aude.
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martinwilliammichael · 6 months
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nossasenhoraaparecida · 6 months
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🙏✝️24 DE OUTUBRO✝️🙏
🙏✝️Santo Antônio Maria Claret, fundador dos Claretianos e Claretianas✝️🙏
Santo Antônio Maria Claret nasceu em Sallent, uma cidade próxima de Barcelona, em 1807. De uma família numerosa, foi educado de modo profundamente cristão. Distinguiu-se logo pela sua devoção à Virgem Maria e à Eucaristia, mas, como em todas as famílias numerosas, teve que dar uma mão. Por isso, dedicou-se à atividade de tecelão junto com seu pai. Porém, sabia bem que o seu lugar não era aquele.
✝️Vida Sacerdotal✝️
Santo Antônio Maria Claret ajudou o pai numa fábrica de tecidos até os 22 anos. Abandonou tudo e ingressou para o seminário, pois almejava um sacerdócio santo. Aos 28 anos, foi ordenado sacerdote. Dedicou-se de corpo e alma ao serviço ministerial, desejando consagrar-se nas difíceis missões da Espanha.
✝️Congregação dos Missionários Filhos do Imaculado Coração de Maria✝️
Seu ideal, entretanto, ultrapassava os limites de sua paróquia. Ao ver a pobreza dos missionários e as portas se abrindo, Santo Antônio Maria Claret, com amigos sacerdotes, tratou de fundar a Congregação dos Missionários Filhos do Imaculado Coração de Maria, conhecidos como Claretianos.
✝️Santo Antônio Maria Claret: Grande Impulsionador da Fé na Mãe de Deus✝️
✝️O Carisma✝️
O Carisma era evangelizar todos os setores por meio da caridade de Cristo que constrangia, por isso dizia: “Não posso resistir aos impulsos interiores que me chamam para salvar almas. Tenho sede de derramar o meu sangue por Cristo!”. Mal tinha fundado a Congregação, o Espírito o nomeou para Arcebispo de Santiago de Cuba, onde fez de tudo, até arriscar a própria vida, para defender os oprimidos da ilha e converter a todos. Conta-se que, ao chegar às terras cubanas, foi logo visitar e consagrar o apostolado a Nossa Senhora do Cobre.
Com os amigos, o Arcebispo Santo Antônio Maria Claret evangelizou milhares de almas, isso por meio de missões populares e escritos, que chegaram a 144 obras. Não obstante, em Cuba, em 1855, com a ajuda da venerável Maria Antônia Paris, fundou o ramo feminino da Congregação: as “Religiosas de Maria Imaculada” também chamadas “Missionárias Claretianas”.
✝️A Missão: Evangelizar pela caridade de Cristo
Em 1857, a Rainha da Espanha convocou Antônio para voltar a Madrid, e teve de obedecer, para ser seu Confessor. Ligado à monarquia espanhola, seu destino mudou, em 1868, foi exilado, com a rainha, para Paris, onde continuou as suas pregações. Em Roma, participou do Concílio Vaticano I, no qual defendeu a infalibilidade do Pontífice. Enfim, refugiou-se no mosteiro de Fontfroide, em Narbona, na França, onde faleceu em 1870.
✝️Via de Santificação✝️
Foi beatificado, em 1934, pelo Papa Pio XI, e canonizado por Pio XII em 1950. Pelo seu amor ao Imaculado Coração de Maria e pelo seu apostolado do Rosário, tem uma estátua de mármore no interior da Basílica de Fátima.
🙏✝️Oração de Santo Antônio Maria Claret✝️🙏
“Ó Deus, que aos vossos pastores associastes Santo Antônio Maria Claret, animado de ardente caridade e da fé que vence o mundo, dai-nos, por sua intercessão, perseverar na caridade e na fé, para participarmos de sua glória. Por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, vosso filho, na unidade do Espírito Santo. Amém.”
🙏✝️Minha oração✝️🙏
“Zeloso pastor das almas, pedimos a tua graça sobre os ramos claretianos, para que sigam fielmente o teu exemplo e carisma, a fim de que, assim, o nome de Jesus seja amado e adorado em todos os cantos do mundo. Amém.”
🙏✝️Santo Antônio Maria Claret, rogai por nós!✝️🙏
Fonte: Canção Nova
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cruger2984 · 6 months
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"I will be kind to everybody, particularly to those whom I find troublesome."
The founder of the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Claretians, was born Anthony Maria Claret i Clarà, in Sallent, Barcelona, Spain on December 23, 1807. He was the fifth of the eleventh children of Juan and Josefa Claret. His father was a woollen manufacturer. As a child he enjoyed pilgrimages to the nearby Shrine of Our Lady of Fussimanya.
He received an elementary education in his native village, and at the age of twelve became a weaver. At the age of 18, he went to Barcelona to specialize in his trade as a Jacquard loom programmer, and remained there until he was 20 years old. Meanwhile, he devoted his spare time to study and became proficient in Latin, French and engraving.
Frightened that his love of programming was causing him to become obsessed and burned out, and recognizing a call to religious life, he left Barcelona. He wished to become a Carthusian monk but finally entered the diocesan seminary at Vic in 1829, and was ordained on June 13, 1835, on the feast of St. Anthony of Padua. He received a benefice in his native parish, where he continued to study theology until 1839; but as missionary work strongly appealed to him, he proceeded to Rome. There he entered the Jesuit novitiate but had to leave due to ill health. He then returned to Spain and exercised his pastoral ministry in Viladrau and Girona, attracting notice through his efforts on behalf of the poor.
On July 16, 1849, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, he founded the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose main apostolate was local and foreign missions, and founded the great religious library at Barcelona which was called 'Librería Religiosa' (now 'Librería Claret'). Pope Pius IX gave approval to the congregation on December 22, 1865.
The following year, he was appointed archbishop of Santiago de Cuba at the request of the Spanish crown via Pope Pius IX. He was consecrated at Vic in October 1850. Before he embarked, he made three separate pilgrimages: to Our Lady of the Pillar, patroness of Spain; to the Virgin of Montserrat, patroness of Catalonia; and to Our Lady of Fussimanya, near his home village. Finding the diocese in a miserable condition, he quickly initiated a spiritual reform. To continue his apostolate on a wider scale, he established on the island the Teaching Sisters of Mary Immaculate.
He was recalled to Spain in 1857, and made the chaplain of Queen Isabella II, who also made him her confessor. He also began the printing apostolate for the diffusion of the Good News. The Liberia Religiosa de Barcelona became a center of renewal and evangelization for the whole country.
In his final years, he went to Rome to prepare for the First Vatican Council. Owing to failing health he withdrew to Prada de Conflent in the French Pyrenees, where he was still harassed by his Spanish enemies; shortly afterwards he retired to the Cistercian abbey at Fontfroide, Narbonne, southern France, where he died on October 24, 1870 at the age of 62. In the course of his life, he is said to have preached 10,000 sermons and to have published 200 religious books.
Beatified on February 25, 1934 by Pope Pius XI and canonized a saint by Pope Pius XII on May 7, 1950, his major shrine can be found in Vic in Barcelona.
Anthony Mary Claret is the patron of textile merchants, weavers, the Claretians, and savings, in which he taught the poor the importance of savings.
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lauthenticfrance · 7 months
Abbaye De Fontfroide | Things To See In Narbonne
Embark on a journey through time and tradition with our exclusive travel agency, as we invite you to discover the serene beauty and rich heritage of three remarkable destinations: Abbey de Fontfroide, the Benedictine Abbey of Lagrasse, and Chateau Ollieux Romanis. Each location offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural splendor, promising transformative experiences that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.
Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of southern France, Abbey de Fontfroide is a testament to the architectural and spiritual prowess of the 12th century. As you step onto the cobblestone pathways of this Cistercian monastery, you'll be transported back in time to an era of tranquility and devotion. The abbey's stunning Gothic architecture, adorned with intricate stone carvings and lush gardens, creates an aura of timeless beauty.
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Explore the serene cloisters, where the echoes of monks' chants still seem to linger, and the peaceful gardens that beckon you to reflect in solitude. Visit Abbaye De Fontfroide. Marvel at the abbey's impressive rose garden, a fragrant testament to the enduring love for horticulture. Discover the ancient cellars where wine has been aged for centuries, a true testament to the region's viticultural history.
Nestled in the heart of the charming medieval village of Lagrasse, the Benedictine Abbey stands as a living relic from the 8th century. Its Romanesque and Gothic architecture exudes an aura of timeless spirituality. Things to see in Narbonne. Step inside and be captivated by the tranquil ambiance, where the hushed whispers of history mingle with the soft notes of Gregorian chants.
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Wander through the cloisters, adorned with ancient frescoes, and marvel at the ornate stained glass windows that cast a kaleidoscope of colors across the abbey's interior. Explore the cobblestone streets of Lagrasse, where time seems to have stood still, and enjoy the warmth of the local community that has thrived here for centuries.
Escape to Chateau Ollieux Romanis, a family estate and organic vineyard set amidst the breathtaking landscapes where mountains meet the sea. Here, you'll experience the fusion of history, nature, and viticulture like never before. Stroll through the vineyards and witness the meticulous care given to the organic grapevines that produce some of the region's finest wines.
Savor a wine tasting experience that transcends the palate, where you'll sip on wines that have been crafted with generations of knowledge and a deep respect for the land. Allow the panoramic views of rolling vineyards and distant Mediterranean vistas to envelop your senses, offering a harmonious blend of nature's beauty and the artistry of winemaking.
Our travel agency promises not only to unveil the secrets and wonders of these captivating locations but to provide you with an immersive journey that will leave you enriched by history, culture, and the embracing charm of the natural world. Come with us, and let the past and present merge into an unforgettable tapestry of experiences and memories.
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light20sblog · 11 months
“— Privé du bonheur de faire souffrir la seule personne qui m'intéressât, je m'avisai de rechercher sa fille dans le dessein de l'élever à ma guise et de retrouver chez cette petite quelque chose des émotions que m'avait procurées sa mère. A vrai dire, c'était une aimable enfant, un peu sauvage et, par cela même, attirante. Cependant le mauvais vouloir du destin s'opposa tout d'abord à mon projet. Ce fut alors que je me retirai à Fontfroide dans un état d'esprit dont je vous épargnerai la description. Je m'aperçus en effet que j'étais amoureux de celle que je venais de perdre et peut-être aussi de sa fille. Cette double et stérile passion m'occupa quelque temps. Dans cette grande maison vide, je me livrai à mon ennui, non sans la volupté secrète que goûte le pessimiste au fond des heures les plus amères. Horrible et délicieux plaisir, je souffris à mon tour. Des semaines s'écoulèrent sans que mes yeux se fermassent et j'atteignis cette région de la vie où le vertige du suicide commence à exercer son charme. Une grande curiosité à l'égard de la mort, le désir de couronner une vie manquée, beaucoup d'autres raisons me poussèrent à détruire mon corps et j'avalai une dose de poison que je jugeai suffisante.”
Julien Green, Minuit
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odenim · 1 year
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Abbaye de Fontfroide, Narbonne, 12 mars 2023
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pustyniaserca · 1 year
Błogosławiony Piotr z Castelnau
Piotr urodził się ok. 1170 r. na zamku Castelnau niedaleko Montpellier we Francji. Zarówno w życiu świeckim, jak i w życiu mniszym odznaczał się niezwykłą inteligencją, pobożnością i oddaniem. W 1199 r. został archidiakonem Maguelone (Francja). Około 1202 r. wstąpił do opactwa cystersów w Fontfroide. Został legatem papieskim i inkwizytorem za czasów Innocentego III. Wysłano go do albigensów, aby…
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motolesechloe · 1 year
Perché la scala è comandata non solo da considerazioni formali ma psicologiche. Quello che qualcuno ci dice in privato alla fine di un pasto avrebbe un significato ben diverso se fosse comunicato a un vasto pubblico attraverso un sistema di diffusione sonora. Il lavoro di Redon parla in tono intimo. anche quando dipinge grandi superfici, come a Domecy, nell'abbazia di Fontfroide di Gustave Fayet (1855-1899) o nella casa del compositore Ernest Chausson a Parigi; tali opere erano destinate ad essere viste solo dalle famiglie che le commissionavano e dai loro ospiti.
Il lavoro di un artista come Redon aiuta così a stabilire una distinzione tra ambito sociale e privato (quest'ultimo allargato alla famiglia e alla sua cerchia di amicizie). Questa distinzione è praticamente scomparsa nelle arti odierne. Tuttavia, quando l'influenza artistica fluisce verso l'esterno, per quanto impercettibilmente, dalla privacy dell'individuo o della famiglia verso la società, possiamo aspettarci che ne risultino opere autentiche. Quando, invece, fluisce al contrario, in modo dogmatico e autoritario, verso l'interno, dalla sfera sociale a quella privata, possiamo aspettarci un maggior numero di opere convenzionali e accademiche.
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viajero2000 · 3 months
Abbaye de Fontfroide (2)
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medievalimago · 1 year
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In the name of the rose...The rose of the Abbey of Fontfroide, if your heart so desires, it will never lose its petals.
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sven-sendvik · 19 days
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Abbaye de Fontfroide, département de l’ Aude.
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