#Investing in Women
internationalwomenday · 3 months
Statement by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity on behalf the International Women’s Day 2024, March 8th.
Gender equality benefits us all. Yet achieving it remains one of the greatest human rights challenges of our time. We must invest in women and girls to achieve sustainable development, justice and equity, and to achieve the goals and targets of the Biodiversity Plan. Currently there is a staggering 360 billion USD annual deficit in spending on genderequality measures. The current economic system is exacerbating poverty and inequality and is negatively impacting the environment. This reality disproportionately affects women and other marginalized groups around the world. Shifting towards and investing in a green economy is one of the ways to amplify women’s voices. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, known also as “the Biodiversity Plan” aims to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2030 for the benefit of people and planet. Women play critical roles in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, ecosystem restoration and environmental justice. So, as recognized in the Plan, successful implementation will depend on ensuring gender equality and empowerment of women and girls, and on reducing inequalities. A specific target (Target 23) aims to ensure gender equality through a gender-responsive approach, recognizing the equal rights and access to land and natural resources for women and girls, and their full, effective, meaningful, and informed participation and leadership at all levels of action, engagement, policy, and decision-making processes related to biodiversity. The Biodiversity Plan is accompanied by a very ambitious Gender Plan of Action. This sets out concrete actions to be taken by all actors to enable women and girls to fully participate and contribute in implementation. This International Women’s Day, let’s agree to #InvestInWomen – to invest in our future: a gender equal, just and sustainable future.
Statement by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity on behalf the International Women’s Day 2024, March 8th. "Invest in Women: accelerate progress".
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ngl, I'm beginning to take issue with how in conversations about anti-intellectualism almost automatically, the face of girls and women will be slapped on the problem.
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deer-time · 3 months
people will write think pieces on why they can't enjoy female characters or f/f because they aren't fuckable to them or crack "hates women so much he's gay jokes" but if someone even cracks a joke about hating men people start having a nuclear meltdown
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girlchildday · 2 years
Investing in the pathways to employment: For adolescent girls and young women in low and middle-income countries
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For adolescent girls and Yound Women in lo and middle-income countries: A guide for Investors.
Limiting Perceptions Among Gatekeepers.
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Limited Mobility.
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Limited Access to Quality Skills Development
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Limited Access to Information About Rights and Abilities.
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Biased Socio-Cultural Influence and Exclusions Related to Decision-Making
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Why Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
Women and their jewellery have a very intricate relationship. The tale of the nagging wife troubling her husband for new jewellery is as old as time. It is a reflection on a woman's vanity. Folk tales mock her ignorance of worldly ways and her frivolous obsession with being adorned. She is redundant to a mere crow that admires shiny things. However, this begs the question, is a woman's desire to collect jewellery as absurd as men paint it to be?
The world has forgotten that until very recently, women were forbidden from owning any form of capital. Be it property, money or even small inanimate objects, they belonged first to her father then her husband. The roof above her could be taken away on a whim with a clock's tick. In these trying times, jewellery emerged as a beacon of financial security for most women of the globe.
Mother of pearls, diamond earrings, gold necklaces etc. were-- although not in print-- under a woman's reign of control. They had an impressive resale value and could last several generations under proper care. More so, they could be secretly sold usually without paperwork to acquire a woman some monetary freedom. If her husband gambled all their assets away, atleast she'll have enough money to put some food on the table for her children.
Jewellery has often times saved people from calamities. Unlike land, jewellery is easier to sell. In case of an emergency, a large sum of money could be obtained without much trouble. Jewellery are an excellent heirloom. The wisdom of grandmothers is passed down to granddaughters to come, allowing them some command over their own life.
Jewellery is a form of investment just like land and shares. Its value is diminished solely due to its association with women. It is not a woman's vice but a survival tactic against the suffocating patriarchy. Jewellery is something she can have under her own name--no matter how small or how futile-- it is her sole capital, her best friend.
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gendont · 1 year
finding women online doing cool things only to find out they are she/theys they/thems he/hims :(
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captainmartin20 · 21 days
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"BREAKING: We're doing something that's never been done before. We're going #ALLINLV and sponsoring EVERY. SINGLE. PLAYER. on the Las Vegas Aces roster this season!"
The city of Las Vegas is giving $100,000 to every player on the team… just to play basketball.
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sagexgoddess · 2 years
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womanwithahotdogstand · 11 months
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Almost 3 million more viewers than this time 4 years ago. To quote literal goddess, Holly Rowe, “If you build it, they will come.”
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aceredshirt13 · 10 months
having read nearly all of the Jeeves short stories, it’s so funny to me that Bertie’s bisexuality manifests as casting a wide but shallow net at girls and a narrow but ridiculously deep net at men. He thinks girls are pretty on a reasonably frequent basis, and has tried to marry at least four women thus far (not counting the unwanted engagements), but when it doesn’t work out he’s over it in 24 hours. Meanwhile he shows absolutely no interest in and never gives flattering depictions of 99% of the men in his life, but will praise Jeeves to anyone who will listen, wax poetic about his appearance (and get defensive on his behalf about it when a child insults it), and is absolutely inconsolable when they are separated.
(also Bertie is in no way allosexual. he is canonically terrified at the thought of reproducing. and due to the narrow but deep net on the other end I don’t imagine he’s going around sleeping with loads of men, either. that man’s either demi as hell or just entirely ace)
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bitchthefuck1 · 3 months
Rewatching succession it really is wild to see Kendall and Shiv convince themselves over and over again that they can "fix ATN/Waystar from the inside" only to completely abandon their morals the minute it gives them a strategic advantage.
When they're on the outside it's an endless diatribe about how evil and rotten the company is to its core, but the second they get the slightest whiff of power they suddenly decide the problems are actually really manageable and that with the right leadership it could be a force for good, and like...the saddest part is that they genuinely seem to believe that.
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internationalwomenday · 3 months
A spotlight on the essential and inseparable roles of decent work and gender equality.
In celebrating International Women's Day 2024, under the theme of 'Investing in women: Accelerate progress', the ILO puts a spotlight on the essential and inseparable roles of decent work and gender equality. As this year's International Women's Day falls during the 350th session of the Governing Body, the celebration will be joined by the Director General, GB participants, and ILO colleagues. The reception will start with songs from the ILO choir followed by contributions from the DG and the representatives of 3 constituents. 
Watch the ILO Celebration of International Women's Day 2024!
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brownsugar-dreams · 4 months
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How are you investing 🍬 or extra money? I started trying to learn about stock investments during the panorama. I lost just under $5k playing around with crypto 😭 but I learned (and still learning) a lot about financial management. I recently moved $10k from my HY savings account to a CD. I was dating a finance guy and he told me to open up a CD because it’s a higher interest rate and he matched my initial deposit 🥰 There’s so much to learn but it’s much better than letting money sit & collect dust! I’ve been wanting to hop on live & share my experiences with sugar investments 🤔
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creatrixcymraes · 6 months
Just read an infuriating article (nation.cymru) from some fella complaining that the resurgence of interest in Mari Lwyd is "cultural appropriation" and comparing Welsh people to Native Americans and I am just BEGGING for Y Cymry to pull their privileged white heads out of their asses and realise that folk tales and customs are meant to be shared
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1yyyyyy1 · 4 months
in regards to your last post about female heterosexuality... i have an observation i always find rather ticklish when talking with male partnered women about the risks of dating men. for example, when we would talk about the terrible things men can and do do to women in relationships, they would describe those men as "toxic" or "bad" men. it was like i could see the gears in their heads turning, trying to "not my man though" their observations.
it's actually funny as well as sad. or we will talk about the health risks of PIV sex and they'll say well it's only dangerous if you have more than one male partner and all i can do is just nod lol.
one of like a million reasons why i choose to have only separatists in my circle now.
I'm of the opinion that men are misogynistic at the baseline, and that men with a potential to be non-violent towards women are genetic outliers, so women insisting on it being the other way around strikes me as some kind of social unawareness. I keep my guard up around women like that because I expect the same unawareness to prevent them from seeing their partner's true character (or, from "picking the right man", if such a thing were possible) and even seep into their opinions on other social matters. Again, this is what I personally rely on when I meet other women because assessing people's social intelligence and knowing whether they can be relied on in difficult circumstances is important no matter how offensive people believe this to be.
Women refusing to acknowledge the dangers of PIV is its own topic, and its implications are much more sinister than "getting back at stupid women who are not as brave as us for facing the reality of PIV" (or whatever petty drama radical feminism positions it as). The very few conversations that surround the negative effects of semen (and the possibility of them being neurological of all things) are often framed as "misogyny" and not the valid concern they are, and while I understand that they are usually brought up in a derogatory context, it is still important medical knowledge that women should be aware of if they are to consent to heterosexual sex. I feel that much of the indignation towards these topics ends up preventing women from learning about female anatomy more than anything else.
Believe it or not, I've met several women who were seemingly aware of the "male nature" yet built their lifestyles around them all the same, and I no longer think that bringing awareness to these subjects is at all the ticket to a feminist society. I'm getting the impression that the only precondition to prioritizing women (and yourself) is, well... The desire to prioritize women and yourself.
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The average woman spends -
• $28 on makeup
• $34 on haircuts
• $15 on hair products
• $11 on hair removal
• $23 on moisturizing skincare
•$17 on anti-aging products
• $ 5 on eyebrow threading
• $85 on teeth whitening
■The cost of common cosmetic surgeries:
• Breast augmentation: $6,450
• Liposuction: $6,000
• Nose reshaping: $5,046
• Eyelid surgery: $4,525
• Tummy tuck: $5,798
● The yearly cost of getting a botox : $1200 ● The yearly cost of getting lip fillers : $800
□Yearly cost without Botox/fillers/surgery: $2616
□ Yearly cost with Botox/fillers/surgery $4891
In a study by Advanced Dermatology, it was revealed that the average woman spends $285 more than men on grooming services. While men spend more on gym membership, supplements and haircuts, women spend on skincare, hair products and colour.
If you compound the aboves costs, women spend - $156,960 and $450,420 respectively on unnecessary beauty procedures in their lifetime. Some women might even spend millions of dollars in their lifetime on their appearance. This extra expenditure feeds pockets of (male) CEOs of beauty companies who thrive off of women's insecurities. The more women fall into these traps, the more unrealistic the beauty standards will become.
● Meadian House cost - $227,000
● Average car cost - $48,000
● Average Overseas Vacation cost - $3250
● Cost of a nice hobby in a lifetime - $72,000
●Cost of a book collection(150 books) - $1800
Making women waste money on useless items allows men to hoard capital. Moreover, there is a huge gender gap in trading. Men are much more likely to invest extra income into the stock market than women, however, when women do invest they tend to perform much better when it comes to trading owing to their diligence and loss assessment.Female ownership of monetary property and real estate is paramount to their liberation. Society has created an ecosystem that dissuades women from possessing capital. What's worse is that when crisis hits, it's women that have to give up their savings for their need of money is disregarded as they rely on their husbands for financial support. Women amassing wealth and knowledge is the key for their freedom.
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