#I can't wait!!!!!! 20th January guys!!!!!!
hotvintagepoll · 5 months
Welcome to the HOT AND VINTAGE MOVIE STARS bracket! we are currently voting on the HOTTEST and VINTAGEST male movie stars from 1910-1970. (we will do the ladies next.) Submissions for hot vintage men are now closed, but we are accepting propaganda for those already in the bracket.
Round 3 of the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament will be posted Saturday, January 20th, with some spillover to Sunday, and will last a week. All the round 3 polls can be found and voted on under the tag #round 3. All polls—including previous rounds, the now-finished shadow bracket of hot men who didn’t pass round 1, plus fun mini polls—can be found in the #hotvintagepoll tag. Every poll in the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament is tagged with the hot man in it if you need to search for a hot man in particular.
Between rounds—so any point up to the night of Thursday the 18th—any propaganda for a round 3 contestant sent to my asks may be added to the poll descriptions. I accept video links, photos, and text propaganda, but not gifs at this stage (I can’t copy them into the posts without problems). Once rounds start, any propaganda sent in is posted as its own separate post, searchable under the hot man's tag.
"Where is [my favorite hot man]?" It depends. Have you checked all the polls in the tag? Have you done a tag search for him? If you still haven't found him, either nobody submitted him or he did not fit the criteria of being a movie man from 1910-1970.
"Can I still submit hot men?" No, the submission window has closed. Please do not send in men you wish had made it into the bracket. I can't do anything with those asks and they just make me sad.
"I have hot women to submit!" Amazing! I've posted the submission form for that bracket. Asks submitting ladies don't count—you need to wait until the submission form. DO NOT tag me in hot lady propaganda yet! Do not send any to my asks! Anything that's not put in the submission form doesn't count at this stage.
"I have additional propaganda for the hot men!" Great! Send me an ask or reblog the poll and add your propaganda to it. I don't boost all the propaganda I see or receive, but I try to boost the best of the best.
If you're submitting propaganda for your hot man, I don't accept propaganda that's from beyond the end of this tournament's era (ie don't send me pics of them in the 70s onwards). I also don't accept them performing in TV shows unless it's clearly a cameo where they're playing themselves.
I don't post or boost negative propaganda about any hot man. If you really hate that a certain hot man is winning, send me positive propaganda for their hot opponent. If you think a hot man shouldn't even be included in the bracket because of scummy things they did in their lifetime, please read my take on it here.
If I see repetitive, trolling, and/or bigoted remarks in the comments, I may block you from this bracket. If you want to point out a hot man's flaws or misdemeanors, that's fine, but if I see consistent bad-faith trolling, you will be blocked.
"My FAQ isn't on here :(" send me an ask! I love hearing from you guys—just please check these basics first.
"WHERE ARE THE HOT MEN. I want to see all the hot men competing in one place!!" You can find all the round 1 matchups here (thank you @markwatnae!), and everyone who made it to round 3 below the cut. Thank you for being here! Enjoy the tournament.
Round 3 Hot Vintage Men:
Marlon Brando
Anthony Perkins
James Dean
Omar Sharif
James Shigeta
Sidney Poitier
Jeremy Brett
Cary Grant
Buster Keaton
Gregory Peck
Paul Robeson
Sessue Hayakawa
Michael Redgrave
Vincent Price
Gary Cooper
Conrad Veidt
Ronald Colman
Rock Hudson
Basil Rathbone
Laurence Olivier
Toshiro Mifune
Christopher Plummer
Harry Belafonte
Johnny Weismuller
James Stewart
Gene Kelly
Peter Falk
Clark Gable
Fernando Lamas
Errol Flynn
Tyrone Power
Humphrey Bogart
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winterxgardener · 2 months
Hey! Resident ask sender with no blog here,
I thought this was important to address, so I got curious and looked into how long there was between Courtney's Instagram post showing off her new haircut and when it appeared in videos.
She posted the haircut on January 27th, and I think there was a story a day or so before, but I can't remember. February 20th was the first Pit video and February 28th was the first Games video that we saw her new haircut.
It could be different depending on when the announcement and their haircut fell in between shoot weeks, but that gives a rough estimate of three and a half to four weeks out that we will see them in regularly scheduled videos after their wedding.
Shayne also mentioned on stream that there's at least one more podcast after Keith's until we hear anything about their relationship in an episode.
I wanted to get that rough idea so we know how long it will realistically be until we receive content from them acknowledging anything and aren't upset it hasn't happened yet
Fingers crossed we can see them in a stream soon together. Other than that, I don't see us getting much information for a few more weeks. Thankfully Smosh is still in their prime and only moving up from here, and we won't be disappointed until then! Knowing they are happily taking time off the internet and enjoying being newly married makes the wait even more comforting.
Stay happy and healthy, and I'll see you guys soon!
FYI to all who still confuse why both Shayne and Courtney are not wearing wedding bands on the newest videos for both Pit and Games. I think others are still not aware that Smosh taped at least 30 videos in one week, and those videos will not be released until a month later.
Hence, we will see their marriage era probably in May, except if there is a live stream. Again, kudos to @thisisatakenusername for writing this narrative.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 10 months
I presume the footage of the Student Council killing got distributed among the Reserve Course by Junko.
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So... with the parade, how did that start...?
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Well seems after the tragedy of Hope's Peak, she disrupted the video footage out to the reserve course...
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NAGI: Junko Enoshima release the video out the Reserve Course, showing the tragedy of Hope's Peak as the school was likely going to cover up this whole incident as well and I think what made matters worse...
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NAGI: Is learning that all their money was going to the Izuru Kamukura Project, I mean... if you found out that the money that you thought was being use for the school but instead some freak experiment, wouldn't you be furious and demanding answers...?
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NAGI: The answer would be yes, they were beyond furious and angry that it began the parade, where it was seen as a revolutions; I even remember seeing petitions and posters to burn Hope's Peak and I heard rumors the Reserve Course students started a secret society, yet again don't know that one but I heard that they killed 2 of the Steering Committee members.... it seems many of them were angry and demanded answers.
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Damn that is... I mean, yeah I can get being pissed at how the school was treating them but god damn...
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Trust me, you would be surprise how pissed off they were, I even heard some them watch that video 5818 times and they kept continuing but yet again I'm not sure with that one...
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And what was the school's response to it?
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Well... it should be obvious with Hope's Peak of course; they ignore it and buff up security...
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NAGI: They figure things will settle after a while so to make sure, they buff up security which they told students to ignore the parade and continue their talent which students were ask to stay at the dorms for their own protection which honestly, I didn't like how the school handle the whole situation when they could of just talk to the Reserve Course.
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So Junko mostly just added fuel to the flame and let things play out it seems...
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But still, what was Junko doing during all this time...?
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Hmm, I wouldn't exactly know but I know during the first month of the parade is that there was an investigation and some students were looking into it.
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A investigation? I guess some of you guys would find out, what happen with them?
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I think those that were looking into it were the Madarai Brothers as they were hunting down Junko Enoshima, Kyoko Kirigiri who was looking for the rumor Izuru Kamukura and the last... was Yuto Kamishiro who was investigating for someone...
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He was investigating as well?
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Yeah, in fact it was Chihiro Fujisaki who was ask by Yuto to spy on the Academy Server and it's where he learn about Junko Enoshima's invovlement...
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And I think Chihiro didn't want to get too involved which I can't blame him...
Date: January 20th, 2012
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*is walking back to the dorms* Well... at least I was able to convince some of the Reserve Course to give up on the parade, thankfully...
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But yet again, it's a lot of them at the door so I need to plan this out mor-.
???: Lo-Look, this is all I have on it and I rather not get invovled!
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Huh...? (Wait... is that Chihiro...? Seems like he sounds upset...)
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it me
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raiiny-bay · 2 years
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8th Grade Year - January 20th, 7:51 pm
Kelly: Yeah, actually. Trust me, you're not original. You know, I can't wait 'til Bow dumps you. Then I won't have to look at your stupid face anymore.
Dhestyn: Oh, I get it. You've got a crush on my girlfriend, don't you, Parker?
Kelly: Wait, seriously?
Bow: Hey, what are you guys doing?
Dhestyn: Uh... We were... waiting for you two. What took you so long?
Sue: What? I had to go to the bathroom.
previous // next
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Tribe Nine progress report #00 (part 1)
Translations from the official Tribe Nine website, supplemented with things that were said on stream.
Character names are in Japanese order because that's how they're officially romanized.
Also, I'll be posting this in multiple parts because I reached the image limit on this post.
In the country of Neotokyo, year 20XX, youth with no hope for society's future form Tribes to find a place to call home.
With time, the disputes between Tribes continued to grow more and more violent. The situation was very intense in the eyes of the Neotokyo government, so they enforced the XB Law, which limited the quarrels between Tribes to only Extreme Baseball.
Pitch, bat, and trade blows. The youths were crazy over this radical pride-staking game.
XB (Extreme Baseball)
A duel method similar to baseball, designed to settle conflicts between Tribes. As determined by the XB Law, the loser must obey the winner's order(s).
Runners and the fielder with the ball can initiate battles with each other for the right to reach a base. The slugfests between players equipped with body-enhancing gear are XB's greatest trademark.
The games must be played late at night when there are no longer any onlookers.
The games will use the entire City as its field.
Batters are only out by tag out or by strike out.
There is no home run. In case of an extra-base hit, the runner(s) can run through the bases until they initiate a battle against the fielder with the ball.
A fielder with the ball is allowed to initiate a battle against a runner, staking the runner's right to reach a base.
Players can equip XB Gear to enhance their physical abilities.
Anything can be used as XB Gear, as long as it's approved by the Judge Robot acting as the umpire for the game.
The win condition is either scoring more points than the opposing team or knocking out the opponents in battle.
The winner can give any order to the loser.
[This section will have some character profiles for a few Tribes, but before that, I'll have to go over some elements that were only explained in a previous interview and in the stream. The game will contain 23 Tribes, each themed after one of the 23 wards of Tokyo. The names of the Tribes here all match the names of the wards they represent. Their base concepts will be all about local stereotypes, of course, but in the stream, Kodaka compared them to One Piece pirate crews in terms of how much individuality the characters will get within the team.]
Minato Tribe
A Tribe famed as the strongest in Neotokyo. They value the bonds between teammates and genuinely enjoy XB.
[The Minato ward is the ward where the Tokyo Tower (also called Minato Tower) is. Due to holding the symbol of the city, Kodaka chose it to be the ward of the anime's protagonist Tribe.]
Kamiya Shun (Leader)
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CV: Akira Ishida
Birthday: February 22nd
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Voice sample 1: Let's enjoy one more game.
Voice sample 2: I'll show you how to topple the Minato Tower.
"What could be more exciting than XB?"
The founder and leader of the Minato Tribe, as well as the main reason why they're considered the strongest. He is one of the very few Beam Bat users. He's as top tier as you'd expect as a pitcher and batter, not to mention he's unmatched at a fistfight.
He enjoys unchallenged popularity on the XB field, but he also has a more goofy side. His antics include giving his teammate incomprehensible nicknames and getting hungover on coffee, among others.
Shirokane Haru
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CV: Shun Horie
Birthday: January 20th
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Voice sample 1: My name is Haru. Shirokane Haru.
Voice sample 2: If I can really hit this swing...
"If I really have potential... I wanna give it a try!"
A timid bullied boy. He was getting into trouble with the town's delinquents as usual when Kamiya and Taiga saved him. He was bound by his own perceived uselessness, but Kamiya noticed his natural agility, wits, and keen eyes and he was invited to use these "weapons" of him for the Minato Tribe.
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CV: Chiharu Sawashiro
Birthday: October 10th
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Voice sample 1: I'll beat Kamiya Shun and become the best player!
Voice sample 2: The match only starts when you get to the batter's box.
You got nothing to worry about, you got me as the captain on this ride aboard the S.S. Big Ship Taiga, where S.S. stands for "safe and sound"!
A hot-blooded boy who came to Neotokyo from the other side of the ocean in pursuit of one dream: winning against the strongest man, Kamiya Shun! He joins the Minato Tribe along with Haru. He's a novice in XB and struggles to memorize the rules, but he keeps challenging his opponents with his dauntless courage and the brute strength he's so proud of.
Arisugawa Saori (Vice-Leader)
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CV: Mai Fuchigami
Birthday: November 22nd
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Voice sample 1: The Minato Tribe never says no to anyone wanting to join or leave. You can stay as long as you want.
Voice sample 2: Raise your arm higher and put more strength into your swing.
There's no ball I can't catch!
The Minato Tribe's vice-leader. Despite her frail looks, she's an outstanding catcher, capable of stopping even Kamiya's blazing fastballs. She takes charge, commanding Minato's ensemble of oddballs since Kamiya is too careless to be a real leader.
No one values the members of Minato's team more than her, but she is extremely strict about rules and morals, never hesitating to unload a cartridge of her favorite airsoft gun on a transgressing teammate.
Mita Santarou
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CV: Mutsumi Tamura
Birthday: March 30th
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Voice sample 1: I know talent when I see it.
Voice sample 2: The first thing rookies do is carry my stuff. That's the law of Minato.
T-those dudes are no match for me...! Ok, you guys go take them on!
A member of the Minato Tribe. He claims to be the ace of the team but is actually just a reserve pitcher. He's a pervert and a sleazeball and often gets punished by Arisugawa for it, but he shows no signs of wanting to fix his flaws.
He tends to abuse his seniority over the new members, but he's as caring and friendly as he is unreasonably bossy.
Daimon Manami
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CV: Fukushi Ochiai
Birthday: July 20th
Height: 191 cm
Weight: 180 kg
Voice sample 1: I accept all forms of gratitude and cake.
Voice sample 2: You gotta swing hard but without straining yourself.
Don't forget to eat well before a game of XB.
A member of the Minato Tribe. He's always supporting the other members with his gentle personality and great cooking. Minato's base of operation is Lovely Ocean, a restaurant he runs.
Despite his usual calm, no one can stop him when he snaps.
[Translation note: Manami means "lovely ocean"]
Aoyama Kazuki
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CV: Shouya Chiba
Birthday: May 18th
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Voice sample 1: Huhu, even if I can't use my left arm anymore, my brain is still much better than yours, stupid people.
Voice sample 2: Timing is essential in our next strategy, I'll be giving the commands. It'd be easier for all of you since you won't have to think.
"You'll be my pawns."
A mysterious boy who suddenly appeared asking to join the Minato Tribe. He can't properly play XB because his left hand is injured. But for unknown reasons, he's very knowledgeable about XB tactics and how to handle a Beam Bat and makes full use of his ingenuity to bring victory to Minato.
He seems to have some kind of goal in approaching the Minato Tribe, but what could it be?
Chiyoda Tribe
A tribe under the patronage of the king of Neotokyo. They have been suppressing many other Tribes all over the country to ostentate their power.
[Chiyoda is the ward where the Palace is, so the Chiyoda Tribe are the guys with political power]
Ootori Oujirou (Leader)
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CV: Jun'ichi Suwabe
Birthday: September 26th
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Voice sample 1: Can you entertain me, even a little?
Voice sample 2: A game needs blood. In eras where giants clash, the people are waiting for battles that spray blood and shatter bone.
"Winning is everything. There is nothing else I need."
The leader of the Chiyoda Tribe, and heir to Ootori Tenshin, the king of Neotokyo. Tenshin trained him since he was a child to be the strongest XB player.
He challenges teams all over Neotokyo to prove he is the best.
Ootori Tenshin (King of Neotokyo)
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CV: Hiroshi Naka
Birthday: January 31st
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Voice sample 1: None is allowed to disobey the Ootori family! It's the masses to duty to kneel before me. Am I wrong?
Voice sample 2: Every single one of those so-called big shots sullying my Chiyoda must be exterminated! Go show them the power of the Ootori family!
"Through XB, you must show that that the power of the Ootori family is absolute!"
The king of Neotokyo. He's strongly obsessed with XB, to the point he trained his heir Oujirou since childhood to be the best player.
After that, he founded the Chiyoda Tribe with Oujirou as the leader.
He aims to trample all Tribes in the country in XB to ostentate the strength of the Ootori family.
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CV: Mikako Komatsu
Birthday: March 15th
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Voice sample 1: As you wish.
Voice sample 2: I honestly and absolutely believe you will get the result you desire.
"Only death awaits the enemies of the Ootori family."
Ootori Tenshin's secretary. To the public, she's nothing more than a modest secretary, but her secret is that she's a cold-blooded agent, capable of doing anything for the sake of the Ootori family.
Countless people who criticized or plotted to opposed the Ootori family's plans may or may not have been to their grave by her hand.
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melis-writes · 2 years
The last chapter/ending of “Moth to Flame” will be up at last on... JANUARY 20TH!! 🤩🙏🏻
We're looking at 34.3k words (94 pages! 😵) for the plot of the fic coming to an end as well as two "choose your own" endings! I've always loved giving my readers the freedom to choose their own canon endings in a majority of my work! 🥰
You can choose your happily ever after with Michael or a much darker, tragic ending with the upcoming endings! 👀 And of course, definitely feel free to read both chapters and decide which one you like best!! 🤞
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There are lots of similarities as much as there are immense differences in each ending, not just affecting Victoria and Michael but everyone around them. 😶 Dates may be different, events may or may not occur and of course, happy and sad tears may or may not be shed. 😅
"Moth to Flame" is coming to an end, folks. 😭💔 Thank you endlessly for being here for the ride and supporting my fic! I'm forever grateful to each and every one of my wonderful, amazing readers. 🤗🥺 I can't wait for you guys to read this last chapter and tell me what you all think!!
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kozukitty · 3 years
Forget Me Not
nishinoya yū x fem! reader.
warnings: major character death, mentions/implications of suicide. angst.
count the stars and i’m sure you’ll find me.
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yuu nishinoya
january 9th, xxxx
there's a girl on the school rooftop.
her name is (y/n) (l/n)— a girl i've known since middle school. we never talked even though we were in the same class. i've never seen her speak to anyone, we all almost thought she was mute.
i almost didn't recognize her, she looked so much more different than how she did before. her hair was short back then, but now it cascaded down her shoulders like waterfalls— i was almost entranced from just looking at her. she said nothing to me, all she did was stare at me with her (e/c)-eyes that seemed so bright, yet so distant.
i apologized for intruding, and told her i had only came up to retrieve my volleyball. she gave me a perplexed look and said, "who the hell spikes a volleyball all the way up here?"
i knew she wasn't joking, but it still made me laugh. her question had almost caught me off guard, i wasn't expecting her to say anything to me. i didn't even think she would look my way.
she went silent again as i rambled about my teammates and how incidents like this weren't really uncommon. i felt my words get caught in my throat when she handed me my volleyball with delicate fingers that almost seemed like they could crumble like sand.
she didn't speak not another word and turned on her heels, my presence no longer imposing as a burden to her. i also turned to leave, but stopped the moment i felt the winter wind whisper into my ears. i glance back at her with a small smile before saying,
"you should come visit my practice sometime."
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yuu nishinoya
february 7th, xxxx
there's a girl in my gym.
i was more surprised than anybody when i saw her walk in. she nearly froze on the spot when she saw all eyes on her, her face erupting into a cherry red blush as she played with her fingers nervously.
"i-i'm here for nishinoya-kun..." she stuttered, her eyes averting from every single person she laid eyes on in the gym. "i'm sorry for the intrusion."
everyone gave me the same confused look, their eyes boring into mine as they wordlessly asked for an explanation. "she's just a friend," i explained. "i invited her here."
tanaka yelled at me, obviously excited that i managed to convince a girl to show up. i could do nothing but give him a sheepish smile as i ran up to the girl who stood by the gym doors awkwardly.
"what are you doing here?"
"you said i could come," she responded shyly. "i-i just wanted to talk to you again..."
and there i stood talking to the girl who i just happened to run into that day in january. i never thought we would ever speak again, i never would've guessed that we would even run into each other at all. yet here she was, cheeks blooming in a rosy red with her silky hair tucked behind her ear neatly.
"d-do you have a valentine?" she asked, her words barely above a whisper. i felt a small blush creep onto my cheeks, giving her a small shake of my head, i responded with,
"no, i don't. do you?"
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yuu nishinoya
february 14, xxxx
there's a girl in front of my locker.
she stood there with a deep blush on her face, her dainty hands clutching a box of chocolates. her feet shuffled on the ground nervously, and when her eyes met mine my heart began to race.
"t-these are for you, noya-san," she said, her hands holding out the small box that she was just about to crush mere seconds ago. i took the chocolate into my hands, giving her the biggest smile i could muster.
it was a little awkward, honestly. neither one of us knew what to say. i couldn't keep thanking her for the chocolate, so i tried my best to talk about something that would at least be of interest to her.
she was really just a cute flustered mess the entire time, and we laughed and everything felt surreal. i thought she was perfect for me, i thought she would be the one. why did good things always get taken away?
but at that time, i didn't know that. so i asked her,
"(y/n), do you want to go out sometime?"
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yuu nishinoya
march 14, xxxx
there's a girl that i like.
she's the same girl who i saw on the roof that day. she's the same girl who came to my gym. she's the same girl who bought me chocolates on valentine's day.
(y/n) (l/n) was the girl that i liked.
she was beautiful, the most drop dead gorgeous girl that i had ever laid eyes on. seeing her made my knees weak, and it made my heart race faster than it ever would— even during a game.
today was white day. she was standing there outside my gym, waiting for me to walk out. i had invited her originally because i wanted to see her, but i had nearly forgotten that i had bought her something.
i almost thought i would chicken out when i handed her the chocolates in one hand and the tickets to the movies in the other, but i think she nearly fainted just from looking at the gifts alone.
"what's this for?" she asked, her voice still as quiet as it always is. i've gotten so used to it that i could still hear her even if she talked so low that wind could only hear.
"i-it's for you," i barely managed to stutter out. when she took the items from my hands, i felt my ears grow hot even though our hands barely touched. "and i-i have something else to s-say!"
she tilted her head at me. "what is it?" i shook off my nervousness, inhaling deeply before shouting, "i like you a lot! will you be my girlfriend?"
her face went beet red, and before i could catch her,
she fainted.
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yuu nishinoya
march 20th, xxxx
there's a girl sitting next to me.
she's not paying attention to me though, she's too busy watching the ducks play in the pond. she catches me staring at her, but i look away before she can say anything to me about it.
after i asked (y/n) out on white day, she fainted. but the next day, she walked up to me and told me this, "take me to the pond on march 20th and i'll give you an answer."
i didn't understand why she gave me a specific day, but i could only guess that it meant something to her. when i looked at her to ask her about it, she spoke over me.
"i'll be your girlfriend." she said with a dark crimson blush. "b-but... p-please don't break my heart. i don't think i could handle that.."
"i would never do that," was what i said. and i meant it.
only one of us had a broken heart in the end. and it wasn't her.
it was me.
but i didn't know that would happen.
at the time, everything seemed perfect but in reality,
it was then that things started to go south.
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yuu nishinoya
may 19th, xxxx
there's a girl that i treasure.
i don't treasure her like an object, i treasure her because she has a special place in my heart. i wish she understood that, but she doesn't.
there's something strange about (y/n). something she isn't telling me. i don't want to pester her about it, but i can't help but worry. it always seems like she is never really here— like she's always somewhere else. she had always been that way, even in middle school. i never knew why, not even now.
"noya, you really are amazing," she told me. "i admire you a lot. not just because you're my boyfriend, but just because you're someone who's easy to look up to. not height wise though."
her smile was light, it was seamless, it was beautiful. but for some reason, i couldn't detect an ounce of happiness. i never understood how someone so gorgeous could look so sad.
"(y/n)... is there something you aren't telling me?" i ask, my voice laced with concern. she only smiled at me. she said nothing. she only smiled.
the same smile that was filled with pain.
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yuu nishinoya
june 4th, xxxx
there's a girl that i'm always around.
she's rather gloomy, but i've actually grown very attached to her. i don't mind her gloominess, i actually think it's really cute. sometimes, she makes me laugh with the absurd things that she says.
the way i feel around (y/n) is hard to explain, even i don't understand how i feel. i love being around her, and when she's not around i always miss her, even if she's gone for five seconds. i think it's weird, but i feel like she's a part of me now. i can't imagine a day in my life without her.
i wish i could tell her everything i felt about her. i wish she would tell me how she felt from time to time. i know she's keeping a lot of things from me, but i feel like its for a good reason. i tell (y/n) everything, and she normally does the same.
so why does this bother me so much?
i understand. i respect her privacy. but does she not trust me? does she not think that i'll see her the same?
i'll fix it. i'll get her to see me as someone she can trust. i'll get her to see me as someone she can trust with everything she has without judgement.
i want her to trust me with her heart.
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yuu nishinoya
july 27th, xxxx
there's a girl that i love.
we were walking home from the fireworks festival. there was an odd vibe surrounding (y/n), like something was bothering her. i didn't ask her about it, because well, i didn't want to pester her or pressure her into thinking she had to tell me anything.
but i had something to tell her, something i had been meaning to tell her for a while now but never had the chance. something that i wanted her to trust me with, something that i wanted her to trust in so blindly that she would always believe in me.
and so, standing in front of her door to her home, i turned to her with flushed cheeks, taking a deep breath before shouting,
"i love you, (y/n)! i'm in love with you. no words could describe the way i feel about you. i love you so much, that even the words alone don't feel like i'm expressing it enough!
i love everything about you! i love the way you dress, i love the way you style your hair everyday, i love how smart you are, i love how funny you can be without trying, i love how you can make me feel like the most luckiest guy in the world! i love you! and i'd shout it to the whole world if you wanted me to! i'd tell the whole school! i love you, (y/n), and i will for eternity!"
even with the flustered look on her face, she gave me a laugh. it was small, it was nearly lifeless, yet it was for me. and i loved it. she holds my hand in hers delicately, her thumbs caressing the back of mines with the most gentle touch.
"yuu, i think you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. i love you more than life itself. you are my entire world, you know? thank you for giving
me this love. thank you for giving me this happiness. i don't want you to ever forget me."
i don't get the chance to respond before she opens the door of her home to step inside. she gives me one last smile before shutting the door, a smile brighter than any star in the night sky, a smile brighter than any diamond i could imagine.
"see you tomorrow."
that tomorrow never came.
all i received the next day was a phone call that i knew would change my life,
"n-nishinoya-san...! (y-y/n)... s-she's..."
my heart raced in my chest, my breathing stopped in that moment,
"s-s-she's dead...!"
there would never be a tomorrow for us.
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yuu nishinoya
september 2nd, xxxx
there's was a girl who loved me.
a girl who helped me. she helped me with so many things she didn't know about. she helped me live. she helped me grow. she helped me see. she helped me love.
she was everything i wanted, and more. i loved her with every ounce of my being. i loved her more than i loved anything in this world, i loved her more than my biggest passion.
why didn't i see? why couldn't i see how bad she was hurting? she tried telling me in her own way, i know she did. so why couldn't i figure it out? why am i so stupid? why didn't i do more? why couldn't i do enough?
why do i have to stare at the flowers that rest on your desk in our classroom? why do i have to get looks of pity from everybody? why does everyone whisper and offer condolences as if they knew you?
why didn't you tell me? why won't you answer?
why did you leave me?
yuu nishinoya
october 21st, xxxx
there's was a girl who i wanted to spend my life with.
everyday without her feels like a lost cause. i have no motivation. she was the reason why i wanted to keep going, she gave me hope, she gave me encouragement. she told me i gave her happiness, when in reality she was mine.
how does someone cope with this pain? it's been over a month. nothing stops hurting. it just gets worse and worse. i fall in love with her memory more and more everyday. why did it have to be her? why did it have to be me? why did it have to be us?
i wish i could've given her everything she deserved. i wish i could've helped her value her life as much as i did. i wish i could hold her right now. i want to tell her how much i love her again.
i would give anything to have her back. i miss her so much, it hurts. everything hurts so bad. why won't the pain stop? why does it never end? i want to start over. i want to redo everything. i want to press rewind.
i want to live with you again.
a life without you is so hard to live in.
i love you.
"good evening, nishinoya-san,” the woman greeted with a soft smile on her face. "its been a while, hasn't it? how have you been faring?"
"alright, i guess."
"i've read your journal entries," the woman pulled out the battered notebook from her bag. "it really helped me better understand what you're going through, nishinoya-san. thank you for trusting me with it."
nishinoya shrugs, his expression blank and eyes void of emotion as he took the notebook from the womans hands. “i mean, you asked for it so..”
the woman nods, crossing her legs with a never-ending smile. “i’m glad you wrote about how you’ve been feeling. it’s healthy to express your emotions in some way— anything is better than keeping them bottled up,” she states, her fingers adjusting her sleeves absent-mindedly, “do you think writing has been helping you cope, nishinoya-san?”
“you could just call me noya.. and i guess so? i think i finally have the motivation to do the things i like now. at first it was hard to get back into the rhythm of things but things are sorta better now…” nishinoya explains, eyes moving to focus on the journal that he clutched in his hands tightly.
“i’m glad you’re easing back into your life, noya-san. take your time, okay? healing takes time, and you have all the time in the world. heal at your own pace, don’t worry about who won’t stick around, just think of who'll be around after the storm. you understand?”
“um, yeah.” nishinoya swallows harshly, a bitter taste suddenly being left in his mouth. who’ll be around after the storm, eh? does it even really matter?
without you, my storm is everlasting.
“i know it doesn’t make sense right now. if i’m being honest with you, you’ll probably never get over miss (l/n)... but the whole point of healing is acceptance, and not allowing grief to take over your life,” the woman places her hand over his reassuringly. “it won’t be easy, it never is. but you’re strong, noya-san. do you know how i know?”
“because, you relived those painful memories of yours and put them in this journal,” she tapped the book in his lap. “you tried to cope with your pain on your own, before you even met me. you felt helpless, and yet you still desperately tried your best to crawl out. do you know what most people do? wallow in their own pain. you should be proud of yourself, you should be motivated. do you know why? because you will heal.”
nishinoya stared at the woman in shock, unable to hold back the tears that gathered in his eyes. “h-how could you say that...?” he asked, endless warm tears slipping from his eyes. “h-how c-could you say that i’m strong? i-i’ve d-done nothing b-but cry and beg to g-god that she would come b-back... i-i’ve done nothing b-but b-beg for my p-pain to be taken away.”
he sobbed. he cried so hard that it hurt. he sobbed so loud that his throat hurt and his lungs helplessly begged for air. “i-it... i-it hurts...! i want her back... i-i want her back so bad…” he wailed desperately. “i-i miss her! i w-want her back... i-i w-want to start over...! e-even just f-for a second, even i-if it’s just a-an illusion... i want to see her again...!”
the woman nods, her arms surrounding him in a comforting embrace, “i know you do. noya-san. i really get it, i promise. you’re doing great, and you know what? i want you to write in your journal again. but for now, i want you to let it all out, right here.”
and so, that evening on january ninth,
nishinoya cried until his eyes could no longer produce tears,
and he shouted until his throat hurt.
yuu nishinoya
january 12th, xxxx
there was a girl that i dreamed of.
the roof is empty without her today. it's empty every day without her. everything feels empty sometimes, even my heart.
i tried to heal, i even asked for help, yet i still can't get over you. it's like you took a part of me with you when you left. i love you so, so much, that when i write about you, i have to suppress myself so the words don't spill out like waterfalls,
i have to suppress myself from succumbing to the darkness in my heart. without you, there's no light. even the sunniest days still feel dark. i miss you. i want to hold you again. this time, i won't let you go.
this time, i'll give you everything you deserved. even if you want the world, i would try my best to give it to you.
the rooftop is quiet without her today. it was quiet even when she was here but, now the wind doesn't whisper to me anymore.
when i turned to leave, i stopped. why couldn't i move? why was my heart racing? why was my holding my breath?
when i turned, i dropped to my knees in sorrow. but i also felt relieved.
with a smile of a million angels, there she stood.
she was right in front of me.
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jelenamasterpost · 3 years
January 1st:
Selena and Justin share a Twitter exchange after sharing the stage together during Justin's performance of One Less Lonely Girl at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve in Las Vegas
selena's tweet (x) justin's tweet (x)
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January 5th:
Justin is interviewed by Popstar! Magazine and is asked whether he’s dating either Demi or Selena
Interviewer: "So there's been links that you've been seeing Demi or Selena, you guys have been Twittering back and forth. Is there any truth to that? Or are you guys just friends, is there something more there?"
Justin: "No, I just - I met Demi a few times. Me and Selena are good friends."
Interviewer: "Yeah, I think you're performing with Selena at Pop-Con this year, in February - you are, surprise! Do you know if you'll be hanging out with her at all while you're there?
Justin: "Probably, we're good friends."
full video (x)
January 31st:
Justin tweets "good times" to Selena, suggesting they recently hung out.
justin's tweet (x)
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February 1st:
Selena and Nick Jonas arrive to “We Are The World” remake together in the same vehicle, held at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles. There's been speculation of a reconciliation as Selena was seen at Nick's concert in Dallas January 2nd and photographed crying during the song "Stay" (x)(x)
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February 7th:
Nick attends San Antonio Rodeo to watch Selena perform. Selena allegedly introduces her song “I Won’t Apologize" (song about Nick) by sharing with the crowd: “I wrote this, but it’s in the past now”
February 14th:
Selena recently chatted with the California Chronicle and said this about her rumored rekindled romance with Nick Jonas (x)
"He's a really nice guy and he's always been a really good friend in my life. So I'm just happy to have him back as a good friend."
February 16th:
Selena talks about Justin during her radio interview with DJ Kid Kraddick and explains how their NYE performance was conceived:
“You know what, he’s the cutest, sweetest kid on the face of this planet. I feel like a cougar because I totally have a crush on him. He’s cute, he is so cute - he has swagger!"
"We were doing the Dick Clarks Rockin' New Years Eve and I performed first and I was leaving to do press backstage and Justin runs back and goes: 'Selena! Can you come on stage with me for One Less Lonely Girl?' and I was like, 'Ahh Justin' and he's like 'Please please please!' and I go 'Fine, okay what do I do?' and he's like 'Oh I'll do all the work' [...]"
"So then he runs off stage and then he runs back and he goes 'Wait, can you take your heels off I don't want you to be taller than me' I was like, 'No I'm not going to take my heels off' - and no we're actually the same height without heels."
February 16th:
During an interview with 106.1 KISS FM, a fan tells Selena that people in their school are saying she's dating Justin Bieber
Fan: “People in my school are saying that you and Justin Bieber are dating”
Selena: “I love that! I kind of wish we were [...] No, he’s 15, so I’d be a cougar, so that wouldn’t be right - but he’s very sweet, and I do love him very much. He’s a very good guy.”
The interviewer explains Justin was also recently on the show and that he does have a little crush on her -
Selena: “That’s okay! He can call me in like 3 years.”
February 19th:
Selena talks to MTV News before both her and Justin are set to perform at Pop-Con in NYC. When asked if they’d perform together she says:
"I'm excited. We would love to. We're trying to work it out, We don't know yet. We're still trying to figure out if we're going to do something together on stage. [It] might be a surprise, but as far as co-headlining — I don't know. I'm sure he's much bigger. [It's] probably his show — I'm just there." // she confesses that at this point they are such good friends, he almost feels like family: "I love Justin. When he first started to come over from Canada his manager contacted me and he just said that he would like to meet me and he was just such a good kid," she explained. "And I feel like a big sister now, 'cause I want to protect him. So I'm always very cautious with him, but he is so talented and he's so sweet, so that just started us wanting to work together. Now he's just become one of my good friends."
full article (x)
February 20th:
Justin and Selena pose for a photo together while attending Pop-Con, held at Nassau Coliseum in New York - they each are set to perform. After the event, Justin tweets to Selena calling her a sweetheart.
justin's tweet (x)
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February 23rd:
Selena is again asked about Justin during her livestream webcast:
“I think Justin Bieber is amazing. Do you think he’s amazing? He’s like, 15, and he has like, every girl in America”
February 24th:
Selena interviews with Frankie of Neighborhood 93.3 and there's lots of Justin discussion. Frankie tells Selena that Justin was also recently interviewed and he called her a cutie-pie and said that she’s amazing. A fan also asks what she would name her baby (?) if she were to have one:
Selena: “Awww! He’s so cute! Oh my gosh, he’s about to turn 16, I’m just saying...just saying!”
Selena: “Lets see, I’ve had these names picked out for a while - I like Emory? Just E-M-O-R-Y. Emory, insert my husband’s last name…yeah, Emory Bieber"
March 1st:
Selena attends Justin's "Sweet 16" celebration and publicly tweets him a happy birthday at the end of the night. She's later seen in photos from the event kissing Justin on the cheek
selena's tweet (x) photos of selena at the event (x)
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March 6th:
This is the last time that Selena and Nick Jonas are seen together this year.
March 12th:
During a radio interview with Billy Bush, Justin is asked “who the cutest Disney Channel girl is”
Justin: "Cutest Disney Channel girl? I think probably Selena Gomez."
full video here (x)
March 27th:
Selena and Justin both attend The Kids Choice Awards and pose together for a photo while on the red carpet.
Justin attends the event with (his rumored girlfriend) Jasmine Villegas, his "Baby" music video costar.
justin and jasmine (x)
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March 30th:
Justin and Selena hangout together with Selena's family and have a jam session - they each share a tweet about it that evening
justin's tweet (x) selena's tweet (x)
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April 10th:
Selena and Nick Jonas have officially broken up People confirms, and says they actually broke up in early March.
Though the couple never publicly confirmed they rekindled their relationship, the source says, “They were an item, but they are no longer together.” According to the source, the Disney Channel stars, both 17, broke up in early March, largely because work was going to keep them apart: Gomez is scheduled to film a movie in Europe this summer, while Jonas is expected to tour with his siblings at the same time.
full article here (x)
April 12th:
Selena does a radio interview on Key 103 while in Manchester and says that Justin is a great friend, and that he’s very protective of her:
Interviewer: When did you last see your mate Justin Bieber? Is he okay?
Selena: Yes he is, he's so funny, I actually don't have my phone out here and he freaked out cause he didn't understand, he's like "oh my god, I can't talk to you, I don't know what you're doing!" I'm like "I'm fine, I'm fine!" He's very protective, is what I've found - it's very funny, he's younger than me but he's been a better friend to me than most of the people my age.
Interview: Cause you guys have gone through similar things I suppose, despite the age difference?
Selena: Yeah but, people who've gone through the same things as me haven't been as supportive as he has been to me - it's been great.
full interview here (x)
May 23rd:
Selena tweets that she's listening to Justin's song Somebody to Love while in the studio
selena's tweet (x)
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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2020.01.19 HAZUKI 20th ANNIVERSARY 「奏艶」
A report or should I rather say what I remember from Hazuki's MCs 🤣
Hamamatsucho is not really a concert area... it's actually a business district. But the venue was amazing, very theatre-ish with amazing chandeliers and red carpet in the lobby, and red curtains hiding the stage. Also, the audience was gradually rising so the view of stage was great (especially that today I had 逆最前 seat 😂).
I believe they played the whole Verspertine from Bjork as the BGM♥ So already that was an amazing start!
When the time to start the show came the curtain opened to show the musical ensemble of (from left) piano, percussion, 4 violins, viola, cello and uprightbass.
There was another curtain in the back with some videos. That curtain opened slightly to present Hazuki, who first stood still in a dramatic pose, then he made it even more dramatic when he raised his arms to encourage fans to greet him with applause😂
Somehow it felt like fans were quieter than usual, probably because venue was bigger than usual and felt more formal.
They played first 3 songs after which Hazuki welcomed us to the 20th anniversary show. He was also joking about feeling nervous.
He then asked us which Souen performance is it and was and got silence in response...😂
Silence is not something that happens during lynch or Hazuki's shows so he pouted saying 'you don't actually like me, huh'😂
He asked us again and fans started to shout this time '5th time!'.
Hazuki: so why didn't say it earlier!🤔
(honestly I didn't know how to count the Souen in Shinagawa that had two parts, now I know xD)
He was next joking about his hand's position when he comes on stage, when he starts to sing he raises his hand, but before that it's placed very near his crotch. Hazuki told us that in the past he came on stage with unzipped pants and now he's often worried and wants to check but of course he can't😂
He also reminded us about forgetting a jacket for the show in Shinagawa😂
He commented that he came to this venue for the first time, same as most of the fans. He talked about the venue, that you can feel its history.
He also commented that his 20th anniversary as 葉月 was actually in 2019, but it's still January so it works somehow...somehow.😂
He asked if so many people came because it's the 20th anniversary, but almost no one raised their hands. Hazuki was surprised 'so you'd have come even just for a normal show?' He was surprised because the capacity of the venue was 1500, much bigger than his previous shows, so he felt he 'leveled up'. They had a long discussion with the manager about the size of the venue when choosing a place.
Hazuki also commented that Souen is actually not a solo project, there's the whole team especially including the musicians.
For the second part the back curtain opened to surprise us with the addition of traditional Japanese music instruments, from the left drums (wadaiko), shakuhachi, erhu and koto. They played an instrumental piece and were absolutely BRILLIANT. They playd together the 2nd and 3rd block of songs (basically most of the covers).
Hazuki left the stage after the 1st block and he came back wearing an open kimono over his suit (minus the jacket).
And then the performance got even more brilliant. I just hope Hazuki will stay as generous as usual and share some videos with us!🙏
When they finished the 2nd part Hazuki commentedd on increasing the number of instruments and that he thinks usually fans don't have many chances to see Japanese instruments played live. UNLESS it's in places like soba restaurants😂 but he thinks they create great atmosphere, they sound amazing live. He told us that many fans tell him about becoming interested in some artist he covers so he sees it as a very good point of Souen.
The kimono he was wearing was the same one he wore for the photo shoot for ROCK AND READ.
but then he complained it's too hot😂
He turned to the musicians to tell them it's fine if they need to tune their instruments. But when they started he joined the sound by making noises aka singing tuning sounds😂 he then scolded himself '邪魔だ・I'm in a way, oopsie'
Next, he talked about the history of Souen - starting from the show in Takadanobaba Club Phase which is TINY (150 ppl seated) and there were many fans crying they couldn't get tickets. They moved towards halls/seated venues. But the 2nd one was cancelled (because of AK...). He was joking that comparing the start the capacity increased 10 times (from 150 ppl to 1500).
Next was funny talk that apparently he thinks many people don't want to answer when asked 'what kind of band are you into?' because lynch. has a scary image and they don't want to be judged.
He also said that when changing into kimono he wanted to use the toilet but the toilet backstage was too far. So he went to the common one. Male fans should think about it going to the toilet after the show😂
He then told us that one of the songs (Lemon) he's covering is a very unexpected song, but he really loves it.
Before they started next block of songs he turned to musicians again and apologized for talking so much when from today there were musicians who were standing during the performance the whole time. He meant Wagakki musicians, but - tbc😂
When they finished the 3rd block Hazuki introduced all the musicians playing the Japanese instruments and then they left.
Hazuki: 'weren't they cool? Ah, this kimono is so hot, finally I can take it off'.
He commented that B'z has so many more famous songs but he loves Raging River.
At the end of that song Hazuki went down on his knees, but he told us it wasn't because of the song, he lost power in his legs due to the instruments/musicians being so cool😂
He asked us whas the name of the upcoming lynch.'s album and there was a very timid response. He was 😶 he told us to pretend it's lynch.'s concert or to think of shimote (it's an ongoing joke about how crazy are the fans of Yuusuke and Akinori.. ) and he got a much louder 'ULTIMA!!!' which got him to laugh that for band's concert it's different.
Then he was joking about his own name, there are only two characters, but there's another artist with a short name - Kiyoharu. He said his name in the most fanboyish voice possible😂 He talked about how on ticket site the show was listed with his name instead of 奏艶.
After lots of talking when he didn't get the usual loud responde he turned to the musicians again and asked them 'are those people really my fans?'😂 yeah, we do love you, Hazuki!🤣
He also did a fan survey checking if fans prefer one part or two part concerts (two part style got more votes). This time they went with one part because of the big capacity (but it got sold out splendidly).
He was wondering where will Souen be held next, he always talks about lynch. playing at Budokan xD but then they can change it, lynch. will aim at 35000 capacity, Souen can be held in Budokan😂 'please let me borrow your strength'
Eternity finished with falling rose petals on the stage which was sweet, but. The pianist had to push them off from her music sheets😂
After the final block of songs Hazuki commented how his singing changed in the end, he went much more rough, shouted. He's a bandoman so he can't sing 'cleanly'.
Hazuki was wondering when he will be able to have next Souen, but he said lynch. will be busy from now on with their 15th anniversary project, there's much more to come! But he feels waiting a year is long.
At the end when we weren't happy it's the time for the last song Hazuki told us: 'you're going drinking after this, right? Good! And then you will be criticizing the show, right? Like the punk did this and that. That's fine! I find that interesting!'😂
And as the last part, Hazuki FINALLY noticed the upright bass guy and exclaimed 'you've been standing the whole time?!? Let's go drinking now...'😂
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