#It was 100% a won run if that hadn't happened as well
watermeat · 1 year
Just lost an essentially won run on DD2 due to a 1 in 80 chance :)
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loveforalexzverev · 10 months
🎤 Tennis Channel post-match interview with Alexander after his R1 win over Griekspoor:
Interviewer: Sasch, good to see you, well done out there today. Tallon [Griekspoor] played you pretty tight out there, didn't give you too many looks, but you were just a little bit better on those big points. What did you feel the big difference was today?
Alexander: Yeah, as you said, I don't think there was a big difference, to be honest. But all in all, I think it was a good first hard court match in, whatever, over 4 months for me, especially, the last time I was on a hard court, you know, I was still not 100% healthy with my ankle.
I think, [I'm] moving very different, sliding around the court more now, so, yeah, generally, I'm extremely happy 'cause I think he's playing at a very high level at the moment, he made the finals in D.C., he had his first top 10 win there as well, so I knew that I had to play at a very high level today to have a chance. But, of course, with the conditions, it was not easy to do that; very, very windy, but, yeah, all in all, I took my chances.
Interviewer: You said how windy it is, all the players have been talking about it all day today. And, you know, Sasch, you've got one of the higher ball tosses out there (Alexander chuckles), so I'm sure it was a little challenging. But 74% first serves in, high 80s first serve points won, you served great today, did you have to adjust it at all?
Alexander: Yeah, I think, if you look at the past few years, my ball toss has been getting lower and lower, so I've changed that, in a way, I'm not tossing the ball as high anymore. I think that's also better for timing, in a way, and my motion, maybe a bit faster than it was a few years ago, so that obviously also helps in the wind, but also I think, without the wind, it helps as well.
Yeah, but in general, I think I'm not the best player in windy conditions, I am very tall, I have long arms, I have long legs, so it is, maybe, a bit more difficult for me than for shorter guys, but I think I managed well today and I did my things well.
Interviewer: You managed great, very clean match in these kinds of conditions, not easy to do. Sascha, I gotta ask you, because we caught up in Rome, I think, in the players' restaurant there, you know, you were playing great tennis, but you hadn't quite put the things together, and you said, "you know, I'm playing great in practice, but it just hasn't come together". Since then, you've been playing some fantastic tennis, what is it that finally, kind of, turned a little bit for you?
Alexander: I think it all started at the French [Open], kind of, you know, going back to the place where it all happened a year ago, my injury, going back to that exact same court, I think it was actually funny because the first round during the French Open, I played not so great, and then the second round, when I stepped on that court again, when I stepped on Philippe-Chatrier, it was kind of a release, it was kind of a relief, in a way, that, you know, now I can make new memories, I can, kind of, forget what happened last year, I can, kind of, go back out on that court and it's not gonna haunt me anymore, in a way.
And since then, it's been great, I mean, I made the semi-finals there, I made the semi-finals in Halle, I won in Hamburg, and, hopefully, I can continue going on this run, you know, so [I'm] definitely looking forward to what's ahead in the next few months (smiles).
Interviewer: How special was that win in Hamburg? I mean, getting that at home, it was-
Alexander: I think very, I think, apart from, obviously, the very, very big ones that I've won, it's probably the most special tournament for me because that's the place where I was born, that's the place where I grew up, that's the place where, you know, I played tennis for the first time as well, so, yeah.
And I think the atmosphere was also something that I've never witnessed in Germany before, because Germany is always a very, kind of, holding back crowd, it's not super loud, it's not… you know, usually, they're just there to watch tennis. They're, obviously, yes, they have their favourite players, they have their not-so-much favourite players, but it's very, very neutral, you know, Germans are very neutral. And I think that was the first time where it really, inside the tennis stadium, it went crazy, you know. I mean, the crowd was crazy, the whole atmosphere was crazy, and to be a part of that, to be able to witness it, it was something very special for me.
Interviewer: Yeah, it was coming off the television screen, it was beautiful to watch that kind of energy. You know we love your brother, Misch (Alexander laughs), you know he does great work for us, and you guys have a new business venture together: 'Loevik & Sons'?
Alexander: Yes, yes.
Interviewer: Tell us a little bit about it, but most importantly, tell us where the beautiful name comes from.
Alexander: (Smiling) Well, it comes from my dogs, right? I mean, obviously I have-
Interviewer: (Smiling) So good.
Alexander: I have a dog, we had a dog, we still have that dog, who had four little puppies, one of them we, obviously, took along, so we have 2 dogs now. So he became a father a few years ago, and we decided to make a clothing brand with him, or in his name.
I think it's… you know, we have, obviously, his little face as our logo as well, and, yeah, we just started, it just kicked off last week, the clothes are great, they're very, very nice, casual and high-end clothes, and, yeah, we'll see how it goes. But for now, you know, I'm just happy to be a part of it.
I think, everybody who was there at the event, and who was a part of the event, you know, had a good time, and that's the most important thing for us as well. But also the clothes there, they're very, very good, you know, you can make a brand, you can, kind of, start off a business very easily. But I think the quality is what stands out, in a way, and, yeah, for us, that was the main thing, and we wanted, you know, the super high-end quality, and that's what we did, and, so far, it's going great (smiles)
Interviewer: Puppy-friendly, a family business, and high-end clothes.
Alexander: And also most of the money, a lot of the money, is going to animal-friendly foundations and also to my foundation, so that's, you know, the plus-side of it.
Interviewer: Four beautiful check-marks, my friend. You got a customer over here.
Alexander: (Smiling) Yeah? Thank you (laughs).
Interviewer: And, listen, you played fantastic today, I wish you all the very best of luck.
Alexander: (Smiling) I appreciate it, thank you.
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littlemxmisfit · 2 years
So it's pride month, obviously. Last year I was really active during pride month doing a pride bingo from Tumblr. This year, I'm struggling to find what to say. It's the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting. Something that should never have happened and it seems like everything has gone down hill since then. All the anti-trans bills, the Don't Say Gay bill, the bathroom debate. It just seems like the hate has been amped up to 100 since 2016. And in a way, it has because all the bigots, haters, trolls were shown that they can get away with their hate. And I also know that I was looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. I firmly believed that if I just helped educate others about the LGBTQIA+ community the hate would go away. I trusted my government and the politicians that I elected would do the right thing. I grew up hearing about trans people being murdered and nothing being done about it. I remember waking up the day of the Pulse shooting, the feelings I felt, the tears I shed. I thought if I shared resources, facts about the LGBTQIA+ community, and other people's posts that wrote far more eloquently than I was enough. Then, the leak from the Supreme Court about overturning Roe v Wade came out. Up till now, I hadn't been directly attacked. I've been blessed to not to have had hate directed at me personally. And I know that the Supreme Court isn't going directly at me, they're going at everyone with a uterus. But this is what woke me up, it gave me the kick in the ass that I needed. I knew that after Trump won, even well after he was out of office, that the hate would continue. But I still thought something would happen to show that we will not stand for hate. Yet here we are halfway into 2022 and none of the big wig politicians that helped to incite the January 6th insurrection have gotten in trouble. Sure they're getting investigated and the democrats are hopeful they have enough to charge Trump but it's taken this long to do something about it and there is still that possibility that nothing will happen. Marjorie Taylor Greene and many other bigoted politicians are still in office. I voted for Kyrsten Sinema twice, I donated to her campaign. I was so proud to have a member of the LGBTQIA+ community in our government, I believed that she was going to do what she promised to do. And she turned out to be just as corrupted as the other politicians. I've lost faith and trust in my government and the people who run this country. I grew up loving my country, I was a patriot. I can see how great this country could be and yet we just keep going backwards. This isn't a "I'm giving up post", it's far from that. This is a "I love my country but we can do so much better" post.
I saw a post on Facebook today. It was a parent talking about their trans son and how important gender affirming care is. It was a beautiful post with various pictures of the sons journey, you could feel the joy radiating from his smile. It made me smile. Then I go into the comment section(I know, big no-no) and I see all this hate and ignorance. What got me the most were people saying that kids are too young to know their body. I know from personal experience that that claim is bullshit. I was 6 years old when I started telling people that I'm neither a boy or a girl, I didn't have the word Non-Binary at the time so I took the word tomboy and changed its meaning for myself to mean both boy and girl. Because if I don't feel like either then surely that means I'm both. I was wrong and it took until I was 20 to learn that but that's what happens when you live in a progressive society. We discover terms that we didn't have before. Anyway, back to the post. I see all these comments and I originally was just going to share the post and write my own little blurb. I started to do that and I just stopped. This is my problem, I don't use my own voice. I use others. I've been taught to never stoop to your opponents level. Don't raise your voice instead speak calmly. Both can be good advice but there comes a time to raise your voice and to call out people for what they are. So I wrote my own comment. I wrote about my experience in being gender non-conforming, about my suicide attempt at 16 due to all the hate in the world. I didn't stoop to their level but I called them out on their hate and ignorance. I used my voice.
A band of mine released a new album last month. I was really busy and was able to give it a listen just recently. The band is Halestorm and the album is Back From the Dead. I could gush about this album all day as I think it might be their best yet but there is one song that really resonates with me. It's called Terrible Things(I'll share it after I post this if Tumblr lets me). One of the lines is "I see a sickness in a world on its knees". The song is really beautiful and it perfectly describes how I feel right now. I see how we can change this world, I see how we can get to the best version of ourselves. And yet, we just don't do anything and those that do raise their voices get hate. We'd rather be content living in a world full of hate than admit that we need to change. I don't want to be content with our world as it is today, I want to change the world. As of right now, I don't see much of a future for anyone. I'm prepared to die fighting for what I believe in and for what is right. I will no longer go silently into the night, I will go kicking and screaming. By all means celebrate Pride for what it is and for how far we have come. But keeping reminding yourself that we still have so much to do.
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bananaofswifts · 3 years
For Women's History Month 2021, GRAMMY.com is celebrating some of the women artists nominated at the 2021 GRAMMY Awards show. Today, we honor Taylor Swift, who's currently nominated for six GRAMMYs.
When we met Taylor Swift in 2006, it was immediately apparent that her songwriting approach was like ripping a page out of her diary.
"Just a boy in a Chevy truck/ That had a tendency of gettin' stuck/ On backroads at night/ And I was right there beside him all summer long/ And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone," she lamented in the first verse of her debut single, "Tim McGraw(opens in a new tab)." The way the then-16-year-old Swift could turn personal anecdotes into instantly memorable hooks mirrored the prowess of an industry veteran, appealing to more than just the teenage girls that could relate to a short-lived high school romance.
Now, nearly 15 years later, Swift has introduced another layer of intrigue with a foray into indie folk, unveiling a pair of albums, folklore and evermore, last year. Recorded entirely in isolation after the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, folklore has been widely acclaimed(opens in a new tab) as Swift's best album, touted for its intimate songwriting and cinematic dynamics; evermore has received similarly glowing reviews(opens in a new tab).
folklore was 2020's best-selling album(opens in a new tab) and earned Swift five GRAMMY nominations at the 2021 GRAMMY Awards show, including her fourth Album Of The Year nod. (evermore will be eligible for the 64th GRAMMY Awards in 2022.) As her 10 previous GRAMMY wins suggest, though, this new chapter isn't an abrupt departure for the star—it's a masterful continuation of her evolution as a singer/songwriter.
If there's one thing that Swift has proven throughout her career, it's that she refuses to be put in a box. Her ever-evolving sound took her from country darling to pop phenom to folk's newest raconteur—a transition that, on paper, seems arduous. But for Swift, it was seamless and resulted in perhaps her most defining work yet. And folklore’s radiance relies on three of Swift’s songwriting tools: heartfelt balladeering, autobiographical writing, and character-driven storytelling.
While there was always a crossover element to Swift's pop-leaning country tunes, her transition from country starlet to pop queen began with Red. The album’s lead single, the feisty breakup anthem "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together(opens in a new tab)," was Swift's first release to reach No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 (and, ironically, scoffed "indie records much cooler than mine"). She declared a full pop makeover with 2014's 1989, but the response proved that her bold move was the right one: Along with spawning three more No. 1 hits, the project won Swift her second GRAMMY for Album of the Year.
From there, 2017’s Reputation, a response to media scrutiny, and 2019’s Lover, an often bubbly exploration of all facets of affection, followed. Although they shared similarly grandiose production, Lover featured a handful of poetic ballads, including "The Archer(opens in a new tab)," a self-reflective love song that teased Swift's folk sensibilities through storybook lyrics and ambient textures.
Swift’s ballads are key in understanding the full essence of folklore. They’ve regularly marked standout moments on each of her albums, both thanks to her poignant vulnerability and rich tone. Fearless standout "White Horse" earned Swift two GRAMMYs in 2009; Red's painstaking "All Too Well" was an instant fan favorite; 1989's "This Love" and Reputation's "New Years Day" provided tenderness amid otherwise synth-heavy sounds.
The raw emotion she puts into her downtempo songs comes alive on folklore, introducing a new wave of neo-classical sonics that elevate her fanciful penmanship to an ethereal level. Whether or not Swifties saw a full indie-pop record coming—at least not yet—the shift isn't all that surprising. Folklore’s romanticized lyrics and relatively lo-fi production are arguably what many fans have been patiently waiting on.
Lyrically, the super-personal nature of Swift’s music has always captivated fans and naysayers alike; diehards and critics dissected each of her albums for its real-life subjects and hidden meanings. While she played into those conspiracies at the time—whether she was revealing names in titles like "Hey Stephen(opens in a new tab)" and "Dear John(opens in a new tab)" or scathing the other girl on "Better Than Revenge(opens in a new tab)"—even Swift herself admits that her teenage method had an expiration date.
"There was a point that I got to as a writer who only wrote very diaristic songs that [it] felt unsustainable for my future moving forward," she told Apple Music's(opens in a new tab) Zane Lowe in December of 2020. "It felt like too hot of a microscope ... On my bad days, I would feel like I was loading a cannon of clickbait when that's not what I want for my life."
That realization is what helped make folklore so memorable: Swift stripped away the drama to let her artful storytelling shine. Sure, there are occasional callbacks to personal happenings ("invisible string(opens in a new tab)" references sending her exes baby gifts and "mad woman(opens in a new tab)" alludes to her legal battle with Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun). Still, she largely shies away from her autobiographical narratives to make way for her imagination.
"I found myself not only writing my own stories, but also writing about or from the perspective of people I've never met, people I've known, or those I wish I hadn't," Swift wrote in a letter to fans(opens in a new tab) on social media the day folklore arrived. "The lines between fantasy and reality blur and the boundaries between truth and fiction become almost indiscernible."
folklore might be her first full project dedicated to creating characters and projecting storylines, but Swift has shown a knack for fantasy from the start. Tracks like "Mary's Song (Oh My My)(opens in a new tab)" on her self-titled debut and "Starlight(opens in a new tab)" on Red saw Swift craft stories for real-life muses ("Mary's Song" was inspired by an old couple who lived next door to Swift in her childhood; "Starlight" was sparked from seeing a picture of Ethel and Bobby Kennedy as teens). Even when songs did pertain to her real life, Swift often had a way of flipping memories into whimsical metaphors, like the clever clap-back to a critic on Speak Now's "Mean(opens in a new tab)" or the rebound relationship in Reputation's "Getaway Car(opens in a new tab)."
To think that we wouldn't have folklore without a pandemic is almost surreal; it's already become such a fundamental piece of Swift’s artistic puzzle. There was no telling what may have come after the glittering "love letter to love itself” that was Lover, but it seems isolation made the singer rethink any plans she may have had.
"I just thought there are no rules anymore because I used to put all these parameters on myself, like, 'How will this song sound in a stadium? How will this song sound on radio?' If you take away all the parameters, what do you make?" she told Paul McCartney in a November (opens in a new tab)Rolling Stone(opens in a new tab) interview(opens in a new tab). "And I guess the answer is folklore."
Even if she hasn’t been making indie music herself, Swift has shown an affinity for the genre over the years through curated digital playlists(opens in a new tab). Those included four songs by The National including "Dark Side of the Gym," which she references on folklore single "betty(opens in a new tab)," and "8 (Circle)" by Bon Iver, Swift's collaborator on folklore's gut-wrenching "exile(opens in a new tab)" as well as evermore’s title track. (“Exile” is one of folklore’s GRAMMY-nominated cuts, up for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.)
The National’s guitarist Aaron Dessner co-wrote nine and produced 11 of folklore's 16 tracks, soundtracking Swift's imaginative tales with sweeping orchestration and delicate piano. Their partnership started with "cardigan(opens in a new tab)," a melancholy take on teenage love(opens in a new tab) that's up for Best Pop Solo Performance and the coveted Song of the Year. The team-up was a dream come true for Swift, a self-proclaimed National superfan and a career highlight for Dessner, who shared in an Instagram post(opens in a new tab) about folklore that he's "rarely been so inspired by someone." He sees the album as a pivotal moment for both Swift's career and pop music.
"Taylor has opened the door for artists to not feel pressure to have 'the bop,'" Dessner shared with (opens in a new tab)Billboard(opens in a new tab) in September. "To make the record that she made, while running against what is programmed in radio at the highest levels of pop music—she has kind of made an anti-pop record. And to have it be one of the most, if not the most, successful commercial releases of the year that throws the playbook out.
"I hope it gives other artists, especially lesser-known or more independent artists, a chance at the mainstream," he continued. "Maybe radio will realize that music doesn't have to sound as pushed as it has. Nobody was trying to design anything to be a hit. Obviously, Taylor has the privilege of already having a very large and dedicated audience, but I do feel like it's having a resonance beyond that."
Swift's other primary folklore collaborator was Jack Antonoff. He has been her right-hand man since they first paired up on 2013's promotional single "Sweeter Than Fiction(opens in a new tab)" (Swift referred to him as "musical family" in her folklore announcement(opens in a new tab)). Even after years of creating stadium-ready pop smashes, Antonoff said in his own folklore Instagram post(opens in a new tab), "I've never heard Taylor sing better in my life / write better."
As Swift recognizes herself, folklore ushered in a new way of thinking for the superstar that not only brings out her best, but sets a promising precedent for what's to come. "What I felt after we put out folklore was, 'Oh wow, people are into this too, this thing that feels really good for my life and my creativity,'" Swift added in her interview with Lowe. "I saw a lane for my future that was a real breakthrough moment of excitement and happiness."
Her enthusiasm is tangible on both folklore and evermore. Dubbed folklore’s sister record, evermore further expands Swift’s newfound mystical atmosphere. Much to the delight of many Swifties, the follow-up also calls back to her country beginnings on tracks like the HAIM-assisted “no body, no crime(opens in a new tab),” as well as her pop expertise on more uptempo cuts like “long story short(opens in a new tab).”
Together, the albums are a momentous reminder that Swift is a singer/songwriter first. Her wordcraft is some of the most alluring of her generation, and that’s never been lost on her music, regardless of the genre she’s exploring. But now that Swift also feels she's at her best, it’s evident folklore was just the beginning of Taylor Swift in her finest form.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Interesting how all team LH could say about Schumi was "how bad he was, he lost to Nico" at Merc when Schumi had been retired for four years when he took the Merc seat, the regulation changed so ofc it took him a while to adapt to it, he wasn't racing to win championships he was racing because he enjoyed it and knew his name would help the team find stability and sponsors (it was still run by Brawn at this point who worked with Michael since literally the Benetton days, his beginning in the sport and who had followed him to Ferrari and who he was friends with. Brawn GP as it was known the year before in '09 literally didn't think it would survive the year until Jenson won them the championship. Michael was a very generous person who cares deeply about helping those closest to him), the team was literally a midfield team until 2013/14, Nico was the young upcoming driver in his prime who could adjust to regulations better because he'd been eased into it...
What do they say now about LH himself struggling to keep up with the new regulations and his young upcoming teammate in a midfield Merc? Lewis lost to Nico too like 2016 happened and if Nico hadn't had the sheer amount of pure bad luck during most of his years at Merc, it might be a different story.
People deadass were like "Michael's overrated he never had a wdc teammate Lewis did ergo Lewis better because he beat them" forgetting one of Michael's first teammates was 3x wdc Piquet *facepalms*, 2016 literally happened (& Bottas no offense to him isn't a wdc capable driver. He's good for the team game and he's doing well at Alfa but it was no competition between him and Lewis and given the vast difference between the mercs and the rest of the grid, he was the only one who could hypothetically beat Lewis and he never did and Bottas was Lewis' teammate for the majority of Lewis' championship winning seasons), Button beat Lewis during one of their seasons together and Alonso was teammates with Lewis at McLaren for literally a single year and Alonso was hated by the team principal (feeling was mutual) and Lewis was the golden boy so ofc the team decisions benefitted LH lmao (little changed with move to Merc 💀). Also the sheer lack of respect for the incredible drivers who never got a wdc pisses me off, especially in regards to Barrichello. But it's nice the universe is shoving humble pie in the face of team LH truly beautiful.
Anyone who says Michael is overrated knows absolutely nothing istg that is a joke to say and I hope to fuck I never see that.
But your point is valid....Lewis only ever had Nico and Max to really compete with over a season and look how it ended. I am not saying that Lewis had it easy but....he never had to challenge his teammate after 2016.
Also lol yeah ngl I am gonna be petty and laugh at the vibes at Merc the last 2 races because it is humble pie 100%
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Tumblr media
Jungkooks full sleeve photo is the most coveted and valuable picture in the industry. Every photograper is waiting for him to slip up and show some skin. Hired by Dispatch to catch him when he's most vulnerable, will you be able get the money shot? 18+ Smut
Scheduled to go last, Jungkook nervously stood watching Taehyung finish his session. Not only was the concept of the shoot strange for him, the photographer was also really sexy,  the guys had spent the day texting back and forth about her. Of course Tae had nailed it, they were looking for raw sex appeal and vulnerability but Jungkook was afraid all he could pull off was cute baby bunny. 
The next comeback was supposed to be about ego and personal identity, basically them stepping out of their fan assumed contrived personas. A more grown up take on their image was in order, and Jungkook just hadn't been able to figure out who he really was yet, let alone how much of himself he was ready to reveal.  
"Thanks Tae, you're a superstar" you high fived him as he gathered his stuff to leave. Jungkook apprehensively approached introducing himself.  His hair was long and wavy and his stylists chose a wardrobe of a loose fitting button down with ripped jeans and black combat boots. He looked delicious but it was a look you'd seen a million times on him in every other magazine spread.
"You look nervous Jungkook, what can we do to fix that?" His shy smile made him look so young. "I'm just not used to this type of shoot, I don't know if I can do sexy," he giggled at his own words.
Perhaps pulling him out of his shell would be harder than you thought, "I think we're going to be ok." You pushed his hair back a little and stared at him, "It's not the sexy that's lacking here, it's your confidence Guk. Sorry, is it ok if I call you that?" He nodded, "So where do you want me? You knew exactly where you wanted him but didn't want to make it look calculated.
Looking around the set you mused out loud, "I shot Tae on the couch and Jimin felt comfortable doing his in the shower so why don't we get you to take the bed" his eyebrow raised and his lips pursed together. "I heard you may be a bit shy so I ordered a closed set. It's just us okay? Why don't you go and just hang out on it and I'll get the lights set up." 
You looked over and he was laying on the bed texting, taking your time you wanted him to relax.  
Group Chat 
J.K: She is HOT. Her skirt is so short, holy shit. I have to shoot on the bed, should I make a move? Did anyone? 
Jimin: I made sure to "accidentally" splash water on her white shirt while I did my shower shots. She seemed immune to my charms 😞
Jin: We had to do ours outside too many people watching to openly flirt. 
Yoongi:JK, I'll give you a million won if you can get through your shoot without cumming in your pants. 
RM: So disrespectful, she's a professional. Those tits though 👌
"Are you ready to start?" You asked trying to pull his attention away from his phone. "Yeah,  I think I'm ready now." Moving around the room with the camera you tested several angels as he posed, laying back, leaning over, grabbing the pillow.
Shaking your head you weren't satisfied, "Jungkook, when you're at home relaxing do you wear combat boots?"
He laughed, "No, especially not while I'm laying on the bed." Walking over to him you bent down and started undoing his boots, "What about that shirt? Does it need to be buttoned right up? Maybe we could lose a few?" You threw his boot across the room, "May I?"
You asked tugging at the toe of his sock. "Ahhhh you're one of those foot people" he chuckled. "Well I'm not, but if I was, your feet are actually pretty nice." He blushed turning his attention to his shirt, "is this better?"
Leaning over you crumpled the sheets around him, it was 100% intentional that your breasts just happened to be in his face while you propped the pillow under his head. His hand moved swiftly to pull his shirt over his growing hard on, he was fucked and he knew it. 
"Looking better," you coached his posing as you snapped off a few more shots. "Just better?" he sounded disappointed that he couldn't pull sexy off for you.
"Will you trust me Guk?" You asked him as you stood up on the bed over him. Gulping hard he nodded, he wasn't sure what you had planned but being as he could see your panties he was sure he wouldn't mind. 
You set the camera down beside him and leaned down to unbutton his shirt the rest of the way. Exposing his chest and abs you let out a subtle hiss, "well, that's something. Close your eyes okay… trust me, this is going to make the shot incredible."
Closing his eyes his brain went into overdrive trying to figure out what you were up to. Goosebumps took over his body when he felt you straddle his lap, your hands moved through his hair disrupting the perfection and your chest pressed softly against him as your mouth connected with his. His lips were soft and his tongue worked quickly to gain entry into yours. He was about to wrap his arms around you, when you stood up and grabbed the camera.
Snapping just as he opened his eyes in wonder, "What the fuck was that?" holding up the digital screen you smiled proudly. "This Jungkook, is sexy.  Look at your face, you look totally needy and unravelled. "Taking the camera out of your hands he inspected the photo and smiled. It certainly wasn't a side of himself he'd ever seen before. "Shall we continue then?" you asked. "I'm yours, use me however you see fit," he conceded.
"I was really hoping you'd say that," resuming you stance over him you took control. "Let's show them you're a man now, it's time for everyone to accept that you have desires, I'm going to put my leg in the frame and I want you to run your hands over it like you want me." Closer than before, he could now see your panties had little pink polka dots adorning them, "shouldn't be a problem" he muttered under his breath.
You egged him on, the camera clicking frame after frame, he was getting totally lost in the moment. Sitting up he wrapped his arm around your thigh and brought his face as close as he could to nestle beside your mound.  "Fuck Kookie, stay just like that but move your other hand so it's resting on the bulge in your jeans."
His mind was swimming with dirty thoughts as you spoke so frankly. You'd gotten him into a zone, was he just posing or was he just as turned on as you?
The answer came soon enough as you felt his hand move under your skirt. His fingertips ran over your wet panties and you could feel his breath on your thighs, "Is this sexy?" He asked while brushing his nose into your clit, "It's amazing Guk," Hooking his finger into the elastic he pulled your thong to the side and his warm tongue lapped against your folds. "That feels really good baby but we still have to get a few more shots. Let me take care of you okay?"
You tried to back away from his mouth but he got in a few last greddy sucks before detaching his lips and wiping off his chin. "You should have left that there, it would have made a great addition to the pictures."
He grabbed you around the waist pulling you on top of him  "Let's put it back then." You had to stay focused, "Can we take some with your shirt off?" You began running your hands over his chest, kissing his abs. He was hesitant, 
"I'm not supposed to show my tattoos, management won't let me." Moaning you sat up and took your shirt off, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
He couldn't help but stare at the metal piercings that ran through each of your nipples. "I don't care what anyone thinks about my piercings, I did it for me and for my pleasure, who gives a shit about anyone else's opinion. These tattoos represent you, you should be proud to show people who you really are."
He sat up with you still straddling his lap and let you push his shirt off down his arms. Your fingers traced over the details as you admired the artwork over his bicep.
"This is sexy, you having the confidence to do what you want with your body." Kissing your breasts he was lost in the empowerment you were giving him, "Do you know what I really want to do with my body?" You couldn't help but smirk, "I want to fuck you and I want you to take pictures while I do it." 
"That's one way to get the shot, fuck Jungkook I didnt think you would be so into this." Grabbing him away from your chest you pushed him flat on his back. You let your hands and fingertips admire his body before they made their way to his zipper.  Pulling it down slowly his cock strained against the elastic of his black boxers. Palming him gently you grabbed the camera with your free hand and took some pictures of him, "These are phenomenal Kookie, why don't you take the camera while I put your cock in my mouth." 
Pulling his boxers down just enough to free him, you smiled, "how the hell do you manage to look so innocent when you're walking around with this in your pants?"
His dick was a smooth honey brown that curved upwards, thicker than you thought he'd be with a beautiful cut tip. You saw the flash and looked up at him, "This ones for me." You weren't often the subject of photos but Jungkook was a photographer too and he'd decided two could play the game of directing the shot.
"Wrap those lips around me and fucking suck it," God you loved dirty talk. He wrapped your hair around his hand pulling it off your face, "that's beautiful, eyes up here,  look at me while you're choking on it."
Abandoning the camera to get lost in the pleasure, he fell back on the bed. Popping him out of your mouth he whined at the loss of sensation, "You want more Kookie?" he nodded. Laying on top of him you sucked marks onto his neck, "You want me to ride your beautiful cock?"
He still had his pants on, laying vulnerable, bare chested with his dick out begging for attention. Pulling your panties to the side you lined him up with your entrance and sank him deep inside you. The gutteral moan he let out was animalistic, he was so far gone in pleasure that you'd never seen a more beautiful surrender. He was calling out your name as you snapped pictures of his ecstasy,  sweat making his skin glisten under the set lighting.
You abruptly got off him, "why do you keep stopping?" You laughed at his desperate voice, "I want you completely naked Jungkook, I'm not done with you yet." He eagerly moved to get the rest of his clothes off and grabbed you so your bodies were pressed together.
He stared at you for a minute, tucking some hair behind your ear, "Why are you staring at me?" He smiled, "I want to capture this picture with my memory," he kissed you softly on the lips. Just as you started to blush at his tender response he smacked your ass and said "flip it over, I'm using the camera for this one."
Grabbing your waist firmly you laughed and squirmed as he wrestled you onto your stomach. "All fours babe," he commanded as you complied wiggling your ass at him, "I'm really into the bold side of you Guk." Positioning himself behind you he gave you a hard squeeze as he stuffed his dick back inside you.  He was rough with his thrusts and little cries left you every time he bottomed out. The curve of his dick had his head rubbing into your g spot perfectly, the pleasure and pain brought you to orgasam quickly as you clenched around him milking his cock as he came hard inside you.
"Hold still," he demanded, grabbing your camera you could hear the clicks, "so fucking beautiful." Laying down together spent he pulled up his final shot, his cum was dripping out of your pink abused pussy. "I think this one's my favourite."
As much as you wanted to lay here in post coital bliss, you still had a job to finish. "This is it, the final shot, Jungkook all fucked out." You arranged the top sheet to just cover his tired cock, pubic hair peeking out, muscular tattooed arms on display, sheets disheveled, hair wild and a grin that could only be caused by one thing.
"That's a wrap" 
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thisnerdsadventures · 3 years
I, a campaign manager
so in addition to being a CTO, a CS major, and a dorm vice president, i was also a campaign manager for 2 weeks (the exact campaign that I was managing is not entirely difficult to figure out if you really want to know, especially if you click on the links BUT i will be trying to not mention it specifically here lol). You might be wondering - (1) why and (2) how did you end up becoming a campaign manager..... you're not even a poli sci/gov/humanities/literally anything vaguely related to this major??
You're correct, yes, how did this happen? Well that's a great place to start this story:
How in the world this happened
Friends drag you into stuff. This happens to be the same friend that dragged me to New York, and then was 20% of the reason I got dragged into the negotiation class, and then was maybe 15% of the reason i got dragged into nonprofit activities? In terms of providing unique opportunities in my life, she definitely takes the cake. So one day, she says "I'm running for this position," and me and the squad says "we gotchu." What does that mean? Clearly wasn't sure in the beginning, but we were texting campaign strategies and slogans and tiktok ideas in the chat for fun. None of us had any real responsibilities, especially since the actual candidates were still weighing the playing field and figuring out their platform.
I also was a course 6, so I guess there was some expectation that I would make the website, even though I didn't actually code the website from scratch.
but anyways, it was actual campaign time.
After they figured out the campaign platform, it was game on for the campaign materials. We spent a lot of time on artwork, we photoshopped pictures from a photo shoot, we came up with campaign motto ideas, we brainstormed strategies for officially announcing the campaign. We had an actual campaign meeting to talk over things in mid-April where I met like six different people, friends from both candidates on this ticket, who were supporting this effort. We had a google drive AND a Dropbox. Look at this:
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Despite this seemingly organized effort, it was not that organized because this publicity team didn't actually actively do anything for like a week. Many reasons for this: one being it was actually the semester, and it was also CPW weekend. Unfortunately for me, that weekend was literally hell for me, because I was managing this site for our nonprofit, CPW events (so like five zoom calls on a Saturday), classes (because those are still happening), and then the campaign thing finally started, about a week before voting opened. In the form, of a website.
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So the tl;dr is I developed an entire Squarespace website in one night. Yes, one night. I had to model it from I think the website from a Harvard campaign site, which took me like three or four hours on a Saturday night, which is a very fast time in my opinion to learn how to use Squarespace. I also bought a domain and figured out how to connect it to Squarespace at like 1 in the morning, which was the first domain I ever bought in my life!
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(It expires in a month. I am absolutely going to let it die.)
Also, if anyone from squarespace is reading this for some reason, yall made a really solid product. I actually was very happy with my experience. You all should use it, I am 100% not sponsored by them at all, but honestly it was a very good experience. If you need to develop a website in four hours and don't have a lot of webdev experience, definitely consider it. You can even see website clicks and user analytics, it's actually really put together.
The next day we spend a lot of time going through website changes and artwork changes. It's bad. We had so many discussions about color palettes and the advantages of a 3 column vs 4 column layout. Yes. I'm serious. I'm starting to go crazy.
If anyone's interested, I would say that our website definitely was better than the other campaign's website. Like objectively. Like both campaigns were great, but the website? well. Here's the link (archived because I only paid for 1 month of squarespace :D) The amount of detail that went into it is actually incredible, the amount of spacing, i even had to custom CSS the header image so that mobile headers would show up correctly.
so sometime during this week, I had this thought about making a really good campaign video. I was very inspired by some of these Google ads that started with a Google search bar. (Yes, I am aware that I am that much of a Google simp.) To be honest, rewatching this ad, I really definitely just copied this entire ad lol, it's ok we don't have to talk about that.
That Wednesday, we coincidentally talked about what makes campaign videos successful. We talked about how Trump's incendiary imagery helped stoke the flames and how it was really effective in getting people to vote, and eventually helped him beat Clinton in the presidential election. So I went and took that and grabbed news clips and campus videos and overlayed that in the video, and it went from like a solid 6 to an 8 immediately, in my honest, unbiased opinion. You can see what I mean in the video itself: [link].
We also had to put together quite a few interviews about what they wanted from the school and were looking for in their candidates, which took a million years of coordination, but we somehow got it done in three days, and everything was put together in a flurry of a weekend, unending changes and small fixes for sixteen hours straight. I could not even tell you how much I learned about premiere pro and how to use layer masks and everything. I even composed the music for the first fifteen seconds of it. Literally, composed, it.
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And so on a Sunday afternoon FINALLY right before voting, the video drops. I'm sitting in my backyard absorbing the sun because I hadn't left my computer for 48 hours straight.
It gets like 1000 views or impressions or something in like two days, which is incredible for me, since I'm not a professional by any standards, but I am considering being a professional campaign manager at this point. By the way, we're also managing an Instagram page, a Facebook page, a tiktok page, a website, our individual social media pages, and we're trying to synchronize this video drop and all of our publicity efforts across every single one of these channels. It's chaotic at best.
So it's voting week, where we give everyone an entire week to vote. Across the week, it's mostly a waiting game, we make a few more tiktoks and funny videos that we publicize to get out the vote more. The last day, we're thinking about it, and we know the final vote's gonna be close, so we message every. single. person. in our Facebook friends list. I think I singlehandedly convinced like twenty people to vote (and hopefully vote for our ticket).
There's a lot of drama about different stuff. I won't really talk about it because I think it got really messy, but this week and entire couple weeks was a lot to get through honestly. As a reminder, I'm also working on my senior thesis and my nonprofit website work is peaking at this point, so everything is very, very bad and none of us have slept in a while. Also it's the pandemic.
Finally, the results come out. We lost by like 20 votes or something, out of 1500 or so total votes casted or something like that. It's one of the highest voter turnouts in school history or something, I don't quite remember. After that, we're so emotionally drained from this whole thing that we just don't talk about it for a while and that's that.
If the ticket won, I wonder how it would've turned out. I feel like things would've continued to be busy, and maybe that's not a great thing. So maybe everything happened for a reason. I don't know, but those three weeks were quite interesting, quite fun, quite odd. I'm putting those videos in my personal portfolio and am putting Adobe Premiere Pro and Squarespace on my resume and moving on.
Anyways, thought I'd just share! i haven't posted in a while, and this was definitely one of my #weird #odd stories from my time at MIT, which is quite reminiscent of #weird #odd at MIT in general.
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bongaboi · 2 years
Purdue: 2021 Music City Bowl Champions
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- — Purdue came into the Music City Bowl short-handed and banged-up, particularly at wide receiver.
The Boilermakers are going home winners after a game that had people clicking over to catch an amazing finish.
Mitchell Fineran kicked a 39-yard field goal in overtime and Purdue finished off its best season since 2003 by overcoming a 14-point deficit and beating Tennessee 48-45 on Thursday in a record-setting Music City Bowl.
Purdue's Aidan O'Connell threw for 534 yards and five touchdowns with three interceptions. He couldn't explain the final five minutes of regulation as the teams combined to score four TDs — two apiece.
"It's why you love the game, it's why it keeps bringing you back," O'Connell said. "The fact it's unknown. No one knows what's going to happen. It's not a movie or TV show where the actors get retries. It seems like the world's watching and anything could happen."
Purdue (9-4) tied for the second-most wins in program history as only the 12th team in the Boilermakers' 134-year history to win nine games. They also won their fifth game away from home, something they hadn't done since 1943.
"We found a way to just barely win," Purdue coach Jeff Brohm said.
Tennessee (7-6) missed a chance to make Josh Heupel the first Vols coach to cap his debut season with a bowl win since Bill Battle won the 1971 Sugar Bowl. The Vols also snapped a four-game bowl victory streak with a loss that dropped the Southeastern Conference to 1-5 this bowl season.
The teams combined for 1,293 yards of total offense — second-most in overall bowl history, trailing only the 1,397 yards Baylor and Washington had in the 2011 Alamo Bowl. Tennessee became the 10th team in bowl game history to run 100 or more plays, and the combined 185 plays rank seventh.
This high-scoring game featured a flurry of big plays and points in the final five minutes only to see Purdue's defense make the deciding play.
On the first possession of overtime, Jamar Brown and Kieren Douglas stopped Vols running back Jaylen Wright short on fourth-and-goal. The stop was upheld on review for Wright's forward progress being stopped despite Wright reaching the ball over the goal line before the whistle without a knee touching the ground while laying on top of Douglas.
"I love these guys," Heupel said. "They fight, they scratch, they claw and they compete. We came up a play short."
Tennessee quarterback Hendon Hooker watched the replay on the large video board and was excited.
"I thought we scored, but you know it's a tough call," Hooker said. "Feels like me and my teammates gave it our all.
After Purdue ran three plays, Fineran sealed the victory with his fourth field goal of the game, sending the Boilermakers running down the field in celebration after what Brohm called a "a crazy game."
"It really picked up there at the end," Brohm said.
The Vols had a final chance to win in regulation, but Chase McGrath's 56 yard field goal fell well short.
Tennessee finished with 639 yards total offense and Purdue had 623 in regulation — both bowl records before overtime. O'Connell easily set the yards passing record, well above the 383 Mike Glennon had with N.C. State.
Purdue came in without a pair of All-Americans in defensive end George Karlaftis and wide receiver David Bell, both prepping for the NFL draft, with a receiving corps further thinned by injuries. Broc Thompson, who needs offseason surgery on both knees, filled in with seven catches for a game-high 217 yards and two TDs.
The Boilermakers had a chance to keep this finish from being quite so exciting. But they settled for three field goals in the second quarter and only led 23-21 at halftime. Tennessee led 31-30 after the third.
Hooker finished with 378 yards passing. Tillman had three touchdowns on seven receptions for 150 yards, and Jabari Small ran for 180 yards. Small wasn't available in overtime with Heupel saying he was fighting "some things" all through the game.
Tennessee: The Vols set a single-season record with 511 points, topping the 484 scored in 12 games in 1993. ... The Vols brought out a record crowd of 69,489 topping the previous mark of 69,143 set in 2010 when Tennessee also played in this bowl.
Purdue: Brohm said his Boilermakers had a lot of wide receivers, and they tapped that depth in this game. O'Connell spread the ball around connecting with nine receivers.
The Vols were flagged 14 times for 128 yards.
"End of the day you can't control when they yellow hankies come out," Heupel said. "There's some things I don't agree with. Yeah, everyone knows that. But it's about what we can control."
Tennessee is set up nicely for 2022. Tillman, who came into this season with eight career catches, finished with the Vols' first 1,000-yard season since 2012. He's already announced he's returning next season along with Hooker, tight ends Jacob Warren and Princeton Fant and a handful of other Vols.
Purdue has O'Connell coming back along for 2022, giving Brohm a chance to build on an offense that threw the ball more than any other team in school history.
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neijayah · 6 years
Seoul, day 5 - back to school and they left us (again) ㅠㅠ
Thursday was regular school again. The announced Typhoon 'Kong-Rey' (태풍 '콩레이'), which I heard about first time around Tuesday or Wednesday, sent us rain showers. Regular ones, if I have to compare that to rain showers in Germany. Though, for the southern part of the country they had predicted more than 200 millimeters of rain. Busan had heavy storms at their costal lines. But nonetheless people wandering around in kind of flip-flops....with and without socks, though pavements were wet and with a lot of puddles, they actually walked through. Strange Koreans. The good thing though, you don't have to stay out in the open most of your time. When using the subway, you spend all your time in the underground anyway. Only for getting from the station to your school/working place will be wet. And this also on a minimal basis, as I already said, subway stations have several exits. And the one I'm using takes up about 10 Minutes to get from the entrance to the train itself. You don't even have to leave the station/underground as a lot of them have malls for shopping like clothes, food, accessories, mobile phones and what not. And you can also use them to stay dry. Sometimes you have to use them, to get over big street crossings the fastest.
Unfortunately, mine is set out with a tile floor. The wet weather and the water that is brought in with the shoes and umbrellas makes the entrances/exit areas quite slippery. So watch out.
So after having October 3rd off (National Foundation Day, something similar to the Germany holiday, even on the same date), school was calling again. First class was working online with a provided iPad. Pretty cool actually. I will remember that for my teacher. Maybe we can get excess to that tool, as well. Afterwards communicating lessons in a lounge like class room, than having a break for an hour. So I looked around if one of these small shops like CS, GS25, 7-Eleven have to offer face masks. My throat was still itchy and my Korean teacher from home told me to gurgling with mouthwash, or keep a face mask on, all the time, when you're out in the open. And I actually found some in the one next door. Though I hoped, the rain will wash that stuff away. I was going around with face masks on a daily basis at work already. Didn't need to feel like I was at work here in Korea.
Back to school, with a lesson on listening comprehension and a lecture about the alphabet. Totally not necessary for me, but nice to now the letters names. We also made a small riddle. We had a list of words (short and long) and someone had to name the consonants of each syllable and we had to search for that word. Kinda fun. After that, again at least 1 hour of waiting time, as we had an evening excursion. I took the time to wander around and find that Isaac toast shop, so I could find a way to easily get there. Unfortunately, I wasn't hungry. Otherwise, I would have brought on. They fill you up so bad, that you have to be careful.
The way things are organized here, impresses me really much and other countries could learn from that. Every excursion is announced on the EF app. So you know, where and when things will happen, what it costs and if the event is full or some places are still open. If there are still places open, you can join the event via this app. So they actually know, who will join the excursion/event. Pretty cool. Unfortunately, an event I would have liked to join was a concert on next Tuesday. A K-Pop concert somewhere south of Seoul "World Friends Music Festival". It's for free, you will just have to pay for the transit. And know I see, 3 places are open again. ㅠㅠ The last time I looked up, everything was full. So I didn't mind that the sister of my Korean teacher had to cancel the Wednesday meeting and postponed it to Tuesday. Well, just my luck that I won't be able to join that either. The line up will be iKon, ASTRO ❤️, Momoland and a few more. Really would've liked to see Astro live.
So back to the excursion. Our guide, the lady from the front desk, told us that she'd been out from home for over 12 hours already. Poor thing had to fight not to fall asleep on us while the ride. We talked a bit while the commute. She was also the one doing the Gangnam Street Tour with us on the first day. She told us, that she was still living at home, like most women in their 20s do, just because they cannot afford living on their own.
We went via metro, what else and left at City Hall. This way you just have to walk like 100 meters to reach Deoksugung Place (덕수궁 약사). It was a night tour, which is something you should for every historical building in the city. It looks so stunning and pictures come out even more beautiful, than in daylight. The entrance fee is 1000 Won, approx. $ 1 or less than € 1.
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Some strange music was coming from somewhere, we didn't know yet. But the atmosphere at that small place was just awesome. You didn't know, where to take pictures first. You just wanted to take pictures of these buildings from all angles. And the best part was actually the contrast to the modern buildings behind that area.
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Then we found something that seemed like a fountain, without water. The light, that shone on it changed the color and gave it a different atmosphere each time. Though we (2 girls and I) were there just like 5 minutes, our group was gone. And we couldn't find them anymore.
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We searched the whole area, which isn't really big. But no one was there anymore. I tried to reach out for them via KakaoTalk, but hadn't received any answers. But the internet access in that area, even with Wifi egg, was pretty bad. We left the park and waited at the entrance of the palace and watched the performance going on over the street. A huge tower crane had like 20 people hanging on a rope. First we thought they were mannequins, but it turned out to be real people moving in a certain choreography. And suddenly, right behind them fireworks started. A nice surprise. Due to that, I couldn't hear our guide calling us, via KakaoTalk. But she picked us up a few minutes later. They all were obviously at that Street Art Festival for a while.
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After that we continued our tour to get to Gwanghwamun (광화문) via the restorated Cheong Gye Cheon (청계천). The Cheong Gye Cheon used to be a small stream running stream until 1958.
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Till 1976 they built a massive highway complex on it, until 2003 the former mayor decided to remove the highway and restore the stream.
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You can actually walk for miles, but as it was pretty late already and some of us have a long ride to their guest families ahead, we decided to shorten it and leave the trail at the next possible exit.
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She showed us, where to find what metro line, so we all went our ways. One other student joined me on the way home. The only disadvantage of taking line 2 is, that it takes like ages to get to Gangnam station. Line 3 would have been faster, but than you have to change lines, which includes taking a lot of steps.....meh. 😑
We both went into the 'Paris Baguette' store, it's something between store and fast food restaurant....don't ask me how to name it better. I got myself ice creme, as it has gotten so warm again throughout the evening. Though, Koreans are on the extreme sweet side on food and drinks, this was pretty good. Not too sweet and not too extreme in taste, like Germans probably like it. This local is really good, when you want something from your known food list. Especially, when like some students, you're here for half or a full year.
I went to bed like 2 o'clock, which wasn't so bad, as next days' classes would start half past 1 pm. So I could catch up on sleep.
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