#Great Compassion and Repentance
sealedsanctuary · 1 year
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霹靂異數之龍圖霸業 Pili Anomalous: The Dragon Domination · 2001 - A terminally ill White Prince meets Da Bei Chan Hui
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thewordfortheday · 6 days
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Lamentations 3:21-25
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, therefore I will hope in Him.’
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”
Each day as we rise let's remind ourselves that God's compassion and His mercies are fresh, they are new every morning. As children of God, as we seek Jesus, as we draw close to Him and wait for Him, He will renew our strength, and fill our hearts with hope. We will never feel despondent. 
Maybe, you have failed Him, but if you really repent and come back to Him, He's ready to forgive you and embrace you, because He loves you dearly. Jesus died to save you. His love is steadfast it never ceases. How awesome is His love for us!
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traumacatholic · 28 days
I was told there is a 50% chance I'll need a root canal that I just can't afford. I don't know how much more stress and humiliation I can take. prayers appreciated greatly.
I'm really sorry to hear this. It would also be worth looking into local and national charities and seeing if there's any that exist that can offer financial aid / support for dental treatments that are outside of your budget. I would imagine that there would be some support and advice for people in your position. Please also do consider reaching out to your local Church (or local Churches) and seeing if there's any kind of support and guidance they can provide. They might be able to signpost you to some kind of support, but at the very least having their prayers also can be of some great comfort and support.
I'm going to put some prayers under the readmore, that you might find to be of help
Prayers for all sick people
O Lord Almighty, healer of our souls and bodies, Who putteth down and raiseth up, Who chastiseth and health also; now, in Thy great mercy, visit our brothers and sisters who are sick. Stretch forth Thy hand that is full of healing and health, and raise them up, and cure them of their illness. Put away from them the spirit of disease and of every malady, pain and fever to which they are bound. And if they have sins and transgressions, grant to them remission and forgiveness, for Thou lovest humankind. Yea, O Lord my God, have pity on Thy creation, through the compassions of Thine only-begotten Son, together with Thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, with whom Thou art blessed, both now and ever, and to ages of ages.
Prayers for yourself in sickness
O Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, the Physician of our souls and bodies, Who didst become Man and suffer death on the Cross for our salvation, and through Thy tender love and compassion didst heal all manner of sickness and affliction: do Thou, O Lord, visit me in my suffering, and grant me grace and strength to bear this sickness with which I am afflicted, with Christian patience and submission to Thy will, trusting in Thy lovingkindness and tender mercy. Bless, I pray Thee, the means used for my recovery, and those who administer them. I know, O Lord, that I justly deserve any punishment Thou mayest inflict upon me, for I have so often offended Thee and sinned against Thee in thought, word, and deed. Therefore, I humbly pray to Thee, look upon my weakness, and deal not with me according to my sins, but according to the multitude of Thy mercies. Have compassion on me, and let mercy and justice meet; and deliver me from the sickness and suffering I am undergoing. Grant that my sickness may be the means of my true repentance and amendment of my life according to Thy will, that I may spend the rest of my days in Thy love and fear; that my soul, being helped by Thy grace and sanctified by Thy holy mysteries, may be prepared for its transition to the eternal life and there, in the company of Thy blessed saints, may praise and glorify Thee with Thy Eternal Father and Life-giving Spirit. Amen.
* * *
O Holy Father, heavenly Physician of the body and soul, Who hast sent Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal ailments and deliver us from death; do Thou heal me, Thy servant, of all suffering, and restore me to health by the grace of Thy Divine Son, through the intercessions of our Most Holy Queen Ever-virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and all the saints. For Thou art the Fountain of all cure, O Lord, and we give thanks to Thee, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer for Protection
O Lord, Thou who steadied the hand of Peter as he began to sink on the stormy sea, if Thou are with me, no one is against me. Grant to me the shield of faith and the mighty armor of the Holy Spirit to protect me and guide me to do Thy will. The future I put into Thy hands, O Lord, and I follow Thee to a life in Christ. Amen
Prayers for Oneself in Time of Need
Almighty God, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, come to my help and deliver me from this difficulty that besets me. I believe Lord, that all trials of life are under Your care and that all things work for the good of those who love You. Take away from me fear, anxiety and distress. Help me to face and endure my difficulty with faith, courage and wisdom.
Grant that this trial may bring me closer to You for You are my rock and refuge, my comfort and hope, my delight and joy. I trust in Your love and compassion. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for Oneself in Times of Sickness
O Lord, Healer of our bodies and souls, visit me with Your loving-kindness and stretch forth Your hand of healing. Raise me up from this bed of sickness, and heal me of all disease, pain, and fever that is binding me. We bless and honour You, our most holy Father, gracious Son, and life-creating Spirit, both now and forever. Amen. Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, because You love mankind, pity Your creation. Your only-begotten Son taught us that not even the smallest sparrow falls to the ground without Your knowledge. We pray to You for Your servant [name here], for the healing of body and soul. Calm me with confidence in the fullness of Your love. To You belongs all our praise and worship, to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimythus
O most blessed hierarch Spyridon, thou great Saint of Christ and glorious wonder-worker!
Standing in heaven before the throne of God with choirs of Angels, look down with a compassionate eye upon the people gathered here (names may be added) and asking thy powerful help.
Entreat the merciful kindness of God Who loveth mankind, that He judge us not according to our iniquities, but rather act towards us according to His mercy.
Ask for us of Christ our God, a peaceful and serene life, health of soul and body, a fruitful earth, and in all things abundance and prosperity; that we turn not unto evil the good things bestowed upon us by our generous God, but rather unto His glory and the praise of thine intercession.
Deliver us, who with unswerving faith approach God, from all ills, whether spiritual or physical; from all discouragements and diabolical snares.
Be a consoler unto those in sorrow, a healer of the infirm, a helper of those in troubles, a coverer of the naked, a defender of widows, a protector of orphans, a nourisher of infants, a strengthener of the aged, a guide unto travellers, a compass to those that sail, and pray for all that seek thy mighty intercession, that they may receive all that is profitable unto their salvation: so that, taught and kept by thy prayers, we may attain eternal rest and together with thee glorify God, Who is One in the Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.
Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker
Hierarch and father, O most holy Nicholas, thou extraordinary Saint of the Lord, our loving defender and ready helper in sorrows everywhere: help us sinners and hapless ones in the present life: entreat the Lord God to grant us remission of all of our sins, that we have committed from our youth and all our life, by deed, word, though and all our senses; and in the passing of our souls, help us wretched ones; entreat the Lord God and Maker of all creation, to deliver us from trials in the air and eternal torment: that we may alway glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and thy merciful intercession, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer in Time of Trouble 
O God, our help and assistance Who is just and merciful, and Who hears the supplications of Your people, look down upon me.  Have mercy upon me and deliver me from the trouble that besets me.  Deal not with me after my sins, but according to Your bountiful mercies, for I am the work of Your hands and You know my weakness. Grant me, I beseech You, Your divine helping grace, and endow me with patience and strength to endure my tribulations with complete submission to Your Will.  You know my misery and suffering and to You, my only hope and refuge, I flee for relief and comfort.  Trusting in Your infinite love and compassion, I know that in due time, when You know best, You will deliver me from this trouble and turn my distress into comfort.  I shall rejoice in Your mercy and exalt and praise Your Holy Name, of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, forever.  Amen.
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sicutpuella · 5 months
Transcendence (Reader & Ghost / Simon Riley)
AFAB, HEAVY Catholic and Religious Themes, she/her pronouns
divider by @iluvpooks
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Simon's life had never left room for faith or spirituality. A practical man, he found no evidence of divine mercy in his struggles. Yet tonight's assignment was simple - observe London's old Catholic cathedral and report any suspicious activity, any possible routes that can be used by snipers, entrances and exits.
As an outsider, the worshipers' devoted prayers seemed strange. But one figure caught his eye - a woman, her face radiating calm acceptance. Her gentle smile seemed to offer the mercy Simon had never known. When their eyes met, he found no judgment in her gaze, only compassion. 
His eyes were drawn to her across the room. A radiant beauty, she had a timeless quality about her. Her features were delicate yet striking, reminiscent of renditions of the Virgin Mary he had seen in great works of art. There was an ethereal grace to her presence, a calmness in her expression that hinted at inner strength and kindness. She seemed a vision, perfectly composed in a way that stirred his admiration.
Her beauty stirs a feeling inside him that's unknown, and even unwelcome, in a battle-hardened mercenary. He can't make sense of it. His heart is hardened from his own trials, and his work is devoid of kindness. He is a soldier with no room for sentimentality. But he finds himself unable to break her gaze, a connection that shouldn't exist. Simon watches from across the street, hidden from her sight. The gentle sway of her hips, the way her dress shimmers... It all strikes a chord inside him, filling him with a familiar unease. He's never felt this way before. He's not supposed to.
Vulnerability had always been a foreign concept to him. From a young age, he was conditioned to eliminate all signs of weakness—emotion, attachment, humanity. He was forged into a weapon, with his every action laser-focused on efficiency and results. Intimacy was an impossible luxury, one not afforded to those whose primary purpose was ending life, not nurturing it. And yet, even for someone stripped so bare of tenderness and connection, there remained an unfillable hollow within. Deep down he wondered, what might it be like to know the gentle warmth of another's touch, if only for a moment, before having to slip back into the numbing role of programmed protector he had long since taken as his sole identity.
He was trained not to care about others. Caring always leads to pain. Yet the sight of her makes him weak. She stands with her hands clasped together, her body swaying ever so faintly in time with the music of worship being sung inside. The light of the stained glass windows falls in a mosaic that dazzlingly reflects from her soft cheeks.
Months had passed since that fateful night, and slowly, steadily, she had chipped away at the impenetrable walls around his guarded heart. Now, as sunlight filtered gently through the window and washed over her sleeping form, he felt only stillness and calm within. For the first time that he could remember, there was no restlessness stirring him to flee, no instinct pulling him back into solitary introspection. All there was, was her—the rise and fall of her bare skin in the soft morning light, a reminder that he was no longer alone.
Simon held no belief in God or faith. Confronted with his duty to end lives, he pondered: What is the purpose of embracing salvation?
Does he even deserve salvation? Forgiveness? Repentance? 
He lacked belief in any form of higher power or destiny. His conviction remained steadfast: relying on unproven truths was both irresponsible and irrational.
All the lofty concepts of divinity and spirituality that had meant so little before seemed but pale imitations in the radiant light of her. When she breathed his name with such tender reverence, it was prayer made flesh - her voice an angelic hymn transporting him to paradise. The way her fingers traced delicate devotion across his skin transcended any ritual, for truly her caress was the only salvation he had ever known. In the hallowed dark behind closed eyes, the kindling of each candlewick touch bestowed a communion more sacred than any sermon. She was sanctuary and salvation writ as one miraculous being, come not to deliver judgment but sweet mercy, embracing his unworthiness without demand yet granting redemption's full bounty just the same. In her alone was encompassed all mysteries of faith he once deemed empty air - here in living, breathing form was divinity that needed no doctrine to be proved divine. 
What is god compared to her?
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bayleafpsa · 8 months
I just realized something interesting. When Gabriel is about to kill him, the Coucillor tries to use his authority, then blackmail Gabriel into sparing him by withholding his Light. The Coucillor never asks for that great religious virtue: mercy. It doesn't occur to him that another angel might be moved by the concept of compassion.
And they have good reason to. When the citizens of Lust begged for mercy, Gabriel didn't listen, because orders were more important. Whatever system they upheld destroyed the single idea that could have saved them: forgiveness. That is delicious.
Another interesting omission is that he doesn't even try to make a show of good faith by giving Gabriel's Light back immediately. It would have been a good hand to play, if only to manipulate him and buy time. "Fine, kill me if you will, but first let me restore you, then decide." It could be that the Councillor was too shocked and panicked to come up with this idea. That's likely. But taken together with the utter lack of repentance, I have the impression that they were simply too proud to consider giving something for nothing, much less to a rebellious subordinate. Just like they were too cruel to consider asking for mercy.
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The Parable of the Lost Sheep:
Redemption and Restoration
In the parable of the Lost Sheep, Jesus conveys a deep message about the relentless pursuit of redemption and the boundless grace of God. Let us delve into this timeless story and explore its significance in our lives today.
A certain shepherd had a hundred sheep, yet one of them strayed from the fold. Undeterred by the ninety-nine, the shepherd embarked on a relentless search for the lost sheep. He scoured the hills and valleys until, at last, he found the wayward sheep, weary and alone.
Filled with compassion, the shepherd tenderly lifted the sheep onto his shoulders and rejoiced, calling together his friends and neighbors to celebrate the sheep's return. In the same way, Jesus explains, there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance (Luke 15:3-7).
This parable reminds us of the depth of God's love and his unwavering commitment to seek out and restore the lost. Just as the shepherd pursued the lost sheep, so too does our Heavenly Father pursue each one of us with relentless love and compassion.
No matter how far we may have strayed, God's arms are always open wide, ready to welcome us back into His embrace. His grace knows no bounds, and His forgiveness is freely offered to all who humble themselves and turn back to Him.
The parable of the Lost Sheep challenges us to reflect on our own lives and consider those areas where we may have wandered away from God's path. It beckons us to return to the fold, to repent of our sins, and to experience the joy of reconciliation with our Heavenly Father.
Just as the shepherd rejoiced over the lost sheep's return, so too does God rejoice over each one of us when we turn back to Him. Our repentance brings joy to heaven, and our restored relationship with God brings fulfillment and purpose to our lives.
Broader context:
Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:3-7):
This is the main passage where the parable is found.
God's Pursuit of the Lost:
Ezekiel 34:16 - God seeks out the lost and brings them back to safety.
Isaiah 53:6 - We all, like sheep, have gone astray, but the Lord laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all.
Matthew 18:12-14 - Jesus' teaching about the shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine to seek the one lost sheep.
Psalm 119:176 - Like a lost sheep, seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.
God's Rejoicing over Repentance:
Luke 15:10 - There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Luke 15:32 - It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.
Acts 3:19 - Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.
God's Unfailing Love and Faithfulness:
Psalm 23:1-3 - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
Psalm 36:5 - Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.
Psalm 136:1 - Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Lamentations 3:22-23 - The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
The Shepherd's Role as a Metaphor for Jesus:
John 10:11 - I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Hebrews 13:20 - Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant.
Call to Repentance and Restoration:
Joel 2:12-13 - "Yet even now," declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments."
Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
The Joy of Salvation:
Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Psalm 51:12 - Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Have I strayed from God's path, and if so, am I willing to humble myself and turn back to Him?
Do I fully grasp the depth of God's love and His relentless pursuit of me, even in my moments of wandering?
How can I share the message of God's grace and redemption with others who may feel lost or disconnected from Him?
What steps can I take to deepen my relationship with God and experience the fullness of His joy and restoration in my life?
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your unwavering love and grace, demonstrated to us through the parable of the Lost Sheep. Give us the courage to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and return to you with open hearts. May we never forget the depth of your love for us and the joy that comes from being reconciled to you. In Jesus' name, amen.
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anamericangirl · 20 days
It drives me kind of crazy how often I see you having to argue the same points over and over with people. It seems to me as if I should just be able to scroll your blog a bit, get a good idea of your feelings on things, and then know everything I need to know about how you'll answer. How do you deal with this strange, perverse popularity you've garnered? How many times do you think you'll have to tell people that an unborn baby is a person and entitled to all the protections any other person should be? Every other 'gotcha' and nice and narrow circumstance that someone could possibly ask about abortion should be a 'don't make me tap the sign' moment, right? Yes, aborting a child conceived of rape is bad because the baby is innocent. Yes aborting a child because the mother's circumstances changed is bad because the child has a right to life too. Yes, when you fuck someone you're consenting to the risk of bringing a new life into the world, and you don't get to revoke that consent later for any reason. I can't help but think these people keep trying to mental-backflip their way into a position where their beliefs aren't barbarically monstrous has to be coming from some feeling of guilt. At some point in their lives they coerced someone to kill their baby, or maybe they killed their own baby, and if they confront the idea that they took part in killing an innocent person they will burst into flames or something. They're desperate to try to convince people that they're actually a good person, that they're not monsters, and that they don't need to repent for the lives they've ended.
I'm convinced that most people are motivated by compassion, but it's so devilishly easy to trick and coerce people in misdirecting that compassion towards evil means. Change the lens and perspective on a situation and you can find someone gullible enough to believe what they're advocating for is good and righteous. When compassionate people are confronted with the notion they've been tricked and used for evil, I think they tend more often than not to break. They have to twist themselves back up into a deluded mindset to defend their minds and souls from the pain of admitting they were used, and in the process they only perpetuate more evil...
Anyway, I think you're great. The only thing we seem to be able to do with these people is to be a wall they can't break down or climb over. We have to be like concrete, so when they slam into us they only cause themselves pain. There can be no bending or breaking in the face of people that will take any sign of weakness as an indication they are right. If there's any chance of them coming back from where they are, then walls like you need to help guide them along the right path as they seek to slam through you.
I think you are pretty much right. Some of it might be guilt, some of it's misguided and warped "compassion" and some is just straight up indoctrination. That's why for the majority of them, once they make their initial argument they can't engage with you in an intellectual discussion after you challenge it. All they know is the line but they can't rationalize it because they surround themselves in echo chambers where they don't have to rationalize things. They're not used to engaging in discussion with people who don't just nod in agreement with them or don't accept what they say at face value.
And, like, yeah it does get a little tiring to have to say the same things over and over again when it's not hard to find my answer by taking a quick glance at my blog. I've literally addressed every single pro-abortion argument in existence at this point I think lol. But on the other hand I don't mind especially if it seems to be someone who I haven't interacted with before and is genuinely curious (even if it's something I've answered before) versus someone who keeps asking me the same things over and over again and is just completely ignoring my answer or thinks if they slightly change the scenario my answer will be different. And sometimes it's hard to differentiate between those two types of people lol.
For whatever reason, they just can't accept that there's never a time where you have to kill a baby. And that might be where a little bit of the guilt comes in. They see me and others say that and they immediately start trying to invent scenarios (some completely outlandish) where it's necessary to kill a baby. Because if they can't find an exception then that means they have actually been advocating for something truly horrible this entire time and none of them want to admit they've been doing that.
Thanks so much!!
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odetoviscera · 10 months
Baldur's Gate 3: The Evil Experience
on the recommendation of @leupagus: My Very Special Evil Boy, Vexation. don't worry about the blood, it's a fashion choice.
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if you've been wondering how evil you can be in baldur's gate 3, wonder no more-- So Evil.
so beginning at the beginning, i of course chose the Dark Urge (obvious serial killer) origin, who is conveniently customizable, so i also made him Drow and a Lolth Worshipper and a Warlock (all of which has made him only marginally more evil, tbh, mostly the related dialogue options make him a smug bastard, although OCCASIONALLY this will give him a "hmm what if i enslaved you" option which people do indeed react to as if he's an evil maniac and they should flee and/or try to kill him. this goes great for them considering i'm the protagonist.)
i wake up on an illithid ship with no memories, as one does. i befriend a walking talking brain, by which i mean i lobotomize it so that i can more easily control and manipulate it, as one does. i may not know who i am, but i definitely know that i am powerful, mean, and more important than everyone here. also i have a great old one in my brain giving me eldritch blast, so the tadpole wriggling around in there seems normal. i crash the ship sort of accidentally and am set loose on my merry way to wrack the Sword Coast with terrible mayhem. probably. as soon as i figure out if i'm about to turn into a mindflayer.
the first sign of my uncontrollable evil mania was when i tried to talk to a squirrel in act one (actually, i tell a lie, the FIRST sign was when i was tempted to hack Gale's hand off instead of dragging him out of the portal he got stuck in, but i decided i needed a wizard more than a dismembered hand) and the narrator informed me i had been Gripped By A Compulsion and promptly dropkicked the squirrel into a tree. it died, obviously. i was given the option to decide if i cared about this and decided that my opinion was a frankly inappropriate level of malicious glee considering the heights from which i, clearly child of murder, have obviously fallen to get amnesia and get tadpoled and fall out of the sky on a dying illithid spaceship. anyway this set me up for Being Maximally Deranged, however there is No Karma Meter or any equivalent system to MEASURE your evil or limit your dialogue options-- i have free reign at all times, i COULD decide that suddenly i'm going to be a Repentant Murderer, i can do Nice Things if i want the reward or the exp or i am exercising my single scintilla of compassion accidentally inculcated by my eventual three simultaneous romances (one of which is with the mindflayer who lives in my brain/an artifact stopping ME from becoming a mindflayer. this game is so horny, very classic dnd "i roll to romance the villain". except i am also the villain.) at this point i have no romances, though-- at this point my companions watch me kick a squirrel to death and their collective response is "well… that seemed… excessive."
i also have the option to tell every single one of them individually that i am driven by a blood mania to murder and destruction. opinions of this range from "well admitting you have a problem is the first step!" to "that's nice, just point it at the enemy instead of ME". no one seems appropriately concerned about this. they'll learn.
anyway the next sign of my uncontrollable evil mania is that when i decided to be nice to a bard for no reason and she showed up at our next long rest to Join The Party (oh we do get a bard companion, that's nice, i said, like a fool.) i promptly murdered her in the night. as in i woke up covered in blood with her corpse ritually slaughtered at my feet and said "hm. probably shouldn't let anyone else find out i did this" and then sulked when no one gave me proper respect and rewards for murdering her. fortunately the next day my Evil Butler materialized to do just that, and proved he wasn't a figment of my imagination by giving me an Evil Cloak that lets me turn invisible everytime i murder someone. i spend the next half an act or so convinced i'm going to slowly kill off my party, but fortunately i develop the ability to control myself. now i only murder when I WANT to murder.
the rest of act one i am SORT OF a good boy-- i do deliberately get a child killed but i don't PERSONALLY kill her, i get a druid's snake to do it, so does it really count against MY soul? yes but only me and daddy bhaal know it so i am able to continue playing Goody Two Shoes for the rest of the act. (i don't know he's my daddy yet, but like… i know it. i, the player, know it. in my soul. i've played these games before.) delightful fallout, my child murder gets the druid killed after i Helpfully Save The Tieflings by telling the opposing force i'll totally help them break in and kill them all, then betraying them at the last minute. i kill so so so many goblins. i get an inspiration point for how many goblins i kill. goblins are still sentient. It's Still Murder.
act two, however, empowered by all my Blood And Chaos, i turn over a new leaf. sure sure being lauded by the tieflings was fun and all, but i do somewhat regret not killing EVERYONE. i'll do better this time. this shadow-cursed hellscape is really vibing with me. it's also trying to eat me every time i'm not carrying a magic lamp but you can't win 'em all. i pretend that i'm with the antagonists (can you call them villains when I'M the villain?) so i can get their lamp. it's carried by a drider who does not appreciate my sincere compliments about how beautifully fucked up he is. his loss, i'm down to fuck anyone. i'm already fucking a githyanki and a vampire spawn.
when i get to the Big Bad Tower where supposedly they'll know about my tadpole, i discover they know something WAY MORE IMPORTANT: who the fuck i am. everyone here recognizes me. no one will tell me anything. several of them are appropriately terrified. this is infuriating but also promising. the Big Bad is a smug dick and i want to eat his heart raw. i daydream about this.
my butler arrives to tell me if i murder a Special Girl i'll get a treat. i like treats and i LOVE murder so i go looking for her. she's maintaining a Magic Selenite Moon Shield over the single not-shadow-cursed place here, which i hate on principle-- also it's a harper outpost and i hate them too, they'd probably disapprove of murder. some rando minion with wings drops in to tell me the Big Bad of the region wants to kidnap her (ALIVE, he specifies) so obviously i now double want to kill her. i kill her in one round. the magic shield collapses. EVERYONE dies (including the tieflings i saved in act one! full circle.) and then i kill their shadow-cursed undead corpses again, for good measure.
my treat is getting to turn into the slayer. i KNEW i was a bhaalspawn.
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behold my true glorious visage. (with blep.) my only complaint is that i can only become this hulking death machine once per long rest. it is, however, not a turn-limited form, i can stay in it Forever if no one kills me as long as i'm willing to Just Murder No Talking. also it has a spectacular ladder-climbing animation, this bitch goes down ladders face-down like a lizard, i love him.)
anyway i don't go back to the Big Bad Tower bc presumably they'll be mad about the dead girl (i'm guessing she's Big Bad's dead daughter miraculously resurrected. i'm totally right by the way.) but the last time i was there i got a quest to find the Big Bad's Relic, which is obviously his phylactery or something since he's got a whole death aesthetic-- after a whole Temple of Shar sequence it turns out his phylactery is a captive aasimar actually. my companion wants to murder her for shar-related reasons, so i give her the go-ahead since i don't have any SPECIAL reason to kill her myself. my companions should get to be evil occasionally too.
with his phylactery dead, it's pretty easy to mow through the Big Bad Tower, especially since i can now turn into the Death Machine. i don't have to talk to anyone here. i can Just Murder.
nearly kill the Big Bad but he flees to his basement, where it turns out there's an mindflayer colony, big deal, we've all got tadpoles in our brains (i've been eating other tadpoles for extra power along the way, because of course i have) okay fine it's a slightly big deal bc there's an elder brain here that my Special Mindflayer Friend is shielding us from whatever. it's under the control of the Big Bad who's death aesthetic turns out to be that he's the Chosen of Myrkul, and also here are reps of the other Dead Three, Bane and My Daddy. i hate bhaal's chosen on sight, as is traditional for a bhaalspawn. i will murder her someday. i will murder her SO GOOD.
unfortunately she and the baneite fuck off with their elder brain to lay siege to baldur's gate while i'm daydreaming about it, so for now all i get to murder is Big Bad Myrkul Edition. moderately satisfying. he turns in an Avatar of Myrkul in the second half but i destroy him so quickly he doesn't even get to regenerate with the hojillion corpses in the area. nobody murders like vexation.
off to baldur's gate to save the city/get bigger hunting grounds!
i do cure the shadow curse on my way out though, because i'm never coming back and i've left the place a blighted wasteland, why not, it gets me a pet druid.
there's also some drama with githyanki and vlaakith, as usual, turns out the Rebel Prince Orpheus is actually how my particular mindflayer (who is finally revealing that he's a mindflayer, a thing i have suspected all along because of all the psychic shit he does) is doing the shielding, etc. etc. also i let my mindflayer boyfriend turn me in a half-illithid, which means i get no tentacles but a BUNCH of new mindflayer powers to make me an even better murderer. can't wait to see who wins in the tug-of-war for my mind, body, and soul--the illithids, my great old one beyond the stars, a devil who keeps trying to get my attention, my vampire boyfriend who wants to ascend to vampire god, or Murder Daddy. my bet is murder daddy.
anyway we get to baldur's gate, where i break in bc i don't want any guards to know i'm here-- just jumped and flew my way up the side of the bridge past the checkpoint. easy peasy now that i have illithid flight powers on command no cooldowns just Psychically Levitate wherever i want to go. also i can turn into a displacer beast. that's right, i now have to option to become TWO DIFFERENT terrifying horror beasts and rip through mobs like papier-mache. my patron really needs to keep up, warlock powers are falling behind. (no they aren't, i've hit level 10 and can now eldritch blast three times in one round and every hit knocks enemies back and terrifies them. i'm gonna chew this city up and swallow it one bite.)
however, first thing when i get into the citadel: the baneite is being coronated Archduke, bc of course he is. so i head up to see if there's a chance to murder him and a room full of peers, BUT. for the first time EVER-- this little shit is willing to tell me Who I Am. Assassin of Bhaal, former high priest of His Temple, and ONE OF THE INVENTORS OF THIS CONQUEST PLAN. that little bhaalite chosen is my bhaalspawn sister (obviously) who fucking tadpoled me, gave me amnesia, and discarded me before making sure my corpse was cold. this will be a mistake! FOR HER.
in the meantime the baneite wants me to know that he is a big fan of mine, would i like to murder my sister since i already murdered the myrkulite, and then he and i can rule this city together with an iron grip and a blood knife, since he's sure he'll have a lot of use for an assassin as a tyrant. mind-reading and my brain-illithid agree that he is actually on the level about this, at least for the moment, so of course i agree. i will rule this city. and then i will murder him. and then i will murder EVERYONE. in THE WORLD.
so now i'm hunting the current chosen of bhaal so i can kill her and steal her place-- my butler is sending me divine visions of it, SHE can't turn into the slayer, i am evil daddy's favourite. she's also kidnapped one of my companions and is threatening to kill her if i show up but i care about that less.
and that's where i am so far! will report on Future Evils.
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Mahabharata AU—pt.5
Masterlist<– rest of the parts
"WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING!?" Duryodhan yelled out. He had just asked what everyone was thinking, yet not in a good way. "Vasudev! How did you even come here? And what even happened to Arjuni!?"
Draupadi, who had been standing quiet with tears shedding from her eyes until now, finally spoke up. "Just quiet down, you pitiful excuse for a human! Her name does suit your sinful mouth! Do you still not realise what you have done?" She then looked at her husbands, and then took off her chudamani. She looked at it and threw it at her husbands' direction. "I can not see myself as the wife of those men who cannot even protect their sister!" The Pandava brothers still sat at the same place, shedding tears.
Duryodhan gritted his teeth. "YOU!-" But Bheeshma had interrupted his yell. "Vasudev, who is Naari and, what happened with Putri Arjuni?—" "Please do not call her with that name tag, Mahamahim. And for all your questions, Maharishi Ved Vyas is going to arive shortly to answer them." Devakinandan replied coldly. He laid down Arjuni's unconscious body on the ground and put her head on his lap.
After this, there was a great cacophony in the hall, filling the room with shouts and yells coming from all directions. Draupadi was yelling at Dharmaraj and his brothers because of their incompetence. Gandhari's red cloth covering her eyes was already wet from her tears, unprepared for the terrible fate that might befall her sons. "Please... please forgive my sons, Krishna." Gandhari sobbed, wailing.
A mother's cries always made Krishna feel sorry. "Even if I forgive them, their safety depends on their next actions." Krishna's voice softened. "If one hundred of your children will touch the feet of Parthavi, and repent of their sins, I promise to spare their lives."
Hearing such 'explicit' sentences forced words out of Dhritarashtra's mouth, who was already blind yet still blinded by power and love for his children. "B-but, aren't my children your cousins ​​too Vasudev? Don't you have any compassion for them?"
"Maharaj is right, Vasudev." Gandhar Raj Shakuni was still doubtful about everything he saw. It could be, that all of this is, just an illusion created by Krishna. Shakuni indeed appreciated the strength shown by the noblest Yadava, but he also thought that the man was just a cunning deceiver. "How about you explain all of what you mean? I mean, you should not take sides, Vasudev..." Shakuni gave his sly grin again, putting great emphasis on the words.
"I don't owe anyone any explanation, Gandhar Raj." Krishna smiled mockingly. "Even if I explain what i mean, to you, you definitely won't accept it." Krishna looked down at Duryodhan coldly. "If Duryodhan has even one quality that Parthavi has, then he could ask me for something." He then looked at Arjuni and stroked her hair, watching as her chest went up and down with each tranquil breathe she took, still unconscious. "Parthavi never ever envied me. She did many things without expecting anything, other than love from me. Her devotion was pure and sincere. She also trusts me more than herself."
He then looked up at Shakuni. "Tell me, Gandhar Raj. Would your dearest nephew kill himself if I told him to?" Shakuni straightened up, at a loss of words. Krishna waited for some time, and then asked Yudhishthir, his back facing the former king of Indraprastha. "Tell me, Bhrata Yudhishthir, would Parthavi do it?"
Yudhishthir shuddered at the thought of it. "...She would do it without any hesitation. Even if I ask otherwise. No questions will be asked." Yudhistir had long been aware, if one day Arjuni had to choose between her Madhav and her Jyesth, Yudhishthir knew he would lose.
Krishna smiled in satisfaction. "Do you think I don't know that your dice were made from the bones of your father, Gandhar Raj? What kind of son are you, who doesn't give his father peace even after death. Worse still, you always make him a part of your sins."
Shakuni's eyes narrowed. "Now you are just making accusations without proof, Vasudev."
Krishna shook his head. "I have nothing more to achieve by accusing you Gandhar Raj, as my Parthavi is now safe in my arms. I will not demand anything from you personally." Krishna then turned his gaze to the Pandavas again. "But your nephew clearly has many demands, Gandhar Raj."
Yudhishthir's face was clearly showing that he was thinking about many things, about how Bheem would demand revenge, while Nakul and Sahadev were still filled with worry and guilt for their Jyesthaa as well as their second mother. As a gift from Ashwinikumars, the twins always felt responsible for the health of their siblings.
The heated conversation stopped when Maharishi Vyas entered the room. "Greetings, Maharaj..."
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tonysolomon4jc · 4 months
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The satanic Illuminati like the letter X. It is getting more popular in culture. Like Twitter's new name and x-men. It reminds the NWO of the square & compass & skull & crossbones. The immune systems are already weakened, from the mRNA. Messiah 2030 shows how 53 Bible prophecies point to 2030. That means that 2030 is really going to be The Great Reset. The WEF is talking about The Great Reset of the World in 2030. That means that disease X is part of the 7 year tribulation period from Revelation, which may have just begun in 2024. Study God's word daily. Repent. Obey Jesus Christ. Keep your faith in Jesus no matter how bad things get. Guard your eyes, ears and heart. Please God with your thoughts and behavior. Trust God's perfect will, word and timing. Praise Jesus with your music. Preach repentance and The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray to God only. Pray in complete faith in Jesus' name. Be blessed and bless others with love. 🙏
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sealedsanctuary · 1 year
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霹靂異數之龍圖霸業 Pili Anomalous: The Dragon Domination · 2001 - Ye Xiao Chai & Da Bei Chan Hui
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September 30, 2023 Saturday Morning Session
How Wondrous and Great
How Firm a Foundation
Conducting: President Eyring
Elder David A Bednar
The Stalwart souls who travelled with the last wagons
They of the last wagon pressed forward
Captain Moroni – if more were like him the devil would never have power Alma 48:17
Walk in the path of your duty and press forward
Samuel the Lamanite: most walk clearly
Quiet members who often go unrecognized with their sustaining influence
Reverence the sanctity and importance of Life in God’s plan
Heavenly Father loves those who minister to children with love and unending kindness
Sister Amy A. Wright 1st Counselor Primary
Parable of the ten virgins Matt 25:1-13
Spiritual preparedness and discipleship
Cancer – “everything is going to be okay
At one point it will be too late to put more oil in your lamps – every drop matters now – but remember that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we will all be ok.
That is the greatest power on earth
Here is your reminder that the Atonement of Jesus Christ covers so many more things than just repentance or helping with forgiveness – it is also there to help us gather strength when filled with pain or sorrow, help us know that we are not alone even in the darkness of our mental health.
Gather and focus light
God with infinite knowledge, love, and glory
We cannot share our oil but we can share His light
We need more holy and revelatory experiences
He is the reason why there is never an end to our story
Eternal Life is Eternal Joy
Look to Jesus Christ and Live – like the story about the people of moses looking to the snake on a staff
I Feel My Savior’s Love
Elder Robert M. Daines, 70
Face blindness from being shot
How do you suffer from spiritual faceblindness?
Do you see Heavenly Fathers love and mercy, or a thicket of rules and thorns?
Spiritual faceblindness = seeing the rules but not recognizing God’s love
Can you sometimes only lipsync and not sing the song of redeeming love?
Does this activity/lesson help people see Jesus?
Also are we being inclusive in how we are presenting the activity/lesson?
Pray and study to see who He is and what He loves
God is completely devoted to His children in every age and nation
They are not rules to earn His love – He already loves you perfectly!
We worship our Father and not a formula
Covenants are the shape of God’s embrace
Elder Carlos A. Godoy, Presidency of the 70
Got in the wrong taxi
Heavenly Father does not do coincidences.
Omar ended up returning, being baptized and baptizing his wife and children, and then were able to be sealed a year later
Felt it was about time to go back to church for the sake of their children
Anything broken can be mended with Jesus Christ
The decision of one will impact whole generations
Not just from someone choosing to leave – also because of what caused them to leave
We should always be asking where will this lead?
Decisions, impact on self and future generations etc.
Shouldn’t we be more valiant and less lukewarm
High on the Mountain Top
D Todd Christofferson
What is the purpose of this gathering?
Protection of the covenant people
A defense and refuge from the storm
He holds the keys to administer in all authority
Keeping a proper and faithful record
Eternal families by the sealing powe
Baptisms and sealings for the dead
Add strength to your chain
Ian S. Ardern 70
Love your neighbor, refugees?
“lets all talk about Africa” – ahhh Uganda
Give to humanitarian efforts – Partners in Health (Green brothers approved donation website)
Compassion is an attribute of Christ, it demonstrates love to others and knows no boundaries
God will guide you in compassionate acts of discipleship
True compassion is more than merely flinging a coin to a beggar, it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs reconstructuring- MLK
Compassion does not require us to know them, it only requires us to love them.
Faith in Every Footstep
President Dallin H. Oaks
Fullness of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ
Heavenly Father loves all His children so much, that He wants us all to live in a kingdom of glory forever.
In our Fathers house is many mansions
Your divine potential has everything to do with God’s love for you, and nothing to do with which glory you might possibly obtain later in life – this is something to be between you and God
You will be where you are comfortable
Do not just go through the motions and make “deposits”  - less of a checklist
He will force no one into a sealing relationship against his or her own will
TW - Plan of Salvation, Family Proclamation
Come Listen to a Prophets Voice
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Gospel Summary
Man was created to glorify God & Enjoy Him forever
Our ultimate purpose in life is to honor and glorify God while enjoying His everlasting presence. As creations made in His image, we are called to reflect His greatness in everything we do. This notion is supported by the idea that the Creator is "worthy of glory, honor, and power" (Rev 4:11) and that we should "do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31). By fulfilling this purpose, we not only live out our divine destiny but also take part in a never-ending celebration of God's love and grace.
Man has failed to glorify God & is under His just condemnation
Despite our purpose to glorify God, humanity has stumbled under the burden of sin and rebellion. In our deliberate defiance of a holy God, "all have sinned" (Rom 3:23), severing the unique relationship that exists between the Creator and His creation. This spiritual estrangement gives rise to a grave repercussion: the wages of sin, culminating in death (Rom 6:23). In this dark situation, people find themselves trapped by God's justice and condemnation, facing the frightening reality of "eternal destruction" (2 Thes 1:9). Consequently, our profound need for redemption and restoration is underscored, as an intense yearning for hope and salvation is evoked within us by God.
Jesus fully bore the wrath and suffered the punishment sinners deserve
Motivated by His love for humanity, God created an extraordinary plan to save sinners through the sacrifice of His Son. Jesus, the human embodiment of the Eternal Son, lived the life we were unable to live (so that the righteous demands of the law could be satisfied in us) and willingly endured the death we rightfully deserved (shouldering all the penalties imposed by the law upon His people due to their transgressions) Out of immense love and compassion, God sent His Son as the ultimate sacrifice for sinners (1 John 4:10; John 6:37). Driven by His great mercy, Jesus was compelled to "give His life as a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45) and "rise again" from the dead (2 Corinthians 5:15) in order to secure salvation for them.
All who, by the grace of God, turn to Jesus alone in faith are forgiven
During humanity's struggle, God's grace offers a way out for those who, by grace, turn to Jesus in faith. If you confess your sins and recognize your need for Christ, take comfort in knowing that God has already started to build a life-changing, eternal relationship with you. As we answer the divine summons to "repent and believe the gospel" (Mark 1:15) we are joined to Christ who brings us into God's presence, where true joy is found (Psalm 16:11) and freedom from sin's captivity begins.
Abandon your self-righteousness and your sins, and embrace the righteousness of Christ as your protective covering, and His atoning blood as your redemption. Trust in Jesus alone for your salvation, placing all hope in His boundless mercy, and you can be assured that your sins are forgiven, and the gift of eternal life has been granted. In this divine embrace, the soul finds solace, healing, and the promise of an everlasting communion with its Creator.
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Parable of the Prodigal Son:
Jesus conveyed a profound message about forgiveness, redemption, and the boundless love of God. Let's reframe the narrative within this Christian context, drawing from Luke 15:11-32, and infuse it with additional biblical insights.
A certain man had two sons. The younger son asked for his share of the inheritance and journeyed to a distant land where he squandered his wealth in reckless living. Soon, a severe famine swept through the land, and the young man found himself in dire need.
In his desperation, he sought employment feeding pigs, a job that symbolized his degradation and distance from his upbringing. Yet, in his lowest moment, he came to his senses and decided to return to his father, confessing his sins and seeking forgiveness.
His father, filled with compassion, ran to greet him while he was still far off. Instead of condemnation, the father embraced his wayward son, clothing him in the finest robe and celebrating his return with a lavish feast.
Meanwhile, the older son, who had remained obedient and dutiful, grew resentful at the extravagant welcome given to his brother. But the father, ever merciful, reminded him of the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.
This parable echoes the essence of divine mercy and the unconditional love of God. Just as the father welcomed back his repentant son, so too does our Heavenly Father eagerly await our return, ready to forgive and restore us to fellowship with Him.
The Prodigal Son reminds us of the importance of humility, repentance, and forgiveness in our Christian journey. It challenges us to examine our attitudes towards others, particularly those who have strayed from the path, and to emulate God's boundless love and compassion.
Broader context:
Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32):
This is the main passage where the parable is found.
Forgiveness and Reconciliation:
Matthew 18:21-22 - Jesus teaches about forgiveness.
Colossians 3:13 - Encouragement to forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32 - Be kind and compassionate, forgiving one another.
Luke 6:37 - Judge not, and you will not be judged; forgive, and you will be forgiven.
God's Unconditional Love:
Romans 8:38-39 - Nothing can separate us from the love of God.
1 John 4:16 - God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God.
Romans 5:8 - God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Ephesians 2:4-5 - But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.
Repentance and Restoration:
Acts 3:19 - Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.
Joel 2:13 - Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.
Isaiah 55:7 - Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Celebration in Heaven over Repentance:
Luke 15:7 - Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
Luke 15:10 - Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
God's Provision and Restoration:
Philippians 4:19 - And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
God's Sovereignty and Compassion:
Psalm 103:8 - The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Lamentations 3:22-23 - The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
James 5:11 - Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.
How does the parable of the Prodigal Son reflect God's unconditional love and forgiveness?
In what ways do we, like the older brother, struggle with forgiveness and harbor resentment towards others?
How can we cultivate a spirit of compassion and reconciliation in our interactions with those who have gone astray?
What steps can we take to emulate the father's example of mercy and grace in our daily lives?
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the timeless wisdom and grace revealed in the parable of the Prodigal Son. Teach us to extend forgiveness, show compassion, and embrace reconciliation in our relationships, reflecting your boundless love for all your children. Amen.
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coffeeman777 · 1 year
Share the Gospel with Boldness
When a Christian emphasizes brotherly love, showing compassion, support for the needy and the hurting, and self-sacrifice for the material good of others, they do well. These things are central to the Christian faith. No Christian should be living a life characterized by bitterness, fear, selfishness, or hatred.
But Christians should be on guard against the temptation to neglect the more confrontational aspects of Christianity in the name of love. Far too often, Christians (especially Christians in our time) avoid speaking out against sin, even to the point of disregarding the Gospel entirely. While more than a few do this out of fear (they don't want to lose friends, they don't want to jeopardize their employment, they don't want to risk being ridiculed or socially ostracized), a number of Christians genuinely believe that preaching the Gospel and warning others about sin and the coming Judgment is unloving, even contradictory to the faith.
It isn't, of course. Jesus Himself gave us the Great Commission, to go to the ends of the earth to teach others what He taught, to make disciples. Among the many things Jesus taught was abstinence of sin. Indeed, Jesus is God and God is love; it follows that what God instructs us to do would be consistent with God's nature. To put yourself at risk of personal loss to be able to extend the Gospel to someone else, to give them the chance to turn from their sin and be saved, is tremendously loving.
And when Christians warn others about sin, they aren't (or at least, shouldn't be) condescending from a holier-than-thou pillar, as is often supposed. Christians used to be lost in sin too, and even now still struggle against temptation. Christians aren't priggish goody-goodies who've done no wrong; they're war-torn, battle-scared survivors of a terminal illness, desperate to save the lives of the others who're sick and suffering and don't even know it.
I am, apart from the grace of God, a wicked man. Without Jesus, without God's Spirit, I am flawed and fallen; a liar and a cheat; a self-important braggart; a conniving manipulator; a thief; envious; spiteful; ungrateful; unloving; unfaithful; greedy; full of all manner of immorality. Any goodness, decency, righteousness, or truthfulness that anyone perceives in me is not actually me, but rather Christ in me. When I speak out against sin, when I implore others to repent and seek God, I am not doing it from up on high; I'm right on the ground alongside everyone else.
If you aren't a Christian, please realize that most Christians are not trying to condemn you when they share the Gospel with you. They're not trying to talk down to you. They're genuinely interested in your well-being.
If you are a Christian, please don't fall into the "what can save the lost from death and Hell is unloving to share with them" attitude. Be obedient to the Lord: preach the Gospel, teach others what has been taught to you, make disciples.
Only the message of Christ and Him Crucified has any power at all.
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4ragon · 8 months
Okay here's my new plot for Layton Mystery Journey Millionaires Conspiracy Or Whatever.
It's the same general structure, with a bunch of cases leading to one finale, and a bunch of cases about the individual millionaires. Sure. Okay. It's not the greatest but that's what the game is and I get that. But make the millionaires Actually Bad People. Like at minimum. Have them actually be the type to steal someone's fortune. Have each case slowly revealing that there's something wrong with these people. Maybe not all of them, maybe have Pipper be grappling with the guilt of the things she's done, and Liza is grappling with the guilt that her parents hurt people to give her an inheritance before they died of parent-itis. I dunno. Some of them can be fine. But overall they're not wonderful paragons of justice and wow how wonderful that these people are rich AND kind.
And Katrielle is solving these cases, and hopefully they'd revamp the cases themselves because they all suck SO HARD but that's beside the point I'm just talking overall here. Katrielle is helping these millionaires, and she can tell they're not great, but she's still finding truths, it's not like the millionaires are the culprits in these crimes they're just kinda shitty people, and also they're rich and powerful and this may finally be her big break, this is everything she's ever wanted, a way to make a name for herself and finally be a real detective.
And Ernest is still his sweet little self but he's also Katrielle's moral compass and the one to be distressed by how shitty these millionaires are, but at the end of the day Katrielle is still solving cases and helping people who actually need it (not the millionaires I cannot stress this enough). And Ernest is still very taken with Katrielle and trusts her implicitly but he's also afraid to confide in her because she wants to use these people to get to the top.
And then you replace Hastings with Emiliana. Hastings can still be the reason she starts getting jobs, but Emiliana is the one Kat's constantly dealing with in every case. Also, dial up Katrielle's eccentricities so that Emiliana's reactions to her make SENSE. Because as it is now, Katrielle is NOT weird enough. She's not zany enough. She's just investigating like a normal person while being a bit silly. Make her weirder!! Make her investigations wacky!! And then have Emiliana and Katrielle build up more of a rapport, more of a real rivalry, make Emiliana trusting Katrielle mean something at the end.
And then at the end, Ernest feels trapped because he's so afraid that Katrielle wouldn't actually help him but he knows these people stole from him and essentially killed his mother so he concocts this plan, but in the end Katrielle stops him from doing anything truly heinous and Emiliana uses her connections to prove that Ernest is the rightful owner of the fortune (get rid of the diamond mine thing please get rid of the diamond mine thing) and some of the millionaires are upset but Pipper and Liza are like No I think this is the right choice let's repent for the bad things we've done.
And also? Get rid of the dog. We don't need the dog. I can't believe I'm saying this, but get rid of the dog. His plot goes nowhere and his personality is flat. If you really want a trio with a straightman, just use Emiliana. It's fun when she does it.
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