#Imagine if you will an unfathomable being looking at us like ‘yo check out these Guys’
steampoweredwerehog · 2 years
”Eldritch beings would see us as mere insects” ok have you seen the way humans will just Watch A Bug. Have you.
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manggaetteokkie · 4 years
hi :) it’s nice to see some rational and calm talk about all this bd drama... but i’m not far from being stupidly dramatic myself. i’m a relatively new army, and i’ve just seen a video where bts push jk to sit close to iu during some award show, and how iu and jk kind of sang together. jk looked excited and like he was trying to be cool around his crush, he DID. no hate towards iu, she’s wonderdul, but my jikook heart is a little bit shattered, you know. soo, i’m not sure who else to ask. what do you think about it? i know these are old vids, but i can’t help feeling sad. the only thing that keeps me sure of jikook is gcf tokyo. and may be gcf saipan. i even started doubting if the ear-nibble was just fanservice 😔 can u pls post my ask on anon.
Hey anon! Your ask is actually already on anon so your anonymity is guaranteed!
Yeah uh, I usually try to smother the fires of drama rather than stoke them. Panic is good and all but it doesn’t do much apart from make you feel bad so I try to avoid what I can but given how I’m literally putting my opinion out on the internet for all to read, I feel like it’s only matter of time before I’m on the receiving end so we’ll see how long peace lasts!
Ahhh I feel like we always feel very strongly when we’re new to something. Give it a few months or years, you might find yourself a lot more chill in that regard ;)
About IU, I honestly don’t have much of an opinion on it. I mean, she’s an amazing artist that Jungkook undoubtedly admires so his reaction is more than understandable? Like I can only imagine how I’d be if I ever got seated next to BTS for some unfathomable reason so yeah. Also, as someone recently pointed out in one of my posts and I find interesting to keep in mind, people tend to automatically assume same-sex relationships as platonic. Similarly, het interactions tend to be overly romanticized even when they’re not, so take a step back and think “am I only feeling this way because I reduced them to a ‘boy-and-girl’ interaction rather than see it as an artist and their fan?”
Also, anon, if I can offer you a bit of advice, it’s to learn to steel your heart and focus on what you believe in. Honestly it’s not much, but if your conviction gets shaken that easily, you’re gonna be in for a rough time because you’ll notice shit making you doubt pretty much on the daily. I’m not even talking about the shipping aspect, I simply say this because you’ll be really exhausted for constantly yo-yo’ing between one belief and another.
Regarding the ear nibble, it would be way more believable to say that it was just JK’s lip gloss getting stuck on Jimin’s ear which made it look like he tugged on it than to say that it was some kind of fanservice ._. Honestly, I have no idea if JK said something to Jimin’s ear or if he was just checking up on him from the angle, but that was a genuine moment, not something anyone told him to do to appease the shipping masses (we’re honestly not impactful enough to force them to cater to us like that).
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