#Houston Renderings
houston567 · 8 days
3D Renderings
3D Renderings are the final product of the 3D visualization process, where a computer program transforms a 3D model into a 2D image or animation. 3D renderings are a powerful tool for visualizing anything imaginable in a digital format. They play a crucial role in various creative fields by allowing us to see and explore ideas before they become physical realities.
Visit Us: - https://www.houston3drenderings.com/news/news_detail/84
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houston3drendrings · 2 months
Rendering Company Near Me
A rendering company acts as a translator, transforming architectural ideas into captivating visuals. These skilled professionals utilize specialized software to create two or three-dimensional images, breathing life into proposed building designs. One can search online the right rendering company near me to find a good rendering company.                                                            
Visit Us :- https://www.houston3drenderings.com/
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saturngalore · 2 years
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little date night photoshoot 💞💙
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interactive0999876 · 1 month
Interactive 3D Floor Plans
Elevate your home-buying experience with our Interactive 3D Floor Plans, offering a dynamic glimpse into your future abode. Navigate through rooms, adjust layouts, and visualize design possibilities with ease, all from the comfort of your screen. Dive deep into every corner, scrutinizing details and textures to ensure a perfect fit for your lifestyle. With our immersive technology, empower yourself to make informed decisions and craft the home of your dreams with confidence.
For more information, visit here: https://lfp.houston3drenderings.com/sales/
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logicalcadsolutions · 8 months
Benefits of Using 3D Rendering for Your Floor Plan Houston
Logical CAD Solutions is a leading provider of 3D rendering services in Houston. We can create realistic and immersive 3D renderings of your floor plan, so you can see exactly how your dream home will look before it's even built. We strive to provide the highest quality renderings for our clients through our team of experienced and skilled 3D artists.Using the latest software and technology, we create realistic and immersive 3D renderings that will help you achieve your goals.
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tothetopvisuals · 2 years
Trailer I created last year for the 2021 World Series matchup.
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doll-elvis · 9 months
How and why did Elvis go down hill so fast after the Aloha from Hawaii concert
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ahh this is a really interesting question, thank you for the ask <3 !! also I’m sorry if I didn’t interpret this correctly and if you mean’t the immediate aftermath of the special, I kind of answered in terms of the long run 😭
now this might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t believe that Elvis actually ever went ‘downhill’ at a constant or steady rate
Many fans, biographers, and reviewers sort of see the Aloha special as ‘past the point of no return’ for Elvis, meaning they see it his last moment of “greatness”, or the last moment where he was truly on top
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The Aloha special was no doubt a peak moment for Elvis, but I don’t definitely don’t view it as his “final truly great moment”. I also don't see the special as him reaching the top of the mountain and then next 4 years are him going down it. I see the special as one peak of many, in fact I think he continued to have peak moments up until his passing, which is why the suddenness of his death is so tragic because I don’t believe he was done. He was of course physically not well but not to the point that he wouldn’t have been able to overcome it if he had more time and proper care
Another reason that I can’t say he ever steadily declined is because that throughout his career, particularly in the 60s and 70s, Elvis had periods of highs and lows that often coincided with how his personal life was going i.e family, friends, girlfriends etc.etc
For example the tail end of the summer in 1976 was a particularly rough patch for Elvis. His health was declining, his relationship with Linda was on its’ last legs, his group was split (Dave, Red and Sonny had been fired), and Doctor Nick even stopped being his physician after a fallout had occurred and Doctor Elias Ghanem stepped in
Doctor Ghanem was even more neglectful in taking care of Elvis and as a result Elvis was loaded up on anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and other extremely debilitating narcotics. He was rendered almost completely incontinent. Thus resulting in one of Elvis’ worst tours yet, and one of his worst rated shows ever aka ‘Houston we have a problem’ which was taped on August 28th 1976
Reportedly Elvis was slurring and stumbling so badly on stage that several fans walked out, one reviewer even noted fans crying as they left
“People had witnessed the side effects from Elvis's medications during his performance in Houston. Elvis had taken Sparine (for depression), which contributed to muscle and speech problems. It knocked the bottom out of him, dropped his blood pressure. He couldn't do diddly-squat”
excerpt from the book “The King and Dr. Nick” by George Nichopoulos
It was one terrible show/performance after the next and Elvis was pushing himself to the limits and suffering because of it. According to band members Elvis had to be convinced to go on stage because he was so worried about disappointing the crowd. He wanted to perform better but his body physically wouldn’t let him. It was so terrible that just after 3 days of Elvis being under Doctor Ghanem’s care, Doctor Nick was called back and began working again to regulate Elvis’ prescription use
And then on November 19th, 1976, Elvis met 20-year-old Ginger Alden, and to just say he had “improved” would be a massive understatement. He began performing like he hadn’t been for years, resulting in one of his best tours, and some of his best shows such as his New Year’s Eve performance on December 31st, 1976. And more than just his career/shows, Elvis’ mood had visibly lifted, he was out of his depression and he was much more optimistic for the future
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excerpt from the book “Elvis: My best man” by George Klein
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excerpt from the book “If I can dream” by Larry Geller
So Elvis went from having one of his worst-rated concerts, to one of his best-rated concerts in just the span of a few months, which again proves to me at least that his “decline” wasn’t steady
When he was motivated and inspired, he could do incredibly great things, whether that motivation came from a single girl he wanted to impress in the audience or billions of people around the world like in the Aloha special
And this pattern can be seen throughout his career
Like in the 60s where Elvis would tend to let himself go a little bit between films and then when a script was given for his next picture, he would find the motivation to get back “in shape”, even reducing the amount of prescriptions pills he was taking in order to do so
But even the films eventually grew tiresome and Elvis didn’t find that motivation for his career again until the 68 comeback special. dontbeecruel breaks down the lead up to the special like Shakespeare I swear- please take the time to read it for yourself if you haven’t (it’s amazing) 😩 ⬇️
Another instance in the 70s where Elvis was able to recover from a low/downhill period and rise again was after his divorce with Priscilla. His saving grace, inspiration, and motivation this time came to him as Linda Thompson
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excerpt from the book “A Little thing called Life” by Linda Thompson
The divorce undoubtedly caused was one of the lowest periods in Elvis’ life. He began taking pills and prescriptions that he had never had before such as Demerol and Dilaudid, his behavior became more erratic than ever, and he was in a deep depression, resulting in the decline of both his physical and mental health
It took him a while to recover but he eventually did, and I do honestly credit that to Linda’s presence in his life as she helped him move on
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excerpt from “A Little thing called Life” by Linda Thompson
This decline and then rise can even be seen physically ⬇️
Left: Elvis in 1973, the day his divorce was finalized, where Priscilla says she was stricken by his appearance and worried for his health
Right: Elvis in 1974, visibly healthier, and performing in one of his best shows of a incredible tour
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So again, Elvis went from enduring one of the worst periods of his life, declining mentally and physically, to improving and performing at his best again… all within the span of a year
I guess that’s why it breaks my heart when people act like Elvis’ last great moment was at 38 in the Aloha Special, and then every year after that was just downhill. He was always singing his heart out as best he could, even towards the end, and again, if his career was managed in his best interest and if his doctors acted in his best interest, I believe he would have many more moments like the Aloha special, he just wasn’t given enough time to do so
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lonestarbattleship · 4 months
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Preliminary plans for battleship TEXAS's new home at Pier 21 in Galveston, Texas.
Note: "the T-shaped gangways in this artist's rendering, which would allow for two entrances onto and off the ship."
Photo from the Battleship Texas Foundation news letter.
Information from the Houston Chronicle: link
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for leaving a crew mate on a different planet?
For some context; I (M36) am the doctor for a research mission to Mars. My crew mates are Commander L, M, V, J, and W. M, V and J aren't that important for this, but J and W are.
Six "days" (time passes differently on Mars) into our mission, Houston spotted a storm on the satellites, but our commander, L, said we could do surface ops before it hit. I questioned whether this was a good idea, but as Houston had authorised it, she gave the order to go ahead. While they were out, Houston upgraded the rating to 'severe', so their research gathering was put on hold. The storm kept getting worse, however, and eventually L had to make the call to abort the mission.
Visibility was almost zero outside. You have to understand, we could barely see anything. As we struggled towards the MAV, W started talking about how we could shore it up, make tipping less likely. However, before he could finish, a piece of flying debris hit him, and he disappeared into the storm. We couldn't contact him on radio. His decompression alarm went off. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford to search, as the storm was so bad we were struggling to stand upright.
When we got to the MAB, I checked my computer and saw W's suit had sent a biometrics reading of blood pressure and pulse rate being zero. Decompression renders a human unconscious in less than 15 seconds, with death following after. I had good reason to believe W was dead.
L tried to come up with a way to find W's body, but I convinced her it wasn't worth it, as the MAV was about to tip over and we needed to launch before we all died. Looking for W's body would have just wasted valuable time and gotten L killed. By firing the OBS (Orbital Manoeuvring System) we were able to launch successfully, but all of us were devastated at W's death.
It's been weeks, and we've just gotten word that W is actually alive, and has been living in the HAB and growing potatoes to survive. We're all thrilled, but L feels horrible for leaving him behind. It's not her fault. I was the one who convinced her to stop looking for W's body. I keep wondering if there's something I could have done to save him, some way I could have helped the search, but I know we needed to leave. I couldn't jeopardise the mission and all of our safety for one person who i thought was dead. I just... feel terrible about it, knowing W is down there, and I was the first to write him off as dead.
The others are trying to convince me i didn't do anything wrong, but I'm really not sure. Did I do the right thing? AITA?
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salemssimblr · 11 months
get to know me tag
I was tagged by @morrigan-sims. Thank you so much for the tag! ♥️
I'll put mine under the cut too cause I'm particularly chatty today
show your wallpaper and the last song you listened to.
For me this requires a photo! As I have my external display and my mac display and they're different. So, have a workspace reveal!
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Last song is Your Love by One True God & Roniit
currently reading?
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff... but barely. I've been moving it from room to room with the intention of curling up with it but then I render or write instead. Oops.
last movie?
Don't laugh (ok you can laugh) but it was the second Austin Powers movie. My husband's never seen them all the way through and they're on Netflix only until June 30th. Don't judge us too hard lmfao
last show?
The Queen's Gambit. I watched it when it was released, but hubby didn't.
The New Orleanian in me is craving this one cocktail served at my favorite restaurant. The restaurant closed down for covid and reopened literally only a few weeks ago but it looks like that cocktail isn't on their menu anymore. Afaik I think it was vodka and raspberry jam??? Phenomenal. It was called the Little Red Dog. We're going to that restaurant tomorrow and I'm praying if I ask for it they can make it but I don't have my hopes up.
what are you wearing right now?
Sweatpant material shorts I stole from my dad one weekend years ago and a shirt from The Strand bookstore in NYC. (Work pajama outfit lmfao)
how tall are you?
My ID says 5'2" but I think that's bullshit. An even 5'. Would've been shorter but I had my scoliosis corrected at 12 (I'm a terminator, baybeee) & I gained 2 inches from the surgery.
2 holes in each lobe, 1 nose ring, and a closed up lip piercing I wish I still had but not enough to get it re-opened. I hope to get several more.
Two so far, a semicolon on the back of my neck (gotten before the semicolon tattoo movement) & a paper crane on my right wrist in memory of my late best friend. I want to get several more and have been actively ignoring the itch because my big wedding ceremony is in October... but after 👀 I think I was a big crow on my back/across one shoulder. And a few other small ones I've been thinking about. I've also always wanted bats behind my ear so maybe that too.
glasses or contacts?
Glasses! I'd love to wear contact but, fun trivia for your Friday, did you know that taking birth control longterm literally changes the shape of your corneas? I didn't either. But I'm pretty sure that happened to me and now I can't wear contacts without extreme discomfort. So, glasses for me.
last thing you ate?
Sliced mango and pomegranate seeds (:
favorite color?
Red, black, dark blues.
current obsession?
My current and forever obsession is Vignettes, the story my bestie and I are writing together. It's wild how this one storyline has become my entire personality, and I'm not at all mad about it.
any pets?
One sweet sweet little fur-son named Loki!
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he squint
favorite fictional character?
This is such a hard question for me to answer cause I have wildly fluctuating obsessions and right now I'm most obsessed with my own fictional characters, but. Kaz Brekker will always have a place in my heart. I loved him from his very first appearance in Six of Crows. Same for Nikolai Lantsov in Shadow & Bone. I loved Alina for the longest time too but I think her depiction in the show soured me on her a bit, idk. I have a lot of strong feelings about the Netflix adaptation I could write a whole dissertation on. I've also held the Abhorsen series (& Sabriel) close to my heart since I read it literally in middle school. I re-bought Sabriel a while ago and need to read it again.
last place you traveled?
I don't remember for sure if our most recent trip was to Houston when we got engaged or to North Carolina for my husband's best friend's wedding. Either way, it's been too long since we traveled and I need to go somewhere stat! haha
I'm tagging @buttertrait, @angelgnomeisdeadrip, @druidberries, @simlishpiadina, @kotpicard, @leafbatraccoon, @raiiny-bay, @chaoticsimlish, @omgkayplays & anyone else who wants to do this! Feel free to say I tagged you!
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sparkleplatypuswriter · 5 months
After Thursday's gut-wrenching reunion, I decided to post a much softer rendering - one that takes place in a magical AU of season 3. Summary: Margo and Sergei meet each other in her office for the first time after he and his family land in Houston.
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houston3drendrings · 3 months
Architectural Design
Dive into the world of architectural design and see how architects turn ideas into reality. This post breaks down the step-by-step process from the initial concept to a constructed masterpiece.
Read More - https://www.houston3drenderings.com/news/news_detail/87
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ausetkmt · 1 year
National Urban League founded. 1914 Marcus Garvey establishes the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). November William Monroe Trotter confronts Woodrow Wilson in the White House over the president’s support for segregation in federal offices. 1915 Debut of the D.W. Griffith film, The Birth of a Nation. Failure of African American lawsuit against the U.S. Treasury Department for compensation for labor rendered under slavery. CHRONOLOGY OF AMERICAN RACE RIOTS AND RACIAL VIOLENCE lvii November William J. Simmons refounds the Ku Klux Klan at Stone Mountain in Georgia. 1916 Madison Grant publishes The Passing of the Great Race, detailing his drastic prescription—including eugenics—to save the white race from being overwhelmed by ‘‘darker races.’’ May Jesse Washington, a seventeen-year-old illiterate black farm hand, is lynched in Waco, Texas. 1917 May–July East St. Louis, Illinois, riots. August Houston, Texas, mutiny of black soldiers at Camp Logan. 1918 After protesting the lynching of her husband, Mary Turner, then eight months pregnant, is herself brutally lynched in Valdosta, Georgia. April Congressman Leonidas C. Dyer of Missouri introduces an anti-lynching bill into Congress (the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill is defeated in 1922). July Chester and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, riots. 1919 NAACP publishes Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States: 1889–1918 by Martha Gruening and Helen Boardman. May Charleston, South Carolina, riot. Summer Known as ‘‘Red Summer’’ because of the great number of people killed in various race riots around the country. July Longview, Texas, riot. Publication of Claude McKay’s sonnet, ‘‘If We Must Die.’’ Chicago, Illinois, riot. Washington, D.C., riot. August Knoxville, Tennessee, riot. September Omaha, Nebraska, riot. September– October Elaine, Arkansas, riot. 1920 Founding of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, a major interracial reform organization in the South. 1921 April Tulsa, Oklahoma, riot. 1922 Anti-Lynching Crusaders are formed to educate Americans about lynching and work for its elimination.
Chicago Commission on Race Relations issues its influential report on the 1919 Chicago riots. lviii CHRONOLOGY OF AMERICAN RACE RIOTS AND RACIAL VIOLENCE 1923 January Rosewood, Florida, riot. February U.S. Supreme Court decision in Moore v. Dempsey leads to eventual release of twelve African Americans in Arkansas who were convicted in perfunctory mobdominated trials of killing five whites during the Elaine, Arkansas, riots of 1919. 1929 Publication of Walter White’s Rope and Faggot: A Biography of Judge Lynch. 1930 Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) is founded in Detroit, Michigan, by W.D. Fard.
Formation of the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, the first organization of white women opposed to lynching. October Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, riot. 1931 Scottsboro Case occurs in Alabama; the case comprises a series of trials arising outof allegations that nine African American youths raped two white girls in Scottsboro, Alabama. 1932 Supreme Court renders a decision in Powell v. Alabama, a case related to the Scottsboro, Alabama, incident of 1931. 1934 Elijah Muhammad assumes leadership of the Nation of Islam. 1935 March Harlem, New York, riot. 1936 First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt addresses the annual conventions of both the NAACP and National Urban League. 1939 Billie Holiday’s first performance of the anti-lynching song Strange Fruit occurs at Cafe´ Society, New York’s only integrated nightclub. 1941 Supreme Court decision in Mitchell v. United States spurs integration of first-class railway carriages. 1942 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) is founded as the Committee of Racial Equality. February Double V Campaign is launched to popularize the idea that blacks should fight for freedom abroad to win freedom at home. 1943 May Mobile, Alabama, riot. June Beaumont, Texas, riot. June ‘‘Zoot Suit’’ riots in Los Angeles, California. July Detroit, Michigan, riot. August New York City (Harlem) riot. 1944 Publication of Karl Gunnar Myrdal’s An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy.
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logicalcadsolutions · 8 months
Logical CAD Solutions: 3D Floor Plan Rendering Houston Experts
Discover the pinnacle of 3D rendering services for floor plans in Houston with Logical CAD Solutions. We have expert team that transforms ordinary blueprints into captivating visualizations that leave a lasting impression. Elevate your real estate projects with immersive 3D floor plans that showcase every detail.
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styleofdiamandis · 4 months
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Marina brought the "Lonely Hearts Club" tour to Houston, TX on December 17th, 2012 where a couple of fans were waiting to snap some photos with her after the show.
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Marina's vest is a vintage Disney gem from the 1980s! This gilet is rendered in black denim and features a colorful vintage Mickey Mouse print lining. To showcase that off, M decided to wear it inside-out.
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velathetanager · 1 year
Supernatural AU Lore
IDK if I said that, but Kay has something called Absolute Sight. Essentially, she (and Houston by extension) can see all across the universe if they so choose. That said, when Houston uses this ability, he can make physical contact with things (or people) in the location he’s using this ability to “see.”
How did he learn this? Well...
He’d been learning his way around this new ability because Kay knows about as much as he does about her power. He would focus on a place and find himself able to see everything there. Or at least, as much as he could do at a time. Eventually he felt comfortable enough to try another experiment with his companion. “Hey Kay. Can you show me specific people?” “Dunno. Who you want to see?” Houston hums, then gets an idea and snickers. “Maybe Hoxton. See what he’s doing on the heist.” Kay chirps and obeys, and suddenly Houston sees Hoxton from behind inside Fort Knox (he’ll still be forever salty that they didn’t bring him along on that, it’s LITERAL FORT KNOX), gleefully putting gold into the bags. Of course he would. Archduke of Greed. Houston sighs. “Well, never let it be said he didn’t know his way around stealing.” “What so good about yellow stuff? Look weird.” Houston blinks. Oh yeah. Kay doesn’t have a concept of money yet. “Long story short, this stuff can get people what they want. The more you have of it, the more you can have.” “That weird.” “Heh. Maybe.” Houston chuckles, then tilts his head. “You know what would be hilarious? If I could touch him.” “Huh?” Houston grins and reaches out a hand casually, almost flippantly. Like he doesn’t expect results. “Yeah. Like, just stick my hand out and touch his-” Shoulder. Houston’s hand makes contact with Hoxton’s shoulder, and the demon turns around in shock. The two stare at each other, and Houston is rendered mute by the shock. Hoxton is seeing Houston, but he’s also seeing something else. Something black, wrapped around Houston’s limbs and torso and head (and in the human’s shadow) and covered in purple eyes. The thing looks at him fearfully, as does Houston, but it still shakes the archduke up enough for him to whisper, “...Houston?!” Houston pulls away immediately, his eyesight returning to his room. “OKAY LESSON LEARNED WE CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT THIS ISN’T GOOD-” Kay spends the entire 15 minutes of Houston’s breakdown providing a background soundtrack of, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-” Then they pull themselves together hoping to come up with a convincing lie for when the others get back to the safehouse.
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