#I also feel like Aang would cry each time Toph allowed him to honor his late friend and mentor by naming her kids after them
lilbagdermole · 1 year
Hello lilbadgermole, I looked at your Taang post about their dunebabies and it was so cute. I was wondering if the dunebabies have any names?
Thank you so much!!!
BTW, you guys can just call me Adri, instead of my full username, if you'd like ofc!
But as for the names:
Oldest Son (Airbender) [16]: Gyatso - Aang would want to honor his mentor and friend. Toph agrees (and also believes that it'll be omen that their first born would become just as good a bender as the deceased Gyatso once she discovers he's an airbender).
Second Son (Airbender) [14]: Tenzin - I have no explanation for this one other than the fact that I like the name (and he's one of the only good characters to come out of TLOK);
First Born Daughter (Airbender) [13]: Daiyu - It means 'black jade' in chinese. In Ancient China, jade is symbolic of purity, morality, integrity and wisdom; jade was understood to connect people with the ancestral spirits. I think it was a perfect fit to name their first girl of a mineral (Earth) that represented spirituality (Air). Note: This could be wrong and if anyone from chinese descent could confirm this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Second-Born Daughter (Earthbender) [10]: Ying - it means “brave beauty.” And Toph, after three tries, finally gives birth to an earthbender, and a little girl at that. Aang named her.
Third-Born Son (Earthbender) [8]: Bumi - though hesitant at first given Bumi had questioned Toph's self-proclaimed title as the best earthbender in the world, Toph had agreed that Aang could honor his late friend with their third son. Turns out the name suited their kid perfectly, as little Bumi was a menace the moment he learnt how to walk on his two feet.
Youngest Son (Airbender) [7]: Banzan - in Tibetan, this name means indestructible mountain. Toph had hoped her youngest kin would be an earthbender, just to equal out the playing field - her son, after a particularly nasty tantrum, nearly destroyed their home with a tornado. Though he couldn't move mountains, he carried himself with the same attitude as an earthbender.
Aang names all their children, though never without Toph's consent and approval. Toph never held any interest for meaningful names, all she concerned herself with was their well-being and making sure the six of her and Aang's offspring were in good shape and loved (she loves all of Aang's names and finds it endearing how much time and effort he places into finding the perfect name, though she would never be caught alive admitting it to him).
I thought really hard on these names! I read somewhere that Earth Kingdom names are based on Chinese names and Air Nation names are inspired by Tibetan culture.
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thwispsings · 4 years
Atla modern!au headcanons
This is gonna be a long ride so buckle up folks 
Sokka has at least one clothing item with “women want me, fish fear me” (and i’m betting it’s a crop top)
Zuko has to wear a hearing aid on his scarred ear
His vision is also not great on that side
Sokka has a soccer mom car
Sokka is just a huge soccer mom friend
While Sokka is the braincell holder of the group, Zuko is their impulse control
Zuko goes to occupational therapy
The white lotus is a tea tasting club, they have discount cards at Iroh’s teashop
Piandao is a master of the blades
Also distinguished gay
Bumi is basically a cryptid, he’s the jersey devil of omashu
Piandao also once got arrested for fighting cops at pride
No cops at pride just Piandao and his blades
Bato and Hakoda are peak Kevin and Holt (everyone’s dads)
Before they came out Sokka and Katara had a bet going on with Gran gran on whether they would realize everyone already knew or not (gran gran won)
Zuko cannot drive to save his life but he’s incredible good with a motorcycle 
Toph basically lives with Iroh and Zuko, they’re her emotional support family figures
They have family game nights but pai sho was banned after the “great table breaking incident of 2018”
Suki is a master of at least three different known martial arts and some not really known ones
She still stutters when talking to pretty girls
Once a pretty girl smiled at Suki and she tripped and almost fell down a flight of stairs
Whenever a girl flirts with her she looses her cool when a guy flirts with her she is always non-impressed
She and Sokka are the best exes, always trolling each other tho
When Zuko and Sokka started dating her first reaction was telling Zuko “honestly you could do better” 
Toph and Zuko convinced Iroh to start selling coffee on the Jasmine Dragon
Once Toph drank seven cans of redbull in a row just for shits and giggles, Iroh still has nightmares about that day
Whenever Zuko pulls all nighters Toph always puts him to bed, no one knows how
If you go for a non bending au then Druk is a bearded dragon or a ferret, i will not accept other animals
Zuko is the only person that Toph let squish her cheeks, she always giggles at it, it’s adorable, on the other hand, Toph is the only person allowed to touch his scar (she likes to map her friends’ faces with her fingers)
Toph also has an inclination to simply plop herself on Zuko’s lap, he’s warm and very comfortable and he always hugs her without saying anything
Toph knows how to braid her and always braids Zuko’s
Sokka is totally a tiktoker and a streamer
Aang watched too many tiktoks with Sokka and spent an entire month referring to Appa as “fluffly boy” only
Aang’s first friend, incredibly, was Zuko
Zuko painted blue arrows on a hoodie to give it to Aang when he complained about waiting for the tattoos
Aang cried
They are the type of friends that make constant references to events no one else knows about besides the two of them
Much similar to the Toph and Zuko situation, Sokka has adopted Aang as his little brother
They both have their daily Sokka&Aang time
Which usually involves laying with Appa and talking 
Sometimes cloud watching, they compete to see who finds the clouds with weirder shapes
Aang gets Katara flowers every year on her birthday
Their first date was at Iroh’s teashop (mostly so Zuko could be there to calm Aang down)
They hold hands whenever Aang feels overwhelmed
Aang made Katara a total of 37 friendship bracelets and 16 bead necklaces
The two go ice skating every two weeks
Katara has at one point convinced each one of her friends to let her do the hair loopies on them at least once
Katara once fought a guy on an Ihop parking lot and she won
The guy was Hahn and she fought him because he called Sokka a wimp
Katara, Sokka and Hakoda cry every time they watch Balto
Katara and Zuko share Ever after as their favorite movie
Katara is a golden medal swimmer 
Yue lost her hair due to chemo so she has a collection of pretty white wigs
Yue deffinetely cosplayed as Mara from She-ra
Piadao knows Zuko ever since he was five years old
He is actually both Zuko’s and Lu Ten’s godfather
One of his most prized possessions is a mug saying “world’s best godfather” that Zuko made on therapy and gave him for fathers day 
Iroh has a matching but with “world’s best uncle” 
Bumi and Aang became friends after Appa almost ran over him at a park, no one understands this friendship
Piandao and Zuko can communicate solely through nods and grunts, and both understand each other perfectly
*At the tea shop*
Piandao: *grunts and nods curtly*
Zuko: he wants the orange and spices tea and a croissant
*at Piandao’s dojo*
Zuko: *huffs and shakes his head*
Piandao: ah yes Zuko thanks for reminding me, i should see that with your uncle as soon as possible, do you think Jeong Jeong will be able to help?
Zuko: *grunts*
Piandao: no, you’re right, that’s a ridiculous idea
And now the crocverse hcs in honor to @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice
Iroh non-ironically loves crocs
Once he said “let me put them on sports mode” before getting out of the house and Zuko was this close to crying
Bumi is a croc enthusiast 
He non-ironically loves the croc gloves
Bumi is the one who told Iroh about “four wheels drive”
The first time Sokka and Iroh quoted the “WHAT ARE THOSE” vine Zuko actually considered running away to live with Piandao
Jeong Jeong hates crocs with all of his being
Piandao dislikes crocs but he feigns ignorance just to watch the chaos unfold and Jeong Jeong get pissed
There’s a bet going on who’s gonna break Jeong Jeong first
Most of the bets are on Bumi
Piandao once wore a pair of crocs only to watch Jeong Jeong squirm and get all huffy
Sokka gave Iroh a teacup with little crocs painted on it for his birthday
Toph says crocs are the best kind of shoes because “they’re open” 
Iroh has almost as many crocs as he has teacups
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metellastella · 4 years
Oneshot: Injury by a Firebender: The Dragon of the West and the Avatar
“Don’t touch me.” the monk said sharply. 
Iroh’s bronze eyes blinked in bewilderment at the harsh reprimand from the lighthearted airbender.  He had gone in to hug him, because he was clearly upset after their training session. The boy had been burned before, and this one had been simple enough for Katara to heal. So he wasn’t sure what had suddenly caused this shift in mood. 
“Are you all right?” the fatherly man asked with a tinge of panic. 
The boy was silent. 
His silver eyes cut into him. Iroh began churning up thoughts, trying to puzzle out what might be wrong, as he had when Lu Ten had gotten into moody episodes or angry fits.
“Aang,” the man said with a choked noise, “I am so, so sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” But the words were not forgiving in tone. They were hard. They projected ‘I understand this, but my feelings are very different from welcoming you back into my space right now.’ 
“What can I do to make it up to you? To make you feel better?” 
Aang’s shoulders screwed up. 
“Just . . .”
He breathed three times. 
Iroh recognized how he expanded his diaphragm as far as it would go, sucking in all the life-giving air his lungs could stand, and then releasing slowly like a leaking gas tank. 
The words from tutors from his own boyhood spoke to him, 
‘Picture you are drawing in the prana, the life force around you, and with each breath out, imagine you are cleansing yourself of fear and weakness.’ 
“You don’t normally act angry or forceful like Zuko,” the airbender analyzed. “But you do have your rare moments. If you could just . . . be extra quiet for the next few days, that would be a spiritsend.”
“Of course. I will be totally silent, if that’s what would help.” 
The monk relaxed further.  “What made this one worse? Was it something I did specifically?”
The monk opened his eyes and gave him a strained smile. “Toph and Zuko see you as the father you never had, Sensei. Or,” he corrected, “Does the Fire Nation use Sifu?” “Either is fine.”
“Or do you prefer Master?” “Aang, it really doesn’t matter. You insist on this formality, even though I’ve told you it’s not necessary.” 
“You see it as formality,” the monk bowed his head. “We saw it primarily as affection.” 
“Ah! Well then I am honored.”
“It is not a sign of dominance or status,” the monk went on. “But, like ‘Uncle,’ from Zuko, a friendly honorific.” “Like -chan! Or -san.” “Exactly. Like family.” 
The boy was silent for a few moments, and his brief happiness vanished.  “I had my own gurus, so although I want to see you as a parental figure, it feels as if I am betraying the dead by doing so.” The words dropped on him with all the force of the boy’s ten ton bison slamming into the ground. 
Tears gathered in the old man’s eyes. 
“It’s not your fault,” the monk said again, much gentler this time. “I want to like you, Master Iroh. But, the man that you, as a boy, kowtowed to as respect to an elder? He brutally murdered my elders.” 
Iroh couldn’t breathe. “Katara complains at me how ‘Zuko reminds me of my dead mother, and how am I supposed to deal with that,’ well.” The preteen laughed harshly. “I have to go meditate after she says things like that, or I will end up saying some very nasty things to her. She is like a noblewoman who complains that it is too hot, while fanning herself. I am the peasant out in the fields, toiling away to serve her up her dinner plate.” Iroh was convinced that he was having an out of body experience. He hadn’t felt this completely flattened by confusion since Mahimata, the Earth Spirit essentially mentally tortured him. 
“Nobody seems to understand exactly how much pain I’m in.” The boy went on in a monotone. “When we started out our journey, I would cry almost every day, as a normal person grieving their entire extended family’s death would. Sokka totally understood. He’d hug me, and rock me. Katara on the other hand, could not handle it. Grieving periods for one person are usually about at least a year, the monks would say. We had a couple of elders join the Spirit World, during my lifetime. So. If we were going to do some simple math here, how long would I need to grieve just every single one of my boyhood playmates, aside from an entire population of my people?” Iroh was beginning to feel faint from lack of oxygen. 
“Katara could not see me like that. It drove her insane. She’d let Sokka handle it. And I didn’t understand why at the time. I was hurt. I was beyond hurt. She acted so motherly all the time, and then when I needed her most, she abandoned me? I didn’t say anything to Sokka about it. I just cried. And tried to do what the monks said, look for the gratitude in the situation. A way to look at things from a positive angle. Impossible task, surely. I’d like to see the Mechanist be good enough at problem solving to unravel that one. After several meditation sessions, I finally ferreted out a way to look at it differently. This was ‘good.’ His macho attitude didn’t extend into berating a younger boy to ‘be more manly’ as you might expect.” 
He repeated the deep breaths. 
“Because, if both of them, my new family, had been unable to comfort me . . .”
The stab through the veteran’s heart was more painful than any blade that had ever gotten through his defenses and sliced into him. 
“Katara saw me as the savior to the world,” the monk said distantly. “So, not only was she hurt by my pain, because her empathy is strong. Every time that would happen, she would think that the world was lost, that we really couldn’t do it. I was too broken to be able to do this. Later on, she said, ‘Aang, we can just run away. You are only one person. You can’t solve this. There’s too much history. Too many people involved. I’ll bet my soul to some wicked spirit, that when the Avatar was established, the elder spirits never expected him to have to do something like this!! This was all a mistake. A slip of Fate. Surely, we need to just let you talk to them, and they’ll say the same thing!’” 
“I was very tempted by that offer,” the Bridge Between the Worlds said ponderously. “What if I just found some secluded spot for a couple of weeks, in order to go into deeper meditation trance states, and negotiate my way out of my responsibility? Were the spirits that merciful? Maybe.” 
He shrugged. “Maybe I should ‘have faith’ that the spirits would be fair to me, a poor little boy who did nothing to deserve this.”
Several more breaths, and Iroh could feel the wind around him reacting this time around. 
“I had a dream, where Roku spoke to me. He apologized for how he acted. That I needed more empathy from him, too. That he was not just my Guide, but also my elder who loved me.” 
A loud sob escaped him, and his element whooshed in response. 
“And now, when I sleep, I am in his arms. Like a baby who sleeps next to their mother. Sokka doesn’t have to do it so much, although he is still completely willing, and reminds me daily. Katara has gotten a little better.”
His next breath out was like a release valve, preventing overload from a too-full tank. 
“Nowadays, Roku murmurs things to me like, ‘It’s ok if you fail, Aang.’ ‘Just try your best.’ ‘That’s all any of us can ask from you.’ ‘You won’t be penalized by the Spirits.’ ‘You won’t even hear a harsh word from any of us Avatars.’ ‘And we most certainly will be there to comfort you.’ If I die, whether by disgruntled protestors, or by assassins trying to re-ignite the war, then the Air Nomads will truly have left the world. I try, during my meditations, to rein in that all-encompassing, all-too-likely scenario. Meditation is meant to quell anxiety after all,” he said a bit bitterly, “and all its attendant visualizations. I guess I am just lucky that, although my anxiety is centered on the entire world, I also have more powerful meditation states than the average person as well. It is suited to the task.” he said flatly. 
His silver eyes glanced around his surroundings. 
“Had I been born somewhere else than the Air Temples, where meditation for bending is not taken so seriously, I’m not sure what mental state I would be in. I could be catatonic, for one. I’m sure I would’ve hurt or killed people in fits of rage by now, Avatar Spirit involved or not.” 
He paused. “There has never been a child Avatar in the Spirit World. Ever. None of the spirits I have talked to in dreams knows what will happen if that comes to pass. Will I be a child in perpetuity? Some of the more feminine ones cluck over me like a mother hen and say, ‘You poor dear, you will feel very lonely here, should you die.’ ‘You will be the only one of your kind here, just as you are on the Material Plane.’ ‘We will lavish you with attention, little one.’ ‘You deserve paradise after death, probably even more so than any human who has ever existed.’ ‘Don’t be afraid.’” His tears drew tracks down his cheeks. 
“‘You’ve never had a mother, have you, love?’ ‘Your gurus were so mastered in their minds that they could provide that feminine touch to you.’ ‘We don’t mean to disrespect their culture, dear, but it seems terribly sad to us, still.’”
He let out a broken chuckle and quavered in a slightly otherworldly voice, “Roku, you brute, you had better take over as the next Avatar’s Guide if that happens. Expecting a child who had barely begun to live to mentor a sixteen year old? The fire fields will freeze over before we let you off the hook.’” The boy wiped his eyes. 
“I have lots of ‘people’ rooting for me. Not only rooting for me, but allowing the possibility that I will fail. And that, is what every boy and girl in the world needs.” 
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zutaraturtleduck · 7 years
Our Happy Ending (2/2)
Summary: How things could have concluded if Zutara was the endgame.
Read on: ao3
Part 1
The Gaang was in Uncle Iroh’s tea shop in Ba Sing Se. It was a calm and peaceful moment, a far cry from their usual action-packed adventures. Uncle Iroh was playing the tsungi horn. The girls were chatting. Zuko was serving tea. Sokka was ‘capturing the moment’, but ended up being laughed at after they saw how much of an epic fail his painting was.
Aang stepped out of the tea shop, taking a moment for himself. The sunset reflected the same hues as the one during the comet. It could have been a pleasant scenery to remember if they were simply kids enjoying the moment, no war, and no responsibilities, only themselves to think of. Unfortunately, they were no simple kids, the hope of ending the war and finally bring peace to the world lies in them.
Even though he was the most volatile in the group, literally and figuratively, recently Aang found himself reflecting. Like on these blank moments when he was free to think of anything, his mind unconsciously ponders about what transpired in the war and what would he do next as the Avatar.
Considering the other worse things that could have happened; he was a lucky kid. He was lucky that a lion-turtle showed him a way how to defeat Fire Lord Ozai without actually killing him – take away his bending, instead. He was lucky that a rock hit him at his chi trigger point that allowed him to go Avatar State, instead of letting a timid clueless kid fight a psychotic power-driven adult.
He knew that he won’t always be lucky, and he has to fully face his destiny: to be a fully-realized Avatar. Every time he tried to run away, people precious to him paid the price. This time he’ll face the problem head on like what Toph had always said.
Katara, the only earthly attachment he can’t let go of, his forever girl. She was the person who woke him up from his century of slumber. She was the mother who took care of him and whom he nourished from. She was the teacher who taught him and guided him in his journey as a waterbender. She was the sister whom he swore loyalty to. She was the best friend he relied on. She gave him a family to belong to. How could he let her go? How could he live without her?
But then, he had a life before her, before his slumber, his life as an airbender. It was his heritage and it will be his legacy. If he didn’t run away a hundred years ago, could the war have been prevented? Could his people still be alive?
Him being the last air nomad, it was something he could hardly believe, not because he was still in denial, but they weren’t called nomads for empty titles. Among the four nations, they were the most adaptable and most likely to blend in the crowd. He had memories of encountering his own people posing as nonbendering citizens of the other nations and managed to fool everyone except their own kind.
No air nomad might be occupying any of the air temples for the past years but it doesn’t mean that they were extinct. They might be living in the other nations feigning as part of their nonbending residents for self-preservation.
That has to be it. He left them before, now he’s going to find them.
Aang didn’t know how long he was standing outside but a presence next to him, retrieved him from his thoughts, Katara. She simply stood there, saying nothing. She could feel her gaze on him then on the beautiful sunset.
“After this… You’re going back to the Southern Water Tribe, right?” Aang said, putting words on Katara’s thoughts.
“Yeah…” Katara hated her maternal instinct sometimes. Going back to her tribe meant that she’ll be leaving Aang on his own, and it made her feel guilty. Yet, it was her deepest desire to rebuild her tribe now that their people were back. They were open to venture the seas, and keep in touch with the other water tribes. “How about you?”
“I know this sounds crazy, but I’m going to look for my own people, the air nomads. They are alive somewhere out there Katara… I could feel it.” Aang said with conviction.
“That’s great Aang!” A small supportive smile crossed Katara’s face. But as much as she wanted to stay happy and hopeful, reality likes to go against her. “I guess, after this, each of us is going our own separate ways… Are you sure you can manage on your own?”
“I have to Katara.” Aang whispered in hard certainty. It was like he was telling it more to himself than to Katara.
“It’s not like I’ll ever be alone anyway. The world needs me, and it better be there for me too,” Aang joked, shifting his heavy tone to a lighter one. “We could always visit each other, including the Gaang. If everyone is up to it, we can camp again somewhere like the good-old-days, but this time it’s not the Fire Nation we’re hiding from, but fromour responsibilities!”
The two chuckled like the kids they actually were. Finishing his heartily laugh, Aang spoke again. “Katara?”
“What is it Aang?”
“Uhm… Regarding what I did to you during the Ember Island Players… I… ah… I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I understand that the play upset everyone… well, maybe except for Toph.” As much as Toph was amused with how her character was portrayed, Katara won’t ever live down how spot on Zuko’s actor was.
“No. It’s not. Forcefully kissing you like that wasn’t the right thing to do whether I’m upset or not.” When Aang heard what happened to Zuko and Azula’s Agni Kai, at first he felt relieved that all of them managed to win their own battles. Yet when the details with how the fight started to sink down in him, like how Zuko desperately cried as he attempted to redirect the lightning that Azula shot at Katara and how frantic Katara was every time Zuko was in pain, he felt his internal organs plummet in shame.  
His friend Zuko, who wanted to regain his honor more than anything else, was willing to throw it away and possibly his own life just to save Katara. Yet he, as the person who proclaims to love her, what could he do for her? What was he doing to her? Fly away and let her deal with the crucial situation on her own? Not considering how his actions would affect her?
It was a hard fact to accept, but maybe that’s the reason why he needs to let go of her. He might be the Avatar and the direly world needs him, but not everything in the world is about him. He needs to stop being self-centered and learn how to empathic.
Katara felt a pang of pride upon hearing Aang’s words. She was proud that the boy she found in the iceberg has been growing up.
“I accept the apology.” She awkwardly smiled at him. “So this means… we’re… friends?”
“Friends.” Aang agreed and gave back Katara’s motherly hug.
Zuko didn’t mean to pry, but he had been watching Katara and Aang outside of the teashop. He can’t help wondering, what they could be talking about. He saw Aang flash a goofy smile at him, catching him staring at them. He immediately set his eyes elsewhere with pink tint on his cheeks. Aang broke the hug with Katara and started walking towards the teashop.
“It’s your turn buddy Go talk to her.” Aang discreetly whispered at him, letting Zuko have a private moment with Katara away from the Gaang’s meddling, particularly Sokka’s.
“And Zuko…” Aang had a mature and kind expression across his face, which made Zuko swallow an imaginary lump along his throat. “Take care of her, okay?”
“O… Of course!” Zuko awkwardly replied. What was Aang hinting at?
Zuko walked towards Katara while rubbing the back of his neck. He didn’t exactly know how to start a conversation with her. Ever since his Agni Kai with Azula, things were either intense or awkward with her.
“Hi, Katara… Are you okay?” he managed to say in his best cheery voice he could manage.
Katara raised a brow at him as if telling: “Seriously Zuko? That’s the best you can manage?” Then she laughed lightly at him. She let out a light laugh before answering him seriously.
“I’m fine. Just kinda feeling weird after Aang and I… Uhm… I really don’t know how to call it…  Technically, broke up?” Katara shrugged.
“Oh.. I didn’t mean to…” Zuko didn’t really know what to say. Should he apologize for being nosy or because he might be a reason why it happened?
“There’s nothing really to apologize for,” Katara replied in a neutral tone that put Zuko to ease. “Our break up is a mutual one. I just find it weird that we ‘broke up’ when we’re not officially together and I was sort of expecting that things are going to be a bit more dramatic… You know how Aang could be at times. But really, I’m thankful with how we neatly concluded things.”
“I see.” There was a long silence between them after that.
“Katara…” “Zuko…” they called the same time resulting to some amusing gestures.
“You go ahead,” Zuko gave way to Katara. He might be great at delivering political speeches, but can be a total dimwit in personal conversations.
Katara took a deep breath before saying anything. “About what happened during the Agni Kai with Azula…” They never had the chance to talk about it. After the Agni Kai, they were either wrapped in their own busy schedules or accompanied each other in serene silence, afraid to break the thin ice that is protecting the rapport they established from their own chaotic thoughts and feelings.
Though, sometimes at night, her own thoughts haunted her, making her restless as she lay on her bed. “Did he do that because he has feelings for me?”
And then, there were her feelings. “What do I feel about him?”
She could still remember how he cried for her as he ran towards the lightning’s path. That, together with the last moments with her mom, they were her most tragic memories she won’t ever forget in her life.
One thing is for sure, things between them are no longer the same like it was before.
“I’m sorry.” Zuko immediately replied. He already knows where she could possibly drag him with this conversation and he also recognizes how much this girl could affect him, even stronger than what Sozin’s Comet could do to him. His last Agni Kai, didn’t only pave way for him to rightfully earn the throne, but it also awakened the potential feelings he harbors towards the master waterbender. Whatever he felt for Katara, it’s something he cannot hide from himself any longer.
But he was no longer the prince who can be in romance with anyone he pleases. He is now the leader of a nation which owes the world a hundred years’ worth of recuperation for the war his ancestors instigated. Pursuing romance at this crucial political phase would be like a juggling his mother’s precious china and failing to catch either one or all of them.
So before she could make him falter with his decision, he firmed himself.
“I’m sorry.” Did he just say that? Did he understand that she was referring to their standing as friends and not what had literally happened? He must have. For a moment Katara’s body felt numb. A bit later, hurt started to gush like water from the dam. Was he rejecting her?! Was he betraying her again? She didn’t even let her finish what she was about to say! She can’t help flashing him a painful look that emphasized her glassy blue eyes.
Zuko felt something in him crash. “I didn’t mean it that way...” Yet, she looked away.
“Katara, I’m not denying what we could possibly feel towards each other. It’s just that, I don’t want for either of us to hold on to something that would hardly work given our current predicament. I’ll be in the Fire Nation trying to win the trust of my people and reform our ways. You’ll be in the South Pole, helping to rebuild your tribe. Between us is a lot of work so we can truly live in peace and harmony.” He looked at her, looking for any sign of understanding. He was relieved to see that her expression has softened.
She discerned what he was trying to imply and she felt stupid for all sorts of things, for overreacting, for overthinking, for thinking badly of him, for being immature, for hoping too much, and so on. Seriously, he is too dangerous for her. How could he trigger emotions and actions far from her usual parameters?
“If we still feel the same way by the time we can have some time to ourselves, we’ll talk about it, okay?” she heard him say. His golden orbs sincerely and intently gazed on her blue ones and his large hands enclosed her smaller ones.
“Okay,” she managed to voice out. “But promise me that after this, we’ll keep writing to each other, and you’ll also write to Sokka, Suki, Aang and even Toph.”
“I promise.”
Hands intertwined together, and her head on his shoulders, they watched the sunset.
Author’s Notes:
Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed that!
What do you think of the characters? Were they OOC?
Please read and comment. Constructive criticism are highly accepted.
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