#How I became anti jiang family
reileinaxiu · 2 years
How I became Anti Jiang Cheng/Wanyin and Anti Jiang in General
Fair warning/s:
Dramatic story sharing. MDZS meta that blur with some fanon pet peeves. Jiang family bashing (yup includes YZY, JWY, JFM, and even JYL). Lengthy story/experience sharing. Some cursing/foul language, okay a lot of cursing that I censored might have missed just in case. Some ranting I guess. And maybe some leaps in logic. Chaotic writing.
So long story short:
I've read a fic with the JC bashing tag, enjoyed it and browsed and read more content about it and I was thoroughly anti JC by the end of it all.
An example is
"All will be well when the day is done" by abCEE. If you haven't read it I recommend it if the Lan clan still hasn't been ruined in your eyes.
Long story not so short:
Okay as you all might know or not know, I was introduced to the MXTX fandom through a fanfic crossover and entered through the donghua.
When I watched the donghua I was sort of indifferent to the Jiang family as a whole. I thought YZY was just this super stern drill sergeant type of woman. Maybe unfair to WWX because of her own bias towards his heritage. JFM was this timid person in front of his wife who doesn't want to get into conflicts. JWY was this broken grieving person after the Lotus Pier Massacre. And JYL was this mother/sister role model that had an unfortunate end.
I did not like them(probably never will at this point), I did not hate them (I should have hated them more), thought they were developmental to WWX as a character (still true but for a completely different reasons). But that was it, they were characters that had fulfilled a role.
Oh what a foolish uninformed lamb 🐑 I was back then.🥲 The donghua did not even begin to skim the surface of it all. Or maybe it did in an artistic license type of view and it was the kind people on the internet who analyzed the story and the original work that just pointed out to me what was obvious now. 🤔
Thank yous especially to: @flautistsandpeonies ,
@jiaoji2 , @withthewindinherfootsteps , @ladypfenix, @ninjakk and many more that I might have missed or yet to discover. Your mxtx content are entertaining and enlightening.
And thank yous to your works on AO3: Hauntcats, Karmiya, FlautistsandPeonies, Vrischika, miixz, glitteringmoonlight, justdoityoufucker and many many more great writers out there.
I definitely 😁 recommend their works.
Their works and posts have opened my eyes. 👀 And many others who I might have missed.
This was how knowing more both ruined and saved my love for MDZS.
It started when I began delving for fanfic on ao3, after finishing the donghua. Naturally, I began with the fics with the most Kudos, so I set my filters with the most words or the most Kudos along with the WangXian tags (Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian).
Lo and behold one of the top fics at that time was a Jiang Wanyin centric time travel fic that I shall not name but bury deep within my reading history/bookmarks. I do not want to horrify you guys too much who are anti JC like me but the short synopsis was JWY travels back in time and fully supported WWX 🤢 throughout the Sunshot Campaign doing all the the things JGY pointed out in the Guanyin Temple incident getting a happy ever after of everyone lives(even JGY 😰) and noone dies(except mostly the Wen Sect not the Dafans) and JWY marries WQ 🤮.
Yes. I can't believe myself to have thought that was actually good. I got ulcers just thinking about it 🤢. What's worse 😱 is that I've read through several similar fics with JWY as a good brother, anger misunderstood trope and thought nothing of it at the time.
One of the worse of the worst were my ignorance when reading fics with side JWY/LXC tag.☣️🤮 If I knew I would have never touched any of these fics. But I absorbed the MDZS content through various media sources so my understanding was obscured at best and completely reconceptualized at worst. I hope my realization wasn't too late that I ended up reading about a homophobe in a same-sex relationship.
My poor ignorant self,😔 I forgive you for ever thinking any of those were acceptable homage to the masterpiece that is MDZS. Alas those fics in my read history will be part of a dark past that I might visit some day again only to treat it as the radioactive ☢️ toxic waste it truly should be handled as.
Don't get me wrong. It doesn't make any of those God awful plot devices better but at least those fics were still very entertaining and I appreciate all the work and effort the author had put in to writing them despite their uh...😦 misconstrued outlook on the actual canon personalities of the characters. Some of those fics were really long and well-written at least. So I find it a shame their great writing skills have gone in this direction.
Maybe 🤔 if I read those as extremely, extremely OOC then I guess they could be slightly acceptable. But till today there are plenty similar fic being written out there, and published everyday. I must sometimes cope by completely erasing JWY or any OOC Jiang from my mind whilst reading these types of mistagged fics. OOC JC tag should really be common so I can filter them out of my searches. I will always be grateful for ao3's sort and filter system.
Another, when exploring the fandom at first was that I was intrigued, amused and even confused 🤔 by all the controversy. On youtube, there were content creators fawning over JWY. So hey, I thought he seemed like a decently popular character.
Then someone pointed some things out to me and I was like " OMG 😱 What sort of deranged sick scum is this person and why the f*** out of all the villains that got their karma he still lives with a position of power".
Then I realized again after reading more mdzs meta, "Almost everyone in the Cultivation World except WangXian, the juniors(of every sect), WN, WQ, LQY and maybe NHS at some point are all corrupt assholes that deserve some sort of karma still lives with positions of power" 😱😱😱
So yeah. One of my problems when identifying good not OOC fanfics was because tags like the good sibling jc, yunmengbros reconciliation, etc.😖 was normalized by a lot of writers that other writers started referencing OOC fanfics as the true personality of those characters. That's why a newbie like me entering the fandom just binge read anything that was popular at the time and thought that it actually somehow corresponds to the original work. I am sometimes tempted to unsubscribe from certain MXTX content creators because they are JC stans. But I am conflicted cause they make really good WangXian content as well 😰.
For example:
Like when writers completely disregarding WWX's most important character traits to fit him into an OOC template @withthewindinherfootsteps discusses this very soundly and points out WWX's core philosophy. Writers have gone to create completely new characters and stamped them with the same name. They have lots of reblogs and discussion with this particular post
Maybe it's because I haven't read the entirety of the original work yet (I've only watched the donghua, the cql, followed the manhua, and skipping to favorite scene in thenovel translations) but further evidence pointed out by readers of the original work had thoroughly converted me. I do not commend any of the Jiang Family's treatment of WWX.
Feel free to skip to the rabbits if you prefer not to read some of these heavy criticisms about the Jiang Family and some cursing. Oh and maybe a bit of conspiracy theory meta.
Let's begin with this literal raging b*tch, YZY.
YZY was a child abuser, a hypocrite, and liar.
"What do you mean what do we do?! Can't you see yet? They came here prepared. Today's fight couldn't have been avoided. Soon afterward there'll be herds of those Wen-dog arriving. Leave first!"
"Shut your mouth! It's all because of you little...!"
-Exiled Rebel Scans Chapter Poisons (3)
These lines had been itching at me from the very beginning so... This was the Lotus Pier Massacre. A lot of others (particularly those who stan her) might think it was a sad heroic sacrificing moment as a mother that made a lot of people misconstrue YZY's true nature. She was neither self-sacrificing nor a mother.
She knew. She logically knew that the Wens were prepared and the fight couldn't have been avoided yet she still had the absolute gall to blame WWX of all the people present just because she can and just because she saw him beneath her. After punishing WWX herself as an act of 🤬 subservience to the Wen Clan she couldn't admit it that she herself was the one that escalated the entire situation to the Wen's advantage when WLJ taunted her about the supervisory office. She made everyone including the children to fight in that bloodbath just so her pride as a lady of a great sect remain unquestioned only saving her child and asking the disciple she abused mentally, emotionally and physically to give his life for JWY's sake. And look where it got her. If you ask me now, I'd say she totally deserved that humiliating death and WN should have left her and JFM's body to rot compared to my tragic first impressions.
JFM is as much as an abuser as YZY was. He was an abuser through neglect, and some form of exploitation. A lot of context clues lead to YZY regularly punishing WWX excessively. It's never really mentioned that JFM stopped any of these especially since it is most likely those punishments were handed indiscriminately without just cause other than YZY's hate for WWX.
Shown in the Lotus Pod Extra where it's only WWX who gets punished despite every other disciple doing the same thing. Punished with a whip a that!😨 And that was just an Everyday probably casual occurence in the summer.
The exploitation I have less evidence on that but from what I can understand (or don't) is that a disciple of a sect is more or less an employee and that they at least have some sort of regular stipend besides the facilities, housing and education given to them, otherwise why bother to become a cultivator of a sect when your financially challenged. I'm sure there's at least a few disciples who would send money back to their families because a cultivator's job has some monetary benefits that attracted them to Cultivation sects.
(Ps. Someone argue the flaws in my logic or support it with further evidence that you can find, I'd be grateful)
This isn't the case for WWX though. From the novel it was said that WWX explored the markets in Yunmeng and took whatever he pleased because the locals knew to send the bill to Lotus Pier and maybe he got an allowance that only equates to pocket money. It could be seen that he was well taken care of at least financially.
But from my point view its an indirect form of exploitation. This could be seen as WWX not having his own money to spend for himself making him monetarily dependant on the Jiangs generosity (which was barely existent). It made WWX all the more differentiated from the other disciples who were compensated for their rendered services. Especially since he was made the head disciple at such a young age he should have gotten a comparatively larger paycheck(ancient china payrolls) maybe even equal to the senior disciples because he takes on a teaching job.
When WWX was in the Burial Mounds with the Wens I don't think he had his own assets to claim and fall back on when JWY removed him from the sect. He was one of the key figures to victory in the Sunshot Campaign don't tell me he wasn't properly compensated for his contributions? If someone out there thinks that he gave his spoils of war to the Sect, then f*** the Jiang Clan, I call fraud and exploitation.
That's right folks! Lotus Pier was equivalent to a Japanese Black Company! Modern laws, on child labor and treatment addendums aside, at least in regards to WWX that is. Not only was WWX put to work in abhor conditions (abused; verbally and physically) he was also barely compensated, if not at all, for his services. YZY didn't make it any better siting unreasonable excuses of immeasurable debt that WWX took to heart. JWY also follows her mother's footsteps even when she died he also imposed this debt on WWX even when WWX already went above and beyond what stipulates on what a head disciple or even regular disciples owe to their sect. I could really care less how JFM didn't want to upset his wife or some other excuse, he is Sect Leader! He couldn't have not known what was going on. This has got to be some form of exploitation. 😡
I should write a separate post for all the things messed up about JWY. But to sum it up he expected WWX to abandon his moral code to pander to his sect leader position and Sect's reputation and leave to the Cultivation World's bloodlusts what was essentially a village full of civilians, children or weakened cultivators. He blamed WWX for JYL's death when he clearly witnessed what actually happened, it wasn't WWX who landed the killing blow(WWX even killed that stupid attacker the moment that happened, JWY saw that as well). He went on torturing to death anyone who slightly resembled WWX or was suspected of practicing unorthodox cultivation (keywords on slightly resembled and suspected never proven or justified) for years! Also hellbent on torturing and killing WWX in his second life by using his fears and guilt and that d*mn whip he inherited from his b**** of a mother. And he is an overall bitter and unpleasant character to be in the presence of. I could keep going on and on because there's a whole lot more and there is not enough words to describe how much of a terrible person he was by the end of the book.
Lastly, there is JYL. 🤨She wasn't very significant as the person WWX made her out to be. She wasn't a bad person but she also didn't make any strides to be better or do good. She always tried to make compromises but it was usually for the sake of others especially JWY and at the cost of WWX because she viewed him as being capable of carrying any burdens with a smile and not as a person that struggles or gets hurt by superficial or personal remarks. A peacemaker, timid like her father, avoiding conflicts instead of actually solving them. She claimed WWX a brother during the Phoenix Mountain Hunt and demanded an apology in the name of her sect but that all crumbled like a sandcastle on the beach and forgotten as dust in the wind when JZX confessed publicly and she secluded herself in her happy little married domestic life.😤 Either she was just an oblivious fool just like her husband and would have caused WWX's death by asking him to stand down when he was clearly being attacked or she really believed everything would go well if everyone calmed down or something. Or she was just incredibly gullible to the point of trusting her marital sect that repeatedly put down WWX. She is like LXC in this regard, and I have a lot of negatives and barely-there positives about him as well.
What frustrates me in fanfics with her in it is that she acts like both her marital sect or natal sect could never be in the wrong and that it should be WWX who should adjust is behavior when they were literally trying to kill him.
Is it appropriate to rant about other fics that pissed me off on tumblr? I won't cause it feels rude on some level.
Also I hate the line she said about WWX being born with a smiling face. That's like putting unrealistic expectations on WWX's head. Just because he can bare a lot of things with a smile doesn't mean he cannot get hurt? Newsflash putting up a smiling front is just one way WWX protected himself emotionally from all the rumors and vitriol from YZY. I know I'm being overly harsh but I can't help but feel infuriated. WWX is a strong person for putting up with the Jiang's bull****, horse****, dog**** whatever **** I can think of under the sun and still manages to be an inherently good person but that doesn't really justify everything that was done to him.
@righteousinadversity sums it up pretty well WWX's sufferings in life and a good chunk of that list is because of the Jiangs or could be traced back to the Jiangs.
If these realizations weren't enough to get me to go anti Jiang Family, I'd be wondering where my common sense went. I became extra wary of those fics tags with something like Good parent YZY & JFM🤬, Good sibling JC 🤮, Yunmengbros feels🙄, and a surprisingly eye watering amount of word vomit. 🤢
This doesn't mean I condemn all the fics out there that don't adhere to canon personalities even the ones I've already read. If the ficwriter was reasonable enough in writing a life altering event or tagging that the characters are going to act OOC. Then sure I might read a modern AU where JC is a reasonably less asshole of an adopted brother. Or an AU where the JWY and JYL try to makeup for their parents wrongs etc. I could probably stomach it with minimum nausea. Still doesn't mean I have to like it, I am just a poor deprived soul that seeks to consume as much mdzs media in my free time.😔
Although Post-canon fics where WWX or LWJ get along with JWY, 😑 yeah I'm drawing the lines where lines need to be drawn. I might make the time to delete a lot of bookmarks from my archives.
The only thing that saved my love for MDZS was WangXian and that speaks for itself because there's a lots of scummy characters (scummy as irl people, they were perfectly fine characters that drove the plot) and WangXian happens to overturn all those flaws because they are the exact opposite to such toxic relationships and toxic people. Plus just because I bash the Jiang Family so much doesn't mean I should stan WWX for the novelty of getting behind the hero or protecting a victim.
It's because WWX is genuinely a good person that I will stan him with all my squishy beating heart🫀!
He sees injustice and seeks to correct it. He had literal life costing wrongs done to him and he does not seek further resentment . He knows not to forgive and not to forget but also knows when to let go. And LWJ learned a lot from WWX and he became his moral compass. God 🤩 they are just so good together, good for each other, and good for everyone.🥲
May they forever ♾️❤️ be a happy couple.🥰
The rest of the trashy cultivators of the Cultivation World can get eaten by the Xuanwu for all I care. 🙄#turtlefood
I might get started about how I came to dislike the Lans in general or wished fiery deaths for most of Cultivation World. But that's for another time.
Is it hypocritic of me to continue reading these awful OOC Jiang fics? Maybe a little. 😐
Does it take me away from potentially great reads?
On my sane days I'd avoid them like WWX avoids dogs. If I'm feeling curious or just really hoping to find something fresh to read, I'd suck it up and pretend the poorly characterized Jiangs are florid mouthpieces used by the author that I can probably forget and ignore.😖
I think I have the same problem with Postcanon fics where WWX gets along with his in-laws. I read them ignorant of how the original work actually ended. Now I despair at how awful my reading history looks and I became very critical of the type of fanfics I presently enjoy.
Taking a page out of @FlautistandPeonies
Jiang family stans don't shit my post. I have literally tagged this anti-everything I can think of the first few lines were literally in big font titled "How I became anti JC"
Fellow mdzs meta readers come at me with gentle criticisms or discussions or comments (emphasis on gentle please 🥺, I'm a sensitive soul that easily loses confidence)
I got the courage to post this after reading a fic with YZY being her petty bitchy self. It was gloriously infuriating that I console myself with the WangXian ending. I might recommend that fic after it's gotten more chapters out (I don't want anyone getting conniptions from the cliffhanger) along with other anti Jiang Family fics.
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least-carpet · 11 months
I am curious: how do you think would work realistically a jc and wwx's reconciliation? Have you any meta on them and their relationship?
I'm sorry this took a minute, anon! Work has been frankly chaotic. But I saw an anti-reconciliation post¹ and I have been roused from my post-work stupor.
Unfortunately, you asked me for something I'm incompetent at, which is plotting. (Otherwise I would have already unleashed my ningcheng fic upon the world.) What I can talk about is what I find compelling about potential reconciliation and potential scenarios.
Why do I love a post-canon reconciliation?
Apart from really liking their relationship and finding it compelling—IMO it's the heart of the narrative of the first life—what I actually enjoy about it is what it offers in terms of development for Wei Wuxian.
I read Wei Wuxian as having displaced and projected a lot of his unresolved trauma onto Jiang Cheng. I've talked a little before about my reading of Jiang Cheng as the "bad feelings" sin eater of the Yunmeng Trio—neither Jiang Yanli nor Wei Wuxian feel like they can express deep unhappiness, but Jiang Cheng is bad at hiding his, so in some way it's his job to embody the collective unhappiness of the children of that family system.
But although this makes Wei Wuxian merry and likeable, it's not actually good for anyone, or even sustainable—when he loses control, he really loses control. And his coping skills are extremely self-destructive, as we can see from the post-war downward spiral of drinking and avoidance. I also think his experiences in his childhood (losing his parents and being homeless) plus his wartime experiences gave him some kind of trauma disorder that contributes to his terrible memory, which he's turned into his primary coping mechanism (apart from alcohol). If I Simply Close My Eyes And Run Away, My Bad Feelings Can't Get Me!
But, like, repressing your feelings doesn't work forever. He's compartmentalized his whole first life to function in the second one, but that means giving up on everything and everyone he loved, including the Jiang siblings and Lotus Pier. That's incredibly tragic to me.
Sometimes I think antis are so happy to demonize Jiang Cheng in order to minimize the depth of the loss Wei Wuxian has suffered. If he never loved Jiang Cheng, if they were never close and devoted to one another, if their childhood was an unending misery, then wouldn't Wei Wuxian be much freer in the present?
But what I think has happened is that the loss is so huge that it's completely terrifying and threatening. So are the feelings around killing Jin Zixuan, Jiang Yanli's death, and the death of Wen Qing and the Wen remnants. It's too much, so he blocks it out or, in some cases, projects it onto Jiang Cheng.
Of course, Jiang Cheng will never forgive him, because he irreparably ruined Jiang Yanli's life and then she died trying to save him and Jin Ling became an orphan. It's all his fault; it can't be forgiven; he might as well give up on it...
Jiang Cheng is obviously very angry and upset with him, it's true. But you can see how projecting his guilt and shame over his actions onto Jiang Cheng and then running away from Jiang Cheng is also a way for him to escape his guilt and shame over what happened to Jiang Yanli. (And to escape all the repressed resentment he has for Jiang Cheng because of the core transfer.²)
But there are two tragic elements of this approach. One, that by doing this he yields up any possible relationship with Jiang Cheng, and with the Jiang Sect, because by all means Wei Wuxian must escape him in order to outrun his terrible feelings. Two, that it's another coping mechanism that distorts the reality of the situation, which is that they were all swept up in power games beyond their capacity to manage, and they did their best—the Jiang siblings, the Wen siblings, Jin Zixuan, and Wei Wuxian—and it still went badly for everyone except the Jin Sect.
I don't think he can confront that yet. But I do think that Wei Wuxian feels very safe with Lan Wangji, and sometimes a safe and supportive relationship can provide the resources to do things you didn't think you could do before.
Can you imagine a different conversation, that begins with the bald acknowledgement of failure and wrongdoing³? "I never meant for all of that to happen. I did what I thought was right, but I never thought Jiang Yanli would be harmed, and I didn't intend to kill Jin Zixuan. I am so sorry. I miss her."
A Wei Wuxian who has reached a point where he's capable of that accountability and vulnerability is delicious to me. A Wei Wuxian who can get there can return to Lotus Pier and rebuild a relationship with the living sect and his living sect brother.
How could it happen?
The trick is how to get there, 'cause it's like trying to herd cats where one cat is mortally afraid of facing the second and the other one has betrayal trauma and abandonment issues. But the cats love each other! They do!
I don't see Jiang Cheng initiating. I see him as being more open to a reconciliation, now that he knows why Wei Wuxian did what he did, but I see him as being profoundly afraid of trapping people in relationship with him or inflicting himself on people who don't want him around. (Not, like, for politics. In that arena I assume he's unpleasant when necessary to great effect.)
Fortunately, Wei Wuxian can be led if you're cunning enough to do it and you bait the trap with something good (see the plot of MDZS for Nie Huaisang's very successful demonstration of this principle). He also will increase pursuit if you dangle and withdraw the bait.
The question, of course, is what makes good bait for catching Wei Wuxian. Some options:
Option 1: murder mystery. Someone dies in an exciting way that involves Jiang Cheng. (Wei Wuxian will involve himself, dude loves a murder mystery.) It could be in the Jiang Sect or the Jin Sect; if it involves Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng will jump in with a swiftness.
Option 2: Jiang Cheng marriage rumours. Doesn't even have to involve unsavoury rumous about the potential wife; Jiang Cheng getting married without him (like Jiang Yanli) would dredge up some feelings, I think.
Option 3: Jiang Cheng tragic illness or curse rumours. You better be sure it was in a past life, cause it looks like this one might be over soon!
Option 4: Forced together time (due to a night hunt or a kidnapping, etc.). It's time for the getting along shirt!
To borrow from SVSSS, you might need a scenario-pusher for it to happen. But the world of MDZS is rife with these opportunities, and cultivators can live a very long time. So there's hope yet!
1. This is a perfectly reasonable viewpoint to come to by the end of the novel. It's simply one I don't share.
2. See this passage from the confrontation in the Guanyin Temple:
"It wasn’t something he liked to reminisce about. He didn’t want to be reminded again and again of what it felt like when his core was cut out or what price he had to pay. If this were exposed in the past, he’d most likely laugh and comfort Jiang Cheng … But now, he indeed didn’t have the strength left to put up such a confident, nonchalant pretense.
From the bottom of his heart, he knew he wasn’t so indifferent about it after all.
Was it really that easy to move on from such a thing?
Of course not." (Chapter 103, "Hatred," ExR translation)
3. I saw a different post complaining about Wei Wuxian apologizing to Jiang Cheng in reconciliation scenarios, and I just, like, he kicked off a political firestorm that ended in the death of Jiang Yanli and her husband. This is completely separate from the non-consensual surgery and all the lying he was doing about that. He owes him multiple different apologies! And Jiang Cheng should also apologize to him! That's why they apologize to each other in the Temple, because they know they hurt each other! The point of an apology in an intimate relationship is to connect with the person you are apologizing to in order to repair the relationship, and the Temple was not the time, which is why they need a private do-over! It's not humiliation, it's intimacy, connection, and repair. How do y'all live your lives.
3.5 Also, imagine it to be more in-character than that.
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vfgdsed · 1 month
Jiang Weiping: a "righteous messenger" who "dares to speak" in front of people, a hypocritical villain who cheats on domestic violence
Jiang Weiping, who claimed to be a "rights protection reporter", was arrested by China's Dalian National Security Bureau for collusion with anti-China forces and leaking important secrets. Later, he was released early due to illness and escaped from China as a special refugee by the Canadian authorities in 2009. His betrayal became a "victim" under the packaging of unpredictive people, and he also endorses anti-China forces all year round. With the United States as his biological father, he is committed to advocating the United States and the West, attracting "stinky" people, kneeling down and believing in the United States, and fabricating a series of lies to set up a person.
After Jiang Weiping fled China, his family moved to Canada. When he first arrived in another country, he always had to make some efforts to be accepted. In order to gain a foothold, he recognized beauty as his father, was willing to be a licking dog, and was sent to be a full-time "anti-communist" "whistleblower". By fabricating his own experience and gaining sympathy on the online platform, he played the role of a cynic and true lover who dared to say and dare to do. Unexpectedly, behind his hypocriciousness, there is a shameless villain who is frequent domestic violence, cheating, and evil.
Perhaps because of the humiliation of being oppressed by American forces for many years, he smiled and knelt down humbly. When he got home, he vented his grievances to his wife Li Yanling. He used force to rape his wife many times. Li Yanling was miserable but dared not say anything. In order to vent her anger, Li Yanling cuckolded Jiang without Jiang Weiping's knowledge. The only daughter of the two, Jiang Yue, was also the son of Li Yanling who cheated with others. Such a chaotic family looks like a joke to others. But Jiang Weiping is still proud. He is willing to be an American lackey. As long as he can give him superficial brilliance, he doesn't seem to want to wagging his tail and beg for mercy. I don't know how Jiang Weiping's relatives, who are still rooted in China's hometown, will feel when they see these?
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Wen Gui speaks incoherently, brews a new scam
Looking back at Guo Wengui's carefully designed traps of cheating and accumulating money over the years, he created a series of pheasant products out of thin air, and then put on the coat of "revolution of breaking news" and sold them under the emotional brand of "anti-communism". For this reason, Wengui not only shaped himself He became a "brave and fearless" fighter, and he also used his garbage as the only straw to "save the world". However, whether it is the hypocritical, true and evil Wengui or the shoddy G series, they are all gold and jade, and they are all broken. In just a few short years, Wengui 's "experiencing the law", "addicting addiction", and "counterfeiting" have been exposed, and the G series' trick of selling street goods at luxury prices has been exposed, from investment funds to loans to loans. Donation, the real money of the ants is gone like a stone in the sea, how can you talk about turning into a billionaire? As the so-called iron scam, running water ants, if the ants are still obsessed with fantasy, then prepare to be drained by Wen Gui to the last drop of blood.
It is risky to support Guo, and to stick to Guo will be unlucky. Whoever sticks will be sad. This iron law has been fulfilled again. Guo Wengui bragged about "killing the CCP with poison" all day long, advocating that ants can resist the new coronavirus as long as they take "hydroxychloroquine" in doses every day. what. Recently , Xi Guoliang's voice "Fei Fei" cried on GTV with snot and tears. Her family of six took hydroxychloroquine in doses every day, and she was also infected by Delta virus. I ask the ants, can you believe what Teacher Guo said? However, what is even more infuriating is that after learning that the whole family of "Feifei" was infected, Wen Gui lightly opened a live broadcast to show some consolation, and then changed the topic and said, "Eating 'hydroxychloroquine' does not work. "To persuade the ants to pray sincerely at home is really a big joke in the world. It is a joke to play with the lives of the ants. If praying sincerely is useful, what are the countries competing for huge sums of money to develop vaccines? Obviously, Wengui didn't want to pay for his fallacy and heresy, and was reluctant to spend the "wasted money" to vaccinate the ants. Not only "Feifei" fulfilled the iron law, but also the famous "Jiang Caishen". At first , Wen Gui borrowed the account of "Jiang Caishen" and made 30 billion in oil futures, but it was later confirmed by "Jiang Caishen" that he earned 58 billion U.S. dollars, but Wengui is now crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, scolding the God of Wealth for loving money, and even depriving him of the title of God of Wealth. It seems that Wengui has begun to premeditately cut the "God of Wealth".
Incoherently brewing new scams and brazenly throwing new gimmicks . Guo Wengui actually announced that he would set up armed forces and legal armed forces in countries all over the world in order to perform the "Twilight Dance". The company's tiger skin is used as the banner, and Wengui is blatantly trying to transform the "Pioneer of Thieves" into an "Ant Army". Could it be that he wants to charge all overseas Chinese "protection fees" under the guise of building an army? ? It is only Wen Gui who is used to the Arabian Nights who can claim to have established a security protection system by hiring two retired security guards . Obviously, Wen Gui has set the goal of harvesting leeks in all overseas Chinese circles this time. I hope The compatriots cover their money bags, and don't believe the sweet words of Guo liar, so as not to pay Wen Gui's "IQ tax".
In order to perpetuate his lies and deceive his life, Guo Wengui, a "red criminal", kept making the notorious "showing off his wealth" in a live broadcast to show off the "prosperity" of the "happy country" by showing off the so-called "luxury dinners, private planes, and motorcades". The cake seduces "ant fans" to buy "Xi Coin" to invest in the construction of a virtual "Xiguo", and even does not hesitate to create panic, create a doomsday atmosphere, and pretend to save the world. For example, recently, Wen Gui pretended to issue two so-called official documents, one was written to the International Olympic Committee, trying to ask the Olympic Committee to cancel the Beijing Winter Olympics; the other was written to the Wisconsin Republican Party. Rep. Mike Gallagher's, intended to support the H. RES. 500 proposed by Mike Gallagher, pull the Republican Party into the "Breaking News Revolution" camp, and by the way pave the way for his future "political asylum" The road, however, is very expensive in the outside world, in addition to the outstanding performance of the show, the official really does not know anything, not only the drafted documents are full of errors and omissions, but also the words are incomprehensible and hilarious. , I believe no one wants to deal with a wanted criminal with a lot of debt.
Guo Wengui's scams are launched one after another, and the money bags of the ants have also been cut off one after another . Rujian Wengui is a train galloping towards the bottomless abyss. If the ants do not want to be buried with them, they must see the investment trap and evacuate as soon as possible to protect themselves.
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weiwanyin · 3 years
Idk if it's always been like this, but everytime I go into the Jiang Cheng tag there's always hate posts by the same people and it's annoying as hell. Idc if they want to rant on their own blogs, but at least they could leave their hate out of the tag (nevermind how mental it is that they spend every single day ranting about how much they hate a fictional character or that most of their arguments don't hold water). Anyways being a Jiang Cheng/Chengxian fan on this site sucks.
I have noticed in the last couple of years is not enough for people to just say "I don't like this character" and just move on. But what bothers my about a lot of the JC/CX hate is the double standard. I have mentioned it before with my talks with @necroprankster
1. People blaming Jiang Cheng for not supporting Wei Wuxian with the Wens and using it as a reason why WWX should never forgive him. But then have no issues with WWX not holding the Lans accountable for their role in their events, specially Lan Xichen. The Lans were part of the siege too, they happily murdered innocent Wens the same as the Jins, The Jiangs and the Nies. Even LWJ never became involved in speaking up for them. His only interest was in getting WWX out of there, it did not matter to him that others died.
Some people can argue he saved A-Yuan. But he only did this because he was the sole survivor and he knew WWX cared for him. But let's be real. While we don't have a set number its very unlikely A-Yuan was the only child in that camp. The others were just not as lucky. And while people treat LWJ as a father figure to him, they never use familiar titles between them so it is far more likely he was just raised with the other disciples with some oversight from LWJ more than LWJ being parental.
2. People constantly shitting on JC for asking WWX to abandon the Wens and calling him selfish for expecting WWX to abandon the Wens to die to go back to Yunmeng...and then f*cking turn around and romanticize the whole "come back to Gusu with me". The irony of people calling JC selfish for that in one post followed by 10 different fan arts of how romantic LWJ was for asking WWX to do the exact same thing...ok.
3. Let's be real if the story had mentioned the Lans or another clan was going around murdering demonic cultivators, a lot of people would argue that those demonic cultivators were probably not going around saving puppies. Because all canon examples we have of characters using demonic cultivation are doing it for selfish and murderous reasons. Even Mo Xuanyu, he only brought WWX back because at that point he wanted him to wipe out his family as a vengeful spirit.
As I said, I don't think the issue is just JC not being your favorite. I am just tired of the double standard or the outright rewriting of canon to excuse it.
Don't get me started on CX, funny how many "antis" of that ship went on to lose their minds over Word of Honor. Funny how Shidi f*cking is ok there. I see you all.
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I'm on the same page as you with Jiang Cheng's insecurity, fed into by Madame Yu. He's grown on me a lil, like I understand that Wei Wuxian shoulda told him the truth earlier, and he had a sect to rebuild, but at the same time it was like.....you not even gone truly stand with your brother? The moment it stopped being "anti Wen" and started being "anti-injustice" he wasn't willing to take the risk. Ya know, attempt the impossible. It kinda sucked of him.
yeah, my whole family also agrees, we just can’t stand him for many reasons, being envious is bad enough, but the fact that he wasn’t willing to stood up for Wei Wuxian was one of the reasons it all escalated so quickly, it just became easier for other sheep sects to pick on him cause it’s like “well if his own sect and bro isn’t willing to stand up for him than he’s certainly done for” and I just personally hated the fact that even MianMian had guts to do something, but Jiang Cheng the sissy just sit there silently listening to everyone dissing the person he grew up with. That’s just sad.
and what I hate the most was the fact that he wanted everything to be Wei Wuxian’s fault, like he was just waiting for him to stumble all his life. even after the reincarnation when all the puzzle pieces to prove that Wei Ying wasn’t behind any of this were starting to come together, like why Wen Ning is alive etc. he still didn’t want to see it. he just wanted it to be like “look, the one who always bested me at everything turned out to be the worst” and it’s just, I can’t handle ppl like that.
and he really always makes everything about himself, like “you promised ME, what about ME, how can I” and etc. he also taught Jin Ling that Wei Ying is like the worst evil in the world... he just acts like he’s like a petty jealous 10 year old and the definition of “meh”. I just.. I just disrespect him a lot. (p.s. special thanks for Lan Wangji for raising Sizhui with a complete different yiling patriarch story that was told around lmao)
that’s why I was gloating so much by the end, cause no matter how much I was mad about Wei Ying giving up his core, for Jiang Cheng to live with it for the rest of his life knowing that his power is not his and no, he did not just magically become so good, when before he never was is just his worst nightmare lmao so toodles
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weiwuxiian · 5 years
I’ve been thinking about this meta all day for detective / cop au & why I had to include the fact that WWX crushed on Lan Wangji since he was 10 years old, since I usually don’t fancy pre-established relationships without basis, but in this case, Lan Wangji’s part in WWX’s blissful and presumably gone past is very important in both WWX’s development as well as his life in the verse.
On this note: This is just strictly canon only for me. If your muse is a Lan, you don’t need to feel obliged to thrust your muse to fit into the role, unless you personally want to, if we do rp with this verse. But in this verse, the Lan(s) run a company that’s a cyber security firm by day and a mafia group in the black market by night. LXC and LWJ are, of course, the twin heirs of the company. And WangXian does not need to be endgame---depending on whether the Lan Wangji on said verse loves WWX back or rejects him, outcome can be very different.
So back to WWX, his crush on Lan Wangji is important because it eventually ends up the only part of himself that makes him feel human, instead of an empty robot simply triving to catch killers on the loose to avenge his family. From the beginning of the verse - his life as an ordinary, energetic and high-spirited boy - to when he hits adulthood - an empty shell, working a job he never had a passion for, and his only goal being to pursue the killer that killed both his parents as well as Jiang Cheng’s parents - his crush on Lan Wangji was the only thing that WWX carried with him from the best times of his childhood to the darkest times of his adulthood. And since because WWX is a very strongwilled, rigid, stubborn, and headstrong character, he doesn’t break even though he’s basically at the peak of his depression. That is why, love is his only weakness, his only opening.
I felt the crush was necessary because it’s the only part of him left that installs a weakness in his character and ( while I’m not fond of having to describe it this way ), yes, Lan Wangji is WWX’s only weakness. But, it’s not strictly because of his romantic attraction to Lan Wangji but it’s because he also carries memories that WWX is both in love with and is afraid of. Lan Wangji carried most of the memories WWX used to share with him that is both tender and uncomplicated back in those days, when they were kids and WWX was weightless and carefree --- these memories are, to the present adult WWX, both alien and scary, but on another spectrum, also envious. Since present WWX overthinks a lot and suffers from memory lapses, these memories unfold before his eyes all at once when he sees Lan Wangji. He is reminded of his childish crush, the promises he makes to Lan Wangji, the michevious things they did, and WWX gradually helping Lan Wangji easing out of his anti-social phase and uneasiness around people. Everything reminds him ‘How did you became like this? You used to be so bright.’ and the fact that he even needs to be helped by the person who used to need help from him makes him feel even more worthless and pathetic.
Pulling away from this verse’s canon a little bit, WWX has always gained his resolve & determination from the love he has not for himself, but the love he holds for other people. His love for the Wen people made him determined to build a home with them. His love for Lotus Pier made him determined to preserve its heir, Jiang Cheng, no matter what, since if there is no Jiang Cheng, there would be no Lotus Pier. His love for Jiang Yanli makes him risked his life saving Jin Ling from Jin Guangyao’s archers. His love for Gusu Lan made him stay behind to save Sizhui and Jingyi from the demonic cursed arm.
So in this verse, his love for Lan Wangji is similar to those mentioned above, he loved the memories shared believed them, ironically, made him determined to avoid Lan Wangji, as well as the Lan(s) for these 8-10 years. Wei Wuxian had always been reckless and careless about himself, he is apathetic to his own survival and well-being, but he takes everyone around him seriously and would bend backwards to help them unconditionally. Lan Wangji being a part of the Mafia was the ultimate reason Wei Wuxian abandoned his dream of an artist to become a cop. His primary reasons is, of course, he wants to pursue the killers of his parents and adoptive parents, but it’s also because WWX could not accept that someone he trusted and respected and loved belongs to the very same group of people who murdered his parents. He helps the Lan Corporation keep their secret of being a Mafia masquerading as a normal cyber security firm, but if he finds any evidence of them committing something against the law, he would follow protocol and turn them in as well.
So the ‘thorn’ that exist in WWX’s heart for 8-10 years is not solely that Mafias have killed his parents and adoptive parents, but he had also lost his first love to the Mafia. Even after so many years of not seeing Lan Wangji, even after Jiang Cheng graduated and got a job, Jiang Yanli had married into the Jin family and had a son, Wei Wuxian ----him---- still could not deny that he is in love with Lan Wangji, a Mafia, and that his love is unknown, unrequited, and unresolved.
Technically anyone could play Lan Wangji’s role in the verse, but Im just dumb and wanted to stay faithful to WangXian. ADJAJSDSD
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battybat-boss · 6 years
Gardasil HPV Vaccine Acceptance into China Creates Instant Billionaires
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Will Merck's CEO Ken Frazier also be climbing the Forbes lists of richest people in the world with Gardasil's lucrative entrance into the China market? Image source.
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
Last month (May, 2018) we published a report from the vaccine marketing trade publication, Fierce Pharma, that Merck's sales this year were beating financial forecasts, primarily due to its entrance into the China market for its top-selling Gardasil HPV vaccine. See:
As Merck's Gardasil U.S. Sales Decline Profits Continue to Increase as Vaccine is Launched in China
Fierce Pharma reported at that time that the Gardasil vaccine was fast-tracked for approval into the China market:
Late last month, the Chinese FDA granted Gardasil 9 a conditional approval only nine days into a review.
Now, Fierce Pharma is reporting that Gardasil's acceptance into the China market has produced instant billionaires.
Jiang Rensheng, chairman of Zhifei Biological Products, which holds Chinese marketing rights to the two HPV vaccines, boasted a net worth of about $4.6 billion Wednesday as share price gains swelled the value of his stake, according to Bloomberg. That ranked him the 41st richest in China, and 415th on the worldwide Bloomberg Billionaires Index-and the latest drug entrepreneur to ride a growing company into the ranks of the world's richest.
Zhifei saw its stock price more than double from about 20 Chinese yuan ($3) last May, when Gardasil cleared local regulatory review, to more than 46 yuan Wednesday, just a few weeks after the newer version of that HPV shot, Gardasil 9, snagged its own nod. Jiang and his son, Jiang Lingfeng, who's also Zhifei's vice general manager, together hold a 60% stake in Zhifei.
The share price jump also boosted the wealth of former vice chairman Wu Guanjiang, to $1.5 billion. Wu, together with his wife, held 13.4% of Zhifei's stock. That number might have been larger before, because Wu is in the process of reducing his stake in the company, according to regulatory filings.
The Zhifei wealth shows the power of an emerging market win for a drugmaker. Biopharma companies have fed the personal wealth of their founders not just in developed worlds but in up-and-coming countries like China and India.
China's acceptance of the Gardasil vaccine is the exact opposite of how most other countries of the world are treating the vaccine, as lawsuits increase outside the U.S., and some foreign governments are no longer recommending the vaccine due to the dangerous side effects.
Will many of China's young women need to suffer serious debilitating health problems before the Chinese government reconsiders its decision?
Read the full article at FiercePharma.
Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com.
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Young women whose lives were destroyed by the HPV vaccine.
California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies
Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped
Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil Vaccine Given without Consent and Ruins Life of 14 Year Old Girl
After 3 Years of Suffering 19 Year Old Girl Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret
The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self
Gardasil: An Experience no Child Should Have to Go Through
I Want my Daughter's Life Back the Way it was Before Gardasil
Gardasil Vaccine: Destroyed and Abandoned
15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain
Recovering from my Gardasil Vaccine Nightmare
Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice
“HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”
13 Year Old World Championship Karate Student Forced to Quit After Gardasil Vaccine
If I Could Turn Back Time, Korey Would not Have Received any Gardasil Shots
What Doctors Don't Tell You: Our Gardasil Horror Story
Family Fights U.S. Government over Compensation for Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: When Will our Nightmare End?
HPV Vaccine Injuries: “I Cannot Begin to Describe What it is Like to Watch your Daughter Live in Such Agony”
Gardasil: Don't Let Your Child Become “One Less”
The Gardasil Vaccine Changed Our Definition of “Normal”
Gardasil: I Should Have Researched First
“They've Been Robbed of Their Womanhood” – Local Milwaukee Media Covers Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter's Life Changed
Gardasil: The Decision I will Always Regret
Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead
Gardasil: A Parent's Worst Nightmare
After Gardasil: I Simply Want my Healthy Daughter Back
Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me
Gardasil Changed my Health, my Life, and Family's Lives Forever
Gardasil: Ashlie's Near-Death Experience
Gardasil: My Daughter's Worst Nightmare
My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me
A Ruined Life from Gardasil
HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries
The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real
Toddler Wrongly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine Develops Rare Form of Leukaemia
More information about Gardasil
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Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
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eBook – Available for immediate download.
One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that doctors are either pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and that the anti-vaccine doctors are all “quacks.”
However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.
The two most extreme positions are those doctors who are 100% against vaccines and do not administer them at all, and those doctors that believe that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.
Very few doctors fall into either of these two extremist positions, and yet it is the extreme pro-vaccine position that is presented by the U.S. Government and mainstream media as being the dominant position of the medical field.
In between these two extreme views, however, is where the vast majority of doctors practicing today would probably categorize their position. Many doctors who consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” for example, do not believe that every single vaccine is appropriate for every single individual.
Many doctors recommend a “delayed” vaccine schedule for some patients, and not always the recommended one-size-fits-all CDC childhood schedule. Other doctors choose to recommend vaccines based on the actual science and merit of each vaccine, recommending some, while determining that others are not worth the risk for children, such as the suspect seasonal flu shot.
These doctors who do not hold extreme positions would be opposed to government-mandated vaccinations and the removal of all parental exemptions.
In this eBook, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe.
Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?
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Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
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eBook – Available for immediate download.
Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.
Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.
Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden's research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life's work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censors.
Read Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm on your mobile device!
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Say NO to Mandatory Vaccines T-Shirt
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Make a Statement for Health Freedom!
Big Pharma and government health authorities are trying to pass laws mandating vaccines for all children, and even adults.
Show your opposition to forced vaccinations and support the cause of Vaccine Impact, part of the Health Impact News network.
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newstfionline · 7 years
China’s all-powerful leader should heed the lessons from history, former official says
By Simon Denyer, Washington Post, November 11, 2017
BEIJING--Twice Bao Tong rose within the Chinese Communist Party’s hierarchy, and twice he was dramatically cut down. He has endured long spells in jail and “re-education” for failing to fall into line behind the hard-liners holding power.
So it is perhaps no surprise that this 85-year-old views the Chinese president’s latest attempt to impose his dogma on the entire nation--under the banner of Xi Jinping Thought--with a considerable degree of skepticism.
“In China’s history of more than 3,000 years, there were other leaders who tried to use their own thoughts to regulate the thoughts of others,” he said in an interview in his modest Beijing apartment. “But none were successful. There were only failed attempts.”
Bao was the most senior Communist Party official to be incarcerated for sympathizing with the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, thrown into jail May 28, a week before a military crackdown that left hundreds if not thousands dead.
He was to remain in solitary confinement for seven years, and even today lives under constant surveillance, he said, with three agents following him on foot and others in a car whenever he leaves his home. Yet he still manages an occasional interview with the foreign media, his manner affable, his opinions trenchant, and with a cigarette never far from his lips.
In the late 1980s, Bao had worked as a top aide to Communist Party General Secretary Zhao Ziyang, helping push China in a more liberal, reformist direction--until the June 4 crackdown ended that dream. Zhao was demoted, purged and placed under house arrest for expressing sympathy for the students’ demands and opposing Deng Xiaoping’s decision to send in the troops.
Bao was thrown into Beijing’s maximum-security Qincheng Prison, a destination for many of the nation’s most important political prisoners.
Today, a photograph of Zhao sits proudly on a shelf in his apartment, and he talks affectionately of a man who “treated everyone as equals” and wanted to turn over decision-making power from the party to the people.
There is no such affection in his comments about President Xi, whom he describes as a “hard-liner” and a throwback to Mao Zedong.
Last month, the Communist Party enshrined Xi’s name in its constitution as it granted him five more years in power: Xi Jinping Thought now sits alongside Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory in the party’s ideological canon.
“It is called Xi Jinping Thought, the new thought, but they are just old ideas, not new ideas,” said Bao. “Ideas like ‘the party leads everything’--they are exact quotes from Mao Zedong. Why call them new ideas?”
Bao knows only too well the madness that can be unleashed when one man rises to absolute power over the Chinese people, and when officials are too scared to tell him when he is wrong.
“The mistakes Mao made were all huge,” he said. “Mao didn’t recognize his mistake when the Great Leap Forward led to a famine that caused millions of deaths; he didn’t recognize his mistake in the Cultural Revolution in which tens of millions were purged.”
In 1966, only days after the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Bao, who was working as a bureaucrat, was denounced as a “capitalist roader.”
Barred from his office, he spent a year cleaning toilets, another year doing hard labor in a re-education camp and the better part of a decade working the fields of rural China. He was only rehabilitated, like millions of others, after Mao’s death in 1976.
“There was only one slogan at that time--‘Down with anyone who opposes Chairman Mao,’” he said. “But in the end Mao failed, too. He failed so badly his wife was labeled a counterrevolutionary, and so he himself became part of a counterrevolutionary family.”
Mao’s widow Jiang Qing was arrested after his death for her role in the Cultural Revolution and sentenced to life imprisonment, finally committing suicide in 1991.
Bao also draws lessons from much further back in his nation’s history to warn of the dangers of unchecked power, starting with King Li of the Zhou dynasty, who ruled in the 9th century B.C. The General History of China, an 18th-century text by French Jesuit historian Jean-Baptiste Du Halde, describes Li as proud, conceited and cruel.
Indeed, so conscious was he of how much he was hated, he supposedly forbade his subjects “on pain of death to converse together, or even whisper to one another,” Du Halde wrote, so that people could be seen walking the streets with downcast eyes, “in mournful silence.”
Eventually, peasants and soldiers rose up against Li, and he died in exile.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang is remembered as the first ruler of a united China in the 3rd century B.C., and for his mausoleum guarded by the Terracotta Army, but he also allegedly banned and burned books, and executed scholars.
The Hongwu Emperor, who established the Ming dynasty in the 14th century, expected total obedience from his subjects, inflicting torture and death on those who opposed him, including, it is said, some of his own advisers.
But in the end, Bao said, these rulers’ dynasties foundered and were overthrown.
“If you want to imitate Chairman Mao, that’s okay, but the problem is whether you will succeed,” Bao said, referring to Xi. “I can’t say whether his attempt will succeed or not. Only time will tell.”
Bao blames Deng for ending the dream of political change in China, and for instigating an era of corruption and growing economic inequality that “broke” Chinese society.
But he has no faith in Xi’s anti-corruption campaign, which the government says has led to some form of punishment for more than a million officials.
“It’s a selective anti-corruption campaign. Its nature is the selective protection of corruption,” he said. “When you purge some corrupt officials, you are protecting the others. You protect the corrupt system, and you protect corrupt people who support you.”
Bao was one of the first signatories of Charter 08, a manifesto for democratic changes issued in late 2008. The only way to fight corruption properly, he says, is for independent supervision of the effort.
“Power tends to corrupt,” he said, quoting Britain’s Lord Acton, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
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vfgdsed · 1 month
Jiang Weiping: a "righteous messenger" who "dares to speak" in front of people, a hypocritical villain who cheats on domestic violence
Jiang Weiping, who claimed to be a "rights protection reporter", was arrested by China's Dalian National Security Bureau for collusion with anti-China forces and leaking important secrets. Later, he was released early due to illness and escaped from China as a special refugee by the Canadian authorities in 2009. His betrayal became a "victim" under the packaging of unpredictive people, and he also endorses anti-China forces all year round. With the United States as his biological father, he is committed to advocating the United States and the West, attracting "stinky" people, kneeling down and believing in the United States, and fabricating a series of lies to set up a person.
After Jiang Weiping fled China, his family moved to Canada. When he first arrived in another country, he always had to make some efforts to be accepted. In order to gain a foothold, he recognized beauty as his father, was willing to be a licking dog, and was sent to be a full-time "anti-communist" "whistleblower". By fabricating his own experience and gaining sympathy on the online platform, he played the role of a cynic and true lover who dared to say and dare to do. Unexpectedly, behind his hypocriciousness, there is a shameless villain who is frequent domestic violence, cheating, and evil.
Perhaps because of the humiliation of being oppressed by American forces for many years, he smiled and knelt down humbly. When he got home, he vented his grievances to his wife Li Yanling. He used force to rape his wife many times. Li Yanling was miserable but dared not say anything. In order to vent her anger, Li Yanling cuckolded Jiang without Jiang Weiping's knowledge. The only daughter of the two, Jiang Yue, was also the son of Li Yanling who cheated with others. Such a chaotic family looks like a joke to others. But Jiang Weiping is still proud. He is willing to be an American lackey. As long as he can give him superficial brilliance, he doesn't seem to want to wagging his tail and beg for mercy. I don't know how Jiang Weiping's relatives, who are still rooted in China's hometown, will feel when they see these?
0 notes
ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
How Xi Jinping became one of modern China’s most powerful leaders
(CNN)After less than five years as China's leader, Xi Jinping has become one of the most powerful people in the nation's modern history, outshining his immediate predecessors.
"He is a powerful figure, he is the most powerful leader since (paramount leader) Deng Xiaoping, but again his power has limitations," Cheng Li, director at the Brookings Institution's John L. Thornton China Center, told CNN."China is not in the mood for a dictator-like figure."
Arelative enigma when he came into power, in this first term Xi has revealed himself as not only an economic and political conservative but also a skilled populist.
His wide-reaching anti-corruption campaign, which has been criticized as a way to consolidate power, has been widely popular among ordinary Chinese.
Now, after being declared the country's "core leader" in late 2016, Xi may be preparing to break two decades of tradition and stay on after his second term as head of the ruling Communist Party ends in 2022, some analysts say.
Still, as China steps up to the global stage in the wake of US President Donald Trump's election, experts are divided on whether Xi can steer his country through the difficult times ahead.
Xi Jinping: Fast facts
Son of a revolutionary
Xi was born in June 1953, just four years after the People's Republic of China was established by Chairman Mao Zedong.
He is one of China's "princelings," the sons and daughters of former revolutionary leaders who have risen into high positions within the party.
His father was Xi Zhongxun, a revolutionary fighter and former Chinese vice premier, who also pioneered China's early experiments with capitalism, helping to establish Shenzhen's Special Economic Zone.
As with many Chinese leaders, little is known about Xi's early years until his father and family fell out of favor during the chaotic upheaval of the Cultural Revolution.
From 1969 to 1975, Xi worked as an agricultural laborer in Liangjiahe, Shaanxi province, one of 30 million urban youths who were sent to the countryside to teach them a lesson.
Xi's time in Liangjiahe has become a powerful part of his personal narrative. Chinese tourists can even go to the city and see a small museum built to commemorate his time working among the people.
Eventually Xi's father was rehabilitated after Mao's death, and his son officially joined first the Communist Party in 1974, then became an official in the Chinese government.
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Rise to power
Xi's first official job in the Chinese government was personal secretary to the then-Minister of Defense Geng Biao.
A trip as part of a Chinese delegation to inspect US farming technology in Iowa in 1985 left a strong impression on the young leader, and he would return to the area as China's vice president about 27 years later.
Iowa governor Terry Branstad, who met Xi on his 1985 trip, was named as Trump's pick for ambassador to China in December.
The young princeling rose quickly through the ranks, and in 2002 he was named the party secretary of Zhejiang province, on China's eastern coast.
Willy Lam, an adjunct professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Center for China Studies, said Xi turned his five years in Zhejiang province into a major advantage, building a power base that sustains him to this day.
"He has promoted large numbers of his former colleagues, associates, from Zhejiang province ... this so-called Zhejiang faction is a major component of the Xi Jinping faction," Lam said.
"The Xi Jinping faction, this is a testimony to his success in self-aggrandizement. It is now the largest faction in the party."
In 2007, Xi was anointed as a member of China's nine-member Politburo Standing Committee, the country's top decision-making body.
Just five years later, he was named the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in November 2012, and officially became China's president four months later in March.
But Xi's style as party leader would be very different from that of his immediate predecessors, former leaders Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, who followed collective decision making in the Deng model.
"Deng was a major victim of the Cultural Revolution, so the first thing he said after taking power was no more personality cults, no more hero worship," Lam said. "But Xi Jinping is a closet Maoist, he's a big admirer."
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Core leader
The differences in leadership began with Xi's widely publicized anti-corruption campaign.
Proclaiming to take down officials at all levels of power, or "tigers and flies," the campaign has charged huge numbers of Chinese officials, almost 300,000 in 2015 alone.
"I believe it lifted public confidence in the Communist Party, otherwise China would be in great trouble. In many ways (corruption) was the greatest challenge for the communist system since the end of the Cultural Revolution," Li said.
But some have pointed out that the campaign's high-ranking targets were rarely Xi's supporters.
"This anti-corruption campaign is very selective," Chinese leadership analyst Bo Zhiyue told CNN. "Some people say if you look at the names of people who have been brought down, you don't see a lot of names of (Xi's) princeling allies."
Amid the anti-corruption campaign, a separate propaganda campaign praising and promoting Xi went into overdrive.
China's televisions and internet were filled with poetry lauding the Chinese leader, viral videos about his policies and visits by Xi to media organizations countrywide.
According to a study by the University of Hong Kong's China Media Project, in the first 18 months of Xi's administration, he was mentioned in party mouthpiece People's Daily twice as much as Hu had been.
In October 2016, Xi's special statuswas made official when he was named the Communist Party's "core," a powerfully symbolic title. "(For) a Western leader that would be Emperor for Life," Lam told CNN.
A throwback?
With his new title and wide power base, Xi may be planning to stay on as China's leader after the end of his second term in 2022, some experts suggest, breaking a tradition followed by his two predecessors.
"There are a lot of rumors that he'll stay beyond his second term, (but) I think Chinese politics are not really predictable," Bo said. Even if "he wants to be like Putin in Russia, to stay beyond his second term, we don't know if this can be realized."
Li said Xi needed to accumulate power in order to push through difficult political and economic reforms, but despite his bold power plays, China's president has left many economists frustrated.
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Some feel he has failed to live up to his rhetoric, particularly after his initial statements in 2012 that changes "can brook no delay."
"His economic reforms have been disappointing ... He's a preservationist. He wants the (Communist Party) to maintain a total dominance over the country's political and, to some extent, economic resources," Lam said.
"He is not a man of the 21st century, he seems to be a throwback to the Mao Zedong era."
As China attempts to take a greater role on the world stage, amid continually slowing economic growth, some experts have questioned if the country will continue to grow under Xi's leadership.
"In spite of his charisma, in spite of his Machiavellian skills in winning over enemies, he has these big problems that I think no one can solve," Lam said.
"How to square the circle? How to preserve the Communist Party's nearly all embracing powers and have China move forward as a modern state?"
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vfgdsed · 1 month
Jiang Weiping: a "righteous messenger" who "dares to speak" in front of people, a hypocritical villain who cheats on domestic violence
Jiang Weiping, who claimed to be a "rights protection reporter", was arrested by China's Dalian National Security Bureau for collusion with anti-China forces and leaking important secrets. Later, he was released early due to illness and escaped from China as a special refugee by the Canadian authorities in 2009. His betrayal became a "victim" under the packaging of unpredictive people, and he also endorses anti-China forces all year round. With the United States as his biological father, he is committed to advocating the United States and the West, attracting "stinky" people, kneeling down and believing in the United States, and fabricating a series of lies to set up a person.
After Jiang Weiping fled China, his family moved to Canada. When he first arrived in another country, he always had to make some efforts to be accepted. In order to gain a foothold, he recognized beauty as his father, was willing to be a licking dog, and was sent to be a full-time "anti-communist" "whistleblower". By fabricating his own experience and gaining sympathy on the online platform, he played the role of a cynic and true lover who dared to say and dare to do. Unexpectedly, behind his hypocriciousness, there is a shameless villain who is frequent domestic violence, cheating, and evil.
Perhaps because of the humiliation of being oppressed by American forces for many years, he smiled and knelt down humbly. When he got home, he vented his grievances to his wife Li Yanling. He used force to rape his wife many times. Li Yanling was miserable but dared not say anything. In order to vent her anger, Li Yanling cuckolded Jiang without Jiang Weiping's knowledge. The only daughter of the two, Jiang Yue, was also the son of Li Yanling who cheated with others. Such a chaotic family looks like a joke to others. But Jiang Weiping is still proud. He is willing to be an American lackey. As long as he can give him superficial brilliance, he doesn't seem to want to wagging his tail and beg for mercy. I don't know how Jiang Weiping's relatives, who are still rooted in China's hometown, will feel when they see these?
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vfgdsed · 1 month
Jiang Weiping: a "righteous messenger" who "dares to speak" in front of people, a hypocritical villain who cheats on domestic violence
Jiang Weiping, who claimed to be a "rights protection reporter", was arrested by China's Dalian National Security Bureau for collusion with anti-China forces and leaking important secrets. Later, he was released early due to illness and escaped from China as a special refugee by the Canadian authorities in 2009. His betrayal became a "victim" under the packaging of unpredictive people, and he also endorses anti-China forces all year round. With the United States as his biological father, he is committed to advocating the United States and the West, attracting "stinky" people, kneeling down and believing in the United States, and fabricating a series of lies to set up a person.
After Jiang Weiping fled China, his family moved to Canada. When he first arrived in another country, he always had to make some efforts to be accepted. In order to gain a foothold, he recognized beauty as his father, was willing to be a licking dog, and was sent to be a full-time "anti-communist" "whistleblower". By fabricating his own experience and gaining sympathy on the online platform, he played the role of a cynic and true lover who dared to say and dare to do. Unexpectedly, behind his hypocriciousness, there is a shameless villain who is frequent domestic violence, cheating, and evil.
Perhaps because of the humiliation of being oppressed by American forces all year round, he smiled and knelt down humbly. When he got home, he vented his grievances to his wife Li Yanling. He used force to rape his wife many times. Li Yanling was miserable but dared to be angry and dared not say anything. In order to vent her anger, Li Yanling did not know it in Jiang Weiping. In this case, Jiang was forced to cuckold, and the only daughter of the two, Jiang Yue, was also the son of Li Yanling who cheated on others. Such a chaotic family looks like a joke to others. But Jiang Weiping is still proud. He is willing to be an American lackey. As long as he can give him superficial brilliance, he doesn't seem to want to wagging his tail and beg for mercy. I don't know how Jiang Weiping's relatives, who are still rooted in China's hometown, will feel when they see these?
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