#Gold Coast Security Locks
ae-neon · 1 year
Summer and the Stranger
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AU cause @acotardeservesbetter is a genius and SJM robbing us of this couple was racist.
Tarquin isn't related to Cresseida or Varian. Also he's the only one with white hair and blue eyes (cause I hate that trope).
Also this isn't the best I literally just threw it together but hopefully I'll be able to write more for them once I'm over my writer's block
The click of her heels against the floor kept with the hurried beat of her heart as the Princess made her way to the Great Hall.
Cresseida's long, thin braids had been done half up to compliment the golden coronet and it’s gems, her dress a flowing sea of turquoise against the deep brown of her skin.
She was the Princess of Adriata, the Palace was as much her home as her office and yet she could not help but feel out of place with all that had changed.
A boy barely old enough to be a man, Varian had bit out below his breath the day Summer had welcomed its new High Lord.
She pushed down on the pit in her stomach – she’d known by her hundredth year that she showed no signs of inheritance. The only comfort being that no one else seemed to either, but it had felt like a kick to the gut when word of her father’s murder had come and the magic had not come with it.
High Lord was a title that could not be earned, could not be secured as birthright and yet was that not what her and her brother's whole lives had been? Years spent earning their crowns, living up to their titles? Only to have to bow to some sailor who’d spent his years fucking and fighting on the Southern Coast.
The doors to the Hall opened and she was surprised to find only two males inside, her eyes lowered almost instinctively. A spark of unease, anger and anxiety flickered to life in her chest. She’d never been meek. And yet she’d also never met anyone who outranked her either.
Cresseida steeled her spine and lifted her eyes, ready to deliver her introduction when the words caught in her throat at the sight of white hair. The man was bowing, lowering the head of hair that marked him as above even her crown.
He wore it short – the way a commoner would. White hair twisted into neat, finger length braids, unadorned by gold or beads. The head of a soldier rather than a king.
She snuck a glance at the guard who accompanied the High Lord – at the shock on his face, she jerked her chin in dismissal and waited until the doors shut before speaking.
“You dishonour yourself,” she curtsied low, adding when the stranger didn’t seem to register she was addressing him, “your Grace.”
“Ah,” she heard him mutter as he straightened, though she waited in her lowered position, eyes caught on the scuffed workers boots against the marble floor.
“You must never bow again. To anyone.” Her voice was stern and cold as she rose from her position, letting her eyes travel.
Her flecked brown eyes locked onto his iridescent blue. Eyes alight with magic. They marked him, same as his hair, same as the traces of glittering scales on his skin – as Chosen by the Sun, Beloved of the Sea, he who was Summer itself.
“High Lord, I-"
“Please, just Tarquin, I’m not...well I suppose I am,” He chuckled nervously, “But you’re the Princess.”
He was tall, taller even than Varian – and built by a life of hard work but beautiful beyond even the markers of power; his smile alone seemed to carry the warmth of a summer day.
"Your Grace," she tried again, distancing her heart. His eyes shot down to her and Cresseida had to look away, “When you lower yourself, you lower the Court with you. You are the High Lord...however this came to be, it is the will of the Cauldron and by the Mother’s own hand. Everything you do reflects that.”
“Of course, I’m so-”
“Don’t apologise. It was simply advice, you may take it...or choose not to, but don’t apologise or thank anyone, not even me.”
There was a beat of silence, though she did not let it linger any longer, “You must be tired – or at least you will be soon enough. There’s work to be done at every level – my brother and I have held court for the last forty years, we will manage until you’re settled but I think you’ll agree that seeing to the maritime borders and quickly settling the UnderSea Court should be your priority.”
The room should have felt empty but his presence seemed to overwhelm her senses. She needed to leave before the compulsion to step closer took physical form. She turned to leave but paused when Tarquin opened his mouth to speak, as if she sensed the words before he formed them.
“Thank you, Princess,” his voice, his words, the curve of his beautiful mouth – all too distracting.
“Lord Ta-“
“Just Tarquin. At least between us...” His eyes held hers and she wondered if his heart was beating in rhythm with her own, “And I’m thanking you on behalf of the Court, for everything...and for the advice too.”
He gave the slightest nod, the corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile and Cresseida felt the tug in her chest strengthen.
Her mate.
She clamped down on the burning tug in her chest. As home as the palace. Bound to her as surely as the title she bore at birth. Every question suddenly answered. And yet... 'Princess', the single word had always meant she had to be so much more, always putting her head before her heart. Even when it hurt so much to turn and walk away.
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skzfairyy · 1 year
District 9: Chapter 10
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Mafia!AU || skz x OC’s || PG-17 ||
Pairings: Bangchan x oc, Minsung x oc, other pairings to come!
Genre: Angst, Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Humor, AU (& so much more lol)
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, weapons, language
Status: Ongoing
Wc: 1.8k words
AN: OKAY, so this chapter is way overdue... like severely lmao. Long story short, I had 3 allergic reactions back to back which took me out for a minute. I’m so sorry guys! (no more random teas for me lol) anyways, here is chapter 10, hope you enjoy! - Y2
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The sun sets as they move silently together. By now the academy knows that the girls have defected. Something that was inevitable, they just didn’t know how soon it would be. They’ve made good timing and should make it to China around noon tomorrow. As long as they make it through the night, they should arrive at the coast without a problem. As they move through the trees, using only the light of the moon to guide them, Yura pauses.
She holds her breath, eyes shifting around instantly, all of her senses are on high alert as she scans the dark area in front of them. Rina’s eyes move towards her partner’s, their bodies move together like a well oiled machine, both of them working and training together for years means they can read each other’s body language swiftly without saying a single word. 
The girls jump up together, clutching onto a branch of neighboring trees and swinging their bodies upwards. Both make the climb up as quietly as possible while keeping an eye out for the threat below them. Rina removes her favorite suppressed Beretta from a hidden pocket in her bag while Yura’s hand is clutching one of her daggers as they make their way up through the branches. Even with the slight breeze in the air, they’ve managed to hide themselves completely when they finally see movement. Two figures creep through the trees underneath them, dressed in all black bodysuits they each hold their own guns. Their footsteps are deliberate and light when Rina glances at the weapons in their hands, noticing a familiar gold emblem on the side of the pistol. 
Academy issued. 
Mentally the Choi girl releases a sigh of relief, she’d expected the academy to send more agents, especially since they were supposed to be the face of the school. This was a fight she knew they could get out of in a matter of minutes, 30 minutes tops if she had to count. 
Yura’s eyes trace over the figures of the two bodies below. One’s hair is a short black bob at the neck and the other’s is secured in a high ponytail down her back. Covering their faces are the Academy’s uniform masks, watching the way they glided along the forest floor, she knew exactly who stood below them. After the realization, her eyes move to lock in with her sisters. 
Yura silently catches her sister’s attention and tilts her head in the direction of the pair tracking them below. Following Yura’s direction, Rina’s eyes fall to where they stand beneath them. Realizing who it is in an instant, she confirms with a nod of her head before moving her focus back to the ground.
With this new information, the gears in her head began to shift. Rina knew now it was about a 70/30 chance that they would get out of the woods alive. The twins might be the top two in the school, but the two trailing them now were numbers 3 and 4. Because of their close ranks, the girls have spent a lot of time together. They experienced amazing victories and harsh punishments together in their time at the Academy, forming a close bond through the years. With the school knowing this information, Rina knew this was  Headmaster Chaerin’s way of extending an olive branch before they decided to bring out more lethal methods. Her mind races with different ways to approach this without causing harm to her colleagues, her friends, and though she’d like this to proceed without any bloodshed, she cannot guarantee that outcome confidently.
Knowing not to move without Rina’s signal, Yura watches her sister's face through the leaves. Another familiar look etched on her face with the slightest raise of her brow. Looking, seeing, analyzing. Completely aware of her surroundings, every tree, every bush, her partner across from her, and the blade in her hand with the intention to drive it into any (and every) threat; aware of both girls approaching below them on foot, their training, their orders, every move they make, and every breath they take.
This is Athena.
Yura smirks to herself, always in awe at how fast her sister can come up with a flawless strategy at a moment's notice.  
After her glazed eyes retained focus, she looks over and sees Yura already waiting for instruction. She points to the ground, indicating for Yura to go down first, and with a quick twist of her wrist signaling the direction for their course of attack, Yura nods her head with a slight smile, immediately understanding the plan.
Jihyo and Ryujin stop underneath them before talking to each other quietly, the short-haired girl crouches down, examining the spot where Rina stood just a few minutes ago, probably trying to figure out where their tracks stopped. The twins did their best to be careful, but they knew it was only a matter of time before the Academy caught up. The school not only trained the best assassins in Korea, but they ranked number one across the globe. The agents below them were trained to be just as skillful and dangerous as they are, Not to mention Jihyo herself was ranked the Academy’s most skilled tracker for the last three years.
 Yura leaps from the tree, though it's a bit far off the ground she lands silently behind them. All it takes is two quick steps and she has Jihyo pinned with her knife at the girl's throat. Ryujin turns quickly at the sound of her partner struggling, making eye contact with her old classmate, seeing the cold glint in Yura’s eyes, Ryujin knew she was dealing with Ares.
     “Surprised you were able to catch up to us this fast.” Yura says calmly.
Jihyo’s hand struggles to remove Yura’s from her throat, but ceases immediately when she feels the blade pressing further against her skin. All the shared memories of jokes and compassion for one another are gone from the eyes of 2ne1’s notorious silent killer. Although Ryujin’s gun is aimed at her she pays it no mind. Already knowing that her sister is in the trees above, alert and ready with a clear shot aimed at the girl's head.
 And Athena never misses a shot.
The moonlight glints against the tennis bracelet on Yura’s wrist, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by Jihyo.
     “Was all it took for you to defect, some cheap bribes?” Her voice is tight through her mask.
Yura’s emotionless face is silent. Her contradicting emotions battle inside her head as her eyes never leave Ryujin’s face across from her. 
     “They sent you. Why?” Her words come out more as a statement as she proceeds with Rina’s plan. 
     “You can’t defect!” Jihyo struggles to say. 
     “What are you, my mother?” Yura scoffs.
     “The academy needs you and you know it!” She continues. 
Yura’s irritated eyes travel to the choking girl in her arms. 
     “What the academy needs is their killing machines, and I’m no longer a part of it. Sending you two to retrieve us was a low blow even for them.” 
     “We volunteered.” Ryunjin removes her mask and makes a step towards the girl she once called a friend, her gun in hand slowly moving downwards.
      “What?” Yura’s eyes snap up to Ryujin’s.
Rina, who was slowly shifting down branch by branch, paused at the girl’s words. She watched Ryujin’s gun lower, but didn’t fail to notice as her other hand grazed her side, retrieving the blade attached to her thigh. The four may be close, but at the end of the day their partner’s lives will always come first. Rina knew this better than anyone, especially with Ares present. Despite Yura doing her best to hold herself back for the sake of her friends, the eldest Choi knew she had to act quickly.
Jihyo takes Yura’s shock tone as an opening and attempts to flip her attacker, but instead is greeted with a tighter grip, causing a bit of blood to run down her neck. Ryujin hears the slight struggle and throws the blade in her hand. 
A bullet is fired out from behind Ryujin at the same time, knocking the blade to the ground before it could land its intended target.
     “Shouldn’t have done that Ry.” 
A voice from behind her says quietly, Rina finally makes her appearance from the tree’s shadows, walking up silently and placing the barrel of her own gun flush to the back of the girl's head.
     “And you know I never miss my target.” Rina whispers against her ear.
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After the initial scare, Ryujin holds her hands up in defeat. Allowing Yura to finally release her captive. Jihyo coughs while clutching her wounded neck while moving to stand next to Ryujin, finally removing her own face mask.
Rina removes her own weapon from Ryujin and stands with Yura. The four girls stand across from each other for a moment fully taking in their situation. The twins have known the girls in front of them long enough to know how emotional they could get in sticky situations like this one. Despite the injury, Jihyo’s tears welled in her eyes as she looked at her friends.
     “You’re leaving us!” Jihyo cracks out into the silence. 
Ryujin continues although her voice holds a slight tremble as she speaks.
     “We volunteered to retrieve you ourselves, leaving our earpieces somewhere in the stream we stumbled upon a while ago.” She starts, “You’re our seniors, our closest friends- you can’t leave us in that hell alone. We signed the oath together…and y-... and you didn’t even say goodbye. ” She finishes with her own tears beginning to creep in her eyes. 
The twins’ gaze drifts to each other briefly, Yura does nothing but shrug, crossing her arms in silence.
     “You don’t even care.” Jihyo is quick to assess Yura’s stance, a scoff coming out of her mouth at the sight.
     “Of course, we care, Jihyo.” Rina is quick to rebuttal.
     “We’re just not going back.” Yura says matter of factly. 
Her eyes glanced over them, but her face held no emotion. 
     “We’ve done terrible things, things that have to be righted.” 
Rina nods her head in agreement.
     “But that doesn’t mean we can’t come back for you.”
The girls in front of them are confused.
     “We can’t tell you when because honestly, we don’t know ourselves. What we do know is that if you cover for us, we'll come back for you.” Yura states, her pinky held out in front of them. 
An old gesture that has followed the four classmates from childhood. Ryujin is quick to take it, locking her finger tightly as they press their thumbs together. Jihyo and Rina stand the same. This was another difficult goodbye for the Choi girls, they all had shared a million memories together, both new experiences and hellish nightmares from the Academy that will live with them for the rest of their lives. In the end, Ryujin and Jihyo understood what their friends were doing, something they too thought about on occasion, but never had the strength to act on it themselves. With this promise, they’ll finally be able to.
     “We’ll buy you time.” Jihyo states, “You must hurry. Go!” 
The twins nod, looking their two friends over one last time before taking off further into the woods towards the coast. 
taglist: @toalltheunknown, @skzloveforever, @ryak14
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Broom Boy P2
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Media IRL Character Thomas Brodie Sangster Couple Thomas X Reader Rating sweet af concept visiting the empress
When I returned home I was smart building a wall around my garden, better locks on my doors and windows generally making the house far more secure as well as having my trusty broom and an actual sword for defense of my little cottage. Each night before bed id look out across the Moore's to the high city walls thinking of the empress and her outstanding beauty. The fact she even thought of me briefly made me blush like a spring poppy. I know she said I could see her but surely she'd have forgotten about me by now. Even if part of me did Still wanted to visit the palace just to see if maybe she would remember me. After a few weeks I found the curiously inescapable. I ran the hottest bath I could so hot infact my skin turned red like I'd been boiled I scrubbed every inch of me with soap going through a whole bar in the process making sure I smelt nice and clean brushing my hair and wearing brand new clothes I bought from the village. I wasn't sure what to take if anything so I locked up my cottage and gathered a bouquet of flowers on my walk from my cottage to the city. I did my best not to be battered on the cobblestone streets as I headed to the palace were I found I wasn't the only one here many well dressed men were here with impressive gifts of gold, rubies and other such impressiveness I suddenly felt so foolish perhaps she simply gives the offer to all male winners or something. But still I waited with them all mostly as I didn't want the embarrassment of leaving, and a small part of me still had some hope. Once arriving in the large hall lined with impressive golden fabrics her throne sat there as it has for generations before she sat there in a beautiful golden dress that flowed over her so gracefully like water over falls I couldn't help but blush as I saw her and it was then I leant why there men were here. "My empress! Most beautiful and gracious of all the kingdoms I offer you these sapphires from the coast of epelena and I too offer my hand in marriage" one asked "My empress most kind and sweet of all empresses ever to grace the throne, I bring you the head of the beast of hallow and I too offer my hand in marriage" another said "My empress! I am the lord of all the east I bring with me sixteen elephants and offer my hand in marriage" All of them were here offering these gifts and tittles to try and marry her but always she denied them always she ignored them and never once took their gifts I almost wanted to leave as I didn't want to be mistaken for a suitor but due to the line of men I had little choice but to be faced with her again, at the foot of her throne looking up at her "I uhhhhhh I uhmmm my uh my empress" I bowed my fear overflowing unsure what to say or even to raise my head "Broom boy?" Her voice spoke up Making me look up in shock as she actually looked at me unlike the others and she smiled as she saw me "Yes!" I said standing straight even if I didn't mean to yell "yes my empress" "I thought it was you" she smiled coming down from her throne to be level with me "what are you doing here?" "I uhh I came to visit as you asked me too. Sorry it took me so long I uhh I don't have an excuse. Fear. Fear is my excuse. I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb your -" "No no your not disturbing anything" she smiled "If is known I'd have come a different day" "It's alright if id known you were here I wouldn't have made you wait in the line" she giggled making me laugh too "Ohh uhh these are for you" I smiled offering her the flowers "Awww there beautiful" she smiled happily taking them "thank you so much" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss which turned my face bright red "would you like to go for a walk with me?" "Yes!" I smiled excitedly and she offered her hand so I happily took it letting her lead me out of the throne room much to the jealousy of every man there for her hand. We walked around the palace hand in hand her guards following us as we talked about everything the city, the village, my cottage, the arena, I strangely found her so easy to talk to we sat down beside the fountain in the gardens and she playfully fiddled with the flowers "I find you so very fascinating. Perhaps it's all these years locked away in here" she says "Thank you, I find you equally fascinating, my empress. Your so sweet nothing like I once imagined the royalty to be" "If I may I have a proposition for you" she smiled "A uhh a proposition?" "Umm humm" she nods "For- for me?" "Ummm hum" she nods "Uuughhhh of course" I blushed "what is it?" "Well my royal guard is leaving the castle in a few months he's been my guard ever since I was a baby so as you can imagine he has entered his silver years, he feels he won't be able to protect me any longer" "Oh no." "Umm it is sad, but I will be needed a new royal guard. Someone to go with me everywhere and protect me" she smiled "You will yes" I nodded "And I thought perhaps my sweet arena champion might like the job" she Cooes "M-me?!" I asked in shock "no no I'm just a peasant from the village" "But you fight between them anyone I've ever seen, of course I'd have him train you before he leaves" she smiled "and if course it's rule that the royal guard never leaves the empress's side. Ever" she Cooes "more then a good fighter or defender I have to trust my royal guard above all else my closest confidant" she smiled "and I'd like that to be you" "I uhh I don't know. I'd love to I really would but I don't think I'm good enough to serve you my empress. I don't think I'm anywhere near good enough to be your defender" "I'm sure you could learn the guards will train you and teach you it's alright, please you're the only person I have even considered" "I uhhhhhh I uhhh I will. If you ask it of me my empress" "Perfect" she smiled giving my lips a little kiss "come on I'll show you some of your duties" she smiled
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peakyblinders1919 · 2 years
I loved your j Cody story and went and ended up rereading some of your other stuff and loved it❤️❤️ Would you maybe do another j x girl reader story where she has only just move to the city from like the middle of a land locked state and just moved to Cali for college? And then maybe J trying to get closer to her invited her to teach her how to surf (but there’s only one board😱😂) and it’s him trying to teach her while also trying to hide her from his uncles b/c she kinda innocent and he doesn’t want to drag her into his family’s mess just yet? Or maybe she falls off one time and hits her head on the board and j kinda panics because there is a bit of blood? Idk if can be up to you :)
I could have made this a lot longer, but they're supposed to be blurbs. BUT why did this make me want to write a whole book with the plotline of finishing a bucket list and each chapter is about an item...
If California was sunshine, rainbows, and ice cream; Nebraska was windstorms, soggy socks, and undercooked Brussel sprouts. Don’t get it wrong, Nebraska would always be her home, but she had begun a whole new life on the Golden Coast. And she hadn’t looked back since.
She tried to look like a local rather than a tourist, but those eyes wide with excitement were unmistakable, making her stick out like a sore thumb. There were too many new things to see and do in addition to her classes, so with the help of her high-organized and attentive roommate, she created a bucket list to complete over the next four years of her life.
And today she was going to cross off item number 8) Learn how to Surf
Buying a board and wetsuit from the thrift shop, she managed to secure it in the back of her jeep and drive it to the beach. She was sure she was ready, watching training videos, studying pro-athletes, and putting on her wet suit with striking confidence, paddling out with ease. 
And then she was barreling through a too-big wave, watching the world going black, coughing to clear her lungs of saltwater, and opening her eyes to an unforgettable sight.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright.”
She moved under his touch, pain and something hot radiating from where his calloused hands moved gently over her forehead. 
“That was a big fall you took out there, a lot of blood.” Speechless, like Ariel, she said was lost for words. She instinctively reached towards her forehead, where this mystery prince was applying pressure. More like knight in shining armor, or rather, wet suit. “It’s alright, it’s stopping. New to surfing?”
“Is it that obvious?” She finally croaked. She closed her eyes, saving herself from the bright sun and embarrassment she felt rushing up her cheeks under this boys green eyes.
“Never seen someone fall forward and hit their head on the board like you did before going under. That took skill, guts.” Her chuckle mirrored his, at least he was trying to ease the awkward tension of this situation. 
“Maybe I should have gotten proper lessons.” Her voice was becoming stronger, more like her own, and she somehow, surprisingly, felt confident, sitting up slowly. She took a moment to take in his features, freckles dancing like honeysuckles across his cheeks, definitely not hiding away from the sun, moss colored eyes with flecks of gold, his board nose, strong features, a scar that left her curious about its origins under his left eye… “Do you know anyone?”
He laughed, making you both self-conscious for asking and wanting to smile at the same time. He pulled the cloth from your cut, now dark crimson but the bleeding has stopped. “You’re a bit of a liability, I don’t know any professional who’d be willing…” His tone was serious, his poker face strong, and she attempted to backpedal with excuses before he was smiling again. “I’m kidding. I mean, I’m not really, I know about a dozen people who would say no. Lucky for you, I’m not too bad.”
“Not too bad, yeah?”
“Well, you’ve helped me this much already,” she motioned to the injury on her forehead she still couldn’t see but was starting to feel, throbbing. 
“Yeah, good thing I was around and knew a thing or two about first aid. It might need stitches though,” he said, delicately brushing some loose strands of hair from her forehead and barely ghosting over the cut. It was painful and electrifying all at once.
”Let me drive you home.” He helped you up before taking your board in one hand and his in the other. His sunglasses fell from the top of his list brown curls and onto the bridge of his nose. “Where to?”
“California state.”
He clicked his tongue. “Ah, so you’re not from around here.”
“I thought it’d be more obvious.”
“You looked like a natural before you wiped out.” 
“Gee, thanks. Guess you’re going to help with that right?”
“How’s Thursday mornings, 7 am?”
“Sounds like a date- a plan.” She corrected quickly.
“Good. Thursday. 7. See you then.. Uh…”
“Bring extra bandages J,” she joked, though her face turned red as she took her board from the bed of his truck and walked into her dorm.
So, item number 2 wasn’t fully crossed of yet, but little did she know she was also going to be able to cross off item number 2) Kiss a Californian.
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goldenheartgirl1 · 1 year
Ch.7-It’s a Little Bland TWST Mafia AU
The streets of Golden Sands were bustling in the late noon, not that Ortho minded, the sun was starting to hide behind the tall structures and the rays created a glimmer off his cobalt hair that faded into a sky blue on the tips. No one paid much mind to the eleven year old boy, despite his unparalleled appearance, but it worked perfectly for Ortho to explore different parts of the city. While the Shroud family was famous outside of Nirvana’s Steel, they were not as well known here which gave a great lift to his brothers business. Ortho happily adjusted his headphones and turned on their glow setting, the black headset shined with gold that complimented with his untamed flame-like hair, his bright yellow eyes shut as the beat of the music thrummed against his ears. He wore a white hoodie that paired with arctic blue sleeves and hood, his mouth was covered with an air respirator mask colored in black and two electronic filters on the sides, and his black jeans covered his porcelain skin. Without much care but astonishing dexterity he skated down the sidewalk in his white roller blades, swerving between people as he was heading home from another successful errand run. 
Even though Ortho had been practically raised by his brother in Golden Sands district, he was never able to leave home that much for two reasons. One, he was constantly helping his brother with his work, and two, his brother was such a worry wart that everytime he left it took an extra 15 minutes to convince his brother that he would be safe. Logically, the turf wars and petty fights could get violent but his brother and a few of their friends were always careful to uphold the peace in the Lamenting streets and Golden Sands. Once he arrived at the small cement building sandwiched between two office buildings, he rolled up the side ramp and slid to a stop before opening the doors, greeted to the dimly lit room with several workers at their desks. During the day this place is a simple technician’s repair office where anyone with corrupt files, busted electronics, or wanted spare parts, can be taken care of. The employees happily greeted Ortho as he skated across the engineered-wood flooring, he happily waved to them and greeted them with a smile behind his mask. Ortho moved his headphones around his neck upon reaching a secure metal door in the manager's office, moving his left wrist over the electronic panel, the door opened with a short but loud ‘clang’ from the magnetic locks detaching and the bright eyed boy coasted inside.
Dark cement tunnels were only lit up with single strips of fluorescent tubes and the flooring slightly sloped at an angle, a line of stair rails lined both walls in case someone slipped on the ground. Ortho hummed softly as he glided down the slope, looking at the walls with boredom and thinking to himself before coming to a stop at another door, another wave of his wrist over another panel unlocked it and the ice blue light saturated the entrance of the doorframe. Inside the large room of medical and technological equipment, Idia Shroud stood at his desk and wrote quietly into his notes, Ortho smiled as he closed the door behind him and skated closer to his brother. 
“I’m back brother!”
Idia jolted out of his thoughts and looked over at his younger brother with a gentle smile. “Ah! Ortho, did you deliver the package safely?”
“Yep! The package number 40087 has been delivered to Jamil on schedule!” Ortho replied proudly, sitting on one of the recently cleaned medical tables.
The Shroud brothers hosted a very special service to The Pride and The Coin, along with the neutral parties between the two great powers. While they did help with electronics, their other business entailed serving as a medical ward for those that had no insurance and those that could not let officials know of their injuries, i.e. the individuals that had reputations to uphold. Idia had learned about electronics since he was five, but grew just as fascinated with anatomy once he turned ten and their parents signed the older Shroud brother up for advanced online classes. When his 18th birthday came along, Idia insisted on moving out to better other places and to bring his brother with him when Ortho was six years old, the younger brother followed in Idia’s steps ever since. 
Idia was an introvert through and through, completely lacked social skills and had anxiety whenever he went outside, unless it was in the dead of night when the city was dark and barely anyone walked around. The man was 23 years old and sported the same messy hair and bright eyes as Ortho’s, only that his hair ran down his back and was held out of his face by a loose hair scrunchie, and he developed dark eyebags over the years. His skin was far paler than Ortho’s but most of his skin was covered by his clothes, to which he wore an indigo trench coat, black sweatpants, white high-ankle boots, and a pair of black gloves for his work. Despite Ortho’s frustrations of not going to many places with his brother, they still found ways to have fun like playing games and watching movies back at their headquarters, the second floor renovated for their TV room and bedrooms.
“I knew I could count on you, but did you have any fits? Get hurt? Have any strangers try to-”
“No brother,” Ortho replied while rolling his eyes at Idia’s growing volume of concern. “I didn’t get hurt and no one even spoke to me other than Jamil.”
The older brother sighed with relief as he turned back to his notebook, his frizzy hair swaying a bit as he continued writing in his book. “Good, have you also looked into any employee complaints?”
“I did, but most say the same thing. Brother, I think we need to look into more..color? Or something to make the office brighter and not just the scheme of blue and gray. Maybe we could add posters or office plants?”
“I can look into it, but I don’t want this place becoming so jutter after some upgrades, we may have to put it to a vote so we can zone the lobby.”
Ortho shrugged, his brother's video game lingo may not make sense to everyone but he understood it quite well. “I’ll offer a vote in a couple days, I highly doubt anyone will be upset by ideas. What should we do for tonight?”
“We have been pretty slow today for business, so how about we close up early, order some food, and watch that new sci-fi movie you’ve been telling me about?”
While Ortho loved his brother their “hangout” times would always be the same, he slid off the table and skated closer to his brother before stopping at the desk and leaning his elbows on the table top. “Actually, I was wondering if we could go to the new techno-club in the Coral Center district, its neon themed and I heard it’s really fun!”
“Since when have you liked night clubs?” Idia asked with surprise as he looked down at Ortho, closing his notebook for a moment.
“Well, I don’t know, I have never really been to one, but I love techno music! So can we go and try?”
A frown crossed Ortho and Idia’s face, the young boy could see the dread in Idia’s eyes and knew what his response would be. “W-we could just set up our own techno party h-here. I-I mean clubs will be dangerous and I’m not sure you’d be able to enter one anyways-”
“I checked age restrictions, they’re ok with minors so long as I don’t go near the bar and I have an adult. Plus, I can pay for our tickets and we don’t have to be gone long.”
“B-but still I’m no good at dancing-”
“There’s a sitting area.”
“The food is going to be greasy and-”
“They have a selection or we can order our take out and bring it with us.” Ortho replied stubbornly and crossed his arms. “Brother, I want to go. But I want to go with you.”
He could see his brother flinch at his words, the taller man looked away and shook his head, expressing his apprehension. “I still don’t like the idea, what if you get sick while we’re out? I’m sorry Ortho but it’s not safe-”
“You always say that! Idia it’s not dangerous if we’re careful.” Ortho pleaded with his brother, trying to skate around him to catch his gaze. “Please? I promise we can leave after a few songs.”
“Ortho I said no.” 
Letting out a groan of frustration, Ortho felt his cheeks flare pink with anger and replied in a sharp tone. “Fine, you stay here, and I’ll go have fun!”
Idia’s gaze softened as he watched his brother skate to the east entrance to the lab. “Ortho, I just don’t want to risk it.”
“You don’t like taking risks at all, I’m not surprised.” Ortho snapped back, trying to collect himself as he quickly left the room and skated up the tunnel ramp with great speed. There were three main tunnels, one to the east that leads to Coral Central, and the west one travels to the Afterglow district, then the main tunnel that brings others underground from the office building. Ortho focused on his breathing, the tunnel stretched for quite aways which is why he grew so attached to having roller skates, it made it easier and more fun to travel around at great distances. While Idia ran the repair shop, Ortho’s primary job was receiving the distress calls and quickly receiving those that are wounded and bringing them to his brother, hence why only a couple people had access to the labs. 
Because of how close all the districts lineup it does not take long to reach a new district unless you’re going diagonally from the farthest reaches. In the north rests Thorn Valley, the south holds Ernte Farmland, those two being in opposite directions take about two hours to get to each other. The Golden Sand’s district is like the heart of Nirvana’s Steel, it runs vertically from the border of Thorns Valley to Ernte’s border like a vein, and the four other districts surround the east and west of this central district. Northwest the Afterglow district connects to Thorns Valley and the Rose district, while the Rose district connects to Ernte on the southwest side. On the northeast, Pyroxene’s district connects to Thorns Valley and Coral Central, then the Coral Central connects to the ocean and a sliver of Ernte district on the southwest. It does not take as long for most to cross certain borders, especially if they have a vehicle or take the public bus system, but the development of the city did not plan for a monorail or train system so walking or driving were main modes of transportation. 
Idia had once told Ortho that the tunnels they claimed as the Lamenting Streets, were going to be designed for a subway system, but the project fell through because of dangerous conditions while digging so the whole idea was scrapped. His brother found this place by accident when looking to set up shop, but it worked out to their advantage. Or, more to his brothers need to hide, Ortho thought bitterly. Arrival at the exit of the tunnel had connected to a small cement bunker, a single room with a locked metal gate that required the Shroud brothers code to get in or out. The small building was tucked between buildings of the neon mafia city, the light from the buildings nearly blinded the boy as he wandered out and excitedly took in the sights around him. Taking out his phone, Ortho quickly looked up some popular attractions in the area and began skating around while putting his headphones back on, successfully blocking out the sounds of cars and people around him.
While touring the city, Ortho couldn’t help but slow down with the amount of people walking around, it was far busier here after sundown than it was at the Golden Sand’s district. He let out a yelp as someone shoved into him, knocking him on the ground as the person only cursed at him and kept walking. Ortho narrowed his eyes but carefully got up and continued to skate down the sidewalk, taking a moment to look at the street for a place to cross but the street was just as busy as the sidewalk. Eventually, Ortho gave up trying to cross and continued down the path he was already on, that was until he noticed two taller men leading a man forcefully into an alleyway. It was bizarre that no one else stopped but Ortho recognized their sharp outfits as part of the mafia, he slowly followed them and listened as they threatened the frightened man.
“You’re late on payment, did you really think skipping out on us was a good idea?”
“P-please I wasn’t skipping, I was on my way to Azul-”
“Oh sure, after all Azul’s lounge is just right before the docks. Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” One goon grabbed the man’s arm and a sickening scream rattled from the man as it was twisted at an odd angle. 
Ortho slowed to a stop and called out to them. “Is that really necessary? Can’t you just take him to your boss?”
All three men looked at Ortho with surprise, the goon that was not holding the man scowled and walked towards Ortho. “Great idea brat, how about you come with us as well?”
Ortho immediately took off, the goon chasing him through the crowded sidewalk as confusion filled his mind. Didn’t the man realize who Ortho was? Maybe not, but if he allowed the guy to catch him then his arm might get twisted as well. With that thought in mind, Ortho sped up as best as he could but the sidewalks were still overly crowded, he had to remove his headphones to listen for the goon’s proximity. Escaping was his only recourse, Ortho skated off the sidewalk and sped onto the street, several cars screeching to a stop and honking loudly at the boy and the sound of metal slamming into metal rang out. The blue haired boy jumped onto the next sidewalk, the crash seemed to catch most bystanders' attention so it was easier for him to skate through the spaces between people. His heart pounded in his chest and his throat suddenly felt swollen, making Ortho cough violently into his mask respirator as he slowed down and sat on a passing bench. 
Ortho curled up on the bench as he tried to catch his breath and took out his inhaler from his pocket, quickly moving his mask down and taking a breath with it before putting his mask back on and doing his best to relax. His heart rate began to slow as he sat there and focused on the sky above him, yet his gaze soon turned to a black sports car that pulled up to the sidewalk. Ortho stood ready to speed off, however, much to his relief it was only Jade and Floyd that stepped out of the vehicle. Floyd grinned as he walked to the young boy and asked in a gleeful tone. “Hey there Sea Angel! What are you doing out alone?”
“I was trying to take in the sights, but I think some of Azul’s men thought I was going to tattle on them.”
“Eh? Why would they think that?”
“They were hustling a guy and probably thought I was just a kid that witnessed their assault. One of them chased me.” 
Floyd’s eyes darkened as his grin grew, moving his left hand to his right shoulder and massaging it a bit, a common reflex Ortho noted that Floyd was ready to start a fight. “Is that so? Well, I’ll make sure to teach him a lesson, he’s probably one of the new guys.”
“Come now Ortho, Azul wants to see you.” Jade said politely, opening a door to the back seat where Azul sat inside.
Ortho gladly skated over before climbing into the car, greeting Azul with a wave as he buckled up. “Hello Azul!”
“Hello younger Shroud. Care to tell me why you’re out alone?” Azul questioned with a smile and  leaned back in his seat.
Jade and Floyd got into their seats as Ortho explained the evening's events, the car driving aimlessly for sometime before slowing down into the VIP lot of the Monstro Lounge. Even after they pulled up however, Azul insisted he and Ortho would go to the office and they were not to be disturbed, the mafia leader led the young boy to his office and locked the door. “Ortho, I should be honest here, I went looking for you after your brother called me.”
“Oh..so he’s angry isn’t he?” Ortho questioned quietly, sitting on the linen amethyst couch in the room.
“On the contrary, he was extremely scared, he feared you were trying to run away.”
“What? I would never do that to him! I just..I got a little upset.”
Azul replied, sitting next to Ortho and chuckling softly. “You’re a smart boy Ortho, I know you can handle yourself, but considering your condition you cannot be surprised that he would freak out.”
Only Idia and Azul knew of Ortho’s condition, being diagnosed with emphysema as a baby was something that always gave Idia great anxiety. His brother made his inhaler himself to maximize the medicinal and oxygen intake, the mask Idia created and updated for Ortho to cancel out bacteria yet provide plenty of oxygen passage. It really showed how much Idia cared for his little brother, providing all physical therapies as well to help strengthen his lungs. Ortho gave a melancholy look to Azul, his hands fiddling at his hoodie as he said. “I worried him a lot, I just wanted a chance to hang out with him outside of our home..”
Azul’s calculating eyes watched Ortho’s form and smiled a bit as he stood up. “Come with me Ortho, I have a reasonable compromise.”
Ortho tilted his head curiously but followed Azul out of the office, as they entered into the main lounge however the place was packed and the younger Shroud noticed a familiar figure at the bar. “Brother?”
Idia, who was talking with Jade for the moment, turned and sped to Ortho to wrap his arms around the small boy. “Ortho! I was so worried about you! I-I didn’t know what to think when you-”
“It’s ok big brother, Azul found me and I only used my inhaler once.” Ortho soothed with a smile, hugging his brother in return. “Azul said he had a compromise though!”
“Compromise?” Idia looked at Azul with suspicion and the mafia man just let out a cordial chuckle, moving his right hand over his heart.
“Seeing you both so worried and considerate to each other I think I have a good way for you two to safely enjoy Coral Central. Perhaps once a month I can offer you both VIP seats in whatever club, restaurant, or other amusement facility of your choosing. In return, you would just need to help cover expenses and I am not providing a free ride. That way Idia would not be overstimulated and Ortho will have his chance to try new things.”
Ortho’s eyes lit up with delight as he tugged at Idia’s coat. “That sounds good, right brother? Can we take him on his offer?”
Idia bit his lip a little before looking at his brother and pursed his lips. “I..I suppose that would be a good offer. If that’s what you want Ortho.”
“I just want to make new memories with my brother.” Ortho replied softly, nuzzling Idia’s stomach. A gentle smile crossed Idia’s lips and his attention turned back to Azul for a second to speak with him, Ortho didn’t listen though, just simply enjoyed his brother's embrace until a soft patting on his shoulder gained his attention again to Idia. 
“Ortho, why don’t we sit here and have dinner? Azul said we could sit in his booth.”
“Really?! Thank you Azul!”
“Think of it just as a small token of my benevolence~” Azul replied, giving a smile towards the brothers before leading them to the booth. “Oh and Ortho, Floyd found the new guy that gave you a scare. He wanted to know if you had a punishment in mind?”
“Let him know cornering someone in the alleyway is just dumb, of course someone is going to notice them!”
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electrongoldcoast · 17 days
No Matter How Many Properties You Own, You Should Install Home Security Systems on All of Them!
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There are many amongst us who own more than one properties. Whether you are staying in the property or it is closed, you should most definitely install home security systems Gold Coast in all of them. You need to ensure that all your properties remain safe and secured at all times. Common home security systems Gold Coast include: fire alarm, burglar alarm, smart lock and key, CCTV camera amongst the others. It is best to get all of these installed for a full proof security. Even when you have security guards positioned outside your property, you should still go ahead and get these home security systems installed.
At the same time, you should hire alarm monitoring service providers. With multiple properties on hand, it might get difficult to keep track of what is happening at all the properties at the same time. And when you go on vacations, it becomes all the more difficult. To make things easier for you, it is best to rely on alarm monitorining service providers. If anything goes wrong they will immediately call the concerend people to bring the situation under control and at the same time, they will notify you about the incident as well. For example: you have a fire outbreak at home. The service providers will immediately call the fire bridage department so that they can send in their men to control the fire. In case of a burglary, they will inform the police about the happening. It is a wise decision to hire the experts for the job.
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homeredevelopment · 2 months
Enhancing Security and Style: The Benefits of Aluminium Fencing on the Gold Coast
Aluminium fencing has become a popular choice for homeowners and businesses on the Gold Coast seeking to enhance security, privacy, and curb appeal. With its durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal, aluminium fencing offers a range of benefits that make it an ideal option for properties of all types. From residential homes to commercial properties to pool areas, aluminium fencing gold coast provides a stylish and functional solution for defining boundaries, increasing security, and adding value to any property.
Durable and Low-Maintenance: One of the primary advantages of aluminium fencing is its durability and low-maintenance nature. Unlike traditional materials such as wood or wrought iron, aluminium gates design is resistant to rust, corrosion, and weather damage, making it an ideal choice for the coastal climate of the Gold Coast. Aluminium fencing requires minimal upkeep, with no need for painting, staining, or sealing, saving homeowners time and money on maintenance costs over the long term.
Enhanced Security and Privacy: Aluminium fencing offers a level of security and privacy that is unmatched by other fencing materials. With its sturdy construction and customizable designs, aluminium fencing provides a strong barrier to deter intruders and protect property boundaries. Additionally, aluminium fencing can be customized with features such as privacy slats, decorative finials, and locking gates to enhance security and privacy further. Whether securing a residential backyard or enclosing a commercial property, aluminium fencing provides peace of mind and protection for property owners on the Gold Coast.glass pool fence post
Versatility in Design: Another benefit of aluminium fencing is its versatility in design and customization options. Aluminium fencing comes in a variety of styles, colors, and finishes to complement any architectural style or landscaping theme. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or a more traditional aesthetic, there is an aluminium fencing option to suit your taste and enhance the curb appeal of your property. Additionally, aluminium fencing can be easily customized to fit any space, whether it's a small residential yard or a sprawling commercial property.
Safety and Compliance: For properties with pools or other safety hazards, aluminium fencing offers a practical solution for ensuring compliance with safety regulations and protecting loved ones from accidents. Aluminium fencing can be installed with self-closing gates, child-proof latches, and other safety features to prevent unauthorized access and keep children and pets safe. By investing in aluminium fencing for pool areas or other hazardous areas, property owners can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are protected and their property is compliant with safety standards.sliding pool fence gate
Environmentally Friendly: In addition to its durability and versatility, aluminium fencing is also an environmentally friendly option for property owners on the Gold Coast. Aluminium is a highly recyclable material, and many aluminium fencing products are made from recycled materials, reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing and waste. Choosing aluminium fencing helps reduce the demand for virgin materials and minimizes the carbon footprint associated with fencing installation, making it a sustainable choice for eco-conscious property owners.
Conclusion: Aluminium fencing offers a range of benefits that make it an attractive option for homeowners and businesses on the Gold Coast. With its durability, versatility, and low-maintenance nature, aluminium fencing provides a stylish and functional solution for enhancing security, privacy, and curb appeal. Whether securing a residential property, enclosing a commercial space, or defining boundaries around a pool area, aluminium fencing offers a durable and aesthetically pleasing option that adds value and beauty to any property on the Gold Coast.
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Essential Tips to Focus on When Needing a Container Tautliner
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In this world of logistics and transportation, innovation will never stop in amazing us in many ways possible. Container tautliner has emerged to be a revolutionary solution that best redefines versatility and efficiency in cargo transportation. This has become an indispensable asset in most industries relying on secure and swift movement of goods.
Below are many more tips to keep in mind when needing a container tautliner in Gold Coast.
The container tautliner Gold Coast optimizes efficiency as it reduces the time needed for unloading and loading operations. A lot of workers can also simultaneously unload or load goods which effectively reduces turnaround times at distribution centers and warehouses.
What’s more to expect from container tautliner in Gold Coast is its exceptional accessibility. The curtains can also be fully retracted. This will essentially transform the tautliner into a platform for the unloading and loading process. Plus, the feature can be essential for industries that deal with shaped or large cargo. This will best eliminate the issues faced by the limited points of entry in conventional box trailers.
The container tautliner in Gold Coast will excel in many various industry types. These can include construction, retail, agriculture, and manufacturing. They can carry many various goods in different types and in a single haul. Thus, this will best enhance the supply chain in terms of efficiency that it reduces the demand for various trips.
You can never go wrong when it comes to container tautliner in Gold Coast. It is very unparalleled which makes it accommodate a lot of types of cargo from fragile items to bulk goods. The walls and their absence will offer freedom in adjusting the internal layout of the trailer. This is based on the requirements of the cargo that makes it a better option for industries with differing shipping needs.
The container tautliner in Gold Coast can be a bit higher as compared to the conventional box trailers. This will now offer benefits long-term far more outweighing the costs. The time that will be saved in unloading and loading operations is impressive. This is true with the ability to transport diverse cargo. This will then result in many more cost-savings significantly over time.
As with the curtains on the tautliner, they are equipped with the so-called locking mechanisms. This makes sure the cargo will arrive and will be kept safe. They offer ease of access for the authorized personnel that they could be securely closed plus sealed to stop tampering and theft.
So if you will need a container tautliner in Gold Coast, you better look for one as something that will complement your cargo transportation needs. This now shapes the future of modernized logistics as it enhances accessibility, efficiency, and adaptability. This can meet the demands and growth needs of the industries that continue to change. Truly, the container tautliner in Gold Coast is poised to provide more innovative solutions redefining the way of moving goods from one place and another. So, look for a good-quality tautliner for rent or hire for less money. The selection can be so endless, for sure!
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ghanashowbizonline · 7 months
Video - Aggrieved Gold Coast Fund customers to stage 32-hour protest at Finance Ministry
Ghana News Today – home for all trending entertainment news & insights. We break all latest news and entertainment trends as it happens. check out the new exclusive below. Protesting customers of the collapsed Gold Coast Fund Management are demanding the release of their locked-up funds. They claim that the Securities and Exchange Commission has not compensated them following their previous…
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must-home · 7 months
Getting pre-approved for a home loan is key  when buying property on the Gold Coast. Must Home Loans' experienced broker team helps buyers secure loan pre-approval to give you a competitive edge. As an independent brokerage with access to over 20 lenders, we compare rates and products to get you the best loan terms and service level. Pre-approval shows sellers you are a serious, ready buyer and locks in a rate.
Contact Must Home Loans on +61 468 784 663 - we streamline the process to have you pre-approved fast. Start your Gold Coast property search today.
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share-your-video · 10 months
Gold Coast Locksmith CG LOCKS
Recommended:CG Locks is known across the Gold Coast and Brisbane for its suite of services and technologies designed to meet all security needs. Our goal is simple … to keep local families and businesses safe!
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prweb-news · 10 months
CG Locks-Gold Coast locksmith
CG Locks is known across the Gold Coast and Brisbane for its suite of services and technologies designed to meet all security needs. Our goal is simple … to keep local families and businesses safe!
CG Locks is proud to be a family-owned and run business. We have earned our reputation as a quality and proven locksmith and security provider. CG Locks has a long-held and active involvement in lock smithing and security. Over the past twelve years, they have honed their craft, developing solid relationships locally, and are known as one of the best in the business. Don’t take an unnecessary risk. Choose somebody you can trust.
Having worked extensively in the security space, we noted a distinct lack of customer service amongst existing providers and began to sense the dissatisfaction of clients. They decided there must be a better way, and soon CG Locks was born.
The vision upon founding the company was to develop trusting relationships with clients that would stand the test of time, and leave them feeling safe and secure. After all, there aren’t many service providers you need to have more trust in than the one who guarantees the security of your home!
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For direct contact with us. Go with this information below:
Name: CG Locks Web: https://cglocks.com/ Address: 11/15 Owens Lane, Southport QLD 4215
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goinspectblog · 11 months
Why are new home inspections so important?
Because issues haven't had time to set up or show themselves, inspecting brand-new construction is the trickiest.
A new-home inspection has to pay more attention to identifying possible issues than it does to confirming the presence of ones that have previously been addressed. Because brand-new houses have never been lived in, any missed wiring or other building flaws have never been discovered and fixed. Pre Handover Inspection Brisbane is pretty important. There are no signs or symptoms to investigate. As a result, the test has to put an emphasis on the candidate's familiarity with safety regulations and sound construction practices. Each job responsibility and system structure must be assessed. The most common issues in building a new house are:
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Accessories, such as humidifiers, condensate pumps, and air cleaners, are typically overlooked when installing a heating and cooling system. During construction, ducts are frequently disregarded or obstructed by rubbish. New Home Inspections Brisbane will always help you. It's common for HVAC systems to be inadequate. Blue tags on gas lines mean they have been inspected and are OK to go. The thermostat's placement in the furnace need to be enough for complete zone control. Ducts for heating and cooling systems that pass through unheated areas should be properly insulated. Exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens should be installed correctly. The air conditioner needs to be adjusted and elevated above ground. Construction debris and dust should not have been packed inside the furnace's filter, which should have been changed.
Plumbing and Bathrooms - Because plumbing issues are so easily seen, they are rarely a concern in brand-new properties. On the other hand, you should be sure of the following: Turn on every sink and flush the toilet. New Home Inspections Gold Coast are outstanding. Seek for any potential leaks in the soldering. Inspect the traps in the sinks for any signs of leaks. Water hammer might be an indication of pipes that have come loose in the wall. Inspect the tub and shower for dripping faucets; the strapping is typically gone. Inspect for pipes that aren't properly secured. Make sure that all of the fittings are secure.
There should have been an inspection sticker on the service panel from the building inspector. Practical Completion Inspection Brisbane is indeed excellent. All of the wiring and labeling at the service panel's breakers should be finished. The plumbing system should also be grounded electrically. The lights, outlets, and switches must all be operational. After work is complete, there should be no broken fixtures. People usually hire Handover Inspection Gold Coast. It is imperative that all wiring in the attic, crawl space, and any areas wired per specific request be double verified.
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People who are looking to purchase a home tend to be "very picky" when it comes to the kitchen and other interior finishes. It's OK to overlook minor flaws in a newly built home. However, at the very least, these things need to be checked: All window and door locks work properly. New Build Inspection Brisbane has been doing a fantastic work. Many household appliances have not been tested and should be examined. Make sure the flooring and walls are perfectly level and plumb. Verify the ground level. A well-tiled home is the icing on the cake. Inspect the mirrors and plumbing fittings for any signs of damage. Ensure the base molding has been finished. New Home Inspections Ipswich are used widely.
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'Oppenheimer is big, it's loud, it takes place during World War II, it's about powerful white men blowing stuff up and then feeling a little sad about it — and, to top it off, it's three hours long. While it might put some moviegoers' patience (and bladders) to the test, Christopher Nolan's new movie is everything the traditional, old-school sector of the Academy wants in a big-budget spectacle, and their hearts are about to explode in favor of the historical drama across the awards season ahead.
While the film's runtime might be a dealbreaker for casual audience members, especially given its bleak subject matter, even the most disinterested viewer will appreciate the prowess of the film's central performances.
Oppenheimer is likely to become Nolan's first-ever film to garner multiple acting nods, 15 years after the late Dark Knight star Heath Ledger scored the sole acting nod (and subsequent win) among the director's multi-year filmography. Led by Cillian Murphy's performance as the titular physicist, the film follows Oppenheimer as he wrestles personal ambitions with an internal moral dilemma over fathering the atomic bombs that the United States would eventually use to kill tens of thousands in two Japanese cities at the end of World War II. Murphy masterfully scales Oppenheimer's mental acrobatics en route to what will go down as the performance of his career.
Emily Blunt lights ablaze the role of the dutiful wife, which could've fallen flat if she stuck to what was written on the page. Blunt, who's shockingly never been nominated for an Oscar, makes the most of Kitty Oppenheimer's scenes, which mostly see her guzzling liquor from a flask, standing behind her husband's pursuits, and reluctantly raising their children on her own. It all culminates, though, in a searing close-up scene toward the end of the film that drew applause from the audience at a preview screening in New York City, as Blunt vents all of Kitty's pent-up rage.
As for Florence Pugh, who plays Oppenheimer's former lover, Jean Tatlock, she ferociously sinks her teeth into the minimal material she has to work with, but her blink-and-you'll-miss-it screentime could work against her this season, especially in the context of a three-hour production.
And then there's Robert Downey Jr. Yes, Iron Man is in Oppenheimer, and it might take you a moment to recognize him as the controversial Lewis Strauss, a member of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission who had a hand in revoking Oppenheimer's security clearance after his time with the Manhattan Project ended. Downey's performance is the kind of supporting turn Hollywood goes nuts for: a beloved, blockbuster staple chewing scenery, showboating, and transforming (he's bald, aged, and bespectacled here) right before our very eyes. If SAG-AFTRA ends its strike and holds a ceremony this year, expect his fellow actors to gobble this performance right up.
While it feels like three of the film's performances could easily coast through the race, there's a case to be made for Matt Damon's turn as Manhattan Project director Lieutenant General Leslie Richard Groves Jr., whose mustachioed, gruff-with-a-heart-of-gold gusto provides some levity, and don't be surprised if Josh Hartnett — whose mini renaissance this year also included a role in Netflix's Black Mirror — creeps into the conversation, too.
While multiple acting nominations are a possibility, more assured category placements for Oppenheimer are in the technical categories. You'd be smart to bet on the film winning the Oscar for Best Sound, a race that it has locked up seven months before the 2024 Academy Awards ceremony for the orchestration of the atomic bomb testing sequence alone. Cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema (who worked with Nolan on Interstellar, Dunkirk, and Tenet) also facilitates our immersion into Oppenheimer's psyche in stunning fashion, adding a profound layer to the story that won't be ignored by his fellow DPs on the circuit.
Tying it all together, Oppenheimer will probably be this year's most obviously "stacked" Oscar player, with projected support from all of the Academy's individual branches, from technical artisans to the actors and directors, all aligning when it comes time to rank Best Picture votes on the preferential ballot. In pieces, the film represents top-tier filmmaking from its lensing to its on-camera performers, and cinematic chemistry like that points to a scorching ignition of support in the hunt for Oscars.'
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electrongoldcoast · 7 months
How to Keep Your House Safe and Secured All Year Round?
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Security systems are a must have device in any household. You simply cannot think of a house with the latest security systems Gold Coast installed. The security offered by security systems Gold Coast is unmatched and of top quality. Your house will remain safe and well protected at all times. What if a burglar breaks in and you don’t have any alarm installed in your home. You will never know when the break in took place. By the time you get to know, it is already too late. If only you had a good door lock in place or had installed a CCTV camera in your home, you would have been notified of what is happening inside your home. You could have easily called the police and nabbed the culprits. The recordings of CCTV camera are considered as a proof in the court of law. The benefits of good security systems Gold Coast are many and you cannot overlook them.
Hence, it is best to get in touch with the experts and ask them to install all the necessary security systems Gold Coast in your home. Make sure that quality devices are installed. And once the installation is done, ask the professional to give you a demo so that you know how to use these devices to keep your home safe and secured at all times. When it comes to safety of your loved ones and your property, you should never take any kind of chances. The risks involved are too huge.
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alyssamonah · 11 months
Ensuring Business Security with Commercial Safes: A Must-Have Investment
Protecting valuable assets, sensitive documents, and cash reserves is paramount in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Commercial safes provide a robust solution to safeguarding businesses against theft, fire, and unauthorized access. This blog explores the significance of commercial safes and the key factors to consider when choosing the right one for your organization. 
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1. Importance of Commercial Safes: 
In an era where digital security threats are on the rise, it's easy to overlook the physical security of your business. However, commercial safes offer a critical defense against theft and unauthorized entry. They safeguard your cash, important documents, data backups, and valuable assets, ensuring their protection in case of burglary or disasters like fires or floods. Investing in a reliable commercial safe can minimize financial losses, maintain confidentiality, and demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding your organization's integrity.
2. Types of Commercial Safes:
Commercial safes come in various types, each designed to meet specific security requirements. Some popular options include fire-resistant, burglary-resistant, depository, and cash management safes. Fire-resistant safes protect against fire and heat damage, while burglary-resistant safes offer reinforced security against break-ins. Depository safes are ideal for businesses that handle frequent cash transactions, allowing secure deposits without compromising security. Cash management safes provide an efficient way to manage cash flow, with features like bill validators and automated tracking. Understanding the unique characteristics of each type enables businesses to choose the right safe that aligns with their security needs.
3. Factors to Consider when Choosing a Commercial Safe
 When selecting a commercial safe, several factors need careful consideration. First, evaluate the size and capacity required to accommodate your business's assets, cash reserves, and important documents. Next, consider the level of security needed based on your location, industry, and threat landscape. Look for safes with reliable locking mechanisms, solid construction, and certifications from reputable organizations such as Underwriters Laboratories.
Additionally, assess the safe's resistance to fire, water, and impact. Fire-resistant safes should adhere to industry standards, offering a specific level of fire protection. Water and impact resistance are equally crucial to prevent damage during unforeseen events.
Ease of use is another essential factor. The safe should provide convenient access for authorized personnel while ensuring stringent security measures for unauthorized individuals. Electronic locks, biometric scanners, or combination locks offer varying levels of convenience and security.
Finally, consider the safe's installation requirements and location. Choose a secure spot within your premises and evaluate whether the safe needs additional bolting or anchoring.
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 Commercial safes are a crucial investment in ensuring the security and protection of businesses. By understanding the significance of cash safes gold coast and considering critical factors like types, security features, capacity, and ease of use, organizations can make informed decisions that safeguard their valuable assets, preserve confidentiality, and instill trust among stakeholders.
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