#Hoppin John
3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
The Hoodoo's Calendar: January 2023
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Jan 2023 on The Hoodoo's Calendar features: Hoppin John
1/1 New Year's Day of Jubilee & Kwanzaa
1/7 Auntie Zora [Neale Hurston's] B-Day
1/8-1/10 The German Coast Uprising
1/10 Afeni Shakur's B-Day/Fete Du Voudon (for our Hoodoos in the Vodou Pantheon)
1/11 Charles Deslondes D-Day
1/15 Dr. King B-Day
1/17 Muhammad Ali's B-Day
1/26 Bessie Coleman's B-Day
🌕 Full Moon on Friday, Jan 6th
🌘 Waning Moon on Sunday, Jan 15th
🌑 New Moon on Saturday, Jan 21st
🌔 Waxing Moon on Saturday, Jan 28th
🌱 Root of the Month: High John & Dandelion Root
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Hello 2023! Or so they tell me.
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Eat you some pork & greens & beans today, friends. It'll help.
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localhollerhaint · 1 year
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I always mix my hoppin john with my greens 😋
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historybizarre · 1 year
For Black communities across North America, the crop became central to a “transnational myth of resilience.” Food staples like the black-eyed pea enabled enslaved peoples to create a “subaltern food system” for their own subsistence in the Americas. Carney and Rosomoff detail how African practices of intercropping black-eyed peas with cereal like sorghum, which effectively work to increase food yields through attracting pollinators and fixing nitrogen, “was also observed in the Carolina colony” and Jamaica, “​​the crucial, but often overlooked, linkage of food sovereignty to enactments of political and economic freedom.”
Perhaps because of the significance of these alternative subsistence food systems, the black-eyed pea took on new mythology in this context. Twitty recounts the “scripture” of eating a “mess of black-eyed peas…alongside greens as a good-luck food at the start of the civil year.” He recalls that every New Year’s Day, his mother made a tiny pot of black-eyed peas, despite not liking them. When he commented that this was a long and beleaguered process just to make something she doesn’t like, his mother posed a critical, if not rhetorical question: “How else am I supposed to get good luck and change?” For his mom and many other Black Americans, this is a critical tradition to beckon in New Year prosperity. While the origins of this tradition are debated, this practice reveals the centrality of the legume in Black American culture. As Twitty writes, “Our peas were tiny little texts, and we didn’t even know it…Each pot was a bit of our own immortality going back millennia.”
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vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ ホッピン・ジョン | Hoppin' John ・カロライナ・ピー・アンド・ライス (Carolina peas and rice) とも呼ばれ、アメリカ南部で食べられている豆と米の料理である。サウスカロライナ・ローカントリーの伝統料理に由来する。新年を祝う際に食されることがある。 ・ササゲ(主に黒目豆、シーアイランドではシーアイランドレッドピー、アメリカ南東部ではアイロンアンドクレイピーズ)と米、刻んだタマネギ、薄く切ったベーコンを使い、塩で味付けをして作る 。ベーコンの代わりにハムホック、ブタの背脂、カントリーソーセージ、スモークターキーなどを使うレシピもある。また、ピーマンや酢、香辛料を使うレシピもある。黒目豆よりも小さい莢豌豆は、サウスカロライナ・ローカントリーやジョージア州の沿岸部で使われ、その他の地域では黒目豆が主流である。 ・アメリカ南部では、元旦にホッピン・ジョンを食べると、幸運に満ちた繁栄の年になると考えられている。ササゲなどの豆類は1セント硬貨や小銭の象徴で、鍋に硬貨を入れたり、夕食用のボウルの下に入れておいたりすることもある。この料理と一緒に出されるコラードの葉、カラシナの葉、カブラナの葉、フダンソウ、ケール、キャベツなどの葉物野菜は、アメリカのドル紙幣と似た緑色をしていることから、さらに豊かさを増す縁起の良いものだと考えられている。また、もう一つの伝統的な食べ物であるコーンブレッドも金の色をしていることから、富を表すために出されることがある。元旦の翌日に残った「ホッピン・ジョン」は「スキッピン・ジェニー」と呼ばれ、さらに倹約していることを示すとともに、新年のさらなる繁栄を願って食される。
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duranduratulsa · 4 months
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Dish of the day: Hoppin' John #food #foodporn #blackeyedpeas #hoppinjohn
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wickedly-edible · 5 months
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barbaraconstantine · 8 months
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Hoppin' John This flavorsome dish from the American South combines black-eyed peas, onion, ham hock and long-grain rice in a satisfying, simmered pilaf. A sprinkling of smoked Cheddar cheese melts lusciously over the top. 1.5 cups long-grain white rice, 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, salt and pepper to taste, 1 onion chopped, 1 pound ham hocks, 1 cup shredded smoked Cheddar cheese, 1.5 cups dry black-eyed peas, 4 cups water
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idc-itsobvious · 11 months
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Hoppin' John This flavorsome dish from the American South combines black-eyed peas, onion, ham hock and long-grain rice in a satisfying, simmered pilaf. A sprinkling of smoked Cheddar cheese melts lusciously over the top.
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seasonsart · 1 year
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Fruits and Vegetables - Instant Pot Hoppin' John Black-eyed peas, ham, and brown rice are transformed into the most delicious Hoppin' John dish with the help of your Instant Pot pressure cooker.
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mcb3k · 1 year
I made vegetarian hoppin' john and collard greens for the new year. It definitely didn't go exactly as planned, but it was tasty.
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yearofsimplefood · 1 year
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Husband’s annual delicious hopping John for new year’s day!
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underdream-au · 5 months
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Vegetarian Hoppin' John Black-eyed peas and rice come together to make vegetarian Hoppin' John, the traditional and tasty way to bring luck to the New Year.
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Hoppin' John with Turnips and Turnip Greens (Vegan)
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carco5a · 1 year
someone. in this building. is cooking ham.
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bruh why people be acting surprised when the hornets sting you after you kick the nest. people sensitive about food why you poking fun just sit down and have a bowl of hoppin john.
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