#I have no clue why they’re like that 🥲
Art collab with @buttercup-barf / @normal-looking-male !
We each drew sketches of Pizza Tower mock title-cards featuring Boy and Girl from the FnF Twinsomnia mod! We then basically finished the other’s drawing, and now they’re ready to post! (After many weeks of procrastination haha 😅)
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Here’s my sketch…
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And then Butter’s coloring/linework!
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Butter’s sketch,
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And then my rendition!
Aaand uh yeah, that’s about it! Thank u Butter for suggesting this idea! :D
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peterthepark · 2 years
hi can u write a blurb about sloppy makeouts with steve.. just like really messy and slow after you haven’t seen each other in a while 🥲
so cute!!!! here u go bubs <3
tags: kissing, heavy making-out, fluff, swearing, allusions to sex, steve being a dork, needy bf energy
Hands. Hands everywhere. It’s all you feel — Steve’s hand slowly inching up the length of your calf, squeezing the flesh of your outer thigh before he’s rubbing the soft skin of your inner one with his thumb. You can’t help but squeeze your legs together, letting out a breathy sigh when your boyfriend tangles his other fingers by the back of your neck and pulls you closer towards his pillowy lips.
“Really fuckin’ missed you.” Steve breathes against your mouth, voice raspy and eyelids droopy from the sudden boost of oxytocin. His pupils are near-black, flickering between your wet lips and the gentle glow of your irises.
“Yeah?” You tease, hooking your arms tighter around the nape of his neck and the expanse of his broad shoulders as you shift eagerly on his lap. “I can tell.”
“This new chapstick is just…” Steve leans in, capturing your lips in another messy, slow kiss. His tongue is warm against yours, moans rasping from his throat as you grind against the hard denim below your ass. “… just tastes…” Kiss. “… so good. I can’t help myself.” Kiss. “Fuck, I’m obsessed…”
“With — with me or the chapstick?”
“Mmm…” He chuckles, nose nudging against yours lovingly before he presses his forehead to your cheek. “Honestly kinda obsessed with these…” You can’t help but whimper, watching his fingers dip underneath your tennis skirt and play with the hem of your lacy underwear. “They’re just so thin. S’no wonder why you keep rubbing your ass against me. How do you live like this, babe?”
You giggle slyly, pushing the astray curls away from his eyes before you’re wetly tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth. “And it’s no wonder why I can feel you rock-hard under me.”
He hisses when you squirm against him, needily groaning into your mouth. “Then — shit, who’s fault was that? Hm?”
“No clue.” You shake your head at him, wide-eyed and innocent as Steve makes haste for your throat. “Maybe you’d happen to know…”
“Oh, me? No clue, either.” He smiles, glancing up at you as he tightens his hold around your waist. His thigh bounces lightly beneath you, adding to the heat rushing fiercly into your lower belly. “Best if we… get to the bottom of this and find out what’s been — mmm, fuck, what’s been so rudely distracting me this entire time, yeah?”
He soothes his tongue over the hickies from earlier, wrapping his pink-tinted lips around the tender skin and sucking until all he sees is a reddish-purple lovebite. You gasp, back falling into a slight arch when Steve kisses his way down your collarbone and to the tops of your breasts.
His eyes light up, voice muffled against your glistening skin. “Think I have a suspect in mind, actually.”
“Yeah? S-Should we get some handcuffs?”
“Oh! Handcuffs?” Steve laughs heartily, taking in the sight of your blissed-out face and the pretty marks on your neck. “I was just thinkin’ of giving our culprit a little…” He squeezes your ass, pulling you further down until all you feel is him beneath you. “TLC… you know, some tender, loving care never hurt anyone. And as for the handcuffs…” He sighs, reaching up and pressing a kiss to the space beneath your eye. “We can definitely discuss what we can do with those later. But for now….”
“For now…” You repeat, grinning as Steve carefully lays you back against the creaking sofa and fluffs the pillows behind your head.
“For now, I think you’re very overdue for some…impressive Steve action.” His eyebrows shoot upwards, using a knee to part your legs before moving to sit between them.
“Oh, oh, that’s new. ‘Impressive Steve action?’ Never heard of that before.”
He whispers against your skin, pecking your inner thighs with a boyish smirk. “Why don’t I just show you then?”
“Show me all you want, Harrington.”
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sitp-recs · 8 months
Ship Game: Why do you think 1) Drarry 2) Jegulus 3) Wolfstar is so popular? :)
What an interesting ask, thank you anon! It goes without saying that I’m sharing below my personal thoughts and naturally they might be completely off the mark. I live in a fandom bubble and I won’t pretend to be familiar with fandoms I’m not a part of:
1) Drarry: tale as old as time, blonde/brunette enemies to lovers amirite 🌝 that trope is pretty universal and I think Drarry is natural mlm ship choice considering how obsessed they are with each other at school. Draco’s character could have been more / better developed imo but we still got a lot to work with and from, especially considering their kids become best friends in CC (though personally I love to pretend that epilogue never existed!). The fact that Drarry became this huge fandom and it’s very much alive and kicking even 25 years later is also very compelling, there are so many incredible works and talented creators around.
2) Jegulus: I don’t follow this fandom so I feel like I don’t know enough to have an opinion on it? I know it became popular recently and I have no clue how it happened but I’ve wondered about its appeal - maybe because Regulus is an actual spy (as opposed to Draco) it’s an exciting take on enemies to lovers? I don’t really delve into Marauders content and I also happen to have a soft spot for James/Sirius, so I’m as interested in Jegulus as the next guy. Would love to hear from someone who ships them if they wanna share their thoughts :)
3) Wolfstar: I love this ship despite not reading it and I think a big part of its appeal is the fact that they’re the closest we’ll get to a nice canon mlm ship. With Drarry as a flagship, I think it’s refreshing to have a big friends to lovers pairing too. Sometimes I feel like this trope doesn’t get as much love as it deserves! Remus and Sirius are such interesting characters, each with their own traumatic background, and their married couple banter is so wholesome. I remember they were my first HP ship reading the books and I’m very fond of my PoA memories. Also, Remus raising Harry (romantically involved with either Sirius or Snape) has been a fandom classic for years so I guess this element also appeals to those who love the found family trope. Too bad I don’t read everyone lives AUs 🥲
Send me ship asks!
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vulpisnocturna · 9 months
Can I have hcs of Modern!Itachi with a s/o who works in STEM and is a little bit nerdy about it? Like infodumping about black holes, strange matter, cellular biology and anorganic chemistry?
Thank you so much in advance!
Girl you asked the wrong person lol
I have no clue about all this stuff, except for astronomy which I was obsessed with as a kid. I’ll try, but I am a humanities girlie myself 🥲😅 I feel like this can go for any S/O who is really nerdy/passionate about something
-Itachi would love to listen to his partner as they talk about something they are really passionate about. The way their eyes spark with joy and the enthusiasm in their voice really warms his heart
-He would try to understand the subject because let’s face it, he doesn’t like to feel ignorant. And he also wants to hold a conversation with his partner where he can feel like he contributes to it.
-He wants to understand the work they do fully. That’s why he asks questions, gets informed in his own time and probably spends a bit of his free time reading on the subject
-He would buy them books they haven’t read on the subject, probably take them on a date to an observatory if they’re nerdy about astronomy
-He would find it really cute. Just the way that someone can be filled with so much joy when they are interested in something is enough to make him smile.
-Would be very quick to reassure them if they ever apologise for infodumping, telling them how refreshing it is to see someone who is truly happy and fulfilled in their career
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey girlllll
okay first- the chap was SO GOODDDDD and i’m so excited for your nct reactions and texts!
also your tattoo with your mom is so cute 🥰🥰 and the designs for your seventeen ones are adorable so i’m sure your nct dream ones will be super cute as well <333
i want to get a tattoo but let’s be so fr i’m so scared of needles 💀 kao (bf) has a bunch of tattoos and they’re so cute but i personally would never - your so brave for thiss
also mother in law apologized thankfully so so more problems there :)
my life has been pretty boring tbhhh i’m living with kao rn but he’s pretty busy with his med school things rn so i barely see him 😢
i really need friends 😭
BUT ITS NOT LIKE I DONT HAVE FRIENDS my two ride or dies (yes we are a trio but we’ve known eachother since 2nd grade and there has been 1 argument that lasted 30 mins 💀) are literally so far away 🥲 missing them 24/7 but we have our weekly group facetime soon so 😋🤞
ugh life has been so boring recently fr i need a hobby asap
i feel like i’ve lost all my interests because i’m high school i would lterally do math for fun and that’s the last thing i need to do rn 😭 like sure i did. volleyball but where in nyc am i going to okay volleyball like be so fr rnnn
i have an obsession with these emojis i find them so funny
also my niece/cousin idk but she’s so like… IDKKK- she’s middle school high school age but i feel like i’m just on a whole different planet bc she’s so into everything like i need to keep up frrr
make sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of good foodss- i love youuu 😜💓💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️
also congrats on your blog growth! you deserve it fr
I got a bunch of nct random texts that I'm gonna post soon 🤪 but I gotta make some enhypen ones too cause my master list is lookin a little biased 😅
ahh thank you! i gotta hurry and get more kpop tattoos because my mom has more than me (she has two bts tattoos and wants a txt one)
i was terrified of needles but i had to get a bunch of blood work done when i was younger, so i’m a pro now 😤😤
if my partner had and tattoos i would color them in with markers if they had black and white ones
life’s been pretty boring for me too that’s actually why i made this account cause i used to have a tumblr way back and post on it but it became too hectic with my schedule…so i deleted it. but now i’m not really doing anything i love how hectic i post!! it gives me something to do and look forward to
i’m also in a friend group of 3 💀 but mine is kinda rocky because the other two always fight and im in the middle sometimes… but i love both of them and one of them might read this 🤪🤪
i still have lunch with them every other day in school but one of them is going to a different school and im gonna make sure we don’t drift apart 😤😤
most of my hobbies involve technology lol…
i like to make random webpages and of course video games, mostly sims or acnh.
But i love scrapbooking and i know a lot of people do it online now but nothing beats cutting up pictures and gluing it to a cute notebook or having a pen pal and decorating my letters
also photocard trading is fun and helps keep me busy
i’m glad the mil apologized because no one wants bad blood in a new marriage!!
i love using emoji’s because i don’t wanna sound boring when i’m writing and i can only use “T^T” so much
SAME! my cousin is younger than me and she makes me feel so old even tho i’m young! but she talks about tiktokers and celebrities i have no clue who they are nd half of the words she says, i’m like what?
tysm!! i’m surprised on how well my blog is doing, I love how many people have reach out to talk to me! It means a lot 😩❣️
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don’t skip a meal!! 🥰🫶
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puthyflapps · 2 years
Toni called Shelby “B/Bee” as in Shel-BY? B for babe? ??? I’m curious about that pet name. Anyway, I too wish Shelby wore the bball shorts because that would be 🥵 always trying to spot which clothes they’re sharing.
Because I watch things with subtitles on to help me hear better, I saw that she specifically calls her “Bee”
I have no clue why when I first watched that scene my brain didn’t immediately connect Shel-by and Bee. Instead, my pea brain, for some reason was like, “oh because she does pageants and she’s like the queen bee.” Just absolute brain rot. Not proud of that moment 🥲
We were robbed of Shelby wearing Toni’s basketball shorts rolled up at the waist to create short shorts™️ and tbh it felt targeted. They knew that’s what I wanted the most so they tried to humble me by making Shelby wear every other piece of Toni’s clothing except for her shorts 😭😭😭😭😭
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt. 9:
season 3, episode 1, “Ride”:
- here we go season three‼️‼️
- give me some gay shit
- i just SMASHED an angel heart and an iced coffee so i am ready to go
- i do recall this episode being very gay in a very Gatsby way so i’m feeling excited
- i love rich people they’re so terrible
- winnie not saying “come home safe” to thursday because they’re all still shook up over what happened
- thursday assuming jakes would be the person to see morse
- “not since he got out.”
- ^jakes picked morse up from prison and also visited him in prison confirmed
- this whole episode proved that morse was well liked even though he doesn’t like being around people
- people. like. him.
- he’s a loner because he chooses to be. because HE thinks there’s something wrong with him
- they were not subtle with their plagiarism of Gatsby and i respect them for it
- going all in on the dark academia vibe
- thursday misses morse so much im SICK
- morse got invited to a party which means the gay stuff is gonna start happening
- monica deserved better ‼️‼️
- “he doesn’t want to be found”
- do you mean physically or spiritually queen?
- morse walking through this party has me cackling he’s so buttoned up
- roddy is gay for bixby
- i have 0 proof i’m going on vibes alone from a 0.2 second interaction
- thursday is wild for just breaking into morse’s house and waiting
- morse is absolutely gorgeous in maroon
- the way morse is so obviously trying to flirt with bixby and is confused when he doesn’t flirt back
- “and what’s the truth of you?”
- king CALM DOWN
- morse looks at bixby like hes another mystery to solve which means he is immediately obsessive and attached
- “you hardly know me!” “gamblers instinct”
- this translates directly to “ur hot”
- morse taking on bixby’s mentality to decide how to approach his life is so…
- “how was it?”
- strange i need you to reconsider the questions you ask
- he was a COP in PRISON
- this woman is awfully quick to assume morse is attracted to her
- the way he’s so uncomfy 😭😭
- given that jakes is the one who went to go see him in prison and given that he is clearly upset that morse is gone and given that he thinks he won’t be coming back…
- jakes is the only one who knows what morse went through in prison
- he knows!
- and he’s mad morse isn’t coming back
- “i wouldn’t hold your breath”
- he’s mad
- i need answers ‼️
- morse looks jealous asf that bixby’s attention is tacked onto Kay instead of him
- it is so unfair that both Kay AND bixby are using morse to get to each other
- like literally using him and for what
- “are you falling in love with me? men do.” “i can see how that might happen.” “then why don’t you kiss me?”
- i fucking HATE these manic pixie dream girls in the sort of episode
- like shut up
- no girl acts like this
- immediately jumping to his boyfriends protection 🙄🙄
- munch.
- “bix, you could have any woman in the world.”
- and then IMMEDIATELY looking ashamed for having said it
- he is basically saying “you could have anyone. you could have me. so why her?”
- them on the dock together is so intimate
- you can tell they feel it’s the last they’ll see of each other
- even though they don’t know why
- a romantic opera playing during this scene (depicting a forlorn man finding his lover dead)
- jakes being the only person to try and talk to him after he finds bixby 🥲
- morse trying to express to thursday why he feels like he doesn’t wanna come back and thursday being like “stop being a pussy and get used to it” is so insane
- bright is doing his absolute best to apologize and i gotta respect him for it
- my mom giggles every time thursday speaks (she has 0 clue what’s going on idk why she’s watching w me)
- morse opening up about prison makes me 🫤
- he didn’t know whether thursday was alive or not for so long 🫤🫤
- rich people in this time period really just stood around in silence drinking and smoking and thats all
- wish i was them
- ope nvm they also got abused by their husbands i do not wanna be them
- thursday WOULD love magic shows
- he is that bitch
- after morse got shot he reacted poorly to everything from a door slamming to a car backfiring; thursday gets shot and he lets a magician fully point a gun at him and fire for FUN
- heroin feels like such a random tie in to this episode
- like it makes sense in the plot but why
- morse is awfully quick to defend bixby despite not knowing him at all
- little bit 💅
- i know he met bixby in a vulnerable state and was glad to have that sort of attention but he is soooo determined to prove bixby is a good person despite FULLY knowing it isn’t true
- which is insane
- and gay
- you gotta be some kind of freak to have a portrait of someone you have no official attachments to hanging above your bed
- i know kay is supposed to be a sort of rattled and traumatized character but i don’t like the way they wrote her at all
- her entire character feels misogynistic
- even my mom doesn’t like it and that’s telling
- “bixby” being alive is so fucking funny to me
- gay people don’t die ‼️
- roddy deserved better! he was j a lil gay guy there was no need for all this hatred
- morse and jakes are so cold with each other this episode i hate it
- i know we don’t get to know anything about jakes as a person in this show but listen
- i feel like he’s intentionally really closed off and defensive and that’s why he’s especially defensive to morse
- morse is able to figure people out so easily and jakes knows that and he doesn’t like it
- he doesn’t want to be figured out
- so it makes sense that he would be particularly cold to morse (especially given that morse is presumably the only one who knows about his Blenheim Vale background)
- jakes just appearing in the shadows while morse is talking
- like what r u doing babe??
- this man killing his son after everything gets found out is so??
- and not a single person did anything about it
- jakes 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
- finding out where the coin flip thing came from is fucking sickening
- i will say that i enjoy the notion that morse falls in love really easily and that BECAUSE of that he’s a loner
- also the camera lingering on bixby’s face and morse just staring after they lead you to think he’s watching the film for kay???? that’s queer cinema
- “bixby didn’t belong in their world anymore than i do. did. i wanted to tell him that the last night i saw him. he was better than that.”
- morse convincing himself he could have saved bixby if he told them that neither of them belonged in that world
- because he thinks bixby would have gone with him
- like??
- “there’s no real magic in the world. only love. the rest is just smoke and mirrors.”
- him saying that all that was real between them was the love 🫤🫤🫤
- 10/10 for gay this episode
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dedfandom-xwx · 1 year
Hey this is me rambling at 4am so if you don’t wanna hear my random stuff then just skip over this post, but if you do then read under the cut. Idk what this is gonna contain and it might turn into a vent or get very opinionated so please so hate on me I just wanna ramble 😭👍
Okay but like can we just talk about Noel Gruber and Mischa for a second? Or like, Eddie Dear and Frank Frankly? I just realized Eddie and drink don’t have the same last name even though they’re married. I know some people like don’t change their name and that’s like totally cool and everything like no shame but I had no clue at first that they were married. Do they even have rings…? Idc if they do or not their designs are so friggin cute. I wanna hurdle a specific VR skin of Eddie into a wall though.
ANYWAYS, Noel and Mischa, am I right? That is true best friend energy right there. So silly goofy. A angry SoundCloud rapper and a romantic gay being. I never thought better energy would come from two characters.
i started to try animating. I made a little Home animation and I’m hoping to post it soon. Took me about 2 hours. It’s my first ever animation I’m actually a little proud of so please no throwin shame 🥲
ALSO I also wanna talk about how funny some of the word in the English language are. I know we kinda steal a lot of words from other places and like a lot of Latin words and stuff like that. But tell me, how in the fresh heck did we come up with words like the ones in science on the table thingy that I can’t spell correctly the one with all the boxes and colors and stuff?? (I know what it’s called but i just can’t spell it.)
the current worm in my brain: Tick, Frank Frankly, and Sam Winchester for some reason??
man do I love supernatural. I also really like Friends and Big Bang Theory and Good Omens and Unsolved Mysteries and stuff like that. THATS what you call quality content.
i wish people would ask me more questions. Random Ik. I hate talking about myself but I like to answer peoples questions. Is there something wrong with me for that??
i really should log off and get some sleep but I don’t feel like it. This is a loooooooong ramble. I should probably shut up or som.
OKAY but physical pain. Like why. I just want to ride roller coasters and not feel like I’m gonna cry every two seconds when I’m trying to sleep.
when you meet a buisness man you must stake him by the hand
I wanna lick a book. Like one of the really old ones with canvas covers. Feel like it’s taste good.
I feel like Sundrops pants would be such a bad texture. Probably grimy and yucky and like a potato sack.
In my life, I was Noel Gruber who worked at Taco Bell in Uranium City, Saskatchewan. But in my dreams I played a different role. I was Monique Gibeau in post-war France!
not gonna say the next line cause it’s a bit SuGeStIvE I guess
why are suggestive songs such a bop. Like you take away the lyrics or listen to piano versions and I’m head banging like I’m at a rock concert like it’s that good. For example, Say No To This from Hamilton. Or ofc, Noel’s Lament from RTC. BANGERS BRO. As an ace person, yeah a little uncomfy BUT THEYRE SO GOOD WKSGSISNWBSOSK
I wanna eat fries
I need sleep
I’m legit crying over SIOB rn why am I like this if didn’t even watch the episode kasoajwosgsiswdns
imma try to end this ramble here. If you make it this far, you’re amazing. Hope you’re having a nice day/night/evening/afternoon! 🫀🫀
and an apple for Wally 🍎
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
also haha strange that your blog is basically scara centric even tho you like albedo more, as a scara simp i love that BUT RECENTLY IVE STARTED TO SIMP FOR ALBEDO?? HELP?? Hes JUST- mwah ❤️
since the universe is letting me just suFFER im not really doing anything other than sleeping, watching tv and scrolling thru tumblr (oh and i cant forget DYING) so i decided to just ✨appear✨ again hehe
also i just started experimenting with writing a harbinger!reader and its too much fun and im listening to maybe too many villain playlists and then making my own lmao
anyway i need some thoughts abt albedo bumping into harbinger!reader and instantly figuring out who they are but reader has absolutely no clue that he does and also reader totally becomes protective of klee BECAUSE SHES SO CUTE HOW can ONE NOT LOVE HER OK ack im rambling 💀💀 BUT KLEE HAS NO CLUE THAT reader is well.. a harbinger and most likely a villain or at least has killed someone?? and im crying bc i just love klee and albedo so much now help-
thats should be all for now hhehehhe
- king
I think I got into the writing side of the Genshin community by looking up Diluc and Kaeya fics (not the ship, but their brotherly bond has such a good potential for angsty hurt/comfort that it was too good to pass up, even if it is only platonic) so this event really did feed me well lmfao
Hehehehe… Hehehe.. Heh… Welcome to the dark side, my friend. You’re stuck here now >:) Albedo’s model let’s him down tbh so I understand why some people don’t simp for him. But ugh in official art? Yeah, that’s a no brainer, he’s so GXYCUFUFYCGRDYCIVIH- (personally I like his model, could be better but he’s still a cutie- but his art is on another level entirely. Just- god tier, can’t get any better honestly, he just beats everyone else imo)
You can ✨appear✨any time you like, I always enjoy you in my inbox, no matter how late I reply, it’s always lovely to hear from you <33 but I hope you’re feeling better now :/
Villain playlists are very satisfying to listen to, really gets me in the mood if I need to write some arguments or just angst in general.
Ahem. Hope you don’t mind some brainrot rambling- I’ll put it utc for anyone else reading so they’re not spammed by it
I’ve been wanting to do something like a harbinger reader for quite some time, but I’m not sure if anyone would be interested in that, since I’ve seen quite a few people do that idea already. But if it’s specifically requested, I’ll do it,,, Anyway.
Yes. Harbinger reader. Albedo would figure it out soon, if not right away when he meets you. He’s wary of what a harbinger would want with his little sister.
If Klee was perhaps a little older, you would offer to take her under your wing, teaching her the ways of the fatui, operating as your apprentice. Your adorable little apprentice that acts like a living grenade, grinning as she decimates anything in her path. But alas, even someone as evil as you wanted to preserve her carefree innocence for just a little longer before she had to open her eyes to how cruel the world could be.
So, Albedo lets you carry on this little charade of protectiveness, so long as you’re not hurting her. It’s only when you protect him from an onslaught of Fatui soldiers on Dragonspine with your Cryo vision (or, you know, whatever vision reader would have but I just thought it shows that harbinger reader really cares if they’re using CRYO in a snowy environment. Also woukd be kind of funny with Albedo like ‘???? Why are you using Cryo in the SNOW?’ ), did he realise that what you were doing wasn’t out of cunning malice but out of the genuine connection you had made with the two blondes. You weren’t… Insufferable. In fact, you were quite pleasant to be around. But he still has his reservations about you being with such a corrupt group, that’s something he’s always going to be cautious of. And he does warn you, in a not so subtle way:
If you EVER put Klee in danger, Knight, harbinger, status wouldn’t of mattered between the two of you- he would deal with you personally. (I can’t tell if this scares or excites me- reader is probably extremely confused at the emotions it elicits)
Fortunately you knew better than to double cross him, especially when you were slowly falling in love with your enemy… oh no, what did that little girl do to you? She made you all… Soft. And now you’re falling for her brother. You’re an awful harbinger. You knew it was wrong and yet…
Something about this knight captivated you, especially when he brushed your hair behind your ear when it blew in your face, or whispered how you were his favourite muse when the world fell silent and it was just the two of you. Yes. The two of you, hand in hand - cities crumbling, gods falling - as long as you were with him, nothing could stop you.
Albedo would suit morally grey harbinger reader, you’re both flight risks and are willing to do whatever it takes to protect your loved ones. You’re also both incredibly dangerous and have the potential to unleash hell upon the world. Maybe two chaotic souls ground each other, keeping things in balance. But if anyone was to set either of you off… I don’t even think gods could stop the impending doom you both would bring. Thankfully, no one’s tried to do that. Yet.
Hehe. Maybe I went a little overboard but it sparked some inspiration, something I’ve been lacking in (especially today) let me know what you thought about it <3 expand it, if you like.
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atopearth · 2 years
Court of Darkness Part 10 - Lance Ira Route
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Have we ever seen Lance before? I think I recall seeing him once before in someone's route, but it was so forgettable, I have no idea who he is lol. I'm glad the heroine finally got mad at something he said because sometimes Lance can get really frustrating lol, he's so judgemental. Lance and Fenn being amicable drinking buddies is actually quite cute and unexpected. But it seems that it's because they're both exiled to the academy and aren't allowed to return to their country. Despite how unsociable Lance may be, he seems quite soft-hearted. Lmao when the heroine thought Christoph was Lance's son🤣🤣 It's kinda crazy how kind Lance is to animals compared to the heroine. It was so funny when he was playing with the squirrel, he's actually so cute🤣 Seeing him smile so warmly as he watches over Haru and Gruscha (his pet wolf) play is so sweet. I loved how he patted the heroine's head when she was talking about how her parents passed away and Haru was her sole sense of comfort in that world.
Awww! Rio looks so good in his new clothes! Fenn too! I actually think Lance looks the least handsome hahahah, but he still looks good. It was cute how he blushed when the heroine praised him. OMG Lance's father is hot, I wish we had more older LIs because even Hawke is quite appealing hahaha. He seemed quite dodgy at first, but he does seem to be kinda sensible in this route just because he's from the Kingdom of Ira and is supporting Lance. Ooh, Lance is a C rank because he doesn't attend lectures so he can't do promotion exams? I was wondering why he was a C rank when he clearly seemed capable lol. It's sweet of Lance to help the heroine out trying methods to go back to her world. I especially liked it when the first one failed and he hugged her trying to comfort her🥲🥲 Lance is probably so withdrawn because of whatever happened to Lutz, Lyle's brother, but it's really sweet to see that even though Lance doesn't believe he has the right to go back to his country, he still put in so much effort into researching ways for the heroine to go home and consolidated it all for her. He's cold on the surface but he's really such a warm and kind person. I like how the heroine really did try to accept his kindness and go to the country where there would be clues on how to go back to her own world but then realised she couldn't do it at the expense of Lance who had been helping her so much this whole time. I think it was really sweet how she told him that it was her turn to help him now. Seeing Lance so distraught over his valet back home getting into an accident and being in a grave condition was very sad. But I guess that helps solidify their choice to go to Ira instead.
Aww I love how Lance gave the heroine a talisman he received from his late mother to protect her, and to tell her that he'll come back for it, to show her that he intends to return to the academy. Well, I knew Lyle wasn't going to be very nice if he was going with them, but I didn't expect him to be a part of the resistance against the Ira kingdom. Addis is hot but seems to be a pretty terrible father. I'm glad Lance gave the heroine his mother's pendant, because of that she decided to go back and tried to convince Lance again to go back to the academy with her, and he decided to take his chances with her and with his heart knowing where he truly wants to go. I really liked how Lance protected her from pursuers and how the heroine also used the magic she learnt to stop them too, she was really cool! I love how in order to stop the automaton, the heroine kissed Lance to enhance his powers and rejuvenate him so he could use his ancient magic to stop them (since he activated them), it was nice and romantic. I mean, if it wasn't something like this, Lance wouldn't let himself kiss her already haha. Is it just me or did they never talk about Lance's back story with Lutz?? Considering how integral it is to the plot of the route, it's really confusing to basically know nothing about the past aside from Lance thinking Lutz's death was his fault, so honestly it's really difficult to understand how much Lyle hates Lance and how bad Lance feels because there's no foundation to work from this, it's just a blank slate to me and I don't really know if I still care because it's the end of the route already lol.
Overall, the thing with Lutz was kinda disappointing since I feel like I wanted a better clarification on what happened etc, so without that there was no depth to the hatred and I really didn’t care about the “villain” of this route, Otherwise, I really liked Lance and the heroine. They’re not my favourite because I wanted more excitement, but I think their relationship was really cute. I loved how he slowly warmed up to her to the point that he kept trying so hard to help the heroine go back to their world and he even gave her something so important to keep for him. I also really liked how the heroine had to go through the dilemma of possibly going back to her own world and was about to heed to his kindness, but then decided that she couldn’t leave like that when she was only able to find a way to go back because Lance helped her so she wanted to help him back, and I just think that is really sweet. I liked how supportive they were of each other and how they both protected the other, it really felt like a relationship of equals and I liked that.
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bigolgay · 5 months
italian food in general is just so good, the lasagna was delicious! hehe did i really? well i think now it’s my turn to be all smug about that :))
i do that too and i don’t think there’s something wrong with it, i guess i just enjoy living in the past too much :) might’ve been thinking about it, yes…but as you said: people are scary sometimes and i’m not the type of girl to do things scared haha :)) i think you’re doing a wonderful job with this conversation though ;)
i’m all for no pressure! we already have enough going on in our lives i think! and you’re letting the wrong one make decisions here, because i simply can’t…decide…on literally anything ever lol…when do people with good/normal sleeping habits even go to bed? there’s no way i’ll be in bed before like 2am haha
Mmmmm Italian is the best omg. It shouldn’t be allowed to be THAT good yk? Indeed you did, enjoy all the smugness, you deserve it😂
Same! Sometimes I just wanna relive it all and refeel all the happy chemicals again… and again… and then again. Oh you sweetheart🥲I’m even more happy that you sent me an ask now. As scary as people can be, they’re also super nice most of the time. Then the niceness of people makes the whole being super nervous about talking to them kind of fade away after a while. I just wish that you could get to the point where it’s not scary like… straight away😂. Why thank you😉I’m doing my best and it helps that you are quite easy to talk to😌
Damn right! No extra pressure pls! I… also suck at making decisions, but for you dear, I shall persevere🫡. I honestly have no clue of normal people sleeping patterns, normal people probably go to sleep at like… latest 12? But I don’t think that’s on the cards for us just yet… so how about we say… 3? And we work our way slowly to earlier times? I think 3 will be a vast improvement over our current schedules🫣😂
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higheconomist · 2 years
Having a bad habit isn’t as bad as it sounds. For example, your bad habit will prevent you from allowing people to have control over your emotions because it just completely numbs them. The economist is really not ready for feels but yeah the economy is slow rn, honestly it feels like there’s no point in talking about it right now.
I’m not saying I gave up hope, but the way it seems the government doesn’t even have a clue as to what to do. They’re trying to calm the inflation by increasing interest rates. Okay, that’s what they are suppose to do in case of a high inflation in the economy, 8.3% is definitely considered high. We need to honestly prepare ourselves to suffer for the next 2-3 years because the only way out of this trough stage is to allow the bank of canada to increase the interest rates for 2-3 years at least because there’s way too much money circulating in the economy after what the government gave out during covid. Not even just that, the relief programs and the business ones too, that also decreased the governments budget by so much, government is already in debt and increasing the debt is NEVER ideal for the economy. IT PREVENTS GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT! Why is that bad? Because that prevents the economy from growing, when the government is able to invest in the economy and provide infrastructure or something or value to the people, it changes a lot of factors if you think about it. We need government investment, it’s great for businesses, for the people and for the growth. But yeah, the issue is the government can’t just print money, we need to have a balance of purchasing power in the economy. What I mean is that, the consumer basket price should be a good enough amount to know that consumers are able to afford yearly essential goods and also have money to save up. A good balance is so essential and the way the economy is going right now, the consumer basket price is way tooo high. The cost of living is increasing, the economy just feels like a shit show right now. And that’s why I rather stay high because it’s highkey stressful to think about when the economy will ACTUALLY recover.
The market is CRASSSHING, holy shit it’s a great time to be alive to invest though. Crypto has its purpose if you do research, and there’s also great stocks that do as well. It’s not a gamble it’s an investment. Just like buying a house, you gotta think about it for a bit but essentially know that your investing because you believe in it and it’s an asset to you. Only a gamble if you just bandwagon from what people tell you. Fyi, never EVER trust anyone about investing online, no YouTuber is going to sit there and predict the trend of the market. 🥴🤧 the trend of the market is influenced by YouTubers actually. The market does better the more that people invest. Essentially there’s a whole undermining scheme. But always watch the trends of the economy, not the trends of YouTubers for the sake of your funds.
But it’s all a cycle, with order and balance on every aspect that’s necessary. There’s actually a basic economic model to prove this:
The economy must be moving as close to the growth trend as much as possible. That’s what is ideal for the economy. Right now, we are at the contraction stage in the economy aka recovery but it’s going to be some SERIOUS recovery for sure 🥲. Anyways, stay high 😌
How much digging do ants got to do if their ant colony got destroyed?!
Fuck. Imma roll another one….
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May the odds be in our favour.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Wait please I beg of you what else has phinks done in cannon in an attempt to win over HWR reader??? How else does the inner simping come out????? More general phinks cringe????? How does Hwr reader not notice 🥲
cracks knuckles .
anon, you are most brave to ask . i cannot tell you how eager i am to go way into detail about the nuances of HWR reader's relationship with each member of the phantom troupe.
within the main story, there are a few instances where we see phinks trying his best (with mixed success) ft my director’s commentary. 
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You dismiss the possibility. “The only threat she poses is her company.”
Shalnark laughs while Phinks shoots you an incredulous look.
“Did you somehow manage to get drunk while I wasn’t paying attention?” He asks, motioning to the unopened can of beer in your lap that Uvogin insisted you should take. “Or did I just hear you make a joke?”
“No, it was your imagination,” you deadpan, Phinks giving the possibility some consideration. It’d make more logical sense that way. The first time you met him, you had referred to him as Mr. Phinks, to which he almost had gone into a state of shock. It’s not uncommon for either Shalnark or Feitan to call him that when they’re trying to get a rise out of him. Speaking formally with the Troupe was a mistake you quickly learned to correct.
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here we have phinks doing some light flirting. looking back on this snippet, i realize HWR reader’s response comes off as flirty?? to any onlooker, at least. you just know chrollo is pouting in the corner. basically, i wanted this to be an instance where you see HWR reader’s developing camaraderie with the other members, despite having a somewhat rigid and professional air about her. 
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Shizuku walks over next, placing a hand on her chin and humming. “What was [First]’s arm wrestling rank again?”
“Eighth, I think,” Phinks recalls. “She beat Nobunaga even though he’s an Enhancer.”
Nobunaga shoots Phinks a dirty look, who simply snickers at his reaction.
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phinks is the first person to immediately recall HWR reader’s arm wrestling rank . it’s a small detail that i personally found endearing. the man answered faster than people playing jeopardy. 
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“Alright! Who wants to marry [First]?”
Phinks chokes on his beer and starts coughing violently, Chrollo’s eyes widen in a way you’ve never seen before, Shizuku tilts her head, Shalnark stops typing away on his phone and freezes, Franklin drops the drinks he just entered the room with.
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this is another personal favorite of mine. i actually love this entire scene. there’s not much to say here other than phinks was probably hoping he’d be involved in this plan somehow. 
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Phinks slides his hands into his pockets. “Your hair… it’s down.”
Ah, that’s right. In the mayhem of the morning, from not being able to find an important undergarment to hailing a cab to return to your estate, you neglected to put your hair up as it usually would be. The fact you sliced your ribbon in half the night prior didn’t help. Sensing Phinks’ staring, you take a loose lock in between your fingers and examine it. Should you need to fight, this’ll be a hindrance. That’s why you keep it up and out of your face in the first place.
“I’ll see if Machi has a spare hair tie.”
“Oh,” he almost sounds disappointed and you haven’t the slightest clue why. “That’s not why I… it looks nice. Good, I mean. You should wear it like that more often.”
What a friendly guy Phinks is, offering you encouragement like that while expecting nothing in return. Maybe you’ll write him a thank you card later.
“Thank you, I’ll consider your proposition.”
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and here it is. the saddest moment for phinks (god rest his soul). this is by far his most blatant attempt at wooing HWR reader, who is about as dense as anything when it comes to emotional intelligence. he gets an A for effort though. again, another favorite scene of mine ...
i kinda thought it’d be a fun gag to make everyone in the troupe somewhat aware of HWR reader’s relationship with chrollo, with phinks never being able to completely catch on. it’s more of one of those unspoken but universally understood type of things. no one feels the urge to keep him in the loop though. basically, he has this big puppy crush and is doing his best. it’s surprisingly wholesome the more i think about it? he doesn’t push his boundaries and is one of the first people HWR reader befriends after she’s kicked out of her home country. their bond grows stronger as the years pass on. 
by the time the yorknew arc occurs, it’s likely HWR reader pairs up the most with phinks and machi when it comes to jobs. those are her go to picks. 
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
Hi Britt, can we do a Junho smut #7 please? This boy need more written about him😩😩 This rabbit hole for Lee Juno is deep af😅😅
Junho + smut (18+) -Also, you're absolutely right. We need more Junho fics! 🥲🥲-
(Who even decided that staying friends with your ex is a good idea when they send you nudes late at night because they’re horny?)
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Your phone chimes and you let out a sigh, knowing it's Junho sending you another sexy picture. He always does this shit to you and it drives you insane. The two of you broke up, so you have no clue why he always wants to send you his nudes late at night. Then again, another part of you is definitely not complaining. You shamelessly save every one of them.
The last one he sent you was him laying down, shirtless, and in light gray sweatpants. His hardened bulge was clear as day against the thin fabric and it made your mouth drool. Fuck, you missed waking up to that sight every day.
You prepare yourself and open the new message. You groan when you look at the next picture. His sweatpants were slightly lower and the tip of his cock was sticking out of the waistband like it was greeting you. You adjust yourself into a better position, feeling an ache in you grow.
When a third pic comes in and it's even more revealing than the last, you're ready to lose it. You immediately click on his contact name and listen to the phone ring.
"Did you want to hear me jerk myself off?" He asks in greeting. You can hear the smirk in his voice and it makes you that much more turned on.
"I want you to come over here and fuck my brains out."
You hear a light growl come from his end and you nearly purr at the sound. "Just the thought of you has made me this hard and now I get to hear that sexy voice of yours tell me that? You're killing me."
"Good. It's payback for sending me those damn pictures. Now, are you going to come here and make me forget all the reasons we broke up, or am I getting myself off tonight?"
You hear shuffling come from his side and then his voice comes across all deep and husky.
"Don't you fucking dare touch yourself until I'm there or else I'm going to punish you."
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yanqings · 2 years
finally it’s here. My ts*a post. The reason im posting it as a text post is because tumblr deleted the ask while i was replying to it 🥲. anon I hope you dont get me blocked by hoards of people sndbddb
To start off, some disclaimers. This is just my personal objective subjective opinion on the book so if you think differently great. I also read it like 5 years ago, so what i wrote is based on the memory of reading it. If i had read it recently I might change some opinions, find something else that i dislike/like, what have you. Or maybe I wouldn’t. I actually enjoyed it the first time i read it but as time went on and i grew up i started to notice that certain things rubbed me the wrong way. And here they are, presented in a very messy way sorry for that 💀.
The main thing that I dislike about the book is miller’s choice of making Patroclus a semi competent healer. In the Iliad, Patroclus is a fighter, not as talented as achilles but he can hold his own. By doing this change I think it leans a bit into the “who’s the woman in the relationship” stereotype. This is further exacerbated by miller comparing patroclus to meleager’s wife in the book. Like, why did she do that. Healer patroclus brought nothing to the table that would’ve been an acceptable excuse for this change. If she was trying to make a dichotomy between the two, that already exists in the Iliad. Patroclus is described as a gentle person despite being a warrior. He is placed as an antithesis to achilles’ more ferocious nature and it makes it more meaningful that Patroclus chooses to be a noble person even if he has the potential to be destructive like achilles. What purpose does Healer Patroclus have? To make him defenseless? To show how blind his love for achilles was that he followed him into a war despite not being able to fight? I’m not sure but this brings me to my next point which is miller’s choices with the original material.
It’s boring. With all the rich characters and potential she had she took the most boring approach (which you can also find in circe). Characters often feel one dimensional, such as Thetis, Agamemnon, and Odysseus (him, of all people. Like what). Even their relationship feels so underdeveloped. Why does Achilles love Patroclus? Because he’s “not like the other boys”. Why does Patroclus love Achilles? Because he’s Achilles. Achilles was developed well enough-isn that it’s not hard to see why he would love him, but the reverse? No clue.
The choice of making Patroclus a healer takes away from what would've been a very interesting dynamic. In the book, Patroclus’ knowledge of fighting is very limited and clunky. He can never truly know just how talented Achilles is, he just knows that he’s amazing. If Patroclus had been any type of fighter, just had even a smidge of knowledge, it would’ve created an interesting scenario between the two. Patroclus initially feeling resentment because no matter how hard he tries, Achilles is better than him, it’s effortless for him. That annoyance would’ve turned into admiration and appreciation, because what does it matter if he can’t measure up to a demigod? That’s Achilles, the person he loves, he’s proud of his talent and hard work and can recognize that Achilles still needs him to keep him grounded to reality. Also, Achilles letting healer Patroclus pretend to be him in the book makes so little sense, he would still be in danger on the battlefield especially after the shit Achilles pulled with Thetis. Patroclus’ fighting ability is what reassures achilles in the Iliad about letting him go. All those men that died in the book by Patroclus messing around were actually killed by him in the Iliad. Okay i think i went way off topic here but KSJDKDHD let’s continue
Continuing the theme of choices with characters, god why did she write Agamemnon like that. I know she needs to make Achilles a nicer guy so that we’re cheering him on, but why did she make Agamemnon an even bigger asshole than he is. They’re all assholes! That’s the point! But this is a symptom of having some one dimensional characters as stated earlier but I digress. The women are also. Yeah. One would think this was written by a man. Briseis you should’ve fucked off out of there when you had the chance. I’m starting to wonder if her aim was to show that complicated world through the lens of young and in love Patroclus but even then there’s many better ways of doing it while still giving depth to side characters (like yneh does). I know maybe some of this can be explained away by saying it was intentional, part of the genre, or that miller wanted to emulate x y and z but idc! I can still talk about it and criticize it. I’m just a small blog on tumblr the hell does she care.
Other small tidbits is that the writing is good at times and at others it just feels like straight up fanfic sorry xoxo. classicists on here have also complained a bit about her portrayal of gender and sexuality in the book, as she takes modern parameters and places them on Achilles and Patroclus. I think the reason theyre being a little bit more strict in criticizing a YA novel is bc miller herself is a classicist but i can turn a blind eye to it. It’s something she probably had to change so that people would want to read it and to make to fit the YA genre so whatever yknow.
Also this isn’t miller’s fault but i have to mention it because at this point its so linked to my dislike for the book wkdjdkd. This book has created the most annoying following ever jesus christ. Pretending miller is the first ever person to think achilles and patroclus were lovers. Sure a cishet woman definitely came up with that. It literally hasn’t been a debate for thousands of years. Yes every single historian out there, even modern ones, is a homophobic white man hehe im so funny, ignore that I’m a straight girl making this joke. Yes i know everything about the Iliad just because I read ts*a and im gonna be arrogant about it.
So yeah. It isn’t the worst book ever, it’s an alright book full of missed opportunities and questionable choices. But all the fanfare around it and the fact that i cant go without a week without seeing it or people praising it as the best book ever is making me lose it. I don’t even want to know how it’ll be with the new p*rseph*ne book shes writing. I almost never see people pointing out flaws and when they do theres always hundreds of people coming out of the woodwork to defend it. Miller’s work being criticized isnt gonna kill her, she already made her money. She doesnt care that tumblr user yanqings dislikes her books. Anyways that’s all for now, let me know if you agree/disagree, or anything else.
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mrfeenysmustache · 3 years
Trope mashup!
Fairy tale AU + Awful first meeting
Ship of choice!
Loki gif for no other reason other than I'm thirsty
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Attaching Loki pictures to things is the equivalent of sliding a $20 bill across the table as a bribe, in my book 🤣
You know how much I love him 🥲
I’ll choose SessKag as the pairing for this since it IS Sesskag Week 🥳
ALRIGHT. Here we go.
The Fairies and the Elves are distant cousins. Distant cousins who’ve been fighting. For many, many centuries.
No one even remembers why anymore, just that something was stolen or maybe someone was betrayed or maybe just that someone was rude at a party one time and insulted someone else’s shoes.
It’s all very unclear, but for generations there’s been bad blood between the Fae Families and the Elf Clans, and both these species live a LONG time, so this grudge has been simmering for…. Well, a long time.
But all this in fighting means that Humans, who reproduce like rabbits compared to long lived fairies and elves, have managed to be the top dogs of the word, and both Fairies and Elves are tired of their brightest minds being used for war instead of progress, so they attempt to strike up some peace via Marriage Contract. The humans do it all the time, after all, when their little villages and kingdoms start squabbling, how bad could it be?
Real bad, apparently.
Sesshomaru is the first born Son of the Elven King, set to inherit the throne at some point, raised to be regal, poised, controlled, the silver hair and golden eyes of his royal clan shine brighter on him than they have on anyone born in his family in a millennia, and he’s highly, highly educated. The prize of the Elven Kingdom, he is accepting of his duty to his people and is ready to step into his new role with his head high.
Kagome is the 3rd born child of the Fairy King, but second born daughter. Her elder sister entered a convent to dedicate her life to serving the goddesses, so she was out, but Kagome is warm, kind, skilled with magics and known for her wit and sharp sense of humor. Her subjects LOVE her and are sad to see her go live amongst the elves, but if ANYONE can unite their people, it’s Kagome, who’s been preaching for YEARS that Elves arent bad just because they’re elves, it’s just propaganda! They’re people like the fairies are and we can all get along! She’s excited to be the one to build the bridge to peace!
And then they meet.
Sesshomaru is instantly put off and overwhelmed by her sunny demeanor. Elves are *not* known for being talkative and social, and Kagome interprets him clamming up as him being a snob who doesn’t like her. She’s fine with Elves, but maybe HE doesn’t like fairies? She’s dismayed that her new husband already hates her, she’s annoyed that he’s so pompous and wants to kick him down a rung or two, but he avoids her like the plague.
Cuz he DOESN’T dislike her. He found her pretty and interesting and intriguing, but… he doesn’t have the faintest clue what to say to her. He wasn’t raised to *talk* he was raised to *lead* and BOY does she love to talk!!!
So now their marriage in shambles even though it’s barely begun. The groom is secretly frightened of his new, bubbly wife who smiles bright as the sun, and the bride is DETERMINED to track down her new husband and give him a piece of her mind.
*cue shenanigans*
Well hot damn, now I have another idea that wants my attention 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the ask, it’s apparent going on my WIP List now 🤣
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