#Moku is me
mikyapixie · 1 month
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Today is the 18th anniversary of when Aang & Katara kissed in The Cave Of The Two Lovers!!!
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beeslippers · 6 months
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“Hikaru" cannot understand the importance of life and has no romantic feelings.
It's not because he's immature, it's just because he's that kind of creature.
I always draw while thinking about "building relationships with being different from oneself without being bound by existing values.”
Original Tweet by Moku
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Bury the Years
Danny Fenton was 14 when he died. 236 years before he died, he was buried. 241 years after he was buried, he was dug up by Jason Todd. 4 years before that, Jason Todd dug himself up. The important question isn't how this happened. No, the important question is how they live.
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aroaessidhe · 3 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport
set in a cyberpunk Calcutta-inspired city, loosely inspired by Aladdin
chaotic monkey bot who wants to fight in underground mecha/bot tournaments and leave to become a space hero
his human sister, the daughter of failed revolutionaries who has been working her whole life to free their city from oppression and inequality, especially with the recent rumors that their planet is scheduled for destruction
and an old unearthed bot whose function is to observe & record the story of a client who meets the siblings and quickly becomes involved in their lives
and a treasure hunt to find an old and powerful piece of alien tech that has the power to radically change their city
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dreastmilk · 1 month
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scalefeathers · 5 days
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lalapril - 30 - departure
Boundless, the tale overflows and carries your light out to sea...
(Zettai Unmei appears courtesy of @saesama)
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• Can you believe there isn’t any swap version of Moku and Tenpatch ??????? Well that boutta change >:3
Their name would most likely be.. Tofu for Tenpatch and Zuichi for Moku !
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• Credits :
Moku belongs to : @6agentgg9
Tenpatch belongs to : @kakimochi0820 / @ask-tenpatch-blackbones
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• Info :
- twins earmuffs for both !
- Tofu’s earmuffs allows his dark side ( emo ) to be kept hidden ! That’s why he’s a sweetheart.. somewhat.
- the earmuffs for both are twins, while they’re stronger together, if one stops working the other stops too :[
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adhdo5 · 8 months
awen lon underrated on entertaining sound (2017) tbh
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vibbybee · 4 months
I miss my wife, tails
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epicdogymoment · 5 months
mi lan Lijo. len en ijo en jelo en olin li nasin sitelen pi nimi mi. ante la, mi jan Wala. wawa en ala li nasin sitelen pi nimi ni. nimi Wala li pilin ike. taso, pilin pona li kama. pilin pona li kama.
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mokulule · 3 months
Almanac - Chapter 4
DP x DC Dead on Main First | Masterpost Note: I made a new masterpost to subscribe to over on my new blog where I organize my writing @mokus-invenstory. Links on the other chapters have been updated, I will still notify on the old post with updates.
Chapter 4 - October 21-22nd, Orinoids Meteor Shower
Training with Fright Knight was an experience.
Jason was no stranger to harsh training regimes, but it seemed like Fright Knight truly had no other duties to attend to. And maybe that was what ghosts did? Find the one thing they were good at and then do it for all eternity? It was exhausting, unrelenting.
Every day he went to the kitchen to find a plate of breakfast ready, thankfully it wasn’t the same thing every day. He wondered if it was courtesy of the Lunch Lady, but he never saw anyone else and the cupboards and pantry were empty.
The mystery of who and how human food came to be here itched at him but as long as the magical castle felt reluctant to even let him get to the kitchen in the first place (he’d yet to walk a path quite the same there) it was something he would have to leave unexplored.
He ate and then as he was done as if summoned Fright Knight would collect him and drill him until he dropped.
The knight treated Jason as if he’d never held a sword before starting basic at stance and simple attacks repeated ad nauseum, with the occasional cardio and strength building exercises. While Jason preferred guns, hand to hand combat and occasionally knives, it wasn’t the first time he’d fought with a longer bladed weapon. His general training meant he could pick up most weapons and use them successfully so he thought it was rather unfair - not that he was fool enough to raise that opinion, this wasn’t the first stern training master he’d served under.
And arguably he didn’t have much experience with medieval style broadswords. So he sucked it up and did as ordered.
There were no breaks throughout the day, no more food. You’d think it was a form of torture that he didn’t get to eat more than breakfast, but Jason, while he got tired, never got hungry throughout the day. Apparently he got the rest of his needs covered through energy diffusion or some shit - assuming he’d understood the king correctly.
His waking moments were repetitive, but he was not bored as such. Not that he was enjoying himself either, but he was busy, occupied. Training and learning new skills were never a waste - he had to tell himself that. But when he laid in the barren room, which he still considered his prison, in those short moments before exhausted sleep claimed him, horror creeped in; horror that this would be the rest of his life.
Another day another drill.
The weight of the practice sword in his hand felt as familiar as breathing after 9 days of non stop practice.
“You are becoming complacent,” Fright Knights voice boomed as always from everywhere at once despite him clearly looming right in from of him.
Jason tilted his head regarding the knight for a moment. He wondered how much sass he could get away with.
“Well you could give me a challenge instead of this,” he returned evenly.
Somehow Jason had the distinct feeling the knight was smiling unseen in the darkness under the helmet.
“Very well,” his voice rumbled like a storm in the distance, setting all of Jason senses alert at the coming threat. His grip tightened on the practice sword.
The knight turned and flew over to set aside the neon green sword he carried at his side in favor of a practice sword in the weapons rack by the wall. For the first time since Jason had seen the knight kneel before his king, his feet touched ground.
He stalked towards Jason, a weight and realness to him now as the armored shoes clanged against the cobblestone. The hair at the back of Jason’s neck stood on end as the air charged with his approach. Every instinct in his body told him to be afraid. Someone with less combat experience might have frozen, Jason picked his guard up and turned so he made a smaller target.
The cobblestone knocked his breath out and his sword clattered across the stones. His ears rang and he could already feel his left eye swelling from where it had met an armored fist. Above him a couple of shooting stars shot across the clear sky in rapid succession before the Knight stepped close. He loomed above Jason and for one horrifying moment Jason thought he would ram the practice sword through him, blunt tip and all.
Instead the knight held out a hand.
Jason wet his dry lips and took the hand. He was pulled unceremoniously to his feet.
“Did you notice what I did?”
Not only did Jason notice that twist Fright Knight had done that had sent his sword flying, he very much felt the way he socked him in the face.
“Yes.” Jason had not expected he’d be dueling something like a fucking Kryptonian, nobody that size had the right to be so fast. The trick to fighting Kryptonians and people of that speed class was more in anticipating their moves rather than reacting to them, and more importantly coming prepared with something to incapacitate them with. Jason had no clue what might be Fright Knight’s weakness, probably wouldn’t be so easy as to laugh at him.
The knight nodded at his response.
“Good, now to counter.”
He then walked Jason through no less than five possible counters, to what was apparently a rather risky move he’d done - had he been alive at least. The counters were well and good, but as long as Jason had no way to counter the speed, the knight could repeat the move at his leisure.
Not that Jason pointed that out. No, Jason practiced dutifully and found himself seeing the stars multiple times that day. He got very well acquainted with the cobblestone. On the seventh meeting with the ground, he thought he saw a glimpse of light from a window high above the courtyard. He could have sworn it was the king watching, but as he got back to his feet and looked back up the light was gone. Maybe it had just been a reflection, a trick of the light from one of the many shooting stars.
Still, reminded of why he was here, his mood soured. Yes, Jason had put himself in this situation, but he’d expected to die for his sacrifice - and maybe that would have been too easy an out, but he’d certainly not expected to be discarded, like the unwanted possession he apparently was.
Resentment curled in his gut. Poor little king never wanting to have been summoned having to take Jason as payment. It was clearly such an ordeal.
Jason snarled getting back to his feet and for the first time he went on the attack. Fright Knight seemed amused, which only egged him on. Jason reached for the All-Blades but of course they didn’t manifest, because in this stupid place not even someone named fucking Fright Knight counted as true evil.
He let Jason wear himself out, disarmed him again, and punched him hilt first in the stomach. Jason crumpled over the practice sword and slid down to his knees, gasping for breath.
The knight considered him for a moment, waiting to see if he would get up again. When he didn’t, he made a minute shake of his head.
“You have spirit, but your mortal trappings do you no favors.”
Jason couldn’t help laughing at that. What was he supposed to do? Apologize for being alive?
“Blame your king.”
Oo o oO
That night Jason dreamt of Gotham, or more specifically of Crime Alley. Dick was patrolling in Jason’s absence, but he didn’t know the Alley like Jason did. He didn’t know of the small shadowed nook in that building that made for a perfect hidey hole. He didn’t see the gun pointed at him, didn’t move until the shot rent the air.
Jason sat up in bed gasping and shaking.
It was a dream, it was a stupid dream. He fumbled automatically for his phone, before he remembered, there was no way to make sure. He was stuck in the realm of the dead. It was a dream, he firmly reminded himself.
Still he shook and couldn’t bring himself to go back to sleep. Dick’s shocked face haunted him whenever he closed his eyes.
Gingerly he stepped out of bed. Clearly the order to keep Jason alive hadn’t kept the knight from beating him to hell and back. A particularly spectacular bruise mottled the side of his torso in purples and blues. From the twinging pain with every breath there was probably a few bent or broken ribs underneath that.
He walked to the bathroom, where he’d hung his clothes to dry after washing them in the sink. He reached out to touch them to find them cold and damp, a testament to how little sleep he’d managed. He shivered at just the thought of pulling them on, but he didn’t exactly have anything else to wear.
He couldn’t go back to sleep. He needed to move. That gun had been aimed for Dick’s head. It was just a dream, he reminded himself sternly. He needed to pull himself together.
Taking a deep breath he reached for his underwear first, pulling it on with a grimace. Disgusting was not a strong enough word, he thought grimly. He was cold and miserable by the time he’d finished dressing and trapped his damp socks in his boots and tied them.
Dressed, he left the room for the hallways, expecting the castle to give him a good walk around as usual - expect he’d barely walked down two hallways until a door revealed the kitchen. There was a cup sitting on the table in front of his usual place. Curious he walked over to pick up the steaming mug, he put it up to his nose and sniffed it. His eyebrows rose in surprise - hot cocoa.
He glanced around and like always saw no sign of the presence of anyone but himself. He took a sip and amended his earlier assessment with a hum of pleasure, this rich taste could only be hot chocolate. It sat warm in his belly and he found some of the restless energy leaving him. He sat down and allowed himself to relax. He held the cup with both hands and let the warmth seep into his fingers with a sigh.
Maybe the castle didn’t entirely hate him after all.
He sipped slowly, savoring the treat. The hot chocolate was good, it wasn’t quite Alfred’s but-
A wave of homesickness overtook him and he slumped forward in grief. Maybe Jason would manage to escape some day, but Alfred was not exactly young anymore. People died suddenly sometimes, even when they seemed healthy.
Jason wasn’t there anymore. He couldn’t check on his family. Not Alfred, not Dick (it was just a nightmare!) or anyone. A mocking laughter haunted him as if from a distance, a memory wanting to drown him. He clenched his fits tight, he wasn’t back there. He was here, property of the ghost king, safe.
Unlike everyone else.
The Joker was still in Gotham. Still alive despite everything, a threat to everyone and Jason was useless.
He was a fucking idiot. He’d sacrificed himself willingly, but he hadn’t expected to have to live with the choice.
Did that make him a coward too? On top of everything?
He stood. He couldn’t sit here. He had to move. Before he knew it he was walking through hallways, uncaring where they took him. Left, right, nothing mattered. He just had to move. He didn’t know how long it he walked until he found himself, breathing heavily, in front of a stairwell. There was something familiar about it. His eyes were drawn to the path down. He’d never chosen to go down before. There was something down there. He took a step forward.
He froze and spun around at the echoey voice. It felt like all the breath left his body, sucked into the gravity of the king.
Toxic green eyes flicked from Jason to the stairwell. Dark brows drew together in a frown, and the shadows suddenly seemed darker, deeper, like places you could fall into and disappear never to be seen again.
He floated closer. The pressure increased. Jason locked his knees to keep standing. There was a siren blaring in his mind, a scream lasting an eternity. Cold fingers touched his swollen eye soothingly and Jason gasped, a quiet little intake of breath into his burning lungs.
He wanted to move away. He wanted to lean into it. He wanted- He did nothing.
The gloved tips of fingers became the flat of a palm cradling the side of his face oh so gentle. Jason felt wetness in his eyes and blinked. He couldn’t handle gentle right now. His skin tingled and the swelling fell. The king looked at him, green eyes sad.
“Are you okay?”
Was he okay!? Jason ripped away, fury finally breaking the spell.
“The Hell I am!” In his mind Dick’s shocked face, a second from being shot flashed, “my family could be hurt right now, dying-“ a crowbar dragged across a concrete floor, a terrible laughter skittered across his senses, and every hair stood on end- “tortured.”
Jason took a step forward into the king’s space, snarled, “and I can do nothing!” into his shocked face. Playing at innocence, as if Jason’s words were a surprise. As if he didn’t know exactly what he’d done. He had changed the wording, acting like he’d done Jason a great favor. He chose to keep him here, useless, powerless.
He stepped back. Looked at the king with anger gone cold. “Killing me would have been a mercy.”
Jason braced himself for the worst. He’d said his piece. He expected an explosion, a onesided fight, for his brain to melt out his ears, something other than the hollow eyed gaze only vaguely looking in his direction.
The lights flickered and finally the king seemed somewhat present in his body. He looked at Jason with the most neutral face in existence.
“I shall relieve you of my presence, goodnight.”
He flew casually over to the staircase and went up. It was only then Jason snapped out of it.
No! How dare he!
He ran after him, but of course he was gone. The cursed castle made sure of it. Jason wanted a fight and he would not even give him that! He punched the wall with a frustrated scream that cut off into a sob.
“Shit.” He rubbed angrily at his eyes. He was fucking pathetic. Couldn’t even pick a fight right.
Oo o oO
Fright Knight found him in the practice yard, doing drills, sweaty and shaking from exhaustion.
“You are pathetic human, sit down before you fall down.”
Jason glared. “No.”
The knight promptly pushed him down on his ass. “Do not test me. I was tasked to keep you alive. Drink.”
A bottle of water was shoved into his hands.
Mulishly Jason did as he was told. It was only when he’d taken the first sip he realized just how thirsty he was and he had to force himself not to just chug the entire bottle in one go.
Fright Knight watched him with that detached disgust he had for mortal weaknesses, like the need for sleep or in this case sustenance. He was a fucking annoying, stuck up bastard, but-
“Why are you not evil?” Jason asked in frustration, too emotionally worn to consider whether that was a smart question to ask. If he had been evil, Jason could give him a proper fight. Let the knight try to phase through the All-blades.
When no response of any kind came, he looked up. It seemed he had rendered the knight speechless.
Slowly hesitantly the knight finally spoke, “You speak as if you’d prefer that I was evil, yet I was led to believe you are aligned with so called heroes.”
Jason scoffed and looked away. “Not a hero.”
Fright Knight floated down to sit crosslegged in front of Jason, his glowing green sword drawn and resting across his knees.
“I am the spirit of fear itself, I am neither good nor evil, I just am.”
Jason barked a short chuckle, of fucking course. Then, he explained the concept of the All-Blades to the knight; flaming magical blades fueled by the soul and blood of the wielder, only able to be summoned in the presence of true evil. The knight in turn looked very intrigued.
“I would have liked to match my Soul-Shredder to your All-Blades. A glorious bout that would have been…” the knight said wistfully.
“Soul-Shredder is the name of your sword?”
“Indeed,” Fright Knight chuckled maliciously in a way that ran cold down Jason’s back, an effect that was done on purpose judging by the greedy glow in his gaze. Jason felt fairly certain he feed on fear.
The knight raised the green blade between them and turned it to let Jason see every facet with obvious passion. “One cut from Soul-Shredder will land you in a dimension of your worst nightmare.”
Jason’s breath caught in his throat. No. He refused to think about it. He forced a half choked laugh, “and you claim not to be evil.”
The knight looked thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe if we had met in the previous king’s rule, we could have had a proper match.”
Jason frowned in confusion. “Why would who the King is matter to your nature?”
“Because human,” Fright Knight began, green eyes boring into Jason, “the King is the most important soul in the Realms. His nature affects the very air from which we get our energy.”
“Pariah’s reign was a dark time,” there was an almost nostalgic tone to his voice as he continued, “he sought to conquer, control and enslave and I was his loyal servant, as is my duty as a knight. But Pariah was so bad that having no king at all was a better option than him, and he was sealed away by the Ancients, even if it left the Realms stagnant and disconnected.”
He paused for a moment to let that knowledge sink in.
“Our Phantom is a king who never wanted to rule, and has actively avoided it. It has been amusing to see him grow into the role.”
“And as long a he doesn’t grow into a power hungry despot he will always be better than the last?” Jason asked bitterly.
The knight barked out delighted laughter at that.
“Make no mistake, mortal, Phantom is a good king now, but he is young, still changeable by nature. These years are crucial. But should the worst happen and my king become a despot, as you put it?”
Fright Knight shrugged carelessly. “I will merely do as I have always done and that is to serve my king. I am the spirit of fear after all. It is only my concern now because my king wishes to avoid that fate.”
Leather creaked as the knight tightened the hold on his blade. He looked straight at Jason. Despite no mouth being visible, Jason had the distinct feeling the knight was grinning.
“We may yet have our bout someday.”
And that was chapter 4... nobody is really in a good place here? Except Fright Knight, he's having fun.
Comments are much appreciated <3
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pikahlua · 1 month
MHA Chapter 418 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1-2 みんな嫌いだ みんなきらいだ minna kirai da "I hate everyone."
tagline 1 デクが見つけたものそれはーー… デクがみつけたものそれはーー… DEKU ga mitsuketa mono sore wa--... As for what Deku found--...
tagline 2 No.418 小さな心 堀越耕平 ナンバー418 ちいさなこころ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 418  chiisana kokoro  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 418 A Small Heart Kouhei Horikoshi
3 群訝で感じたのと同じーーーーー… ぐんがでかんじたのとおなじーーーーー… gunga de kanjita no to onaji-----... It's the same as what I felt at Gunga-----...
tagline 3 コミック40巻4月4日(木)発売‼︎GETしてね! コミック40かん4がつ4か(木)はつばい‼︎ゲットしてね! KOMIKKU 40kan 4gatsu 4ka (moku) hatsubai!! GETTO shite ne! Comic volume 40 release on Thursday, April 4th!! Get it!
4 しがっ Shiga "Shiga-"
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1 モンちゃん? MON-chan? "Mon-chan?"
2-3 ここで初めて「崩壊」が発現したんだ ここではじめて「ほうかい」がはつげんしたんだ koko de hajimete 「houkai」 ga hatsugen shitanda This is where the first Decay manifested.
4 転弧ー てんこー Tenko- "Tenko-"
5 あのね…… ano ne...... "You know what......"
6 あのね…… ano ne...... "You know what......"
7 そんな……そういう事か…! そんな……そういうことか…! sonna......sou iu koto ka...! No way......So it was something like that...!
8 この後起きる事… このあとおきること… kono ato okiru koto... What happens after this...
9 ハッ HA "Hah" (Note: This is the sound of Tenko hyperventilating, which repeats all through the rest of the page.)
10 ここが核心 ここがかくしん koko ga kakushin This place is the core [of it all].
11 やああ yaaa "YAAA!!"
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1 ここで決着をつける! ここでけっちゃくをつける! koko de kecchaku wo tsukeru! I'll settle this here!
2 記憶が具象化する世界…! きおくがぐしょうかするせかい…! kioku ga gushouka suru sekai...! [In this] world materialized by memories...!
3 イメージしろ! IMEEJI shiro! Visualize!
4 離すな‼︎ はなすな‼︎ hanasuna!! Don't let go!!
5 思い出し続けろ"手"を‼︎ おもいだしつづけろ"て"を‼︎ omoidashi tsudzukero "te" wo!! Keep recalling* [my] hands!! (Note: This word for "recall" also means "remember." I used "recall" because I thought it made for a good pun.)
6 & 8-9 OFAは全部ぶつけた! ワン・フォー・オールはぜんぶぶつけた! WAN FOO OORU wa zenbu butsuketa! I struck with all of One For All!
7 なんで…! nande...! "Why...!"
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1 僕自身をぶつけろ! ぼくじしんをぶつけろ! boku jishin wo butsukero! Strike with myself! (Note: I think Izuku is saying that he used all of the OFA vestiges to strike at Tenko, so now he's using himself to strike at Tenko too.)
2 だって datte "Because"
3 泣いてる ないてる naiteru "you're crying."
4 違うよ… ちがうよ… chigau yo... "You're wrong..."
5 僕は… ぼくは… boku wa... "I..."
6 僕が… ぼくが… boku ga... "[It was] I [who]..."
7 選んだんだ えらんだんだ erandanda "chose [this]."
8 転弧の感情が…なだれ込んでくる! てんこのかんじょうが…なだれこんでくる! Tenko no kanjou ga...nadarekonde kuru! Tenko's emotions...are surging [at me]!
9 僕の意志で…この家を…家族を壊したんだ… ぼくのいしで…このいえを…かぞくをこわしたんだ… boku no ishi de...kono ie wo...kazoku wo kowashitanda... "By my will...I destroyed this house...my family..."
10 じゃなきゃ ja nakya "Otherwise,"
11 この手はなんなんだ このてはなんなんだ kono te wa nannanda "what are these hands for?"
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1 僕がこうして生まれた事を ぼくがこうしてうまれたことを boku ga koushite umareta koto wo "That I was born like this,"
2 誰が肯定できる⁉︎ だれがこうていできる⁉︎ dare ga koutei dekiru!? "who can confirm it!?"
3 最も繊細で柔らかいところ もっともせんさいでやわらかいところ motto mo sensai de yawarakai tokoro It is the most delicate, soft place.
4 弾かれる…‼︎だめだ離すなーーーー! はじかれる…‼︎だめだはなすなーーーー! hajikareru...!! dame da hansuna----! [He's] repelling [me]...!! No, don't let go----!
5 強い憎しみとカタルシス…… つよいにくしみとカタルシス…… tsuyoi nikushimi to KATARUSHISU...... Powerful hatred and catharsis......
6 そして同時に そしてどうじに soshite douji ni and at the same time,
7 悲しみと困惑…! かなしみとこんわく…! kanashimi to konwaku...! sadness and confusion...!
8 この時まだ転弧は揺れていた…! このときまだてんこはゆれていた…! kono toki mada Tenko wa yurete ita...! At this time, Tenko was still oscillating...!
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1-2 手を離せ…! てをはなせ…! te wo hanase...! "Let go of my hands...!"
3 殺して止める以外方法がないかもしれない ころしてとめるいがいほうほうがないかもしれない koroshite tomeru igai houhou ga nai kamoshirenai There may be no other way than to kill and stop him.
4 具体的にどうすればいいのかもわからないけれどーーーー… ぐたいてきにどうすればいいのかもわからないけれどーーーー… gutaiteki ni dou sureba ii no kamo wakaranai keredo----... I don't know exactly what I should do, but----...
5 僕は手を ぼくはてを boku wa te wo "For me, [my] hand..."
6 流れ込んでくる ながれこんでくる nagarekonde kuru It's flowing [into me].
7 憎しみが……! にくしみが……! nikushimi ga......! His hatred......!
8 壊れる…!こんな…! こわれる…!こんな…! kowareru...! konna...! I'll break...! Like this...!
9 手を掴んでもらって てをつかんでもらって te wo tsukande moratte "when someone held my hand"
10 安心したから あんしんしたから anshin shita kara "I felt relieved, that's why."
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1 だから……来たっ だから……きたっ dakara......kita "That's why......I am here*." (*Note: Literally this means "I came/arrived," but it's the same word All Might uses that always gets translated as "I am here.")
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1 みっくん Mikkun Mikkun.
2 ともちゃん… Tomo-chan... Tomo-chan...
3 じゃあ転ちゃんがオールマイトね! じゃあてんちゃんがオールマイトね! jaa Ten-chan ga OORU MAITO ne! "So then, Ten-chan is All Might!"
4 ううん uun "No."
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1 僕は敵だ ぼくはヴィランだ boku wa VIRAN da "I am a villain."
2 悪意を持って あくいをもって akui wo motte "I carry malice,"
3 壊す こわす kowasu "and I destroy."
4 たとえ憎しみを…打ち砕かれようと たとえにくしみを…うちくだかれようと tatoe nikushimi wo...uchikudakareyou to "Even if my hatred...is smashed,"
5 からっぽになろうと karappo ni narou to "even if I become empty,"
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1-2 敵のヒーローにならなきゃ あいつらのヒーローにならなきゃ aitsura (kanji: VIRAN) no HIIROO ni naranakya "I have to become their (read as: the villains') hero."
3 …やっちまえ ...yacchimae "...Just do it."
4 こんな世の中 こんなよのなか konna yo no naka "A world like this,"
5 ブッ潰せ ブッつぶせ BUttsubuse "crush it."
6 壊してくれよ こわしてくれよ kowashite kure yo "Destroy it [for me]."
7 トムラシガラキ TOMURA SHIGARAKI "Tomura Shigaraki." (Note: This is spoken as though in a language like English where one's given name comes before their family name.)
8 指が崩れていくぞ…‼︎ ゆびがくずれていくぞ…‼︎ yubi ga kuzurete iku zo...!! "The fingers are going to collapse...!!"
9 中は…緑谷は一体ーー なかは…みどりやはいったいーー naka wa...Midoriya wa ittai-- "Inside...Midoriya, just what is--"
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1 志村さん しむらさん Shimura-san "Mr. Shimura."
2 ああ! aa! "Ah!"
3 甲賀建設の! こうがけんせつの! kouga kensetsu no! "[You're the one] from Kouga Construction!"
4 腰痛ですか ようつうですか youtsuu desu ka "Lower back pain, is it?"
5 なんだ? nanda? What's this?
6 年々酷くなって参りますよ ねんねんひどくなってまいりますよ nennen hidoku natte mairimasu yo "Every year it's getting worse."
7 良い医者紹介しましょうか? いいいしゃしょうかいしましょうか? ii isha shoukai shimashou ka? "Shall I introduce you to a good doctor?"
8 いやあそこまでしてもらうXでは iyaa soko made shite morau X de wa "Oh no, for you to go that far for me..." (Note: The last kanji/furigana in this speech bubble is illegible, but I think the gist of this line is pretty clear.)
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1 なんだこの記憶 なんだこのきおく nanda kono kioku What is this memory?
2 そうですね手は掛かりますが… そうですねてはかかりますが… sou desu ne te wa kakarimasu ga... "That's right, he's a bit of a handful, but..."
3 "個性"はもう? "こせい"はもう? "kosei" wa mou? "Still no quirk?"
4 それがまだ… sore ga mada... "Not yet..."
5 知らない しらない shiranai I don't know it.
6 …転弧のじゃない… …てんこのじゃない… ...Tenko no ja nai... ...This isn't Tenko's...
7 なんだ nanda Who
8 こいつは koitsu wa is this guy?
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1 ああ…愚かな器…! ああ…おろかなうつわ…! aa...orokana utsuwa...! "Ahh...foolish vessel...!"
2 何者でも無い少年に心をねじ伏せられるとは なにものでもないしょうねんにこころをねじふせられるとは nanimono demo nai shounen ni kokoro wo nejifuserareru to wa "To have your heart made to yield by some nobody boy."
3 弱いまま強くあろうなどああ愚かな志村転弧 よわいままつよくあろうなどああおろかなしむらてんこ yowai mama tsuyoku arou nado aa orokana Shimura Tenko "Though you've become strong, you remain weak. Ahh, foolish Tenko Shimura."
4 おまえは今まで おまえはいままで omae wa ima made "Even though until now, you"
5 何一つ選んでなどいないのに なにひとつえらんでなどいないのに nani hitotsu erande nado inai noni "haven't chosen a single thing."
tagline 出づるAFO!死柄木、デクはーー… いづるオール・フォー・ワン!しがらき、デクはーー… idzuru OORU FOO WAN! Shigaraki, DEKU wa--... All For One emerges! As for Shigaraki and Deku--...
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girlreblogger · 9 months
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reader is on their period. connie x black fem reader fluff. this is short and honestly trash but wtv. drabble..blurb?
you rustled around on you and your boyfriend’a shared bed softly at the feeling of warm lips grazing your skin. “Conniee “ you flipped onto your side and heard a snicker come from behind you. Connie flashed a lazy smirk once he noticed the the little smile on your glossed plump lips from him bothering you.
he stayed quiet yet his hand rose slightly to rub up and down your arm as his eyes flickered all over the simple outfit you wore. “cute ass.” He mumbled, leaning down to place more kisses on your neck and shoulder, finally making you groan and turn to look at him.
“stoppp come on na, mmcht.” you spoke, sucking your teeth. all the kisses were cute at first but now you just wanna be left alone. but with an annoying boyfriend like connie, this only humored him.
“stoppp oh my gosh! mmcht girl c’mere.” he mocked pulling you into his large muscular chest that conveniently lacked a shirt. “Let’s get it on girl!” His deep voice was playful as he raised his tone and began tickling you on your sides.
“… please don’t say that again.. let me sleep.” you wanted to laugh but your body was starting to feel more and more drained by the second. eventually, you just pushed him down by his chest and curled up on him. “I'm tired.” you sighed and twisted your face in his neck, just wanting to snooze.
At this point, he knew you'd really go to sleep after he had just planned to bother you. So he peppered you with kisses and rubbed your sides with his large hand, lightly pushing his fingers that had numbers tatted on the knuckles into your plush skin.
“what’s wrong baby? you tired?” He asked softly while looking down at your scrunched-up face in his chest. “cramps.” you blurted, making him widen his eyes and nod, his hands went to your back and rubbed it in circles. he felt bad since he usually always remembered that time of the month for you.
“When did it start?” He asked lowly, not trying to pry as he continued with his small rubs— skimming his tongue over his diamond grills and licking his lips. “A few mins before you came in here starting with me.” your voice was small, the slight pain and tiredness present in your tone.
Connie sighed softly because now he was really staring to felt bad for annoying you. “now you wanna act all nice when you were just bothering me?” you tiredly teased and listened to a chuckle pull from his lips as you turned your back to be flushed against his chest so you could lay comfortably in his arms. “nah its just i feel bad, you hurting and stuff while i’m messing with you.” he gave your forehead a kiss as you reached your hand out to grab your glasses on the nightstand. “it’s okay con you didn’t know.”
his eyes traveled to your hands trying to reach the glasses. “i gotchu” connie grabbed them and put them on your face for you gently. He wrapped his arms on your waist and looked down at your face. “I'm so sorry baby..” he mumbled while moving his hand to your thigh.
“You just rest okay? you need anything?” He was trying his best to make his deep voice sound as soft as possible for you. He made sure you were always taken care of, especially during your period. “wanna watch tv.” you smiled sweetly and looked up at him from below.
He leaned down to kiss your lips softly, ending it off with a quick peck. “alright” Connie felt so bad for his sweet girlfriend. He grabbed the “moku” remote and turned it to a kdrama you both had been binging together.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Things are going well…
(...this is a lie.)
'Like Betta Fish Do' spoiler tidbit ⬇️
“I said get out!” Jason roared. He lost the rest of his vision to the burning green as he stalked forward.
“Jason, I can help—”
A fist slammed into the door Danny was backed up against, the wood cracking under the now bleeding knuckles that were inches from Danny’s head. Jason crowded in close, teeth bared with a growl— close enough for the toxic green glow of his eyes to reflect off of Danny’s tan skin. With a quiet viciousness he hissed, “Get out.”
And Danny did. He phased right out through the door.
Alone in his apartment Jason sagged against the bloody door with a half screamed sob.
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sexydoffyman · 10 months
Heya! I have been around for a while and I love your writing!
Could a request Katakuri, smoker and luffy react to their s/o having the same devil fruit powers as them?
Headcanons pls<3
Have a great day:))
genre: fluff slightly suggestive(Katakuri)
characters: Luffy, Katakuri, Smoker
word count: 357
A/N: WHOA something that definitely wouldn't happen in the op world. You are really challenging me! Btw thx for reading my work every time I see someone like it I go crazy. 🦎 Holliday really tires me for some reason.
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LUFFY gomu-gomu no mi (timeline before sun god Nika)
-My man would be surprised
-At first, he starts questioning whatever he knew about devil fruits
-And he would be surprised by the fact that he didn't know that you even had a devil fruit
-And we all know Luffy. Just remember how he acted when he first saw general Franky.
-You know his silly ass is going to be on your tail for a while.
-He's going to be asking questions. A lot of questions.
-His eyes are shining bright with stars
-Maybe it is that he just saw something impossible, or it might be just him being excited to teach you Gear 2,3,4 or just excited that he can perform sick combos with you.
-Honestly, he's excited about everything
-protect this adorable demon
-Now he knows that your hugs with him will be a lot more fun
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KATAKURI mochi-mochi no mi
-You really surprised him that is a fact
-He isn't surprised about the devil fruit. What surprised him was that you didn't tell him
-Now he realized that when you two "fought" all the time he pinned you down, you could have escaped quite easily
-He also realized that you were going easy on him
-He wanted a rematch
-He is pouting like a child
-He feels annoyed that you didn't tell him
-But don't worry, give him some doughnuts, and he will be back on his feet again
-He won't admit it, but he wants your mochi bodies to blend together in your private time
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SMOKER moku moku no mi
-Now, this man is worried
-Number one, if some pirate experimented with devil fruits on you
-Number two, you probably will have a decent bounty on the black market in the underground
-You assure him that this is not something to be worried about and that you are very careful since he found out just now.
-He will be pretty proud for not telling anyone until you completely trust them
-He will hope that the Marines won't discover this because it could put you in crucial danger
-He is more practical about it
-Now, when he cuddles you, you and him will both feel cozy and comfortable covering each other in smoke
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dreastmilk · 6 days
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