8bit-mau5 · 1 year
wanting to RP on tumblr so i can have things to look forward to on here but then not having any ideas for a starter or musings for people to reply to
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skiitter · 7 months
1 & 26 for the fic writer asks? 💜
Hi sorry this has taken me a fucking month Tumblr literally didn't tell me I had a single message
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work (in other words what do you think is the best introduction to your fics)?
Oh boy. I think commit this to memory is a good starting point. It's written in 2nd POV and I love using things other than 3rd person so it showcases that well. It also is just very tightly written. I'm exceptionally proud of it. The visceral imagery and internal conflict I wrote is also pretty indicative of what a lot of my work is like.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
No dialogue, it's not even a question. I VASTLY prefer introspection/prose than dialogue and it is often the thing that I am hung up on the most. Tbh most of my one-shots have very little dialogue for that reason haha.
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chil2de · 3 years
Hey don’t apologise for clearing your inbox. You did it for your own mental wellbeing and you can’t be apologising for taking care of yourself. I’m happy for you for finally doing it, it must’ve been daunting to try to get through so many asks. This must feel so refreshing and I love that for you. Take care of yourself (that’s a threat, if you don’t I will force you to) - 🥰
aaaaaa anonnnnie please you’re so sweet TwT iknowiknow but that’s just being an infj for you, you know? i’ll bump into a chair and apologise to an object that isn’t sentient in any way shape or form, i’m sure it doesn’t care that i just bumped into it
thank you for the supportttt thankyouthank you it seriously means a lot <3 more than you’ll ever know tbh hdhbfhshdhf it feels really refreshing now, really strange in all honestly but i like it (: feels like i just cleaned my room after a while lmao
o i’ll also reply to your previous ask below!!!
im so!!! excited for when u do read it! i can’t wait to see your reactions towards certain scenes KDNGJFBFHS
hunny if i saw toji and/or naoya in the street i’m not sure what i would do???? i might faint LMFAO naoya would probably spit on me i won’t lie i don’t know how i feel about that😳 maybe if i manifest internally by screaming at them to approach me they will cause lord knows i’m not going up to them, mfs look so damn intimidating... toji with his 6 foot something self and naoya with the cocky smirk, yeah no thanks
ariana always has really nice vocals, but i have to admit that i probably don’t enjoy all of her new songs preferred to the older ones. it’s just preference but i can’t vibe with them as much
as for wicked games aaaaaa i’m glad you liked it! the weeknd is one of my favourite artists ahah and i always thought it would suit toji. but yeah... his backstory isn’t pretty. at all. i think compared to the grand scale of things and all of the character’s backstories you’ve heard so far in the anime, his is probably one of the most depressing by a landslide. oh god, and yuuta? absolutely tragic... they might even be on par, though perhaps that’s me acting on a bias towards two of my favourites
i have an inkling that when the movie gets released yuuta will be extremely popular :/ i mean, like, i don’t care? don’t mean to go on a tangent but i dislike when ig lesser known characters only gain popularity by conventional means, not because people actually enjoy them or their character. they’ll see him animated and be all “wow! this guy is really cool!” then all the ogs are just sat there like “yes, honey, we told you so” (obviously this excludes anime only fans he was briefly mentioned in the first few episodes— how megumi states that he’s the only other second year he can openly respect, and how he won the kyoto school event by far etc etc, later that one scene of him in the second opening)
trust me u will love baby boy yuuta <3 i don’t share, if ever!! but hell i’ll make an exception for you :)
but in all honesty sometimes i wish i just stuck writing for one fandom because no matter how hard i try there will always be a time where i favour one fandom over the other, e.g i was writing gintama for the longest time, and that’s how my blog started growing, but then i got into haikyuu again and i started writing for them. therefore now because i’m into jjk it’s mainly what i write for and i always feel so terrible for the other fandoms fhsbfhghs
but i don’t hold any regret towards it, i’m glad that i switched to multifandom. i wouldn’t be happy writing for gintama forever, i’d feel so trapped and suffocated in terms of the free reign and variety so it’s all good (: besides i think it’s good to take breaks and to write for characters with vastly different personalities, i always find that my writing becomes a little bit more sharper and accurate when i’m trying to clean up and polish someone else’s dialogue or antics. needless to say, no shade to people who do write for only one fandom, because that takes major dedication so that’s a kudos!
anyways, didn’t mean to ramble on babe LMAO i do have a horde of google docs😭😭 i debated screen recording but there’s so many that after a while of scrolling it has to wait for the next batch to load, so you’ll just have to take my word for it (genuinely wish i could see somewhere that tells me how many overall docs i have, i’m pretty interested to see considering i have around ~500 posts, then again, not all of them are fics)
hfbshghd i hate how this was all about me please— ur giving a sister out here heart problems, i beg u pls tell me something interesting
OH OH OK i got a question, how about, who was your first fictional crush? can be anime or from a book series, etc
and is there any favourite anime characters you have from other fandoms?
(ily thank you once again I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD WHEN U SAID USING UP UNLIMITED MINUTES— the rest of the ask got cut off imsosorry we’ll just improvise from here on out, bUT hey dude let’s go to shibuya together!!! i’m so sure that they put a life size statue of gojo there everyone keeps talking about it LMFAO i’ll be whizzing around w my phone taking some very cool pictures :) then we can go grab some food or a few drinks, also ill stock u up on merch ok ily take care)
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kcamberart · 5 years
Hellooo, your blog is my favorite and I enjoy your tutorials so much!! have you ever considered making video tutorials? Also could you tell how you started in game dev, what are the knowledges you need besides 3d modeling, rigging and animating? Are there some sources that helped you learn that you could share? Biggest thank you in advance for answering🧚‍♀️
thank you very much! i’ve thought about making video tutorials before, but my recording setup isn’t great so i’ve been putting it off for a while now. 
in terms of game development, i actually got into it pretty much just by happenstance; i bought an art software bundle on Humble Bundle back in 2017 that happened to come with Clickteam Fusion, and after reading up on what it was and what it could do, i wanted to try out making my own game! it was a side-scrolling point and click, and i don’t have much footage of it anymore, but it looked like this
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all the original files are stuck on a flash drive somewhere, maybe that’s for the best ^^;
i actually got it to a semi-playable state (Clickteam allows for a lot of visual coding, at least for basic stuff like movement and parallax scrolling) before it hit me that… making things is hard. and takes a lot more time and effort than i was willing to put in at that point, so that particular project got shelved indefinitely. 
around that time, i downloaded Blender on a whim and started learning about 3D modeling, and then a couple years after i’d gotten comfortable with that, i wanted to do something with what i made, and then it just sort of spiraled from there.
ANYWAY, i’m hobbyist (and a beginner at that), but point being there’s a lot more that goes into making a game than i’d initially thought. Here’s a few resources that might be able to help 
Unity Personal Edition is completely free to use, and is super accessible as well; it’s got a really helpful network of forums and a lot (like, a lot) of tutorials on their website and on youtube. Their user manual in particular has a lot of info on what everything is and how everything works.
On the subject of tutorials, i know that a lot of people find Brackeys on youtube really helpful when it comes to learning how to navigate the engine’s ui and implement some “basic” mechanics like camera movement, menu navigation, etc. If you prefer visual & auditory learning as opposed to just reading, he’s got you covered. 
Making a game does entail Programming of some sort; Visual Studio is free (mostly, some editions with more features & support cost money) and compatible with a lot of languages & engines. Most tutorials that you’ll find (esp. for Unity) use some form of Visual Studio when writing & compiling code.
Music and sound design is another really important aspect of game design in general (one that i admittedly don’t know much of anything about), and while you could technically make a game without it, it can really enhance the experience! If you wanted to learn to make and implement your own audio, Bosca Ceoil is free & open-source software made by Terry Cavanagh that comes with its own tutorials & info on creating Sounds. 
Fonts! That’s something that i’d almost forgotten about, fonts. If your game has a lot of dialogue, or even just a bit of text here and there, font choice is something to consider. Your virtual machine should come with quite a few fonts installed, and most game engines come with their own, but if making your own font is something that you’re interested in, you could give Calligraphr a try! They have pricing plans and account creation to store several fonts at once, but their tutorials and templates are completely free.
Towards the end of House Call’s development, it kind of hit me that i’d vastly underestimated just how many 2D assets i’d need; buttons, dialogue boxes, static images, menu text & backgrounds, etc. Like fonts, most engines will come with default stand-ins for a lot of these, but having a nice, cohesive design all the way through can really affect the game as a whole. You can make these in… pretty much any drawing software. I used Paint Tool Sai, since i’ve had it for years and i like it.
i’m probably forgetting some things, and i’ll edit this later if i recall, but tbh my biggest challenge was actually just… giving myself permission to try and make something! i spent a lot of time worrying about whether or not what i made was “good enough,” like there was someone i had to ask permission from, or some artificial threshold that i had to pass in order to really be able to make a game with the assumption that some people might see it and play it, but that mentality really didn’t do anything but cause me unnecessary anxiety, in the end. 
It’s scary trying something new, and even scarier when you’re expecting feedback for it, but the best way to learn is by doing; the first thing that you make probably isn’t gonna be the best thing that you make, after all (see above), so if game development is something that you’re even a little interested in, don’t be afraid to try it out! At the very least, you’ll have learned something new, and i for one would love to see what you can create!
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elfyourmother · 6 years
For the author meme, if you still feel up for it: 1, 10, 18 and 20, please!
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
I have...a lot of these. There’s the Landsmeet fic about how Gisele actually came to spare Loghain and how she and Alistair came to grips with it and how their relationship with him evolved (which is really more Landsmeet -> endgame). There’s a slew of Mari fics, like her reconciliation with Fenris and Isabela and how they ended up a quad with Sebastian, and the big Retaking of Starkhaven saga as the notable ones
On ME there’s how Imani and Miranda finally got together, and how Imani’s endgame actually went (Earth was drastically different), etc.
There’s a lot of individualized specific excuses I could make for each of these, but tbh it all boils down to the fact that I suffer very badly from perfectionism, which when coupled with at times cripplingly low self-esteem results in this toxic mix of self loathing and creative paralysis that often causes me not to write anything at all. I can’t do this, I don’t have the energy, I can’t do it justice, i can’t take on another project I can’t finish because I’m awful and never finish anything, no one gives a shit about my OCs anymore or these old games anyway, etc. so it goes unwritten.
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
I can do either silence or background music depending on what I’m writing, but I absolutely need to be alone when I write. I can’t do any kind of volume when people are around, just snippets at most. Weirdly enough, the subway is the one exception to that, but I guess a lifetime of New York Ninja training in how to ignore virtually everything around me helps.
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
I always say that I learned how to write dialogue from David and Leigh Eddings and it’s the god honest truth. The deadpan snark machine I 100% got from their stuff, specifically the Belgariad/Malloreon cycle and the Sparhawk trilogies (the only ones I acknowledge tbh). I was also heavily influenced by early Anne Rice, back when she still had editors. That lush descriptive style of the early VC novels has informed basically everything I’ve ever written.
BUT this got turned up a notch when I first read the Kushiel books. You can absolutely tell when I started reading them, solely by reading the fics I wrote before and after. It’s kind of hilarious actually. But I swear it’s not even intentional either, like I’m trying to ape Jacqueline Carey--more that she’s like the god tier version of the writer I’ve been trying to be my whole life, and reading Dart in particular kind of unfettered me, for lack of a better term? seeing that gorgeous kind of poetic and slightly archaic style on the page gave me permission to stop censoring myself in my own work. i’ve always been flowery af tbh and I’ve always struggled with that, because of the constant admonitions against it. Good Writers don’t write that way, it’s tortured and pretentious and dense and blah blah blah. people who are very smart and cultured rail against it and make fun of it. i’ve always felt a certain amount of shame about the way i write. JC gave me permission to let go of that in a way no one else ever has.
I mean, I still struggle with the shame stuff, but the stuff I’m writing now I never would have written if I’d never read Kushiel’s Dart and seen a masterclass in it on the page and how fearless Carey was in using her voice.
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
I vastly prefer the former but lately all I can get is the latter. There’s nothing like hyperfocusing on a story and getting in The Zone to me, I enjoy it a lot and feel so much more accomplished than when I’m doing it in dribs and drabs between phone calls at work or on the train.
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meganmazing · 7 years
fics i read while on vacation
I went to australia to visit family last week, and boy oh boy are layovers and delays a joy - especially when you are not a person who easily sleeps on planes. To cope, I ended up downloading a bunch of long fics and binge read them all. The hardest part was just picking a few (lol) of what I read for this list.
Here are some of the ones I loved the most. They’re mostly cherik but there’s also a klance, a drarry, and a stony or two (or three) because those pairings are like my comfort food when it comes to fanfiction, and I needed that the past two weeks (hello, canceled flights and difficult support staff). These are also all rated either Mature or Explicit, so if that’s your thing, join me. This is a long one.
As always, if you want more recs from a whole host of pairings and more nonsensical gushing about why I love them, check out my bookmarks on my ao3: megamazing. All links below go to the ao3 version of the work. Click the titles for the link even if the little line doesn’t show up under them. And don’t forget to leave kudos for the authors and share the love!
No Longer in Silence by Black_Betty  26k  Rating: E
It has been eight years since Charles has seen Erik. Eight years since they parted under unkind circumstances and Erik went off to sea. The boy he once knew is Captain Lehnsherr now and they are as known to one another as strangers, and yet--Charles finds that eight years has done nothing to diminish the feelings he had when he was 16 and in love.
It's unfortunate then that Erik doesn't feel the same way.
(Persuasion AU)
The writing in this is incredible, truly. It’s in Charles’ perspective and the emotion coming from him throughout this one kills me in the worst and best ways. And Erik, my utter love. It’s based on Persuasion, so it’s Jane Austen, so you know damn well that there will be misunderstandings galore, and yet...
I usually avoid non-powered AU like the plague, but I gave this a shot and I am so, so glad that I did. Regardless of whether you like/know the story it’s based on, you will fall in love. It is heartwarmingly romantic, and still earns it’s rating in the end. This is a forever-rec, fit for everyone, and i will be shouting it from the rooftops forever.
Tessellation by nekosmuse  116k+  Rating: E
He had been following Xavier's career for years. He had read and reread and reread again everything the man had written. He had tried, on more occasions than he could count, to recruit Xavier into the Brotherhood, but each request for a meeting had been denied. Aside from his work, no one knew anything about Xavier. Not what he looked like, not the full extent of his power--though from what little they did know, he was by far the most powerful telepath in existence--and not what his intentions were.
The man was a recluse. As far as Magneto knew, Xavier had never once stepped foot outside his impenetrable Westchester manor. And now he was scheduled as the keynote speaker for the largest pro-mutant conference in the world.
This is the novel length cherik AU fic you didn’t know you needed. To be fair, I do not read many fics involving Genosha, but I may be reconsidering my preferences after this one because I WAS IN LOVE. It deals not only with all the romance/love/fluff/banter I adore with cherik, but it really gets into Charles and his disability as well as his relationship/history with alcohol. The relationship feels so genuine and believable that I was smiling and aching for these two by turns. I also love Emma in this? More Emma in fics, please.
Mutually Beneficial Transaction by Pookaseraph  41k+  Rating: E
In his sophomore year at Columbia University, Erik, feeling slowly strangled by his mounting college debt, places an add on a sugar daddies website. He doesn't know exactly what to expect from it, but when he's contacted by a man named Charles who seems less creepy than the other people who have responded to his profile, he decides to give it a shot. Charles is nothing like what he expected, and Erik finds himself slowly falling in love with his sugar daddy while trying to find out exactly what caused this amazing guy to buy his emotional and sexual intimacy when he clearly deserves so much more than that.
Pulled straight from the highly emotional comment I left on the fic immediately after reading: “This story is fucking fantastic. In every way. I usually steer clear of non-powered AUs, but holy shit I am so glad I clicked on this one. I'm in love with their love and you wrote this so fucking beautifully my emotions are all over the place. I will rec this until I die. All the love and kudos to you <3″ Here is me, holding up my end of the rec’ing bargain. I was in A State after finishing this story, if you couldn’t tell. The relationship between our boys here is so complicated and vastly different from what I've read before.  
If you are looking for sexy humor and angst for days, then look no further. I wanted to hug them both, constantly. They needed it.
Urban Legend by toesohnoes  10k+  Rating: M
They say that if you stand in front of a mirror and say his name three times Magneto will appear. Charles has never believed in urban legends and he's never been capable of turning down a dare.
Urban Legend was downright mesmerizing. It reads kind of like a campfire story (but with M rated bits, so maybe not one for the kiddies), and the atmosphere it created was elegantly creepy. Because i came in already loving Eric, part of me was rooting for him and Charles, while the other half was screaming for Charles to GTFO.
You Know My Name by dvs  11k+   Rating: M
Erik and Charles are spies with something in common.
Look. I know this isn't a Man From U.N.C.L.E. fic, but it gave me MFU feels and it does the Cherik relationship beautifully, so it pretty much has it all. Erik is Bond, Charles is charming, and I am craving more of this universe. It’s fast paced and from Erik’s POV, and tbh I just found the whole thing dangerously sexy. Plus, the plotty bits were right up my alley.
Tale As Old As Time by madneto  44k+   Rating: M
Charles is a bibliophile living with his stepbrother in a remote village. Erik is a lonely prince with an affliction he doesn't know how to control. Logan is the greatest hunter in the whole world.
Pretty much what it says on the tin. If you've seen Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" you know pretty much exactly what you're getting into. Lots of fluff.
So, you may or may not know I love Beauty and the Beast. And yet somehow, despite that, I wasn’t totally convinced that I was going to love this fic. WRONG. I was so wrong to doubt. It was everything you want out of this kind of AU, while still holding true to Charles and Erik. The story feels very much like it’s own thing, which is so important to me in AU stories. I also love the way the author played with mutations and the curse. I desperately want to give more specifics, but I feel like it would spoil things? Which is weird for a AU this well-known, but I really felt like this author made it their own.
Final quick mention: Love Runs Out by ikeracity   24k+   Rating: M
Just yes. This is one of my absolute favorite modern!AU with powers fics. It's just so sweet and loving and it makes me happy. Apartment complex neighbors, a whole host of mutants, and a community center that made me smile so much. You need a good, fluffy read every once in awhile, okay?
Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS) by leashy_bebes   14k+   Rating: E
The best thing about being an Artificial Intelligence is the ability to parse, filter and modify the things people say until you've got the cause to do exactly what you wanted in the first place. Or, in which JARVIS cock blocks Tony into having an actual relationship.
This has everything I love about stony in one form or another, and I was so jazzed to see that I hadn’t already read it! How I missed it, I have no idea. Steve’s characterization in particular really hit the nail on the head for me. It is so sweet (I am seriously understating the fluff here, trust me you will melt) and sexy, and like I said before, we all need some good, happy fics once in awhile. Break up the angst-fest with what I pretty much consider required reading for fans of stony. It’s like a little taste of everything there is to love, with minimal angst.
JARVIS is an honorary Avenger in my book, and I love the Avengers fam dynamics. Fight me.
Any Other Way of Loving by brandnewfashion  27k+   Rating: E
In which Steve is bad at dating, Tony isn’t, and neither of them are as subtle as they think.
I have re-read this one multiple times. Not even on purpose, just because I keep gravitating back to it somehow, and I love it more every single time. It’s fake dating, but is it? Totally. Maybe. Our boys are a bit slow on the uptake. I love their dialogue in this one. Bants for days. I will die on the hill of Tony Stark, and this fic has great Tony POV. Also, great pinning on both ends. (that sounds dirty, but I don’t actually mean it that way this time)
The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark by jibrailis   42k  Rating: E
After contracting an Asgardian virus, Tony starts forgetting things. And people. And Steve.
So if you read that summary above, you can probably guess that this one is not fluffy. There are wonderfully heartwarming and heart-wrenching moments that make you feel all the things, but I don’t think I would call it fluffy. It’s Tony POV all the way, and that makes the pain even worse! This story is so good. The writing is spot-on, and the style of storytelling had me hooked.  
Wanna feel pain and sadness and read a really moving story that has a genuine plot? What if I told you that there are also sexytimes, and pinning, and on-point jokes and moments that hurt my heart and melted it at the exact same time? Not convinced? Asgard roadtrip. With Loki and Sif. Also, Steve loves Animal Crossing. Did I mention the sexytimes?
Specifically, I found the way that Tony dealt with everything happening to be completely accurate for the character, and the same goes for Steve, Loki and Sif. And stony low-key feels until they are very much no longer low-key. But the memory loss hits you harder every time, and the aspect of unreliable narration absolutely killed it.
Reparatio by astolat   17k+   Rating: E
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
“You want the Invisibility Cloak,” Harry said, flatly. He’d half expected as much; it was the only thing he had that Draco could want—
“Don’t be stupid, Potter,” Draco said. “I want my reputation back.”
It’s that thing that looks like fake dating, but is really, really not. You know what I’m talking about. It also looks like friends with benefits, but who are they kidding? Not me. Barely even kidding themselves, and even then it’s not for very long. Draco and Harry banter fuels me. This one is Harry POV, and it’s very well done. Draco is also cunning and strategic, which so many people tend to drop off in favor of just making him just a sassy prick, and I was so here for all of that. Pretty sure Harry was too, deep down.
The one thing that had me going, hmmmm, is that Ron and Hermione are not together, but there is no drama there so it’s really not a big enough deal to make me put it down. No character bashing, which is a must for me.  
Don’t Break Connection, Baby by princedeadend   38k+   Rating: M
Keith works part-time as a phone sex operator and receives a prank call from Lance. This does not go as planned for Lance. Thus begins the adventure of our dear sweet goofball continuing to call Keith to fuck with him (but not like fuck fuck with him...at least not yet). And y'know, eventually having legit conversations with him and getting attached and growing on Keith. Summaries are not my strong point, alright?
aka the phone sex operator fic no one asked for
Maybe no one asked for it, but I certainly needed it. This was one of those “why-not” clicks for me, since I don’t usually go for this kinda thing, but WHERE HAS THIS FIC BEEN ALL MY LIFE. I loved every second. The humor, the banter, the perfectly written sexytimes, and the awkwardness you just knew was gonna happen the minute you read the summary, were gorgeously timed and executed.
This is a rom-com in fic form, but a bit more graphic. Lance and Keith being happy and smile-y with each other is my kink. This fic also reminded me that phone sex is a great, great thing indeed. Not to mention, Lance has a bit of a praise kink? Sort of? Say what you want, I’m here for that.
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
I'm sick of people saying Sansa isn't "Stark enough" Also tired of seeing how headcanoning Sansa (just in my mind/art) as Queen is criminal. My intention isnt to erase other characters. I personally don't care if she is QitN in canon. I'll just be glad if GRRM gives her a decent ending. But only imagining Sansa as Queen surely cant be a crime. Sansa has given me a lot of hope irl; helped me deal w/ depression so wanting her success,happiness rulership even it's cathartic
Hi! QitN Sansa anon here. I just wanted to rectify that the word I wanted to use instead of cathartic was therapeutic. I think they both mean same but I’m not sure. Sorry. English is not my native language and I struggle w/ it. Thanks for understanding.
Hello Anonny!
First of all, please don’t apologize for your English, it is seriously EXCELLENT! It’s probably better than mine tbqh. Secondly, I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER! I have no excuse, I am The Worst. 
Getting to the down and dirty of your ask… My dear Anonny, I totally hear you; and if it makes you feel any better, you definitely aren’t alone! Your frustration is honestly one of my main ~grievances~ with fandom and why I honestly having a really hard time engaging with like 85% of the ~meta side~ of fandom. I am in some fandoms, GoT/ASoIaF included, that have some incredibly smart and talented meta writers who are so passionate and hardworking and insightful. The things that they come up with sometimes completely blow me away! It can be easy to fall down the meta rabbit hole and get caught up, especially when people are seeing all these interesting things and coming up with all these amazing and intriguing theories that you NEVER would have thought of. But on the flip side, it can be really frustrating when the meta you are reading just doesn’t resonate with you at all. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am Here for meta as a concept and I usually really love seeing what people come up with. My issue is often in the execution. Sometimes it feels like meta crosses that ~fine line~ between showing you one way to think vs. telling you how to think. 
I definitely see the value in discussing different interpretations of stories and characters, and I even enjoy reading most of them. But too often I feel like people forget that meta is still just an interpretation, it’s as though there has become this ~thing~ where calling something meta automatically makes it infallible. But it’s really important to remember that with meta in regards to literature, while it’s generally meant to be an academic and unbiased approach generally, is still just one person’s interpretation of the facts as they see them. Meta has somehow become this competition about Who Is Right and Being the Rightest, and it just completely disregards how inherently subjective and personal fandom is. I will always and forever maintain that is absolutely impossible to be completely objective in fandom; your opinions, your biases, your Faves, are always going to affect your interpretations and and resulting opinions, that’s just human nature. I don’t get this whole demand for objectivity thing; if people were truly objective about fandom, I don’t think we would even be having this discussion, because no one would be discussing much of anything. Yeah, its important to maintain some level of objectivity, especially when you are having discussions with other people about fandom, but tbh being ~completely objective~ all the time sounds pretty boring. Honestly, I feel like most of the time people who claim they are being “totally objective” when they talk about things like character arcs, possible end games, ect. are even less trust worthy than those people who are up front about their favoritism; imo it usually means they are either totally unaware of their own biases, or that they refuse to acknowledge them.  
I also feel you on the whole thing of “headcanoning Sansa as QitN is erasing other characters,” it’s frustrating to me as well. Because you’re right, wanting Sansa to be in a leadership role does not automatically mean you are disregarding other characters. Positions like Q/KitN or Lord/Lady of Winterfell are exclusive positions by nature, there are always going to be unequal power dynamics based on that alone. It’s also like you were saying, seeing Sansa in a position of power and leadership role can definitely be cathartic and therapeutic (I think both words work btw!). As a character who has essentially been completely robbed of her agency and self determination and has been at the mercy of others for almost the entire series, it would be extremely satisfying to not only see her regain some of her autonomy, but also be in a position where she could control her own fate. It would also be really satisfying to see a character like Sansa who has had to rely so much on her more feminine, intellectual “soft power” to be in a position where she is clearly powerful in a more traditional, tangible sense. Does she have to be QitN for these things to happen? No, obviously not. But then it also stands to reason that none of the other Stark siblings HAVE to be in that power position to be important either, the same basic logic applies. To say that Sansa fans are “sidelining” or “disregarding” or “erasing” other characters by theorizing or headcanoning that Sansa could be QitN or Lady of Winterfell then means that fans of ANY OTHER CHARACTER who headcanon or theorize about that character holding a position of power in the North are therefore intrinsically sidelining/disregarding/erasing Sansa based on their own argument. Honestly, debating like that sounds tedious and counterproductive and more than a little annoying. Because honestly, it could go on FOREVER, we could be here for the rest of our gd natural born LIVES arguing about this. People are always going to disagree with you, that’s just life. And they are free to do so, just as you are free to disagree with them. But there is a notable difference between disagreement and downright derision; one is totally fine and can be done respectfully, and the other is kind of a dick move. 
And also, like I was talking about earlier, our faves are our faves. In fandom, you are allowed to concentrate on YOUR FAVE and their significance and where you see their story going. That is totally and completely 100% legit! Characters like Sansa are very easy to connect to and care about, especially for people who see themselves and their own struggles in her story. And I think the same goes for Arya… They are these two young characters who experience similar trauma and abuse and honestly just horrendous things that no child should ever have to experience, and they deal with it in such vastly different narrative ways. Arya takes action and lashes out and lets herself be sad and angry. Sansa rationalizes and compartmentalizes lies to herself and everyone around her in order to get through the day. Sansa is pretty much a poster child for traditional femininity, while Arya’s character has so much focus on defying gender roles (or disregarding gender completely in the case of the faceless men). Both have their moments of weakness and strength, both have their aptitudes and their flaws. Relating to and connecting with either on a personal level, as is common with fictional characters, is completely possible and understandable. That’s one of the most beautiful things about the Stark Sisters imo, together and separately they appeal to such a wide array of readers. 
There is no “wrong way” to fandom, there are no “wrong reasons” to love certain characters or story lines, there is NOTHING wrong with Sansa Stark being your favorite character and caring about what happens to her. And also, probably an ~unpopular opinion~ (but idgaf tbh), there is nothing wrong with caring about Sansa (or any of your faves) more than you care about other characters! It’s natural, you are not doing anything wrong, and your interpretations and opinions are no less valid than anyone else’s. That’s the great thing about fiction, it is literally impossible to have a “wrong” interpretation of a fictional work. You don’t even have to agree with the author to be ~right~ about a work of fiction because according to “death of the author” an author’s intentions and biographical facts should hold no weight in regards to an interpretation of their writing; a writer’s interpretation of his own work is no more or less valid than the interpretations of any given reader. Debate is fine, discussion is cool, dialogue about differences of opinions and interpretation can honestly be awesome. What’s not awesome though, is when people think that their interpretation is not only and absolutely correct one, but the sole correct one. That seems, like, wildly narrow minded and more than a little bit cocky tbh. Fandom isn’t a dictatorship; no one’s interpretations are law that can be enforced, no one’s preferences are superior, no one’s faves are automatically more important, and no one is The Great Supreme Rightest (or whatever a fandom dictator’s title would be idek). 
So the point is Anonny, YOU. ARE. VALID. Fandom is all about connecting with a story and it’s characters because they make you feel things. Something or someone in that story made your sweet little anonny (or in my case, cold dead salty) heart fall in love. So just keep fandoming and loving Sansa exactly how you want in a way that makes you happy!
(And on a totally mature, adult end note: fuck people who say Sansa isn’t Stark enough, what ever the hell that even means!? They are just jealous they don’t look that Boss 👏  Ass 👏  Bitch 👏  decked out in furs like a badass Northern Lady Pimp! QUEEN SANSA OF THE HOUSE SNARK, FIRST OF HER NAME!!!)
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safyresky · 7 years
1, 11, 21, 31, 41 for fanfic author ask?
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
I already answered this one here! But it was Meet the Frosts and I would be able to reread it but it would either end with me editing all 7 chapters in one night or me being in pain b/c it’s before my OC’s the Frosts were y’know, balanced and open with each other :p
11. Have you ever written a fic for a concept you know someone else has done before? How did it impact your writing process or feelings after posting?
I don’t think I’ve done this before tbh! I have been thinking of writing a Pirate fic, and admittedly it’s a very old idea and the OC’s were, of course, Jack kids xD 
I did look into it to see what the general feel towards those fics are (because there’s a BUTT TON OF THEM!!) and it doesn’t seem like everyone hates them, but they are also very overdone. As for the reception, I would be incredibly apprehensive about posting it (if I ever wrote it), but not too apprehensive bc from the ones I’ve seen, my take is very different. In fact, all the Jack Daughter fics are vastly different it’s wild!
21. If someone starts kudosing and commenting your fics in a spree and has a few works of their own, would you go look through theirs?
I absolutely would if I had the time! It’s only polite :p Tho I am very picky about fanfiction, so I would make no promises to do a return kudo/comment spree :p
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
Already answered here but short answer: Bernard and Jack Frost from The Santa Clause movies. I’m always second guessing their dialogue especially bc my tsc fics are so OC heavy
41. If you cross-post your fics on multiple sites, do you have a favorite? Are there certain fics you would only post on certain site?
I love fanfiction.net. I know it is super old and not a lot of people are fond of it these days, but I prefer it wayyy over ao3 because it filters out crossovers into their own section whereas ao3 does not. I do love the kudos system on ao3 though! That’s handy :D As well as how you can add author’s notes on ao3! For me tho, ff.net wins because of the familiar to use layout :)
Thank you so much for sending in this ask, friendly anon!! I hope u have a good day/night :D
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