#I will honestly be so sad if he doesn’t get out by 2026
thef155 · 6 months
[ETA: This was written January 2024 before LH’s signing]
I really, really hope the rumors that Carlos might have only a short-term contract extension (i.e. until the end of 2025) are true. That may be a blow to his pride, and I feel for him deeply, but breaking away from Ferrari by 2026 would be the absolute best thing for him.
If you don’t know, Carlos and Charles are both currently contracted to Ferrari until the end of 2024, and both are now currently in talks for extensions. According to La Gazetta (grain of salt required), Charles is taking a five year extension to 2029 (whyyyy Charles? why do that to yourself?). Meanwhile, Carlos has asked for a 2-year extension, but Ferrari reportedly only want to offer him 1 year for now. Carlos potentially becoming a free agent for 2026 is very significant because that's the start of the next regulations era in F1; a new formula and new rules come into play, ushering in new engines and new cars and opening up the field for new contenders. It’s also when Audi will be stepping onto the grid as they take over at Sauber (currently Alfa Romeo). Importantly, Audi have been long-rumored to be interested in Carlos as the driver they want to sign and build their new team around.
I'm not going to delve into how much Ferrari has treated Carlos like shit, because we all know that story, and none of us are actually surprised to see the team undervalue the man who keeps them afloat when all else fails and gives them their only win in a season. I don't think Ferrari ever expected Carlos to be so competitive and push il Predestinado the way he has, and now it's bit awkward for them. But the fact is that Ferrari have now gone all in on Charles with this 5-year deal, and now they have no choice but to make every other decision around that. It makes sense that they would offer just a 1-year extension if Carlos is asking for 2 years because they know a 2-year contract would be no more meaningful than a 1-year if other teams are seriously interested in Carlos. If Audi (or McLaren, if Lando leaves) really want to get Carlos for 2026, they will have no qualms about swooping in during the 2025 silly season to buy Ferrari out of Carlos’s last contract year. They know what they have with Carlos even if they aren't going to publicly recognize it, so it's in Ferrari’s best interest to keep their options open for shopping if they don’t want to risk being caught out dry in 2026.
But let’s forget all that and talk about the most interesting part of all this to me: that Carlos asked for something as short as a 2-year extension. He knows Charles is getting 5 years, so why?
This tells me that Carlos has finally begun to lose faith that Ferrari is the best place for him. That’s a pretty damn big deal, because—although this gets overshadowed by Charles’s love story with the Scuderia—Carlos’s passion for Ferrari and the Tifosi is no small thing. I think he smiled bigger on the third step of the podium at Monza than he did at Silverstone for his maiden win. Winning a WDC with Ferrari is (or was) his life’s dream.
But maybe 2023–his best year ever—is what Carlos needed to stop ignoring the writings on the wall. Maybe he’s starting to admit to himself that he’s never going to get the support (or competence) he needs from Ferrari to achieve his dreams. Maybe he's understanding that he's found success not because of Ferrari, but in spite of them.
Carlos is too good to be a No. 2 driver. We know it, Ferrari definitely knows it (and that’s their problem), and—most importantly—Carlos knows it. Ferrari can go ahead and search for someone this talented who's also willing to roll over and be their next Rubens Barrichello. Because it sure as hell won’t be Carlos Sainz, Jr.
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f0point5 · 28 days
pretty sure you’ve talked about this already so many times so if you don’t want to keep talking about it no worries!!
but this Logan/Kimi swap thing BAFFLES me. Yes, Logan should have improved more by now. I really feel for him because it’s clear that he’s trying to improve and just can’t figure it out for some reason. Plus the team’s bizarre switch from “we resigned Logan because we believe in him” to what appears from the outside to be a lack of support. But i agree he won’t be on the grid next year.
But at the same time it’s idiotic for the FIA to approve the dispensation because then the rules are essentially meaningless. It’s idiotic for Williams to take on an underprepared driver (because as talented as Kimi might be, there’s no way he’s adequately prepared for F1 right now) when part of Logan’s issues were due to being underprepared. If this kid gets eaten alive then merc will have thrown away so much potential. Genuinely I think there’s an incredibly high chance no one wins here. Maybe it all works out, but it seems like a hell of a risk just because you’re worried that he might sign elsewhere.
anyway excuse the rant lol just read the new chapter and so intrigued 👀 hoping lando comes thru for you this weekend <3
No I could go for DAYS.
I wouldn’t blame the team for replacing Logan mid season. It’s incredibly difficult to score points at the bottom and you need to be running two cars. Williams have been fighting one handed. Logan is just not cut out for this, that to me is clear. I am so curious why they resigned him, I guess because they didn’t have any other options from their academy, but the way they seem to have absolutely had enough of him is sad. To hear him on the radio calling himself a “dumb fuck” is horrible. It’s all hard to watch. It’s giving Red Bull.
I don’t understand the Kimi thing. They made this rule because they didn’t want any more children in F1. How would they just throw that out the window because someone asks? And not even for a kid who has a wealth of experience. He’s driven what? 18 months in actual cars? The FIA will out themselves as a complete joke if they say yes. I guess Williams will be saying “we will put him in the day he turns 18 if you say no so you may as well say yes it’s 4 months early”, but I think they have to stick to their guns and say not a day before the 18th birthday.
I don’t have an issue with him being in the car. Maybe he’s another Max, maybe he’s not. Regardless, I think if he is good enough, he will show something. And if he doesn’t, then he doesn’t, there will be others who come up through the feeder series who do. I don’t put a lot of stock in preparedness beyond physical fitness. Another few months of driving F2 where the cars are very slow, very different set up wise, and honestly where the racing is kinda just a free for all is probably not going to prepare him any better than he is now (considering how few F2 races there actually are as well). I think talent shines through. Logan might have done better with more prep but he probably never would have been Oscar. And yes Kimi is underprepared, but the best prep you can get is just to drive, so if Toto really is planning to put Kimi in the Merc seat, this is the smartest way to get around the rules about testing. Because that’s all it’ll be, is testing. He can sit in the Williams for half a season and get his bearings, go to Merc and get his bearings again in 2025, and by 2026 he would be an incredibly well prepared driver. IF that is how Toto decides to approach it, and not expect results from Kimi. I actually do see the merit in it. But only if it’s approached properly by everyone involved which with Toto you can’t guarantee. BUT the FIA throwing out the rule book would be insane.
I’m SO interested what on earth Toto has promised Vowles to get a Merc junior who will essentially be wasting a seat for Williams in the middle of a season. Granted he probably can’t be worse than Sargent but again, James will effectively just have Alex all year. Are Williams getting free engines?
Fundamentally I think the person who comes away with egg on their face here is James Vowles. Mr “you need to give a rookie three years and an arm around the shoulder” has absolutely exposed himself as TotoLite™️. As for Kimi, I can only hope he has a good team around him and that he has people who will come to the paddock and look out for him and not just let Toto run his career. Because I don’t think him being in F1 early is a guaranteed failure, but I think he will need a strong support network and someone looking out for his best interests.
I’m just shocked by this turn of events in all honesty
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russilton · 4 months
Honestly speaking, seeing that he tried for a +3 years contract with Mercedes which Merc didn't want to give him, as well as the whole thing with mission 44 etc, following only a 1+1 - This move was the smartest thing he could've done. I'm not saying that Merc is unreasonable for wanting the youth to come up in 2026 at the latest, but he doesn't owe them to play along with that. He did want to end his career there, but not under the prospect of being elegantly pushed out rather than making the leave when he wants to and that's fair. Merc...low key fucked up here, to be blunt.
I think… you’re not wrong in all your points, I wish he got a longer contract and I’m angry and sad he didn’t, but it’s a situation that clearly wasn’t announced the way anyone wanted, and I don’t want to sit here and make a complete comment judgement on it right now, because more info is going to come trickling out over the next few months. Shit in 48 hrs we’ve had the situation flip flop so much it puts a pancake to shame.
I don’t want this to be an apollos dodgeball Oscar situation where we sit here and make jokes cause we think we know the whole deal, only to find out 3 months later the guy we thought was okay was actually a complete asshole, regardless of if it’s team side or driver side
All I know is that no matter what I feel about, that doesn’t impact Lewis or his choices, so it doesn’t really matter.
I can feel kinda lied to and heartbroken and disappointed by MULTIPLE parties involved, but that’s my ball to kick. And it’s also… okay to feel like that within limits. These teams AND Lewis make money on parasocial attachment of fans to them and their stories, in order to sell things. Thats the whole game, and that means on one side, while you don’t know them and they are businesses, you get to be sad when that image is shattered, because they were the ones who encouraged you to make it. I do feel like Lewis cultured an idea of family to us, then pulled the rug out under me, but you can also correctly say he has no duty to care about that, and he may end up going “they’re still my family i’ll return to them, but I want a final challenge”. Or we could find out he’s wanted to bail for years. We have no idea what’s gonna come out in the weeks to come.
It’s kinda like when a family member moves to another country, you get to be sad and feel left behind, but you don’t get to stop them going. Or at least that’s been my way of processing it.
End of the day Lewis forms a fundamental part of my personal history, and one move won’t take that away… but also, I get to be sad? Nothing good comes from trying to pretend you aren’t sad, take it to the guy going back to therapy.
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motheatenscarf · 5 years
ANYWAY, before I got, uh, COMPLETELY DISTRACTED by the return of a certain character (also Kira, hi, I missed you too, you’re great, my Jedi literally named her son after you but that was the son she had with Scourge SO... I’m sorry) I was gonna talk about how much I fucking love the little posse you’ve got developing in the Republic faction?
I mean, let’s start off strong here with Tau and Arn. I already fucking loved Tau from Ossus and she only continued to endear me with what a great teacher she is and how much she already clearly adores her padawan. She’s fantastic with him and props to Gnost Durall for having the smarts to bring two wounded, questioning people together to help heal each other and build on one another, goddamn I love them so much. Individually they’re great on their own too, I’ve talked about how much I love Tau’s conflicted feelings about a Jedi’s role in conflict and her own use as anything other than a killer. And now Arn is just a SWEET BABY BOY, I’m so glad we get an actually decent depiction of trauma through him for once. Yeah, I could do without the whole “cybernetic character is MAYBE GONNA GO DARKSIDE” cliche AGAIN but it’s nowhere near as egregious as I thought it was gonna be. He’s not some bitter, broken, hate fueled “morally gray” character, he’s sweet and thoughtful and unsure of himself and even timid- he just has hella PTSD and lashes out in his trauma when he’s literally triggered like a war veteran. So to put him under Tau’s tutelage, where she knows that EXACT feeling and can help him through it, is brilliant. 
And I LOVE how good she is with him, I cannot stress that enough! When he fucks up she doesn’t yell at him or talk down to him or lecture him, she helps him through it and you as the player get to do the same. It’s absolutely pulling on my goddamn heartstrings. She’s SO KIND, I love a Tau, I love the her so much. I want to romance her so badly. If my track record post-Scourge holds true, I just have to wait until about 2026 for that Tau Romance. I specifically made Vane to romance Tau. Sometimes a family can be a beat up old Colonel, a sad wise beautiful statue of a Jedi, and their fully grown baby boy son.
Also Arn sends a message about how he immediately spotted how he could ease some of Jakarro’s discomfort but didn’t want to presume to tell him his business when he doesn’t know him so he passes the message onto you and asks if you can tell him. He’s such a good!! What a sweetie. I love this boy, I want to protect him.
I continue to love Gnost Durall and even his interactions with Lana were surprisingly endearing. I hate to see how much happier Lana is in the Republic than Theron is with me even pretending to still be loyal to the Sith as a saboteur. 
Also I really like the new Chancelor! And that Senator on Onderon. And honestly, even the 3 new Dark Council Members (well, they’re not NEW, they’ve been established, they’re just new to their seats of power). Bioware, writing a sensible woman in power who isn’t power hungry or “insane”????? What universe did I walk into?????
And of course Daerun continues to be an absolute fucking delight, I like his odd little friendship with Gnost Durall and he’s the perfect flamboyant, devastatingly tactical foil to Vowrawn. Jake compared him to Iroh earlier and that’s exactly the kinda vibes I get from him, it was a spot on comparison.
They did a fantastic job with making all of these characters likable and memorable, I am genuinely fond of all of them and their interactions only make them seem like stronger and even more endearing characters. I know everyone keeps talking about how “The Sith have changed, the Sith have changed” but they don’t seem to show any real change except that maybe they aren’t actively committing resources to screwing each other over the way they were the last time they invaded Corellia. Meanwhile, the Republic has somehow gotten its fucking shit together and created not only a functional government with a competent military structure (the SIS aside, Jesus fucking Christ Jonas why did you call my Warrior IN THE DARK COUNCIL CHAMBERS?) and a Jedi order committed to supporting each other through their darkest times without fear or judgement???????????
So yeah, Aerasuni went back to the Republic. I was actually very surprised that they were willing to grant full citizenship and ignore the criminal records and wartime activities of my underworld and formerly Imperial characters which... holy shit? Just makes me honestly that much angrier about the Saboteur route.
Having played both, the only thing I liked better about the Imperial Story was that it starts the player out as an active protagonist, you’re sent to Onderon on the mission that starts the fucking plot. Republic faction, you go there just because Arn needed someone to drive him to meet Tau and you know Tau and are nice, so why not let it be you, I guess, and then plot happens around you and you just sort of fall into it. 
I was okay with the KotFE/KotET/Iokath/Traitor arc stuff because it was all stuff that was very relevant to Tallia, who is my main and whom I adore, but I think going forward I’m just kinda gonna have to handwave uh, everything, if the Republic stuff continues to just run laps around the Imperial content. And the Empire stuff wasn’t even bad! It was just sort of okay. I imagine if you’re playing a loyalist it’s immensely satisfying but that’s not my jam, I’ve been playing lightside weenie reformists since 2013 (I say, even as they lop the heads off of slave trading Sith on the Dark Council jesus FUCKING christ that was intense). Ain’t gonna change now.
I’m gonna think on how this might affect Tallia’s story, I’ve been toying with the idea of her defecting for realsies and just saying she does the Republic story stuff with Aerasuni, but wasn’t sure how I’d even handle that. Because I mean, no way in hell they’d ever welcome all these ex-Imperials into the Republic, not without some heavy strings, and oh wait, they did. They did... exactly that. Huh. Welp. I guess that’s that then.
I’ll have to think on this next week though because we have a Halloween one-shot in D&D this week where the theme is undead maffia so I’m obviously going to be playing a shambling charismatic zombie with cinderblock boots named Jimmy Coffin.
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everly-kindred · 5 years
Everly’s Diary - Entry #26
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Synopsis: Eve details her first two days at Hogwarts, including the Sorting Ceremony! (Finally!)
Words: 2,670
Date: 1st of September, 2026
Dear Diary, 
So… yesterday was the Sorting Ceremony, and the first day of Hogwarts. My wrist is about to hurt from how much I have to write!
Firstly, there was the train ride. Admittedly, I cried a lot, and it all started with having to say goodbye to my family. Once I was on the train, Bonnie gave me a crate and asked me to watch it on the train ride for her. I took it and found myself a window seat in an empty compartment, and then I got to meet a lot of students.
I finally met Evan, who Aures had mentioned to me. He seemed very nice, if not quiet, though he got a lot brighter when she entered the room. I met a boy named Levi, who also seemed very nice. He and Evan both like to draw, like me! Evan was sorted into Hufflepuff, and Levi went to Gryffindor. Oh, also, Aures was sorted into Gryffindor, which… Made me sad, to be completely honest, though not as sad as Evan. I could tell he looked crushed. But, she looked very happy about it, and I think it suits her. Anyways, it’s not like we can’t be friends just because we’re in different houses! 
I also met a set of twins, two girls named Celeste and Soleil. They seemed nice, too, and got sorted into Hufflepuff as well! So that’s exciting. Finally, there was a boy named Felix, who got sorted into Ravenclaw. He was also very sweet, so I guess I got lucky with my train compartment friends! He actually helped identify what creature was in the crate Bonnie had me watch over, because he had a copy of Fantastic Beasts with him. 
It turned out, they were something called a “Jarvey.” There were two of them. They looked like ferrets, and they were wearing cones on their heads. That wasn’t the weirdest thing, though. The weirdest thing was that they could talk! And they didn’t have anything nice to say, either.
Once we got off the train, all of the first years were guided by a Professor named uh… Well, I don’t know how to spell it yet, but it sounded like Pre-Oh. She wore a really pretty gold robe, and is actually the Hufflepuff Head of House! She guided us to the boats, and me, Aures, Felix, and another first year all shared one. Aures said it was our first adventure together, and I said it would be the first of many. 
We got off the boats, and walked up to the castle. It’s honestly much, much bigger than I imagined it to be. I mean, I knew it would be big, but I guess I just wasn’t prepared for how big, you know? And I’d bet galleons that I’ll be getting lost in it very, very easily. I hope I can figure out how to make my classes in time.
Anyways, we stood outside of the Great Hall, and met the Deputy Headmistress. Her name is Professor Blightly. I won’t lie, I was a little scared of her at first. She’s a very pale, thin woman and one eye is… Well, not missing, but… I mean it doesn’t look okay. And she has very white hair although there’s a streak of black. Actually, she’s very pretty, but I was expecting her to be a lot more… Cold? Than she ended up being. She was quite nice! And gave a very comforting welcome speech to all of us. 
We all went into the Great Hall after that, and it was… Well, magnificent! It’s not called the Great Hall for nothing! The ceiling was full of stars and clouds and the moon, and there were candles floating over all of our heads. It was everything I had read about in Hogwarts: A History, and more!
While we were waiting to be sorted, a ghost flew through me, and honestly even laying in your undies in the snow couldn’t compare to how cold that felt. It was both gross, and really cool at the same time. It came over me like a sort of sadness, and made me feel incredibly lonely in that moment, but then it was over. I must say, Hogwarts has a lot of ghosts, and I’ve honestly never seen one like that aside from the one I saw at Christmas. But these ghosts were socializing, and weren’t trying to hide at all! It was bizarre but very, very interesting, and they were all quite beautiful. 
The sorting hat sang a song about all the houses, and this really weird, colourful… I mean, I guess he was a ghost, but he didn’t look like the other ones? I don’t know how to explain it. He looked like a puppet without strings, the way he flew around the Great Hall. Anyways, he kept interrupting the song, and saying mean things, which was a little irritating. 
Once that was done, it was time to be sorted. Get this - Ruby was a Ravenclaw! He was so sure he was going to be Slytherin, and he honestly looked so upset that he wasn’t. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him yet, but… Maybe it would be best to give him time. I’ve never seen him look as unhappy as he did, like that. 
As for me? Well, Grandpa won the bet, because I’m a Hufflepuff! So I’ll be with Evan, the twins, and Bobby! Plus Talula and another girl I met named Marigold. It seems like my house is full of a lot of good people, so I’m not unhappy about it at all.
After I was sorted, that was when things started to go downhill for me. The Headmistress spoke, and even sang a song for the Headmaster. I think they’re meant to do this every year, because most of the people in the hall knew the words already. I didn’t know the words, but I still hummed and swayed to the music. It was haunting. The Headmistress was a woman dressed in black, with a very sharp eye. She seemed a bit more stern than the Deputy Headmistress, but she wasn’t without a smile for the new students, at least. She was dressed in all black, so I think she’s still mourning Headmaster Fox.
After her speech and song, the feast began. That was also when the trouble began. A clown entered the room, though, it wasn’t really a clown. It changed into something else that I honestly don’t remember, as it walked between the tables, and then… it locked eyes with me, and turned into a skeleton. I honestly froze with fear! I couldn’t move, or breathe, and I think I screamed, before I ducked under the table.
Apparently, it was a boggart, and the Headmistress shooed it away from the hall, but now it’s running loose in the school. I was really shaken up after that, but I was able to eat some food. They had mashed potatoes, of course, which is one of my favourite foods. They had a bunch of other stuff, too, but I was honestly too frightened to really pay attention or want to eat anything more solid than that. 
After dinner, the prefects guided us to the common room, and the dorms. I went ahead of everyone else, so I got there first, and then a boy named Anton showed up. He had a very large hat that hid most of his face! He was very nice, and gave me a few tips about the common room and the dorms. The prefects came, and showed everyone how to get in. You see, the entrance to the Hufflepuff commons is a bunch of barrels, and you have to tap them the right way, or else they’ll douse you in vinegar. The smell was very, very unpleasant. Anyways, we got in, the prefects gave us a speech about being good students and how we were all family now. I honestly really like our dorms, they remind me of the Hobbit Holes in this muggle book my dad likes. After the prefects talked to us, we all got shown to our dorms. 
I took a bed in the very back, against the wall. Puck was already there, along with all of my things. I took a shower and got changed into my pajamas, and then stayed in the commons with the others for a little longer before going to bed.
You know how I was saying I cried a lot? Well… yeah. It was a good thing that I went to bed before anyone else. I’ve honestly never felt so homesick and lonely in my life. All I wanted was a hug from my mum, and I was so sad and scared that I ended up crying until I fell asleep. I feel better now, for the most part, because I think I’m making friends, but… It’s hard. I miss home.
I ended up having a nightmare about the skeleton, too. I dreamed I was in the Great Hall again, and the hall was full but everyone had their backs to me, and I was standing in the middle of the aisle with the sorting hat on my head. The skeleton was coming towards me, slowly, crawling on all fours. It started off human, but it was slowly morphing into the skeleton of a frog, which was honestly less scary. But it was a big frog! Well, frog skeleton. 
Anyways, I was still terrified, because I was in a nightmare, and everyone was facing away, not looking at me, not helping me. I couldn’t move my feet at all, because it felt like I was stuck in something sticky, like trying to walk in honey or something. The frog was getting bigger and bigger, and was about to swallow me and trap me in its bones like a big cage. Finally, I managed to say ‘stop’ and I ended up saying it out loud, which woke me up, but I experienced a little sleep paralysis first. It was the first time I’d ever had that happen to me, but I knew what it was when it did, which made it less scary. It was just like, my brain was awake but my body wasn’t yet, so I still couldn’t move, and the dream was fading before my eyes. 
I managed to go back to sleep, but I didn’t have another dream after that. Then, I woke up kinda early, and went down to breakfast. I met two more Hufflepuffs, one named Willow who told me that if you laugh at the boggart, it’ll go away, and that I should travel with someone in case I run into it. The other one was named Ronan. Him and Willow were doing sign language, I think, but I don’t know sign language, so I couldn’t really keep up. They were talking a little while they were doing it, though, so I wasn’t left out or anything. 
After that, we had to leave the Great Hall so they could prepare it for the memorial. They filled it with benches and bubbles, and there was a portrait of Fox at the front - life size. I ended up sitting next to my potions professor, Professor Green. She actually loaned me her hat, because I complimented her on it! It’s a pretty black hat with a blue ribbon and a big, glass yellow star hanging off the tip. 
Then, the memorial started. And a lot of witches and wizards showed up for it.
Headmaster Fox was a man of many talents and accomplishments. He sounds as though he might’ve been one of the greatest and strongest wizards alive, when he was. And certainly one of the most beloved, as there were so many people around me, crying as the Headmistress spoke of him. It was very hard to be in that room, honestly. It broke me a little, to see the hurt everyone was feeling. 
I wish I had known him. 
Mum, Dad, my Step Dad, and Grandpa all showed up, and it was nice because I really needed a hug. Some people shared words with us about the Headmaster, including the Minister of Magic, Wilfred Bloom, who said the statue in the Ministry would be taken out and replaced with one of Fox. Talula sang a song I didn’t recognize, but it was very pretty anyways. 
I’m really grateful that Bonnie is here, and that she’s Head Girl. I feel so lost in this big school, and so alone… I’m friendly with some people but it’s not the same as being at home, with family. I hope the castle becomes home soon, and that my classmates become family. I’m really homesick, and I don’t know what I’ll do without Bonnie next year.
Hufflepuff had their first house meeting, after the memorial. Anton suggested to Professor Pre-Oh that we grow fruits and vegetables, and then someone else suggested a scavenger hunt to help the first years (like me!) learn the castle. Kites and dances were also suggested, but I was most excited about the gardening and the scavenger hunt. Especially because Pre-Oh said she could ask our herbology professors about helping grow the pumpkins! I love pumpkins so much! Eating them, using them for decoration… they’re amazing!
Eventually it was decided that Hufflepuff would organize a castle-wide scavenger hunt and that all houses were invited to participate, especially the first years so that we could get to know the castle. I’m very excited to see how it turns out, and try my hand at it! 
We also decided to have a night where we all sleep under the stars in the Astronomy tower, so that’s exciting too! Anton wanted us to transfigure our legs into tails and swim in the lake like mermaids, but the Professor said no to that idea. It got me wondering, though, if a person could be shrunk with magic and given transfigured wings? What if magic could make me into a faerie?
I also talked to Evan a little. He seems nervous about being a Hufflepuff, but hopefully we’ll both be fine. I told him we could be scared together. Also, I got to talk to Bobby, when I was writing in the courtyard. It was good to see him again, and it reminded me that I’m glad to be a Hufflepuff. I’m glad to be in a house with many good friends. 
Before dinner, I decided I wanted to explore the dungeons a little. Maybe a little stupid, especially because I was alone and there’s a boggart on the loose, but I was curious and ended up getting lucky. I was truthfully hoping I’d run into Ruby maybe. Even though he’s a Ravenclaw instead of a Slytherin, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was hanging out down there. But, I didn’t see him. 
It’s very dark down there, but I saw something white in the shadows. It turned out to be a very scared little rat! She seemed hungry, so I gave her some of the chocolate I had with me. After that, she crawled into my pocket, and didn’t want to leave, so I guess she’s mine now? I brought her with me to dinner, and she seemed very fond of the peas, cheese, and strawberries, like me! I didn’t hear anyone say anything about losing a pure-white rat, so I suppose she was wild? Or at the very least, not missed. 
Then I took her back to my dorm, and decided her name would be Venus. She seems scared of Puck, but Puck doesn’t really pay her any mind. For now, her and Cornelius share a cage. Hopefully no one notices that I’ve now got three pets…
Anyways, that’s been the past two days. Absolutely crazy, and my wrist hurts from writing it all out, just as I thought it would. Classes start tomorrow, so I’m going to go to bed. I’ll write soon!
Much love, Everly
About the Character: Everlina Rosemary Kindred is an imaginative Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She keeps up with her magical journey through a series of diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings, all documented for future reflection. Her diary is a small glimpse into her enchanted life, and her adventure into the wizarding world and all its splendors. If you’d like more information about Eve, visit her wiki page. 
About the Author: My name is Katherine! I am a 21-year-old Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie from Louisville, Kentucky. This page is my creative journey into the magical world, through the lenses of Second Life. Here I post diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings all from my character’s perspective. If you’d like more information about me, visit my Flickr! 
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shownuslaugh · 6 years
Series: Super Junior 14th Member AU
Pairing: Minnie/Donghae
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             He can’t quite put his finger on it, but their house hasn’t felt like home ever since he and Minnie made up. At first, Donghae thought it was all in his head. He thought he was overreacting to the things she would do and say, but then he heard her on the phone with SJ, confirming his worst fear. Minnie feels the exact same way. Even worse… she thinks it’s her fault. She thinks she’s the reason their marriage isn’t exactly failing, but certainly isn’t flourishing.
             That’s why Donghae spent the entire day redecorating their bedroom, filling it with things he knew she would love. Flowers, bright colors, and old photos of the two of them which he framed and hung alongside their wedding pictures. He even sent Jonghyun over to Leeteuk’s for the night. Just so he and Minnie could actually sit down and talk.
             “Donghae?” Minnie walks in the bedroom carefully. He’s hanging up the last picture and she doesn’t want to make him fall off the chair he’s standing on. “What is this?”
             Donghae gets off the chair and holds his arms out, gesturing to the bedroom with a wide grin. “I thought it was time to redecorate. Do you like it?”
             She does.
             She really, really does.
             All of the pictures, all of their memories, stare right at her. Minnie feels overwhelmed but in a good way.
             “It’s fantastic.” She looks at the pictures with wide eyes. “Where did you find all of them?”
             He scratches the back of his neck and lets out a nervous laugh. “I, uh, didn’t exactly have to find them. I knew where they were.”
             “What do you mean?”
             “I had all of them in a box in our closet,” Donghae explains patiently. “I’ve been keeping them like that for years. Collecting them, I guess you could say.”
             “Oh.” Minnie can’t find it in herself to say more. If she tries she’ll just cry. If she cries… well, that usually doesn’t end well for either of them.
             Donghae looks over at his wife who is standing completely still, lost in memories, trying not to cry. He can tell that’s what she’s doing by the way her nose wrinkles slightly and her brow furrows. Slowly, as if he’s terrified she’ll turn and run at any sudden movement, he takes her hand. There’s a heavy silence between them that seems to stretch on for eternity. Neither one of them are brave enough to break it.
             “We can’t keep living like this. Can we?” Minnie turns her head and looks up at Donghae with sad eyes. “It isn’t healthy. We’re married but it’s like we’re strangers. I was stupid to think everything would just magically get better like it always does for us.”
             “Jimin, it wasn’t magic that fixed any problems we had before. It was communication.”
             “Something we haven’t done much of in a while.” Minnie’s gaze falls to their intertwined hands and she feels the tears fall down her face. She’s missed him so fucking much. It’s torn her to pieces, feeling this emotional distance between them. They’ve always, always been close to each other and taken care of each other. Even as friends. Having this huge ocean of space between them is Minnie’s actual version of Hell.
             Donghae pulls her by the hand and wraps her up in his arms. One of his hands goes to rest on the back of her head while the other sits at the small of her back. He listens quietly as she sobs, uncertain how to make it better. He knows he wants to. He knows he needs to. The only problem is he’s not so good with coming up with words on the spot. Donghae would much rather prove through his actions how much she means to him; however, Minnie isn’t the type to read between the lines. She wants reassurance through words. She wants to actually hear how much she’s loved and cared for.
             “Jimin… Minnie… I’m sorry.” Donghae holds her even tighter as he begins speaking. “I’ve let you carry the burden of this relationship for too long. I’ve let you think everything we’re going through is your fault when that’s the furthest thing from the truth. We’re in this position because of me. We’ve drifted apart because I pushed you away. There aren’t enough words for me to apologize for that.”
             Minnie sniffs miserably. “No, I shouldn’t have-”
             “Baby, please just listen to me. Stop apologizing, stop blaming yourself, stop with all of that. I let our marriage, our family, be ruined because I was so scared every time I saw you with hyung. You had every right to give up and leave me, but you didn’t, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for that. You’ve been nothing but the best wife and best woman. It was all on me. Let me take that blame.”
             “But it was-”
             Donghae groans. “Don’t say it was both of us. It wasn’t. This was all on me, and I want to spend the rest of my life making it right. Making it up to you.”
             She tries not to show how happy hearing that makes her, but she’s certain he can feel her relaxing in his arms. She practically melts.
             “Donghae.” The way Minnie calls his name is sweet and soft, her voice high and clear. Happiness and relief drip off her tone. “I love you.”
             “I love you too.”
             Minnie presses her lips to the warm skin of his chest and kisses him softly. “Then prove it.”
             Donghae knows it isn’t a challenge, but the twinkle in Minnie’s eyes when she looks up at him makes him feel otherwise. She slips a hand between their bodies, palming his cock through the material of his jeans. He’s already half hard and completely desperate. Minnie hasn’t touched him like this in so long that he just can’t help how his body reacts to her touch. When she squeezes his dick, Donghae can’t help the audible groan that tumbles from his lips. He yanks on a handful of her silky, dark hair, pulling her head away from his chest. Donghae’s free hand travels up to her mouth, and he traces her lips with the pad of his thumb before pressing the digit in her mouth. Her tongue licks at him gently.
             “Jimin.” Donghae’s voice is rough and low. Like he’s having a hard time controlling himself.
             “Yes, Daddy?” She looks up at him with round, innocent eyes.
             He nearly cums right then. “Have you missed me?”
             A slow smirk spreads across Minnie’s face. “Oh, yes, Daddy.”
             “Tell me what you’ve missed, baby girl. Be honest.”
             Her smirk fades and Minnie gets a bit teary eyed again. “I’ve missed everything. Having you, but not having you at the same time… I can’t explain it. I hated every second of it.”
             “Shhhh.” Donghae cups her face, planting a kiss on her forehead. “We’re going to work on that, I promise. You won’t go a day without hearing how much you mean to me.”
             “Do you trust me?”
             The importance of her question isn’t lost on Donghae, so he has no choice but to answer her honestly. “With my everything. I’m so sorry I ever made you feel differently.”
             She nods, completely serious. “I love you.”
             “I love you too.”
             Minnie pulls away from him after he says that. She slowly strips out of her clothes, making sure to put on a little show for Donghae. As her skirt falls down her shapely legs, she turns around and wiggles her hips back and forth. He’s got a perfect view of her round ass, cheeks poking out just enough to still be considered sexy yet tasteful. Donghae squeezes the flesh in the palms of his hands and grinds his cock against her panties. Minnie gasps, looking over her shoulder at Donghae.
             “I’m not finished!” She swats him away before stretching her arms up and pulling off her shirt. She looks back once more as she undoes her bra, giving him a flirty smile.
             “I think you forgot something, Princess.”
             Minnie shakes her head. “Nope! Daddy, I want you to fuck me while I’m wearing just my panties and heels.”
             Donghae swallows audibly. He’s meant to be the one in control and making demands, yet here sits his wife telling him how she wants fucked. “Let’s make a deal.”
             “What kind of deal?”
             “I’ll ignore the fact you’re being a little brat if you do something for me.” Donghae takes a seat on their bed, pulling Minnie with him. She straddles his waist and he can already see the wet spot formed on her panties. “Let’s have another baby.”
             She freezes up slightly. “W-what?”
             “Jimin, please, let me fuck you until you’re so full of my cum it drips down your thighs.” Donghae presses his lips to hers, kissing her feverishly. His hands travel all over her body, pulling moan after moan from her lips. Especially when his fingers tease her sensitive nipples, pulling and tugging on them until she’s squirming on top of him.
             Minnie is breathless as she asks, “will you breed me, Daddy? Fill me up all night and force me to take it like a good girl.”
             “Do you want me to?”
             There’s a moments pause before she says, “yes.”
             Donghae moans, his mouth falling open and head tilting back as Minnie undoes his pants and slides his thick cock out of his boxers. He throbs in her hand, pre-cum already leaking from his pink tip. She pumps her tiny fist over him a few times, thoroughly enjoying the faces he makes as she does so. Eventually, Donghae grabs her wrist and forces her to stop.
             “Come on, baby girl. Ride Daddy’s cock. Let him cum inside you.” He pulls her down by the hips, thrusting his cock deep inside her inch by inch. She gasps and whines, head falling forward to rest on his shoulder.  
             The stretch of Donghae’s dick filling Minnie’s pussy burns just a little. She’s tight for him and positively dripping wet. It takes her a little while to readjust to his thickness and his length, but Donghae encourages her by whispering sweet terms of endearment in her ear. He tells her how beautiful she is, how well she takes his cock, and just how good she feels wrapped around him.
             “Just imagine how pretty your pussy is going to look filled up with my cum,” Donghae whispers. “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby girl. I’m going to breed you all fucking night. You won’t be leaving this bedroom for a week.”
             Minnie whines, rocking her hips gently. Donghae grunts when he feels himself bottom out inside her and her silky, hot walls contract around him. He thrusts up experimentally, watching the way her back arches and her chest presses close to his face.
             “Daddy,” Minnie moans.
             Donghae smirks to himself, tongue darting out to lick at one of Minnie’s nipples. She shudders around him and Donghae has to keep himself from just pounding into her. Even though he knows she’s more than willing to take it. His slow and steady rhythm drives Minnie crazy though. She can feel her orgasm building and building. So close. She’s so, so fucking close. If Donghae will just keep stroking against that one little spot inside her…
             “Ah, fuck!” Minnie throws her head back, exposing her neck. Donghae bites down on the delicate skin, muffling his own throaty grunts and groans of pleasure. “Donghae!”
             His chest heaves as he comes down from his high. Minnie is right there with him, stroking his face and thanking him with a loving smile on her face.
             “I’ve missed you so fucking much,” he tells her.
             Minnie nods, still admiring his side profile. “I’ve missed you too.”
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babyshawwn · 7 years
Act Like You Love Me - Part Three
Read part one here. Read part two here. 
January 11 th, 2026
"Hey honey." You said lovingly as Leah jumped out of the black jeep and started running towards the door to your apartment.
A smile spread on her tiny lips as you met her in a hug, afterwards picking her up from the ground to cling her to your chest. You kissed the top of her dark, curly hair and then you let your nose brush against hers.
"Mommy." She laughed childishly at you. "It's too tight." You couldn't help but join her little laughter.
"Sorry sweetheart." You said while putting her down again. "I've just missed you so much this weekend!"
Leah sent you a wide smile as response, pointing her fingertip to her lips wanting a kiss from you. You leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips as she asked you to and you finally felt the ache from missing her beginning to fade.
You weren't sure if you would ever get used to not having Leah with you every day. Though you knew Shawn took such good care of her, you missed her terribly much the second you had drop her off and all you ever did while she was at her dad's, was counting the days until she would come back to you.
It almost felt like a part of you was constantly missing. Either it was Leah or it was Shawn. The heartache from missing Leah luckily disappeared whenever she came home again, the heartache due to Shawn, you had to somehow get used to dealing with.
A few moments after you had greeted Leah, Shawn walked towards your front door as well, carrying a bag of Leah's things in his arms. You sent him a little but friendly smile while chewing on your bottom lip.
"Hey y/n."
"Hi Shawn." You stuttered, taking the bag in your hands and putting it down in the hallway.
"Her teddy is in there." Shawn said, his hands moving into the pocket of his jeans. "She left it behind last time and I know how she can't sleep without it."
"Thank you." You said politely, feeling your body quiver by his presence. Your palms felt sweaty and a little lump forced in your throat.
"Honey, go put the bag in your room." You told Leah and she did what you asked her to do.
It left Shawn and you behind in a moment of silence, both chewing on the tension hanging in the air, tasting the uncomfortableness between you on the tip of your tongues, before Shawn had gathered enough courage to say something.
"I wish you would change your mind." He blurred, his eyes flickering before finding your stare.
You watched his dark eyes widen, knowing the pain was growing in his chest by standing here and pouring his heart out. He tried to hide it, though. But he could never really hide his feelings from you.
"I'm not going to, Shawn."
"But why not?" He asked you, eyes firing towards your face. "We had a moment. A good moment, a fantastic one. We went back to normal, I-"
"Shawn, we shouldn't have slept together." You interrupted him before it all got too far. "It was a mistake. Deep down, you know that as well."
"It wasn't a mistake to me." He sighed, eyes falling to the ground. "I still love you."
Though you kept a good amount of space between you and Shawn, you could tell he was tearing up from the way his lips were trembling and how he didn't want to look at you. You heard him force a breath into his lungs while he blinked his eyes to prevent the tears from showing too well.
And to be honest, your heart had never felt heavier than it did right now. Seeing Shawn fighting to not break down right here on your doorstep was slowly but surely killing parts of you inside. And all you really could do was stand there and watch him fall apart, the man you loved with every bone in your body.
"I love you too, Shawn. Please don't doubt that. But it doesn't change the fact that our marriage isn't good anymore." You calmed him, tilting your head and sending him a smile. "But right now, we can't be selfish. We can put our feelings first. We need to focus on Leah. She's the most important."
Just because you were spilling from each other, you never wanted Shawn to think that you could ever just stop loving him or not care for him. He was your first love and the father of your child, he had been your rock since you were kids and he had been the one to guide you in life for so long. Those feelings still had meaning and no matter what happened from now on, you were never going to let those feelings for him go.
Your feelings for Shawn was a part of you, they always would be because they were too strong to act like they had never been there in the first place, even if that was the easiest thing to do.
"Leah would want us together." Shawn stuttered, struggling with his breath.
You tilted your head and sighed heavily at his words. A sharp pain grew in your chest and once again, the familiar sickness reached the surface of your stomach.
Sometimes you wished someone had warned you about love, told you that love could hurt like hell and that you didn't always get your happy ever after because finding out on your own likes this was wrecking parts of you, you never figured could even be broken.
You chewed into your bottom lip, your thumbs rubbing your plans nervously. You had no clue what to do with yourself nor with your body. The pain had left you numb.
"Are you really done?" Shawn asked you, honestly. There was no anger in his tone, no accusations. Just honesty. "Are you done with our life together? And... done with me?"
Shawn eyes locked with yours while he studied your face and your reaction to his question rather carefully. You could tell he wasn't sure whether or not he had crossed some kind of line by asking, but you figured he needed to know to find some kind of peace in his mind.
At first, you thought about lying to him. Just tell him what you figured he might need to hear, but you wouldn't forgive yourself if you ever did.
"I'll never be done with you." You admitted, swallowing the lump in your dry throat.
Tears formed in your sore eyes, but you refused allowing them to run down your heated and rather red cheeks. You were sick and tired of crying, sick and tired of feeling the pain whenever Shawn was near you.
"Then tell me why we're doing this?" Shawn asked you, not removing his stare from you. "I'm ready to fight for this."
"Because Shawn... You might say all these things right now, but you have been saying them for years and nothing changed. I lost myself loving you and that's not how it is supposed to be. Just because you say these things today doesn't mean you've changed. It doesn't just magically make me believe that your priories have changed." You told him firmly, your voice cracking over here and there. "Actions speak louder than words, but all you're giving me are empty words."
You hurried to wipe tears away from your heated cheeks while forcing a deep breath to calm yourself again. Shawn reached for your hand and though the smartest thing you have been to deny him contact, you couldn't help but allow him to touch you. He interlaced your fingers together while his thumb stroke your knuckles.
His familiar warmth spread and a heat went down your spine as you allowed yourself to get consumed in his tender touches.
"Baby... I just-" Shawn began, but then Leah came running back to us.
You shushed at Shawn and he nodded back at you, both in agreement to shut down the conversation. In a quick move, you pulled back your hand and within the matter of seconds, you craved Shawn's fingers around yours.
Both of you put on a fake smile and then you leaned down to pad the top of Leah's dark hair while Shawn sent her a smile.
"Did you unpack already?" You asked and she nodded back at you.
"Good girl." You told her. "Then you have to say goodbye to daddy."
"Can't daddy stay for dinner, mom?" Leah asked you, her little fingers reaching for yours. "We're having pancakes daddy, like you always made us when you came back. Mommy please, it's not the same without daddy."
Leah's words cut deep into your heart as a sharp pain rushed down your spine and you somehow forgot how to speak. You kept trying to convince yourself that Leah didn't suffer from this and that she barely noticed, but you knew she did and you knew it was hard for her as well.
She did notice Shawn was gone. She did notice mommy was always crying and daddy was always sad. She noticed much more than either of you thought.
Shawn's eyes found yours and after watching the suffering stare in your eyes, he felt like something died inside him. He couldn't bear watching you carry around this kind of pain, he never wanted you to have to. Your chest was hurting and your heart was almost pounding out of your chest while you struggled to breathe.
"come here, princess." Shawn called for Leah as he took her in his arms. "As much as I want to stay with you and mum, I can't today." He explained her, his fingers brushing her cheek.
"But why?" She pouted at him.
"Because daddy is going to the Grammys tonight, remember?" Shawn said, raising his eyebrow at her.
And then, a massive smile spread on Leah's face as she nodded excited when she remembered. You had talked to Leah about this several times. Also, you had never been so grateful for Shawn as you were in this moment.
You couldn't get yourself to ruin Leah's wish of having a family dinner like the old times but for the first time in a good while, Shawn took responsibility and you weren't left with all the hard things on your own.
You weren't the only one saying no anymore, he actually seemed to join in now. You didn't have to always be the mean or bad parent, at least not on your own.
"Daddy is going to be on tv." Leah giggled, clapping her tiny hands.
"Yes! And you're going to watch me, right?"
"Of course, daddy." She promised him. Shawn took Leah in his arms and kissed her forehead lovingly.
"So as much as I want to make pancakes for you and mommy, I have to get going now. Okay?"
"It's okay daddy." Leah told him, smiling from ear to ear as he put her down. "I can't wait to see you."
"I'll wave to you from the red carpet." Shawn said, winking at her.
Leah hugged Shawn one last time before she finally let him go. She kissed him in the lips and went back to hold your hand. Shawn's eyes caught yours and he sent you a small smile.
You muttered a wholehearted 'thank you' his way as you sighed relived. Shawn didn't say anything but he nodded back discreetly.
"Say bye bye daddy." You told Leah, waving to Shawn. Leah waved like you did, blowing Shawn a kiss.
"Bye princess, love you." Shawn replied, blowing a kiss back to Leah.
"Me or mommy?" Leah asked, laughing at Shawn. Shawn's eyes met yours, before he forced a small smile.
"Both." He said, but it sounded more like a whisperer.
"Good luck tonight, Shawn."
"Just... Will you let her watch me perform? I know it's passed her bedtime but-"
"Of course, Shawn." You promised him.
He looked at you for a second, eyes widen while licking his lips and then he nodded. You both waved goodbye as he headed towards his jeep.
"Mommy, mommy!" Leah yelled at you from the living room. "Come mum, come!"
"Leah, honey. I'm doing the dishes right now. I'll be there in a second."
You had barely spoken the words before Leah appeared in the doorframe to the kitchen, her dark brown and rather impatient eyes falling on you.
"No mommy." She said as she swayed towards you and grabbed your hand. "Now. You have to come now."
You put down the dirty plates and then you followed her as she dragged you towards the dim living room. It was rather late already, but as you had promised Shawn, you had allowed Leah to stay up and watch the Grammys. At least watch until Shawn's performance.
"Look mommy." She said, pointing towards the black tv hanging on the wall. A little box on the lower side of the tv let you know that Shawn was performing in just a few minutes and you suddenly understood your daughter's excitement.
"Daddy. It's daddy!" She said as her smile grew wider on her lips. You stroked her curly hair, planting a soft kiss on the top of her head.
"Yes, honey." You told her with a smile. "Sit down and watch it, then."
"Mom..." She reached for your hand and pulled you to the couch. "We need to watch it together."
You smiled at her reaction and sat down on the white couch, pulling her close to your body while making her giggle by giving her quick kisses on the cheek.
Although you were no longer with Shawn, you were still extremely proud of him and how far he had come throughout the years. You remembered this whole thing being a childhood dream back when you were both in school and you were, to a certain extent, grateful you had been a part of his journey to get where he was now. Your only regret was how it ended being the reason, or at least part of the reason, you could no longer call Shawn your husband. But tonight was a night to celebrate and you still had enough love for Shawn to celebrate it for him.
Leah crawled between your legs while her hand reached for the remote to turn the volume up. Her eyes were glued to the screen and the smile on her face could be seen from miles apart.
You caressed her back for a moment as you watched her excitement. She loved her daddy more than anything in the world and he had been, since the day she was born, her very own superhero. Leah adored Shawn with her entire heart and it warmed your heart to see it. You knew, you had struck gold when a father like Shawn.
"And now ladies and gentlemen, here's Shawn Mendes performing his new hit song If I Can't Have You!" The host said and shortly after, the cameras switched to another stage.
And there he was, Shawn on the middle of the stage sat by the piano with only a string on light towards him. The camera zoomed in on Shawn as his hands lowered to the keys and Leah clapped her hands happily at the sight of her father.
"Look mommy!"
"Yes, there's daddy." You planted a kiss on her cheek, though she barely paid any attention to you.
You felt your eyes getting watery but you stopped yourself from tearing up. Watching Shawn on the stage with only him and his piano forced your heart to skip a beat.
He was such a simple artist to you, pure on a whole other level. Whenever Shawn performed there were no dancers, special effects or other unnecessary things to distract you from the music. Shawn and his voice alone were enough to quiet an entire audience and leave the room with goose bumps whenever he started singing. His voice was breath-taking and you had always known that.
You looked at him properly and felt your heart skip a beat. The camera moved to Shawn's hands as he got ready to play the keys of the piano and you held your breath.
His fingers. The ring.
Shawn was still wearing his silver wedding ring. It trigged a painful yank in your chest as your fingertip slipped down to your own finger that suddenly seemed to empty. You caressed the skin where your wedding ring should have been and you couldn't help but feel like something was missing.
You heard Shawn take a deep breath and then, he started playing tones of the song. You wrinkled your forehead in confusion as the keys Shawn was playing wasn't the keys to his new song. You recognized the song, though. It wasn't new at all, in fact, it was one of the first songs he ever wrote.
Shawn shut eyes and allowed the music to consume him fully as he began singing. Your heart dropped to your stomach by the words that escaped his mouth.
Act Like You Love Me.
Shawn was really going to sing Act Like You Love Me. This song must have been at least eight years old, maybe more, though you weren't entirely sure.
You felt a lump form in your dry throat as you struggled to force any kind of air into your sore lungs. You felt yourself lose all control over your emotions and just like that, you couldn't hold the tears back.
December 21 st, 2016
"Shawn?" You mumbled, sounding more like a whisperer.
Shawn's eyes flickered from the piano towards your dim silhouette barely showing. You were hiding behind the doorframe to the living room, only your heard popping out for him to see you. Your heart was aching and you could barely breathe, though you tried your best to hide it.
When saw caught the fragile expression in your sore and red eyes, his familiar smile faded in the matter of seconds.
"Baby." He spoke, eyes worried. "I thought you were sleeping?"
"I can't really sleep." You stuttered as you fought the urge to collapse to the floor and cry. Shawn's eyes fell on your body as he watched you rub your palms anxiously. He could tell you had been crying.
"Hey..." Shawn mumbled, holding his hand out for you. "Come here, love."
You took Shawn's hand in yours and he pulled you closer to sit on his lap. At first, he didn't ask what was wrong or why you had been crying. All he did was cuddle you into his chest and kissing the top of your messy, unwashed hair, rocking your body slightly back and forth.
Being in Shawn's arm had always been your safe place and no matter the size of the storm in your heart, Shawn had an ability to always calm you down. His hands were caressing your back in circles and he continued giving you tender kisses while you clung to his body.
"What's going on, baby?" He mumbled into your ear. "Why are you crying?"
Although Shawn couldn't see your face, he was fully aware that you were currently sobbing silently into his chest, chewing your bottom lip to keep the cries from echoing.
"I just..." You stuttered, but your voice cracked and you couldn't continue talking.
Immediately, Shawn tightened his arms around you and locked you even further into his chest to assure you he was there. He let the tip of his nose brush your shoulder as he was trying to calm you down.
"Honey, please." He begged you. "You're obviously upset, what's going on?"
Shawn never really knew what to do when you were sad, not because he didn't want to help ease your pain, but because he hated seeing you with red eyes and tears on your face. He had spent the majority of your relationship making sure nothing or no one ever made you upset.
It made him uncomfortable whenever you were crying. It forced a pain to grow in his chest and he almost felt sick when he heard your sobs.
"I overheard a song..." You blurred as tears forced your voice to break. "The lyrics... I can't... Is that how you feel?"
"What song?" He asked you confused while wrinkles formed on his forehead. "What lyrics? I don't understand, baby."
Shawn removed a tot of hair sticking to your cheek and placed it behind your ear. His thumb ran along your jawline as he wiped a few tears on the way. You took a deep breath and shut your eyes shortly.
"Before you leave tomorrow, before you say goodbye." You muttered the words that had been replaying in your head all night long after overhearing them a few hours prior.
The words that consumed you with fear of losing Shawn, with the fear that he might change his mind and walk away. The fear that one day you would be left behind.
"Stay here and lay here right in my arms. It's only a moment, before you're gone. And I, am keeping you warm. Just act like you love me so I can go on."
The words flew from your mouth and you felt your heart shatter as you taste them on the tip of your tongue.
It was comical, really. How you remembered every last word of this when you could hardly remember what Shawn made for you for dinner last night. But these words, the lyrics from this song, they had been haunting your mind for hours and hours.
You didn't know why you had such a strong reaction to it, but something about these lyrics felt more real than anything Shawn had ever written before. He couldn't have made these lyrics up, they were too pure and too honest. He was feeling these deeply and that's what upset you.
"Oh, love." Shawn sighed, shutting his eyes shortly.
His thumb found your chin and he tilted your head to look at you properly. Tears were running down your cheeks and sticking to your lips. Shawn's heart dropped to his guts as he saw the pain clearly written all over you. You could tell he struggled to breathe.
"Don't you love me anymore?" You cried, looking directly into his eyes. Shawn's eyes widen and his mouth dropped while he stared at you.
Maybe he didn't have those feelings towards you anymore. Maybe he was done.
You felt a sickness reach the surface of your stomach and you had to fight the urge to vomit. Your eyes darted to the floor and you felt an uncomfortable cold run down your spine.
Shawn let his thumb slide across your trembling and wet lips, but he never removed his eyes from you. The fact that he didn't say anything assured you, he might not want to be with you.
"You always write songs about experiences in your life, Shawn. It's always something that you felt or thought about, something you went through or had to deal with. And I've heard all the other songs for the album, but this one... This one you've been keeping from me." You cried your way through the words, choking on the pain in your chest. "I can't help but think that..."
"That maybe it's about you?" Shawn finished your sentence. You nodded once while watching him carefully.
"I just want to know, Shawn. Don't you love me? Is this not what you want anymore?" You asked him, chewing on your bottom lip to prevent the sobs from escaping. "If you feel like you have to act like you love me, then..."
You couldn't even finish what you started, to even think that Shawn might not want to be in this relationship any longer was enough to silence you completely. You had, by far, figured you would end up together but maybe, Shawn had other plans.
"I love you, honey. Of course, I still love you." He assured you, his eyes watching you carefully. "How could I ever stop loving you?"
But I-"
"Listen to me, okay?" Shawn said, raising his eyebrow at you. "Carefully." You nodded as an answer.
"The song is called Act Like You Love me and yeah, it's about spilling up and heartache. But it's not what you think, okay? I thought about what it would feel like to be married to the love of your life. Someone whom you've built a life with and then... suddenly lose those feelings. I wanted to explore what that would feel like, what I would feel like."
"I don't believe you." You told him, silent sobs falling from your mouth. "The lyrics are too believable. It feels so real."
"That's because it is real, baby." Shawn told you, his thumb tracing above your lip. "I imagined being married to you, what it would feel like starting a life with you. And it left me with one of the purest and most honest songs I've ever written. That's why it feels so real. Baby, I thought about how I would feel if you ever left me."
Shawn's words cut through to you and the knot in your stomach began loosening just a tad as a few breaths made it to your lungs.
"You're not leaving me?"
"I'm not leaving." Shawn assured you, giving your hand an embrace. "I could never leave you. These lyrics, they describe how much I love you because I would fall apart, if you ever left me."
"You are such an important part of my life, baby. You make me who I am and you're the person I fall back on. My feelings for you have never been stronger. You're it for me, you always will be."
For the first time in hours, your body finally felt at ease.
Shawn lowered his head to attach his lips to yours while his familiar taste of mint stuck to the tip of your tongue. You forced your fingers into his curls as you tugged him closer to your mouth.
Shawn kissed you in a way he had never done before. You couldn't quite put your finger on what made it different this time, but you felt his heat in your bones and the butterflies in your stomach.
Shawn's hand locked behind your neck as he spread your lips apart and let his tongue slide into your welcoming mouth. You whimpered against him as his hands wandered your body.
"I could never stop loving you, I really hope you know that." He whispered against your lips as his thumb caressed your neck.
"I love you, Shawn. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did." You told him as your fingers ran down his back.
"You reacted the way you did because you really care. You don't need to apologize for caring."
Shawn locked his arms around your hips as he stood from the piano and carried you towards the bedroom as easily as nothing.
"Let's get you to bed, baby." He said, planting kisses on your neck. "You need sleep."
"I don't want to sleep." You whispered into his ear as you placed your hand on his chest. "I want to feel you, be with you."
"Baby?" He whispered into your ear as he placed you on the white bedsheets.
"My heart won't ever stop beating for you." He told you as he crawled on top of you, pushed your back against the sheets and began kissing you passionately.
January 11 th, 2026
You couldn't hold back the tears and to be honest, you weren't quite sure why they were coming nor why your heart was touched as much as it seemed to be.
To your luck, Leah didn't notice your reaction at all, she was too caught up on watching Shawn to focus on anything else.
You both watched the tv as Shawn leaned closer to his mike and began singing the lyrics you knew like the back of your hands despite being years and years old, the words to the song that had easily become your favorite song Shawn had ever written.
"So you leave tomorrow, just sleep the night. I promise I will make things right, I'll make you breakfast, the way you like. Before you leave tomorrow, just let me try."
His voice was lower than usually and you could tell he was nervous from the way his words was shaking. His soft words went straight to your heart and you felt your body collapse underneath you. You had to hold back a sob by chewing roughly into your bottom lip.
"Before you leave tomorrow, before you say goodbye, before you leave tomorrow, before you leave. Stay here and lay here right in my arms, it's only a moment before you're gone. And I, am keeping you warm. Just act like you love me, so I can go on. And act like you love me, so I can go on."
Shawn's voice filled out the large arena and you instantly felt goose bumps crawling your skin. He had successfully made an entire arena silent just by using his voice and as always, he managed to leave people breathless.
But something felt different to you this time. You had heard him perform this particular songs hundreds of times but this time it seemed deeper to you. More emotional than normally. More real, honest even. And that's when you realized.
You had only heard the song like this one time before. That one night, lying in bed at four in the morning, fearing Shawn might actually leave you. You had heard the song as emotional and real that one night, when he wrote it about you leaving him.
"Just one more night, lying in bed. Whether it's wrong or right, just gotta make sense of it. And you'll be gone in the morning and you'll be over this. Just one more night, so I can forget. Stay here and lay here right in my arms. It's only a moment, before you're gone. And I, am keeping you warm, just act like you love me, so I can go on."
The words that sounded from Shawn's mouth was a constant punch in your guts and you felt like you were choking as you watched Shawn get more emotional during the performance. He was hurting and he was hurting deeply.
You had told Shawn you couldn't use his empty words. You had told him how you needed to see real change or a sign of some kind to truly believe whenever he told you, he wasn't done yet. And in the moment, you were pretty sure this was your sign.
Right here, right now. On national television Shawn proved exactly how much he really did love you.
You were fully aware that Andrew was going to kill Shawn for not playing the new song. That he was going to hear about changing their plans and going behind everyone's back to play the song that was special to you but to be entirely honest, you couldn't care less.
Shawn chose you. This time, he chose you. Above anything and anyone, you came first.
"When you go, I can't watch you leave. Just promise me you'll sneak out when I'm asleep. And when you go and you're miles down the road, I wake up wishing everything was just a dream. Just act like you love me, so I can go on."
Shawn's voiced faded out as the last words escaped his mouth and the audience stood up to applause him for his beautiful performance. You watched as he placed one hand on his chest while the other hand wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye.
Leah immediately rose from the couch to clap at her father like the person on tv did and you couldn't help but smile at her. Shawn had left them all speechless. Hell, he left you speechless too.
Shawn smile widely as he finally breathed out and took a bow. His fingers were touching his wedding ring as the camera went to his face and he stared directly towards it.
It was for you. Only you and no one else had a clue. It was a moment between the two of you that Shawn had planned all on his own.
"Mommy." Leah mumbled, looking worryingly at you. "Why are you crying?"
"Mommy's proud. That's all, love." You managed to say as you sent her a smile.
And though you were proud of him, it wasn't what made you the most emotional. For the first time in years, you felt like there was hope. That's what Shawn proved to you tonight, he gave you a sign of hope that maybe this family wasn't as lost after all. Maybe he had finally gotten wiser.
You left Leah in living room as you walked towards the bedroom, reaching for your phone on the way. You closed the door behind you and dialed Shawn's number fully aware that he wouldn't answer.
"Hey, it's Shawn. I can't come to the phone at the moment, but leave a message and I'll get back to you."
"Hi Shawn, it's me. I know you're still on stage... I'm practically watching you walk off, but... This was, you were... Gosh, I don't even know how to start. Our marriage is a mess and there's so many things we need to figure out and work on but... If you're really serious about this and about us, I want to save this with you. I want to fight for this and for our family. I'm not saying we're getting back together or anything like that, but I'm willing to work on it. I want to fight for you but only if you want to fight for me too. I love you, always. And just like you once told me, my heart won't ever stop beating for you."
After you had blurred out your confession on Shawn's voicemail, you noticed the tears running down your face. You knew there was no guarantee you could work this out or that you could actually come out of this stronger, but the stunt Shawn just pulled assured you that he'd had a realization about what was important to him in life.
If he was genuinely ready to fight this time, then so were you. You had always been ready to put up a fight.
You moved to your drawer on your bedside and found the little black box you had been hiding in the rearrests corner. You opened the lid and let your finger slide across the sliver ring hiding inside. You picked up the wedding ring and put it back on your finger.
Back where it belonged, back where you had been feeling empty for months and suddenly, your heart didn't feel as heavy as it previously had.
As you watched your ring back on your finger you felt the heat spread in your veins. You had missed it being on its place and you had missed the feeling of belonging with someone, belonging to your husband.
Tonight Shawn proved that actions really do speak louder than words.
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