#Nothing Murder Weapon
rosemarysdoggy · 2 years
Girlfriend bought me this CD for my birthday and it just arrived today
it's so hard man mmm
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bsptourist · 20 days
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gm_poolday (a.k.a. mu_poolday)
created by Niko
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thegreatestheaver · 5 days
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drops this and runs
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oca-rinn-a · 9 months
in this world where so many members of our species, with supposed moral agency, are killing small things for nothing but the crime of existing, and so many are blind to the value of any species which does not benefit them in a way they can personally measure... do you ever feel so so panicked and suffocated?
#i had to walk onto the tracks at the NYC Times Square station to retrieve an injured pigeon who was trapped down there#no idle police officers or MTA personnel cared at all when I explained that an injured animal was trapped on the tracks#the MTA staff told me to ask the cops to help#the cops told me to ask MTA staff for help#the cops said “if it were a person that would be different”#i looked like a crazy person bc i was having a panic attack and trying to ask people for help at the same time#my partner called animal control and they said there was nothing they could do#the Wild Bird Fund does not have the resources to retrieve animals but said that if i could catch the pigeon i was welcome to bring them in#and you know what#i did#if someone is in a life-and-death situation and you are in a position to help them then YOU SHOULD#what kind of fucking person would i be if i saw this pigeon#whom i am perfectly physically able to rescue from their situation#and i said wow that's too bad that they're going to die down there#if only it weren't illegal/dangerous to go onto the tracks#a cell phone is valued 1000% more than a non-human's life#it's fucked up guys (:#anyway i learned first hand that literally no one in NYC will stop you from doing anything at all#as long as you aren't brandishing a weapon or some other murderous action literally no one cares what you're doing and will not stop you#so be punk and take action#fuck speciesism#animal rights#animal welfare#humans are animals#also sorry but people stomping on bugs who are literally OUTSIDE and doing seriously nothing but existing#why would you do that#please get help#talk to a therapist
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gardengnosticator · 4 months
people commenting on my dprk post trying to inform me that one can critique western imperialism without lauding the apparent cartoonish evil north korean empire and when questioning how they can be certain about north korea’s evilness it’s always “well i heard it from x (us backed/supported) media source” without any regards for why and how us media would incite and lie about a potential enemy of imperialism.
sometimes they invoke “well listen to what this defector has to say!” and because they are ignorant they wholesale ignore the fact that south korea criminalises all discourse about the north that doesn’t tow us imperialist lines or that defectors can be given monetary payment for affirming the atrocity propaganda already being fed to the west, yeonmi park isn’t just telling you that random citizens get gunned down in the street for watching disney just to affirm your existing bias to north koreans but also because she gets huge amounts of money from us think tanks and organisations to tell these bold faced lies.
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bragganhyl · 7 months
ngl these "which eoran god is/isn't problematic" polls make me wanna rant about Magran but I don't have the braincells rn
edit: i did end up ranting in the tags whoopsie lmao
#hablaty#I love magran as a character and as an... imperfect to say the least goddess#but I will also blow a gasket if my fire godlike watcher won't ever get the option to drive a sword through her heart#bc holy shit do i also hate her#she too is a ''god of staying in your lane'' really she only ever steps in to intervene if some god or another starts shit#thing is tho: her followers aren't like her#a lot of folks of the violent murder hobo variety is drawn to her bc god of fire and war and whatnot#but if you read the codex entries on her she doesn't actually urge people to start wars#the doctrines are actually more along the lines of ''don't start shit take no shit'' or idk#don't go out of your way to start a conflict for no reason but be always ready for war basically#she pushes people to embrace their power and strive for bettering themselves through struggle#problem is that bc like i said she ghosts her followers a lot of her followers will just take these doctrines to justify their atrocities#she doesn't want eothasians gone bc she doesn't care enough about them to want that#she doesn't want animancers gone bc she supports animancy#but she won't stop her followers bc she doesn't interfere with kith unless she has to protect them from the other gods#but also on the flip side if she does step in she will stop at nothing to win#even if that means building god killing weapons and then having her priests off themselves deploying it#even if that means wiping out her own fire giant children in a volcanic eruption (whomst you can save btw pls save the rathunn they're nice#and even if that means eating the souls of her godlike children who#magran is incredible cruel and also very cool and I have very complex feelings on her and just aaaa
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backwaterheroics · 7 days
i am once again asking who gave the sahuagins processed metal
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thundergrace · 1 year
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ahc-au · 3 months
The newspaper got Cody and his brother's images have revealed , wouldn't that be leaving them in a disadvantage since they are completely exposed to Dunn's "business partners"
Interesting thought! That drawing is mostly meant to show off all the characters involved, so take its canonicity with a grain of salt. But! The kids would have been put into the public eye no matter what. Their staying with Bishop was primarily to afford them his top-of-the-line security, specifically because their involvement being made public was an inevitability. So it's not necessarily that avoiding getting photographed puts their safety at risk any more than it already would be, more that it makes them uncomfortable. Hope that makes sense haha!
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privateolives · 7 months
I sure do. Long long ago when SMT//Imagine was still novelty me and my roleplaying crew at the time decided to make a roleplay guild called Clan Volatile. Because these fuckers were all ticking time bombs in their own right.
My ticking timebomb of choice was a young man called Dastolle Kobayashi, the resident clan tank and horribly abused workhorse.
So for those of you not in the know, SMT Imagine was an MMO set in the interrim between SMT1 and SMT2. My roleplay group at the time decided to set up an rp guild in the game, exploring the first generations of humans who wouldn't remember the days before the nuclear fallout of SMT1. None of them would survive to make it to SMT2, which was also part of the concept. Having a good ol' look at those people who perished when things started to get ugly again.
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He's a sweet guy, if not the smartest... though he's still smarter than people give him credit for. Unfourtunately he's also incredibly traumatised and suffer from intense amounts of anger (secret) that's being kept in check only by his intense fear of abandonment (Apparent to anyone with eyes).
He's unquestionably loyal to his clan. Why? Because he doesn't trust his own judgement on who he can trust or not - and his departed mentor promised him that these people would be his friends.
It... didn't go so well. He's the "best friend" of an incredibly abusive clan leader who's sanity is probably compromised by his demon fusion wings (remember the freaky lore with the demon accessories?) and something of a (rather objectifying) interest to said leader's twin sister.
They're all C-rank demon busters, so only in the about level 20s or so. Real nobodies doing grunt work that noone has time to keep much of an eye on. They can survive, and that's good enough.
He doesn't like books (they're religious items that steal people away) and may or may not be trying to burn a clanmate's bible without him finding out. He's staunchely neutral due to both his parents leaving him for each their faction when he was younger, and mostly uses beast demons. They're nice and simple. His primary demon is a fire-breathing unicorn who likes to mess with people and has a narcisism problem.
He took up smithing as a secondary clan-job. He mostly makes swords for their leader, he likes his hammer.
I also had a cool thing going where I had reaction images drawn both with and without the visor that let ME know when he was being mildly deranged under the cover of the visor, but other people wouldn't tell because they couldn't see his eyes. There was a lot of interesting psychology going on with him.
Dastolle is a docile guy who works hard to try and ensure his "friends" won't abandon him out of an extreme fear of being alone again. It's the only thing keeping an increasingly boiling anger down.... for now. But he's got a dark and bloody future ahead of him.
I can talk more about his story if there's any interest.
#smt imagine#shin megami tensei#imagine#Zeph's oc's#Abuse mention#The abusive leader was actually a really cool character made by a friend and had a lot of themes of fear leading to corruption by power#but not being strong enough to survive the insane conditions of the Shin Megami Tensei universe#I think even in their final confrontation - the strongest the clanmates would ever be - they were only level 50 or so#The main trio (Dastolle - leader - leader's sister) got demon imagery associations reflecting their eventual downfall into madness.#All low level demons. These guys are nobodies noone will remember.#Dastolle was Ippon-Datara#Fated to go mad at being abandoned a second time and turning into a murderous craftsman living alone in a cave#crafting neutral-alignment only weapons until the day his former ''best friend'' kills him#He takes out the guy's prized wings in the process though.#I've also roleplayed as the SMT1 protag since the early 2000s and the regular demon team are sort of oc's in their own right now.#Dastolle's favourite things are related to nature and he likes to take refuge in Nakano when there's nothing to do.#He also accidentally ate a demon apple once and got possessed once#It was kind of a running theme with him that nothing about his situation was ok#But everyone were too busy with basic survival to do anything about it.#So nothing was done before he finally went nuclear.#The whole Clan's story was a psychological tragedy of preventable dooms noone cared to prevent#Doomed by the narrative etc etc#High defence zero brains#Ironically the two people closest to him were the only ones with high enough attack to make anything hurt#The visor belonged tot he demon buster who saved him and also introduced him to his 'friends'#The anger being hidden behind the damaged visor was deeply symbolic about the fear and the promise being the only things hiding it#keeping it locked away
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highlifeboat · 9 months
Damn, I just adore final battle in Death Island. It has this great feeling of friends having fun together, just doing they favorite thing XD
In other words, they all poly and they love language is to kill giant bioweapons :D
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I like how, despite only being two years before RE7, Chris looks closer to his RE8 self.
And that Jill and Claire have been sporting the same fits for like 15 years.
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supreme-burrito · 1 year
You know what I just realized
So Spirit of Justice came out in 2016 near the end of the 3DS’s life span.
Ace Attorney thrived because its core game mechanics (not counting the GBA era games from Japan) heavily relied on the mechanics of two consoles from Nintendo. Yes, it’s possible to play these games on other consoles, but you don’t get that same experience as you did in their original format. I never played an Ace Attorney on in its original format so I don’t know what that experience feels like. I played the original trilogy and the Sholmes games on PlayStation and the remainder of the series that is available to the West (I do plan on getting around to playing Investigations 2 at some point) on mobile.
The PlayStation experience is alright because the graphics are an inherent glow up, but in my opinion, the best, most current way to experience the Ace Attorney games is through mobile. You don’t need the dual screens, just having the ability to play via touching the screen is sufficient enough.
Now here is the depressing realization. It’s been almost 7 years since a brand new AA game as been released to Western audiences. All other new entries have been either remakes or ports. The last new game for Japan was in 2017 with The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve, almost 6 years ago.
Everyone wants AA7. I want AA7, your grandma wants AA7. However, as I see it, because of the simplicity of Ace Attorney game mechanics, but it shouldn’t be difficult to make a new game.
Unless they completely overall the system and mechanics entirely so the franchise can survive on future at-home consoles OR they stick to the mobile market where the game is currently the best and current experience. The most recent release to the West for Ace Attorney as far as I can tell, was the original trilogy to mobile which was a year ago as of yesterday according to Wikipedia. Which makes me ask, why the three year gap between EVERY OTHER PORT of the original trilogy and THEN have this disclaimer on the App Store?
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My point in all this is my hopes for AA7 ever coming to fruition are slim to none due to Capcom and the whole project got canned
Due to searching up some information, we might be getting Ace Attorney 7 soon
I did some digging and found out that back at the end of 2020, Capcom had a massive data breach where a handful of projects got leaked including the following: RE4 remake, Street Fighter 6, Dragon’s Dogma 2, and AA7.
The prior three projects have already been announced/released as of this year.
Capcom does not give specifics on what was let out, so all I can find about this specific list of games is from old articles talking about AA7 speculation and the leak. According to this roadmap, supposedly the main production phase of AA7 was supposed to begin around October of 2021.
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This is just my speculation (like all the other game articles), but depending on how much of the main game mechanics have been overhauled (if at all) or if they’re just making Ace Attorney with a glow up, it will most likely be later at the end of this year or sometime around this time next year and might be announced during Capcom’s biggest round of game release announcements.
I could be 100% wrong or I once again have the deduction skills of Sherlock Holmes and gift of prophecy from Apollo.
2024: Gay Lawyers 2: Electic Boogaloo
And yes Yagami you count too
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Who knows he might get a cameo in Yakuza 8 (YES I KNOW THE SERIES IS CALLED LIKE A DRAGON NOW BUT I WIL ALWAYS REFER TO IT AS YAKUZA. It’s the same reason it’s why I will always refer to Cole Cassidy as McCree. Because the change was made solely for political reasons and was kind of unnecessary)
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whatyoutaughtwasfear · 7 months
just played nearly 6 hours of shadows of doubt instead of studying. i have. lost part of myself
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moonglowmuses · 3 months
"We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them."
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"and which demons are those? which ones follow YOU around?" it was a potentially deep and invasive question, but the other had raised the subject. "i try not to think about mine." that was probably the case for everyone, but to billy, it was especially poignant. ever since he had arrived to the united states, he had been harmed. people's racism affected him more than their daggers did. he could work his way around a knife. goody had been the one to protect him from deeper liberation concerns. "i am sorry for your demons. no one deserves to live with them."
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tovaicas · 1 year
speaking of estinien I’m cautiously excited to see what they do with him bc I really wasn’t suuper impressed with how he was handled in HW
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lostsouldierbye · 2 years
nothing just ur muse watching bucky pack 15 different weapons onto his body before he leaves
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