#Latin American developers for hire
film-classics · 5 days
Dolores del Rio - Hollywood's First Latin Superstar
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María de los Dolores Asúnsolo y López Negrete (born in Victoria de Durango, Durango on 3 August 1904 – 11 April 1983), known professionally as Dolores del Río, was a Mexican actress whose career spanned more than 50 years. With her meteoric career in the 1920s/1930s Hollywood and great beauty, she is regarded as "Hollywood's First Latin Superstar."
Del Rio came from an aristocratic Mexican family whose lineage went back to Spain and the viceregal nobility. Her family lost all its assets during the Mexican Revolution. She developed a great taste for dance at a young age, which awakened in her when her mother took her to one of the performances of the Russian dancer Ana Pavlova.
In 1925, she met American filmmaker Edwin Carewe, an influential director at First National Pictures, who was in Mexico at the time. He convinced her to move to Hollywood. After a couple of years, United Artists became interested in her and signed her to a contract. Her career blossomed at the studio, and she made memorable films such as Ramona (1928) and Evangeline (1929). After her contract was terminated, she was hired by RKO Pictures ,then Warner Bros, and then 20th Century Fox.
Unfortunately, Latin stars had less opportunities in Hollywood then, and her career declined. She returned to her birth country, where she became one of the most important female figures in the Golden Age of Mexican cinema.
Del Río returned to Hollywood and made movies and TV shows. However, she continued to produce and star in Mexico in film and theater projects.
She died from liver failure at the age of 78 in Newport Beach, California. Her remains have been interred in the Rotonda de las Personas Ilustres in Mexico City since 2005.
Won the Silver Ariel Award (Mexican equivalent to the Oscars) for Best Actress three times: Las Abandonadas (1946), Doña Perfecta (1951), and El Niño y la niebla (1953); and was nominated two more times: La Otra (1946) and La Casa Chica (1949)
Awarded the Best Actress by the Instituto de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de Mexico for Flor Silvestre (1943)
Named as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1926
Was the model of the statue of Evangeline in 1929 located in St. Martinville, Louisiana
Honored as one of the best dressed woman in America with the Neiman Marcus Fashion Award in 1952
Received a medal for her outstanding scenic work abroad from the Asociacion Nacional de Actores in 1957
Selected as the first woman to sit on the Cannes Film Festival jury, and even served as the Vice President, in 1957
Co-founded the Sociedad Protectora del Tesoro Artistico de México, responsible for protecting art and culture in México, in 1966
Given the Diosa de Plata Award by the Mexican Film Journalists Association twice: in recognition her contribution to Mexican film industry in 1965 and in commemoration of her 50-year career in 1975
Presented with a medal for her cultural contribution to the peoples of America by the Organization of American States in 1967
Was honored by Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura and the Mexico's Screen Actors Guild in 1970 with a tribute titled Dolores del Rio in the Art, where her main portraits and a sculpture by Francisco Zúñiga were exhibited
Was a spokeswoman of UNICEF in Latin America in the 1970s
Received the Golden Ariel Honorific Award in 1975 for her contribution to Mexican cinema
Formed the union group "Rosa Mexicano", which provided a day nursery for the children of the members of the Mexican Actor's Guild in 1970
Helped found the Cultural Festival Cervantino in Guanajuato in 1972
Received the Mexican Legion of Honor in 1975
Received a diploma and a silver plaque for her work in cinema as a cultural ambassador by the Mexican Cultural Institute and the White House in 1978
Awarded the George Eastman Award, given by George Eastman House for distinguished contribution to the art of film in 1982
Has been the namesake of the Diosa de Plata (Dolores del Río) Award for the best dramatic female performance by the Periodistas Cinematográficos de México since 1983
Has murals painted on Hudson Avenue in Hollywood painted by the Mexican-American artist Alfredo de Batuc in 1990 and at Hollywood High School in 2002
Is the namesake of Teatro Dolores del Rio, built in 1992, in Durango
Chosen to be one of The Four Ladies of Hollywood, a sculpture at Hollywood-La Brea Boulevard in 1993
Realized a tribute by fashion designer John Galliano in his 1995 Fall/Winter collection, Dolores.
Stipulated that all her artworks be donated to the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature of Mexico, for display in various museums in Mexico City, including the National Museum of Art, the Museum of Art Carillo Gil and the Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo House-Studio
Included in a cameo in the Disney-Pixar animated movie Coco in 2017
Honored in three monuments in Mexico City: a a statue located in the second section of Chapultepec Park. a bust located in the Parque Hundido and another bust in the nursery that bears her name.
Honored with an avenue named after her, Blvd. Dolores del Río, in Durango, Mexico, her hometown
Has her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1630 Vine Street for her contributions to the motion picture industry
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By: Abigail Anthony
Published: Apr 19, 2023
Princeton has long had a reputation as the open-minded Ivy. High-school students enduring the arduous college-application process will come across articles describing Princeton as hospitable to conservatives, while the university’s president, Christopher Eisgruber, recently claimed, “We have civil discourse on this campus.” But Princeton’s reputation for relative openness is no longer deserved. In recent years, Princeton has embraced the imperatives of diversity, equity, and inclusion, making it an unwelcoming space for anyone—conservative or liberal, religious or secular—who happens to dissent.
Princeton’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are misnamed: They divide, exclude, and ostracize students of all political affiliations by rendering it socially dangerous to express any criticism of progressive mantras. Thirty-one academic departments have DEI committees, which could explain the land acknowledgements in syllabi and the deluge of departmental anti-racism statements that inform students what can and can’t be said in class. The university’s McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning offers recommendations for “inclusive teaching” and encourages instructors to “address blatantly offensive and discriminatory comments and hold students accountable for their behavior,” which seems to contravene the university’s adoption of the University of Chicago’s Free Speech Principles. Princeton’s Office of the Provost encourages departments to “develop a departmental procedure for the regular examination of syllabi to ensure the representation of a diverse array of scholars in the field” and to “redesign the curriculum to address inequities in access and retention.”
In the name of diversity, some requirements have been dropped and others have been added. In 2021, the Princeton classics department began “removing barriers to entry” and stopped requiring study of Greek or Latin, while the politics department introduced a Race and Identity track. The Provost recommends boosting the number of “underrepresented discipline-specific scholars and researchers to participate in departmental events.”
To ensure that faculty hiring results in a diverse work force, academic departments (possibly illegally) appoint a search officer who is the “only individual who can see the confidential individual, self-identified demographic data, including data about gender, race, and ethnicity,” and the officer should “monitor the recruitment and selection processes for tenure-track and tenured faculty positions.” The guidance states that “before the short list is sent to the associate dean for academic affairs or the deputy dean, the search officer must review it for gender and racial/ethnic representation.”
The search officer indicates to the search committee whether the applicant pool is diverse enough and recommends specific individuals without explicitly stating why, thereby circumventing federal and state laws prohibiting race-based hiring. Unsurprisingly, the university has documented a rise in Asian and black tenure and tenure-track faculty since fall 2018, while the white tenure and tenure-track faculty fell by 4.4 percent. Although Princeton doesn’t require diversity statements for hiring, the university has developed guidelines for departments that do wish to ask for such affirmations.
Despite these facts, many still claim that Princeton is insufficiently progressive. Since September 2021, three diversity, equity, and inclusion staff members have resigned from Princeton University alleging a lack of institutional, financial, and emotional support. Former employee J.T. Turner is a self-described “black queer nonbinary person” and a “DEI practitioner [of] 10 years” who was “hospitalized” due to the “highly macro-aggressive environment” in the athletics department. Jim Scholl, a former employee who is HIV-positive, recounted requesting a day off to receive the monkeypox vaccine in New York and being asked to join the morning meeting and work on the train, which supposedly displayed a “complete lack of empathy” for a “queer person trying to survive yet another plague.” The third former employee, Avina Ross, published the article titled “Angry Advocate Revelations,” describing how “exclusion, silencing, white guilt, compassion fatigue, and white assimilative practices” caused her “harm.”
When the Daily Princetonian reported on these resignations, conservatives ridiculed the staffers. Yet one important fact went largely unnoticed. According to the article, Princeton has “more than 70 university administrators whose primary responsibilities consist of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” That averages to about 1 DEI administrator for every 80 undergraduates.
When I inquired about the salary ranges for three DEI-related positions—including the position that Avina Ross held—the university clarified that these are “mid-senior level professional positions” and the expected salary ranges are “$75,000 plus for experienced professionals.” (For comparison, Princeton recently announced increasing graduate students’ fellowship and stipend to approximately $40,000.)
Princeton’s diversity bureaucracy functions as an ideological surveillance system that regulates the social and academic cultures. Freshman orientation has compulsory events that include “diversity and inclusion” in the session’s title, as well as mandatory programs on LGBTQ identity, “mindfulness,” socioeconomic status, and the university’s history of systemic racism.
Undergraduates seeking a bachelor of the arts are required to complete a course in the “Culture and Difference” field, which can be satisfied this semester with courses like “Body Politics: Black Queer Visibility and Representation,” “Police Violence, #BlackLivesMatter, and the Covid-19 Pandemic," “Asian-American Psyches: Model Minority, Microaggressions and Mental Health,” and “Black + Queer in Leather: Black Leather/BDSM Material Culture.”
In 2020, Eisgruber, the Princeton president, asserted that “racist assumptions from the past also remain embedded in structures of the university itself,” and he committed the institution to a wide range of anti-racism initiatives, such as “develop[ing] an institution-wide, multiyear action plan for supplier and contractor diversity […] and other business partners, including external investment managers.” This “action plan” quickly produced results: The university’s 2021-2022 DEI Report affirms that all $600 million worth of bond transactions were “led by a financial firm owned by people of color, women, veterans, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.”
Princeton’s h.r. department offers a free “Inclusion & Diversity Certificate Program,” complete with courses like “Exploring White Identity,” “Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts,” and “Bias, Privilege, Power, & Workplace Communications.” Moreover, there are “Brave Spaces” for discussions which focus on different themes, such as inclusive language, privilege, and microaggressions. HR events include “LGBT Book Club: ‘Postcolonial Love Poem’” and “What Just Happened? Racial Anxiety in Our Work Relationships.” There are at least 11 employee resource groups, such as the “Network of African-American Male Administrators at Princeton,” which seek to provide “the opportunity to network, share knowledge, build allyship, connection, and increase cultural dexterity.” Princeton’s h.r. department also provides a curated list of resources to combat racism: recommendations include How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi and a 10-minute interview with Robin D’Angelo on her book White Fragility.
Extensive as the university’s diversity efforts are, they are insufficient for some undergraduates. Students demanded that the Lewis Center for the Arts implement biannual anti-racist, implicit-bias, and anti-oppression training for all faculty and staff. Students in the creative-writing department demanded affinity spaces for BIPOC students and clarified that “if spaces are created for white [creative writing] students, it is imperative that these spaces exist only as anti-racism learning spaces that are accountable to BIPOC.” Dance students demanded “deconstruct[ing] the association of ‘technique’ with whiteness” and “equitable auditions.”
Ultimately, the university’s allegedly “diverse” spaces are homogenous. They segregate—rather than integrate—individuals with different beliefs, backgrounds, and values. My class’s upcoming graduation in May will have at least five “affinity” celebrations, including an Asian Pacific Islander Desi American graduation, a Latinx graduation, Native American graduation, a Pan-African graduation, as well as Middle-Eastern, North-African, and Arab graduations. Graduation should be a time when all students are united by the accomplishment of completing four years of demanding education, rather than divided on the basis of immutable characteristics.
Meanwhile, the “inclusive spaces” immediately ostracize anyone who slightly disagrees with the orthodoxy du jour. For example, the university’s Gender and Sexuality Resource Center expanded the mission of the Women’s Center to encompass males and “nonbinary” individuals, and the center released a statement condemning the Dobbs decision, thereby clarifying that the center isn’t a space for women, but for people—of either sex—who subscribe to a certain ideology.
Princeton formerly had the motto Dei Sub Numine Viget, meaning “Under God’s Power She Flourishes.” Now, Princeton seems to have embraced a new definition of Dei and updated the motto: Under Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion She Flourishes. Students who hold a different creed should consider applying elsewhere.
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moneeb0930 · 1 year
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Black Wall Street USA Historic Legend: Madam C.J. Walker
Madam C.J. Walker was born Sarah Breedlove on December 23, 1867, on a cotton plantation near Delta, Louisiana. Her parents, Owen and Minerva, were recently freed slaves, and Sarah, who was their fifth child, was the first in her family to be free-born. Minerva Breedlove died in 1874 and Owen passed away the following year, both due to unknown causes, and Sarah became an orphan at the age of 7. After her parents' passing, Sarah was sent to live with her sister, Louvinia, and her brother-in-law. The three moved to Vicksburg, Mississippi, in 1877, where Sarah picked cotton and was likely employed doing household work, although no documentation exists verifying her employment at the time.
At age 14, to escape both her oppressive working environment and the frequent mistreatment she endured at the hands of her brother-in-law, Sarah married a man named Moses McWilliams. On June 6, 1885, Sarah gave birth to a daughter, A'Leila. When Moses died two years later, Sarah and A'Lelia moved to St. Louis, where Sarah's brothers had established themselves as barbers. There, Sarah found work as a washerwoman, earning $1.50 a day—enough to send her daughter to the city's public schools. She also attended public night school whenever she could. While in St. Louis, Breedlove met her second husband Charles J. Walker, who worked in advertising and would later help promote her hair care business.
During the 1890s, Sarah Breedlove developed a scalp disorder that caused her to lose much of her hair, and she began to experiment with both home remedies and store-bought hair care treatments in an attempt to improve her condition. In 1905, Breedlove was hired as a commission agent by Annie Turnbo Malone—a successful, black, hair care product entrepreneur—and she moved to Denver, Colorado. While there, Breedlove's husband Charles helped her create advertisements for a hair care treatment for African Americans that she was perfecting. Her husband also encouraged her to use the more recognizable name "Madam C.J. Walker," by which she was thereafter known.
In 1907, Walker and her husband traveled around the South and Southeast promoting her products and giving lecture demonstrations of her "Walker Method"—involving her own formula for pomade, brushing and the use of heated combs.
As profits continued to grow, in 1908 Walker opened a factory and a beauty school in Pittsburgh, and by 1910, when Walker transferred her business operations to Indianapolis, the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company had become wildly successful, with profits that were the modern-day equivalent of several million dollars. In Indianapolis, the company not only manufactured cosmetics, but trained sales beauticians. © 2014 Black Wall Street USA. These "Walker Agents" became well known throughout the black communities of the United States. In turn, they promoted Walker's philosophy of "cleanliness and loveliness" as a means of advancing the status of African-Americans. An innovator, Walker organized clubs and conventions for her representatives, which recognized not only successful sales, but also philanthropic and educational efforts among African-Americans.
In 1913, Walker and Charles divorced, and she traveled throughout Latin America and the Caribbean promoting her business and recruiting others to teach her hair care methods. While her mother traveled, A'Lelia Walker helped facilitate the purchase of property in Harlem, New York, recognizing that the area would be an important base for future business operations. In 1916, upon returning from her travels, Walker moved to her new townhouse in Harlem. From there, she would continue to operate her business, while leaving the day-to-day operations of her factory in Indianapolis to its forelady.
Walker quickly immersed herself in Harlem's social and political culture. She founded philanthropies that included educational scholarships and donations to homes for the elderly, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the National Conference on Lynching, among other organizations focused on improving the lives of African-Americans. She also donated the largest amount of money by an African-American toward the construction of an Indianapolis YMCA in 1913.
Madam C.J. Walker died of hypertension on May 25, 1919, at age 51, at the estate home she had built for herself in Irvington-on-Hudson, New York. At the time of her death, Walker was sole owner of her business, which was valued at more than $1 million. © 2014 Black Wall Street USA. Her personal fortune was estimated at between $600,000 and $700,000. Today, Walker is widely credited as the first American woman to become a self-made millionaire.
Walker left one-third of her estate to her daughter, A'Lelia Walker—who would also become well-known as an important part of the cultural Harlem Renaissance—and the remainder to various charities. Walker's funeral took place at her home, Villa Lewaro, in Irvington-on-Hudson, which was designated a National Historic Landmark, and she was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, New York.
In 1927, the Walker Building, an arts center that Walker had begun work on before her death, was opened in Indianapolis. An important African-American cultural center for decades, it is now a registered National Historic Landmark. In 1998, the United States Postal Service issued a stamp of Madam C.J. Walker as part of its "Black Heritage" series.
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mechanicalinertia · 1 year
Okay, but seriously, there is no reason Bubblegum Crisis couldn't work again. Toei needs to recognize this and not just use super-established AIC IP's like Megazone and Tenchi. Those franchises are both ones that have no room to expand. An animated Bubblegum Crisis threeboot, on the other hand? It can be done.
Like, look, think of it this way. What's the three word elevator pitch? "Anime Cyberpunk Superheroines". These are all things people are separately goo-goo ga-ga about right now. Okay, maybe not superheroes so much anymore, but that's more a byproduct of the superhero-producing studios oversaturating their own market, I think the taste for superheroes that Gen Z and Generation Omega (the Fortnite generation?) has developed in their formative years will last a good long while. But anime just keeps getting bigger and bigger internationally (okay, Shonen Jump anime keep getting bigger and bigger but still), and cyberpunk aesthetics are kind of cool right now. So that's three big magic words.
It gets better, though:
Anime is comparatively cheap to make compared to your average superhero blockbuster: the Heaven's Feel movies, which were nonstop Ufotable-quality animation, were what, thirty million US each? That's peanuts for a big Western studio - the latest Indy flick apparently cost an order of magnitude more than that. Have Toei and some other company throw down twenty-five million each and you will have a very good looking anime movie, and then all you have to do is market the shit out of it the way you would a 'real' movie. And then you're a) saving money while making sure the movie still looks good (I refuse to believe there's enough CGI in the world to make BGC live-action look right) and b) showing something that is at once novel and yet familiar to a growing demographic.
BGC's relative obscurity is kind of a double-edged sword, you know? I don't get why so many studios insist on going after the big IP's, the ones that have legions of seething fanboys who have already convinced themselves that Hollywood will miss the point of their beloved franchises. Brand recognition is, in this case, kind of dangerous, because then there's more things people like that you could conceivably fuck up. (I mean, one easy way to not fuck up, say, Ghost in the Shell, is to not have the Transformers screenwriter write the script for a far more high-concept film, yeah? Jesus, what was Paramount thinking there?) BGC, though... I say this even as part of the fanbase, there just ain't enough of us to find the idea of an adaptation distasteful. BGC will feel new both to anime fans and to non-anime fans, relying solely on its bottled-lightning setup and a spattering of self-consumptive 80's nostalgia to succeed.
Actually, now that I think about it, you could market this to an R audience instead of a PG-13 one. Enough kids will have grown up on Iron Man and other Marvel flicks to like superheroes but maybe want something a little more mature in a few years, right?
It's like... you know how there's that Saint Seiya movie out right now? It's a fool's errand, trying to adapt something like that to live-action and then banking on the East Asian / Latin American market to carry it (it opened at #8 in Japan of all places). If nothing else, though, it shows that Toei is interested in marketing the IPs under their belt to a worldwide audience... so why not BGC?
Okay, so they could hire idiot writers and fuck it up royally. But there's a lot of factors that could make BGC work as a big honkin' PROPERTY.
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Lmao people will cape for their lame ass rappers for absolutely no reason. Drake apparently has developed a pattern of being contracted to play Latin American festivals, taking an hour+ set slot, showing up late, playing like 40 mins and then bailing. Like, aside from how much more expensive it is for these fans to buy tickets to see your lame ass performances because of exchange rates etc, the sheer disrespect of being so unprofessional and letting the organizers take the fall for hiring your flaky coked up ass?
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jcmarchi · 16 days
Trying to make the grade
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/trying-to-make-the-grade/
Trying to make the grade
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As of 2015, about one-third of all 15-year-old students in Latin America lacked rudimentary literacy and math skills, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Those students may have been enrolled in school, but they were not getting an education.
“They’re essentially condemned to a life of unskilled jobs,” says MIT professor of political science Ben Ross Schneider, who calls those cases “a quiet, ongoing tragedy in the region.”
This seems like an obvious area for civic improvement, since more education is strongly associated with better economic outcomes. For individuals, incomes rise about 10 percent for each additional grade completed. For countries in Latin America, a better-educated population can create more growth. And yet large-scale education improvements on the continent are sporadic, and sometimes reverse after they happen. Why is this?
That is the question Schneider carefully examines in his new book, “Routes to Reform: Education Politics in Latin America,” published this spring by Oxford University Press. In it, he analyzes the factors enabling and limiting reforms in several countries in the region, and illuminates the distinctive nature of education politics. Which, he notes, is a vital issue.
“For centuries, the twin scourges and defining features of the political economy of Latin America have been poverty and inequality,” Schneider writes in the new book. “The best and probably only way to overcome these scourges long term is quality education for all.”
Filling an “empty policy space”
Schneider has long studied Latin American politics in comparative perspective. Education politics, he finds, is distinctive for multiple reasons. For one thing, it is a relatively “empty policy space,” devoid of interest groups, or even parents, consistently lobbying in favor of improvements.
“Most education systems in Latin America are national, and it’s hard for parents to have an influence at a national level,” Schneider observes. “And wealthier, well-off parents have mostly moved their kids to private schools, so they don’t care about the public education system.” Indeed, about 40 percent of middle-class families have exited public education in the region, according to a 2014 study.
Moreover, unlike, say, changing interest rates, the effects of upgrading schools take a long time to become manifest, making it harder to solidify political support, and often pushing the issue beyond the timespan of many politicians.
There are many ways to upgrade schools: changing curriculum, lengthening hours, adding technology, and more. Schneider focuses on teaching: He sees value in making it a more rigorous, merit-based career than it often has been in Latin America. That includes better instruction for teachers, merit-based hiring, and systematic evaluations that create more steps on the teaching career ladder.
“The quality of teaching is the most important factor for student learning in schools,” Schneider says, referring to a growing body of research. “There’s a lot to do by recruiting better, training better, providing teachers with more incentives, and giving them a better career as a teacher. It is the best thing, but it is the most politically and organizationally difficult reform to achieve.”
Bottom-up versus top-down
One might think, then, that there still could be enough people who see the broad benefits of improving education, and could form a majority political coalition to bring about change. However, this has happened nationwide in Latin America precisely once: in Chile, where a long period of action and discussion over the issue led to thorough reforms in 2016.
“That is sort of the ideal route to reform, but in almost no other country has there been that kind of electoral mobilization,” Schneider observes. Some states within Brazil also generated at least some grassroots, bottom-up support for an earlier set of reforms that have gained longer-term support.
If there is not a big political movement for change, however, that leaves what Schneider calls the “technocratic option,” a more top-down path of policymaking. The trouble here is that reforms run into already-formed opposition groups: political party machines and some teachers’ unions. And in some Latin American settings, these are related matters, when teaching jobs are distributed as patronage positions.
In Mexico, for instance, the president Enrique Peña Nieto instituted a vigorous set of meritocratic reforms during his tenure, from 2012 to 2018, but his successor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, promptly reversed many of those changes in 2019. Mexico also has a teachers’ union that is much more enmeshed in machine politics than is the case in many countries, and had the staying power to outlast the reforms.
Schneider readily notes that the politics of Latin American teachers unions is not the same as those in the United States — where matters of qualification and merit are far more firmly established. He also observes that in Latin America, there are multiple types of teachers unions. Some have democratic elections and are more like conventional interest groups, while others have long-running leaders principally interested in preserving their personal power.
“I don’t suggest that teachers unions are always the problem,” Schneider says. The larger issue is that top-down reforms, without broad popular support, can be vulnerable to erasure as soon as the leaders instituting them leave office.
“Chile and Mexico are almost polar opposites,” Schneider says. “Mexico had a great reform that was taken away politically.”
Asking the right questions
For Schneider, then, a central tenet of the study is that there is not one template for improving education; asking which route works best is, he writes, “unfortunately, the wrong question.” Rather, some routes are more or less likely to succeed in certain settings.
Other scholars have praised “Routes to Reform.” Martin Carnoy, a labor economist and professor at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education, has called it a “valuable book” that “can teach us more generally about how educational change occurs and why it often does not occur.”
Schneider certainly hopes his book will help people understand more about Latin American education and its politics. Some countries have realized significant classroom improvements; others have not. But it is still possible, across the region, that the long-term value of improved education will itself take hold politically.
“There is a virtuous cycle, which is so rare, where reform leads to better student learning, and voters then vote for that,” Schneider observes. “This happened in some states in Brazil, which suggests this could be transferred to other systems. The goal of my book is to show obstacles, but also to show some success stories, so there is hope.”
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mohankunmars · 1 month
Argentina Software Development Market - Forecast (2023 - 2028)
Argentina Software Development Market is evaluated to be highly promising because of active government policies. The Argentine government is actively promoting various e-government projects as well as the development of an information society through the expansion of PC distribution and the rapid use of smartphones. In particular, the software industry has been designated as one of the strategic fostering industries and various support has been strengthened. Additionally, the low PC penetration rate is also a factor that brightens the development prospects of the Argentine IT industry. Argentina is considered to be very advantageous for the development of the IT industry such as software because it has abundant talented manpower among Latin American countries. Recently, Argentina has also been attracting attention as an IT service center owing to its high level of technology and high-quality labor. The Argentina Software Development market is analyzed to be EUR 4,220 million in 2021 and is projected to reach EUR 5,878 million in 2027, growing at a CAGR of 5.85 % during the forecast period of 2022-2027.
Report Coverage
The report: “Argentina Software Development Industry Outlook – Forecast (2022-2027)” by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Japan Software Development Industry.
By Language: Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, PHP, Scala, Ruby, LISA, Perl, SQL, Android, iOS, and Others
By Market Demand: In House on Payroll, Hired from Secondment Providers, Hired Freelancers, Fully Outsourced
By Deployment Type: On-Premise, Cloud
By Business Size: Small and Medium Business, Enterprise, and Government
By End Use Industry: Banking And Financial Institution, Insurance Firms, Media and Entertainment, Government, Defense, Telecommunication, Automotive, Consumer Goods and Retail, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Others
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Key Takeaways
Argentina's software development market is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing adoption of digital transformation by businesses, the growing demand for e-commerce and online services, and The emergence of AI and ML technologies
Argentina has a strong pool of talented software developers. This is due to the country's strong investment in education and its focus on science and technology. Argentine software developers are known for their skills and experience in a variety of software development technologies and platforms.
Argentina offers a competitive cost advantage for software development services. This is due to the country's relatively low labor costs and its favorable exchange rate. Argentine software development companies are able to offer high-quality services at competitive prices.
Argentina  Software Development – Market Scope and Coverage
The base year of the study is 2021, with forecast done up to 2027. The study presents a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape, taking into account the market shares of the leading companies. The assessment includes the forecast, an overview of the competitive structure, the market shares of the competitors, as well as the market trends, market demands, market drivers, market challenges, and product analysis. These provide the key market participants with the necessary business intelligence and help them understand the future of the Argentina Software Development Market. 
Argentina  Software Development – By Language
By language, the software market is further fragmented into Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, PHP, Scala, Ruby, LISA, Perl, SQL, Android, iOS, and others. Above all, the Python segment held the largest market share in 2021 among other programming languages. Various institutes in the region including Coursera provide python certification and online learning courses and assist in mastering the concepts of python and its libraries including SciPy, Matlotlib among others.
Argentina  Software Development – By Market Demand
In terms of market demand, the market is segmented by In House on Payroll, Hired from Secondment Providers, Hired Freelancers and Fully Outsourced. The inhouse on payroll segment accounted for the biggest revenue share in 2021 and is projected to grow at a higher rate. The main reason for this is the high quality of education availability in the region. In Argentina, there are 7 universities in the region ranking among the top 50 Latin American universities. Owing to the free tuition fees for higher education, the region has one of the highly educated population in Latin America.
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Argentina  Software Development – By Deployment Type
By deployment type, the Cloud segment had the majority of overall market share in 2021 due to increasing Cloud Data center in Argentina. In October 2019, Amazon Web Services, a on-demand cloud computing platform management company, invested approximately $800 million over a decade in a new South American data center in Argentina. Besides, IBM stared to provide cloud services for insurance firms in Argentina. Hence, major players providing cloud services to the insurance firms is set to fuel its market growth.
Argentina  Software Development – By Business Size
With regard to business size, the Small and Medium Business segment had the highest market share in 2021. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Argentina government issued a series of economic relief measures, primarily focusing on the informal workers that account for 40 percent of the labor force as well as small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). The government prohibited employers from terminating employment until April 2021 and mandated a double severance payment until December 31, 2021. Such factors are expected to fuel its market growth.
Argentina  Software Development – By End Use Industry
By end-use industry,  the market is poised with respect to the end use industries to be processed including Banking and Financial Institution, Insurance Firms, Media and Entertainment, Government, Defense, Telecommunication, Automotive, Consumer Goods and Retail, Healthcare, Manufacturing, and others. The Consumer Goods and Retail segment generated the largest market share in 2021 based on the growing penetration of internet and increasing amount of consumer goods purchased on the Internet in Argentina.  8% of Argentina's total population is estimated to have used e-commerce services for the first time in self-isolation, and the number of people using E-commerce is expected to increase further as the current economic situation in the region continues.  Argentina  Software Development Market drivers Argentina’s software development is one of the major backbones of the South American IT market, and the growing number of unicorn IT companies in the region coupled with increasing interest of investors, is set to drive the growth of the underlying market. For instance, according to the 2019 Software And Computer Services Industry Permanent Observatory (OPPSI) report, the software development in Argentina is one of the major sources of foreign investments and account for 58% of the total investments. Furthermore, the emergence of successful software development companies in the region including  Globant, Prominente, Baufest, Neuralsoft, Calipso among others is set to boost the growth of the underlying market. 
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infowindtech24 · 2 months
Top 10 IT Staff Augmentation Service Companies in 2024
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We thoroughly examined the data to compile the best it staff augmentation company transforming the IT industry. Whether you're an IT specialist looking for fresh prospects or a company looking to hire the best IT personnel, this carefully selected list is your road map to success. Together, let's go off on this adventure!
1. The Flock
The Flock, stands out as a guiding light for business owners looking for quick access to Latin American talent that has already undergone background checks. This organisation changes the game of outsourcing by guaranteeing a smooth interaction with experts in as little as two weeks. Flock stands out from other leading IT staff augmentation providers by offering elite remote engineering skills. It offers proficient English-speaking resources that are in sync with US time zones. 
Key Points-
    • Specialized in innovative software solutions for over 10 years
    • Employs a dedicated team of 100+ professionals
    • Successfully launched 3000+ projects
    • Hourly rate: $35
    • Rated 4.8/5 on GoodFirms
    • Trusted by clients like Apple, Samsung, and Tesla
2. ValueCoders
One of the leading businesses in India offering the finest IT workforce augmentation services is ValueCoders. They have provided top-notch IT skills to several startups and large corporations, enabling them to meet their objectives. Their services include flexible workforce augmentation, bespoke on-demand resources and talents, and extending into the IT industry.
Key Points-
    • Renowned for custom software development for 15+ years
    • Houses a workforce of 700+ skilled professionals
    • Completed over 20,000 projects for clients worldwide
    • Competitive hourly rate of $30
    • Recognized with a commendable 4.75/5 rating on GoodFirms
    • Trusted partner to companies such as Harvard, Conde Nast, and World Bank
3. Infowind
Infowind Technologies one of the Top IT Staff Augementation Company in India is an essential partner, having helped over 100 clients with software components. They have certified IT Professionals with over 10 years of experience in a fast-paced upgrading world. Infowind assists the clients with Designing and Development of Web, Web App, Mobile App, Cross-Platform App, Desktop App, and many more. Infowind Technologies was incepted with a mission to revolutionize the IT solutions for the clients spread globally. The developers at Infowind not only deliver quality software but a code that is easy to understand and bring a clarity to the developers and a neat product to the end-party.
Key Points-
    • More than 15 years of industry experience
    • Employs a dedicated team of 150+ professionals
    • Successfully executed 7000+ projects
    • Hourly rate: $20
    • Rated 5/5 on GoodFirms
    • Proudly served clients like Amazon, Early Salary, HP, and Intel
4. Resourceifi 
Resourcifi stands out as a key partner for entrepreneurs wanting to use Indian developers to accelerate their company development in the competitive field of top IT staff augmentation businesses. The business takes pride in not just comprehending its customers' needs but also solving issues that they may not even be aware of. 
Resourcifi is the best IT staff augmentation company when it comes to data security and confidentiality. Strict standards for secure data management are given top priority.  Their cheap offshore costs and superior solutions are advantageous to entrepreneurs, making 
Resourcifi an affordable IT staff augmentation provider. Resourcifi gives company owners complete control over the source code, enabling them to expand, improve, or alter their software in response to changing market conditions. 
The group consists of very knowledgeable and experienced developers, guaranteeing expertise based on a proven track record of accomplishments. Resourcifi provides customisable engagement models, much like other leading IT staff augmentation providers. Thus, it is a top option for company owners looking to hire trustworthy developers to hasten the expansion of their enterprise.
Key Points-
    • Specialized in IT consulting and development for over a decade
    • Boasts a talented team of 200+ experts
    • Completed 5000+ projects globally
    • Hourly rate: $40
    • Acclaimed with a remarkable 4.9/5 rating on GoodFirms
    • Trusted by esteemed clients like Cisco, BMW, and Adobe
5. ScienceSoft 
With more than 750 IT professionals on staff—of whom about 50% are leads and seniors—ScienceSoft can provide you with whatever specialist you need to finish your development cycle. 
After many years of using a staff augmentation model, the organisation has a well-defined procedure in place to handle even last-minute personnel requests. 
Typically, ScienceSoft takes a full day to provide requested resumes to a customer and two to four days to schedule interviews with the best-fitting applicants. Additionally, the business offers customers a flexible hourly pricing plan so they may only pay for the job that gets done. Top IT staff augmentation firms, IT staff augmentation services, and Avenga IT staff augmentation businesses.
Key Points-
    • Leading software development company with 32 years of experience
    • Employs a workforce of 1000+ professionals
    • Successfully delivered 30,000+ projects
    • Hourly rate: $55
    • Garnered an impressive 5/5 rating on GoodFirms
6. Avenga 
Avenga emerges as a major player in the field of leading IT staff augmentation organisations, with a focus on bespoke software development. Entrepreneurs turn to Avenga when they need complete IT engineering and consulting services because of its extensive history spanning more than two decades, during which time it has successfully produced customised software solutions. 
Their worldwide outlook guarantees a varied approach to projects, allowing companies to use unique software solutions fully. Because of its dedication to quality, Avenga leads the way in IT staff augmentation. This business provides entrepreneurs with a dependable agile software development partner, much like other leading IT staff augmentation organisations.
Key Points-
    • Expertise in digital transformation solutions for over 20 years
    • Employs a proficient team of 3000+ professionals
    • Completed 15,000+ projects for clients worldwide
    • Competitive hourly rate of $60
    • Rated 4/5 on GoodFirms
    • Trusted by clients like Mercedes-Benz, Bosch, and SAP
7. Softellar
IT staff augmentation services, stellar IT staff augmentation businesses, and top IT staff augmentation companies. 
One of the leading providers of IT staff augmentation, Softellar is a powerhouse headquartered in the European Union. Custom software development is its area of expertise. Entrepreneurs gain from their consistent dedication to providing superior solutions that are customised to meet specific demands. 
Softellar establishes enduring connections with customers by providing outstanding service and support based on openness, honesty, and measurable outcomes. 
Softellar's dedication to EU-based bespoke software development guarantees that companies obtain solutions that comply with local norms and laws while navigating the difficult world of current technology. 
Stellar is a great option for business owners looking for dependable IT staff augmentation services in the European Union because of its proactive approach and emphasis on long-term collaborations. The IT augmentation environment gains a vital dimension with Softellar's experience for firms seeking top-notch software solutions.
Key Points-
    • Specialized in mobile app development for 8+ years
    • Houses a talented team of 80+ experts
    • Completed 2500+ projects for clients worldwide
    • Hourly rate: $45
    • Recognized with a commendable 4.8/5 rating on GoodFirms
    • Trusted partner to companies such as Coca-Cola, Nike, and Toyota
8. Parthenon Software Group 
Parthenon Software Group establishes itself as a valuable strategic partner for company owners of all sizes through its dedication to comprehending industries and resolving challenging problems. Its skill and agility, along with those of other leading IT staff augmentation organisations, guarantee that businesses continue to run smoothly.
Key Points-
    • Premier platform connecting companies with top-tier software developers
    • Access to a global network of 10,000+ developers
    • Successfully matched talent with 5000+ projects
    • Hourly rate varies based on developer expertise
    • Rated 4.8/5 on GoodFirms
    • Trusted by startups, enterprises, and Fortune 500 companies
 9. Luby Software 
Luby Software, a leading provider of IT staff augmentation, is known for its ability to offer solutions via a dependable and effective method. Luby Software specialises in improving product safety and speed. With a workforce of over 300 specialists working smoothly across US and European time zones, the company operates across time zones. 
Entrepreneurs entrust their projects to Luby Software's UX/UI design, engineering, project management, and quality assurance competence, guaranteeing a dependable and competent partner in their quest for IT staff augmentation solutions with worldwide reach.
Key Points-
    • Emerging software development firm with 5 years of industry presence
    • Employs a dynamic team of 50+ professionals
    • Successfully delivered 700+ projects
    • Hourly rate: $25
    • Acclaimed with a 4.75/5 rating on GoodFirms
    • Trusted by growing startups and enterprises across various industries
10. Ideaware 
Among the best IT staff augmentation providers, Ideaware stands out for allowing business owners to grow teams with qualified IT personnel from Latin America easily. Ideaware is dedicated to delivering high-caliber software engineers on demand, enabling companies to drive their initiatives effectively.
Key Points- 
    • Specialized in UX/UI design and development for 12+ years
    • Houses a talented team of 120+ experts
    • Completed 4000+ projects for clients worldwide
    • Hourly rate: $40
    • Recognized with a commendable 4.8/5 rating on GoodFirms
After examining the top 10 top staff augementation company, business owners will have a compass to help them navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. These independent giants provide a wide variety of services, from growing teams with international experience to establishing connections with talent in Latin America.
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acquaintsofttech · 5 months
Software Development Outsourcing - India vs. Latin American & Europe
In today's digital age, businesses worldwide are increasingly relying on Software Development Outsourcing (SDO) to meet their tech needs. SDO involves hiring external teams or individuals to create software applications. This blog explores the growing global trend of outsourcing, shedding light on why it's crucial to pick the right destination for these partnerships. Understanding the basics of SDO and the factors influencing destination choices is vital for businesses aiming to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern software development. Let's delve into this transformative world of outsourcing.
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Overview of Software Development Outsourcing in India
India has played a pivotal role in the global software development outsourcing landscape, shaped by historical factors and early adoption.
Historical context and early adoption
India's foray into outsourcing began in the 1980s, marked by a strategic focus on IT services.
The Y2K bug crisis propelled India into prominence as a reliable outsourcing destination for software development.
India's dominance in the global outsourcing market
India stands out as a frontrunner, claiming a substantial share of the global outsourcing market.
Renowned for its large pool of skilled IT professionals and a robust infrastructure supporting outsourcing activities.
Key strengths of India in software development outsourcing
Cost-effectiveness: India offers competitive labor costs, making it an attractive destination for outsourcing projects.
Technical expertise: A vast talent pool with proficiency in diverse technologies and programming languages.
Time zone advantage: India's time zone facilitates seamless collaboration and continuous project progress with clients worldwide.
Latin America as an Emerging Outsourcing Hub
Rising Prominence of Latin American Countries
Latin America gaining traction as a go-to outsourcing destination.
Increased recognition for skilled workforce and tech expertise.
Comparative Advantages and Challenges
Time zone compatibility with North America, reducing communication gaps.
Cultural affinity leading to smoother collaboration.
Competitive pricing compared to some other outsourcing regions.
Language barriers, though many professionals are proficient in English.
Varying infrastructure and connectivity levels across countries.
Specific Countries Making Strides
Rich pool of developers skilled in various technologies.
Competitive rates for hiring remote developers.
Proximity to the U.S. makes it an attractive outsourcing choice.
Flourishing tech scene with diverse expertise.
Acquaint Softtech:
An emerging outsourcing company in Latin America, gaining recognition.
Specializes in providing skilled developers for diverse projects.
Latin America offers a compelling option to hire remote developers, with countries like Brazil, Mexico, and companies like Acquaint Softtech making significant strides in the software development outsourcing landscape.
Europe's Role in Software Development Outsourcing
Diversity of Outsourcing Options in Europe
Variety of Expertise:
Europe boasts a diverse pool of skilled developers covering a wide range of technologies and industries.
From web and mobile development to specialized fields like AI and blockchain, European developers offer a spectrum of expertise.
Cultural Compatibility:
Cultural proximity to Western countries facilitates smoother collaboration.
Shared working hours and similar business practices contribute to effective communication and project management.
Advantages and Considerations when Outsourcing to European Countries
Quality Standards:
European countries uphold high-quality standards in software development.
Stringent adherence to best practices and regulations ensures the delivery of robust and reliable solutions.
Time Zone Alignment:
Time zone proximity to the Americas ensures overlapping working hours, reducing communication gaps and enhancing real-time collaboration.
This aligns well with the "follow the sun" approach for continuous project progress.
Legal and Data Protection Compliance:
Europe has stringent data protection laws (like GDPR) ensuring the secure handling of sensitive information.
Adherence to legal frameworks provides a secure outsourcing environment for businesses.
Notable European Outsourcing Destinations and Their Strengths
Eastern Europe - Poland, Ukraine, Romania:
Rich talent pool with a strong focus on software development.
Competitive pricing compared to Western Europe while maintaining high-quality standards.
Western Europe - Germany, the UK:
Technologically advanced with a focus on innovation.
Ideal for projects requiring cutting-edge solutions and a sophisticated skill set.
Acquaint Softtech as a Notable Outsourcing Partner:
Specialized in providing skilled and reliable remote developers.
A track record of successful collaborations and delivering tailored solutions.
Expertise in various technologies to meet diverse project requirements.
Cost Factors and Economic Considerations
Comparative Analysis of Labor Costs
Lower labor costs compared to many other outsourcing destinations.
Offers a highly skilled workforce at a competitive price.
Latin America
Generally higher labor costs than India but often more affordable than European options.
Varied costs across countries, with some nations providing a cost-quality balance.
Higher labor costs, varying significantly between Eastern and Western European countries.
Known for a skilled workforce but may be costlier compared to other regions.
Other Economic Factors Influencing Outsourcing Decisions
Large talent pool allows for scalability and flexibility.
Favorable business environment and government policies supporting outsourcing.
Latin America
Proximity to the U.S. market can reduce communication gaps and time zone differences.
Growing tech infrastructure and government initiatives supporting the IT sector.
Cultural proximity to many Western countries.
Stringent data protection laws and business regulations.
Balancing Cost-Effectiveness with Quality in Software Development Outsourcing
Cost-effective solutions but necessitates careful evaluation of service quality.
Acquaint Softtech, a renowned Indian outsourcing company, provides a balance of affordability and quality.
Latin America
Offers a middle ground in terms of cost and quality.
Hire developers in Latin America can be a strategic choice for a balanced approach.
Generally higher costs but often synonymous with high-quality output.
Balancing cost considerations with the need for excellence is crucial.
Cultural and Communication Dynamics in Outsourcing: Navigating the Global Workforce
Importance of Cultural Alignment in Outsourcing
Key Concept: Understanding and respecting cultural differences is crucial.
Improved collaboration and team cohesion.
Increased productivity and efficiency.
Example: Acquaint Softtech's success in fostering a culturally-aligned workforce.
Communication Challenges and Strategies in Cross-Cultural Outsourcing
Language barriers and misunderstandings.
Different communication styles and norms.
Clear and concise communication.
Regular virtual meetings and updates.
Utilizing collaboration tools for effective communication.
Example: Overcoming communication hurdles when hiring remote developers.
Building Effective Teams Across Diverse Geographical Locations
Foster a sense of unity through team-building activities.
Embrace diversity and encourage inclusion.
Leverage technology for virtual team collaboration.
Enhanced creativity and problem-solving.
Increased employee satisfaction and retention.
Example: How Acquaint Softtech has successfully built cohesive teams despite geographical distances.
Remember, successful outsourcing extends beyond technical capabilities; it's about creating a harmonious and collaborative global workplace.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations
Legal Frameworks in Outsourcing Destinations
Follows a well-established legal framework for outsourcing.
Contract laws and business regulations are generally business-friendly.
Legal system based on English common law principles.
Latin America
Legal frameworks vary across countries.
Some countries have adopted business-friendly legal systems to attract outsourcing.
Understanding local laws is crucial due to regional variations.
Diverse legal systems across European countries.
Many countries have strict and well-defined legal structures.
Contracts and agreements must comply with local laws.
Data Protection and Privacy Regulations
Has implemented the Personal Data Protection Bill.
Focus on safeguarding personal data and ensuring data privacy.
Compliance with global data protection standards is a priority.
Latin America
Varied data protection laws across countries.
Some countries have comprehensive data protection regulations.
Compliance with local data protection laws is essential.
Stringent data protection laws like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Emphasizes individual rights and strict regulations on data processing.
Compliance is critical for businesses operating in Europe.
Intellectual Property Considerations in Outsourcing Contracts
Strong legal protection for intellectual property.
Businesses can safeguard their innovations through patents and copyrights.
Careful drafting of contracts is necessary to protect IP rights.
Latin America
IP laws vary; some countries have robust protection measures.
Understanding local IP regulations is vital.
Clear contractual terms can help protect intellectual property.
Well-established intellectual property protection.
Adherence to international IP standards.
Businesses must ensure contracts include clauses to safeguard intellectual property rights.
Key Takeaways:
India: Business-friendly legal framework; emphasis on data protection and IP rights.
Latin America: Varied legal systems; attention to local data protection laws and IP regulations.
Europe: Diverse legal structures; strict adherence to GDPR for data protection; strong IP protection.
Understanding and complying with legal and regulatory frameworks is crucial when considering software development outsourcing in any of these regions. Businesses should conduct thorough research and seek legal counsel to navigate these complexities effectively.
Future Trends and Predictions
Emerging Trends in Global Software Development Outsourcing
Rise of AI and Automation:
Increased integration of AI and automation in software development processes.
Streamlining repetitive tasks and enhancing overall efficiency.
Focus on Cybersecurity:
Growing emphasis on cybersecurity measures due to increasing data breaches.
Incorporation of robust security protocols in outsourced development projects.
Remote Work and Collaboration Tools:
Continued reliance on remote work and collaboration tools.
Advancements in virtual collaboration to bridge geographical gaps.
Agile Methodology Dominance:
Widespread adoption of Agile methodologies for flexible and iterative development.
Agile facilitating faster project delivery and better responsiveness to changing requirements.
Predictions for the Evolution of Outsourcing Dynamics
India's Continued Dominance:
India maintaining its stronghold as a leading outsourcing destination.
Diversification of services and skill sets offered by Indian outsourcing firms.
Latin America's Upward Trajectory:
Latin American countries witnessing increased demand for outsourcing services.
Enhanced collaboration due to time zone proximity with North American clients.
Europe's Niche Specializations:
European countries specializing in niche and high-value software development areas.
Emergence of European outsourcing hubs catering to specific industry needs.
Hybrid Outsourcing Models:
Rise of hybrid outsourcing models combining onshore, offshore, and nearshore resources.
Customized solutions for optimal cost-effectiveness and quality.
Recommendations for Businesses Considering Software Development Outsourcing
Thorough Vendor Evaluation:
Careful assessment of vendor expertise, reputation, and past performance.
Consideration of cultural fit and communication capabilities.
Flexibility in Contractual Agreements:
Implementation of flexible contractual agreements to accommodate changing project needs.
Inclusion of key performance indicators for transparency and accountability.
Investment in Cybersecurity Measures:
Prioritization of cybersecurity measures in outsourcing contracts.
Regular audits and updates to safeguard sensitive data.
Continuous Skill Development:
Collaboration with outsourcing partners for continuous skill development.
Staying updated on emerging technologies and industry best practices.
Agile Project Management Practices:
Adoption of Agile project management practices for increased adaptability.
Regular communication and feedback loops for better project alignment.
Diversification of Outsourcing Destinations:
Exploration of diverse outsourcing destinations based on specific project requirements.
Balancing cost considerations with the availability of skilled talent.
In navigating the future of software development outsourcing, staying attuned to emerging trends, making informed predictions, and implementing strategic recommendations will be crucial for businesses aiming for successful collaborations and optimal outcomes.
In wrapping up our exploration, let's quickly revisit the main takeaways. We've delved into the software development outsourcing landscapes of India, Latin America, and Europe. Now, for businesses seeking the ideal outsourcing destination, remember to weigh cost factors, cultural dynamics, and legal considerations. The future holds exciting trends, so stay agile and consider evolving landscapes. As you embark on your outsourcing journey, make informed choices, aligning your needs with the unique strengths of each region. Here's to a successful and harmonious global collaboration in software development
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gravitascivics · 5 months
If the unending stream of immigrants from countries south of the border, from Central and South America, is mainly caused by economic reasons – where people are seeking better material lives – then what can be done about it?  The last posting suggested a program of investing in those countries with the attempt to turn those economies around.  The aim would be to modernize those economies and to demotivate their people from migrating to the United States.
            That posting suggested that a view of the history of Japan might give one insights into what a traditional country should do since that nation was traditional – in the 1800s – and today is a vibrant industrial/postindustrial nation.  Relying on the reporting of David Landes,[1] this review has established that the Japanese cultural character played a central role.
That is, they enjoyed strong domestic institutions such as family and community life which led to a sense of self-confidence.  In turn, that confidence made it non-threatening for them to seek information and contacts with the world’s industrial nations of that time.  With that information they were instructed about what to do and not do on their path toward modernization.
          And so, they did.  Here are some of the steps they initiated:
Hiring experts and technicians from industrial nations
Sent Japanese agents to industrial nations – in Europe and America – to garner whatever they could from their eyewitness experiences
Conducted extensive comparative analysis of the information and insights they acquired
Extended their research to military information – first heavily relying on the French model and then, after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), the German model
Abandonment of feudalist form of governance (the rule of local lords) and adoption of a central form of governance
Adopted British style trade policies as modeled on the Navigation Acts in England that in earlier phases of industrialization instituted protective policies that were only lightened after their industry was soundly established
When their industry was established, again like Britain, instituted a more laissez-faire model
Under the leadership of Okubo Toshimichi, instilled a more disciplined, hardworking orientation to work and development – opting for a German orientation
And by utilizing comparative advantage opportunities, began efforts with light industrial products, small scale efforts such as cotton mills, wooden waterwheels, coal mining
All of these elements or steps led from small production to big production over long periods of developmental processes. Landes summarizes these processes as follows:
But the long haul to parity needed not so much money as people – people of imagination and initiative, people who understood economies of scale, who knew not only production methods and machinery but also organization and what we now call software.  The capital would follow and grow.
            The Japanese determined to go beyond consumer goods.  If they were to have a modern economy, they had to master the heavy work:  to build machines and engines, ships and locomotives, railroads and ports and shipyards.  The government played a critical role here, financing reconnaissance abroad, bringing in foreign experts, building installations, and subsidizing commercial ventures.  But more important were the talent and determination of Japanese patriots, ready to change careers in the national cause, and the quality of Japanese workers, especially artisans, with skills honed and attitudes shaped by close teamwork and supervision in craft shops.[2]
Landes characterizes all this as the Japanese version of Weber’s Protestant ethic.  That would be their form of a culturally based human capital foundation.
          Given the initial question – can Latin countries south of the American border develop viable, modern economies? – does the Japanese example answer or help answer that question?  The opinion here is that it does not or does not very much but does give one insight as to what is involved.  For one thing, no one is arguing that those Latin countries become industrial powerhouses, but that they become viable economies capable of providing employment and opportunities for the bulk of their populations.
            With that more modest aim, the blogger believes the Japanese example can offer some insight.  And to begin with is a recognition that culture indeed does matter and that those in charge of any policy changes in this field need to be sensitive and knowledgeable about the cultural factors involved. 
The path to the ideal, whatever that is, will be complex and involved.  As with the Japanese, having the productive motives that the Japanese exhibited, the necessary capital will follow.  And a bit of advice: the efforts should begin with those who took it upon themselves to make the trip to the US – they have demonstrated gumption, bravery, and energy to improve their conditions.  These are qualities a nation can exploit – even hold as essential – in any attempt to improve their economic standing.
[1] David Landes, “Culture Makes Almost All the Difference,” in Culture Matters:  How Values Shape Human Progress, eds. Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington (New York, NY:  Basic Books), 2-13.  Factual claims of this posting based on this source.
[2] Ibid., 9-10.
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sorchanitua · 7 months
Central Washington University Assistant Professorship in Cultural Studies
Deadline: January 15 Length/Track: Tenure track Description: We are “seeking to hire a permanent, full-time, nine-month, tenure-track assistant professor position to support the development and sustainability of the three Interdisciplinary Programs (IDPs): Latino & Latin America Studies (LLAS), American Indian Studies (AIS) and Africana and Black Studies (ABS).” “The position will teach…
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7consultancyblog · 8 months
Planning is the key to success, and planning for Aviation in Bangalore is one of the most successful ways towards achieving success
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Aviation is the operation of aircraft to provide transportation of goods and passengers. This also involves the activities and industries attached to flight like air traffic control. We can give it another definition which any human interaction on aircrafts, including aircraft maintenance, aircraft designing, piloting. The aviation has a rich and ancient history which spans over centuries. Etymologically, the word of Aviation comes from the Latin avis meaning “bird” or to “fly”. The first person to fly as a passenger was Leon Delagrange, who rode with French pilot Henri Farman from a meadow outside of Paris in 1908. Charles Furnas became the first American airplane passenger when he flew with Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk later that year. Aviation industry is the business sector that manufactures, maintains, and operates the aircrafts and the airports. When it comes to aviation, there is a broad range of responsibilities within. It comprises activities at the airport as well as in the aircraft. It involves ground duties that are required to perform before the flight takes off, the activities during the flight and the activities after it lands.
A job in aviation would be advantageous for India in the future because it provides both excellent professional possibilities and great room for advancement. In fact, one of its appeals is that almost anyone may pursue a career in aviation. The aviation industry covers almost all parts of air travel and the operations that facilitate it. The activities in the Aviation industry revolve around designing and developing various aircraft, handling production and operations, and flying or repairing aircraft. Careers in aviation offer many opportunities for advancement in piloting, engineering and mechanics, airport operations, and aircraft manufacturing. These jobs often take place in commercial airlines, private manufacturing companies, airports, and government organizations. As an ever-growing industry, one can find innumerable opportunities across various sub-domains of the sector and avail a wide range of benefits and perks. Aviation Recruitment Agency in Bangalore provides cervices in consultancy and recruitment sectors to help recruitment.
Top Aviation Recruitment Agency in Bangalore is a premier staffing firm supporting the permanent placement staffing needs of aviation companies, worldwide.   They specialize in the recruitment of Executives, Management, Corporate Personnel, Engineering, Flight Crews, and Aircraft Mechanics. Their recruitment team offers a full range of search services with unparalleled access to highly qualified aviation professionals. From individual requisitions to high volume recruitment, they can customize strategies to satisfy both your immediate hiring needs and your long-term goals. They are an international Aviation & Aerospace, Defence-and Space recruitment agency providing Temporary, Permanent & Headhunting hiring solutions. They are a family run business with a personable approach, and they are committed to delivering the highest quality service through teamwork and trusted partnerships. Best Aviation Recruitment Agency in Bangalore Recruiting can help you at every stage of the hiring cycle. 
Aviation is a great career choice for many people since it offers high compensation, job flexibility, and the chance to travel. After completing training and a course, one can quickly transition from technical positions or management to hospitality services. The market size of the aviation industry in India has grown significantly in recent years, driven by a combination of factors, including a growing middle class, increased tourism, and the government’s efforts to open up the sector to foreign investment. Another opportunity for the aviation industry in India is the government’s efforts to support the growth of the sector. This includes policies such as allowing foreign airlines to invest up to 49% in domestic carriers and the development of regional airports. Several airlines have announced plans to expand their fleets and destinations in the coming years. These measures are likely to help the industry expand and serve more passengers.
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verbalists · 8 months
PRODIREKT grows its Latin American operations with strategic hire
10–JAN–2023 | PRODIREKT, a leading study abroad consultancy and training firm, is pleased to introduce Jancileidi (Janci) Hübner as Business Development Manager for Latin America. Janci’s primary focus will be expanding education services, including language courses abroad, for the Verbalists Education & Language Network, owned by PRODIREKT. Continue reading Untitled
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theultimatefan · 11 months
National Lacrosse League Announces Four Strategic New Hires
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The National Lacrosse League (@NLL), the largest and most successful professional lacrosse property in the world, today announced an expansion of its front office staff with the addition of four industry veterans to newly created full time positions.
Jenni Brozena joins as Director of Business Development, Ed Derse as Senior Vice President, Technology and Broadcast Operations, Scott Turken as Director and Executive Producer, Digital Content, and Scott Zolotorow, as Coordinating Producer, Broadcast Production.
“We welcome Jenni, Ed, Scott Turken, and Scott Zolotorow to the our dynamic front office, whose additions are a reflection of the growth of the NLL business, broadcast, and content divisions under Kurt Hunzeker and Joel Feld, respectively,” said NLL Commissioner Brett Frood. “Having just completed a season of record attendance and engagement in all areas of media, we are now poised to take another large step forward in the business of lacrosse, and we couldn’t have four better professionals to help us get there.”
Jenni Brozena joins the NLL from Sportradar where she served as the Director of Business Development spanning the North American continent and throughout Latin America. Brozena has also advised and mentored startup tech companies, helping lead them to capital investment wins and eventual exit sales to large, multi-national tech giants. The Pennsylvania native has a bachelor’s degree from West Chester University (PA) and a master’s from California University (PA).
Ed Derse is the new Senior Vice President, Technology and Broadcast Operations, and will lead efforts to discover and implement new technology platforms that evolve NLL’s product offerings while continuing to manage all broadcast technical operations. Derse has more than 30 years of experience in technology, broadcast production, and operations. He has served as Senior Vice President, Digital Media, and Strategic Partnerships at Universal Sports Network, and Managing Director of the Rugby Channel. For the past seven years, Derse has run his own consulting business and served the NLL as a consultant to the broadcast operations area since November 2020.
Scott Turken takes over as Director and Executive Producer, Digital Content, tasked with setting the strategic direction of the NLL’s digital content offerings, and leading a team of content creators and publishers who are responsible for producing all digital assets on the league’s social channels and NLL.com. Turken, a multiple National Sports Emmy Award winner, has spent more than 25 years in sports media, including 22 years at ESPN. Since the 2019-20 season, Turken has served the league directing and managing the game night highlights team as a consultant.
Scott Zolotorow is now the Coordinating Producer, Broadcast Production, charged with managing all facets of the NLL’s live game productions in partnership with the league media rights partners, ESPN and TSN. Zolotorow is an accomplished live sports producer, previously covering lacrosse, football, and basketball games for ESPN, CBS Sports Network, and the Big Ten Network. For the past two seasons, Zolotorow has served the league in a part time role.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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It’s true folks, it is SO MUCH worse down there than you may think. By signing his latest fascist legislation which criminalizes undocumented immigrants for...well... just being in Florida, De Santis has effectively chased out virtually the entire undocumented poplulation of the state, which means more than 80% of the construction workers, and nearly 100% of the agricultural workers. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It cascades from there. I just spent half an hour on tiktok, for an old timer like me that’s a bit of a challenge, but it was worth it. In that short amount of time, I saw latin truckers blocking entire highways with their boycotting and refusing to deliver loads in Florida, or to take loads out. They aren’t even undocumented, that’s just the solidarity folks.
I saw video after video of empty construction sites and of fruits and vegetables rotting in the fields, fields that should be bustling with tough hard working folk picking the vines and trees, yet completely abandoned. But that, like I said is just the tip of the iceberg.
It’s starting to cascade from there, I saw videos of Walmart and Home Depot completely empty, totally devoid of customers. I saw videos of farms that hired American workers to try to do the jobs of the undocumented. It was both hilarious and heart breaking. The farmers complain the gringos are too fat and out of shape to do the job, most go home after lunch and many quit after a single day.
I saw an interesting comparison video, it’s in spanish, if you are not a spanish speaker fast forward to about 0:48. The fun starts there. It starts showing how latino roofers do the job, and then shows how their American replacements try to do the same job. Also similar examples of agri-workers, and many others. 
Here we have an in depth (by Tiktok standards) look at a housing development under construction. It’s virtually abandoned. The narrator states that just in the room he is standing in there are normally at least 15 workers, it’s empty. He says that only 4 workers showed up to the whole site that day, and one was the foreman.
Or how about a look at a convoy of Latinos leaving Florida:
Ooh, and here’s one of my favorites. How about a tour of the local totally empty Walmart as given by an astonished patron, I mean really, have you EVER seen a Walmart that wasn’t packed with customers? Well now you can.
Not to be outdone, Home Depot is also vying to be the winner of the retail wasteland sweepstakes, non-spanish speakers can fast forward to the one minute mark if you want to skip the spanish monologue.
Yes, looks like good ol’ Meatball Ron has really stepped in it this time. It won’t be easy to recover from this, even if the legislature repeals this fascist law, what immigrant is going to risk returning when there are plenty of worker starved farms and construction sites welcoming them with open arms in somewhat more comfortable climates like Georgia and Alabama. Hell, we’re even getting some of the overflow here in Colorado where farmers and construction sites are practically rolling out the welcome mats. As they say, once bitten twice shy. Nobody’s going to go back to Florida after this, at least not as long as right wing lunatics and Nazi sympathizers are running the show. 
Oh, and here’s a bonus video, this African American Youtube star with over a million and a half subscribers is telling his mostly AA audience NOT to go to Florida and bail them out. Don’t miss the the guy who proposes sending Appalachian white welfare recipients to go pick fruit. Good luck getting them to put down their meth pipes to go roast in the Florida sun for minimum wage (or less). Yeah, that’s gonna happen.
So why am I laughing? Because I’m originally from Florida, a boni fide native of the Sunshine state, and I’m absolutely horrified to see what wannabe fascists have done to my once beautiful state. I’m retiring soon and will have to do so in a northern state as I will not set foot in the South as long as it remains under the current fascistic spell to which it has thus far succumbed. If I have to freeze my tuchas off up here in the North for the rest of my days, I can at least take comfort that the yahoos who took over Florida are getting their comeuppance. One might say it’s cold comfort with a capital ”C”, but somehow, it’s better than no comfort at all.
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effectsofpoverty · 1 year
"Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Its Effect on the Academic Performance of Student-Beneficiaries in Calaba National High School in the Philippines"
This study measured and evaluated the effect of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) on the academic performance of the student-beneficiaries of Calaba National High School, Calaba, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija in the Philippines. Survey questionnaires were distributed to ninety five 4Ps student beneficiaries who were purposively selected based on the following criteria: 4Ps beneficiary, enrolled in Calaba National High School at the time of data gathering, and willingness to participate in the study. Analysis of all collected data revealed the significant effect of the program to the performance of student beneficiaries especially in motivating students to attend classes. The result also supports Vroom’s Expectancy Theory which assumes that the students’ efforts, performance, and behavior are influenced by the importance they place on the desired outcome. In this case, to satisfy the conditionalities and remain eligible for the cash grant which have positive effect on the socio-economic status ofA large percentage of the Philippine population has been affected by poverty for many years now (Reyes et al., 2014). As such, the government with an aim to at least minimize poverty prevalence has introduced various social programs and policies. However, because most are attached to single-focus solutions, they have proven to be ineffective and not sustainable (Son and Florentino, 2008). Not until year 2008 when Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), one of the most popular social measures adopted by the country was implemented (Dungog-Cuizon and Cuizon, 2016).
The Philippine government, through the 4Ps, provides conditional cash grants to the
marginalized or to the “poorest of the poor” to improve the health, nutrition, and the
education of children aged 0 to 18 (Reyes et al., 2013). The program is patterned after the
conditional cash transfer (CCT) schemes in Latin American and African countries, which
have lifted millions of people around the world from poverty (Raquiza, 2018; Fiszbein, et al.,
Same with most of the Conditional Cash Transfer Programs being implemented in different countries, it is among the targets of the Philippine 4Ps to break the cycle of poverty and address the needs of the marginalized by supplementing the household beneficiaries’ financial resource through the cash grant.
The 4Ps is considered as the largest social protection program in the Philippines with the widest coverage of the marginalized households (Department of Social Welfare and Development, 2009). The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is the government agency tasked to spearhead the selection of the grantees and the provision of cash grants to eligible beneficiaries (Reyes et al., 2013) who have affirmed that they will
abide to, and satisfy all the conditions. These include regular health check-ups for pregnant
women and children aged 0 to 5; deworming of school children aged 6 to 14 twice a year;
enrolment of children in daycare, elementary, and secondary schools with at least 85% class attendance (Fernandez and Olfindo, 2011). Aside from these, the parent -beneficiaries are required to attend mother’s class and family development sessions designed to enhance their skills and understanding on core family values and parental responsibilities, and to encourage them to be involved in community activities (Mangahas et al., 2018).
To easily and systematically identify eligible beneficiaries from across the country, the
DSWD introduced a survey and data collection system known as LISTAHANAN or National
Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) (Hayakawa, et al., 2015).
Enumerators hired by the department go to every household to collect information regarding the sociodemographic profile of the residents similar to what enumerators of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) do but with focus on identifying the socioeconomic needs of the members of the family. The data is processed and analyzed to come up with a list of eligible beneficiaries or the disadvantaged families with pregnant mothers or school-aged children (Department of Social Welfare and Development, 2011).
Many families have benefitted from the program since its launch (Catubig et al., 2015). The purpose of the 4Ps program to promote social development as a response to the immediate. The needs of extremely poor families have been effective in breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty in many regions of the country (Dungog-Cuizon et al., 2016).
Based on records, the 4Ps has been implemented to all regions in the Philippines comprised of 79 provinces, 143 cities, and 1,484 municipalities. As of August 26, 2015, there are 4, 353, 597 active household beneficiaries. Of which, 570, 056 are Indigenous Peoples’ households while 217, 359 have at least one member who is considered a Person with Disability (PWD).
Poverty directly affects academic achievement due to the lack of resources available for student success. Low achievement is closely correlated with the lack of resources, and numerous studies have documented the correlation between low socioeconomic status and low achievement.Students are expected to spend much of their time on their education and need to graduate with good academic results.Here in this study the researchers wanted to know how a member of the 4'ps helps in learning.
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