#I know everything that happens in tnp
I've been getting really, really into warrior cats again. I don't know why exactly
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bonefall · 2 months
I LOVED hearing about the Ripwater episode!!!! Could you discuss whichever episode that would include Jayfeather‘s warrior training perhaps? If not I’d LOVE to hear about any other!
Jay's warrior training happens across lots of them! He only pivots to being a Cleric near the VERY end of the arc. He's considered fully trained after "saving" Hazeltail by secretly kicking Moleflight's ass.
Jaypaw -> Jayfang -> Jayfeather
Blackstar's Bog Project seems to be the conflict so far that's going to be featuring Jaypaw's training the most, though, the way that most of these episodes end up being centric for one of the three.
Jaypaw will be dominant in ShadowClan-related episodes because his first rival shows up here; Owlpaw, later called Owlclaw.
If you recognize that name, it's either because you know he's the secret brother of Kestrelflight and Harestar, or you remember that he's the father of Weaselkit and Happyface which causes familial problems within Violetshine's adopted family. Noteworthy recurring ShadowClan cat!
Head's up this one's way less organized than Ripwater's
Pre-Bog Project; The beginning of Jaypaw's apprenticeship Ableism and Longtail
Before Blackstar begins the bog project, I want there to be a decent amount of battle between ShadowClan and ThunderClan.
At the time, The Three are kits or young apprentices. For the most part, they're born into a world where they mostly know ShadowClan as this kinda distant, scary thing that the older warriors fight a lot.
When they become apprentices, it doesn't help that ShadowClan's presence is sharp. They have a very dry, dark sense of humor which can mask bullying. They cite the Warrior Code a lot and take blasphemy seriously. It's not always obvious when they mean what they say or if they're being sarcastic
This is especially bad with ThunderClan cats. Tawnypelt had a REALLY hard time adapting to this culture back in TNP.
there's one major fight Jaypaw takes part in between the two, as a young apprentice. Enter Owlpaw.
It's REALLY important that in this fight, Jaypaw gets his ass kicked.
Owlpaw is the third oldest lakeborn cat. He's big, mean, and vicious. He is a DIFFICULT opponent, he really is an Owl to a Jay at this point. Bad Bad Leroy Brown type shit
This curbstomp messes with Jaypaw baaaadly, shaking any confidence he'd gained in the short time where he's started training with Longtail.
When Jaypaw FIRST becomes the apprentice of Longtail... it wasn't actually welcome. Jaykit's ceremony was nearly delayed, as if Firestar was just going to pass over him.
An objection was raised, as it was wondered what would happen with Jaykit. The poor kid was put on the spot, when he'd just been expecting to get given a mentor the same as his siblings.
When Firestar and Brackenfur had an awkward answer, Longtail leapt in heroically, demanding to be un-retired so he could come and mentor his grand-nephew.
While most of the Clan saw this as impressive, Jaykit did not. It was humiliating and embarrassing!
It was like they were just going to skip over him, and "the only mentor I could get was another useless cat, like me..."
Jaypaw is dealing with a lot of shame through internalized ableism. It's that kind of sticky misery where you just end up hating everything you touch. NOTHING is good or okay. Everything is awful and if you try to tell me otherwise I will double down.
The type that you can't reason with. So Longtail trying to get through to this kid was already hell.
He was trying to be motivational and uplifting. "We'll prove them wrong, together!" and "Stick with me kid, I'll teach you everything." and "There's lots of ways to be a warrior, we'll find what works best for ya."
It does not work. Jaypaw is determined to hate him, dismissing him as being insincere and fake-nice.
And when that first fight comes up, Jaypaw's spent however long as an apprentice being difficult and his first real matchup is against ShadowClan's Youngest Blender
So of course, Owlpaw toys with him like canon. Keeps dodging and taunting him, making little jabs, commenting on how weak ThunderClan must be to put him out on the battlefield.
After the fight ends, Longtail tries to let Jaypaw mope for a bit about it, lick his wounds, recover.
But he just ends up at his lowest point, and snapping at Longtail that he'll never amount to anything anyway, "a blind warrior isn't worth anything."
And Longtail's LOST his patience. That's IT.
"Get up right now and fight me."
"wh... what?"
"Maybe you're used to everyone else just letting you say whatever dumb thing, but when you insult yourself, you insult ME. And I've got the Right to Challenge over my honor. So GET UP."
Over the course of this fight, Longtail uses it both to coach him on how to properly move, and also to let Jaypaw blow off steam. He taunts him to just let his claws out, while keeping his own sheathed.
And during all this, Jay can barely get a hit in. The fight ends with Longtail easily pinning him to the ground, and he reminds him,
"Don't wanna be a blind warrior? Fine. I can't teach what you don't want to learn, you tell me and we'll find other options, but if I EVER hear those words come out of your mouth again, it's personal."
And after THAT, it clicks for Jaypaw. It's personal. Longtail didn't need to do any of it, stand up for him, mentor him, he wants to.
When he insults himself, or when he thinks of Longtail like he was some cheap option, it hits both of them.
Longtail is an excellent warrior-- and a warrior defends their honor.
Still, Owlpaw remains, and these aren't just internalized thoughts only he has, "don't get mad at me for insulting your honor. I was just repeating what Owlpaw said to me. He said a blind warrior isn't worth anything at all. And it's like the whole Clan agrees, but they just don't say it."
"Then we'll kick his ass," removes his paw from his apprentice's back, "We'll kick all their asses. But you're not going to go around agreeing with them before you even learn how to fight."
The grand irony of this is that after making this promise to kick Owlpaw's ass, having this as a goal in-mind, Firestar begins the fruitful negotiations with ShadowClan which will result in a period of sweet peace. There aren't any battles to get into between them for a while.
So Owlpaw continues to be this sort of "goal" on the horizon. Jaypaw wants revenge against this specific person, while also being forced to work with him at various points, as ShadowClan is their ally.
Something interesting I plan to do is to secretly write Breezepaw as being a MUCH stronger fighter than Owlpaw ever was. Owlpaw is big and strong, but it's BREEZEPAW who's the truly vicious fighter of the Po3 apprentice generation. A cat that Jaypaw faces off with several times, and has a difficult time fighting because of Breeze's aggressive, straightforward fighting style.
Jaypaw fights best against cats who try to get out of his grapples, because he can turn it against them. When a cat is so ferocious that they don't relent at all, meeting him with even more biting and scratching, it effectively counters his unique style.
Between his brawls with Lionpaw and Breezepaw, Jaypaw has no idea how overleveled he is lmao
Bog Project
There's two times that I want to zoom into the Bog Project in Po3.
The first one is when they FIRST construct the dam that destroys the pine plantation, including an altercation with human plantation workers who come to try and dismantle the dam. The Clan cats run circles around them as the humans are too heavy to not sink into the mud. I want someone to jump off the dam, bounce off a person and knock them over with a SPLAT, and then jump back on the dam in one smooth movement lmaoo
(Switch over to the researchers for a second and they're actually scrambling to get the area turned into a different classification of protected site during this. Unknown to ShadowClan, they really do just have to buy some time.)
The SECOND time is when they're simply repairing some damage, Owlpaw starts a fight with Jaypaw and swings the first blow, and Jaypaw realizes it's time to take this man to Clown Town.
The fight begins while they're up on the dam, trying to figure out where a leak is or some other minor thing.
Owlpaw starts REALLY getting into it with Jaypaw. "I can't believe they put me up here with you. It's like they want you to have a little accident so I can say I have no idea what happened."
I'm REALLY TORN between Jaypaw either playing this as peacefully as possible, so it's completely Owlpaw's fault they got into it... or realizing he can totally goad this fight and then be able to say it wasn't his fault because Owlpaw threatened him first: "Bold of you to talk about little accidents. Ur mom"
I'm leaning towards Jaypaw goading it after Owlpaw started it, realizing that snark is a very useful tool. Thinking back to how he used to call himself useless, how Longtail used it to make him unload all his pent-up anger and aggression. It has a purpose.
and that purpose, right now, is making an opportunity to put this git in his proper place.
But either way, when Owlpaw starts lashing out at him, SO much like that first fight, Jay notices something REALLY interesting
Owl always tries to stay out of the line of his whiskers. The blows are hard clobbers, but he's not really scratching because he doesn't want to get close
Jaypaw stays perfectly still, UNNERVINGLY still, and takes one, two whacks. Then he knows that his opponent favors his right paw, and he's about... 2 mouselengths away.
Owl lifts his paw again, and in one, smooth move, JAYPAW LUNGES
Caught square in the belly, they roll back along the wall
Owl recovers, twisting onto his opponent, hissing and scratching to untangle, and they tumble right off the side in a clattering shower of sticks and daub
They make a SPLORCH as their bodies splatter the mud below them
"THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING" -Lionpaw probably
The entire construction crew gathers around. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"
Owlpaw seems to be getting wise, trying to wriggle out of the grapple to win back distance, but Jay hears Longtail's words of wisdom echoing in his head
"To know his own limits,"
He never lets his opponent out of range of his whiskers, Owl breaks away only to expose his back to a vicious opponent
Jaypaw grabs his foe by the neck, rears up and dunks his face down in the mud. SPLAT!
Owlpaw screeches in rage, snorting muck out of his nose, blinded
The big bully has no idea to slow down and think about where the blows are coming from, or anticipate how his opponent moves.
Jaypaw's jaws close down viciously on his shoulder, and in a flash, he's wrapped around him like a snake.
Trying to buck him off is only causing Owlpaw to sink into the mud
Jaypaw only releases his lock long enough to command; "SAY UNCLE"
Terrified, like a rabbit with a weasel with its fangs dangerously close to its pulse, he obeys; "UNCLE!!"
Jaypaw disentangles and hops off, and it's only now that he registers the size of the crowd.
Hazelpaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw, both of his siblings, every ShadowClan apprentice, plus all the warriors who were assigned to the project
Most are cheering, others murmur with awe or hiss with frustration, Owlpaw's mentor is helping him out of the mud, asking him what the hell happened back there
Jay is GLOWERING. He can't help the smug smile that paints his face, or the pride that washes through his veins, though he nonchalantly flicks the mud off his tail.
but the gloating is cut short. Longtail's rough tongue passes over a swelling lump next to Jaypaw's eye, and a little cut he didn't realize he'd gotten had started to sting.
"Knock it off!" He grumbles, doing nothing to stop him, "you're embarassing me!"
"Embarassing?! I'm so proud out of my fur I just might cry about it and embarass you even more!"
In the aftermath, Owlpaw is the one who gets blamed for the fight on the wall. Though Longtail freely admits that his apprentice can be rude, Owlpaw is the one who escalated it to blows.
That said, no one really "gets in trouble" for it. It's written off by both Blackstar and Firestar as an "apprentices will be apprentices" moment. BB!Battle cats can have battles without holding a formal hearing in parliament about it.
What DOES happen that Jaypaw finds bizarre is that when he gets home and the news spreads, Bramblestar is one of the first cats to start gloating. He feels odd about how odd he feels about it.
But after his father has given his ear a proud lick and explains the situation to Squirrelflight who gives a proud lick to the other one, Jaypaw examines the feeling. He tries to think of other times Brambleclaw has been this proud of him, and that's when it clicks; there are none.
Lionpaw is an accomplished fighter at this point, having landed the fatal blow onto Ripwater. Hollypaw is at the forefront of nearly every diplomacy meeting alongside her mentor, Brackenfur. But Jaypaw.. well, most of his brawls have been little skirmishes. Not really "achievements."
It's not like Brambleclaw has been absent or anything, so... he's not yet sure what to do with this feeling. It's quickly buried as the other apprentices dogpile him, begging for the full details.
Assorted closing thoughts for other episodes and such;
Jaypaw's power is plane-hopping. He can move freely between supernatural realms-- dreams, heaven, hell, Earth. He can interact, physically, with anything on these planes.
No more magic empathy. Society has progressed past the need for magic empathy.
He's going to get several little moments in other episodes where he helps to heal others, especially when Cinderheart breaks her leg.
Becoming a Cleric is a choice that should have significant build-up, since he chooses it over Poppyfrost.
I think the REAL inciting moment that he decides to commit to the bit is that he ends up having some kind of dream where Moleflight (Poppyfrost's ill-fated brother) visits him, just after getting his warrior name, and Mole says, "you will be an excellent warrior."
Jayfang: "theres no way youre just being nice to me. What are you trying to stop me from doing."
He also really likes giving advice and listening to people. Enjoys a good little debate, but I kinda want to show him visibly sharpening his emotional intelligence as Po3 goes on.
It starts with Longtail, who whittles that aimless cynicism into something earnest and constructive.
I also want to work in some scenes where Longtail explains to Jaypaw how much he reminds him of Swiftpaw, his "uncle."
Sootfur too, sometimes. In the humor.
Jay: "Great track record, two dead kids."
Longtail, very quiet... only to break the tense silence himself, "Sootfur, no. Swiftpaw... yes. I should have been a better mentor."
Everyone knows a mentor is meant to teach an apprentice. But Longtail realizes that an apprentice is meant to teach their mentor, too.
And he wouldn't be worthy to guide another paw if he hadn't learned his lessons from Swiftpaw.
"I taught him to ignore his limits. I made him think that he had to "prove" himself to be worth anything. It was something my mentor taught me, which was something his mentor taught him. Jaypaw, there's going to be things you can't do, and when they come, you'll hate me for stopping you. But I'm not here to raise another brave fool who dies to prove a point."
Jaypaw also meets Rock at various points through BB!Po3, especially when StarClan isn't being straightforward about answers or they end up in the tunnels.
Rock is VERY gentle with Jaypaw, but no one else. If Jaypaw hadn't been in the tunnels that time the WindClan kits went missing, he probably would have just left them all to drown lmao
The first hint The Three discover about their powers, and the prophecy at all, comes through Jaypaw inadvertently ending up realm-hopping. I'm keeping it on standby for him gaining access to information through dreams.
Before he eventually pressures Dovepaw to spy on other Clans, he was using his own powers to gather what info he could.
Thankfully, he doesn't discover how much power this actually grants him, or what he can consciously do with this, until OotS.
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northern-passage · 8 months
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i understand being disappointed when things change, and i don’t hold any ill will towards people that aren’t interested in siren’s call anymore. but i’ve been pretty transparent about regretting sharing sc publicly before & the game has been removed for over a year now, so i am surprised at so many negative reactions.
i don’t expect everyone to always love everything that i write, and i am aware that the majority of my audience is here for my IF writing (specifically tnp) but the fact is that i like to write other things sometimes and i would like to be able to share them without immediately receiving negative comments & guilt trippy messages about it.
it’s been disappointing for me this past year the way my work has been received; i’ve published four other projects and have had this kind of reaction almost every single time. i’ve held my tongue about it except for mentioning it briefly on my other blog after i published blood choke & immediately received a slew of 1 star ratings (most of which are the same people that have been rating all of my work that is not tnp in the same way)
i removed faith because of this same thing happening and quietly republished it without sharing it here. i’ve been using the kithj blog more in an effort to keep things separate but obviously i still shared siren’s call here yesterday because i like sharing my work with people! i want to be able to do that! and i know there are people here that wanted to see more of that story and more of Rome so i wanted to share it. but it’s been so frustrating this past year having to deal with this.
i am always open to feedback or genuine criticism; i am always looking to improve my work. but any messages or comments like this about being disappointed i’m not writing more IF or complaining about f/f are being ignored & i will block you.
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ihazmunchies91 · 3 months
"Do you know what the Hawthorne Effect is reader?"
"N-No I don't think-"
"It is the study of how one changes under the condition of being monitored or watched. Thier performance improves, their behaviors, their appearance, their body language. Before you entered this Parable, can you ever say you had anything profound happen to change your life for the better? I think not. Before this Parable, you were miserable. And Despite your happenings and events here, you have improved. You are happy."
Okay imma talk about Void here. I have brainrot about my boy.
Void Narrator is from a unfinished fanfic I did a year ago. It was a half life stanley parable crossover.
The Narrator was a Psychologist that worked for black mesa and was sent to infiltrate the facility that stanley worked at to study the mind control tactics they had. To him, this was the greatest opportunity to understanding how the mind worked in response to being controlled. And in his mind, this was the ultimate catalyst to him being the greatest psychologist. He felt as though he could use this tactic to become a better psychologist by mind controlling his patients somehow with the help of Black Mesa.
When the cascade resonance happened, he became mutated into an entity and is now a part of the void entirely. And he can be malicious and deadly. But he mostly watches everything. He erased stanleys coworkers including his closest friend (who later respawns).
I never finished the fanfic because I ran out of steam, and I didn't have a lot of information that I do now. So now he is in TNP (the narrative Parable) where he belongs.
Yes, He is aware of G-Man from his orginal story. He was a frequent visitor.
Voids name is yet to be spoken publically. It will be featured in the fanfic.
He can hear thoughts very easily, which is also how he's able to do psychology very well. he's also incredibly violent when it comes to intruders in his territory, however, he has a select few narrators that he tolerates in his facility, they come to visit him and play games, however, void tends to cheat when it comes to games. He can tranform the cards and dice to his liking.
He was a psychologist for workers at Black Mesa because many of the workers, mostly the scientist became frequently stressed about their work position and needing to get things done on time or else they would face expulsion from the facility.
When he was a psychologist to black Mesa, he would often spend his earnings on gambling, and he would never lose, often using his psychology to trick others into losing, and thus, when he was transformed into a void creature, he used his abilities to his full advantage, he could care less if he was caught.
He loves having a drink before he gets started on his work. he has various wines and decanters. he owns a parlor inside the void which looks like a bar in a casino. Clean green and red carpets. A poker table. several couches ro get comfortable on or rest. A fireplace. he also has his doctorates hangingon his wall above the wine cabinet.
I loves him. T.T
art by emiletb
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freshkillpile · 3 months
The narrative that Squirrelflight just doesn't like Hawkfrost for no reason is so stupid and ignores literally everything else that happens in TNP.
"wow I know he's training in the Dark Forest with his evil, genocidal father, helping his evil genocidal father manipulate his brother, and tries to murder Squirrelflight's dad, but Squirrelflight's a controlling bitch for telling Brambleclaw not to trust his own brother!"
You sound so stupid.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Fallen stars au:
I can imagine Firestar paving a way for peaceful tradings and alliance with bloodclan. Man is going to beat the kittypet xenophobia with a hammer.
Honestly I imagine Mistystar as leader in TNP. Because after everything, I can’t imagine Leopardstar coming out of this intact. She’s either forced to step down or challenged, or hell she’s challenged when she refuses to leave the forest.
Don’t know if Blackstar would still happen or even if he would be alive. Honestly I’m for keeping there so he has to see Misty at every gathering, knowing she took down Leopard and one of his lives and will gladly do so again.
I don’t see Deadfoot properly recovering. Maybe Ashfoot and Mudclaw take over those duties. Not a confirmed leader for a while. I can only imagine the possibilities.
✨Firestar has trust issues✨ he definitely lost his shit when Squirrel went missing.
I can imagine the chaos Hawkfrost could do with the still rebuilding clans and the fragile leaderships.
firestar AS the guy who continuously fights to change the clans is what i wanted so sooo SO bad come on erins he's literally FIRE fire is CHANGE PLEASE ERINS-
I can definitely see Leopardstar being stripped of her rank for her role in the half-clan cat debacle and TigerClan as a whole because unlike what SOME arcs want to believe, she was absolutely down for that shit. As for Blackstar, that's tough...he genuinely shouldn't be leader but I find the idea kind of interesting? Definitely gonna keep him the same minus some actual consequences lol
The Deadfoot situation adds some extra buildup to the WindClan uprising. These guys have been lead by their deputy for moons and then, when he finally wakes up, he raspily reveals one of Tallstar's wishes before he'd be slain and kickstarts a full on civil war before dying Tallstar style.
Definitely right about Hawkfrost, I feel like his struggles would be made even more difficult with how much damage Tigerstar wrought but throw in the destruction of the forest and he has the chance to actually do some damage.
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mommyclaws · 8 months
it's fun hearing you livepost abt the first book because i never actually read it. i own the first arc now but when i was,,, idk 14 and wanted to get into warriors my library only had the hard copy of fire and ice so that was the first book i read. the only things i knew abt into the wild came from amvs or maps on youtube
Well nice to know other people are enjoying it I just like throwing out my thoughts somewhere! :3 My middle school only had books from Tnp and Po3 but I could never read them in order because the other kids swiped that shit before I could even figure out what warrior cats was all about😭
But! Ngl being in the fandom long enough I basically already know everything that happens but something... just feels so different between the fandom and the books. First of all because the books are kinda mid but theres alot of little relationship details and thought processes the characters go through that doesn't seem to make it into fandom discussion or art, so its interesting to read for myself!
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ghostxraven · 2 months
poppy, petunia, and laurel for the wc asks?
Poppy: What’s one of your biggest headcanons for the series?
OH definitely my conceit that mistyfoot/star is like. convinced she is destined to lose everything and everyone she’s ever loved. and it keeps happening so she keeps getting proven right. + the idea that she was basically given up by her mom so she could become leader and feels bitter about that and YET she continues to Be Like Her Mother, she is SO MUCH like her mom in so many ways, and ultimately she ends up going down the same path as her mom. and all of that comes together to conclude that she is Doomed By the Narrative and one of the most tragic characters in warriors. i could elaborate on this more because i have SO many thoughts about mistyfoot & she’s my favorite character but i’ll leave it there so this doesn’t get crazy long and it involves a lot of intertwining headcanons about her life. okay
Petunia: Which arc is your favorite? Which is your least favorite?
i have pretty standard opinions on this (best arc is arc 1, worst arc is currently standing at omen of the stars but asc is giving it a run for its money) so i’ll throw in my two cents that i think warriors as a series should have ended with arc 1
Laurel: If you could write the books, what changes would you make?
hoooooooly shit okay. there are almost an infinity of changes but i’ll try to hit the big ones, in no particular order:
1. LGBT representation (they would never do this i am aware that is why i would be implementing it myself)
2. firepaw has a crush on spottedleaf but she never sees him as anything more than (affectionately) a little brother, which is why she ends up as a starclan guide for him going forward
3. mistyfoot & leopardfur toxic yuri relationship is integral to the narrative
4. brambleclaw and squirrelflight are written well and are Cute. sandstorm and firestar of the second arc. they have a rough moment where brambleclaw feels lied to post-hollyleaf’s parentage reveal at the gathering but they get through it. sigh
5. the tribe does not exist was never written into the books and is not relevant. God.
6. general fixing of misogyny and abusive relationships UNLESS that’s vital to the narrative. but it HAS to be purposeful in the way it is not currently
7. that one headcanon about tawnypelt having brambleclaw’s deputy arc from TNP
8. mothwing as the three’s sire like SORRY i know it’s cliche for me to say that but genuinely fuck crowfeather (speaking of Fuck Crowfeather nightcloud gets a wife but that’s not particularly story relevant)
9. the series ends after omen of the stars. oots has decent bones at least. sorry to sparkpelt fans/twigbranch fans/frostpaw fans but i think all the books after that arc are stinky poo poo garbage and oots is like the OBVIOUS ending point. this would mean i would have to sacrifice the last little bit of mistystar’s Tragic Character Arc but that’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make
10. NO dotc. garbage trash dumpster fire of a book series. DIE (we can see the founders in starclan and get a sense of their personalities and such or whatever but that book series is agony to read. sorry dotc fans)
going to leave it there because there’s an insane amount of things i could fix with this series because after the first arc it becomes Genuinely Bad but hmu if you want the director’s cut
thank you thank you marz!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
send me flower warrior cats asks from here!!
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
Overly complicated Ashstar Au: Part 1
(Spans over TNP, PO3, TBC. In this I don’t think OOTS would happen since the conflict is changed and AVOS would happen but in a shorter span of time, in like a super edition or short series)
Inspired a lot by @lockandkeyhyena ‘s au! Go check him out he’s making a animatic currently and it looks awesome for his ashstar au. Part 2 here!
Bramble becomes deputy of TC like in canon, he and Squirrel are mates but problems ofc are there bc he doesn’t like Ashfur and he’s her friend. But Squirrel doesn’t trust Hawkfrost and Bramble is being a little pissy boy about it, punishing her a lot. Very toxic already. (For technicality’s sake I’m saying he trained Whitepaw while Ash trained Birchpaw)
While Ash is now dating Hawk he does still have this attachment to Squirrel. And definitely hates seeing how Bramble treats her.
Hawkfrost crafts his plan to test his brother, either he kills Firestar or he betrays him and if he does then Ash is to leap from the bushes behind him and knock him out. What they get planned for was Brambleclaw attacking Hawkfrost. Caught in surprise he couldn’t roll out of the way of the stake going through his chest. Ashfur is horrified and leap out, but he has to act fast so he rescues Firestar who was coming back from receiving his life and told him that Bramble was working with Hawkfrost to kill him and become leader just like Tigerstar did! Fire is shocked but remembers Tigerclaw doing the same to Bluestar so long ago so he denounces Brambleclaw as deputy and makes Ashfur his deputy instead.
Squirrelflight is obviously horrified, she suspected Hawk of being untrustworthy but never her own mate. She breaks up with him and cries to Ash about it, who can’t help but love that he’s the one she turned to. Though ever beat of his heart reminds him of Hawkfrost. He felt this airy love and warmth with him. His hatred to Bramble is solidified even more. Now Brambleclaw is treated as a cat in their clan, not a clanmate but just there. And Ash makes sure to make his life even harder by giving him many unwanted chores, keeping him away from Squilf, and always making him do Dawn and Dusk patrols.
A bit after this and still reeling from the shock of her ex mate trying to kill her father she agrees to go with Leafpool, and immediately takes in the three for her. When she returns she never states who their sire is, some believing it’s most likely Brambleclaw and she just didn’t want to associate him with her kits. But Ash, looking at the small gray spotty tom with soft blue eyes can’t help but wonder what if their his? Immediately he feels unsure but keeps up the act of a uncle figure to them, helping out when Leaf isn’t there since she’s always so cold to him.
Squirrelflight asks her dad to make one of them apprenticed to Ashfur, a gesture by her to show she cares a lot about him helping her raise the kits (tho it’s purely platonic on her end). As such he gets Lionpaw, the overly ambitious, quick to act, and roaringly loud young cat just as his namesake. While he does try to be a good mentor Lionpaw is a handful and he gets real tired of the guy, sometimes being a bit too harsh though he tries to be nice. He does notice the toms fighting skill and learns that battle training is the best way to keep him interested.
Then he overhears it, walking back to drop off his squirrel and take a nap, he hears whispering form the healer den. Curious he gets closer and sneaks forward to hear. Inside Squilf and Leaf are talking in hushed voices about the three. “We should tell them Leaf it’s not right to keep them in the dark! Plus their almost warriors.” He hears in a anxious tone from Squilf though Leaf’s reply was sharper and clearly a no “Squirrel if anyone finds out who really fathered them I’ll lose everything, they’ll hate us don’t you know? Their whole world would break if they knew!”
He jumps back and drops off the squirrel, shaking the bristling down his spine and trying to stay cool. Too emotional he takes a walk instead, going down to the lake to think. Ash knows they aren’t his now. The little hope of a life after feels like it was shattered. All he can feel is the anger bc if he’s not the sire to them, then their Brambles. The cat who killed his mate here at the lake and hurt Squirrel. Sorry excuse of a mate for her at all when they were together. She chose him? Anger fuels him and he wants vengeance. He would make them feel the pain he did at losing everyone around him.
(For note, no Squirrel never “chose” Brambleclaw over him this is deluded thinking that she is his and any relation to him would be cheating. She didn’t and she is completely innocent just trapped in the crosshairs of two horrible nasty guys who like to control her)
He gets a flaming branch, one he found while checking camp after it was struck by lightning and brought it to a bramble bush near camp, where he tossed it to start the fire. He plays up being the deputy by helping everyone out, going in to ‘save’ the remaining cats who he knows are just Squirrel, the three, and Bramble.
There it is. The three trapped, Squirrel having trouble to push the branch to them. He helps but before they reach the other side he pushes it over, hanging them over the fire on this teetering branch, any moment able to catch on fire and crash them into the fiery flames below. Squirrel shrieks “What are you doing?!” And he just scoffs as he hold the branch steady. She can’t push him away or he’ll lose his grip and the branch will fall along with the three shaking cats she called her kits.
He screams his feelings out. He hated them. He hated her. But most of all he hated the blood that ran through them from their monstrous father. He’s about to lift his paw and let them plummet but Squirrel says the truth. They aren’t her kits. They aren’t Bramble’s most definitely. She took them in because their mother couldn’t. She raised them as her own but she wasn’t the one to kit them. The three are shocked, Ash is surprised. But he can’t let them die now. They don’t deserve that. They didn’t lie or share any blood with the cat who murdered his mate. And they just learned their mom wasn’t even their blood mother. He lets them over, Lionpaw saving Squirrel from a branch as they fled that tried to fall on her but they all make it out with few burns.
None of them speak of what happens as he crafts his plan to hurt the one who really deserved it, not some kits who were innocent of it all. He’s at the river, staring at its moonlit reflection. Memories of laying on his mates back as they floated on the waters surface (like otters), the bright eyes his frosty eyes look at him. He’s swirling his paws in the light when paws slam into his back, pushing him into its depths. He can’t breathe. The waters filling his lungs. But he wasn’t weak, pushing up he launches the cat off his back but they quickly bounce back to finish him off. They wrestle, the only discernible feature of his attacker being hostile glowing green eyes. He’s pinned as claws sink into his throat. He’s about to die. But he can’t yet. No matter how much he missed Hawk he couldn’t see him till he fulfilled what they couldn’t.
“I know who your parents are! I know who really kitted you!”
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MapleRaven au is one made by me and @x-critter2022 ! They thought of the idea and we spent a while fleshing it out but then I lost my acc and most of the details so it was semi scrapped
The basis is that instead Mapleshade and Ravenwing are together and have their kits but to keep his secret (and bc he has a complex) he faked the sign from Starclan and exposed her but said the kits were Appledusk’s who TC hated in canon bc of Birch and Flowerpaw’s deaths. Maple is furious for good reason and grabs Nettlepaw who is Raven’s apprentice and says that he has to come with their kits or she’ll kill him. Make it a little angsty with the river flooding and the crazy storm when Raven shows up with their kits. The two fight and Maple says out loud that he’s their dad, so now the kits and Nettlepaw know. Raven gets angry and leaps at her but Petalkit gets tripped by his paw and falls into the river. Maple screeches and leaps into the river after her daughter, both drowning.
Ravenwing looks at the river with horror and Nettlepaw tries to save poor Petalkit but she’s quickly whisked underwater. Scared for the remaining kits health Raven leaves the river with Patch and Larch. When they all get back Nettlepaw reveals it to Oakstar who is RAGING. He’s about to banish the Tom but if he did they wouldn’t have a fully trained healer. Now Raven is allowed in camp but kept from his kits, and only there until Nettle is ready to be named. He tries to push back his ceremony but Nettle tells him to cut that shit. Pressured and in anger he runs, racing across the river to Riverclan where he ends up ambushing Appledusk. He kills him but Reedshine was there and she’s horrified, her noise calling another patrol. He’s brought back to Oakstar who executes him.
Nettle is fully trained and names himself Nettlepetal after the kit he couldn’t save. I like to think he was actually really cute with the litter before everything happened like a older brother type who’d bring them pretty plants. Patchpaw stays in TC for a bit but can’t handle the constant reminders of his parents and the whispers all the time so he moves to RC where Reedshine pretty much adopts him. He remembers what a impact Nettle was to him and his siblings so he takes a simailr role to her kits! He also renames himself Koishine when he’s a warrior to distance himself from his trauma and past but also after his momma! When he leaves tho it hurts Larchpaw a lot. He’s pretty much completely alone and a really quiet, distant apprentice. He’s named Larchfrost for his nature but warms when he finds a little kit he names Daisykit (semi after petal as welll!). This is the same Daisy as Goose and Moon’s mom!
After both their parents death they each haunt their kids lineage. Seeing their kids move past and try to erase their relation to their parents makes both Maple and Raven angry who choose to haunt them bc their horrible parents. Maple haunts Koishine, going after Crookedkit who is the closest lineage as his adopted younger brother while Raven haunts Goosekit. Another note is that later in life Nettlepetal and Larchfrost started a garden to honor all the kits who died unfairly, a wildflower patch to remember the little lives lost too young. It’s a family thing and that’s the reason Frostfur (who is a goosefeather kit as always) stays behind to care for it when the cats leave in TNP! Very long au but I love it a lot and I’m so happy with how it is!
Oh. Ohhhhhhhh.
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wc-wild-rewrite · 6 months
Fire and Ice reread!
I didnt enjoy this nearly as much as the first book, so 7/10, i give my reasonings in the My Thoughts section. The writing is less clunky in the way its written, but the writing itself is, eh, its not terrible but its not book 1 standard.
On the bright side, i'm loving Windclan and the thunderclan apprentices.
Poor morningflower, having to give birth road-side without her mate
Its been nearly a moon since windclan was driven out, so they were there when rusty joined thunderclan
Deadfoot my beloved
Honestly ashfoot your complaining isnt unjustified, id be mad too
Chapter 1
They need to grow in their leafbare fur, interesting! Probably never brought up again though
"After many moons as an apprentice" its been 4 moons max, and you spent one of those moons not actually training, how did you even qualify for this
Ah yes, exposition monolouge on what happened the previous book
God i love how respectful whitestorm is
"Only been warriors for a few days" you literally just finished your vigil, dude, its not even been a whole day
Honor is a big thing for the clans
I like the idea of longtail just walking around camp giving the least subtle hints for days on end
Aww swiftpaw was so anxious for his ceremony, thats adorable
Way to have double standards, longtail. Still love you tho
And theres the full moon
Ah, more exposition, on lionheart this time. Thank you, erins, we get it, we did read the last book
Interesting how easily bluestar takes ravenpaw's leaving. I mean, not the tigerclaw part, but the leaving the clan part.
Chapter 2
Whitestorm still being respectful, even to the enemy
Oh no, whiteclaw, your not gonna see the end of this book
Yeah, so he did spend a moon looking after her
Im shocked Tigerclaw wants Windclan back
Chapter 3
Slow slug
Yellowfang seems rather chipper today
Chapter 4
As of the gathering, its been two moons since windclan was driven out
They have wood ants
They know what a year is
Apparently windclan doesnt patrol its borders often
Chapter 5
Ok so this generstion of windclan cats are DEFINITELY traumatised
I can't imagine tnp journey is gonna go well for them
I admire their sturdiness though, still willing to fight despite everything
Chapter 6
Ooo smart move, Fireheart, asking to go with them instead of offering help
Gorsekit is officially a little creature
Deadfoot!! My boy!!
I love fireheart's comeback to the apprentice
Aww barley likes sharing food with his boyfriend
Chapter 7
I love deadfoot so much, little blorbo man
Damn ok riverclan chill out
"Lame warrior" can we not
But also yess tigerclaw save my boy
Chapter 8
Oh no, whiteclaw!
Yess willowpelt protect your son
I wonder how much the story would've changed if sandpaw had dropped instead of whiteclaw, or both of them
Tigerclaw i see you trying to get your cronies new apprentices
I hope fireheart and greystripe share the story with the elders, i like them
Ok apparently brackenpaw is ginger now
Awww cinderpaw babie girl
Lil moody brackenpaw there, love him
But also they are like 4 moons didnt we just learn this was bad
Chapter 9
Honestly it is so irresponsible for bluestar to make these two mentors, they are like 10 moons at best, theres only 6 moons between them and their apprentices
Someone get Greystripe in therapy
Queens tell boogeyman stories of kit-snatching owls
Again, tree scaling, this time by smallear
Aw cinderpaw, my adhd babie girl
"When you brought them home" girl that was you, you were that kit. I know this is a writing error but i like to think its a mental disconnection due to the trauma of it
God, the "that cat in the forest...was his sister!" Is such a 2009 writing style
Chapter 10
Rip tulipkit, i think your the first of that litter to die
I wonder if fern and ash ever remembered their littermate
I love the difference between cinderpaw's wild bounding and brackenpaw's careful thinking
Awww princess and fireheart bonding is so cute
Chapter 11
Aw i like seeing them mentor, its so cute
Greystripe u kitten
"Cant you drown in your own territory" your honor i love her
Haha mischeivous cinderpaw
Chapter 12
Cinderpaw is a good liar confirmed
"Where were you when i was training" asked fireheart, the liar. "I found somewhere quiet to rest" said greystripe, also a liar
I cant tell if tigerclaw really is that observant or firepaw is just the king of overthinking
Brackenpaw's such a nerd i love him
Cinderpaw sweetie your adorable but please dont sneak up on your mentor
Chapter 13
They lost 5 kits to greencough last year, we never get info about them
Still very interesting that each prey has its own stalking technique
Chapter 14
"He was breaking the code by meeting up with another cat" oh really, sound familiar buddy?
Fuck it, im with greystripe, go see your code-breaking girlfriend
Since when the fuck has speckletail had a kit, but also hi mistlekit!!
Chapter 15
Dude your a hypocrite stop yelling at your bestie's girlfriend
But i do like how leader's daughter seems to be an important title
Silverstream's got a point, their love isnt affecting anyone
Ohhh the tabby kit was mistlekit
Ok damn why is dustpaw so aggressive
I wonder how dustpaw feels, technically being the cause behind cinderpaw's injury
Chapter 16
Explicitily described as twisted, noted
Chapter 17
Tigerclaw honestly didnt mean to, huh.
So now theres two kits with whitecough
Oh willowpelt absolutely heard that
Chapter 18
Unfortunately, fireheart, i gotta agree, its frustating watching people react to tragedies and just move on
Chapter 19
You've changed your tune awfully fast, Sandpaw, are we gonna get a reason for that or do we have to guess?
Willowpelt feels like shes covering for her son, but im definitely looking too far into it
These patrols are always longtail, darkstripe, and willowpelt. I know they probably just dont have any other warriors but its suspicious
Chapter 20
Oop, greystripe got sent to his room
Goddamn dustpaw chill out
Chapter 21
Princess honey you cant just spring this on a cat
Oh shes so sweet
Aaaand heres the ooc writing, this doesnt make sense
"It'll be at least 5 moons" would you rather he bring in a 5 moon old kit whos already adjusted to kittypet life?
Ah, there goes elderkit
At least the queens have some compassion
Ah, tom's first panic attack
Chapter 22
Has it been one moon or two? Im not sure
Cinderpaw i still love you
Asha and fern recently stopped nursing, meaning their about a moon old. Only a moon's differemce between them and cloud, then
"With all that white fur" what, like Frostfur? Or Whitestorm? Shut the fuck up, darkstripe
Chapter 23
Yeah, so its been 2 moons since the gorge fight
Yeah ya'll better shut up, starclan's displeased
Chapter 24
I still dont think fireheart would be this against greystripe's relationship
Ok no yeah fireheart's definitely overthinking this, he was talking about the mossball, dude
Chapter 25
Again! Willowpelt and Darkstripe in the same patrol
I can see Whitestorm being really pissed off at disrespect like this
Tigerclaw really doesnt think before he acts, huh
Good brackenpaw, run boy, run!
Hello brokenstar, you mangy motherfucker
Chapter 26
Spottedleaf's death was six moons ago, though this feels incorrect
Also fireheart, dude, you barely knew her
Kick their ass, frostfur! Kick their ass!
I nearly forgot yellowfang was a warrior before a medicine cat
Pathetic ass brokenstar, wheres your gloating now huh
Eugh can we not have this burden to the clan thing. Like shes allowed to feel like that, but only if the narrative shuts that shit down
Yay whitestorm back at it again being logical
Chapter 27
Yay, sandstorm and dustpelt!
I dont like dustpelt tbh but lets see if he redeems himself
Yeah, yellowfang, you shut that shit down!
Ok damn, greystripe, calm down, i dont even know why your angry anymore
Chapter 28
I might not like incredibly stubborn characters much, but i gotta give it to cloudkit, hes like a moon old and he caught a vole
Ugh i forgot spottedleaf is his messenger
Chapter 29
He just can't get it into his head that he's a hypocrite, huh?
What part of "dont leave the camp unguarded" was missed here, you just took every single warrior with you
Im not as fond as cloudkit as i am with cinder and bracken, but he knows what he wants
Chapter 30
Tigerclaw you arrogant bastard, i still love you though
I didnt see my boy deadfoot, where was he!!
About fuckin time these two reconcile, good god, this could've been sorted chapters ago
My thoughts
Eh, 7/10, a lot of it was just frustrating to read. Im really not a fan of miscommunication tropes or whatever hypocritcal shit was going on between fire and grey. Im also getting really sick of spottedleaf, The cloudkit being brought in scene was bad and weird, and dustpaw's just an asshole.
I liked the mentoring scenes, the apprentices, and yellowfang. I quite like brokenstar and tigerstar, even if their both bastards, and my boy whitestorm is still well written. I like that the queens are good fighters, and how supportive princess is of her brother. We didnt see much of runningwind but im fond of him. They still havent explained why sandstorm warmed up to him so suddenly, but its only book 2
Overall, a bit of a sour one, i definitely prefer the first book, out of the two, and i still think fire and ice should've been the name for the 6th book
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sadesluvr · 6 months
Oh my fucking god...
You don't know how grateful I am for the TNP series. I remember when I found It at the begining with a few chapters and I've been here ever since🫶 I'll admit I was a bit confused in the first and the first half of the second season bc Mike was "gay" but after I realized what was going on I loved it even more🥰🥰When Fritz came in the picture I didn't really want to accept it but as it went on I also grew to like and feel bad for him. My heart shattered every time someone died even though It's the storyline which you in the series made your own and managed to make it absolutely amazing❤️ It was a surreal experience reading the chapters bc they made me feel like I know the characters as they are real people in my life, as if I'm growing, changing and going through some stuff with them. The last chapter felt really nostalgic, made me remember last year, waiting every friday for a new chapter. It made me realize how fast time goes on and how many things can happen during short periods of time. Not only that but I feel like this story also changed my perspertive about certain things, made me grow as a person and I felt seen, but since english is not my first language it kind of expanded my vocabulary😅 Readers personality really mached to me as a being and that's also one of the reasons why this story is so dear to my heart.
Thank you for everything you've done, you're a GREAT writer and have a nice break after all this amazing work💖💖💖
All this might be really cheesy but I wanted you to know how much your work has affected someone🫶😆
I honestly appreciate every single comment and the fact that I was able to make you feel such a way means so much! Writing has always been my passion and even if it’s a fanfic I’m happy that you connected so personally to it. Coming towards the end I felt the exact same way, and even reading S1 E1 as I wrote the final chapter I’ve realised how much has changed (it feels slightly cringey to me now lmfao) and better (?) it’s become.
I really appreciate how you’ve stuck around for a year and put up with all the delays and tiny hiatuses, my life offline has changed since but this has been a nice constant.
I only write for non-fictional purposes irl but writing this has made me want to pursue it more :)
IM SO HAPPY I EXPANDED UR VOCABULARY and congrats for getting through this as it was definitely complex and wordy at times!
TYSM for this comment, I literally have the sweetest followers ever🥺💜
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bonefall · 1 year
Did bramble try apologizing/reconciling with the three for disowning them? I caaant really see him doing so as itd be him admitting he was wrong to do so and I can see him being the type of guy who never admits hes wrong like ever
I don't think he ever did... in-canon, the reconciliation comes from a confrontation towards the end of the arc just before the Great Battle which would absolutely not happen the way it did, in the Bonefall Rewrite.
After spending all of Canon OotS becoming more and more openly hostile to Squirrelflight and Jay/Lion being clearly affected by it, finally he snaps and starts shouting again, only for Squirrelflight to apologize and beg him to not throw his family away.
“Brambleclaw, I’m sorry.” Squirrelflight moved closer to the ThunderClan deputy. Her voice was stronger now, as if she was tired of being punished for something she had believed to be right. “You have to understand that I never intended to hurt you. I loved you, and was proud to raise these kits with you. You were a wonderful father.” “But I wasn’t their father!” Brambleclaw hissed. “Yes, you were!” Squirrelflight thrust her muzzle close to Brambleclaw’s. Her eyes blazed. “Don’t throw away everything just because you are angry with me!”
-Chapter 17, Omen of the Stars: The Last Hope
Following this, Lionblaze is clearly hurt and tells him how he was proud to be his son, and that is the moment that Brambleclaw realizes he's been... you know. Hurting his children with this bullshit.
So after everything, what brings Brambleclaw around is everyone in his life apologizing and kissing up to him after he's been an asshole for 6 books. Yes, he has a right to be angry-- but why does this series make it everyone else's job to soothe him? Including what's supposed to be his children? The adult, next-in-line leader of an entire Clan?
Squirrelflight is responsible for HIS emotions because he was an 'innocent bystander', but he's not responsible for how he's hurt the innocent bystanders in his OWN life. It's a double standard.
(even ignoring how i think TNP proves brambleclaw is not a trustworthy person who should have power)
Bonefall Rewrite: Brambleclaw's Repentance
So in the Bonefall Rewrite, no. Squirrelflight is not even seen as completely wrong by her Clanmates. She has support! She is able to recognize by this point that she doesn't deserve his treatment. She wouldn't apologize or beg him to reconcile-- everything he's done up to this point, his demotion of her as deputy, his mixed leadership...
He's the one who should be apologizing. She's able to realize that.
And Lionblaze was NOT on Brambleclaw's side when the secret came out. He's never stopped seeing Squirrelflight as his mother, she revealed that Brambleclaw wasn't his father by admitting to Ashfur that her biokits with Bramble were miscarried, ergo, they are NOT part of both the Power of Three AND the Fire and Tiger Prophecy.
And she said that to surprise him just enough to anime-kick him into the tree which saved The Three from the fire. The force of a Flying Ashfur is what knocked it over.
So, there's a situation here where The Three are all very hurt by Brambleclaw's abandonment, Squirrelflight does not feel the need to apologize more than she already has, and he is leader while Hell is about to attack.
...so if he does apologize, I think it's through seeing them have a meeting before the battle where they're reconciling, and he's utterly left out. He realizes that it's not his family anymore, and he's...
I want to say "lost control" but, specifically, he's seeing Tawnypelt again, leaping over the thunderpath to join Tigerstar on the other side.
So it's anger, rage, sadness. He did it to himself and I think he knows it, but GOD it's painful. He doesn't want it to be his own fault, but it is. And he can't begin to apologize; because he doesn't know where to begin.
So, his apology is giving Squirrelflight her deputy position back after the battle. Knowing her Clan will need her, she says yes. And that's where it's left... for now.
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northern-passage · 11 months
Please, don't worry about taking your time with updates! Your working solo on a behemoth of a project, it's normal to take a lot of time to write everything, do all the branches, test them and what not. It's humongous! And taking breaks is never a bad thing either. Neither is switching to another project when you feel like it. I think working on more than one thing helps inspiration flow in a way. Stuck on one project? Well, then switching to the other, and the inspiration may just come back for the first one in the meantime.
Anyway, good luck with both projects!
thank you!!
and i agree, i definitely think sometimes taking a break and working on something else actually helps inspire me and makes things easier when i come back to my first project. it happened when i worked on siren's call last year, too. i especially think working on this one has benefited me a lot because it's all been private and just. writing for myself. who knows if this will ever see the light of day but i've enjoyed it and it's For Me, plus it's exciting to know that i'm capable of finishing a big cohesive story, and at the end of the day, writing it will have made me a better writer and my writing for tnp will be stronger 💪😤
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OK, Cinderfur was never forced into any role. She WAS told that she would probably never become a warrior (in a time period where no one was guaranteed to be a warrior because they hadn't recognized the cruelty of their systems yet.) She then spent a lot of time with Yellowfang in the medicine den that helped her grow and rediscover herself after her world suddenly changed, and was given an opportunity by Yellowfang she had never considered before. She chose to become a medicine cat.
You can read ableism undertones into it for sure, it isn't perfect, but she is never depicted as being forced to learn medicine or take the role like later cats. Nobody thought about her being a medicine cat except Yellowfang, after she witnessed how happy it made Cinder and how good she was at it. She was given an option every step of the way and that's the one she chose. Maybe insecurity played a part in it to some extent, but she is shown to be satisfied and happy with her choice.
Her own sister is living proof that just because someone said she would never be a warrior doesn't mean that statement is true. It was a statement by more orthodox cats who could not recognize the cruelty of their traditions as something that could change. And both Cinderfur and Brightheart were part of the generation led by Firestar who brought about that change by defying that cruelty and reshaping their society into a more compassionate one where cats like them are allowed the same opportunities as everyone else and aren't just thrown out as cautionary tragedies.
I know it might be difficult, after time upon time later on in the series where cats were forced to take up the role because starclan said so, but Cinderfur was never FORCED into anything. Cinderfur's path in that just happened to take her into the realm of medicine instead, which has only long after her time in the series since been boiled into a terrible cliche forced upon other cats. given the presence of deadfoot and brightheart and several others, everything from that time points to it being entirely possible for her to have become a warrior if she chose to pursue it, most certainly so by the time Firestar was leader.
It was only later narrative choices that tried to change this for the worst for plotlines that even they realized were stupid and awful, and so dropped. (Coincidentally, all done within the same period, late-tnp through tpot, that was super dense with ableism in general.) Cinderfur was not forced to be a medicine cat.
I generally agree here. It is definitely something she grew passionate about under Yellowfang’s guidance and it is something she genuinely loved and enjoyed. But I feel that the forcing issue comes from in the first place how she never seemed to get to chance attempt to see if she could still adapt and become a warrior (at least as far as the the audience sees anyway).
But yeah prior to the whole reincarnation mess Cinderpelt loved being a medicine cat and it was a path she chose herself. Yellowfang noticed her growing passion for being a medicine cat and so offered her the chance to become one, which she readily accepted of her own free will. I hate how her story was soiled on by adding the “oh she was so unhappy we just had to reincarnate her and not the countless dead kits who never got the chance to even become apprentices”
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cometchasr · 1 year
this is from u/nugssssssssssssssss on reddit:
to start with tnp, there is nothing in it that points to or would end up as abuse or manipulation. it was all friendly banter and petty disputes over small things that would amount to nothing. aka 90% of apprentice fights. all except one thing at the beginning where squilp blackmails bramble into letting her go with him on the starclan given journey. this isn't stormfur to feathertail where they're inseparable siblings, but one bratty apprentice that follows around a young warrior that has lots of mental trauma from his bastard father being gutted right in front of him to him growing up in a clan that he had to work twice as hard to get respect in.
PoT is second and the only thing here is the end. sunrise pg 307 "Why?" "I had to! She's my sister!" "And you couldn't trust me?" The words echoed. "And you couldn't trust me, don't you think I would have helped you, if you told me the truth? But it's too late now." he was rightfully pissed off here, as a lie that big and important to a family/relationship is.
OotS just has a few parts, that are all just Brambles walking away from squilf when she tries to do anything with him, or him treating her as if the only past she had with him was the journey, as he was still recovering from being betrayed like that. The Last Hope pg 328 where he chooses her a deputy proves he has forgiven her, though he will forever be hurt by it. "Squirrelflight." "Really?" "There is no cat I trust more."
In sqh i admit he's no angel, as with squilf. but most of the parts are understandable from his pov, and the readers. She brings up kits a couple times after he said no because running a clan is hard enough, and he doesn't want kits clouding his decisions as that would heavily sway them, and he wants best for the clan. Squilf also multiple times undermines him, when a deputy is supposed to still be under their leader, and not in charge of everything. He loves squilf but sometimes even questions that, which is unnecessary as he should know he loves her very much, and vice versa. some points from this are pg 382 "Why am I here? Am I going to die?" Bramblestar's scent still lingered on her tongue. "I want to go back!"
This shows that she still loves him and (obviously) she wants to go back to him and the rest of Thunderclan. pg 383 "I don't care what happens. I need to go back and make things right with my clan, and Bramblestar. My kits are there."
pg 385 "Tell Dandelionkit and Juniperkit that I'll be back, and when Bramblestar comes we'll be a family." pg 391 "Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry for anything. I was so worried. I love you so much. We should have never let things get so bad. I'll never let it happen again." and on the final page, 416, "I'm glad we're not arguing anymore."
"So am I. I don't know what I would've done if you'd died. I don't think I could've gone on without you."
"Of course you could have. Your clan needs you. I know you would never let them down."
"I'm only strong because of you. Promise me we'll never argue like that again. That we'll always talk things out before they get too bad."
"You have to trust me, you must always know that you and Thunderclan are the most important things to me. I would never let you down." (Rick Astley fades in from the background)
"I know, and I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Ever since you were an apprentice you've challenged me. And it's always made me stronger. You've helped me see things in a different way."
they made up, all is well. presumably in the few moons separating sqh and TBC their relationship became even better to when they first were mates. don't feel like i need to mention this but there's no way in hell i'm counting impostor as brambles, primarily because… well... it isn't
You know the very thing I hate about this community is how much it chucks around the word abusive. As someone who is close to a lot of people who have been through/are going through abusive relationships. It's pretty sickening that it's now used as a buzzword/weapon against ships they don't like. Now it feels like it means "these couples disagreed at some point and argued. Therefore abusive." Which is dangerous. Squirrel and Bramble are just that. A couple who have gone through a... lot of rough patches. But to call Brambleclaw abusive is fucking insane. Brambleclaw doesn't isolate Squirrel from her friends. He doesn't hit her. He respects her boundaries Just because they argue doesn't make him abusive. And I'll be honest, after all Bramble has gone through. (Basfard father, intimacy issues, most of the cats he was close to turned on him, or died, his kits didn't turn out to be his, one of them died, the kits that WERE his half of them died.) I think he has a bit of a right to be like. "Uhh, no I'm not having more kits." And honestly if the roles were shifted, squirrelflight being asked by Brambleclaw to have kits. They still would've called Bramble abusive for trying to pressure her into it. Like holy shit this community sometimes.
Millie yelled at blossomfall one time for doing something stupid and risking her life? Why that's abuse and makes her a terrible mother of course! Squilfpaw blackmails bramble? Why that's perfectly fine! Probably Bramble’s fault!
‘People who claim “squirrelflight’s hope didn’t happen” or “it’s not abuse”, are just finding excuses.’
First off yes I’d like to believe SqH didn’t happen though I know it did. I’m not “just finding excuses” by believing that it isn’t abuse. I legitimately believe that it isn’t abuse at all.
‘It’s clear as day he uses mental abuse in this super edition. Bringing up the kits argument time and time again just to make her upset when things aren’t going his way, claiming she doesn’t love him just to make sure she follows him to show she does love him, claiming she has to follow his every step if she wants to be a good mate/deputy and basically can’t have any opinion of her own.’
He brings up the kits part when she brings it up, and once or twice more. It isn’t anything big. She brings it up twice, in the heat of arguments at that. He is genuinely thinking in these times that she may not love him, although we all know and even deep inside he knows that isn’t trie. It’s a lot of weight in his shoulders being leader, and a deputy that denies every order outright may worsen it. He never says anything about “claiming she has to follow his every step if she wants to be a good mate/deputy” although a deputy is not above a leader, so the deputy does have to follow the leader still. Sure it’s sometimes better to go against the leaders words in dire or important situations, but squilf does it at basically every right and left. He obviously allows her to have an opinion.
‘Dismissing her feelings time and time again, etc. This, this is clearly abuse. You don’t have to had this happen to you to notice that. If the victim feels like she could die and her hesband wouldn’t care, than you must know there’s something wrong right? Like how many times didn’t Squirrel think that if she died, Bramble would just forget about her and take a new mate? This is not a healthy relationship at this point.’
He never dismisses her feelings, just doesn’t fully take them into account. He has to still have at least a portion of the populations support with things, or else it would be another Rowanstar. I have been through abuse my whole life, from emotional, mental, and even sexual abuse for a short period. I have been through it all and nothing of the sort comes up here. Once again like Bramble earlier, if she died, he would care. He even stated that he wouldn’t know if he would be able to go on being leader without her. He would never forget her and never take a new mate. I don’t know where on earth you got that from. Sure it’s not a perfect relationship in SqH, anyone can see that, but it’s definitely a realistic one. It is one of if not the most relatable and realistic relationships in the series.
There are many things that people don’t take into account like actuality, logic, (brambles) emotions, stress, etc.
Sure there are abusive tendencies on both sides but tendencies don’t always mean that they’re going to be/are ~~~. Example: Not every kid that hurts animals and likes fires are going to be a serial killer. It’s a very slim chance still, and many grow through what they do and regret it later on. At the end of SqH they made up, and as much as we know have had no problems since, well, between the two of them. cough Ashfur Possession cough
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