daily-oliver-swift · 3 months
Many years ago on this exact day, a wretched creature we know as ‘Randy Jade’ spawned. Why anyone would wound the earth with such a curse is unclear, but alas, we still celebrate anyway
Happy birthday Randal
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Day 34 of drawing Oliver Swift everyday until I get on HRT
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
I hope I didn’t leave a bad impression with my last ask, gah, I’m not good with social interactions. I wanted to make it up to you by giving you a happier ask! What if slashers (any of them you want to write for) with reader who isn’t an S/O but rather a really good best friend who was there for them since the beginning?
Oh, what was your last ask, if I may inquire? Either way, this idea is absolutely adorable, I’d love to write it!
Michael Myers
Michael grew up with you. Your mother and his were great friends, so the two of you were kind of forced together.
He wasn’t too fond of you at first, but you grew closer as the days passed. It was inevitable.
You grew even closer as school went on, always there to run away from bullies or patch up any wounds thst were given. Sadly, being friends with Michael is a one-way ticket to Freakville.
I can imagine that the two of of you would spend lots of time in his forest together, building forts out of branches and such.
Now, in the current day, you provide shelter for your murderer friend, spending the nights watching movies or painting homemade masks together.
He keeps you safe from anyone and anything posing a threat to you, following you around whenever he can, and making sure you’re never harmed.
You patch up his wounds, feed him, and make sure the police don’t come sniffing around your house. Even if they did, you talk them into leaving without suspicion.
You know Michael could never bring himself to hurt you, so he lets you boss him around quite often with no more than a glare and a huff.
He’s like a tsundere, but platonic. He’d never admit that you’re his best- and only- friend, but it’s the truth, and he loves you like family.
Jason Voorhees
Jason was so, so shy, but something about you made him want to be your friend. You were so... normal, and be admired that.
It took quite some encouragement to actually go talk to you, and he had Pamela at his side through it all. He was so afraid you’d hate his face.
The moment you choose to be his friend he’s attached to you. He’d put all of his trust in you, and he’d see you as a sort of protector.
Ever since he started hanging out with you, less people have bothered him. Probably because he was usually out in the forest with you, away from prying eyes, playing hide and seek or tropical explorers.
You came back to Camp Crystal Lake every year, even after he died. You couldn’t bear to leave the memories. You spoke to Pamela a lot, too, keeping Jason’s spirit alive between the two of you.
When Pam died, you went to the lake to pay your respects at her tombstone. You had never guessed Jason, big, scary, murdering Jason, would greet you with a great big hug.
You moved out to the lake on a whim, and Jason moved in with you, patrolling the grounds at night and helping you with chores or gardening during the day.
He’s just as clingy as ever, but now, he’s your protector, and he always will be.
He doesn’t like when you swim in the lake, but he battles down his fear and acts as a life guard whenever you insist on taking a dip.
You patch up his wounds, making sure he’s clean and healthy, and in turn he keeps any pesky teenagers at bay, as well as keeps your crops nice and strong. He’s a great farmer.
Billy & Stu
Billy and Stu were best friends from the beginning, and they weren’t opposed to having a third party join their group.
Even as kids Billy was super popular, so both you and Stu were in the clear when it came to bullies.
You spent most weekends sleeping over at each other’s houses watching all sorts of movies. Horror, comedy, action, romance- you name it! Because of this, you’re just as much of a movie buff as the others.
When other friends like Sidney, Tatum and Randy came along, Billy and Stu made sure you knew you were still top priority.
They didn’t hide their murderous plans from you for long, unable to bear seeing you so worried for your own life.
Once you knew they were the killers, you couldn’t be angry or scared of them. Although, you did feel slightly guilty as your friends died off around you. Anyone would.
As adults, movie nights are still inportant, and you find yourself watching movies as you patch up their bumps and bruises from their hunts.
They keep you plenty safe, and the three of you together have the best fun. You’re all meant to be.
Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson
Danny was an outcast as a kid- he preferred photographs over people, but something about your face was next to irresistible.
Confident little Danny strolled right up to you one day and asked if he could take some pictures of you and your pretty face.
You and him clicked at that very moment, and he even taught you some of his photography skills.
His mother loved the hell out of you, and was always happy to have you over for dinner.
The night that Danny killed his mother and father, his first instinct was to go find you for help. Let’s just say you were surprised to see a bloody, terrified Danny crawling through your bedroom window at 3 am.
He ditched town for a while, finding shelter and solace in an old shack he’d stumbled upon, you taking up the job of bringing him food and whatever else he would need to live.
His Jed Olsen days were just fine, him showing his face again and living with you until people linked the Jed alibi to the murders. Then he was hiding again.
You hid with him, being the errand boy/girl, and spending most days chilling around with him doing who-knows-what. You were like a sister/brother to him, and he was just the same to you.
He trusts you with his life, and he kills off anyone who bothers you. You can even make requests, like you would to a rad DJ at a party. Although this was different... being murder and all.
Any and all S/Os of yours must pass the ‘Danny Test’, wherein he sees if they’re good enough to date you. Most fail. He’s picky, and overprotective.
Brahms Heelshire
The first day your parents brought you to the Heelshire residence to spend time with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire, both you and Brahms were reluctant to meet another child.
Living a life of seclusion Brahms never imagined meeting someone hed actually care for enough to consider a friend. He was proven wrong.
He wanted to see you every day, and you wanted the same. You ended up having play dates every second day or so, and Brahms found himself actually growing very fond of you.
The fire was devestating, and you couldn’t sleep for weeks and weeks. In the future, an ad for a nanny job seemed like a shockingly nostalgiac idea, so you took the job to see tbe house where you made so many memories.
Brahms recognized you almost instantly. He basically rushed his parents out of the house so he could see you in action, in a natural environment where you could be yourself. He needed to know if it was really you.
Upon confirming that it was you, (Y/N), he showed himself that same day without fear. All it took for you to burst into happy tears was him saying your name in the same voice he had as a child.
Now, Brahms loves to reenact the old days, having tea parties and playing in the forest like he had as a child. He’s so happy to have you back!
He’s a very jealous man, so he’s never going to be fond of your S/O, but he’ll tolerate you having one as long as you promise not to leave him.
He won’t go in the walls very often anymore because he’s not afraid of you. He also won’t wear his mask much. His trust in you is infinite!
Pyramid Head
Before Pyramid Head became the monster he was, he had a normal life in a human world, with you glued to his side like two peas in a pod.
At school, he would keep you safe from bullies, using his abnormal height and strength to scare them off.
He always inwardly groaned when people would say the two of you were cute together, because neither of you liked each other like that.
The day P.H. went missing, you had been heartbroken. Who knew you would stumble upon him again years later in hell on earth?
When first running into Pyramid Head as we know him now, neither of you recognized each other. How could you, after all those years?
You would have been dead if you hadn’t spoken, and if he hadn’t recognized your voice. He was completely shocked.
Unable to speak, It was more than difficult to tell you thst he was him, your old best friend. After plenty of struggling you finally realize.
Now, he’s your ultimate bodyguard. Nothing and no one will ever hurt you. He knows Silent Hill like the back of his hand, so he’s like a guide as well.
He’ll do his very best to train you to defend yourself. He can’t lose you, not after you’ve finally returned again.
He’s got serious attachement issues, so he never leaves your side. Despite all the défense training, he won’t leave you alone for long.
Amanda Young
Amanda lived a rough childhood, so it was fantastic to have a friend like you to help her through it.
She was defiant, even as a child, so she stood up to anyone who would try to tease either of you. It usually resulted in a harsh beating, but she always walked away alright.
As she fell deeper and deeper into a dark spiral, she ignores your attempts to help, and before she knew it she was addicted to drugs. She wishes she’d have listened to you and your warnings.
When you heard she had been kidnapped by the infamous Jigsaw, you were horrified. You had never in a million years expected her to walk out alive, yet she did.
She kept her mentoring with John Kramer on the down low, keeping that new identity hidden. You were just glad she had gotten off of drugs.
Balancing a stable life with you and enough time with John was difficult and strenuous for your relationship. Sooner or later you grew curious as to where she always was and demanded an answer.
She told you. In a moment of vulnerability she spilled her guts, telling you everything about her gae with Jigsaw and it’s outcome, how she was training to kill. She had cried, afraid you would leave her or turn her in to the police.
Of course you did neither. After a bit of a rough patch where you had to get used to the idea, you and Amanda grew closer than ever. You even helped her with some traps and devices for her games.
You saw how she looked up to John like a father figure, glad that she had someone like that in her life again. John grew fond of you as well, and before you knew it, he was training both of you to be his disciples.
You and Amanda regarded each other as siblings for the rest of your days.
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heyo! could you write something for michael / billy / stu / and any other slasher you think would be good - about their s/o who has a really bad stutter (and who possibly might be bullied or something of the nature) your work is really good and ahh!! i needed to see a stuttering mess in a work to make me happy about my own stutter
((Totally! I hope these lil drabbles help cheer you up some! And remember, never feel bad about your voice. It’s not the way you talk that matters, it’s the words and the feelings behind them. I’d write for all of them if I could but I decided to add Bubba, Norman, and Chop-Top for this one cause two of them have a stutter (though Chop-Top’s ain’t as strong and Norman’s is more due to anxiety and therefore written different) and the other is just always v good. They’re also some of my favorites so I’ll always love writing them lol. Btw I tried my best to write a stutter accurately but, like always, I want to make sure I didn’t write anything offensive or inaccurate so let me know if there’s anything along those lines. Also, this is long af so I added a read-more.
Various slashers s/o with a stutter:
“M-M-Michael d-d-don’t do this,” you pleaded. He stared at you emotionless, as he plunged the knife back in.
“P-P-please! You-You pr-promised!” He ignored you and pulled the knife in and out of the now-mutilated flesh.
”Y-Y-You sa-said you would w-w-wait! It’s n-n-n-not e-even  H-Halloween!” He reached in and pulled out a mass of slimy guts and pulp, then gestured to you to take it. You held out your hand and took his offering, mildly disgusted.
You went to a kitchen drawer and pulled out a gallon Ziploc bag, dumping the handful inside. “H-Here. We-we’ll j-j-j-just save s-some and I’ll m-make something w-w-w-with it l-later.” Michael set the knife off to the side and lifted up his current “project” as if presenting it for your approval. You rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway.
“Yes, i-it’s a b-b-b-b-beautiful J-Jack O’Lantern, M-Michael. B-B-But it’s gon-gonna r-rot if we p-p-put it out n-now!” But even as you say it you know you might as well break out the tea candles.
Once the bell rang, you nearly ran out of the classroom to your locker. You glowered as you replaced the books from your previous class with the ones for your next. You slammed the door shut to see your boyfriend standing behind it, a wicked, yet charming smirk on his face.
“Boo.” You just rolled your eyes.
“N-Not in the m-m-mood.”
His brow furrowed at that, usually you were more happy to see him. “What’s up babe?” his eyes looked around defensively at your fellow classmates wandering the halls, “Some punks giving you shit again?”
“N-No…” you sighed, “The t-teacher c-c-c-called on me in c-c-class today to r-r-read. Asshole kn-knows I d-d-don’t w-wanna t-talk in front of ev-everyone.”
Billy scowled at that, “What a fucking prick. Want me to teach him something?”
You hesitated for a moment, he was a jerk, but no. “D-D-Don’t w-worry ab-b-bout it B-Billy…He’s-he’s j-j-just doing hi-his job…”
“Hey,” Billy gripped you reassuringly by the shoulders, getting you to look him in the eyes, “Never let nothings like that make you think less of yourself baby. You’re amazing just the way you are.”
You almost felt yourself well up at his thoughtful words. Sometimes he shocked you with how sweet he could be. You nodded, and leaned into hug him.
He returned the embrace, and you felt him lean down to whisper into your ear, “You wanna just ditch and watch movies at my place?” A very tempting offer you may just take him up on.
“H-H-Hello? Wh-Who’s this?”
“Do you like scary movies?”
“Ha Ha, very f-f-funny. Wh-Who’s th-th-th-this? F-for real.”
“I’m the scary killer outside your window…”
“Oh s-s-sure. I b-bet,” sarcasm and annoyance dripping from your words, “Quit b-being a creep R-R-Randy.”
“It’s not Randy. That your boyfriend?”
At that comment, you started to get an idea of who your mysterious caller was, but decided to play along. “N-Nah, b-b-but I d-do h-have one.”
“Oh yeah,” the voice giggled, “And what’s he like? Bet he wouldn’t like you talkin’ to lil ole me.”
“P-p-probably n-not, b-b-but he’s not h-here. And you h-h-haven’t h-hung up.”
There was a pause on the other end, then a huff. “You never answered my first question.”
“Oh? Th-that th-thing ab-b-bout s-scary movies? Yeah, I l-l-like ‘em”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
You hesitate for a second, while it would be fun to keep this going, you feel like upping the ante a bit. “I d-d-don’t know. H-How ab-b-bout you c-come up h-here and w-w-watch o-one w-with me?”
“What about your boyfriend?”
“C-C-Come on M-Mister K-K-Killer, h-he c-can join. I th-th-think you kn-know w-where t-to find h-him.”
You heard a shuffling on the other end and then the call abruptly ended. You sat in silence for a moment, curious about what would happen next. A familiar rapping sound came from outside your window. You pulled back the curtain, revealing your boyfriend standing there with his signature goofy grin plastered across his face. Through the glass you hear the voice you’d missed, “Wanna let me in?”
The Sawyer home was unusually quiet right now. With Drayton out at the gas station and his other brother doing god-knows-what, just you Bubba and Grandpa were left at the house. With Bubba working downstairs, you had been left to your own devices. Though you didn’t mind some alone time, it was odd that you hadn’t really seem hide-nor-hair of your beau lately. Though that seemed like it would be changing pretty soon, as you heard the large metal door to the kitchen slam. You turned to see Bubba coming towards you, happily clutching something in his hands.
“W-W-What’ve you g-got there B-Bubba?” He excitedly shoved the object, which you know could tell was a book, into your hands. “Where the Sidewalk Ends” the cover read, with a drawing of two children looking over what looked like the edge of a cliff. You flipped through it, and it appeared to be a collection of poems cute illustrations to go with them. You turned back at your love, who was watching you eagerly, seemingly trying to figure out your reaction.
“It s-seems like a v-very n-nice b-b-book H-Honey. Th-th-thank you.”  His brow seemed to furrow underneath his mask and he poked the book more insistently. You cocked your head in confusion, “I’m af-f-fraid I d-don’t get w-what your s-s-saying.” He opened the book and a warbling hum came from him as he pointed from the words to you.
“You w-w-want m-me to r-r-read it? Out l-loud?” He squealed happily and nodded. “ Are y-you s-s-sure? B-B-But W-what ab-bout th-the way I t-talk?” He nodded again and pulled you into his lap on the couch. He hugged you tightly around the waist, resting his head on your shoulder as he looked down at the book. You laughed softly about his enthusiasm, “Alr-right…I-Invitation…If y-you are a dreamer c-c-come in. If y-you are a dreamer, a w-wisher, a liar. C-Come in….
The whole Sawyer house was very much relieved today. It had been awhile since anyone had driven by and food was running kinda low, making everyone a bit on edge and touchy. Luckily, a whole van of people stopped by last night and were quickly dispatched, meaning everyone would get to eat. Your boyfriend’s brothers were currently preparing and cooking the meat, while your boyfriend looted and organized the belongings of the now-cattle.
“Y/N! C-Come in here and take a look at this!” your boyfriend hollered from the other side of the house. This was somewhat ominous as you never could tell what he was going to show you when he got excited like this. His tone of voice when showing you a neat bug was the same when he was propping up and goofing off with a corpse. You walked in and he was standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by a mess of objects scattered around him. On him was the ugliest shirt you had ever seen. It looked like bowling alley carpet had a love child with a kid’s drawing of what a Hawaiian shirt was supposed to look like. It physically hurt your eyes a bit to look at it. “Check out th-these digs babe!” he crowed.
“W-Wow…th-that s-sure is…c-c-copacetic.”
“I know r-right!” He turned back to admire himself in the dirty wall mirror, “T-Totally far-r out!
You hid a grin behind your hand, “You’re one sh-shagad-d-delic c-cat.”
He whipped back around to face you, beaming ear to ear, “Awww sh-shucks,” he wadded his way through the mess over to you, throwing his boney arms around you waist. “You’re pretty b-bitchin’ your-yourself,” he crooned, pressing a sloppy and slightly gross kiss on your cheek. Maybe you could get used to the shirt…
Norman Bates:
There was a record playing in the main lobby of the motel when your returned from tidying one of the cabins. As you stepped in farther, you could make out your sweetheart’s voice singing along softly. Curiosity drew you closer and you watched from the doorway as he folded laundry. His voice was as sweet and smooth as honey and the melody seemed to drip into you, wrapping around and warming your heart.
“It takes a lot of sunshine…To make a s-summer day…But just a little love…Can go a long, long way…”
You wolf-whistled, and he whipped around to face you, dropping the shirt he was holding. “Oh dear, I, um, well, you, w-weren’t supposed, to, er, see t-that.”
You moved towards him, picking up the shirt from the floor and returning it to him. “Y-You s-s-sing b-beautifully you kn-know.”
His eyes flicked back to meet your’s, “R-Really, I, well, I just never, s-sing in front of anyone…”
You smiled, looking up at him with faux innocence, “H-How does th-this one g-g-go again? So i-i-i-incid-dentally…”
He gulped, “Um, Treat love g-gently…”
“W-When it c-c-comes in view…”
“It-It could even, even happen to…”
You both joined in for the last line, “S-someone l-l-like you…”
As the song played on in the background you realized how close the two of you had gotten. You both blushed and turned away slightly, but neither of you could hide the blush or grins painted across your faces.
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Recalling the Past (Part 2)
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@marvelfanlife, @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars, @dontshootmespence, @imagicana, @criminal-navy-writings, @criminalmindsbul
Caution: Mentions of racism, the N-word and Nazism
     Tara, Luke and Matt decided to head to an Indian restaurant after a long Saturday night. On the way there they came across a case of Islamophobia involving a white man harassing a Muslim woman. Luckily the three came in time to stop the commotion before the guy could do anything worse though he leaves with scorn, bitter that he was stopped by three FBI agents whom were all non-white. Despite the altercation, the three were able to arrive at the restaurant and order their meals. While waiting, both Matt and Luke noticed how Tara being silent since the incident. When asked if something is bothering her, she decides to share something from her past that reminds her of the incident, though she was hesitant to say. 
“I-I rarely share my past experiences with others..though I guess I can trust you guys enough for me to share this. Just promise to keep this between us.” Tara says before she continues.   
“Don’t worry, you can count on us.” Luke says while Matt nods. Tara then takes a deep breath and shares her story.  
 “You know back when we saw the lady’s car being vandalized, it reminded me of my childhood back in Germany. My father was stationed there and my family and I couldn’t bear to be away from him, so we moved there. Living in Germany wasn’t so bad, but it wasn’t perfect.  I was once of the few black students in my school and there was never a moment when I’ve encountered some students walking by, glaring at me, being cold to me and treating me with disrespect. I didn’t mind it, till I came across a guy named Martin Gumbel.” She sighs before continuing. “Man, he was quite a guy, he bullied me for the first two years of high school. He was like any other bully, teasing me for getting high grades, mocking my name, and the way I look. I tried to ignore him hoping he’d stop and moved on, but he didn’t and every time I come to school, I always see him following me, calling me names in German in which I understand long enough that he called me the N-word repeatedly.” She tries not to cry before continuing. “At that moment, I could’ve punched him right on the ground but I couldn’t cause I was just too scared and helpless, so I let him be. I thought that things couldn’t get any worse, till one time when I saw my locker, vandalized. At that time, I was able to learn German enough to know that my locker was filled with a lot of anti-black comments including a couple of the N-word, but the one thing that stood out was a large swastika on the center of the door.” 
Luke and Matt continue to listen as they felt deeply moved by her story. She continues.  
“The worst part was that nobody did anything to stop Gumbel, except my brother, Gabriel, who told the school administration in which Gumbel got suspended. In return, Gumbel and his friends ran up to me and Gabriel while we were walking home. We ran as fast as we can but the guys were quick. Just then, Gabriel managed to distract them, allowing me to escape but was badly beaten by them.”  
“I’m so sorry.” Matt says.   
 “It’s fine.” Tara says. “But don’t worry, he’s okay now. Besides, it’s not like this happens to you everyday.” 
“Actually, it does.” Luke says. 
“Yeah.” Matt replies. “Trust me, you’d be surprised.” 
“Well, go on, share.” Tara says, curious as she wonders how the two men deal with discrimination. She then gestures them into sharing their personal stories. Just then, the waiter returns with their food and the three decide to eat for a little while. As they were eating, Matt and Luke try to figure who should go next. They then decided that Matt should go next.  
“I guess, I’ll go.” Matt says. He wipes his mouth as he was preparing to share his story. “I recall working on a case in Germany when I was still in IRT. As it turns out, the unsub happens to be a Neo-Nazi terrorizing foreign tourists, whom many of the victims happens to be non-white. When I asked why he did what he did, he simply just said that he was just trying to ‘cleanse’ the filth from his homeland. He didn’t seem intimidated by me but I know he couldn’t bear to be challenged by an Asian man. Eventually, he gave up after I interrogate him.” He learns close to Luke and Tara before continuing. “Trust me, I’ve seen the worst of him, from his tattoos, social media accounts containing his genuine love of white supremacy and a shrine in his room filled with Nazi ideology. Still, I looked at him in the eyes showing that I wasn’t afraid of a guy like him.” 
“Woah.” Luke said, amazed by Matt. “Was that it?”    
 “Yeah. It was pretty bad, what he did, but it wasn’t compared to what happen during my childhood.”  
“What happen?” Tara asked, curious.  
 Matt takes a deep breath before speaking. “I remember in elementary school, I was one of the only three Asian kids in my class. Every time I come into class, some kid uhh Randy, he’d often say ‘Oh look, it’s slanted-eyed Matt.’ and the entire class would burst into laughter while he made the slant eye gesture.” 
“Oh my god.” Tara says. 
 He then continues, “Yeah. Like you, it didn’t bother me at first, but he and his friends wouldn’t leave me alone. So everyday, I’d always see him and his friends mocking me with a crappy stereotypical Asian accent and doing the gesture whenever I read or presented. I thought things couldn’t get any worse, till he saw me with my parents and teased me for not looking anything like my dad. I loved my parents so much that it hurts when someone makes fun of them. When he wouldn’t stop making fun of my parents, I walked up and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground and I ran off, ashamed of what I did but mostly because I thought he was right, I didn’t understand why my dad married my mom nor why I didn’t look anything like him. My dad would then find me at a nearby shed and saw me crouched down and crying. When he asked me what was wrong, I told him everything about me and Randy. I would also ask him why he married my mom and why I didn’t look anything like him if we was suppose to be my dad.”
“Well, what did he say?” Luke asked.
Matt responds. “He placed his hand on his shoulder and told me how much he loves my mother and that even though we don’t look alike, he was still proud of me to be his son. I stopped crying once he said that and he lifted me up, wiping my tears away and getting me an ice cream cone.”
“Wow.” Luke said. “It must’ve been tough, being born mixed-race.”
“Yeah.” Matt responds. “It has it’s perks and downsides, but at the end, I was really proud to be born mixed-race.”
“Cool.” Both Luke and Tara said. She and Matt would then turn to Luke. Realizing what they were referring to Luke takes a deep breath.
“Alright, I’ll share my story.”  Luke says as he takes another sip of his drink before speaking.
Here is part 2. Sorry for the long wait, hopefully it was worth it. Part 1
*If anyone wants to be tagged, just let me know and message me.
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Danny Phantom Ghost Dad AU
In which Danny is the (adopted) father of his ghost enemies who are now turned into children because they are getting to corrupted according to Clockwork and the Ghost Zone needs a figure who will guide them to eternal peace and happiness in their afterlives (and maybe even convince them to be reincarnated and live once again).
Dan is the first one to be turned into a 1 year old and Danny is very reluctant until he found himself falling in love at Dan’s new found innocence and Danny decides takes responsibility. There was a bit of fight and Dan ran away, Danny got him back by making him jealous by using Clockwork in his toddler form and babied him and that’s where Dan jumped in and yelled his first and official words “GET OUTTA MAH SPOT!” Danny is not sure whether he should be proud or be frightened, either way he’s glad to have him back.
After another year, the family is continuously growing. I’m not sure who comes first but I want you guys to know what will you expect:
Emily Amber McLain - wants to be a rockstar and be famous. Loves attention, a bit of a tsundere, and is accident prone, she seta things on fire. She is also British. Secret crush on Skulker, refuse to admit it. She doesn’t like Danny to be called “adopted father”, she wants him to be called “real father”. She is not the only who doesn’t want to be called adopted.
Nicolai Tchaikovsky - he levitates a lot and doesn’t like manual labor (which is why Danny dragged him to Casper High). He makes memes and vines since he is not allowed to terrorize humans. He is Russian. He is Desiree’s self-proclaimed brother.
Desiree - a shy sweetie and family oriented but has a fearsome temper. She is at first confused of what she will be even though it was right on her face. She grants the wishes of what she deems to human worthy of her magic but that doesn’t stop from granting every wish she hears only when she is bored. She despises teens who doesn’t recognize the love of their parents and gives them a lesson through their wishes but as long she doesn’t them wishing, she can’t do anything. She is Arabian. She is Nicolai’s self-proclaimed sister.
Billy Walker (I might change name, suggest if you like) - a sweet grumpy lil’ angel who is very obedient and behaves all the time but that doesn’t stop him from being hotheaded. He lives around Southern part of America. He is Penny’s self-proclaimed brother.
Penelope “Penny” - she is smart and aspirin psychologist but her technique is breaking you down to the ground and build you back up. Which works all the time. She have the tendency to hold down her laugh during a session of depressed person because she tends to compare her life to others and often, she finds herself happy and lucky. She is typical American!
Katherine “Kitty” - I am not sure yet but I’m going to make girly and badass.
Johnathan “Johnny” - he thinks he is unlucky having Danny as his dad because he tends to be suffocating but regrets it afterwards and saw he was really lucky after all.
Nocturne - I would describe him somewhat well behaved and quiet but also dangerously curious which caused him his innocenece because Danny told him to stay away from the human zone because of their dreams but he disobeyed and saw something that changed his views on “sweet dreams”… Anyways he is spirit and spirits are rather rare to be born which explains he is never human.
Vortex - a bit emotionally unstable but he is fun and free spirited. He tends to
Undergrowth - would be somewhere between Nocturne and Vortex.
Sidney Pointdexter - would be that be obedient boy and does what Danny says without hesitation. He doesn’t hate the bullies as much as he is into the series but he still dislikes them. He does prank them in revenge but gives a chance to change if they promise to change.
Andrew “Andy” Riter - is Ghostwriter and he is the same old except he loves his dad.
Randall “Randy” Riter - is Ghostwriter’s older stepbrother and he is more happy go lucky towards his unlife.
Fright Knight - would be that kid who have high dreams. He even pleaded to Danny if he can keep Fright Mare. He is also obedient to Danny but he ends crossing the line since he follows the Ghost King’s antics.
Aragon - would be the mean older brother of Dora and hates everyone else. Though hardheaded and harsh, he is just shy to show them since he believes it ruins his thought image. He is also fights with Ghost King.
Dorathea - would be that obedient daughter and gets dragged around by her brother.
Ghost King - would be the kid with a king complex (is that even real?) And acts like mister tough guy even though he is softy. He does a lot antics and fights a lot to Aragon.
I’m debating whether I should make Danny dead or still a Halfa with immortality and youth. I’m also imagining him as a 19 year old (19 because I believe it borderlines between teenagehood and adulthood, idk please don’t ask me). I also made a Human AU on this Ghost Dad AU. Another note, the ghost kids know about thintodeaths at a certain age, that’s why they value they afterlives and despises humans who are ungrateful to their blessings.
I want to use the OCs Clockwise and Dusk because they are so awesome but I’m going have to ask permission first.
I was crazy when I made this. I don’t know what possessed me into doing this.
I have to post this because it have been annoying me and it has been in my drafts for way to long. Almost a year I think?…
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reveriesevenik · 7 years
The Boy Who Fell Through the Underground
Ernest T Smith liked his name quite a lot, so it was with very thinly veiled irritation that he endured all manner of taunts that used his name like a weapon against him.
If he wasn't being called “Ear-nest” for the way his bowl cut made his large ears appear to stick out even more than they already did, he was being told that his last name was not, in fact his last name.
“It's Chan, right? Or Ding-Dong or somethin’. Whatever it is, it’s not Smith, so stop lying to everyone already. Where are you really from?” someone, probably Randy Welch, who delighted in telling everyone how his father employed nearly a quarter of the people in London and was therefore more important than nearly everyone else at school, would jeer.  
The cocky boy was far more popular than scrawny, dark-haired Ernest, with his Young-King-Arthur looks and his wealthy family, and it was obvious that he relished his status. Randy even wore a gaudy, jewel-encrusted necklace on a thick chain to school every day and bragged that it had been in his family for generations.
“Ding-Dong isn’t even an Asian name,” Ernest would reply, “but I hear that’s what they used to call your mother back before she had you.”
His brain was always a few steps ahead of his feet, which was why he often found himself at the wrong end of a fist soon afterwards.  
It wasn’t that Ernest didn’t have friends, but he was prone to alienating the few he had by saying something cruelly witty before he realized that it was probably a bad idea to say it.  It didn’t help that he was literally one of the only students at his private, all-boys school, whose parents hadn’t paid through the nose to get him in.  He wasn’t a stellar student, but he wasn’t a dropout either, which meant that he was worse than either of these things.
He was, unfortunately, unremarkable, except for one very important thing.
Ernest Smith could sometimes see the future.
Luckily, it didn’t happen every day, a mercy for which Ernest was rather thankful. It was disorienting to find himself randomly shoved face-first into the future for a few moments before being dragged back into the present, which usually ended up with him tripping on something or having an awkward conversation with someone who wouldn’t take “randomly popped out to look at the future for a bit, but I’m back now” as an explanation. Episodes of future sight felt a lot like being pushed underwater in a fast-moving river, and he had to struggle to keep himself focused on what he was seeing enough to figure out what was going on.
Secondly, it rarely provided useful information.  Though Ernest was fairly thankful that he wasn’t left with infuriating, vaguely worded prophecies after one of his “episodes,” his forays into the future were not exactly inspiring.  He could see very clearly what would be served for lunch and which line was the shortest at the snack bar, but since he always brought his lunch from home, he never really needed to use the information for himself.  He could see what people would be wearing the next day or the day after, but beyond a few bets he made (which dried up after he won more than once), that information hadn’t exactly yielded positive results either.
And so, Ernest just tried to ignore his so-called “gift” and refrained from telling anyone about it.  His mother had at least an inkling about it, for he’d brought it up when he was much younger, but he’d spent a lot of time convincing her that he had grown out of it (though, really, how does one “grow out” of seeing the future?). It was, he decided, a ridiculous explanation, but his parents seemed relieved at the lie.
As he grew older, Ernest was finding that lies often worked quite a lot better than the truth when it came to parents. Selective truths made up the rest of it. It seemed that cruel truths of the world were simply too much for the grown ups of the world, and Ernest wasn't about to upset them, not when they had the power to make his life miserable.
Seemingly unrelated to the obnoxious episodes of being pushed randomly into the future, Ernest also had recurring dreams about glossy black wings and the scent of mint as someone with a gruff voice whispered something unintelligible to him.  It was an oddly soothing dream that he looked forward to having, though he certainly didn’t have much love for any of the garbage-stealing corvids that made a mess of the rubbish bins around the city, and he hadn't smelled the scent of real mint since the summer before, when he’d gone to the country to visit family.
It was on a fairly forgettable Friday that Ernest made the first terrible decision in a series of terrible decisions that would change his life forever.
It was his first class of the day and he slipped into his seat only to feel something cold and slimy underneath him. He jerked out of his seat and fell to the floor with a scream that echoed through the classroom.
Everyone stared and a few people began to point and laugh. Ernest turned his head to see that someone had piled his chair with cold, slimy noodles.
Shame colored his cheeks as he slowly pulled himself to his feet.
“Thought you'd appreciate a bit of chow fun this morning! You should thank me, Chinaman!” Randy jeered, his cronies surrounding him like an assortment of particularly dim rocks.
Ernest muttered something angrily under his breath just in time for the surly biology teacher to enter the classroom.
“Mr. Welch!” Professor Mungin growled, looming over the suddenly very contrite boy. “Bullying students again are we?  You will clean up this mess and apologize to Mr. Smith. Then, I think that you and I shall take a little stroll down to speak with the Headmaster.”
Randy looked a bit panicked at that, but he appeared to think of something quickly enough and his expression turned smug.
“Oh, Ernest knows that it was just a joke. Harmless fun, right Ernest?”
The way he said it promised dire things if Ernest did not agree.
“No. Not right,” Ernest replied bitterly, wincing at the twinge of pain in his tailbone. “He was just laughing about having done it.”
“Is that so?”  Professor Mungin glared angrily at Randy, who was not even bothering to disguise the look of utter hatred on his face.
Ernest knew it was a mistake the moment he heard the door to the classroom close. The rough, rock-faced boys gave him the sort of look that made his breath hitch with fear. One drew his finger across his neck and then added, as though Ernest couldn't have understood the obvious meaning of the gesture, “Yer dead, Smith.”
Randy didn't return to class with the teacher and Ernest sank even further down in his seat, which, though it had been wiped down, was still cold against his somewhat soggy trousers.
He dreaded the end of the day.
“Oi!”  The voice was sharp and full of undone violence.
Ernest did not turn back. He ran.
He could barely hear anything over the roar of the blood in his ears, but from the chorus of shouts behind him, he knew he was in trouble. Ernest had short legs, but he also wasn't very tall. Normally, these two things were the respective banes of his existence. It was hard to get other blokes to take him seriously when he was nearly a head shorter. Being small and sleight was a boon, however, when running away from a group of murderous thugs in a crowded, bustling city.
Ernest flew into the street and sidestepped a lorry just as it barreled on through the intersection without even slowing down. As he landed on  bus flew by behind him at breakneck speed and he could hear his pursuers swearing over the cough of exhaust that escaped the giant beast of a vehicle as it braked to turn into a bus stop. Ernest ran ahead and ducked down behind a large dumpster.
Sure enough, the group of angry thugs ran by, and when he was sure they'd gone, he quickly took off in the opposite direction.
He’d made it all the way past the turnstiles and was standing near one of the support beams near the subway platform when he someone grabbed his shoulder and pushed him...hard. Ernest let out a shout and half-stumbled towards the end of the platform. He finally caught himself and turned, only to find himself face to face with a furious Randy Welch.
“Come back here, you slanty-” Randy let out a noise somewhat like a balloon being deflated as Ernest headbutted him in the stomach.
“Leave! Me! Alone!” Ernest ground out as Randy grabbed his arms and began to push back against him, his mouth a comical “O” of pain as he struggled to catch his breath.
“Just you wait ‘til my friend Freddy gets here,” Randy gasped out, his fingers curling around Ernest’s arms like steel beams. “He doesn’t like your sort.” He snarled. “Half-breeds.”
Ernest only had a moment to turn his head before Randy spat on his cheek, the warm, thick sensation filling Ernest with a deep, unsettling desire to fight and flee at the same time.  His blood boiled in his ears as he began to struggle like a caged animal against the stronger, bigger boy’s grip.  Ernest felt as though he was looking down a long, dark tunnel, his only desire to hurt Randy until he let go and then get away.
There was a whistling sound in the distance as policemen ran down the platform, but it might as well have been a million miles away.  The rumbling and hot hiss of air as an approaching train filled the stagnant underground station, but Ernest was focused only on one thing.
Get away. Get away. Getawaygetawaygetaway.
Ernest clawed frantically at Randy’s chest and his fingers hooked around something cold and solid.
The pendant on Randy’s stupid necklace.
“-are you crazy-” Randy was shouting something else, but Ernest pulled in the opposite direction blindly, his mind only coming back to him the moment his right foot hit empty air.
There was a horrible metallic snapping noise as the chain snapped and Ernest fell backwards, his head turning to see a bright light growing brighter in his eyes until he couldn’t see anything at all.
There was a scream, and Ernest wondered vaguely if it was his own, but then, with a blast of heat and light, his forehead slammed against something hard and then he didn’t wonder anything at all.
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As the cast get settled into the Dragonfly Inn, tensions arise between a few guests. Personalities don’t always mesh and alliances are formed quickly in the first few days of the game. Let’s check in on the houseguests as we begin our journey on Gilmore Girlssssss Bigggggg Brother!
Lov it is lit rally 6 hours ahead of est in italy and like my dummy dum dum ass was like oooooo lets play this fuckin game that starts in the middle of my italy trip?? so i love that for my brain. i saw the post, saw clash and dan got the twist thingy, talked to some people for a little bit, and then went the fuck to bed
This cast fucking blows.
5 of the cast are women, 16 are bitches ding ding is it bad that i dont see myself not making it late game like i thought i had an uphill battle but these bitches accepted me so easily so this is gonna be easy
Hi everyone! I'm gonna try to stay on top of my shit but no promises. There are a lot of people that I don't know at all in this game, but so far Randy, Clash, Nick, and Dani have been the people to message me. Dani and I played Guyana together and did well, so it's nice to have her as someone to talk to this early on.
I don't really see any obstacles yet, it's all a matter of how i bring my game to the table and who i learn does it better. This is my second BB game so I have a little bit of learning to do since the gameplay is a bit different than Survivor.
I love the idea of going to Friday night dinner. Not only do i love dinner and Friday nights, but i think it's completely fair and chill. Your decisions may or may not help you and that's what I like. I enjoy seeing how advantages work for different people and how people make weaker ones work in their favor.
I joined this game last minute when I wasn't planning on playing for a while, so I'm still trying to get mentally prepared for the conversations and challenges ahead. I hope that doesn't put a target on my back.
( a little while later) 
Still no reply from Karen but according to Randy, Karen has a premade that she plans on sticking with all game. Randy also told me he wants me to win hoh but I don’t know if I really want it.
(a little while after that)
Karen messaged me which is a yay! I’m hoping he was just busy and didn’t see my message but who knows... can’t wait to play this first hoh and get last in it probably!
at this point with the people left who can still win hoh.....i think theres a chance that dani or madison could put me up just bc idk them and im having very boring, fake conversation with them lmao. i love being a meninist! anyway-- i think id be fine with everyone else? i hope. so likeee fuck this hoh ig. i dont need it. if i somehow get it, ill just put up the people that ive talked to the least? also im lowkey worried JG would put me up just bc we arent talking a lot. i should talk to him more huh.. anyway i would hope im good w everyone else. nick - who i was worried about - even told me im good with him if he wins hoh and i told him same. so wow oh wow ive made my first deal of the game
Head of Household commences and Clash is the Head of Household after a water balloon fight. Alliances begin to form as a obvious friendship of Karen, Isaac, Ricky and Andrew is spotted by another emerging friendship of Nick, Madison and Randy. But, is everything as it seems? 
Hi first confessional here. I've been struggling with playing 2 games at the same time it's hard to keep up. Now i get some quiet time to catch up this lovely morning. This cast is fun and varied. I was excited to see some people I've played with in the past (Drew, Karen, Isaac, Andrew, Dan, and Ricky) and meet some new people. I'm finding it hard to message people because I hate the awkward small talk in the beginning but I don't want to get targeted. While I know those people from the past, they're also obstacles because I know, according to timestamps, Karen and Isaac targeted me in the HOH and they're probs definitely working together. I'm hoping I can stay under the radar for now and let large groups go after each other until I get a chance to build more relationships.
Let's review
In the past 24 hours I have: -implied f2 with Dan -implied f2 with Nick -f2 with Clash -Alliance with Nick and Randy -implied alliance with Bobby and Nick -alliance with Randy Adrian JG Clash
Clash winning HOH is acceptable! I think he trusts and likes me and he wanted me to win hoh when I was still in which shows something. On top of that we both had the same sorta idea to put Isaac and Karen up which I’m just here like “bye bye bitches” and these inactive players will hopefully learn how to speak some English.
Clash winning hoh is like a damn Hawaiian vacation for me. I don’t have to worry about being nominated, I still don’t have to talk to these crackheads, and I can maybe get noms how I want them. I love being pretty
My first night in the Dragonfly Inn was riddled with terrible associative experiences in my real life, .org life, and romantic life. So....not great.
im here and im ready to dominate
Right now i don't have a game, Andrew and I keep talking about maybe deciding to start playing but then everyone else who's like old school PI type people that we could tap (Ricky, Isaac, Karen) keep sucking massive ass
so the plan is to be just barely known enough to survive and then we'll reassess in like three rounds when i start wanting to win challenges
aka when the cast gets normal sized
i mean im gonna work with isaac and ricky for sure i think bc we're a power trio and can fuck shit up when we put each of our single brain cells together. i like also wanna work with karen and/or drew and/or sammy bc they all me friends. i usually dont trust karen or drew for too long in games but like this is bb and not survivor and i play these 2 games v differently so we'll see what happens. madison and nick were really giving me nothing to work with night one even tho i wanted to have more indpeth convo with them. dan and jg i wanna try working with. clash..... we're gonna manipulate xoxo
clash has been involved with a lot of drama in this community and to be real i still dunno how i feel about him cuz like,,,,,ive only hosted him? and hes kinda immature but like also ig i can work close with him in an actual game and get better bearings on who he is.. maybe he can be a good ally? maybe i can just manipulate the fuck out of him and get him to say he loves me after knowing me for 6 days?
(a little while later)
me to dani: yeah it’s hard being in everyone’s pms haha Also me: rapid fire texting every single houseguest all the way from the homeland
(a little while later)
I'm tryna talk to everyone just so I'm not nominated because for whatever reason I have a bad track record of getting nommed week one? I only wanna win veto comps if I'm actually on the block. HOH rn is dumb and I'm just gonna do the bare minimum to keep myself from being nominated lol
(a little LATER after that)
okay so im gonna make a list from 1 being who i wanna mcshoot to 11 being no pls i dont wanna pull the trigger piglet
1. Madison ew smelly 2. Dani kinda smelly dont trust it 3. JG i like dunno where i stand w him 4. Clash i think he trusts me but that would be crackhead hour 5. Randy same with Clash but less hormonal(?) 6. Liana dont think she'd put me up.. 7. Karen same with Liana but im better fwiends w her uwu 8. Nick we made a deal so like? stick to it?? 9. Adrian a cool man that I wanna get closer to 10. Isaac we tryna power trio w him and Ricky 11. Ricky I think he'd have a better chance at beating Isucc
1 is take em out chief and 11 is sweet bb boi owo
(jesus take the wheel the cameraman gets super tired but Andrew keeps speaking)
Dear diary, clash won hoh today, and I hope he doesn’t put me up. If he does, then I’ll just bully him by constantly posting the screenshots of him confessing his love to Madison kimrey in the house chat. Till next time! Andrew <3
also yikes I guess dani assumes I’m the one who took her out in the challenge but like there were 8(?) of us left and lit rally lov we’ve talked for like 5 minutes so I could not give less of a shit lol
I could use Dani’s passive aggression to fuel a nuclear power plant
After the nomination ceremony where Isaac and Liana are nominated, tensions brew between Bobby and Isaac (which makes Isaac concoct a lie to make Bobby feel bad for being mean). The houseguests start to form alliances on late night calls, notably Madison’s two alliances Weiner Hard and The Chipettes. 
VL Cast Assessment/Opinions:
Adrian - We don’t exactly talk often but I feel quite safe with him... he gives me laying low type player vibes and I’m gonna let him do his thing! Overall like him a lot and there’s potential with him as an ally in the game.
Andrew - He’s quite chill! He and I talk a lot and I personally really like him and his attitude. I think he doesn’t scream threat but late game he may be the main social player and threat to win. I consider him a worthy ally
Bobby- I LOVE BOBBY! He’s overall really fun and has a great personality. We are definitely close in this game! The one issue is he makes it very clear he hates Ricky and that could put a target on him and possibly me if they think we are close. He’s someone who I will 100% have their back in the game
Chelsea - She’s sweet... nice personality and doesn’t seem to have any enemies. I think she’s a super nice person and there’s really nothing negative to say about them at the moment besides I wish we connected more sooner.
Clash - CLASH IS AMAZING! We knew each other way before this and we already had the bond but we never worked together... hopefully this time it will be different and we can work with each other long term!
Dan - I love him but the house thinks otherwise... people see him as a kind of a crazy over the top player based on past games... but in my opinion it’s better to have those types of people on your side rather than against you in these types of games...  sadly he might be a common target in this game.
Dani - Dani is so kind and I love her so much! We talk all the time  and the only issue I have with her is that she’s after Madison who I also like and trust. Their feud might ruin my game long term!
Drew - I like drew but I feel like he automatically thinks I’m with him because we know each other... we haven’t talked a ton but when we do I enjoy the talks a lot as he’s genuinely a good and funny guy!
JG - Same a Clash where I knew him before this and I trust him but we never played together! I think everyone likes him and he is someone who I gotta trust or I’ll fall out of the loop.
Karen - Rocky start but we actually talked a bit and connected a bit. I’m hoping for more but as of now I don’t trust Karen that much.
Liana - Chips wife omg I love you. they are nominated right now and I’m worried people will evict her because if she “puts the baby down” as some say, she may be really threatening long term in the game.
Madison - Hate this bitch... obviously joking but she can be trouble long term if I don’t keep an eye out for her... she’s going to create and be in drama and I gotta be ready to deal with the aftermath. Trust and love her but she can ruin everything for me in one day if she wasn’t in the right head space
Randy - This bitch is so funny! I want to work so bad with randy and I think it may actually happen! He is someone I hope I can count on long term in the game!
Sammy - We are slowly making connections and he reaches out to me very often so I’m happy to see someone is reaching out to make a bond with me rather the other way around! I’m excited for what’s to come!
Isaac - He might as well not talk to anyone at all because he’s basically inactive... he didn’t even speak to the hoh when they made nominations then got mad when they went up... it’s annoying that you think you deserve to stay over Liana who’s putting work in.
Ricky - I like him! He talks with me which is nice and I’m just overall looking forward to more conversations because I find him funny and interesting!
I wasn’t nominated which was lit and clash said I’m one of his closest allies.. dunno if that’s true or not but I’ll run with it for now. Liana being nominated im neutral about but isaac could be an issue bc I’m supposed to be working with him. But sometimes he’ll go inactive in games? And idk why. I guess his aunts in the hospital which is a yikes but also he shouldn’t be surprised if he’s on the block. Also calling clash an incel and Bobby a dick in the chat is a look but also Bobby kinda WAS being a dick so like understandable. PS - who has the social tact now miss isaac? ... ily
Idk if I could trust Nick fully because he's already backstabbed Randiddy and my keeping things from both him and Bobby is just easier for me. I'm gonna keep my mouth shut this time and not cause too many fights but I also wanna fight most of these people. The noms are also sexy as hell and I hope Liana goes because she has a child to take care of and she should go back to that
The veto commences, and Sammy reigns victorious in the Word Ladder challenge. Isaac and Liana remain final nominees. But will rumors of the “premade” on a house call seal Isaac’s fate?
literally not one single person has spoken to me today except sammy and he said hello and nothing else so i’m not doing shit until i am told anything
so i think isaac is dying and people are coming to me like "i know hes ur fwiend uwu" and im like well im obviously not gonna be a dumb dumb bubblegum lookin ass bitch and rock any vote when im tryna play this UTR friendly to everyone game. my game rn is based purely on conformity and being a wallflower. so if isaac has to get sent down the river then bring me a boat bitch
i can't wait to evict all these boring ass people
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