#I essentially rewrite the entire show for fun
little-lost-canary · 11 months
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Okay here are some of those Morro takes
In the AU that still needs a good name he escaped the ever chewing teeth of Mother Spider, the spirit of Souls & Vessels (aka the Preeminent) & seeks the Great Spirit to overrule the son of First Master, "render the world ascender with weather", & make him the chosen one. As a ghost he is incorporeal , thus he needs a vessel to interact with the mortal plane, no better vessel than the actual Green Ninja! Who ends up making a bet with him to actually help find this Great Spirit, but that he can can just convince it to just not do all of that stuff Morro wants it to do. So lots of hoops are jumped through to get the Realmstone & there's more, but this feel like it's getting long, oh dear overlord there is so much more...
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campbell-rose · 8 months
Helluva Rewrite (and some of my personal doodles)
Alrighty, so I finally found the motivation to draw up the entire I.M.P crew and finalize their designs! Introducing my version of the new and improved Immediate Murder Professionals!
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I'm so freaking lazy so I didn't add shading or anything extra like that because ughhh. I also decided on some defining traits for imps depending on their ring, but only for the gang and the rings we've seen in the show so far
Wrath imps are larger, stronger, and spikier than other imps. Lust imps have varied bodies, but all have heart shaped barbs on their tails and leathery wings on their lower back. Greed imps are more slender than other imps and often wear jewelry. Gluttony imps are small and fast, high metabolisms so they can gorge. Sloth imps are easy to identify because they usually are just lying there doing fuck all and lack barbs on their tails.
Also, the scarring for imps is the same. White markings indicate scars. In the show I feel like it’s hard to tell what’s a scar (like Blitzo’s facial marks) and what’s a birth mark (like Moxxie’s freckles) so for my own sake, white marks are scars, black marks are birth marks or tattoos, end of story. Millie got her scars from fighting in the wrath ring, Blitzo got his scars from the explosion, and Moxxie’s freckle-like scars are cigarette burns. Should also note that imps are immune to hellfire, but not normal fire because... uhhh idk honestly it just seems more logical. 
~ Helluva cutoff starts here ~
I kinda wanna show off my own imp designs for my little demon thing because helluva boss posts get traction and I just wanted someone to see them, so if you only came here for helluva content, feel free to stop reading lol 
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Okay, so I wanted the imps to all look like the same species but at the same time not at all. Essentially the imps in my series are based more on folklore surrounding them. In christian folklore imps are straight up evil, but I want all of my imps to just be little guys. Look at em, they’re just little guys. Imps were sometimes thought of as the familiars of witches, taking forms of different animals, so I wanted some of the imps to look animalistic, but it’s their behavior that reflects it more (which is hard to show in a still doodle). Also the imps are just color coded here so I know which is which, imps aren’t actually these specific colors in my world. 
Greed imps tend to bind themselves to objects that they particularly adore – in some tellings imps were bound to objects like crystals and could be summoned by their masters. So Greed imps often have a specific item bound to them that they guard with their lives.
Sloth imps are the most harmless when they’re tired, it’s when they’re awake that they become the full on imps of folklore. They’re often paid in sugar cubes and used as servants in the sloth ring. 
Gluttony imps are alluding to the fae origin of imps in Germanic folklore, having wings and being generally bug like and little shits. I wanted them to look like pixies almost.
Envy imps are the more attention seeking type who play tricks on humans to garner a reaction. Tricks such as attempting to drown people and such – harmless fun, you know? They’re actually a little based on Kappa I'll admit. 
Lust imps have the habit of snatching babies, as in a lot of demons associated with lust (such as Lilith) tend to be obsessed with babies/pregnancy. The lust imps are nearly infertile, so they love taking babies to raise, then discard them once they’re annoyed.
Pride imps are based on the Lincoln imp (in short an Imp threw a rock at an angel and got turned into stone). They’re fluffy and covered in shiny fur since they live in the frozen layer of hell. Their horns are the largest of all imps, and their biggest source of pride – like if they break their horns, they’d rather die than live with the shame because their horns don’t grow back. 
Wrath imps are based on the old art of imps you can find – bald little creatures with horns and tails. They’re the more feral animalistic imps, often acting on pure instinct and lacking much social structure. They do tend to exercise in their own way, as strength is their greatest feature. 
Anywho if you read all that omg thank you for feeding my ego teehee. But for real, as much as I hate digital, I did enjoy drawing out the imp gang, I might (keyword MIGHT) draw out some rewritten scenes in comic format the most daunting part is actually doing it lmao.
I probably won't shove my own stuff into posts too often, I mostly did it because I wanted to compare my ideas for Imps to Viv's because I think mine are better sorry not sorry lmao. I like to actually research what I'm doing and incorporate it into my art and creations because i think of it like little easter eggs for people who like the things I like. Viv's version of Hell is my least favorite mostly because everything she does feels like bible fanfiction written by a middle schooler who thinks shouting penis in class is the peak of comedy.
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p0pcorn-hearts · 28 days
It's Kawaii~Chan time
I am gonna ramble about my rewrite so yknow, enter the theater with caution
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I just wanna start off by saying I renamed her to Hanami, which is the Japanese word for flowers viewing, more specifically viewing cherry blossoms. I figured this fit her more "cutesy" design as well as her usually pink and white color pallette. Also excuse me if they look bad, these were made a bit ago and I, for some reason, decided it'd be best to use the mirror tool the entire time
So, for her Phoenix Drop High uniform I just redesigned the uniform and gave her the same every girl will have. I changed it to have a blazer and a longer skirt like actual school uniforms in America although I kept the socks, loafers, and bow because those all fit, I'm just also giving everyone the same pair of socks.
Her season 1 outfit has been drastically changed. I decided I wanted her to have a more lolita-esque style instead of just vaguely cute, and let's all be real here, her season 1 outfit sucked. So, I gave her a longer, puffier skirt, a shit ton of ruffles, and some cute gloves. I think now is also the time to have a little fun fact section about meif'was. Their nails and hair grow faster than humans, with their nails growing than both humans and werewolves. That's why Hanami has long nails and freakishly long hair
Next up is her adorable Love~Love Paradise outfit. I'm actually super happy with how it turned out and I'm in love with her little buns. Her bathing suit with all its ruffles was made up by me :D
Her Lover's Lane outfit is the one that went the most unchanged because it's honestly my favorite outfit of her's. It just looks the most visually appealing with the addition of dark pink being a primary color. I just changed the dress up a bit with the neckline and added ruffles
Starlight is honestly my favorite. There's just something about color block clothes that itches a scratch in my brain. The giant bow and see-through ruffles also added a lot. You cannot thank me though, I took this design from someone else's swimsuit. Her nails changing for the first time since season 1 and now having blue with the pink is also a nice nod to how she opens up to Zane about not really being herself
When Angels Fall. Oh God, When Angels Fall. I fucking *hate* their "disguises" in When Angels Fall. Buy I'll get into that later, right now, it's just Hanami. I didn't like her outfit much because she had literally never worn pants in the series before and to just suddenly toss her in a pair of jeans and t-shirt? Like it's supposed to show how drap everything is but why would she just have a t-shirt and jeans packed?? Starlight is an island resort and theme park, so most people will be wearing bathing suits, much more breathable fabrics than *jeans* and Starlight merch. That's why I gave her a different bathing suit bottom and a Starlight shirt. It's the least you can do when you're the most visually distinct character. She also is covered in bandages because cats, when stressed, will over groom and can injure themselves. So Hanami picks and scratches at her skin often due to stress so she has very chipped nail polish and is covered in bandages. Also she cut her hair (sad violin noises)
Her final outfit is for my "season 7". Jess hasn't made it but I want to eventually tie up my rewrite, so I'm making one. Me and my girlfriend refer to it as the "epilogue" although it's not really an epilogue, she just called it that once and I can't think of a better name. I gave her essentially a mix of her season 1 and Lover's Lane outfits because why not
Now that her designs are done I get to infodump about her personality (hehe)
She's basically the same as Kawaii~Chan, but I make her a better person. She doesn't manipulate Aphmau into joined her bakesale! She also tones down a lot, so while she still struggles with boundaries, especially when it comes to shipping, she doesn't have a fucking shipping shrine in her basement. She's also autistic in my rewrite, so her not getting boundaries, baking being her special interest, and her masking her behavior to fit what she thinks people want/expect of her all comes from that. Will I maybe end up projecting on her? With the shipping stuff yeah, but only because Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan made me think shipping people together until they stopped being friends with you was normal
So thats it, the exit to the theater is on the right, make sure to throw your trash away on the way out. Have a good day
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savestave · 1 month
Seeing there's still an active SGA fandom here on tumblr is just so special to me (You really are among the bravest souls out there 💕)
As I'm strapping in for yet another rewatch, I'm reminded of all the reasons I can't help but be fond of this show, despite its... many shortcomings. The characters and their dynamics really just stay with you... but the concept of being stuck in an entire alien galaxy feels SO underutilized!
Several years ago I started thinking about different "what-ifs" and a completely alternate direction for this series, taking the more alien aspects and "survival while being cut off from earth" into account. (Going as far as rewriting two entire seasons, before I dropped it)
Well, there's no time like the present! So as I'm debating completely rebooting that script, I might as well share a couple of my ideas in that "AU" with the community here
The Ancients
On a surface level, the Ancients can be fairly interesting in their arrogance and ambitions, but that's really about it. What mostly bugged me is how utterly bland they are as a people – essentially just ethereally advanced romano-greek philosophers with a sprinkle of moral conflict.
I know in the larger SG canon they are supposed to be aliens from yet another galaxy, but I wanted to explore the idea of them being native to earth. Millions of years is an ABSURD amount of time, considering how much can change in a handful of generations.
So... I thought they could've sprung from a shared ancestor as Homo Alius, long before the rise of H. Sapiens, primarily around the Agulhas Bank, before the ocean took it. It would mainly serve to better connect them to our regular humans and explain the genetic similarities and later integration.
They would prosper and achieve interstellar travel around 300.000 years ago, developing the Stargates a couple of thousand years later. Fast forward and they eventually struggled with a "plague" which would prompt Atlantis to break off and escape into another galaxy.
Anyway, the main point is that I wanted them to feel a little more distinct in their culture and behavior. They may look like us, but they don't really act or think like us. Not to mention the number of physiological differences that would set them apart, such as a longer lifespan averaging around five centuries and certain abilities.
When the remaining Lanteans returned ten thousand years ago, they would notice the advancements humans have made in their absence. While they call themselves Alterans, these people would be referred to as Ceterans – "the others" and "the rest"
It would take them a few more generations of attempting to ascend, before the remainder ultimately decided to give up, bury the past, and live out the rest of their lives among these cousins.
The Descendants
Another point that always bothered me a little are the humans native to the Pegasus galaxy. These are people that supposedly descended from the Alterans and lived isolated in their own corner of the universe for thousands of years, so... what's with the medieval villages and european industrialization?? (joking)
It's a lot more forgivable and even interesting in SG1, where the whole premise is about humans abducted from various earth cultures and time periods. But a lot of the Atlantis episodes just end up feeling very silly, when you remember this is supposed to be another galaxy.
The pilot takes a slightly more fun (albeit mild) approach with the Athosians, who feel much more like the survivors of the ancient ruins seen on their homeworld. Still, the concept of "distinct" cultures mostly ends up on the sidelines in favor of war and action as the series progresses...
My own approach was to really go into their role as "Descendants" with varying directions. A sort of genetic turn still would've occurred at some point, with increasing generations losing many of their abilities and even the capacity to ascend on their own.
This would've sparked a rift among a number of colonies, having more and more people become "unfit" to live in their structures, unable to operate much of their more advanced technologies. However, most would refuse to "downgrade" to more accessible methods, especially so with the Wraith on the rise.
Doesn't mean that some didn't try finding a middle ground, or that this next generation couldn't figure out their own alternatives – they are Alterans still, even without the glamour. How much of that changed and survived through the ages would differ greatly. (Majority retained an average lifespan of 300 years, even some abilities)
The Expedition
Right off the bat, I wanted to lean more into the differences between the people of this galaxy and our team from earth – make them feel much more like fish out of water. SG1 had the advantage of a major anthropology nerd, these guys would have to figure it out as they go.
Characters like Teyla and Ronon would have more prominent roles in navigating the various societies and environments of known Gate-networks. Weir also could've been given more opportunities to shine with her political background.
Overall, I would've loved if this expedition actually focused a little more on research – particularly the kind that wasn't just about them finding a new super weapon or ancient virus. Featuring more nuanced dilemmas and creative problem solving, that doesn't boil down to gunfire and explosions...
Their initial struggle to survive in terms of food and energy could really be expanded, especially when stranded in environments that have been isolated from earth and developed under very different conditions for millennia.
"Accept an invitation for dinner or suffer the consequences" would have a different angle, when you don't know whether said dinner, even if well-intentioned, could kill them.
The topic of language is fairly understandable for a TV show and there's a lot more liberties in a written medium. Having a bit of a language barrier just seems like a fun thing to work around in a story. An additional point is that there's a bit of a difference between "Alteran" and "Lantean"
Pretty much all expedition members, regardless of background, would've been required to undergo an "Ancient" crash course over the 16 months before they passed through the event horizon. It just seems like the smart thing to do, when waltzing into a ten thousand year old city, that may or may not be abandoned.
There's a bit of a learning curve as they meet the various inhabitants of this galaxy. To them, these newcomers would have an "odd" and even "archaic" dialect. It would take some time for the team to adapt and for allies to start learning english – it makes for a lot of fun interactions and adds the option of "private" conversations or messages between team members, that others wouldn't understand.
Pegasus Life
There are a very few glimpses we get of "other" life among these stars and exploring that beyond one or two episodes could've gotten very interesting – more so when you wonder how they may have affected the people left behind.
Other "visitors" like the Vanir must've had quite an impact, considering their less conventional methods compared to the almost benevolent Asgard known around the Milky Way. A slow build-up of mystery and tension until their eventual encounter would've been very fun.
The prospect of life truly native to this galaxy, predating the arrival of the Ancients, is very appealing to me personally. What if "seeding" some of these worlds involved paving over pre-existing life the Ancients weren't even aware of, remnants of which could've started breaking through the cracks like weeds.
What if a number of Gate addresses lead to what are essentially just abandoned research outposts, dedicated to studying or altering local flora & fauna. What if the teams stumbled over previously undiscovered worlds via means other than Gate travel.
And as mentioned before, even the successfully "seeded" and colonized planets could've gotten pretty weird over time, their inhabitants involved. (Wish we could've gotten to see that "t-rex")
In my old rewrite, I did actually feature a bit of a Jurassic Park scenario. Here the Ancients had sampled and tried to re- and deconstruct various life of earth in their genetic studies, explaining a number of odd animal encounters. (or monster encounters)
The Wraith
Tying into that last point... the books add a little more nuance to these space vampires, being one of the Ancient's many failed attempts in achieving immortality, with disastrous consequences. Even accepting that explanation, I can't help but find them... strange.
Sucking the life force out of others through your hand feels a little too specific of a trait to be unintentional or accidental. Beyond that is their markedly different behavior and culture, even. It's just a bunch of little details that compelled me to add more to their history.
The "Old Blood" are essentially the original "Wraith" native to this galaxy – very humanoid at a glance, but with features that would make our regular Wraith seem more like the guys in costumes they are. I wanted to emphasize on them feeling just a little more "primordial" and the others as wrong.
As a biology nerd, I immediately decided their key difference is that both hands serve as feeding organs. On that note, I also remember the first Queen in the pilot having what looked like slightly webbed hands and wanted to incorporate that as well.
The small pit organs on the face of the Wraith we know would turn out to be significantly reduced gill-like organs on the side of the throat/neck of the originals. Gives them more of an aquatic feeling, which i found fitting considering the Queen in Submersion (whom I actually decided to make one of the Old Blood)
Their skin would look a little rougher and more like the cool-toned, dark gray similar to John's bug transformation, but I also think there should be a little more natural variety between hives. Also, those ornaments/implants on Wraith fingers could serve to imitate the more claw-like appendages of the originals.
Anyway, I could go on, but the gist of it is that they would make the Lantean-Wraith (ironically) seem more like unnatural hybrids and somewhat "watered down" compared to the native species.
Feeding Habits
Some adjustments have also been made to the feeding process... The general idea is that it's somewhere between involving chemical components and the very vague sci-fi concept of draining the "vitality"/"energy" out of a living entity that gives them this extreme longevity.
However, you can't make something out of nothing, so a certain amount of substance is needed not only for them to grow, but also to recover from major injuries without lasting effects. At least, that's how their more traditional digestive system makes sense to me.
Feeding wouldn't actually induce artifical aging or turn somebody into a dried husk, but rather "drain" them in a way weeks of stress and 2 hours of sleep would. Skin sagging, muscles waning, body just kinda deflating, leaving you feeling frail and hollow.
Once the enzyme wears off, it's still a gamble whether or not you'll survive the experience. If you do, you'd never fully recover and your hair would slowly start falling out and start growing in gray, really making it seem like they took years off your life.
It's the complicated genetic make-up of the Lantean-Wraith that makes them "incompatible" with life unrelated to them, being forced to feed on either Alterans or other Wraith. Thought it would be interesting if that means they would be unable to feed on Ceterans, if they don't have any Ancient genes in them.
In this setting, it would also explain why Runners exist. Ronon would be one of the few people "lucky" enough to have become so genetically distinct from the Lanteans, the Wraith cannot feed on them. Majority of these generations are wiped out when found, with strong individuals picked out to serve as game and as an example.
Wraithkin would be the result of attempts to counteract this growing shift, by introducing more Wraith DNA into the gene pool. (You already know how that went down)
The Old Blood don't really have this same restriction, though feeding on humans would be the equivalent of eating junk food. Regardless, they're left with little choice, since their original feeding grounds were thoroughly destroyed or tainted by the Lanteans during the war.
The War...
Wraith have always been rather territorial and the Ancients suddenly showing up and encroaching on those territories already set things off to a great start. Neither were really looking for a fight, so while tensions ebbed and flowed, they mostly tried to stay out of each other's business.
Well, that is until certain Lanteans learned about their more fascinating traits and abilities.
Even the old hives were no monolith, opinions on Atlantis and their growing colonies ranged from indifference to indignation. A number of hives eventually decided to try and push it, giving some very desperate (but mostly curious) Alterans enough of an excuse to take prisoners for research in the midst of the rising conflict.
What really set off a full-scale war, was when those prisoners perished during an escape attempt, after the creation of the first "successful" batch of hybrids. Greatly underestimating the mental capabilities of the Wraith and their reach, the Ancients were very unprepared for the immediate, near-universal response.
Survivors of the experiment joined the warring hives, offering what little they knew and remembered as intel, which would become a deciding factor in overwhelming the Ancients.
This is the only real explanation that makes any sense to me in how this small group of freshly baked Wraith would've managed to grow so much in numbers and power without an entire galaxy of Ancients noticing or putting a stop to it...
Modern Hives
The marked disgust the Wraith have for a hybrid like Michael in the series would've been similar to the way the old hives regarded the survivors they took in. (Talk about hypocritical...) Naturally, they were more than a little upset and began plotting to seize control over the ships and troops.
After varying degrees of success and the Ancients defeated, their expected arrogance and now territorial nature spurred them to continue their conquest. Securing colonies and undermining other hives, it would be no surprise if they had a hand in the ultimate decline of the original feeding grounds.
The greater majority of current hives are rather "young" in comparison and much of their history has become very clouded or embellished. Wraith of the Old Blood are now few and far between, with very mixed reception from others.
Survivors may have conceded or integraded themselves as commanders and advisors, or gone into hiding. What also could've made an interesting approach, is if some of them have opted to becoming "hunters of hunters" of sorts, choosing to feed on these new Wraith either as a challenge or out of some sense of revenge.
With decidedly less variety, the contemporary Wraith culture is an unconventional mix of more instinctual notions and alteran ideas left over from the war. The "old ways" are largely foreign to them.
And that wraps it up for this post!
There is much, much more I could talk about, but I'm sure this is already long enough as is 😅
For the actual story exploring these differences — it's a general idea I had along the lines of: "Imagine if they had arrived in Atlantis much later than they did" and "What if this world and history was just a little different than in the show?"
A fun personal domino effect, that would've completely changed when certain people were first encountered and how significant or even fixed events may have played out...
I never shared this "AU" with anyone beyond one trusted friend, mostly because I was worried how others might react to this more "sciency" and sensible take on a show that is 80% "shoot the bad guy" type of action...
It would be nice to know what people here think of these ideas, so please feel welcome to share!
In the meantime, even if I decide against rehashing that script, I'll see if I can interest that friend in creating some art of these concepts again...
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steampunkforever · 4 months
When I heard that Zack Snyder's latest film was an awful two hour slog, the best description for my reaction would fall solidly into "elation." I have a complicated relationship with Snyder's films (and his very attractive forearms), and so the prospect of another bad Zack Snyder film was nothing short of a delight.
Let me explain. Zack Snyder, a man that hasn't made a properly "good" movie in ten years, is a fantastic director. He also makes many fantastic films that aren't very good, but are artistically valuable due to the enthusiasm and artistic intent Snyder imparts to them. It verges on camp, and therefore even though many of his films (Army of the Dead, Sucker Punch) don't quite stick the landing, they're worth watching for what they are. Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon does not fit into this category.
Rebel Moon was a concept Snyder cooked up in college and had been pitching ever since, a Warhammer-40K-meets-Star Wars-meets-Heavy-Metal-Magazine space opera about a resistance against an evil empire. You can tell. This movie would've been more rewarding as a TV show or a video game, but instead we got it as a Netflix Original two-parter with a directors cut already scheduled for release before the second chapter comes out. Despite all this, and all the time Snyder had to develop the concept, Rebel Moon is simply forgettable.
I think the key to Snyder films, and to understanding his fanbase beyond the twitter surface-level reads of "bro movies" from people who think "boys go to jupiter" is insightful commentary on gender, is that the Snyder filmography is above all else about potential.
Sucker Punch notable does not succeed at sticking the landing for me as a movie, but the concepts and potential to elevate the movie from iconic to legitimately great film are all there, it just needs a bit of work. This is the entire conceit of Snyder's directors cut releases. "The movie you just saw had some cool stuff in it? What if I told you there was a version where my vision was unrestricted by studio input?" and they eat this up because Zack Snyder is like if Micheal Bay was a camp auteur.
Rebel Moon, and I'll give it credit for essentially being the first half of a 4-hour movie, doesn't have that potential. There is no need to rewrite the film or fix it for Zack, because there's nothing to salvage. Army of the Dead, for all its F-stop nonsense, had concepts and sequences (and a soundtrack) that made it stand out from other films in the genre.
Despite some fun creature design and that maddening F-stop fixation, Rebel Moon is an empty film, where there are no puzzle pieces worth rearranging into the golden vision of what could have been.
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soadscrawl · 24 days
i love ur little comics and headcanons!! do you write fics? i would love to read stuff based on your hcs because you GET THEM!!!if not do you have any fic recs?
awaah this is so kind thank you! I am currently working on a fic, this drawing i just posted is actually inspired by it. I'm not sure if/when I'll finish it but I do have some fic recs that are some of my personal favs!
To Brighter Days by speaks, this one is about Lance trying to work up the nerve to ask Keith to go on an exploration mission together, short and sweet and really good characterization.
Just Come to Me Once by laallomri (i was rereading this one every couple of days for like 2 weeks lol)This one is essentially a rewrite of the entire flying back to earth in the lions arc, i really love the different planets and cultures this one comes up with, they feel like real places they characters couldve gone in the show. I also appreciate that this one doesnt take keith too seriously, like they do a rlly good job of making him feel very real and fleshed out and like an actual teenage boy and not just an edgey angst machine like they poke fun at him and i appreciate that.
never saw you coming by dimpleforyourthoughts, i really love the progression in this one, again the characterization feels really realistic and this one does the whole "one of us sacrifices ourself for the other and romantic drama happens post healing pod" thing but it does it in a really unique and interesting way i really like!!!
these are all KL also lol. hope u like them!!
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
The Persona 5 Post-Mortem, Part Three: The Royal
The Third Semester of P5R is so good it feels like it was dropped in from another game and I'm still reeling from it.
This post is going to be a mix of positive and negative, but to be clear: The Royal content saves Persona 5 from being a bad game. It's a masterful trick.
I have been thinking about the Maruki Arc since I finished it, haunted by it really, and what I'm settling on is that it's basically a refutation of the entire game up to that point, and in doing so, in being that, it manages to actually say something and give me hope.
It's like watching sleight of hand. Because I know there are probably people who played this game who weren't doing a liveblog analysis who just kind of rolled with the presented truths of P5 and enjoyed the rollercoast of a plot. The Thieves are good. The bad people deserve what happens to them. Society has failed, therefore rewriting people's brains is our last resort and is justified.
And then Maruki comes in and uses all his softboy wiles to interrogate all of those assumed truths. A person who recognizes the societal injustice of the world. Who wants to protect people from being hurt. Who rewrote bad people to be better people.
The final Mission of Persona 5 is to change the heart of the entire world, and Joker is empowered to do so in a big flashy triumphant sequence that drips coolness from its pores. That shit with Gnostic Lucifer and the big fuck off gun? Awesome.
So it's hilarious to me that Maruki getting the exact same opportunity, getting the power to change the heart of the entire world is treated like a full-blown psychological horror.
Maruki and the Thieves are the same fucking thing! It's genius! It's amazing! Finally, 80 hours into this video game, it turns the tables and aims that power right back at the player and the characters they've come to care for, and it shines a light that recontextualizes the whole story.
I'm a rehabilitationist. From the start, I was uncomfortable with the entire conceit of Persona 5. So reaching Maruki's Arc had me joyously enthralled.
But it's not just a horror show. It's not just the game going "Ha ha NOW you see the truth, YOU were the bad guy all along," and wallowing in it. No, finally Persona 5 Royal figures out something to fucking say with its world and half-formed ideas and its middling themes.
It's fun and easy to joke about how Maruki went evil. I'm sure I did it myself, but the truth is a lot more complicated. He's a well-intentioned man who sees the need for societal reform and tries to implement it... and becomes a practical lesson in why you can't flip a switch and reform society.
When I was young, like 16 or 17, I had this elaborate fantasy story I told myself. I grew up in the Bush years as a low class queer heathen, the era of Prop 8 and DADT, and to make myself feel better I would dream up these stories about how if I could just (to be blunt) assassinate a few specific people, I could fix it all. I had a mental list. It felt like it was that fucking easy.
Just like the Thieves talk about reforming society.... by targeting specific Bad People and causing what I would argue (and I think the game confirms tacitly) is a form of ego death. With the exception of Futaba, who was an outlier anyway, everyone who the Thieves steal from essentially becomes a different person. What is that but not death?
Maruki is a mirror held up to the Thieves, and they all flinch at it. The entire arc is agony as they are all forced to contend with their own sense of ethics and morality.
But to me, the best part, the cherry on top, the part that doesn't just make Royal a well-written deconstruction of itself, is that final confrontation with Maruki and Joker.
Joker and Maruki are foils of each other. I mean... c'mon. It's not a coincidence that Maruki looks like middle-aged Joker, the hippie to Joker's soft punk.
In the end, when Maruki understands the gravity of his failure and why he lost, he gives up and tries to die.
And Joker does not let him. He grabs ahold of Maruki and holds on with all his might and he gets Maruki out of there. All so Maruki can start again and become a taxi driver. No one tells him to go flagellate himself until he's atoned for his sins. No, he lives so he can continue and try to put some good back into the world.
Either intentionally or by accident (I do not know), the Royal content is a rehabilitationist narrative.
You can't steal the heart of every bad person. You can't kill every bad person. You have to believe that people can become better, can move on from the things they have done, or else society really is doomed.
Maruki doesn't go to prison for 500 years or get locked away in the sacred realm for eternity, he doesn't die, he isn't maimed. He survives, and all he can do from there is keep living and try to become a better person.
To slightly pivot, it's not an accident that this entire arc is anchored by the relationship between Akechi and Joker.
Talk about your masterful sleights of hand. Fucking Goro Akechi. Akechi without his facades and masks is a mean bitch, is dependable, is dedicated to his work, is grim as a fucking gallows, and is willing to die to save the world from suede-gloved tyranny.
Maruki's final real play of the game is pointing a gun at Akechi's head and smiling.
And yanno, maybe that moment didn't work for everyone. I assume that Akechi is so abrasive he has his share of haters, just like my beloved favorite Morgana. So maybe the twist doesn't work for every player.
But regardless of the player, it works for Joker. It's a threat to Joker, Maruki's reflection. Akechi is a curt assholish murderer who is directly responsible for the deaths of at least two people Joker knows by proxy (and a lot more if you get into it).
And the one desire Maruki fulfilled for Joker was giving Akechi another chance, bringing him back to life. Even if you the player didn't believe in Akechi, Joker did. It was his deepest desire to see him again.
Because you have to believe! If you are going to change society, you can't just say people are lost causes, that they need to die for the new world order! You have to fucking believe they can change!
Joker is guided by the player, but he is more authored than the previous two Persona MCs. He has his own morals and personality, and the game does not ask you the player if Akechi should live, if Maruki should live. Joker just says yes, they should.
The final stinger after the credits, the moment when Joker sees just a glimpse of Akechi from the train is more than a fun little tease. It's doubling down. Akechi was a murderer who shot Joker in the face intending to kill him. Akechi was also a teenager who took a metaphysical bullet to save reality itself, to preserve the basic agency of every living person.
You have to believe people can change, that they are more than the worst thing they've done.
/BREATHES OUT. I was going to go into the ways Royal fails, but I don't think I need to. Here's a fast, VERY short list.
Sumire is a dropped ball of a character that the game keeps picking back up and dropping again.
The gating around even unlocking the Royal content is way too fucking stringent for how vital it is to the story.
Asking a player to get through 80 hours of mediocre game to reach the Good Part is an outrageous demand.
To drive the message home, they should have reduced the flags around unlocking Akechi's true ending, I don't think Royal is as effective if you don't unlock the true 2/2.
That light bridge color puzzle in Maruki's Palace literally is incomprehensible, what the fuck happened there.
Human Morgana was mid at best, he deserved to be a hotass human.
But whatever. Royal is a fucking miracle, and it singlehandedly made Persona 5 a good game. It is the necessary final act turn that redeems a thoroughly mediocre story. The writing is tremendous, the voice acting is off the fucking chain, the cinematography and visual design is stunning, and BOY it fucking HATES cults! It's just fucking good.
Except for the bad bits, but again: whatever.
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discet · 1 year
So, would you say Owl House did a better job in managing to balance out Luz, Eda, King, and Hooty as the main characters while still giving pretty solid stuff with the second tier major players like Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter than Amphibia did with balancing Anne and the Plantars as main characters with Sasha and Marcy as second tier major players and why?
Hmmmmm... interesting. So, despite a lot of the parallels the two shows have, I think in this regard it's a bit apples and oranges. I would argue that the Owl Crew get roughly the same amount of attention and development as Sasha and Marcy. That's not the reason Sasha and Marcy's arcs feel unsatisfying (imo ymmv)
Luz's friend group she develops in the B.I. are all great characters. They bring fun perspectives, dynamics, and variety to a lot of episodes, but they ultimately aren't essential to the main plot. They are important supports for Luz's development and arc, but when the crucial plot moments happen. That's Luz's time to shine. In the season 1 finale they are completely absent from Luz's rescue attempt (though Gus and Willow do drum up a rally in favor of Eda, her escape isn't really dependent on them). In the season 2 finale while they are there for the big boss fight they aren't there when Luz tricks Belos and aren't the deciding factor in the day being saved(?) That honor goes to King for getting the Collector out and convincing them move the moon. The show is better for their inclusion, but if they were removed the main plot the central conflict would still stand
The reason why I think Sasha and Marcy's arcs feel off is because they aren't secondary characters. They are both plot crucial gears on the main plot and not just Anne's arc, but the core to understanding her character.
Sasha is the main antagonist of the season 1 finale. Anne fighting back against years of toxicity to defend her new family is a huge turning point for her character. It's easy to infer that some of Anne's issues with self confidence and her general reckless behavior can be traced back to her friendship with Sasha, both of which drive many a plot in season 1. But also Anne's willingness to fight for the people she cares about I think can also be something she emulates from Sasha's more admirable characteristics pre-development.
Marcy's motivations and actions cause almost the entire plot to happen. She's the one who brings them to Amphibia starting the whole story. Her hiding this fact and desire to stay with her friends gives Andrias the leverage he needs to acquire the charged box. Marcy getting Anne and the Plantars out of true colors unscathed (physically) allows Anne the chance to live long enough to finally Andrias. Marcy is also the source of some of Anne's other insecurities. Being constantly compared to her genius friend probably wasn't easy. You can see echoes of Anne's protective streak we see in season 1 in her dynamic with Marcy pre-Amphibia. Marcy's dynamic with Anne and Sasha also lets us infer that there was a very powerful friendship at the center of this murk of toxicity that Anne and Sasha's dynamic is embroiled in.
If you removed Sasha or Marcy from the narrative, you would need massive rewrites just to get the plot to work. Their removal would make Anne's history pre-Amphibia feel a lot less rich and her character less nuanced.
They are treated like secondary characters but they don't feel like secondary characters. It's why so many people latch onto the trio So when their arcs were rushed or dropped it leaves myself(and many it seems) unsatisfied.
So. Yeah. Apples and Oranges. It's three am gonna tag this and sleep.
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.:The Ninja Legacy Whip:.
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Hello! If you’ve stumbled upon this blog, then you must be curious about my UA, The Ninja Legacy Whip (or Legacyverse, for convenience), by me, @weekend-whip! This series sets out to do three things:
Puts the events of the Show and the Movie into one universe, as elements of both complement the other nicely.
Rewrite certain points of both the Show and the Movie that were rather weak (plot holes, deviations of character, contradictory lore), aiming to make them more involved (and emotional, entirely by accident lol).
Adding in a few of my own twists/lore to keep some suspense and surprise present, and to build on certain aspects that are already present in canon (the Animal Symbols, the Fuchsia Ninja, Elemental Compass/Inheritance, etc.)
But if that feels like a lot to keep track of, don’t worry! That’s what this blog is for: to hopefully (and eventually) sort out any loose-end questions, and expand upon some lore/changes that may take awhile to get to in-story! 
Here’s a few places to get started:
Book 1: Way of the 21st Century Ninja Book 2: Born to be a 21st Century Ninja Book 3: The Legend of the Green Ninja Lives
Sidestories: Stories that take place within the universe but aren’t necessary to the overall plot. This tag right here also includes sidestories done by others!
Lore Behind the Legacy: Aka reasons why this universe is referred to as such and how it kinda came to be!
Elemental Compass: The backbone of all the (currently) accumulated lore behind the realm and the Elements! 
Eye Color Rules: Lore specifically depicting the significance of characters’ eye colors in Legacyverse (and yes, it’s important)
-Specifics: Fire Sector | Lightning Sector | Ice Sector | Earth Sector | Essence 
Map of Legacy!Ninjago: As referenced in the previous links, the Light Island of Legacy!Ninjago is divided into six Provinces, each governed by a different Guardian and each with its own differing cultures! And...I have made an extremely detailed map for your perusal (if you’ve got the time)
Info Tag: A series of posts digging deeper into some of the smaller mechanics/things that may not always make it directly into the stories, along with some commonly asked/answered questions! Lots of lore and world building here!
-Elemental Compendium: A sub-tag that’s specifically for any Element-related vocabulary, definitions, mechanics, explanations, clarifications, or just other interesting tidbits that might not make it naturally into the main story. Think of it like supplemental material specifically for the Elements! 
Tag Index (in case you’re specifically looking for more lore bits, some art/fics/works inspired by the series, content for a certain character, or just to catch up on the fun!)
OC Masterpost (for tags/info on the original—or mostly original—characters that exist in Legacyverse! Tread lightly though, for there may be a few spoilers!)
Legacyverse Tarot Master Post- Nothing essential, just a pet project of mine :3
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fatherbearfreddy · 6 months
Author>> ok I cannot keep this contained to be revealed by an answer stumbling upon it.
In this version Monty is absolutely struggling amd lashing out because he's essentially got two competing personalities (not in a DID way) fighting to dictate how he reacts to things. They've never put an entirely new persona on this set of animatronics ( maybe splitting eclipse but that's two instead of one)
Monty Gator the normal version was a sweet, If pretty snarky mama's boy arctype who liked mini golf and little show tunes to play on his own instrument. He was meant to be a nice relaxed kind of guy for parents to go and visit and the jungle themeing of his area was also to be like a getaway from the neon everywhere. He was a fun loving and chilled out swamp country boy. He also used to tell facts about alligators and other big predator reptiles because that was cute and fun.
Right now the company is trying to rewrite it all as a macho rockstar guy with a bad attitude and big dreams. But they couldn't just set his ai back to base because his backstory and all of the backstories are in a different system set of their programming. So they've sort of half weaved and half shoved a bunch of new personality traits into the Gator, gave him his friend's guitar and a redesign, and put him in the spotlight.
Monty is not ok, and it takes three technicians instead of one just to help keep him stable and calm and happy.
He doesn't remember what his fake mama's name is anymore even though that used to be a core part of his character.
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the-twelve-guardians · 11 months
Writing SK!Maria Clara
In my suite of Swellbloom Kids campaigns set in the various eras of Philippine history, one character emerged as the final boss of sorts: Maria Clara. Having become a Saint (the SK equivalent of an Umineko witch), she desired an end to herself, even if it meant destroying the entire universe to achieve that goal.
I consider this version of Maria Clara to be one of my favorite characters that I’ve written/reinterpreted. In a nutshell, this was her arc in Noli campaign and El Fili campaign: she forged a deal with the Bakunawa (the almighty being of entropy in the SK universe) to gain magic; she then tried forcing the PCs to rewrite the timeline and give her a happier life. However, Maria Clara ended up being double-crossed and written out of reality, turning into a higher-fiction being called a Saint.
Trapped in her own personal realm (dubbed The Convent) and consigned to simply spectating the events of the timeline, she became embittered. Saints cannot die, and so in the end she arranged for the entire universe to be destroyed so that she would as well. The PCs of the endgame campaign managed to foil her, leading her to only end up destroying herself and Ibarra, whom she was reunited with in oblivion.
SK!Maria Clara was so fun to write. The parts of her kin onion were the Maria Clara of Noli Me Tangere canon, Flowey from Undertale, Margarita Blankenheim from the Evillious Chronicles, Ayano Tateyama from Kagerou Project, and Jobu Tupaki from Everything Everywhere All at Once. In short, a Stepford Smiler with a nihilist streak.
What was fun about her is that I was essentially building off her canon traits and turning them up to eleven. She’s arrogant; we see this in Noli canon (such as her strongly-worded letter to Ibarra) and the 1961 Gerry de Leon movie. Her self-destructive tendencies, we see this in the epilogue chapter of Noli; making this more severe, in Swellbloom Kids she’s desperate to destroy herself even if it means taking everyone down everyone with her. She’s also a shut-in of sorts (it’s the Ayano showing); in Noli, she shuts herself in the Sta. Clara convent, in SK, she shuts herself in her realm. Speaking of her realm, I wrote it as patterning itself after her memories, manifesting as a stormy belltower behind endless layers of fences. Maria Clara is the Saint of Walls, the Cloistered Witch. She sought oblivion, and got her wish in the end. The peace it came with was her reward, and the destruction it came with was her punishment.
This is where her story closed in Swellbloom Kids. I considered her arc finished, and aside from passing mentions I didn’t want her to have any presence after that. She is gone.
And nothing more is said about the poor, unfortunate Maria Clara.
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huskyheroine · 1 year
I want to talk a little about another project that I'm "working" on. I haven't touched it in forever but like with most projects I think about it constantly. It's called Starshock, if you've known me FOREVER, you may have heard me talk about it in the past. It was the first project I actually thought about and cared about so much that I actually wrote some of it. All of it is...well...no longer canon. At least not entirely. Starshock is essentially my love letter to the Sonic franchise and what it means to me and the messages that I get from it.
Starshock as it currently stands rn is a cyberpunk/solarpunk story about a group of resistance fighters fighting an evil dictator/ceo who has fully taken over the world at this point and creating a better future for everyone. It's about collective action, strength in numbers, embracing the future without destroying the past, coexistence with nature and technology, doing cool action shit, and skateboarding. I already have the characters I want for this except the main villain but I've been trying to find the motivation to rewrite what I've written to better suit the new direction.
I know all of this sounds drab and dire and perhaps even preachy but it's all told through the lens of a bunch of silly brightly colored anthropomorphic animals with explosive personalities that fight hoards of robots with instruments that turn into weapons so don't worry it will actually be fun to read (I hope hsljkhflh). I'm just trying to get the underlying message across first so I have a base to work off of. As the story progresses it will transition from typical cyberpunk closer and closer to the solarpunk future I've always dreamed of. True coexistence of people, nature, and technology, all working in harmony. A future that on some level, I do feel is actually attainable but that's beside the point.
I just wanna make cool shit and this is my big big project, bigger than The Coverups IMO. I just...need to do The Coverups first. I need to know what it feels like to make a full start-to-finish comic before I dive into this bigger comic project. Anyways, yeah that's where I'm at rn creatively speaking. Gears turning on these two projects I love dearly and want to share with the world. If you actually managed to make it all the way the fuck down here without getting bored, then thanks for reading and taking an interest in what I've been up to. I hope to have something to show the world very soon.
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
Geordi if no one else has asked already, Deanna if you've answered for Geordi already
favorite thing about them 
he’s literally so good at friendship that he introduced an android and a borg to the concept of friendship. like that’s essentially two entire races that didn’t have an understanding of friendship until they interacted with geordi. I love that while he’s busy holding the ship together all the time, and while he’s an engineer and engineers are. not typically known for being outgoing, he’s still so good at relating to people and making them feel comfortable that ro laren, who has trouble opening up to anyone, straight up hugs him
that said, from a character building perspective, I also really like that it has limits and oversights. guinan has to tell him to take a different approach with barclay because just pushing him harder isn’t working (we’re ignoring for them moment the exact nature of what barclay is doing in the holodeck because they don’t know that yet). he immediately adapts and is successful in making that connection, but I think it’s really interesting to see that it isn’t always pure instinct and sometimes takes more deliberate effort. in tng lower decks, I definitely don’t think he comes off as the worst commanding officer, but it’s a different light than we’re used to seeing him in. it’s a critical situation, taurik is just one crew member among many, and I think it would ultimately feel out of place for him to be super friendly under these conditions even if we’ve seen him reach out to help/reassure subordinates before (ex. sonya gomez).
and these examples make sense in that, as kind and patient as he is capable of being, he IS still the guy trying to hold the ship together and who needs his crew to just do their jobs and you can’t always do that and be 100% unfailingly friendly. sometimes you are going to brush someone off or say something wrong to someone, so I feel like they hit a really satisfying balance there
least favorite thing about them
this isn't really about him it's about the show but he got some of the worst individual/focus episodes. like. in other people’s episodes he’s a cool funny smart guy and then in a lot of his it’s either like “haha geordi can’t talk to women” as though women aren’t, like, people and as though geordi is not really good with people or just kinda mediocre redos of other scifi media (although that said I was kinda fond of the manchurian candidate inspired one). they also just kind of tend to feel Weird in a way I can’t really explain. disconnected? idk. other people have talked about the intersection of racism and ableism in the ways aspects of this character were handled, particularly the romantic plotlines, and I definitely think that’s evident across a lot of his focus episodes. on one hand I wanna do a scene rewrite like I did for remember me for one of his episodes, but on the other, a lot of times it’s the entire episode concept that’s rough.
im very fond of the geordi/data/wesley engineering trio that pops up a lot i think they're fun and i also LOVE his friendship with ro laren in the next phase. i wish they'd drawn on that more going forward because it was two characters who hadn't had much of a reason to spend time with each other before so i think it would've been really cool to see them spending free time together willingly even just in the background of other episodes
i do think he and data are effectively married i do love their dynamic and i was surprised how clear it was that the troy and abed dynamic in community is a direct descendant. that said, i hate that like. all geordi content is in the context of this ship. the couple times I have gone into the geordi la forge tag to see geordi la forge who is my friend it’s basically all ship content
I don’t know that he’s commonly shipped with anyone else tbh? I’ll talk more about the leah brahms plotline later in a general sense but I do resent any implications the series tries to make that they would ultimately end up together just because she’s the one woman he had a significant connection with in the series. it’s one thing if like we knew she got divorced and saw them really reconnecting or something but you know they’re literally just namedropping her bc she’s the only woman they could think of that fits that category
random headcanon
I think it is geordi’s god given right as one of the only characters with a sibling let alone one that he was 1) aware of, 2) raised with, and 3) is on good terms with to have a series of completely incomprehensible jokes with his sister. she visits the enterprise and one of them says the absolute stupidest most contextless series of words and they’re both laughing about it and everyone’s just like. uh. okay. for comparison my most recent one with my sister is “you can cut a hot dog up into 16 pieces” so that’s the kind of energy I want here.
unpopular opinion
idk how unpopular this is here but I used to read imdb reviews for episodes before I finally developed some self control and stopped doing that but people on there acted like geordi was the creepiest person alive for the leah brahms plotline and I somehow suspect that opinion represents a racist double standard. I’ve said this before i think but I wonder how many of them were okay with barclay. like as far as I can recall, in booby trap he ran this program literally to try to save the ship, and he gets caught up beyond that as he’s working. it’s a high stress situation, this version of her is someone that he’s really clicking with, and even if he crosses some lines he never set out to do so. this is not a hollow pursuits situation where he created a simulation of a real person with the specific intent to have sex with her. in the followup episode, the real leah brahms chews him out for the program, he’s sorry for it, and he develops a genuine friendship with the actual version of her. I feel like this is a reasonable way for this plotline to be handled! it’s fair to think mistakes were made especially in the beginning since he was kind of specifically looking for a woman when that wasn’t necessary, and he did get hung up on a fake version of a real person to the degree that it impacted his relationship with that real person, but i feel like the intent wasn’t malicious, and those mistakes were apologized for and handled and there doesn’t ultimately seem to be any lasting harm. to me that doesn’t say “wow this guy is so creepy,” it says that he made some mistakes regarding boundaries but ultimately made amends.
song i associate with them
hmm I don’t think I have one? I don’t have one for most star trek characters tbh I was just lucky on the last two. that said electric feel by mgmt did just appear unbidden in my head so maybe it’s a sign.
favorite picture of them
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taags-old-account · 2 years
say you are tasked to rewrite voltron, and have been given the power to do whatever the hell you want. what do you change first?
Everything about canon Prince Lotor? Thrown right out the metaphorical window. He's my blorbo and I will be giving him good things.
In detail though, Lotor would become a rebel after the planet he was shown to be working alongside with was blown up. Instead of the whole quintessence arc and stuff.
So essentially:
Zarkon: *blows up an entire planet to prove a point*
Lotor: fuck this shit I'm off to join a ✨rebellion✨
Lotor: but I'm gonna be a spy because it fits my aesthetic
From what I know about the timeline, that was like 10,000 years ago, so over the course of the Lotor fucking off time and the new paladins coming up to space, he gathers his generals and stuff.
Like either he could be a Blade or he could be like an actual rebel. But for a sexy third option let's say there is a liaison between the BOM and the rebels because that would be fun.
Whatever the fuck that romantic arc with Allura was? Sorry, that's gone too. He's aroace now.
When he does eventually find the paladins, I like the headcanons where he learns of their ages and is like 'oh shit children'.
And like Lance thinks Lotor is into Allura but he's not, and at some point, Pidge mentions being aroace and he's like 'your human labels fit oh this explains some shit'
Also, when not being defined by DreamWorks standards Lotor is the biggest pottymouth. (everybody is but shush)
I know you said what you would change first, but I have ideas and an opportunity to talk about them, so ignore the rest of this if you want.
2. Adam? Lives.
I like to think that maybe back at the garrison, there is a side plot about families of the paladins, so like Lance's and Hunk's families maybe figuring that some weird stuff is up, and like some wort of break in to the Garrison which explains what actually is going on with earth.
Like WWIII was mentioned and I want the backstory on that thanks.
Either way, maybe Adam, Veronica, a Sibling of Hunk's, and the other Garrison pilots (Nadia, Griffin, and the others my memories are thin) figure that something is up here, and begin investigating and eventually find out.
Just as a neat side plot.
3. The trauma is actually talked about.
Season 1 actually talked about Shiro's trauma. After that it just kind of left, and I would keep that obviously.
Not to mention the shit ton of other stuff everybody else has gone through holy.
4. More little side stories on planets that will eventually contribute to the plot.
Like episodes where they would go planet to planet, freeing and doing diplomatic stuff. Just as an insight into the worldbuilding and to show that there is an actual army being born. I'm a sucker for worldbuilding so this is expected.
Kind of like the space mall episode, but it adds stuff.
For like everybody thanks.
6. Everybody is queer, neurodivergent, or both. :D
That's it for now, but I might come back to this post and reblog more stuff about this. Or I'll make new posts or something.
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chasingfictions · 2 years
1, 10, and 23 for the writing ask thingy :)
Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
hmm okay well the thing im currently actively working on (though actively is a really strong word because my job has been Insane lately) is a novel (non-fic) n she is a tiny little baby mollusk just screeching into the world so i dont wanna talk abt her (also working on a non-fic short story i dont wanna talk abt for the same reason n also privacy). but in terms of fic that i currently have open in tabs!!!!
ats season 4 for my faith series - the progress of this is pretty minimal bc im holding off on starting work on it until i make more headway on my novel outline, bc writing these faith fics inevitably takes over my life . but! mostly right now my notes are full of like, rambly ideas about how to Fix the Jasmine of It All because i want Jasmine to be a character but, by keeping connor a baby, and my determination to keep cordy herself, i need to change How she comes about . but ok the thing i love most about getting to rewrite this part is that to me ats s4 is where it All Goes Wrong. like, it's the character assassination of cordelia chase, and the show really hitting a misogyny peak which is impressive when u consider how misogynistic it already was . to me the ats s3 finale has so much promise which s4 inevitably makes mean essentially Nothing -- mostly in terms of the show's treatment of cordy. so im basically really hyped to write an s4 that is very much About cordy - about cangel! about angel working through (read: getting bullied by the entire fang gang about until he does something about) some of his misogyny, to become the kind of person who could be in an actual long-term relationship w cordy. this s4 rewrite said Angel's Madonna Whore Complex is On The Chopping Block . also im just really hyped to write jasmine. like, writing mind-altered states to me is very fun-- i love writing dream sequences and ritual sequences and intense emotions . so writing faith under jasmine's thrall ??? im hyped. also maybe half the reason this series exists is to occasion a faith/gwen fling sooooooooo.
i also have open a russian doll fluff fic - basically nadia and alan do a marathon watch of all the timefucky episodes of btvs . i simply love to Make Characters Watch TV . i LOVE writing their dialogue i love them so much. i love getting to rant about btvs filtered via the voice of nadia . the progress of this is decent !! i have like a quarter written and the rest roughly outlined
also have a VERY sparsely outlined succession fic about shiv being a lesbian . essentially a 5+1 (5 times shiv lost to her comphet and 1 time she didn't teeheeeee) . what im excited about here is simply that shiv roy is a lesbian and the world has to know. and also ive never written a 5+1 but i think the concept is just so fun.
ALSO i have another lottie lee yellowjackets fic in drafts . this is very new, mostly just popping the vague vibe of it and a few dialogue ideas into a document . but basically it's based on the new florence song 'casssandra' and it's going to be like, half taking place before laura lee's death and half after. what im hyped about this one is that lottie's precognizance makes me INSANE it makes me INSANE INSANE INSANE and i really wanna dig into just a very heavy heady fucked up littel tone here . also i just . i love lottie lee but i cant even think abt them and im excited to Think About Them In A Structured (lmao) Place bc hopefully that will make the process more tenable!!!!!!
10. How would you describe your writing process?
i've often described it as "building the ship as i sail it" . i love to outline, it's the way that i can write the quickest and with the most energy -- i like basically having little story headings for plot beats, and writing each segment, bc then i can have in my head exactly what im building towards, and can keep a sense of pacing in my head bc i know what else the story is going to contain . but also this allows me to write things out of order , while still having a general sense of the shape of the overall story, bc otherwise things can get really topsy turvy in my head.
but also im a big outliner-as-i-write. like often i will start out with a few story headings that are very sparse, and as i get the idea for one, ill get a sense of how to flesh out another, and im gradually filling in the whole picture, which each part interconnecting to and allowing me to fill in other parts.
like, i guess i write in the same way i solve crossword puzzles.
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
ooh okay -- gonna keep it to fic bc again my original writing is my Sensitive Little Boy (and also i aim 2 have more of that published n and dont want to connect my tiny internet corner to my public writing, in the interest of current n future privacy). but!!!! the two fics ive had in my head the longest i think are both from my spike fluff series:
a spuffy happily ever after wedding fic . exactly what it sounds like on the tin . spuffy getting married - their engagement and wedding and them establishing their life together . also an Everyone-Lives fic, literally partly bc i just want it to be the fluffiest lightest thing possible, and partly bc (as ive demonstrated lol) i simply love writing a Big Chaotic Wedding Where Everyone Is In the Room and Interacting . so like, jenny is alive and wesley and and cordelia and anya and tara and fred and everybody and probably even also joyce-- not kendra just bc i cant undo her death without changing too much of the timeline? but i am Trying to find a way to work her in like, idk maybe ghost kendra is at the wedding idk guys. anyway i love this fic so much i have so much of it drafted and just havent had time 2 devote to it yet . but married spuffy is so real to me theyre SO real to ME!!!!!
a spike and harmony do laundry together fic okay hear me out. early s5 . spike finds out harmony has never done laundry . her parents always did it for her and then her minions and after that she legit panicked bc it felt too late to learn and either paid for a cleaners' to do her laundry or just kept stealing new clothes when her old ones were dirty. but then the cleaners refuses to do her laundry anymore bc she killed too many of them . spike finds this out . he's like. you cant do LAUNDRY? harmony is like what like you CAN? he's like yeah i learned last year at xander's (he's very proud). spike and harmony descend on the 24 hour laundromat . it becomes clear that spike is Very Bad At Laundry Still but Moderately Better Than Harmony . they may or may not break several washing machines from bashing them in a fit of rage. gradually harmony becomes the queen of the late night laundromat demon social scene . this fic means so much to me i could cry. also ive never written spike/harmony before and simply put i think they are so FUN . they are SO FUN.
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carmenized-onions · 14 days
Ok nooo my ask got deleted so I’ll start again
First PUZZLE TIME!!!! Them having a tradition already and carny being the one who started it is so cute
Tony wearing her jacket so Syd doesn’t clock it but her immediately calling tony out. And the two kisses the cheek kiss and carm being cheeky and giving one at the door who knew
Carm being confused by girl friendships is so hilarious he’s just a guy fr
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Collecting all of these like Infinity Stones.
First of all, I hate rewriting things, so the fact that you rewrote all these for me, really means the world, thank u.
PUZZLE TIME!! I did do yesterdays, btw, and I was going to send it. I did end up getting stuck in transit on the way home (fucking SUBWAYS!!!) and then passed out after watching the finale of my funny little DnD show. But I SWEAR I only made one mistake. Connections, you bitch. I hate you. Their ____ Purples really make me,,,, infuriated. And frankly I looked at todays and I just immediately closed it I simply am not down to clown.
I can't fathom a world where Syd did not IMMEDIATELY clock it, these two are essentially her closest friends, she can catch that vibe IMMEDIATELY. Also, wasn't a scene, but like-- Carmen came down instead of buzzing Tony in. That honestly by itself to Syd was definitely a ,,,,, interesting.
If you ask him, the door kiss is Tony's fault. SHE DID IT FIRST!!!!!!!!
Writing. the female friendship. Between Tony and Syd. Has been so fucking fun for me. Because upon kinda drafting Tony up and going okay, yeah, these two will have history I was like-- Sydney doesn't have girl friends her age (Like, Sug? Maybe? But like? She's still a little older and married). That's. An entirely new side of her. CAUSE GIRL FRIENDSHIPS JUST HIT DIFFERENT!!!
And honestly, they're holding back for Carm-- Idk about y'all but behind closed doors my girl friends are calling me a whore every I wanna say 2-3 business hours. (kidding, but like, in College? Not kidding. At all). But I think with the clocking of Carm and Tony, that ice of 3 years little to no contact just melted dramatically.
And also, with Syd not having female friends, and Nat never mentioning friends it's like-- Carmen Anthony Berzatto has never witnessed two young women pass the bechdel test until right now and he's so fucking confused. I loved writing that.
Carmen is too strong and if I had less internal fear of cringe, I would be a lot more detailed about his physicality in my writing-- but for now, big man lift heavy thing and move walk in door.
Poor (bad news) bear, he's me when I'm at my second day of work (today) and pretty sure everyone hates me for asking for confirmations of emails.
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