#I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to decide how to tag this b/c
masonxomount · 2 years
Hey! Just seen your post about the arm band. It’s very upsetting if I’m being frank, but what’s more upsetting is that the more pressure foreigners put onto these countries in the SWANA, the more we actually (SWANA gays) suffer after the teams leave and it’s just us back to our lives. I promise you it’s not ideal, but it’s super hurtful seeing people try to “help” when they’re just aimlessly protesting, without offering actual protection to us. Trust me you’re not the only one sad about this, we get to hear what people we consider family think of us and it’s so hurtful.
Hi anon, I want to firstly say that you have my full support and if you ever need anyone my inbox/ask box is open <3 My blog is LGBT+ safe and I would like to give support to anyone if they need it.
In truth, even though I had thought about how hard it must be for LGBT+ people within these countries, I had not considered what you have said about "the more pressure foreigners put onto these countries in the SWANA, the more we actually (SWANA gays) suffer after the teams leave and it’s just us back to our lives". :( That is a very good point and I'm going to tag this post to get it out there so more people can see this and think about it. It's classic psychology that the more you fight against someone's beliefs, the more likely they are to get even more defensive and closed off.
I've seen people say we (other countries) should obey the laws of the land - to which I want to agree with as that is respectful, but not when it comes to human rights like this. And then conversely, if we do make a fuss, people like yourself anon will have to deal with the ramifications after we leave. We are all really stuck between a rock and a hard place as it's a very difficult situation to maneuver.
I know the following link goes to an Instagram post, but I think it's an incredibly interesting example of a country doing the only thing they can do, but then as well it doesn't actually benefit people within the SWANA etc.
Denmark wanting to leave FIFA and take legal action due to FIFA's response to Qatar's Anti-LGBT+ laws
As you have also said, "aimless protesting" never results in anything of note. Which is why I initially didn't see any point in just 'not watching the games' as it wouldn't actually DO anything at all. I also don't know how effective other countries 'protesting' like this will be. I can't see Qatar seeing western countries 'protesting' and then deciding to change their laws. The change must come from within, which in turn is its own situation.
We can only hope that sometime within our lifetimes, the entire world will become a safe place for LGBT+ people. Hopefully, and I know it is unlikely, this world cup can be a catalyst to solving these issues.
[Disclaimer: I am not claiming to be incredibly knowledgeable on these issues. I am a 21-year-old student who tries to educate themself as much as possible, but I am still learning about the world. These are just my thoughts on the subject.]
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mosaic-marquise · 2 years
I downloaded insta AGAIN just cause i needed that shit for work, Lord and behold, I go to my home screen and I see the most god forsaken opinion from the Goddamn Arcaña. 
Apparently, the social media team did a little poll to see something about who the current fandom occupants believe should act as J*lian Devor*k AND A MAJORITY OF VOTING PERSONS SAID HIS ACTOR SHOULD BE PLAYED BY TIMMOATHEE CHARLALRALMAT????
Your are unhinged. I do not understand you. I am pouring a salt ring around you, I am putting up every single cross I can get my hands on up, and then I am sending you to the shadow realm. 
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mamichigo · 3 years
Title: your name's riddle
Pairing: Revali/Link
Rating: G
Word count: 1,1k
Tags: Reincarnation, Fluff, Music, Post-Breath of The Wild, Centuries later
Summary: He comes without warning: a bard that doesn't speak much, and every day he perches himself on the highest point of Rito Village. There's something hauntingly familiar about it.
Notes: This is my gift for @blueatelier in the @revalinkexchange :> I am so happy to write this one.... I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Happy Valentine's day 💖💖
Lately, a lone bard had claimed a spot at the highest peak of Rito Village. The young man looked delicate, and clearly had no set of wings, and yet, Revali always spotted him atop the rock formation with an instrument to his mouth and fluttering pieces of paper held down by the weight of his own leg.
Despite being a rito, Revali never found himself to be passionate for music. He knew how to sing, as any good rito would, but his knowledge went no further than that. Even their own rito bard evoked no particular feelings in Revali, even if he admired the man's work.
This hylian, however, caught him simply by a sense of curiosity. Revali was a warrior, and he knew how the elements were cruel to anyone, but especially to a soft-hearted hylian like him. Hylians were made of more fragile stuff. Revali couldn't fathom how someone like that managed to make it all the way up there without mortally injuring himself. So, in the third week of the bard's stay in the Village, Revali flew up to him in a whirlwind that made the bard's hair stand.
"I know bards like to go wherever the music is, but up here, really?" Revali raised his eyebrows. "I'm not saving you from certain death if you foolishly fall to your death, you know."
The bard had long since stopped his melody when it got interrupted by the ruckus. He lowered his strange instrument to his lap and tilted his head minutely. He opened his mouth, and though Revali saw his lips form the shape of words, he couldn't hear what he said. Revali frowned.
The bard smiled and patted the ground next to him. Revali looked between the bard and the rock, and decided it couldn't do any harm. He sat down carefully, back straight. He watched the bard from the corner of his eyes.
The bard leaned in and cupped a hand around his mouth. Revali startled when hot breath touched his feathers.
"Nice to meet you," a raspy voice whispered. It was so quiet it was almost carried away by the wind.
"That's quite a voice you have there," Revali commented, if only a little skeptical. "Strange for a bard."
The bard's eyes crinkled when he held up his instrument, gesturing to it with grandiosity.
"Are you saying that strange mouth instrument of yours does the talking for you?" Revali asked, to an enthusiastic nod. Revali snorted. "I have my doubts. It seems to be doing a poor job so far."
To Revali's indignation, the bard stuck out his tongue at him, but before Revali could return it in full, the bard had already turned away. He fumbled with papers until he found a particular one that made him hold it up in triumph. He indelicately shoved it at Revali.
It seemed like a half-finished sheet for one of his melodies. Revali could tell by the notes that it was still a work in progress. He roamed his eyes over the paper to find what was so interesting about it, until the name at the top caught his attention.
The bard pointed to himself, and Revali stared blankly for several seconds. The bard waited, eyes patient and expression open.
"Oh! Is it your name?" The bard--Link--once again nodded his assent. "I suppose your music actually does the talking for you, in unexpected ways." Revali paused, until something clicked. "You're writing a song about yourself?"
Link nodded. Paused. Shook his head.
"Well, which one is it?"
Link opened his mouth and this time Revali instinctively lowered his head.
"It's about discovery."
"Discovery of what?"
"Of myself." Link took the music sheet and pointed at the notes written down. Just as Revali had noticed before, they were messy. They clashed. They were unfinished. "I don't know who I am."
Revali laughed without meaning to. "What do you mean by that? You're you, what's there to know." He narrowed his eyes. "Unless… You don't have amnesia or something of the sort, do you?"
Link waved his hands and head. Point taken.
"I think I wasn't originally meant for this."
Link looked up at him, and there was something in the hardness of his stare that made something stir inside Revali. A memory trying to shake loose. It was gone as soon as it came, but it left Revali bereft in consequence.
"Sounds like a troublesome dilemma," Revali said, voice forced into playfulness. He couldn't touch on why he suddenly felt so distraught. "Are all bards supposed to be having an identity crisis?"
Link shrugged and pointed at himself.
"Just you then." Revali sighed and eyed Link's instrument. "Why would you stay at Rito Village for so long then? It'd be better to explore different places, see different things. You might just find yourself along the way."
"I need to be here," Link said. "Something here is calling to me."
"I'll show you," this Revali didn't hear, but he read the shape of it on Link's lips. He wondered how he picked up the ability to do so this fast.
Link held his instrument, and now Revali noticed that his hands weren't quite as delicate as Revali thought they would be. They were scarred, calloused. His middle finger was bent awkwardly from what he could only assume was a bone fracture that healed out of place. That explained how Link got up here, but it raised several more questions about the man himself.
He was brought back from his reverie when the first notes were played. The melody was slow, calm, then increasing in intensity. Revali ached. Somewhere, everywhere. His chest, his eyes, his bones. He felt it somewhere deep. He longed for something lost. He did not know why. The ocarina--and when did he learn the name of that instrument?--was masterfully played until the music's completion.
Link opened his eyes slowly, and before he could even fully lower his ocarina, Revali had already grabbed him by the shoulders.
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
Link smiled, soft, soft, sweet drops of liquid Revali had never drunk before. His eyes were here, but it was also somewhere a hundred years ago. Revali kept asking himself how he knew these things as his heart beat wildly in his throat. It begged to roar itself back to life.
"I feel like I know you too," Link said. Small, quiet words. Link shifted, took Revali's wings. Palm to feathers, too small. He wasn't even able to hold Revali by the hand. Finally, Revali's insides settled just right. "See? We fit."
Revali breathed harshly.
"Who are you?"
"I don't know either."
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
The more that you'll gain (And to me, that seems like a pretty fair trade)
Here's another drabble: Content warning it deals with eye trauma specifically act 1. It's not too graphic but there's also a bunch of sentences about how much it hurts so I'm warning in case that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable or could potentially be a trigger. I'll be tagging this with 'tw: eye trauma' and 'tw: eye injury' to be cautious.
Three points away from losing, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. The dagger stares back from the side. Technically you're screwed either way but unfortunately your allies are determined to see you push forward.
Normally you'd accept defeat, model for your picture and wake up again at the table one again but those two have all been pestering you, fixated on pressuring you to give the dagger a try, and they've finally worn you down.
Sighing in defeat you reach for it before pausing, your hand is trembling (actually scratch that your whole body is trembling).
You cannot go through with it, not by your hands (not while they're shaking this much), so instead you meet your game master's swirling orange (he's not even wearing a mask and you're struggling to win) and you ask him a favour.
"Can you do it for me? Take my eye out I mean but you probably already know that..."
He seems to pause before responding, most likely taken aback by your sudden request.
"Are you positive? Know that I will give you a replacement after the match-" (you already knew this after probing him about the knife when it was first offered) "-but are you sure you will be able to go through with it? Especially after..." (what happened with the pliers, you finish mentally.)
No (you most definitely aren't) but the peer-pressure from the cards in your hands had finally gotten to you so instead you nod your head in conformation and accept your fate.
"Very well"
He gets up from his seat and the shadow around him seems to follow. You hold the dagger to your chest, cards in your hand discarded on the table, as he makes his way to your right side.
Handing it to him you meet his eyes again and remember to ask one thing.
"Of course. Know that I commend your bravery"
"Wait! Please promise me that you'll let these two decide on my behalf if I can't, alright?"
You gesture to the two cards staring from the table in explanation, they don't trust him to give you what they deem the 'correct eye' of his own accord, he briefly considers before agreeing.
You meet his eyes one final time as he assures you before lunging, gouging out your right eye without warning.
"Hey! You heard the player, it's our choice!"
The pain is unbearable, far worse then the pliers (god is it so much worse). You're inhaling and exhaling heavy, unsteady breaths (in and out, in and out, in out in out in out). He places the bounty onto the scale as it tips two points in your favour.
You can barely keep your eyes open (eye open? eyes open? eye open) as you clench your teeth in focus. You're in the home stretch and you're not going down without seeing (hah) this match to its conclusion, not risking being cheated out of your (their) prize.
After one last glance to confirm that each card is placed optimally (and help ground you), you find and ring the bell on your left to signify the end of your turn.
Time seems to stand still and rushes forward simultaneously. The scale tips in victory as your wolf lands the final blow (You feel like you're going to throw up, hold it in).
You look up as the game master returns with a box (when did he leave your side?) And as he opens it your head falls forward and hits the table with a thud, seems as though you'd finally reached your limit as consciousness fails you and (what remains of your vision) fades to black.
You were never any good with pain so it's a miracle you'd even made it to the end of the match. Lasted longer then the pliers at least. Distantly you can hear chitter and chirps.
"The poor dear's out cold... the multicoloured one will do nicely!"
"Yeah, hand it over!"
The things you do for peer approval. (At least they're happy...)
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kutemouse · 4 years
Hi! I just found your blog, and i'm in love with it. I would like to request from fluffy prompt 35+36 please with jin!
Well, what a coincidence, because I am in love with YOU kutie anon!! <3 Anyways, here is the imagine I dreamt up when hit with these prompts. Sorry it is so LONG (as usual) but in order to do these prompts justice, it is what it is. Hope you like <3
Fluff prompt #35: Can I keep this? It smells like you.
Fluff prompt #36: Please don’t cry. I can’t stand you crying.
Tumblr media
Disclaimers: I found this gif on Pinterest, so it’s obviously not mine. Spiderman belongs to Sony, who has made a deal with Marvel/Disney to be used in their films, just in case y’all didn’t know.
Age Recommendation: 18+
Warnings: Swears, childhood romance, mentions of making love, Jin making me pop all the UwU’s and melting me into a puddle of fluffy goo.
Word Count: 2,968
Summary: You decided to spend your summer at your grandparents’ place where you used to spend summers during your childhood. The place is filled with so many memories, some good, some bad, but all containing him.
Always Loved You (Jin One-Shot, Fluff)
I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough. Currently, I was laying on a beach chair I’d dragged out to the edge of the lake, soaking up some sun while reading a trashy romance novel. The main character had finally confessed their love to the main love interest, and things were getting interesting.
“Y/n!” I ignored whoever was calling me.
“What?!” I hollered back, ripping off my sunglasses in annoyance.
“I need you to go to town! We need groceries for dinner tonight!”
I stood up, grumbling, pulling down my swimsuit that had started riding up my ass and gathering up my bag and towel. So much for a relaxing afternoon.
Still, I guess I was here for more than just a vacation. It was summer, and I’d just graduated from university. When everyone who attended my graduation party asked what I was going to do with my fancy new degree, I shrugged and gave some vague, non-committal answer. I had no job prospects lined up, not even an internship. I knew what I wanted to do with my degree, but no idea how to get there.
Sick of people asking me about it, I finally found something to do with my summer. I would go live with my grandparents and help them out. Truthfully, that was kind of a lie in itself. Sure, I’d help with whatever my grandpa and grandma needed, but mostly I was here to get some space and figure out what to do with the rest of my life. My impromptu trip got my parents off my back, at least.
I breathed in the warm, fresh air one last time before going inside to change. I loved it here. Back when I was in grade school, I used to come here for entire summers with my parents. Between the sun and the lake, I was constantly begging to come back here. I wondered when that changed… probably some time in high school, when I started getting busy with friends and parties. “I’m leaving now!” I called out to my grandma, scooping up the list she left for me on the coffee table.
“Thank you!”
I stepped outside and began the walk to the mini-mart down the road, relishing in the way my skin warmed in the sun once more. I hardly passed a single person, let alone a single car. That’s part of the charm here… no nosy neighbors or pesky so-called friends trying to get into your business and tell you what to do. Everything had a good distance between it, allowing for solitude and that small-town feel. I loved that it took a twenty minute walk to get to the busiest part of town, which was still nothing when compared to the crowded streets of the city.
A smile spread over my face as I passed a small park I remembered playing in as a kid.
“Tag, you’re it!” I shrieked before running away as fast as I could.
He growled and took off after me, causing me to squeal and run faster, giggling like mad. I ran up the steps of the jungle gym until I reached the very tippy, top. Oh no, he was coming! He grinned as he cornered me, but I had one escape left. I slid down the slide, still laughing as my bum hit the ground, got up, and started running. I didn’t make it far, though.
WAM! My feet tangled up and I ended up on the ground. “Ouch,” I gasped, looking at my hands. They had tiny cuts all over them, and my knee was scraped.
He reached me and pushed me hard in the shoulder. “TAG!” he screamed, but his smile faded when he saw me crying.
“Y/n, what happened?” he said, leaning down and examining my knee with large, brown eyes.
“I tripped,” I sniffled.
“Oh, don’t cry. I trip all the time. I even carry band-aides around just in case. See?”
I perked up a little when he pulled a bandage out of his pocket. He smiled at me as he peeled off the backing and stuck it on my knee. “It’s Spiderman,” I giggled.
He grinned at me. “He’s my favorite.”
The boy suddenly leaned down and placed a kiss on top of the bandage. “There. All better.”
He pulled me up and we continued our game of tag, shrieking and laughing even louder, if that was possible.
I blinked away the memory, realizing I’d stopped and was staring at the playground. God, I hadn’t thought about him in forever. How long’s it been? I wonder if he still lives around here… or even if he remembers me.
Our moms were best friends back in the day, and every time my family came here, we’d always spend the most time together. He was the only kid my age we knew around here, so he became my best friend. As we grew up, we went from sending each other hand-drawn pictures in the mail to full-on letters, then to emailing, then texting, then video calling.
One day, my laptop beeped, indicating I was getting a video chat, and I nearly declined it before seeing it was him. I quickly wiped my tears away with a tissue and blew my nose before answering the call. “Hey,” I said, giving the camera a watery smile.
“Hey! It’s been forever.”
“I know, I’m sorry, I keep meaning to call you but I’ve just been so busy.”
I sniffed, and he frowned, leaning closer to his screen. “Are you crying?”
“N-No,” I stuttered.
He gave me an amused smile. “Y/n, come on. You know you can’t lie to me.”
I choked out a laugh. “Alright, fine. Yes, I was crying, it’s stupid, just some guy being an ass as usual…”
I watched as he reached out a hand and leaned his camera even closer to his handsome face, concern etched all over his features, those brown eyes shining in what little light there was. “Please don’t cry, y/n. You know I can’t stand you crying.”
I nodded and laughed a bit more. “I know. I promise, it’s over with that guy. I won’t be wasting any more tears on him.”
He smiled at me. “Good.”
Lost in thought, I kept walking down the road, my tennis shoes scuffing along the pavement as I absentmindedly kicked stray rocks. I wonder if he ever thinks about me. Probably not. Last I heard, he too went to university somewhere in a far-off city. He was probably making a living for himself, his career prospects endless… probably dating someone too. Might even be married by now.
I huffed out a sigh as I reached the mini-mart. I stepped inside and grabbed a basket before pulling out my grandma’s list, muttering as I read it out loud to myself. “Y/n?”
That voice… it couldn’t be. No freaking way. I whirled around. “Jin?”
His face split into a wide grin. “It is you! What are you doing here?”
“J-Jin,” I stuttered, still not comprehending that the tall, handsome guy I was just reminiscing about was actually here.
He laughed. “Yeah, that’s me. It’s been what, six, seven years?”
“Something like that.” I could hardly breath. He looked only slightly older than what I remember. His hair was darker and pushed away from his face to reveal his forehead, but the rest of him was the same. The same easy smile. The same toned, wide shoulders. That melodic voice. Another memory suddenly forced its way into my mind, one that I’d been trying to push away since I got here.
The soft light of 6am caused my eyes to flutter open. A fresh, cool breeze danced across my bare skin, causing me to shiver and slide my arms back under the covers, cuddling close to the warm body next to me. I suddenly shot up. “Oh God, we’ve been out all night,” I groaned.
Jin sat up as well, chuckling. “It’s okay. Just tell your parents you were with me. They’ll understand.”
Oh hell. His voice was deep and husky from lack of use, and I felt myself melting into a puddle as he spoke.
Without warning, I leaned over and pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back eagerly for a few minutes before squeezing my waist, causing us to break apart as I gasped. “Listen,” he murmured, trailing his lips across my bare shoulder. “We should be getting back.”
“No, just a few more minutes,” I said, pulling him in again.
Jin indulged me for only a few seconds more, wrapping his soft lips around mine in a way that made my head spin. After an entire summer of flirting and driving each other crazy, we finally gave in and ended up kissing each other after Jin drove us out here to watch the stars. Before I knew it, we were in the back of his truck making love. He was my first. I always knew he would be. It was just a matter of getting us to cross the line between friends and lovers.
He pulled away from me. “Seriously, y/n, our parents are going to murder us as it is,” he laughed. “And… you’re leaving today. You’ve got to go pack.”
My heart dropped. I knew he was right. When would we see each other again? Jin began pulling his clothes back on, and I did the same. He grabbed his jacket and was just about to shrug it on when I tugged it away.
“Hey!” he protested, playfully grabbing for it back.
I buried my face in the jean fabric, inhaling deeply. It still smelled like him, musky with a hint of spicy cologne. “Can I keep this?” I asked suddenly. “It… It smells like you.”
Jin smiled. “Sure.”
I blinked, looked back up at Jin. “Yeah, sorry. I was just-”
“Lost down memory lane?” he said, the corners of his mouth turning upwards.
I still had that jacket somewhere. I’d kept it wrapped in a plastic bag so, whenever I grew lonely or sad, I could pull it out and inhale his scent. I’d even fallen asleep a few times with my head buried in it, making myself feel better as memories of Jin wafted through my mind.
“I find myself doing that too,” Jin murmured, bringing me back to the present.
I never went back to my grandparents’ after that, finding myself too wrapped up in school, friends, and other boyfriends to bother. Or, at least, that’s what I told myself. Maybe the real reason I stayed away is because I didn’t want to find out Jin had been doing the same. Living his life… without me.
I tightened my grasp on my basket. “Um, I’ve got… I’ve got some shopping to do.”
“Oh, right. Well, I’ll leave you to it then.”
“Do you want to shop together?” I blurted out, noticing his mostly-empty basket.
Jin turned back around, his eyebrows raised in surprise. “Sure.”
We walked down the aisles in silence, picking out the groceries we needed as we went. “I can’t believe you’re here,” I finally said. “I thought you went to university.”
“I did,” he replied. “But I graduated recently, and I came back to see my family for a summer before heading back to Seoul.”
“Oh. Did you get a job?”
“Nope. I’m trying to become a doctor, so I need to go back to school for a few more years.”
“Nice,” I murmured.
“What about you? Why are you here?”
I sighed. “To visit my grandparents. Help them out.”
Jin stopped, grabbing something off a shelf, tossing me a knowing smile. “Come on, y/n, I know you. Why are you really here?”
I scoffed. “What do you mean? That is why I’m here.”
Jin stepped close, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. I caught a whiff of that oh-so-familiar scent and felt my legs turning to jelly as he leaned down so our eyes were level. “Are you sure?” he said, grinning.
I rolled my eyes. “I’m not here for you, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“That’s not what I was implying,” he said, chuckling. “But good to know.”
“Besides, you’ve probably got some girlfriend back in the city,” I muttered, turning away to grab something off a shelf.
“No, actually.”
“Really? The cocky, handsome Jin can’t sway them city girls?” I teased.
He shook his head. “Oh, that’s definitely not it. I could have any girl I wanted back there.”
Jin suddenly grabbed my basket away from me, causing me to whirl around. He stepped close, and I backed up until I could go no further, my shoulders pressed against the shelves. “The problem was me. I didn’t want any of them,” he murmured.
My lungs stopped working as his lips hovered dangerously close to mine, my eyes growing wide as our breaths intermingled. Jin drew back, laughing. “You should’ve seen your face,” he snorted.
“Fuck off,” I snapped, grabbing my basket back and striding down the aisle away from him.
He followed after me, his windshield-wiper laugh still echoing throughout the store. “Awww, come on, y/n. It was a joke.”
“Well it wasn’t funny.”
“Why not? What, you got a boyfriend that wouldn’t appreciate me flirting with his girl or something?”
His tone was nonchalant, but I sensed some tentativeness in the question. “No,” I replied firmly. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Jin looked down at me, his brown eyes bright as he smiled. “Good.”
I scoffed once more and headed over to the cashier, placing my basket down on the checkout belt. Jin placed his behind mine, and when I got out my wallet to pay, he placed a large hand over mine. “I’ll pay for both,” he told the cashier.
I didn’t say anything until we got outside, both of us weighed down with shopping bags. “You didn’t have to do that, you know,” I scolded.
Jin chuckled. “A ‘thank you’ would suffice, you know.”
I marched up to him. “Just because you’re some big shot doctor now-”
“I’m not a doctor yet, y/n.”
“Whatever. Just because you think you can-”
He cut me off once more by grabbing my bags and loading them in the back of a truck. I stared at the gray vehicle, my mouth dropping open. It was the same truck. The place where I’d lost my virginity all those years ago.
I shook my head, bringing myself back down to reality. “What’re you doing?”
Jin shut the trunk door. “Giving you a ride. Now come on, stubborn, get in.”
I scoffed, but got in on the passenger side nonetheless. Everything looked the same, but different. Rather than a Spiderman lanyard hanging from the mirror, a few graduation tassels hung there instead. The truck was cleaner than I remember. No fast food cups littered the floor, but a couple half-empty water bottles were in the cup holders.
But it was the smell that got to me. That musk with a hint of spice… exactly like I remember. My body relaxed as Jin started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, the same way I’d relax when holding onto his jacket back home.
It didn’t take too long to reach my grandparents’. Jini pulled in the driveway and shut the engine off, but neither of us moved. Jin stared at me, but I didn’t say anything, uncomfortably biting my lip and staring at the dashboard. “Y/n,” he murmured, causing me to look at him. I half-wished I hadn’t. His eyes were filled with that same look he gave me that night we kissed and made love, wide and perfectly brown.
“Why didn’t you come back after that summer?”
There it was. The question I’d been asking myself since I got here. I twisted my hands in my lap nervously. “Because… Because…”
“Tell me,” he said softly.
I pressed my lips together before releasing a loud sigh. “Because I was afraid.”
“Of what?”
“Of you moving on.”
Jin shook his head, chuckling. “Are you serious?”
I slowly nodded.
“Y/n, I couldn’t move on even if I wanted to. I loved you. I still… love you.”
My mouth parted open in surprise at his confession. “You do?”
Jin smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I tried to move on when I realized you weren’t coming back, I really did, but you were always in the back of my mind. Y/n, I’ve loved you since we were kids.”
I bit my lip, taking only a second to process before I unbuckled my seat belt and launched myself at him. Our lips pressed together, melding into the sweetest kiss I didn’t realize I missed with every fiber of my being. Jin wrapped a hand around the back of my neck, angling his jaw to deepen the kiss, and I threw my arms around his neck, trying in vain to draw him even closer.
We pulled apart, and I smiled as I took in Jin’s blown pupils, his lips reddening from being pressed to mine, his breath coming out in short gasps. “I love you, y/n,” he murmured. “I’ve always loved you.”
My smile grew. “I love you too, Jin.”
We continued kissing for what felt like forever before he pulled back, laughing and saying we needed to get the groceries inside. We unloaded the truck with the biggest grins, holding hands as we walked up to the house.
As I looked at Jin, the sun glinting off his dark locks, his smile lighting up my whole world, I found myself thinking that maybe there was a reason none of my relationships worked out. Maybe there was a reason I hadn’t found any opportunities coming my way after I graduated. And maybe, just maybe, I was exactly where I needed to be.
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