#I know i just spent time telling about Ramin
flanaganfilm · 1 year
Hi Mike, how was Tribeca?
It was fantastic.
For those who don't know, I was lucky enough to be invited to sit on the US Narrative Feature Jury at this year's Tribeca Festival. I just got back yesterday from ten days in Manhattan.
I found the whole thing to be absolutely rejuvenating.
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Our category had five jurors: myself, Zoey Deutsch, Stephanie Hsu, Tommy Oliver, and Ramin Bahrani.
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Kate was also on a jury - she was on the International Feature Jury (which included Brendan Fraser and Zazie Beets) so that meant we spent the week seeing different movies. We'd pass each other on our way to different screenings, sometimes in the lobby of the theater, and then meet up for dinner or a party and get to tell each other about the awesome movies we saw that day.
It was overwhelming to start with. At the Opening Night reception, we met Robert DeNiro, and we saw Martin Scorcese and Matt Damon (we were way too timid to introduce ourselves). I did manage to introduce myself to Kenneth Lonergan, who has made some of my all-time favorite movies (You Can Count on Me is one of the best movies I've ever seen), and the great Chazz Palminteri (I got to tell him how much I absolute adore A Bronx Tale). I also spent a fair amount of time chatting with Peter Coyote, who was incredibly kind and funny. We chatted a lot about Ken Burns.
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After that, we went to the Opening Night film, a terrific documentary called Kiss the Future. We walked the red carpet (something I'm never quite comfortable with, but luckily Kate is a natural) and we saw the movie with a packed house. It was a beautiful film and really started everything off on an amazing foot.
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And then the judging started. I got to watch all of the movies in my category in the theater, with audiences. A car would pick me up and take me to the screening. At my busiest, I saw three movies in one day, but it was usually two.
I made it a point not to know anything about the movies before I saw them - sometimes I went in without knowing the title. And I can't overstate how amazing it was to see these independent films with an audience, in a theater, instead of streaming. Having spent the better part of the last five years watching this primarily at home, I was shocked at how inspiring and energizing it was to sit in a theater with a crowd over, and over, and over again. I've never seen this many movies in a theater in such a short time, and I LOVED it.
I didn't only see movies that were in my category, though. I also made sure I saw other films at the festival that I wasn't judging - including Downtown Owl, the directorial debut of my friends Hamish Linklater and Lily Rabe.
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I made a point to go to the premiere of Suitable Flesh, starring the amazing Barbara Crampton and Heather Graham, and produced by my old friends Joe Wicker and Morgan Peter Brown from the Absentia Days.
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And it wasn't all movies, either - I also got to moderate a chat with the brilliant Sam Lake about his upcoming Alan Wake 2 release. Sam was a joy to spend time with, and we had a lot to talk about.
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And my friend and colleague Justina Ireland traveled up to NY to moderate a Master Class where a theater full of people listened to me ramble about horror movies for an hour.
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(With Justina Ireland and Johnathan Penner - Penner ran the Escape from Tribeca program, and it was his idea to bring me to the festival)
And then, just before I left, I met up with some friends to see a Broadway show. Karen Gillan and Willa Fitzgerald joined Kate and I to see Grey House.
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My experience at Tribeca was fantastic. It was such an amazing celebration of art and cinema, and I can't wait to go back. I spent a lot of it feeling overwhelmed, and feeling like I didn't quite deserve my seat at the table (imposter syndrome is just one of the staples of being a filmmaker, isn't it?) but I'm so glad I went.
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265 notes · View notes
cestlefantome · 9 months
POTO Italy review
Ok, that’s gonna be a very long post. My synthesis capacity is clearly lacking but I really wanted to put down to paper all the details possible from the Italian production before my memories faded. If you don’t want spoilers, better stop reading this now.
 First of all, let me tell you that I absolutely love the Brilliant Original and that I’ve never seen a non-replica production before (except for the 25th anniversary, which I consider a non-replica as it is missing key elements from the original). I was very skeptical of the Italian production after seeing the bootlegs and photos posted on TikTok and also listening to the audio of the first show sent by a friend of mine who was there for the first show. I spent the first week of the run moaning about all the changes and how cheap the production looked, so my expectations were very low. I really thought I was going to hate it. Even Ramin didn’t impress me in the bootleg audio, and if you know me, you will know how much I love his Phantom. That was the state of mind I was in before seeing the first show on July 11.
I am an experienced traveler but arriving in Trieste was a strenuous adventure even for me. It took me 3 flights (the longest one was 11 hours long) and a train, a 30-hour journey in total (and 32 hours to get back home). I stayed with a friend from London in an Airbnb on the same street as the theatre, a three-minute walk. We were really lucky in that regard. The whole city was celebrating Phantom, it was a great happening to them, with many store windows with Phantom-inspired decorations.
The Il Rossetti (Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia) was built in 1878 and heavily restored 3 times, the last one in 1999. It sits 1,531 people and it is stunning with a beautiful ceiling mimicking the sky that can light up as stars. It has an opera house atmosphere which I think is very appropriate for staging Phantom. The original theatre chandelier looks tiny though. We were surprised to find out that there were no rows 1 and 2, so we were closer to the stage than we thought. That was indeed a very pleasant surprise.  I saw the show 8 times, from July 11 (the first show of the second week) to 16 (the last show), including both matinees. I sat twice in the first row (in reality numbered as row 3), one of them on the right side and one on the left side of the stalls. Sat 4 times at the second row (numbered as row 4), all of them on the left side of stalls, and twice on the third row (numbered as row 5), one of them on the right side of stalls. The stalls are divided into left and right with a central corridor. I will say that for this specific production, and because of the revolving stage, the seats on the left can have a restricted view in at least two crucial scenes, depending on where you are seated (most specifically as you get the farthest from the center, but not so bad if you are seated near the central corridor).
As you enter the auditorium, the whole stage is blocked by a huge mirror wall written "Phantom".
At the beginning, they had a recording of Ramin saying “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to MY theatre. Consider this your first and only warning. Recording or taking pictures during MY show is strictly prohibited. Should these commands be ignored, a disaster beyond your imagination will OCCUR (a low sinister laughter). Enjoy the show.”
When the auditorium goes dark for the show, there’s a flash and a very loud sound of shattering glass, as the mirror wall is lifted to reveal the auction scene. The auction is set at the Opéra Populaire dilapidated and abandoned auditorium. There’s a very cool backdrop of the destroyed boxes and only a partial ceiling, revealing the sky and the Eiffel Tower in the background, with birds singing. The covered chandelier is in the back, near the auctioneer who is standing on the ground and not higher as in the original production. The chairs are arranged just like in the real auditorium, with two rows of chairs on each side with a central corridor. The people attending the auction have their backs to the audience, so in a way, we feel as if we are part of them as well. Old Raoul doesn’t have a wheelchair, he is seated in a normal chair like everyone else. He still has a nurse by his side. I’m pretty sure old Raoul wasn’t played by Bradley Jaden, but by the same actor who played Monsieur Lefevre (Jeremy Rose), wearing a beard. I think that was a nice touch because it looked way more realistic to have an older actor instead of a younger one with not very good makeup.
Fun fact, in lot 664, the wooden pistol and three human skulls from the 1831 production of “Robert Le Diable” by Meyerbeer was replaced by only one human skull. The Monkey music box is very similar to the one from the 2004 movie, wearing a green vest, a red waistband, and a red Fez hat. When Lot 666 is to be revealed, the auctioneer walks to the side and turns an old electricity knife switch that is part of the “backstage” wall of the revolving stage (lateral side of one of the boxes). The chandelier is revealed and the whole theatre goes dark as it is then illuminated in tiers, according to the overture playing (I love this part, it always makes me cry). In the few seconds in darkness, the chairs are removed from the stage to prepare for the next scene, in the past. As the chandelier rises, we can see actors and ballerinas coming into and going from the stage in slow motion. It was a very clever way to represent the restoration of the Opera Populaire to its full glory. During this scene, the revolving stage rotates, and we have a first glimpse of Joseph Buquet (Matt Bond) going up a side spiral staircase with a noose in his hand. Madame Giry crosses the stage looking at him. On the side, Christine and Meg appear talking, also in slow motion.
In this production, the revolving stage acts as a stage within the real stage. From one side it shows as the front of the stage, with the footlights and a prompter box. The back of it is the backstage view, with old black brick wall, a spiral staircase on one side, a hidden door, and the knife switch on the other end. On each of the sides there are three tier theatre boxes and behind each of these boxes there is part of a wall with a window and a curtain for the Manager’s office and on the opposite side, it is Christine’s dressing room set. This revolving set also has a beautiful, decorated ceiling where the chandelier hangs. A very clever set in my opinion.
The stage then stops facing the audience, the Hannibal backdrops falls in place as Meg and Christine leave and Carlotta enters the stage to sing. Carlotta was played by Italian Opera soprano Anna Corvino, and she is fantastic and a very extra and funny La Carlotta. I loved her voice (even though she was trying to sound bad) and how dramatic she was. She was also very nice at stage door.
The stage during Hannibal looks very crowded, because everything happens within the revolving stage limits (because they have to be behind the footlights). The backdrops, costumes, and choreography are all different from the original, but it didn’t bother me, and they didn’t look cheap at all, just different from Maria Björnson’s. There’s no elephant, instead, they have an open sedan chair carried by two people. There are 6 slave girls (counting with Christine) plus the slave master, Christine is on stage dancing from the beginning of the scene, and at one time, she loses her balance and falls on stage after which Madame Giry calls her out “Christine Daae, concentrate girl”. I had the distinct impression that, except for the slave master, none of the girls had ballet training, especially not the actress playing Meg (Zoe Nochi). She had a horrible posture, certainly not one for a trained classical dancer. If it was an acting choice, it was a weird one.
Monsieur Lefevre comes with Messieurs Firmin (Ian Mowat) and Andre (Earl Carpenter). Monsieur Reyer is hidden in the prompter box, we never get to see him. Piangi was played by Italian tenor Gian Luca Pasolini and he has an incredible voice but was a bit stiff on stage. Maybe he was supposed to be like that, I don’t know. It’s not a bad thing, but he doesn’t stand out much, except when he is singing. When he steps inside the sedan chair, the two guys carrying it have a really hard time suspending it until its floor breaks due to Piangi’s weight. It was funny and made up for the missing elephant at the end of Hannibal. Monsieur Lefevre seems overly joyful when he announces he is retiring.
The part in which La Carlotta sings “Think of Me” to Monsieur Andre is also very funny. She’s over dramatic and as he approaches her, she actually spits on his face when singing “Spare a THOUGHT for me” and Andre has to clean it with his hand. Earl’s face at that moment was hilarious, he was born to play Andre. Then the backdrops fall, and Meg comes forward to sing “He’s there, the Phantom of the Opera” and when Firmin replies “Good heavens! Will you show a little courtesy? Mademoiselle, please!”, she actually challenges him with a sarcastic smile on her face, until Madame Giry pulls her back. I will say I didn’t like Meg in this production. Her voice was very harsh and annoying, and I didn’t like her attitude in general, with the exception of one scene.
When Andre asks if there is an understudy for La Carlotta and Monsieur Reyer replies “There is no understudy Monsieur, the production is new”, Meg literally pushes Christine to the front saying “Christine Daae could sing it, sir”. Christine almost loses her balance again. That was a choice because it happened in every single show. Christine then starts singing very shyly and when she tries to leave the stage, Meg comes forward, holds both her hands, and encourages her to keep singing until she is confident enough to sing with her full voice. I really liked that added moment between the two friends. A curiosity, there was no scarf for Elissa, so indeed Christine was a bit more restricted in her (lack of) choreography and sang more or less standing, facing the audience, not much different from the 2004 movie. While Raoul sings his part, the stage rotates 360° so everyone can see him in the box with Andre and Firmin (no Madame Firmin) as well as a view of Christine as seen from “backstage” and that is when Christine moves the most on stage, she does a quick choreography similar to the one she does at the back of the stage in the original production at this very moment.
I have to say that before seeing the show, I told many of my (poor) friends (who had to deal with my moaning for over a week) that Amelia was, in my opinion, the weakest link in the cast, as she had no previous experience and I didn’t like any of the videos of her singing posted previously (not the ones with Ramin in NY and not the ones on her own YT channel). Well, I learned that we should keep our harsh opinions to ourselves after we see the show in person. We can’t judge someone’s talent by a video filmed in a living room, a crappy bootleg, and even worse, by other’s opinions.  I personally loved Amelia Milo’s Christine. She has a beautiful, strong voice, is very sweet and both her face and voice convey a lot of emotion. Her voice also blends beautifully with both Ramin’s and Bradley’s. Both men have very powerful voices, and none held back but she just kept up with both, her voice was never drowned by theirs. Bradley Jaden is a very attractive Raoul (he has long hair and wore it in a low ponytail, except for the final Lair) and also has a big, strong voice. He was an overall enjoyable Raoul, at least in my opinion (I’m still team Erik all the way), although at times he seemed very annoyed but in the end, I think it worked and I’ll explain later why.
The whole scene with the ballerinas surrounding Christine, and she holding the big flower bouquets and bowing with her back to the real audience while the curtain closes doesn’t happen in this production. Monsieur Reyer doesn’t appear talking to her either while the ballerinas rehearse in the background. When the Phantom sings “Bravi, Bravi, Bravissimi”, she is already in her dressing room changing to the dressing gown, which looks similar to the one from the original production, except for the sleeves. Ramin’s “Christine” sounded a bit harsh for me. In the 25th anniversary, he sings her name pianissimo, like a caress, so that was something that I didn’t quite understand, because he was supposed to be happy after her successful debut, but it sounded (to me) like he angry.
As I said before, Christine’s dressing room is located behind the boxes on one side of the revolving stage. It consists of a dressing table, a chair, and a huge, tall mirror that sits above her dressing table. When she sits down to change her ballet shoes, there is already a single red rose on her dressing table, from the Phantom. Christine stands up when Meg comes in and she gently makes Meg sit while she sings “Angel of Music”. For most of the song, Meg keeps touching everything on her dressing table and not paying much attention and is sitting in a very unladylike way, not like I would expect a ballerina to sit. Madame Giry comes in, tells Meg to leave, and gives Raoul’s note to Christine.
The scene where Raoul walks to Christine’s dressing room in the company of Messieurs Andre and Firmin (and his wife) was cut, but depending on where you were seated, you could see Andre, Firmin, and Raoul talking in the very back during “Angel of Music”.  Raoul then comes to her dressing room (no rose or champagne bottle) and when she recognizes her childhood sweetheart and hugs him, the two sconces positioned on each side of the mirror flicker. Both Christine and Raoul notice it, Raoul looks particularly intrigued, although he doesn’t miss a beat on his part. That was another small change that I enjoyed. We know the Phantom is not happy. The dressing room scene is one of the two scenes I mentioned that have a partially restricted view for those sitting on the left side of the audience. When the revolving stage rotates after “Think of Me”, it stops at an angle, facing the right side of the audience. For the most part, the view is ok. But as Raoul leaves and the Phantom appears in the mirror, his image can’t be seen by at least half of the theater audience. That was a very unfortunate choice by the production, I can’t believe no one sat in different parts of the auditorium to make sure everyone could see this crucial scene. We can only see Erik when he steps out of the mirror and extends his hand to help Christine climb the chair and the dressing table and enter the mirror with him. 
I was lucky to be able to see the full scene at least half of the time but was still annoyed by the times I couldn’t see him. Ramin looks amazing inside the mirror. By the way, when he appears in the mirror, Christine knees down and extends her arms as in prayer for her Angel. I absolutely loved this scene, which made it even worse that I couldn’t properly see it every night, even though I had excellent seats very close to the stage. The title song staging is very cool. After entering the mirror, the revolving stage rotates again and stops with the backstage facing the audience. They appear crossing the dark stage from right to left and then a hidden door at the backstage wall opens and they come out from it. The Phantom then comes forward to the edge of the orchestra pit to get a lamp. He reduces the intensity of the lamp light; turns back to get Christine and they go down a stair in the pit. They then appear at the top of the spiral staircase on the right side of the stage (the same we saw Buquet earlier) and descend until they reach the boat (a gondola) and cross the stage, reaching his lair. 
The boat stays on the left side of the stage, while a massive organ comes up from the floor in front of the conductor and then slides a little to the middle of the stage. At the same time, a 4-poster bed and the monkey music box appear on the right side. A backdrop of the cellars appears in the back. There are no candelabra or candles in the Phantom’s lair, except for some in the organ. While they are in the boat, there is some dry ice effect and a bluish light, to mimic the lake. The background reminded me of an artwork from Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Carceri d’invenzione) that is mentioned in one of my Palais Garnier books.  It is not as spectacular as the original production, but it is still magical, and impressive. Ramin’s Phantom is particularly shy in this production. Except for holding hands (which many times you can notice his shaking), he hardly touches Christine. For “Music of the Night”, Christine is standing on the left side of the stage, near the gondola, where she sings her high E. Erik then plays his organ dramatically (“I have brought you to the seat of sweet music's throne (…)”. He is standing and looks at her.  A bench then slides on the stage, and he sits down, facing the audience and with his back to her. He has music sheets on his hand. He sings part of Music of the Night while seated and hardly acknowledges her, but you can see he is very nervous. He stands up only when he sings “turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light and listen to the music of the night”. He slowly approaches her from behind, but when he sings “darkness of the music of the night”, she runs to the opposite side, but then she stops near the bed when he sings “Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world!”
When he approaches her again, he takes a candle from the organ and immediately after he sings “Only then, can you belong to me”, he blows the candle in her direction. You can see some kind of powder and then she is in some kind of a trance. He comes behind her, but he doesn’t really touch her, she is the one to rest again him while he sings “Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! Touch me, trust me savor each sensation!” and she touches his hand and his face very gently and he slightly leans into her hand until he sings “Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write the power of the music of the …”. She faints, he holds her, closes his eyes for a second, looks at her and sings “night”. He then gently places her on the bed and covers her with his cloak and walks around the bed while singing “You alone can make my song take flight, help me make the music of the night”.
I know some people have been pretty vocal about the candle part and him “drugging” Christine and taking away her “consent”. I respect those who felt uncomfortable with this scene, but honestly, I much prefer this to that creepy mirror bride with the likeness of Christine, which implies that maybe Erik does “things” with the mannequin. Even though he did put her in some kind of trance, the way I see it is that they were both overwhelmed and he was bidding his time, without not really knowing what to do and maybe trying to postpone the hard conversation ahead of them, having to explain why he lied about being an Angel. He never touches her inappropriately (before or after the candle), he never approaches her while she is sleeping, and the scene between the candle blow and her fainting takes about 40 seconds (yes, I tracked the time). I’m not saying it is right, but then we will have to discuss if it is right to bring her to his home in the first place, unchaperoned. Is it really much worse than drugging her with chloroform like in the book or hypnotizing her with his voice? Those were different times and men tended to think and treat women as their property. Right or wrong, at least the Phantom was a gentleman.     
After Music of the Night, the stage went dark for a few seconds. Erik took off his jacket and moved the bench closer to the organ (no Mandarin coat and hat). I didn’t mention it before, but he has pretty much the same outfit as in the original, except that his waistcoat is white silk with a chain clock (he also wears a red lining black cloak with a shoulder cape with no embellishments and no fedora hat). When the lights go back on, he is sitting on his pipe organ playing, his back to the audience. The music box then starts to play. Erik looks at the Monkey and does the same movement with his hands as if he was playing the cymbals too. A small detail but one that I loved it. He then is back to composing. Christine wakes up and begins singing, he looks at her and is back to composing for a few seconds, but when she sings “Whose is the face in the mask?”, he watches as she gets up from the bed and he stops composing. He then turns on the bench, facing the audience, but he sits at the very end of the bench and starts fiddling with his hands, with his head down, very shy, without really knowing what to do. She approaches him and sits on the bench very close to him, his hands are shaking, he closes his eyes, and she touches his face, and he leans into her hand, so trusty and vulnerable and that’s when she tears the mask from his face. He immediately screams and turns his back to the audience, leaning against the organ while cursing. She tries to escape to the boat, but he goes after her and yanks her from it, and she falls to the floor. When he sings “Curse you”, he sits on the bench, still covering his face with his hand and he actually chuckles and starts singing back again a bit more menacing while he approaches her again, she crawls to the opposite side and then he collapses on his knees and sings “this loathsome gargoyle, who burns in hell, but secretly yearns for heaven, secretly. secretly.”.
In this last part, he sings almost sobbing. The part “But, Christine. Fear can turn to love you'll learn to see, to find the man behind the monster, this repulsive carcass, who seems a beast, but secretly dreams of beauty, secretly. secretly” He sings with so much despair, except for the words monster, repulsive carcass, and beast, which he sings with anger. It’s heartbreaking. The whole time after the unmasking, Christine hardly breaks eye contact with him. Bonus points for her, as most Christine cowers in fear. After her initial shock during his cursing, she looks more regretful than afraid. He covers his head with both hands, bends down, and rocks like a small child while sobbing. She approaches him slowly and tries to touch him and he flinches and sobs a “No”, his voice bears so much fear at this moment, that it seems as if someone is trying to beat him. He then moves his body away from her, still rocking. This whole scene was devasting and the best I’ve ever seen so far. She then extends her arm to him, holding the mask, he looks at her still afraid but takes the mask and puts it on his face, breaths, recovers himself, stands up, and says “Come we must return those two fools who run my theatre will be missing you”, He seems resigned, not angry anymore. Thank God there was no creepy crawling, which is something about this scene in the original that I dislike.
The scene then shifts to the backstage of the opera, while the revolving stage rotates to show Buquet on the top of the spiral staircase with the noose in his hands, singing his part about the O.G. to the frightened ballerinas.  Madame Giry arrives and sends the ballerinas away while singing her part “Those who speak of what they know find, too late, that prudent silence is wise. Joseph Buquet, hold your tongue he will burn you with the heat of his eyes.”. At the same time, Buquet comes down the stairs. He comes really close to her, his face is inches away from hers and he actually threatens her with the lasso. She doesn’t even flinch. He starts laughing like a maniac as he leaves the stage.
The stage rotates again to show the manager’s office. That part is about the same, except that the Managers seem to be a bit annoyed with Raoul, and Raoul looks particularly annoyed with La Carlotta, and he is even rude to her. While the conversation between the managers, Raoul, Carlotta, and Piangi is happening, those sitting in the right side can see that Meg is seated on the stage floor in the background, playing with Buquet’s lasso. I have no idea how she got it, but she even has it around her own neck until Madame Giry sees her and takes the lasso away. Meg then follows Madame Giry to the manager’s office where Madame informs everyone that Christine is back and shows them the new Phantom’s note. There are a few amusing moments involving the managers and La Carlotta. The trio is responsible for most of the funny scenes. They start singing Prima Donna in their office but then everyone moves to the stage (as the stage rotates again) to sing the last part “Light up the stage with that age-old rapport! Sing, Prima Donna, once more!”. We then listen to the Phantom threatening them “So, it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!”, while they sing “Once more!”.
For Il Muto, there is no bed, in fact, there’s no furniture at all on the stage. They have a backdrop very similar to the 2004 movie, with a fake balcony in the middle. Raoul is in Box 5 and Firmin and Andre are in the opposite box, drinking. They both seem to be a bit drunk. Meg is not on the stage. Besides the Countess and the Maid/Serafimo, there’s only the hairdresser, the Jeweler, and the Confidante. Don Attilio is much younger and is not a bass. He is also not so funny. When Don Attilio and the Countess both sing “Addio!” they both hold the note for ages. Don Attilio then leaves and hides in the fake balcony.  Christine rips off the maid's skirt to reveal herself as Serafimo. Everything is alright until we hear the Phantom’s voice say, “Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?”. Meg then invades the stage out of nowhere, in her Degas-like ballerina outfit to sing: “He's here, the Phantom of the Opera”.  Everyone looks terrified. Madame Giry pulls Meg from the stage. 
Everything happens as in the original production. The Phantom says “A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad” and Carlotta panics. She calls for her dresser that brings that throat spray, just like in the movie. On her way back, she takes away the maid’s skirt, so when they play the scene again, Serafimo has no skirt, like in the original. When Carlotta starts to croak and seems to be losing her voice, chaos breaks loose, Raoul jumps onto the stage, Carlotta leaves crying, Christine runs to Raoul and Firmin announces that the role will be played by Christine. At this, she looks at Raoul in panic and both leave the stage, while Andre goes to announce the ballet. He has a bottle of champagne and a flute glass on his hands and this scene is particularly funny. Earl Carpenter is indeed the perfect Andre. The ballerinas come to the stage, no Sylvan glade costumes, they are all wearing the regular Degas ballerina costumes. The scene happens more or less the same way, but it’s a different choreography, and twice the Phantom swings across the stage in a rope, laughing. The third time, the rope swings with Buquet hanging. The Phantom swinging across the stage wasn’t necessary but I enjoyed the way Buquet hangs, it was way more realistic than the dummy they have in the original production; I believe it is indeed the actor playing Buquet in that scene.
The scene then changes for the rooftop. They have a raised rooftop for the scene and Christine is already there in her dressing robe when Raoul finally climbs the stairs singing “Why have you brought us here?”  
The whole scene reminds one of the domes in the Palais Garnier, below it, you can see a structure that reminds the arched structure that supports the main dome above the auditorium and that houses the chandelier counterweights. There’s a backdrop of Paris, partially showing one of the Angel statues and you can also see Notre Dame in the background. The rooftop scene is very different from any version that I’ve seen so far. Raoul is terrified from the height and also because Christine is dangerously close to the edge. Christine is frantic, walking from one side to the other. The only time she seems a bit calmer is when she sings “But his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound. In that night there was music in my mind. And through music, my soul began to soar! And I heard as I'd never heard before. Yet in his eyes all the sadness of the world. Those pleading eyes, that both threaten and adore.” But then she hears his eerie “Christine” and is immediately frightened again. Raoul tries to pull her from the edge many times and she refuses his touch every single time. In fact, she hardly looks at him, It’s like she is going mad, and she looks suicidal. At one point, Raoul just sits on the edge of the rooftop with his legs out and very slowly moves closer and ends up calming her. It’s one of Raoul’s cutest moments in this production. Christine doesn’t look much at Raoul, she sings most of All I Ask of You looking at the horizon like she is singing to (or thinking of) someone else. Only at the very end, she looks at him and they kiss.
When they leave the rooftop by the same stairs, the spotlight illuminates where the Phantom is seated hidden in the shadows, just below where Raoul and Christine are (no big hat with black feathers). He looks devasted and furious at the same time. He comes to the edge of the Orchestra pit to sing “You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you!”. The chandelier then lights up behind him in the dome structure. He goes to the chandelier and lights it on fire, climbs on top of it, he has some kind of knife on his hand, and he seems to be cutting some of the cables that hold the chandelier. The chandelier then is pushed to the back and when he screams “Go”, it swings to the front of the stage with Ramin on it, while real fire lights up at the very edge of the stage near the Orchestra pit and the lights go down. This was one of my favorite scenes in the musical. Even though I love the chandelier falling over the audience, this scene was spectacular and very impressive as well.
The second act begins with two people fully covered and hooded in Venetian carnival cloaks (a nice touch considering it’s an Italian production). They are standing in front of the mirror screen (the same that was covering the stage at the beginning of Act 1)) and light spots illuminate each of them briefly while they move closer to each other until they meet and show themselves as Firmin and Andre. Andre is wearing his usual tailcoat under the cloak (no skeleton costume), but Firmin reveals a pink bow gown. They leave the stage laughing and happy, the mirror screen opens and reveals the empty auditorium with the chandelier lowered and Meg seated on the floor below it, wearing a monkey music box costume and pretending to be playing the cymbals. Although cool, I didn’t understand why she would be wearing this specific costume. As for the lower chandelier, it is obvious that the Masquerade ball is the inauguration of the new chandelier, as it is raised during the celebrations. There is no great staircase in this production, but in the book, the Masquerade happens in the Grand Foyer and in real life, it usually happened in the auditorium (they would remove all the seats and have wood planks covering the floor to protect the carpets). The ensemble enters the stage one by one, all of them wearing Venetian cloaks and masks in different colors. They are all dancing with mannequins dressed similarly and as they dance, they look like real people, because they move their heads to face the audience, just like the actors. The ones not wearing Venetian cloaks for Masquerade are Andre who took his down at the beginning), Firmin, who is in the pink ball gown, Madame Giry in her usual black costume and a mask, Meg in her Monkey outfit, Raoul in a tailcoat and a silver mask (which he takes off almost immediately) and Christine, who is wearing a beautiful off the shoulder cream satin gown, that reminds me a lot of Chirstine’s wedding dress in the 2004 movie.
At some point, part of the actors on the stage leave and stand in different parts of the auditorium with the audience, Firmin and Andre stand near the first row almost in the middle, there are others that stand near the exits of the auditorium and some in the boxes around the theatre. Christine and Raoul stand just in the middle of the stage and gold and silver confetti falls from the ceiling over the stage and the first few rows of the theatre while they sing Masquerade. It’s a visually very beautiful scene. Then comes Red Death. And I’ll say I was prepared to hate this scene because Maria Björnson’s extravagant, over-the-top Red Death is one of my favorite costumes in the show. In this version, the Phantom wears just a red velvet cape with a hood covering his face. On his hands, the Don Juan score. He looks very much like the figure of a reaper, like the original artwork of Edgar Allan Poe’s Red Death. Raoul and Christine immediately leave the stage. As the Phantom sings “Here I bring the finished score, Don Juan Triumphant!”, Andre approaches him to get the score, but Raoul comes running and prevents him from getting closer. People surround Red Death, he has his back to the audience at this moment and they rip off his cloak but there’s no one underneath it, the Phantom is gone.
Then, a spotlight illuminates Christine and someone all covered in black standing in the auditorium near the first row, inches from the audience and the Phantom takes off his hood and sings “Your chains are still mine; you belong to me!”. I was lucky to be seated front row once, just in front of where they stood. In fact, I noticed that as they both approach their positions, Raoul looks at them and tells them to stop and wait. It gave me the impression that Raoul left Christine in the care of this person, without knowing it was the Phantom, and he is as surprised as everyone else when he sees it’s in fact the Phantom. I already knew it would happen, because it was my last show, but it was incredible to see Ramin as the Phantom standing so close that I could actually touch him if I tried. Since Ramin wasn’t on the stage during this scene, his part was pre-recorded, with the exception of the very last line he sings to Christine.
Immediately after this scene, the auditorium is empty, except for Raoul sitting on the floor, looking bewildered. When he sees Madame Giry and calls her, she says “Monsieur, don't ask me. I know no more than anyone else”, he asks very calmly “That’s not true. You've seen something, haven't you?”. She then replies “I don't know what I've seen. Please don't ask me, Monsieur”. That’s when he stands up and shouts at her face “Madame, for all our sakes”. She then explains what she knows about the man locked in the cage of so many years ago. At this point, they have a background illuminated as the silhouette of a traveling fair, which reminds me of Love Never Dies Phantasma. I like these small details connecting both stories.
The second manager’s scene shows that at this point everyone is on edge, Firmin and Andre are annoyed with the whole O.G. thing, as well as Carlotta’s antics and also at Raoul's permanent presence at the Opera house barking orders. Christine is behind Raoul with the Don Juan score in her hands. She has an aqua dress with small roses embroidered. It was my least favorite of her costumes, to be honest. It wasn’t ugly and I believe it was period-appropriate, it just didn’t stand out to me. Carlotta kept challenging Christine the whole time (while Raoul just stood there like an idiot) and at some point, Christine couldn’t stand anymore and came face to face with Carlotta while singing “How dare you! You evil woman! How dare you!”. After the Phantom’s new note brought by Madame Giry, Christine seems very distressed, especially after Raoul suggests having her as bait to catch the Phantom minutes after assuring her that the managers couldn’t force her to sing. He even has the audacity to put both his hands on her shoulder while he sings “but remember we hold the ace”. This disturbed me way more than the candle thing with the Phantom during MOTN. 
While all of them are speaking at the same time, Christine stands up and is even more distressed with the whole situation, and finally collapses on her knees while pleading “Raoul, I'm frightened, don't make me do this. Raoul, it scares me, don't put me through this ordeal by fire. he'll take me, I know. we'll be parted forever. he won't let me go”. While she sings this, everyone in the room is looking at her, except for Raoul, he has his back to her, his hands resting on the manager’s table and he looks really annoyed and frustrated. Only when she starts singing “What I once used to dream I now dread. If he finds me, it won't ever end” he finally faces her but just stares like everyone else.  When she cries “and he'll always be there, singing songs in my head. he'll always be there, singing songs in my head.” Carlotta looks at Raoul and says “She is mad”. Only then does he finally kneels down near her and sings “You said yourself he was nothing but a man. Yet if he lives, he will haunt us till we're dead”. She then stands up and moves away from Raoul, and she sounds angry while singing Twisted every Way. Raoul comes closer to her, puts his hands on her shoulders to have her face him (again), and sings gently but very forcibly at the same time “Christine, Christine, don't think that I don't care, but every hope and every prayer rests on you now.”. He then holds her by the waist and leads her against her will to the auditorium (while the stage rotates again) and has her seated with the score. She just looks at him resigned.  She clearly doesn’t want to do it. Raoul just stands there, looking at her to make sure she won’t run away, and then shouts to no one in particular “So, it is to be war between us! But this time, clever friend, the disaster will be yours” and leaves the stage as Don Juan rehearsal starts.
The Don Juan rehearsal happens more or less the same way as the original, but instead of the piano just playing alone, it also spins on the stage. Monsieur Reyer was supposedly coordinating the rehearsal from behind the piano and at one moment, we see his arm raised, but when the piano spins, there’s nobody there. Chaos breaks loose as everyone starts to fight. The rehearsal scene is the other scene which is a bit restricted to people seated on the left side because the stage stops at an angle facing the right side of the audience too.
 As the violins start playing, Christine stands up and goes to the back while the stage rotates again. As she emerges on the front of the stage (that finally stops rotating), she has her cloak and is holding a single red rose. She walks towards the edge of the stage and in the background, we see the silhouette of the people fighting in slow motion during rehearsal, throwing chairs and things like that, a total mess. Then the graveyard backdrop falls, and Christine is alone on the stage as snow starts to fall and we hear the bells. There is no Daae mausoleum, which never really made sense to me, as they weren´t rich. She sings a good part of the song kneeling down in front of the conductor, as if in front of a simple grave or headstone. She even has the rose resting on the ground as she sings. When she finishes (her Wishing is fantastic) and is ready to leave, the Phantom with raven wings appears illuminated by a single spot behind the backdrop while singing Wandering Child. Christine seems totally mesmerized by the vision of him as an Angel, she sings back to him on her knees with her arms raised, as in prayer, and starts moving towards him when he sings “yet your soul obeys”. As he starts singing “I am your Angel of Music”, he rises from the ground.
The whole time, the Phantom is very aware of Raoul’s presence and becomes more agitated and angrier by the minute. When Raoul manages to shake Christine out of her trance, it culminates with the Phantom fully rising to the sky, maybe 10 meters or more from the ground, and instead of the pitiable fireballs from the original production, he commands lighting and very loud thunder effects. At the very end, he shouts “So be it! Now let it be war upon you both!” and flies down as to attack Christine and Raoul while a thunder sound explodes loudly, and the stage goes dark. That was another favorite scene of mine. Say what you want about it, I’ve always had this canon of the Phantom as a black-winged Angel, so to see my idea turned into reality on the stage by my favorite Phantom was truly incredible.
We are then back to the stage of the Opera house, Raoul, Andre, Firmin and the chief of the Gendarmerie are on the stage and the Gendarme with the gun is in a box, with the audience, instead of the orchestra pit.  The Chief of the Gendarmerie shouts, “Are the doors secure?” and someone replies back “secure” only once, there’s no sound of slamming doors from all around the auditorium, which makes way more sense, because soon after, the Phantom sings “Let the audience in”, which would be impossible with all the doors closed.
 As they leave the stage, the revolving stage shows the silhouette of the actors in Don Juan from the backstage until it fully rotates and stops facing the audience. The backdrop falls and it is very similar to the one in the original production. Piangi’s Don Juan outfit is somewhat similar too. Passarino’s outfit is different from the stage musical though. The first time I saw an image of this scene, I absolutely hated it, I’m so used to the black hooded cloak that I couldn’t understand the yellowish-brown cloak and big hat. But it makes sense with Passarino’s outfit, that it’s about the same color. So, when Don Juan changes his red cloak and hat with Passarino, it makes sense to have the Phantom dressed as so. The more I watched the show, the less it bothered me. There is really no right or wrong, this scene doesn’t even exist in the book, only in ALW’s version. At least it makes more sense than the outfit he wears in the 2004 movie when he doesn’t even try to disguise himself.
Christine’s outfit reminds me of Emmy’s outfit in the movie, and she even has the basket. When the Phantom comes out singing, it is the voice of Piangi that we hear. It is supposed to sound like the Phantom mimicking Piangi’s voice to perfection. This had me very confused when I first listened to the audio from the first show my friend sent me. I knew it didn’t sound a bit like Ramin, but at the same time, it was supposed to be him singing and my brain was so confused. Only when he starts singing “Past the point of no return -no backward glances (…)” it shifts to Ramin’s voice. I believe that’s the exact moment when Christine realizes it’s him and not Piangi. She even looks at Raoul at this point.
This scene is very interesting because Erik acts as if very much in control while he is singing, but as soon as Christine is singing, he looks very nervous and even terrified. He sits awkwardly and doesn´t know what to do with his hands, they are shaking, and Christine acts very provocatively and touches him a lot. By the time she sings “In my mind, I've already imagined our bodies entwining defenseless and silent”, she has her leg almost on top of him, and after “And now I am here with you: no second thoughts, I've decided, decided”, she is already seated across the bench facing him, while he seems even more nervous, seated facing the audience.  By the “Past the point of no return -no going back now (…)” she forces him to look at her by holding both his hands, and when she sings “When will the flames, at last, consume us?” they both stand up, she leans her back on him, they are both still holding hands. He slowly sits down again, bringing her to sit on his leg while they both sing “Past the point of no return the final threshold, the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn. We've passed the point of no return”.
The whole scene is very sexy. At this point, she actually tries to kiss him, but he pushes her away and moves to the very end of the bench, opposite her. He then takes off the hat revealing himself on stage. Everyone gasps, including Christine, but I believe she is shocked because she wasn’t expecting him to show himself like that. The stage is invaded by the police, the managers, Madame Giry, and Meg. Raoul immediately jumps from box 5 to the stage and tries to reach the Phantom, but Christine prevents everyone from getting near him. He starts singing All I Ask of You reprise, very softly, looking at the floor and fiddling with his hands. At that moment, I think he believed it was his last chance to win her willingly, he is very vulnerable, and there are lots of people pointing guns at him, but he keeps seated, the way he sings is truly heartbreaking, it is a pleading, his last chance to be happy. He then stands up and puts the ring on her finger and she betrays him, pulling his mask and wig. His scream is painful, and he just catches her and flees the stage with her under his cloak.  Piangi is not dead (which I appreciate because his death is pointless). We see Piangi in the background, on his feet, being helped by two men while Carlotta cries out his name.
Firmin is hysterical shouting “We are ruined Andre, ruined”. He is holding a lantern. Andre faces him and holds the lantern too. He shakes his head in an affirmative way, silently telling Firmin that there is only one thing they can do. They both release the lantern, initiating a fire that ultimately destroys the theatre. I believe they did it seeking for some kind of insurance. I prefer this to the idea of the Phantom being responsible for all the destruction.
Madame Giry calls Raoul and leads him to the same staircase near the orchestra pit from where we see Erik and Christine descending in the journey to the lair during the title song. She doesn’t go with him. Meg is not with them either.   
The scene changes to the Phantom and Christine in the gondola, on their way to his lair, and he is totally unhinged at this point. His humor shifts from totally devasted (and almost crying) to very angry and violent. Christine is still wearing Aminta’s outfit. Erik hands her a veil and a wedding dress, but she never gets to change. He doesn’t sing “That fate, which condemns me to wallow in blood has also denied me the joys of the flesh. This face, the infection which poisons our love” angrily as in the 25th anniversary, he sings very softy, almost as if he is about to cry. The same happens when he sings “This face, which earned a mother's fear and loathing. A mask, my first unfeeling scrap of clothing”, it is all very shy and sad until the “scrap of clothing” part, when he touches his face in disgust and sings these last few worlds more harshly.
Christine sings “This haunted face holds no horror for me now” and he looks at her almost hopeful, but then she says “It's in your soul that the true distortion lies.” And he shakes his head in disbelief. But then he senses Raoul’s presence, puts his hand over Christine’s mouth, and says “Wait! I think, my dear, we have a guest!”.
Raoul is crawling from the lake and the Phantom pulls him inside by his hair, throws him on the ground, towers over him with his feet on each side, and slowly bends over Raoul while singing “And now my wish comes true, you have truly made my night!”. Raoul seems as terrified as Christine and manages to crawl away from him, hiding near the bed. The Phantom then grabs Christine (sometimes the Phantom would grab her by the neck, but not always. Not my favorite part) and Raoul starts to plead for him to free her until Erik says “be my guest” and releases her. He always looks at his hand, as if he regrets his action. Christine runs to Raoul and they both embrace each other until Erik comes and puts the lasso around his head. He then climbs on the bench and pulls Raoul about 1 meter from the ground. This scene is very impressive, and I believe that’s the reason why Raoul is shirtless because we can’t see any harness and still, he is literally hanging by his neck. Of course, there’s a trick here and if you are close enough, depending on where you are sitting, you can understand how they are able to do this scene, but it is still way more impressive than the original and makes the whole situation much more dramatic, as we see Raoul struggling to breath for a good time.
On the last Sunday matinee, the mechanism to raise Raoul didn’t work, so his feet were on the ground the whole scene. It actually took a bit for Ramin to realize it wouldn’t work (he tried more than once). To compensate, he was way more aggressive and gave Raoul a really hard time. I have to say that from the moment Erik and Christine arrived at the lair, he looked already defeated. He knew he lost his last chance during Don Juan. We could see on Ramin’s face and body language that he knew he ruined everything. It was very clear, especially at one point while he sat on the side of the gondola and looked at Christine trying to free Raoul, but even before that. He had nothing else to lose at this point, he was literally fighting for any paltry crumbs. That’s his state of mind when he sings “You've passed the point of no return”
Christine furiously replies “Angel of Music, you deceived me. I gave my mind blindly.” At that, he approaches her like a predator, lifts her chin with one finger, and says very slowly and menacingly “You try my patience. Make your choice!”. Christine is shaking and crying while this happens. He then moves away from her. She looks at him, and then at Raoul struggling and kisses the Phantom after singing her lines. During the second kiss, she touches his deformity. He doesn’t touch her during the first kiss, during the second one, he puts his hand over hers. In some of the shows, he was the one to break the kiss. In others, it was she who ended it, but it was always him that moved away from her, totally overwhelmed, and crying, touching his lips. At this moment, he looks at Raoul, hanging limp and Christine follows his gaze. When she realizes that Raoul looks lifeless, she tries to swallow a sob. They both look at each other. She doesn’t move, she just keeps still staring at the Phantom with tears in her eyes. He looks from her to Raoul, shakes his head, he is still touching his lips as he approaches Raoul, looks at her again, pulls him down, and yanks the lasso from his neck while singing “Take her, forget me, forget all of this. Leave me alone, forget all you've seen”. Raoul has hardly any strength left to move. The Phantom brings the gondola to near where they are, and Christine practically drags Raoul into it and he collapses in the boat.
As they leave, the Phantom is the one who collapses on his knees, crying with the veil on his hands. The Monkey starts to play. Erik takes the music box from the bench at the foot of the bed and puts it on the ground next to him and starts singing Masquerade. In some of the shows, Ramin’s voice broke (on purpose) when he sang “Hide your face so the world will never find you”. He then senses Christine, but he never looks back at her, I think he knows it is pointless, but he sings “Christine, I love you” anyway. She is crying too, so she leaves the ring on the bench near the bed (where the monkey was) and leaves. He looks at the monkey very sadly and only then, looks back and reaches for the ring. He puts the ring on his finger, holds the veil again, and rocks like a child, crying, while she and Raoul sing on their way out. He then stands up and sings “You alone can make my song take flight. It's over now, the music of the night”.
That’s when he hears the mob coming. He sits on the bed and half covers himself while crying and rocking. Madame Giry arrives at his lair and sees him. They both look at each other and his face is incredibly sad. They both reach for each other with their hands from afar. The mob comes closer. She silently tells him to hide. He lies down and covers himself with the bed sheet. The mob arrives and Madame Giry points in the opposite direction, to give him time. When they finally notice something moving under the sheets, an armed Gendarme points the gun to the bed and pulls the sheet, but they find only his mask. The Phantom is gone. Meg takes the mask and gives it to Madame Giry and the spotlight illuminates it on her hand instead of Meg’s. I really enjoyed this change, because it clearly shows that they were indeed friends, and it makes more sense if you think that in Love Never Dies she admits she helped him escape.  
And that was it. I love this production very much, all the changes were very clever, and even the ones some people found tacky, I enjoyed seeing them live. The show as a whole works very well and it is still visually beautiful. I have to say I never had a clear view of the Phantom’s deformity, despite having sat in the first row twice. Even the one white eye, I only noticed after checking my curtain call photos. Ramin said he was practically blind from that eye due to the contact lens. Considering that most people didn’t notice it, I wish they would just disregard this detail. 
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katie100katherine · 4 years
God I really hope Ben Crawford can still play the phantom after quarantine, he was my first Phantom and I want to see him knowing the plot beforehand.
I wish I could remember all of his little nuances with the Phantom. I just remember the emotions - being brokenhearted right along with him, the fear, the allure, the sensuality of it all. I remember crying during his AIAOY Reprise and the Final Lair. I remember the energy of The Point of No Return. I remember feeling the fear and sorrow for this tragic man, and don't know what he did, but I want to see that phantom again.
Everyone has their first Phantom, mine happened to be Ben Crawford, and I'm really glad it was him.
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
Not a Summer Crush Part Seven
a/n: It's heeeeere! The night before my classes start for the fall. There's a timeskip from the previous part-- Caroline, Alex, and Casey have all been together for about a month and it's the transition between fall and summer. This one features fighting and humor and lots of Jack McCoy. Any and all feedback makes my world!
Part Seven
The weeks passed in late nights spent in the same office, in morning lattes and afternoon runs (that often ended in the kinds of showers that don’t save water, with the almost frantic pulling off of clingy clothing, with breathy “god yes”-es and rushing to the door when either of you heard Alex’s key in the lock). Jack McCoy noted with pride how efficient it appeared your bureau had become since the summer started.
It was important to maintain a good amount of discretion. As progressive as the world may be becoming, you knew that the DA’s office had to keep up appearances; that it wouldn’t be good for you, and Jack (and, by extension, you again) for the media to get wind of your relationship. Besides, you wanted to keep it personal, special.
But oh. The thrill of the honeymoon phase is so irresistible.
A Friday night, one where the air began to have the kind of bite that previewed the coming fall, found you and Alex together in a candlelit restaurant waiting for Casey to join you. You had some sense, choosing a place not normally frequented by the Hogan Place set, in the opposite direction from your apartment. You set your glass of wine beside Alex’s and took her hand in yours, above the table this time. You couldn't resist leaning in, kissing her softly.
“Caroline,” she said as you pulled away, smiling at you with the same look you’d first seen months ago, that you hadn’t known was what it was until you’d seen it over and over as she pulled you tighter into her arms.
“Alex,” you said, enticingly, all but batting your eyelashes. She ran her fingers along yours in apology. “I know,” you said, placing your hands back on the table, leaning back against the booth seat. “We could always meet Casey when she gets to your place,” you said, looking at your phone. “Except she’s almost here.”
Alex laughed lightly. “You’re insatiable,” she scolded you, teasingly. You shrugged, knowing it was accurate. “And I’m hungry.” She picked up her menu.
Across the room, around the corner, sitting at a single table, Jack McCoy returned his focus to his book, trying to convince himself he hadn’t seen what he thought he did.
Jack was on high alert at the office. He had been too far away, he couldn’t be sure. And it was such an out of the way place-- he went there when he didn’t want every law student and defense attorney on the island to vie for a piece of his ear. So it couldn’t’ve been them, Jack thought. Who am I kidding? That’s exactly the kind of place they’d go. After all-- Jack knew from affairs.
He wouldn’t have expected this of Alex Cabot, knowing how in love she and Casey were. Though, now he considered the possibility, the two of you seemed to gravitate towards one another in a characteristic way. He remembered seeing her hand linger on your shoulder a beat too long in the courthouse hallway.
Who knows, he’d always expected Mike and Connie would go for it one day, and they still hadn’t. When Erika Keller and Anna Mikhailova had filed their disclosure he could’ve sworn he’d needed to get his eyes checked, having heard the way the two of them could argue. Maybe he wasn’t the best judge of things. Because I’m looking for myself in other people. He leaned in his chair. He’d do the introspection later. For now, he’d do what he could to keep one of his bureau chiefs out of a public scandal. Besides, they were too far away. It could’ve been anybody’s curls bouncing in laughter, could’ve been anyone’s impeccable posture. He hoped.
He made a point that Monday around noon to personally stop by the junior office on your floor, but found only Nick Anderson (who, he remembered, he needed to talk to about a possible change of bureaus) with his head buried in a journal.
“Mr. McCoy,” he said as soon as he realized he wasn’t alone, snapping the book shut harder than he needed to. “What can I do for you?”
“Hi, Nick,” Jack said, a little disappointed that he’d roused the guy from what was clearly riveting reading. “I was just looking for Caroline.”
Anderson’s face fell. Evidently, he was used to that line of inquiry. Poor guy. McCoy remembered the days when he’d given the least helpful junior ADAs piles of nothing to keep them out of his hair. No obvious changes, Jack noticed as he looked around your side of the office. No notes or photos or out-of-the-ordinary gifts. Though, someone needs to show this woman the value of an organized space, he thought. It’d be hard to notice anything among the pile of papers.
“Mr. McCoy?” he heard Anderson say.
“Yeah?” he replied, somewhat irritated.
“Oh um,” he said, what little confidence he had faltering. “I just said she was in Ms. Cabot’s office, sir.”
Jack’s stomach dropped. That may as well be “step one” in the old Jack McCoy playbook, get her in your space as often as possible. Oh come on, Jack. She’s her boss. They’re probably going over witness statements. Right. And how many witness statements did Sally and I review together while I was still going home to Ellen? He swallowed. “Thank you. And you don’t need to ‘sir’ me anymore. You’ve earned your desk.”
“Yes s-- got it, Mr. McCoy.” Anderson returned to his book. Jack continued down the hall.
“You really think she’s being honest?” Alex’s question was audible through her slightly-open door.
“She’s our witness!” you said, matching her tone. Somehow, the mood in the office was light even in your disagreement.
“Witnesses lie,” Jack said, surprising the both of you as he nudged his way in the room.
“When it’s in their best interest,” you said, acknowledging him with a nod in his direction. Jack liked how you didn’t let etiquette get in the way of your arguments. “Alex,” you said, pointing your gaze at her. I know that look. “What good does it do her to lie about who she was with?”
Alex fired right back at you, not bringing McCoy into the conversation. “She avoids embarrassment? Guilt? Fear? I’m not putting her on the stand unless we can verify her testimony.”
“Then we’re looking at an acquittal,” you said dryly.
“Because I won’t suborn perjury? O ye of little faith,” Alex responded. Jack caught a playful lilt in her voice. He was liking this less and less with each piece of evidence he uncovered.
“Do you know for certain she’s lying?” Jack said, breaking the intensity in the room.
“No, but--” Alex said.
“Exactly--” you said at the same time.
“Are you certain she’s telling the truth?” He asked. “This is People v Buckman?” he clarified. Alex nodded. You pushed an offending curl out of your eyes. “I would probably put her on the stand,” you smirked, “and when defense -it’s Elsie Campbell, right?- I’d have no recourse when defense tears her story to pieces.” You shrugged, never minding being the first to concede defeat.
“I’ll see if Detective Rollins is up for a coffee break,” you said, grabbing your phone and attache, but, Jack noticed, leaving your cardigan hanging on the extra hook. “Sometimes I wish I’d stayed in California,” you said, “reciprocal discovery would be pretty sweet.”
“Ouch,” Alex said as you walked out of the office. You waved a hand over your shoulder.
“Did you need something, Jack?” Alex asked, glad she’d known him long enough to be casual.
“Nothing,” he lied, and when she looked puzzled, said, “I was actually checking on the Buckman case.”
“I’m in no need of supervision,” Alex said under her breath. “Anything else I can clarify for you?”
Tell me I’m wrong about this, he thought. “No,” he said. “I’m sure you’ve got it under control.”
Of course, if Jack McCoy had been a more athletically inclined man, he may have run into you and Casey in the park two days before the restaurant, cooling down from the 5 and a half miles you’d done. He may have seen you tug on the hem of Casey’s tank top, seen her whisper something in your ear that made you blush and laugh, he may have caught the split second her lips met your jawline, seen the two of you heading off for the subway together.
And if he’d seen that first he may have tried to convince himself that it was another red ponytail and another person’s graceful lines. That there were so many people who jogged in that park, that it couldn't have been you.
He would’ve made a point to stop by the juniors’ office, maybe earlier in the day. Nick Anderson would’ve told him you were in Casey’s office and his stomach would’ve dropped. That may as well be “step one” in the old Jack McCoy playbook, get her in your space as often as possible. Oh come on, Jack. She’s her boss. They’re probably preparing for an admissibility hearing. He’d remind himself to schedule a meeting with Anderson for the end of the week.
He’d continue down the hall to find you and Casey sitting together, wordlessly handing one another documents highlighted in different colors. He’d remember the last time he was that in sync with an assistant and an undeniable flutter of recognition would’ve hit him.
But he hadn’t been in the park.
Your phone buzzed on the counter. You dried your hands quickly on the dishtowel, you turned off the tap. In the living room, Ashley was gathering the toys and books scattered about. Ramin was late at the office.
1 new message from: Alex to: you, Casey:
Alex: I just had quite the meeting with Jack.
“You wanted to see me, Jack?” Alex said, entering his office after most of the lawyers had gone home or
retreated to their own offices for the night.
“Actually, I’d really rather I didn’t need to,” he said. Alex’s concern showed on her face.
“Is this about the Buckman case? I know it’s going to be extra time to look into her statement,
but I really think this could be a break in the case, if she’s telling the truth or lying, so I thought it was justified. I could probably still make the argument without her, but it feels worth it--”
“No, the case is fine. Besides, it’s your case. I-- Alex we need to talk about… it’s maybe a more personal issue,” Jack said, shifting his hands’ position on the desk in front of him.
Alex’s eyes widened. “Are you speaking as my boss or as my friend?” Jack melted, remembering that they were friends, and that he could approach the topic as a friend. Though, usually, he wouldn’t have to confront a friend about their romantic life. Or if he did, it wouldn’t have professional repercussions. Electoral repercussions, he heard a younger, more emotional version of himself say to Adam Schiff 20 years ago. Sorry, Adam.
“Both, I hope, now that you mention it.”
Alex paused a moment, considering what to say. She had an idea what Jack was getting at, but no idea how he had come to that conclusion. He probably has some kind of sixth sense, she thought. “Start as my boss.”
Jack took a deep breath. “OK. I’ll tell you something Adam Schiff told me when I was in your position,”
Alex felt the need to stop him, to find out exactly what he thought he knew. “Wait. Before you reprimand me. What position am I in? What do you think I’m doing?”
“Jesus, Alex. What do you think you’re doing?” he asked. She didn’t answer him. “You’re having an affair with Caroline Haley.” He wasn’t asking her a question, and the disappointment in his voice was wounding. Alex took a deep breath. “You’re not going to deny it?”
“What makes you think we’re having an affair?” She was determined to out-wit him, get him to show her all his evidence before letting go of anything he was unaware of. Under New York law it is the prosecution’s responsibility to disclose any exculpatory evidence, she thought. And a lawyer who represents herself still has a fool for a client.
Jack looked at her blankly. Was she really going to make him spell it out? Well, he’d missed presenting cases. “I’ve noticed that she spends a lot more time in your office than her own,” he started. Alex’s poker face remained unchanged. “Your conversational style is, quite, amiable, ah,”
She couldn’t suppress a smile, then, biting back a laugh. “My apologies,” she said. “All you have as proof of this alleged affair is friendly conversation and spending time together?”
Jack tried to play into her humor. “I’ll remind you Ms. Novak Cabot,” he said, using her married name to see if it got a reaction (no luck), “that adultery is still a class B misdemeanor in the state of New York.”
Alex snatched that opportunity. He opened the door, your honor. “And how many three-month stays do you owe the good people of New York, Mr. McCoy?” He looked caught-out. The upper hand was hers. “Are you sure you’re not just seeing your old habits?”
“You know, it’s funny you should say that. Because after this coming election, I was going to ask you to be my EADA. But you know I can’t do that if there is even the slightest appearance of impropriety.”
“So this is about election results? You and I both know my patience for politics is--”
“Limited, yes. But don’t tell me you’re not the slightest bit interested.”
“I’d have to think about it, Jack,” she said honestly. It seemed to surprise him, which didn’t surprise her. He seemed to forget, often, that she’d arguably done much more important work (and he seemed to forget that Tracey Kibre had turned down the same position more than once, that some people enjoyed seeing their partners and the insides of their apartments every once in a while). “But that’s not why you wanted to talk to me, and you’ve yet to convince me that you have any idea about any affair.”
“Where were you last Friday evening?” Jack asked her, in full cross-examination confidence.
Alex flinched, her first misstep since she’d come in. She wasn’t going to out-right lie to him if disguising the truth would do. However he knew this (if he knew anything), she had no way of knowing how much he knew. “I had dinner with Caroline at a restaurant near her apartment in Brooklyn.”
“A working dinner?”
“I can’t be friends with my colleague?”
“Trilogy isn’t a particularly platonic place as far as I know,”
“You spied on me outside of work?”
“I happened to be there,” Jack said. Alex rolled her shoulders back, trying to let go of some of the anger she had at what felt like an invasion of her privacy, even if it had been public. “I saw her kiss you, Alex. I know.” Alex didn’t answer him. Jack, uncomfortable with the silence, said “I really do understand. I sympathize with what you’re going through, I know it isn’t easy.”
Her frustration gathered itself in her cold fingertips that she realized were gripping the arms of her chair, hard. “Actually, you don’t understand,” she said, quietly, as politely as she could. “You have an incomplete picture of the nature of our relationship.” Jack opened his mouth to argue. “I won’t say any more,” Alex said, certain, “except that Caroline has done absolutely nothing wrong, and if you go after her about any of this, you will have my resignation.” Jack nodded.
“You understand how something like this could look to the public? You understand that your position is at stake?”
“I understand.”
“I mean, just the power dynamic alone, disregarding the infidelity, and I hate to say it, but you know how rampant homophobia still is.” She clenched her jaw, but she didn’t look guilty.
“I know. Now, I’d like you to be my friend for a moment,” she said. “Please.”
He smiled weakly.
“As your friend, I’d tell you not to cheat on your wife,” Jack said. Alex looked serene.
“I won’t,” she said, rising from her seat. “Goodnight, Jack.” She left faster than he could return the sentiment. He’d hoped he had more comforting things to say. And he wanted to know what on earth she’d meant by “the nature” of their relationship. He trusted she’d take extra care now that she knew he knew. It was not going to be a fun secret to keep.
She didn’t tell you what the meeting was about, so you knew it couldn’t have gone well. Quite the meeting. You hoped it wasn’t what you thought it was. You said you’d be there soon. You moved through the apartment quickly, leaving the last of the dishes in the sink, snagging your keys off the hook, tossing them along with your phone into your backpack.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” Ashley asked. You knew he’d been looking forward to catching up on episodes of The Bachelor, and you did hate to disappoint him. You looked up from tying your shoes.
“Alex and Casey’s,” you said. His shoulders dropped. “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you.” He rolled his eyes. “What?” you asked. “You can watch without me, you know, I don’t mind.”
“I don’t care about the show,” he said, returning to his tidying.
You stood up, crossing your arms. “Something you want to say?” He shrugged.
“No, no. Go have fun,” he said.
“I don’t think it’s going to be a whole lot of fun,” you said, trying to keep the worry buried. “Alex texted, she said that Jack had called her into his office this evening over something.”
“That surprises you?” Ashley said, his voice high-pitched.
You looked at him with your eyes wide. “I’m sorry?” you said, resisting the urge to raise your voice.
“What did you think was going to happen, Caroline?” he said, with a patronizing look that made your stomach turn.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” you said. Two could play at passive aggression.
Ashley laughed bitterly. “I mean, did you not think twice before risking your job, everything you’ve worked towards to be what, the third wheel in a relationship that existed far before you came across it?”
“Ashley,” you warned him.
“I thought you were trying to work on the self-sabotage, I mean, you’ve never even been in a relationship before,”
“That’s not exactly true,” you said. You were starting to feel nauseous. He knew you well enough to know that he was pushing right on all your insecurities.
“That lasted more than a couple months, then, which is hardly anything.”
“I think we’ve gone over that a couple times-- Just because you’re so morally invested in monogamy doesn’t mean it’s for everyone--”
“You really want to be the girl who sleeps with the boss? No, sorry, the girl who sleeps with both of the bosses?”
“It’s-- wow. Tell me how you really feel.”
It was quiet for a moment as the two of you dared the other person to talk first.
“I just don’t think you’re making the best decision,” he said.
“I thought you were happy for me,” you replied, and walked out the door.
You didn’t usually ride your bike after dark. It felt right, though, as you went, releasing your nervous (and sad, and angry) energy out through the pedals. Your arms came up in goosebumps, from the chill in the air or the trepidation in your spine. It started to rain.
You and Alex arrived almost simultaneously. She was accepting a cup of tea that Casey was offering her when you came in. You were a walking cliché with your hair stuck to the side of your face, shivering. “Hi,” you said, shakily. You hadn’t quite been crying. The insecure part of you felt small, out of place, intrusive: they had this cozy, tidy, warm apartment, mugs of hot tea in their hands; and you were shattering it with the chaos that followed in the wake of your personal life. You were being so selfish, so inconsiderate, bringing your own emotional baggage with you despite Alex being the one having a hard time. For a split second you thought about leaving with no explanation, dashing out almost as soon as you shut the door. Casey held up a mug for you. It was one of a matching set of three.
“Jack thinks we’re having an affair,” Alex said, matter-of-fact, as you slipped out of your shoes and made your way to the counter Casey was leaning against. Alex was pacing, slowly, how she often did when she was figuring something out. You took a sip of your tea, grateful for the warmth, then set it on the counter and rested your head on Casey’s shoulder. She jumped and you laughed, the relief spreading through you. She squirmed as you pressed closer, letting out a squeak at the feeling. You let her go, listening to the quiet creaking of the floor.
“Which us?” you asked, matching the seriousness of the subject again. “All of us?”
“Just you and I,” Alex said.
“How did he come to that conclusion?” Casey asked, knowing there were equal cases to be made for any combination.
Alex stopped moving, pushing herself up to sit on the counter opposite to you. “To begin, he was apparently at Trilogy last Friday night.” The goosebumps threatened to make a repeat appearance. This was your fault.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, your eyes lost in your teacup. “I was reckless.” Out of the corner of your eye, you felt Apollo the duck stare at you accusingly with the stone cold eyes he didn’t have.
“Don’t be sorry. I was there too,” Alex said, meeting your gaze as you looked up. “He didn’t stick around long enough to see Casey.”
“What did you end up telling him?” Casey asked, letting herself be the problem-solver for the night.
“Very little,” she said. “He doesn’t have the complete story. That he should hold off on any judgements unless and until he did.”
“Did it work?” you asked.
“Well enough, I think. You don’t need to worry about your job. I threatened him with my resignation if he said a word to you about it.” Your heart beat faster. Sacrifices for your sake, or the offer of them, made you uneasy.
“You don’t have to put your career on the line for me,” you said, the same shaky tone edging into your voice again. Alex blinked at you, like it was no big deal, like it was the obvious choice. Casey traced circles on your shoulder blade.
“Nobody’s career is at risk, Caroline,” Casey said. “Honestly, imagine the kind of headlines that would break if Jack McCoy fired someone for adultery.”
“I don’t know what’s worse,” Alex said, “Jack’s disapproval right now, or how he might react if we just told him what’s going on. He made it clear his objection had more to do with poll numbers than morality.” Ashley’s words echoed in your head. You really want to be the girl who sleeps with the boss-- both of the bosses? Your fear must have been more obvious than you intended. “What’s wrong?” Alex asked you.
You swallowed. “It’s nothing,” you said, stopping yourself from spilling every anxious thought that came to you. “I’m fine. It’ll be fine,” you said, a real smile making its way out of you. You held your hand out for Alex’s and squeezed. She slid off the counter, letting herself be pulled in, letting whatever you weren’t saying stay unsaid for that moment. She also jumped when she first felt your wet clothes against her skin.
“Now, let’s get you out of those wet clothes,” she said. Your mouth was open in amusement as she started off down the hall. You began to follow but Casey stopped you briefly, hooking her ring finger into your belt loop.
“Whatever he said, it isn’t true,” she said, starting to run her warm hands underneath your shirt.
“How did you,” you said, feeling seen. “I didn’t say anything about it.”
“Give me some credit,” she said then kissed you gently, her body warming yours. “I’m very perceptive.” She gripped the bunched-up body of your t-shirt and you slipped your head through the top. Casey placed her palms against your ribs, holding you steady.
“Thank you,” you said, deep and low, as you kissed her again. The two of you, now almost equally damp, joined Alex. Six hands moved slowly, purposefully. Nothing felt desperate, fleeting. Only warmth filled you.
taglist: (I'm tagging a couple of my moots who aren’t on the taglist, let me know if you’d prefer I didn’t!)
@addictedtodinosaurs @nocreditinthestraightworld @cmmndrwidw @hi-i-1 @lesbianologist @readerhermit @@alexlivdoncas @laezzzi @imaginaryoperagloves (thank you for your help!!) @swimmingstudentchaos891
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Vengeance (1/2)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary:  Your family had lived in Gotham longer than you can remember. At this point, it was about pride, you weren’t going to let anyone bully out of your own town. So, when your sister got engaged, that did not stop the festivities from being held in Gotham. The night of her bachelorette party was one you will never forget.   Warnings: Language, death Word Count: 1.4k A/N: Y/S/N = You sister’s name
Part Two
“Y/S/N, don’t you want anyone else at your bachelorette party?”
“Never. Everyone else I know is such a bore, I just want to have the time of my life with my favorite person, my sister.”
“If you insist,” you chuckled, you could tell she had already started drinking, “I’m headed home from work now. I’ll change and meet you at yours.”
Even though it was late, and it was Gotham, you grew up here and were confident in your ability to avoid dangerous situations. You walked into your sister’s apartment and saw her video chatting her fiancé on the couch.
“Really? You guys have been a part for like 4 hours. Let’s go have fun Y/S/N!”
“Alright, alright!” Y/S/N turned to her phone, “Gotta go sweetheart, love you and see you soon!”
Both of you head downstairs for a night of dancing and drinking. About 4 hours later, you didn’t think you could handle any more liquor, and frankly any more of your sister. You finally convinced her it was time to go home, and the two of you began the walk back to her apartment. Both of you were stumbling left and right as you walked down the street. After a few blocks you noticed a man following you. You discreetly dialed 911 on your phone and loudly talked with you sister on the phone, indicating the streets you were passing. A few moments later, the man caught up with you and cornered the two of you in an alleyway. Not knowing how to react you grabbed yours and your sister’s purses and thrust them in his direction.
“Just take them, we don’t want any trouble!”
“Yeah, but maybe I do.”
This couldn’t be happening. How wicked were people? You pulled the purses back, now refusing to give him the satisfaction.
“Fine, let’s see how you fair then.” You spat towards him, as your drunken sister looked at you in awe.
“Oh no, the odds need to be even.” And before you knew it you heard the sound of a gun, and watched as your sister slumped to the ground, her chest covered in blood. No, no, no, no. This can’t be happening. Why her?! She had everything to live for. No. Suddenly, Red Hood dropped into the alley, in between you and the assailant.
He quickly disarmed the man, but as he turned to check on you, the assailant ran. Though he was wearing a mask, you could feel the look on his face and he glanced towards your sister lying lifeless on the ground.
“Look buddy, I don’t need your pity. I need a fucking shotgun and that asshole’s address.”
You could’ve sworn you heard him chuckle as he said, “Well, I’ll be in touch then.”
You slumped down to the ground, next to your sister as you watched him bound up the fire escapes, back to the rooftops he called home.
The next few days went by in a fog. How could everything be gone, how could the one person you loved the most in the world be gone? How could her killer still be running loose?
You get home from the funeral and see a note sitting on your kitchen counter.
I know what its like to lose hope in everything. Hopefully this information will help you gain some peace, though I beg you to let me know when you decide to follow through. I don’t think I can handle your death on my conscious as well.
Dolan Ramin
376 Orchard Lane, Apt 1708
Your friendly neighborhood Red Hood
P.S. (608) 376-0135
You weren’t stupid, and this was a fight you were determined to win. You spent the next six months in intensive martial arts and defense classes, as well as going to the range every weekend. Once you were satisfied with your skills, you spend the next two weeks tracking this “Dolan” person’s every movement. Once again, you decided to not be stupid, the morning of your planned assault you texted the number.
It’s going down tonight. 2am. His apartment.
You had been waiting on the building across from Dolan’s since 11 in the morning. Staring into his window, watching him complete every day activities. Activities he stole from your sister. Just after midnight you noticed a masked figure staring at you, one that was completing ignoring your target. Finally, you motioned for him to come near.
“Don’t tell me you are here to stop me.”
“Oh don’t worry doll, I get the vengeance thing.”
You glanced at the bat symbol on his chest, “And he approves of that…”
“We…we are still working on that aspect.”
“Hmm…look. Ever since you saved me that night, I’ve wanted to let you know that it’s not your fault. I know that probably doesn’t mean much, because if someone told me that right now, I would probably punch them in the face. I mean I antagonized the guy, how could it not be my fault? Like what if I just gave up our bags, or whatever he wanted…” You couldn’t control your words anymore until this masked figure grabbed your hand.
“No matter what people tell you, the guilt doesn’t go away until you face the reality. A million different things could have happened, you just have to accept you couldn’t control the outside factors. Vengeance could either give you satisfaction or destroy you, make sure you know what this will do Y/N.”
“How did you…”
“What you think I could find and break into your apartment, but not know your name?”
“Okay, true.” Silence filled the space. It was just after one in the morning when you broke it, “I just…how could I not? This man killed my sister, my best friend.”
“Y/N, that’s not something I can answer for you. While we wait, can I tell you a story?” You nodded for him to continue. “Many people don’t know my story, and honestly it’s hard for me to tell. But I think it will help…I was an orphan when I began to apprentice with Batman, at least I thought I was. The Joker began to taunt me, saying my mother was alive. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I went off to find her. Only, it was a trap.  I was beaten to a pulp with a crowbar by the Joker, but when he left I was able to free myself, only to discover the door to the warehouse was locked. Before I could pick the lock, a bomb exploded and I died.”
You looked at him in awe, he had died. How did any of your problems come close to this? The Red Hood continued, “Years later something or someone resurrected my body, and then even later, my mind. I was so filled with rage, and if I’m honest with myself, I still am. I mean the Joker killed me, yet Batman still couldn’t kill him. Once you cross that line, you can’t come back. Yet I often wonder how Batman couldn’t cross that line, and it still infuriates me.” He looked towards the ground. “Y/N, just make sure this is really what you want before you cross that line.” Silence hit the pair again like a blanket. Nearly an hour had passed before the Red Hood spoke again, “Y/N, I’ve already crossed that line. If you can’t…I can.”
Finally you spoke, “I…I was so ready to end this man’s life. But I don’t know if I can now. I’ve spent the last two weeks watching him, learning his every move. In that time I’ve also seen the relationships he’s built. How can someone who takes a life so carelessly build such established relationships?”
“Some people are just better at faking it, these could not even be real relationships, Y/N”
“He’s just…he’s even nice to the fucking barista. How did someone so supposedly normal kill my sister?”
The Red Hood just shook his head, unable to come up with a response. He honestly didn’t know how some people could so easily hide their evil tendencies. Seeing your dilemma, he began to realize that if you ever killed him, you would not be able to forgive yourself.  
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chid-sen-gan-blog · 5 years
My Reaction to GoT 8.04 (”The Last of the Starks”)
Hello, everyone! So, I’m back once again for another recap/review of the latest GoT epsiode. I’m sorry this took so long, but I spent most of my week in a deep depression over it, so I only got around to editing it now…
Anyway, this review is as much of an emotional roller coaster as the actual episode was, so read at your own risk. 
Once again, these are my thoughts from my first time viewing it (I read the leaks prior to seeing the episode, but I took them with a grain of salt, so everything written is based purely on my own emotions), and, once again, it features running commentary from my Dad and Brother because I love them and they’re amazing.
WARNING: Spoilers for the episode, if you haven’t seen it yet. Though considering how late I’m posting this, the warning may be irrelevant
WARNING #2: Please excuse my emotional state throughout. This show is designed to break me in many, many ways
Thanks you to everyone who supported the first three installments! I hope you enjoy the fourth!
Considering there are only two episodes left in the series (not counting this one), I think it’s kind of pointless for me to say that I’m still not used to the opening credits. If they haven’t grown on me yet, then they’re not going to in time for the finale
Every time I see D&D’s names at the start of an episode, I die a little inside
YES!!! I CAN SEE ACTUALLY SEE THIS EPISODE!!! (#still salty about squinting in 8x3)
Ugh. Dany. On second thought, I’ll take the poor lighting back. Please? Thank you
Aww, Sansa giving Theon her Stark pin. *tears up*
*quickly wipes tears away* Nope, not now, I’m saving my crying for later
I really hope that I’m not going to have to bring out the tissues for this episode even though all the leaks are pointing to it
Yikes. That’s… a lot of bodies
And just think of how many of them could still be alive if the dragons had just lit some ice zombies up instead of getting lost in a snowstorm
Or if the Dothraki hadn’t charged right into the Army of the Dead when they could hardly see where they were going
Then again none of us could really see anything with last episode’s lighting, so…
#still salty about squinting
Noooooo! Ghost!!! My poor baby’s covered in wounds!!!
“Alright, which of those undead creeps beat Ghost up that badly?! Because I will kill them all over again!” – My Wonderful Dad
“By the looks of it, he did a lot more fighting than the dragons. Point: Team Direwolves.” – My Wonderful Brother
Once again, just when I think Jon can’t look any more tired, he raises the bar
(at this point he could probably list “being tired” as one of his skills on his resume)
So, with this lighting, I can finally find out who survived. Okay, so let’s see… Jaime, Brienne, Davos, Gendry, the Hound…
Good speech, Jon. I’m surprised Dany let you take the reigns and make it
The score is fantastic once again. I can’t express how happy it makes me that Ramin Djawadi always brings his A-Game
(even when certain members of the crew don’t seem to *cough D&D cough*…)
Okay, this scene is really touching, I admit
Though I’m honestly a little confused why we still have to burn the bodies with the White Walkers gone, but, oh, well…
Oooh, a feast. Nice. I’ll stick to my potato chips and gummy bears, though
Gendrya’s canon and I’m glad
I wonder who curses more: the Hound or Bronn?
Oh, shoot. Dany, no. No, don’t call to Gendry…
Anyone else think it’s rather telling how everyone looks absolutely terrified when Dany’s speaking to Gendry?
“If Gendry dies, I will riot.” – My Wonderful Brother
Wait… Dany legitimized him?
No, there has to be something more to this. Dany never does things unless it’s for her own benefit…
Aaaaand there it is. Typical. Figured it was some ulterior motive
(my Dany bitterness is seriously at an all-time high tonight, and I’m not quite sure why)
Jon smiles more around a kid he barely knows (Gendry) than he does with Dany. And that’s the tea
“Sure, Dany, you just told everyone in this room now that Gendry has a claim to the Iron Throne that supersedes yours, but, yeah, you’re soooo clever.” – My Wonderful Brother
Even Tyrion looks done with her at this point. ‘Took him long enough
Jaime putting his hand on Brienne’s reminds me of a similar scene with them from S3, E6 (“The Climb”). *sighs* Ah, the early seasons. Those were good days…
Aww, the way they look at each other. *heart melts*
I’ve never been much for shipping, but when it comes to Jaime and Brienne, I’m shipping trash. And I’m proud
“JUST KISS ALREADY, YOU TWO!!!” – My Wonderful Dad (edit: apparently, I’m not the only one who’s shipping trash)
“Just nudge Brienne a little closer to him, Pod. Just enough for their lips to meet.” – My Wonderful Brother (edit: my whole family is shipping trash, and I couldn’t be happier about it)
Ah, Davos, Tyrion. Discussing Melisandre, are we? Pour one out for her on my behalf, would you? I owe her for lighting things up last episode
#still salty about squinting
Good question… what does R’Hollor want? Not that I expect D&D to explain it, but still…
Bran’s still a robot. Wonderful
Please tell me he has some purpose in this show other than creeping out his family and their guests
You know how you have that one friend that just won’t take no for an answer and tries to talk you into all the worst things and then acts like they’re doing you a favor? Yeah, that’s Tormund
Aw, Sansa encouraging Jon is everything. Even if it’s encouraging him to drink
Tormund, why would you toast to Dany? Why would you hurt me like that? Is it because I ship Braime? I always said Briemund was fine, too!
(though some Briemund stans that I’ve met… less so)
Dany toasting to Arya. Wow, it certainly looks like someone read their kiss-up handbook, doesn’t it?
“That woman is saccharine, spice, and nothing nice.” – My Wonderful Brother
The Hound barely acknowledges when Gendry’s named a lord, but is visibly amused when Arya’s mentioned. Oh, Sandor, you softie…
Seriously, though, the fact that we have Northmen, Free Folk, Southerners, Starks, Lannisters, and Varys (from Essos) all together in one room is amazing. And beyond that, they’re happy; they’re not fighting, they’re not trying to kill one another – they’re celebrating. Together. It’s actually making me tear up a bit
Well, we were all happy until Sansa saw Dany and left
I can’t blame her there, though. Wanting to book the moment you lay eyes on Dany is a personal mood of mine
Okay, confession time: I really want to play the drinking game one of these days with my family (though I’ll substitute the wine with something non-alcoholic)
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I adore Lannisbros, and I always will
Like, Tyrion’s charm has been lost on me since S5, but whenever he’s with Jaime, I can’t help but fall in love with him all over again.
And whenever Jaime’s around Tyrion, it always brings out a sweeter, softer side of his personality that we don’t normally get to see, and I live for it
Honestly, I can’t credit Peter and Nikolaj’s performances enough
Honestly, I can’t credit the entire cast’s enough
(especially in this season where the acting is pretty much the only thing worth watching for)
(well, the acting and the score)
“I can’t believe Jaime’s seriously using the drinking game as a way to show Brienne he remembers what she tells him.” – My Wonderful Brother, with a mile-wide smirk on his face
“The guy’s such a dork. I love it.” – My Wonderful Dad, smiling like the proud papa he is
I honestly can’t help but laugh at how Pod seems to be enjoying this as much I am
Okay, drunk Tormund’s funny. I admit
Tormund really seems to be intent on making Jonmund canon, I’m just saying
Awww, how I’ve missed Jon’s smile
… is that a Starbucks coffee cup?
Is that why they had such poor lighting in the last episode? To cover up coffee cup cameos?
#still salty about squinting
*opts to ignore it for now*
“A madman? Or a king?” Very telling words, Tormund. Very telling, indeed
And as if to confirm it, the score gets sinister, the noises muffle, and Dany starts to get… uncomfortable, for lack of a better term
Kudos to the cast and crew on this scene; it’s chilling my bones more than anything in the last episode did
Varys sees. Varys knows. And what Varys sees, Varys doesn’t like. Trust Varys
Back to the drinking game, and my children are still acting as dorky as ever
So, I’m curious. How did Tyrion and Sansa’s marriage get annulled, exactly?
*Jaime smiles at Brienne* // *Brienne smiles back at Jaime* // *my heart stops*
Woooooah. Tyrion, too far. Too far!
Pod grabbing a drink and downing it uncomfortably is me right now
And Jaime trying to cut Tyrion out is my wonderful Brother, who’s saying “stop” in the most warning of tones
And Tormund to the… rescue, I guess?
Tormund’s joke didn’t make me laugh, but Jaime rolling his eyes at Tormund’s joke sure did…
… while Jaime blocking Tormund’s path when the latter tried to follow Brienne only added more mirth to my mood
Tormund’s expression of rejection and anguish is the same one I wear whenever Dany’s being lauded onscreen
Yep. Drink up, buddy. You did your best
Pod’s smile gives me life. That is all
Me: *sees Tormund talking to the Hound about his heartbreak* // Me: *spits out soda two seconds later*
(And now I want to write a fic where the Hound’s a psychologist. Someone help me)
“No, really… could he have picked a worse person to talk to about his feelings?” – My Wonderful Dad
It took Tormund approximately two minutes to get over Brienne. … yikes
So… to everyone who said his feelings for Brienne were simply lust, I just want to apologize for ever doubting you. *shakes head* Really, Tormund, I had more faith in you
Oooh, Sansa and the Hound. This should be interesting. I don’t ship SanSan in the slightest, but I always did like their dynamic
“Broken in rough”? Really? *sighs and rolls eyes* That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one
Okay, so just to be clear, the show basically just said that it’s a good thing that Sansa was abused all those years, ergo implying that – on some level – someone who’s been abused should be grateful to their abusers. *flings confetti listlessly* Quality writing, everyone. From the minds of D&D
“With sentiments like that, it baffles me how there hasn’t been a petition to fire D&D yet.” – My Wonderful Dad; a man who gets it, who I will forever love and forever stan
Ugh. Well, that scene was a train wreck. Time to try and get back on course
(sadly, that’s become my motto for most of these episodes recently)
Oh, good. Gendrya. Save me, Gendrya
And of-fricking-course she’s in BAMF Arya mode. Because when is she not anymore? *groans in annoyance*
Honestly, why do writers feel compelled to turn every single female warrior into variations of smug ninjas? I mean, is it too much to ask for a powerful woman who’s both in-tune with their emotions and a fighter?
(on a side note, that’s why I love Brienne; because she’s both)
I have unpopular opinions. I’m sorry
Gendry… Rivers. Rivers? Seriously?
His surname is WATERS. Every fanfic writer worth their salt knows that
“Please tell me Joe Dempsie accidentally got the line wrong and that D&D didn’t actually write the wrong surname into the script.” – My Wonderful Brother
“To echo what you told me last week, you’re asking for waaay too much.” – My Wonderful Dad
Anyway, let’s try to get back on track, shall we?
Tip #1 for using a fork, Gendry: Stick ‘em with the pointy end
This has to be the dorkiest proposal of all time, and I love it
… yeah, I knew she was going to reject him. But, hey, the score’s still pretty
*heartbreak level: 1000*
Ah, Brienne, I missed you… even though it’s only been a few minutes since I last saw you, but I digress
So, moment of truth: I’m in love with Oathkeeper, Brienne’s sword. Like, unnaturally so. I would fricking marry that sword, and regret absolutely nothing
*instantly loses all followers because I’m crazy*
Ah, Jaime, I missed you, too… even though, again, it’s only been a few minutes
Okay, series, so Jaime shows up at Brienne’s door significantly more disheveled and drunk than he was earlier, and you just expect me not to question how he came to be that way? Nice try, HBO. I know you have footage of him pacing and drinking in the hallway like a nervous wreck until he finally mustered the courage to knock. Release it
………… Yep, nothing like casually taking off your clothing with a lame excuse like “it’s hot in here” to set the mood. Sheesh, Jaime. You’re so awkward you’re making me cry
(on the other hand, to everyone who told me he’d be suave-as-suave can be when trying to flirt… I win. Prepare to part with your money)
Even when these two are going back-and-forth in flirtations, they’re still arguing like an old married couple. I love it
Hey, Mr. I-Hate-the-North? Yeah, sorry to be the breaker of bad news, but you’ve hardly stopped smiling since you got here. So, don’t give me that
Don’t know why, but Jaime admitting he doesn’t want things growing on him kind of breaks my heart…
… As does Brienne seeming surprised that Jaime sounds jealous of Tormund. Seriously, these idiots are going to kill me
And again with the “hot in here” excuse. Really, Jaime needs to get some flirting tips from Tyrion
These. Two. Dorks. That is all
Like, Jaime has no chill, and no idea what he’s doing despite being the, erm, “experienced one”. And Brienne is so rough-around-the-edges but so fricking gentle, too, I just… ah! These two will be the death of me, seriously…
On another note, I’ve been paying so much attention to how adorkable these two are that my mind didn’t register what was actually happening until right now and………… *screams and squeals like a group of pigs*
“OH MY GOSH, IT’S HAPPENING!!! STAY CALM!!! STAY FRICKING CALM!!!” – Me to Me, clearly not heeding my own advice
*meltdown intensifies*
(*briefly notices that D&D didn’t give Brienne her scars from fighting a bear but opts to ignore it for now*)
*meltdown seriously intensifies because, aside from Jygritte/Jongritte, this is my fricking OTP and I’m going to enjoy it, because, dang it, I’ve earned it after S7… and the last episode*
(#still salty about squinting)
Brienne looks so darn majestic and Jaime looks like a lost little puppy and I just… Really, it’d be sort of hilarious if it weren’t so cute
(random note, but I love how it’s sloppy and awkward. It’s believable, and it’s sweet, imo)
“WELL IT’S ABOUT DARN TIME!!!!” – My Wonderful Dad, who just jumped out of his seat to cheer
“NEVER STOP!!! NEVER. FRICKING. STOP!!!” – My Wonderful Brother, who’s also abandoned his seat to cheer
I love them so much. Bless them
I love everything right now, honestly
My Wonderful Dad: *turns the tv on pause* “Nice try, Dany, but we’re celebrating first!”
Which is why I’m now typing away while eating a giant ice cream sundae made by my wonderful Dad, bingeing on excess candy, and drinking a liter of pineapple soda as both he and my wonderful Brother dance around to “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” blasting on the laptop
Can you believe we’re all completely sober? Because we are, we’re just nuts
I really adore my family
*twenty minutes later*
“Okay, party’s over. Time to suffer through Dany.” – My Wonderful Dad
“Daddy, the party will never be over. Even if Dany is present.” – My Wonderful Brother (huh, and I always thought he was a cynic)
Dany: “Are you drunk?” // Jon: *stumbles in response* // Dany: Oh, good, time to manipulate you
Honestly, this woman reminds me of Cersei more and more every time I see her, but with none of the charm
Ewww. No. Stop kissing. Stop kissing this instant
Oh, thank goodness
(can’t believe my OTP’s scene got cut off for my NOTP’s scene. Yes, I’m petty. Sue me)
Oh, brother. She’s really complaining about how she’s not happy? Like: Yes, Jon, your entire life was a lie, but let’s make it all about me, shall we? Give me a break
I mean, okay, you’re upset. That’s fine. But how about adding an “I can’t imagine how you must feel” or “it must be even worse for you” to the end of your sentence to at least show you care? That’s just relationship 101, honey
Sheesh. And I thought I was self-centered
So, does anyone else notice that Kit is acting oddly akin to how he did in that scene with Jon and Littlefinger? The little sighs and the head motion and all? Or is it just me?
“Kit’s kind of acting like he did in that scene with Jon and Littlefinger in the crypts.” – My Wonderful Brother, confirming my thoughts
Well, congratulations, Dany. Now you know how Viserys felt in S1. Don’t think that’s a good thing, though…
Ugh. Okay, so Jon and his whole “you’re my queen” schtick is annoying as all heck, but I can’t deny that it’s pulling at my heartstrings. Whether political!Jon is real or not (and I’m sure by the time I post this, so many of my wonderful mutual will have made new posts explaining how it is), the sheer desperation in the guy’s voice is horrible. It’s not the voice of a man in love, or a man who would do anything for his SO. It’s the voice of a man who’s terrified, who’s trying to do everything in his power to keep the peace, who would do anything to keep the people he truly loves safe. And – political!Jon or not – to see someone who we’ve known and watched grow since the start of the series be broken down to such a pitiful extent is heartbreaking
I mean, the guy’s on his knees claiming that he doesn’t know what else she wants from him, and, instead of comforting him or trying to work things through with him, she takes his face in her hands and tries to swear him to secrecy? To swear his “brother” and his best friend to secrecy? How can anyone ship this?! How?!
And to top it off,  her telling him to never tell anyone who he really is has to hit hard even on a personal level, too; given that his greatest insecurity in life has always been finding out who he really is, and if there’s anywhere where he really belongs. But, then again, I wouldn’t expect Day to know that, considering the guy never reveals anything personal about himself to her! But, no, they’re sooooooo in love. How adorbs uwu
No, Jon, don’t just tell Sansa and Arya. Pick them up and run away with them. Take Bran, too. Take all the redeemable characters and hightail it out of this terrible relationship and show and never look back
(it would be so ideal, if not for the fact that there must there always be a Stark in Winterfell)
Oh, nice victim-blaming there, Dany. You’re right, though. Sansa’s not the girl Jon grew up with. She’s better
Funny how Dany’s tears magically disappear the moment she thinks she’s getting what she wants
Wow, would you look at that. Dany trying to cut Jon off from his family, and giving him the “me or them” ultimatum. It’s a beautiful parallel to other such great moments, such as Balon telling Theon to choose between the Starks and the Greyjoys in S2, Cersei telling Jaime to choose her and Tywin over Tyrion in S4, and Joffrey forcing Sansa to pick sides between him and her family pretty much throughout the entireties of seasons 1 and 2. I mean, can anyone say life goals?
“So… where am I supposed to call if someone fictional I love is trapped in an abusive relationship?” – My Wonderful Dad
On a happier note, my OTP is together. I’m happy
(and maybe I’m wearing my shipping goggles, but Jaime looks like a man who just realized that he’s in love. Fight me)
Now why D&D won’t give me more of them, I’ll never know. Oh, wait… it’s because they hate their fans
Aaaaaand… this might be the tensest war council ever. How will Jon try to keep the peace this time?
Anyone ever notice that people tend to handle Dany like they did Joffrey – which is to say, like you would a petulant child?
And on today’s episode of “Let’s Just Listen to Sansa”, Sansa says something sensible and everyone ignores her… again
Okay, so I can already hear everyone calling for Jon’s head for apparently snapping at Sansa, but just from a different perspective, the look he gave her seems less like someone who’s taking sides, and more like someone trying to keep their family member out of trouble, imo. In fact, it resembles the look my wonderful Brother gives me whenever I get carried away with my big mouth (which is often)
Sansa knows, Brienne. That is all
Yes, Dany. Go get the throne already. But when Cersei kicks your lizard butt, don’t say Sansa didn’t tell you so
Finally! All the Starks together!!! (and, yes, until Jon starts saying “burn them all”, I will continue to view him as a Stark, thank you very much)
And on today’s episode of “Jon Tries to Keep the Peace”, Jon has to realize that he doesn’t need to shoulder everything on his own
Yeah… no offense, Arya, but I don’t really think we needed Dany and her scaly babies all that much. They were pretty much useless in the fight. At least from what I could see…
#still salty about squinting
Oh, boy. Arya saying Dany’s not one of us. I can already hear the D stans screaming how she’s pocket-sized assassin Donald Trump
Awww, Sansa coming to Jon’s emotional aide and assuring him he’s Ned’s child as much as the rest of them are
Awww, Arya coming to Jon’s emotional aide and telling him he’s her brother – just her brother, nothing less
“Darn it, kids! Just hug it out! Hug!!!” – My Wonderful Dad
This is seriously tearing Jon apart inside, and Kit is nailing it with his acting
Yes, you are family. Never forget that *tears up*
So, I kind of wanted Sansa and Arya’s reaction to the news, but since I don’t trust D&D to effectively  write such a powerful scene, I’m okay that we didn’t get it
(fanfic writers, on the other hand – please, work your magic)
I want a spin-off series with Jaime and Tyrion hanging out. I said what I said
Jaime being an awkward dork in love is my aesthetic. Again, I said what I said
It’s probably just me, but the fact that Jaime didn’t fully loosen up with Tyrion until the latter said something snide kind of pulls at my heartstrings. Like, he was fully expecting to get mocked – he was fricking waiting for it, almost – and that look of disbelief when Tyrion said he was happy for him… I just… *curls in a corner and cries*
Can I please just give everyone in Westeros a hug. Please? The Starks (Jon included), the Lannisbros… heck, I’ll even hug Cersei and Dany, why not?
(I’ll hug them with less gusto, though…)
Bless the acting on the show and its actors, who help me forget how much I absolutely detest the writers
And Ramin Djawadi. Bless him, too
And his score
*sighs* Oh, Tyrion. Leave it to you to turn a nice, normal conversation into something dirty
Wait……… what the heck is Bronn doing here? How did he get here? Where did he come from?
Judging by how the Lannisbros are reacting, apparently, I’m not the only one confused
“Great. Now Bronn’s a ninja, too.” – My Wonderful Brother
“I still stand by what I once said: Bronn should’ve been written off in “The Spoils of War”.” – My Wonderful Dad
Tyrion gets punched in the face. Jaime immediately gets to his feet for a fight. As it should be, and I love it
So… remember how I asked who curses more between the Hound and Bronn? I think it’s Bronn, going by this conversation
Bronn: Cersei’s screwed // Jaime: *message checked and read at 9:58pm*
A.k.a. my boy doesn’t care and I’m living for it
Hey, Bronn… kindly refrain from shooting arrows at my problematic child’s head. Thank you
Yep, this is definitely a D&D episode. Even if I didn’t look at the opening credits, I could’ve figured it out. Want to know why? The abundance of manhood jokes
So, what I’m getting is that Bronn basically just came by to see if his ship was confirmed and to negotiate for a castle. Sounds legit
Arya accompanying the Hound on his journey was Beric’s last wish, so that she may continue their legacy of buddy-cop movies
(or, at least, that’s what I’m telling myself to overlook the fact that Arya heading off to tick names off her kill list is a huge step backwards for her character)
Yeah, Dany, stop smiling. Rhaegal still has holes in his wings. If you really loved your “child”, you would let him recover completely before dragging him into a war
Wow, Sansa is really ticked. Like, really, really ticked. I’m expecting some very interesting metas on the subject…
Yes, Tyrion, you’re afraid of Dany. Admit it. There’s no shame in it – I’d be afraid of her too, if I knew she sucked everyone’s purpose and personality out of them just by interacting with them
(which I do, so I guess I’m scared of her, too)
Alright, so I can already hear the Dany stans bashing Sansa for “betraying Jon’s trust”, but she promised not to tell if Jon told her. Bran told her, so therefore, loophole
Also, she’s doing it to protect Jon. A nice little foil to how Dany tried to make Jon keep the secret earlier, knowing full well it would hurt him
And got to love how Sansa adds “someone better” to the end of her statement. She believes in Jon, and not just when it comes to drinking
*sighs* It feels like all the Starklings are leaving, and it saddens me
“When Jon Snow cares more about Rhaegal’s well-being than Dany does, take warning.” – My Wonderful Brother
Tormund: *makes quip about Jon’s weight* // My Wonderful Dad: “You know, now that he mentions it, the guy could stand to eat more. Matter of fact, so could Jaime. And Bran. They all need to go see Hot Pie, stat. Seriously, doesn’t anyone feed these guys?”
“Not since Dany burnt the wagons of food, apparently.” – Me
“And now part of me wants to ship supplies to Westeros.” – My Wonderful Dad, making a joke that I laughed way too much at
Cue my wonderful Brother and I sharing a smile over how protective our wonderful Dad is of his fictional grandchildren
Awwwww… Ghost. My poor baby
Yep, Tormund’s still trying to make Jonmund happen
Jon instinctively knowing Gilly’s pregnant brings me so much joy, for some reason
(shout-out to @cantfightfatetoo, who speculated with me. You’re amazing!!!)
Aw!!! Baby Jon and Little Sam!!! My heart…
“I hope it’s a girl”. Yet again, another arrow through my heart – but this one not as joyous. Jon just comes off as so broken down in this episode, I can’t help but feel badly for him . It feels like I’m watching someone trapped in a toxic relationship while the rest of the world keeps moving on around him. It just feels like he’s at his lowest point, imo… even lower than when he came back to life. And that’s just sad
Good thing he still gets the best hugs, though
Okay, so a part of me wants to believe that if Jon did properly say good-bye to Ghost, he’d never again muster the strength to leave Winterfell and his family. Another part of me is really ticked. And another part of me still is annoyed at the fact that this was all to cut down on the CGI budget, most likely… even though it was totally fine to spend the cash on that dragon-riding scene from episode 1
*sighs* ANYWAY…
On the less depressing side, it’s sort of like Jon left his past behind to figure out his future. Ghost, Sam and Gilly, Tormund… they’re all physical manifestations of who he was, and he has to come to terms with who he is, so……….
*ten minutes later*
So… I’ve calmed down. Now, where were we?
Grey Worm smiled. That definitely means something bad is going to happen
Oh, dear. Tyrion told Varys. Welp, there goes that secret. Good
No, Tyrion. Everything that happened didn’t happen because Lyanna didn’t love Robert back. It happened because Rhaegar was the literal embodiment of Mambo #5
“She’s his aunt.” Thank you, Varys. The last of only two sane people left in Westeros
Tyrion is trying waaaaay too hard to convince himself that Dany’s a good person/a good ruler, and I respect him less for it
“Look, Tyrion. Jaime saw the warning signs with Dany, Varys sees the warning signs with Dany. They both served under Aerys personally. If you were really as clever as you like to boast you are, you’d hear them out.” – My Wonderful Dad
Tyrion, the #1 Dany stan, everyone. *Blackfish voice* I’m disappointed
Say what you will about Dany and her reptile children, but their score is epic. Unfortunately
Oh, shoot! Rhaegal got shot?!
(I mean, I’d read it in the leaks, but I didn’t think it was true…)
So… a dance of dragons 2.0 with just one dragon? I wonder if musical chair rules apply in deciding who gets to ride it
Euron makes the creepiest faces
Aaaaaaaand… she just left everyone behind. Inspiring
“Did a ship mast just land on Tyrion’s head?” – My Wonderful Dad
“Good. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into him.” – My Wonderful Brother
Grey Worm looking for Missandei is breaking my heart all over again. Especially if the leaks are to be believed
And back in King’s Landing with Cersei, and… ACTUAL VIBRANT CLOTHING OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!
Lena Headey, you are rocking that red
Euron and Cersei still have more chemistry than Jon and Dany, and that’s disturbing
Ah, Qyburn. I had this really weird dream that he and Cersei were a thing, and… well, never mind. I have really weird dreams
(For instance, there was this one time when Jon and Jaime opened up a restaurant called “J&J’s” and all the other characters were their employees. Let’s just say it was chaos)
Soooooo… Cersei’s baby. Is there a baby? Was there ever a baby? Why does she seem all disoriented when the baby’s brought up? Tell me about the baby!!!
Nooooooo. Not Missandei. *resolves not to cry because, dang it, I know I’m going to sob later*
Oh, hi, Dany. Yeah… I’m not in the mood for you right now
Varys, you’re my third favorite character. Congratulations
Man, I knew Varys cared about the people, but I had no idea just how much. Seriously, why has no one made this guy the hand of the king yet?
Oh, yeah, because every person he’s served thus far has either been evil or an idiot. Or, in Dany and Joffrey’s cases, both
…… Dany’s talking about destiny now. First official villain achievement, unlocked
Talking in third person. Second villain achievement, unlocked. All she has to do now is spin a globe… or stroke a map, considering these are medieval-esque times
So, Dany’s going to save the world from tyrants by… becoming a tyrant. Okay, then
Bravo to Emilia Clarke’s acting, though. She’s nailing Dark!Dany
Varys echoing what I said about destiny speeches being in a villain’s wheelhouse. Thank you
(Turns out I really did learn something from binge-watching multiple animes)  
Dany’s convinced she’s here to save us all, a.k.a., she has a savior complex. And yet my extended family laughed at me when I diagnosed her with that during our Thanksgiving get-together. It’s going to be fun to see them again this year
(Now I just need Varys to confirm that Jaime most likely has PTSD, and I’ll be completely vindicated)
No, Tyrion, Jon “bent the knee” because he needed flying, fire-breathing lizards to help him destroy undead popsicles. Not because he wanted to give up his crown for lolz
Any more manhood jokes and I’m going to pull a Tommen right out my bedroom window
Varys is me. Varys has always been me. I love Varys. The end
Okay, I’m starting a petition to get Jaime some new clothes. Who’s with me?
Yipee. Cersei’s winning. And if she wasn’t winning, Dany would be. I. Just. Can’t. Win *bangs head against wall*
Oh, no, Sansa. I still think you’ll have your crack at Cersei. At least, you’d better
No, Jaime. No. I know that look. That’s your “I’m about to do something so ridiculously dumb that no one else would ever dare to do for reasons” look. Don’t even think about doing what you’re thinking of doing
In other news, has anyone else ever noticed how the guy seems to age about twenty years whenever Cersei's in the picture (or mentioned)? Just saying…
Brienne has super-hearing. Take that, wights from the last episode who could hear droplets of blood
Jaime, no. What are you doing, you idiot…
Awwww, Brienne. The way she just straight up takes his face in her hands and tells him how much she believes in him… it’s just… *tears up*
And the way he looks at her like he wants to believe her even if he doesn’t fully believe it himself… I mean…
(Don’t even try to tell me that this isn’t a direct parallel to Jon and Dany’s scene before, because I won’t accept it)
No no no no no no no… don’t cry, Brienne. Jaime, listen to her. She loves you, she really does. Don’t make her cry…
Nooooo… the way he holds onto her wrist and strokes it and looks down. I can’t…
Jaime, you know you want to stay. You know you do. So stay
Oh, shoot. There’s that heartless façade he used with Edmure in S6. Oh, no… not against Brienne. Don’t use it against her, no matter what the reason
Yeah, yeah, Cersei’s dandy. You did a lot of terrible things for her. We know. That doesn’t mean we’re just going to accept you leaving
You would’ve killed everyone in Riverrun for Cersei, but you didn’t kill anyone in Riverrun… because of Brienne. So there
“She’s hateful, and so am I.” Yeah, maybe I’m just putting you on a pedestal, pal, but I don’t think that’s entirely true
I mean, you love Tyrion when you could’ve hated him just as much as Cersei and Tywin; you saved a city from being blown to smithereens because you couldn’t just sit by and let innocents burn alive; you jumped into a bear pit with no plan and no defense to save a woman who up until that point hadn’t done much for you except call you by your name; you rode North to fight an army of undead popsicles to protect the people of the Seven Kingdoms – most of whom detest you and would be perfectly happy if you died. So are you hateful? Nope. Bitter, yes. But hateful? Try again. (I mean, you’re, like, the only member of your family who’s never killed anyone on-screen for vengeance. Honestly, for all that you claim to hate, I think the only thing you sincerely hate is yourself)
Ummmm… sorry, what was I saying again?
Honestly, though, this whole scene is just heartbreaking. I mean, Gwen and Nik just nail it. Give them their frickin’ Emmys already
(If they don’t win any, I’ll riot. And, for the love of all things good, give one to Lena Headey, too)
I’m crying my eyes out right now. My wonderful Dad and Brother are crying their eyes out right now. It’s a tearfest
I still have faith in you, my problematic child. But in D&D’s writing… not so much
If they built all this up just to have Jaime die with Cersei I’m seriously going to be ticked
Honestly, out of all the ways I would like to see his ending go, that is at the literal bottom of my list with “burnt alive by Dany”. Jaime deserves better
So does Brienne fight me
Well, I can’t really see straight because I still have tears in my eyes. But I still know Varys looks like a boss
“Umm… Cersei. You have all those scorpions and Drogon’s right there. Why not just shoot him?” – My Wonderful Dad
“Who cares? He’ll probably be written off next week, anyway, for the CGI budget’s sake.” – My Wonderful Brother
So, what I’m getting from this meeting is that the battle for the Iron Throne has come down to the war of the two pyromaniacs. Lovely
Tyrion doesn’t want to see the city burn, yet he’s still rah-rahing for Dany. I have no words
Cersei, once again, doesn’t kill Tyrion when she has the chance. Then again, she hasn’t killed Drogon yet, either, so…
Tyrion claiming Cersei’s not a monster, yet I have such little faith left in his judgement that I don’t believe him
Got to say, red really brings out Cersei’s green eyes and golden hair
(at least one of the Lannisters still has their blond locks)
And… they’re not seriously going to end things like this, right? Right?
And… they did
Just like that, it’s over
So… Missandei’s last word was “Dracarys”. How utterly terrible
And they killed Missandei. Just to further Dany’s plotline. Jorah and Rhaegal and the Dothraki weren’t enough for her to snap, oh, no, they needed to kill Missandei, too
I would rage, but I’m sure there will be plenty of metas already written about how wrong this is by the time I post this, so I won’t bother anyone with my anger
“Screw you, D&D.” – My Wonderful Dad
“Yeah, thanks for ruining everything.” – My Wonderful Brother
I share the same sentiments
They’re lucky their cast is so wonderful, otherwise I’d honestly quit watching
Meanwhile, Dany’s officially on the brink of turning dark. I do wonder what her stans will say to justify things this time
If I had to guess, it’s that she has a good heart. Haven’t heard that one 60,000 times before
Welp, that’s the end of the episode. I miss Bryan Cogman and Dave Hill
Thank you every single actor who made this episode worthwhile. I love you all more than you’ll ever know
I’m going to go eat some more ice cream
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Before we reach the series finale, there are two musical moments from earlier in the season I wanted to touch on with you: "Jenny of Oldstones," first, which stems from one single lyric in George R.R. Martin's books. How was the rest born?
Yeah, I believe that very first lyric comes from George, and then the rest? David and Dan wrote it. It's interesting. Sometimes, with the way collaborations work, the four of us have written the song together without sitting in the same room together. The three of them wrote the lyrics, and I put the music to the lyrics. Like many times in past seasons, this time, they sent me the lyrics and had me write the melody to it. I didn't have any picture to it. I did the same with "Rains of Castamere," as well. This was done before they were shooting, because in the show, they have Podrick (Daniel Portman) singing it, so they obviously wanted to have it in time for shooting the scene.
When you read the lyrics, what did you feel the song needed to sound like?
I felt it needed to be like… I don't know if "lullaby" is the right word, but it needed a somber feeling. The scene takes place in the night before "The Long Night," the big battle. A lot of our characters are together in a room, then there's the montage where you're seeing everybody else, and the emotional anticipation for them. This is the last night before some of them die or every one of them may die. To me, it needed to have a somber quality to it. That's what I was going for.
I also wanted to ask you about "The Night King," which plays in the closing moments of "The Long Night," as the tide of the battle goes through its final shift. It's only the second time piano has been used in the Game of Thrones score, that I can think of…
To go back to the other piano piece, "The Light of the Seven," that one had quite an impact because — and I've talked about this before — but the fact that we're using piano there for the first time was quite a shocker in itself. It wasn't part of the language of the score. When that piano came in, the listener immediately goes, "Whoa, what is this music? What's happening?" It slowly unfolds into the big explosion of Cersei's plan. Jump to "The Night King." At this point in time in the episodes, we have had 70 minutes of tension and action music in this big battle. Here's a scene where there's an opportunity to use the piano again, and yet again influence the listener in certain ways. This time, we're telling them, "There's piano coming in. The battle is over. We've had multiple attempts to stop the Night King and nothing has worked against his army." The piano starts, and the intention is to give you some closure. It almost has the reverse effect as "The Light of the Seven." We knew how that song would slowly build and at the end, there's the explosion. In this particular case, you're seeing closure all the way. Everyone is at the end of their abilities and they have either given up or will give up and it will soon be over. The Night King, just like Cersei, will follow through. This is going to be it. But then it has the reverse effect when Arya comes out of nowhere to save the day. It was interesting to be able to do this just because of the one other time we had piano. The buildup here is even more than it would have been because we had "The Light of the Seven."
Tying it back to another piece, piano on Game of Thrones almost has the same impact as "The Rains of Castamere" within the show's universe. Catelyn Stark hears that melody at the Red Wedding, and she knows something is terribly amiss. We hear piano on Game of Thrones, and we are trained to expect the worst, after "Light of the Seven." It helps with the surprise when Arya bursts in and saves the day.
Yeah, and not to get too technical about it, but it starts at a different key and a different tempo, and I even went as far as ending up in the same tempo and key as "The Light of the Seven," to even give you the subconscious sense that this is over, and this is the end of everybody. I really hope everyone was holding their breath. That was certainly the intention.
Let's get into the series finale, but before we even get into the music of the episode, let's talk about the fact that it takes quite a while before we even hear any score. The first few minutes are completely without music, as Tyrion and the others survey the wreckage of King's Landing. What were your conversations with David and Dan like about that choice?
Every choice of music is determined with David and Dan. It's not just this example, it's also including every single choice we've already talked about, like the use of piano in "The Night King" piece. Every choice was discussed with David and Dan. For us, it was definitely an active choice for everyone: "No need for music here. Let's just have the aftermath, look at everything that's happened and take it all in. There's no music necessary to enhance the emotion of what everyone is feeling." It's funny when you say that as a composer, because maybe it makes you sound lazy: "Oh, we don't want to write any music here!" (Laughs.) But it can be so much more powerful to not have any music than to try to put in some music when the visuals and acting and everything on screen is so much more powerful. You don't need to underscore that at all. We decided there's no music necessary until Tyrion sees Jaime and Cersei.
Silence can be an instrument, right? Knowing when to withhold music is absolutely part of your arsenal.
Exactly. There's no need to underscore any of the horror and emotion at all. In those cases, it was just better left alone. You want to hear the crackling of the sound effects, which tell a big part of the story as well. You're hearing crackling and bricks falling, all these things that become so much more real when there's no more music with it. It becomes so much more intense.
In the spirit of intense, the first glimpse of Daenerys in the episode comes in the form of her speech before her army. Tell us about crafting this piece, "Master of War."
It certainly underplays the scene. As we talked about earlier where there's no music necessary, here, we felt the visuals and her speech are so powerful that we didn't need to have a massive score enhancing it. The dragon's screams, the army, all of it speaks for itself. The music comes in, and it's almost you're subconsciously picking up on a mood. Her theme is definitely in the piece, but it's much more subtle. You have your full attention to her speech, and the power she conveys to her army, and how convinced she is that she's doing all the right things and she wants to keep fighting, and all the things she says. Musically, subconsciously, it portrays a darkness there. But it doesn't need to overstate that this is the Mad Queen.
You have scored moments of triumph for Daenerys before, and certainly, in her mind, this is a moment of triumph. But it's not for us. We can't share in the victory the way we did in "Mhysa," for example. Was that important to convey with a lower-key score?
Exactly. In a moment like the one you mention, Daenerys is celebrating, everyone is celebrating her. In the scene in the finale, she's being celebrated by her people and she feels like she's done the right thing, but Jon Snow and Tyrion and Arya are all looking on and they're all thinking very differently already. They are all questioning what she's done. "Is this right?" The music is more portraying how they feel and how conflicted the emotions are in the scene. Not everybody is on the same page here. It's why she's not being celebrated. We're playing it more from their perspective than Dany's perspective.
Turning toward Daenerys coming into the throne room and touching the Iron Throne for the first and last time… it's incredibly haunting.
On the soundtrack, that's the second part of "Master of War." That music plays dreamily, because even in her dialogue, she talks about how "When I was young, I couldn't even count to 20." She's very much in her head. As she walks toward the throne, there's a beautiful solo voice that rings out. It's haunting and mysterious, but there's also a sense of beauty for her. Unlike the [House of the Undying vision] in season two, here, she actually touches the throne. The score builds up, because she feels that sense of completion and power, just by even putting her hand on it. She feels she has arrived and she feels that central power.
It leads us into "Be With Me," the piece that plays as Jon Snow kills Daenerys — a critical scene for the series, let alone the finale.
The intention with the piece is that it's more from her perspective. Jon comes in, and Daenerys tries to convince him. The music playing is pretty much their love theme, or at least starts that way. It's trying to go full steam with the love theme: "Be with me, we can do this together." Jon starts questioning it. But the music plays as though she's convincing Jon. We don't know his decision at the moment. The music plays as though they are a couple and they are in love, and their love overrules everything. As we hear the piece, it gets interrupted halfway into the phrase. It never finishes out the theme, because he stabs her. It just stops.
Is that an editing choice in the episode, or is that how the piece ends as you wrote it?
That's how I actively wrote it. We definitely spent some time getting it just right. It's interesting how the phrasing works. If you land on a different chord during the stab, you can almost anticipate it. We really made sure it's written in a way that ends just during the phrase. It comes out of nowhere. You don't expect it at all. When they kiss, you want to feel their love is stronger than anything else. You don't want to anticipate that he's going to kill her. That's why I actively wrote it the way it is now. It stops mid-phrase.
Enter: "The Iron Throne," title of the episode, title of the piece you wrote, which scores one of the biggest moments in the series: the Iron Throne's death by dragon fire.
It comes out of "Be With Me." It starts with a solo violin, and leans on Jon and Daenerys' love theme, "Truth." It starts to play again, but it plays very fractured, and it has that same feeling from Jon where he can't quite grasp what he has done. He's holding his love in his arms. That's why the theme plays from the solo violin, very sparse. Then the dragon comes in and the piece starts to pick up. It becomes more powerful and powerful. It builds to what you think is going to happen next: the dragon killing Jon. But he melts the throne. Then the music shifts into a very powerful piece with the main title's melody in it. Clearly, the real intention is the dragon understands the reason why Daenerys is dead is the urge for power and the throne. I don't want to say the throne was "useless," but there are bad things that come out of the urge to get to power. At the same time, Drogon is crying because his mom is dead in front of him. The piece ends with a segment from "Breaker of Chains," when Daenerys chained her dragons and locked them up [in season four]. There's a callback to that when he comes in and picks her up and flies away. It's a very emotional moment. It goes from this powerful, overall message of what is the purpose of the throne and all the death that the throne has brought us, and then it goes small, to the mother and son relationship. I loved writing that scene. I was crying when I wrote it. It was so emotional.
You end the finale and therefore the series on "A Song of Ice and Fire," which is also the name of George R.R. Martin's series on which Game of Thrones is based.
I always wanted to hold that name for the very end. It had to be the main title theme. It felt like the right bookend. We've heard the main title in the opening of each episode. I just felt like it was going to be the right way to end the show and leave us all with that melody. In this case, it's a celebration. It's a full choir. Everyone's singing the melody. I thought there was nothing more powerful than to turn the theme into a song — the song of ice and fire.
This is the end of Game of Thrones as we know it. You will continue to live in Westeros with your concert series picking back up soon, but it's still an ending. What has it meant to you to be embedded in Westeros for roughly a decade?
It still hasn't quite set in. I'm still in denial. (Laughs.) It's been such a big part of my life. Every season when we end, we'd hug and talk about the season, and I'd go, "Okay! I'll see you next year." To now not have that? It's going to take me a little bit to realize that it's not coming back. But I'm very excited for the concert series. I'm going to rework the concert now with season eight, so now we will have a complete show from beginning to end. It'll keep things alive for me, and hopefully for the fans as well. If anyone wants to get their Game of Thrones fix, they can come see the concert. We have all the highlights from the series. It will certainly send me back to the world of Westeros, which I don't think I'm ever going to be able to let go. Definitely not.
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letzoespoilyou · 6 years
Started watching Black Lightning
Ok so a little late to the party but thought it was time to give it a go. I’m about 4 or 5 eps in and got to say I am enjoying it. I like this different dynamic, I like that its an older hero who has a family and what it means to balance a family life with a vigilante life and how much more he has to lose. I do like the whole setting and why this community needs him both as himself and as Back Lightning.
Being British its harder to relate to the subject matter cause its so far from the culture I was raised in, plus I’m half Asian so I spent a lot more time in that culture. But I know there is similar problems within inner city areas of London, with gang culture and the like. Its nice to see a series tackle a far more ground level threat, tackle something real while asking the questions on what powers should be used for.
The one thing that annoys me is the songs, I’m not really a rap fan or of most of the music genre that features in this show. I’m a classic rock and movie scores girl, if you asked my fav artists it would be Ramin Djawadi. But I get really annoyed with the “Black Lightning” song where they basically narate everything he does. Its just says the obvious like Black lightnings back and then in the last ep it kept say green lightning in dangerous, its on the streets it make you feel invincible but as a cost, and I was like I get it the drug is bad and our hero wants it off the streets, I can tell that by watching the episode.
So yeah I’m enjoying the show, it has some great female characters that I look forward to seeing develop further but could do with a more subtle soundtrack.
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God & His Priests & His Kings: Chapter 6 - A FFXV OC Fanfic
Hi guys, this chapter is a behemoth for me. It might not be entirely interesting for some of you cuz I know some people are just waiting for Soo and Noct to reunite and that is coming I promise. This chapter is setting up for the climax of this part of the story, and we will eventually get to hear the voices of other characters in regards to events happening in the story. Also this trilogy will be expanding into a four part series since I feel like I'm starting to bring God & His Priests & His Kings to an unintentional close.  I mentioned this in the last chapter when I posted it on AO3 but I did some research into age of consent and marriage laws for my country, and minors as young as 16 can consent to sex with no more than 5 yrs older than them and is not in a position of authority (like a cop). You can also be legally married at as young as 16, with the permission of a legal guardian or parent. I'm sort of basing certain aspects of Goryeon law on that of my country since I'm familiar with it. I feel that I should also clarify how old characters are rn, so Ravus is 24, Luna 20, Soo is 17 (although she can be considered 25 since she lived 17 yrs before coming to Eos 8 years ago), and Noctis is 16. This is mainly done for anyone who may be concerned about underage situations that occur between characters throughout the fic. As always, find me on ao3, ff.net or twitter under CherryBlossomCheeseCake/Cherry Blossom Cheese Cake/CherryWrites.
Words: 3,154 Uploaded: 06.14.18 Master List Previous Chapter
Light of the Seven - Ramin Djawadi
I had spent plenty of time with Gyeong-Hui and Se-Hyeon as the wedding was organized over the next two weeks, numbly moving through life as time moved on. The princesses were attempting to put together a ceremony and reception that would reflect both the cultures of Goryeo and Tenebrae.
"The ceremony should be held in the grand temple at the heart of the city, allowing the people to see their newly wedded princess, and for them to be married before all the Astrals." the first princess suggested, a scribe taking down furious notes as we spoke, "How should the alter and pillars be decorated?"
"Perhaps in garlands of holly, and white cherry blossoms mixed with forget-me-nots? White and blue are the colours of the Nox Fleurets after all." Se-Hyeon offered, looking to me for approval.
I nodded in response, absently thinking that the two flowers would complement each other well amongst the green.
"The reception could be in the forest garden to the east, there's plenty of room there for the entire court to gather." I offered, remembering the tall trees of Tenebrae that slightly resembled those in that garden.
Gyeong-Hui hummed in agreement, gesturing for the scribe to write it down, "And of course you will wear the hanfu that was designed for you some years back. The court ladies will also retrieve some of the bride gold from the vault so that you are adequately adorned."
I nodded lightly, sighing as the two continued on with planning. Realizing that I was a touch more distracted than usual, the first princess dismissed me from the room.
Court ladies fell into position behind me, following me through the palace as I made my way back to the third princess' apartments. I strolled through the halls at a slow pace, not really focusing on my surroundings as I knew the way without thinking.
"Ah, Princess. How lovely to see you outside of formal meetings for once."
The sickeningly sweet tone of the chancellor came from the hall to my left, the man coming to a stop just steps away from me.
I shifted uncomfortably before bobbing in a small curtsy, avoiding his gaze.
"Chancellor Izunia, I hope all is well with you and your party. Are you enjoying your stay in Goryeo?" I inquire politely, suppressing a shudder as I felt his gaze lock onto me.
"This trip has certainly proved more fruitful than expected, your highness. His excellency was pleased to hear that you had accepted the proposal, and looks forward to meeting you after the wedding." Ardyn boasted, his tone changing slightly at the mention of the emperor.
My brown eyes finally locked onto his golden gaze, seeing numerous emotions swirling within them, specifically one of satisfaction as he looked down on me. I couldn't hold back the shiver that crawled down my spine then, forcing a smile that surely resembled a grimace.
"I shall anxiously await our meeting then. Good day, Chancellor Izunia." I replied, curtsying once more before bustling off once again, catching the faint tip of his hat towards me as I left. His golden gaze never straying from me until I was out of sight.
I sat at the desk in the third princess' bed chamber, playing with the letter that was addressed to the third princess in Eun-Byeol's handwriting. I carefully opened the letter, unfolding it to read its contents.
My Dear Friend,
Word has spread beyond Goryeo of your marriage to the high commander in a bid for peace. I think you are so brave to sacrifice so much for the kingdom and its people. I hope that you and your intended grow to have a marriage where you are both content with the life you will have together.
I wish I was able to attend the wedding but duty on the mainland keeps me from wishing you well in person. I will join you in Tenebrae after the wedding, to help ease the transition from one place to another, and to make sure the high commander keeps to the terms of your arrangement.
If there is any business I can conclude for you on the mainland before my departure, do not hesitate to contact me.
A Thankful Friend
I smiled fondly at the third princess' neat characters, tracing them on the paper with a finger. I set the letter down on the desk before pulling out some blank stationary, an inkwell and pen.
My Darling Friend,
Thank you for supporting my decision. It was not easy to make but I was willing to sacrifice everything for our home and the people I love.
The high commander has been very kind to me, even when the decision of future peace remained uncertain. I certainly do not oppose to this match from what little he has shared with me.
Enclosed you will find a letter addressed. Please mail it to the designated individual as soon as you get this.
I look forward to our reunion in Tenebrae following the wedding.
Lee Eun-Byeol, Third Princess of the Elected Council of Goryeo
I set aside the first letter, taking a deep breath and began penning the next.
My Dearest Noctis,
I know my last letter may have only just reached you, but here I am writing another.
Goryeo has fallen on hard times, and each and every one of us are making sacrifices to keep our country thriving. We have been able to reach a formal peace with Nifelheim, however it deeply impacts our friendship.
Please know I'm completely heartbroken when I say that from this point on, I can no longer receive or send letters to and from you. My duty to my country has grown exponentially in the past few weeks and I can't jeopardize the progress made by continuing our correspondence. I'm so deeply sorry, if I could avoid this, I would. But this peace is too new and fragile to risk it.
Do know that I love you and I'm so proud of who you're becoming. Keep your friends close and treasure them. You need someone to watch your back since I am no longer able.
Tears fell from my eyes as I folded both letters together, placing them in a single envelope. I addressed it to the room the third princess resided in at Galdin Quay, wiping tears away before they stained the paper.
I stood from the writing desk, walking over the the burning fireplace with the princess' letter in hand and tossed it into the flames to remove the evidence of its existence.
I watched the fire eat away at the paper, hearing the door to the bed chamber slide open and closed. I could tell it was Myung-Hee who entered the room, the movement of her skirts spreading the smell of the floral scented oils she used for her hair and skin.
"Am I doing the right thing? Throwing away the life I've built for a shred of peace?" I questioned, continuing to look into the fire as if it could provide me with answers.
"You are doing the honourable thing, and that is the bravest choice of all." my mother replied calmly.
I turned towards her, tears filling my eyes and spilling over once more.
"Then why does it hurt so much?"
Myung-Hee walked over and pulled me into a tight hug, allowing me to cry into her chest like I was nine years old again. She slowly lowered us to the floor, holding me tightly as I cried myself to exhaustion.
The day before the wedding I was a complete bundle of nerves, fidgiting more than what was considered appropriate in polite company. Ravus appeared to be more calm than I, however I could see a hint of nerves within his eyes as we ate lunch in one of the private gardens. We sipped at our tea and ate, content with looking around the garden and sharing each other's company for the most part.
Ravus broke the silence first, clearing his throat as he shifted.
"I was in contact with my sister, Lunafreya. She requested that I extend her well wishes to you and that she looks forward to meeting you." he began, "She was worried that our match would be unhappy for us both due to both its political nature and our gap in age."
"I hope you informed her that her concern is appreciated but unnecessary. I knew going into this arrangement that it would not be my ideal scenario, but I am willing to be kind and respectful if the same courtesies are extended to me." I replied, sipping at my tea.
"I did tell her of that and informed her that we have been getting to know each other without difficulty." the former prince confirmed before retrieving a box from his coat, "She also sent along a gift for you."
I took the heavy box from him, setting it on the table in front of me before opening it carefully.
Inside the box rested a pendant and chain made of white gold, flowers and vines twisting around the pendant, holding a sapphire in place at the centre.
"It's beautiful…" I murmured, lightly trailing my fingers along the vines and flowers.
Ravus smiled faintly as he caught sight of the gift.
"That has been worn by every Nox Fleuret woman on her wedding day. I believe this is Lunafreya's way of accepting you as a part of the family." He offered, watching in amusement as I stared up at him wide eyed.
"I shall take good care of it, high commander." I promised, drawing the makings of a smile from him as I carefully closed the jewellery box once again.
I could hear the excited the chatters of the court gathering within the main hall from the side room I had been sequestered off to early in the morning.
I sat in front of a mirror as my mother and other court ladies twisted and pinned my hair up into a style suited for weddings and married women.
It was a strange sight for me, the style so particularly different from how I wore it as a court lady, and even more so than the let-down style unmarried women wore. There were minimal decorative pins due to the size of the head piece, only one which accompanied the piece that was settled in the hair pinned to the back of my head.
The head piece was the last to go in my hair, the swirling piece of gold decorated with butterflies, flowers and birds, with fine gold chains hanging down in front of my face and other parts of the piece. The chains matched the simple gold earrings I wore that dangled just shy of brushing my shoulders. The pendant given to me by Luna was tucked between my breasts, the long chain allowing it to be placed securely under my bindings.
They had powdered and painted my face lightly, covering my lips in red that matched the colour of the hanfu I was to wear. I stood from my chair slowly, allowing the court ladies to remove my robe and replace it with the various parts of my gown.
My mother and Chae-Ryung assisted me into my skirt, holding my hands as I stepped into the opening, allowing the others to pull it up and fasten it above my hips. Both women release my hands to slide the top over my arms, pulling the front closed and wrapping the tie around my waist. An overcoat was placed on top of it, the heavy scarlet silk embroidered with golden thread and beads lining the hems and collar.
Mother held my hands gently, pulling my attention towards her. Her brown eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her expression a mix of both joy and sadness.
"This may not have been the way I envisioned your wedding, but I am glad to have seen the woman you've become and to have been a part of this moment in your life. I love you, my darling, do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need to." she whispered, hugging me tightly, "You have made both your father and I so proud."
I nodded in response, the chains of my head piece clinking lightly as they brushed against each other.
Myung-Hee released me slowly, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles as a eunuch called for us from outside the room.
"That's your cue. Be brave, my daughter." mother murmured, brushing a hand against my cheek before exiting the room quickly.
I followed her at a much slower pace, stopping in the open door to face the bowing eunuch.
"Your highness, they are ready for you. You will be unaccompanied as you requested." he informed me, rising from his bow to catch my nod.
"Very well. Lead the way."
The eunuch gave another short bow before hurrying off, leading me towards the main hall of the grand temple. We stopped short of the entrance, the eunuch signalling for me to wait before he ran to inform the head eunuch that I was ready.
"Announcing Her Royal Highness, Third Princess Eun-Byeol."
I took a deep breath to settle my nerves before walking into the main hall, the court proclaiming my good health and long reign as I walked past them up the aisle. I could see out of the corner of my eye my mother trying to hide her tears from her position behind the first princess.
My gaze focused on Ravus' figure situated at the foot of the altar, turning slowly as to offer me his hand. I accepted it with a slight tremor, allowing him to guide me up the small set of stairs to stand before the high priestess.
The old woman nodded politely before raising her hands up into the air.
"We have gathered before the gods to witness the union of not only two individuals, but of two great nations. May this union not only bring happiness to these two houses, but to these nations being united in peace."
The high priestess lowered her arms slowly, looking between us with her cloudy eyes before speaking.
"Ravus Nox Fleuret and Lee Eun-Byeol, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?"
We answered in unison, "I have."
"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to respect and honour each other for as long as you both shall live?" she questioned, her eyes falling onto Ravus at this point.
"I am." we confirmed, the blonde gritting his teeth slightly as he replied.
The priestess shifted her gaze over to me, "Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from the Astrals and to bring them up according to the teachings and faith of the Hexatheon?"
"I am." we answered once more, a small tremor making its way down my spine.
The priestess paused for a moment, as if weighing the honesty of our answers before continuing, "Since it is your intention to enter into the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your hands, and declare your consent before the Hexatheon."
Ravus took my right hand in his left, staring into my eyes with utmost seriousness before proclaiming our decided upon vows.
"I, Ravus Nox Fleuret, take you, Lee Eun-Byeol, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will respect you and honour you all the days of my life."
I took a deep breath as I prepared to say my own vows, my hands gripping the blonde's tightly out of nerves.
"I, Lee Eun-Byeol, take you, Ravus Nox Fleuret, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to respect you and to honour you all the days of my life." I swore, my hands shaking slightly in Ravus' grip as I looked into his eyes.
"The vows have been exchanged before the gods and it is only by their hand that this marriage can be undone." the priestess proclaimed, sealing our fates in that moment, "You may kiss the bride."
The inclusion of the kiss was of the Tenebraen tradition and obviously took Ravus by surprise as he stood there for a moment in shock before leaning forward slightly to close the gap between us. The kiss was simple and short, but long enough to be deemed appropriate for the court.
"Go in peace before the Astrals and have a fruitful union." the high priestess said, dismissing us and closing the ceremony.
The applause of the court was thunderous as we walked down the aisle, the tolling to the temple bells adding to the celebration. We walked directly out of the temple, presenting ourselves to the public for the first time as husband and wife.
The guards allowed us a few moments of waving to the common folk before ushering us towards the palanquin so we could return to the palace for the formal presentation.
The return to the palace was silent, the only sound being the cheers and cries of the people as we went past. Ravus assisted me out of the palanquin and continued to hold my hand as we were guided into the palace and made to wait until the court had gathered in the throne room.
The blonde turned to me, staring down at me as I stared back up at him.
"I'm sorry that it had to come to this, your highness." he said quietly, mismatched eyes reflecting his sadness clearly.
I shook my head in the negative, "We all do things that we may not necessarily want to in the name of love. But I could think of far worse men to be married to, Ravus."
The former prince had a hint of a smile on his face at my use of his name, nodding before turning to face the closed doors.
"I promise if you do not wish to perform the traditional duties expected of a wife, you will be provided a space for you to call your own when we reach Tenebrae." he swore, bringing a smile to my own face.
"Thank you." I murmured, turning to face the doors as well.
The large wooden doors slowly began to open, allowing us to be seen by the court. Ravus and I stepped into the room hand-in-hand, diplomatic smiles in place.
The court and noble families clapped at the presentation of our marriage, the first and second princesses standing on the dais with the Nifelheim embassy standing at the base.
My brow furrowed in curiousity as I couldn't find the chancellor's figure among the brigadier general and the small amount of human soldiers they had brought as an escourt.
The thought was fleeting before the deafening sound of gunfire and shattering glass filled the air.
Next Chapter
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perfectirishgifts · 3 years
How This Visionary Producer Is Transforming The Theater Podcast Landscape
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/how-this-visionary-producer-is-transforming-the-theater-podcast-landscape/
How This Visionary Producer Is Transforming The Theater Podcast Landscape
“You can’t use up creativity,” said Maya Angelou. “The more you use, the more you have.” Early in her life, someone must have told that to Dori Berinstein. This unstoppable theater, film and TV maker appears to embody creativity. She is an endless font.
Dori Berinstein
Berinstein is a four-time Tony-winning Broadway producer whose credits include The Prom, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Legally Blonde: The Musical, The Crucible, One Flue Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Fool Moon, Flower Drum Song, Enchanted April and Golden Child.
Oh, and Berinstein is also an Emmy-award-winning director, producer and film and television writer. Most recently, she and Bill Damaschke, who produced The Prom on Broadway, collaborated with Ryan Murphy to adapt the show into a Netflix feature film starring Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, James Cordon, Keegan-Michael Key, Andrew Rannells and Kerry Washington. She also co-produced the Sony Masterworks cast album of the musical Half Time. The show was inspired by her documentary, Gotta Dance, about a group of seniors who make up a hip-hop dance troupe who perform for The New Jersey Nets. 
“I love the art of storytelling and believe it’s all about a good story. Whether you’re telling it on stage or screen or in an audio drama or soap opera, I like moving between different worlds and sometimes moving a project throughout different worlds,” says Berinstein who has degrees from Smith, the Kennedy School at Harvard and the Yale School of Drama where she was a visiting scholar focusing on the business of Broadway. After working in strategic planning at Paramount Pictures she joined a tiny emerging independent film company, Vestron Pictures. Within a year, she became head of physical production and ultimately supervised production on the film Dirty Dancing. “What keeps me very excited is being able to collaborate with wonderful people,” she adds.
But if all this isn’t enough, Berinstein is also the co-founder and CEO of the The Broadway Podcast Network which produces over 100 theater podcasts, dramas, musicals and miniseries, like As The Curtain Rises, the delicious new digital soap opera that Berinstein co-wrote with Mark Peikert. 
As The Curtain Rises is a dishy comedy that offers listeners a glimpse of the behind the scenes mayhem trying to birth a Broadway show. In this case there’s the challenge of getting Avvatar: The Musical to The Great White Way. Producing shows for 25 years, the drama is inspired by things Berinstein has witnessed along the way. “Our As The Curtain Rises characters are certainly “inspired” by our theater colleagues. In some cases, characteristics are exaggerated. In other instances….not so much!,” says Berinstein. “The behind-the-curtain Broadway world is definitely the perfect setting for a soap opera.”
The multi-part series features a riveting cast including Alex Brightman, Ariana Debose, Andrew Barth Feldman, James Monroe Iglehart, Ramin Karimloo, Ilana Levine, Lesli Margherita, Mauricio Martinez, Bonnie Milligan, Ashley Park, George Salazar, Sarah Stiles and Lillias White. The priceless cameos from Lynn Nottage, Alex Lacamoire, David Korins, Natasha Katz, Matt Britten and Jordan Roth are worth the listen.
Creating and producing As The Curtain Rises during the pandemic was particularly meaningful to Berinstein. “We haven’t been able to produce live theater. Even though it’s tremendously goofy and fun, this took on a whole other level of urgency,” says Berinstein. “It’s important to keep theater alive during this time. And it’s thrilling to work with and pay actors, make people laugh and try to provide some joy.” 
Jeryl Brunner: What inspired you to create The Broadway Podcast Network?
Dori Berinstein: I live in Northern Westchester. Pre-Covid-19, I spent a lot of time commuting to and from New York City. I would find myself driving home after seeing theater and would be sitting in my driveway at 1:30am, listening to podcasts because the episode wasn’t over. I was so caught up in it and loved the medium, but having trouble finding theater podcasts. There was no real destination for theater podcasts. Then when I brought the company of The Prom to Google, I met Alan Seales who runs Google Talks. He then invited me to be a guest on his theater podcast. We talked afterward and shared the frustration that we couldn’t find a lot of theater podcasts. We agreed that we had to do something about it and said, “Let’s do it.” We spent ten months building and partnering with a lot of wonderful podcasters who were out there before anyone else like The Ensemblist, The Fabulous Invalid and Broadwaysted.
Brunner: How has the platform gown?
Berinstein: We launched in October, 2019 with 15 podcasts. And here we are, a little over a year later, with almost 100 podcasts. Since the beginning it was very much the plan to have podcasts and record plays, musicals, audio dramas, and soap operas. It was never to replace theater and we certainly never anticipated the pandemic. When you see a show, you want to know more. What is happening behind the curtain? There is so much additive information that we are excited to bring to life. We are in a community filled with amazing storytellers and wanted to help support and give them a voice.
Brunner: What do you hope to offer listeners?
Berinstein: It was very important from the get-go that we create a network that is representative and has many different people from all different aspects of our community. That includes onstage, behind the curtain, looking back in history and education. Having all these different artists and voices is essential, because our community is made up of so many different voices.
There is also a lot of hunger from people interested in getting into the business. So we have podcasts about breaking in and auditioning. We also have podcasts from established producers like Hal Luftig and Eva Price. Kerry Butler has one on breaking into Broadway. Justin Guarini has a podcast about auditioning. They are educational and informative. Then there are pure, goofy, fun, joyous podcasts. It’s exciting to have a lot of star power on the network with podcasts from Tonya Pinkins, Sir Tim Rice and Donna McKechnie. I love hearing those behind-the-curtain stories. It was also important for us to partner with many different regional and international theater companies and the Dramatists Guild, Variety and Playbill. We really want to be a home for everyone.
Brunner: Did you always know this was your path?
Berinstein: From a very early age, I was completely captivated by theater. I saw Carol Channing in Hello Dolly! at the Dorothy Chandler pavilion when I was five years old. And that was it. I was so just transported by that show and the whole experience of live theater. [Berinstein ultimately directed, produced and co-wrote the documentary Carol Channing: Larger Than Life.] My parents would take me to theater all the time. It was just the most thrilling thing. I had no talent. I could not sing. Even though I tried, I never got cast in anything. But I wanted so badly to be part of the world. At my school they didn’t have a student director or even backstage crew. But I still was very captivated by how things came together. In college I triple majored in economics, history and theater and created a special studies program on the business of Broadway. I became voracious about reading absolutely everything I could. So much that I learned about life and important issues came from theater and its power to enlighten and make me think.
Brunner: How did you become a theater producer? 
Berinstein: I really wanted to be part of that world, but had no idea how. I didn’t know anybody. Coming from Los Angeles, I was established in film before finding my way into theater. Finally I was introduced to James Freydberg who was producing Broadway shows. We went to the Serious Fun Festival to see a short piece that Bill Irwin and David Shiner put together. I flipped over it. The show was the early stage evolution of Fool Moon. If I knew anything about producing at that point, I probably would have been nervous about producing a show with two guys who don’t speak and a ragtag band, [The Red Clay Ramblers]. It just doesn’t scream hit. But I loved everything about it. 
I got thrown into the thick of it right away as a general partner producer. I didn’t even know what that meant. It was an amazing experience in every way. In previews the audience was maybe at 50% capacity. At opening night we had our associate producer stationed at The New York Times a few blocks away. This was before the paper was digital. We were in the Richard Rodgers theater where Hamilton is. At intermission he came running into the house, waiving the newspaper with the most magnificent review by Frank Rich. He wrote, “To that short list of unbeatable combinations that includes bacon and eggs, bourbon and soda, and Laurel and Hardy, you can now add Shiner and Irwin.” From that point on, the show was sold out every night and standing room only. How can you not throw your entire career in that direction after that? I loved standing in the back, listening to the audience laugh so hard and lose themselves in the show. 
Brunner: Is there something you look for in a story? 
Berinstein: I believe deeply in theater activism and have had the opportunity to lean into and be part of shows that say something important. I have been so fortunate to tell stories that mean something to me and I believe help make the world a better place. It takes years of your life and it’s hard to do. So you better believe in what you’re doing. With Legally Blonde, my daughter was seven. I loved the idea of telling a story that it is very cool to be smart. That message was really important to me to put out there and help inspire young women. 
The Prom and Half Time all have messages that are also really important to me. When people experience these shows or listen to the cast album or watch the film adaptation, I hope they can evolve and embrace the message. In the case of The Prom it’s all about acceptance and tolerance. With Half Time, which is a Jerry Mitchell musical that was adapted from a film I made, it is taking on ageism. They also say go for your dreams, no matter what.
Dori Berinstein directed, produced and co-wrote the documentary Carol Channing: Larger Than Life. … [] After Berinstein, as a little girl, saw Channing perform live, Berinstein knew that had to work in theater.
Dori Berinstein interviews Terre Blair Hamslich for the Emmy-award-winning documentary celebrating … [] the life of Marvin Hamlisch.
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Vengeance (2/2)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary:  Your family had lived in Gotham longer than you can remember. At this point, it was about pride, you weren’t going to let anyone bully out of your own town. So, when your sister got engaged, that did not stop the festivities from being held in Gotham. The night of her bachelorette party was one you will never forget.   Warnings: Language, death Word Count: 1.5k A/N: Y/S/N = Your sister’s name
Part One 
“Y/N, there is another way. We could just prove he killed your sister. Give the evidence to the cops…”
You looked at him with hope in your eyes. As much as you hated this man, you couldn’t seem to fathom yourself killing someone. You remembered watching the life faded from your sister’s eyes. What if you had been the cause? You could really live with that?
“Are you…uhm…are you sure he would be put away for good.”
The masked figure turned towards you, “I have an inside man, I can guarantee it.” You nodded and motioned for him to follow you away from the Dolan’s apartment. Entering your apartment, you sat down on the couch, motioning for this vigilante to do the same.
“So how do we do this?”
“Y/N, if this is what you want, I can do it all. I mean he killed your sister with a gun and there are two witnesses, it’s a closed case.”
“I don’t…I don’t just want to stand by though.”
Seeing there was no way to get through to you, he took off his mask. As a native Gotham citizen, you immediately recognized the man sitting before you. The mysterious Jason Todd, the second adopted orphan of Bruce Wayne, the one that had mysteriously disappeared and then turned up dead.
“I’m sorry, what the fuck?! You’re Jason, are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“Clearly, doll, you can’t tell anyone.”
“Okay, but like what the actual fuck?”
“Well, everything I told you was true. So as you know, my adopted big brother is Dick Grayson, aka Bludhaven PD’s finest. He knows of my exploits and will make sure Dolan goes away for the rest of his life.”
“I still…I need to do something.”
“A public statement would ensure his imprisonment.” Jason suggested.
You nodded and agreed to meet him the following morning at the Bludhaven police department.
Red Hood did not show up, instead you saw Jason dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, a baseball hat, and sunglasses walking towards you. He looped his arm within yours while saying, “Remember, everyone thinks I’m dead. If I want to go out it has to be as a faceless man.”
In a way you felt bad for him, he was never able to show his face, in fear that old enemies would arise. Or the mysterious force that brought him back to life would come to collect their bounty. Yet still you gazed at him in awe, the courage and conviction it took to come here, to help someone he barely knew get justice. It inspired you to be better. You walked with your head held high into the police department, demanding to speak with Detective Richard Grayson. It only took a few moments for a man to come and greet you and Jason.
“I hear you requested me,” he glanced at Jason and realized the importance of the matter, “what can I help you with?”
“Well, I watched my sister get killed by Dolan Ramin, and I would much prefer if he went to jail as opposed to me killing him.”
“Hmm…yes, I think we would all prefer that. I will file a report, but can I speak with,” he specifically eyed his brother, “the both of you later.”
Ignoring the tension between the two, you piped in, “Yes of course, you can reach me at (603) 985-2364.” You didn’t wait for him to write it down, but somehow you knew that wouldn’t matter.
Somehow you spent the entire night on your living room couch armed with several bottles of wine discussing your life with Jason Todd. Honestly, he had surprised you with how open he was, though he had warned it was the alcohol talking and this wasn’t his usual demeanor.
Several months passed and you continued your relationship with Jason, however the case on your sister did not seem to be progressing at all and you continuously grew more agitated. One night, Jason crept through your window after patrol and you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Jason, it’s been months. Dolan still roams free, don’t try to tell me otherwise because I see him, and it kills me. I feel like I lose a piece of myself every time I watch him, but I don’t know what else to do.”
“Y/N/N…I’m so sorry. Apparently Dolan is associated with the Maroni’s. Dick is doing everything he can, but they are a very protected group.”
“I don’t care who the fuck he is associated with!” You couldn’t take it anymore, you had made your decision, you were going to kill him.
Noting the look on your face, Jason reiterated, “You can’t come back from this Y/N. Make sure you’re sure.”
“Jason, my sweet Jaybird, hearing about everything you have been through has only made me more sure. Most people get one life. My sister, she had one life. One life that was ended tragically at the hands of Dolan Ramin. And I can’t help thinking that it should’ve been me. I mean, I had no one. No one except her. She…she had her entire life. She had people who loved her, her fiancé, her friends…me. I had…have no one, it should’ve been me.”
Jason looked soberly towards me, “I know you wish it was you, Y/N, but I couldn’t imagine a world without knowing you. And hell, I’m gunna to be selfish. Please don’t kill him…I never thought I would say those words. But these fast few months have shown me something new. I don’t want you to be taken from that. Please, stay with me instead.”
“How can I stay, Jay? Dolan is out there. He could kill someone else? Then how would I feel.”
“Y/N, I’m going to watch him day and night until Dick finds a way to put him behind bars. I’m not going to let him hurt anyone else.”
“Jay, then who would look after the rest of the city? You can’t focus on one person for my sake. So many others would be left helpless and in the dark, and I couldn’t live with myself knowing I was the cause.” Jason contemplated your words until he finally spoke again.
“Well, what if you watched Dolan. Could you? Without killing him?”
You looked at him with honesty in your eyes, for you had known nothing else, “I don’t know.”
And with that the discussion was done for the night. Jason wrapped you gently but securely within his arms, carrying you to bed. He didn’t seem to want you to slip from his grasp, yet you couldn’t help but let your mind stray elsewhere. What if I kill him? Would it really be so bad? He’s one of Maroni’s goons, there’s no way he can be up to any good.
You woke up still entangled in his grasp. Carefully weaving your way out, you went into the kitchen to make coffee. Maroni’s goon. You would be doing the world a favor. Right?
Jason joined you in the kitchen and you couldn’t help but question him, “Would you think differently of him if I decided to kill him?” Silence filled the kitchen before Jason answered.
“Y/N, I don’t think anything could change my opinion of you. People handle grief in different ways, and some people need vengeance in order to feel whole again. I don’t think you are more or less of a person because you want justice, Y/N/N.”
You took a deep breath in and looked at him, “I know Dick is doing everything he can, but I can’t help feeling like it’s not enough. This man…this man who killed my sister is just roaming free. How can I live with that? How can anyone live with that?
Jason grabbed your hands, “I can’t tell you what to do…But know that I will be by your side no matter what you choose.”
And that was it. That was all it took, you wouldn’t lose the person you were falling in love with, so you decided to kill Dolan Ramin. It was the middle of the night, you were both asleep but you turned towards Jason’s sleeping body anyways.
“Jay…I have to. He can’t go unpunished for what he’s done.” Not expecting an answer you turned back to sleep, but to your surprise he mumbled out
“I understand, I will still be here for you when it’s done. Now go to sleep my doll.”
The next day you stalked him until night fell. You approached him as the moon was full, while he was asleep in his bed. You wanted him to know why, and you wanted to see the fear in his eyes, so you awoke him.
“Over a year ago, you killed my sister, why I still do not understand, but Dolan Ramin, these will be your last moments on this earth.”
Though your training was brief it was no match for Dolan. That night Jason met you at your apartment, ready to comfort you in whatever way you needed. You knew this was it, for no other would accept what you had just done. As you curled into his chest you said,
“Jay, please never let me go.”
“Never, Y/N. You’re mine, always.”
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papermoth-bird-blog · 5 years
Mexico: The pals in Playa del Carmen.
I’ve never related more to being a person of Baltic bloodlines, than I have being in Mexico. Between my pale skin & the heat-- I have to take super extra precautions so I don’t exhaust myself. Even though I am doing my all time adult-best at wearing sooo much sunscreen, I am clearly not drinking enough water. Yesterday I kinda paid for it & was feeling quite ill. Man, I feel like I constantly have to have water in my hand just to keep up. I do realize I’ve never really been to a climate like this, and so, I suppose there are some adjustments to be made. Especially having lived in the Maritimes for over 6 years- where it rarely reaches temperatures close to 30. The remedy for me has been fruit- any and all fruit- as much as I can at all times. 
Katie & I spent our first few days taking it easy under the scorching heat. Both of our hair grew so big in curly, It would have stirred jealously from any 80s hair band. We ate at a cute little taco place the first nice. There was a man with dreads who pulled up right beside us and started loudly serenading us as we tried to eat. It was kinda funny in the end. For some reason I decided the thing to do was get a margarita- because “when in mexico”. With one sip I now fully realized any remaining affinity for alcohol had vanished from my system entirely. I am simply not interested in any kinda way. So I gave the massive thing away. 
When we got back to the apartment, Ramin (katie’s friend that we were staying with) was home. Ramin is like this big, tan, German Aquaman type human. He works as a scuba diving instructor, and so, has moved/traveled all over the world doing so. Katie & him had met in Guatemala years ago, and managed to reconnect in a few different locations over the years since then. He is friendly and open minded- yet still intimidating in the way Germans can be sometimes. 
The next morning we woke to Eli making his strange little cat noises at us from outside the window. We had to go get him because the apartment has like four different key/lock situations to get into. A bit excessive- we decided. On a side note- there seems to be so much fear mongering in/about Mexico, specifically geared towards tourists. It really is difficult to tell whether that is warranted in any kind of way. I tried not to listen too much, knowing how fear works & spreads. That being said, I was being safe & cautious & paying attention to my surroundings always. If not for “stranger/danger” purposes, certainly for the fact that drivers here are absolutely chaotic (although maybe not as bad as South America). 
Eli & I went to a cute little cafe called cafe choux choux, eager to get out of the house. We stayed there a long while partaking in many breakfast items & some fancy lemonades. Even the fancy places here and still affordable, even for someone on a budget like me. The cafe was clearly the place that a lot of ex-pats gravitated to. The group that sat beside us flickered between speaking spanish, then english, then french, then german, depending on who came up to greet them at their table. We stayed for a long while, basking in the atmosphere & playing on our computers.... and mostly waiting for Katie. We wandered over to another cafe called BiOrganico & had some lunch. Katie & I then wandered off to explore the market area of Playa Del Carmen.
We were in search of a few things neither of us had- sun glasses, sun screen, shorts, sandals. OKay- I know that seems like almost everything you need for a trip to Mexico, but to be fair I had absolutely no idea when I left for my trip that I would end up here. Happy that I am, but my bag was not packed according to that. Actually even looking at the wool sweaters in my bag gives me the heebie-jeebies. I can try my best to set the scene of Playa to the best of my ability- but I should perhaps preface it by saying that at one point, this was a natural paradise. First there were small rental houses, then hotels, then bar and bars and bars. These days there are McDonalds & Subways & Forever21s. Which feels weird, of course. It’s one of the most rapid & evident gentrifications I’ve ever witnessed. But in many ways, I realize my complicit behaviour in all this- I probably wouldn’t have ended up here without it. Although it’s probably what I least enjoy about it. As you walk down the street everyone is trying to sell you something- of course they are- Tourism is basically the only driving industry out here. Especially being a woman, you get all kind of weird comments like “You need this” “don’t get lost” and the most classic “Do you need a Mexican Boyfriend.” Katie was obviously quite angsty with all the comments. I tried my best to tune them out & live in the happy little peaceful world in my head.
The plant life is beautiful & so too are the birds. In playa del carmen, however they are groomed & tamed in a more manicured way. Woven in amongst the huge heaps of concrete jungle that has been superimposed on the jungle paradise of the Yucatan Penninsula. I won’t say it truly overwhelmed me, having just spent so much time in much bigger cities. I understand how it could, though. Especially with the added trickiness of the language barrier (though many folks do speak english). Katie & I continued to stroll around, stopping in to buy water at many points. We dared not sit down, mostly because the public benches were metal (WHY). We wandered over to get groceries and ate more tacos. Eli & Ramin both joined us- all of us sweating profusely, slowly stripping down into half-dressed states. Not in a sexy way. In a very, very sweaty way. Which was especially pleasant considering the extremely feeble water pressure in the apartment that made showering a challenge. 
We woke early in the morning on the 3rd day. The early morning is the most reasonable time to go out, without a doubt. By 10am it is already quite hot & doing anything other than chilling out, is less appetizing. We walked over to the beach to greet the rising sun & went for a swim. While wading in the growing waves, Eli told me all about the cheap healthcare here. He said loudly that I should try to get contacts here. I agreed- that would be great! Not two minutes later, as we laughed about something else, I suddenly got hit in the face with a big, aggressive wave. I felt my glasses fly off my face & over my head. The water was particularly thick with grey & seaweed. Though we combed through the water. There wasn’t much hope. It seemed the comments earlier about contacts had been taken as a dare from the universe. So I bumbled around without glasses back to the apartment to fetch my extra pair. 
Eli and I went to the glasses store later that day- he speaks Spanish which made the interactions a bit easier to manage. Although the two places we went to didn’t have my prescription in stock. It would take five days to get them,  so we decided it was best to wait until we got to Tulum to get them. But I have to say- I didn’t quite realize how much more affordable medical treatment is in mexico. For my contacts- the exam was FREE and three months worth of lenses were 48 dollars. I now understand medical tourism. It isn’t like it’s sketchy either. All the places we went to were clean & professional & so so friendly. Despite my blindness, the whole experience wasn’t stressful in the least. 
I will say I could feel Katie getting stressed. I mean I think it was a lot of things. Her personal life as of recently, has been super emotionally complicated. As she also had a bout of skin cancer not long ago- the sun has been stressing her out. She’s been staying in the apartment a lot as to how avoid it, but also I think she still feels overwhelmed by the “spring break” vibes in Playa. The apartment is small, and so at a certain point we certainly started to bug eachother in ways. It came to a head when we were supposed to go down to the beach for Danielle Moore’s ritual. She had wanted me to take more leadership in regards to it. I wanted to give her her space as she had clearly been in a grumpy mood all day. On top of that she refrained to the fact that she felt weird about the ritual all day. It resulted in us being entirely cross with each other at the beach, ducking between tipsy strangers & me eventually crying out of frustration. We decided it didn’t feel right to do a scared ritual in an emotion state like that. On top of that, we clearly had some stuff to talk through & so we went home and did that. We came to a place that felt nice, which was relieving for sure. Katie & I have never fought like that. I’m really glad we can still talk through it. We decided to do it in the morning- the beach would be empty then & we would both be cooled off (physically and emotionally). 
It did actually feel like that was the way it was supposed to go. We were mostly silent throughout the whole ritual, though we started it with a prayer- one we learned from the ashram. We made a mandala in sand with the flowers we bought & other materials we found on the beach. Then we sang a few of Danielle’s favourite songs. Doing the ritual felt so private in an internal world kind-of-way, but connected to all the friends & communities that knew her & loved her. Being a way from the physical communities felt difficult. I did what I could to stay connect & support the effort. I spent some computer time a talking to others organizing & fencing some tech-difficulties when the page went down. It was powerful & healing to feel connected in the small ways during this time. And to see so many talking power & inspiration to making the world better after such a terrible event. Mostly though, my attempts at support were done out of love- for Danielle, but also for Kluane. I wanted to be able to do anything I could support her in the ways she was grieving & working through that grief.
Earlier that morning- even before the sun was a a light deep in the horizon, Katie woke up to call Klu as she boarded her plane in Winnipeg. Klu herself said she was surprised she found it so difficult. Kluane has always been an avid & regular traveller, but I too of course understand that the circumstances of airplane travel have changed so much. Especially considering Klu was leaving from the Winnipeg airport, the same Danielle had left from only days earlier. My heart ached for the situation- but I knew that she was well taken care of. The flight attendants all knew & supported her throughout her journey. Katie went to the airport to pick Klu up, after we ate breakfast together at a downtown cafe. It was good for us to take time apart for a few hours & also I knew Katie would be there for Klu. Apparently when Klu came out, she was wearing a big Christmas sweater complete with Reindeer & Holly, as well. I love that through anything- these two women in my life still find anyway to make us all laugh.
After quite a bit of waiting, tidying & other bits and bobs on my end, the crew eventually returned to the apartment, ready to move onto Tulum. They picked up a fellow traveller named Geoffroy from Montreal & so we all piled into the car with all our luggage, cranked the AC and headed for the highway. 
On the drive we all talked about love & life- of course. And caught up with eachother in the ways that aren’t always easy over technologies. We listened to country songs on Katies phone between checking directions- as the sux cord wasn’t working in the car. When we finally got to Tulum, we spent a lot of time in the grocery store, where Eli eventually met us. I am still amazed at how inexpensive all the food is here. I thing that Eli kept reminding us all of was that Mexicans love their sugar. I guess I didn’t really realize how much until I tasted some of the items. I was desperate for a bit of ice cream in the car and so we Mcgivered one out of a lid & I ate pretty much a whole pint to myself. 
We rode around for a short time trying to connect with a few friends before getting to our house. There were some funny moments that involved various chain reactions of annoyed-ness. “I think he’s annoyed I’m annoyed at him” Eli said as we chased after Alex’s speeding car. As we sat waiting for Eli, Klu and I got a little over excited about a particularly lovely old chevy truck that we enthusiastically jumped out of our car to take a picture with, before realizing the owners of said truck were right there. We share a love for this one particular Femme-Queer instagram account called @Truckslutsmag. One day, we said we will be on it. That day is not now however- haha. Later, on our way to our house at long last, this truck full of Mexican tradesmen speed alongside us on the highway, pointing at us & the car. We didn’t know what the heck was happening, until we finally put the dots together that Katie’s phone was not in fact in the car, but instead on the roof of the car as we speed down the highway. We agreed something strange & silly was in the air. It seems there seemed to be a resistance that had built up, that hadn’t been there until this week. I suppose mercury is in retrograde, but I’m sure there is more at play for whatever reason. 
The house we are staying at it so beautiful. The outside is the most perfect eggyolk yellow colour. The rest is painted in warm oranges & reds, with details or light blue, white & dark wood colours. The main room is open concept (although it doesn’t carry acoustics well). There is so much space- we almost immediately went on to plan how we could come back & stay here with more friends in the future. Every room has a balcony. The roof top is easily accessable & oh so perfect for dance parties. The property has pretty flowers & desert plants nestled in beside the pool & house itself. When sitting by the pool, all sorts of birds come swooping in- especially these beautifully delicate flying swallows. Swiftly after dropping our bags in our respective rooms, we jumped in the pool naked. ...Only to later discover the owner of the house has security cameras all over the place. We laughed for a second, but promptly messaged him to see if he could turn them off while we were here. 
So far, I have managed not to get burnt. Which is a win for sure- seeing as I tend to burn extremely easily. I haven’t spent that much time in the city of Tulum itself, although I did go into town to get my contacts. The town of Tulum already feels much more low-key (in the SPRING BREAK kinda-way) than Playa del Carmen felt. The vibe is much more bohemian- health/healing type-people & shops. I mean it is strange though, it has that gentrified feel to it too though. Fancy pantsy, tourist/ex-pat places sit right next to little shacks held together with ropes. It’s an interesting experience in that way.
That being said- at the house at least- I haven’t felt more “I’m on vacation” feels since starting this trip. It feels weird to do nothing. I guess I’m enjoying it- but not more than I do doing stuff. I worry that I will loose my motivation to do anything at all. The heat has made me groggy & I’ve been falling a sleep in various places. That being said, I’m feeling more reclusive- Katie & Eli have gone to various ecstatic dance events- but I don’t feel terribly social. 
Having contacts has been a game changer though! Being able to see without anything on my face has felt really freeing. Although, I am still not great at putting them in & taking them out. But there is so much potential with having them! I can go in the pool & put my head under water without worrying! I can wear any costume I want without being confused! Also, so some reason I feel it is suddenly more appropriate for me to get a really weird hair cut. The world is my oyster, really. It may seem over dramatic- but after being bound to glasses for over a decade, to have my face back in my possession is freeing. 
0 notes
amateurfan227 · 6 years
Shitlist Reviews - Iron Man 3 - 2013
 Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Amateur Fan 2.27 and welcome to the Shitlist, were bad movies burn... You saw the title and yeah I did finish the 1st phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe so I thought it would be appropriate to dive into the next instalment towards phase 2...
Ok to be honest, I’m doing this as a request from a personal friend of mine to do a major catch up towards Age of Ultron because of the release of Infinity War which is coming out this week, though I’ve not read the comics (which is weird as the only one I have relating to the stories on the Avengers is Winter Soldier, but that’s for another day) I honestly don’t know much about some of the heroes that are on screen.
Granted I’m a fan of both franchises as I was raised with watching the cartoons (the 90’s ones anyway) and collected DC graphic novels shortly after starting college (I prefer DC over Marvel which I will get to at another time, presumably when I dive into BVS) but when it comes to Marvel, there are way more titles towards the characters as well as the Avengers that I instantly took a major fall away from.
I love the characters such as Thor, Incredible Hulk... hell, the Punisher is literally my favourite Marvel Character due to how psychologically violent he is, but Iron Man is a different story entirely, I think of him more as a rip-off version of Batman and even though that he’s proven himself useful due to his technology in the movies.
Though I think his character has taken the worst punishment of the franchise not due to his age but to his arrogance on his weapons business towards military applications, not many characters in the MCU can understand the pain as Stark could, even in the Avengers he sort of had a close friendship with Agent Coulson when he died before the attack on the Helicarrier.
Iron Man 3 however is something more interesting which both adds towards the character of Tony Stark but not as much towards the villains, hell in this movie, the villains have changed very badly... and I mean that in a very bad way. Most recognition is towards the movie is towards Ben Kingsley’s performance as the Mandarin... yeah white washing a character like they did with Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell (watch the anime for proof).
With all that said, let’s dive into the movie’s production history...
Shortly after the release of Iron Man 2, conflict grew between both Paramount Pictures (who had distribution rights to different properties of Marvel) and the Walt Disney Company (Marvel Entertainment’s corporate parent, towards timing arrangements for the third movie on the Iron Man series.  In October 2010 however Walt Disney Studios agreed to pay the amount of $115 million for Paramount for distribution worldwide leading with an announcement date of May 3rd 2013.
Jon Favreau stated in December of 2010 that he will not direct the movie but move to another project instead which is related to Disney known as Magic Kingdom, though he remained as an executive producer towards the Avengers and served the same title in the movie we’re looking at today. Robert Downey Jr reached out to Shane Black (who he worked with in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) to direct the movie as well as write the script.
In 2011, Black entered the negotiations to join the project which was confirmed in March of the same year. Black also described the take on the movie similar towards a Tom Clancy thriller mixed with Iron Man fighting real-life villains. Drew Pearce added that they would avert from the traditional things relating towards Marvel making it a techno-thriller... yet they have a virus that makes people into super-humans....
The duo spent time writing the script removing themes and scenes of pure exposition making every moment propel other narrative points forward; some elements of the comics were even added and used in different connotations such as the Iron Patriot suit being worn by Rhodes and some characters were given names from people from the Marvel Universe.
Like Constantine (previously reviewed), the movie is based on a storyline written for the Iron Man comics by Warren Ellis, I’ve not mentioned before but Ellis is known for another story relating to the Hellblazer series known as Haunted. The first two acts would remain closer to the characters while the third would be more OTT action; the middle act was even compared to Sullivan’s Travels in Tony meeting various people upon his journey
I’m going to skip some more of the production as it does sicken me with the really bad idea of changing major recurring villains towards the comics and changing them like they did with Bane in Batman and Robin... even thinking about that movie makes me cringe.
In September of 2011, Marvel Studios reached an agreement to shoot the film primarily out of EUE/Screen Gems Studios (known for Dawson’s Creek) in Wilmington, North Carolina, Michigan which was in contention to land the production but the Michigan Film Office couldn’t match the tax incentives.
April 2012, Ben Kingsley entered the role as a villain which was confirmed by Kevin Feige stating that is would take five weeks to film in North Carolina basing it only on Tony Stark and not much on Iron Man as it would take it more of a damaged-based film following the events of Avengers; A few days later after the announcement Disney China, Marvel Studios and DMG Entertainment agreed to co-produce the movie in China.
The week after, Guy Pearce (Prometheus, a movie that I will be diving to) agreed to play Aldrich Killain (who was introduced in the Extremis story, Ellis’s story); Chinese star Andy Lau to play a scientist and friend of Stark only for the actors to change to Wang Xueqi (Reign of Assassins) the role of Maya Hansen was originally given to Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) but was given to Rebecca Hall (The Town), James Badge Dale (The Grey) was to play Eric Savin, Ashley Hamilton (Sunset Beach) was to play Firepower aka Jack Taggert.
And Favreau was to reprise his role as Happy Hogan, Stephanie Szostak (Motherhood) was to play Ellen Brandt and William Sadler  Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey) was to play the President of the United States, hey on the bright side.
Filming began on May 23, 2012 with cinematographer John Toll working with digital cameras for the first time, as he found them more convenient for visual effects in heavy production, he used a Arri Alex camera through-out the majority of the movie which you can tell worked wonders for the film.
From June 4th to June 6th, filming took place in Cary, North Carolina at the Epic Games Headquarters as well as the SAS Institute with a Christmas tree set up on the front lawn, scenes was also shot at the Wilmington International Airport, the Port of Wilmington  which would serve as climactic battles.
From July 19th to August 1st, filming took place in Oak Island to make aerial drops over the Atlantic Ocean which was done for the scene featuring the Air Force One over Miami which would have been done via green-screen which was changed towards using actual skydivers via the Red Bull Skydiving team.
Computer graphics were only used for the essentials of the scene such as the plane and clouds; filming also took part in Rose Hill which was the setting of Tennessee, which questions such as why they didn’t just shoot the film in Tennessee.
Florida was also used for Stark’s home as well as Dania Beach which made an excellent shot for the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens as well as Miami Beach; there were scenes shot in Beijing, China in December to make the movie relate towards Stark’s associates overseas, including India as well as Manhattan Beach.
A report on the actual production costs indicated that is grossed $200 million but with a net of $178 million which is due to the tax incentives from North Carolina and Florida.
Chris Townsend served as Visual-effects supervisor for the movie which featured over 2000 effects to be done as well as the help of 17 studios; Townsend stated that the collective crew had a one day of down time due to over stepping the visuals for the movie.
Production was delayed though as Downey Jr suffered a leg injury and shots were taken with a double which was easy due to the effects which was helped with the addition of a body double. Over 3 hours and 15 minutes of footage was shot before editing which were brought down to 130 minutes, a little over 2 hours minus the credits marking it the longest from the trilogy.
Brian Tyler signed to score the movie which was a good choice as he was doing a particular score of an Assassin’s Creed game that I enjoy verily ;though others were suggested as well such as Ramin Djawadi (Game of Thrones) and John Debney (Iron Man 2).
The movie premiered on April 14, 2013 at the Grand Rex in Paris with Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow attending respectfully while the UK premiere was in a bit of a problem due to the funeral of Margaret Thatcher leading to the event to be pushed forward.
Iron Man 3 grossed over $400 million in North America and reached twice that amount worldwide; it’s the third highest grossing movie relating to the MCU and the set a record as well with the largest worldwide weekend of $28.6 million.
Critical response however was bland on both situations as they stated that it held true to the comics but with major complaints over that one scene that I’ll mention later on, though the angle of the film itself was creative for an entry in Marvel territory which is closer to a certain DC movie which was released a year prior.
So with that said let’s dig into Iron Man 3 and see if we can see if this movie hold’s up today.... despite it being four years old...
 The movie begins with the Iron Man suits being blown up while Tony Stark (once again by Robert Downey Jr) recaps the story on what happened... only to skip the past (1999 in particular) where Tony is at a new year’s party with Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) as well as scientist Maya Hansen, creator of the regenerative treatment known as Extremis (played by Rebecca Hall) as well as the introduction to a character from the first Iron Man film from 2008, Ho Yinsen.
Tony being an arrogant douchebag decides to be obnoxious towards Yinsen as well as a cardiologist who is introduced to Stark only for him wanting to bang Maya, while in an elevator Tony is harassed by Adrian Killian a scientist who offers Stark and Hansen a place in his company, Advanced Idea Mechanics aka A.I.M. Stark manages to persuade him that he will meet him on the roof in a few moments which Killian obliges to.
Stark and Hansen uncover the code for Extremis only to notice that it is capable of healing injuries and recovering limbs, only for it to have some severe consequences such as exploding after a short period of time.
In the present however we see Tony who looks a bit worse for the were if I’m entirely honest who is recovering badly from the fight from the Alien Invasion of New York is building more and more suits basically removing himself away from everyone he knows such as Rhodey or his girlfriend Pepper Potts...
Which begs the question, if it’s according from the last movie then why isn’t S.H.I.E.L.D. in this; after all he did work along them to stop Loki.
A string of bombings is ordered by a terrorist only known as the master of the ten rings, The Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley who is doing a very bad performance if you ask me of a terrorist, granted terrorism is no laughing matter but with this... aside from that, he places a threat that he will destroy America for... I’ve actually got no clue... he doesn’t present a motive towards it actually....
Anyway he sends a message to America via video com on the news only for the President to respond in sending Colonel Rhodes (again played by Don Cheadle) as a resort known as Iron Patriot, (think of War Machine just painted over). Rhodey and Tony meet up for information on the Mandarin, only for some kids to ask for an autograph which sends Tony into an anxiety attack causing him to leave abruptly.
At Stark Industries, Pepper is talking with Happy over his new promotion to Head of Security only for him to get into a bit of trouble with his authority status, leading for her to into a private meeting with someone she used to work with... actually this is a bigger question, where is Black Widow in all of this, in Iron Man 2 it was quite clear that she was there to observe Stark for S.H.I.E.L.D’s case.
Her visitor is actually Killian which again is a surprise as from the novel’s perspective of things to come, he’s dead... you may think I’m either harsh on that answer or having a joke but I’m completely serious he commits suicide due to his guilt on stealing the Extremis formula. Killian proposes a deal that would promote A.I.M. on the surface but Pepper refuses, leading to Happy to take a photo of an acquaintance that Killian brought along as well as the car they are driving.
At Stark’s home, Pepper arrives to see Stark in the garage doing exercises as well as controlling one of the suits via head piece, which leads to Pepper to get into an argument about his ego, this leads to Stark to breakdown stating that things haven’t been the same... remember when I stated the absence of SHIELD in this movie, a question should be rephrased as Why doesn’t SHIELD send a series of doctors to all members involved in the attack,  such as Stark in particular as he was the one they came to first.
Later that night, Tony starts having nightmares over the battle, leaving him to have another panic attack only to wake up when one of his suits attempts to attack Pepper, fortunately (or unfortunately depending on what you think of Gwyneth Paltrow’s performance in this) Tony stops it leading Pepper to scold him for his interest on how the suit was self-aware, yeah... some girlfriend you live with Tony.
Happy on his free-time, follows the acquaintance of Killain (named Savin) to a random deal in the middle of Chinatown, Savin gives a briefcase to a guy named Taggart only for Happy to intervene, this leads to a fight where Happy is brutally beaten up and Taggart drinking the Extremis virus leading him to blow up causing Happy to be incarcerated in hospital but for Savin to survive.
Mandarin leaves another message leading for Tony to make an open threat including his address which leads him to return to his garage to hold an investigation in the current attack on Happy, leading to investigate the bombings surrounding the Mandarin leading to one which involves 2 military personal in Tennessee which JARVIS (voiced by Paul Bettany) obliges to create a flight plan.
Though Maya arrives to inform Stark that he is in danger though Pepper isn’t aware of their fiasco back in 1999, which leads to another argument only for a missile sent from one of the Mandarin’s attack helicopters to blow away Stark and Potts, only for Tony to summon his new suit in order to save both Pepper and Maya, leading him to face the Copters head on.
It isn’t as successful as he thinks as the helicopter’s literally destroy his home, leading him to drown in the sea as debris falls on him, fortunately JARVIS manages to save Tony by sending him to Tennessee to Tony’s dismay only go offline due to lack of power, leaving Tony stranded in the snow and sleet.
Tony manages to find a phone to call Pepper stating that he’s going after Mandarin and then does the sensible thing while carrying around a broken iron Man unit by breaking into someone’s garage in order to fix it, it’s not like he can ask someone for a phone call or maybe INFORM SHIELD... Hell in the investigation, Jarvis literally pulls files from SHIEL D’S servers, it’s either SHIELD doesn’t care about the security (saying that what’s new) or they just don’t bother in general.
Tony manages get comfy in the garage of a strangers house only for a child to come by threatening him with a potato gun, and for a child who knows a lot of things, he doesn’t seem at all bothered that Iron Man himself is in his garage, he even states that Stark is presumed dead from the attack. (Sigh) and yes the little kid is the one who played the younger brother in Jurassic World... a movie that I’ve previously reviewed and scolded... saying that I might do a separate review on that one entirely...
Aside from bothering Stark, the kid also destroys a part of the suit as well as NOT knowing who Stark is; he also places some ideas as a stealth mode for the suit leading for stark to bribe him into getting some items to help him on his way.
Back in Miami however, Police are all over Tony’s mansion investigating the Area WITHOUT SHIELD leading Pepper to have a quiet moment alone only to put on an unit’s head leading it to reveal the message towards Tony to her. Later during the night, Pepper drives Maya down to safety (which she could have done with a certain government agency) only for Maya to state something out of the ordinary, which her boss, Killian is in league with the Mandarin.
Killian however is disappointed at the news of Stark wasn’t found in the wreckage on the mansion’s grounds only for his team to state that the Mandarin is on his way, which even though script wise Kingsley does a bad performance but when it comes to menacing appearance he’s pretty incredible at it... I sense a bit of irony from my previous criticism when I mentioned him earlier on.
Tony and the kid (the name is Harley but I prefer to call him the kid at this point) travel around the site where the bomb from the Mandarin was set off only for the kid to state that one of the military personal who set the bomb went crazy due to unknown reasons. This leads to a problem as there are only 5 shadows on the wall were the bomb went as there were 6 casualties, and the kid ends up literally breaking Tony’s mind AGAIN (thanks dumbass) by referencing the attack of New York...
Hold on, he doesn’t know who the hell Tony Stark is but he knows about the Avengers? What continuity are you making here Marvel?
The kid tells him about the military guy’s (name is Chad Davis) wife who stays at the local bar, which he agrees to do so, only for her to give Tony a file about her husband, but notices that there is a connection between her husband and a previous victim named Taggart (one who was used to blow up Chinatown).
He warns her first only for him to get arrested by one of A.I.M’s henchwomen, Brandt, she cuffs him leading a fight in the bar between several patrons as well as the sheriff who some get brutally killed in a gory fashion, thanks for that Marvel. Tony escapes with Brandt in pursuit along with Savin, whom arrives which leads to a fight in a diner between Tony and Brandt who is shortly killed off when Stark makes a home-made bomb between a leaking gas pipe and metal in a microwave.
This raises a bunch of questions because one it demonstrates that the Extremis virus can cure all ailments including cuts, bruises and lose of limbs as well the ability to increase heat rapidly to over 3000 Celsius which raises a question on burning through things such as solid concrete or more interestingly clothing, she literally walks through fire with her clothing intact even though her skin is above room temperature...
And yet again this comes towards that notion when Savin (dressed in a leather Jacket, burns through the steel support of a water tank causing it to crash through a caravan site which looks like is showing a lot of water for a short tank... even though the imagery would make Stark likely DEAD due to the water pressure rather than the drowning.
Stark is trapped however only for Savin to reappear with the id as a hostage, only for Stark to convince the kid to distract Savin with the gadget he gave them only for Stark to brutally kill him by shooting him in the face with a make-shift repulse... I don’t care if anyone says otherwise, Savin’s bloody dead.
At the end of the fight Stark grabs Savin’s car keys and prepares to leave only for the kid to arrive stating that he needs him to survive... kid, you don’t even know Tony Stark is so how do you know that he needs you, and worse, you can’t even handle yourself let alone Stark’s advice... Stark mocks him and then leaves him promising that he’ll return for the suit.
Savin surprisingly comes round from his death and comes back to life however just when the Mandarin sends another threatening message as Air Force One is in the process of watching the message as well, the Mandarin captures a CEO of a major oil corporation and states that he will kill him within 30 seconds when he calls the President (played by William Sadler) which he does on live television no doubt.
Tony however manages to find a way around the Military Personal turning into bombs and uncovers it to be a part of AIM leading him to call Rhodey who is in the middle of a mission in Pakistan for the President as redemption for the act that the Mandarin has caused only for Stark to request for his AIM password.
Shortly after Stark (with the help of a stalker/cameraman) manages to hack into the AIM firewalls and uncovers some secrets that AIM is desperate to hide, even seeing Killian perform the experiments that turned war veterans with lost limbs into his own personal army as well as living bombs, remember that consequence I made earlier on which resulted in the Extremis virus exploding, this is a part of that.
Maya and Pepper were getting into a private moment only to be ruined by Killian when he arrives and brutally manhandles Pepper by strangling her, pinning her to the wall, Maya states that they (she’s a part of this group... now that I think of it, this movie is literally turning into the Dark Knight Rises, more on that later) can use Pepper as an advantage towards Tony’s cooperation.
Iron Patr... War Machine manages to continue his mission in Pakistan only to be attacked while out of focus in the mission when an AIM Agent takes him down in use of the suit. Stark on his way home has another attack when he learns that the suit is still not powered correctly, only for the kid to ask him to build something to keep his mind focused from his anxiety which he does by making home-made lethal weapons.
He manages to locate the Mandarin’s location through the use of Jarvis and attacks the Mandarin’s hideout by killing quite a lot of guards actually, and interrogates the Mandarin who is revealed to be an actor named Trevor Slattery, the face of Aim....
(Sigh) remember when I was saying that this movie was similar to the Dark Knight Rises which most of you will disbelieve, here are the reasons why... A billionaire gets attacked by an unknown enemy who hides a secret agenda for a previous villain from the past only for the Billionaire to meet  a random woman associated with said unknown enemy who has a private agenda to eradicate the hero leading the first villain to fall into a secondary task leading to get taken down like a bitch only for the secondary agenda to turn into a primary leading the hero to stop an invasion/hostile takeover associated with past villain as the hero suffers from physical/mental strain from previous encounters that occurred in the past that harmed him greatly... Tell Me I’m Not Wrong.
Trevor states that Killian and AIM hired him for the task to act as a cover-up for AIM’s Extremis bombings, only for Tony to get captured by Savin, Tony is taken to a secret lab only to discover Maya is in league with AIM, who Tony talks down to by stating that she wanted to help people but only made things ten times worse.
Killian arrives only to give his big villain speech which in my opinion is completely worthless as it’s all be done literally to death, and even states (and shows) that he’s got Pepper as a hostage, even threatening him to Join AIM.... so his plan his to force Stark who owns the Military’s weapon programme, SHIELD’s advanced programme as well as containment suits and weaponry that can combat the freaking Hulk and Thor.... to join a minor team who are equal to Justin Hammer’s team...
Killian responds by killing Maya when she attempts to stop him, after leaving Tony he interrogates Rhodes for a moment in use of the suit, Stark manages to get the Mark 42 suit back as Rhodes is removed of the suit leading Killian to literally spit fire as Rhodey is knocked out, Tony breaks free from custody leading him and Rhodey to interrogate Trevor whom reveals that Killian has something planned for both the President and the Vice President, whom has a daughter with a missing leg.
Air Force One is about to take off as the President meets up with disguised Savin wearing the Iron Patriot suit leading a shoot out on the place in mid air, Savin reveals himself by killing majority of the President’s bodyguards which leads for Iron Man to intervene with a brutal kill by shooting a laser through Savin’s chest.... if that doesn’t kill him, then I’m pretty sure the writers who wrote this garbage will.
This leads for the scene that majority of everyone will remember watching, the falling scene, Iron Man manages to save all 13 passengers before they hit the ground by ordering them to catch each other in freefall, leading him to save their lives, though as he flies away he gets broken into pieces by an oncoming car, fortunately this is in use of another head set that Stark set up earlier. Though he didn’t catch the President, Stark tells Jarvis to start the House Protocol.
Killian however is holding Pepper hostage and in fact shows her that she is the next subject for the Extremis and is stabilizing greatly only for the Iron Patriot suit to walk in revealing it to be the President who is now held hostage in the docks which held a cargo ship that Jarvis was discussing earlier on.
Stark and Rhodes infiltrate the Docks and manages to locate the President before he is given a public execution, this leads for the pair to get spotted leading a shootout between the lot of the Extremis henchmen, fortunately for them, Tony has a plan leading all the Iron Man units to help them out and eradicate the Henchmen leading to possibly the most memorable part of the movie which is saying a lot.
Fortunately Tony suits up leading Rhodes to fend for himself as Iron Man saves Pepper but also gets in a brutal fight with Killian, the fight I’ve got to admit is quite brutal as well as spectacular with the appearances of multiple units that fend of Killian though now that I think of it, the reason it’s most popular is that it’s closer to a Michael Bay film rather than Marvel feature with all the explosions and the patriotism.
Rhodes does eventually save the President when Tony is fighting Killian which he does evade mostly only to save Pepper whom doesn’t manage to be saved by Tony in time, leading her to fall from 200 feet, believing that she is dead Tony manages to get the Mark 42 unit around Killian and blows it up leading him to use multiple units (yet again) to get to the ground level, leading Killian to state a few more villain-cliché lines, only to be killed off by Pepper who survived due to the Extremis virus, though believing that she is close to Death due to the serum, Stark states that he’ll help no matter what starting with blowing up all the Iron Man suits... which is confusing as we see him yet again in Age of Ultron but we’ll get to that eventually.
In the end, the Vice-President is arrested for associating with AIM, Bane... I mean Trevor is arrested for his terroristic plot is arrested and Tony manages to get the shrapnel our of his chest as well as Happy comes out of his Coma as well as the Kid who get s a surprise when his garage is fully rebuilt with Stark’s thanks.
At the end credits, Stark reveals that it was more of a story to tell only to tell it towards a sleeping Bruce Banner...
And that was Iron Man 3, I’ve got admit one thing, the only memorable scene that everyone nearly remembers is the ending when State blows the suits up in stating for a clean state, but aside from that, some of the movie is forgettable, saying that, I think the script was as well, seeing that is was closely resembling another movie from a rival franchise that literally dictated the same exact plot only a year prior.
The movie I think was more of a rushed version of the comic, seeing that in the comic, there was a lot of problems with the Virus than is was a biological weapon, plot wise, it’s forgettable and the motive behind the villain was boring if I’m entirely honest, hell at least with Whiplash he had a decent back-story,
Killian as a villain was just bland if I’m honest and the Mandarin was more of a waste like Rhino was in the Amazing Spiderman 2, (note to self, review the Amazing Spiderman series) but yeah to place it on publicity factor to make him feared was just boring as well with no other premise that related to the character from the Comics.
Robert Downey Jr’s performance in this was pretty much the same through-out the series but aside from that I think it’s been improved greatly when it comes down making his role serious between him and other characters, Gwyneth Paltrow’s performance was.... a little less than before, I mean the seriousness was there when it came to her character but assuming it came with fixing something that was broken was pretty harsh making her more aggressive towards it.
The script needed improvement in some sections such as the virus in general as well as the VILLAINS PLOT... seriously, what the hell?
Now is it a bad movie, it does have some parts that had me scratching my head as well as nearly raging at the screen, mainly at some of the character’s stupidity (mainly the kid) or the villain (yet again) and some of the story relating to the virus was either really stupid or just not explained fully.
Is it a good movie? Well there were some scenes that I enjoyed such as repercussions towards the events of the previous movies such as removing the shrapnel from the heart or having major anxiety attacks from the Attack of New York, as well as some psychological problems such as obsessive-ness or abstractions from reality (speaking from someone who suffers with the first symptom)
I think this one is both a good and a bad movie so it’s sort of in between, so it’s avoided the Shitlist as well as the Hitlist so I’m placing it on category 3 the Waiting List.
Join me Next week where I dive back into the mythological spectrum of Nordic Mythology, Thor: The return of the annoying Kat Dennings... followed by the Dark World.
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