#John x Anna
teamhawkeye · 2 years
Odds for Anna x John! Hehe :P
i should have seen this coming LMAO - touche
1.how did they first kiss?
In fic-verse that goes along with the game's main story, John kisses Anna after waxing poetic about how similar they are and how they're meant to be together when he has her down in his bunker for "confession", haha
Otherwise, in the prequel AU Anna kisses John after a very thoughtful and relaxed date night when she's finally understanding the depths of her feelings for him. 3.how did the relationship start?
"It's complicated" is the best description, haha. They both are on opposing sides of the conflict in Hope County but begin to try and meet each other halfway, sorta. The Collapse happens and they're committed to each other at that point and just go on from there
Otherwise, in a pre-canon AU, they meet in her home town and antagonize each other for a bit after a one night stand but eventually begin to reciprocate feelings for one another and have a long distance relationship going for a while 5.do they have roommates?
Pratt and Sharky and Faith are the closest things to "roommates" they have when they all live together at Seed Ranch after leaving the bunker 7.do they have kids?
Yes! 5 kids: Elena, David, Gale, Michael, and Meryl
9.do they act different in public and at home?
Anna does. Even after the Collapse and no real face to be saved when they're together, she's not big on PDA outside the comfort and safety of their home. John meanwhile makes himself out to be a bigger asshole and villain in public than he is in private 11.sleeping habits?
John develops a cuddling habit that Anna is very much not on board with at first, haha - she eventually comes around, but she still can get tired of feeling caged when he holds her too tight 13.favorite sexual activity?
i'm censoring myself and not answering that here to keep the rest of this semi-wholesome LMAO 15.what habits of the other drives them crazy?
They're both stubborn to the point of being exhausting, but Anna is slightly less obstinate - John's unwillingness to budge drives her up the wall, while Anna doing the exact opposite as requested just to spite him drives John crazy 17.most trivial thing they fight over?
Whether the dog gets to sleep in the bed, lmao. that is a big stupid fight they have in my fic series that Anna wins every time 19.who does most of the cleaning?
Anna is more consistent about cleaning, though John does his share's worth 21.who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working?
Anna is more likely to try and fix anything herself that's not working, Collapse or not. John would want to call someone but be more impressed that Anna can handle whatever's broken and bring it back around 23.who steals the blankets?
John. no doubt about it, haha 25.who does the groceries?
John. He always has had more money but he also prioritizes having some range of what's stocked up in the kitchen - that translates over into doing most of the bartering with traders in the verse where the Collapse has happened. 27.who leaves their stuff lying everywhere?
They're both guilty of this, but neither are that messy so it's usually just leaving a book or jacket in one room and then going to another one without it 29.what do their cupboards or shelves look like?
John likes to maintain appearances, so every shelf and cupboard houses plenty of something. This becomes less superficial over time as they begin to build a life together, and instead of just "things" being on shelves to take up space, it's often pictures or mementos of their family or the two of them and their time spent together or is fully stocked with food and supplies to make sure everyone is well looked after 31.what do they do when they’re away from each other?
John is miserable LMAO - he definitely mopes and just waits for Anna to come back. Anna misses him, but she doesn't have a giant thundercloud over her head like John does - she'll go about her business and you might be none the wiser until she finally is able to be back in his arms again and telling him she missed him 33.how do they refer to the other in public? how do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, ”dad and papa”, ”how’s your wife?”, etc)
My boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife towards each other, your mother/father or mom/dad to their children - they're pretty traditional when it comes to that 35.how often do they go on dates?
Pre-Collapse, they try to squeeze in a few when they're developing feelings for each other but trying to remain on the down low. Post-Collapse, they definitely make a point to try and have one or two date nights a month, just spending time together somewhere around the Ranch's property away from the kids or others.
Prequel AU, they try to have date nights at least once a week, though it gets tough when John returns to Hope County after his business in her hometown concludes. 37.do they celebrate birthdays, valentine’s day, anniversaries?
Yes! Anna may make a show of being reluctant about it at first, but she's thrilled to have reason to celebrate holidays again after so long of skipping them to avoid the painful memories they brought back. 39.how do they spend christmas and new year’s (or equivalent family gatherings)?
Holidays are spent with each other and their family, eventually, in any verse. Anna comes to Hope County for Thanksgiving and Christmas in the prequel AU and Post-Collapse, they spend holidays with their children and friends both in the bunker and topside at the Ranch. 41.what would they do if the other one was hurt?
Both of them would do everything in their power to keep the other safe and get angry and want to retaliate against the one who hurt the in the first place. Anna develops a bit of a cooler head about this as they get older, but John is forever "touch my wife and you die" 43.do they know how the other takes their coffee/tea?
Yes - they both bring each other drinks and meals over the years and know how the other likes their food and beverage just as well as they know their own preferences 45.do they friend/follow each other on facebook/tumblr/livejournal/skype/etc?
In any verse, no, because Anna has never been on any of them 47.how do they make up after a fight?
apologies come first, from whomever was in the wrong, and then it's quality time spent together. whether that's just sitting in comfortable silence, going somewhere together, having sex...it all depends on what the fight was about and how serious it was or not
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ariadnethedragon · 2 months
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Blackthorne x Mariko
SHŌGUN (2024)
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yocalio · 3 months
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"Mariko-san?" At once fingers reached up in the darkness and touched his lips, cautioning silence. He nodded, understanding the awful risk they were taking. - Shōgun by James Clavell
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femininemenon · 1 month
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TODA MARIKO and JOHN BLACKTHORNE SHŌGUN — 1x09: “Crimson Sky” (2024)
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drrav3nb · 3 months
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There's a shadow on both of you
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grantaere · 2 months
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stolen glances
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“I, Akechi Mariko, protest this shameful attack by Lord Ishido. And by my death …” (Shōgun 2024, Chapter 9: Crimson Sky)
And he closed his eyes and heard no sound but her breathing warm against his mouth (St. Stephen's Cross, Vienna Teng)
Saint Stephen is venerated as the first martyr in Christianity
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cutterpillow92 · 2 months
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Shōgun (2024), Chapter Six: Ladies of the Willow World
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dgct2 · 2 months
When Blackthorne stepped up to be her second as she was about to commit seppuku (suicide) in Shōgun‘s pivotal Episode 9, that was the “moment she realizes that what they share is much deeper than what she had anticipated,” Sawai tells TV Insider. “That’s the gesture that changes everything.”
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Seconding her seppuku means striking the fatal blow. Mariko would first stab herself in the gut, and then Blackthorne would decapitate her as the tradition mandates. That he was ready to do this for Mariko was the ultimate symbol of Blackthorne’s evolution from the beginning of the series to now. It’s the highest sign of respect that he can give, as it prioritizes her cultural customs and loyalty over his own desires for her to keep living. And he begged her to keep living.
“He’s taking her over his own religion and beliefs,” Sawai explains of the powerful moment. “A couple scenes before that he’s asking her to keep living for him. And so I think that it just shows that he really, really cares, and that is the most romantic thing that you could ever do for someone that you love.”
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They slept together once more after the thwarted seppuku. The energy between them in that moment was a defiant refusal to deny their feelings any longer, initiated by a yearning Blackthorne. But even if Buntaro had died, Sawai doesn’t see a world where Mariko and Blackthorne would have ended up together forever. “I don’t think it was realistic for that to happen,” she admits.
Mariko was never in denial about her love for Blackthorne, even if she hid it deep within herself. “Circumstances are not going to let her be with him, and so you can’t keep chasing something that you’re not going to be,” Sawai says. “It’s not healthy to keep wanting to chase it, but it’s undeniable what they share. That connection is truly just their own thing. It’s very, very intimate.”
Mariko never believed they would end up together, but Sawai reveals that her translator definitely “holds onto” their connection as a comfort in tough times. She doesn’t let her guard down again, however, until circumstances push her to let go of all restraint.
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Mariko’s seppuku was stopped at the last moment by Lord Ishido (Takehiro Hira), but he sent a group of assassins to kill her later that night. When she, Blackthorne, Lord Yabushige (Tadanobu Asano), and other women were cornered and outnumbered, Blackthorne desperately tried to protect them from canon fire in a shed, whereas Mariko accepted death. “Anjin-sama, let it come,” she told her lover with tears in her eyes. You could see every ounce of love Mariko had for Blackthorne in this brief, tender moment before the blast killed her. Sawai played that scene as Mariko’s one chance to let all of her love for Blackthorne pour out.
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“I remember just looking at Cosmo/Blackthorne and feeling like this is her goodbye. She’s not going to be able to come up to him and hold his hand and say this stuff,” Sawai shares. “It was wishful also to just accept your fate because that’s something that Blackthorne couldn’t do. He’s trying to control everything, and she’s just someone who’s like, we live and we die. We control nothing beyond that. She’s just looking at him like, I’m going to go, but thank you. And I hope you understand.”
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marigoldwriter · 3 months
WHERE ARE THE FANFICS!?!?!?!?!?!? FOR ALL THAT IS MOST SACRED, WHERE ARE THE FANFICS?!?!?!?!?!?! It could even be an alternative universe, but please make fanfics!
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stormbornspawn · 2 months
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Just to torture myself - Never noticed this until today / Mariko kisses his knuckles when he brushes her cheek. Please kill me. wtf? Need more of these two now. This is unfair to hamstring their story like they have.
Gif courtesy of @yocalio
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signalburst · 2 months
“Hell’s no place I haven’t seen before. Let it from your mind."
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Gif: @yocalio
'Shogun showrunner Rachel Kondo revealed that the idea to have Blackthorne step up as Mariko’s second was initially “a shock” to her.
“It was one of those things that felt both surprising to us, but also inevitable. Like, naturally, this is the woman he loves. He doesn’t want her to writhe in eternal hell that he knows she believes in, right? I don’t even know if he believes in it, but he, this was his moment to look at her and to see her and to do something,” Kondo said.
“The one thing he does not want to do — he most doesn’t want to do — and he does it because of her, for her.”
Blackthorne’s poetic “last words” to Mariko during the seppuku scene were a suggestion from Cosmo Jarvis: “Hell’s no place I haven’t seen before. Let it from your mind,” to help him grapple with Blackthorne’s out of character decision to volunteer to kill the woman he loves.
“It was quite a challenge to find the motivation for a man to do that,” Jarvis said. “A man who hates unnecessary violence. Blackthorne hates unnecessary violence. And this would be the pinnacle of unnecessary violence and it’s somebody that he cares deeply for.”
“But, you know, that’s the joy of the work. You have to find motivations for these things and you have to do them and commit to them,” he said, explaining the genesis of the line, applauding the showrunners' collaborative nature for keeping it in.
According to Anna Sawai, Blackthorne’s decision to step up and second Mariko’s seppuku was “the biggest gesture of love that she feels from him.”
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Gifs: @yocalio
“It’s when she realizes how much she means to him. Because he is a Protestant and he’s going against his religion and he’s taking her over himself. He’s allowing her to die a loyal Catholic and a samurai,” Sawai said during an interview earlier this week. “It’s a very romantic thing for her and she’s in a way kind of seeing him in different eyes because of what this means."
“He’s taking her over his own religion and beliefs,” Sawai explains of the powerful moment. “A couple scenes before that he’s asking her to keep living for him. And so I think that it just shows that he really, really cares, and that is the most romantic thing that you could ever do for someone that you love.”
Mariko is spared, for a night. A night that Mariko and Blackthorne get to share together. Although Yabushige’s treachery would result in Mariko’s death later that night, the two lovers get to spend one last evening in each other’s arms.
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“It was just a moment of like, ‘I deserve this. We deserve this. We accept each other, we see each other and we can share this moment together,'” Sawai said, giving Mariko’s story a bittersweet, tragically romantic ending.'
Full interviews:
Anna Sawai Reveals the Moment Mariko Fell in Love With Blackthorne
Anna Sawai Details How Mariko’s Seppuku Attempt in Episode 9 Binds Her and Blackthorne Forever: “It’s a Very Romantic Thing for Her”
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ariadnethedragon · 2 months
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SHŌGUN (2024)
Chapter 9: Crimson Sky
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yocalio · 2 months
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"Then would you consider living for me?"
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femininemenon · 2 months
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TODA MARIKO and JOHN BLACKTHORNE SHŌGUN — 1x09: “Crimson Sky” (2024)
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drrav3nb · 3 months
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COSMO JARVIS as John Blackthorne ANNA SAWAI as Toda Mariko SHŌGUN | Chapter Five: Broken to the Fist
Please tell [Buntaro], that while I understand that in this country, like mine, a man's wife is his property. But I believe strongly, that his wife merits better.
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