#Gaston Nichols
Frederick Knight – I've Been Lonely For So Long (1973)
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creamecafe · 2 years
Will you put up a list on who would you write for?
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫
Last Updated: 05/27/24 3:54 AM EST
Of course!
I would write for:
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
Matthew Murdock
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Helmut Zemo
MCU!Tom!Peter Parker
TASM!Peter Parker
Sam Raimi!Tobey!Peter Parker
Miles Morales
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Bruce Banner
Jennifer Walters
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Carol Danvers
Kamala Khan
Monica Rambeau
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Scott Lang
Hope Van Dyne
Joaquin Torres
Mobius M. Mobius
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Wenwu
Katy Chen
Xu Xialing
Foggy Nelson
Aunt May
Michelle Jones
Ned Leeds
TASM!Gwen Stacy
Sam Raimi!Harry Osborn
TASM!Harry Osborn
Otto Octavius
Hela Odinsdottir
Lady Sif
Peggy Carter
Agatha Harkness
Pepper Potts
Stephen Strange
America Chavez
Bruno Carrelli
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
T'Challa Udaku
Erik Killmonger
Shuri Udaku
Everett K. Ross
Baron Mordo
Wade Wilson
Maya Lopez
Kazi Kazimierczak
Maria Hill
Jack Russell
Elsa Bloodstone
Eddie Brock
Maria Hill
[𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲]
Peter Quill
Dane Whitman
[𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫]
Reed Richards
Sue Storm
Johnny Storm
Ben Grimm
Peter Maximoff
Charles Xaiver
Erik Lehnsherr
Jean Grey
Kurt Wagner
Alex Summers
Sheridan!Scott Summers
Marsden!Scott Summers
Bobby Drake
St. John Allerdyce
Kitty Pryde
[𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞]
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Hook
Prince Charming
Snow White
Jefferson Hatter
Henry Mills
Wendy Darling
Peter Pan
[𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢]
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Tory Nichols
Young!Daniel Larusso
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Robby Keene
Anthony Larusso
Young!Johnny Lawrence
[𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬]
Steve Harrington
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Robin Buckely
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Dustin Henderson
Harry Hook
Mal Bertha Maleficent
Evie Evil
Jay Jafar
Uma Ursula
Gil Gaston
Carlos De Vil
Bruno Madrigal
Camilo Madrigal
Flynn Eugene Ryder
Maribel Madrigal
Isabela Madrigal
Luisa Madrigal
Félix Madrigal
Pepa Madrigal
Hiro Hamada
Tadashi Hamada
GoGo Tomato
Honey Lemon
Dolores Madrigal
Julieta Madrigal
Agustín Madrigal
Fix-It Felix
Helen Parr
 Lokius (Loki Laufeyson x Mobius M. Mobius)
 Petergwen (TASM!Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy)
 Drukkari (Druig x Makkari)
 Starmora (Peter Quill/Star Lord x Gamora)
 Shuriri (Shuri Udaku x Riri Williams)
 WandaVision (Wanda x Vision)
 Cherik (Charles x Erik)
 SamBucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes)
 SpideyChelle (MCU!Peter Parker x Michelle Jones)
Sleeping Warrior (Mulan x Aurora OUAT)
StarkStrange (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)
ValCarol (Valkyrie x Carol Danvers)
ThorBruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner)
Zenmasters (Jackie Burkhart x Steven Hyde)
Wenclair (Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair)
[𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬]
Wednesday Addams
Xaiver Trope
Tyler Galpin
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
Bianca Barclay
Yoko Tanaka
Rowan Laslow
[𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞]
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan
Angela Lopez
[𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐧 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞]
Jake Peralta
Any Santiago
Rosa Sanchez
Basically, I write a LOT of different characters from different fandoms. I'll update this list if I watch a new show or movie or have an interest in a character
You can also add inserts like in my Request Guidelines to these characters.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jeanne Moreau and Jean-Marc Bory in The Lovers (Louis Malle, 1958) Cast: Jeanne Moreau, Jean-Marc Bory, Alain Cuny, Judith Magre, José Luis de Villalonga, Gaston Modot. Screenplay: Louise de Vilmorin, based on a novel by Dominique Vivant. Cinematography: Henri Decaë. Anna Karenina without the train. That's one way of looking at Louis Malle's once-scandalous but now somewhat tepid The Lovers. That seems to be the way the German censors saw it: a story about a woman who abandons not only her husband but also her child, and seemingly gets away with it. In the German release, the scenes involving Jeanne Tournier's (Jeanne Moreau) daughter were cut, as if the idea of a mother leaving so adorable a child was too horrible for audiences to contemplate. In the United States, of course, it was the depiction of sex -- not "cutting away to the window" as Malle once described the traditional approach to sex scenes -- that caused the censors to draw their knives. The result was the Supreme Court decision that The Lovers didn't fit Justice Potter Stewart's famous definition of pornography: "I know it when I see it." He didn't, and it isn't: What we see in the scene are a briefly flashed nipple and the look on Jeanne's face as Bernard (Jean-Marc Bory) brings her to orgasm. Even the fact that she is being pleasured orally by him is only implied by his absence in the frame. The Lovers is more satiric than erotic, its targets the stale marriages and pro forma affairs of an haute bourgeoisie obsessed with hairstyles and polo games. Malle attempts to contrast the sterile dalliances of the idle rich with the more spontaneous relationship between Jeanne and Bernard, a casually dressed archaeologist who drives a clunky tin-can Citroën, but the film gets a little too formulaic, especially in the lushly romantic moonlight stroll and boat ride that serves as foreplay to the consummation of their affair. He switches back to irony at the end: Jeanne and Bernard escape together under the astonished gaze of her husband and her other lover, but we sense their uncertainty about whether it will work, anticipating the way Mike Nichols tempered romance with reality by holding the camera just a little bit too long on Benjamin and Elaine after they escape from the church in The Graduate (1967). Maybe we don't see the train but we hear it approaching.
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Night Hunger
Episode Recap #36: Night Hunger Original Airdate: January 14, 1989
Starring: John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Louise Robey as Micki Foster Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Richard Panebianco as Michael Fiorno Réal Andrews as Deacon Elliott Smith as Dead Boy Nick Nichols as Dominic Fiorno Gaston Poon as Chang Richard Partington as Doctor Nathaniel Moreau as Young Mike Jillian Cook as Nurse and R.G. Armstrong as Lewis Vendredi (uncredited)
Written by Jim Henshaw Directed by Martin Lavut
We open this week in the past, evident by the black and white photography. A young boy named Mikey is heading up to bat at a little league game, his dad urging him to "not let him get to you" and that he's better than the pitcher. His dad keeps on him to show Deacon what he's made of, then calls him a little wimp. Mike strikes out and walks sheepishly away as his dad does nothing to hid his disdain.
Back in the colorful present, a biker is tying to wave a drive by, but the guy keeps riding him til he causes the biker to stop on a bridge. As the dude checks him bike for damage, he looks up suddenly to see the hot rod coming right at him. The driver then gets out and wipes the key that had been dangling on his rearview mirror on the blood of the now-dead biker, then walks back to his car.
Later, we are at a night scene. Grown up Deacon and Mike are setting the rules for a drag race, both sure they will win and get possession of the other's car. Deacon has a driver for his car, Mike drives his own. As Mike revs up he has flashes of his dad constantly comparing him to Deacon, and shaking him. Mike wins the race.
When Mike asks for the keys, the guy balks. Deacon and the dude both wonder what Mike has going on in his car. Mike pushes the guy and Deacon tries to intercede, but Mike reminds him he made the rules. He takes the keys and speeds off.
At a very busy Curious Goods, the gang is worn out from a busy sale day. Mr. Fiorno, Mike's dad and a neighbor to the shop, comes by to browse. He tells Jack Mike is about to turn 21 and they don't get along, but he's looking for a gift. Jack as his interests, Dominic says cars and that's it. When they ask why he'd be interested in any antiques, the old man says Mike used to come in the shop a lot when Lewis ran it. Our trio is … curious upon hearing this. Jack takes Dominic to the back to browse, and Micki and Ryan crack upon the Manifest.
Later, they've had no luck finding Mike's name in the book, so Ryan says they can talk to him and Jack says he'll keep researching there. Mike heads to the old drive in where Deacon and his gang hang out. Mike wants to race again, but Deacon wants Mike to work up to him by racing his lackeys, namely Chang. Chang sets a race for 2 am. Micki and Ryan show up to talk to Mike. They ask if he's still racing, he tells them to come watch later. Micki asks if he ever bought anything from Lewis. He said no, he just hung out at the store so he didn't have to be home. They push, but he says he never bought anything and heads off. He sees the guy he beat early, Dead Boy, chatting with the cops and roughs him up to ask what it was about. Dead Boy offers to keep his mouth shut if he can get his car back. Mike tells him to come get it.
Dominic shows up at the garage Mike works at with a gift for his birthday. Mike wants nothing to do with him. Dominic pushes to mend their rift, Mike ain't having it. Dominic tries to be rough but Mike isn't a little kid anymore. He says he has the only gift his dad ever gave him and shows him the key around his neck, with a flashback to his dad drunk and again comparing Mike to Deacon. Dead Boy shows up and Mike gives him his keys and tells him the car is out back.
In the alley, Dead Boy finds his car behind the gate. He sees Mike in his car but Mike floors it and pins Dead Boy to the gate, making him really a dead boy. Mike again puts the key against the blood.
At the store, the group is going through Lewis' old receipts as they tell Jack about talking with Mike and about the local racing culture. Jack reads an article about the police looking into deaths associated with a black car. Ryan decides to go watch the race while they continue their search.
At the late night race, Ryan talks to Deacon about Mike. Deacon says that Dominic was a racer back in the day and associates it with being a man. He wouldn't ever buy Mike a car, so as soon as his mom died, Mike did just that, to get even with his dad. Dead Boy's car shows up with Mike driving and ready to race Chang. He puts the bloody key in the ignition. Chang thinks he'll win for sure against this car. Mike again has flashbacks to his dad smacking him. He wins, but Chang thinks Mike cheated. Mike is adamant, so Chang tosses his keys. Mike says Deacon is next.
In the morning, Ryan is relating the race to Micki and Jack, saying Mike's car glowed. Jack shows a slip from Lewis, showing he gave Mike the silver chain as a gift when he turned 16, but Mike didn't get a car of his own until last year. They decide to keep digging.
At Mike's garage, Chang sneaks and looks under the hood of Mike's car, but Mike catches him. Chang says Deacon wants to talk, but Mike knows Deacon is curious as to how Mike is winning. Deacon shows up, saying his building a special car and maybe Mike can help and join his crew. Mike just wants to race Deacon. Chang wants his car back. Mike flashes back to his drunk dad giving him the key, a blank key, like Mike, and to come back when he's worth something.
Dominic shows up at Curious Goods and says he changed his mind and wants to return it. Jack spies the birthday card with the gift and hands it back to Dominic, asking about Mike. He asks about the chain Lewis gave to Mike. Dominic says they won't get the chain back cause Mike wears it with the key to spite him. He says he'll never get though to him and leaves. Micki and Jack try to figure out the connection between the chain and the key, and decide to wake Ryan.
That night, Ryan is talking to people at the drag race. He tells Micki about another death, and that Mike was driving the dead guy's car. They drive to Mike's garage and see him pull out. They cut their lights and follow him. Mike meets up with Chang, and asks where the money is for getting his car back. Mike tells him to wait and drives off but suddenly turns back and hits Chang. He puts the guy in the car he arrived in and drives it away. Micki notices Mike driving the different vehicle as it passes, and turns to follow. Mike notices the tail and speeds up, driving recklessly and crashing. He's bloodied and moves his coat to see the key and chain magically working their way into his open chest wound. Micki and Ryan rush up in time to see this, as well.
Jack arrives at the hospital and they say Mike was taken to surgery. A nurse comes to take Dominic to Mike. Micki and Ryan are about to leave to find Mike's car when the doc shows up. He shows them the x-ray of a key and chain wrapped around Mike's heart. He says they can't attempt to remove it without killing Mike.
Dominic goes in to see his son. He says he was waiting for this to happen. He says he was always worried about him. Micki, Ryan and Jack star putting all the pieces together, realizing Mike was the killer and that now theirs no way to separate Mike from the key and chain. With his dad sitting beside him, Mike wakes up and has convulsions as far away his car starts up and drives on its own. Mike starts laughing.
Three weeks later, Micki and Ryan come back to the store, having had no luck finding Mike's car. Jack says Mike has been released from the hospital. Ryan says he'll go back to the drive-in, Micki should check the garage.
That night, Mike, walking with a cane, approaches Deacon. Mike looks different, devilish. He just wants to race Deacon. Deacon finally agrees to race Mike, to end this once and for all. Mike walks off as Ryan drives up, telling Mike he knows about the key and chain and all the deaths. Ryan tries to get through to Mike, telling him he knows about tough father-son relationships. Mike ain't hearing it and leaves.
Micki is snooping at the garage and finds the car as Mike shows up. He gets the car to start on its own. Then he leaves as the driverless car chases Micki. She barely escapes as Ryan pulls up and she jumps in. The car goes back inside the garage. Mike gets out and sees Dominic has watched this all happen.
Dominic wants answers, but Mike says anyone would either think the old man was crazy, or lock Mike up, then Dominic would really be happy. Mike says tonight is the night he beats Deacon and shows them all finally. He has a flashback to Lewis putting the key on the chain and laughing, obviously having cursed it. Mike tells Dominic he finally likes who he is.
The Curious Goods trio tries to figure out what Mike is thinking or planning, but is at a loss. Dominic shows up, asking for help and admitting how he treated his son. He tells them he always compared Mike to Deacon. He tells them about the key, and says he is as much to blame as Lewis.
The trio arrives just as Mike and Deacon prepare to race, Mike again having little league flashbacks. They race, Mike and his car powered by the curse in his chest. Micki and Ryan stop and see Dominic race by them in his truck. As Mike thinks to his past and speeds forward, his dad drives his truck straight into his son's car and both go up in flames.
At Curious Goods, the gang are dressed to go to the funeral. Ryan is polishing the key on the chain, still amazed that they were able to recover it. Ryan marvels that something so benign could cause so much death. Jack says it is more like Lewis knew ways to tap into broken and hurt people to make the curse work. Micki wonders how many other "time bombs" Lewis has out in the world.
My thoughts:
Interesting episode. A bit of a deeper dive into the WHY of a person using a cursed item. Mike's broken confidence and Lewis taking advantage of it creating a monster shows Lewis taking a stronger role in this particular item.
The key and chain working together as Lewis crafted a curse specific to Mike was interesting. And the key working it's way into Mike's heart was crazy. The doctor showing these people the x-ray borders on patient confidentiality, but it was 1989.
Wish the races had been a bit more exciting, but with limited budget I guess they did the best they could.
Just how did they find the key and chain in the burnt wreckage, though? I know the items are indestructible, but that had to be quite a disgusting and horrific search! What did the cops think of that?
Liked Ryan, albeit briefly, trying to connect with Mike over their rough father/son relationships.
Next week: The Sweetest Sting
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mplaylistdiaries · 2 years
September 2018 PLAYLIST
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Explaining My Depression To My Mother by Sabrina Benaim
Arabian Nights by Will Smith
All My Friends Are Fake by Tate McRae
Superficial Love by Ruth B.
Bad Girl Online by Oktavia
Don’t you get it? I’m nothing by noiravoir
Narcissist by Avery Anna
Mother Knows Best by Donna Murphy
The Willow Maid by Erutan
Attention by Charlie Puth
Gaston by Josh Gad, Luke Evans, and Ensemble
You’re Exhausting by Beth Crowley
Life is pain, I’m in pain by _broken_smile_21
Silent Scream by Anna Blue
Gasoline by Halsey
Monster by Beth Crowley
I Can’t Carry This Anymore by Anson Seabra
Broken by Noelle Johnson
She’s An Actor by Austin Giorgio
Robin Hood by Anson Seabra
You Don’t Know by Katelyn Tarver
I Am Not Nothing by Beth Crowley
Colors of the Wind by Tori Kelly
Part of Your World by Kerry Butler
Crossing the Line by Many Moore & Eden Espinosa
Rude by Magic!
The Lamb and the Wolf by Just Another Nobody
Closer by The Chainsmokers
Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer
Dear God by Hunter Hayes
Impossible by James Arthur
Tears of Gold by Faouzia
Dancing In The Sky by Dannii & Liz
No Scrubs by TLC
Amorfoda by Bad Bunny
hey I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from… by jmh music
Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran
How Does A Moment Last Forever by Celine Dion
She Used To Be Mine by Sara Bareilles 
I Wanna Be Like You by Fall Out Boy
Be Yourself by Spoken Word Poetry
This is how I learn to Say No by EMELINE
Dear Me by Nichole Nordeman
Journey to the Past by Liz Callaway
If I Were A Man by Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear
Trust Fund by Why Don’t We 
You Can Be King Again by Lauren Aquilina
Like My Father by Jax
All I Want by Emma Bale
The Bear Necessities by Bowling For Soup
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kaggsy59 · 5 years
Loving London, bookish wanderings and catching up with an old friend!
Loving London, bookish wanderings and catching up with an old friend!
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I’ve written before on the Ramblings about my trips to the Big Smoke; I often pop up for exhibitions, meetings with friends and browsing the bookshops, and this is one of the regular joys in my life. I had a brief get-together with my BFF J. in September when I also had a meet up with Jacqui and Ali; however, we decided on a Winter meeting and had scheduled a day out for 30th November. The awful…
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i hate st. john!: a post
i really love how listening to the audiobook has made especially clear that st. john is, like, a truly terrifying antagonist, wrapped in the package of “a very good, selfless, noble man and the absolute best offer of a life that someone of jane’s humble station could ever possibly hope for”
like, adaptations tend to just portray him as a boring alternative to rochester who we see for five minutes and you’re like, ‘huh, okay, whatevs’
but this dude nearly tears jane’s psyche up to the point of no return! he is HORRIBLE! he is, dare i say it, A MONSTER with a beautiful face! like if gaston read the bible at you all the time and made you feel guilty for liking being alive!
(note: i haven’t done any reading about this, but i hope that arthur bell nicholls did not inspire st. john. D: that dude’s already on thin friggin’ ice with me.)
i know that post about jane marrying rochester being a big “imagine the sheer YIKES of being friends with her and hearing about that relationship” sitch makes the rounds all the time, but like, the fundamental beauty of that match is that rochester -- for all his faults, and they are plentiful and dramatic -- loves jane the way jane loves jane, after her whole life has been her being told that she shouldn’t love herself and doesn’t deserve to enjoy being alive, and st. john is that motif reaching an absolute breaking point!
like!!!!!! everything about st. john trying to peer pressure her into entering a loveless marriage of religious labor with him is so overwhelmingly terrible that it is giving me mansfield park trauma flashbacks. although at least, thank god, diana’s quickly like, “girl, you CANNOT be his missionary wife, you will die! why is he such a weird idiot that he doesn’t see that??”
also, i loved how st. john was reading the bible very pointedly and was like “it would be a REAL SHAME if CERTAIN PEOPLE were to BURN IN THE FIERY LAKES OF HELL FOREVER for NOT AGREEING TO MARRY ME IN AN UNSEXY UNION OF RELIGIOUS DUTY,” as if terrible self-righteous men haven’t been telling jane she was going to burn in hell since she was an itty bitty child. pick a new tactic, man!
anyway: it is hard to think of a more wonderfully cathartic and EPIC romantic moment in fiction than rochester magically crying out jane’s name across the distance (THE INVISIBLE STRING) and jane snapping the heck out of it and being like, “OH RIGHT, i don’t have to marry this fool and die from misery as he swiftly drains my life force from me! GET OUT OF MY WAY!” and st. john’s just like, “eep, okay!” because IT’S JANE O’CLOCK NOW, SUCKER. YOUR POWER DOES NOT WORK HERE ANYMORE!
p.s. i really wanna punch st. john in the face and i think he’s earned it, because jane is always like “i always wanted a brother and i’ve always been clear with him that i thought of him as a brother, why does he hate me for not agreeing to be his unloved god-servant wife when i am just being real with him that I COULD NOT BEAR THAT?” like, even in this extremely weird and specific situation, i can see you Nice Guy-ing all over the place, BRAH. ugh, st. john. ugh. disgusting. the worst. i h8 u for how you have hurt my baby girl.
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saline-sp · 3 years
HEAR ME OUT: DISNEY MOVIE AU. Aladdin with Stan as Aladdin and Wendy as Jasmine, The Little Mermaid with Heidi as Ariel and Kyle as Eric, Beauty and the Beast with Token as the Beast and Nichole as Belle! What do you think for each?
I am a HUGE sucker for disney aus, and although these don't fit my personal ships (minus token and nichole) I love these ideas! Although, and this may just be me, I don't really think Token fits the role of the beast extremely well. He's such a chill dude, and yes he has his angry moments, they always seem justified and he doesn't really have any anger issues. I think an au where Kyle is the beast could work better since he is known for having a short temper, and then if you wanna go the Kydi route, Heidi would work really well as Belle since we all know she's really smart. And then Cartman could be Gaston, Butter would fit perfectly as LeFou, and I'm starting to get too deep into this XD
Stendy Aladdin is also an amazing idea because I can definitely see Stan wanting to become a prince in order to marry Wendy, and Wendy is definitely the type to try and avoid arranged marriages because she would want to marry for love.
Kydi Litte Mermaid is also really cute, but pretty much any ship would work really well with The Little Mermaid imo
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gaymingbinosaur · 4 years
10 questions
I was tagged by @the-redlion
1. What is your favorite Disney Villain?
2. If you could see ONE wonder of the world, which one would it be?
3. If you could live in ANY time period, which one would it be and why?
4. What is your favorite animal?
5. Would you rather watch a new blockbuster or read a new novel?
6. Cat or Dog person?
7. Have you ever played D&D? If so, what’s your favorite class? If not, would you be willing to try?
8. If one of your OCs could be your RL best friend, who’d you choose and why? If you don't have an OC, someone else’s?
9. What’s your favorite candy?
10. Coffee or Tea?
1) Gaston 
2) Eiffle tower, my brother is is right outside my room and I can’t think. So that’s the only one I can think of. 
3) Ancient Greece
4) playtpus,giraffe and leapords are my fav
5) read 
7) No and I would love to play
8) Nichole we have a lot in common plus she’s just really nice
9) anything milk chocoalte 
10) tea, don’t like cofee
My questions
I’m stealing 8
1)  If one of your OCs could be your RL best friend, who’d you choose and why? If you don't have an OC, someone else’s?
2) Favorite game
3) What fictional character you relate to most
4) Did you ever sleep with a stuffed anima
5) Do you have pets
6) Do you like spicy food?
7) Favorite movie
8) favorite book
9) What is your favorite food?
10) Favorite flower
@herald-divine-hell @athena1138 @sexyshoelessgodofwar @thejeeperswife @charlatron @jacklyn-flynn @kemvee and anyone else interested
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djninaflowers · 4 years
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Leaving a LA with a big smile on my face after experiencing so much love. Thank you Paul Nicholls, Justin T David, Hector E. Lopez, Eddie Eduardo, Arno Diem, and the entire team of GPS for the opportunity to work by your side. Congratulations on creating such a great and fun environment. It's a real pleasure to come work with you. THANK YOU for all the attentions, and for spoiling me so hard. I be looking forward to my return💙To my peers, Marco Da Silva and Gaston Silveti, it was an honor to share the spotlight with you at GPS FLOWER POWER. You both came to slay. Amazing work guys!! Special thanks to my good old friend Hugo Ildefonso. Gracias por cuidarme hermanito. Alexander Rendo, brother thank you for coming to support me. It made me really happy to know you was there🙏 Iggy Lopez, thank you for this amazing images. I love you! Thanks to everyone who came to party with us, out of all the other options on a Saturday night. You're the one's that keep the magic going💙🙏🔥😘❤🍾🥂🕺💃💋 I love you LA!! I will be waiting for our next time together. Hasta pronto!!! #gpsgaypartysaturday #gpsparty #gpsla #findyourgps #gpsflowerpower #marcodasilva #gastonsilveti #djninaflowers #ninaflowers (at Los Angeles International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8r_o9zFrpe/?igshid=1nay2pxa4g9ec
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collectorscorner · 5 years
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CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201
CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014
ABLAZE Vampire State Building #2 (Cover A Charlie Adlard), $3.99 Vampire State Building #2 (Cover B Stefano Gaudiano), $3.99 Vampire State Building #2 (Cover C Diego Bernard), $3.99 Vampire State Building #2 (Cover D Charlie Adlard Sketch Variant), $3.99 Vampire State Building #2 (Cover E Guilherme Balbi Glow In The Dark Variant), AR
AFTERSHOCK COMICS Jimmy's Bastards Volume 1 Year One HC, $39.99 Knights Temporal #4, $3.99
ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie 1955 #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Derek Charm), $3.99 Archie 1955 #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ray Anthony-Height), $3.99 Archie 1955 #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Khary Randolph), $3.99 B & V Friends Jumbo Comics Digest #275, $7.99 Jughead's Time Police #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Derek Charm), $3.99 Jughead's Time Police #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Brent Schoonover), $3.99 Jughead's Time Police #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Greg Smallwood), $3.99
ASPEN COMICS Broken Pieces #1 (Alex Konat & Peter Steigerwald New York Comic Con 2011 Variant Cover), $14.99 Bubblegun #1 (Of 5)(Aspen 10th Anniversary Edition Black UV Variant Cover), $14.99 Bubblegun Volume 2 #1 (Angel Tovar & John Starr Phoenix Comicon 2017 Variant Cover), $14.99 Cannon Hawke Prelude #0 (Michael Turner Wizard World Philadelphia 2005 Variant Cover), $9.99 Fathom Cannon Hawke #0 (Koi Turnbull SDCC 2005 Variant Cover), $9.99 Harley Quinn #1 (Michael Turner & Peter Steigerwald Black & White Aspen Variant Cover), $19.99 Soulfire Faith #1 (Michael Ryan SDCC 2012 Variant Cover), $14.99 Soulfire Grace #1 (Pasquale Qualano & Peter Steigerwald SDCC 2012 Variant Cover), $14.99 Soulfire Power #1 (Pasquale Qualano & Peter Steigerwald SDCC 2012 Variant Cover), $14.99 Soulfire Volume 8 #5 (Cover A Raffaele Forte), $3.99 Soulfire Volume 8 #5 (Cover B J. P. Mavinga), $3.99 Soulfire Volume 8 #5 (Cover C Michael Turner), $0.00
AVATAR PRESS Warrior Nun Dora #1 (Cover A Daniel Gete), $5.99
Militia #5, $3.99 Psycho List #3 (Of 6), $3.99
BOOM! STUDIOS Garfield Snack Pack Volume 3 TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99 Giant Days As Time Goes By #1 (Cover A Max Sarin), $7.99 Giant Days As Time Goes By #1 (Cover B Max Sarin), $7.99 Hellmouth #1 (Cover E Kyle Lambert Foil Variant), $4.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #1 (Jae Lee 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #1 (Netflix 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #2 (Cover A Mona Finden), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #2 (Cover B Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews Connecting Variant), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #2 (Cover C David Peterson), AR Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #2 (Cover D David Peterson), AR Jim Henson's The Storyteller The Novelization SC, $14.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44 (Cover A Jamal Campbell), $3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44 (Cover B Goni Montes Foil Variant), $4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44 (Cover C Kris Anka Trading Card Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44 (Cover D Dan Mora), AR WWE Then Now Forever Volume 4 TP, $16.99
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1688, AR
COMIXTRIBE Sink Volume 2 Blood And Rain TP, $19.99
DARK HORSE COMICS Aliens Defiance Library Edition Volume 1 HC, $49.99 Courageous Princess Volume 1 Beyond The Hundred Kingdoms TP, $14.99 Dept. H Omnibus Volume 2 Decompressed And Lifeboat TP, $24.99 Disney The Little Mermaid #1 (Of 3), $3.99 Ether Volume 3 The Disappearance Of Violet Bell #2 (Of 5)(Cover A David Rubin, $3.99 Ether Volume 3 The Disappearance Of Violet Bell #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Gabriel Hernandez Walta), $3.99 Fight Club 3 #10 (Cover A David Mack), $3.99 Fight Club 3 #10 (Cover B Duncan Fegredo), $3.99 Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. Long Night At Goloski Station #1, $3.99 Invisible Kingdom #6, $3.99 Last Stop On The Red Line #4 (Of 4), $3.99 Manor Black #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Tyler Crook), $3.99 Manor Black #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Erica Henderson), $3.99
DC COMICS Aquaman Giant #1, $4.99 Basketful Of Heads #1 (Of 7)(Cover A Reiko Murakami), $3.99 Basketful Of Heads #1 (Of 7)(Cover B Joshua Middleton Card Stock Variant), AR Batman And The Outsiders Annual #1, $4.99 Batman Annual #4, $4.99 Batman By Scott Snyder And Greg Capullo Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $125.00 DC Ghosts Giant #1, $4.99 DC Previews #19 (November 2019), AR DCeased #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Mark Brooks), $4.99 DCeased #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), AR DCeased #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Yasmin Putri Card Stock Horror Movie Homage Variant), AR Dollar Comics Superman #75, $1.00 Harleen #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Stejpan Sejic), $7.99 Harleen #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Stejpan Sejic), AR Joker Killer Smile #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Andrea Sorrentino), $5.99 Joker Killer Smile #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Kaare Andrews), AR Last God #1 (Cover A Kai Carpenter), $3.99 Last God #1 (Cover B Ricardo Federici Card Stock Variant), AR Lucifer Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $125.00 Nightwing Annual #2, $4.99 Sandman Universe Presents Hellblazer #1 (Cover A Bilquis Evely), $4.99 Sandman Universe Presents Hellblazer #1 (Cover B Declan Shalvey), AR Tales From The Dark Multiverse The Death Of Superman #1, $5.99 Vamps The Complete Collection TP, $39.99 Wild Storm Volume 4 TP, $16.99 Wonder Woman Annual #3, $4.99
DEVIL'S DUE How To Self-Publish Comics Not Just Create Them SC (5th Edition), $19.99 Squarriors Volume 2 Summer #4 (Of 4), $4.99
DEY STREET BOOKS World According To Star Wars SC, $15.99
DIAMOND PUBLICATIONS Game Trade Magazine #237, $3.99 Previews #374 (November 2019), $3.99
DISNEY - HYPERION Sanity And Tallulah Volume 2 Field Trip GN, $12.99 Sanity And Tallulah Volume 2 Field Trip HC, $21.99
DISNEY LUCASFILM PRESS Star Wars A Finn And Poe Adventure Choose Your Destiny SC, $5.99
DYNAMIC FORCES Absolute Carnage #1 (Of 5)(Adi Granov CSA Variant Cover), AR Amazing Spider-Man #10 (Lucio Parrillo ComicXposure Variant Cover), AR Amazing Spider-Man #700 (Stan Lee Signed Edition), AR Incredible Hulk Last Call #1 (Peter David Signed Edition), AR
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Black Terror #1 (Cover M Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #12 (Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99 James Bond 007 #12 (Cover B Khoi Pham), $3.99 James Bond 007 #12 (Cover C Ben Caldwell), $3.99 James Bond 007 #12 (Cover D Robert Carey), $3.99 James Bond 007 #12 (Cover E Dave Johnson Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #12 (Cover F Khoi Pham Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #12 (Cover G Ben Caldwell Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #12 (Cover H Robert Carey Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #9 (Cover Q Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #1 (Cover Q Joshua Middleton Virgin Variant), AR Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Greg Hildebrandt), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Sebastian Piriz), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Gleb Melnikov), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover D Ben Caldwell), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover E Gleb Melnikov Virgin Variant), AR Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover F Ben Caldwell Virgin Variant), AR Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover G Sebastian Piriz Virgin Variant), AR Warlord Of Mars Attacks #5 (Of 5)(Cover H Greg Hildebrandt Virgin Variant), AR
FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Complete Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck Hardcover Box Set (Volumes 1 and 2), $59.99 Complete Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck Volume 2 HC, $29.99 Winter Warrior GN, $19.99
FANTOONS Frank Zappa Coloring Book SC, $15.99
FIRST SECOND Lily The Thief GN, $14.99 Lily The Thief HC, $21.99 Star Scouts Volume 3 The Invasion Of The Scuttlebots GN, $14.99
FLOATING WORLD COMICS Algernon Blackwood's The Willows GN, $12.95
FPG Thicker Than Blood Collected Artwork Edition HC, $150.00
HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Heavy Metal #295 (Cover A Kilian Eng), $9.99 Heavy Metal #295 (Cover B Dave Correa), $9.99 Heavy Metal #295 (Cover C Ian Bederman), $9.99 Heavy Metal #295 (Cover D Victor Mosquera), $9.99 Heavy Metal #295 (Cover E Nick Pyle), $9.99
HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Trick Of Light Novel HC, $28.00
HUMANOIDS Bramble HC, $24.95
IDW PUBLISHING Amber Blake Volume 1 TP, $17.99 Canto #3 (Of 6)(Drew Zucker 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Dick Tracy Forever TP, $15.99 Disney Afternoon Giant #7 (Cover A Magic Eye Studios), $5.99 Johnny Boo Volume 10 Johnny Boo And The Midnight Monsters HC, $9.99 Marvel Action Spider-Man Volume 2 Spider-Chase TP, $9.99 My Little Pony Spirit Of The Forest TP, $9.99 My Little Pony The Feats Of Friendship #2 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99 My Little Pony The Feats Of Friendship #2 (Cover B JustaSuta), $3.99 My Little Pony The Feats Of Friendship #2 (Cover C Katie O'Neill), AR Star Pig #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Sara Richard), $3.99 Star Pig #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Francesco Gaston), AR Star Trek The Q Conflict TP, $19.99 Star Trek Year Five #7 (Cover A Stephen Thompson), $3.99 Star Trek Year Five #7 (Cover B J.J. Lendl), AR Star Wars Adventures #27 (Cover A Derek Charm), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #27 (Cover B Tony Fleecs), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #27 (Cover C Manuel Bracchi), AR Star Wars Adventures Return To Vader's Castle #5 (Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Return To Vader's Castle #5 (Cover B Charles Paul Wilson III), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Return To Vader's Castle #5 (Cover C Francesco Francavilla Black & White Variant), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #99 (Cover A Dave Wachter), $7.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #99 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $7.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #99 (Cover C Valerio Schiti), AR Transformers Galaxies #2 (Cover A Livio Ramondelli), $3.99 Transformers Galaxies #2 (Cover B Alex Milne), $3.99 Transformers Galaxies #2 (Cover C Andrew Griffith), AR Usagi Yojimbo #2 (Stan Sakai 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
IMAGE COMICS Black Science Volume 9 No Authority But Yourself TP, $16.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Pasqual Ferry), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Pasqual Ferry Black & White Variant), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Travis Charest), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Eric Canete), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)(Cover E Kevin Nowlan), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Blank Variant), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)(Cover G Rey Macutay), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #2 (Of 4) Cover A Pasqual Ferry), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Pasqual Ferry Black & White Variant), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Pasqual Ferry), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Pasqual Ferry Black & White Variant), $3.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Pasqual Ferry), $5.99 Chrononauts Futureshock #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Pasqual Ferry Black & White Variant), $5.99 Copra #1 (Michel Fiffe 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Dead Eyes #1 (John McCrea 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Die #8 (Stephanie Hans 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Hit-Girl Volume 5 TP, $14.99 Kick-Ass #18 (Cover A Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #18 (Cover B Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #18 (Cover C Christian Ward), $3.99 Nomen Omen #1 (Of 15)(Jacopo Camagni 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Often Wrong Volume 1 TP, $29.99 Ride Burning Desire #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Daniel Hillyard), $3.99 Ride Burning Desire #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Douglas Dabbs), $3.99 SFSX Safe Sex #2, $3.99 Street Angel Deadliest Girl Alive TP, $19.99 Witchblade #16, $3.99
IMMEDIUM Discovery Of Anime And Manga The Asian Hall Of Fame Picturebook HC, $16.95
INSIGHT EDITIONS Muppet The Christmas Carol The Illustrated Holiday Classic HC, $18.95
IT'S ALIVE Pink Lemonade #1 (Cover A Nick Cagnetti), $3.99 Pink Lemonade #1 (Cover B Jim Rugg), $3.99
KODANSHA COMICS Grand Blue Dreaming Volume 8 GN, $12.99 LITTLE BROWN AND COMPANY Queens Of Animation HC, $29.00
MAD CAVE STUDIOS Wolvenheart #1 (Of 6), $3.99
MANUSCRIPT PRESS Comics Revue Presents August 2019, $19.95
MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #30 (Ryan Ottley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man Red Goblin TP, $24.99 Avengers #24 (Luciano Vecchio 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Black Panther #17, $3.99 Conan The Barbarian #10 (Cover A Esad Ribic), $3.99 Conan The Barbarian #10 (Cover B Steve McNiven), AR Contagion #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Juan Jose Ryp), $3.99 Contagion #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Ryan Browne), AR Dead Man Logan #12 (Of 12), $3.99 Deadpool By Skottie Young Volume 3 Weasel Goes To Hell TP, $15.99 Death's Head #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Nick Roche), $3.99 Death's Head #4 (Of 4)(Cover B John McCrea Connecting Variant), AR Doctor Strange Annual #1 (Cover A Ariel Olivetti), $4.99 Doctor Strange Annual #1 (Cover B Steve Skroce), AR Excalibur #1 (Cover A Mahmud Asrar), $4.99 Excalibur #1 (Cover B Mark Bagley Every Mutant Ever Variant), AR Excalibur #1 (Cover C Michael Del Mundo Young Guns Variant), AR Excalibur #1 (Cover D Tom Muller Design Variant), AR Excalibur #1 (Cover E Mike McKone), AR Excalibur #1 (Cover F Kris Anka), AR Excalibur #1 (Cover G Alan Davis Hidden Gem Variant), AR Fantastic Four Grand Design #1 (Of 2)(Cover ATom Scioli), $5.99 Fantastic Four Grand Design #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Ed Piskor), AR Fantastic Four Grand Design #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Tom Scioli Corner Box Variant), AR Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #13, $3.99 Invisible Woman #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Ironheart #11, $3.99 Journey To Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Allegiance #4 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99 Journey To Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Allegiance #4 (Cover B Movie Variant), AR Journey To Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Allegiance #4 (Cover C Will Sliney), AR Marvel Graphic Comic Box Ghost Rider, AR Marvel Previews Volume 4 #28 (November 2019), $1.25 Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 (Cover A In-Hyuk Lee), $4.99 Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 (Cover B Jung-Geun Yoon), AR Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 (Cover C Jung-Geun Yoon Virgin Variant), AR Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 (Cover D Greg Land), AR Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 (Cover E Greg Land Virgin Variant), AR Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1 (Cover F Nick Bradshaw), AR Marvel Zombies Volume 2 TP (New Printing), $15.99 Marvel Zombies Volume 3 TP (New Printing), $15.99 Marvel-Verse Iron Man TP, $9.99 Marvel-Verse Thanos TP, $9.99 Red Goblin Red Death #1 (Cover A Philip Tan), $4.99 Red Goblin Red Death #1 (Cover B Pete Woods), AR Red Goblin Red Death #1 (Cover C Ryan Brown), AR Red Goblin Red Death #1 (Cover D Chris Daughtry & Ron Garney Wraparound Variant), AR Red Goblin Red Death #1 (Cover E Logan Lubera), AR Red Goblin Red Death #1 (Cover F Ron Lim), AR Red Goblin Red Death #1 (Cover G Philip Tan Virgin Variant), AR Runaways #26, $3.99 Savage Avengers Annual #1 (Cover A Mike Deodato Jr.), $4.99 Savage Avengers Annual #1 (Cover B Ron Garney), AR Silver Surfer Black #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Tradd Moore), $3.99 Silver Surfer Black #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Cian Tormey), AR Silver Surfer Black #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Ron Lim), AR Silver Surfer Black #5 (Of 5)(Cover D Cian Tormey Foreshadow Variant), AR Silver Surfer Black #5 (Of 5)(Cover E David Nakayama Mary Jane Variant), AR Spider-Gwen Gwen Stacy TP, $12.99 Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #3 (Cover A Elsa Charretier), $4.99 Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #3 (Cover B Colleen Doran), AR Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #3 (Cover C Mike McKone Star Wars Greatest Moments Variant), AR Superior Spider-Man #12, $3.99 Symbiote Spider-Man TP, $15.99 Thor Volume 3 War's End TP, $15.99 Tony Stark Iron Man Volume 3 War Of The Realms TP, $15.99 True Believers X-Men Karima Shapandar Omega Sentinel #1, $1.00 True Believers X-Men Moira Mactaggert #1, $1.00 Venom #19 (Cover A Kyle Hotz), $3.99 Venom #19 (Cover B Tony Moore Codex Variant), AR Venom #19 (Cover C Jee-Hyung Lee Mary Jane Variant), AR War Of The Realms Uncanny X-Men TP, $15.99 What If Classic The Complete Collection Volume 2 TP, $39.99 X-Men Starjammers By Dave Cockrum TP, $39.99 X-Men Trial Of The Juggernaut TP, $34.99
METROPOLITAN BOOKS Arab Of The Future A Graphic Memoir Of A Childhood In The Middle East Volume 4 1987-1992 SC, $30.00
ONE PEACE BOOKS Reprise Of The Spear Hero Volume 1 GN, $11.95
ONI PRESS Black Mage GN, $19.99 Rick And Morty #55 (Cover A Marc Ellerby), $3.99 Rick And Morty #55 (Cover B George Caltsoudas), $3.99 Sixth Gun Volume 6 HC (Deluxe Edition), $59.99 Sixth Gun Volume 6 HC (Gunslinger Edition), $80.00
PS ARTBOOKS Pre-Code Classics Operation Peril Volume 1 HC, $51.99 Pre-Code Classics Operation Peril Volume 1 HC (Slipcase Edition), $56.99 Pre-Code Classics The Beyond Volume 1 HC, $45.99 Pre-Code Classics The Beyond Volume 1 HC (Slipcase Edition), $55.99
RESTLESS BOOKS Look Hamlet HC, $17.99
SCOUT COMICS Headless #3, $3.99 Red Winter #4, $3.99 Snow White Zombie Apocolypse #1 (One Shot), $5.99
SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT Accomplishments Of The Duke's Daughter Volume 5 GN, $12.99 Arpeggio Of Blue Steel Volume 15 GN, $12.99 Classmates Volume 3 GN, $12.99 Didn't I Say To Make My Abilities Average In The Next Life Novel Volume 7 SC, $13.99 Freezing Omnibus Volume 13 GN, $19.99 Nicola Traveling Around The Demons' World Volume 1 GN, $12.99 Skeleton Knight In Another World Volume 2 GN, $12.99
SIX FOOT PRESS Bill Sienkiewicz Revolution HC, $49.95
SQUARE FISH Wires And Nerve The Graphic Novel Duology Boxed Set, $35.98
ST. MARTINS PRESS Marvelous Life The Amazing Story Of Stan Lee HC, $29.99
THE HERO INITIATIVE Captain America 100 Project SC, $12.99
THOMAS DUNNE BOOKS Fifty-Year Mission The Complete Uncensored Unauthorized Oral History Of Star Trek The First 25 Years SC, $21.99
TITAN BOOKS Addams Family The Art Of The Animated Movie HC, $39.95 Alien Prototype MMPB, $8.99 Captain Marvel Liberation Run MMPB, $9.99
TITAN COMICS Assassin's Creed Volume 1 The Fall And The Chain TP, $19.99 Bloodborne #13 (Jeff Stokely SDCC 2019 Black & White Variant Cover), $5.00 Shades Of Magic Volume 2 Night Of Knives TP, $16.99 Star Wars Insider #193 (Newsstand Edition), $7.99 Star Wars Insider #193 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $7.99 Tank Girl #5 (Brett Parson SDCC 2019 Variant Cover), $5.00
TOKYOPOP Still Sick Volume 1 GN, $12.99
UNCIVILIZED BOOKS Holy Hannah GN, $24.95
UNIVERSITY PRESS OF MISSISSIPPI Comics Trauma And The New Art Of War SC, $30.00 Gothic For Girls Misty And British Comics SC, $30.00 Jeff Smith Conversations SC, $25.00
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Bloodshot #2 (Cover A Declan Shalvey), $3.99 Bloodshot #2 (Cover B Dave Johnson), $3.99 Bloodshot #2 (Cover C Simon Bisley), $3.99 Bloodshot #2 (Cover D Brett Booth Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR Punk Mambo TP, $14.99 Roku #1 (Of 4)(Cover A David Johnson), $3.99 Roku #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Viktor Kalvachev), $3.99 Roku #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Marc Laming), $3.99 Roku #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Blank Variant), $3.99 Roku #1 (Of 4)(Cover E Howard Chaykin Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR
VAULT COMICS Mall #3, $3.99 Necromancer's Map #3, $3.99 Plot #1 (Josh Hixson 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Plot #2, $3.99 Queen Of Bad Dreams #5 (Of 5), $3.99 Relics Of Youth #2, $3.99 Test #5, $3.99 These Savage Shores Volume 1 TP (not verified by Diamond), $16.99
VERTICAL COMICS Colorful Dreams SC, $24.95
VIKING BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS Edison Beaker Creature Seeker Volume 1 The Night Door GN, $10.99
YEN ON Empty Box And Zeroth Maria Light Novel Volume 7 SC, $14.00 Hero Is Overpowered But Overly Cautious Novel Volume 2 SC, $14.00 Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon On The Side Sword Oratoria Light Novel Volume 10 SC, $14.00 My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected Novel Volume 8 SC, $14.00 Suppose A Kid From The Last Dungeon Boonies Moved To A Starter Town Light Novel Volume 1 SC, $15.00 Woof Woof Story I Told You To Turn Me Into A Pampered Pooch Not Fenris Light Novel Volume 3 SC, $14.00
YEN PRESS Certain Magical Index Volume 19 GN, $13.00 Durarara Re;Dollars Arc Volume 5 GN, $13.00 High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World Volume 5 GN, $13.00 Our Last Crusade Or The Rise Of A New World Volume 1 GN, $13.00
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Monster Planet #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Igor Vitorino), $3.99 Monster Planet #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Riveiro), $3.99 Monster Planet #1 (Of 5)(Cover C John Royle), $3.99 Monster Planet #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Ryan Pasibe), $3.99 Monster Planet #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Keith Garvey), $3.99 Monster Planet #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Leonardo Colapietro), $3.99 Monster Planet #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Blank Variant), $10.00 Tales Of Terror Bridgewater Triangle #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Tales Of Terror Bridgewater Triangle #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Daniel Leister), $5.99 Tales Of Terror Bridgewater Triangle #2 (Of 3)(Cover C Michael Sta. Maria), $5.99
NECA/WIZKIDS Marvel HeroClix Mordo Fear Lords Monthly Organized Play Kit, AR Orville Heroclix 2-Player Starter Set, AR WizKids 4D Setting Gas Station, AR WWE HeroClix AJ Styles Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Andre The Giant Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Asuka Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Big Show Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Eddie Guerrero Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Finn Balor Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix John Cena Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Kane Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Macho Man Randy Savage Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Mixed Match Challenge WWE Ring 2 Player Starter, AR WWE HeroClix Ric Flair Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Rock Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Rock N Sock WWE 2 Player Starter, AR WWE HeroClix Roman Reigns Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Ronda Rousey Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Sasha Banks Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Stone Cold Steve Austin Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Triple H Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Trish Stratus Expansion Pack, AR WWE HeroClix Undertaker Expansion Pack, AR
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USAOPOLY Game Of Thrones Chess Set, AR Monopoly Simpson Edition Boardgame, AR
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Figure, AR Avengers Endgame MEA-011 Iron Man Mk50 Previews Exclusive Figure, AR Back To The Future Marty McFly Hoverboard Bottle Opener, AR DC Arkham Asylum Parks And Recreation T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Artists Alley Batman By James Groman Vinyl Figure, AR DC Artists Alley Killer Croc By James Groman Vinyl Figure, AR DC Artists Alley The Joker By James Groman Vinyl Figure, AR DC Artists Alley Two-Face By James Groman Vinyl Figure, AR DC Batman Chokeout T-Shirt LG, AR DC Batman Chokeout T-Shirt MED, AR DC Batman Chokeout T-Shirt SM, AR DC Batman Chokeout T-Shirt XL, AR DC Batman Chokeout T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Batman Drip Symbol T-Shirt MED, AR DC Batman Drip Symbol T-Shirt SM, AR DC Batman Drip Symbol T-Shirt XL, AR DC Batman Drip Symbol T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Batman Joker V T-Shirt LG, AR DC Batman Joker V T-Shirt MED, AR DC Batman Joker V T-Shirt XL, AR DC Batman Paint T-Shirt MED, AR DC Batman Paint T-Shirt SM, AR DC Batman Paint T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Batman The Joker Anarchy T-Shirt LG, AR DC Batman The Joker Anarchy T-Shirt MED, AR DC Batman The Joker And Harley Quinn T-Shirt LG, AR DC Batman The Joker And Harley Quinn T-Shirt MED, AR DC Batman The Joker And Harley Quinn T-Shirt XL, AR DC Batman The Joker And Harley Quinn T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Batman The Joker Close Up T-Shirt LG, AR DC Batman The Joker Close Up T-Shirt XL, AR DC Batman The Joker Close Up T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Batman The Joker Countdown T-Shirt LG, AR DC Batman The Joker Countdown T-Shirt XL, AR DC Batman The Joker Countdown T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Heroes Batman Candy Bowl Holder, AR DC Heroes Superman Gray Logo Hitch Plug, AR DC Joker And Harley Quinn III T-Shirt LG, AR DC Joker And Harley Quinn III T-Shirt MED, AR DC Joker And Harley Quinn III T-Shirt SM, AR DC Joker And Harley Quinn III T-Shirt XL, AR DC Joker And Harley Quinn III T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Joker And Harley Quinn III Womens T-Shirt MED, AR DC Super Powers Collection Superman 17 Inch Maquette, AR DC The Joker Ha T-Shirt LG, AR DC The Joker Ha T-Shirt MED, AR DC The Joker Ha T-Shirt SM, AR DC The Joker Ha T-Shirt XL, AR DC The Joker Ha T-Shirt XXL, AR DC The Joker Purfect Crime T-Shirt LG, AR DC The Joker Purfect Crime T-Shirt SM, AR DC The Joker Purfect Crime T-Shirt XXL, AR Disney 101 Dalmatians Cruella With Puppies 8.2 Inch Figurine, AR Disney Aladdin Group Hug 7.8 Inch Figurine, AR Disney Aladdin Jafar Villain 9 Inch Figurine, AR Disney Alice In Wonderland White Woodland Figure, AR Disney Lion King Cast Stack 8 Inch Figurine, AR Disney Maleficent 2 Fashion Doll 2 Pack, AR Disney Showcase Tinkerbell On Chocolates Figure, AR Dragon Ball Legends Gogeta Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Super Saiyan God Son Goku Figure-Rise Model Kit (New Package Version), AR Dragon Ball Super SuperSaiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta Figure-Rise Standard Model Kit (New Package Version), AR Dragon Ball Super Tag Fighters Son Goku V2 Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Tag Fighters Vegeta Figure, AR Fate Apocrypha Rider Of Black Figma Action Figure, AR Final Fantasy IX Bring Arts Zidane And Garnet Action Figure Set, AR Fortnite Dire 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, AR Fortnite Havoc 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, AR Fortnite Inferno 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, AR Fortnite The Prisoner 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, AR Gantz Reika 1/4 Scale PVC Figure (Bunny Version), AR Ghostbusters Ecto Goggles Prop, AR Ghostbusters P.K.E Meter Prop, AR Ghostbusters Proton Light Up Pack Prop, AR Girls Frontline Suomi KP-31 1/12 Scale PVC Figure (Swimsuit Version), AR Gundam Seed Gunner Zaku Warrior Lunamaria Hawke MG Model Kit, AR Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Enchanted Postcard Book, AR Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Enchanted Postcard Book, AR Hatsune Miku Racing Racing Miku 2016 Figure, AR Hatsune Miku Racing Racing Miku 2016 Team Ukyo Cheering Figure, AR Heavily Armed High School Girls Shi Figma Action Figure, AR Hellboy Wrapping Paper, AR JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Chozo Kado Guido Mista Sex Pistols Action Figure, AR JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Q-Posket Bruno Bucciarati V2 Figure, AR JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Chozo Kado Narancia Ghirga Action Figure, AR Jurassic World T-Rex Candy Bowl Holder, AR Kimetsu No Yaiba Nezuko Kamado V2 Figure, AR Kimetsu No Yaiba Tanjirou Kamado V2 Figure, AR Kingdom Hearts III Bring Arts Kairi Action Figure, AR Legion Of Super Hero Rings, AR Little Battlers Exp 01 Hyper Function Achilles LBX Model Kit, AR Living Dead Dolls DC Universe Catwoman Doll, AR Lord Of The Rings Witch King Latex Mask, AR Love Live Sunshine EXQ Honoka Kousaka Figure, AR Love Live Sunshine Kurosawa Dia Ichiban Figure, AR Love Live Sunshine Kurosawa Dia Ichiban Figure, AR Love Live Sunshine Kurosawa Ruby Ichiban Figure, AR Love Live Sunshine Sakurauchi Riko Ichiban Figure, AR Love Live Sunshine Tsushima Yoshiko Ichiban Figure, AR Made In Abyss Reg Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Made In Abyss Riko Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Marvel 10th Anniversary EAA-024 Iron Man Mk43 Battle Damage Previews Exclusive Action Figure, AR Marvel Comics Phoenix D-Stage Series Previews Exclusive 6 Inch Statue, AR Marvel Comics Wolverine D-Stage Series Previews Exclusive 6 Inch Statue, AR Marvel Heroes Black Panther Paracord Bracelet, AR Marvel Heroes Black Panther Shuri Gauntlet Bracelet, AR Marvel Heroes Captain Marvel Accessory Set, AR Marvel Heroes Captain Marvel Bib Necklace, AR Marvel Heroes Thanos Gauntlet Size 8 Ring Set, AR Marvel Heroes Xaviers School Plaque Pendant, AR Marvel Milestones Thor Ragnarok Gladiator Hulk Statue, AR Marvel Minimates Series 78 Assortment, AR Matchbox 1/64 Scale Die-Cast Single Car Assortment, AR MDS Mega Scale Talking Freddy Krueger Figure, AR MDS Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Freddy 6 Inch Figure, AR Mean Girls Burn Book Deluxe Note Card Set (Keepsake Book Box), AR Mean Girls Hardcover Ruled Journal, AR Mean Girls Pocket Notebook Collection (Set Of 3), AR My Hero Academia 7 Inch Action Figure Assortment, AR My Hero Academia Amazing Heroes V5 All Might Figure, AR My Name Is Mud Order In Ramen Bowl With Chopsticks, AR Nintendo 2-1/2 Inch Figure Wave 21 Assortment, AR One Piece Chopper Robo One Piece Stampede Version Model Kit Set, AR One Piece Stampede Movie DXF The Grandlinemen V4 Figure, AR Original Character Mad Hatter Nendoroid Doll, AR Original Character Queen Of Hearts Nendoroid Doll, AR Pinocchio Jimminy Cricket 14 Inch Figure, AR Plamax MF-36 Minimum Factory Nene 1/20 Scale Model Kit (Makeup Edition), AR POP Ad Icons Coca-Cola Polar Bear Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Disenchantment Elfo Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Disenchantment King Zog Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation MHA S3 All For One Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Crash Bandicoot S3 Tiny Tiger Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Spyro Ripto Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Spyro Vinyl Figure, AR POP Icons Albert Einstein Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel 80th First Appearance Marvel Girl Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Holiday Deadpool Vinyl Fig, AR POP Marvel Holiday Pen Topper 16 Piece Assortment, AR POP Mascots Blackhawks Tonmmy Hawk Vinyl Figure, AR POP Mascots Bruins Blades Vinyl Figure, AR POP Mascots Flyers Gritty Vinyl Figure, AR POP Mascots Knights Chance Gila Monster Vinyl Figure, AR POP NHL Bruins David Pastmark Home Jersey Vinyl Figure, AR POP NHL Lightning Andrei Vasilevskiy Home Jersey Vinyl Figure, AR POP NHL Lightning Nikita Kucherov Home Jersey Vinyl Figure, AR Pop NHL Rangers Henry Lundqvist Home Jersey Vinyl Figure, AR POP PEZ Ad Icons PEZ Girl Brunette, AR POP Premiere League Football Liverpool Jordan Henderson Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks Iggy Pop Iggy Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sanrio Hello Kitty S2 Hello Kitty Sweet Treat Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sanrio Hello Kity S2 Hello Kitty KBS Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars E9 Pen Topper 16 Piece Assortment, AR POP TV Doctor Who 13th Doctor With Goggles Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Doctor Who Junkyard Dalek Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Doctor Who The Kerblam Man Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Mad Men S1 Betty Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Mad Men S1 Don Draper 1 Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Mad Men S1 Joan Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Mad Men S1 Roger Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV The Office Dwight As Elf Vinyl Figure, AR Promised Neverland Emma Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Re:CREATORS Altair 1/8 Scale PVC Figure, AR Re:Zero Starting Life In Another World EXQ Rem V3 Figure, AR Shin Megami Tensei Pyro Jack Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Sister Of The Woods With A Thousand Young Chiyo 1/8 Scale PVC Figure, AR Star Wars Black Series Sith Trooper 6 Inch Action Figure, AR Star Wars Darth Vader Candy Bowl Holder, AR Star Wars Empire Gray Logo Hitch Plug, AR Star Wars Episode Three Emperor Palpatine Latex Mask, AR Star Wars Episode Two Plo Koon Latex Mask, AR Star Wars Yoda Candy Bowl Holder, AR Sword Art Online Alicization Alice Synth Thirty Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Sword Art Online Memory Defrag EXQ Silica Figure, AR Sword Art Online Memory Defrag EXQ Yuuki V3 Figure, AR Ten Count Shirotani Tadaomi Nendoroid Action Figure, AR That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime EXQ Rimuru Tempest V2 Figure, AR Trick R Treat Sam Burst A Box, AR Ultraman Suit Version 7.3 Fully Armed FigureRise Standard Model Kit, AR Umbrella Academy Hotel Oblivion Keychain, AR Umbrella Academy Knit Hat, AR Umbrella Academy Wrapping Paper, AR Vampirella Lucio Parrillo Collectible Coin, AR Vampirella Stanley Artgerm Lau Collectible Coin, AR World Of Nintendo 4 Inch Action Figure Assortment Wave 17, AR
3 notes · View notes
maceikblog · 2 years
Co się dzisiaj działo? #49 18.2.2022
NHL: Maple Leafs-Penguins 4:1
CONCACAF Liga Mistrzów: Comunicaciones-Colorado Rapids 1:0
Motagua-Seatlle Sounders 0:0
NCAA: Robert Morris Colonials-IUPUI Jaguars 56:66
Turniej ITF w Canberze: Weronika Falkowska/Olivia Gadecki-Asia Muhammad/Arina Rodionowa 4:6 5:7
Turniej ITF w Antalyi: Daniel Michalski-Titouan Droguet 6:4 7:6(1)
Daniel Michalski/Oleksii Krutykh-Mircea Alexandru Jecan/Stefan Palosi 4:6 6:7(4)
CAF Liga Mistrzów: Al Hilal-Al Ahly 0:0
AmaZulu-Horoya 1:0
Setif-Raja Casablanca 0:1
Kwalifikacje mistrzostw europy w waterpolo: Polska-Słowacja 6:25
Turniej ATP w Marsylii: Szymon Walków/Jan Zieliński-Hugo Gaston/Holger Rune 6:7(2) 7:5 6-10
PDC Development Tour:
1 turniej
Jakub Janaszkiewicz-Coby Jones-Swanson 4:2
Sebastian Białecki-Jim Moston 4:0
Jakub Janaszkiewicz-Alex Jacques 3:4
Sebastian Białecki-Tom Heldt 4:2
Sebastian Białecki-Seppe Glebens 4:0
Sebastian Białecki-Ciaran Teehan 4:3
Sebastian Białecki-Adam Gawlas 4:0
Sebastian Białecki-Justin Hewitt 5:4
Sebastian Białecki-Bradley Brooks 4:5
Turniej wygrał Bradley Brooks
2 turniej
Sebastian Białecki-Oliver Wilson 4:0
Jakub Janaszkiewicz-Jack Dickinson 1:4
Sebastian Białecki-James Beeton 4:2
Sebastian Białecki-Jack Kerr 4:1
Sebastian Białecki-Bradley Brooks 4:3
Sebastian Białecki-Conor Heneghan 3:4
Premier league Pool, dzień 5:
Mieszko Fortuński-Francisco Sanchez Ruiz 5:4
Mieszko Fortuński-Max Lechner 3:5
Mieszko Fortuński-Oliver Szolnoki 5:4
mecz testowy, dzień 2: Nowa Zelandia (482, Henry Nicholls 105, Matt Henry 7/23 & Tim Southee 2/2) -RPA(95 & 30/3, Zubayr Hamza 25 & Temba Bavuma 22*, Duanne Oliver 3/100)
mecz jednodniowy: Nowa Zelandia (280/7, Amelia Kerr 67, Rosemary Mair 2/43) pokonała Indie (279, Deepti Sharma 69*, Jhulan Goswami 3/47) 3 wicketami
mecze Twenty20: Australia (143/4, Glenn Maxwell 48*, Jhye Richardson 2/20) pokonała Sri Lankę (139/8, Pathum Nissanka 46, Lahiru Kumara 2/22)
Indie (186/5, Rishabh Pant 52*, Bhuvneshwar Kumar 1/29) pokonały Indie Zachodnie (178/3, Rovman Powell 68*, Roston Chase 3/25) 8 runami
Kwalifikacje T20 World Cup:
Kanada (216/1, Matthew Spoors 108*, Saad Bin Zafar 2/14) pokonała Filipiny (98/5, Daniel Smith 35, Huzaifa Mohammed 1/40) 118 runami
Nepal (117/8, Aarif Sheikh 38, Kamal Airee 3/15) pokonał Oman (78, Naseem Khushi 24, Khawar Ali 3/30) 39 runami
Bahrajn (107/4, Sarfaraz Ali 69*, Junaid Aziz 5/5) pokonał Niemcy (106, Vijayshankar Chikkannaiah 50, Dieter Klein 2/15) 6 wicketami
ZEA (157/5, Vriitya Aravind 97*, Karthik Meiyappan 3/16) pokonał Irlandię (139/9, Paul Stirling 32, Craig Young 2/34) 18 runami
Ekstraklasa: Zagłębie-Wisła Płock 3:1
Stal-Pogoń 0:1
Suzuki Puchar Polski: Czarni Słupsk-Śląsk Wrocław 77:88
Igrzyska Olimpijskie w Pekinie, Dzień 13
Biathlon, bieg masowy kobiet
1. Justine Braizas-Bouchet (FRA)
2. Tirill Eckhoff (NOR)
3. Marte Olsbu Roiseland (NOR)
27. Monika Hojnisz-Staręga
Łyżwiarstwo szybkie, 1000m mężczyzn:
1. Tim Krol (NL)
2. Laurent Dubreil (CAN)
3. Haavard Holmefjord Lorentzen (NOR)
4. Piotr Michalski
13. Damian Żurek
Curling, mecz o brązowy medal mężczyzn:
Kanada-USA 8:5
półfinały kobiet:
Szwecja-Wielka Brytania 11:12
Japonia-Szwajcaria 8:6
Hokej na lodzie, półfinały mężczyzn:
Finlandia-Słowacja 2:0
Rosja-Szwecja 2:1
Pozostałe konkurencje medalowe:
Narciarstwo dowolne, halfpipe kobiet:
1. Gu Ailing Eileen (CHN)
2. Cassie Sharpe (CAN)
3. Rachael Karker (CAN)
Ski cross mężczyzn:
1. Ryan Regez (SUI)
2. Alex Fiva (SUI)
3. Sergey Ridzik (RUS)
Biathlon, bieg masowy mężczyzn:
1. Johannes Thignes Boe (NOR)
2. Martin Ponsiluoma (SWE)
3. Vetle Sjaastad Christiansen (NOR)
0 notes
stickyeyeslikes · 3 years
Nexus Studios - 'Drawn Closer' written & directed by Patrick Osborne (Full Animated Film) from Nexus Studios on Vimeo.
BRAND: COX COMMUNICATIONS Director, Brand Strategy & New Media: Rachel Negretti Vice President, Brand Strategy & Consumer Insights: Brian Stifel Senior Vice President, Brand Strategy: Gaston Vaneri Senior Manager, Marketing: Brittany Tyner Social Media & Content Marketing: Roger Jones
AGENCY: 180LA Chief Creative Officer: Al Moseley Executive Creative Director: Mike Bokman Group Creative Director: Jason Rappaport Copywriter: Emma Zakes Green, Amar Marwaha Senior Art Director: Elizabeth Lay Art Director: Arvid Harnqvist Head of Production: Bryan Sweeney Head of Strategy: Kaleen Ogden Strategist: Mauricio Barreda Director of Client Services: Megan McDonnell Senior Brand Manager Morgan Theis
PRODUCTION COMPANY: NEXUS STUDIOS Director: Patrick Osborne Script Writer: Patrick Osborne Executive Producer: Juliet Tierney Producer: Josephine Gallagher Production Manager: Edith Chappey Production Assistant: Jenny Goodwin CG Lead: Mark Davies Art Director/Designer/Matte Painting: Mélanie Climent Storyboard: Marta Martín Blanco Character Designer: Rayner Alencar Character Modelling: David Díaz Jiménez, Katrina Hill, Joachim Loesener, Petri Aaltonen Rigging: Niko Rossi Lead Lighter: Kenny Ip Modelling & Lighting: Patrick Tomasini Shading & Modelling: Irina Nguyen, Fabien Glasse Animation: William Lorton, Alex Alabadi Aragó, Pierre Plouzeau, Steve Brown, Steve White, Clément Fassler, Quentin Dubois Compositing: Gareth Tredrea, Aitor Arroyo, Frederic Heymans, Ewelina Freuer, Dalvir Matharu Pipeline Developer / TD: Tom Melson Pipeline Assistant: Harry Nichols Motion Graphics Designer: Bethany Levy Editing: Mark Van Heusden, Ben Hunt, Kyle Jon Shephard Grading: David Slade
LIVE ACTION PRODUCTION: NEXUS STUDIOS Producer: Fernanda Garcia Lopez Live Action Producer: Michael Schlenker Production Manager: Kevin Barrera DP: Mark Tierney Tech: Traiana Nescheva Production Assistant: Samantha Patton, Christo Ramirez
0 notes
mplaylistdiaries · 2 years
September 2018
Summary: I feel like I say this about almost every playlist I show you guys. But, I’m really proud of this one because because I feel the mixture of music, poetry, and AMVs that are in this playlist just showcases everything I was thinking and feeling in this moment when my life was going up in flames and I didn’t know where the ground was anymore. And, I hope that you guys enjoy this playlist. 
Explaining My Depression To My Mother by Sabrina Benaim
Arabian Nights by Will Smith
All My Friends Are Fake by Tate McRae
Superficial Love by Ruth B.
Bad Girl Online by Oktavia
Don’t you get it? I’m nothing by noiravoir
Narcissist by Avery Anna
Mother Knows Best by Donna Murphy
The Willow Maid by Erutan
Attention by Charlie Puth
Gaston by Josh Gad, Luke Evans, and Ensemble
You’re Exhausting by Beth Crowley
Life is pain, I’m in pain by _broken_smile_21
Silent Scream by Anna Blue
Gasoline by Halsey
Monster by Beth Crowley
I Can’t Carry This Anymore by Anson Seabra
Broken by Noelle Johnson
She’s An Actor by Austin Giorgio
Robin Hood by Anson Seabra
You Don’t Know by Katelyn Tarver
I Am Not Nothing by Beth Crowley
Colors of the Wind by Tori Kelly
Part of Your World by Kerry Butler
Crossing the Line by Many Moore & Eden Espinosa
Rude by Magic!
The Lamb and the Wolf by Just Another Nobody
Closer by The Chainsmokers
Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer
Dear God by Hunter Hayes
Impossible by James Arthur
Tears of Gold by Faouzia
Dancing In The Sky by Dannii & Liz
No Scrubs by TLC
Amorfoda by Bad Bunny
hey I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from… by jmh music
Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran
How Does A Moment Last Forever by Celine Dion
She Used To Be Mine by Sara Bareilles 
I Wanna Be Like You by Fall Out Boy
Be Yourself by Spoken Word Poetry
This is how I learn to Say No by EMELINE
Dear Me by Nichole Nordeman
Journey to the Past by Liz Callaway
If I Were A Man by Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear
Trust Fund by Why Don’t We 
You Can Be King Again by Lauren Aquilina
Like My Father by Jax
All I Want by Emma Bale
The Bear Necessities by Bowling For Soup
0 notes
emzeciorrr · 3 years
Nexus Studios - 'Drawn Closer' written & directed by Patrick Osborne (Full Animated Film) from Nexus Studios on Vimeo.
BRAND: COX COMMUNICATIONS Director, Brand Strategy & New Media: Rachel Negretti Vice President, Brand Strategy & Consumer Insights: Brian Stifel Senior Vice President, Brand Strategy: Gaston Vaneri Senior Manager, Marketing: Brittany Tyner Social Media & Content Marketing: Roger Jones
AGENCY: 180LA Chief Creative Officer: Al Moseley Executive Creative Director: Mike Bokman Group Creative Director: Jason Rappaport Copywriter: Emma Zakes Green, Amar Marwaha Senior Art Director: Elizabeth Lay Art Director: Arvid Harnqvist Head of Production: Bryan Sweeney Head of Strategy: Kaleen Ogden Strategist: Mauricio Barreda Director of Client Services: Megan McDonnell Senior Brand Manager Morgan Theis
PRODUCTION COMPANY: NEXUS STUDIOS Director: Patrick Osborne Script Writer: Patrick Osborne Executive Producer: Juliet Tierney Producer: Josephine Gallagher Production Manager: Edith Chappey Production Assistant: Jenny Goodwin CG Lead: Mark Davies Art Director/Designer/Matte Painting: Mélanie Climent Storyboard: Marta Martín Blanco Character Designer: Rayner Alencar Character Modelling: David Díaz Jiménez, Katrina Hill, Joachim Loesener, Petri Aaltonen Rigging: Niko Rossi Lead Lighter: Kenny Ip Modelling & Lighting: Patrick Tomasini Shading & Modelling: Irina Nguyen, Fabien Glasse Animation: William Lorton, Alex Alabadi Aragó, Pierre Plouzeau, Steve Brown, Steve White, Clément Fassler, Quentin Dubois Compositing: Gareth Tredrea, Aitor Arroyo, Frederic Heymans, Ewelina Freuer, Dalvir Matharu Pipeline Developer / TD: Tom Melson Pipeline Assistant: Harry Nichols Motion Graphics Designer: Bethany Levy Editing: Mark Van Heusden, Ben Hunt, Kyle Jon Shephard Grading: David Slade
LIVE ACTION PRODUCTION: NEXUS STUDIOS Producer: Fernanda Garcia Lopez Live Action Producer: Michael Schlenker Production Manager: Kevin Barrera DP: Mark Tierney Tech: Traiana Nescheva Production Assistant: Samantha Patton, Christo Ramirez
0 notes
artwalktv · 3 years
BRAND: COX COMMUNICATIONS Director, Brand Strategy & New Media: Rachel Negretti Vice President, Brand Strategy & Consumer Insights: Brian Stifel Senior Vice President, Brand Strategy: Gaston Vaneri Senior Manager, Marketing: Brittany Tyner Social Media & Content Marketing: Roger Jones AGENCY: 180LA Chief Creative Officer: Al Moseley Executive Creative Director: Mike Bokman Group Creative Director: Jason Rappaport Copywriter: Emma Zakes Green, Amar Marwaha Senior Art Director: Elizabeth Lay Art Director: Arvid Harnqvist Head of Production: Bryan Sweeney Head of Strategy: Kaleen Ogden Strategist: Mauricio Barreda Director of Client Services: Megan McDonnell Senior Brand Manager Morgan Theis PRODUCTION COMPANY: NEXUS STUDIOS Director: Patrick Osborne Script Writer: Patrick Osborne Executive Producer: Juliet Tierney Producer: Josephine Gallagher Production Manager: Edith Chappey Production Assistant: Jenny Goodwin CG Lead: Mark Davies Art Director/Designer/Matte Painting: Mélanie Climent Storyboard: Marta Martín Blanco Character Designer: Rayner Alencar Character Modelling: David Díaz Jiménez, Katrina Hill, Joachim Loesener, Petri Aaltonen Rigging: Niko Rossi Lead Lighter: Kenny Ip Modelling & Lighting: Patrick Tomasini Shading & Modelling: Irina Nguyen, Fabien Glasse Animation: William Lorton, Alex Alabadi Aragó, Pierre Plouzeau, Steve Brown, Steve White, Clément Fassler, Quentin Dubois Compositing: Gareth Tredrea, Aitor Arroyo, Frederic Heymans, Ewelina Freuer, Dalvir Matharu Pipeline Developer / TD: Tom Melson Pipeline Assistant: Harry Nichols Motion Graphics Designer: Bethany Levy Editing: Mark Van Heusden, Ben Hunt, Kyle Jon Shephard Grading: David Slade LIVE ACTION PRODUCTION: NEXUS STUDIOS Producer: Fernanda Garcia Lopez Live Action Producer: Michael Schlenker Production Manager: Kevin Barrera DP: Mark Tierney Tech: Traiana Nescheva Production Assistant: Samantha Patton, Christo Ramirez SOUND STUDIO: POLLEN
0 notes