callmederok · 5 years
All Answered: Romance Asks
@thereluctantherosrose​ @cynicaljapanophile​ @weasleywood​ (you may be interested in this) ^_^
For the couple:
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
All began with Penny’s interest in adventures(like in the game), but what really started the relationship was Penny noticing that even if David acted like he didn’t care about anyone, he still does nice things for people, even he gets mad, tries to only to point out the facts about the problems people is bringing to him. He may be cynical, blunt, straightforward with his criticism but still tries to be nice, and aside from his seniors, the younger students are quite fond of him(but still slightly intimidated because his scarred face but they admire him) mostly because he explains things straight to the point, not like he read the notions in a book i mean and simply repeat them like a parrot. By David side i can say that David began to notice her more when he learned about Scarlet, which may sound weird and creepy, but David was dealing with nightmares and with “I’m the most depressed person in the whole universe” kind of mentality, so knowing about Scarlett, and how Penny was shocked about her, put David in a new mentality, less self-centered, and with time they both noticed nice/lovely things that both do during the lessons or clubs and the love just sparked and those little cute moments bringed to the point of asking to each other to be their date to the Celestial Ball and the date to Madam Puddifoot.
2. What was the first moment that they knew they were in love with their LI? 
David was kinda crushing Penny around forth year, there are a few moment during the year where he thinks things like “Penny is nice, i enjoy her presence” but around the end of the year(around the Celestial Ball SQ that for me and various other reasons happens around the end of the year) when he slowly loses his coolness around her(the classic ”My love interest is soo close to me” panic), he was sure, she got him.
Penny felt the first bit of love/crush for David probably sooner than David(in general David had soo much to deal in Hogwarts that i’m surprised myself that he was able to have a  relationship), It’s stated that she was interested in David/MC because she finds parties and that kind of social activities quite boring, that she is searching for something exciting like getting the Runner’s High
(that awesome feeling that you get while you’re doing your favorite extreme-sport)
, probably in my ship that moment happens around her depression with Scarlett and the werewolves side-quest
(to me both of them happen in almost the same period of the third year).
I mean if someone would basically leap on the scary thing that i fear most, with a knife in one hand and a magic wand in the other, basically facing death for me i would be singing songs in their name or at least showing some interest in the person who saved me.
3. When they are having a fight, what is it about and how do they deal with it? 
During school the main reason for each of them to fight is basically a strong interest in each other’s health(physical and mental). 
Here an example:
Penny: David! Did you even sleep?
David: I have to do [insert an important activity here, like saving hogwarts or helping someone in danger or dealing with a super urgent issue]
Penny: Well, by your tired face,i dare to say that you’re too tired for it! You’re walking like a zombie! For the next 8 hours, the only activities we’re going to do is eating, having a shower and then sleeping, LET THE PEOPLE HANDLE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS! ARE WE CLEAR?!
David: *silently nods*
Change the names but that’s the most common argument they have, out of love and interest in each other’s health(like i said) they both just quite obsessive over helping people and they both usually have a tight schedule, to the point to forget to fully rest. Basically they need each other to take care of each other, otherwise they kinda forget about their own healthiness. 
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other? 
David’s favorite feature: The fact that Penny isn’t Merula! AHAHAH just joking, (okay but seriously) he loves her all(every part of her makes her beautiful and sexy in David’s opinion), but if he is forced to choose he would say her abdomen, he just find it perfect, there is not real reason like a cute birthmark or how toned she is..he would watch her abdomen and just be in awe for hours.
Penny’s favorite feature: When your boyfriend/husband looks like Geralt of Rivia(but with red hair) since then end of year five(of Hogwarts of course), it’s hard to find a single favorite feature, Penny really likes his scars, or his trained body but her favorite feature is David’s right arm(remember the left one is an automail because i’m a lazy ass who makes a wizards who loves knives and close-combatting magical creatures who also is like inspired by Edward Elric XD) because she loooooves being hugged by that arm(and from its owner XD) while she is slepping after a tiring day of school/work.
Just as a reference: Geralt and his scars(that in my mind David has almost the same number of scars and a few more burn-marks)
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5. How do they comfort each other when they are sad?
Like their favorite date activity. they let the other one to stay alone for some hours so they can be sad but also letting their mind processing everything is making them sad, then after those hours they try to talk a little, usually with no friends around so they can both vent how much they want, drinking something warm and very sweet and after the sadness fade away they can work together to find something funny to do.
PS: I’m talking about something very sad, not just a random bad mood because they got a bad grade in a test, something like a meltdown because stress or shit happening.
6. Who is the big spoon?
David but only because he is bigger but they favorite sleeping position is “The Nuzzle”(and their similar variations), with an special about being the smaller spoon if you’re really tired(so yeah sometimes David is the smaller spoon but usually he is the big one)
The Nuzzle
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7. Favorite date activity? 
With all they’re going through(During HPHM), they both need to chill, so their favorite date activity is anything that sounds lazy, from lazily studying together, to just having a meal in Jacob’s room away from anyone but each other, or going to Madam Puddifoot for drinking something sweet(tea or chamomile)(and this time without Tonks and Charlie around), basically for Penny and David, anything unrelated to school and done together counts as a date.
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
David’s: When she entered in the main hall during the celestial ball, she was so beautiful, cute and breathtaking, the first of many times where David really wanted to waltz with her.
Penny’s: See him fight and struggle and after that still being able to have social interactions, and acing his OWLs and NEWTs. Fighting selflessly against the most dangerous creatures of the wizarding-world, risking to die in so many occasions for a selfless purpose. There are a lot of prominent memories of David being great but Penny’s favorite kind of memories about David is when he is showing emotions(either happiness or sadness or anger) not because she loves seeing him suffer, but because David did/does a lot of things labelled as impossible and yet he is a human like everyone else.
9. How open are they with their feelings?
Quite open, they know that communication is important, time to time they need some time alone, but that aside they’re quite communicative even though David is not comfortable to talk at all, but Penny takes what she can(because David sometimes has a weird way to explain things...so he rather not talking)
If you mean without talking...David is the perfect hugging machine, he is quite happy to show his love for her...shyly(because he is more scared about what’s appropriate and what is not...but still)
10. Do they have pet names for each other?
Penny likes to call him “Boy”(like “Good Boy”) when she wants to joke about David’s animagus form(a german shepherd) but she prefers calling him “Love” or “Darling”, David just call her “honey” or “angel”, when he is in a “Penny is hugging me while she is pushing her face against my chest” mood he calls her “Kitty”.
11. Do they have any inside jokes?
Well David refuses to define himself as a human(after a huge tantrum against Dumbledore at the end of year four after the acromantula), mostly because he feels more like a beast, is not arrogance more like “why i feel so aggressive, i don’t feel like i’m human, what’s happening to me? I can barely remember what my personality was before being obsessed with saving Jacob, not even knowing what happened to him and how i will react to his presence..” After a while of consideration even with Dumbledore saying to him that he is the most human because he cares so much to feel destroyed by the idea of friends and classmates in danger, David will keep saying that he is a Class-5(XXXXX) beast(like Chimaeras and Dragons and Werewolves). After he breaks the curse of the Portrait Vault, between people who call him hero, there is also people who listened him defining himself as a beast and they choose to call him GBoH(Guardian Beast of Hogwarts)
So the inside joke is that when Penny just be herself in presence of a David in a bad mood(because shits happens often at hogwarts) she likes to joke about how “She is the only known witch to tame a Class 5 David”
On Penny-side: every-time(David is in a mood of making jokes) Penny mentions the Kew Gardens David usually comments with “I know, it’s not like Kew Garden, but at least here you’re encouraged to interact with plants”
I add that there are many inside jokes about David and dogs(David’s animagus form is a german shepherd), like being called Good Boy or throwing him things so he can catch them with the mouth.
12. Do they have similar goals? If they clash, how do they deal?
Well in Auror!AU, David(and Jacob) are working hard to be aurors, while Penny wants to be a substitute for Snape(so like when he is ill or not in the “mood” for teaching, she will teach Potions in his place). So in this case their similar goal is spending more time together and they work hard to achieve it.
In Cursebreakers!AU(but an edited version but the concept was born from @Lycopenedishere fanfic) They both work hard for being cursebreakers(with or without Rakepick) but mostly David already used(to cursebreaking), focus on learning new languages(magical and common) and spells while Penny focus on learn new potions’ recipes and more important(inspired by David) learning how big is the world(magic and not-magic)(it’s like “i want to travel a little, be independent, and learn more”).
In general they have similar goals but their goals aren’t exclusive and most of the times they can achieve them together and in the unusual situation where they may clash for them…they usually are in good terms like “May be the best one win and good luck honey”
13. How do they react at being away from each other?
Are talking about away in a “they’re at work or on a trip for a few days”? or away in a “they’re dead” way?Don't care! i choose the first option(not in a mood for angst and sadness XD)
David just tries to keep himself busy(with cooking or cleaning or anything else) until Penny comes back, trying to not thinking about it, until at some point you can hear him singing love songs in a sad voice until Penny comes back. (Tonks jokes that he has this reaction because his animagus form is a dog and he is quite affectionate…she is right)
Penny pretty much the same but the difference is in what they do, and Penny could choose to spend some time with Tonks and Chiara, or if they’re both busy, visiting her family.14. Is there anything they associate with each other?
14. Is there anything they associate with each other?
Well David associates Penny with the ocean, mostly because her blue eyes but also he quite reminds him how really deep is Penny’s personality(because before the Scarlet mini-saga, David was sure that Penny was only like a clichè of a cheerleader with a thing for dangerous things)
Penny associates David with the sky, huge, and watching it, brings hope, in a different way deep and majestic like ocean, but if you watch decently you can see where is the storm but at the same time the sky embrace earth and oceans(= things that David loves or cares about). (i’m very bad in explaining this kind of things in english, please forgive me)
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Quite complicated question, but keep in mind that i’m writing about them during HPHM(not after or before): 
David’s view of himself: Someone unable to achieve everything he wants, like really saving his brother, or taking care of his friends and everyone he loves by keeping them away from dangers(R. Vaults, Etc…), Someone who saw his own family falling into pieces and being unable to save them all. A disgusting being who refuses his own humanity because the people who hates and was most disappointed define themselves as humans. Someone unable to truly be honest to the people around him because is too scared of their reaction to his most deeper thoughts. Someone who has friends willing to help him not because it’s the right thing to do but because he already helped them with something meaningless like a prank or going to places(unrelated to his main purpose of saving Hogwarts) and still not being brave enough to quit on them because he doesn’t have anyone else..even while he knows that this kind of relationship is destroying every joy and desire of hanging out with them...
Penny’s view of David: Someone you can truly count on, trustworthy, honest, someone who saved her from dangers including herself(in form of depression and stress) multiple times, someone who is always ready to share a laugh with people, kinda a braggart just for making people laugh even with his scary and scarred face. Someone who is adored by people like the big brother of every student in Hogwarts because even while he faces hell almost by himself with minimum help from people who define themselves as a friends, he still finds time to be a decent prefect who teaches to the younger generations funny but useful spells(like aquamenti). Someone who doesn’t like talking about his feelings because after what he experienced, she understands that words are now overrated and chooses to show his love through actions. That someone she would miss most if he would disappear: That unique funny and caring guy those  big but gentle hands that he uses to protects everyone even those people who are mean to him for no real and logical reasons.
Penny’s view of herself: Someone unable to really cope with her own mental health in a healthy way, someone popular only because the beauty standards and her naturally selfless personality. Someone who watched her best friend dying in front of her and was unable to save her and trying to forget her with potions. Someone good only with potions and not much else. Someone so bored by parties to be in need to have some rush of adrenaline and joined a guy in his quest to save his brother just for the fun of dealing with dangerous things and getting that rush of adrenaline but pretty much quit after a few real “live or die” situations. Good only with gathering intel for the sake of helping the Hero of Hogwarts.
David’s view on Penny: The person he would miss most(Don’t tell Rowan he would put up a scene because he is jealous), the nicest girl in his group of friends, the most comprehensive, the one who even when she listen some weird and dark confession from David, she still accept him for what he is. The real Potion teacher(he learned more from Penny than Snape himself). The first person who actually showed interest not in David as that infamous guy named David, but the guy under that thick film of rumors. The beautiful hands that indirectly saved him multiple times by brewing useful potions. The only person who is able to truly understand his dark humor(Bill Burr kind of humor, harmless but darkish). The only girl he wanted to date. The only girl and woman he loves. The mother of their kids. The (real) Best Witch(or MVP) of Hogwarts.
16. Jealous at all?
Their jealousy is more about wanting to spend more time intimately together rather being actually jealous, i mean that they’re a little possessive to each other, but we shouldn’t blame them, David/MC has to deal with the Vaults, R, his brother, his needy friends, and school, while all he wants is quiet place where he can relax a little. Penny almost like David, has to deal with her tight schedule, and with David, she must find time for staying together…
By re-reading this, i feel like it shouldn’t count as an answer…but this is what they feel, they’re jealous of each other’s tight schedule that makes hard to stay together.
17. Their ways of expressing their love.
Physically, with David words are meaningless, he learned to trust actions and facts instead of words, nothing says i love you more than a quiet date, where David and Penny can say a silent “Fuck Y’all” by enjoying time together, some cuddle, some private nsfw moments(they’re sixteen and seventeen at this point, it’s fair and easy to imagine that, considering how emotionally passionate they both are.) 
18. Is there any way they disappoint each other? 
When they’re overprotective on each other, David hates the idea of Penny in danger, even thinking about it, fuels his obsession to become stronger and stronger, and during the beginning of their relationship Penny was disappointed because she thought that he doesn’t believe in her powers/talents but at the same time this behaviour is the same that Penny has during year fifth and sixth(in the game), overprotective and enough obsessive to being annoying(for the ones that she wants to protect), their solution is help each other in “controlling/limiting their own behaviour”
19. Describe how they communicate 
They talk, plain and easy, but the main rule is honesty.
20. Did either person change at all, to be with their partner?
David has to work on his repressed emotions and working on being a little more self-centered(that’s how selfless he is, to the point that he has to begin to be more selfish) so he can take care of himself decently
Penny will work on using less potions for artificially fixing her emotions and talk more to David when she needs.
Together they have to work on saying “No” more often, but seriously they adult-relationship is quite healthy and quiet.
For the creator
21. Personally, do you think they are a good couple? 
I could go over and over ranting and arguing about how from David’s point of view(straight male, with tons of repressed stress as hell during HPHM, with anger issues because of that said stress[important: he never punched or hitted Penny or his friends, just saying], with mood swings and stuff) anyone like Merula is the wrong choice for David, but at the same time both Penny and (more important) David needs time for really elaborate their personal emotional problems but even during their relationship during HPHM, yeah they’re a good couple, i like them, otherwise i wouldn’t ship my David “Jager” Denneth with Penny “Cinnamon Roll” Haywood.
But i want make the extra mile and explain why the other characters aren’t fitted for David:
Let’s remove all the boys(David is straight but in a “i simply don’t feel attracted to boys/men” way not because he is homophobic or something) where the best case scenario is a bromance full Jojo-style(Araki is a god in making the best bromances)
Merula: Miss 7%(of people who dated her, and yet there is a whole fandom who is dreaming of having a love life with her -.-), Why Merula Snyde is not good for David? Because with all she did to David and his friends, this girl has a room in Azkaban with her name on it! If i meet a creepy girl who tries to kill me i call the police! i don’t fall in love with her, i won’t save her from herself, is not my job! If Society agreed that women aren’t a tool for men to save themselves so can we please agree that men aren’t a tool/accessory for women? Why there is this disgusting double standard? Why a woman shouldn’t save me but i should(and must) save a woman? Seriously no one talks about men used by women! Back on topic, Merula is not stupid, she actually knows how she should treat people, the same way she wanted to be treated, she basically wants only to receive good things, merits and rewards without making the effort for them because those good things are meant to be hers just because she exist! I listened Merula apologists agreeing that Merula doesn’t have to be sorry or apologize for been forgiven! They used some infos about my past(that i shared with them) for exploiting the fact that bully victims are the real bullies if they don’t forgive! Dude! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! I HAVE SCARS IN MY MIND NAMED AFTER MY BULLIES! I would forgiven them if they were sorry, if they worked their asses off in being decent humans beings, but they didn’t and i can’t forget(i wish tho) because what they did to me was so horrible, so scarring that is part of me now. You don’t see me going around with a knife and cutting people, i’m still a decent human being...not functional but i think i’m a decent, civil person(with my flaws but humans aren’t perfect). So if the best case scenario David and Merula are together how their relationship would be? The classic trope of the hyper jealous girl who checks his boyfriend’s phone, takes every girl numbers, and call them to warn them to stay away from David. Canon Merula is clingy(for the wrong reason like stalking MC) and too much jealous, in a toxic way. David is patient and comprehensive but he has his limits, not mentioning that David is quite a braggart but for fun, when he tells his ridiculous(but funny) stories, he does it for the sake of sharing a laugh not because he is arrogant, and in reality he is someone who needs to chill, to enjoy peaceful moments, Merula as a girlfriend would be like pouring gasoline on a forest already on fire! FanonMerula maybe is a sweetheart but here we’re talking of Canon-Characters...and i have even ignored all the horrible things she did(one indirect attempted murder, one instigated murder, stealing potion from Penny, trying to get the merits, tons of racist speech and hate speech in general, disrespectful, she never really showed her friendly/warm side, so she isn’t a tsundere and even if she is a tsundere, she is the worst example of being a tsundere).
Chiara: My second favorite girl, a ship with her would work smoothly, they both have empathy and they know how to really treat other people. Even with her condition of being a werewolf, David(and MC in general) already showed that he is able to deal with her condition, and because my David is basically a witcher(without mutations) in the HP-universe, it’s even easier for him to take care of her, to protect her from people too blind to see that she is a victim of the circumstances, she didn’t choose to be a werewolf, she got bitten and she doesn’t want to harm anyone. 
Tonks: I stick with the canon, so Remadora(but i think she is bi but she just loves Remus and we’re okay with it), for David a relationship with Tonks would feel weird “It’s like the cool and funny sister of my dreams, but still my sister, no one wants that!”
Tulip: Not enough time on screen to have a full opinion on her, she is nice, but i would want to see her when is not busy with pranks and she is in a more serious situation before saying anything, sorry.
Liz/Lizard: I don’t want to say that she is AroAce, not because i have problems but mostly because we don’t see her on screen enough to feel like she is, i want to learn more about her before saying anything, for now David and Lizard are only a “we share an interest but we have some divergences “trope.
Badea: She is actually David’s step/foster-sister! They like to spend time together as siblings or childhood friends, like doing two different things but quietly near to each other, for a MaleMC i dare to say that she is like FemRowan but with different interests. Her parents took care of David like he is part of the family, they developed the automail that David has(combining magic knowledge with muggle technology, so it’s like having a sci-fi arm but in the 1980s) also the red coat that David usually wears is a gift from Badea’s mother.
22. From the outside looking in, what is their dynamic like? 
A remixed version of the Beauty and the Beast trope:
David: Scary face(because the scars) and wild approach to his enemies(like fighting close-ranged, using his instincts to choose which attack he should use) but secretly a sweetheart, he isn’t stupid, but his emotions and instincts kick in before his rationality in a combat-situation to the point that he trained himself to prepare items, small weapons and potions while he is still “rational” to the point that we can say that he shaped his own “fighting pattern” with training and studies.
Penny: Already a sweetheart (but with a hint of slytherin traits), smart, cute, polite, more diplomatic, her approach to a duel is rational(after HPHM she will learn close combat fighting from David but without his instinctive flaws, so she would be more like a martial artist and more accurate), capable of obtaining any kind of information easily.
23. Did you tailor your OC for the other in the romance? 
As matter of fact no...i made a character that would fit what i like...and i just noticed how he would be happy with Penny around.
24. Is their any moment that happens between them that you know happens and just makes you melt? 
Mostly is a concept of moments they share:
They’re having a rough day, both of them, they’re about to punch someone in the face, that’s how stressed they are. Soon enough they meet after their different lessons, they see in each other eyes, (you can also say that they’re spent so much time together that they can feel it) they need a break, away from everyone, and if it’s a weekday there is Jacob’s room(also known as “David’s club room, where he can do whatever he wants”) and they’re mostly together maybe skipping a lesson or two, but their minds and souls needed that, it’s either a warm tea, or being on a sofa drowning in sheets and pillows and just snuggling and cuddling, or being passionate to each other. 
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship. 
David and Penny’s father are actually great friends...but David and Penny’s mother are like in a turf war because Penny’s mother knew David’s biological mother, she knows that she became a pureblood supremacist soon as she was pregnant with David, and she judges him as she judged his mother...David is just salty for being treated badly because some reputation that doesn’t involve him directly.
26. How important is the romance in your OC’s overall story? 
David is basically on the verge of insanity everyday, everytime someone ask him to do something first for them(in exchange of their help for saving hogwarts) is a small step towards a mental breakdown. What prevent those meltdowns are quiet people(Rowan, Penny, Badea) people who likes to either doing something quietly or are good in listening him or knows him enough to help him to chill. Penny is meets all the three requirements. I dare to say that their relationship(either a friendly or romantic) is crucial for David. Without Penny(or if she dies) David will lose his self-control and just be like a Chimaera(just primal instincts and ultraviolence)
27. What makes you excited about their relationship? 
The fact that for one time is the trope “opposites attract each other” can’t be used here, as a matter of fact, David and Penny are quite similar, they shared similar experiences but from slightly different points of view. I love the idea of being there for each other, knowing what each other needs because they know what they need, it may sounds boring or predictable, but i find it cute, they both need the same things for feeling good but they’re both so workaholics that they don’t think about their own health until the other one(because they’re both quite selfless and kind) takes them to rest. There is a lot that makes me excited about David and Penny being in love, like how during year 1 to 4 ressemble the slow burn of Romione, and from the end of year 4 to 6(maybe seven, we’ll see) ressemble Hinny, but their adult relationship could be quite Geralt and Yennefer from The Witcher but more affectionate(and less drama XD).
28. Is there any similarities to your OC and LI’s relationship to one you have had IRL?
I don’t have a relationship and never had one...never had an actual friend(or someone truly worthy of being called friend), so it’s more based on ideas and dreams.
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them? 
It’s more like based on my Cursebreaker!WhatIf, where David and Penny are travelling in the Sahara Desert, they’re just walking, they’re covered in clothes so you can’t really say who is who, but they’re walking close facing the burning climate, they’re not suffering for the water(aguamenti is the solution), just the air burning in their throats but they’re still close like they’re more in need of feel each other close than the actual need of some fresh air or a refreshing shower. You can say that is boring or meaningless but truth is that they love so much each other to rather melt for the burning hot weather rather than not being close or share some physical contact. 
In the game my favorite moment is:
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 30. How does their love change as they get older?
By the time they’re older the love doesn’t change but their way to express it is more domestic, i don’t wanna involve AUs/What Ifs but in some aspects it can be similar to Izumi and Shigu(FMA), but still with a “young mentality” kinda like an eternal honeymoon, they’re both quite passionate so people insist that is just a phase, but even during their 90s they will be daring and affectionate(but i’ve headcanon that a spell for anti-aging purposes will be invented or re-discovered in some ruins, so wizards and witches will look like they’re back in their 30s or 40s).
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31. Share anything you would like about the couple!
I’m not into the fankids but still in the Auror!AU:
David and Penny have a daughter named Scarlet “Dora” Haywood, she is a quiet girl but she has a thing for puns like her father and her godmother and not to mention that there is a rumor that Scarlet and Teddy are into each other. Mama and Papa are quite liberal and (secretly super happy to the idea of being in laws with the Tonks Family)
in the Cursebreakers!What Ifs their daughter is in fact adopted in Alexandria(Egypt) after a complicate situation(where they were sent in The Witcher 3 universe, and spent time with Geralt&Co.) they find this little girl, with no parents, no name, and a weak memory about her past so they choose to take care of her while they’re searching for her actual parents, but the time pass(the whole summer between Harry’s second year and the beginning of his third year) and nothing, after that, they need to go back to Great Britain for some jobs(that involves spending a year in Hogwarts and being Harry’s bodyguards while Jacob and other aurors are searching for Sirius Black) so they take with her while using contacts in Egypt to keep “alive” the researches of this girl’s parents, but meanwhile they gave her a name Alexandria(so she will grow up attached to her origins), Elen Riannon(a reference to complete name of Ciri) Haywood and let her stay with David’s foster parents so she can go to muggle schools and not risking her life in a dangerous place like Hogwarts(even though she will be there for Christmas so they can celebrate all together).
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seekermillan · 4 years
The Celestial Ball
Gryffindor MCxPenny Haywood
Some details are different, hope you enjoy.
7 hours before the Celestial Ball
It seems that everything was in place, the decorations were basically done. The dress robes, courtesy of Andre, were by your bedside. And most important of all, you asked the girl of your dreams to be your date for the ball, Penny Haywood, one of the most popular girl in your year. After some advice from Bill, you got the courage to ask her out.
"I was secretly hoping you'd ask me to the ball" she said with a shy smile. A smile that sent your heart beating faster than usual.
After talking for a few minutes, coordinating what we would do during the ball, and that she had a dress perfect for twirling. We both agreed that we were gonna have so much fun. Adventures to dangerous vaults is one thing, but a dance with your crush was on another level. The only dance lessons you know are from your mum, before Jacob dissappeared. She loved to dance with our father on random occassions, all I knew were their smiles. I just hope,I can do that with Penny.
5 hours before the Ball
To clear my head a little, I killed some time in the Magical creatures reserve. First I visited the grasslands, where Pockets, the niffler i adopted, came out of his burrow. Apparently sensing me, went towards me running with glee. After I fed him, I gave him a galleon as a gift. He loved it and shoved it in it's tiny pouch. He returned to his burrow, my guess to put it in his "collection". Afterwards, I went into the forest, when a flying creature flew towards me. It was of course, Alita, a fairy. Her name means Little Wing in Spanish. She sat atop of my shoulder, buzzing happily.
"Yes, I missed you too" I said stroking her little head with my finger, she just grabbed it with her tiny hands. For creatures that are considered vain in nature, Alita was an exception in my book. She was bothered if anyone touched her wings and always loved my visits.
I visited Slippy, a bowtruckle living in a tree. Alita's rival. When Slippy stood on my hand asking for affection, Alita would get mad and flies around him, while he tries to hit her.
"Hey, play nice you two, otherwise I won't come over again" I said with a firm voice. Alita just sat back on my shoulder, arms crossed with a pouty face. Slippy just stuck his tongue out. I put him back to his tree and gave him a treat. Alita was yawning, so I caressed her head with my finger again. She was sleepy, so I put her back to her tree trunk. Made my way back to the castle, nervous of what awaited me tonight.
2 hours before the ball
I did everything to kill time, visited creatures, practiced dance lessons by myself, honed my dueling skills in the training grounds, transformed into my falcon form, to fly above the skies. But the butterflies in my stomach were too much. So I went to the prefects bathroom to take a good bath. After filling the tub I just sat there, relaxing a little. I took my wand and thought of the moment that Penny said yes and was excited that I asked her to be my date. I closed my eyes with a smile and said:
"Expecto Patronum" a pure white unicorn came from the tip of my wand and started running around in the air.
"Well I gotta say, I'm impressed. Jacob and I only managed to conjure whisps of light" said a familiar voice.
I opened my eyes, my patronus gone, I had my wand at the ready to the voice's direction. I saw him, a kid, not from this world, floating around. It was Duncan, I forgot he haunts here sometimes.
"Merlin's beard, don't do that. You know I'm jumpy sometimes Duncan" I said with a sigh of relief.
"Sorry, just that I've never seen a corporal Patronus" he said quite happy.
"Tonks taught me the charm after I encountered a dementor last month" I said sitting back at the tub. "Took the form of a unicorn"
Duncan was Jacob's best friend. He died because of an accident related to my brother's meddling with the vaults.
"Well Jacob and I only learned the charm but never been able to give the form of an animal" he said dissapointed. "So why are you here, I mean, I know you are a prefect and all but very rare to find you here unless is about the vaults"
"If you must know, I got a date and I'm super nervous. Im afraid I'm gonna mess up. Been killing time around the school but can't fight these feelings" I said a little frustrated. Sighing, I get up, pick a towel to dry myself and a robe. Thank Morgana, the bathroom is close to Gryffindor Tower.
Right before I take my leave I hear this:
"Want my advice kid?" Said Duncan behind me.
"Don't hesitate, when the time comes, just act"
I turn around but he was already gone.
30 minutes before the ball
Sitting on my bed while stroking my pet Kneazle, Ozymandias, he was purring. I'm thinking how I can make this night memorable. So I relaxed and thought of Duncan's advice. So I got up and started to get dressed. My dress robes were black pants with black shoes, a white shirt, a red tie, a black vest and a long black coat that I put on with style. I combed my hair. Andre outdid himself with this outfit. I started walking down the stairs, Ozymandias following me. I got looks of awe and surprise. Some second year girls were giggling at the sight of me and some fifth year guys were nodding in aproval.
I reached the great hall, everyone was there. Even Ben and Rowan, who didn't want to come at first. "Wow Joseph, you look smashing" said Rowan excited. "All thanks to Andre" I said happily.
"Glad you convinced us to come, everyone loves my hat" said Ben with a huge grin. These guys sure are happy. "Wow, she's beautiful" some girl from Hufflepuff said. I turned around and I saw her. Penny looked stunning. Her hair was braided to her back, a black pearl necklace, a white top that showed her midriff, a long yellow skirt, perfect for twirling and black shoes.
"Hello boys, mind if I steal my date for a moment" she said with a smile, taking my arm. We walked closer to the dance floor. I was still awe strucked with her looks.
"H-how do I look?" she asked nervously.
"You look perfect" I said grabbing her hand from my arm. She looked at my eyes and and I looked into hers.
"Ahem, your attention students" said Dumbledore. "I would like to thank the decorating committee for making this great hall look stellar. Especially to the head of the committee, Miss Penny Haywood, for making this possible. Said the Headmaster while admiring the hall. She squeezed my hand excited. "Please, enjoy yourselves tonight" and. with that he finished.
"Ahhh I'm so excited! Thank you for helping me with this Joseph" she said with a smile. "And I have you as my date, my first choice" she said blushing.
"I'm happy for you. This is your night Pens" I said while squeezing her hands.
"This is our night" she corrected. "Let's explore this dance floor together" she took my hand and dragged me to dance. I followed without protest.
We danced a classic waltz, one hand holding hers, the other on her lower back, while her other hand rests in my shoulder. Moving side to side, I lift her up and bring her back down. Our moves were graceful. Everytime I lifted her, she couldn't help but to smile.
"You are a really good dancer Joseph" she said.
"My mum taught me before attending Hogwarts" I said while lifting her up again. We danced from waltz to something more party like. She was having so much fun, she put a smile to my face.
We decided we needed a break from all the dancing. "I'm going to get some refreshments, be right back Kiddo" I said. I took her hand and kissed it. She turned red like a tomatoe.
Tonks and Tulip shortly arrived to Penny. They were giggling, even Tonks was lovey dovey. "Penny, how is Joseph treating ya?" said Tonks. "He's just amazing, treated me nicely and danced with me really well. I happy that he's my date" She said putting her hands on her cheeks, blushing. "Word is that Joseph vi Brittania is the only one with a date" said Tulip while stroking Dennis. "Really?" Penny said blushing even more.
I returned with some punch for Penny and myself and sat with her on the table. I still had a few dances up my sleeve. I got up and whispered.
"I'll be right back" she looked at me going forward to a band member playing the music, I whispered something in his ear and he agreed with a nod.
"Hmm, I wonder what Joseph said" she said curiously. Suddenly the music stopped. Joseph stood in the middle of the dance floor, hand extended towards Penny. She looked confused but smiled and went towards him.
"You said you were gonna wear a dress perfect for twirling, show me" he said with a smirk. The music was from Spanish origin with trumpets and guitars, called Flamenco. She took her skirt with her hands and with a knowing smirk while he stood up, proud. Their dance was magestic, a lot of twisting and hip movement. Joseph took of his coat off and started twirling it with graceful movements. All the students, even the faculty were entraced by their movements. He threw the coat in the air, it was caught by Andre. Joseph gave space to Penny for her dance solo. She was as magestic as a Phoenix. He took out hid wand and said "Avifors" and three blue birds came from the tip of his wand towards Penny, synchronizing with her movements. Joseph followed suit, continuing dancing with her. The final notes were about to hit, he took her hands with one hand and the other had his wand, the bird dissappeared, he summoned the bluebell flames that moved like they did. She twirled around him until finally they were face to face, finishing their dance with the flames scattered. Thunderous applause was followed afterwards.
The ball was over, time to head back so I volunteered to walk her back to her dorm. It was pretty late, and Hufflepuff commom room was below. I totally forgot that Ozymandias came with me at the ball, so he tagged along. On our way we found Filch and Mrs Norris. "What are you doing up? is past curfew! " he said with a growl, while Mrs Norris hissed at us in front of him. Ozy came to my "rescue" he stood in front of us and snarled at Mrs Norris. The cat jumped to Filch's arms. I said calmly:
"Mr Filch, the Celestial Ball just ended, I'm escorting Penny to her dorm. Besides, I'm a Prefect in case you forgot, so if I see misbehaving students I'll let you know".
He was stroking his beloved cat and said almost civilized: "Hmm, carry on, but remember vi Brittania, I'll be watching you. Prefect or otherwise" and took his leave.
Penny was cold, I could tell by her trembling. I took off my coat and put her on her shoulders. "Thanks" she said pulling it closer. Shen then took my hand, I grabbed it without hesitation.
We almost reached her dorm until I had an idea. I pulled her to an alcove nearby. "Where are we going?" she asked giggling. "Close your eyes" I said and she does. I leaned in close and gave her a kiss on her lips, she was surprised but continued kissing back. She grabbed my neck and I pulled closer to my body, the coat fell. I felt her lower back that was exposed, with my fingers giving her chills. We stopped to get some air, our forheads leaning on each other. "Wow...um I should go" she said blushing like crazy. I grabbed her hand, and pulled her back to me, she didn't protest. She had her back to me, I was behind her pulling her closer. I kissed her neck, my hands now on her stomach, feeling her navel. She bit her lip and put a hand behind my head. I bit her neck a little, sending shivers down her spine,moaning with pleasure. When I stopped, she leaned her head back on the crook of my neck, my hands still on her belly, she put hers on top of mine. We stay there for a while.
I took the coat from the floor and walked to her common room this time. We hugged and she looks at me. "Thanks for walking me back." she said with a smile. "Thanks for being my date Miss Haywood" I said with a low bow. She laughs and shoves me. "You are welcome Mr vi Brittania" she imitated. She did her music puzzle to enter but before she did she went back and kissed me on my cheek. "Goodnight" she says as she enters. "Goodnigt Pens".
I look at Ozymandias, and he looks at me. "Well Ozy, let's head back." Ozy continued ahead while I was walking with a big smile on my face.
The best night of my life.
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datmadginger · 4 years
Here is the second part of with Penny date in the valentine day subquest
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My MC is just as surprised as I am well done Jam City
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Penny Haywood here to save valentine day
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Not even lockheart can stop the greatest romance in the history of Hogwarts MCxPenny
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MC and Penny caring about over and each being the great for each and there friends
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luanardo · 5 years
McXPenny. Mc venting to best girl.
A flood of grievances stream out of your mouth, and Penny looks down at you (your head rests in her lap) and listens to every word. You remember she has her own life to worry about, and you apologize and thank her for listening. She plays with your hair, “It’s alright. I’m here for you, love.” 
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justsaya · 6 years
Random Rants about HPHM and my Bro
Me: *Barely set up my MC as a half-french/scottish Luna Lovegood and wanna-be the next Madame Pomfrey for Muggles and Wizards/Witches*
My brother: *Already setted up three different AU about his MC* (Auror!AU, CurseBreaking!AU[also known as @lycopeneishere MCxPenny!AU but with some differences but pretty similar] and HPMovie+HPHMMovie!AU and all of them are a FMA+HP crossover with alchemists and drama) 
Me: *Dead Inside* why i don’t have such imagination?! ç_ç i could kill for having your ideas, Daniel!
Bro: You want help?
Me: No! I wanna do it myself <.<
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magicapandora · 5 years
Thanks for tagging me @itscami-art !!
The rules are to tag someone you'd like to know better! Can't think of anyone right now tho, lmao
Favorite color: Pastel Pink, Baby Blue, Mint, Seafoam, Peach, and Cream
Top three ships: Tulipxmerula, MCxPenny, BenxBarnaby
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick
Last song: K/DA- Pop/Stars
Last Movie: Heathers
Currently reading: Three dark queens. It's okay so far and Katherine is a pure cinnamon roll
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callmederok · 5 years
Drabble: What a Day!
This is just a short thing I wrote like a month ago(with the 25 emoji ask/All Answered) I just wanted to put it here outside the ask-game in case someone wants to read it without dealing with the other questions(or the DA2-banter about David XD)
Please Enjoy!
Ps: It happens during the Winter of Sixth Year!
“What a day…it’s the weekend but God said no! Snowstorm!
That jerk…it’s not enough removing my sense of touch for almost five years?!”
What a day…I supposed to hang out with my friends during this quiet period where for some reason or another, the Stone Curse took some weeks off but this bloody snowstorm came in and ruined my plans together with Barnaby’s flu…
[Flashback] This Morning…
< David! Thank god! You’re here! Where’s Barnaby? > yelled my boss at the Reserve for Magical Creatures while he is fast-walking to me, with his face that showed all his worries…
< Barny got flu…what’s happening? > I asked quietly while my hands were freezing in the pockets of my red coat.
[End of Flashback]
“And before I knew it, I was kidnapped by my boss, during my day-off, ready to enjoy some hot soup at the Inn…and I spent it by repairing barns, lighting fires, and lamps, and cooking soup for the creatures while I was starving and freezing…and now it is late evening, still hungry and freezing…Barnaby, you owe me a day!”
< You’re too kind David…> I said, trying to verbally pat my own shoulder…
< As a matter of fact, this is what people expect from the Hero of Hogwarts…but people should learn to be grateful first... > said a voice while actually patting on my right shoulder
I happily turn so I can see her, blessed and feeling reassured to listen to her voice but then I remember in what situation I left…
< Sorry for… > I got interrupted before finishing the sentence by her index finger gently pressing on my lips…
< Like it was your fault for being dragged to work at the Reserve during your day-off, or for Barnaby having a flu…it was funny though, a big guy like you, being taken and pulled by the collar of your coat to work, it was like watching a baby walking a dragon on a leash! > she smiles and laughs a little while she covers her mouth during that short laugh
I smile scratching the back of my head and checking around before meeting her breathtaking blue eyes, I still can’t believe how can she deal with these situations where I end up postponing our dates…and still choosing to stay with me: She could have anyone and she chose me over everyone, Penny Haywood your existence fuels my happiness!
< Wake up, love! > she snaps her fingers a couple of times laughing joyful
<Ehg! Sorry, I was thinking if I did everything at the reserve…> what an excuse, now she will think you’re a workaholic! You Moron!
<…and even if you didn’t, it’s your boss’ problem now…unless he begins to pay you in days-off from work…and in that case, I'll be happy to help you to negotiate with him >  another laugh but this time I actually laugh a little
< Only if I could spend all of them with you and nobody else… > Fantastic, now she’ll surely think that you are jealous and possessive…i can’t believe I said it!
She blushes a little < It sounds like heaven > she simply caress my right cheek for a couple of seconds <…but first: let’s go to dinner! You worked hard during a snowstorm since this morning and you deserve a meal…this time it’s on me, my love! > and suddenly she begins to push me to the Three Broomsticks Inn until I start to walk and only then she grabs my right arm smiling while walking next to me…
“Dear ungrateful annoying Truth/God, I'm busy with my absolutely magnificent, wonderful, beautiful, mesmerizing girlfriend, until Monday…mind your goddamn business!”
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callmederok · 5 years
another random question what is your favourite and least favourite hphm sidequest?
I’m not impartial and you know it so prepare for something quite obvious 
The Date side quest! Why?
Because this happens:
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no need to explain u.u right? 
(Penny x MC ihihih so happy)
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Second Favorite: 
Celestial Ball! Why? JC didn’t let us waltz with our love interest ç_ç (the rest is perfect)
David club dancing level: 
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Least Favorite: 
Hard to say, I kinda hate them all(aside from the celestial ball and the date) mostly because the timeline is suuuuch a mess.
The Quidditch one, i am an MCxPenny4forever bitch and you know it but still…this side-quest happens during year 2, with barely Penny in our friend-list, Rowan is still interested in the vaults, MC is not a huge PTSD war-veteran…so why having Penny introducing us to the side-quest? I’m happy that is not Merula(it wouldn’t make sense XD), Ben(in the second year is still afraid of heights and flying in general) or anyone else.
who has a tree farm? Rowan’s Family
what purpose has the wood made from their trees? Wands and Brooms
The point is: at least put penny AND ROWAN, let them bond over a common interest or just use Rowan for the intro of the side-quest and then Penny because she likes quidditch.
Worst Side-quest(is there different from least favourite? Yes because at least it’s a favourite but the last one XD):
The least favourite one is probably the one with Aurelie…they were able to put Merula even there! also, I disliked Aurelie a little, not for her reasons but it’s a feeling, like when your emotions already know that you dislike someone, so I don’t have reasons, just sensations.
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callmederok · 5 years
i finished the date side-quest, i was able to make enough screenshots(sometimes i clicked by mistake) but here some of my favorite parts; Also the song is one of the songs that can actually describe my MCxPenny, the other ones are:
- Over and Done by Amaranthe is for Cursebreaker!AU described by @lycopeneishere ‘s fanfiction
- Nothing Else Matters by Metallica is for Cursebreaker!AU but without Patricia and where MC and Penny get involved in the Witcher3’s world...(thanks Capcom for giving me the idea) @witcher3--m-jd ;)
- Endlessly by Amaranthe for the OhMyGodTheyWereRoommate!AU
Seriosly, we got lucky to have you...and even then people worship Merula(basically a baby-criminal) you sweet angel ç_ç
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I like the idea that both MC and Penny panicked enough to change(or try) different outfit(s) multple times, it’s cute, they both are so nervous, they have both had clear fantasies about this date going perfectly because they think the other one is awesome and nice and then just panic and anxiety trying to reach each other level (feels like the build-up of Romione). ALSO she looks so mature and awesome with that hairstyle ç_ç Give me Penny with those hair 24/7 ç_ç please Jam City!
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Yeah between Cursebreaking, Potion-brewing, we don’t talk much, both too busy to have actual hobbies and a constant social life, huh?
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And David now is looking serious but inside his mind is probably partying like during the New Year, dancing and yelling happily.
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David and Penny also known as “The couple who think a lot“
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David: just slightly, i wouldn’t told Tonks and Charlie when it was our date, but at the same time, thanks to them we’re here, over the curfew...together(breaking at least 2 rules for our night-date)
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Moon is beautiful and all but for astronomy is just a giant beautiful mirror i prefer Polaris/Ursae Minoris alpha...so at least we can orient ourselves and move north/foward together *///*
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In general, i loved this side-quest, i’m sad that we couldn’t date(Charlie, Tonks and the fifth year’s group of friends, not because i wanted to date them but because I am in solidarity with those who wanted date them). Penny feels something like Romione and for some reason my idea of how Geralt and Yennefer would be if they met during their teenhood(don’t ask me why is just a feeling). My David/MC and Penny, are just sublime, I’m not bragging but they’re similar in many ways but even if they’re popular(is stated, they’re both popular but for very different reasons[also the literal meaning of popular is: commonly liked or approved], and while MC is not the kind of person that receives invites to partie unlike Penny, but she stated that she finds them boring and prefers death-defying adventures) they have this quiet-side that comes up when they’re alone or someone they really care about, at this moment we don’t see David“ The Cursed Kid/the little sibling of a troublemaker“ Denneth or Penny “The most popular girl of our generation“ Haywood, just David “Finally having some time for theirselves“ Denneth and Penny “I’m finally alone with the person i love“ Haywood, they don’t need to wear their masks like in front of other people, they can have their own fun with each other, by talking and making puns or who knows...dancing in the night and just being together, no lies or masks or potential interferences.
I headcanon this date during the end of year fifth, because okay in year four we have the Celestial Ball but, i don’t know for the other MCs, but my David in the end of the fourth year(until the end of the Fifth year) his mind is kinda elsewhere with thoughts and arguments with Dumbledore, so in the fourth year David has (with Penny) more like “Let’s walk and talk about our impressions about this whole Sleepwalking Vault“ (yeah is a weird kind of date, because is mostly David ranting for like 25 minutes with Penny mostly agreeing with him). So yeah for me this happens between the penultimate chapter(Bill’s Farewell party) and the last chapter of Year 5
BTW(just to piss them off): I’ve read how the date is with Merula, i didn’t liked how a criminal(already stated in a reblog-post what i think about Merula, and what she did for having me think her as a criminal) yet-to-be friend(remember it’s the fourth year, not fifth) teasing and mocking you before discovering that she IS MC’S DATE(for those who have chosen her) the rest is good, not perfect but what should i expect from an arrogant criminal who didn’t say sorry yet(i repeat, is decent, not perfect but good)?...eh eh
@anonymous-crazy-girl @thereluctantherosrose @luanardo @dratin-dragonadetinta96 @lycopeneishere
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callmederok · 5 years
Some headcanons DavidxPenny(HPHM)
Who is the most affectionate?
David is the more passionate, Penny the most affectionate, basically, they’re both the most affectionate but in slightly different ways. Mostly David shows that he cares by preparing food or acts of love(hugs and kisses) Penny is more like “Okay, our friends are giving to much of their problems to handle, i’m gonna kidnap you and have you all for me for the next two hours” (no NSFW-contents intended).
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Penny is the little spoon, i think she likes using David as a personal pillow, except summer or winter(David’s metallic left arm can be quite cold in winter and sticky because the sweat in summer), sometimes though, David is lazy enough to put his head on her lap(usually when he doesn’t want to study or he feels lazy) or her stomach(when he has the “little spoon” feeling).
Most common argument?
David and Penny are quite similar so they both get mad on each other for the same reasons: saying Yes to people too much(and too often), not saying No to people enough to have time to rest, their excessive selflessness(also similar, they’re soo busy in taking care of their friends or their junior Gryffindors/Hufflepuffs, the Vaults and their own homework).
Favorite non-sexual activity?
In Hogwarts: Everything that doesn’t involve Vaults, Curses or angry magical creatures, usually just dating somewhere private(like stargazing out of curfew or in Jacob/David’s room)
AurorDavid!AU(also known as “ and Oh my god!, they are roommates!”): Their free night together and watching random muggle documentaries on TV while snuggling and cuddling(some nights are not so SFW)
Cursebreakers!AU: Mostly after prepared everything for the next day(usually after dinner) they enjoy a couple of hours together randomly talking about everything may jump in their mind, while drinking something(usually tea or chamomille).
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Kind of clichè but is a fact that David is physically strong(I mean, we are talking about a workaholic who wakes up at the dawn, and runs somewhere quiet and has his own morning routine that basically is a full course of exercises and gymnastic, from jogging, flexing to intense shadowboxing) so yeah, Magic can make levitate people but David’s strength can carry anyone like it’s nothing.
What is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
David would start a riot if Penny will not smile(before the celestial ball, I headcanon that David will be like “Penny is smiling, today will be a good day” like he makes predictions about the day based on her face when she shows up for breakfast XD).
I headcanon Penny loves David’s eyes, that passionate amber/gold eyes that express his passion and determination. But if you ask her if she likes David’s body and his scars, she just blushes a lot(during HPHM at least).
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
David: The first spark of love is when she told him about Scarlett(third year if you guys don’t remember), it may be weird, creepy or horrible but in that moment, David, usually so focused on his own dramas(having his mother tormenting him as a ghost and as a boggart basically tormenting him) discovered that she is not only the girl who helped him in the Ice Vault(willingly) but she is a person, with a background, she is someone who even if she is living some very bad moments, alone, she kept smiling in public, basically David stopped to be so self-centred (even though at that time he has every reason to focus on himself because his family dramas, for more Infos click here but it’s a long text-wall without even mentioning his super needy friends). He got conscious of his feelings during the fourth year(Dementor-side quest), until then is just like “Where is Penny now? Should i ask her help for this potion? Or share my fav-sandwiches with her?”
Penny: The first spark of love is not much later than those moments(during the werewolves side-quest that i headcanon that it happens during year three)she yelled his name instinctively, and he was there, fighting so furiously, like a beast, only for her safeness, but a big part of her feelings came out during the Celestial Ball(i headcanon that David will get his sense of touch after fought the acromantula and the Celestial Ball is more like a “End Year Ball”, in how David is so willing to help her without ranting or whining even when he just got recently his sense of touch(and she knows because David basically re-gained with his own Alchemy in front of the teachers and his closest friends and thanks to Penny making an obvious point that David never thought about it about how gaining it back) and he is not totally used yet, and yet during the dancing he is so delicate even with his metallic left arm, and the after-Ball where he is bringing her back to her dorm basically carrying her on his back.
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
David to Penny: Honey/Sweetheart or Milady(when he feels flirty), Genius(She came up with the solution to regaining David’s sense of touch, i mean it was obvious but David was soo focused on the problem to forgot to consider to give away the Truth about Alchemy for his sense of touch, after all, God actually made that exchange in reverse, during the first human transmutation of David). During the After-hphm era but in the HPHMxDragon Age, David learns the elvhen language and she begins to call her Vhenan( = Heart).
Penny to David: Love(when she feels caring/flirty), Davy(short version of David, mostly when she is begging him, mostly when David is giving her a massage or something very enjoyable but she doesn’t have time for actually enjoying it), Hero(jokingly, even knowing that David doesn’t like being defined as hero of Hogwarts), Gryff(like Gryffindor, because of his hair and eyes that are like the colours of Gryffindor’s house)
Who worries the most?
Which one of them has some sort of passion for fighting creatures and beasts and having adventures? David...
So Penny is the one who worries the most(even though David is strong and fast enough to survive every time)
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Both have a good memory but Penny is slightly superior to David
Who initiates kisses?
In Hogwarts, mostly Penny.
David is just too polite to just kiss out of nothing, but he is the one who initiates hugs, kinda feel like everything he does, it’s inappropriate so he kinda read her mind searching for consent(this, during HPHM, after HPHM he learned when it’s a good time and when it’s not, and when it’s a good time, he goes for some kisses and hugs)
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Penny is more for hand-holding, David for hugs and cuddling.
Who kisses the hardest?
David, after he is in the right atmosphere, is known to be quite passionate, so Penny puts the mood and David goes with her flow.
Who wakes up first?
Like I said, David wakes up at the dawn for his morning routine, every day except weekends(during and after Hogwarts)
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Penny basically forces David to stay in bed more by sleeping either on him of wrapping her arms and legs around him.
Who says I love you first?
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David is most like “I don’t like words because usually, i can’t trust them, i know that you’re honest and i’m happy, so let me show you my love for you by baking a heart-shaped cake with some cheesy compliment written on it” but after some time together he actually said it(it wasn’t S.Valentine, just a random day when David just took enough courage to actually said it”
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
David is the chef, and mostly in the notes is said something about the food, like “watch it, in this lunch there may be something you don’t like, because we ran out of the usual ingredient, please take care”
David is functional, he shows his love for you by showing interest in your life/health/everything.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Bold of you to assume that they need to tell to someone(after the date-sidequest is more possible that Tonks has prepared a party for celebrating the new couple xD) but actually Penny tells stories of David(it’s stated at least with first-year Bea) to the point that in her family are not surprised to know that they’re a couple. David is so obvious about it(he can keep a decent poker-face for serious things like fighting and death-defying adventures...but when he is happy/in love/enthusiastic, you can read him like an open book) so Badea’s family knows almost instantly.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
David’s biological father: Don’t care.
Jacob: My Gryffboy, he is finally an adult *making a fake sad face trying to not laugh and start to make jokes about David*
David’s foster father: Good for him, she seems a girl worth fighting for (he’s trying to look cool and epic but he is quite happy)
Friends: [Insert here what every Romione shippers think about any Romione’s moments]/FUCKING FINALLY!
Mrs.Haywood: Break my daughter heart and i will choke your with your own intestines(She knows David’s biological mother and her ancestors and one of them was a dark wizard/witch, and she is not happy about it...even more after discovering that David’s biological mother cursed him while she was giving birth to him)
Bea Haywood: I’m not sure if i’m mad at her for getting the best guy of her generation or happy because David Fucking Denneth(he will change his surname in Haywood soon as they get married) is going to be my future brother-in-law and i’m going to make everyone else die in jealousy when I'll tell them that my future Brother is the hero of Hogwarts!
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
David likes to invite her to waltz from time to time. 
Penny likes to force him to dance something more energetic, but David suuucks in disco/club-dancing(but at least Penny laughs a little, still worth it XD)
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
David is talented in cooking like Penny is talented in Potions, AfterHPHM she learned at little, but David can make fancy meals like it’s the easiest thing ever.
Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines?
David trained himself with Tonks, he is not perfect but sometimes he can actually say some decent pickup lines but most of the times are just weirdly funny. 
Penny is more talented in flirting in general.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
David doesn’t want to seem a pervert or a creep, is soo scared to lose her...so usually is Penny to take charge. But during their adulthood, David learns the “do and don’t” and he is quite decent.
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Penny with normal baby-songs, David basically sings love songs in a soothing voice, imagine a big guy full of scars everywhere, singing Nothing Else Matters by Metallica but lullaby-style.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
David is like a sad doggo(influenced by his animagus form: a German Shepherd), makes noises with the mouth closed, and sings love songs in a depressed tone
Penny, mostly panic, because either David is about to be involved in some trouble, or he is already in some trouble. She knows that David is strong and all but he is not immortal(this is basically a good part of her character arc during my idea of the Battle of Hogwarts but with HPHM’s characters)
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
From AfterHPHM: Either David or Penny just had a rough day, and one of them just came back home and they feel so tired and awful that literally push their face on the partner’s back/neck(It depends bc David is like 1,90m and Penny is 1,75m) and mumbling something “Call the world, say that for today i’m done” and the partner would prepare a bath and a fancy but light meal(something that doesn’t make you feel bloated or like weighing a ton) and go to sleep together with a lot of cuddling and kisses.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
David and Penny are similar(someone may find it boring) they share an absurd sense of humour (based on what happened during their years in Hogwarts), but more important they talk to each other, quietly(David only yells when he is fighting beasts and creatures and it’s more like his way to roar), and the number of their arguments can be counted on one hand. Basically, they love each other so much that they don’t want to be mad at each other for too long(or to the point of no return). Seriously it’s just the perfect pairing David looks like a bad guy...but his scars are from selfless acts of heroism, and he is the quietest and nice guy in Hogwarts, while Penny is treated like the nicest girl in Hogwarts(and she is) but when her family and beloved people are in danger she is quite aggressive and angry like David(see the chapter in year five where Penny is searching for Bea and she talks to the acromantula). Really i can’t explain how i love this pairing, they simply love each other and show to each other that they prefer living in hell together rather than in heaven but eternally separated.
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callmederok · 5 years
1,9,12 and 17 for the ship ask :)
First: Thanks for the ask
Second: My english is not perfect, and i’m sorry about that
Third(but the most important): Enjoy! ^_^
1. Who is your MC preferred significate other?
MC(possibily my MaleGryffindorMC/DavidxPenny) for tons of reason
In general they both wear a mask with people, MC is basically the Hated #1, and Penny wears the “Popular Girl” mask(she told us/stated that she doesn’t like so much attention but she use it at her own advantage) and at the end of the day they’re both quiet persons.
Outside the canon moments, David finds Penny a person with a great empathy, a good sense of humor(while David has an absurd sense of humor based on what he deals everyday with the Vaults…so if you don’t know him, you can find him weird), also she cares deeply, (and thanks to JC, MC seems to care a lot about Penny even if you don’t fancy her, someone may hate me for being grateful to JC for this)
9. What song(s) describes their relationship with one another?
It’s more like a playlist: HERE  if you want directly listen (the most important ones are bolded)
- What I Believe(By Skillet)
- Comatose(by Skillet)
- Amaranthine(by Amaranthe)
- Over and Done(by Amaranthe)(not sure if i got the real meaning of the song but is a good song)
- Endlessly(by Amaranthe)
- Nothing Else Matters(by Metallica)
- Still Into You(by Paramore)(but in this case i chose NateWantsToBattle Feat.Amalee because is a duet)
- Be Somebody(by Thousand Foot Krutch)
The main point of all these songs is that they love each other, and they’re happy together to the point to forget about their friends
12. When did they have their first kiss? 
To me(for now) the date-sidequest happens before Bill’s Farewell Part(Y5CH33) also i kinda headcanon Penny’s birthday is in summer(around the 24th August) and for her birthday her parents take her to some relatives who live near a beach(i don’t know where because i’m not from England) but for the same reason David(his birthday is the 23rd but based on the adults’work-schedule they usually celebrate when they have a day-off or something) is there with his foster-family(and probably Rowan, and based on some incompleted headcanons Badea or Liz may be there too because David’s foster-family is either Badea’s or Liz’s, i need more infos about them before i complete the headcanon). The thing is that both families will celebrate together, Mr.Haywood would be in awe about David because they share an interest in fishing(mostly because with David metallic left arm, he can’t swim anymore in salt water so he is trying to have an hobby related to the ocean/sea like fishing), Mr.Denneth(David’s biological father) will be in awe because yay Mr.Haywood is muggle!(is stated in the game btw). So while they’re celebrating the night comes and finally! David and Penny are alone while everyone is going to sleep…they’re just stargazing like during their date, but this time they’re already handholding, and they’re near enough, and they’re just talking, but more they talk and more near they are to an important point that they need to talk about: Their relationship, What they’re to each other, some romantic words here and some cheesy funny lines these and before they knew, Penny is sitting on David’s lap and kissing him while holding his head, the kiss is long enough that even someone trained like David is breathless, and they’re only smiling before David trying to calm himself over the hurricane of emotions is feeling(like joy, happiness, fear to ruin everything, anxiety about what will probably happen after this kiss, etcetera) say some weird but funny puns, she understands him enough to feel flattered and go for some comeback puns about David’s achievements and they’ll go around like that between kisses and puns until late midnight when they go back to their places with a big smile on their faces…and a lot to explain to their parents because they’re awfully late.
17.Do they get jealous easy? And if so, who?
Both of them are jealous but for different reasons
David is jealous because Penny is quite popular as usual BUT he trusts her enough so he never made a scene, just asks some infos, mostly out of curiosity(but he dies inside over jealousy until she comes back). He never made a scene either in private or public, but time to time he asks her to some date somewhere quiet.
Penny is jealous because their friends are sooooo neeeedy and always wanted something from David, her kind of jealousy is related to “I want spend more time together” totally reasonable but sometimes she loses her patience and just “kidnaps” David somewhere quiet (there is a fanfic about it, but it includes nsfw so…i will not link it) David really understands her(i mean they love each other, David is very irrational when Penny is involved…i mean that for her he will do everything to make her happy) but usually he just explains that he takes care of their friends soon as possible so he could happily focus on her. After the first time that this situation/argument happened, they both try to compromise between MC saying no more often and Penny helping MC to fix their friends’ problems.
This short story, is based on the fact that 90% of MC’s friends are always going to them for something, and i think it’s realistic that MC’s Love Interest is jealous about the time MC spends with their friends, misunderstanding a little before they have some talk based on this misunderstanding.
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callmederok · 5 years
How about 4, 7, and 31 for the romance one maybe ? (By the way hi)
First: Thanks for Asking(Don’t be shy, i don’t bite, My MC can bite but only if you give him a reason AHAHAH)
Second: My English isn’t perfect(Not-native, sorry) but i hope it’s understandable ^_^
Third(and most important): Please enjoy ^_^
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other? 
Already Answered Here
7. Favorite date activity? 
With all they’re going through(During HPHM), they both need to chill, so their favorite date activity is anything that sounds lazy, from lazily studying together, to just having a meal in Jacob’s room away from anyone but each other, or going to Madam Puddifoot for drinking something sweet(tea or chamomile)(and this time without Tonks and Charlie around), basically for Penny and David, anything unrelated to school and done together counts as a date.
31. Share anything you would like about the couple!
During HPHM their relationship was quite hated by anyone who considered David a Hero and Penny an Angel, and they wanted them to break up, as matter of fact this “general jealousy” jeopardized their own popularity and strengthen their relationship to the point that they gained more time to spend together, so people eager to have David as Boyfriend and Penny as Girlfriend created a win-win situation for the couple, so they can chill/relax more often than they usually did before this event.
I like this headcanon mostly because implies some angst but with a happy ending.
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callmederok · 5 years
about the Ship ask, about your OTP: 19, 20 and 32
First: Thanks for asking ^_^
Second: My english is improving but some sentences may be weird(sorry ^_^)
Third: Please Enjoy ^_^
19. What’s their favorite thing about each other?
David’s favorite thing about Penny: How supportive she is, even because she is right about wanting more time where they’re alone together(but during HPHM David has a lot of problems to solve…)
Penny’s favorite thing about David: He is so giving with her, he faced teachers, werewolves and curses for her, and even after Hogwarts, he is always sharing what he has with her before anyone else, even more during their adulthood.
20. What’s their least favorite thing about each other?
David’s least favorite thing about Penny: That usually she goes to drink potions when a (psychological) problem comes(like during in third year, trying to forget Scarlet with a potion) but they’ll work it out together
Penny’s least favorite thing about David: His excessive sense of sacrifice, mostly because he usually ends up injured, but after the Final Vault(and Hogwarts in general) David will change. 
32. Have they ever said anything hurtful to the other during an argument?  If so, how do they go about apologizing?
Nothing truly offensive, they both stay on point and keep staying on point until one of them is entirely right, but they don’t yell at each other, and their argument are mostly based on what to do as adults, the main(and the biggest) argument they had during Hogwarts is based on Penny feeling neglected by David (who only wants to deal with the Vaults and their needy friends soon as possible so he could spend more time with her). Usually they have a common way to apologize to each other: Dumping their commitments/Take a day off, and just plan a “i’m sorry”-date
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callmederok · 5 years
MC’s Ship: All the Answers
Asking About: Your Hogwarts Mystery MC’s Ship(s)!
@cynicaljapanophile @thereluctantherosrose @catherinestark-hphm You may want to read it ^_^
1. How does their relationship develop in tandem with the Vaults?  Are they a hindrance or do they bring them closer together?
At the beginning yes, she is quite interested in the vaults(is stated in the game that she likes the idea of a death-defying adventure, and how boring are the parties she is usually invited, that’s mean that in some way she enjoys the adrenaline rush, like everyone who practice extreme sports or has the runner’s high) so they bring them close enough to begin to actually know each other, share some time together, from Penny point of view, she’ll discover that David(and the whole Denneth-family) is not like the Daily Prophet likes to write in their stories/news. At the same time she’ll open herself to one of the few persons in the entire hogwarts who really cares about her, enough to fight Greyback and werewolves and after the Vault of Fear, she will learn the entire background of David(human transmutation of her mother, his punishment in form of losing her sense of touch and basically he has already spent at least three years without feeling anything[not pain, hot or cold, or any kind of physical sensation] with his body only because he wanted to not feel lonely and cold, to the point that Minerva/Dumbledore put some magic tattoos that works like a health-check for his own needs like notifying him when he is hungry or in need to go to the bathroom, without even saying a single word about Jacob because it wasn’t the main point of what he was dealing with). So after that the Vaults are more like a duty(for his brother sake) for David, like a personal war with R. Nobody(i mean the adults, Ministry/Teachers/People usually paid to solve problems) is doing something to help him and he can’t force his precious (but needy) friends every time. David will never avoid Penny in anyway possible but sometimes is clear that he is forced to grow up, to face hell to be a guardian so other people can fully enjoy Hogwarts and this creates a need for David to spend some time by himself. After the Sleepwalking Vault is an another change for them to be close, David just had a tantrum against Dumbledore, tried(and failed) to punch him, cursing(more like insulting) his own humanity and got lectured about how David is the most human around because he is crying over some dead students without even knowing them(nobody stated if the acromantula lied about eating a dozen of students since the beginning of the sleepwalking curse, and i don’t have evidence for proving that it didn’t nor the acromantula has reasons to lie). So after that David can share some thoughts with Penny, is only a common talk, something light but the arguments goes to the point where Penny asks “Why you can’t give aways your Truth of Alchemy in exchange of your sense of touch?” David was so focused with Jacob, the vaults, studying and solve everyone’s problems that he had never thought of it before and he kisses Penny’s forehead calling her “Genius”, so basically David (before the celestial ball) can show to Minerva(who let’s not forget it, found David, and she is paying for his education in exchange of showing this different kind of Alchemy, unknown to the Magical Community) a human transmutation of an alive human(David himself) and he completes the exchange by facing God once again and re-gaining his sense of touch, feeling himself again after almost five years. He can enjoy the Celestial Ball with the person he admires and loves more, still shy about it(he yelled in panic when he asked her to join him if she wanted). The summer after the fourth year, David had to travel with his grandfather to Egypt to the Egyptian Centre for Alchemical Studies(to study Alchemy from the basics) but they meet each other on the way back home during Penny’s birthday(which is a few days after David’s birthday but often is in the same week, it’s my headcanon btw), there is everyone also everyone’s parents so nothing really happens, is more a happy moment they share. During the fifth year Penny can truly understand what David is feeling when he has to break those curses only to save someone he cares. So as matter of fact(despite Jam City bad writing) i think Penny is way more active, after all Bea is trapped, and we know how much she cares about her little sister, so she basically help to negotiate or actively gather intel/infos for David until they save her and free Jacob. After that(for my headcanons) we finally have the love confession/declaration:
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which makes David’s heart explode, like an overdose of happiness but fear at the same time(two years before their graduation, and i saw the datamined spoilers...they’re going to have even more problems than they had to deal in the fifth year, but don’t worry they will not break up, but they’ll be quite busy, enough that some days they just quit on people, friends, families, lessons and teachers, they just have some love escapes for a few hours, because Bloody Hell! This school is a living nightmare!)
2.What’s something that they really bond over together?
Quidditch! Adventures! David’s spaghetti(the last one is a joke, not so far from reality though), learning from each other! Love!
3.How do they flirt with each other before dating?  How does it change after they start dating?
Before dating there is no form of flirt, but tons of moments when they share a laugh, some funny or weird joke(the kind that you don’t understand why that joke is so funny but you’re too busy laughing to figure it out).
After they begin to date is Penny to start most of the flirting, David is not a talkative person, not because he is dumb or he lacks of creativity in making flirty lines, he prefer just to show his love with actions: He loves you?Here he comes with a hug and some kisses or with some flower and a baked pie. Penny takes the initiative in public, David from the “Reckless Hero of Hogwarts, the one who can knock down a troll with a few flying kicks to his temples” to “That shy guy with tons of scars that he is hugging Penny with his face red as a tomato and purring against her cheek”. In private they’re basically teasing each other, in the quietness of a empty room but i repeat Penny takes usually the initiative and does the big part of the talk.
4.What does the rest of the Mystery Crew think about them?  Do they even know about it?
Rowan: Please, like i didn’t called David everytime so he could stop to staring at Penny and go back to our conversations <_< of course i knew about it, but i feel betrayed for not telling me when they wanted to make it official!
Ben(After year 5): David is stupid! He basically put a target on Penny, at this point i almost wish that she’ll be in a serious danger only to prove my point to him!
Tonks&Charlie: We were there during their first date and I(Tonks) basically helped him to ruin it and I(Charlie) didn’t even want to be there, i saw David having multiple anxiety attacks only for fixing his hair, but Tonks told me to follow her in exchange of a old book about ancient dragons…
Chiara: I’m happy for them, they both helped me with my “problematic health” Penny with medications and David by checking on me during “the worst days of the month” at the same time i wish i was one of them, they’re so cute <3
Talbott: Meh! Good for them, but i’m scared that Penny will talk to me about “what great boyfriend David is”
Bill(During HPHM and Auror!AU): My “i wish he was my brother” is dating! Let me write the news to mom! (and talk about it for days)
Bill(Cursebreaker!AU): He did something horrible and yet Penny still loves him! He brainwashed her! I’m sure of it, but i trusted David to solve the problems with the Vaults, but he did it by doing something so awful that i’m disgusted by him!
Tulip: Our Chaotic God(Tulip’s nickname for David after Year5) dating with a cute Princess? Unbelievable! and yet it feels like it’s so chaotic that i think that this level of chaos may force some Deities to descend and ask for an explanation! It would be awesome if it happens!
Lizard: Intriguing that the only human able to tame David was someone who never took a single lesson of Care of Magical Creatures.
Diego: How he did it!? He didn’t flirt with her, he was basically just a nice (but very scary) guy! Someone explains to me how he was able to make Penny “Adorable Princess” Haywood fall for him!
Jae: This should bring more happy dreams in David’s mind, let’s hope this will also bring more night where David doesn’t screams because of nightmares, so i will finally have a decent night where i sleep without jumping off the bed because he screams while he sleeps…
Badea: My brother is dating someone who truly understands him, this will inspire me to make a portrait of them.
Barnaby: They’re dating, this will mean that i can’t scratch David’s belly(when he is in animagus form) anymore? Or play catch?
Jacob: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpZiPZwwXhM (He doesn’t approve, because he wants someone stronger as David’s partner)
Ismelda&Bea: Finally! So they’ll be so busy doing the classic “couple activities” to not annoy/bother us
Merula: I hate you! (and because the date SQ: and i wish he was dating me! I don’t understand! I bullied him! I insulted him, i also did the extra mile and tried to kill him! What i did wrong?! That’s the only way to make someone fall for you!)
5.Do you think any of the Hogwarts staff ship them or think they’re cute together?
Minerva and Dumbledore are quite happy, Minerva because basically just saw the little kind she is taking care of, being a sweet and kind man, Dumbledore same but is intrigued by the details of their relationship(he is into gossip).
Kettleburn founds their relationship fascinating(like he is intrigued as a magizoologist, i’m pretty sure he thinks David is an actual beast with a human shape, after all David survived twice to a Chimaera, and a Dragon, A troll, A yeti, an acromantula, Werewolves and tons of boggarts.)
Sprout finds them adorable(but slightly annoyed by David sneaking in the Hufflepuff common room)
Madam Pince, is happy(and at the same time she hopes they’ll never snog in the Library or something)
Madame Pomfrey is happy, but she is more concerned about when David will stop to have a personal bed in the Hospital Wing like Kettleburn
Severus Snape, after defined David like a “second James Potter” he is disgusted by the idea of Penny(with a talent for Potions like Lily Evans) spending time with David. For him it’s like re-watching James and Lily love story all over again.
Argus/Filch doesn’t care at all.
Flitwick is intrigued like a fan of some Tv-drama.
Binns...ahahah when he will show some interest it will be when David or Penny will begin some kind of revolution(or evolution) of the Wizarding World.
Pitts is happy for David, he knows and understand the shit David has to deal almost everyday, so he baked a cake for them.
Rakepick(aside her potential betrayal, i still believe she is a double agent or something thanks to @missnight0wl) would be intrigued, mostly curious about how David will develop as a cursebreaker now that he is happy.
6.What rumors do you think would float around Hogwarts about their relationship, if any?  How would your MC react to them upon learning about them?
With David being scary(and scarred), probably some rumors about him beating her when as a matter of fact, he doesn’t touch her with his metallic limb exactly because he is scared to hurt her, one time for bumping her accidentally, he apologized for like a hour.
There are also rumors that David is a cheater, abuser and other nasty stuff...but he goes berserk when someone implies he is cheating Penny with Merula, and then it start a short explanation where he tells the various nasty/bad things Merula did to him and then ask “who in the right mind would date a bully like her?!”
On Penny-side, she had to deal with David’s fanclub(or everyone who after year 5 thinks he is cool/dating-material), where they try to brainwash people into thinking that David is under the effect of Amortentia or that she is blackmailing David, her usual reaction is like “I don’t need Amortentia or Blackmail for having David all for myself...” with a malicious and flirty tone of voice, implying everything and nothing at the same time.
7.Did your MC or the character(s) you ship them with date anyone else before them?  What were those relationships like?
David never dated before, he is into Penny since the very beginning.
Penny pretty much the same.(unless it will be stated something else in the game)
8.Does their relationship have a rocky start?  Or is it smooth?
I think that yes, they had a rocky start, but not because their personalities but because R, Vaults, Jacob, Adult who are disappointing or a bad example of “nice/helpful adults”, Needy Friends...that aside even with their flaws the relationship is quite smooth, they work on their flaws because they care so much that for them is worth it working on those flaws, like David’s extreme sense of sacrifice, Penny’s restlessness... 
9.What’s their primary love language (words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time, or physical touch)?
Physical Touch and time spent together mostly, with David learning how to cook, this implies David trying to invite her to lunch in David’s/Jacob’s room
10. How good are they at compromising?
They’re both quite good in compromising, David on Penny’s request stopped to willingly fight magical creatures(so it means that he will fight them only for self-defense or very important reasons). David never requested anything to Penny because he is pretty much cool with everything about her, and he can adapt to situations quite easily.
11.How often do they go out on dates and where do they like to go?
With all they’re both going through(in a way or another they both have a very tight schedule, but for different reasons) so they don’t plan dates(except the canon ones) they just go on a date, the adventure of “not planning a single thing” or the “Just go with the flow” sometimes they go to Madam Puddifoot for the sake of quietness and peaceful location, sometimes they just have their lunch somewhere different, like a short picnic, because the Hall is just too noisy sometimes. Even being lazy in Jacob’s room is a basically a date for them. 
12.What are their favorite ways to be physically affectionate?
David loves hugs and craves them, while Penny takes initiative on everything else, and David simply goes with her flow/rhythm. 
Because you know, David will be in the “I’m doing good?If i do [this], she will get mad?Please don’t be mad” phase even after 10 years of relationship for him it’s like trying to be passionate and unpredictable(and in general the best partner possible) in a world where the political fairness won so much that you may go to jail forever even if you think to hold hands with the girl you love without her consent...that’s how high is his paranoia.
13.What’s the dumbest or most ridiculous thing they’ve seen each other do?
*David is playing Quidditch and he removes his some layers of clothes because he is drowning in his own sweat*
Penny: *Runs to the commentator and yells “David suddenly removed his shirt and he is distracting everyone in the field with his gorgeousness!” *
*David starts to laugh until he cries or almost fall from the broom*
(I wanted to make a headcanon Quidditch-based because the side-quest)
Penny saw David singing ABBA while dressed like a girl one time, and after that during fifth year during the Boggart reviews with Rakepick, the second time was basically the same but with the boggart-David and David both dressed with the girl-uniform both singing and dancing. it’s not the most dumbest thing or the most ridiculous but definitely the funniest.
14.Do they like to cuddle?  Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
They do like to cuddle, like a lot, because of their height difference, David is the big spoon and Penny the little one.
15.What position do they sleep in when they share a bed?
The Nuzzle
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16.How do they comfort each other when they have bad days?
During Hogwarts they pretty much hangout somewhere quiet and just talk, like it happens during Year 4(after the Sleepwalking curse but before the Ball) where David is bloody furious with Dumbledore and they took a detour for talking a little, that’s when David gets his solution to his alchemic disability(re-gaining his sense of touch) thanks to her, more calm and quiet enough to noticing the obvious thing to do. In general they comfort each other doing what they usually do: spending time together and by letting their beloved one venting about their bad day.
17.What hobbies or activities do they like to do together?
Being a Quidditch player(him) and a Quidditch fan(her) counts? If not, David tries to bring her to hike a little in the woods for the sake of learning the basics of survivalism, and how orient herself, on the other-side Penny almost forces him to at least assist her Potion Club so he can check his homework and improve his abilities as potion-brewer(he doesn’t improve that much but he takes the effort to try it and being constant about it)
18.What kind of gifts do they give each other?
David during the first occasions kinda likes give her useful items, like knives(because and i quote “a wand is just a piece of wood, your enemies can either break it or burn it...i want to see them try to destroy a knife”) or enchanted protections, then there is the period when he goes personally to find for some rare potion-ingrendients or unusual books.
Penny sticks with giving him potions and clothes she would want to see him wearing(or anything that doesn’t smell like blood, dirt or it’s not ruined by the constant use), because David doesn’t really have any other interests aside: creatures, cursebreaking/adventure/travelling, playing quidditch(for fun), fighting.
The most common gift of both is the time spent together, i’m repeating it quite a lot, but between Aurors!Au where David is an Auror and Penny is basically a substitute for Snape(when he doesn’t want to deal with some kids <-- his words) and the cursebreakers!AU where they’re constantly travelling around the world...yeah you can make gifts but they’re so busy that it’s like the same kind of panic that there is in a mall during the Black Fridays..
19.What’s their favorite thing about each other?
David’s favorite thing about Penny: Her passion, when she is interested in something she looks so beautiful, she is so contagious!
Penny’s favorite thing about David: How is able to befriend almost everyone even with a scary face and a lack of initiative in talking.
20.What’s their least favorite thing about each other?
David’s least favorite thing about Penny: That usually she goes to drink potions when a (psychological) problem comes(like during in third year, trying to forget Scarlet with a potion) but they’ll work it out together
Penny’s least favorite thing about David: His excessive sense of sacrifice, mostly because he usually ends up injured, but after the Final Vault(and Hogwarts in general) David will change(slowly). 
21.Do they keep secrets from each other?  Or are they very open and communicative?
David doesn’t have reasons to keep secrets(also keeping secrets usually ends to be quite problematic), and he communicates quite enough.
The only secret Penny kept wasn’t an actual secret but more like “David didn’t knew that, and i didn’t tell him because i didn’t knew that he didn’t knew” and was about Mrs.Haywood being an ex-classmate of Mrs.Denneth and that their friendship ended badly because she joined “Voldemort’s ideals” out of fear and basically bullied Mrs.Haywood through letters, and she is the most talkative of the duo.
22.What do they think of each other’s choice in career and how supportive are they?
David supports any possible choice in career of Penny, as matter of fact he pushed her to let her focus in studying for her dream-job first, so even if the relationship would end she still have enough competences to be independent and have a decent life(Bonus1: David is more than willing to be a househusband if she wants to focus on working) (Bonus2: David gave the same speech to all his friends, just in case they want to follow him or blindly following their partners)
Short Version: David would support her even if her dream job is being the ruler of the galaxy 
Penny on the other side in Aurors!AU(where David and Jacob are unorthodox Aurors) is happy for him but she isn’t that supportive, and i don’t blame or shame her, after all the problems derived from the Vaults, David still choose to be a fighter(this is what Hogwarts wanted from him and they got what they wanted), to be some sort of “legalized hero”(probably Harry Potter had the same thoughts about it) with all the risks he may be involved, like injuries, tight schedule, death…
In the Cursebreakers!AU we have Penny choosing the same profession as David but still focusing on potions, and be her supporter, also making most of the talks/negotiations with customers thanks to her social abilities, she is happy to be in an eternal journey with him, feels like a honeymoon when they don’t have customers or people searching for them. She wasn’t that supportive at first because she feared he could become like Patricia Rakepick but will be more like Geralt of Rivia, while Patricia was selfish and chasing challenges, David is a cursebreaker for the sake of solving problems without being tied by rules or laws. Basically Cursebreaking for the sake of cursebreaking. (and let’s not talk about my Cursebreaker!AU where David and Penny are in the Dragon-Age’s universe...is pretty much the same but with more stress because they’re trying to fix some Eluvians and have at least the choice to go back home)
Recently i’m developing the idea that the perfect job(and i mean, zero stress, not much problems, some risks to be injured but not high as being an Auror or a Cursebreaker) for David is being a Magizoologist, basically it would mean that David will work in some habitat for magical creatures and take care of them...but i’ve still to figure out how insert his relationship(even if i already know, that Penny would love and 100% support this choice, because it would give David the needed time to heal from all the dramas and psychological scars he got during Hogwarts)
I was also thinking about a Quidditch!AU(thanks side-quest <.<) but i don’t like it because David basically plays as form of “entertain his friends” going pro would mean hoping to have at least 2-3 friends during his games.
23.Do they have a relationship song for each other?  Do you have one (or more) for them?  If so, what are they?
just...listen this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU1Iq8OSV59TGmqJUjlwfSRIAPsWVdL9-
24.If they move in together, when does it happen?  What’s that transition like?
in the Auror!AU, soon as David(and his whole generation) graduates he tries to find a decent place near the Ministry because he is applying for being Auror and Penny of course is going to join him thanks to the Floo Network she can basically enjoy her job as substitute teacher in Potion(so Harry’s generation can have, time to time, a few weeks without Snape during their school year). The place is in Muggle London, so they can enjoy movies, documentaries and tv-shows in general. The transition is not worth mention, David always was quite independent during summers, he could take a journey on foot alone around Great Britain(mostly because the education from his father is quite like a survivalist, so he can hunt or find some part-time job for money, quite brutal education but it made him free and self-responsible for his own actions…obviously he doesn’t travel alone during summers…but if he wanted he could do it at that time) so the transition problem was the coexisting with Penny and her routine(/work schedule) while while he tries to have his routine(work-schedule).
In the Cursebreaker!AU(based on @lycopenedishere ‘s fanfic but remixed because the recent events in the main story), David will basically quit on Great Britain and everything related to Hogwarts, so he chooses a job that makes him travel a lot so he could work on his traumas, Penny joins him mostly because she loves him and really wanted to understand how big is the world magic community(something related to some stories David told her). In this AU their relationship evolves faster than in Auror!AU because they usually shares more adventures and more occasions to bond. Even in the AU written by lycopenedishere(where Rakepick is their mentor/senior cursebreaker) they always share small rooms with small beds for saving money  because they travel a lot all around the world. So at the end in Cursebreaker!AU they’re moving place to place so often that they’re used quite soon and there is no transition at all because they don’t have the time to enter in the mentality of “This is MY place now and it will be for a looong time”, they just do their own things.
25.Do they adopt any pets or magical creatures?  If so, which ones?
Probably something small, like a niffler(cursebreaker!AU) or a cat(Auror!AU) and the cat name would be based on a flower
26.If they get married, who proposes to whom?  And how do they do it?
In Aurors!AU David just propose to Penny in the old fashioned way, with TWO rings(one is just gold, no gems/stones, but it’s written DxP on a side, it’s for common days, so it looks practical and comfortable , the other one is for fancy occasions and it has two gems, a small Ruby and a small Topaz closest possible to each other). Incredible but truth during their wedding the Weird Sister singed “Nothing Else Matters” with Metallica(Headcanon: James Hetfield is a wizard from Ilvermorny)...David almost died by seeing James...imagine his poor heart skipping beats for every single word spelled by James 
In Cursebreakers!AU, David and Penny never truly marry but they live like a married couple since the very beginning, they have ring but are from an ancient ruins are known as “Queen’s Ring” and “King’s Ring”(names decided by David, because the actual names were way more longer)...i’m still deciding if those two rings are actually magical artifacts(in the original idea, Penny’s ring made her able to command David...but she never used that power unless David’s inner personality, Jager, goes out of control...but kinda feel like a clichè...so i discarded this idea).  
27.If they get married, what’s their wedding like?
Knowing David, his only request is doing it during Spring or somewhere with open fields(probably during a day without full moon so anyone can come)
Then someone(probably Andrè or Penny herself) would think that asking to a cover band(of metallica) to sing Nothing Else Matters a couple of time...only to discover that Myron Wagtail, already took care of that by calling James Hetfield(and the rest of the band)….David fainted twice…
(sorry for the lack of infos...i never been to a wedding so, i can’t even begin to imagining one)
28.Do they have and/or adopt any children?  What are their names and what’s their relationship with their parents?
In the Auror!AU(where David is an Auror and Penny time to time works as Snape’s substitute).They’ll have a baby slightly before Teddy’s birth, her name is Scarlett “Dora” Haywood(David changed his surname because his family tradition: like his father, he took his wife’s surname/last name). David with his metallic left arm will be quite scared to touch her(mostly because he doesn’t want to hurt her by accident), but when she grows a little Scarlett shows quite his father’s personality(reckless, protective, adventurous, inclined to make weird puns) but with her mother smoothness(she knows how to talk/being persuasive). Both David and Penny love to spoil her with their idea of “having a good time” (David by taking her to the Zoo or hiking somewhere, and Penny taking her to Kew Gardens). Scarlett loves them both, but she basically lives with her classmates constantly talking about their adventures with the Vaults(+ other crazy but awesome things they did together), which is kinda annoying even though her parents are quite supportive in basically everything she does, knowing and understanding how she feels(because David was always compared to Jacob, in stated in the game, and in the sixth year the same will happen between Penny and her younger sister, Bea), so they know enough to give her advices when she asks them. 
In the Cursebreakers!AU, they’re both travelling a lot even during the events related to the Second War/Battle of Hogwarts, so during one of their journeys they find a baby and after a few weeks working very hard on finding the parents of this baby(i like the idea that she is an egyptian girl and they name her Alexandria like the city where she is found, so she can develop some interest in that city’s culture), at the end they choose to adopt this baby girl and taking care of her like it’s their own child, lowering the number of their journeys for the sake of the baby and go back to Great Britain to be more like Bill Weasley and taking turns in working at the Gringotts(because both of them still want to have some adventures and like her mother, Penny works hard on making their house a safe place with tons of defensive spells until the end of the Battle of Hogwarts) after that, they both seek for peaceful and quiet jobs, but mostly David as a better cook chooses to stay at home to taking care of the kid and helps the neighborhood in exchange of money and favors(like in the manga: Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband)
There are a few ideas i like to play in my mind where actually David&Penny with their daughter end up in either The Witcher world or Dragon Age universe...i like the idea of this family stranded in these middle-age worlds trying to figure out their way back home while they have to learn these worlds’ culture while also trying to be a decent and functional family...just ideas but i’m into it in this period.
29.What’s the biggest hurdle they have to overcome in their relationship?  Do they ultimately succeed or fail?
During HPHM, the biggest hurdle is probably R, the vaults and anyone related who identify themselves as “Enemies of David”...and David’s needy&ungrateful friends, plus every moment where Merula appears to ruin the atmosphere...
Once that is over, they’ll have to work on their personal issues, nothing really problematic mostly a few obsessions, like David being hyper-protective, Penny being more restless than David...
30.Do they participate in the Second Wizarding War?  Or do they keep to themselves?  How do they each feel about it?
In Auror!AU, David and Jacob are mostly there, Penny is more like their healer, not that is needed(because i suck and decided that David+Jacob = Apocalypse). David feels like it’s just his job, not much different from the usual mood during the years in Hogwarts, constantly on edge, stressed, angry, but cold, a cold rage, someone who is silent but is freezing with rage(remember, Young/Teen-David was the classic angry and loud boy, Adult Auror David is like the classic war-veteran who knows how to hide his fangs), Penny before the final war is quite like her mother, casting defensive charms and spells, enchanting clothes, quite nevrotic but understandable, after all we’re talking about Voldemort and after the first war he left a huge scar in the mind of everyone...so while David is “in the frontlines” of the war, Penny will use her talents to brew potions and heal people, for a while their house it’s like a small secret hospital. Truth is, David can fight because he knows that his marvelous divine Wife(Penny) has his back and she can focus on help and heal people because she knows that David is doing his very best for solving the situation. They show us to the final battle but mostly they’re both busy dealing with death eaters and Greyback(David will inflict the death sentence on the werewolf, because you know...because the side-quest David has a grudge over Greyback for scarring him on his body and his face…) the real problem...is Tonks a part of them quite died with her….
In the Cursebreakers!AUs, they’re more like sending infos(like new spells, or omens about the war) and by making allies in preparation for the actual war. Always travelling all around the world, learning together so many things, a lot of them labelled as “forbidden” and yet they use that forbidden knowledge to help by any means necessary. David in this AU doesn’t really care about Great Britain or the war in general(in this AU, at the end of HPHM most of the canon characters discovered that David did something quite controversial but still saved Hogwarts and disowned/denied him because they think he was/is insane, most of the OCs like Rowan, Winger, Liz and Badea and of course Penny, believe in David’s version of the story but not the Weasleys or Tonks), he cares for those 20-30 people (family and friends) who refused to listen to him and choose to not leave GB. Their job in GB and in the war, is mostly supportive, like preparing escape plans, enchanting items, brewing potions, producing and selling magic traps(enchanted in a way that if you believe in in any form of racism or you’re a deatheater they backfire, like exploding while they’re touching them) or ancient but powerful defensive spells. In this AU, their presence is barely known by their families, and in the battle of hogwarts they were using the portkey to the portrait vault for bringing more innocents possible in a safe place. Their friends weren’t nice to them(mostly Bill and Tonks...both felt betrayed by Penny agreeing with David’s version of the story) and yet they asked them to save them(more like “David be the horrible killer you were in the past...this time for us!”) in exchange of their forgiveness….David felt insulted and almost tried to fight them back, Penny was disappointed in their childish request...and yet they did everything they can, they also saved Tonks and Remus, cursed and defeated Greyback and many allies of Voldemort...but not for the reward they promised...
In the DragonAge!AU they’re both busy with figuring out a way back home, while they deal with: Blight, Corypheus, Anders being more annoying than usual...
31.If one of them were to die, how would the surviving party react?  Who would take it the worst?
I think that by dying you mean “killed”, right? So no natural reasons (like old age or an heart attack or something alike)
It’s hard to say, i think that both of them would take quite badly, but in different ways, David will go full rage/revenge, he doesn’t have anymore reasons to stay quiet, he will go crazy and depressed, if they have kids, those are the only reasons he would not die(literally) by heartbreak.
Penny would probably keep it inside, she’ll suffer like hell but it would be a silent pain, no screaming, unless she is seeing him dying in from of her own eyes, but at the funeral she will be rather cold or unexpressive, she will probably like Minerva, devoted to her job(and her kids) for some years before actually talk about him or being social like before.
Both of them they will not marry again, David wants only Penny and Penny wants only David.
32.Have they ever said anything hurtful to the other during an argument?  If so, how do they go about apologizing?
Aside from the basic game? Nope (i mean, Penny mentioned Jacob a few times in the worst moments possible, when i’ve read those lines, i felt like someone poked me with a needle, like it was slightly painful but mostly annoying). 
Not much, they argue but they stay on point, without insults or “verbally backstabbing each other” and they keep staying on point until the other one is agreeing with them. 
When they’re sorry for anything, David is most likely cooking something nice or unique, like a dinner-date. Penny is more physical...the occasions when they fight to the point to feel sorry are very rare, to the point that her first idea is “make-up night time” (*wink wink*)
33.Is there any circumstance in which you could see their relationship falling apart?  If so, what and how would they handle it?
Hardly...if they don’t love each other...that’s one circumstance...then we have something tragic like death or cheating, that would destroy every chance to restore the relationship...one other possible circumstance is when one of them is mean during a tantrum to the other one...to the point to just break up…
but in the end DavidxPenny either happens or it doesn't happen, but if it happens, it’s almost impossible that they willingly break up unless they don’t love each other anymore(also almost impossible...but that’s my opinion)
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callmederok · 5 years
13, 22 and 30 for MC/Jacob ask ^_^
First: Thanks for Asking
Second: Sorry for taking so long(the last question was hell XD)
Third: Please Enjoy
13. Can MC see thestrals? Who did Mc see die in order to see them?
(Remember my HPHM!au is also a partial crossover with FMA)
David can see them, yes. The reason is that Jacob sealed/rewrote David’s memories about himself, so David was sure to be an only-child, with an absent Father and a dead mother. Jacob didn’t fixed/rewrote David’s personality so he couldn’t/wouldn’t feel lonely, and in fact David’s feeling of being alone and envious of other happy families around him, tries to resurrect his dead mother, God/Truth punished him by removing his sense of touch and pain(with the words “The one who sought for a warm embrace of a family lost the ability to feel at all!”) what came out from that human transmutation(like in FMA) was nothing but a blob made of flesh, bones and blood, but for David’s mind that thing was still human, he believed that thing was his mother(and by extension a human) later(like soon as he will have a talk with his Mother’s ghost in Hogwarts) he will learn that he just transmuted a random person and his mother’s soul never joined that disgusting blob of flesh not even for a second(still a human transmutation anyway). 
In the end, my point with the Thestrals is that someone MUST BE conscious of the concept of “Death” in the moment when they see someone die in front of them (Sorry i had a conversation a long time ago about this…still salty about it, because they were mad about baby Harry Potter not being able to see thestrals since day one in Hogwarts)
22. Does MC trust Dumbledore? 
David is quite intuitive, so he doesn’t hate Dumbledore(i’ve an headcanon where a sad and lonely but before losing his memories about Jacob David met him thanks to Jacob so he could have some fun with this funny old guy, enough to name him “Grandpa Beard” and enough that the three of them shares a photo they took together), but he has a weird feeling about him, like he is a mastermind and everyone is dancing on his hands. 
They have an unusual relationship, where David trust him but without truly feeling anything for him sometimes is the opposite, he feels something for him but without showing any form of trust for him(mostly depends from their interactions)
During the years of HPHM, David even while he is not Headboy(because fuck, let’s give Rowan some recognitions, he works hard) David is still the loudest voice of all the crap and problems happening in Hogwarts, trying to modernize and assure the safety of the school for the next generations of students.
After HPHM we can truly understand what is the most powerful ability of David Haywood(yeah at this point is either married with Penny or about to): When you hide something (or lie) to him, he will do everything to jeopardize your plans/uncover the truth. Dumbledore had some experience with this aspect of David, to the point to share his plan related to Harry(the whole Chosen One) and decides to include him as a failsafe-mechanism and emotional support for the whole Golden Trio, even with his job and being busy, even in his worst situation tries to be there for them(in both Auror!AU and Cursebreaker!AU), trying to lighten the weight of their problems but still help them to learn from those problems. 
In general Adult!David and Dumbledore are quite similar in a odd way, they both think in a similar way but they act differently, while Dumbledore is a strategist quite far away from the frontline, David is more like a Leader(the kind that is friendly with his subordinates) in the frontline. This small but very important difference is also the main reason why David wasn’t there during Dumbledore’s funeral, while everyone was crying the death of “a great man” David was cursing Dumbledore’s plans that bringed him to his willing end.
I also want to add that David or MC in general in a “most near to the canon AU” is one of the outcasts collected by Dumbledore like it’s mentioned in THIS post. 
Like Harry, MC became an outcast because what Jacob and R(and anyone related) did with the Vaults, putting shame and hate on MC’s family.
The bad reputation of MC and their family, became so bad(thanks also to Rita and the Daily Prophet and their lies) that MC is the most hated person in Hogwarts and it will take five years(almost six) to be considered by the other students(not our friends) a hero. Similar to Harry’s situation during his Fifth Year, but MC has to deal with that kind of bad reputation for a longer period/time. 
It’s most likely that Dumbledore in this “most near to the canon”!AU will most likely abandon MC or take care of them the minimum enough for not making them go crazy/insane until they solve the problems with the Vaults. 
After all from what i saw in the game, MC is not loyal to Dumbledore but too their cause: Saving Jacob and Save Hogwarts. It’s a fact that Basic!MC(also known as “Game!MC/The MC without headcanons”) didn’t spend enough time with Dumbledore to feel faith in him. Maybe Dumbledore’s abandonment is more like “Okay now, go out there, and live your life away from hogwarts and never come back because I don’t need you anymore and Harry must stay away from you because you know how shitty i am”.
30. Do you have any songs that remind you of MC, Jacob, and/or their relationship? Do you have a playlist? Would you mind linking me to that playlist? Thanks.
This playlist should represent their relationship as Rivals and Brothers, they love each other but in a way that resemble the relationship of Dante and Vergil during the ending of Devil May Cry 5, at the same time they both act like a brat to each other, always teasing and mocking each other, trying to start a fight. But in the end they give their best shot when they fight together, like a walking natural disaster, nothing can stop them. (The seven pages of Muda are mostly there because like Giorno, Jacob’s sense of justice is similar to Giorno’s)
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callmederok · 5 years
For David and Penny, could you maybe do 1, 5, and 18? :]
First: Thanks for Asking! 
Second: My english is not good enough to make short drabbles, so it will be a question-answer thing
Third: I posted a few ask game so i���m not sure which one you’re referring to(but this is entirely my fault) so i will do it about the most recent i posted(about OTP) also because you already know my HPHM ship(and in one of those ask-games one of the question asks exactly who is my OTP, so it would be like wasting time to write something that you already know XD)
Forth: More important than ever, I really hope that you’ll enjoy
1. How does their relationship develop in tandem with the Vaults?  Are they a hindrance or do they bring them closer together?
At the beginning yes, she is quite interested in the vaults(is stated in the game that she likes the idea of a death-defying adventure, and how boring are the parties she is usually invited, that’s mean that in some way she enjoys the adrenaline rush, like everyone who practice extreme sports or has the runner’s high) so they bring them close enough to begin to actually know each other, share some time together, from Penny point of view, she’ll discover that David(and the whole Denneth-family) is not like the Daily Prophet likes to write in their stories/news. At the same time she’ll open herself to one of the few persons in the entire hogwarts who really cares about her, enough to fight Greyback and werewolves and after the Vault of Fear, she will learn the entire background of David(human transmutation of her mother, his punishment in form of losing her sense of touch and basically he has already spent at least three years without feeling anything[not pain, hot or cold, or any kind of physical sensation] with his body only because he wanted to not feel lonely and cold, to the point that Minerva/Dumbledore put some magic tattoos that works like a health-check for his own needs like when he is hungry or need to go to the bathroom, without even saying a single word about Jacob because it wasn’t the main point of what he was dealing with). So after that the Vault are more like a duty(for his brother sake) for David, more like a personal war with R. Nobody(i mean the adults, Ministry/Teachers/People usually paid to solve problems) is doing something to help him and he can’t force his precious friends every time. David is not avoiding Penny in anyway possible but sometimes is clear that he is being forced to grow up(be the mature one of his group), to face hell and be a “guardian/hero” so other people can fully enjoy Hogwarts. After the Sleepwalking Vault there is an another chance for them to be close, David just had a tantrum against Dumbledore, tried(and failed) to punch him, cursing(more like insulting) his own humanity and got lectured about how David is the most human around because he is crying over some dead students without even knowing them(nobody stated if the acromantula was lying about eating a dozen of students since the beginning of the sleepwalking curse, and i don’t have evidence for proving that it didn’t nor the acromantula had reasons to lie). So after that David can share some thoughts with Penny, is only a common talk, something light but the arguments goes to the point where Penny asks “Why you can’t give away your Truth of Alchemy in exchange of your sense of touch?” David was so focused with Jacob, the vaults, studying and solve everyone’s problems that he had never thought about it before and he kisses Penny’s forehead calling her “Genius”, so basically David (before the celestial ball) can show to Minerva(who let’s not forget it, found David while he was running away from home, and she is paying for his education in exchange of showing this different kind of Alchemy, unknown to the Magical Community) a human transmutation of an alive human(David himself) and he completes the exchange by facing God once again and re-gaining his sense of touch, feeling himself again after almost five years. He can enjoy the Celestial Ball with the person he admires and loves most, still shy about it(he yelled in panic when he asked her to join him if she wanted). The summer after the fourth year, David had to travel with his grandfather to the Egyptian Centre for Alchemical Studies(to study Alchemy from the basics) but they meet each other on the way back home during Penny’s birthday(which is a few days after David’s birthday but often is in the same week), there is everyone also everyone’s parents so nothing really happens, is more like a happy moment they share. During the fifth year Penny can truly understand what David is feeling when he has to break those curses only to save someone he cares. So as matter of fact(despite Jam City’s bad writing) i think Penny is way more active, after all Bea is trapped, and we know how much she cares about her little sister, so she basically help to negotiate or actively gather intel/infos for David until they save her and free Jacob. After that(for my headcanons) we finally have the love confession/declaration:
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which makes David’s heart explode, like an overdose of happiness but fear at the same time(two years before their graduation, and i saw the datamined spoilers…they’re going to have even more problems than they had to deal in the fifth year, but don’t worry they will not break up, but they’ll be quite busy, enough that some days they just snap and quit on people, friends, families, lessons and teachers, they just have some love escapes for a few hours, because Bloody Hell! This school is a living nightmare!).
5. Do you think any of the staff ship them or think they’re cute together?
Minerva and Dumbledore are quite happy, Minerva because basically just saw the little kind she is taking care of, being a sweet and kind man, Dumbledore same but is intrigued by the details of their relationship.
Kettleburn founds their relationship fascinating(like he is intrigued as a magizoologist, i’m pretty sure he thinks David is an actual beast with a human shape, after all David survived twice to a Chimaera, and a Dragon, A troll, A yeti, an acromantula, Werewolves and tons of boggarts. So i think he wants to know from Penny how to tame “A Class 5 David”).
Sprout finds them adorable(not to mention slightly annoyed by David sneaking in the Hufflepuff common room).
Madam Pince, is happy(and at the same time she hopes they’ll never snog in the Library or something).
Madame Pomfrey is happy but she is more concerned about when David will stop to have a personal bed in the Hospital Wing like Kettleburn.
Severus Snape, after defined David like a “second James Potter” he is disgusted by Penny(with a talent for Potions like Lily Evans) spending time with David. For him it’s like re-watching James and Lily’s relationship.
Argus doesn’t care at all.
Flitwick is intrigued like a fan of some Tv-drama.
Binns…ahahah when he will show some interest it will be when David or Penny will begin some kind of revolution(or evolution) of the Wizarding World
18. What kind of gifts do they give each other?
David likes to receive and give functional items, during the christmas side-quest(to me happened in year four, mostly because gives a logic to Charlie for being so friendly to David) for Penny bought a few uncommon ingredients for potions and a fancy but practical knife(just in case her wand is not available) with sheath of course. In the next Christmas, he bought some clothes for winter, nothing really fancy(his taste in clothes is an insult to fashion
Penny likes mostly to stick with clothes, David has a metallic left arm after his first fight with the chimaera, and in winter even with magic runes on that metallic limb, he suffers the cold a lot(risking chilblains/frostbites), so usually are long gloves and big warm shirts so he doesn’t get some chilblains from the frozen metal touching his skins. Some of those gift are big enough to be useful for both of them, like big comfy blankets. She is not an expert in knives and weapons, so she mostly add some potions to her gifts.
In Summer their main gifts are either cute/nice swimwear or offering to each other some ice cream when they’re together, Penny tries her best to buy some tight outfits for David. After all his boyfriend looks like this(but redhead and shaved and younger and a metallic arm):
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(we can’t blame her if she wants some reward after having the person she loves most, mostly busy in saving Hogwarts and almost dying on a weekly basis).
Ps: Geralt is the only character in my personal gallery naked enough to show the scars on his body and his face, i hope is not a problem for you ^__^
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