sigyn-foxyposts · 1 month
Random Theories that crossed my mind about: Tyr, Kvasir and Loki's family!
1st Tyr's wife ⚔️
What if Tyr's unnamed wife was actually Sigyn at some point in time but she ended up divorcing him? Makes sense if they're both kinda accosiated with the battlefield.
Tyr is justice in wars while Sigyn is quite literally the victory bringer, goes hand in hand right?!
(Reminder, not every divorced couple have to be on bad terms and their relationship didn't have to be bad for it to end. Maybe it just didn't work out anymore!)
Though sadly, after their divorce people still recognized Sigyn as Tyr's wife. So this leads me to why Tyr's wife is unnamed!
What if Sigyn like many gods went by a different name, a title! And she changed it after she got in a relationship with Loki and had her kids to not give people the wrong idea. (Thanks Loki you kinda ruined that..) Later this name or title is forgotten to time.
The only weird thing about this theory is that Loki states:
"Be silent, Týr, to your wife it happened, to have a son by me. Nor rag nor penny ever went to you, poor wretch! for this injury."
A possible indication that his wife cheated on him and that Tyr raised this child without knowing? But then again Heimdall confirms Loki is drunk and while he was spitting facts about the other gods, maybe Loki mixed something up! We don't even know this sons name so.. Maybe I'm wrong?
By the way Zisa isn't cannon, I've read into her and I'm sorry to tell you this but she was constructed by Jacob Grimm.
2nd Kvasir and Loki's punishment🩸
In some versions of Loki's punishment Kvasir is still around and is activity doing things in the story!
Like figuring out Loki made a fishnet and that it was used the catch fish..
One of the gods to ask Narfi and Vali what's a horrible thing to do to a brother... (Thanks- *Unfavorites him and sobs*)
Well, we all know the two dwarfs Fjalar and Galar. Who tricked Kvasir and later killed him to get his yummy blood to make the mead of poetry. What If it wasn't just because they were greedy! (Their motivation is never actually stated, just that they tricked Kvasir and killed him)
What if it was an act of vengeance? Now you're probably asking:
"Oh no, for who are they taking revenge for?"
Narfi and Vali of course! If we believe the theory that Sigyn is actually Idunn's sister, who is stated to be the dwarf Ivaldi's youngest out of his eldest set of children, mentioned in the poem rafnagaldr Óðins.
Perhaps Ivaldi hearing his grandson's were wrongly killed for their father's crimes, made sure to spill some blood of those who took part in their fates!
Thank you that is all I have! :]
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marvelpoison · 4 months
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New Year's Kvasir has such a cute design. I HAD to draw that kimono. ♡
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godly-feh-edits · 2 months
Hi 👋
Could you please do an edit of new years Kvasir in Tharja’s color palette
Thank you 🙏
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(Mod Toto) Yup! Thank you for your request ✨
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valentinemesis · 5 months
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kvasir feh (no armour. incomprehensible)
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rainbowdonkee · 4 months
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Full art for Kvasir - Unknown Future
Artist: ne-on
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fornasedensgudar · 2 years
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The death of Kvasir and the creation of poetry.
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aroejumping · 5 months
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shivershill · 3 months
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New years baby sneks
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the-blue-sandglass · 5 months
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Some Kvasirs, for the upcoming banner!
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gameotheque · 5 months
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This mythic banner has been very kind to me today
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notthesomefather · 2 years
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Norse Gods and Death
Something fairly unique to the Norse pantheon is the fact that our gods die and grieve the loss of their own. Mimir, Baldr, Kvasir, and Odin die (and that's just an abbreviated list, if you take into account less central figures and Ragnarok).
Mimir still operates with some degree of life after he is decapitated/killed as a hostage during the Aesir and Vanir war. Odin brings his head to the well at Yggdrasil's base where Mimir acts as an oracle of sorts.
Baldr is an example of "permadeath" in the Norse myths. Baldr is taken to the underworld and, despite all the gods' best efforts, he remains there. The gods have grieved their family and loved ones as we do on Midgard; they share in our pain and in knowing that pain, they can help us through it.
Kvasir's death is chronologically rather bizarre (as much is with Norse mythology). What we know is that after the Aesir and Vanir war, the gods spit into a jar. This life energy then became Kvasir. We also know Kvasir was instrumental in the capturing of Loki, and that Kvasir was ultimately killed by dwarves who made Kvasir's blood into wisdom-gifting mead. The order of these myths can get a bit confusing but due to that fact, Kvasir's death is more in-line with Mimir's in terms of emotional impact to the gods and overall impact on the myths.
Finally, Odin. If most people know anything about Odin, it is that he is a god who sacrificed himself to himself. For nine days and nights he hung from Yggdrasil in search of wisdom and magical power. After he died, Odin was reborn with the gift of runes (which in and of itself encapsulated several tremendous powers).
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meebochii · 1 year
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She looks so much better like this! We were robbed ._.
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 4 months
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Stargate SG-1 “Flesh and Blood”
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mimameidir · 9 months
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godly-feh-edits · 4 months
(Mod Toto) Our Reactions to the New Years banner is up! So I made some short highlights of it 😆✨
Thank you all for a year of supporting my videos and other silly things, I made a speech on the stream that I couldn't fit here, but I wanted to let you guys know that it really means the world to me 😊
You can watch our full video on my channel, GodlyToto!
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