#Happy Birthday to Umana
rebelontheroad · 5 months
Steven Spielberg: L'artigiano della magia cinematografica
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Oggi celebriamo il compleanno di uno dei maestri indiscussi del cinema, Steven Spielberg. Nato il 18 dicembre, Spielberg ha lasciato, e continua a lasciare, un'impronta indelebile nell'industria cinematografica, regalando al pubblico opere iconiche e intramontabili.
Nato nel 1946 a Cincinnati, Ohio, Spielberg ha iniziato a coltivare la sua passione per il cinema fin da giovane. Il suo primo cortometraggio, realizzato a soli 12 anni, prefigurava già il talento straordinario che sarebbe emerso negli anni successivi. Da allora, la sua carriera è stata caratterizzata da una serie di successi straordinari.
Spielberg è noto per la sua abilità unica nel catturare l'essenza dell'emozione umana sullo schermo. Dai primi successi come "Lo Squalo" e "Incontri Ravvicinati del Terzo Tipo" fino a capolavori come "E.T. l'Extraterrestre" e "La Lista di Schindler", il regista ha dimostrato una sensibilità e una maestria senza eguali nel trasmettere emozioni profonde attraverso le sue opere.
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Oltre al suo talento narrativo, Spielberg ha sempre abbracciato le nuove tecnologie cinematografiche. L'introduzione degli effetti speciali in "Jurassic Park" ha rivoluzionato l'industria e ha posto Spielberg come pioniere nell'uso delle tecnologie digitali. Questo spirito innovativo continua a definire il suo approccio alla cinematografia, influenzando generazioni di registi successivi.
La versatilità di Spielberg è un elemento distintivo della sua carriera. Dal fantasy all'avventura, dal dramma storico alla fantascienza, ogni suo film è una dimostrazione della sua capacità di affrontare una vasta gamma di generi con maestria. Questa diversità ha contribuito a rendere Spielberg un regista amato da un pubblico estremamente variegato.
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Oggi, mentre celebriamo il compleanno di Steven Spielberg, riflettiamo sull'impatto straordinario che ha avuto sulla settima arte. La sua eredità è intessuta nella trama stessa del cinema moderno, e le sue opere continueranno a ispirare e incantare le generazioni future in quanto riconosciamo il suo contributo impareggiabile all'arte cinematografica. Il suo nome è e sarà sempre sinonimo di magia, emozione e maestria nel mondo del cinema.
Happy Birthday Steven!
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
Happy 17th Birthday!
As an older person, there are some people much younger than me in my life who have entered it and changed the entire trajectory of what I thought my life was and took up such a great space that whenever they move along, I just know that there will always at least be a space in my heart, where the space on our path together has ended. This is a tribute to one of those people, but also a look at beloved characters whose lives are forever changed by someone who came into it. 
@kiddangers​ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I threw this together whenever I found out. Try to forgive and excuse all of the following: rushing, typos, confusion, and malarkey. I meant well. I hope you can enjoy. 
Happy 17th Birthday!
Whenever Charlotte initially got pregnant, she knew almost immediately and wanted to confirm quickly, so that she could tell Max, just as fast. She had it all planned out. She took the test, cleaned and preserved it, made a little gift basket, and planned a special dinner to give him the news. It came in the form of a miniature sized supersuit, sewn together to be practically identical to Max’s but… for a tiny human. He stared at it, eyes welling up with tears and she then gave him the gift basket. Congrats! Stuff and Baby memorabilia let him know that this was exactly what he thought it was. He had tears streaming down his face as he collected her into a hug. One more person to love with all of his heart…
And that was exactly what happened. Now, the beginning was pretty rocky. For one thing, Max had to learn that apparently his super genes wouldn’t win in the gestation time table. 😤
After a couple of weeks, she showed no changes, except for seemingly endless discomfort. In the mornings, she was nauseated. In the evenings, her appetite was terrible (nothing sounded good to her and everything she wanted sounded disgusting to him), and all along the way, she would have various complaints - her nipples, her bowels, headaches, fatigue… WHEN was this kid gonna put his poor little wife out of this misery? “Why aren’t you changing?” He wondered. 
She knew what he meant. She had known a few supers and she knew that their pregnancy went very differently than hers would. She simply reminded him, “I’m a nonsupe, Max. My body doesn’t do what theirs does.”
He nodded, “I get that, but I don’t get why half of them isn’t taking care and speeding this up, some.”
“Because… how could they? They’re being hosted in my body. My nutrients and my abilities are all that they have to work within. Sorry, My Greatest.”She kissed him on the cheek then dragged herself to bed. She was tired and not feeling well, hoping at least that her symptoms might die down soon. He was very eager to meet whoever this little one would be, but he was more eager to see her stop being so uncomfortable.
Max studied and did some experimentation… He probably could easily speed up this process, but unsure of the effects that might be had on either or both wife and baby - he wouldn’t risk it. Not even for science. Nothing came before her and nothing would come before Baby Max either.
So, after declaring, "He's gonna take a full 9 months, isn't he?" He gifted Charlotte with a new invention.
“Should I be worried?” She wondered. 
“No. You’ll be relieved!” He said and placed a bracelet on her left wrist. It looked similar to one that he had on and she wondered just what this was all about, but as he tinkered with it, she realized something… she felt great! She wasn’t tired. Her belly wasn’t bothering her. This was her first reprieve from symptoms in at least two months! He smiled slightly and wondered, “Relieved, right?”
“Yes! How does this work? Every pregnant person needs it, right away!” She cheered.
He sighed and said, in a low, exhausted voice, “I don’t know how well it would go over in the world. It’s a transferral system. That was the only thing that I could get to work in order to take away the discomfort. Maybe I’ll have a better model in the future.”
“Transferral system? So, it doesn’t alleviate my symptoms, it just takes them elsewhere? Where? Into the bracelet?”
“Correct. Only, the bracelet can’t really contain everything, so it has to send to another one and that one can’t contain, so it has to send to a willing participant.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead and said, “It is so good to see you comfortable again.” But, she winced… Max had taken her symptoms on himself? He couldn’t do that! He was a superhero! But… he made her promise not to take that bracelet off until after the baby was born. “This’ll be motivation for me to make a better bracelet,” he claimed. Really, he just hated the thought of him being okay and her being tired and uncomfortable, especially if it was going to be an entire nine months plus perhaps hours of labor. Not on his watch! 
Well, being a superhero with pregnancy symptoms was a challenge, but it wasn’t like Charlotte didn’t have to work too. She also did important work. She went into top secret organizations whenever they believed that a mole was in their operation and as an unbiased party, smoked them out. That required focus. Besides… The person with the body that the baby was inside of needed less stress and distress on their body and that was final. He HATED it, though. 
Every now and then, he would feel fine and have no symptoms… so he would immediately check to see if she had taken her bracelet off. He’d just be having an easy day. Those became more and more frequent and he was able to forget sometimes how irritating a pregnant feeling body could be. She was getting bigger and there was no forgetting for her. Even when she couldn’t feel certain things, they could become a discomfort. Max could have horrible foot pain and ask her to check her feet - they’d be swollen and she’d have to get off of them a while. Or, he could have a very sharp pain and insist that they drop everything and take her to the doctor to get looked at, confusing them whenever they asked what type of pain and Max, not Charlotte would describe it while she would look unbothered. As long as Baby Max was fine, Max was content enough.
Why was he taking so long to get here??? At 4 ½ months, she was still so tiny, when that boy SHOULD have been pushing out of the gates! She heard the movement in his lab and him speaking to himself, very passionately. It woke her up, in addition to vigorous writing on his board, and just other lab sounds that didn’t usually reach her ears in an abrasive way. “Max, are you alright?”
“I’m CLOSE!” He said, with excitement, but did not turn in her direction, because he was making corrections on his formula. “Because there isn’t a lot of coverage put into supes and nonsupes reproduction culture...” She said something under her breath, but he was still going, “We don’t know as much as we should, and I guess nobody has been concerned enough to create a scientific formula to prove that while it may not take a few hours, days, or weeks, it certainly still should not take the full 9 months of a child with no superpower coding! At least half of his DNA should be quicker than that!" 
“I say this out of love - that sounds wrong, so just come to bed, unless you’re having pregnancy issues because of the bracelet, in which case, let’s get you some medicine or sleep aid or something. I want to go back to sleep and your lab sounds unusually loud...”
He didn’t even seem to hear her. Instead, he pointed to areas on his formula, “And since half of his DNA should be quicker than that, targeting the genetic markers of his superpowers should enable us to cut the nonsupe/supers reproduction period in half!”
“There’s a lot wrong with that formula from where I’m standing, and I shiver to think about what might be wrong with the execution of this theory and what could go wrong with MiniMax in the process of figuring it out...”
Still in the zone, Max commented, “And although I’ve run out of time to make it happen with this first child, the ones in the future should be simpler for you, and better for us, in general. I don’t have to test it out on one of our children, because I can simply clone us and use their reproductive systems for experimentation!”
“That sounds reckless and actually unethical...”
“And once I’ve figured out what the missing information is, you still won’t be able to carry as efficiently as a super mom, but you’ll definitely be far beyond those other nonsupes in the maternity ward...”
“That’s not how DNA works and you KNOW it!” she screeched. He finally looked at her. She looked extremely tired. How was she tired? He had the bracelet on. He checked it and looked at the record. “Can you please come to bed and we’ll talk about how wrong everything you just said was, including how inefficient my nonsupe body is at having your baby?” She started crying right around when he realized that there was a short in his bracelet. Shit. She was going to have her own symptoms until he could fix it. But, it was more important right now to fix what he’d just done.
“Char... That’s not what I meant, at all.” He came over to collect her into a hug. “I’m not suggesting that it’s wrong or that there’s something wrong with you for being a normal human being, I just... I know your pain better than anybody. I hate the thought of us building a family, if it has to rely on what this bracelet has taught me that it takes for us to do that. I’ve always wanted a big family, and I’ve wanted that with you for as long as we’ve been together. But, I can’t in good conscious expect that whenever it takes you 9 months of just awful changes inside of your body to host my kids. AND, I learned that it’s fractionally harder on you than it would be someone with powers, BECAUSE of your lack of them. You’re having more symptoms than even the typical nonsupe, because the baby that you’re carrying takes a little more to process, because of me. I just want this to be a good experience for you and want it to be something that you’d want to do again.” He sighed, “Please don’t cry? I have to fix the bracelet. There’s a short in the system. Then, I promise I’ll come to bed.”
“Forget the stupid bracelet!” She wailed. He knew this was partially hormones, partially hurt feelings, so the bracelet had to wait. He had to get her calm, in bed, at peace and back to sleep. That’s just what he did and didn’t get back to the experiment or the bracelet for a while. He was pretty busy taking care of her and preparing for the arrival of their baby, in his time that he wasn’t out working. And he had to admit that doing so without pregnancy symptoms was so much better. 
After her current case at the office, she took her leave and in her free time, looked at Max’s work on his theory of genetic power reassignment, tinkered around with his formula, and created simulations for possible outcomes in various situations from his notes. Whenever he came back from assignment after she had been fooling with it for a while, now HE was the one looking at a virtually mad person carrying on about the possibilities, “And in that portion of the process...” She tapped the marker hard at a certain part of the formula, “THAT is where the magic would happen! Mathematically, no - your formula didn’t make sense. Because genes are just half of this and half of that. There’s this much from this side and that much from that side, but you have all of your genetic predecessors contributing and still don’t make cookie cutter kids. Why? Because you can’t really configure some of the things that you were trying to configure. But, of what you CAN configure, you could in essence power grow a baby, but only in the event that they have the proper markers, which you can find out, right here, Baby!” She tapped that spot again. 
“We could accelerate our future babies?” He asked, excitedly rushing over to the board to her.
“Our? Oh, no. I’m not gonna risk my kids by trying this shit at home. But like... This was extremely interesting and I can’t lie to you... I’m KINDA digging the thought of working on the genetic science of cross powered reproduction. Less than 2% of supes marry nonsupes, and of that 2%, only a quarter of them have kids! I wanna know the dynamics of the pregnancies, of their sex lives, even! I want... more knowledge of this...” 
The last 3 months that she was carrying, she had to spend a lot of time off of her feet/in bed. But, she took that time to attend online seminars, conduct scrutinizing research, and compile studies of everything dealing with the topics she had taken interest in. She even had began to go live on her page, from bed, with a little bit of lip gloss and mascara, to not look too busted, and speak about her findings and her thoughts on them. A lot of people became very interested in it, and a little community was created. She gained a following and followers that referred to themselves as “Charlottans,” who were all about relationships, reproduction and rearing children between supers and nonsupes. That wasn’t really her goal, but the more people who were interested in that part, the more she had the audience to speak on the science of these bonds and the biology of the children created. 
By the time she went into labor with her first son, Max had both fixed and continued usage of the bracelets. Labor. Was. A. Bitch. Honestly, he wasn’t sure why or how people had multiple babies if that was how it had to happen... Then again, he hoped and planned on them having more and he CERTAINLY wasn’t going to let Charlotte go through it, after having done so, himself. Once she physically recovered, those bracelets were placed away in storage.
A laboratory in Metroburg contacted them on their studies and Charlotte was given a grant to look more in depth into everything that she and Max had already been engaged in. He helped her out, for fun and curiosity. They became the team that “wrote the book” on Mixed-Mutation Mating, and Maximilian Chael Thunderman was one of their first studies in the field. Of course, they weren’t going to make him a spectacle. Mostly, they observed, journaled and saw where things could and should be applied or noted. The most substantial information in the field came from Charlotte and Max.
Even whenever she returned to her main career, it was always out there for her and her following moved without her attention. MiniMax had the life that any other child with his background might. He was closer to his father than his mom, but definitely still close to her. He was not a model oldest brother, but he was one that each sibling either looked up to or competed with, in a manner that wasn’t necessarily vicious, despite getting intense at times. Charlotte was thinking about all of that and her first pregnancy as she looked at him, getting some things ready for a mission. “Mom... Please, don’t do whatever it is you’re doing. I’m 17. A big boy. Practically a man. Technically one, really.”
“Never. That will never be a true statement!” She whined.
“Awww. I love it whenever you’re so sentimental, you forsake science,” he teased. He grabbed his cape and pressed his forehead to hers, “But, you and Dad worked wonders, so trust that I’m not only gonna be fine, but I’m gonna be good.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Dad and Aunt Phoebe are letting me fly the jet.”
“It’s my 17th birthday! Let me live!” He said.
She sighed, “You’d BETTER live, or I’m gonna kill your dad. Come here. That hug didn’t last long enough.”He gave her another, longer hug and she said, “Happy Birthday.” He’d changed her life before he even arrived, and it was now changed forever. 
He let go of her and said, “I’ll bring you back something interesting.” That was his best way of asking her not to worry. He was going to be alright, and he was definitely going to always come home to his mom. 
- The End
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owenjoyners · 3 years
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Pickin' up my friend from wo-ork, 'cause she's more successful than me!
for @sunsetcurve — HAPPY BIRTHDAY UMANA!!
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zackmartin · 3 years
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the hemlock society ✯ watson (harvey hudson/kennedy watts) 
for @sunsetcurve and @willexs
happy birthday, Umana! 🎉🎂🎁
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sunsetcurve · 3 years
I hope I didn't miss it cos time zones ahh but happy birthday Umana! Hope your day is as fantastic as you and your writing! :)) 🎂
ahhh i love you so much thank you !!!!! you didn’t miss it don’t worry!! this means the world ilysm! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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sarahreesbrennan · 4 years
Happy book birthday to the Italian edition of DAUGHTER OF CHAOS! Excited for Italy to enjoy Sabrina, Harvey, Nick, Prudence and Roz’s Terrible Demonic New Year...
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un ‘mito’ di ieri che rinasce oggi: E. L. Morselli    
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 « ... La riscoperta di E. L. Morselli comporta una collina. La collina di un destino, che bisogna salirci per trovarlo: ecco E. L. Morselli più vicino al Mito che alla realtà. O più propenso a dare del Mito una versione demitizzata in termini di fragilità umana. ... » 
[ da un testo di Matteo Giardini (in corso di pubblicazione) 
immagine: “Marilyn Monroe Art by Marvin Blaine” (grazie a Lavrin) ] 
Sul compleanno 2019 di E. L. Morselli, vedi il post del 17 febbraio 2019 [https://bit.ly/2XaMpsx]; su un “compleanno” originale, il post del 25 agosto 2018 [https://bit.ly/2tqigrC]
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angelamoores · 3 years
eliza...babe....i know i’m late and i am so so sorry i haven’t been active at all lately but oh my god you’re 18 and AHHH i hope you had such an amazing birthday 🥺🥺🥺 you are such an incredible person and friend and getting to know you has just been...the best experience through and through. you’re so incredibly kind and hilarious and you always know exactly what’s on my mind and i just love how easy it is to talk to you about anything. i know it’s been a minute since i’ve been around but i just want you to know that i’ve been thinking about you and that i really hope that this year brings you nothing but the good things that you deserve. i love you SO much, and happy belated birthday 🥰🥺💕
umana?? 🥺 I love you so so much <33 thank you!! 🥰💖
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ciara-knightly · 3 years
shona 🥺🥺🥺 happy birthday omg i love you so so much!! for as long as i’ve known you, you’ve been one of the most inspiring people i’ve met. you’re incredibly intelligent and creative and fun and i am so so lucky that i have you in my life. you’ve genuinely helped me and guided me through so much, and you’ve supported me endlessly. i love all the time we spend talking so much, literally everything from ranting about media to sharing headcanons to talking about school and life. you’re honestly like a big sister to me and i really hope today is amazing and special, you deserve it so much. i love you!! here’s a gift for you, i hope you like it 💕
umana, this is the sweetest message i’ve received all day? i genuinely don’t know how to respond, this just made me so happy. i can’t tell you how much i appreciate our time spent together and how proud i am to know you and say you’re like a little sister to me. 
and the playlist??? is actually the best thing ever and i love this more than anything holy shit. i’ve procrastinated on making a spotify account for months and i am literally making one right now just so i can listen to this. thank you thank you thank you so so much, and i can’t say it enough.  💖 💖 💖
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lesterlatte · 3 years
LOU!!! i’m so sorry i’m late ahh i wasn’t active at all yesterday cause theres so much going on but anyway HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY i literally love you so much. you were actually the first person i ever talked to in the hd fandom and i just remember you made me feel so welcome and supported and that feeling literally never went away!!! the whole time i’ve known you you’ve been nothing but kind and compassionate and fun and just,, a light in my life. you’re incredibly creative and talented; your fics and your art are just god tier and you put so much heart into everything!! i love talking to you about literally anything and i just want to thank you for being one of the best people i know. i’m so so lucky to call you my friend i love you so much and i hope you had an amazing birthday 💕💕💕
yes its been almost a month, yes I'm just answering this now lets not think about that djdkdkd
When I say that I cried reading this when you originally sent it I mean it (ngl may be taering up again re reading it but shh) compliments from you mean the whole world to me so ahhh!!!
I'm soso glad we became friends because you are one of my absolute favourite people and I've had the pleasure of watching you grow (yes we're the same age but you know what I mean by this) over the years and watching you thrive right now makes me sincerely happy 💕💕💕
I love you so muchhh
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don-vito-rap · 4 years
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4 coroner x le 4 moglie mie regine HAPPY BIRTHDAY fatima Bint Muhammad* venerdi e sabato ...oggi rischiato perder telefono x colpa troia grassa e due grassi ciechi le girano attorno vedi come e' aiuti ma a me che me frega?x in clipper di merda devi portare sfiga apposta!allora tutto cio che hai subito nella vita e' solo inizio sta merda umana! E tossiscono starnutiscono in pubblico ...ignoranti vanno impiccato e basta! Non servono a societa' ke merde marxiste atee mandano a male pure I sani come sacerdoti nel tempio "guai a voi non solo non entrate voi in eden IPOCRITI ma con falsi insegnamenti non fate entrare pure gli altri percio il religioso apporfondisce ogni religione e chi dice SOLO LE MIE TRADIZIONI SONO VERE e' il piu satanico di tutti!!! Verita' e' corano...il resto opera di uomo comune fu ....scrivono revolve nuove per coprire loro abominii !! (presso Don Vito's Cats Bar Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ifcUZI3R3/?igshid=4mk0erummb0x
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margiehasson · 4 years
Leonardo DiCaprio, 45 anni tra Hollywood e un grande amore (per il pianeta Terra)
Buon compleanno Leonardo DiCaprio!
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio attivista
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
L'ultimo premio agli Hollywood Film Awards
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio
In marcia per il clima a New York nel 2014
Lo abbiamo visto da poco sul grande schermo diretto da Quentin Tarantino in C’era una volta a Hollywood. Volitivo e sensuale, compie oggi 45 anni Leonardo DiCaprio, uno degli attori più apprezzati per il talento artistico e il sex appeal. Nonostante ciò, l’aspetto che lo ha maggiormente contraddistinto in questi ultimi anni è stato soprattutto il suo costante e concreto attivismo nei confronti della salvaguardia ambientale e nella difesa degli animali a rischio estinzione.
L’ultimo gesto concreto risale alla scorsa estate, quando ha donato 5 milioni di dollari, tramite la fondazione ambientalista Earth Alliance, per salvare la Foresta Amazzonica devastata dagli incendi. E non è stato l’unico caso: già nel 2010 aveva donato un milione di dollari al WWF per salvare le tigri dall’estinzione e proteggere il loro habitat, oltre a un milione per la ricostruzione di Haiti colpita dal terremoto, mentre nel 2013 è stata la salvaguardia di 3200 tigri del Nepal a preoccuparlo, per le quali ha donato 3 milioni di dollari.
Pochi sanno, infatti, che nel 1998, dopo il successo ottenuto con Titanic, l’attore premio Oscar nel 2016 per The Revenant ha fondato la Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, un’organizzazione senza scopo di lucro dedicata alla promozione della consapevolezza ambientale. Sebbene sia interessato a tutte le aree dell’ambiente, il suo impegno si concentra sul riscaldamento globale, preservando la biodiversità della Terra e sostenendo l’energia rinnovabile. Da allora, DiCaprio ha scelto di affiancare alla carriera cinematografica di successo, viaggi in giro per il mondo, nelle aree più bisognose di salvaguardia, la realizzazione di documentari che illustrano le emergenze della Terra, l’apertura di un suo sito ufficiale in cui ampio spazio è dedicato all’ambiente e agli animali in pericolo di estinzione e la partecipazione a conferenze mondiali sull’approvvigionamento idrico sempre più scarso e sul rischio desertificazione e disboscamento selvaggio.
Sempre attivo e sempre in prima linea sul fronte dell’ecosostenibilità, al punto che nei giorni scorsi, a poca distanza dal suo 45esimo compleanno, ha pubblicato sul suo profilo Instagram alcune immagini che lo ritraggono insieme a Greta Thumberg, commentando le foto con parole chiare e forti: “Ci sono pochi momenti nella storia umana in cui le voci vengono amplificate in momenti così cruciali e in via di trasformazione, eppure GretaThunberg è diventata una vera e propria leader del nostro tempo”.
Confidando nel fatto che il messaggio di Greta possa fungere da “chiamata all’azione” per tutti i leader mondiali, DiCaprio conclude il post spiegando che entrambi hanno preso “l’impegno di sostenersi a vicenda, nella speranza di assicurare un futuro più luminoso per il nostro pianeta“. Buon compleanno Leo, make a wish!
L'articolo Leonardo DiCaprio, 45 anni tra Hollywood e un grande amore (per il pianeta Terra) sembra essere il primo su Glamour.it.
Leonardo DiCaprio, 45 anni tra Hollywood e un grande amore (per il pianeta Terra) published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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Ok, oggi compio 21 anni.
Niente di tragico, almeno quest’anno non mi sono venute delle crisi d’ansia al pensiero che “oddio, non sono più teenager”.
E niente, volevo scrivere un post lunghissimo in cui raccontavo tutte le cose che erano cambiante negli scorsi 12 mesi, ma alla fine a chi importano? Chi deve sapere sa, chi non ha voluto ascoltare dubito che comincerà a farlo ora, e comunque è da quando ho finito il liceo che mi è passata la voglia di scrivere cose troppo profonde. Al massimo le leggo, ma scrivere...basta per un po’. In sintesi, questo anno mi ha fatto capire quanto fossi dentro fino al collo in una stramaledetta relazione abusiva, mi ha dato il coraggio di lasciare quella merda umana che chiamavo fidanzato, mi ha fatto capire quanto amassi invece un’altra persona, mi ha riempito di dubbi sul mio futuro, di pigrizia e di fancazzismo (a dimostrazione di ciò, ho un esame venerdì e finora ho aperto il libro due volte). Mi ha anche dato un gattino in realtà, e probabilmente è uno dei più bei regali di sempre.
Quindi, mio caro ventunesimo anno di vita, cerchiamo di non fare schifo: è da quando ho 15 anni che le cose non vanno più bene, e lo so che se le cose vanno male probabilmente è colpa mia e bla bla bla...però dai, almeno per qualche mese dei prossimi dodici, un aiutino dall’alto non mi dispiacerebbe.
Happy 21st birthday my dear.
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sunsetcurve · 3 years
Happy Birthday Umana! I know that we don’t talk often but you are such a joy to see on my dash. You are an extremely talented writer who brings joy with your work. You are also a very positive light that influences those around you. I wish nothing but excellent things for your future.
this is just....so so kind of you and it made me feel so wonderful. thank you so much for this, it honestly means more than i can tell you and it was so lovely to hear 🥺💕💖
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italianaradio · 5 years
Wonder Woman 1984: Patty Jenkins condivide una foto inedita di Gal Gadot
Nuovo post su italianaradio http://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/wonder-woman-1984-patty-jenkins-condivide-una-foto-inedita-di-gal-gadot/
Wonder Woman 1984: Patty Jenkins condivide una foto inedita di Gal Gadot
Wonder Woman 1984: Patty Jenkins condivide una foto inedita di Gal Gadot
Wonder Woman 1984: Patty Jenkins condivide una foto inedita di Gal Gadot
In occasione del compleanno di Gal Gadot, la regista Patty Jenkins ha condiviso su Twitter un’immagine inedita dell’attrice sul set di Wonder Woman 1984, secondo capitolo delle avventure di Diana Prince al cinema in uscita a giugno 2020.
La foto vede l’eroina nei suoi panni “civili”, con un completo bianco che suggerisce un ritorno ad un momento specifico della storia a fumetti, verso la fine fine degli anni ’60, epoca in cui Diana viene privata di tutti i suoi poteri.
Nel 1969 infatti, l’autore Denny O’Neil prese le redini di Wonder Woman con il numero #178 cambiando radicalmente le sorti del personaggio sia nell’aspetto che nella trama: in quelle pagine Diana rinuncia ai superpoteri e al suo lignaggio, abbracciando la sua identità “umana” di esperta di arti marziali, proprietaria di un negozio, e donna alla moda.
Che sia questa foto l’anticipazione di ciò che vedremo in Wonder Woman 1984? La Jenkins avrà scelto i fumetti di O’Neil come maggiore ispirazione del film?
Happy Birthday to my most spectacular, incredible, amazing, beautiful, loving, powerful, hilarious and awe inspiring friend and partner. I love you more than words can say. Happy Birthday @GalGadot #WW1984 pic.twitter.com/eRqmuFWdlX
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) April 30, 2019
Wonder Woman 1984: come tornerà Steve Trevor?
Il film è stato definito dal produttore Charles Roven un sequel “inusuale”, che poterà in scena lo stesso personaggio grazie al lavoro dello stesso team creativo e che seguirà gli eventi del precedente capitolo, ma che i fan non dovrebbero aspettarsi un seguito tradizionale definendo Wonder Woman 1984 “la prossima iterazione della supereroina”.
“Il film racconterà un lasso di tempo completamente diverso e lo spettatore avrà solo un assaggio di ciò che che Diana ha fatto o affrontato negli anni intermedi. Abbiamo cercato di mettere insieme una storia del tutto diversa che potesse rispettare le stesse emozioni del passato, portare un sacco di umorismo e molta azione coraggiosa. E soprattutto, toccare le corde del cuore.“
Vi ricordiamo inoltre che l’ordine cronologico del personaggio è stato già rimescolato, essendo stata introdotta nell’era contemporanea di Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice per poi tornare al vecchio secolo con Wonder Woman.
Il sequel vedrà ancora Gal Gadot nei panni di Diana Prince opposta a Kristen Wiig, scelta per interpretare la villain Cheetah. Nel cast figureranno anche Chris Pine (volto del redidivo Steve Trevor) e Pedro Pascal, in un ruolo ancora misterioso.
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Wonder Woman 1984: Patty Jenkins condivide una foto inedita di Gal Gadot
In occasione del compleanno di Gal Gadot, la regista Patty Jenkins ha condiviso su Twitter un’immagine inedita dell’attrice sul set di Wonder Woman 1984, secondo capitolo delle avventure di Diana Prince al cinema in uscita a giugno 2020. La foto vede l’eroina nei suoi panni “civili”, con un completo bianco che suggerisce un ritorno ad […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Cecilia Strazza
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psico-taccuino-blog · 6 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARL!!! 🎉🎁🎈Il 26 luglio 1875 nacque Carl Gustav Jung, psichiatra, psicoanalista e antropologo svizzero. La sua tecnica e teoria, di derivazione psicoanalitica, è chiamata "psicologia analitica" o "psicologia del profondo". Inizialmente vicino alle concezioni di Sigmund Freud, se ne allontanò nel 1913, dopo un processo di differenziazione concettuale culminato con la pubblicazione, nel 1912, di La libido: simboli e trasformazioni. In questo libro egli esponeva il suo orientamento, ampliando la ricerca analitica dalla storia del singolo alla storia della collettività umana. C'è un inconscio collettivo che si esprime negli archetipi, oltre a un inconscio individuale. La vita dell'individuo è vista come un percorso, chiamato processo di individuazione, di realizzazione del sé personale a confronto con l'inconscio individuale e collettivo. #happybirthday #carlgustavjung #ricorrenze #psichiatra #psicoterapeuta #psichiatria #psicotetapia #psicoterapiabionomica #psichiatriapsicodinamica #trainingautogeno #centrohyle #psico_taccuino (presso Dott.ssa Chiara Bandecchi - Psichiatra&Psicoterapeuta)
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