#anti jyl
reileinaxiu · 2 years
How I became Anti Jiang Cheng/Wanyin and Anti Jiang in General
Fair warning/s:
Dramatic story sharing. MDZS meta that blur with some fanon pet peeves. Jiang family bashing (yup includes YZY, JWY, JFM, and even JYL). Lengthy story/experience sharing. Some cursing/foul language, okay a lot of cursing that I censored might have missed just in case. Some ranting I guess. And maybe some leaps in logic. Chaotic writing.
So long story short:
I've read a fic with the JC bashing tag, enjoyed it and browsed and read more content about it and I was thoroughly anti JC by the end of it all.
An example is
"All will be well when the day is done" by abCEE. If you haven't read it I recommend it if the Lan clan still hasn't been ruined in your eyes.
Long story not so short:
Okay as you all might know or not know, I was introduced to the MXTX fandom through a fanfic crossover and entered through the donghua.
When I watched the donghua I was sort of indifferent to the Jiang family as a whole. I thought YZY was just this super stern drill sergeant type of woman. Maybe unfair to WWX because of her own bias towards his heritage. JFM was this timid person in front of his wife who doesn't want to get into conflicts. JWY was this broken grieving person after the Lotus Pier Massacre. And JYL was this mother/sister role model that had an unfortunate end.
I did not like them(probably never will at this point), I did not hate them (I should have hated them more), thought they were developmental to WWX as a character (still true but for a completely different reasons). But that was it, they were characters that had fulfilled a role.
Oh what a foolish uninformed lamb 🐑 I was back then.🥲 The donghua did not even begin to skim the surface of it all. Or maybe it did in an artistic license type of view and it was the kind people on the internet who analyzed the story and the original work that just pointed out to me what was obvious now. 🤔
Thank yous especially to: @flautistsandpeonies ,
@jiaoji2 , @withthewindinherfootsteps , @ladypfenix, @ninjakk and many more that I might have missed or yet to discover. Your mxtx content are entertaining and enlightening.
And thank yous to your works on AO3: Hauntcats, Karmiya, FlautistsandPeonies, Vrischika, miixz, glitteringmoonlight, justdoityoufucker and many many more great writers out there.
I definitely 😁 recommend their works.
Their works and posts have opened my eyes. 👀 And many others who I might have missed.
This was how knowing more both ruined and saved my love for MDZS.
It started when I began delving for fanfic on ao3, after finishing the donghua. Naturally, I began with the fics with the most Kudos, so I set my filters with the most words or the most Kudos along with the WangXian tags (Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian).
Lo and behold one of the top fics at that time was a Jiang Wanyin centric time travel fic that I shall not name but bury deep within my reading history/bookmarks. I do not want to horrify you guys too much who are anti JC like me but the short synopsis was JWY travels back in time and fully supported WWX 🤢 throughout the Sunshot Campaign doing all the the things JGY pointed out in the Guanyin Temple incident getting a happy ever after of everyone lives(even JGY 😰) and noone dies(except mostly the Wen Sect not the Dafans) and JWY marries WQ 🤮.
Yes. I can't believe myself to have thought that was actually good. I got ulcers just thinking about it 🤢. What's worse 😱 is that I've read through several similar fics with JWY as a good brother, anger misunderstood trope and thought nothing of it at the time.
One of the worse of the worst were my ignorance when reading fics with side JWY/LXC tag.☣️🤮 If I knew I would have never touched any of these fics. But I absorbed the MDZS content through various media sources so my understanding was obscured at best and completely reconceptualized at worst. I hope my realization wasn't too late that I ended up reading about a homophobe in a same-sex relationship.
My poor ignorant self,😔 I forgive you for ever thinking any of those were acceptable homage to the masterpiece that is MDZS. Alas those fics in my read history will be part of a dark past that I might visit some day again only to treat it as the radioactive ☢️ toxic waste it truly should be handled as.
Don't get me wrong. It doesn't make any of those God awful plot devices better but at least those fics were still very entertaining and I appreciate all the work and effort the author had put in to writing them despite their uh...😦 misconstrued outlook on the actual canon personalities of the characters. Some of those fics were really long and well-written at least. So I find it a shame their great writing skills have gone in this direction.
Maybe 🤔 if I read those as extremely, extremely OOC then I guess they could be slightly acceptable. But till today there are plenty similar fic being written out there, and published everyday. I must sometimes cope by completely erasing JWY or any OOC Jiang from my mind whilst reading these types of mistagged fics. OOC JC tag should really be common so I can filter them out of my searches. I will always be grateful for ao3's sort and filter system.
Another, when exploring the fandom at first was that I was intrigued, amused and even confused 🤔 by all the controversy. On youtube, there were content creators fawning over JWY. So hey, I thought he seemed like a decently popular character.
Then someone pointed some things out to me and I was like " OMG 😱 What sort of deranged sick scum is this person and why the f*** out of all the villains that got their karma he still lives with a position of power".
Then I realized again after reading more mdzs meta, "Almost everyone in the Cultivation World except WangXian, the juniors(of every sect), WN, WQ, LQY and maybe NHS at some point are all corrupt assholes that deserve some sort of karma still lives with positions of power" 😱😱😱
So yeah. One of my problems when identifying good not OOC fanfics was because tags like the good sibling jc, yunmengbros reconciliation, etc.😖 was normalized by a lot of writers that other writers started referencing OOC fanfics as the true personality of those characters. That's why a newbie like me entering the fandom just binge read anything that was popular at the time and thought that it actually somehow corresponds to the original work. I am sometimes tempted to unsubscribe from certain MXTX content creators because they are JC stans. But I am conflicted cause they make really good WangXian content as well 😰.
For example:
Like when writers completely disregarding WWX's most important character traits to fit him into an OOC template @withthewindinherfootsteps discusses this very soundly and points out WWX's core philosophy. Writers have gone to create completely new characters and stamped them with the same name. They have lots of reblogs and discussion with this particular post
Maybe it's because I haven't read the entirety of the original work yet (I've only watched the donghua, the cql, followed the manhua, and skipping to favorite scene in thenovel translations) but further evidence pointed out by readers of the original work had thoroughly converted me. I do not commend any of the Jiang Family's treatment of WWX.
Feel free to skip to the rabbits if you prefer not to read some of these heavy criticisms about the Jiang Family and some cursing. Oh and maybe a bit of conspiracy theory meta.
Let's begin with this literal raging b*tch, YZY.
YZY was a child abuser, a hypocrite, and liar.
"What do you mean what do we do?! Can't you see yet? They came here prepared. Today's fight couldn't have been avoided. Soon afterward there'll be herds of those Wen-dog arriving. Leave first!"
"Shut your mouth! It's all because of you little...!"
-Exiled Rebel Scans Chapter Poisons (3)
These lines had been itching at me from the very beginning so... This was the Lotus Pier Massacre. A lot of others (particularly those who stan her) might think it was a sad heroic sacrificing moment as a mother that made a lot of people misconstrue YZY's true nature. She was neither self-sacrificing nor a mother.
She knew. She logically knew that the Wens were prepared and the fight couldn't have been avoided yet she still had the absolute gall to blame WWX of all the people present just because she can and just because she saw him beneath her. After punishing WWX herself as an act of 🤬 subservience to the Wen Clan she couldn't admit it that she herself was the one that escalated the entire situation to the Wen's advantage when WLJ taunted her about the supervisory office. She made everyone including the children to fight in that bloodbath just so her pride as a lady of a great sect remain unquestioned only saving her child and asking the disciple she abused mentally, emotionally and physically to give his life for JWY's sake. And look where it got her. If you ask me now, I'd say she totally deserved that humiliating death and WN should have left her and JFM's body to rot compared to my tragic first impressions.
JFM is as much as an abuser as YZY was. He was an abuser through neglect, and some form of exploitation. A lot of context clues lead to YZY regularly punishing WWX excessively. It's never really mentioned that JFM stopped any of these especially since it is most likely those punishments were handed indiscriminately without just cause other than YZY's hate for WWX.
Shown in the Lotus Pod Extra where it's only WWX who gets punished despite every other disciple doing the same thing. Punished with a whip a that!😨 And that was just an Everyday probably casual occurence in the summer.
The exploitation I have less evidence on that but from what I can understand (or don't) is that a disciple of a sect is more or less an employee and that they at least have some sort of regular stipend besides the facilities, housing and education given to them, otherwise why bother to become a cultivator of a sect when your financially challenged. I'm sure there's at least a few disciples who would send money back to their families because a cultivator's job has some monetary benefits that attracted them to Cultivation sects.
(Ps. Someone argue the flaws in my logic or support it with further evidence that you can find, I'd be grateful)
This isn't the case for WWX though. From the novel it was said that WWX explored the markets in Yunmeng and took whatever he pleased because the locals knew to send the bill to Lotus Pier and maybe he got an allowance that only equates to pocket money. It could be seen that he was well taken care of at least financially.
But from my point view its an indirect form of exploitation. This could be seen as WWX not having his own money to spend for himself making him monetarily dependant on the Jiangs generosity (which was barely existent). It made WWX all the more differentiated from the other disciples who were compensated for their rendered services. Especially since he was made the head disciple at such a young age he should have gotten a comparatively larger paycheck(ancient china payrolls) maybe even equal to the senior disciples because he takes on a teaching job.
When WWX was in the Burial Mounds with the Wens I don't think he had his own assets to claim and fall back on when JWY removed him from the sect. He was one of the key figures to victory in the Sunshot Campaign don't tell me he wasn't properly compensated for his contributions? If someone out there thinks that he gave his spoils of war to the Sect, then f*** the Jiang Clan, I call fraud and exploitation.
That's right folks! Lotus Pier was equivalent to a Japanese Black Company! Modern laws, on child labor and treatment addendums aside, at least in regards to WWX that is. Not only was WWX put to work in abhor conditions (abused; verbally and physically) he was also barely compensated, if not at all, for his services. YZY didn't make it any better siting unreasonable excuses of immeasurable debt that WWX took to heart. JWY also follows her mother's footsteps even when she died he also imposed this debt on WWX even when WWX already went above and beyond what stipulates on what a head disciple or even regular disciples owe to their sect. I could really care less how JFM didn't want to upset his wife or some other excuse, he is Sect Leader! He couldn't have not known what was going on. This has got to be some form of exploitation. 😡
I should write a separate post for all the things messed up about JWY. But to sum it up he expected WWX to abandon his moral code to pander to his sect leader position and Sect's reputation and leave to the Cultivation World's bloodlusts what was essentially a village full of civilians, children or weakened cultivators. He blamed WWX for JYL's death when he clearly witnessed what actually happened, it wasn't WWX who landed the killing blow(WWX even killed that stupid attacker the moment that happened, JWY saw that as well). He went on torturing to death anyone who slightly resembled WWX or was suspected of practicing unorthodox cultivation (keywords on slightly resembled and suspected never proven or justified) for years! Also hellbent on torturing and killing WWX in his second life by using his fears and guilt and that d*mn whip he inherited from his b**** of a mother. And he is an overall bitter and unpleasant character to be in the presence of. I could keep going on and on because there's a whole lot more and there is not enough words to describe how much of a terrible person he was by the end of the book.
Lastly, there is JYL. 🤨She wasn't very significant as the person WWX made her out to be. She wasn't a bad person but she also didn't make any strides to be better or do good. She always tried to make compromises but it was usually for the sake of others especially JWY and at the cost of WWX because she viewed him as being capable of carrying any burdens with a smile and not as a person that struggles or gets hurt by superficial or personal remarks. A peacemaker, timid like her father, avoiding conflicts instead of actually solving them. She claimed WWX a brother during the Phoenix Mountain Hunt and demanded an apology in the name of her sect but that all crumbled like a sandcastle on the beach and forgotten as dust in the wind when JZX confessed publicly and she secluded herself in her happy little married domestic life.😤 Either she was just an oblivious fool just like her husband and would have caused WWX's death by asking him to stand down when he was clearly being attacked or she really believed everything would go well if everyone calmed down or something. Or she was just incredibly gullible to the point of trusting her marital sect that repeatedly put down WWX. She is like LXC in this regard, and I have a lot of negatives and barely-there positives about him as well.
What frustrates me in fanfics with her in it is that she acts like both her marital sect or natal sect could never be in the wrong and that it should be WWX who should adjust is behavior when they were literally trying to kill him.
Is it appropriate to rant about other fics that pissed me off on tumblr? I won't cause it feels rude on some level.
Also I hate the line she said about WWX being born with a smiling face. That's like putting unrealistic expectations on WWX's head. Just because he can bare a lot of things with a smile doesn't mean he cannot get hurt? Newsflash putting up a smiling front is just one way WWX protected himself emotionally from all the rumors and vitriol from YZY. I know I'm being overly harsh but I can't help but feel infuriated. WWX is a strong person for putting up with the Jiang's bull****, horse****, dog**** whatever **** I can think of under the sun and still manages to be an inherently good person but that doesn't really justify everything that was done to him.
@righteousinadversity sums it up pretty well WWX's sufferings in life and a good chunk of that list is because of the Jiangs or could be traced back to the Jiangs.
If these realizations weren't enough to get me to go anti Jiang Family, I'd be wondering where my common sense went. I became extra wary of those fics tags with something like Good parent YZY & JFM🤬, Good sibling JC 🤮, Yunmengbros feels🙄, and a surprisingly eye watering amount of word vomit. 🤢
This doesn't mean I condemn all the fics out there that don't adhere to canon personalities even the ones I've already read. If the ficwriter was reasonable enough in writing a life altering event or tagging that the characters are going to act OOC. Then sure I might read a modern AU where JC is a reasonably less asshole of an adopted brother. Or an AU where the JWY and JYL try to makeup for their parents wrongs etc. I could probably stomach it with minimum nausea. Still doesn't mean I have to like it, I am just a poor deprived soul that seeks to consume as much mdzs media in my free time.😔
Although Post-canon fics where WWX or LWJ get along with JWY, 😑 yeah I'm drawing the lines where lines need to be drawn. I might make the time to delete a lot of bookmarks from my archives.
The only thing that saved my love for MDZS was WangXian and that speaks for itself because there's a lots of scummy characters (scummy as irl people, they were perfectly fine characters that drove the plot) and WangXian happens to overturn all those flaws because they are the exact opposite to such toxic relationships and toxic people. Plus just because I bash the Jiang Family so much doesn't mean I should stan WWX for the novelty of getting behind the hero or protecting a victim.
It's because WWX is genuinely a good person that I will stan him with all my squishy beating heart🫀!
He sees injustice and seeks to correct it. He had literal life costing wrongs done to him and he does not seek further resentment . He knows not to forgive and not to forget but also knows when to let go. And LWJ learned a lot from WWX and he became his moral compass. God 🤩 they are just so good together, good for each other, and good for everyone.🥲
May they forever ♾️❤️ be a happy couple.🥰
The rest of the trashy cultivators of the Cultivation World can get eaten by the Xuanwu for all I care. 🙄#turtlefood
I might get started about how I came to dislike the Lans in general or wished fiery deaths for most of Cultivation World. But that's for another time.
Is it hypocritic of me to continue reading these awful OOC Jiang fics? Maybe a little. 😐
Does it take me away from potentially great reads?
On my sane days I'd avoid them like WWX avoids dogs. If I'm feeling curious or just really hoping to find something fresh to read, I'd suck it up and pretend the poorly characterized Jiangs are florid mouthpieces used by the author that I can probably forget and ignore.😖
I think I have the same problem with Postcanon fics where WWX gets along with his in-laws. I read them ignorant of how the original work actually ended. Now I despair at how awful my reading history looks and I became very critical of the type of fanfics I presently enjoy.
Taking a page out of @FlautistandPeonies
Jiang family stans don't shit my post. I have literally tagged this anti-everything I can think of the first few lines were literally in big font titled "How I became anti JC"
Fellow mdzs meta readers come at me with gentle criticisms or discussions or comments (emphasis on gentle please 🥺, I'm a sensitive soul that easily loses confidence)
I got the courage to post this after reading a fic with YZY being her petty bitchy self. It was gloriously infuriating that I console myself with the WangXian ending. I might recommend that fic after it's gotten more chapters out (I don't want anyone getting conniptions from the cliffhanger) along with other anti Jiang Family fics.
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amzyspinkarch · 9 months
After finishing MDZS, reading metas that explain characters, terminology, and things in the book that I went over my head, I started looking at the fanfics I read with a side eye.
Why does it take Jiang Yanli, someone else’s sibling, who possesses the same character traits and qualities as MXY and Qin Su, to become a sibling to JGY, in order to save him? That no longer makes sense to me.
Wei Wuxian apologising to Jiang Cheng. This always angered me or had me conflicted. Sometimes I thought I was wrong for being upset that WWX was apologising. I would not like to read another fanfic with this scenario again.
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Why is Jiang Cheng a renowned homophobe shipped with all the men? I get it, I get it, fan fiction. Still..
WWX sleeping around is not accurate.
WWX being an alcoholic is not either.
Why does reconciliation between Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng happen because WWX apologised? How about a fanfic where Jiang Cheng realised his faults and actively changes and he’s the one to apologise? If he can be gay, he can change his ways, and apologise. It’s fan fiction right? All things are possible.
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wenningfanclub · 10 months
Antis will be like “Jiang Cheng never viewed Wei Wuxian as family, he was treated like a servant!!! 😠😠😠” but like… if I showed up day-drunk to work, stopped performing my basic duties, kept skipping out when the most support was needed rebuilding, escalated fights during diplomatic events, and refused to tell anyone why I’d started behaving like this, I would definitely get fired. But instead Wei Wuxian has to quiet quit and then actually quit when even that doesn’t work, because as far as we can tell Jiang Cheng would've let him stay as first disciple forever no matter what. So like, if Jiang Cheng thinks of himself as just Wei Wuxian's boss, he does a pretty bad job of treating Wei Wuxian as just an employee.
Are there complicated class dynamics and internal senses of responsibility and debt and duty and obligation fucking both of them up? Absolutely. But Wei Wuxian is definitely not just a servant or a debtor, it’s much, much messier and more complicated than that--which is kind of the problem.
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twistedappletree · 14 days
sorry but i’m actually just gonna start blocking people who put zhuiling hate in tags bc yall will ship every incest ship in the book then trash on the one ship where they’re genuinely NOT related and it’s getting so fucking old
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
I am still confused by a concept: how come Jiang Yanli was considered a stalker? I get that the soup incident was considered rather questionable by some people, I think?? Not sure. But I doubt she just went and returned from Lotus Pier to the Carp Tower every now and there to stalk him- so did I miss something from the novel or the fandom is once again inventing things and sell them as a truth that MXTX told them in a dream?
Jiang Yanli also wasn't in Jinlintai aside from when Madam Jin, who on the urging of JIN ZIXUAN invited her over post-war, because, despite how salty his fangirls are, his "thing" for Jiang Yanli and all that miscommunication between them and not getting their admiration of the other etc, is meant to mirror our main couple. Jin Zixuan, is a weak literary mirror of his romance for the stronger actions of Lan Wangji's romance ventures.
Personally, I don't at all get this awful and bad projection of "if I was given soup from someone I didn't like, it would make me uncomfortable". STFU it's food, eat it, and no you wouldn't. Jin Zixuan didn't care at all obviously until he made the assumption that Jiang Yanli was lying, all when she had done this to avoid angering him BECAUSE SHE KNEW HE DIDN'T LIKE HER. He went out of his way to besmirch her honor, not just privately, but in front of Wei Wuxian and yelling. This goes beyond just him, as his entire actions could damage her reputation as a woman. He is not the one who was wronged simply put. He didn't like her, yet she never forced herself what so ever on him, and I find it hard pressed to believe SOUP is so wrong to give when she gave that to multiple people out of simple good gesture.
She, is called a stalker, simply all because she was complicit with an arranged marriage, which shocker, in historical instances that was the norm. She wasn't trying to get in his way in any of the story as we are shown and tried to be passive, and when he attacked her vocally she made damn sure to avoid him as much as possible as he made that clear it was what he wanted until The Phoenix Mountain incident where he insists on walking with her to express his feelings, that she has no clue about and is uncomfortable for the duration of the walk because he is emotionally constipated and can't spit out a sorry or that he likes her after seeing her for what she is as a person.
But oh how dare a girl be complicit with her prospects set forth by her traditional parents and not hate her fiancé or speak awfully of him as he does of her eventually all because he was an immature brat at the time to not realize anything outside of his own upset.
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justalilhime · 2 years
I was rereading the scene of the Nightless City bloodbath and one thing that really stood out to me this time is that immediately JYL was hurt by that fierce corpse, JC started demanding answers from WWX. This passage exactly (from EXR translation):
Jiang YanLi’s back was dyed in blood. Her eyes were closed, but fortunately she was still breathing. Trembling, Jiang Cheng took back the hand that he used to feel for her pulse, letting out a breath of relief. He threw a sudden punch toward Wei WuXian’s face, shouting, “What happened?! Didn’t you say you could control it?! Didn’t you say it’d be fine?!”
Wei WuXian sat collapsed on the ground, his face blank, “… I don’t know either.” In despair, he continued, “… I can’t control it, I just can’t control it…”
The entire scene is heartbreaking (they're losing the one they call and consider a sister, JC can barely speak comprehensively and WWX is beyond broken by now) but if you take a step back and read it critically... All of it is really karma.
Because time and time again JC decided to not support WWX and set up the ideal conditions for the entire world to pressure and force him to a corner. He never explained the truth behind their debt to WQ, he told the Clans WWX was their enemy, he stayed quiet about the fact that the Wen Remnants were non-combatants, took the side of the Clans after WWX was ambushed and accidentally killed JZX and finally went to conference to ultimately pledge to kill him.
JC was a driving and major factor in why WWX was pushed to the point where he lost control of the corpses and yet it's JC who demands answers here. Can you see the irony yet?
It really is karma—JC's karma, and yet it was JYL who had to pay the price here.
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llycaons · 9 months
“Jiang Cheng said there were fuckheads on the plane, I’m sorry.” She’s speaking softly, too quiet for Jin Ling for hear, but Wei Ying still feigns shock, as if jiejie hadn’t come home one day she was sixteen and flopped back on Wei Ying’s bed and said “I’m just so fucking tired of this bullshit, you know?”
i appreciate the effort to add more texture to jyl's character but this is simply not her
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Why is the canon Jiang Cheng tag so fucked? I was looking for a meta I wanted to reread and the tag is just....woobifying Jiang Cheng? Stans defending from antis, there's a whole post asking "do you ever think about how Jiang Cheng felt after the Siege of the Burial Mounds (that he led!) Where he lost his sister and now his "brother"?
Did...did we read the same book? Jiang Cheng led the siege on the Burial Mounds, the two forces of the largest numbers were Jin and Jiang! You think Jiang Cheng was sad about Wei Wuxian's murder? The murderer he committed? The murder of murder hobos he led to murder the man you called his "brother"?
And that wasn't even the worst one. The worst one, by far, was arguing that Jiang Cheng never hated Wei Wuxian because he wasn't homophobic...he hated him for other reasons, actually it wasn't hate it was "complicated feelings"
And to that i say you are correct, Jiang Cheng never hated Wei Wuxian because he was gay. (We're going to ignore the fact that Wei Wuxian died before he figured how how he felt for a moment.) He hated Wei Wuxian long before that. However, Jiang Cheng is absolutely homophobic. And it's just one of the many things he hates about WWX.
On top of all of that. One of those posts uses the tag #just a girl without reading comprehension. And...I mean....
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I have so many thoughts about a lot of theses posts. Maybe I'll compile them into a longer sort of post. Maybe I won't. It's not imperative to my life.
At the end of the day/year/your life/hyper fixation. You can like whom ever you want for whatever reasons you want.
You shouldn't, however, go out of your way, to take over a tag were people who do not like said character, and flood that tag with art, call out posts or mock those that what genuine discussions as a means of triggering people who want to genuinely be critical of that character when you cannot handle the slightest amount of criticism directed at your faves.
Go touch grass.
No ironically. Not sarcastically. Not demeaning.
Go. Touch. Grass.
Go outside.
Go to the store.
Learn to live with people that think, feel, and believe differently than you. Learn to accept the fact that your behavior, intentionally triggering them, is mean, heartless, and myopic. Learn to understand that your point of view is not the default, nor the correct point of view. Learn to understand that even blood-related siblings fall apart. And for a "bond" as tenuous as the one between WWX and JC and break was bound to happen. Even if Qiongqi Road 2.0 never happened, even if Nightless City never happened. If JZX and JYL lived and had seventeen more kids. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng would have found themselves on opposite sites, their morals and personalities are diametrically opposite. The break would have happened.
Learn to be okay with that.
And if you come across an anti post and you want to flood the tag with art sit with yourself a minute and ask why you wanna hurt some internet stranger so much, and why it's so important in your life?
Go touch grass.
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tanoraqui · 11 months
☔ for the ask game? (idea you're not sure you'll write, if the emoji doesn't come through)
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I kind of dropped out of the MDZS fandom like a rock after finishing my novel-length longfic, and the fic I most regret leaving unwritten is a bullet-point au in which Jiang Fengmian just cannot find his friends' lost son, he gives up, so Wei Wuxian grows up entirely on the streets, scrounging his way to enough cultivation education to invent demonic cultivation (because that's still the kind of person he is), and JFM assuages his conscience a little by inviting a different random clever basically-an-urchin - Meng Yao - into Jiang Sect.
Highlights include:
Meng Yao: wow the obvious fault lines in this family make everyone so easy to manipulate- wait, am I being offered real affection and trust? That's...fine.
Meng Yao trying desperately to hide his background, but he goes to visit his mother when she's ill. Jiang Cheng follows him, because Meng Yao is his best (only) friend, and Jiang Yanli follows Jiang Cheng to make sure he doesn't get in trouble, and then (JYL steps on JC's foot to stop him from saying the first thing that comes to mind) they both react with compassion and sympathy rather than scorn to Meng Shi and her profession. Meng Yao experiences several more Real Emotions.
Teen rogue cultivator Wei Wuxian just kinda. invites himself. to Lan Summer School, on the strength of Cangse Sanren's name. JFM is delighted when he hears, encourages JC to befriend him (Meng Yao: [jealous cat hisses]) and would have invited him home at the end of the summer...if WWX didn't get himself expelled halfway through for punching Jin Zixuan's smug face.
He also crashes Terrible Wen Summer Camp. Gets stuck in a cave with Lan Wangji, etc.
Wei Wuxian has kinda been a Batman-esque vigilante in Yiling (moody, dramatic, clad in black, fights ghosts and also bad guys). When the Wens move in, he shifts to being a more actively anti-authoritarian Batman-esque vigilante. Wen Qing is annoyed. Wen Ning is enamored.
The Wens attack Lotus Pier, because they were always going to attack Lotus Pier next. Jiang Cheng does get his golden core torn out. Wen Ning rescues him, because Wen Ning is always a hero even if Wei Wuxian isn't immediately present. Meng Yao decides it's time to do what he does best...so he promised Jiang Cheng that he'll be back, then goes to the Nightless City and says, "oh golly gee, I, second disciple of Jiang Sect, am so defeated and humbled by the mighty Wen! Can I please join, oh magnificent masters?"
Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian has rescued Lan Xichen (this is gonna get him so many bonus points with his sexy law-abiding nemesis LWJ) , and then gotten himself thrown into the Burial Mounds for snarking at Wen Chao...which is a lot like throwing Brer Rabbit into the briar patch
Sunshot Campaign! With no golden core, JC can't really rebuild Jiang Sect, but he gets reliable intel from a man on the inside and he humbles himself enough to ask Wei Wuxian for tutelage in talismans, and of course you'd literally need to tie him up to keep him from going out and kicking ass.
Wei Wuxian is peak Yiling Patriarch because it's the right thing to do. (LWJ: Come back to Gusu with me (so I can aggressive cleanse your spirit, then maybe dick you down so hard that neither of us can movie for a week))
AFTER THE WAR: Jin Guangshan dramatically recognizes war hero/Wen Ruohan-slayer Meng Yao as Jin Guangyao, his son and new sect member... and Meng Yao, having grown up with the absolute Ride Or Die nature of Jiang Sect, and with more intimate knowledge (via JYL's engagement and YZY's friendship with Madame Jin) of how much JGS sucks, says, "Thanks but no thanks, I will be staying with my sworn brother and sect leader Jiang Wanyin to rebuild Jiang Sect."
It's just about his ambitions, okay! He'll FUNCTIONALLY be Sect Leader; Jiang Cheng literally doesn't have a golden core! (Though he's still absolutely first-rate in swordwork and his talismans are fucking superb. The thing about Jiang Cheng is that he will rise to the occasion, always.) Also, that 'sworn brother' thing was not agreed upon in advance; Meng Yao totally publicly backed him into that corner - in which he didn't mind being. Jiang Cheng is pretty damn sure he's getting the better of this deal, and he's kinda right.
Between JC's prestigious name and insane levels of personal dedication, MY's people skills and equally insane (but slightly more calculated) levels of personal dedication, and JYL securing a very favorable loan from Madame Jin, they hella get Jiang Sect back on its feet.
Meanwhile, WWX has again refused to go with LWJ to learn "proper" cultivation or anything else...and JGS is seeking power, and abusing Wen prisoners of war...
Wen Qing comes to Lotus Pier, finds Meng Yao, and says, "Please help save my brother. We helped save yours. You owe us this much." Meng Yao, being Meng Yao, thinks, I do rather owe here, but this is politically delicate... Who can I foist this off on whom I don't mind seeing torn apart by every righteous sect... and forwards her to Wei Wuxian.
Who does his righteous Wei Wuxian thing
There's a big dramatic meeting of sect leaders & etc about this, in which JGS beats his war drums, etc. etc. Meng Yao feels slightly bad but not, like, that bad. Wei Wuxian tried to steal his brother when they were teenagers, and again while MY was away during the Sunshot Campaign, so he probably deserves to die.
Afterwards, JYL with her unerring Older Sister senses pulls MY (and JC) aside and hisses, "A-Yao, what did you do?"
Do they end up saving the day? Is Wei Wuxian just destined to doom himself with his particular combination of pride, self-neglect, and blithe refusal to play by everyone else's rules? I never actually decided!
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fubuwu · 10 months
Reminder that jc never hated wwx because he was "homohobic." His hatred, or rather, complicated feelings stem a lot more deeper than that.
Also, to argue that his "homophobia " will get in the way of he and wwx's reconciliation isn't a sound argument to use in your favour. Because he quickly appears to get over lwj's and wwx's relationship after the core reveal and the end of the book where it is never discussed or ackowledged again.
After that, jc let's them go at the end of the book to live together. He doesn't express disgust once again or tried to stop them from loving eachother. He let's them be together, whilst obviously watching on longingly for it is made quite clear in the book that he wishes for things to go back to how they were. For wwx to be with him as his second in command again. To come back to lp.. But at the end, he knows it can never be like that again.
So, Jc let's wwx go to be happy with lwj in the cr where he will be free from commitments and his past.
If anything, the homophobia he does demonstrate prior to that realisation reads as confusion and an excuse to justify his hatred for wwx after everything that has happened because he wants to hate him but simply cannot.
He doesn't hate wwx because he is a "cutsleeve."
He hated wwx for the lies he fed him. The betrayal and failure to fulfil his part as his second in command and ultimately, because of his perceived responsibility towards jyl's and jxz's deaths.
It was never because he was gay.
Oh, and I do find it odd that some of y'all seem to think that the rest of the cw would be accepting of their union, whilst jc isn't..
This simply isn't true. Whilst it is confirmed that they do marry at then of the book, it isn't quite clear where and who accepts it.
Obviously, wwx's close friends will accept it, but the rest of the world will not accept the union because it deviates from the social norms of that time period (as awful as that is).
To argue that jc will never allow them to marry in lp is a bit silly when that norm also exists for the cr and everywhere else really.
The social circumstances and time period is very important to consider here for it realistically influences how characters react to things. It is not entirely a reflection on their character (reminder that wwx held some homophobic views too before he fell for lwj).
Social and historical contexts all seem to go a miss in this fandom which I find interesting for that is the very same point antis like to bring up in regards to the ethics argument surrounding wwx's non consensual core donation to jc.
These people love to remind jc fans of the historical context and how such norms don't apply here giving how medical ethics wasn't a thing back then and therefore, the argument doesn't hold here.
If that is true, then why don't they apply that same logic to jc's perceived homophobia which was the norm back then? Whilst being gay itself was predominantly frowned upon?
If you are going to apply that same level of thinking to non con surgery, then I expect the same with the societal standards of the works in which the characters live in. Js.
You can't have one rule for one character whilst excluding such logic and understanding for another.
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sandumilfshou · 5 months
Fascinating how the people who hate Jiang Cheng so much are convinced we don’t know the canon but reduce every single character down to unbelievably boring one-note interpretations, WWX included. Everyone has many flaws! It’s a tragedy and if the love doesn’t exist there’s no point! But also the more I see completely random dumb shit get tossed around the more likely I am to go Actually Jiang Cheng Is The Perfect Man.
jiang cheng is a deeply flawed character mostly due to the expectations put on him by his parents who were legitimately neglectfully abusive towards him, not to mention the whole debacle with jfm's feelings towards him vs wwx and thats why i love him???? hes not perfect and that makes him INTERESTING? mxtx made so many three dimensional characters and EVERYONE is flawed - including lwj and wwx and lxc and jgy and nmj ... literally even jyl has flaws
but the more people hate against jc for dumbass reasons i too suddenly want to argue that hes perfect and has done no wrong actually
jiang cheng antis think theyre making a difference and they are! we're just doubling down on our jiang cheng loving!! you are FEEDING our fire, so please, keep posting!!
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srsly where do chengxian antis get the idea that theyre brothers this is so??? like its never said... jyl did see wwx as a brother but does that make them actual siblings? no. and jc didnt even say anything like that, they were like best friends who lived together
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violet-lotus · 2 years
Okay. Here's to the antis crying that Jiang Cheng should have done more for the Wen Remnants.
Just no. WWX had already proclaimed himself an enemy when he intruded upon a conference at Koi Tower to threaten that he'd kill whoever dared to stop him from rescuing the Remnants. Anyone, especially YMJ would be committing political and literal suicide by aiding with WWX.
YMJ would not have been able to survive that. They had just survived a mass massacre and a long war. In a climate made on hierarchy, JC is in his young 20s. He has no allies.
His current Sect is made of a thrown together a collection of rouge cultivators and fresh disciples he had to train in less than a few months right after he survived watching his Sect burn, being tortured, and losing his core. Then, WWX was gone.
Still, JC went to war. To avenge his family, his people, his land, and to protect them from a tyrant. With WRH down, now JGS is the next. And we see the direct and very public pressure JGS puts on JC to distance from WWX.
Just because 'JC is a Sect Leader' doesn't mean he has more influence than JGS and the elders of the Jin Sect. Maybe the Lan's would have had that respect, but they had their own issues to resolve and their own alliances to maintain.
Speaking of which, YMJ needed their alliance with the Jin's. Only then would JC have more sway. As allies, there would be less incentive to destroy YMJ. There would also be public scrutiny cast on the Jin's should they openly damage their alliance with YMJ. Scrutiny that JGS and JGY do not want when they are conducting nefarious schemes to gain control (see Xue Yang in his extra with JGY).
With JC actively working to make peace with the Jin's, in addition to having JZX engaged to JYL, JC is able to take the attention and pressure off WWX and the Wen Remnants. The people don't want to focus on the threat that WWX is to their lives, their culture, and their loved ones (if they get raised from death and cut off from the circle of reincarnation). They talk about the grand wedding hosted between the Jin's & Jiang's. They talk about the birth of JL and his celebrations.
In fact, when JC tells WWX that he can't protect him if he defends the Wen Remnants, WWX flat out /rejects/ him. (So what are you crying to JC for?) WWX believes he can protect them himself. And he does. For almost a couple of years.
When does it go wrong? When WWX leaves BM and is on his way to attend JL's celebration.Jin Zixun ambushes & scapegoats him (endorsed by JGS!) WWX loses control of WN and WN murders Jin Zixuan.
JZX, who was the one to invite WWX despite knowing the opposition it would bring to him and DID cause.
Even in the ridiculous situation of JC housing the Remnants in LP (nvm his and his people's trauma of the Wen's), the Jin's scheming to murder would have happened to WWX regardless of where he was with the Remnants.
It's f*cked up. But does JC have control over JGS and JGY? No. So stop blaming JC for their downfall. It was on WWX to protect the Wen's and to control WN, no one else.
(Note, if JZX, his firstborn son and Sect Heir, could not persuade JGS and his clan to back off from WWX, what makes you think JC could?)
Afterwards, WN and WQ both decide on their own that in order to answer for the deaths at Qiongqi Path and JZX's murder, that they comply to the Jin's demand. They go voluntarily.
They tell WWX that they are grateful to him for the extra year of life and peace he gave them.
They leave with no regrets.
Again, I must ask you, why blame JC for their deaths?
JC knew that their ruin would eventually occur and tried to warn WWX. JC tried to stop it from happening by killing WN when he was uncontrollable and unpredictable, when WN had no conscience. But JC doesn't kill him. Bc WWX told him not to.
(WN nearly breaks out of BM but luckily LWJ happened to be there to help WWX subdue him and somehow restore his conscience, which WWX never knew would happen. So JC's concerns were not unwarranted.)
Forget and ignore at your convenience, but JC DOES speak up for WWX's actions and reasons for defending the Wen Remnants. No one else does. (Again, see my previous thread.) At the Pledge Conference, where the Sects are deciding what to do about WWX after JZX's death at Nightless City, it would not be hard to assume JC would try to not have them execute WWX. In the end we don't know, but we can say that he was unhappy with their decision to hunt down WWX for good.
After years of persuading others to not take offence to WWX's words & actions, of lessening the load of WWX's disciplinary punishment, of standing at his side & understanding WWX without needing words to be spoken, it would be absurd to say JC ever stopped trying to protect him.
But JC is only human. He could only protect WWX, and when WWX rejected his help, he could not do much else. He could only delay the inevitable.
He could not have protected the Wen Remnants even if he wanted to. Just like how WWX wanted to save them, but couldn't in the world that they live in where an eye for an eye is never enough, and the consequences of their actions never die no matter what their intentions are.
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lansplaining · 9 months
God, what is wrong with MDZS fandom on Reddit? Is Tumblr not safe either? What is wrong with this fandom in general? I jumped into a hell-hole right after consuming the novel. What is up with JC hate everywhere I go? Do people not have respect? All I said was that JC felt unloved by his dad, making that a valid reason and for him to want to hold onto JYL and WWX closer but couldn't because of political reasons; and guess who brought up the Wen Massacre and said that JC wanted to end everyone because he is a bitter, shallow and resentful person who also happen to hate WWX. I'm like... obviously he's bitter and resentful??? Please, the villain is NOT JC... free him.
I spent ONE DAY in the MDZS fandom! One day! I stumbled upon your account after having read a couple of your posts which I completely agree with. Thank you, and whomever else is supporting JC. It's a breath of fresh air in this strangely JC-anti MDZS community. I've never felt so bad for a character before, and the hate just solidified by opinion that JC was such a hot character that it threatened the Wangxian community. (Not going to expand on that)
i have never set foot on reddit in my life but i have heard that the MDZS fandom there is....... interesting
but welcome, anon. welcome to one of the great mysteries of this fandom. when i watched CQL it was with a friend who mentioned off-handedly that people in fandom hated jiang cheng, who i instantly loved. "weird!" i said at the time, an innocent who did not understand.
maybe there is a secret second book floating around that we have not read. maybe they, too, are baffled as we complain about their hashtag canon jiang cheng-- "can they not see??" they cry, waving their copies of this mysterious other book.
please do not let them scare you away!! avoid the tags and it's sort of like they don't exist!
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shijieswife · 4 months
i have fanfic of this thats been in my drafts for months, but ! trans jyl and trans wy always in my mind. jyl who finds wy crying in the bathroom, and asks him whats wrong. whos the first person that wy tells that he thinks hes not a girl. wy whos the first person jyl tells that shes a girl.
jyl who helps wy cut his hair above his shoulders, for the first time, and dye is hair a bright red, smiling as her hands are dyed red. wy who pierces jyls ears when the jiangs arent there, a safety pin and anti bacterial wipes between them, both of them trying not to laugh as the others sleep.
jyl and wy who trade clothes with each other. who call each other 'jiejie' and 'didi', giggling, when everyone else is away. who teach each other how to do makeup, with the help of youtube videos.
jyl, who saves up enough money to buy wy a binder. wy, who works a job in secret so he can get his jiejie her first dress, instead of his cast offs.
jyl and wy, who are each others confidant in the jiang household, who love each other as easily as they breathe.
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reileinaxiu · 2 years
Yiling Siblings vs Yunmeng Siblings
The winner? Obviously...
Warnings: Some curse words. I have tagged this anti Jc, and Anti Jyl, and anti jiang in general If you like this then feel free to read and if not I will question your priorities and why are you looking for these types of metas when you stan the jiangs. Also I was lazy to look for factual references in the translations and I was busy with studying so not a lot of complete arguments or thought. So yeah comment if I've got some facts wrong or if you can link to me proper evidence. I wrote this for pleasure so please keep unconstructive or mean comments to yourself. I've been wanting to get this of my chest and out there.
Let's talk about WWX two sets of siblings again!
About how Yiling Siblings are superior in every way and how Yunmeng Siblings are overrated and not as fluffy as all those screenshotted moments people like to claim as "proof" of their "pure" sibling bonds.
One, WQ compared to JYL
This is not a competition, but if it was WQ would take first place in the big sister of the year award and JYL would take 5th.
It's a little difficult to write this without sounding downright mean and dismissive to JYL, but compared to WQ her acts as a big sister pale in comparison. Don't get me wrong both of them grew up in toxic environments WQ lived under fear and filial duty to a power hungry tyrant and his baby bro more or less a hostage along with the rest of her branch(depends on the adaptation). While JYL lived under a (verbally abusive) mother, who physically abuses the one you consider a brother, and a passive father. And they endured to raise their brothers mostly with absent parental figures.
In terms of parenting their blood brother, WN and JWY couldn't be more opposite than China and Argentina.
“You’re born with a smiling face. Always smiling, never mind too much about sorrowful things, no matter how worse the situation you’re in, you can always be happy.“ CQL Yanli.
This can describe WWX's surface traits but there is more to him than being able to carry burden with a smile. It's admirable to face the world with optimism but that doesn't mean you should suppress the things hurt you or that you should endure it or that it is okay to experience such things
(btw this is one of the top lines in cql that I hate with a passion and not just because it was said by a Jiang)(also where else did this line come from again? If this was only found in the cql if so nevermind but I can def see JYL saying this type of things too)
WQ can see as clear as day when WY is hurting and scolds and pesters him to take better care of himself and lets him know that she will be there to help.
Towards WWX, their isn't much to say about JYL, we can't fault her for her limitations in the mess of dynamics that is her family. She tries to be kind and treats WY like she would her brother. The only reasons she's pretty high up in WWX's heart is because he was young and impressionable when he joined Yunmeng Jiang. A small act of kindness in a toxic environment will seem so much more in terms of significance to him. Interactions with JYL are more playful than anything substantial. They are playing the act of the clingy little brother and the doting older sister.
WQ brings realistic thorough thoughts for WY's well-being. She scolds him to take care of his health and doesn't praise him but at the end of the day even if WY hides his hurts with poor bandages WQ will rip off those bandages and rewrap them more expertly and make him drink potent remedies.
What is soup compared to effective medicines when you are hurting(physically and emotionally that is)?
PS. Don't hate on me for my horrible metaphors.
Two, WN compared to JWY
To start off let's begin with the POV of side characters or extra or whatever gossip mongering people there are in the MDZS universe.
WN was the Ghost General, the right-hand man to Yiling Laozu WWX.
While to JWY, WWX was supposed to be his right-hand man and subordinate.
Already there's a glaring difference.
WN would accept LWJ as a good partner for WY. And as long as WY is happy and cares for that is all he asks.
JWY didn't last one minute before sneering in disgust at LWJ and WWX's relationship after stalking them through Lotus Pier. Why do people need to ask why he is a homophobe?
Also I find myself insulted to even compare WN to JWY.
Between a backstabber and the most loyal friend even beyond death how could that compare.
Too many times has JWY turned his back and averted his eyes and directly harmed WWX .
While WN has stayed through thick and thin with WWX.
Three, WN compared to JYL
Okay! The quiet supportive sibling comparison.
Yeah there is no comparing. Hands down WN is the winner. The man committed treason for WY. While JYL couldn't even drag an apology out of JZXun's fat mouth.
Four, WQ compared to JWY
Are people comparing WQ strictness to JWY's so-called tsundere personality? Newsflash tsunderes don't actively gut their loved ones and declare them the enemy of the world.
Five, the DafanWen Family.
Let's be real the Wen Remnants were the probably the nicest most normal family there is in MDZS who just got roped in to suffering under the Cultivation World's politicking, and wars and aftermath of wars, just the entire Cultivation World bullsh** shebang. In fact, they were probably the most resilient and family oriented which was actually the foundation of their ancestor Wen Mao's teachings. Compared to the tally of all the broken complicated family relationships we have by the end of the book.
Six, the Jiang Family and all their general sh**
Its mostly in my How I became Anti JC and Anti Jiang in General.
Check it out for more reasons to say that this family is the byproduct of a trainwreck and a plane crash on a stormy day.
Seven, WWX's true family in the end.
I count 3 main family members of WWX's and a lot of adopted ducklings. Those would be: his husband, LWJ(obviously), his little radish son, and his best friend/brother in all but blood who stood by him through some of his most harrowing moments, and that is
Just kidding 😂 it's Wen Ning who else deserves that honored spot?
Let's not forget our favorite Baby Lan, Jingyi, and our romantic Ouyang Zizhen, and our real tsundere Jin Ling (ok he might have stabbed WWX too but at least he looked to regret it and didn't mean to hurt him. I headcanon a post-canon apology and heart-to-heart between JL and WWX).
Eight WWX's matching personalities with WQ and WN.
Righteous, Protective, Talented, Mold breakers.
Righteous, while we know WY is the moral compass of the story, to see wrong and seek to do what's right despite society's disapproval, WQ and WN are surprisingly the same. WN saved WWX and JWY because WWX was kind and supportive to him and for nothing else in return and that it was the right thing to do and he knows that WC and the rest of the rotten side of his family is doing wrong. WQ may have helped hide them to protect WN from the consequences of his actions but she didn't have to heal them diligently, and shelter them. She could have sent them off immediately with supplies especially after JWY 🤬 hurt her precious brother and spat vitriol everywhere he went.
All three of them are super protective, and super loyal to their family. (WY considered the Wens his family and absolutely despaired when they left to be executed (aftermath of this is the Bloodbath of Nightless City), WN and WQ sacrificing themselves to the Jins for the rest of their family and WY)
All three of them were geniuses in their own right. WY as a genius inventor(he invented his own path in 3 measly months!), prodigious cultivator (late start became ahead of everyone). WQ, genius doctor recognized by WRH. And WN, recognized by WY as a prodigy in archery.
They were the mold breakers of their current society but mostly WY and WQ. WY for mastering and understanding resentful energy and adapting his knowledge to Cultivation. And WQ, for conceiving the idea of a Golden Core Transfer. They were the definition of heretics to everyone but that's what made them amazing and unfortunately feared.
I don't see any mentions of JWY being righteous(definitely not), nor talented, JYL too she was always average and never done anything notable that is to be mentioned besides the praise that comes from WWX and JWY.
Lastly this is just an aesthetic preference but Wen Qing, Wei Ying, and Wen Ning rhyme in pinyin, even if their Chinese definitions are different. You know how we like to shortcut MDZS characters to their name initials like WWX or LWJ.
Guess what! Their intials are still similar you could write the Wen adopting WWX or adopting his name and there initials would remain the same! So I could comment WQ and WN somewhere but in my heart they are Wei instead of Wen. The three were meant to be siblings! MXTX probably planned this too.
Although fate has WWX grieving both older sisters in his first life.
Guess which little brother is still more than welcome in WWX's second life?
I'll give you a hint: It's not JC.
Exhiled Rebels Translations
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